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heaven_n earth_n great_a let_v 6,859 5 4.2631 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06340 The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne atchieued by the vvorthy prince Hernando Cortes Marques of the valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade: translated out of the Spanishe tongue, by T.N. Anno. 1578.; Historia general de las Indias. Part 2. English. López de Gómara, Francisco, 1511-1564.; Nicholas, Thomas, b. ca. 1532. 1578 (1578) STC 16807; ESTC S108920 249,653 422

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the host vnto whom in general he spake as followeth The exhortation of Cortez to his Souldiers MY louyng brethren I gyue moste hartie thankes vnto Iesu Christ to sée you now whole of your woundes and frée from diseases likewise I muche reioyce to sée you in good order trimly armed yea and with suche desire to sette agayne vpon Mexico to reuenge the death of our fellowes and to winne that greate Citie the whiche I truste in God shal be brought to passe in shorte time hauing the friendship of Tlaxcallan and other prouinces who haue as great desire to sée the ouerthrowe of the Mexicans as we our selues for therein they gette both honour libertie safegarde of life Also it is to be considered that if the victory should not be ours they poore soules should be destroyed and remaine in perpetuall captiuitie Also the Culhuacans do abhorre them worse than vs for receyuing vs into their houses and countrey therefore sure I am that they will sticke vnto vs vnfaynedly I muste néedes confesse their vnfayned friendship for presente workes doe testifie the same They will not onely be a meane to bryng others their neyghbours to our seruice but also haue now in readinesse .100000 mē of warre to sende with vs besides a great nūber of Tamemez or carriers to carrie al our prouision Ye also are now the same which alwaies heretofore ye haue bene for I as witnesse beyng your captayne haue had the victory of many battayles fighting with a .100 yea 200000. enimies we got also by strength of arme many strōg cities yea brought in subiection many prouinces not beyng so many in number as we are nowe for when we came firste into this countrey we were not so many as now presently we are Agayne in Mexico they feare our cōming it should also be a blot vnto our honour that Quahutimoc should inherite the kingdome that cost our friēd Mutezuma his life Likewise I esteme al that we haue done is nothing if we winne not Mexico our victories shoulde also be sorowfull if we reuenge not the death of our déere fellowes The chiefe and principall cause of our cōming into this countrey was to set forth the faith of Iesu Christ therwithal doth folow honour profite which seldome times do dwell togither In those fewe dayes that we were in Mexico we put downe the idols we caused sacrifice and eatyng of mans fleshe to bée layde aside and also in those dayes wée beganne to conuerte some to the fayth It is not therefore nowe reason to leaue of so laudable an enterpryse so well begonne Lette vs now goe whither holy fayth doth call vs and where the sinnes of our enimies deserueth so great a punishment and if yée well remember the Citizens of that citie were not cōtent to murder such an infinite number of men women children before the idols in their filthy sacrifice for honour of their Diuelishe Goddes but also to eate their fleshe a thyng inhumayne and much abhorred of God and al good men doth procure and especially Christians to defende and punishe suche odious customes Besides all this they committe that horrible sinne for the whiche the fiue cities with Sodom were burned by fire from heauen Why then what greater occasion should any man wishe for in earth than to abolish such wickednesse and to plant among these bloudy tirants the fayth of Iesu Christ publishing his holy gospel Therfore now with ioyfull hartes lette vs procéede to serue God honour our nation to enlarge our Princes dominions and to enriche our selues with the goodly pray of Mexico to morrow God willyng we will beginne the same All his men answeared with chéerefull countenaunce that they were ready to departe when it pleased him promising their faithful seruice vnto him It should séeme the rather with the desire of that pleasure and greate treasure whiche they had eyght moneths enioyed before Cortes commaunded to proclayme throughout his army certaine ordinaunces of warre for the good gouernement of his hoste whiche he had written among others and were these that followeth That none should blaspheme the holy name of Iesus That no Souldier should fight with his fellowe That none shoulde play at any game his horse nor armour That none should force any woman That none should robbe or take any Indian captiue without his speciall licence and counsellers That none should wrōg or iniurie any Indian their friēds he also taxed yron worke and apparell for cause of the excessiue prices that they were there solde for The exhortation made by Cortez to the Indians of Tlaxcallan THe nexte daye following Cortes called before him all the Lordes Captaynes and principall persons of Tlaxcallan Huexocinco Chololla Chalco and of other townes who were there presente at that time saying as followeth My Lords and friendes you know the iourney which I haue nowe in hande to morrowe God willing I will departe to the warre and siege of Mexico and enter into the land of youre enimies and mine And the thing that now I do require and also pray is that you remayne faithfull and constant in your promise made as hithervnto you haue done and so I trust you will continue And bycause I can not bring so soone my purpose to passe according to youre desire and mine without the Vergantines which are now a making and to be placed in the lake of Mexico therefore I praye you to fauoure these workemen whiche I leaue héere with suche loue and friendship as héeretofore you haue done and to giue them all things necessary for their prouision and I do faithfully promise to take away the yoke of bondage which the inhabitantes of Culhua haue layde vpon you and also will obteyne of the Emperoure great libertie and priviledges for you All the Indians shewed countenance of obedience and the chiefest Gentlemen aunswered in few words saying we will not onely fulfyll youre request but also when your vessels are finished we will bring them to Mexico and we all in generall will goe with you and truly serue you in your warres Hovv Cortez tooke Tezcuco COrtez departed from Tlaxcallan wyth hys Souldyers in good order whyche was a goodly sight to beholde for at that time he had eyghtie thousand men in his host and the most of them armed after their manner which made a gallant shew but Cortes for diuers causes would not haue them all with him vntill the Vergantines were finished and Mexico beséeged searing wante of vittayle for so greate an armye yet notwithstanding hée tooke twentie thousand of them besides the Carriers and that night came to Tezmoluca which stādeth sixe leagues from Tlaxcallan and is a Village apperteyning to Huexocinco where he was by the principall of the Towne wel receyued The next day he iourneyed foure leagues into the territorie of Mexico and there was lodged on the 〈◊〉 of a hill where many had perished with colde had it not bin for the store of woodde which they found there In the