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A03472 The holie historie of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christs natiuitie, life, actes, miracles, doctrine, death, passion, resurrection and ascension gathered into English meeter, and published to withdraw vaine wits from all vnsauerie and wicked rimes and fables, to some loue and liking of spirituall songs and holy scriptures. By Robert Holland maister of Arts, and minister of the Church of Prendergast. Holland, Robert, 1557-ca. 1622. 1594 (1594) STC 13595; ESTC S118820 155,202 360

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right hand till I make Thy foes thy foote-stoole for thy sake If Dauid cal'd him Lord how then Is he his sonne do you declare And none of all those busie men Could answer him as witnesse are Their works they durst not this is plaine From that day aske him ought againe The doctrine of the Scribes and Pharisies sitting in Moses chaire was to be heard but their liues and manners not to be followed Iesus spake to the multitude And his Disciples likewise then Not waighing the ingratitude Of such malitious wicked men Commending of the Scribes their place Though they themselues were voyde of grace The Scribes and Pharisies do sit In Moses seat Christ Iesus sayd All therefore what they bid is fit That you obserue it vndelayd But what they do do not the same They say and do not to their shame For heauie burdens they do bind And on mens shoulders them they lay Most grieuous to be borne in mind Intollerable eu'ry way But they themselues will not once proue With any finger them to moue All that they do is to be seene To haue of men a prayse therefore It is not now as it hath beene They do dissemble more and more For God would haue his word well knowne And not vpon their clothes so showne But they haue broad Philacteries And Gods commandements in those Not in their hearts these misteries Their fowle dissembling do disclose What they about them written beare The heart to haue it fittest were And other vanities among That th●se men vse continually They fringe their garments all along For outward show assuredly They loue the chiefest place and seate In all assemblies and at meate And greetings in the market place And masters to be call'd of men Be not so call'd least you disgrace Your call and doctrine euen then Christ onely master you may call And ye your selues are brethren all On earth your father no man call For one your father is in deed He is in heau'n farre aboue all And giueth you what you haue need Be not call'd Doctours for one is Your Doctour euen Christ iwis Let him that is the greatest be As seruant vnto all the rest Himselfe who so exalteth he Shall be brought low but this is best That ye your selues do humble so To be exalted where ye go Christ cryed wo against the Scribes Pharisies and Lawyers Wo be to you ye Scribes therefore And Pharisies withall I say You hypocrites do euermore Shut men from heauen all that ye may For in your selues ye do not go Nor suffer them that would do so Wo be to you for ye deuoure The widowes houses craftily Your prayers longer by an houre Ye make to worke your trechery Wherefore without compassion You shall receiue damnation Wo be to you I say againe For ye do compasse sea and land To seeke one Proselite to gaine That he your law may vnderstand Which when he learnes then sure is he Much more the child of hell then ye Wo 〈◊〉 to you ye guides so blind Which say that who so vse to sweare By the temple this oth doth bind No man thereof ●e need not feare But by the gold thereof say ye Who so do sweare offenders be Of both these things which do you deeme To be in deed the holyest The gold which you so much esteeme Or temple of the mightiest The gold it doth it beautifie The temple it doth sanctifie And who doth by the altar sweare It is nothing as you do say But so to do ye make men feare By the offring in any way The gift or altar which thinke ye The holiest of them both to be Ye fooles and blind the offering Is by the altar sanctifi'd Who sweares by it for any thing Of this you may be certifi'd He sweares by it and all things there Therefore take heed how ye do sweare Who by the temple sweareth he By it and by him sure doth sweare That dwels therein and likewise ye That sweare by heau'n without all feare Of God ye do sweare by the throne And him that sitteth thereupon Wo be to you ye Scribes I say And Pharisies so full of guile Ye hypocrites is this the way To cloake your cursed craft so vile The least things that the law doth will You keepe and leaue the greatest still Mint annise and cummin tith ye And waightier matters leaue alone The law commandeth these to thee But last of all to thinke vpon For iudgement mercy and faith are The chiefest things should be your care Ye blind and wicked guides which straine A gnat as if ye could not well Deuour the same except with paine And swallow vp a great cammell Ye hypocrites for cloaking so Your craftinesse you heape on wo. Wo be to you I say againe For ye make cleane the vtter side Of cup and platter all in vaine It doth bewray your foolish pride But they within are not the lesse Of briberie full and all excesse Thou blind and foolish Pharisie Cleanse first the inside of the same And then the out-side verily Thou mayst make cleane without all blame If that the inner man be pure The outward man is cleane be sure Wo be to you for sure ye be Like painted tombes in outward sight Appearing fayre to them ●hat see No part within how they are dight For dead mens bones are there doubtlesse Remaining with much filthinesse So ye also for outwardly Ye do as righteous men appeare But are full of hypocrisie And vices it is very cleare The outward man is fayre in show And fowle within as God doth know Wo be to you that build so braue The Prophets tombes that were before And garnish outwardly each graue Of righteous men now more and more And more then that you verily Thus vtter your iniquitie If we as then had bene ye say In our forefathers time had we Consented so to see the day That guiltlesse bloud then spilt should be The Prophets had not dyed so Nor any godly man with wo. So then ye are as witnesses Vnto your selues how that ye be Their children as ye do confesse That murthred them therefore do ye What lacked of their crueltie Fulfill with all dexteritie O Serpents the ofspring in deed And bloudy generation Of vypers and their very seed By nature and opinion How ye should scape no man can tell The great damnation of hell Wherefore behold to you Ile send Prophets wisemen and Scribes surely To see if that ye will amend Whom ye will kill and crucifie And scourge in Synagogues apace And persecute from place to place That on you all the bloud may come Which was shed vpon earth alway From righteous Abell Adams sonne To Zacharias bloud which lay Betweene the temple verily And altar slaine most cruelly All these things shall assuredly Come on this generation This ag● shall beare this penaltie And righteous condemnation That all their vayne hypocrisie
trade For when they knew they should go free And fall to no disgrace Although the gouernour did see That they did lye apace They spread abrode this false report Which no way can be so That his disciples did resort By night his graue vnto And had Christs bodie stolne away To make men thinke that he As he before aliue did say In three dayes will I be And this among the Iewes is sayd Vnto this verie day For they are not at all affrayd That he was stolne away By Pilates winking came to passe That this escaped tho He as the high Priests blinded was For God would haue it so The high Priests did the Gouernour Perswade he was content The watch men had their hire therefore And so away were sent And being gone they spread this fame That Christ was stolne away Which sure the Iewes do to their shame Beleeue vnto this day Christ appeared to Peter Christ first to Marie did appeare To comfort sinners all Then to the other women there To answer Euahs fall And thirdly vnto Peter he Did shew him selfe also From former feare to set him free For Christ did see his wo. Of the two Disciples that went to Emaus and what happened to them by the way Of the Disciples the same day As two to Emaus went This from Ierusalem then lay As writers do consent Threescore furlongs or foorthright As we accompt do take Seu'n miles and one halfe mile we might Of the same furlongs make This Nicopolis since we name The Romains cald it so It was a towne sometimes of fame And very pleasant tho They talked both of what was done As well to Christ before He dy'd as this which now begonne For to amaze them more For they had heard the women tell That Christ rose vp againe And was aliue yet knew not well Which they should do of twaine Beleeue or not or what to do For all men saw him die But women onely say these two These newes do testifie And as they thus then reasoned Behold it came to passe That Christ him selfe as happened Or purposely it was Did ioyne him selfe in iourney wise With those Disciples then And sayd what do ye thus deuise And looke as wofull men Yet all this while their eyes were hold They could not both perceiue What man he was that was so bold Though they did him receiue Most willingly to walke the way And trauell with them to As may appeare by what they say As they together go Art thou said Cleopas my friend A stranger onely here And if thou be a while attend And giue vnto me eare For at Ierusalem of late The thing hath happened That we so much do wonder at Was thus determined Then Iesus sayd what things were those They sayd to him againe The thing that we do now disclose A number do disdaine Iesus of Nazaret was this A Prophet mightely In word and deed allowd iwis Of God and man lately Him the high Priests and rulers all Deliuered to be Condemned in their iudgement hall And crucifi'd was he But we did hope that he would sure Deliuer Israell Tis since he did his death endure Three dayes we know it well And certaine women that we haue Among vs verely Astonied vs for at his graue Where they were certainly Though they there found his bodie gone They did returne and say Of Angels that a vision They saw this very day Which sayd that Christ did liue indeed So that on this report Some of vs did with hast and speed Vnto the graue resort And they did find apparantly All as the women sayd But saw not him assuredly Which made vs all dismayd O fooles said Christ and verie slow Of heart for to conceiue What hath bene sayd do ye not know Or will ye not perceiue The Prophets all haue this foretold That Christ should suffer so Then to his glorie enter should And to his Father go And he at Moses then began And the Prophets by name Interpreting from man to man Their sayings of the same And all their writings left behind Of Christ from first to last He then imprinted in their mind And would from them haue past For to the towne they did draw neare Whereto as then they went He seemed not to tarie there So trying their intent But they constraining him did say Abide with vs all night Farre spent alreadie is the day And now the towne in sight So he went in to take his rest Whereof they both were glad And then to supper them addrest Content with what they had He sitting downe the bread did take And when they both did see He first gaue thankes and then it brake They knew him Christ to be For both their eyes were opened And they did know him well But marke what after happened For thus it then befell While they with ioy surprized were He went out of their sight And left them both abiding there To take their rest all night Herein we may assuredly Perceiue Christ Iesus vse And learne to eate meate thankfully Lest we the same abuse Christ vsing now his wont before In breaking bread to pray Did lighten them that verie sore Were blinded by the way And yet againe twixt ioy and feare They were amazed so They could not see how from them there He then away did go Not that he did his shape at all Exchange as some men say But from this earth their minds to call On heau'nly things to lay For now no more on earth is he At he before hath bin As mortall man so found to be In all excepting sinne But sitteth sure in heau'n aboue Now in great maiestie His Father for vs still to moue And worke our libertie Then they betweene them selues did say Did not our hearts reioyce While he talkt with vs by the way And while we heard his voyce Our hearts did burne while we heard how He op'ned more and more The Scriptures vnto vs so slow To marke the same before And in that houre they rose againe And did returne with speed They letted not for anie paine They went backe both indeed Vnto Ierusalem they hie Where the Apostles were For they did there together lye Amazed much with feare Whom when they found they ioyfully Began for to report How by the way most happily Christ did to them resort Yet ere they came the newes was spread That Simon Peter he Had likewise surely lately sped Of Christ a sight to see While these confest what he had done And told them by the way And how to know him they begonne By breaking bread that day Iesus stood in the midst and sayd Peace be vnto you all It is my selfe be not affrayd Perceiue it well you shall This was that verie day at night That he did first arise That Christ appeared in their sight While closely in this wise They shut them in a secret place The Iewes they feared so That they durst not be seene a
in deed Go thou and do th●● thou shalt liue But he in hope of better speed A new assault to Christ would giue Who is my neighbour then said he This thing I would faine learne of thee Then Iesus answering said so A certaine man went by the way That leadeth downe to Iericho Where among theeues he fell ●hat day Robbed and wounded there he was And left halfe dead so on the grasse By chance a Priest came by that way Which when he saw him passed by Likewise a Leuite where he lay Did looke on him and let him lye But a Samaritan by chaunce Came by and saw him in his traunce Which sight so mouing then his heart He tooke on him compassion Whereof before he did depart He made full declaration He powred in and also bound Both wine and oyle into his wound And not contented yet with this He set him vp on his owne beast And brought him to an inne of his Where he prouided for his rest And on the morow ere he went He told the host his whole intent Lo take these two pence that I giue Haue care of this man I thee pray His wants therewith do thou relieue What more he spends I will thee pay Which thinkest thou now of these three To him most neighbour like to be The Lawyer answering did say The mercifull was euen he Go thou said Christ then hence away And do as this man teacheth thee To eu'ry one in miserie Shew thou like liberalitie Marie and Martha entertaine Christ Now as they further passed on Into a certaine towne they came Where was the habitation Of one that Martha had to name Who to her house receiued tho Christ and those that with him did go Her sister Marie men did call Which also sate at Iesus feete And heard his preaching as then all Most heedfully as it was meete But Martha was most busily Prouiding for the company Martha therefore to Iesus said Master regardest not thou this That all the care on me is layd And that my sister sitting is Bid her therefore that she helpe me So shalt thou better serued be And Iesus answerd her againe Oh Martha Martha thou hast care For many things put thee to paine And helpers very needfull are The good part Marie chose in deed And she there after sure shall speed Christ rising from prayer was requested of one of his Disciples to teach them as Iohn taught his Disciples to pray As Iesus was praying with his In the desert as some suppose Which vnto Ephraim nearest is And from his prayers as he rose Of his Disciples one did say Teach vs as Iohn taught his to pray He soone of him had his request He was not long enforc'd to craue Christs readinesse this well exprest As he to them example gaue In their distresse both night and day That they as he them taught should pray Our father which in heauen art Thy name be euer sanctified Thy kingdome come withall my heart I wish the same accomplished Thy will in earth be done we pray As thine in heau'n do it alway Our daily bread giue vs this day Our sinnes also to vs forgiue As we our debters do I say That vs in any wise do grieue Let vs by no illusion Be lead into temptation But Lord from euill vs defend And gratiously deliuer all That we which do on thee depend By frailtie from thee neuer fall Graunt these requests oh Lord we pray To vs and thy whole Church alway Amen Moreouer Christ vnto them said Which of you all shall haue a friend And shall when he in bed is layd Haue cause to go to him or send And say a friend to me is come Bread I haue none now lend me some And he within should answer so Why doest thou trouble me I say I pray thee to some other go I must at this time say thee nay The doore is shut my children be In bed I cannot come to thee I say though he would not arise Nor thee regard as should a friend Yet when he seeth thee in such wise Importunat he will thee lend Of bread or meate what thou doest craue Or what thy need requires to haue Aske then it shall be giuen thee And they that seeke shall surely finde Knock I will open then said he For God to them that call is kinde He loueth such men verely As pray vnto him heartely If you for bread giue not a stone Nor for a fish a serpent send When that your sonnes for want do mone If good things you do giue and lend How much more shall the father he Giue good gifts if thou aske to thee Christ cast out a deuill and the dumbe man spake Then they brought vnto Iesus one Possessed with a deuill that day And him for helpe they call vpon The man was dumbe withall I say Though these impediments had he Yet with a word Christ made him free The multitude amazed were And p●a●●ed God with heart and voice The sonne said they of Dauid here Doth giue vs cause for to reioyce And now assured all we be That Christ the Lord the same is he A woman that his workes did see And heard how he taught great and small ●●id blest is the wombe that bare thee And pappes that gaue thee suck withall But Christ said blest they rather are That Gods word heare and keepe with care The Iewes required asigne Christ to the people said againe This wicked generation Adulterous and verie vaine Though signes they do depend vpon No signe to them shall giuen be But that of Ionas they shall see As to the Niniuites was he That three dayes in the Whale did lie The sonne of man shall shortly be The like to these assuredly The signe that Ionas to them gaue I shall giue these so long in graue The men of Niniuie shall rise And these condemne assuredly They did not Ionas words despise But did repent immediatly A greater then Ionas is here Yet small repentance doth appeare The Queene of Saba she shall rise In iudgement with these men also And them she shall condemne likewise That so farre from her home would go To heare king Solomon I say His greater you do heare this day Christ dining with one of the Pharisies and misliked for eating with vnwashen hands answered them and rebuked their hypocrisie As Iesus taught the people then There came to him a Pharisie Requesting him and all his men To dine with him immediatly Then he went in with him to meate And sitting downe began to eate But when the Pharisie did see That Christ sat downe vnwasht before He maruaild what the cause might be For they did vse it euermore They sit not downe at all to meate But first they wash before they eate Indeed said Christ to him againe Ye do make cleane the vtter side Of cup or platter all in vaine Bewraying still your foolish pride But they
Chronicon carmine scripta salus Ardua molitur laeto canit acta triumpho Prototoci Mariae tempore quaeque suo Ortum decantat vitam tunc funera Christi Cum petijt coelos victor ordo docet Ergo manent Hollande tibi coelestia serta Carpere námque Theon nullus obesse queat H. Smartus Oxoniensis 〈…〉 of the Author IF Maro who did treate of Mars And Lucan ciuill warres If Naso for his wanton verse And change of men to stars Possest great praise and endlesse fame What then deserueth he That treats of him who brought vs blisse And bond did make vs free Whose life he lou'd not as our health And vs transforms to Angels wealth Lo let his praise the brasen posts And Pyramis outweare Nor let not Momus canckred tooth The worke praise worthie teare But as the Phoenix shall it liue Though birth renuing new And as the fire which waterie thorns And greene wood doth subdue Doth flame at length so maugre spite It flourish shall to goods delight Io. Pine in eiusdem LEt fame take now her flight From place to place and say That if men looke to find aright To life a readie way Or seeke the sou'raigne pearle That farre surpasseth gold They may herein find either well Sent free to them not sold Let him in lue of paine Reape this reward therefore That giues what wit not wealth did gaine A name for euermore THE FIRST PART OF THE HISTORIE OF CHRIST OVR SAVIOVR AS IT IS WRITTEN BY the Euangelists Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn Written in English meeter by R. H. to the tune of the Psal 81. The promised Messiah BE light and glad in God reioyce Which is our strength and stay Confesse also with heart and voyce His goodnesse eu'rie way Whose promise to the Patriarks past So oft and long before God hath performed at the last To him be praise therefore His word into the world he sent By whom he made the same Who vs to saue as then was meant A perfect man became Christ is that light that lightneth all That in the world do dwell Of him the deu'll had a fall He hath vs freed from h●ll The Angell Gabriell saluteth the virgine Marie To Naz'reth Gabriell came from God A towne in Galilie Sixe monethes after and no odd He spoke to Zacharie To blessed Marie then he went A mayde and virgine pure And said all haile to thee is meant Much happinesse be sure The Lord thy God hath thought it good That thou shalt beare his sonne Which when she heard and vnderstood She said his will be donne I nothing doubt what thou hast said But do the same beleeue No fond conceipt shall cause men feare All thankes to God I geue Marie visiteth her cosin Elizabeth When he was gone from her away Most ioyfull and most glad The virg●● was to see that day And h●●e the newes she had Straightway she thence went hastily Her cosin for to see They did reioyce most hartily Such mothers both to bee Ioseph disposed to leaue Marie was satisfied by an Angell and so tooke her But this amazed Iosephs minde That was a man so iust He thought his spouse had bene vnkind And had abus'd his trust Yet when he meant to shift away With her his worldly shame An Angell warnde him where he lay And then he tooke the dame The taxing of the world vnder Aug. Caesar And in Augustus Caesars raigne When all the world so wide He so commanding this is plaine Was taxt on eu'ry side Cirenius ouer Syria Was gouernour also When to be taxt in Iudea They thither both did go With Marie his espoused wife From Nazareth he came To Bethlehem to lead his life To answere to the same Of Dauids house and line they weare And therefore thought it good Among all such their taxe to beare As were of Dauids blood The birth of Christ in Bethlehem While they were there her dayes were donne Her child-bearing did hye So she brought forth and bare a sonne Such was their pouertie A stable roome they onely had This heau'nly babe to lay Whose birth hath made so many glad Within a cratch of hay His clothes were clouts they wrapt him in And layd in cratch he was Although his weedes were very thin Betweene an Oxe and Asse Thus poorely came our mighty king into the world so vaine Without all pompe our prince did bring His people out of paine Christ our Messiah God and man Borne of a virgin pure Contented though no princes can Such pouertie endure For kingly court with stable was For bed of Downe with hay A while in manger by an Asse The king of kings he lay An Angell declareth to the sheapheards the birth of Christ and they are made witnesses of it His birth the Lord did first bewray To shepheards poore and base Which day and night in field did stay Their flocke of sheepe to grase An Angell came most gloriouslie Vnto those silly men Saluting them though gratiouslie Yet were they fearefull then Let not your mindes be so affraid For tidings of great ioy I bring to you the Angell said Nothing shall you annoy All people may reioyce at this And praise their God for aye For Christ the Lord is borne iwis in Bethlehem this day And this as signe you shall espie The sauiour shall be laid All swadled in a cratch to lie In poorest sort araid Disdaine not you his pouertie The Sauiour is the same He will his saue most certainly From euerlasting blame Then with the Angell straightway were A multitude surely Of heauenly souldiours praising there One God in trinitie All glorie be to God on high And in the earth be peace And towards men continually Good will may still increase So when the Angels all were gone To heau'n melodiouslie The shepheards of their newes anone Would trie the veritie They went and saw what they had heard And published the same All wondred at what they declarde Though few beleeu'd the fame They praising God not now affraid Did thence againe depart But Marie kept what they had said And pond●ed in her heart For she brought foorth the Lord the Prince The prophet and the priest That did the diuell and death conuince Our Sauiour Iesus Christ The Circumcision of Christ When eight dayes were accomplished Because they stood in awe The child was then Circumcised According to the law Then Iesus was he calde by name His friends ordaining so Because the Angell will'd the same To Ioseph long ago The wisemen the first fruite of the Gentiles came from the East and worshipped Christ Next after this came from the East The wisemen by a starre To see this babe for euer bleast The wisemen came so farre In Herods dayes these wisemen came And asked him this thing We saw his starre yet heard no fame Of Christ your Prince and King Where is he borne that we may see
your liues for now said he Gods kingdome is at hand you see He also healed each disease And sicknesse that the people had Afflicted folke by him found ease And eu'ry one of him was glad When once abroad was spread Christs fame In multitudes they to him came From all the regions round about Those then that had infirmities As palsie gripings or the gowt Came to him in great companies And each was eased of his sore To God alone be prayse therefore Amen THE THIRD PART OF THE HISTORIE OF OVR LORD AND SAVIOVR IESVS CHRIST containing those things which he did the second yeare after his Baptisme which was the xxxj yeare of his age according to the foure Euangelistes the yeare after the creation of the world 4172. beginning at the Sermon which Christ made in the mount CODOMANNVS To the tune of the Lordes Prayer vt sup CHrist did prepare all his in mind To seeke for treasure vp on hye In heau'n where as the godly find All happinesse eternally It is not health wealth shape or age That brings men to the heau'nly stage Therefore cleane contrary to those That taught true happinesse to be In earthly things this heau'nly rose A sweeter sent hath giuen thee To trace the tract that leadeth sure Where happinesse doth still endure When Christ the multitude did see A mountaine he went vp into When he was set where he would be To his Disciples he spake tho 1 The poore in spirite blessed are A kingdome God did them prepare 2 Blessed are they that mourne for good For they shall surely comfort haue Such to their power ill withstood And for amendment dayly craue 3 Blessed are they that meeke are found The earth they shall inherite round 4 Blessed are they which suffer thirst And hunger after righteousnesse For they said Christ shall as the first Be filled with all happinesse 5 The mercifull are blessed all They shall haue mercy when they call 6 Blessed are all the pure in heart They shall see God vndoubtedly 7 Peace makers they play such a part As pleaseth God assuredly Blessed are they therefore said he Gods children they shall called be 8 Blessed are they which patiently Do suffer persecution For righteousnesse they verely Shall after their affliction Gods kingdome in heauen possesse For so he will their griefes redresse 9 When men reuile you most of all And persecute you for my sake And falsly speaking ill withall If patiently you do it take You shall therefore find happinesse The salue to ease your heauinesse Reioyse also I say be glad When they haue done you greatest wrong You haue no cause for to be sad In heau'n shall you the Saints among Rewarded be as were before The Prophets whom they grieued sore Christ contrarie to the opinion of flesh and bloud and the doctrine of the Philosophers pronounceth a woe to those whom they thought happie But woe to them that are rich here And do therein repose their trust The day will come it shall appeare They dearely bought such drosse and dust True treasure in the heau'ns are found Each thing corrupteth in the ground Woe be to you that now are full For ye shall hunger after this If you were not exceeding dull For meate ye would not morgage blisse Woe be to you that now laugh so For you shall waile and weepe for wo. Woe be to you whom men do prayse And speake well of deseruing ill When you haue driuen out your dayes You shall bewray your wicked will False Prophets were by like deuice Among your elders had in price Christ teacheth his Disciples and in them all other Ministers what liues they should leade seeing they were appointed to be the salt of the earth and light of the whole world Next his Disciples he did teach What they should be in word and deed Lest when to others they did preach They to be taught should stand in need In life and manners he would haue Them honest wise and very graue Ye are the salt the earth doth yeeld If in the salt no sauour be It doth no good in house or field Men cast such out of doores we see As it could salt nothing before So it cannot be seasoned more Of all the world ye are the light A Citie set vpon an hill Can not be hid by wile or might And light a candle no man will To hide it with a bushell then When it should giue most light to men Let your light shine before men so That your good workes they all may see Your modest manners where ye go Example must to others be Your father that doth sit on hye In heau'n see you so glorifie Christ came to fulfill the law I am not come for to destroy The law or Prophets but fulfill I take in nothing so much ioy As to obey my fathers will Till heau'n and earth do all decay The law shall not be done away The least commandement exprest Who breakes and teacheth other so In heau'n he shall be counted least The contrarie who so will do Obseruing them and teach the same In heau'n he 〈◊〉 receiue a name I say except your righteousnesse Exceede the rigeteousnesse of these You shall be voyde of happinesse And heau'n as they for euer leese The Pharisies are verely Full fraught with all hypocrisie Christ interpreteth certaine Commandements or Lawes and first thou shalt not kill correcting the false interpretations of the Scribes and Pharisies Here Christ correcteth very well The doctrine of the Pharisie Ye haue ofttimes said he heard tell How they expounded sensuallie These wordes which haue bene said of old To kill another be not bold Who so say they doth kill shall be By iudgement therefore punished But ma●ke what I say vnto thee Without cause who so is moued Against his brother angerly Is subiect to iudgement thereby Who Racha saith his brother to By counsell shall be punished Take heede therefore before ye do Ye may hereby be terrified Who so his brother foole will call In daunger of hell fire doth fall With hand with hart and so in word We often spill our neighbours life The hand doth vse to weild a sword The heart deuiseth bate and strife And wordes when one disdainfu● Reuileth as an enemy Christ would haue men to reconcile them selues one to another The greedy Pharisies they say That offrings and oblations please Which now men offer day by day Yet no man knowes his owne disease I say who doth his brother hate His gift is naught and worse his state If to the altar thou do bring Thy gift remembring some offence Against thy brother the lest thing Leaue there thy gift departing thence Go reconcile thy selfe againe Thine offring then is not in vaine Agree while thou art in the way With him that is at strife with thee Lest to the iudge without delay Deliuered by him thou
be If Sergeant thee in prison set Thence till thou pay thou shalt not get Of Adultery It was of old time also said Commit not thou adultery But I say looke you be affrayd To gaze on women lustfully Who so doth so doth for his part Commit adult'rie in his hart If thy right eye or hand offend Plucke out or cut and cast away For it is to a better end One member perish and decay Then all thy body thou know'st well Should wholly so be cast to hell Of Diuorcement It hath bene said who so had sent His wife away he giuing her A letter of their diuorcement Had not bene then an offender Except the wife a whore be found To liue with her the man is bound Who so commits adultery The man or woman doth amisse And for that fault may verely Diuorced be as reason is No such offender may therefore While th'other liues match any more Of Othes Againe of old they did forbid Forswearing for the same is ill Of othes each man his house should rid So to obay Iehouahs will Othes rightly made do not delay For to performe the same alway But otherwise sweare not at all No not by heau'n the throne of God Nor by the earth for so ye fall In danger to deserue his rod. Nor by Ierusalem for this The Citie of the king it is Nor by thine head thou canst not make One haire thereof as blacke or white Most vaine are they that othes do take And vaine those that in othes delight Let ye and nay declare your will What so is more doth come of ill Of Reuenge Reuenge not though the law be so That eye or tooth must be repayde When one doth smite thee as a foe Vse patience be not dismay'd And he that for thy coate will sue Giue him thy cloake and more then due If one compell thee for a myle Do thou at least go with him twaine The asker do thou not reuile Giue thou and lend without disdaine To do men good be ready still And slow to do thy neighbour ill Loue thine enemie Loue thou say they thy neighbour well Thine enemy thy selfe may hate Of vertues loue doth all excell What so the Pharisies do prate Your enemies loue not the worse And blesse you them that do you curse Do good to them that do you hate Pray for them that you persecute They sure shall haue a blessed state My fathers will that execute He makes his sunne and rayne to fall On good and bad alike to all If man do loue or frendly be To him that doth to him the same What thankes for that deserueth he Each sinner must do this for shame Haue you therefore regard of this Be perfit as your father is Almes By sound of trumpe and in mens sight As hypocrites are wont to do To giue thine almes is not aright They gape for prayse and get no mo In secret giue what God hath sent God will reward thy good intent Prayer Pray not as hypocrites do pray All open to be seene of men But when thy prayers thou will say Shut close in chamber be thou then Pray to thy father secretly He will reward thee openly Much babling see thou do not vse Nor repetitions they are vaine The heathen hope for like abuse Some great reward thereby to gaine Be not like them for God in deed Before ye aske doth know your need The Lordes Prayer Pray thus when ye do pray therefore Our father which in heauen art Thy name be hallow'd euermore Thy kingdome we desire in hart Thy will in earth make vs to do As it in heau'n is euen so Giue vs this day our dayly bread Our debtes forgiue vs we thee pray As we our debters do and lead Vs not Oh Lord by any way Into temptation but see From euill we deliu'red be For thine good Lord the kingdome sure The power and the glorie is For euermore for to endure Which liuest in eternall blisse Let this be done oh Lord we pray In heart whereto Amen we say To forgiue one another If ye mens trespasses forgiue Your heau'nly father will againe Forgiue you yours you while you liue In loue and concord must remaine If you forgiue not other men Your faultes God will not forgiue then Fast Moreouer when that ye do fast Looke not sowre as the hypocrite That time as vayne they vainly wast For God therein hath no delite Their faces they disfigure to That men may see what then they do When thou doest fast annoint thy head And let thy face then washed be Seeme not to men as one halfe dead Let God thy deedes in secret see Thy heau'nly father both regards Thy fast and theirs haue their rewards The carefull seeking of worldly things forbidden On earth hoord vp no treasure so Where moath and canker eate apace Lest with them you do heape on woe There theeues men voyde of better grace Breake vp thus they for riches deale When digging through mēs wealth they steale But lay your treasures vp aboue In heau'n where none of these are found You on your treasures set your loue Lay not your loue so on this ground But lay it where is no decay Earth will corrupt and fade away The eye doth giue the body light And reason rules the inner man If cleare and sound remaine the sight No darknesse hurt that body can If thine eye wicked be then marke Sure all thy body shall be darke Two masters well no man can serue For truly he the one will hate And for the other loue reserue This of mans life is right the state God and your riches disagree They may not both then serued be Set not your care on meate and drinke Nor yet on your apparell so You with your selues must alwayes thinke That howsoeuer here ye go He that gaue life and body will Prouide you meate and clothing still The fowles of heau'n ye may behold To sow or reape they haue no care They neither want nor suffer cold Much better farre then them ye are Your heau'nly father feedeth these And so will you if you him please Which of you can by taking care One cubite ad vnto his length Clothing you know what things they are Who giueth them and giueth strength Learne of the lyllies how they grow To spinne or carde they do not know Yet Salomon to you I say Was not aray'd like one of theafe The grasse if God do so aray Can he not cloth you if he please The faithfull neuer fayle to speed God more regards you then a weed For meate for drinke for cloth alway Take ye no thought at all therefore The Gentiles seeke these day by day Your heau'nly father euermore Will all your wants relieue in deed He knoweth well what things ye need Gods kingdome if ye do seeke first You can not wish but you
What man shall haue a sillie sheepe Fall in a pit and lye in payne If it were worst of all he keepe And will not on the Sabboth day Haue care to fetch it thence away How much more may a man be then Preferd before a sheepe I pray There is no law forbiddeth men To do good on a Sabboth day Stretch forth said Christ thy withered hand This heard they all that there did stand It was restored to him so And all the people saw the same It fild the Pharisies with woe Which sought for to eclipse his fame And they went out with litle ioy Deuising Christ for to destroy For they had missed their intent Which made them rage so much the more To trappe him in his words they meant Yet fayl'd as they had done before His worthy works they did despise And went his death for to deuise But he that knew their meaning well Departed thence and went away He needed not that man should tell That they sought how they might him slay His fathers will he did respect And he his works did well effect Great multitudes him followed thence And he likewise them healed all Each one that came in his presence And vnto him for helpe did call Yet charged them they should not tell Or make him knowne if they did well Esayas Prophecie tooke place My seruant whom I chose ywis And my beloued full of grace In whom my soule delights is this My spirite put on him I will And he shall iudge the Gentiles still He shall not striue in word or deed None in the street shall heare his voyce He shall not breake a bruised reed The Gentiles shall in him reioyce Yea smoaking flaxe quench shall not he Till he both iudge and victor be Christ then had twise refelled such Opinions fond as they did hold At first they had presumed much And then againe did seeme as bold The Sabboth lets no man at need His wants supply or do good deed Iesus seeing the multitude dispersed as sheepe hauing no shepheard tooke compassion on them And Iesus Christ did not ceasse then But went about to eu'ry place In townes and Cities among men To preach and he was full of grace He healed each disease they had All men of him were very glad But when he saw the multitude He tooke on them compassion The people seemed very rude And wanting consolation For all abroad they scattered were As sheepe that had no shepheard there The haruest great and the labourers few The haruest is surely said he Now very great yet few I say Do labour in the same pray ye The Lord thereof to send away Some labourers for to take paine That by his haruest he may gaine Christ called his xij Apostles and sent them forth to preach giuing them power to worke miracles and heale diseases Then his Disciples Christ did call Power to them he gaue and grace That vncleane spirites they should all Cast out of men in eu'ry place As free you haue so likewise deale All sicke-men freely see you heale Twelue Iesus did send fotth to preach And did command them saying so Among the Gentiles them to teach Or to Samaria do not go To the lost sheepe of Israell Go first of all these newes to tell Say ye and teach that now at hand The kingdome of our God doth come Saluation throughout the land Is surely sent to all and some To all that will beleeue say ye That they the same shall shortly see Heale ye the sicke the leapers clense Raise vp the dead the deuils out cast And see when ye depart from hence Ye freely giue from first to last And in your iourney take no care What weeds ye weare or how ye fare What house or Citie ye come to Among the worthy there remaine Till you from thence haue cause to go Let them with you in peace retaine Such as do not deserue this grace Shake of their dust in the same place That dust shall witnesse against those That you desired not their wealth And earthly treasure that they chose Before this proffred sauing health They in the iudgement sure shall gaine Of Sodome and Gomorh the paine As sheepe I send you simple men In midst of worldly wolues to go Be ye as wise as Serpents then And innocent as doues also To kings and counsels for my sake When you are brought no thought then take For what ye speake it is not ye When torments for you do remaine The holy Ghost in you shall be To guide your speach and ease your paine The father shall the sonne said he And friend his friend betray for me Ye shall be hated for my name But he that dureth to the end Shall saued be and voyde of blame From persecution you defend From Citie to another go If you haue need for to do so For the Disciple is not sure Nor the seruant his Lord aboue Like death if you as I endure A signe it is of perfect loue If Beelzebub they do call me Is it strange then you so should be Nothing is hid but that shall I Make manifest and what ye heare In secret preach it openly Of men ye need not stand in feare Feare him that soule and body may Destroy in hell feare him I say If that a sparow shall not fall Nor any haire of yours decay But that your father cares for all And ouer all doth beare a sway Why should you care or be afrayd You shall be sure to haue his ayde Who so shall me on earth confesse Or me deny before men here Shall haue the like and nothing lesse In heau'n before my father there For my cause peace must needs decay And dearest friends their friends shall slay Who father friend his sonne or wife Doth loue more then he loueth me Who so my Crosse to saue his life Doth not take vp but seeks to flye The one vnworthy of me is The other shall not scape ywis He that receiueth you or me Receiueth him that vs hath sent A Prophet who receiueth he Reward shall haue to his content These litle ones who doth relieue God sure to him reward will giue Christes Sermon at the sending forth of his Apostles to preach When Iesus had then made an end Of giuing these commandements To his whom he then forth did send To teach the Iewes good documents The place he stood in was a plaine And with him many did remaine Yea multitudes of people were Out of all Iurie standing by From Tyre and Sydon they were there To heare his doctrine verely And at his hands to haue reliefe Each one as he was painde with griefe And they that with fowle spirits sore Tormented were Christ heal'd them all And still they sought him more and more Which boldly durst not on him call To touch his vesture as he went For health thereby to them was sent Then Iesus
lifted vp his eyes On his Disciples saying this Ye poore are blessed euen thrise For yours Gods kingdome surely is Ye that now hunger blessed are You shall be sure of better fare And ye that weepe yet blessed are For ye shall likewise laugh againe When men hate you take ye no care And when they do procure your paine Nor yet when they you separate Reuiling at your base estate If for the sonne of mans sake they Your names put out as euill men Reioyce ye greatly God obay And be in heart glad of it then Behold in heau'n reward haue ye The Prophets were as now ye be But woe to them that rich are here And do repose thereon their trust The day will come it shall appeare They dearly bought vile earth and dust In heau'n true treasure may be found Each thing corrupts that growes in ground Woe be to you that now are full For yee shall hunger after this If you were not exceeding dull For meate ye would not morgage blisse Woe be to you that now laugh so For you shall waile and weepe for wo. Woe be to you whom men do praise And speake well of deseruing ill When yee haue spent out all your dayes You shall bewray what was your will False Prophets were by like deuise Among your elders had in price But vnto you which heare I say Your enemies see that yee loue To them that hate you if ye may Shew how my doctrine doth you moue To do them good and blesse withall And pray for them that wish your fall To him that smiteth thee also Vpon one cheeke the other giue Who so thy cloake would take thee fro Giue him thy coate and do not grieue To purchase so a quiet life And stirre thou no debate or strife Giue eu'ry man that asketh thee And he that takes thy goods away By force or fraude how so it be Aske thou them not againe I say But vnto other men so do As thou wouldst be of them done to If that ye loue do good or lend To them that do requite the same Each sinner so doth for his friend You should do more then such for shame Be mercifull to such as need For so your father is indeed Christ healed the Centurions seruant being absent the Centurions faith After that Christ had finished His Sermon as you heard before From thence he likewise hastened For he desired more and more The worke he had in hand to end Which for our good did wholly tend As Capernaum he came to A Captaine there a Gentile borne Made for his seruant much adoe That seemed then a man forlorne He su'd by meanes his health to haue Christ with a word his life did saue The Captaines great humility And faith our Sauiour did commend In Israëll then certainly Like praise to none he did extend Of these said Christ shall many come To heau'n and haue the childrens roome Christ raised from death the widowes sonne at Naijm The next day after Christ did raise The widows sonne to life againe And all the people gaue God praise That present then did there remaine All they did spread abroad his fame That either saw or heard the same Iohn Baptists message to Christ by two of his disciples Iohn Baptist was in prison cast Herodias had obtaind the same And his disciples came in hast And told him there of Iesus fame Yet he in prison as before Would winne to Christ disciples more For when his workes to him were told That his disciples might beleeue In Iesus Christ Iohn said behold A message vnto you I giue Iohn knew him well assuredly As he oft times did testifie But that his might also perceiue That Christ the true Messiah was Of whom they should all grace receiue In whom they might all truth embrace Go ye and say Iohn sent to thee To aske if thou be euen he They went and both to Iesus came And said to him our maister sent To know if thou be sure the same Or else another that is meant Men knew as then that Christ should come How when or where that knew but some Christs answer sent backe to Iohn by his disciples Go back said Christ to Iohn againe Shew him what yee do heare and see The blinde and halt are rid of paine The leapers and the deafe go free The dead are raised vp this day The poore the gospell beare away And therewithall to them he gaue A gentle admonition His humblenesse that they might haue In reu'rent estimation Blessed said Christ shall that man be That taketh no offence by me Christs testimonie of Iohn Baptist When they were gone then Christ began To speake vnto the company What went yee out to see a man Infected with inconstancie Iohn you in wildernesse did finde Not as a reede shakt with the winde What went ye then out for to see A man cloathed in soft raiment Such men in kings courts vse to be Iohn is with meaner weed content Iohns raiment showes him to be plaine He flattred not he could not faine But what went yee out then to see A prophet I say to you more Of whom is written this is he My messenger shall go before This is Elias whom they say Should come for to prepare the way No greater among men did rise Then Iohn the Baptist verely Not any that you can deuice Yet this I say assuredly The least in heau'n goes him before And doth enioy Gods graces more Gods kingdome suffreth violence Since Iohns time to this very day The Gentiles with all diligence Without the law new cald obay The lawe and Prophets haue their end For he is come whom yee attend He that hath eares to heare may heare Marke what I say therefore amend Sith that Elyas did appeare The law and Prophets made an end Yet you remaine both deafe and blind That may your true Messiah find Christ reprooueth his auditorie This generation it is Like children that their fellowes call And say we piped haue iwis And yet yee daunced not at all So you deferre from day to day For to repent for all we say Hard was the life that Iohn did lead For meate and drinke he tooke no care He had a deuill men supposed The sonne of man they do compare With gluttons and with drunkards when He eateth meat as other men Christ vpbraideth the vnthankefull citties wherein he had taught and done so many miracles and yet they repented not Then Christ began for to vpbraid The citties that so oft had seene His workes and yet for all delaid For to repent as they had beene Cleane void of sinne or had no will To learne the good and leaue the ill Chorazin wo be vnto thee And to Bethsayda woe likewise The great works that were done by me In you yee greatly did despise If they in Tyrus had bene done It had repented long agone If Tyre and Sidon had I say
brought the lame the blind The deaffe the dumbe and maymed sort These had as they did hope to find Their former health to their comfort So that the people did reioyce And praysed God with heart and voyce Which caused Christ to pitie these As he before had done also When in the desert to their ease He fed fiue thousand men and mo This did he that they might perceaue That Christ would not his chosen leaue Wherefore he fed now once againe Foure thousand men sure at the least Neare Galilie on that mountaine Where he had healed all the rest With seu'n loaues and few fishes small Christ Iesus fed those men withall The Pharisies and Saduces tempted Christ and desired him to shew them a signe To Magdala when this was done By ship our Sauiour did sayle To whom the Saducees did soone And Pharisies without all fayle Resort which faine a figne would see From heau'n aboue if it would be They could discerne the outward face And each appearance in the skie These hypocrites had yet no grace But needs they would Christ Iesus trie Those that by tempting Christ assayle Do most in all their fetches fayle For those no figne at all could haue But that of Ionas which we reade That lay three dayes as in a graue Within a whale as he were dead The sonne of man shall euen so Lye in the graue and rise therefro Christ commanded his Disciples to beware of the leauen of the Pharisies They thence went to the other side But had forgot to buy them bread So farre mens fancies wander wide When they do stray from Christ their head These minded not that Iesus could Prouide them meate when that he would Christ warning them to shunne alway The leauen of the Pharisie Made them conceiue this doth he say Sith we forgot some bread to buy They neuer thought how he had fed Foure thousand men with litle bread This leauen of the Pharisie The Saducees and Herod to Then his disciples warned he They should in any wise forgo False teachers and their doctrine flee For they mens soules do slay yee see Christ healed a blind man in Bethsayda Then Iesus to Bethsayda came Where they vnto him brought one blind Desiring him to heale the same For other helpe they could not finde Out of the towne the blind led he Where afterward he made him see Christ Iesus spat his eyes into And put his hands vpon him then And said now tell it if thou do See any thing among these men I see them walke as trees said he Though perfectly I cannot see Christ put his hands on him againe And bad him looke then all about He looked and saw each thing plaine He stood of nothing then in doubt Go home said Christ sith thou art well Of this in towne to no man tell Peter in the name of all the Apostles confessed Christ to be the sonne of the liuing God to which confession Christ answered and in his name promised vnto them all the keyes of the kingdome of heauen When to Caesarea Iesus came Called Philippi as we reade Of his disciples then what fame He askt of him abroad was spread The sonne of man I am said he What do men say therefore of me Iohn Baptist some name thee they say Elias some do thee suppose Or Ieremias or some way That of the Prophets one of those That in the elder times haue beene Is rise againe and of them seene But whom say ye said Christ againe That I the sonne of man should be Then Simon Peter said certaine The sonne of God we knowledge thee Then Christ said Simon verely Blessed thou art and worst thou why To mens opinions subiect I Most willingly my selfe do giue Yet mine do know me perfectly And as they know do so beleeue This knowledge thou couldst neuer haue Of flesh and bloud but God it gaue O Peter this confession The ground worke of my Church shall be For vpon that foundation I meane to build a Church for me The gates of hell shall not preuaile Against the same but still shall fayle To you of heau'n I giue the key That is the preaching of my word All men that will not it obey Against all such draw out this sword What so in earth ye loose or bind The like in heau'n the same shall find Then charged he that they should tell As then to no man what he were E●● Christ we learne to know full well We may not preach him without feare For though no more but man we see Yet must we know him God to be Christ taught the faithfull to beare his Crosse and rebuked Peter for disswading his death From that time forth Iesus began To shew that he himselfe must go Vnto Ierusalem for man To suffer and abide much wo The elders Priests and Scribes had plaine Deuised all to haue him slaine And though he told them this before The third day I will rise againe Yet Peter thought it wisedome more To keepe him thence to shunne the paine And therefore he tooke him aside But Christ would not his words abide So he that late reueal'd by God Did know and knowledge Christ his sonne Doth straightway here deserue a rod Not knowing yet what he had donne When selfe-will casts Gods word behind Our weaknesse then we quickly find Here Peter doth presume to teach His master Christ himselfe to saue Christ him of follie did appeach And so a sore rebuke him gaue Oh Sathan come said he behind On earth not heau'n thou set'st thy mind The faithfull must beare the Crosse Then Iesus said to them againe If any man will follow me He must forsake himselfe at vaine And beare my Crosse though vext he be If his afflictions shall be sore Yet in the same I go before Who so would liue still lothing paine And yet doth seeke his life to saue Doth loose his labour this is plaine Life without me he cannot haue He that for my sake yeelds to dye Shall saue his life eternally What profit shall that man obtaine That winnes the world his soule to loose When he hath reckned all his gaine Most vaine it is that he doth choose For he that will not for me dye Shall dye a death perpetually For sure the sonne of man he shall In glorie of his father deare The Angels him attending all In iudgement here againe appeare And then according to his deed Shall eu'ry man be sure to speed Yet truly vnto you I say That some of them which here do stand Shall not by death be fetcht away Vntill the time be neare at hand That in his kingdome they do see The sonne of man so come to be Christ was transfigured on mount Thabor in the presence of Peter Iames and Iohn talked with Moses and Elyas Saint Mathew after sixe daies said That Iesus was transfigured The order of it made affraid All such as saw what happened For
he appear'd in maiestie Surpassing their capacitie Christ Peter Iames and Iohn then tooke Into mount Thabor all apart Where on his glory they should looke That they might ponder it in hart He tooke them three for against three Exceptions may not taken be So as the sunne did shine his face His clothes were white as is the light And two men standing in the place With whom to talke he tooke delight They Moses and Elias were That stood and talked with him there But his disciples were afraid To looke vpon so strange a sight This voice withall made them dismaid That came out of the cloud forth-right This is my sonne I loue so deare Happy are they that do him heare And Peter was amazed so That he knew not the words he spake Come Maister said he ere we go Three tabernacles let vs make Be not affraid said Christ of me For now alone you may me see So as he came the mountaine fro He said to them this vision You may declare all men vnto After my resurrection Till then to no man may you say What you haue seene all three this day Why do the Scribes said they tell vs Come needs must first Elyas be Then Christ to them gaue answer thus Elyas came they could not see And his Apostles well then wist He had spoke this of Iohn Baptist Christ comming downe from the mountaine cured a child that was lunatike When from the hill come downe they were Among the multitude was one That said oh master pitie here And helpe I pray my vexed sonne Of thy Disciples I can haue No helpe at all my sonne to saue Oh crooked generation Bring here said Christ the child to me How long shall in this nation Such vnbeleefe ingraffed be Christ then the deu'll rebuked so That from the child he made him go Then his Disciples secretly Askt why they could not cast him out It was your infidelitie Else you had done it without doubt Prayer and fasting it the way Whereby this deu'll cast out you may They came thence into Galilie where he fore-told them of his passion and payd tribute Christ told them this in Galilie The sonne of man shall giuen be Into mens hands assuredly For to be slaine as you shall see Yet he the third day shall againe Reuiue and so for ay remaine Then they which tribute did receiue Came vnto Peter secretly And said to him we do perciue Thy master at thy house doth lye Tell vs therefore and if he do Pay tribute vnto Caesar to Whose answer as he thought in deed Was that his master payd the same Wherefore he hy'de him home with speed And to his master quickly came Who then preuenting him tooke paine To aske of him the same againe What thinkest thou oh Peter show Of whom do kings their tribute take Of children or of strangers now Of strangers he did answer make By this thy reason then said he Both thou and I may well go free Yet lest we should them so offend Go to the sea and angle there Where if thou do a while attend A fish thou shalt take do not feare That in his mouth shall surely haue What they for thee and me do craue Thus Christ to Peter twise did show That eu'ry thing what so it were Himselfe the same before did know Whereby his Godhead did appeare And therewithall example gaue To pay the king what he should haue The contention of the Apostles for the primacie Christes answere and warning against offences Then his Disciples did demand Who should in heau'n the greatest be Christ did a litle child command To stand and said lo here you see In heau'n the greatest is the mild That humbleth him as doth a child Offend not these whose Angels see And do behold my fathers face Though that offences needs must be Yet sure offenders do want grace Cut of the hand plucke out the eye If that offences come thereby Of forgiuing our brethren But if thy brother thee offend Seeke thou to winne him priuatly If thee he heare not nor amend Go yet and warne him earnestly If then he do not heare the same Before the Church let him haue blame Then Peter came to him and said When that my brother doth offend Shall I when he doth seeme affrayd Forgiue him seu'n times if he mend Not seu'n times but as oft said he As he repents let him go free By you on earth what so is bound Or loosed likewise by you is The same in heau'n shall so be found Two their requests shall haue iwis Where in my name meete two or three I in the middst will surely be The example of the king receiuing accounts of his seruants and the reward of crueltie A certaine king would take accounts Among his seruants Iesus said And one was brought whose debt surmounts Ten thousand talents all dismayd Of this the mightie king could say Sell him and his my debts to pay But when the seruant cryed grace Desiring him a longer day He said not go thou for a space But I forgiue go hence away This king so full of pietie May teach vs to vse clemencie But the same seruant met his mate That ought to him an hundred pence He straight not waighing his estate Nor yet regarding the offence Put him in prison that did pray Without respect till he would pay His felowes saw and sorie were And told their master of the same Who would not long this fact forbeare But payd him like for like with shame Till all were payd withouten fayle He sent that seruant then to iayle So likewise shall my father do Said Christ except you do forgiue Yea from your hearts your brethren to Their faults whereat you so much grieue For as you hope of him to haue So graunt them grace that grace will craue Christ his iourney out of Galilie into Iudea and his Sermons in the Temple at the feast of Tabernacles Christ did depart from Galilie And to Iudea came againe Where as he passed Iordan by While in that cost he did remaine As gratiously he vsd to deale Their sicke and lame he then did heale Then came to him the Pharisie Full fraughted both in hart and minde With craft and cloakt hypocrisie Hoping in Christ some fault to find But still for all his taken toyle Ere he departs he hath the foyle The feast of Tabernacles then Was kept with great solemnitie Vnto the which those countrey men Did vse to go continually That feast was euen then at hand Which they gaue Christ to vnderstand His brethren to him therefore say Depart hence and to Iurie go That thy Disciples there they may See all thy works that here we do For none in secret workes the same That being know'n sets forth his fame My time it not yet come said he But your time alwayes ready is The world loues you and hateth me Because it doth all things
They may not both then serued be All these things heard the Pharisies Whose greedinesse was very great They mocked Christ for phantasies They do account his words as yet Before men ye you iustifie Though fraught with fowle hypocrisie Gods kingdome suffreth violence Since Iohns time to this very day The Gentiles with all diligence Without the law now call'd obay The law and Prophets haue their end And he is come whom you attend I came not sure for to destroy The law or Prophets but fulfill I take in nothing so much ioy As to obey my fathers will Till heau'n and earth do all decay The law shall not be done away The historie of the rich glutton and of poore Lazarus Christ said a certaine rich man he Was cloth'd in purple and fine white His fare most daintie vsd to be For he therein did take delite As costly was the mans aray So fa●'d he sumptuous eu'ry day There was a certaine begger that Was named Lazarus also Which was layd at the rich mans gate All full of grieuous sores and wo This man therewith had more annoy Then Diues had in heart of ioy And he desired for to haue Wherewith his body for to feed The broken meate yet no man gaue One crumbe for to relieue his need The dogges yet came and lickt each sore These then their master easd him more It came to passe the begger he Dying was carried thence away In Abrahms bosome for to be The Angels there this man did lay Those messengers God sent to fetch To heau'n to him that silly wretch The rich man also shortly dyed His wealth could not deaths dart withdraw But needs he must be buried Each man must yeeld to natures law And as the begger was on hye So Diues deepe in hell did lye From whence as he in torments lay And looked vp he might espy Aboue from him so farre away Where Lazarus in heau'n did ly With Abraham so was he blest For there Gods chosen all shall rest Then cried Diues loud and sayd Oh father Abrah'm pitie me Let not thy mercie be delayd My cruell torments thou doest see The firie flame doth frie me so That here I wallow full of wo. Send Lazarus that once he may His finger in the water dip This feruent heate for to allay If it were but the verie tip One drop to coole my tongue withall That so his finger would let fall But Abraham said thus againe The pleasures sonne thou didst receiue Remember now and this mans paine Thy wealth at will did thee deceiue Therefore art thou as doth appeare In paine and he in pleasure here Comforted now is Lazarus And thou in hell tormented art There is set likewise betweene vs A mightie gulfe no litle start So that none hence go to you may Nor come from thence to vs away Here Christ did speake of heau'n and hell No Purgatorie then was found Or else Christ Iesus could not well As schoole men can all things expound But wo to them that thinke them wise And do Christs doctrine so despise Him Diues said I pray thee send Oh father to my fathers house To warne my brethren to amend And force no wealth so friuolous Vaine trust therein hath wrought my fall And will do theirs I feare me all Send him therefore father I pray For fiue of them I left behind Which warned may amend their way And become of a better mind Oh father shew them so much grace Least they should come into this place Then Abraham said thus againe They Moses and the Prophets haue If they do not heare them in vaine They shall obtaine what thou doest craue They warne all men to seeke for grace While they haue time to shunne that place Nay father Abraham said he But if one from the dead do come To them repentant they will be And be affrayd then of this dome They will not sinning wilfully Be subiect to such misery Then Abraham said to him sonne If that those men they will not heare But do as thou before hast donne No more will they to this giue eare For truth in Gods word seeke they must And not on dead men vainly trust Here heau'n is the appointed place Where Gods elect for aye shall rest In hell we see such as want grace All torments are for them addrest Gods word not dead men must vs guide Vnlesse we meane to wander wide As for all Dunses drowsie dreames Or Monkish toyes to mocke an ape Or franticke Friers for all their theames They now want nayles new pits to scrape Their Purgatories had a fall There is not one now left of all Offences are to be auoyded and our brothers trespasses forgiuen Though that offences needs must be Yet sure offenders do want grace Offend not these whose Angels see And do behold my fathers face He that doth so were better sure In surging seas death to endure And if thy brother thee offend Seeke thou to winne him priuatly Or if he heare not thee and mend Take two or three in company But if he heare not then the same Before the Church let him haue blame But if he do repent he sayd As oft as he doth thee offend And seemeth still to be affrayd And seekes all meanes for to amend Not seu'n times but as oft said he As he repents let him go free And the Apostles all said then O Lord increase our faith we pray If ye had faith as much ô men As is a mustard seed I say You might command this mulb'rie tree So growing in the sea to be Which of you if his seruant were At plough or did his cattell feede When he came home would say sit here And so serue him at boord with speed And would not rather bid him dresse That he him selfe might eate a messe Or who doth thanke his seruant then When he perfourmeth readily What he commandeth that his men Should see accomplisht faithfully I trow the seruant may be ●lad That he did what his maister bad So likewise ye when ye haue done What you are bid although with care Say that small profit may be wonne By such slacke seruants as ye are We haue done you may say also What was our dutie and no mo Christ healed ten leapers As to Ierusalem he went And passed thorough Galilie Ten leapers did them selues present To Iesus Christ immediatly Which stood farre off and cried thus Haue mercie maister now on vs. And when he saw them then sayd he Vnto the Priests go straight way now That they may iudge you cleane to be And haue what law doth them allow And as they went they cleansed were While Christ remained euen there Then one of them when he did see That he was healed verie well Returning backe with loud voyce he Gaue praise to God for what befell He falling downe vpon his face Gaue thanks to Christ that shewd him grace The same was a Samaritan Which cleansed came so