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A02886 A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1303; ESTC S100627 82,542 190

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workes shall saye yf he be lerned that he is equall with the best that euer sett penne to paper M●che labour he toke to extyrpe soche vyces as the p●ple of custome were geuen vnto For ●he which at the last he suffred most cruell death in the .xlviii. yeare of his age a M.D. and .xxxi. from Christes incarnacyon the .xi daye of Octobre Of them was he slayne cutt in peces and brent in defendynge the common welthe of his cyte for whom he had afore taken wonderfull peynes to brynge them into the waye of ryghtuousnesse ●o these are the two bretherne that Pantolabus here rayleth vpon in his rustycall ●ymes without lernynge wytt and all godlynesse Myght we not thynke you saye to him with Apelles Come downe ser sowter and holde ye styll to youre last Be contented with youre homblye occupacyon and meddle not with that which is beyonde youre compas A mysterye 1 These praters of dyuynite vvith their affynyte hath sought about 2 The vvorlde through out 3 For vngracyou●e teachers to be their preachers 4 Conuenerunt in vnum aduersus dominum aduersus Christum eius psal 2. The openinge 1. LIke himselfe is Pantolabus alwayes as the common sayinge is A fole in the mornynge and all daye after not wyse He calleth these greate lerned menne praters of diuynyte yet was he neuer able to vnderstande one leafe of their workes I thynke yf he were narrowlye examyned he shulde a pere not to knowe what true diuy●ite is Of late yeares now at Oxforde their principall diuynes as doctor Roper doctor kyngton doctor Molle soche other made their open complayntes that in .xxviii. yeares stodye they coude not vnderstande Dons And as for Christes diuynite I will beare them recorde they knewe yt nothynge at all I thynke these for that tyme in their disputacyons and lecturs were Iolye pratlers of diuynite And their frutes wolde declare a great sort of them to be lyttle better now Is not here thynke you in this worke of Pantolabus a plesaūt patche of diuynite It is no maruele though so noble a clarke as he complayneth of pratynge whan his selfe pratleth here so folyshlye youre draffyshe diuynes as Dons Thomas Guido Gyles Ockam Baconthorpe Durande Gabriel Dorbel and a thousande more hath done lyttle other these .iii. hondreth yeares but establyshe lyes in hypocresye to falsyfye the scripturs yet were they no praters of diuynite but good doctors of holye churche O beastlye Baalamytes lerne ones to be godlye wyse 2 What you youre affynite haue sought the worlde ouer and what ye seke yet s●yll yt is knowne in this age to manye yet are ye not ashamed of yt ye haue sought out all the sorceryes of the Gentiles to fyll the peple with their supersticyons ye haue robbed y ● Sophisters of their subtyle conueyaunces to begyle y ● poore innocent sowles The wylye inuencyons of ●ogycke the craftye colours of Rhetoryke the preuye practyses of philosophie haue ye gathered togyther to deceyue all y ● worlde that knoweth not your craftes Not one slayght is there nor cast of good legerdemayne that anye iugler hath but ye haue sought yt oute for auauntage Soche subtyle sekers ye are yet to this daye What ye haue sought in other mennis howses hawles stabyls barnes butteryes kychy●s chambers parlours and sumtyme in the good mannys bedde I thynke there be fewe alyue but knoweth There is not a poore wenche that taketh wages but ye must haue y ● tent part for preuye tythes There is not a labourer which lyueth by the sweate of his browes but ye must haue a patche therof though his chyldren shulde famyshe at home youre sekynge about y ● worlde through oute is an other maner of matter than the trauayle of those godlye menne hath bene whom ye here accuse in youre ydelnesse 3 If euer there were in the worlde teachers more vngracyouse than you I ma●uele or yf there euer were more peruerse preachers I wondre What other hath bene youre doctryne afore tyme but that the peple shul'd beleue as holye churche doth teache them That is to saye that the Pope was Gods vycar in earthe the head of that holye churche That he coude not erre that his curse was most to be feared That purgatorye was peynefull pylgrimages wholsom masses merytoryouse diryges medicynable holye water good for spretes soche other wretched wytcherye All the ●●odye of youre bysshoppes practyse of youre prestes dilygence of youre relygiouse and labour of youre vnyuersytees was about non other thynge but to maynteyne soche beggerlye baggage And yt apereth by Wynchestre Bonner Tonstall soche other that ye seke yet non other thynge els The solempne declara●yōs of Seyton Tolwyn shall yet stande forth for wytnesses yf nede be besydes the workes of Standysshe Pantolabꝰ O most shamelesse hypocrites how dare ye be so bolde to report other menne for vngracyouse teachers your selues offerynge so vngracyouse documētes to y ● worlde● Remoue first of all y ● great beame of your owne ere ye take y ● small mote from your neyber He that shall conferre your teachynges w t y ● worde of God shall fynde them vngracyouse ynough 4 The scripture here alleged for your vngracyouse purpose Conuenerū●t in 〈◊〉 adu●rsus domin● aduersus Chrisium eius maye saye that he is full vngracyouslye handled Dauid spake it in prophecye agaynst y ● heythē tyraūtes that shuld withstande both y ● lord his worde These sayth he come togyther agaynst God his Christ. Into this myschefe fell at y ● last y ● cruell counsell also of y ● Iewes y ● bishopes pharisees lawers scribes doctours w t the vndiscrete rewlers peruerted by thē And euer sens yt hath ben● your bloodthurstye generacyon styll persecutyng Christ in his faythfull members They are y ● false peple that ymagyne vayne thynges They are the tyraūtes that withstande gods veryte burnyng hāgyng drownyng y ● poore innocentes for yt Who are y ● kynges of y ● earth but they The other beare onlye y ● name are but their bochers slaues But this shuld Pantolabꝰ haue also consydered Qui habitat in celis irridebiteos tanqu●̄vas figuli confringet eos He that sitteth in heuen shall scorne their practyses in y ● dredefull daye dashe them in peces lyke an earthen vessell that is throwne agaynst an harde wall Let not those termagauntes thynke so to escape y ● great vengeaūce of his indigna●cyon For there yt doth abyde thē in dede Though they take here their vayne pleasurs for y ● tyme yet is not y ● iudgemēt farre of neyther slepeth their dānacyon but is redye to lyght vpon thē w t vengeaūce ¶ A mysterye 1 And here in this londe Certayne they fonde 2 Vvhich by and bye Dyd them applye 3 For to sett forth Thynges nothynge vvorth 4 And preached openlye Both treason and heresye ¶ The openinge 1. MA●uele yt is to me yf these men soughte
they which impugne the holye ghost w t Macedonius and Eunomius But they onlye which replye ageynst yowr Masse made by so manye holye Popes They poore sowles are alone in this yowr Genealogye and non other heretyques els By this we perscyue that ye are those yll stewardes whō saint Paule speaketh of that seke yowr owne and not Iesus Christes makynge of yowr bellyes your God yowr vayne glorye sayth he wyll be yowr confusion for nothinge ye sauer but that which is earthlye What is yowr Masse els but a gawdishe fopperye or a toye of yowr owne ymaginacyon Nomore is it lyke the holye supper of Christ than y ● earthe is lyke heauē or fylthye dyrt lyke golde No make of it the best ye cāne with your lyghtes vestymentes copes Iewels aultres Images organes prycksonge sensynges the deuyll and all as y ● paganes ded in their olde sacrifices before their Idols 3 If Lambert graunted yow that in yowr Masse so patched and peced with papystrye was a synifycacion of Christes deathe ye were moche to blame so to burne him For he graunted yow more than anye māne will do els that is godlye wyse and lerned But surelye he neuer graūted that to yowr Masse but to the most holye supper of the lorde and therfor ye haue mysvnderstande his saynges In yowr Masse is nothinge but that ye make yowrselues by the vertu of Arystotles realyte No though ye .vii. tymes breathe ouer it Hoc est corpus meum For christ is neuer made but in vs and that is by the vertu of his worde trulye taught And that is the cause that Saynt Paule ded saye So oft as ye shall eate this breade and drynke of this cuppe ye shall shewe the lordes deathe tyll he come Whan Christ badde ye do it in his remembraunce he badde ye not make him ageyne The trayuelynge womā which is with childe in the Apocalyps betokeneth Christes people hauinge him within them and not without them More ouer Dauid sayth that the bewtyfull dowter of y ● kynge is all from within yowr Masse mongers turne their tayles to the people preache to the wall as Antichrist hath thaught them but neuer turne they to them declaringe the true meaninge therof as Christ hath commaūded And therfor their fylthye sacrifyces are Antichristes and not Christs and that they make there is an Idoll and no God and therfor vnmete to be worshipped They shal aryse in the morninge saith the lorde and not fynde me they shall call vnto me whan I shall not heare them and whan they holde vp their polluted handes I shall turne awaye my face 4 Nothynge to the purpose is this allegacyon of Salomons Prouerbes ●esis sapiens apud temetipsum To proue that the Masse is sumwhat more than a signifycacyon of Christes passyon And agayne y ● text is falselye placed for it is not in y ● first chapter but in the .iii. This craftye cōueyaunce of yours is to playe boo pepe with the symple people ye ruffle out youre scripturs but whan menne shall seke them they shall be sure not to fynde them where you appoynt them least they shulde with them fynde out also youre iuglynges This is now the .iii. tyme ye haue played this towche lete youre conueyaūce be sumwhat cleaner If ye laye that text vnto Lambertes charge that he was to wyse in his owne conceyt ye do him moche wronge for that cōcept is yours and not his you haue for that folyshe conceyt of yours putta syde all the wysdome of God Vtterlye despyse you Christes institucyon accountynge him but an ydyote fole that coude not make soche solempne preparaciōs as ye haue made Full lyttle consydered you in the same selfe chapter Quod abominatio Domino est omnis illusor cum simplicibus sermocinatio eius Abhominable to the Lorde is e●eye disdaynefull scorner where as the simple disdayned shall knowe his secrete counsels The mocker will he lawgh to scorne and yet will he geue his grace to the lowlye The wyse shall possesse his glorye and the braggynge of foles confusyon A mysterye 1 And vtterlye He ded denye 2 That Christ vnfayned Vvas there contayned 3 Both ryastye And substancyallye 4 Quotiescuncque manducabitis panem hunc ▪ calicem bibetis c. 1. Cor. 10. The openinge 1. UErelye these poesyes are straunge diuerse They make me to remembre the processyon of Maydston in kent For some of them daunse lyke greate gyauntes and are eyght syllabes a pece As this verse here afore But a significacyon Some come doppynge after lyke lyttle hoppe on my thombes and are but .iiii. syllabes as And vtterlye with his fellawe as short as he And therfore it is but madde gere But what is it I praye you that Lambert ded denye That Christ was his Lorde No verelye ded he not but stode stedefastlye by it vnto the verye death that he was his onlye sauer peacemaker helthe ryghtuousnesse and redemer He alone was the lambe that dyed for him And he alone was y ● head of that churche that he was a membre of In this fayth perseuered he vnto his latter ende and in the same departed vnto his lorde God yet sought your generacion by most turkyshe tyrannye to compell him to remoue his fote from that rocke But mercyfull was that lorde vnto him In the myddes of the fyre denyed not he his veryte but departed hence with the clere victorye ouer you Non of the Popes sworne subiectes dyed he but the verye true seruaunt of Iesus Christ. 2 His denyall was in dede that Christ shuld be contayned in the bankett of youre blessynge Remembre first from whens your blessynges come and out of whose auctorite they sprange first of all Saynt Iohan sayth in the Apocalyps that the Dragon ye wote whom he meaneth gaue his auctoryte seate and power vnto the great Beast that arose out of the see And in an other chapter folowyng he sayth also that y ● worldlye gouernours as emprours kynges and princes shuld applye their strengthes which consisteth in their lawes swerdes scepturs vnto the same fylthye freke Of this Beast haue you that marke wherwith ye bye sell. youre ●yles and shauynges are not of Christ nomore are youre myters and typpettes If he wolde haue sent forth soche minysters he neded to haue gone no farther than to Annas and Cayphas Ioān●s and Alexander with other of y ● same affynite for they were of a kyndred prouyded of God to soche offyces of externe obseruacions but yet not to make newe goddes nor yet to sence ymages youre vncommaunded exorcysmes and blessynges are non other than the playne practyses of Necromancye By the vertu wherof though ye maye with youre Pope fatche the deuyll from hell for youre sacrifices are all one yet can ye not drawe the sonne of God out of heauen and so make oure crede of non effecte 3 yet can ye not out of youre ragged realyte borowed of the Paganes lernynge for