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A06347 An excellent and plaine discourse of the church, whereby the godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church, from the Romish Church, and all other false and counterfet churches, as well for matters of doctrine, as discipline, &c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque, a godlie minister of Dolphenine. And faithfully translated into English, by M.T.W. Seene and allowed; Traité de l'eglise. English Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1582 (1582) STC 16813; ESTC S103377 172,896 422

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therefore this is our continuall exercise that when wee shall haue indured and suffered sundrie persecutions wee shoulde prepare and dispose our selues to suffer them againe and other new beside them knowing as we haue erewhile alleadged That hee which shall continue to the end shall bee saued Mat. 10.22 Wherfore they abuse and deceiue them selues who thinke that they haue rightly and duely discharged their duetie if they haue stoode fast in the time of one persecution or of two for it is not with the first flight that we flie to the ioies of Paradise and Iesus Christe commaundeth vs not any thing here which hee himselfe hath not first of all shewed vs the way thereto seeing that he was not only vnder the crosse but that all his life was no other thing then a perpetuall combate and striuing against afflictions 2. Cor. 11.14 c. And Saint Paule although hee might haue set out his labours his perils his prisonings his beatings his shipwracks and an infinite number of other afflictions notwithstanding hee saide yet That hee was altogether ready to suffer not onely to bee bounde and put in prison but also willingly Acts. 20.23.24 and without any griefe to die for Christes cause O how great is this honour to giue vp our life for the name of God They that are in the wages or souldiership of som earthly prince make no great difficultie to forsake their owne parents and their goods that they may go to his seruice yea it troubleth them not muche to hazarde and giue vp their owne liues to mainteine his quarrell and cause which very often is vniust wicked And shall wee which haue such a prince as Iesus Christe the sonne of God is who died for vs poore and miserable sinners shall wee I say doubt to leaue all thinges yea to aduenture and yeelde vp our owne liues to maintaine his cause and his quarrell which is so iust and vpright specially seeing hee hath power to render and giue the same againe vnto vs afterwards Moreouer the meditation of the glory to come as wee haue alreadie touched the same ought to strengthen and incourage vs in the midst of afflictions as wee see Saint Paule fully resolued and setled himselfe thereupon when hee saide to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 4.17.18 Our light affliction whiche is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre most excellent and an eternall weight of glory Whyle wee looke not on the thinges which are seene but on the thinges which are not seene For the things which are seene are temporall but the thinges which are not seene 2 Tim. 2.11.12 are eternall And to Timothie It is a true saying If we be dead with Christ we shall also liue with him if we suffer with him we shal also reigne with him Do we think to haue the crowne of glory without hauing first fought as our great Captaine did Do wee thinke to reigne with the Prince of life on high in heauē without hauing first suffered and borne troubles with him in this worlde If men take the earth from vs let vs looke vp to heauen Act. 7.55.56 which is open for vs as it was to Saint Steeuen If they put vs to death let vs loke to Iesus Christ who is our life who also died rose againe Rom. 14.8 9. to the ende that if wee die we should die vnto him that afterwardes wee may bee raysed vp in glory as hee was Phill. 3.21 If our abiect and base body bee despised and dishonoured let vs looke to the glorious body of our Lorde Iesus Christe like vnto whiche our bodies shall bee made in the last day To bee short if wee weepe and waile in this wonderfull heape and sea of miseries 2. Cor. 5.1 being in this worlde strangers pilgrimes passengers let vs remember that when wee shall once come to our celestiall and heauenly Citie whiche wee nowe wayte and hope for then wee shall reioyce with a ioy which cannot bee comprehended and that with God himselfe and the holy Angels Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs For the Lord wil wipe away all teares frō our eies Reuel 21. 4. and there shal be no more death neither sorow neither crying neither shal there be any more paine Then shall wee feele the fruite of the Crosse and tribulation whiche wee haue indured and suffered in this worlde Then shall wee know how much wee bee blessed Reue. 21.4 that haue suffered for Iesus Christe and haue made our robes white in the blood of the Lambe 1. Iohn 3.2 1. Cor. 13.12 Then shall wee beholde God euen as hee is and shall knowe him perfectly as he knoweth vs and we shall liue and reigne with him for euer The Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrwes doeth by this meditation incourage the faithfull Heb. 10.34.35 when hee said vnto them Yee haue beene partakers of the afflictions of my bandes and suffered with ioy the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selues how that yee haue in heauen a better and induring substance Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence and rewarde But shall wee nowe thinke or suppose that wee loose our life when wee shall haue abandoned forsaken and as it were giuen vp the same vnto tyrants for Gods cause matters Mat. 5.12 Shal we iudge that wee die vpon imagination and as it were foolishe and insensible madde people as indeede the worlde supposeth seeing Iesus Christe hath promised vs so great a rewarde and hyre in heauen Shall wee say that our death is wicked and accursed when hee himselfe by his sacred and holy Reue. 14.13 mouth hath pronounced the same blessed or els that when wee die for Christ Iesus his name wee shoulde bee cursed when the holy Ghoste pronounceth vs blessed Wherefore let vs not stay our selues in the iudgement of the fleshe which is so much blinded that shee seeth not life in death neither blessednesse in the curse but let vs behold with the eyes of our faith the promises of God and bee fully resolued of this that the way and meane to make vs conformeable and like to our head Iesus Christ is to carry and beare with patience our crosse after him For as S. Paule saith Wee must suffer with Iesus Christe Rom. 8.17 that wee may also be glorified with him The eleuenth point what is the ende which persecutors haue had Examples of the punishements and vengeāces of God against the persecutors of the Church Experience teacheth vs that there was yet neuer any tyrant with whome it wente well at the last in banding and setting him selfe againste God And the holy Scripture giueth vs also a faithfull testimonie and an assured witnesse thereof as also the Ecclesiasticall historie it selfe God hauing willed and appointed that the issues and ends of the persecutors of his Church shoulde be put in order and declared by writing for a testimony of his wrath
Church he ceaseth not for all that to be an heretike Secondly S. Paule declareth that hee Rom. 12.6 who hath the gift of prophecy ought to prophecy that is to say expound the scriptures according to the proportion of faith Now if in this behalfe we would take heed to and marke the expositions whiche the Romishe Catholikes make and bring foorth vpon the scripture we shall finde at the least for the greatest part that they alledg or bring nothing lesse than the right true sense therof not following the analogie proportion which is required namely when the question is to expound these wordes of Iesus Christe Matt. 26 2● This is my body For seeing that they tye Iesus Christ here belowe on the earth meaning also that he should bee bodily in the sacrament and that neuerthelesse the articles of our faith which are taken and drawen out of the holy scripture doe teach vs that Iesus Christ is aboue in heauen Act. 3.21 that he must of necessitie in respect of his body be therein contained remaine there vntil the last day that he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead it followeth well that in such an exposition they go farre astray and wander very much from the analogy proportion of faith As much also may we iustly say in that behalfe of manye other articles which they haue corrupted Matt. 15.9 besides that very oftē they propound teach for doctrine mens traditions which are not onely not drawne or taken from the word of God but which is more are altogether contrary therto as cōcerning abstinence from meats forbidding of marriage inuocation of Saints praier for the dead adoration or worshipping of reliques and images many other such like matters And as concerning the sacramēts it is certaine that they are not lawfully administred by those men neither yet according to the forme and ordinance of Iesus Christ but they adde and ioyne to them in the ministration thereof infinite abuses and superstitions do corrupt them through a certaine kinde of idolatrie which is detestable and full of vngodlines for that I may speak nothing of the fiue sacraments which they haue added of their owne let vs consider in what puritie baptisme and the holie supper is administred amongest them First is this a small abuse to applie or minister baptisme to things without sense as to bells which was not ordayned but for reasonable creatures Is this a sleight prophaning therof to ioyne to this sacrament oyle spittle salt and other such thinges as though it did not behoue vs to be content with that simplicitie wherein and wherewith Iesus Christ hath commaunded his Apostles to administer the same And touching the holy supper when they cause men to woorshippe a morsell of breade for Iesus Christ when they denye to the people the signe of wine when the Priest eateth all by himselfe so that there is not any communion or partaking at all what is a corruption of the sacrament and an ouerthrowing of the ordinance of Iesus Christ if this be not Now seeing that these matters fall out thus we are to make this conclusion to wit that seeing it must needs be that the word of God should be purely preached and expounded and the sacramentes lawfully administred to the ende that men may holde take them for right and certaine markes of the true Church that we are certaine and it manifestly appeareth that the contrarie be found amongest the Romishe Catholikes it followeth very well that these are not to be attributed to them although they would make men beleeue that these markes doe agree vnto them and their Church as well as vnto vs. But we will dispute more largely in an other chapter of this matter to witte whether the Romishe Church be the true church or no CHAP. V. Of the succession and calling of Pastors BVT it may be that some will demaund Is not the succession and ordinarie calling of Pastours a marke also of the true Church yea one of the principall markes I aunswere that the Romish Catholikes do affirme so indeed for this is that which they cōmonly obiect vnto vs to weaken our calling by being not able in the rest to find any thing to say or set against the doctrin whiche we preach vnlesse they intangle themselues in infinite contradictions and manifest absurdities But in the first place concerning succession I demaund what this is whiche they meane there I suppose that it is not such a succession as is from the father to the sonne as it hath beene heeretofore in the line and race of Aaron as to say that he should be a priest that is the sonne of a priest for so they might ouermuch discouer and vnfolde the vilanie of their high priestes but that they meane a continuall succession of Bishops and Pastors succeeding one an other euen from the time of Iesus Christ and his Apostles But where is this to bee shewed that they haue founde that suche a succession should simplie bee necessarie and make a vocation or calling lawfull Doeth S. Paule Timoth. 4. 1. c. Titus 1.7 c. describing what qualities and conditions ought to bee alwayes in those whiche shoulde bee chosen for Pastours of the Church make any mention at all of this succession No indeede And yet notwithstanding it had beene verie fit yea necessarie if the succession whereof wee speake had beene wholie required in a Bishoppe or Pastor to make his vocation sure certayne and lawfull But that we may not speake confusedly of this point we must distinguish betweene the succession of persons and that which is of the chaire and place and betweene the succession of doctrine and office As concerning the succession of doctrin we say that it is altogether on our side and no whit at all on the Romishe Catholikes side for we make profession to teache the pure word of God alone following therein the Prophetes and Apostles whereas they of the Romish Churche staying them selues vpon their inuentions teache for doctrine the traditions and commandements of men Matt 15.9 which thing Iesus Christe expresly forbiddeth And as touching that succession which concerneth the execution of the office or of all the chardge and dutie of Pastours which consisteth in preaching the Gospell purely in administring the sacramentes lawfully in caring for the poore in visiting the sicke in redressing offences in exhorting comforting teaching reproouing and such like exercises trueth it selfe and experience doe sufficiently shewe who doe indeede and verily succeede the Apostles therein whether the priestes of the Romish Church or wee Saint Augustine hath sometimes sayd That the name of a Bishoppe Lib. 19. cap. 19. de ciuitat Dei is a name of charge or burthen and not of ●●nour that he indeed is a Bishop which desireth to profit his flocke in teaching them and not simplie to beare rule ouer the same Also in an other place We are not
be helde taken or acknowledged for any other then Apostolicall pro consanguinitate dictrinae saith he that is to say for the nighnesse in blood or by reason of that doctrine which they maintayne keepe and holde with the Churches which the Apostles them selues ordayned and set vp S. Augustine writing to one Generosus Aug. op 156. doeth so extoll the succession and continuall order of Pastours that hee nameth thirtie Bishops of Rome putting Anastasius for the nine and thirtieth but hee addeth euen presently or immediatly after In all this ranke or bande there was not to be founde one Donatist And against the Manichees he writeth thus Epist fundament cap. 4. There are verye many thinges whiche holde and keepe me in the lappe of the Catholike Church the consent of people and nations the authoritie whiche was begunne by myracles nourished through hope augmented by charitie and confirmed by antiquitie moreouer the succession of Pastours euen from the seate of Saint Peter to him that is at this day present And a little after But on your parte sayth he to the Manichees ye alledge or bring foorth no suche thing but onely ye retaine or stande to a promise of trueth which indeede if it did declare it selfe so euidently that a man coulde not any more dout thereof I confesse consent that it ought to be preferred before antiquitie succession and all other thinges S Hierome Hierom. epi. 1. ad Heliod habetur they are not saith he the sonnes and children of holy men that hold and possesse the places of holy men but they which followe their doctrine and practise their woorkes Distinct. 40. Can. And Chrysostome in a certayne place There are sayth he many Elders and fewe Elders manie in name and fewe in deede Beholde my brethren how ye are placed and set in the chaire For it is not the chaire or place that maketh an Elder but the Elder the chaire or place Beholde after what maner and sort the ancient writers haue spoken But would we know in one word by the word of God of what value is the most common and olde succession that a man can suppose if the puritie of doctrine bee wanting S. Paule teacheth it vs Gal. 1.8 writing to the Galathians when he saith If wee our selues or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise then that which wee haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Moreouer I woulde gladly demaunde of the Romish Catholikes for what cause they holde not the Churches of the East for true Churches They will not say that it is because that succession is not on their side for they want not that but it is on their side euen as olde and auncient at the least as in the Romish Church Wherefore they must needes say that it is by reason of the doctrine receiued amongest them to wit because they hold not the Pope for their head because they deny purgatory because their ministers be married because they celebrate and minister the holy supper with leauened breade because they giue both kindes to the people and such like thinges Nowe if as touching the East Churches the Papistes iudge of the Churches not by succession but by doctrine wherefore do they when they dispute with vs stay them selues rather vpon succession then vpon the doctrine seing that the question in controuersie betweene vs is to examine the markes of the Church Secondarily touching the matter of succession we say that if we shall enter into the sifting of the succession of Popes and Bishops in the Church of Rome we shal easily finde that if men will theredy iudge of their vocation or calling it shall not serue their turne very much or stand them in any great steade For this we shal be sure to finde that they haue oftentimes succeeded tyrāts schismatikes excommunicate persons and Bishops or Popes not lawfully called For what was Gregorie the seuenth who was named before he came to the pope dome Hildebrand Vrspergensis Vrspergensis witnesseth that hee vsurped the Papall seate through tyrannie and not by a lawfull vocation And the councell holden at Wormes Concil Wormat in the yere 1080. saith also of the said Hildebrand that he was not chosen by God but that he did without shame thrust in himselfe thether by deceit and money and that he ouerthrewe the ecclesiasticall order that he was an offensiue person a mouer of debate and an obseruer of diuinations dreames yea a manifest Necromancer or coniurer What was the woman Pope Ioan about the yere 854 Platina Platina in her life saith that she was an English woman who in her youth followed and accompanied a younge scholler in studies and profited so well therein that at Rome shee was esteemed amongest the most skilfull and learned for which cause shee was exalted to bee Pope they supposing shee had been a man But she was founde great with childe and at the last deliuered in an open streate and as they were going in solemne procession vpō the shoulders of those that caried her where also shee died What was Benedict the ninth The storie writers declare that after he was accused of many crimes by the Romanes he was driuen away and in his place was ordained the Bishoppe of Sabina called Siluester the thirde who likewise was deposed and put downe because he was an idiot ignoraunt and vnprofitable and the saide Benedicte recouered the seate againe from whence through couetousnesse hee put him selfe downe and ordayned in his place Iohn the Archdeacon of Saint Iohn port Latine who was named Gregorie the sixt to whome he solde the Popeship for verye muche money paid downright Iohannes Maior Mare Historiarum Nauclerus Platina as witnesseth Iohannes Maior The sea of histories Nauclerus Platina and the same Gregorie beeing Pope was iudged as well by the Cleargie as by the people to bee a murtherer and a symoniakal person What was Siluester the seconde Platina saith that being a Frier hee gaue himselfe to the diuel vpon condition that he would aide helpe him to obtaine that which hee desired so by that meanes he came to be Pope What was Eugenius the fourth He by the definitiue sentence of the Councel of Basill was condemned for a schismaticke rebell and stubborne person and so deposed and one Aimus Duke of Sauoie substituted in his place in the yeere 1439. the 16. of Nouemb. Notwithstanding he being supported and vpholden by the fauour of certaine princes abode in the possession of his Popedome and Aimus his election passed into smoake and was of no force or value But without passing to anie other examples for this cā not be done but in long time may we now affirme first that in al the time of these Popes there hath not been some interruption or breach of personall succession in the seate of Rome veryly we must confesse it vnlesse a man would say that heretikes and notorious schismatikes were the heads of the church
yeares or there about I holde my selfe contented to haue set down and declared this as it were by the way Hee that woulde more fullye see the falshod subtiltie whiche is in the deuice of this donatiō or gift may reade thē which haue cōfuted the same Marsili c. as Marsilius of Padua in his booke which hee intituled the defender of peace who liued about the yeare of Christ 1324. Moreouer Laurentius Valla Laur. Valla. Antonius Archiep. Cusan Cardinal Raphael volater who liued about the yere 1440. Also Antonius Archbishop of Florence in his historie Cardinal Cusanus in his third booke second chapter who sent his opinion to the Councell of Basill about the yeare 1460. Raphel Volateran who liued about the yeare 1500. Moreouer it is written in the ecclesiasticall historie that Liberius and Felix Niceph. lib. 9. cap. 37. both two together at one and the same time gouerned the seate apostolicall and did in common the duetie of a Bishop at Rome Sozo lib. 4. cap. 15 and that by the consent of the Church yea by the ordinance and decree of the Councell of Syrmia which of these two then was at that time the onely and vniuersall heade of all the Churches But let vs see whether the bishop of Rome were by the auncient fathers auouched or acknowledged for the high or chiefe bishop Cypri lib. 1. epi. 1. 2. Cypri lib 2. epi. 1. c. S. Cyprian writing to the Bishoppes of Rome as Cornelius Stephanus and some others doeth not in any sorte call them either Popes or vniuersal Bishoppes but brethren and fellowes Cypria tract 3 de Simpli praelat Hee himselfe saith in an other place that there is no more but one Bishopprike wherof euery bishoppe in his owne charge holdeth a whole and sound portion Cypria in Synod Carthis August recitat haec verba lib. 3. de Baptism contra Donatist cap. 3. And againe none of vs sayth hee is appointed bishop of bishops to inforce his fellowes by tyrannous terror vppon necessitie to obey him Polycarpus Bishoppe of Smyrna came to Rome in the time of Anicetus Bishoppe of Rome not to frame some appellation before him neither yet to kisse his feete or to receiue his decrees but to conferre with him touching the feaste of Easter and hee alledged for him selfe the authoritie and custome of S. Iohn and of other Apostles of Christ But Anicetus did not alledge either S. Peters authoritie or his owne but onely sayde that it stoode him in hande to obserue the custome of the Elders whiche were his predecessors neither did hee constraine Polycarpus to doe the like or excommunicate him therefore and Polycarpus on his side did not thinke he had committed any offence in not consenting with the bishop of Rome in this matter touching the feast of Easter which hee woulde of a suretie haue done if he had acknowledged him for the heade or for the vicar of Iesus Christ constituted and placed in that office by the authoritie of God Irenaeus Euseb lib. 5. cap. 26. of whom wee haue spoken a litle before calleth Soter Anicetus Higinus Pius Telesphorus Xistus Elders as Eusebius in his fifth booke and sixe and twentye chapter reciteth Dionysius the Bishoppe of the Corinthians writing to the Romaines calleth Soter not Pope of Rome or high prelate but Bishoppe Marke what he saith Soter your good Bishoppe hath not onely obserued this custome but also hath augmented it Euseb lib. 4. cap. 23. Eusebius hath extracted or taken this out of the Epistle of the sayde Dionysius Lib. 4. cap. 3. Saint Ierome in an Epistle to Euagrius saith thus Hierom. ad Euagr. If a man dispute or reason of authoritie the world is greater then a citie In what place soeuer the Bishoppes be whether at Rome or at Eugubiū or at Constantinople or at Alexandria or else where they are all of equall ministerie and degree Chrysostome Chry. hom 43. in Saint Mat. ca. 23. whosoeuer saith hee shall among the Bishoppes desire primacie on earth shall finde confusion in heauen and he that shall affect or seeke to be the first shall not be counted amongest the seruantes of Christ Gregor lib. 4. epist 16 32.34 36 38.39 Gregor lib. 6. epist S. Gregorie in diuers of his Epistles saith That he is an Antichrist that will attribute or giue vnto him the title of vniuersall Bishop But aboue all he putteth down a notable sentence in the two hundred and seuen and thirtie Epistle to Eugenius the byshop of Rome saying If Christe haue sent thee thou shouldest iudge that thou art come not to be serued Gregor ad Eugeni epi. 237. but to serue The true successour of Saint Paule will say with S. Paule Not that we haue Lordship ouer your faith but that we are ayded and comforted with your ioy Saint Peters heyre will heare S. Peter saying 1. Pete 5.3 Not as though yee were Lords ouer the Lordes heritage but being made ensamples to the flocke In the third Councell of Carthage whiche was helde about the time of Pope Syricius in the 26. Conci Cart. tertium can 26. habet distinct 99. ca. primae sedis c. Canon which is also alledged distinct 99. The fathers ordeined that the bishop of Rome shoulde not bee called the prince or chiefe of priestes or the high priestes or any such other like thing but only the bishoppe of the first seate and that he him selfe shoulde not bee called vniuersall Bishoppe whiche laste clause Peter Crabbe the compiler or gatherer of the Tomes of the Councelles hath lefte out either by deceit or negligence I knowe not whether You see testimonies in owe gathered out of the most approoued olde Doctours and such as bee best worthie of credite by which you may easily perceiue that this rule or authoritie ouer all Churches was not in their time attributed to the Bishop of Rome and that the Churches themselues had not anye superioritie or authoritie one of them ouer another but that they were all associated and vnited together that some obteyned not neyther more or lesse power then othersome yea we reade that when the Romishe Bishoppe woulde sometimes haue vsurped more authoritie than did appertaine vnto him other Bishoppes did stronglye and stedfastly resiste him whiche appeareth by the historie following that Socrates an ecclesiasticall historiographer writeth in his seconde booke and fifteenth Chapter and Sozomenus in his thirde booke and eight Chapter A certaine man named Athanasius and one Paulinus beeing deposed from their charges by the Bishoppes of Asia assembled and mett together with the Metropolitane would needes complaine to the Bishop of Rome who easily gaue them letters by which he did place them againe in their firste offices and did greeuouslye reprooue and chide them who had put them there from But the bishops of Asia tooke this in such sorte that they obteyned of the Councell of Antioch that letters should
Churche although that poore people were deceaued by false Prophetes and carried away to another gospel contrarie vnto that which he had preached vnto them These places doe manifestlye declare that the Church is neuer so pure and perfect in this worlde but that it hath alwayes neede to bee more and more purged and sanctified Which thing Saint Paule sheweth yet more plainely and openly when hee writeth vnto the Thessalonians For hee calleth them the Church 1. Thes 1.1 1 Thes 5.23 and yet hee prayeth vnto God for them that he would sanctifie thē throughout True it is that the Nouatians Donatists and Anabaptistes who doe not agree with vs in this point are not without their replies For first they alleadge vnto vs that which S. Paule writeth vnto the Ephesians That Iesus Christ gaue himself for his church EPhe. 5.25 26. 27. that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious church not hauing spot or wrinckle but that it shoulde bee holy and without blame But wee want not an aunswere also Saint Paul considereth the Churche not in her selfe but in Iesus Christe her heade whiche shee taketh holde of by faith So shee is said to bee without wrinckle and vnblameable by reason not of her owne righteousnesse but of Iesus Christes righteousnesse whereof shee is made partaker because it pleaseth God to impute and reckon the same vnto her for whiche cause also it is in another place 1. Cor. 1.30 that Iesus Christe is made of God the father vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Moreouer wee might saye that S. Paule speaketh of sanctification or holinesse promised and which is not yet full accomplished as though hee called and saide the Church to bee without spot not that it is so here below on the earth but bicause that one day it shall so bee aboue in heauen And after this sort Saint Augustine vnderstandeth it August lib. de nuptiis concupisc cap. 34. Iesus Christe saith hee cleanseth his Churche by the washing of Christians to make it vnto himselfe without spot or wrinckle not in this worlde but in the world to come They alleadge moreouer that whiche Saint Iohn saith 1. Iob. 3.6.9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not Whereunto I aunswere by a distinction Those that are borne of God that is to say the faithfull sinne not that is to say serue not sinne or rather sinne doth not raigne in them because they doe withdraw themselues as muche as they can or are inabled from sinne and with all their hearte giue them selues to holinesse of life that they may glorifie GOD. And in this sense Saint Iohn taketh it and speaketh it Again they that are borne of God sinne that is to say can not doe liue so holyly but that oftentimes they stumble fall into sinnes For although they bee sanctified yet for all that by reason of the reliques and remnauntes of nature corrupted whiche yet resteth and remaineth in them euery day they turne aside from the right way and sinne In this sense Saint Iohn ment not that which he saith that whosoeuer is born of God sinneth not for so he should speake against him selfe hauing before saide 1. Ioh. 1.8.10 If wee saye wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs yea wee make God a lyar and his worde is not in vs. So it is then that though there seeme to bee some contrarietie betweene those two to say that wee are sinners and sainctes bothe together yet all agreeth together very well for euerye man if wee consider him in his owne nature according to which he is called the childe of wrath hee is a sinner worthie of death and eternall damnation but if wee consider him in Iesus Christ as a Christian and faithfull man hee is holy so that he sinneth not that is to say serueth not sinne and his imperfections are hidden and couered because that they are not imputed vnto him and moreouer the Lorde Iesus maketh him partaker of his righteousnesse And so beeing a sinner in respect of his owne nature hee is notwithstanding reputed and accounted holy iust before God But that which we haue hitherto spoken toucheth or concerneth the members of the Church particularly Wee may also well say touching the Church considered in her owne bodie that it shall neuer here be purged from al filthinesses because that so long as shee shall bee on earth there shall bee in her wicked ones mingled with good ones Which thing Iesus Christ hath declared in the Gospel by two similitudes Mat. 13.24.25 c. In the first hee saith that the kingdome of heauen that is to say the Church is like vnto a man which sowed good seede in his fielde but while men slept there came his enemie and sowed tares amongest the wheate and went his way And when the blade was sprong vp and had brought foorth fruite then appeared the tares also Then came the seruaunts of the housholde and saide vnto him Master sowedst thou not c. And woulde presently haue gone and gathered them vp but the Lorde woulde not suffer them least while they went about to gather the tares they plucked vp also with them the wheate Therefore hee willed that they might both growe together vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest the reapers shall gather the tares and binde them in sheaues to burne them but they shall gather the good corne into the Lords barne Afterwards he expoundeth the saide similitude saying Hee that soweth the good seede is the sonne of man and the fielde is the worlde Mat. 13 3● c. the good seede are the children of the kingdome the tares are the children of the wicked and the enemie that soweth them is the Diuell the haruest is the end of the world and the reapers be the angels As then saith he the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be in the end of the worlde The sonne of man shall send foorth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend and them which do iniquitie and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wayling gnashing of teeth Then shall the iust men shine as the Sunne in the kingdome of their father In the seconde similitude hee saith Mat. 13.47 48. That the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a drawe net cast into the Sea that gathereth of al kind of things which when it is full the fishers draw to land on the shoare and put the good by them selues into their vessels and cast the bad away And afterwardes hee giueth the exposition thereof So shall it bee saith he at the end of the worlde Mat. 13.49 50. The Angels shall goe foorth and seuer the wicked from amongst the iust and shal cast them into a furnace of fire where shall bee wayling and gnashing of teeth By these two
saying note him by a letter and haue no companie with him that hee may bee ashamed Also speaking of the incestuous person 1. Cor. 5. 5. I haue determined saith he that hee shoulde bee deliuered to Satan for the destruction of the fleshe that the spirite may bee saued in the day of the Lord Iesus These three ends are very largely laid out and at length discoursed vpon in the fourth booke of M. Caluines Institution cap. 12. Sect. 5. Calu. lib. 4. Inst cap. 12. sect 5. Wherof the summe is that in corrections and censures men must regarde and looke to three ends that is to say the glorie of God the edification of the Churche and the repentance and conuersion of sinners The fift consideration is that men in the reprehensions and censures of the Church looke well to this that they haue not such cōsideration regard or respect to the outward appearance and shewe of mens persons that they tread the little ones or poore people vnder their feete and support ayde and hearten the great and rich Deut. 10. 17. Gala. 3.28 For as God accepteth no mans person and in the Church there is neither Iewe nor grecian bonde nor free male nor female but all are one in Iesus Christe so the gouernours of the Church ought alwayes to walke with an vpright and equall foote without turning aside any maner of way in receiuing and allowing some and in refusing and disallowing others It is very true that corrections ought alwayes to bee tempered measured and accompanied with gentlenesse softnes and courtesie to the ende as Saint Paule saith that hee that is reproued or blamed 2 Cor. 2. ● may not be swallowed vp with ouer much heauinesse For otherwise wee shall turne the remedie into poyson and hurte And therefore the same Apostle doth exhorte vs Gal. 6.1 That wee should restore with the spirite of meekenesse such as be fallen into or ouertaken with some fault 1. Tim. 5.12 And againe Rebuke not saith hee an Elder vnreuerently but admonishe or exhort him as a father the young men as brethren the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purenesse and chastitie Wee must therefore moderate with gentlenesse and meekenesse the rigour or hardnesse of the discipline least we hurt rather then profite But so farre off is it that they ought to spare any man that the corrections must be equally and indifferently applied and administred to all them which shall haue neede thereof whether they be men or women whether they bee great or small whether they be masters or seruants whether they bee Gentlemen or of the common sort Wee knowe with what earnestnesse and heate Chrysostome was angrie against the Pastours in his time who for feare of great and rich men durst not reiect or put from the supper any of them when they offred them selues thereto not before they were admitted thereto Chryso hom 3. in Mat. The blood saith hee of these men shall bee required at your handes If you feare mortall men for their greatnesse and riches verily men shall mocke you but if so be that you feare the liuing God he will bring to passe that euen men themselues shall haue you in honour and estimation And those which are lifted vp to dignitie An admonition to great men not to reiect or despise the discipline ought not to refuse to submit themselues and to make them selues as it were subiect to the discipline and they ought not to refuse the corrections of their Pastours and Elders seeing that by this meanes the Lorde will set them againe vpon their feete after they are fallen There is I knowe not what manner of pride in manie whiche hindereth them from submitting them selues vnto the discipline There is besides I know not what manner of foolish and filthie shame whiche when it hath once seised or taken holde of them they loue rather to continue in their vices than to bee aduertised or admonished thereof to the end that they may keepe themselues there from But the Emperor Theodosius was better aduised and of a more godly minde For we reade that when Saint Ambrose had excommunicated him Ambr. lib. 1. epist 8. in oratio Theodosu by reason of much innocent blood which was spilt and shead at his commandement he tooke suche a censure in good part and so far off was it that hee was stubborne and selfe willed againste his Pastor and his Elders to recoyle backe againe or to with drawe himselfe from the Churche that on the other side approuing the same correction and censure hee vnclothed himselfe of his kingly ornaments and openly bewailing his sinne in the Churche hee did with teares gronings and sighes demaund and aske forgiuenesse thereof Certainly this is not in vaine that Iesus christ hath said to the pastors of his church Whatsoeuer yee shall bind or loose in earth shal be bound or loosed in heauen Mat. 18. 18. For thereby hee hath authorised his church in the vse of the keyes by the worde of God to condemne the peruerse stubborne and vngodly and by the same word to reconcile and receiue to mercie all true penitent sinners Which authoritie of the Churche is not restrained or hedged in to bee exercised and executed among the common people only but also vpon Lordes and Magistrates Whereupon it followeth that none can distract or withdrawe himselfe therefrom but hee renounceth and forsaketh the meane of his saluation The conclusion is this that seeing God hath ordeined correction and discipline to the end that wee should profite grow vp in his doctrine that we shoulde not be hardned in our sins but rather that they might be reproued to the end they might not ingender and worke in vs an vncurable rottennesse or infection It followeth that they which flie and refuse the admonitions and censures of the Church which are made and giuen them in the name of God refuse God himselfe despise their owne saluation Beholde this is that which wee haue heere to note and marke as touching the discipline of the Churche For concerning the lawes which shee may establishe and set vp according to the authoritie giuen her of GOD wee will speake thereof in the Chapter following The fifteene Chapter Whether it belong to the Church to make lawes and if she make some how farre the faithfull ought to obey her WHen the question is of the lawes of the Church wee knowe that som concerne the doctrine vnder which wee comprehende the Sacramentes also and other the discipline or pollicie and order that is to say the fashion and maner of doing The lawes which concerne doctrine touch the conscience and in the knowledge and practise of them standeth the seruice worship of God our own saluation Of this sort are al the points articles of doctrine conteined in the Scripture which we must beleeue and obserue without adding any thing thereto or diminishing therfrom in changing it
bee counted worthie of the kingdom of God for the which yee also suffer For it is a righteous thinge with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled deliuerance and rest with vs When the Lorde Iesus shall shewe him selfe from heauen with his mightie Angels This is a true saying 2. Tim. 11.10 that if wee die with Christe wee shall also liue with him and if we suffer with him wee shall also raigne with him Nowe out of these places wee gather a very great and singular comfort An exhortation to the faithful patiently couragiously to beare their Crosse For in the first place wee knowe that there is not any ignominie or shame in the persecutions and afflictions whiche wee suffer for Iesus Christes sake but that they are a good and sweete smelling sauour before God because hee approueth and alloweth our obedience when that by the Sacrifices of our selues wee doe most willinglye presente and offer our selues vnto him Moreouer our combat and fighting shall not bee without good hyre for rest quietnesse is set out vnto vs in our paine and trauell and eternall life in our death of which it is written Psal 116.15 Precious before the face of the Lorde is the death of his Saints And we are well assured that this our good God beholdeth frō aboue our good will the confession of his holy name whiche wee make and yeeld and that as he aideth our strength and power so also that he wil crowne our victorie and rewarde in vs all that which hee hath giuen to vs and will honour that which hee himselfe hath begun and made perfect in vs. In summe by these persecutions we aduaunce and thrust forwarde our selues to goe to the true and eternall dwelling places of the Martyres that wee may there clearely behold God and that there we may bee partakers of so excellent a glory as all the afflictions and sufferings of this present life euen as Saint Paule saith are not worthie of Rom. 8.18 Isaiah 6.4 1. Cor. 2.9 For the things which the eye hath not sene neither the eare hath hearde neither came into mans heart are they which God hath prepared for them that loue him Mat. 10.28 Wherefore let vs not feare them which kill the body but are not able to kil the soule but let vs rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in Hell Mat. 10. 32.33 Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men saith Iesus Christe him will I confesse also before my father which is in heauen But whosoeuer shall denie mee before menne him will I also denie before my father whiche is in heauen Hee that will saue his life Mat. 10.39 shall loose it and he that looseth his life for my sake shall saue it Let vs knowe and vnderstand this that from the beginning of the worlde it hath beene thus ordeined and determined that all which will liue godly in Iesus Christ shal suffer persecution 2. Tim. 4. 12 And that by many tribulatiōs we must enter into the kingdome of heauen For at the beginning the righteous Abell was slaine and put to death and after him all the righteous persons the Prophetes and Apostles sent by God whereof some were deliuered and cast to wilde beastes others dyed in prison through famine others were hanged and strangled others digged into earth buried quicke therein others drowned burned beheaded broken and ground as it were to peeces dismembred rosted boiled singed and sawed flayed all aliue stoned whipped c. And is there any whiche is able to describe and set out all the tormēts which the tyrants as well vnder the olde as vnder the new Testament iudged the Christians worthie of Now the Lord Iesus hath set out vnto vs an example in himselfe teaching vs that none shall come to his kingdome but they which haue followed him by his owne way Mat. 16.24 Wherefore let vs not bee fainte hearted for the persecutions and afflictions whiche shall come vnto vs but let vs shewe ourselues strong and constant and let vs through a certaine spiritual power and force pursue and that euen to the ende the way into which wee are entred If the waues billowes and surges of the Sea of this worlde lift vp themselues to rise against vs to swallowe vs vp and to ouerwhelme vs if our enemies in great companies and bands compasse vs on euery side and assault vs Let vs crie with the Apostles Mat. 8. 25. Master or Lord saue vs and he will deliuer vs out of all dangers If death feare vs let vs remember that Iesus Christe in dying hath brought this to passe that death is not death vnto vs but a very ready way to guide leade vs to life eternall glory If the world continue his assaultes against vs yea doubleth them and trebbleth them as you would say Mat. 10.22 ● Tim. 2.5 let vs cal to our remembrance that hee which indureth vnto the end shal bee saued and if any mā striue for a masterie Mat. 28.20 Mat. 10.28 2. Tim. 1.12 Psal 112. 6. he is not crowned except hee striue as he ought to do The sonne of God is our protector and defender who hath promised vs to be with vs alwaies euen vntill the worldes ende If wee die for him and for his sake he will keepe our soules Pro. 10.7 and that which wee haue committed vnto him shall bee very sure in his handes euen vnto the last day Hee will keepe the remembrance of vs for euer Psal 34.20 that it may not bee any maner of way fading away or darkened Hee will keepe our bodies to the very bones thereof Iob. 19.25 againste the day of the resurrection of all fleshe and will at the last crowne vs with eternall life which hee him selfe hath purchased for vs by his owne blood O death then 1. Cor. 15.55 where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie Certainely wee haue very much wherewith to comforte our selues by the consideration of these thinges and when wee heare that Iesus Christe saith vnto vs If any man will come after mee Luke 9 2● let him deny him selfe and take vp his crosse dayly and followe mee We ought to learne howe and after what sort it behoueth vs to beare afflictions For first by these wordes Let him take vp his crosse Iesus Christe meaneth that wee shoulde willingly bowe downe our shoulders vnder the burthen of the Crosse and shoulde subiect our selues with a free heart and courage to beare the same yea that wee shoulde bee glad and reioyce if in this respect and behalfe wee could yeeld and perfourme any seruice to God Acts. 5.41 Rom. 5.3 according to the examples of the Apostles and the doctrine which they taught Secondly when hee addeth daily hee declareth that wee are neuer at the ende of our striuing vntill we depart out of this worlde and