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B01752 The sword of the Lord and of Gideon to this is subjoined a prayer for an armie going to battell, and a thanksgiving after the victorie. / By M. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1643 (1643) Wing B3911; ESTC R170739 54,667 189

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THE SWORD OF THE LORD AND OF GIDEON To this is subjoined a Prayer for an Armie going to Battell and a thanksgiving after the Victorie By M. Zachary Boyd preacher of Gods word at Glasgow Prov. 21.31 The horse is prepared for the day of Battell but safety is of the Lord. Printed at Glasgow by George Anderson 1643. UNTO HIS EXCELLENCE MY LORD GENERALL LESLY EARLE OF LEAVEN c. Please your EXCELLENCE MOre then fifeteene hundred yeares ago Christs beloved Disciple heard a loud voice saying in heaven Wo to the inhabitants of the earth the reason is subjoined Rev. 12.12 for the Divel is come downe having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time his time is now shorter therefore his rage is increased for this cause hath he taken the Antichrist the man of sin by the hand 2 Thes 2.3 who with all his followers breath nothing but crueltie It is storied of the mother of Dominicus who after became a grea● patron of Monks that when she wa● with childe of him she dreamed tha● she had in her womb a wolfe wit● a burning torch in his mouth suc● indeed be all Babels beasts that cam● out of the Antichristian den t●● whelps of that great beast of Rom● they are all Ravenous wolves Mat. 7.15 th●● have nothing in their minde but fi●● and Gunpowder to blow up Kin● and Parliaments and if that su●ceed not to make havock of all renting the head from the member even the King from his most faithfu● Subjects whom they at this time ● being the loyall Catholick Subject● declare to be but traitours and r●bels as if the Fox would make t●● flock believe that the shepheards d● were their great enemie and did d●prive them of many faire Prerog●tives but if he were in his place th●● should have all according to the Good will and Pleasure This is the maine quarrell of Bri●aine this day Satan in great wrath with the forces of Antichrist are in ●he open field The Lord is going to Battell against them and he hath ●hosen your Excellence to be his Gide●n Heer is the Sword even the Sword of the Lord and of Gideon I offer it to your Excellence as ●eartily as ever Jonathan gave unto David his Sword and his Bow 1 Sam. 18.4 My alleagance to my dear Master Christ necessitates all my endeavoures to help forward the Good Cause both by tongue and pen that man is happy of whom men may truely say that which Christ said of the Woman that powred the ointment on his head Mark 14.8 she hath done what she could This little book even that which I could is come to your Excellence to beg a look of favour It is not from any presumption of its worth that it durst look so high a lower patron might well have served higher meditations but love whiles maketh folke too forward it made Mary to striv● to get Christ in her armes when i● was not lawfull to touch him Joh. 20.17 Your Excellence loyaltie courag● and zeal still levelling at Gods glory maketh you so dear to all his faithfu● servants that glad would we all b● to have any thing that might be t● you for a testimonie of our sincer● affection towards you A mite of love is better than a million of complements While in modestie I disparag● this worke as it is from m● selfe yet I can not in niceness● altogether deny but GOD hat● made my penne to hit upon diver● things which may bring profit● to the Reader What ever th●● worke bee after it hath been both preached penned and printed if it bee not so precious as purple and blevv silke vvhich the riche● sort did affoord at the making of the Tabernacle yet let it bee but like Goats-haire the poore mans gift I vvith a most willing minde offer it to the Lord vvho accepted as vvell the poore mans pigeon as the rich mans ox for a Sacrifice Lev. 12.8 This being such an offering for GOD I humbly desire that by the vvay it may get a favourable glance of your Excellence eye under vvhose patronage it may be respected in the going forth by your honourable authorising though it come far short both of your Excellence desert and of mine ovvne desire the treatise is small but it is an Earnest of more that little I have or am is most sincerely at your Excellence service for vvhom the Urims and Tummims of Levi in this land shall daylie bee presented before the Lord our altars shall still reeke vvith the incense of hearty prayers for your prosperitie and happinesse While at the Battell of Amaleck Joshuah fought in the valley Moses prayed on the mountaine Exod. 17 11 So vvhile your Excellenc● Gods Joshuah shall in the valle● fight for GODS Israel again●● Papists Prelats and Arminians Satans black Squadrons vv● the servants of the LORD vvi●● climb the hill and hold up ou● hands by prayers unto God s● that your Excellence may boa●● Gods enemies and say unto them as Abijah threatned the idolate● of King Jereboams armie 2 Chro. 13 12 Behold God himself is with u● for our Captaine and his Priest with sounding Trumpets to cr● alarme against you Novv Christ that great Jehovah the Captaine of the Lord host the God of Battels protect you● person perfect your graces prospe● your vvayes prolong your dayes direct your armie make you still victorious comfortable to your friends Cant. 6.10 terrible to your foes as an armie with banners that after yee vvith honour have finished your course 2 Tim. 4.7 and fought the good fight on earth yee may get glory in heaven vvith all these faithfull Commanders these noble vvarriours these great Generals of Gods armies Moses Joshua Barak Gideon Jephte Samson and Samuel and all others GODS vvorthies vvhose names are vvritten in the Booke of life Your Excellence most humble servant M. Zachary Boyd From Glasgovv the 27 of November 1643. THE SVVORD OF THE LORD AND OF GIDEON Psal 60. vers 11. Give us help from trouble for vaine is the help of man 12. Through GOD wee shall doe valiantly for he it is that shall treade downe our enemies THat was a worthy speach of S. Augustin Aug. conf 6. Deus unicum habet filium sine peccato nullum sine flagello God hath one Son vvithout sin but none vvithout suffering The righteous are onely Gods children and these are the men of many troubles Psal 34.19 many are the troubles of the righteous Note By this means their soules are bleached Dan. 12.10 and as Daniel saith are tryed and made vvhite As for the wicked whose best fruites on earth are but stincking hemlocks Am 6.12 Psal 73.5 they both bud and flourish they are not in trouble like other men neither are they plagued like other men the paltry pleasures of the earth make them to forget God their Saviour Christ and the precious soul that lieth in their
farinaria to set up their Dagon of dowe but the Lord by his wonderfull wisedome disappointed them After that the enemies of Christs Gospel have beene still undermining this poore Church under a covering of ceremonies but when they were almost come to the cope of their desires even to give us the Masse cloathed with an English coat most cunningly woven from the top throughout with juggling wordes wordes of two faces like the Oracles of Apollo which one way had a sense for Gods glory but another way a sense for to make Christ Iesus a dumb and a deafe idoll that all this nation at last should be partly entised partly constrained to returne to worship a god of bread which can not defend himself from the teeth of a Mouse When this was almost atchieved and done the Lord in a most wonderfull manner disappointed them After that they gathered their forces by Sea and Land to doe by violence what they could not performe by wiles the Lord and not we disappointed them the Lord blessed for evermore at Dunce-hill Har-ezer mons adjutorij the hill of help and at Newburne wrought their disappointment East West South North the Lord hath done great things for us the LORDS hand hath beene seene by Sea and by Land Except our enemies hearts bee harder then the heart of Pharao they must confesse and say with Pharaohs Magicians Exod. 8.19 This is the finger of GOD. The 1 use The 1 use Let us learn here to trust in God in greatest dangers even when there is nothing but confufed noise Isa 9.5 with garments rolled in bloud though our enemies were never so strong our God is able to disappoint all their designes hee will not suffer any weapons to prosper that are lifted up against his servants if we can stand still with the foot of faith Exod. 14 13 we shall not faile to see the Salvation of the Lord Psal 23.4 In the valley of the shaddow of death we shall not need ro feare any evill for he shall bee with us Exod. 15.3 the Lord said Moses is a man of warre and therefore let not our hearts tremble for the boast of men who are but like dogges barking at the Moone it is but little or nothing that man can doe What is he worth Isa 2.22 wherein is hee to bee accounted of the Lord can easily disappoint all his designes Let GOD arise Psal 68.1 and his enemies shall bee scattered These that hate him shall flee before him As smoak is driven away so shall the Lord drive them away as waxe melteth before the fire so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God The 2 use The second use When the enemies of God are strong and are in plotting great designes against GODS inheritance let us heere learne how to pray to God let us take unto us words even these words of this text Arise O Lord and disappoint them If we cry unto the Lord Arise the Lord shall not faile to answere Now will I arise Isa 33.10 saith the Lord When Hee is risen he will worke wonders Isa 33.11 Mine enemies saith He shall conceive chaffe and bring forth stubble thus all their counsells shall be but a conception of chaffe and when their designes are ready to be borne they shall be but children of stubble David in the second Psalme considering how God maketh the counsels the conceptions of wicked men to be but false conceptions cryed out Psal 2.1 Why doe the heathen rage and the people imagine a vaine thing the word in the Hebrew signifieth a trifle RIK inane or emptinesse a nothing He also there scorneth the vaine Kings and Rulers of the earth and that because they take counsell against Christ He that sitteth in the heavens saith He shall laugh Psal 2.4 the Lord shall have them in derision After that for a space hee hath laughen at their follie hee will breake them with a rod of yron vers 9 and dash them in pieces like a potters vessell Thus the LORD bringeth down the plots and designes of high-towring ambitious wicked men Behold a real disappointment where now I pray you will all their designes and their boasts and their armies bee when the Lord hath broken them all into Shardes like an old pitcher Behold the men that would but burn and slay Behold the men tha● would have all their will Behol● the men that would neither be● ruled by Gods law nor Mans law but by their owne wilfull wills the LORD hath throwne the● downe the evill they would hav● done it lay not in their hearts o● hands to doe it the LORD hath treade them downe he hat● wounded the head of his enemies and the hairie scalpes of such a goe on still in their trespasses they are nothing but like a broken sheard Psal 68.21 Behold them bridled by the power of this grea● LORD who according to the prayer of his servant heere hath clearly before the eyes of the world disappointed them Let railing Rabshakehs not onely boast men but also GOD himselfe with where is the god of thi● place 2 King 18 34 and the god of that place● the gods of Hamath and of Arpad the gods of Sepharvaim Henah and Juah Let great men with Rabshakeh threaten to cause Gods people eate their owne dung 2 King 18 27 and drinke their owne pisse but the LORD hath hookes for their nose 2 King 19 28 and bridles for their lips for to turne them back from their course He shall so crosse their designes that they shall goe away disappointed with shame and disgrace Jos 5.14 Christ the Captaine of the Lords 〈◊〉 is all fire for the glory of 〈◊〉 Father and the well of his ●●●rch his zeal was such that it did eate him up Joh. 2.17 but alas for our heart it is but like a cold sinder in our bosome The third Petition Cast him downe NOw it follovveth that vvee heare Davids third petition Cast him downe The Prophet heere in his prayer goeth on as Abraham did in hi● request for Sodome He sought ay● more and more first that Go● for fifties sake Gen. 18.24 would spare th● Cities 28 Secondly that for fiv● and fourties sake 29 Thirdly tha● for fourties sake Fourthly tha● for thirties sake 30 Fiftly that fo● twenties sake 31 32 Sixtly and last that for tennes sake he woul● spare all the rest So David fir● here intreated God but to arise After that he desired God to do more even to disappoint his enemies Thirdly here he desireth more that the Lord would hurl● and cast down his adversaries The doctrine Observe here what it is to be once familiar with God Th● more a man be acquaint with God he groweth in boldnesse in hi● sutes the prayers of a Christian must not be dwarfes still i● one stature They must grow up ●nd be enlarged A man
the lame 1 Sam. 5.6 might keepe them against all forces of men yet when the Lord is away are nothing but a lye Psal 20.8 Some trust in Charets and some in Horses But we will remember the LORD our GOD from him is our deliverance And therefore in dayes of danger Let every man here learne what to say to God O LORD deliver my soul from the wicked with thy Svvord The thing he desires GOD to deliver here it is his soule that is his life for the soul is the cause of our life Also by the soul here may be understood the soul properly and that the LORD would deliver it from danger either in doing or suffering for when a man doth evill he endangereth his soul or when a man is persecuted his soul also is not without danger If he live except God save and sanctifie him his soul will fret impatiently or will be enflamed with revenge 1 Sam. 25 13 as David was against Nabal for his churlishnesse Or if at the running out of his last sand he die in battell the bloudy sword in the hand except the Lord deliver his soul he cannot be but in great danger The 3 use The third use Let us make good use of these words Deliver my soul they are good for dayes of trouble either for life or for death when it like a ster ne Serjant shall come to arrest our bodyes in the grave By this prayer our life is guarded against the rage of men and by this prayer the Soule is fenced from the danger of damnation In these wordes is advantage both in life and death these words should at all times be in all mens mouthes both at our rysing and at our lying downe in sicknesse and in health But above all let all men of warre in their greatest dangers arme themselves with this ejaculatory prayer LORD del●ver my Soul these a●e words which every Christian must take with him while he goeth to the battell But because God heareth not the prayers of sinners and this time of trouble is a time of prayer let us endeavour by all meanes with all haste to bee reconciled unto God Truely the best of us may say that we have a huge bottome of sinne to unravell by repentance which we have beene many yeares winding up by our great disobedience the worke is great the time is short wee know not but this warre may make an end of us all Let us therefore no more hazard our salvation upon a may bee we live unto another yeare I confesse that no man should dispaire of GODS mercie at any time but this is as true that no man should presume of it at any time One hath observed this well There was one theese at his lives end saved to take away desparation and but one so saved to take away presumption These from whom David heere prayeth to be delivered are called the wicked Such were the enemies that sought his life The doctrine Observe here that it is no new thing that GODS servants are troubled by the wicked This controversie began very earely For Cain the wicked killed the righteous Abel Gen. 4.8 He had no quarrell against him but because he was more sincere in Gods service then he A thief hateth the light as Ahab hated Micaiah 1 King 22 8 because by the torch of the word he shined upon his workes of darknesse The use The use As long as wicked men are in the world let Gods children look for dangers to their souls There is nothing that will content wicked men but the souls or lives of Gods servants King Ahab was sick ay untill Naboth was dead but as soone as the poor man was dead the wicked King arose up in health 1 King 21 16 and went down to the poor mans vineyard to take possession of it it is health for the wicked to destroy the children of God They are like the Divel it is their meat and their drink to do evill Let this teach us to pray continually that God would deliver our soule from the vvicked Againe whereas the wicked heere according to some interpretation is called Gods Sword Let us learne here when the wicked persecute us not to look so much to them who are the rod Sword or stafe as unto the hand of God in which the rod sword or staffe are it is but for beasts as dogges to bite the staffe when they are stricken but Gods children must fixe their eye upon the hand When wicked Shimei railed upon David and cast stones at him calling him a bloody murderer David would not suffer Abishai to touch him for hee had his eye upon GOD. The LORD 2 Sam. 16 10 said hee hath said unto him curse David who then shall say wherefore hast thou done so This is a great argument of patience for Gods children when they are afflicted or persecuted by the wicked for all the wicked while th●y afflict us are but a rod or staffe in the hand of GOD Isa 10.15 If we can get Gods favour we need no more be afraid for the wicked then for a Staffe or Svvord lying upon the ground they should once see this our Captaine with his Sword in his hand they should all fall down as dead-men at his feet when Captaine Gideon went out against the Midianites hee cryed Judg. 7.20 THE SWORD OF THE LORD AND OF GIDEON After that not a man had either heart or hand to fight against Gods people The use The use Let us by all meanes endeavoure by a good life to please GOD that this great Captaine with his sword may be on our side in these dayes of warre the Papists idoll is nothing Hos 8.5 thy Calf O Samaria hath cast thee off But O the LORD will never cast us off If he bee with us wee need not fear who be against us Lappers of water Judg. 7.5 any bodie though both few and weak will prevail easily Luk. 12.32 if GODS Sword be in the Battell Feare not little flock said Christ stand still said Moses to his six hundreth thousand fighting men ye need not draw a Sword the Lord shall fight for you Exod. 14.13 Onely stand still and yee shall see what GOD can doe Yee shall see the Salvation of the LORD Psal 68.21 Who shall wound the head and breake the hairie scalp of all these that in their pride shall rise up against us We shall bee able to stand against all weathers and stormes whatsoever What ever our dangers be the LORD shall give us a riddance We shall be in Covenant with the Stones of the Earth and the Starres of Heaven who as in the day of Sisera shall fight in their courses against all our enemies Judg. 5.20 In the day of Battell the Lord shall breake the Horse hooves of our enemies Judg. 5.22 by the meanes of the pransings the pransings that is tramplings or plungings of
time Remember not against us our former iniquities forgive them and forget them pitie us and pardon us Be pleased with us for the sake of Christ Jesus in whom thou art well pleased Now LORD this day is appointed for the Battell and every battell of the warriour is with confused noise Isa 9.5 and tumbling of garments into bloud Wee know that he that girdeth on his harnesse 1 King 20 11 must not boast as he that putteth it off The prosperous successe of all good enterprises is to bee looked for from thee It is as easie for thee to save by few as by many and therefore we all heere armed for thy honour depend onely upon thy assistance Wee trust that according to thine infinite goodnesse thou wilt bee powerfully vvith us and for us who stand heere ready to lay down our lives at thy feet for thy glory the good cause for that holy Covenant which wee have made with thee and which now we minde to seale with our bloud Though wee deserve to bee deserted of thee because of our manifold sinnes and great ingratitudes yet for the honour of thy Name Let not thine Israel this day shamefully turne their backe before the enemie Deut. 32.27 O LORD fear the bragges of thy foes who if wee be tread downe will scornfully say where is now their God and where is their Covenant and where is their good Cause they will surely say Ibid. Our hand is high and the LOR● hath not done all this Seeing now LORD vve are presently for to rencounter with the forces of men and for to set our breasts before the Canon Musket Sword and Spear in this valley of the shadow of death be thou our Captaine Psal 23.4 goe before us give us wisedome and courage and strength take the hearts from our enemies make their hands faint and their knees feeble make thy promise good five of you shall chase an hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight Lev. 26.8 O LORD the protector of thy servants make all feare of death now flee farre from us give us the boldnesse of David with his good successe in going out against these uncircumcised enemies of thy truth They come out ●●ainst us with the force of Men ●●d Munition vvith Horses Svvordes Speares and Shields but vvee goe against them under thy standart in the name of the LORD of hostes the GOD of Armies of Israel Through thee we shall do valiantly But LORD if for such causes as are knovvn to thee it be thy will that at this time an end bee made made of any of our lives let it please thy sacred Majestie to receive our soules into the bosome of thy love Though our bodies fall into the hands of men Let our soules fall into the hands of God vvhose compassions faile not Now Father into thy hands we commend our Spirits Now in thy Name under thy Banner we thy Servants and Souldiers goe to this chocke O Lord be our captain and go before us and fight for thine own cause Generall Moses wordes to his Armie in a great strait at the red Sea Exod. 14.13 Feare yee not stand still and see the Salvation of the LORD which he will shew to you the day Calebs wordes of courage to Israel concerning the Cananites Numb 14.9 They are bread for us their defence is departed from them and the LORD is with us fear them not Captaine Joabs wordes to Abishai immediatly before the Battell against the Syrians and the Ammonites 2 Sam. 10.12 Be of good courage and let us play the men for our people and for the Cities of our GOD and the LORD doe that which seemeth him good Asas wordes when Zerah the Ethiopian came in Battell array against him with a thousand thousand men and three hundred Charets 2 Chron. 14.11 And Asa cryed unto the Lord his God and said Lord it is nothing with thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power Help us O LORD our GOD for wee rest on thee and in thy Name we goe against this multitude O LORD thou art our GOD Let not man prevaile against thee Hezekiahs prayer after that he had received King Senacheribs blasphemous letter full of threatnings 2 King 19.14 And Hezekiah received the letter off the hand of the messengers and read it And Hezekiah went up to the house of the LORD and spread it before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD and said O Lord God of Israel which dwellest between the Cherubims thou art the God even thou alone of all the Kingdomes of the earth thou hast made heaven and earth Lord bow downe thine ear and heare open Lord thine eyes and see and heare the words of Senacherib which hath sent to reproach the living God Of a trueth LORD the Kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands And have cast their gods into the fire for they vvere no gods but the work of mens hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O Lord our God I beseech thee save thou us out of h● hand that all the kingdomes of the earth may know that thou art the Lord God even thou only Davids prayer against his Enemies Psal 68.1 Let God arise let his enemies be scattered let them that hate him flee before him As smoke is driven away so drive them away As waxe melteth before the fire so let the wicked perish at the presence of God Victory promised to the Church Mic. 4.11 Now also many nations are gathered against thee that say let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion 12 But they know not the thoughts of the LORD neither understand they his counsell For he shall gather them as the sheaves into the flooore 13 Arise and thresh O Daughter of Zion for I will make thine horne yron and I will make thy hooves br●sse and thou shalt beat in pieces many people and I will consecrate their gaine unto the LORD and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth Mica 4.11 Now also many nations Are gath'red against thee That say let her now be defil'd On Zion cast our eye 12 But they the Lords thoughts do not know Nor yet his counsell pure For he by force shall gather them As sheaves into the floore 13 Arise O deare daughter Zion Thine enemies to threin For I will now make thine horne yron And will make thy hooves brasse And I unto the Lord of Hostes Will consecrate their gaine And to the Lord of the whole earth Their substance will ordaine A thanksgiving after the Victorie O Lord what thy servant Moses said in his song at the red Sea that may we all say this day Exo. 15.3 The Lord is a man of warre the Lord is his name Thy name O Lord is glorious and worthie to be praised the sorrowes of death had compassed us and the floods of ungodly men had made us afraide but thou hast been our strength and our stay in the day of our danger In the valley of the shaddow of death thou hast beene our Captaine and defender Psal 23.4 Through thee we have done valiantly and thou hast treade our enemies under our feet by thy strength we have pushed them dovvne the safetie is ours but all the glory shall be thine Zach. 1.3 vvho art the Lord of Hosts vvho by thy mightie arme hast brought low the high lookes of these who trusted in their Horses and Charets which thou hast teared in pieces thou hast driven them away as smoake Psal 68.2 and hast made them to melt like waxe before the fire O LORD by thy almighty power vve have run through their troupes and put them to a speedie flight Wee have pursued our enemies and overtaken them neither did vve turne againe till they vvere consumed vve have vvounded them that they vvere not able to rise they are fallen under our feet for thou hast girded us with strength unto the Battell thou hast subdued under us these that rose against us thou hast given us the necks of our enemies We have beaten them small as the dust before the vvind vve have cast them out as the dirt of the streets Thy gentlenesse hath made us great By thee this day is ours vve most heartily acknowledge all the matter of our joy to be from thee O LORD who is like unto thee who is GOD save the LORD or who is a rocke save our God The Lord liveth and blessed bee our rock let the God of our salvation be exalted Psal 18.34 who hath taught our hands to warre Let all creatures praise the Lord praise him from the heavens praise him all yee his Angels and Hostes praise him yee Sunne and Moone and all ye Starres of light praise him from the earth fire and haile snow and vapour heat and cold rivers hills and vallayes all weapons of warre swords speares musquets and conons and all other things that have beene steadable to help the Lord to help the Lord c. Judg. 5.23 With all these we the whole body of this armie with our hearts to heaven do sing Hallelujah most humbly acknowledging both the victorie and every one of our particulare safeties to be from thee who art God over all things blessed for ever and ever Amen Psal 57.12 Thy vowes are upon us O God we will render praises unto thee Let us now in a most heartie thanksgiving sing the eighteenth Psalme from the 33. verse untill the 39. 33 He did in order put my hands to battell and to fight To break in sunder bars of brasse he gave mine armes the might 34 Thou teachest me thy saving health thy right hand is my tower Thy love and familiaritie do still increase my power 35 And under me thou makest plain the way where I should walk So that my feet should never slip nor stumble at a balk 36 And fiercely I pursue and take my foes that me annoy'd And from the fields do not return till they be all destroy'd 37 So I suppresse and wound my foes that they can rise no more For at my feet they fall down flat I strike them all so sore 38 For thou dost gird me with thy strength to war in such a wise That they be scattered all abroad that up against me rise The Lord hath done great things for us to him be glory for ever Amen FINIS
off his head and ●he palmes of his hands vers 4 onely the ●mp of Dagon was left to him ●fter that where ever Gods Ark ●emained prisoner the Lord smot ●is enemies on the hinder parts ●ith Emrods they had no rest ●ntill they sent it back againe ●●us the Lord most gloriously ●elped his people from trouble If we will continue in sinceritie to fast and pray there shall 〈◊〉 be a stone in the field but shall be like that stone of Sam●el which he called Eben-ezer t● stone of help in whatsoe●●● danger we shall be we shall 〈◊〉 with Samuel 1 Sam. 7 12 Am. 4.1 Hitherto hath 〈◊〉 Lord helped us hear this word ye● of Bashan who push with yo●● hornes against Gods dear s●●vants as though God did 〈◊〉 regard or could not give us from trouble The 2 use The 2. use Let this serve reproofe to these base and bea● bodies whose names are wri●●● in the earth Jer. 17.13 who have neit●●● heart nor hand nor tongue fo● help Gods Church from trouble th●● have not a thought of pitie th●● know not what it is to be g●ved for the affliction of Jose●● they have made their hearts an Adament-stone Amo. 6.6 they are 〈◊〉 and beastly Zach. 7.12 they have no courage in their hearts they have ●o hands for the good cause ●heir tongue by their words as ●y a Sibboleth bewrayeth them Jud. 12.6 ●at they are not on Gods side 〈◊〉 send such to hearken Deborah 〈◊〉 her song cursing bitterly all ●hose that come not to help the ●ord Jud. 5.23 to help the Lord against the mightie If Meroz was cursed because ●hey came not to help the Lord ●ll the curses of Ebal shall like fire ●nd brimstone raine downe upon ●ll these who for a short glance ●f proseritie for a vaine hope of preferment for a vanitie of ●anities for a golden dreame ●ome against the Lord for to ●urt the good cause a cloud of wrath a world of woe a hell ●pon earth shall one day come ●pon all these who rejoyceing ●n the Churches desolations say ●th so would we have it Psal 35.25 such shall either perish by fire wi●● that companie of Corah or swallowed up with Dathan shall die by the sword with ●laam or shall burne themselv●● with Zimri or shall hang the● selves with Judas and Ahitoph● the Lord shall set wicked n● over them Psal 109.6 7.8 c. Satan shall stand their right hand when they sh●●● be judged they shall be conde●ned their prayers shall be tur●●● into sinne their dayes shall few and another shall take th● office their children shall be ●●therlesse and their wives widow● their children shall be vagabo●● and beg the extortioners shall ca● all that they have c. In a vvo●● their possessions shall be made t● breeding of nettles and a perpet●●● desolation Zach. 2.9 all the imprecatio● that David made in that Psal● against his enemies shall come ●pon these that refuse to help t● LORD and his Church from trouble The vvord trouble here is in the Hebrew Tsar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth straitnesse or distresse as vvhen a man is so driven into some narrow place that he knovveth not to vvhat hand to turne him When God being angry at King David for numbering the people ordained his Prophet Gad not in a smooth and silken Court-sermon but in a divine authoritie to give the King his choise of seaven yeares famine or of three moneths flying before the enemies or of three dayes pestilence David the King said unto the Prophet 2 Sam. 24 14 I am in a great strait in the Hebrew it is Tsar-li as if he had said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I am besiedged on all sides I know not to what hand to turne me I doubt of what plague to make choise Observe heere The Doctrine vvhat is often the condition of Gods dearest children their life heere is full of troublesome turnings their condition of life is to be driven into great straits this vvas the complaint of the Church They have often afflicted mee from my youth Psal 129.1 and againe immediatly after they have often afflicted me from my youth the doore of heaven is called the straite gate and the vvay thereunto is called the narrow vvay Mat. 7.13 Satans rage is restlesse his trade is a trade of blood he is that old spevving dragon vvho casts out of his mouth floods of venime after the Church Rev. 12.15 vvhat is Christs Church on earth but like a scorched heath or a root in dry ground All these that novv sing in heaven have mourned heere before they came to these mansions of joy they all past thorovv the valley of Baca a vvorld of teares and troubles S. John in the Revelation saith that one of the Elders of heaven came unto him and said Rev. 7.13 What are these that arc arraide in vvhite robes men all filled with joy S. John could not tell what kinde of men they were Sir said he thou knowest then the Elder said to John these are they which came out of great tribulation vers 14 there be no soules in heaven now but first on earth they have beene in great tribulations they in great terrours and anxietie have all cryed Give us help from trouble in the day of their small things they all have beene in a great strait Zach. 4.10 The 1. use The 1 use Let us all heere learne that in this world many swarmes of sorrowes and vexations are prepared for us that minde the way to heaven the best hearts below are often crammed with sighs and groanes the grief of minde consumes their marrow chills their bloud wasts their spirits shortneth their life maketh them pale and wanne that we should not startle in our feares Christ hath foretold and said Joh. 16 33 In the world yee shall have tribulation Againe the vvorld shall laugh Joh. 16.20 but you shall vveep the divel the Prince of this vvorld Joh. 12.31 still goeth about to fasten his fangs upon redeemed soules and to spite fire bals at the faces of best Christians the church by Zacharie is compared to mirtle trees in a bottome Zach. 1.8 or low valley that is in a low base and contemptible condition heere is not our rest and therefore let us not thinke among so many dogged Doegs cursed Curres to come to heaven but by a way that is straite narrow and troublesome a way of deepest sighs and saltest groanes a way strovved vvith losses and crosses Satan can not forget his trade of tempting and of spewing floods of troubles against the Saints the word of God tells us that he hath fearful depths Rev. 2.24 2 Cor. 2.11 craftie devices and strange plotted wiles to bring a mischief upon all these that truely feare God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 6.11 If we live godly in Christ let us resolve to
suffer persecution to saile thorow seas of sorrowes yea to be in the belly of hell like Jonah where troubles like waters shall compasse us about even to the soule Joh. 2.5 as long as the Divel is out of hell he will not cease to devise pestilent plots against all these that walke towards heaven By the Crosse Christ himself went to the Crowne will we be able to finde another way are we dearer to God then David was Hear him heer crying to God Give us help from trouble Jacob that Prince of God Gen. 32.28 an Israel who by wrestlng overcame God Gen. 47.9 walked also in the way of troubles few and evil said he Gen 47.9 have my dayes been Daniel Dan. 10.19 a man greatly beloved wa● cast into a den of Lions after a great vision he fainted and wa● sicke many dayes Dan. 8.27 Christ himsel● is called a man of many sorrovves he suffered hunger Isa 53.3 thirst nakednesse and at last was put to deat● like a Traitour attached on a rack After him came a world of hi● worthies of whom the work was not worthy of whom lik● others before him some were tortured and others had tryall o● cruell mockings Heb. 11 35 and scourgings o● bonds and imprisonments of other it is said that they were stoned and savven asunder vers 36 and slai● vvith the Svvord and that th● vvandred about in sheep skinnes and goat skinnes being destitute afflicted vers 37. tormented As it hat● beene so it shall be with God servants on earth untill tbe lo● day of mankinde come to its even seeing it is so let all of us now in these dayes of trouble resolve vvith Ezekiel Eek 12 18 to eate our bread vvith quakeing and drink our drink vvith trembling because vve have sinned if the Lord send a persecution let us purpose yea resolve to cast off our most costly apparell to forsake all other delights for to go vvith Christ haveing the sheep-skinnes or goate-skinnes upon our backes heb 11 37 let us be content in our dayes of tryall for Christ to put on Joshuahs filthie garments Zach. 3.3 the vilest ragges of captivitie We have enjoyed a long rest a most vvonderfull peace vve knovv not but by hearing or reading vvhat the Crosse is now in all appearance the time is come that the Lord vvill let it be seene vvho are his true servants it may be that he permit novv such a cruell triall the like whereof hath not be● in our land and therefore it is o● duetie in this day of our publi● fast to intreate the Lord most earnestly for one of two that eith●● according to the words of m● text he would give us help from trouble in delivering us rom th● great evils we feare or els tha h● would give us strength patience and courage to suffer for his sake yea to rejoice with the Apostle that we are counted worthy to suffer either shame or paine for hi● name Act. 5.41 Outward torments fo● Christ are nothing to these wh● have a good conscience tha● heavenly musician singing mo● sweetly day and night One sait● very well that the teares of good conscience have more pleasure in them then the world greatest joy they are full of th● sweetest juice marrow hone● kernell comforts relish th●● the heart of man can conceive Cum suspiriis inenarrabilibus conjunctū est gaudium ineffabile they have an unspeakable joy with inuterable sighs The 2. use The 2 use Judg. 7.16 Let this serve for reproofe to many who have not a minde to suffer any thing for Christ yea not so much as to bear a pitcher for Israel or to cry THE SWORD OF THE LORD AND OF GIDEON As long as Christ will give loaves to such they will most frequently swarme about him Joh. 6.26 they are like Ephraim a cake not turned halfe daugh and halfe backed Hos 7.8 neither raw nor rosted Rev. 3.15 lukewarm ●ike Loadicea Alas many thousands were ready to sit down with Christ and to eate of his multiplied loaves and fishes but where were all these at Golgotha when the Lord like a Theefe was ●anged up between two theeves Yea where then was Peter himself where then was Andrew Peters brother yea where the● were James and Philip and Barth●lomew Thomas and Matthew and James the sonne of Alpheus where were Lebeus and Simon the Cananite S. Marke saith that they all forsooke him and fled onelie John tarried with him a● the crosse Mark 14 50 to whom he recommended his mother Ioh. 19.27 what the● did it was through infirmitie● they all loved Christ dearly but the fear of death overcam● their love this was a grea● fault but many among us carnall men soaked in sensualitie● who have cursedly feared the●● owne conscience with the hote yron in the Divels forge me● whose eyes are darkened wit● the mists of hell have no courage for GODS worship th● Taverne is their Temple their bell is their bible and their god the● are men of rotten hearts whi●● have so embraced in their armes earthly doung with Demas 2 Tim. 4.10 that they care not for Religion such have no courage for the truth they have no purpose to suffer losse of lands or lives 1 Cor. 1.18 Ezek. 28.3 for the folie of this Gospel Behold they are wiser then Daniel They esteeme all these but fooles that in the torrents of troubles forsake their faire cloathes and houses to put on the goate skinnes Heb. 11.37 and to abide in the caves and dennes of the earth such wise worldlings cannot imagine that Christ is on the suffering side while they rest pleasantly in their beds of yvory and of ease Am. 6.4 they in their hearts scorne at men as fools that quite their lands and their lives their wives and their houses and their wealth for to suffer trouble for religion which fy fy they imagine to be but opinions of men conceits devices of giddie braines Giv● unto such the black Masse an● all the idols of Rome yea th● Turkish Alcoran under som● other more honest names and they shall embrace them all before they quite their sieled houses and their silks Hag. 1.4 for to put on th● sheep-skinnes for to wander up an● down with the faithfull servant● of Jesus Christ Heb. 11.37 while thes● fooles have a hote gleame o● earthly glory while the sailes o● their sensualitie are filled with carnall delights they are at home yea as they thinke in heaven crowned with rose buds and garlands of glory while they thu● tumble in these earthly pleasures though the Lord Jesus promis● unto them the Crownes of hi● Kingdome they are though i● another sense like the Olive-tre● that would not quite its fatnesse and like the figge tree Judg. 9.9 that would not quite its sweetnesse or like the Vine that would not leave its wine for to be made Kings over the trees
the Lord Arise O Lord c. In the second part wee have the petitions of his prayer which are foure in number 1. Arise 2. Disappoint him 3. Cast him downe 4. Deliver my soul from the wicked which is thy Sword Let us now come to the glosse and interpretation of every part of the text I. PART To whom the Prophet here maketh his Prayer HEE to whom the Prophet heere maketh his prayer is the Lord Arise O Lord. Observe heere the wisedome of David when he is in distresse The doctrine he goeth to the right hand even directly to the Lord As for Abraham he knew him not and therefore he spake not a word to Abraham to Jsaac or Jacob Psal 73.25 in any of his troubles whom have I in heaven but thee was his saying unto God The 1. use The 1 use Let us learne here in whom to trust at all times it is in the LORD All other things whatsoever will faile but the Lord faileth never Some helpers faile in will though they may they will not and some faile in power though they will they may not but the Lord is sure on all sides there is nothing that may doe us good but God is able to doe it looke how able he is in power he is as willing for our well If we want any thing that we desire it is either because we aske it not Jam. 4.3 or because wee aske amisse that wee may consume it upon our lusts or because what we aske is not expedient for us wee often seeke from God and weepe for things which we would have as children weepe for knives which their parents will not give unto them because they would be hurtfull unto them Many of Gods children have crying desires for wheate Psal 4.6 wine and oyle this worlds wealth and ease but God knowes that many would be hurt thereby and therefore grants not unto them their desires The Lord forbid that God had suffered us to get our hearts desire at all times the best of us had been in hell ere now if God had given us all our will a yeares peace or plentie O what a change maketh it among a people O how hurtfull is it to the souls of many who crammed with hypocrisie can crake of pietie and soulder their gracelesse doings with great ostentation The 2. use The 2 use Let this serve for reproofe to Papists who all slabbered in the dirt of mans inventions most foolishly distrusting GODS good will Jon. 2.8 forsake their owne mercie in steede of crying to the LORD they court the L●dy Mary which is their Queene of heaven Isa 44.7 they also run from God to the Saints as though they had a greater regard unto us or loved us better then God If we had done the thousand parts of the wrongs to them that wee have done unto God though they had beene our fathers and our mothers they had all cursed us Gen. 9.25 as Noah did to Cham Cham so farre as I can reade had but once scorned his father and for that once his father cursed him but wee have ten thousand times scorned God and yet he hath blessed us and blesseth us still His wayes are not our wayes Isa 55 8 and his thoughts are not our thoughts for as farre as the heavens are above the earth as farre are his wayes above our wayes and his thoughts above our thoughts so it is of his mercy and love Isa 49.15 though a mother forget her childe the Lord can not forget his children thus they who goe to others then to God are deceived as if men not content with the light of the Sun would goe to seeke light from the Moone who hath all her light from the Sunne Of all such God may well say as he said in the dayes of Jeremiah Jer. 2.27 they have turned the back and not the face Jonah marketh such with this black blot Jonah 2.8 These that observe lying vanities forsake their owne mercie It was not so great a wonder under the law to see men idolaters Cant. 2.9 bcause then Christ but looked out at a window and shewed himselfe through a lattesse darklie but O now in his Gospel he come out at doores clear● with Behold me Behold me ● for us let our refuge in all di●esses bee to God and Christ his Sonne Iohn 17.3 this is life eternall said Christ in his prayer only Christ is Mediator onely by him our prayers are heard many Pagans did excell in morall things but because they knew not Christ they could not finde the doore of heaven this made a father to say of that great Philosopher Aristotle August Vae tibi Aristoteles laudaris ubi non es damnaris ubi es Wo to thee O Aristotle who art commended where thou art not and condemned where thou art The second Part. The Prayer WE have heard unto whom the Prophet here maketh his prayer it is unto the Lord now let us consider the prayer i● selfe Arise disappoint him ca● him down deliver my soul from the wicked which is thy sword I● this prayer there be foure petitions 1. Arise 2 Disappoin● him 3. Cast him down 4. Deliver my soul from the wicked wit● thy sword Angustiati animi suspiria one calleth well thes● foure petitions the groanes of soul in a great straite The first Petition Arise THe first thing that the Psalmist here requireth of the Lord is that he would Arise and make him ready for his help Arise O LORD When God for causes known to himselfe delayes his help he seemeth to his servants to be like a man lying or sleeping Hence are all these formes of speaches of the godly Arise Psal 3.7 O Lord save me Psal 10.1 why standest thou afarre off O Lord why hidest thou thy selfe in times of trouble Againe Arise O Lord Psal 10.12 O God lift up thine hand forget not the humble Againe Awake Psal 44.23 why sleepest thou O Lord Arise cast us not off for ever againe vers 26 Arise for our help for thy mercies sake the Scriptures are full of Arise and awake which distressed men cry unto God whil● he delayes to help them The doctrine Observe here first that Go● cometh not ever at the first un●to his servants in their afflictions he will have them to taste ye● whiles to drink of the bitter cup before he let it passe from them that afterward they may th● better taste and see how good 〈◊〉 the LORD Psal 34.8 when he hath delivered them Cum differt auxilium videtur Deus sedere otiosus Isa 26.16 God sometime will seeme to his servants very carelesse of their miserie as i● he were a man lyen down to sleep but all that is to stirre up the hearts of his servants to cry the more mightily unto him and also to let them see their owne weaknesse of faith and how that
before ●e hath tried Gods love and li●eralitie will but seek small things ●rom him But assone as he hath ●een these Oceans of mercies that ●re in Gods widest bowels he will seek and seek ay more and more When ever he lookes upon God he sees a full hand ready ●o give he heares a mouth of mercy crying unto him Psal 81.10 Open thy mouth very wide and I will fill ●t unto thee It is not possible that man that is not acquaint with God can imagine how loving ●nd liberall the Lord is for this ●ause the wicked who are thick ●ghted and by false spectacles ●ee him but a farre in the workes ●f the Creation but not neere ●n Christ seeke nothing from God but earthly things Psal 4.6 as wheate wine and oyle When they are ●ull of these things like a horse ● dogge or a cowe that is full of meat they lye downe to sleep and seeke no more Such me● are but beasts who know no● what good things the LORD hath in his treasures for his Children If they get the earth and earthly things they rest content singing a Requiem to their soules with that foole in the Gospel who bad his soul eate Luke 12.19 drink an● be merrie because he had provided much for it Est aliquid quod in ipsis floribus angat Jon. 4.7 and that fo● many yeares This joy lasteth not The flovvre of it hath ● vvorme like Jonahs gourd it wil● anone vvither and passe avvay The use The use Let us be careful● to knovv GOD and his goodnesse If vve vvere once vvel acquaint with him in our prayers vve should wonder what a boldnesse should enter into ou● hearts to go to GOD and to seeke and seeke ay more and more If he see our hearts honest if vve speake to him vvith sense and feeling Psal 109.164 though seven ●imes a day he vvill never say ●o us Mal. 2.7 as he saith to Papists ba●ling on their beeds yee weary ●e with your words No not he is so glad of our conference ●hat he hath commanded us to ●ray continually 1 Thess 5.16 Yee cannot be●eeve the half of that which I ●ay untill yee make proofe and ●ake a tryall of that which yee heare O the unspeakable kindnesse of God When the Queene of Sheba who had heard much of Solomons glory came her selfe and saw She said that the report which She had heard of him was ●rue and that She could not be●ieve the wordes untill her eyes had seene it But behold said She 1 King 10 7 ●he halfe was not told mee thy wisedome and prosperitie exceedeth the fame which I heard Much more may this bee said in things pertaining to God the tongue of Angels can not expresse th● half of Gods goodwill toward the sonnes of men David kne● this and therefore he most earnestly exhorted all the godly t● get knowledge of Gods goodnesse by their owne experience O taste and see how good is the LORD Psal 34.8 O but Gods childre● are deare to him Oh that the● were dearer to us then they are Alas beasts and fowles hawke and houndes are more dear to many then the dearest children o● God Julius Caesar perceiving women bearing litle dogs under thei● armes enquired if they had n● children So it may be enquire of many that with great coa● feede foules and beasts for thei● pleasure if GOD have no chi●●dren for their charitie But O though men contemne such y● are they deare to GOD yea s● that the more familiare they bee with him they are the more welcome The more they seeke they come the better speed Yea he is willing that they leane and ●est upon him so that others see●ng this Cant. 8.5 may wonder at such a familiaritie and say who is this ●omming up from the wildernesse ●eaning upon her welbeloved Now let us consider the petition it selfe it is in these wordes Cast him downe The Hebrew word Carang signifieth proper●y to bow to throw downe with ●reat violence The Psalmist ●eaking of these gluttons among ●e Israelites that cryed for flesh ●aith that after they were filled ●he wrath of GOD came downe ●pon them Pal. 78.31 and smote downe the ●hosen men of Israel The originall word there signifieth that he made them to bow or that hee ●hrew them downe when a man falleth in a battell or any way 〈◊〉 death he boweth downe This that which David heere desire the Lord to doe to his enemies who could not be diverted fro● their malicious purpose even th● he would bow them down by h● strong and mighty arme The doctrine Observe here what the Lor● both can and will doe to the en●●mies of his servants he will no faile to cast them downe This that which David heere require This is the prayer of the Churc● when the godly are persecuted b● malicious men who will not 〈◊〉 recalled God is a hearer of prayers hee will not faile to thro● down to the ground all these th● maliciously set their face agai● him If yee vvould have a pro● of this hear the speaches of Go● and of the proude King of Ba● vvho smote Gods people in wra● vvith a continuall stroake I sa● that King will ascend into heaven Isa 14.13 I will exalt n● throne above the Starres of God that is I vvill do vvhat I please let God say what he liketh but he lied But what said the Lord vers 15. the Lord spake truth Thou shalt be brought downe to hell I shall cast thee dovvne A man vvhat ever he be if once the Lord in vvrath lay hands upon him shall be cast dovvne yea dovvne to the earth yea downe to the hells yea so dovvne that he shal never be able to rise again I will overturne overturne Eze. 21.27 overtu●ne said the LORD The 1 use The first use Let this serve for instruction to great men as Emperours Kings and Princes let such bevvarre according to Gamaleels counsell Act. 5.39 to fight against GOD. They for a space in the pride of their hearts may ruffle and strout like Nebuchadnezzar in his palace vvith Dan. 4.30 Is not this great Babel yea some vvill boast Go● himselfe vvith Pharao saying who is the LORD Exod. 5.2 but such 〈◊〉 all their greatest grandour are bu● like Chessemen vvhich have som● prerogatives upon the Chesseboard but O vvhen the game is ended death shuffleth both the King and the Pawne into one bagge vvit● God is no respect of persons h● careth neither for King nor Kes●● if they proudly repine against hi● Majestie Psal 20.12 vvhen his wrath is kindled but a little Eze. 21.27 he will overturne overturne overturne their royall estates breake their scepters into pieces make their crovvne like the chaffe of the Summer threshing floore David a King knowing this that scepters and crovvnes vvhen GOD is provoked are no● Thunder-proofe gave unto al● Kings his counsell concerning
this For after that he had spoken of the great povver of God in breaking his most mighty enemies vvith a barre of yron as though they vvere the vessels of a potter he cryed out this notable vvatch-vvord Psal 2.10 Bee wise therefore O yee Kings c. Serve the LORD with feare Kisse the Son lest hee bee angry If ye doe it not yee shall all perish from the way by the sharpened keene edge of his justice when his wrath is kindled but a little All things would he say shall then turne enemies to you All the creatures both Angels and Men shall hate you the Divels shall accuse you and Christ shall judge you O then may be said Anselm Heu miser sic deprehensus quo fugias latere erit impossibile apparere in tolerabile O wretch whither wilt thou flee while thou art thus surprised for neither may thou lurke neither darre thou appeare This is said to thee who in great pompe marchest with thy traine a proude enemie of God and his Gospel For a time the LORD may suffer thee in thy caroch to be gloriously whirled through the streets but tarry a little and God at last shall make of thee a foot-boy to run before a promoted Mord●cai The 2 use The second use Let this serve for comfort to Gods children when they are threatned with death by mighty Monarches because like Shadrach and his fellowes they will not worship an idoll like that which was by King Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 3.1 set up in the field of Durah Let us remember well what these children Dan. 3.28 who changed the Kings word and yeelded their bodies said to that King threatning them with death if they would not worship his idoll Our God whom wee serve Dan. 3.17 said they is able to deliver us without his permission all the potentates of the earth can not make a haire to fall from our head though for a time they trouble us at last the Lord shall come and cast them downe Yea and drowne them in a whirle-poole of his wrath where no corke shall bee able to beare them aloft were they Kings if they persecute Gods Saints at last the Lord shall cast them downe So at last 1 Sam. 31 4. 1 King 22 35. Dan. 5.6 he cast downe King Saul upon Gilboah and he cast downe King Ahab in his bloody charet and he cast downe King Bellhazzar fitting among his whoores hee cast downe that great Alexander that vaine man Dan. 12.13 that could not with Daniel rest and stand in the lot content with his station but whined for lack of elbow roome because there was not another world The LORD made a short coffin to containe him whom a whole world could not content Behold all the Emperours in Nebuchadnezzars image which hee saw in his sleep Behold there the golden head of the Caldeans the silver breast of the Persians the brasen belly of the Grecians and the yron legs of the Romanes But O again behold a little stone cut out of the quarrey of heaven without hand even Christ Iesus the great Captaine of Salvation Heb. 2.10 who smote that image on the feet so that all these Emperoures with their Crownes and Scepters Dan. 1.22 became like the chaffe of the Summer threshing floores Neither their Scepters nor their Crownes nor their Guards nor their Armies can uphold them when the LORD commeth to cast them downe All their armies become like these keepers about Christs grave who for fear at his resurrection Mat. 28.4 became as dead men The Lord God is against them to justle with them in his wrath and therefore they cary hel even a trembling heart in their bosome and the brand of vengeance in their foreheads the shrewde wages of their wickednesse Let these observations stand for our comfort The third use The 3 use Seeing the Lord is so powerfull to cast downe Princes and Potentates let this serve for reproofe to these who can not trust in God but tremble like aspen leaves when they see the great forces of men or heare of them Such are not fit for Christs wars they gladly would dwell on Tabor with him sitting betweene Moses and Elias but forsake him at Calvarie hanging between two Thieves they like well his robbes of glory but abhorre his ragges of povertie Hosanna hath a sweet sound in their eares but anone they shrink back at these bitter bloody cryes of Crucifie Crucifie Israel had never conquered Canaan if they had been fearfully affraid of the sons of Anak Away with men that will not believe except they touch and see Such mens understandings are led by their senses they give more trust to their eyes Plus oculo quam oraculo then to the word of promise if we could rightly fear God if we had but the least graine of faith we would never fear things that have their breath in their nostrils Isa 2.22 What is man that he should be feared what can he do though he had permission to do all that is in his power he can but kill the body and so send us home to our Lord If men kill us not a fever or a fluxe or a Cancer as well as a Canon or one of a thousand diseases will come and take away our life If we did truely fear God the terrours of men would not trouble us much But because we are negligent in prayer and in prying into the heavens for to know what store of joy and contentments are there therefore when a word of death or danger is heard we are like that Pashur whom Jeremie called Magor-Missabib that is fear round about Jer. 20.3 ly upon us that any thing should be able to affright us unto whom the Lord hath made so fair promises that he will be unto us a shield and a shadow a Sconce a strong tower and a fortresse a hedge a wall of fire and of brasse Is any man stronger then God If any Prince can be found that can cast downe God let us tremble and shake If any other God can be found to whom a man may say in the words of may text Arise O LORD disappoint him cast him down then let us tremble and goe with Zedekiah from chamber to chamber for to hide our selves But this God of my text is the onely true GOD He is the God of gods when he is angry he casteth down the gods as he threw downe the Philistines Dagon 1 Sam. 5.13 and did execute judgement against all the gods of Egypt Exo. 12.12 this our Lord at last shall bring a black day upon all the wicked the enemies of his Church their groanes in hell shall honour his justice so well as the songs in Heaven shall glorifie his mercy Now their conscience is like a clocke when the poise is downe the wheeles are without motion all is quyet there is no noise in the heart but O as soone as the LORD
shall set their wheeles on worke and waken them out of their unhappy dream then shall their heart breake and their tongue confesse and their Eyes weepe and their Hearts wring with these doolefull desperat cryes Rev. 6.16 Rocks and Mountaines fall upon us this shall bee most sweet musick in the Eares of the Godly whom they in the world did tread under feete as most contemptible dongue The fourth Petition Deliver my soule from the wicked with thy Sword THE fourth petition is contained in these words Deliver my soul from the wicked with thy sword In this petition David seeketh his life from God deliver my soul that is save my life Because it is by the soule that we live the life is called the soul For when once the soul is removed from the body the life tarieth no longer In this petition also may well be included a holy desire for a spirituall deliverance of his soul from sinne and Satan his spirituall enemies for doubtlesse whe● the enemies of the body are busie seeking our life the Dive● like a roaring Lion 1 Pet. 5.8 seeketh us most earnestly that when we ar● slaine he may get our soules Satan is most vigilant and busie t● cause Battels of bloud that whe● mens bodies are slaine in an evil● quarrell he may get many soules And therefore this should at a times be the man of warres ejaculatorie prayer O Lord delive● my soul from the vvicked vvi● thy svvord This is for the preservation both of soul and body The words of this petition are diversly interpreted Some esteeme that the wicked here are called the Sword of God Qui tibi vice gladii est that is in steed of a Sword thus all the meanes of mens destruction are the Lords Sword According to this Isa 66.16 Isaiah saith that by fire and sword the Lord will pleade with all flesh The same Prophet in another place saith Isa 27.1 that the Lord with his sore and great and strong Sword will punish Leviathan The Prophet Jeremiah cryeth out O thou Sword of the Lord Jer. 47.6 how long wilt it be ere thou bee quiet Zeph. 2.12 The Lord in Zephaniah said to the Ethiopians yee shall be slaine by my Sword According to this interpretation all meanes that God useth either to afflict his children or to destroy the wicked are called his Sword In this sense the wicked in my text according to the new Translation are called Gods Sword deliver my soule from the wicked which is thy Sword that is the instrument of thy correction Other interpret the words after this manner deliver my soule from the wicked with thy Sword In the Hebrew there is onely thy Sword for with thy Sword The Chaldee hath Charbecha for Becharbecha who deserveth to be slaine by thy Sword the Greeke glosse hath using thy Sword against him The sense of the whole petition is this that the Lord would deliliver his life from the wicked which are the Sword or rod of his wrath Isa 10.5 Or that by his Sword he would destroy the wicked and so deliver his soule or his life this last interpretation seemeth best for it is more likely that David here desireth the Lord to deliver his soul from the wicked with his Sword then that the wicked are GODS Sword against him for in this Psalme he pleadeth for his own innocency in all that concerned his enemies I confesse that if we look to God in our affections though we be most unjustly wronged by men yet the Lord is ever righteous and most justly may with the wicked as vvith a rod scourge us for our trespasses against him both interpretations are good Now to come to the petition Deliver my soule from the vvicked vvhich is thy Sword or vvith thy Svvord After that he had prayed against his enemies he prayeth for himselfe that the LORD would deliver his soule The destruction of our enemies is but half comfort except that the Lord deliver us from dangers Indeed the destruction of Gods enemies is a fair way for the deliverance of Gods servants After that Haman was hanged Gods people had joy and gladnesse Esth 8.17 a feast and a good day The use The 1 use Let us learn the right method of prayer in these dayes of trouble The Church of God now hath many adversaries who are runne together in a cluster like one man in the singular number Heere we may learn what to say Arise O Lord disappoint him Cast him dovvne downe with Doeg the Deputie the cursed courteour down with Zedekiah Canterburrie the false Prophet who by his tyrannie hath smitten many a good Micajah on the cheeck for couragiously withstanding of his Arminian lies Down down with that proud Prelate whose lips should have kept knowledge Mal. 2.8 and yet like these wicked Priests in Malachie hath made many to stumble at the law Yea and at the Gospel also by corrupting the Covenant of Levi The court made him fo●ge his Master Christ as the second Coch of Egypt taught Joseph ●o sweare by the life of Pharao Make thy arme now bare Gen. 42.16 Lord ●nd cast downe all thine enemies among us but chiefly LORD now downe with these bloudie hounds of Ireland these cruell Cannibals 1 King ● 5 who like bloudy Joab have shed the blood of warre in peace and have put the blood of war upon their girdles that were about their loines and in their shooes that were on their feet Let not their hoare heads goe downe to the grave in peace If any others by authoritie or counsell have had hand in that bloud as the Prophet Zacharie said when men were murdering him at the commandment of the King The Lord looke upon it 2 Chron. 24 2● and require it O what a terrible count is above the head of these who have a hand in these most bloody divisions in England now Aceldama a field of blood where so many like these two young men that came out of the two armies to play before Joab and Abner thrust every one his sword into his fellowes side and fall down together O these red fields made red morter with the blood of so many thousands O is there not a God in Heaven Will he not looke upon all this and require it yea and requite it O let us pray that God would cast downe these men of blood After that wee have prayed thus let us intreat the LORD most humbly to deliver our Soules with his sword from the rage of wicked men The 2 use Againe whereas this man of God seeketh heere deliverance from the Lord let us learne to whom to goe for to be in safetie Neither Ships by Sea nor Castels by Land can deliver mens soules or lives All these things are but vaine things a blast of winde will throw down and drowne these Sea towers filled with Canons The strong holds on land though they seeme such as the blinde and
the mighty ones It shall bee at last sung in a song of victory vers 27. At our feete they bowed and fell at our feete they bowed and fell Where they bovved there they fell dovvne dead All our enemies like Adam in his sinne shall flee away and thrust their head in a bush If we be Gods friends God shall be their enemie whether they fight in valleyes or hills let them hitch up as high as they can were it to set their nest among the Stars Obad. 4. thence shall he bring them down As mountaines could not save his enemies in the day of water neither shall the fountaines save them in the last day of fire GODS friends may well say Psal 66.12 vve vvent through fire and vvater but his foes are burnt in the one and drowned in the other they shall not be able to make any shift for a shelter Let us flee Exod. 14 25. said the Egyptians for the LORD fighteth for Israel This at last shall be the case of all our enemies though they were in number like the sand Judg. 7.12 if we by a reformed life studie to please him who is the GOD of armies for as Moses sang at the red Sea Exod. 15.3 The LORD is a man of Warre he triumphingly at the last sets his foot upon the necks of all his enemies But if wee provoke GOD by our sinnes Josh 7.20 as Achan did at Jericho If we grieve the Angels who clap their vvings for joy at our conversion Luk. 15.10 if wee make griefe to goe to these thresholds of joy if we make these ministring Spirits to blush at our wicked deeds Heb. 1.14 if we draw back Heb. 10.38 so that GODS soul have no pleasure in us if we rebell and vexe his holy Spirit Isa 66.10 and for to speake so morgage our salvation or by some bastard idle thoughts barter away the joyes of a good conscience for any triffles of pleasure profite or preferment like Esau who preferred pottage to his birthright Gen. 25.34 or like the Gergesites who desired Christ the Saviour to depart from their costs Mat. 8.34 that they might save their swine in a word if such wicked thoughts lodge within us vve shall in the day of Battell flee like sheepe scattered on the mountaines 2 Chron. 18.16 When the Israelites fled shamefully from before the men of Aï the Lord declared to Joshuah their great Generall the cause of their flight Israel hath sinned Josh 7.11 and have transgressed my Covenant c. vers 12. Therefore they could not stand before their enemies If Generalls of armies vvould not vvith Joshuah bee ashamed of the flight of their souldiers let them by all meanes endeavour that no wicked persons be tolerate in their armies For all such are but like Cuckoos which for a little space in Summer will sing a scurvy note to us but are sure to be gone before the winter blasts come Such profaine villaines vvill do no good in the day of danger when they must face a bloodie field and therefore a Generall must say of his armie as David said of his house I will walke within my house or in my armie Psal 101.2 with a perfect heart vers 3 c. I hate the worke of them that turne aside it shall not cleave to vers 4 mee A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know vers 5 a wicked person Who so privily slandereth his neighbour him shall I cut off Him that hath an high looke and a proud heart will not vers 6 I suffer Mine eyes shall be on the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with me He that vvalketh in a perfect vvay vers 7 he shall serve we He that vvorketh deceit shall not dvvell vvithin my house Hee that telleth lies shall not tarrie in my sight I vers 8 vvill early destroy all the vviced of the land That I may cut off all vvicked doers from the Citie of the LORD The Generall of an armie should not onely honour GOD himselfe but also carefully see that he be honoured by others and should contemne all honour that is joyned with contempt of Christs Majestie It is storied of Gotherey of Boloigne a most excellent warriour that being in the very heate and hight of his honour he refused to bee crowned in Jerusalem with a Crovvn of gold and that because Christ his Lord had there beene crowned with a Crovvn of thornes O then what honour can come from these profaine who by wounds and passions and bloody oathes and other vilest vices Heb. 6.6 doe crucifie againe the King of glory Let these be the wordes of a generous Generall I hate the worke of them that turne aside it shall not cleave to mee a froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person c. These that delight in lies shall not tarry in my sight these who with Achan play punks for to fill their trunks with a golden wedge Josh 7.21 them will I cut off with all other vicious persons who like drunkards are couragious at the Barrell but cowards at the Battell Tumidi potando timidi pugnando all such that want grace shall have no place in my favour Let all Captaines make this a rule of their militarie Discipline wherewith as by a curb they may powerfullie pull in all these that give loose reines to themselves in all sortes of riot If this be carefully done they shall have their souldiers full of heart and health strength and courage 1 Sam. 17 13 to draw the strongest cities with ropes in a river they like Saul and Jonathan shall be swifter then Eagles 2 Sam. 1.23 and stronger then Lions The LORD shall teach their hands to warre so that a bow of steele shall bee broken by their armes Pal. 18.34 their enemies when they see them shall all agast with gastly lookes cry with the Egyptians at the red Sea Let us flee from the face of Israel Exod. 14.25 for the LORD fighteth for them against us Thus shall it be done to the armie of these that in holinesse fight the Battels of the LORD In whose royall hand is the royall gift of victorie in this life and after this life the victorious wreaths with palmes in hands Rev. 7.9 and crownes on heads in the Heaven of Heavens the place of our desired rest and the rest of all our desires To him bee glory for ever Amen A PRAYER FOR AN ARMIE IN THE DAY OF BATTELL O LORD the great GOD of Armies and commander of Battels in whose hand is the breath of all men who hast a full power to save or destroy there is none like unto thee Wee who stand in great need of thy help intreat thee for thy mercy this day Let not the sinnes of any like the sin of Achan deprive us of thy assistance and protection at this present