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A03507 The safegard of the soule Declaring sundry soueraigne salues tending to the comfort and saluation of the same: very necessarie to bee learned and obserued of all men, and at all times, but chiefely in the extremitie of sicknes, and grieuous pangs of death. Composed by Lawrence Bankes, preacher of the word of God: and parson of Staunton, in the county of Glocester. Bankes, Lawrence. 1619 (1619) STC 1363; ESTC S114914 78,218 435

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shall melt with heate when the vngodly shall bee at their wits end when mens hearts shall faile them when the Sea and waters shal rore when heauen and earth shall perish when all thy goods and gold shal be turned to drosse and Copper when all thy Lands and riches forsake thee yea when all thy friends and kinsfolke faile thee as they did Iob in his greatest extremitie Therefore let this present Preparatiue be a sufficient caueat for thee to be carefull and circumspect for the comfort of thy Conscience and safety of thy soule And so I will proceede to the visitation of the Sicke Wherein First we must note that commonly God doth visit before man and so by Gods Visitation occasion is giuen to man brotherly and charitably o visit one another for their comfort God doth visit vs diuers waies 1. Sometime by losse of worldly wealth Goods Lands Offices Dignities c. especially when we are too proud of them or abuse them then he pulleth downe one and setteth vp another 2. Sometime by persecutions or manifold troubles of our deadly foes as priuate Grudges open Warres Slanders Suites in Law c. 3. Sometime God doth visit vs by punishing our bodies with sicknes lamenes blindnes ach penury famine or other calamities whereby wee feele intolerable paine and torment all this is not vnworthily but deseruedly 4. Sometime in Minde by taking away our senses wit reason memory and vnderstanding or by taking from vs our dearest and neerest friends as our Parents Husband Wife Children Brethren Sisters c. which vnder God are our greatest comfort in this world and by this meanes wee are vexed in Minde our soules are sad and we wonderfully troubled and so had neede of some comfortable counsell to cure vs in this case In Gods Visitation consider three things In body 1. The Sicknes 2. The Physician 3. The Medicine In minde 1. Our Sicknes is sinne 2. Our Physician is God 3. Our Medicine is repentance restitution almes-deeds prayer and patience The first Dutie of the Pastor THE first Office or Dutie of the Minister is fatherly and yet familiarly to conferre and reason with the Sick person For as the Physicion of the body most perfectly perceiueth the state of his Patient by questioning with him by seeing his state and feeling his Pulses euen so the Physicion of the soule if he vnderstand the mind and affection of the Sicke person hee may the better apply his exhortation to The Summe of this Booke The Medicine or curing of our Diseases pertaineth to two sorts of Persons 1. The one is the Minister or Pastor who ought willingly to visit The duty of the Minister when he visiteth consisteth chiefely in foure things First in questioning with the Sick person whereby he may feele how hee is inclined and affectioned toward God and so apply a fit plaister to his sore Secondly in faithful and zealous Prayer for the partie visited both publike and priuate Thirdly in godly counsell in admonishing the Sicke by his wise discretion according as he seeth occasion Fourthly in comforting the pensiue person or sobbing soule whose Conscience is loden with the remembrance of sinne and whose body is tormented with griefe of sicknes 2. The other is the Person visited who ought to giue diligent eare vnto the Minister The dutie of the sicke Person consisteth in three things First in the confession of his Faith and protestation of the same before the Minister and others standing by that they may be witnesses with him of his Christian and godly end Secondly in faithfull and hearty Prayer vnto God either to recouer his health or else a happy deliuerance out of his paine Thirdly in bearing his sicknes patiently without grudging or murmuring against God who sendeth it for our amendment 1. In the first part of this Booke I will speake of the Pastor and his Office in visiting 2. In the second the dutie of the People visited the comfort of his Conscience and amendment of life Questions be of two sorts 1. Some be temporall 2. Others spirituall Examples of Temporall Questions Quest 1. NOW good Brother God blesse you How is it with you How doe you c. Answ Well Sir I thank God but I take no rest by reason of the extremitie of my paine in this my sicknes and lacke of sleepe my memory and vnderstanding I praise God for it is yet perfect and good but my body is sore visited and tormented God of his mercy in time when it shal please him asswage it and in the meane season grant mee patience to beare it Quest 2. You say well truely and as becommeth a good Christian and I am glad to heare such godly words proceed from you as taste so sweetly of the Spirit of God for they signifie how well you are affectioned minded to Godward And therefore assure your selfe that with the Omnipotent Physician there is no disease or pain incurable As God doth send it for your good no doubt So hee can asswage or take it quite away at his pleasure wee are in the Lords hand as the clay in the Potters to doe with vs whatsoeuer his pleasure is for sicknes is the louing rod of our heauenly Father wherewithall he doth chastice our sinnes that we may the better know our owne frailety and our dutie towards his Maiestie therefore you are to thinke that this bodily griefe of Sicknes after a time of tryall shall turne to your greater ioy and comfort Tell me truely are you not thus perswaded Answ Yes verily I haue alwayes beene of that minde I thanke my heauenly Father for it and I pray God continue mee in the same to my liues end for I wish not to liue longer then I may acknowledge my Maker to bee both an omnipotent Lord and my mercifull God Quest 3. I pray God preserue you and keep you in that mind to your liues end Sir I vnderstand and partly I know of my selfe that you are a man whom God hath blessed with aboundance of worldly substance But because lands and goods are oftentimes the cause of much strife and vnquietnes by reason of the inordinate couetousnes and greedy desire of man it were good to set your house in order now before your departure like a good housholder which when he goeth from home any whither he setteth all his things in order among his Family and people telleth them his will what is to bee done and so commending them to God taketh his leaue and biddeth them farewell vntill his returne So you beeing now taking your iourney towards Heauen a farre Country bid adew to the world and take your leaue thereat willingly and orderly as a good Christian ought to doe That is dispose your Temporall goods as may be most to Gods glorie the commoditie and comfort of your Wife and Children and others your friends to whom you wish well and to your own saluation and discharge before God at whose hands you haue receiued them and to
Christ we shall also reigne with him Art thou desirous to liue for euer and to reigne with Christ in eternall glory Then arme thy selfe with patience to suffer aduersitie heere on earth that thou maist haue place in Heauen Take counsell of Saint Paul who saith Let vs by Heb. 12. 1 2. patience runne in the race which is set before vs looking to Iesus the Captaine and finisher of our Faith which for the ioy that was set before him suffered the Crosse contemned the shame and sitteth on the right hand of the Throne of God Behold heere a reward after the race a crowne after the conflict The consideration whereof moued all the Martyrs and holy men of GOD to beare Christs Crosse were it neuer so grieuous and heauy for the time to suffer mocks stripes bands rackings famine imprisonments and death and so must we doe the whole course of our life heere on earth sheweth the same Troubles try our patience and tame the flesh lest wee should bee condemned with the wicked world and therefore wee begin our life with teares before we be able to speake we leade it in sorrow care and we part from it with great griefe or otherwise wee should put too much confidence in our quiet estate as Dauid testifieth I Psal 30. 6. said in my prosperitie I shall neuer bee mooued And therefore lest wee should bee too proud in our prosperitie the Lord oftentimes bridleth our appetites by losses and crosses and so sheweth his loue by afflicting vs for our good As for example if for Gods cause or his Truth we be shriuen of all our riches heere on earth our portion shall bee the greater in Heauen If wee bee thrust out of our houses or offices we shall bee receiued into the Family of God If we be contemned among men wee shall be highly esteemed with God If we be cast downe in the world our seates shal be the higher in Gods Kingdome If we be murthered and so lose our life this shall bee a meanes to bring vs to eternall life For if there were no griefe in pouertie no torment in sicknes no sorrow in slander nor horrour in death what tryall could there be of Gods people None at all Therefore in our greatest extremitie let vs say Fiat voluntas Domini that is The wil of the Lord be fulfilled in mee come life come death come sicknes come health come prosperitie or aduersitie And let that man neuer boast himselfe to be an Abel whom the malice of Cain hath not afflicted Nor a Iacob whom an Esau hath not hated nor a faithfull Mardocheus whom a spitefull Haman hath not slandered nor a Paul whom a Nero hath not persecuted nor a Christian whom a Iudas hath not betrayed Where the good are there must of necessitie be some bad to try them The Wheate is tryed by the Fanne the Iron by the file and the gold by the fire euen so is a Christian knowne by affliction and being so tryed he cannot lose his reward It is great in heauen and not for gotten on earth For we see dayly that ioy followeth sorrow life death glory miserty and prosperitie pouertie Patient Iob had his substance doubled The holy Patriarks Prophets and Martyrs of Christ which suffered sundry sorrowes heere on earth are now crowned Kings in Heauen And so shall we if we runne their race for many runne but it is the wrong way that leadeth to destruction But wee must so runne that wee 1. Cor. 9. 24. may obtaine and in the end get the wager The Merchant resuseth no perill by Sea the Husbandman no labour by Land the Captaine no wound in warres and they doe it for a temporall reward How much more ought wee patiently to indure any losse of goods torment of body or griefe of minde for euerlasting life and heauenly ioy The Wise man considering this affirmeth that the day of death is better Eccl. 7 3. then the day of birth Saint Paul was of the same minde when he said I desire Phil. 1. 23. to be loosed to be with Christ which is best of al for then shall Christ our Sauiour wipe away all teares Apoc. 4. 21 from our eyes and sorrow from our hearts We shall neede to suffer no more our troubles are at an end Neither shall there bee any more death neither griefe neither crying neither paine Our paines here haue endured but a time the pleasures there shall be perpetuall What is he therefore in the vniuersall world but would willingly hazard life and liuing yea and yeeld his soule to God his body to the blocke and his flesh to the fire for such celestiall ioyes as are prepared for those that fight Gods battell heere on earth Therefore my deare Brethren to conclude Let vs runne our race and passe our painefull pilgrimage in this transitorie world so godly and patiently by the example of the Prophets of Christ and his Apostles that in the end of the course when death shall shut vp the eyes of our bodies we may with a firme faith and good conscience say with Saint Paul I have fought a 2. Tim. 4. good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the Faith For henceforth there is laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord a righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but to all them that loue his appearing Then in the end of our race we shall haue rest and ioy yea perfect complete and full ioy Ioy aboue vs ioy beneath vs ioy before vs ioy behinde vs ioy on our right hand ioy on our left hand ioy within vs ioy without vs and ioy on euery side vs. Vnto the which ioy he vouchsafe to bring vs which dearely hath bought it for vs not with siluer and gold for it cost a great price but with the sheading of his precious bloud euen Iesus Christ the righteous vnto whom with the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one euerlasting iust and mercifull God be all honour power and glory both now and euer Amen A generall and fruitfull Prayer for all Christians to bee reuerently said at all times Morning Euening Night or Day O God our Maker thou most mighty and holy IEHOVAH in thy name and to thine honour and glory we begin continue and end these our Prayers And we offer this our dutifull seruice vnto thy diuine Maiestie as to our Soueraigne Lord and mighty Creator of Heauen and Earth and of all things therein contained O sweet Lord Iesus Christ wee offer vnto thee our selues body and soule and all the powers parts thereof within vs and without for by right they are all thine because thou hast dearely bought and paid for the same with the peerelesse price of thy precious bloud And wee most humbly beseech thee O holy Ghost our Comforter to giue vs grace and strength to doe thy will in all things and to offer these
the enemy haue none aduantage of him Nor the wicked once approch to hurt him Be vnto him O Lord a strong tower From the face of his enemy Grant that hee may dye the death of the righteous And be made partaker of thine inheritance Receiue his soule O Lord into thy holy hands And place it with thy Saints in heauen Lord heare our prayers And let our cry come vnto thee A pithy Prayer for a Patient being pained with Sicknes IT is thou O Lord onely to whom all power and praise belongeth It is thou that raignest in heauen in glorie in earth in mercy in hel in iudgment It is thy voice O Lord whereunto both the seas and windes are obedient It is thy name O Lord God of Hosts that maketh all the Diuels in hell to tremble and quake and they can doe nothing without thy permission Thou bringest downe to hell and raisest vp againe Thou pluckest downe the mighty from their Throne and exaltest the humble and meeke Thou makest both poore and rich strong weake Thou sendest sicknes and restorest health againe in thy good time Thou giuest life and takest it away at thy pleasure O Lord whose maiestie and might no creature is able to withstand neither in heauen earth or vnder the earth Thou that hast made the Sea and the dry land and all things therein contained Thou that knowest our weaknesse and what metall wee bee made of haue regard vnto the workmanship of thy hands Pierce the heauens O Lord and giue eare vnto our prayers which with sorrowfull hearts trickling teares bowed knees and vnfained lips we powre out before thy presence We acknowledge O Lord our owne frailetie and vnworthinesse and how that all men liuing are but vanitie euen as the grasse in the field which to day flourisheth and to morrow withereth away as the smoke in the furnace the bubble in the water or the could that swiftly passeth away and is no more seene So soone also fedeth away our time and our yeeres come to an end Thou onely O Lord knowest the number of our dayes and appointest vs our bounds which we cannot passe We confesse O most mercifull God that wee haue sinned against heauen and against thee and are no more worthy to be called thy children no nor to tread vpon the earth or to haue the light of the Sunne to shine vpon vs but rather to bee burned with fire drowned in the waters swallowed vp of the earth ouerwhelmed with mountaines or deuoured with wilde beasts fowles of the ayre Our transgressions and sinnes are so great so grieuous and many in number wherewithall wee haue and doe dayly offend thy Maiestie both in thought word and deed that our weake consciences being loden and burthened with the remembrance of them are afraid to approch into thy presence for feare of thy wrath and iust iudgement Yet O Lord forsomuch as thy mercy is aboue all thy workes and because thou art a gentle pitifull God long-suffering and full of compassion and wouldest not the death of a sinner but rather that hee conuert and liue We are therefore the bolder not of our selues but in the name of thy deare Son Iesus Christ with whom thou art well pleased to call vpon thee for mercy and comfort That it would please thee of thy gracious goodnes to forgiue and blot out of thy remembrance all our sinnes and wickednes and neuer hereafter to impute them vnto vs. Regard not good Lord our deserts which is death and damnation but be mindfull of thy louing promises in Iesus Christ our Sauiour who in all temptations of the Diuell the World and the Flesh is our onely Rocke and sure stay and defence and neuer shrinketh from those which be wrapped in woe and misery Comfort O Lord this thy Seruant vpon whom thou hast laid the scourge of sicknes and rod of visitation as a sure token and pledge of thy loue and fatherly good wil towards him for whom thou louest those thou correctest not to destruction but to amendment and saluation Thou hast promised that wheresoeuer two or three are gathered together in thy name thou wilt grant their requests We therefore thy humble seruants here assembled according to thy blessed commandement doe cry and call vpon thee with feruant hearts to be mercifull to this thine afflicted creature that it would please thee eyther to release his smart and pain in thy good time and so to restore him to his former health or else to grant him aboundantly the graces of thy holy Spirit that with patience and meeke mind he may abide such tryall as it shall please thy godly Maiestie to lay vpon him That neither the tyrannie of Satan griefe of sicknes loue of the world terrour of hell infirmitie of the flesh remembrance of sinne or feare of death withdraw him from thee and thy sweet promises in his Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who came not for the iust but to call sinners to repentance So guide him good Lord by thy blessed Spirit in his great and last iourney that passing quietly all troubles of this transitorie world and this painefull pilgrimage once ended he may safely by thy mighty power bee conducted to the Hauen of continuall quietnes and rest which is the Kingdom of Heauen there reigne with Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the holy company of Angels and Saints in perpetuall ioy and safety which thou hast prepared and promised for all thine elect children and faithfull seruants from the beginning of the world Grant this O heauenly Father which wee haue prayed for in the behalfe of this thy poore and pensiue prisoner and all other things necessarie for our saluation and thy glory through our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ In whose holy name wee beseech thee from the bottome of our hearts saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. A comfortable Prayer against desperation O God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ continue thy goodnes towards vs vnworthy wretches which do heere with contrite hearts and bowed knees appeale vnto the height of thy mercy Beseeching thee O Father ●o to remember the contempt and iniury thou hast receiued at our hands but pardon our passed faults and accept the pitifull Passion of thy deare Sonne in full satisfaction of our transgression Let his precious bloud wipe away and wash all our filthines Let his wounds heale the sores of our sinnes and let the holy oblation of himselfe present our prayers acceptable and blamelesse before thy Maiestie Let no sinne bee so great and grieuous in our eyes that it plucke away hope of pardon No offence so ponderous that it may be ●●le to ouercome thy goodnes All haue sinned and haue neede of thy mercy which thou offerest aboundantly to euery one that faithfully asketh the same of thee Our wickednes O Lord cannot exceed thy merits The greater the sinner is on whom thou bestowest thy compassion so much the greater is thy glory And therefore
thou reioycest more at the finding of one lost sheepe which hath long gone astray then ouer ninety and nine iust persons which neede no repentance Thou art ready to meet and embrace with the armes of thy mercy the Prodigall Sonne when he turneth homewards towards thee repenting his former folly and humbly crauing thy mercy Therefore there is nothing better for man then continually to consider thy great loue and fidelitie towards him and contrariwise his owne infidelitie and ingratitude towards thee for the Diuel is so enuious towards thy seruants that hee omitteth no time in tempting them yea euen then when they are about to repent and bewaile their sins he causeth them to doubt of their saluation to wauer in faith and cloggeth their consciences with the curse of the Law and equitie of Gods iustice in punishing their sinne that thereby they might neuer be at quietnes or rest in themselues but straight fall into the dungeon of desperation It is thou onely O Lord that canst heale their diseases ease their burthen cure their wounds and refresh their hungry spirits Wherfore if at any time the Diuell mooue vs to doubt or despaire of Gods goodnes and grace yet let vs not faint in faith or be hollow-hearted but rather bee bold in the bowels of Iesus Christ and with a sure confidence approch vnto the Mercy-Seat of God the Father who accepteth the satisfaction of his Son and alloweth the same to be a full ransome for all our sinnes and by this meanes we may finde fauour at the hands of our heauenly Father Many examples wee haue to perswade vs herein The Woman of Canaan cryed and her Daughter was cured The Centurion beleeued and his Seruant was made whole The Father prayed and his Sonne was clenfed of the foule spirit The Apostles cryed out Helpe Lord for wee perish and straightway they were deliuered Christ perceiued but the Faith of the people and he said to the sicke of the Palsie Be of good cheere my sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee The Mother and her companions doe but weepe and her sonne is raised from death to life Martha and Mary did but mourne and Lazarus was reuiued Mary the sinner sheadeth teares and hee said vnto her Thy sinnes be forgiuen thee A poore blinde man cryed out O Son of Dauid haue mercy on me and he receiued his sight The Thiefe hanging on the Crosse said but onely Lord remember me and Christ answered This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise O singular Faith of sinners what man hath at any time cried Iesu haue mercy on mee but forthwith hee hath found fauour obtained grace A sure faith procureth any thing at Gods hands but he that mistrusteth the Physician hindreth his owne health Our Sauiour Christ hath opened vnto vs the gate of his goodnes therefore let not vs runne headlong to the dungeon of desperation the dunghill of the Diuell Hee hath stretched out his hand to vs therefore let not vs turne away our face from him He hath opened vnto vs the Kingdome of Heauen therefore let not vs haste to destruction nor creepe to the lake of vnhappinesse but let vs by these examples of Gods graces to others acknowledge the mercies of God to bee many and maruellous towards man For whose cause doth the Sun shine by day the Moone and the Starres by night but for man For whose sake doth the Lord water the earth with deaw drops and showres of raine but for man Why blowe the Windes Why runne the Riuers Why spread the Springs Why budde the Trees Why growe the fruits of the earth And why increase the fishes of the seas but for the vse of man He is King and Lord of all creatures vnder the cope of heauen There is nothing that God hath not made subiect to man onely hee would that man should bee obedient vnto him Yet many times our mercifull God sendeth vs aduersitie eyther to cleere vs of our transgressions or to feare vs from sinne or to minister occasion of well-doing Thus was Abraham tryed So was Iob proued with many miseries Thus is euery one which liueth godly in Christ Iesus tryed in this world with sundry afflictions as the gold in the fire for whom the Lord loueth those he chasteneth Therefore wee beseech thee O Lord assist vs by thy might and mercy that we may patiently beare all trouble neede pouertie sicknes slander hatred imprisonment griefe and anguish of minde temptations of our deadly Enemy losse of lands and worldly wealth and all other calamities and discommodities Looke not on vs or our sins O Lord but behold thy Little one which was borne for vs He was wounded for our offences and by his stripes wee are healed Hee gaue his body to be beaten his cheekes to be striken for vs finners He turned not away his face from them that scorned him spit vpon him Looke O Lord vpon all the parts of his body from the crowne of his head to the sole of his foote and no paine shall bee found like vnto his paine Behold O blessed Lord the holy head of thy deare Sonne crowned with sharp Thornes the bloud running downe on his goodly visage Behold his tender body how it is scourged his naked brest is stricken beaten his bloudy side is thrust thorow with a speare his heart panteth his sinewes bee stretched forth his christall eyes dazell and lose their sight his princely face is wan and pale his pleasant tongue is enflamed with paine his inward parts waxe dry and starke his armes both blue and blacke his bones sore his comely legges be feeble and weake and the streames of bloud gush out of his side downe to the ground O Lord of mercy and God of comfort let all these sufferings of thine only and deare beloued Son pacifie thy wrath and be a sufficient recompence for all our misdemeanour towards thy Maiesty defend vs outwardly by thy might and cheere vs inwardly by thy holy Spirit that we may both in body soule glorifie thy Name feare thy might and loue thy mercy and hereafter walke in thy wayes so long as the breath is in our bodies And after that receiue vs body and soule into the heauenly Kingdome for the tender Death and Passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour power and praise world without end Amen An effectuall Prayer for those which be Lunatike or possessed with any euill Spirit O Most mighty mercifull God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the Prince of power and the God of all comfort and consolation our strong Rocke our sure refuge and defence against the damnable and dangerous assaults of our enemies both bodily and ghostly which hast commanded vs in our greatest perils and necessities to flye vnto thee for safety and boldly to call vpon thee for our deliuery which also by thy diuine power and vnsearchable wisedome hast made heauen and earth
all things therein contained as Angels Archangels Men Women Children the beasts of the field the fishes in the Sea the Fowles of the Ayre and the Fruits of the Earth which all were made at thy Word and are subiect to thy power to vse at thy good will pleasure as seemeth best to thy Maiesty whether it bee to honour or dishonour saluation or condemnation We entirely beseech thee of thy goodnes O Lord and that with sorrowfull hearts trickling teares watery cheekes and groning spirits to be mercifull vnto vs all here assembled and to all thy people vexed with woe throughout the wide world but especially at this present we heartily desire thee to looke downe from heauen with the eyes of compassion and pitie vpon this thy creature and workmanship of thy hands who is now grieuously vexed and tormented in mind O Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruants for then no flesh can be saued in thy sight We acknowledge O Lord that wee are miserable sinners vnworthy to lift vp our eyes to heauen or to gather vp the crums which fall from thy table Yet notwithstanding wee humbly beseech thee O deare Father not to deale with vs according to our deserts which is euerlasting death vtter shame and confusion hell fire perpetuall paine and damnation But according to thy accustomed clemency take from vs all ignorance hardnes of heart desperation and all the wyly suggestions and grieuous temptations of Satan our old enemy Let not the Diuell O Lord nor any hellish hound spoile thine inheritance which thou hast bought with the price of the precious bloud of thy deare Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ Thou onely O Lord reignest in heauen in glory in earth in mercy and in hell in iudgement Thou onely art the author of life death sicknes and health ioy and paine It is thou which castest downe to hell and raisest vp againe to heauen yea it is thou and none other which giuest thy holy Spirit to bee a comfort to thine elect people and sometimes troublest their minds with illusions and vanities suffering Satan the roring Lyon and his Ministers to haue dominion for a time ouer them as appeareth at this present by thy iust iudgement declared and inflicted vpon this comfortlesse cay●ife thy poore prisoner and afflicted creature vnto the great anguish and torment of his soule and body to the discomfort of his wife friends and kinsfolke and to the terrour and feare of all that euer heare or see him in this wofull case O Lord thy iudgements are deepe and thy counsell vnsearchable and vnworthy are wee to know the counsels and secrets of the Highest much lesse ought wee curiously to search to vnderstand the causes of this woe and the occasion of this thy plague and grieuous crosse laid vpon this miserable man Notwithstanding whether thou hast thus visited him for his former sinnes and by that meanes to call him to repentance and amendment of life or to exercise his faith by the tryall of thy iustice or for the terrour and warning of all those that see or heare of him that they may therby feare thy name acknowledge thy power auoid thy heauy displeasure repent their sinfull liuing and call to thee betimes for mercie and grace or else to the end to shew thy great might glory vpon him and so to signifie vnto all people that thou art God alone that rulest both heauen and earth that stayest the madnes of the people and the furiousnes of the Fiend or for what cause so euer it bee that thou hast laid thy heauy hand of iudgement vpon him Yet wee humbly beseech thee O Lord God not of our selues or for our selues but in the bowels of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ whom thou hast made the Redemption of the world to mitigate thy sury by tender mercy asswage thy wrath and stay thy heauy hand already begunne and continued in fraile flesh Let not the Diuell nor all the powers in hell tempt him aboue that which hee shall be able through Christ his Sauiour to beare O Lord restore in him of thy goodnes whatsoeuer hath been decayed by the malice or suggestion of Satan or by his owne frailtie and wicked disposition or by any his enemies the flesh world Diuell or sinne We confesse vnto thee O Lord that sinne is rife in vs the flesh is fraile the world is wicked and the Diuell is most malicious O Lord God among these so many and mischieuous enemies what shall we deuise to do Whithershal we fly There is no way with vs but one wee must lift vp our eyes our hands and our hearts vnto thee O Lord Our help is from aboue our victory proceedeth from thy grace and Throne of thy Maiestie To heauen therefore wee lift vp both heart hands eyes and all our powers and vnto thee O gracious Lord we call and cry for helpe Breake the heauens come down O Lord let our prayers pierce thine eares Arise O God and scatter thine enemies and ours stay the race of Satan thon that art the glory of Sion and strength of Israel take from him his weapons and harnesse wherewith he goeth about to spoile thine Inheritance Bruze and breake the head of Leuiathan that subtill Serpent which seeketh nothing but our destruction Weaken his force disperse and confound all his politique practices whereby hee dayly goeth about to ouerthrow thy seeble flocke Let not this ramping and roring Lyon deuoure vs but chain him vp and tye him short halter and bridle his cruell deuices wherewithall hee worketh woe vnto thy seruants and Saints for he can doe nothing without thy permission thou which rulest the raging of the Sea that it cannot passe her bounds and hast Satan fettered and fast bound in chaines so that he cannot doe what hee would but what pleaseth thee for thy mercy hath conquered his cruelty to our great comfort Thou hast commanded vs to call vpon thee in the day of our trouble and thou wilt deliuer vs and we shall glorifie thee Thou hast also promised in thy holy Word to grant our godly Petitions saying vnto vs like a most louing Father Aske and you shall haue Seeke and you shall finde Knocke and it shall be opened vnto you We aske of thee with pensiue soules and would gladly obtaine mercy and forgiuenes of all our offences We seeke and would gladly finde that which wee haue lost by our vnthankefulnes and sinne we knock at the gate of Grace and will neuer cease knocking vntill thou open vnto vs the bowels of compassion and pitie and grant vs the feeling of thy good graces to the full satisfaction and quieting of our troubled spirits carefull consciences Therefore O God the Father God the Son and God the holy Ghost heare our prayers and grant our humble requests which with sobbing sighs contrite hearts cry vnto thee for succour O Lord haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and for thy Sonne Iesus Christs
after Therefore auoid and away Satan tempt mee no longer doe not threaten mee damnation For I know and beleeue assuredly that there is Rom. 8. 1. no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus O how sweet is this blessed name Iesus which signifieth a Sauiour to the pensiue soule of a sinner O how much and how deepely are wee bound to God our heauenly Father for our saluation wrought by this his deare and onely Sonne in whom he acknowledgeth himselfe to be fully satisfied and appeased Mat. 3. 1● for our sinnes This testimony proceeding from Heauen is so certaine that all the Diuels in hell and enemies in earth shall neuer be able to withstand it for no creature but Christ alone hath power to remit sinnes He it is alone that hath taken vpon him our Esay 53. 4. sinnes and borne our paines They that are strong need not Mat. 9. 12 13. the Physician but they that are sicke Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Our names are Luk. 10. 20 written in heauen and recorded for euer in the Book of Life For God so loued the Ioh. 3. 16 world that he hath giuen vs his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For God sent not his Sonne into the world that hee should condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued These are comfortable words to all those that are clogged in conscience these are generall words vttered to the wide world by him that came to saue the world by him that hath promised will performe by him that calleth all and exempteth none as appeareth by that generall Sentence which cannot too often be recited Come vnto Mat. 2. 28. me all yee that are weary and laden and I will ease you This comfortable call and cheerefull cry of Christ should bee printed in our hearts ring in our eares as an alarum night and day they should awake vs out of the sleepe of sinne and mooue vs to come at the first bidding You see how friendly and fatherly wee are called no place or countrie is excepted no time prohibited no sinner reiected but to all hee calleth and dayly hee calleth Come Come This word may serue for the first Call in this world and warne vs of the last Call in the day of Iudgement for the Iudge shall then rehearse the same Come ye blessed If you will obey the first Call here you shall heare the second Call hereafter to your great ioy and comfort VVe are all heere laden with sinne we are all weary of the burden it is too heauy for the best to beare Therefore let vs come to Christ our Lord and Master for ease hee hath already borne the burthen of our sinnes vpon his owne shoulders and nailed them fast vpon his Crosse VVhen we are most loden then lifts he for life when we are most in misery then hee is most mercifull and mighty when we are falne flat to the earth brought low to hell gate then hee stretcheth out his long and large arme of mercy and plucketh vs out of all danger deliuereth vs from the dunghill and danger of the Diuell and so leadeth vs ready by the hand to his Fathers Kingdome Thus he doth to all there is no respect of persons bond Gal. 3. 28. and free Iew and Gentile He refuseth not Publicans as Zacheus no not VVhoremongers Luk. 19. 5. and murtherers as Dauid not Drunkards as Noah and Lot not great sinners as Mary Magdalen not the Thiefe hanging on his right hand not persecutors as Paul no not swearers forswearers of themselues as Peter but most tenderly and louingly hee accepteth their repentance embraceth them with the armes of his mercie and forgiueth them their sinnes Now therefore good Brother in the time of this your tryall and Visitation I would wish you to apply these comfortable sentences and examples to your selfe for the better safety of your owne soule Are you iniured by your enemies Come to Christ he is able to redresse it Are you falsely accused or slandered You are the more like to your Master Christ Iesus for hee was so handled before you Are you troubled by mighty men Come to Christ for he pulleth down the mighty from their seat Are you forsaken of your friends Come to Christ for he forsaketh none except they first forsake him Art thou tormented with bodily sicknes Come to Christ for he smiteth and healeth Art thou in danger of death Come to Christ for hee is the life that shall neuer haue end Doe you feare hell damnation Come to Christ who hath deliuered you from hell and wrought your saluation who defying the Diuell hath said by his Apostle O death where 1. Cor. 15. 55 is thy sting O hell where is thy victory Let vs clap our hands reioyce at heart and say Thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ VVe may now boldly say with iust Iob the faithfull seruant of God I am Iob 19. 25 sure that my Redeemer liueth and hee shall stand the last on the earth And though after 26 my skin wormes destroy this body yet shall I see God in my flesh Whom I my selfe shall see and mine eyes shall behold and none other for mee though my reines are consumed within me So that neither death nor dānation is terrible to those that behold Christ aright with the eyes of their Faith A sure faith obtaineth any thing at Gods hands as for example The Mat. 15. 22 woman of Canaan cryed O sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me and her Daughter was healed The Publican cryed God Luk. 18. 13 be mercifull vnto me a sinner and he went home iustified The Centurion beleeued and Mat. 8. 13. his sonne was restored The Mar. 5. 23. Master of the Synagogue prayeth and his Daughter was reuiued The Apostles cry Saue Mat. 8. 25. vs O Lord wee perish and they are saued euery one Not one person can perish Mat. 10. 33 no nor one hayre of his head without Gods diuine prouidence and permission For although our heauenly Father try vs by troubles in this world as the gold is tried in the fire yet after the time of tryall hee is neuer the further off But the more grieuous our sicknes is the greater our afflictions be and the more heauy our hearts waxe the more we ought to reioyce seeing our reward is great in Mat. 5. 12. heauen as Christ hath said whom wee ought to follow with our crosse on our backs here on earth if wee meane to raigne with him in heauen Therefore good Brother in your griefe and agony hold vp your hands and lift vp your heart to heauen despayre not at all feare not too much but be of good comfort And as Saint Augustine faith Aug. sent de Poenit. Ille solus diffidat
accord came down from the seate of his Maiesty in the highest heauens into the vile and stinking bowels of the earth where he for my sake and all his elect did not abhorre to take flesh of the pure Virgin Mary and became man and in the same flesh suffered most bitter paine and torment being condemned by an earthly iudge to the most shamefull death of the Crosse and so was buried and descended into Hell rising againe for our iustification and ascending into heauen for our glorification and to open vs the gate of saluation which before was barred and fast shut vp against vs. And my beliefe is that as before hee came as a Lambe in humilitie and mercie to seeke and saue sinners So hee shall come againe as a Lyon in the end of the world in great glory Maiesty Mat. 25. 31 accompanied with Angels and heauenly Souldiers as a righteous Iudge of the quicke and dead separating the Sheep from the Goates adiudging the one as hirelings of Hell and the other as inheritors of Heauen And this among many others is a singular comfort to me to know assuredly that no other shall bee my iudge but he that is the Sauiour of my soule and suffered for my sinnes So that in all my perplexitie perill and danger I set this Iesus a Sauiour before mine eyes as a shield a buckler and sure wall between me and my spirituall soe the Diuel and all his tyranny assuring my selfe by this confidence that neither he by his cruelty nor all the Armie of hell can euer hurt or harme me or any of Gods Elect. Thirdly I beleeue in God the holy Ghost the third Person in Trinitie who by his grace louingly preserueth and sanctifieth mee and all the Elect people of God who dayly gouerneth and directeth mee in all my wayes and godly actions who sealeth vp my saluation by the stedfast hope that I haue in Christ Iesus assuring me inwardly that all his benefits are mine and by that meanes maketh me apply the same to the comfort of my soule who also mortifieth sinne in me who openeth and expoundeth vnto mee the diuine mysteries of God and moueth me to leade a godly life This is that blessed wind which bloweth where it listeth euen the Spirit of God which of carnall maketh vs spirituall of cruell meeke of malicious charitable of couetous liberall of dissolute temperate of foolish wise of earthly heauenly of the bondslaues of Satan the deare sonnes of GOD whereby wee may boldly cry Abba Father I beleeue that this holy Ghost is the earnest penny here on earth of my saluation in heauen and that hee will neuer forsake mee no not in the houre of death and my greatest danger but that hee will comfort me continually in all woe and temptations so that although I bee tryed by the touchstone of affliction grieued with extreme paine of bodie or torinented with inward vexation of minde yet I shall not be ouercome neither shall my crosse be greater then I shal be able to beare and endure For I know assuredly that this holy Ghost wil mercifully preserue me both in body and soule vnto the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to iudgment at the dreadfull day of doome and there present me holy and without blame before his Throne of grace although of my selfe vnworthy yet this sweet Comforter Rom. 8. 15 16. doth of his especiall grace beare witnes with my spirit and conscience and that in most comfortable manner that I am of the number of those which shall be saued and that I shall stand in the last day on the right hand of Christ and heare that cheerefull sentence to my great ioy and comfort Come ye blessed of my Father Mat. 25. 34 possesse the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world You haue beene long Pilgrims on earth but now you shal bee Citizens in heauen you haue mourned a long time but now you shall laugh for euer I will wipe away all teares from your eyes Enter at last now that the heate of the day is past into your Masters ioy All these three persons before rehearsed I beleeue to bee one God in essence whose seate is in the heauens aboue and whose footstoole is the earth beneath Vnto whom all the Powers Angels and Saints in heauen are subiect and doe their dayly seruice in setting forth his praises casting downe their crownes at his foote and ascribing all honour and glory to the crowned King that sitteth vpon the Throne and reigneth for euermore and also to the Lambe his beloued sonne and our Sauiour God grant that wee may doe him like seruice here on earth Fourthly and finally I doe beleeue the holy Catholike Church which is Gods Elect people or the Congregation of the faithfull and is called the Kingdome of Christ Iesus Of this Kingdome Christ Apoc. 21. onely is Prince of this body Christ onely is Head and of this Spouse Christ onely is the Bridegroome This Church is called the Temple of the Holy Ghost a spirituall House a holy Nation a Royall Priesthood the Citizens of Heauen the Pillar of Truth the Arke of Noah the Cōmunion of Saints Agreeing at this day in all points of Scripture Faith and Religion with the Primitiue Church of God Firmely holding and boldly confessing one God one Faith one Baptisme one Lord and Sauiour of all Iesus Christ being the sheepe of Gods pasture to whom belongeth one fould and one Shepheard which here on earth is called the militant Church and in Heauen the triumphant Church of God Out of which Arke all perish and out of which Church there is no saluation but whosoeuer is not found therein he is without all doubt damned Of this Catholike Church of God I beleeue and am fully resolued that I am a member and that GOD hath a care of me and will preserue mee safe vntill I haue the fruition of his heauenly Ierusalem This Church is knit together and vnited by faith through the operation of the Holy Ghost as members of one bodie This Church hath the pure Word of God truely and sincerely preached and the Sacraments duely and faithfully administred among them These sheep heare the voice of the true Shepheard Christ Iesus and hee knoweth them and Ioh. 10. 3. they follow him and hee will giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of his hand nay the gates of Mat. 16. 18 hell shall not preuaile nor ouercome this Church They which bee of this Church shall haue remission of their sinnes continuall peace and ioy They shall shine and glister as the Stars of Heauen they shall bee clad with white garments and follow the Lambe whithersoeuer he goeth they shall haue golden crownes clapped on their heads and shall see God face to face and haue fellowship with his Saints who continually sing praifes to the eternall King which was and is and is to come
on our children The more that Pilate seemed to fauour him the more they seeke meanes to murder him To be short they haue their desire they preuaile in their suite The Sonne of Man is deliuered vp into the hands of sinners the Sheep to the Wolfe the Lambe to the Lyon the wicked worke their will with him there is no way but one with them suffer he must die he must and he is content to submit himselfe with all modestie that may be It is no asking any reason or cause wherefore Vnreasonable men can yeeld no reason of any thing they doe but that which is tyrannicall Sic volo sic iubeo c. that is So we will and so we command let will in place of reason stand If hee Ioh. 18. 30. were not an euill doer wee would not haue deliuered him vnto thee Well well behold the end of this dealing In the meane season they take him they blindfold him they bob him and box him about the eares they spet in his face they wagge their heads they make mowes and iest at him they make themselues sport with him tossing him to and fro as it were a Tennis ball All these reproches he patiently abideth he runneth not from them he offreth no strokes he giueth them not one foule word At last when his enemies had euen wearied themselues in their wickednes they proceede forward they cause him to carrie his owne crosse on his weake and feeble body to be hanged on After sentence of condemnation he is brought to the place of execution He is crowned with Thorne which was himself the Crowned King of the Heauen which came to crush the sharpe and bitter thornes of our sinnes and crowneth Martyrs with eternall Glory Hee is fast bound hand and foote which freeth others from their fetters He is pearced heart and head which healeth the sinnes of the people and saueth their soules from destruction I would aske one question of thee gentle Reader What could these villanous Iewes sworne enemies of our Sauiour Christ Iesus haue done more against him if hee had beene the vilest creature vpon the earth the arrantest thiefe in the world or the greatest diuell in Hell I admonish thee therefore good Brother apply Christs suffering to thy soule and follow his patience Now what saith Christ to this geare or what dooth Hee to his Tormentors Doth hee goe roundly to worke with them or doth he handle them in their kinde that is Doth he cause the earth to open her mouth and swallow them vp aliue as vnworthy men to liue any longer therein Or doth hee command fire from Heauen to destroy them as they well deserued Or doth hee of himselfe condemne them presently to hell fire as he could if he would No verily no such matter hee suffereth them thus farre forth He blesseth and yet curseth not he seeketh still to saue and not to destroy O mercifull Christ O Prince of Peace and patterne of patience VVhat man is hee this day that beareth breath in his body if he be flesh and bloud that is able to suffer such torment without offering any stroke or one froward word Christ doth neither which might and could haue done both but he came to suffer and not to smite for his death gaue life to his enemies yea they that shed the bloud of Christ were saued by the bloud of Christ Such was his loue such was his patience that he suffered all these things for our sake His Righteousnes couered our filthinesse his labour lightned our loade his shame was our ioy and his damnation was our Saluation But O stiffenecked Iewes O cruell Crucifiers O corrupt Iudge O wicked world that wrought this woe vpon him that suffered for thy sinne Is this thy thankefulnesse for so great a benefit Is this thy reward for the worke of Saluation Tell mee one thing but tell me truely Hast thou any reason to wound him that healed thee to binde him that loosed thee to condemne him that saued thee to deride him that redeemed thee and to hang him that helped thee Let Heauen let Earth let Hell it selfe cry out against this crueltie O wicked Nation O proud Citie Ierusalem and O innocent Christ his death declared his innocencie The earth trembled thereat the Elements were troubled the Starres were abashed yea all the powers of Heauen were moued the Moone gaue no light the Sunne shined not but darknes closed vp the light of the day lest the Sunne should bee forced to behold the bloudy and cruell fact of the Iewes The Temple rent in twaine the stones claue in sunder the Graues opened and the dead bodies did rise insomuch that the beholders of his Passion and some of those which consented to his death and wished that his bloud might light vpon them and their children are now so wounded in heart and pricked in conscience that they now change their minde sing a new song and confesse indeed hee was the Sonne of God They now become blanke which before were so bold They now accuse themselues which before condemned Christ They now wish him aline againe with a wring by the eare which before crucified him They now lament which before laughed They now mourne which before mocked They now knocke their brests full of heauines with teares in their eyes water on their cheekes and sorrow in their hearts which before shaked their heads spet in his face called him wretch and cryed fie vpon him I will say no more eyther of Christ either of any Prophet before him or Martyr that shall come after as of late there haue been many but conclude all that haue beene are or shall bee in one round Ring seemely Circle and sure Seale viz. Qui patitur vincit that is That man whatsoeuer he be that suffereth aduersitie patiently in the end hee ouercommeth and getteth the victory Three Reasons alluring THe precepts going before and the examples propounded may of themselues seeme reasonable to perswade most men if they be not void of reason to suffer aduersitie and to be patient For the Lord himselfe is patient Psal 145. 8 and mercifull slow to anger and of great goodnes Hee beareth with our sinnes and patiently expecteth our amendment And therefore wee must beare one with another The Husband must beare with his Wife as with the weaker vessell the Master with his seruants and the Creditor must haue patience with his Debter c. But the greatest reason to mooue a man to suffer aduersitie and to bee patient therein is the reward after suffering for being made like to Christ by suffering we shall in the end bee made partakers with him in glory Who after his patient suffering was so exalted of his Father that hee hath giuen him a name Phil 2. 9 10. aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus should euery knee bow both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the carth If therefore we suffer Rom. 8. 17. with
Law to doe them Quest 4. Good Lord if this bee true then what a miserable case are all wee in beeing wicked and cursed creatures Answ Truely our state indeede is wretched and damnable and but that God of his infinite goodnes hath prouided a salue for this sore we should vtterly perish and then were 1. Cor. 15. 19. we of all men most miserable Quest 5. Do you beleeue then that there is a salue for so grieuous a wound and a remedy for so great a mischiefe Answ Yea verily I firmely beleeue and know it or else I could not with so cheerefull and patient a minde beare this crosse which God hath now laid vpon me Quest 6. I pray you what remedy is there against the sting of sinne and the curse of the Law Is there any thing in the world that can pacifie Gods wrath and mooue him to such mercy as may cause him to take away this deadly curse and giue vs a blessing Answ Yea God bee thanked that there is I can tell you so much though I be not Booke-learned yet I haue heard it and I doe vndoubtedly beleeue it because Gods Word doth teach it That when there was no means to be found for man to be saued neither in heauen nor earth it pleased our heauenly Father of his meere mercy to send his only begotten Sonne Rom. 8. 3. into the world to the end that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting So that that which was impossible to the Law in as much as it was weake because of the flesh God sending his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh I doe therefore beleeue that this Sonne of God Iesus Christ hath quite taken away the curse of the Law Col. 2. 14. and nayled it vpō the Crosse Quest 7. These are good words indeed and generally spoken to all sinners but how can you apply this to your selfe Answ Because I know assuredly that I am Christs and haue the testimonie of the Holy Ghost in mee comforting mee and bearing witnes to my Spirit that I am the child of God and therefore may boldly cry Abba Father Gal 4. 6. c. Quest 8. Then I perceiue if you bee thus faithfully minded as you do professe that you are not afraid to dy neither is death so dread full vnto you as it is to many in these sinfull dayes Answ Although indeed death seemeth detestable to the most part of men especially to impenitent sinners and such as haue the wealth of the world at will Yet notwithstanding I see no reason why any wise man should feare that which cannot be auoided but rather all things considered aright they haue cause to couet it with the holy Apostle Saint Paul who desireth to be loosed and Phil. 1. 23. to be with Christ which is best of all because death is the doore to eternall life for we connot liue for euer but first we must dye And therefore the godly man after he is mortified heere by crosses and griefe of sicknes may cheerefully sing and say with the same Apostle Christ is to mee Phil. 1. 21. both in life and death aduantage And most comfortable to a good conscience is that sentence of Ecclesiastes A good name is better then a Eccl. 7. 3. good oyntment and the day of death then the day that one is borne The Preacher spake not this without booke nor without reason for then we change sicknes for health woe for wealth transitorie vanities for perpetuall ioyes and earthly trash for heauenly treasure c. Quest 9. You are in the right of it and haue hit the naile on the head in this point keepe you there and my life for yours But because I finde you in answering both wise and willing it incourageth mee to bee bold in questioning Doe you beleeue all the Articles of the Christian Faith which the true and Catholike Church doth hold at this day and all other Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the very and liuely Word of God the foode of your soule and the perfect way to eternall life and that there is sufficient matter contained in them to establish your minde and conscience to saluation according to the consent of Christs Apostles in the Primitiue Church Answ I constantly and vnfainedly beleeue all this you haue said to bee true and grounded vpon the Word of God as vpon a sure foundation which shal neuer faile nor fall And therefore it is called the Word of Life the Word of Rom. 3. 16. Grace the Word of Truth and the power of God to Saluation to euery one that beleeueth Quest. 10. Doe you detest and abhor all Idolatry Heresies errors schismes innouations and opinions which in any point do dissent or disagree from this liuely Word of GOD and the ancient Catholike and Primitiue Church Answ As these enormities of themselues are detestable and damnable euen so I do from my very heart detest and abhorre them all and most ardently I imbrace the Truth of Gods Word with all due reuerence to the same as to the heauenly will of GOD therein specified and reuealed to vs by his Seruants the Patriarks and Apostles of God and his Sonne Christ Iesus our Sauiour the Head of the Church And I am desirous to die a member of the same Church beeing the bodie and Spouse of Christ Quest 11. And do you euen in heart reioyce to liue and die in this Christian Faith and in the vnitie of this true ancient Catholique and Apostolique Church militant heere on earth which is and shall be the Communion of Saints the triumphant Church of God in Heauen Ans I reioyce in nothing so much for I know that out of the Church there is no saluation or safetie Those in old time that were found out of Noahs Arke being a Type of the Church perished by water but they which are not of the Catholike Church of Christ shall be tormented in Hell fire which shall neuer bee quenched Quest 12. Good Lord mee thinke it is a fearefull thing that the wicked should enter into euerlasting paine and vnquenchable fire And the words which are vsuall in the Scriptures are able to make any man tremble euen at the heart as Hell Mat. 8. 12. fire the bottomelesse pit vtter darknes vnquenchable fire perpetuall paine c. where shall bee weeping and Mar. 9. 44. gnashing of teeth where their worme dyeth not and the fire neuer goeth out Mee thinks this word neuer is a long one for if there were any hope that euer the wicked might feele any release or easement of their paine or that the damned might haue any end of their torment yea if it were but after a thousand or a thousand thousands of yeeres there were some comfort to be expected in time to come though it were long first yet time would once make an end and weare
my voice and hee shall hearken vnto me When I am in heauines I will thinke vpon God when my heart is vexed I wil complaine Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer and will he bee no more intreated Is his mercy cleane gone for euer and his promise come vtterly to an end for euermore Hath God forgotten to be gracious and will hee shut vp his louing kindnes in displeasure Heare me O Lord hide Psal 102. not thy face from me in the time of my trouble Incline thine eares vnto mee when I call O heare mee and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as it were a fire-brand My heart is smitten down and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scarce cleaue to my flesh But they that sow in Psal 126. teares shall reape in ioy Hee that now goeth on his way weeping and beareth forth good seed shall doubtlesse come againe with ioy and bring his sheaues with him For the Lord is full of Psal 103. compassion and mercy long suffering and of great goodnes Hee will not alwayes be childing neither keepeth he his anger for euer Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our wickednes For looke how high the heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Looke how wide also the East is from the West so farre hath hee set our sinnes from vs. Yea like as a father pitieth his own children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto them that feare him For he knoweth whereof wee be made hee remembreth that we are but dust The dayes of man are but as grasse he flourisheth as a flower of the field For as soone as the winde goeth ouer it it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more But the mercifull goodnes of the Lord endureth for euer euer vpon them that feare him and his righteousnesse vpon childrens children Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the c. The third Psalme BLessed is he that considereth Psal 41. the poore and needy the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble The Lord comfort him when hee lyeth sicke vpon his bed make thou all his bed in his sicknes I said Lord be mercifull vnto mee heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee O hide not thou thy face Psal 27. from me nor cast thy seruant away in displeasure Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation Heare me therefore O Psal 69. God in the multitude of thy mercy euen in the truth of thy saluation In thee O Lord haue I Psal 31. put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion deliuer me in thy righteousnes Bow downe thine eare to me make haste to deliuer me And be thou my strong Rocke and the house of defence that thou mayst saue me Into thy hands I cōmend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble and hast knowne my soule in aduersitie And therefore like as the Psal 42. Hart desireth the water-brookes so longeth my soule after thee O God Haue mercy vpon mee Psal 51. therefore O God after thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences Wash mee throughly from my wickednes and clense me from my sinne For I acknowledge my faults and my sinne is euer before me Turne thy face O Lord from my sinnes and put out all my misdeeds Make me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirit within mee Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me O remember not our old Psal 79. sinnes but haue mercy vpon vs and that soone for wee are come to great miserie Heare my prayer O Psal 143. Lord and consider my desire Hearken vnto mee for thy truth and righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified I stretch forth my hands vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirit waxeth faint hide not thy face from me lest I bee like vnto them that goe downe into the pit O remember how short Psal 89. my time is wherefore hast thou made all men for nought For what man is he that liueth and shall not see death and shall he deliuer his owne soule from hell Lord what is man that Psal 14. 4. thou hast such respect vnto him or the sonne of man that thou so regardest him Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth away like a shadow For when thou art angry Psal 90. all our dayes are gone we bring our yeeres to an end as it were a tale that is told The dayes of our age are threescore yeeres and ten and though men bee so strong that they come to fourescore yeeres yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow so soone passeth it away and we are gone Teach vs therefore O Lord to number our daies that wee may apply our hearts vnto wisedome Lord let me know mine Psal 39. end and the number of my dayes that I may be certified how long I haue to liue Behold thou hast made my dayes as it were a span long and mine age is euen as nothing in respect of thee and verily euery man liuing is altogether vanity For man walketh in a vaine shadow and disquieteth himselfe in vaine hee heapeth vp riches and cannot tell who shall gather them And now Lord what is my hope Truely my hope is euen in thee One thing haue I desired Psal 27. of the Lord which I will require euen that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the faire beauty of the Lord and to visit his holy Temple For I should vtterly haue fainted but that I beleeue verily to see the goodnes of the Lord in the Land of the liuing Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the c. When the Minister or any other good Christian that visiteth the Sicke hath read one of these Psalmes Then let him with all dutifull reuerence pray and say as hereafter followeth Let vs pray Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Our Father which art in heauen c. The mighty God of Iacob bee our defence both now and in the houre of Death And let vs not bee ouercome by any euill temptation O Lord saue this thy Sicke seruant Which putteth his full trust in thee Send him help O Lord from thy holy place And euer more most mightily defend him Let
humbly beseech thee to deale with vs in mercy stay thy hand and bid thine Angell cease from punishing Looke with a cheerefull countenance vpon thy people Blesse vs O heauenly Father within and without Be thou our guard thy Word our guide thy Spirit our comfort and thy Sonne our Sauiour Stay by vs continually hold vs vp by thy right hand strongly and direct vs by thy counsell wisely So shall we be inwardly comforted though the world conspire Satan rore the wicked rise vp against vs yea though the earth bee moued the pillars of heauen shake the Sea rage plagues fall all creatures frowne Yet shall not wee eyther feare tremble or bee dismayed with any boisterous blast of aduersitie so long as we trust in thee leane to thee serue thee and rest vpon thee as our strong Rocke for thou art mighty in the heate of iudgement and yet mercifull in the middest of miseries Haue pitie therefore vpon vs most miserable sinners mitigate thy fury asswage our pain release our smart and pardon our passed faults Wee confesse O deare Father that wee of our selues are the cause of our owne woe and prouokers of this thy plague and grieuous punishmēt which is fallen vpon vs most worthily Yea our owne detestable deeds committed against thy sacred will our obstinate pride in time of plenty our securitie in time of health our vnthankefulnes towards thy goodnes in time of prosperitie our contempt of thy Word dayly read and preached vnto vs did threaten long before this thy rodde and scourge of sicknes or some greater iudgement Our continuall transgressions as our Idlenes Wantonnesse Whoredome Drunkennesse Gaming Swearing Swilling Slandering Stealing Fighting Quarrelling Polling Pilling Vsurie Extortion and Oppression of the poore our Bribery Couetousnes Defrauding of the Widdow and Fatherlesse with a huge heape moe of such like vices haue beene the causes of this our miserie and smart which now wee feele to our torment and griefe and haue mooued thee the holy One of Israel to powre out the fearefull cup of thy wrath and vengeance vpon vs which thy iustice doth craue and wee dayly deserue Neuerthelesse deare Father of mercie though wee haue through our sinnes shewed our selues enemies vnto thee and vessels of thy wrath and vnworthy to pray vnto thee with our lying lips and polluted mouthes much lesse to obtain our suites at thy hands Yet most mercifull Father we beseech thee be fauourable vnto vs in shewing thy mercy vnto vs that are miserable For if thou O Lord doest strictly marke what is done amisse among men and wilt retaine our iniquitie O Lord who shall then be able to abide it or to stand in thy sight Verily no flesh no not the iustest man that liueth this day vpon the face of the earth Therefore O Lord wee returne to thee with our hearts and come home with the Prodigall Sonne although late at night repenting the rude race wee haue runned and being heartily sorrie for the lewd life we haue led we prostrate our selues and fall downe flat to the ground before the Throne of thy Grace beseeching thee as our tender and pitifull Father to embrace vs with the armes of mercy and compassion to turne away thy face from our lothsome sinnes and blot out of thy remembrance our former offences Reuiue O Lord our sorrowfull penitent spirits after the time of our try all comfort our carefull and contrite hearts for giue vs our trespasses Turne to vs in thy mercy which returne to thee from sinne direct our wayes hereafter in the workes of thy commandements increase our Faith and make these thy iudgements and grieuous plagues which thou hast worthily inflicted vpon vs for our wickednes be a caueat and warning blow vnto vs hereafter that wee neuer fall againe to our former folly nor heape vpon our owne heads thy wrath and vengeance lest a worse thing happen vnto vs but that this our chasticement may worke in our mindes true and vnfained repentance So that when thy heauenly hand shall slake from the execution of thy iust iudgement when thy wrath is appeased and wee safely deliuered acquitted and discharged of this misery wherein we are now wrapped we may indeed amend that which is amisse in vs tread Satan vnder our feet contemne the world mortifie the lusts of the flesh crucifie the whole body of sinne and as new-borne Babes shew our selues hereafter more thankefull for thy benefits powred vpon vs in most plentifull manner as for our health wealth tranquillitie and libertie the preaching of thy Gospell the true knowledge of thy will reuealed in thy Word the outward peace of our bodies and the inward comfort of our soules All which graces with many moe wee haue enioyed a long time in more ample manner then any other People or Nation vnder heauen O Lord wee humbly beseech thee continue thy good blessings towards vs thine vnworthy vnthankefull seruants grant that thy holy Name may be so glorified hereafter in all our thoughts words and workes during this transitorie life that in the end when thou hast wrought thy will with vs we may raigne with thee and al the holy company of heauen in the life euerlasting Grant also deare Father relaxation and release of thy plagues and punishments vnto this thine afflicted towne of and to all other countries townes houses and people which be in the like calamity and distresse for the loue and precious Passion of Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour in whose blessed name wee bow the knees both of our soules and bodies and humbly prostrate our selues heere before the Throne of thy glorious Maiesty praying vnto thee as he hath taught vs and saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. The third Dutie of the Pastor THe third thing pertaining to a good Pastor is his godly counsell or admonition as for example Good Brother you must now in this time of Gods visitation call to minde your former life The more vicious and faultie you haue beene the deeper you ought to sigh and grone in spirit for your offences and whereinsoeuer you haue displeased God consider that amendment of life to come and repentance for your sinnes past is the way and meanes to become friends with him and to be at peace in your owne conscience But this repentance may not bee in mouth outwardly but inwardly in simplicitie of heart continually detesting that which is euill and ardently louing that which is good and acceptable to God And so though vnworthy of your selfe you may be accepted of God by faith in his beloued Sonne with whom the Father is well pleased but with vs and our vnrighteousnes he cannot bee but highly displeased it is good therefore to acknowledge and confesse your sinne to God and to submit your selfe to his Maiestie by true conuersion and sorrow of heart with an inward griefe and lothing of those sinnes which before you tooke pleasure in and crauing of mercy and pardon at his hands whom you haue
so often offended So did Dauid the King so did the poore Publican knocke at the doore of his heart and being pressed and ouerwhelmed with sorrow he cryed Lord be mercifull vnto me a Luk. 18. 13. sinner So we spare vs O Lord spare thy people And this must be done in time euen now presently For now is that acceptable time 2. Cor. 6. 2. Now is the Day of saluation Now is the Day of hearing Christ lamented the state of Ierusalem because shee knew not the times of her visitation Therfore good brother apply this plaister to your sore you are now visited of God by sicknesse it is now your time to call your sins to remembrance defer it not but watch for your saluation offered they say warned men may liue Ierusalem warnes you sicknes warnes you your gray head warnes you your friends warne you I warne you and God warnes you in his Word to repent to renounce this world to watch for your deliuery to look for your redemption and to haue your conuersation in heauen from whence Phil. 3. 20. you looke for a Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ The fiue foolish Virgins would not watch but slept and slumbred and therefore had heauen gates shut vp against them The dores were opened but they were not ready with their Lamps burning but were taken napping in their security and sinne Therefore they may now knock and thumpe and cry and call as loud as they can and yet they shall neuer be heard it is but lip-labour all is in vaine The time was but it neuer shall be againe Mercy was offered which being refused Iustice must take place Such examples are set downe for our instruction and happy is that man which can take heede by other mens harmes If Gods iudgement cannot feare vs to forsake sinne yet his mercy should moue vs and leade vs by the hand to warch and be carefull for our saluation for God pitieth vs his Angels fauour vs his benefits prouoke vs yea all his creatures Sunne Moone and Starres Heauen earth do admonish vs and should prouoke vs to beware to watch and ward for our saluation They cry continually Repent and amend The shortnes of our time may moue vs hereunto Wee see by dayly experience to day a man to morrow none he that liueth the longest his race is soone finished ended and that made Iob to say Man hath but a short time to Iob 14. 1. liue and in that time he is subiect to many miseries as pouerty slaunders persecutions blindnesse lamenesse oldnesse coldnesse trouble and sicknesse All these molestations and thousands mo warne vs by course to beware that wee runne right Let vs therefore good Brother tuck vp our garments and prepare our selues for the life to come for the time of our departing is at hand That little time that remaineth let vs bestow it in the seruice of God and not of the deuill Let vs not walke with the wicked in the wide way that leadeth to damnation but rather keepe company with the seruants of God and walke in the narrow way with them though it be painefull and cumbersome for a while yet it is comfortable in the end when wee shall haue our recompence with the righteous then shall death bee welcome to vs which now is shunned of the most then the Day of Iudgement shall lighten our hearts when it shall load the conscience of the impenitent sinner we may then with comfort lift vp our heads and heartes when the vngodly may hang them downe and be ashamed to looke either God or man in the face I would to God all men would remember this day of reckoning and reward then if loue of saluation could not make vs do well yet feare of damnation would somewhat bridle and stay vs from doing euill It would mooue the rich to pitty the poore the Vsurer and Extortioner to restore their euill gotten goods with iust Zacheus the Land-lord not to cut his Tenants throat by making him and al he hath his bondslaues for those wicked worldings which will not now bee drawne to repentance by hearing shall then bee tormented both body and soule by feeling when they shall bee taken tardie in their sinnes apprehended accused indited and arraigned at the Barre of Gods Tribunall Iudgement Seat where the vngodly shall not bee able to stand much lesse to answere their crime when Gods sword is drawne ready to strike and take vengeance at that day no intreaty will take place nor prayer bee heard either of men or Angels in their behalfe for all the creatures of God shall refuse to doe them seruice at their death because they refused to do God seruice in their life and for that occasion they shall heare see all things cry vengeance vpon them nothing in heauen or earth to minister comfort but rather cause of griefe and horror let this geere enter into your braine betime good brother and let it pearce your heart now in your life time for after death you shall haue no time to repent and turne to God neither is there then any mercy to be hoped for at his hands but a fearefull looking for the sentence of Gods iust iudgement Goe Math. 25. 41. yee cursed into euerlasting fire c. Then they may yell houle and cry and yet neuer finde grace after Gods curse hath once taken place All their mirth shall then bee turned to mourning their honour to shame their pleasure to paine their wealth to woe and their delicate fare on earth to the bitter torments of hell where they shall remaine for euer in darkenesse and perpetuall paine This shall be the portion of the vngodly whereas contrariwise the righteous shal be shrouded vnder the wings of Gods mercy and safely preserued from those tortures by the bloud of the Lambe the Angels shall gard them the Saints shall imbrace them the heauens receiue them and the pleasures of the Celestiall Paradise shall replenish them with vnspeakable ioy continuall comfort therefore let vs prepare our selues for that Day of reward perhaps it is neerer then wee are aware let vs haue continually in our mindes the ioyes of heauen and the paines of hell let the one mooue vs to loue God the other to feare him lest wee be damned with the wicked Let vs turne to the Lord betime Let vs promise perform for many promise in their woe that which they soone forget whē they wax wanton They are then secure they dreame of a dry Summer as the rich Cormorant did which forgetting God and wallowing in worldly wealth cast away all care of doing his duty and said Soule thou Luk. 12. 19 hast much goods laid vp for many yeeres liue at ease eate drinke and take thy pastime Oh iolly Gentleman this fellow is now in his ruffe but behold a cooling card the Lord answered againe and that speedily and readlly O foole this night will they setch away thy soule from thee
God his Angels in heauen where they shall be immortall and incorruptible freed from all carnall desires and diseases of the body and deliuered from all sorrow and trouble of minde no losse therefore to the godly that haue gained Christ but to the wicked worldlings that haue lost their riches and pleasures here in stead therof possesse perpetuall paines elsewhere to them it shall bee said Looke how much pleasure they haue had and giue them so much torment Secondly touching the feare of sicknesse the more paine wee suffer heere the more like wee are to our Master Christ the greater shall bee our reward in heauen In the meane time let vs be of good comfort for he that smiteth healeth and hee that sendeth trouble sendeth strength Thirdly against incredulity or distrust wee must desire of God to increase our faith that wee may beleeue the Scriptures and take pleasure therein for ignorance will not excuse vs now that the candle is lighted and not hid vnder a bushell but openly reueiled to the wide world and that to the comfort and saluation of euery one that beleeueth for the knowledge of Gods Law and the Gospell are necessary to our saluation the reasons be diuers The one doth feare vs. The other doth comfort vs. The Law vttereth sinne The Gospell forgiueth it The Law maketh weake The Gospell maketh strong The Law killeth The Gospell quickeneth The Law throweth down to hell The Gospel lifteth vp to heauen Fourthly against the feare of damnation when Satan layeth the Law hard to our charge threatning thereby death and damnation Let vs answere him with the Gospell which bringeth life and saluation Let vs haue a grounded and stedfast faith fixed in Christ Iesus our Sauiour who hath vanquished and destroyed all our deadly enemies as the flesh the world damnation punishment dangers sin death deuill and hell Be at vtter defiance with them all say boldly with the Apostle S. Paul It is Rom. 8. 33. God that iustifieth who then can condemne and againe God shall shortly tread downe Rō 16. 20. Satan vnder your feete c. If you beleeue this and apply it right to your soule you may then cheerefully dye and on your dying day sing and say that merry note to your great comfort and ioy viz. I desire to bee Phil. 1. 23. loosed and to be with Christ This was the marke that the blessed Apostle Saint Paul did ayme at all his life long and therefore reioycing in heart hee saith towards the end of his course I am now ready to be offered 2 Tim. 4. 6 and the time of my departure is at hand I haue fought a good battell I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith from henceforth there remaineth for me a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord a iust Iudge shall giue me at that day not onely vnto mee but to all those that loue his comming This made Stephen that faithfull witnesse of his Master Christ seeing the glory of God constantly to call vpon him and say in his greatest torment of body Lord Act 7. 59. Iesu receiue my spirit These men and many mo such like haue willingly yeelded their necks to the block their bodies to torment their soules to God and boldly to depart out of the miseries of this world embracing the counsell of the wise man who saith Feare Eccl. 4. 1 3 not the iudgment of death remēber them that haue bin before thee and that come after this is the ordinance of the Lord ouer all flesh And why wouldest thou be against the pleasure of the most Highest whether it be tenne or an hundreth or a thousand yeeres there is no defence for life against the graue No striuing against the streame no resisting against death But alas what meaneth this There is nothing that men so often behold as death and nothing that men so soone forget as death As men ought not to bee carelesse of their finall end so they ought not to feare death especially if they haue liued in the feare of God for seeing all must dye wherefore should the godly be afraid of Bugges what a foole is he that will feare his owne shadow what good will it doe vs either to complaine or lament for that thing which by no meanes wee can escape Tell me if thou canst with all thy skill what man is he aliue that breatheth vpon the earth that shall liue vntill hee bee an hundreth yeeres old or what one canst thou name for thy life with whom thou hast beene acquainted an hundreth yeeres sithens crack me this Nut reade me this Riddle Et eris mihi magnus Apollo that is I wil account thee as a God for thy skill Seeing then that our life is both short and vncertaine and that these things are generall to all and not to thee or to me alone Why should we not in good fellowship taste of the same sawce and drinke of the same cup one after another and that without feare or grudging as all our predecessors haue done Let vs yeeld our pampred bodies to the earth and our sinfull soules to the tryall of iustice for so haue the godly alwayes done they account the world to be but a Race a Vale of miseries and a paineful Pilgrimage and therefore they couet to haue the course of this life finished they waite continually for the good houre looking after death for a ioyfull resurrection And of this hope they haue the sweete and comfortable Testimony of Gods Spirit within them as a gage or pledge of their saluation which will neuer forsake them vntill it haue presented them before the Maiesty of God as heires and coheires with Iesus Christ of his heauenly Kingdome purchased for vs with his owne bloud wherein our soules and filthy bodies are sprinkled and thorowly washed What a comfort is this to a Christian heart What neede a man thus minded to feare death after this life any more then the laboring man after he hath toyled sore al the day long neede to feare sleepe and his quiet rest at night No no hee may rather with a cheerefull conscience wish for death because as Christ saith He shall passe frō death Ion. 5. 24. to life Let vs therefore good Christian Brother so liue with Christ that we may dye in him and let vs so glorifie him in this life by our godly conuersation that wee may bee glorified of him in the life to come to our comfort and saluation The best remedy to auoid this friuolous feare of death is to repent our former sinnes and hereafter to apply our selues to liue in his true seruice and feare So that first wee may finish our life heere and dye well Secondly that wee may receiue at Gods hands in the resurrection of the iust a comfortable and mercifull iudgement Thirdly that we may auoid the horrible paines of hell which are intolerable Fourthly and finally that we may be partakers of the
life euerlasting and vnspeakeable ioyes of heauen which God vouchsafe to grant vnto vs for his Christs sake our Redeemer and mercifull Sauiour Amen Consolation against damnation IT is most certaine good Brother that when wee lye sick in the pangs of death then presently our sinnes committed against the holy Will and Commandement of God doe present themselues vnto vs rushing in vpon vs with great violence Then wee can behold nothing but Gods Iudgement aboue vs hell beneath vs damnation before vs and our sins within vs then there is nothing but feare trembling and horror on euery side vs. All our enemies are now gathered together to assault vs with sorrow and heauines now we had need of a strong faith and a good courage in this case for no doubt our old enemy Satan will now play his part in tempting of vs hee will with boldnesse present vnto vs all the sinnes wee haue committed all our life time hee will heape together whole VVain-loads of our trespasses in great abundance to the end to dash vs out of countenance with God and to make vs doubt of Gods mercy and so to fall to desperation heere now wee stand in more need of godly counsell and comfort then euer we did in all our life time wee are now put to our plunge and forced to seeke shifts for Satan will then presse silly soules with feare and perplexity that they cannot tell how to winde themselues out of his clawes he will make of euery mole-hill a mountaine of a Flye an Elephant and of euery light sinne a deepe wound in our conscience which breedeth such hurly-burly within vs that we can be at no rest with our selues when it it is day we wish for night and when it is night we would haue it day our meat doth vs no good our sleepe is vnsound our heart cannot bee merry sorrow ouerwhelmeth vs all comfort forsaketh vs there is no ioy nor pleasure in the world that can delight vs. And thus the Deuil which before allured vs vnto sin writeth vp all in his booke and in the time of danger or towards our death when hee commeth to accuse hee will bring the whole reconing and then turne all our former pleasure into present paine then the pearcing sting and wofull worme of our conscience pricketh and biteth vs in such fearefull sort that many men haue beene forced euen openly with trembling flesh and sorrowfull soules to cry out of their sins now thē being broght to this wofull case what is to be done The next way is to seeke for remedy when wee lack our bodily health and are pained with sicknesse we straightway post yea we runne and we ride with all speede vnto a Physician we let for no labour we spare no cost to procure medicines and remedies for our earthly bodies why doe wee not then with like diligence seek out remedies against the noysome diseases and infections of the soule being much more grieuous and more dangerous then these of the body Now therefore deare Brother to apply these words to the comfort of your carefull conscience and wearisome body being afflicted inwardly and pained outwardly Are you desirous of saluation would you willingly dye in Gods fauour would you bee receyued into his heauenly Tabernacle do you desire to bee blessed with old Iacob And do you couet to be a Citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem then giue eare and take good heed vnto such cōfortable counsell as by Gods gift and grace I shall minister vnto you First prostrate your selfe before the diuine Maiesty of God Let your sinne be a griefe vnto you but let it not grieue you to confesse it for of all other things our sinnes doe bite the soarest and pearce our soules the deepest because they are aggrauated with all the threatnings of Gods vengeance which maketh vs loth to haue them searched or knowne to the world or any way touched by the Word we had rather haue them plaistred with sweete promises and bathed in the mercies of God whereas it is more safe to haue them pricked and made manifest by the rigour of the Law although it bring both shame and blame Therefore my good Brother if you bee ashamed of your selfe and of your sinne as all men may be yet for all that be neither abashed or ashamed to acknowledge it and craue pardon If you see no worthinesse in your self but the world accusing you without and your owne conscience within yet despaire not vtterly but lift vp your eyes to heauen and there behold Iesus Christ your Sauiour sitting on the right hand of God as a Mediatour making intercession for you to his heauenly Father he was a Sauiour on earth so he remaineth Heb. 13. 8. in heauen Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same also is for euer Yesterday he called to sinners said Come vnto me Mat. 11. 28. all yee that are weary and laden I wil ease you And to day hee cryeth and calleth in like maner and will do to the worlds end Yesterday he said I came not to call the Mat. 9. 12 iust but sinners to repentance And to day hee saith the same Yesterday he forgaue Mat. 18. 27 ten thousand Talents to one debter his arme is not shortned to day he is the same God he was Yesterday he forgaue the prodigall sonne his sinne in leading a lasciuious and lewde life and to day he doth the like to many moe Yesterday hee forgaue Peter his periury Paul his blasphemy the sonnes of Zebede their pride Mary Magdalene her whooredome As hee was a mercifull Christ yesterday so he is to day and will bee to morrow Yesterday hee came to saue sinners and to day he comes to saue to morrow he will come and for euer hee will not reiect them if they repent Therefore Satan what canst thou say or alledge against mee or how darest thou presume to charge me or any one of Gods Elect If God will saue thou canst not condemne If Christ will shew mercy I defie thy cruelty It may bee thou wilt obiect against mee and say These are particular examples and they became holy men afterward This maketh nothing for you but against you you are no such man neither are you to expect such mercy But I say vnto thy teeth Satan Thou art and hast beene a lyar from the beginning Gods VVord and his promise are stablished in Heauen And this one sentence is sufficient to comfort me and conuince thee Iesus Christ yesterday to day and the same also for euer Alwayes one and the same he cannot deny himselfe he is mercy it selfe by nature mercifull by office mercifull in his life mercifull in his death mercifull Hee is no changeling I may change the world may change but he is immutable and cannot change He still continueth alwayes alike mighty alwayes alike liberall alwayes alike mercifull A Sauiour yesterday a Sauiour to day a Sauiour to morrow so to the worlds end
me O Lord a fit sacrifice for thy selfe by punishing my fleshly body and pardoning my sinfull soule Grant mee perfect remembrance of the houre of my death last gaspe that I may thankefully take this thy fatherly visitation and willingly beare my crosse after thy deare Son Iesus Christ my Sauiour O Lord prepare me for the good houre which thou hast appointed for the deliuerie of my soule out of this wretched world settle my thoughts and fixe my faith on the life to come that I neuer shrinke from thee and thy sauing health what paine or torment soeuer thou inflictest vpon mee here on earth yet deare Father let heauen be my reward in the end Finally so dispose of me good Lord as may be most meete for thy glory and mine own saluation in Christ Iesus my mercifull Redeemer and Sauiour to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour power and praise world without end Amen A Prayer to be said in the pangs of Death O Infinite Deitie and vnmeasurable goodnes O blessed and glorious Trinitie O perfect loue and charitie haue mercy on mee and open the bowels of compassion vpon mee a wretched sinner wrapped in woe and ouerwhelmed with anguish of soule and vexation of spirit Into thy hands O Lord I wholly commit and resigne my selfe make haste O Lord to deliuer mee for it is high time My flesh trembleth my bones are brused mine eyes wax dimme my strength faileth my heart panteth and my sorrow and paine euery way increaseth O mercifull Creator shew mercy to thy creature In thee O Lord alone is all my trust In my misery and smart I haue no other to make my mone vnto but onely to thee O thou preseruer of men Therefore forsake me not vtterly but stand by me and with comfort relieue me in this my extremitie and last combate Stretch out thine arme O Lord and hold thy hands of pitie ouer me that lyeth here in woe and misery O Iesu O sweet Iesu mercie O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me O Father of Heauen help me O holy Spirit of God confirme comfort me O God the Father God the Sonne and God the Holy Ghost three persons and one God haue mercie vpon me O Iesus my sweet Sauiour receiue my silly soule into thy holy hands Place it O LORD for thy mercie sake with thine owne selfe in thy heauenly Kingdome among thine holy Angels and Saints O my good God and my heauenly Father pitie my case ease my paine comfort my soule and be mercifull vnto me Lord shew the light of thy louing countenance vpon mee And in the houre of my death strengthen my faith So that my body returning to the earth from whence it came my soule may ascend to thee which gaue it and at the day of doome generall iudgement when they shall both meete againe they may rise to life euerlasting thorow our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Short Petitions collected for the Sicke Partly out of other Authors BEhold O gracious Father the body of thy deare Sonne all to rent and torne and remember I most humbly beseech thee of how small base substance I am Behold O good God the grieuous paine Passion of Christ my Redeemer and forgiue the sinnes of me thine vnworthy and vnprofitable Seruant which am therby redeemed O Lord looke downe from Heauen incline thine eares vnto my prayers confort my sobbing soule cheere my carefull conscience increase my faith forgiue me my sinnes and haue mercy vpon me through Iesus Christ my Sauiour Amen O Lord I beseech thee mercifully heare my prayers and spare mee which doe confesse my sinnes to thee that I whose conscience by sin is accused by thy mercifull pardon may be absolued through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O GOD the Father which made mee blesse mee O God the Sonne which redeemed me preserue mee O God the holy Ghost which sanctifieth me confirme and strengthen me The blessing defence and sauing health of the Almighty God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost preserue mee from all euill and bring mee to euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Glory be to thee O Father my Maker Glory be to thee O Sonne my Redeemer and glory bee to thee O holy Ghost my Comforter from age to age from posteritie to posteritie both here and in the world to come and let all people say Amen The peace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the power of his Passion the prayers of his Elect the Communion of Saints the sword of the Spirit and the shield of Faith bee betwixt mee and all mine enemies bodily and ghostly publike and priuate visible and inuisible both now and in the very houre of my death Amen O Lord into thy hands I commend my Spirit Thou hast redeemed mee O Lord thou God of Truth Lord Iesu at thy pleasure and at the time which may be acceptable vnto thee receiue my spirit into thy heauenly Kingdome Amen The third Dutie of the Sicke THe third and last duty of the sicke person is to be patient in his sicknes or any other aduersitie willingly to beare the burthen of Christs Crosse so to follow him for the better performance wherof I haue thought good to annex to the premisses this short Treatise of Patience wherein I will obserue this order First I will perswade by Precepts to suffer aduersitie and all kinde of calamitie Secondly I wil produce out of the Scriptures some speciall and particular examples which may prouoke vs both to suffer affliction and to be patient therein Thirdly I will shew some Reasons to allure vs thereunto 1. Precepts perswading FIrst it is an old saying Patience in aduersitie is a goodly vertue and truely so it is and Patience is a rare vertue and so it may well bee because it is so seldome seene and neuer so seldome as in these our dayes wherein wee haue many motions to euill but few or none to that which is good We offer wrong we will take none Wee giue shrewde words to others wee can brooke none towards our selues Wee haue Eagles eyes to espy a mote in our Brothers eye but like blinde buzzards wee see none at all in our owne We complaine of euery griefe in our selues bee it neuer so little wee pitie none in others bee it neuer so great And therefore we had need both of Precepts to perswade and Examples to prouoke but I feare neither the one nor the other will preuaile or take place in vs. And why Mens hearts are steeped in bitter gall their hands are cruell their feete swift to shead bloud their braine busie to inuent mischiefe And to speake the truth without flattery Loue is lost Charitie is cold Faith is not to be found Pietie maketh mone being pinched by aduersitie and patience is gone beeing forced by extremity Wel what is to bee done in this wofull case Wee must comfort our selues with sentences and examples which are written for our
infallible tokens of Gods loue Let no man therefore cast downe his heart in sicknes or any other affliction for hee that smiteth healeth he that sendeth trouble giueth strength and against euery extremitie God hath prepared a remedy that fearefull man should not distrust Gods carefull prouidence but haue his soule settled in him that can both bind and loose saue destroy that can send health after sicknes life after death and ioy after paine Sicknes sores afflictions aduersities vexation and troubles all these are no nouelties to the godly Our forefathers the Patriarkes and Prophets had good experience hereof and wee must taste of the same sawce if wee meane to enioy the same reward with them in Heauen For all that will liue godly in 2. Tim. 3. 12. Christ Iesus must suffer persecution So likewise Saint Iames aduiseth vs saying Be patient therefore my Brethren Iam. 5. 7. vnto the comming of the Lord. Behold the Husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it vntill he receiue the former and the later raine Be ye also 8 patient and settle your hearts for the comming of the Lord draweth neere Take my Brethren the Prophets for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long patience which haue spoken in the Name of the Lord c. Two Examples prouoking VVOrks are of more worth thē words and the life of any person especially of a Preacher is more regarded then his Doctrine the reason is because mē are more moued by Examples which they see with their eyes then by naked and bare Precepts which they heare with their eares For wee count words bee they neuer so good but a lip-labour or as a blast of winde that entreth in at the one eare and passeth out at the other When the old Crab said to the yong daughter goe forward for the nature of the Crab is to goe backward The yong answered againe I prae sequar that is Goe you before you are my elder and I will follow after As the old Cock crowes the yong learnes and all the world is bent to follow the examples of their elders or betters Therefore we cōmonly say Such a Master such a Man Such a Father such a Sonne Such a Mother sach a Daughter A good Iack makes a good Gill a good Husband a good wife a good Father a good Sonne a good Mother a good Daughter A vicious Father cannot make a vertuous Son a sluttish Mother can neuer make a cleanly Daughter a rude Mistresse shall hardly make a mannerly Maid neither can a negligent or ignorant Schoolemaster make a diligent or learned Scholler I will not deny but words may somtimes perswade a man to beare the burthen of aduersitie and to be patient therein but examples of others doe more moue vs. We reade in prophane Histories of diuers which for their constancy in their profession and for their patience in affliction haue willingly suffered many torments Some haue beene burned by Arrians Some stripped naked to the shame of the world Some hewed in pieces and cast to Hogges But my purpose is not to name or recite any out of prophane Authors We haue Christians good store God bee thanked that haue in their life time both learned and borne the burthen of Christs Crosse which haue begunne with Christs crosse from the A. B. C. continued vnder it all their life long and ended with it at their death Among infinite examples I will rehearse but some speciall persons whereof I haue warrant in the Word First I will begin with old Abraham the father of the faithfull When Abraham that good old man was commanded by Gods owne mouth to offer vp his onely Sonne Isaac his greatest ioy vnder God in this world for so sayth the Text Take thine onely Son Gen. 22. 2. whom thou louest and therefore his present death must needs be the fathers griefe It is a wonder to see how faithfully and patiently he went about that woful worke Hee riseth vp early saddled his Asse and went to the place appointed hee doth neither stagger nor study at the matter neither doth he murmure or grudge against God saying Is this Gods promise that said hee would blesse all Nations in my seede Hath he giuen me a sonne past expectation in my old dayes and shall I now go cut his throate with mine owne hands I would to God I had neuer begotten him How can God fulfill his promise to mee No no wee must debarre all Howes and Cans if we haue to deale with him with whom nothing is vnpossible Neither must we match mans reason with Gods wisedome And therefore Abraham makes no doubt but regarding Gods will maketh haste with his sonne to the place appointed without stay or delay And there he binds his obedient sonne hand and foote stretching forth his owne hand with the knife to cut his throate But that good God who is alwayes at hand in our extremities sent forth his Angell to restraine that bloudy fact who called vnto him from heauen saying Abraham Abraham 11 Stay thy hand lay not thine hand vpon the Child for any worlds good For now 12 I know that thou fearest God And therefore hee cryed vnto him the second time from Heauen and said By my selfe I haue sworne 15 saith the Lord I wil multiply thy seede as the Starres of Heauen and as the sand which is vpon the Sea shore c. Let old Abraham therefore for his faith and patience be set in the forefront to leade the way Well who shall bee ● next Surely some of his seede but they are innumerable as the Starres of Heauen and therefore I must skip a great number or else weary my selfe in writing and you in reading or hearing Oh remember now another old Abraham or at leastwise one of his seede whose pietie and patience neither man nor the Diuell could moue do what they could And who is that I pray you Wee will follow him by Gods grace if wee may but know his name It is iust Iob one that feared Iob 1. 1. God and eschewed euill Whose mouth is able to vtter the suffering and patience of Iob the mirrour of meekenes who hath the name at this day and shall haue to the end of the world of patient Iob Neither hath he his name for nought for he well deserueth it who being suddenly cast downe from the highest top of earthly felicitie to the very dust and bottome of calamity when God had taken away his Oxen and Asses a great part of his wealth when he had burnt vp his Sheepe and Seruants with celestiall fire when he had taken away his Camels by the Chaldeans and his children by sodaine death when the Messengers came hastily with these heauy newes and that thicke and threefold one in the necke of another so that this godly man could not haue any time to breathe himselfe in God heaping losse vpon losse and sorrow
vpon sorrow and that in fearfull manner Notwithstanding all these calamities What doth this Man of God What bee his words or what answere giueth he to the Messengers in this his misery Doth he despayre of Gods goodnes Doth hee grudge at his losses Doth he fret and fume in himselfe Doth he chide the Messengers for bringing so bad tidings Doth hee rage or blaspheme God No no Iob did nothing spake nothing imagined nothing vnfitting or vnseemely a patient and perfect person In all this Iob 1. 22. did not Iob sinne neither doth he charge God foolishly as the wicked doe But hee humbled himselfe fell downe to the earth and worshipped And then hee cryed and said The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken it Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Thus this innocent and iust man is content to sucke vp his owne sorrow in silence confessing God to be gracious albeit he had laid his heauy hand vpon him and his for after all losses and crosses Iob himselfe was smitten with sore Byles from the sole of his foote vnto his crowne Hee sate in sorrow vpon the dunghill his Wife also Iob 2. 7 rebuking him who 8 should haue relieued him Neuerthelesse Iob regarded 9 not her words but remaineth righteous and saith Thou speakest like a foolish woman What Shall we receiue good at the hand of God and not receiue euill As though he should say Shall wee taste of the sweet and not of the sowre Shall wee alwayes bee merry and neuer sorrie alwayes laugh and neuer weepe Should wee alwayes liue in health and neuer bee sicke Alwayes haue plenty and neuer feele penury Then should we be like Angels in heauen free from all aduersities and not like men on earth subiect to many miseries Behold heere a plaine picture of patience take him for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long patience His suffering was intolerable his patience vnspeakable and except Christs incomparable Let no man therefore excuse himselfe and say I cannot be quiet I cannot forgiue I cannot be patient The iniury offered is so great Such slanderous words hard dealing is able to prouoke any man to impatiencie if he were a Saint Soft a little good Brother stay thy selfe Remember iust Iob let him bee an ensample to thee I pray thee had not hee an occasion of impatiencie Yes truely and of vtter blasphemie had not Gods grace preuented mans strength Iob had the whole world Sun Moone and Starres against him heauen and earth against him For first and formost God himself seemed for a season to forsake him and to haue no care of him The Diuell in the meane season neuer ceased to tempt him and that in sundry sorts His Wife that lay in his bosome and should haue bound vp his head and comforted him shee disdained him and vpbraided him euen with his good deeds Shee counselled him to renounce God and to blaspheme him euen to his face What should I speake more of this man Within him he had heauinesse of heart without him his kindred and friends discouraging him on euery side him signes of sorrow His Goods were spoiled his Cattell destroyed his Children sodainely killed his owne body pitifully plagued and no whole part of him from top to toe free from filthy sores and Byles which way so euer hee turned him hee could finde no rest but wallowed in woe and lay in extreme misery Not on soft Downe but on the stinking dunghill tossing and tumbling his loathsome and blistered body in the ashes scrawling and scraping his scuruy and scabbed skin with potsheards O miserable man O meeke minde O wofull wight O rufull and pitifull sight And O spiteful Serpent what hast thou done whom hast thou stinged and so dolefully wounded Doest thou know whom Couldest thou finde no other to spit thy spitefull poyson against but iust Iob and honest man an vpright man both in the sight of God and man the singular Seruant of God and the patientest man that euer the earth did beare O cruell and cursed Wife where is thy naturall affection towards so louing and godly a Husband And O vnnaturall Cousins fained friends where is your comfort and compassion towards your poore afflicted Kinsman But O iust Iob O constant creature O perfect picture of long patience In all this did not Iob sinne with his lips but manfully brideled his affections committing himselfe and his crosse to him that sent it and suffered it And so ought wee to doe in all extremities miseries be it of body or minde losse of goods losse of friends losse of lands or losse of life which is so deare and sweet to some that I feare they neuer looke for any other life they are so wedded to the world and the vanitie thereof as it may easily appeare by their impatiencie if God deale with them as he did with his Seruant Iob that is if hee doe but once touch their goods or bodies neuer so little VVe reade also of godly Tobias notwithstanding Tob. 1. 3. his innocent life his truth almes-deeds iustice and friendly goodwill in burying the dead with perill of his owne life Yet for all that he was led captiue to Niniue where hee was sought to bee slaine and had all his goods confiscate and spoiled So that in heauinesse of heart and sorrow of soule hee was forced to weepe Yet for Tob. 2. 7. all this he continued constant in his goodnes made graues buried the dead if not by day yet by night patiently suffering the mockes and taunts of his spitefull neighbours and nothing fearing death in so good a cause but meekely abode the reproches of his owne Wife who cast him in the teeth saying Where are thine almes and thy righteousnes This moued Tobias no Tob. 3. 1. deale but hee praised God and gaue himselfe to Prayer confessed his sinnes and most worthily in all these assaults acknowledgeth Gods iustice his mercy and truth There bee infinite others Men Women Old and Yong of all sorts and of all ages and degrees which being simple and silly sheepe and yet the faithfull seruants of GOD haue had their bloud sought and suckt whose milde mindes the wicked haue vexed whose godly conuersation they haue falsely slandered whose liues they long lay in wait for and whose bodies in the end they haue most maliciously murthered racked and tormented and that without all mercy and measure As Abel Esau Ieremie c. But I will not trouble the gentle Reader nor weary the attentiue Hearer with many mo examples I will therefore passe ouer the Old Testament and come to the New and there among many set downe one or two for our further instruction And here I may not forget neither omit the pietie and patience of Saint Stephen whose example of suffering may bee a glasse to looke our selues in This holy man and Martyr of God when he should bee slaine of the Iewes and cruelly stoned to death what doth he Doth
hee reuile his enemies Doth hee vvithstand his persecutors or doth hee blaspheme his Maker No no He patiently taketh his Martyrdome He doth not curse or desire vengeance from heauen to light vpon his Aduersaries but most humbly falleth downe vpon his knees praying for his persecutors and saying Lord lay not this sinne Act. 7. 60. to their charge Behold heere an example of a witnesse and true Professor of Christ Iesus a Martyr of such modestie and meekenesse as seldome or neuer hath bin seene This Disciple had both learned and recorded his Masters lesson Resist not Mat. 5. euill but loue your enemies Blesse them that curse you Doe good to them that hate you and pray for them that persecute you See how neere this man followeth his Masters manners Christ cryeth in the middest of his enemies Father forgiue them they wot not what they doe Stephen cryeth in the middest of his Stoners Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Christ said in his Passion Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit Stephen Act 7. 59. said in his stoning Lord Iesu receiue my Spirit Christ beeing crucified meekely gaue vp the Ghost Stephen being stoned sweetly fell on sleepe Here the man followed the Master at heeles yea euen to death Well in the extremitie of their sufferings they both haue patience they both pray they both forgiue they both resigne themselues and their soules to him that smiteth and healeth I say no more but God grant wee may tread in Stephens steps and doe as he did and then wee shall haue that hee had that is in the end of our suffering heere on earth wee shall haue heauen opened vnto vs see the glory of God and Act. 7. 55. Iesus standing at the right hand of God But what should I stand longer to repeat the examples of men who are mortall if I should proceede I should be weary in writing and you in reading the examples of those which were neuer weary of suffering There remaineth one Prophet VVhat did I say a Prophet Yea and more then a Prophet of whom all the Prophets haue prophesied The Prince of Prophets the Prince of Peace and the Prince of Patience VVho as he is most commendable euen so he is incomparable I neede not to name him he was named of the Angell in his mothers womb before he was borne into this sinfull world You know whom I meane the King of Glory the Head of the Church the Sauiour of the VVorld Christ Iesus the innocent Lambe of God who patiently suffered death for our sins Of whom S. Peter reporteth saying Christ suffered 1. Pet. 2. 21 for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steps VVho being his Fathers best Beloued in whom Mat. 3. 17. his soule was well pleased yet suffered hee continuall crosses He that did many good deeds suffered many euill He suffered the Diuell to tempt him his owne Disciple to betray him the Iewes to deride him the malicious to blaspheme him and his enemies to slander him Againe beeing spitted vpon beaten backe and side buffeted on his face with fists whipped on his bare body cloathed in purple crowned vvith thorne c. hee behaued himselfe as meekely as the Innocent Lamb or shiftles sheepe vnder the hand of the shearer His aduersaries cry alowd Cruoifie him Crucifie him Christ crieth as fast Forgiue them forgiue them They cry against him Hee prayeth for them Hee that might haue commanded all the Angels and Saints in heauen and haue had them at a beck to reuenge his quarrell and defend his innocencie was so farre from requiting wrong that hee sharpely rebuked the rash enterprise of Peter that drew his sword and gaue but one blowe and hee healeth the partie whom he neuer wounded Hee cured the vnthankefull he gaue place to those that laid in wait for him and refused not to kisse the venemous lips of Iudas that betrayed him Hee despised no mans person were hee neuer so poore he refused no mans house were it neuer so homely and yet for all this his doctrine was contemned and his person persecuted He that giueth victorie to those that ouercome was beaten on the face vvith rods He that gaue heauenly and wholesome meate to others had bitter gall offred to himselfe He that gaue the water of life had vineger giuen to drinke He that was Innocencie it selfe was counted among the wicked Hee that healed others was wounded himselfe Hee that was the Truth was condemned by false witnes And he that must iudge all men was iudged of man And when his blamelesse and innocent life drew neere to an end and he ready to suffer a most shameful and bitter death the death of the Crosse How meekely he tooke it how modestly hee answereth how patiently hee suffereth how feruently he prayeth and how freely he forgiueth it is a matter worthy to be noted and printed in the perpetuall memory of man and to be an example to all posterities Art thou a Christian or follower of Christ in his crosse Art thou slandered and handled as hee was Then follow him looke vpon him and take him for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long patience Hee was not crowned before hee was crucified and thou must not be crowned before the victory If the world be iniurious to thee Christ is a rewarder cleaue to him forsake thy sinne and take vp his crosse and follow him Forsake the world and feare neither the Diuell nor affliction set Christ naked whipped crowned and crucified continually before thine eyes See how hee was bought and sold hated slandered and reiected of his owne The Iewes cry Away with him let him bee crucified that is let him bee tormented and hanged What euill hath hee done saith the Iudge I finde no fault in the man He hath committed nothing worthy of death I take him to bee an innocent or simple man Let vs therefore whip him and send him packing O no say they if thou let him goe thou art not Caesars friend The Iudge seeming still to fauour his innocencie maketh another offer You haue saith he a custome to let one prisoner loose vnto you We haue one Barabbas who is in for a Bird and fast in hold a Thiefe a Murtherer and a seditious fellow yee shall hang him and save Christ aliue Ah no say they Barabbas is a good fellow Deliuer him and Crucifie Christ Well if there bee no remedy saith Pilate I will Mat. 27. 24 wash my hands here before you all in witnes that I am innocent from the shedding of the bloud of this Iust Man This protestation of the Iudge and cleering of Christ might haue bridled them and their affected crueltie But alas they were as the world is now and euer will be peruerse and wilfull No reason could rule them no counsell could moue them no words could perswade them They runne headlong on their owne destruction saying His bloud Mat. 27. 25 be vpon vs and
qui tantum penare potest quantum Deus bonus est that is let that man onely distrust or despayre whose sinne exceedeth Gods goodnes But the Diuell himselfe and all our iniquitie is lesse then Gods mercie and therefore the greatest sinners in the world ought not to despayre if they repent seeing his mercy is aboue all his workes for of his mercie there is neither number nor measure nor end The mercy of the Lord embraceth vs on euery side The sentence of Ezechiel is sure and sealed vp in Heauen That God will not haue the Ezec. 18. 32. death and damnation of a sinner but rather his life and conuersion Wherefore wilt thou perish O Israel And wherefore wilt thou despayre O sinful flesh Come to God Come to his beloued Sonne Christ Iesus the Master calleth thee he offereth thee his mercy hee promiseth thee forgiuenes Come thou early come thou late if thou come at all whether it be at noone day or at night thou shalt haue thy penny as well as hee that came in the morning The thiefe on Christs right hand was called the last houre and came and cryed to Christ that hee Luk. 23. 42 would remember him He knocked so hard at the doore of Gods mercy that Christ promised him that day to haue the doore of Paradise opened vnto him and to enter in with himselfe This gate shall bee open to vs if we doe as hee did For it is shut to no man but of himself neither is it open to any but by Christ Iesus If wee beleeue in this Christ Iesus that he is a Sauiour and that hee dyed for our sinnes and did rise againe for our iustification we need not to dread either death or damnation the gates of hell shall not preuaile against vs because Christ is our foundation our corner-stone to leane vnto our buckler shield to defend vs from our enemies our head our good Shepheard the Bishop of our soules our only Master and mercifull Redeemer Let vs therefore be of good cheere Let vs trust in his mercy whose merits haue purchased our saluation with God the Father And so we may with safety of our soules depart from worldly troubles to heauenly rest from death to life from damnation to saluation which God of his goodnes vouchsafe to giue vs in Christ Iesus our Sauiour to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour power and praise world without end Amen THE SECOND PART OF THIS Booke pertaining to the SICKE THe first dutie of the sicke person visited by God is to confesse his Faith and to make open protestation of the same before his Pastor and the rest that stand by at his end that they may be witnesses with him and testifie after God hath receiued his soule into eternall rest that hee liued and dyed the Child of God the true Seruant of Iesus Christ his Sauiour and as becommeth a charitable Christian and one of the houshold of Faith The confession of the Faith I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. The summe of this Beliefe confessed I Am fully perswaded and vndoubtedly I doe confesse and acknowledge before God and all you heere present that euery point and Article of this my beliefe is true and necessarie vnto saluation for without Faith wee cannot Heb. 11. 6. please God or bee saued And therefore I stedfastly beleeue in my heart that this in very deede is the true ancient Catholike and Apostolike faith which all good Christians ought to hold to the hazard both of liuing and life if cause require Of this our beliefe there be 4. principall parts The first concerneth GOD the Father The second God the Sonne The third God the holy Ghost The fourth the holy Church or congregation of God Of which faith I make protestation as followeth I constantly beleeue in heart that which I now outwardly confesse with my mouth viz. That there is but one true almightie euerlasting liuing iust and mercifull God of incomprehensible glory maiestie and might inuisible infinite and immortall And yet in this Godhead are included three distinct persons the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost vnited together in Deitie and substance inseparably of like equalitie in will might and glory without beginning without ending frō whom as from a most cleere fountaine all vertue and goodnes proceedeth to man and euery liuing creature By whom we liue mooue and Act. 17. 28. are In whom alone we are blessed and without whom we are accursed miserable and wretched Which incomprehensible and inuisible God hath reueiled himselfe vnto man many waies 1. Miraculously by his workes 2. Outwardly by his Word And 3. Inwardly by his holy Spirit First I will confesse my beliefe touching the Father Then I will proceede to the Sonne and finally to the Holy Ghost not that I preferre one person before another but because naturally man doth best apprehend and conceiue this order namely that the Father should bee set before the Sonne and the Father and the Sonne together before him that proceedeth from them both And yet neuerthelesse all the three persons bee but one God equall and coeternall First therefore I doe beleeue in God the Father the first Person in Trinitie who by his vnsearchable wisedome and infinite power hath mightily made me and all mankind yea heauen earth the Sea and all things therein contained as the light of the Firmament the Sunne Moone and Starres the Fowles of the Ayre the Beasts of the Field the fruits of the Earth and the fishes of the Sea All these of his great goodnes hee hath made blessed and increased for man to doe him seruice and that in most wonderfull and plentifull manner Yea they were all created before man was made to the end that Man at his first entry into the world should come as it were into a house ready furnished and so take full and quiet possession of all Gods creatures and become Lord and Ruler ouer them and they all from time to time to be seruiceable vnto him as to their King Onely he would that man should be obedient and shew himselfe thankefull vnto his God for these his blessings In performing which dutie I for mine own part haue too often failed God graunt that I may hereafter both know his will and by the fruits of Faith shew my selfe more dutifull towards his Maiestie euen to my liues end Secondly I beleeue in God the Son the second Person in Trinitie who of his great goodnes hath mercifully redeemed mee and all mankinde from Gal. 3. 13. Tit. 2. 14. Apoc. 5. 9. the thraldome of Satan Death and Sinne and from the torment of Hell fire due to the same being of my selfe condemned thereunto by Gods iust iudgement through disobedience and transgression Yet I firmely beleeue that I am acquitted discharged and fully ransomed from the same by my sweet Sauior Iesus Christ that did sweat water and bloud for my sinne who willingly of his owne