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B00941 A bryefe summe of the whole Byble. A Chrystian instruction for al parsons yonge and olde, to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees. / Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker. Heyden, Cornelius van der.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1550 (1550) STC 3018; ESTC S124414 67,231 231

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as they beno● abused But he doth forbidde the Idolatry supersticion and false relygion whiche these folyshe braynles frātyke and mad people haue vsed yet in many places God amend it do vse in runnyng and gadding with thē by the streates bearing them on their shulders roarynge cryinge lyke madde people lyke Turkes heathen in fidels whiche knowe not GOD in dede in settinge thē in their churches houses and els where in lighting of candelstapers kneling and crouching before them in gylting and arraying of thē wich veluet sylke c. sufferinge in the meane ceason our euen Christen to perish for colde for lacke of succour Ion. v. Sayn●t Iohn also reprēhendeth them saying Babes kepe youre selues frome Images or symylitudes Lykewise the Prophet Esay sayeth Ezay 4 ● GOD sayth he is gelous he wyll geue his Power to none other neyther his honour to the Gods Agaynst this commaundement do All they of whome the Prophet Ieremy wryteth in diuer●e places Ieremy i and .iii. they Isay whiche forsake and leaue God and ronne heare and there to Images and Symylitudes made of stone wodde golde syluer for to obteyne comforte helpe Sapi. 1 ● remedy Neyther are they ashamed to speake wyth hym that his without soule and to call for health vnto him that hath no myght call for lyfe vnto the deade THe thyrd cōmaundement teacheth to extolle Le●it xix eccl xxiii psal 11. r Hester 1 r Dan. 2. r Deut. v. Le●it 24 laude prayse and with all reuerence to magnifye the moost blessed name of God and soundeth thus Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne For the lorde wall not holde hym vngiltie that taketh hys name in vayne That is Thou shalt in no wise sweare nor curse Leu. xix b Math. v. Iacob v. Psalm lxxiiii cxiiii ●xv but thy saying shal be yea yea and no no. Feare and tremble when thou namest the same And be not ashamed to cōfesse the same name before mē but laude prayse blesse cal vppō the same moost holy name If thou art in daunger or in any nede take your refuge to the same name of the almightie God as to a moost sure ancker Agaynst this commaundemēt do all they whiche for a light matter eccl xxiii leui xxiiii i. corin vi do name the same moost holye name of God Curse sweare and blaspheme by the same in sicknes or aduersitie And they also whiche vse the same name to sorcery or witchcraft And they whiche attribute reken or accompte all honour vnto them selues Furthermore all they that take God to witnes in a false matter And they whiche do not stedfastly trust and beleue to bee true all that whiche God hath spoken taught Or thy whiche eyther do heare or se the same moost holy name dispysed and dishonoured Hebr. vi do not withstand the same to the vtter must of their power But to sweare in a iust cause to gods honour and to the proffit of thy neighbour beyng therto required by the iustice or officer is not forbidden here THe fourth Commaundemēt teacheth to haue a quyet harte in God Mat. xii i. cor x. Roma x. ezay lvii exod xx b xxiii.b ceasing frō al bodely labour soundeth thus Remembre the Sabboth day that thou sanctifye it Syxe dayes shalt thou labour and do ol thy worke But the seuenth day is the Sabath of the lorde thi god That is Sease from al bodely labour and trauayle and frome sinne and do good restyng in God hearing his worde seke rightuousnes before thyne eyes al the dayes of thy lyfe sufferinge him to worke thy health and saluacion through Iesus Christ and rest in hym Syxe dayes mayest thou labour and do al that thou haste to do But the seuēth daye is the Sabboth of the lorde thy God in it thou shalte do no maner of worke neither thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunt neyther thy cattell neyther yet the straunger that is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the lorde made heauen and earth and the sea and al that in them is and rested the seuenth daye Wherfore the lorde blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it Chryst sayd Mat. xii● and .xii. Ezay lvi it is l●full to do good on the Sabboth daye Therfore the sonne of man is lorde euen of the Sabboth daye The lorde sayth by his prophet kepe equitie and do ryght c. Blessed is the mā that doth this and the mannes chylde whiche kepeth the same He that taketh hede that he vnhalowe not the Sabboth that is if thou kepe thi selfe that thou do not euell for to vnhallowe the Sabboth but to fulfyl my couenaunt sayth the lord then shalt thou be called too the pleasaunt holy and glorious Sabboth of the lorde Where thou shalt be in honour so that thou do not after thyne owne Imaginacion neyther seke thyne owne wyll nor speake thyne owne wordes Hebr. xiii Let vs feare therfore sayth Sainct Paule leaste anye manne forsaking the promes of enteringe this rest shulde seme at any tyme to haue bene disapoynted For to vs is declared the Gospel as wel as to thē But it profyted not thē that they hearde the worde Because they that hearde it coupled it not with faith For we whiche haue beleued do enter into this rest c. That is to sai into eternal life which christ the lord of the Sabboth hath obteined for vs. Agaynst this cōmaundemēt do all they whiche vppon the sondaye yea at all tymes when they can or maye do not heare gods word for to be taught and instructed by the same And thei whiche onelye trust vppō theyr owne wisdome They which attribute their good workes in case thei haue any to them selues and not to God Also they which spende and consume their time vppon Sondayes and other dayes in slouthfulnes in drinking dronke in vayne talke in dicing carding gaming fighting dauncing suche lyke wickednes abusynge the day and tyme As by experiēce dayly may be sene at fayrs assemblies bankettes and feastes Esay v. where as menne haue greate delyte in harpes rebeckes fiddels tabrets flutes pipes muche drinkinge but the poore are litle remembred or regarded And spēd and wast thus their time in al disorder vngodly liuyng wher as they ought on such dayes moost of al to hear Gods word to distribute their almes to the poore to visit the sicke to prayse and thanke god and so confesse and bewayle their synnes whiche they all the weke before haue committed THe first cōmaundement teacheth to be subiect obedient vnto our elders Deut. xxi geue ix Eccle. iii. as fathers mothers and superiour powers wyth all humilitie and lowlynes i. Tit. iii. alwayes in the feare of god and soundeth thus Honour thy father and thy mother Mat. xv that thy dayes may be longe in the lande whiche the lorde
tree whiche is barren and nought moyst to the intēt that with feruēt loue it maye bringe furth ripe pleasaunt and sauery frute O moost kyude father graunt that we duely iustly may sanctifre and make holy thy sabboth day whiche thou wyth all diligence hast commaunded vs. Suffer all fleshly lustes and wicked desires to cease in vs. And lyke as euery creature both in heauen and earth doth obey the and suffer them selues to be ruled gouerned of ye. But so mo●t gētle father drawe and plucke out of our hartes all such thynges as seameth good in our sight to the intēt that thou mayest rule vs not after our but after thyne owne wyl For we knowe that the wayes of man are not his and that it lyeth not in man to stirre or leade his wayes whether he lysteth Pro. xvi Thus good lorde graunt that we paciently whithe a quiet harte may suffer thy hand whē it toucheth vs suffer vs gladly cherefully to beare all such thinges as it shal please the to laye vppon vs whether it be good fortune or euell aduersite sickenes shame stripes yea death also And su●fer our owne nature so to rest to bee quiet and cease that she couet seke and desyre not through superfluitie and desyre of vengaunce to breake or trāgresse the holy sabboth daye Thy wyll bee done in earth it is in heauen Iohn xii Luk. xxii Prayer and coufession O my lorde God to the I make my mone complaynt that I haue followed myne owne will to thy dishonour to my shame haue resisted thy moost Godly wyll for the whiche I am very sorye Prayer and confession Therfore o moost best father be not myne but thy wyll fulfilled Thy wyll is done and fulfilled in heauen amongest the Aungels whyche wythout all difficulte do accordynge to thy wyll trēble quake at thy becking The Sunne and Mone kepe their course and neuer transgresse the same Euen so ought it to be with vs also but we wre●ched synners are to fraile and in our nature we fynde nothyng that is after thy Godly wyl but agaynst the and thy moost holy Lawes thus doth our poysened olde Adam kycke and stryue according to his olde kynde I graunte in dede that in the in warde man we do fynde a delyte pleasure in thy lawe but in our fleshly menbres is an other lawe that is the lawe of the hart And therfore that we wolde we do not but that thynge that we wolde not Rom. vii we do Therfore O moost louing and gentle Father gyue vs thy Lawe in wardelye in vs and write the same in our hartes to the intēt that we may feare and loue the and walke in thy commaundementes Gyue vs a newe harte sēdyng thy spirite in wardly in vs that he may kindle vs so myth thy loue that we maye loue the with al our hart wyth all our strength aboue all thynges and that we maye loue our neyghbour for thy sake in thankefulnes for the vnspeakable riches whiche thou hast haboundauntlye poured vppō vs euen as our selues For he that hath loue fulfylleth the lawe he that loueth not resteth or sticketh in the death We ought of dutie to be people accordyng to thy harte doing all thynges accordyng to thy wyll Rom. xiii but where is ther one such among vs And who can giue vs a harte to feare the and to kepe thy commaundementes at all tymes so that it maye happen or chaunce well vnto vs our chyldren O lorde thou onelye arte he Thus good lorde clense our hartes and the hartes of our sede that we with all our strength and wyth al our soule may loue the and lyue Make vs whole thē are we whole Make vs blessed then are we blessed For thou art our laude prayse Oh howe oft is our wyll contrarye vnto thy wyll and agaynst thy lawes she had manie tymes rather or lyuer that there were no Lawe Psalm L. nor no God nor no trueth Oh howe is oure harte and vnderstandyng darkened so and in such wise that we can not se our selues therfore o lorde haue mercy on vs according to thy great mercy shape or create in vs a newe harte and poure thy perfect spirite in vs so that no more we but rather thou lyue ī vs worke al our workes accordinge vnto thy Godly wil to the intēt that thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen in the 〈…〉 so that the 〈…〉 rage agaynst thy 〈…〉 eyther let it be subiecte 〈◊〉 the euell lustes but let it be one spirite with thy spirite And let it haue a pleasure displeasure in that thyng that thou arte pleased and displeased with Gyue vs this day our dayly breade Luk. ix Deut. viii Confession I can not deny but must nedes knowledge and confesse that I alas the while good father abhorringe the liuinge breade of my soule haue fylled and fed my soule wyth the draffe and chaffe of straunge worldlye doctrine lyke a swine wherwith I am become feble impotent and withered for the whiche I am sorye with al my harte cry the mercy Prayer and confession Thus louing father and ●●uer of al consolacion ▪ ●●ou that fedest al flesh Gyue 〈…〉 bread psa cxxxv I meane that 〈◊〉 b● that whiche the soule of man is made alyue gyue vs that same at all tymes to the intēt that we wanting the same perish not for hunger Gyue vs faythful and learned Preachers that may iustly duely fede our soules setting bearing before vs thine onely sonne Iesus Christ leauing all fables Treno ii dreames vayne and false doctrine to the intente that we thy shepe bee not slayne vppon thy holy mount in thy holye tabernacle O louing father open our eares of vnderstandinge to the intent that we may vnderstand conceyue trust stedfastly beleue ī thi holy worde ther by borne a new in a better lyfe thē we haue ledde hitherto maye with Iesus Chryst●●s thy ●hildren be receyued of the ī thy Godly loue and fauour Lorde of thy clemēcimekenes and mercy gyue vs vnderstandyng that we may proue the spirites whether they bee of the or of some other i. Ioan. 4 for the wicked and malignaunt spirite can sōtime alter chaunge hym selfe into an Aungel of lyght ii Cor. xi O lord drawe vs through thy mercy vnto thy sonne Iesus Christ that we may iustly and perfectly receaue hym in our hartes Iohn vi for he is the lyuing breade whiche descended from heauen Gyue vs also most gentle father oure bodelye foade after thy Godly wil Rayne Sunshine and mete wether for the frutes of thy feldes indue ceason to thintent that we takyng sufficiently of the same may laude prayse and magnify the. O mooste worthy father let vs not bee sorrowfull and carefull for those thynges that we shulde eate and drinke or where with we shuld be cladde Let vs cast
Deut. xii thou shalte wryte them vppon the postes of thy house and vppon thy gates Take hede and here all these wordes whiche I cōmaunde the that it maye go well with the and with thy children after the for euer Deut. vi See thou doo that whiche is right in the sight of thy lorde that thou mayste prosper ye shal not do after all the thynges that seme good in thyne owne eyes 〈◊〉 what soeuer I commaunde you Deu. ●xx vii that do and put nought therto nor take ought therfrom Cursed be he that maynteyneth not all the wordes of this law to do thē THese beforenamed tenne commaundemētes dyd the Lorde God i. ●eg vii ●ake x● gyue vnto Moses hys seruaunt as we haue before declared in two tables made of stone 〈…〉 xii Wherof in the first is comprehended or conteyned the first chefest and moost pryncypal commaundemente Deu. iiii of the whiche Chryst speaketh sayng Thou shalte loue the lorde thy God wyth all thy harte wyth all thy soule and whithe all thy mynde Thys chefe commaundemente and summe of the first table comprehendeth in it fyue other speciall commaundementes in the whiche we may know and learne what we ought to do and to leaue in that whiche concerneth or toucheth God our heauenly father And in the seconde table is comprysed the secōde commaun demente lyke vnto the first that is to saye Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe That is What soeuer thou woldeste that other men shulde do to the Mat. vii do euen the same vnto them This commaundemente comprehendeth also in it fyue other commaundementes in the whiche we may learn to know what we ought to do and to leaue in that that cōcerneth or toucheth our ●uen Christē or neyghbour So that in these two cōmaundemētes are comprehended the whole lawe and prophetes Rom. xiii And euery man maye lightly perceyue that therin although the woordes are fewe are very playnlye and perfe●tlye declared al kinde of good workes and commaundemētes whiche in any wyse might bee commaunded or geuen to any mā both for to leade a vertuous and Godlye lyfe towardes God and also howe to vse and behaue ourse●ues with our neyghbour both to lyue to dye And who soeuer shall do his vttermost di●●● 〈◊〉 ●o the obseruacyon and 〈…〉 the same he shall not 〈…〉 hour in the whiche he might sai what good workes might I do whiche might be grateful pleasaunt acceptable vnto God Neyther let no man maruayle although he finde not here commaunded that we shuld do any thyng to our own behoufe but that weshulde do it to the behoufe of other that is Fyrst to God and after that to our neyghbour So that although in maner of speakinge a man were blinde yet notwitstanding maie he easelye heare sea fele that the fulfillyng of the lawe dooth cōsist in loue charitie I meane not loue and charite towards our selues but towardes other Wherby it maye iustly be sayde He lyueth best that lyueth to other Agayne he lyueth worst the lyueth to hym selfe And therfore may easely bee spied how fewe there he whiche lyue well vertuously Rom. xiii Psal xiii liii Roma iii To the whiche the prophet Dauid and. S. Paule iustly say Ther is not one that lyueth as he ought to lyue no not one according as the before named tenne commaundementes doo require Here myght a man aske What remedy then Is ther no man that lyueth as he ought to do And it is written in the lawe Cursed bee euerye mā whiche continueth not in al thinges that are written in the booke of the lawe ●●al iii. deu xxvii to do thē Who thē can be saued shall we all be dāpned Heare the sayinge of Roma xii and .iii. S. Paule God sayth he hath comprehended al men vnder sinne and that by through the lawe which geueth vs the knowledge of our sinnes to the intent that he shulde haue mercy on all men And that through faith in Iesu Christ our redeamer By Act. xiii in and through whome all that the carnall men were not able in the fulfyllynge of the lawe is now al fulfylled wholy finished for vs through his precious death Vanquisshinge helle sinne deuell and euerlastyng death Concerninge the seconde article before rehearsed S. Paule to the Balathians in the thirde chapter sayth The rightuous lyueth by fayth Then of necessite a man must beleue if he will be founde rightuous before God Rom. x. And for as muche as the same faith or belefe must come through the hearinge of that whiche men ought to beleue Gyue eare learne and vnderstande in the instruction folowinge called Simbolon Apostorum all that a Christian is chefely bounde to beleue Whiche is deuyded into thre partes euē lyke by the same is acknowledged thre parsones i. John v. Gen. t. in one indiuidivle God heade or deitie THe first part of the Chrysten fayth or beleue maketh mencion of the firste parson of the holy tri●ite God the heauenly father and soundeth thus I beleue in God the father almighty maker of Heauen and earth Malac. 2. Ier. xxxii That is I know Exo. xd. Hebr. x●l thynke and beleue in my harte that my God is in heauen about and in the earth beneth and that there is none other God and all thynges he thorow hym and in him He is the maker and creatour of all creatoures what soeuer is in heauen Ephe. i. on earth The lorde is my strength and glorye and is become to me a father and a sauiour Almyghtye is hys name Lorde who is like vnto the amonge the mightye that art so great in thy holynes Hebr. i. fearfull and laudable that shewest wonders and reygnest for euer and aboue Lorde God full of compassion and mercye Exo. xxx iiii whiche art not lightly angry but haboundaunt in mercy and truth and kepest mercye in store for thousandes Ephesi i. and forgeuest wickednes trespasse sinne He hath electe or chosen vs too beehys chyldren through Iesus Chryst And therfore we shal him onely worshippe and besydes hym none other God Also we shal feare hym as an almyghtye God Deut. vi Psal ii xxxiiii Mat. xii And as a mercyfull father shall we loue him wyth all our hart with al our soule with al our power and myndes And vppon hym must stande all ou● hope Iere. vii Iacob i. For he is the father of light of the which al mankind lyueth Where is there suche a God as thou art o lorde that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest of fences and castest al our synnes into the bottome of the sea Thus good lorde I do vtterly renounce forsake the fende of hel all I dolatry interiour and exteriour all witchecraft mishelefe al false doctrine which is not Gods worde I vtterlye departe fall and flee from all creatures whiche are in heauē aboue or in earth beneth yea
thy children Psal xxi wyth the wholesome meate of thy Godly worde for nowe do the poore sit downe they eate and are fylled prayse the lorde wyth all them whiche after the mocion of the holyghoost seke the wyth all their harte Thou hast geuen that lyuynge water where wyth we maye quentche and expeliche drye thurst wythout ceasynge O father howe louingly and kyndelye doest thou cal vs through the mouth of the prophet Ezay sayinge E●ay lv All they that are thurstie come to the waters and ye that haue no money make hast come but that ye may haue to eate Come buy wyne mylke wythout money or money worth Wherfore do ye laye o●t your money for the thyng that fedeth not and spende your labour for the thing that satisfieth you not But harken rather vnto me and ye shal eate of the best and your soule shall haue her pleasure in plentuousnes Enclyne your eares Act. xiii d i● Re. v●● ez●ch xxx ●iii and come vnto me take hede your soule shall lyue For I wyl make an euerlasting couenaunt with you euē the sure mercies promised to Dauid Therfore moost kinde father l. Reg. iiii we confesse and reuerence the lyke chyldren do their father here vppon the harth Thou dwellest in the heauens wyth thy Aungelles who are not troubled wyth the fleshe but alas we dwell vppon this earth in this miserie in all trouble aduersite and tēptacion We ought also to bee heauenly separed from al worldely and earthly spottes or wrincles a pure holy temple of thy holy Maieste Apo. xxi Lyke thou hast promysed They shal be my people I wil be their God I wil dwel wyth them to the ende of the worlde O moost wyse father thou knowest our weakenes and infirmyte how that in this heauye burthen of the flesh no man is pure no man is vngilty by or through his owne strength before thy face esay lxiiii All our rightuousnesses are as the clotes stayned wyth the floure of a woman we fal euerychone as the leafe for our synnes cary vs away lyke the wynde Tre●o● ● To bryng furth any thing of our selues wherby we might become rightuous we are not able All our fathers whiche nowe are gone haue synned are fallen from the are become vnproffitable neither was there one that dyd good But thou lorde hast made vs rightuous clēsed vs so that we are heauēly and a kyngdome wherin thou sittest And vnder thy fete haste thou the earth to a fotestole so that we do altogether lye vnder thy myght and power wyth fleshe bloude not seking oure owne lust desire but thy wyll not the thinges that are here in this worlde but in heauen eccle xliii where thy sonne Iesus Chryst sitteth on the righthāde The heauēs firmamēt in their continuall course are obedient vnto the and serueth vs also continually geuing vs light clearenes into the worlde to the ease of al men as wel the wicked as the good by the whiche thy great pitie mercy and goodnes is expressed declared vnto al the worlde Moost gētle father graunt that we may so diligently serue thy maiestie and all menne for thy take both wicked and good rightuous vnrightuous psal xviii And boldlye declare pronounce without ceasynge lyke as the heauēs do thy Godly honour before all men so that therby thy mightie name may be praysed magnified for euermore Lactanti For we are created and made through thy goodnes to thy honour to know ledge confesse and serue the. Hallowed be thy name For all e●●ates Confession O heauenly father lorde God whose name is hallowed aboue all other names euerlastingly also called on ouer me in baptisme I confesse before the that I alas the whyle haue not magnified worshipped the same name as I ought to do But haue arrogantly and presumptuously attributed al honour vnto my selfe and haue exalted and boasted mi selfe in my workes and dedes other thy giftes Furthermore I haue also made thy name a cloke to myne Idolatry tyranny wilines knauery also through ypocrisy swearyng cursing murmuring and vayne talking greatly abusing and dishonouring the same wherfore I crye the mercy Prayer and confession Thy name 〈◊〉 father bee hallowed magnified for eu●●more for vnto the apparteineth al sau de euerlasting praise but vnto vs all shame and confusion for all that we are that are we by and through thy mercye and all what we receyue we receyue at thy mylde and lyberall handes So that no mā nedeth to boaste as though he had it of hym selfe But thou openest thy hand and fyllest al creatures with thy blessynges O moost gentle father let vs fall frō our selues wholy abiecting and despayring of our owne flesh strength so that we neyther trust to our selues nor yet to our good workes psal cxxii but the we maye fix or sette our eyes vppon the lyke the seruaunt fixeth or setteth his eyes vppō hys master tyll tyme the thou haue mercy on vs. For if it were not for thy mercy were as Sodoma Gomo●ra Ther●●e thy name bee fauctified blessed from the rysyng of the sōne vnto the going downe of the same Roma ix Graunt o father the oure soule without ceasyng and all our strength without lothsomnes or tediousnes maye laude prayse the in woor de dede And although we dyd al those thinges whiche thou cōmaundest vs shape in vs suche a harte y● we yet may say that we are vnprofitable seruauntes Luk. xvii For if we haue any thyng that good is it commeth from thy grace O father take frō vs all pride and the loue of our selues to the intent that we esteme our selues no more thē we ought to do that we exalte not our selues aboue other But that we thynkyng knowyng the thou hast geuen vs power strength accordinge to thy good wil and pleasure with all humilitie and lowlynes may walke after thy Godly cou●aunt and wyll That we may say with that princely prophet Dauid Psalm c. xiii Not vnto vs o lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue the prayse for thou art onely lorde both of heauen and earth Thy kyngdome come Confession Psalm l●xvi O lorde God I complayne lament and be wayle my miserie vnto the that I haue bene captiue ●h wretch that I am in that straunge lande of babilon in the lande of death geuyng my membres to the seruitude of sinne to striue agaynst thy holy kyngdome And although I haue forsaken the deuel all his workes in baptisme yet al the notwithstanding I am become wo vnto me vnfaythful forsworne and haue fled from the and ronne to thyne ennemie● Haue mercy on me Prayer and confession Come o lorde and make thy dwellyng wyth vs and let vs be attone wyth the so that we maye remayne or contine win the and thou in vs. Lo●●ng father make our
power with a perfect beleue in the same may stedfastly continue agaynst our ennemies Amen Finis The ordenary 〈…〉 Christians to ●ende a uertuous and Godly lyfe heare in thys vale of mysery Translated out of Doutch into Inglish by Anthony Scoloker i. Cor. vii Let every one abyde in the calling wherin he is called To the christen Reader P●●●● 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 ●h● 〈…〉 of our great graund m●●●er Eue ● Tim. ii who after that she was deceyued subdued vnto the transgression brought forth death vppon all her posterite declareth that to heale so gread a wound and to appeare beautifully in the eyes of the mighty lorde whose deare sonne Iesus Chryst sayde Father those that thou hast geuen vnto me I wyl that where I am they be also wyth me Iohn 17. that they may see my glory After the fyrst rudiment of a Christian the whyche is fayth iii. waytynge virgins ought to bee attendaunt and seruiceable vnto hym that in thys vale of mysery intendeth too leade a perfect lyfe loue holynes and discrecion Vnder the whiche discrecion as it may bee gathered by th● properte of the Greke terme in that place sophrosin are comprised chastitie teperaunce modestie and decent shamefastnes because all these vertues are alwayes coherent ioyned together And holynes lyke as she requireth to flie frō al vice so doth she require the exercise of all vertuous ●orkes 〈…〉 ●hat proce●●● 〈…〉 ●●orow loue 〈…〉 may be sanctifi●● 〈…〉 ●ys father I haue 〈…〉 them that name And wyll ●●●●are it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Wherfore that by loue the duetie of all men from the lowest to the highest may bee knowen from the one to the other Reade ouer thys lytle booke Iohn xv that walking ●n the daungerous pathes of thys exyle thou mayest know how to to bee trayned vnto the mansion place prepared vnto the rightuous that neuer shall haue ende Fyrst How the spirituall Prelates ought to vse them selues towardes the commē people BEholde I send you forth as shepe among wolues Go ye your way teache all nacions baptise thē in the name of the father of the sōne of the holi ghoost mat r 7. c And teach thē to kepe al thynges what soeuer I haue comma●●●ed you Col. i. a. Ye haue not cho●●● 〈◊〉 ●ut haue chosen you Iohn xv Mat. ●0 b ordeined you that ye go bryng furth frute And ye shal beare me witnes not onely at Ierusalem Iohn xv Act. i. a. and .ii. d. but also throughout the land of Iury Samaria to the vttermust coastes of the earth Ioan. xxc Receyue the holyghost Whose sinnes soeuer ye remitt thei are remitted whose sīnes soeuer ye reteyne Mat. x. mat 18. b thei are reteyned Verely I say vnto you what soeuer ye shall binde vppō earth shal be bound also ī heauē and what soeuer ye lowse vppō earth shal be also loused in heauē Take hede vnto your selues and to all the flocke ●ct xx d. among the whiche the Holyghost hath set you to bee bishopes to feade the congregacion of God whiche he h●●● 〈…〉 ●●owne 〈…〉 cam●● 〈…〉 ys gone 〈…〉 all heauens Ephe. iiii to f●●●●a● i. Cor. xii hath set some to be apostles some to bee prophetes some to bee Euangelistes some to bee shephardes and teachers wherbithe saynctes myght bee coupled together thorow commē seruice to the edifieng of the body of Christ i. Tim. iii Leuit. xxi Ezech. 44 Titu iii. A byshop must be blamelesse The husband of one wife sober discrete manerly h●rberous apt to teach not geuen to moch wyne no fighter not geuen to filthy lucre but ge●●le abhorring stryfe abhorryng couetousnes one that ruleth hys owne house honestly hauing obedient chyldrē wyth al honestie For if he cānot rule hys owne house howe shall he care for the ꝯgregaciō of God The seruaunt of the lord ought not to striue i. Tim. i Gal. vi a but to be gētle vnto euery mā apt to teach are 〈…〉 can forbeare the 〈…〉 with mekenes enforme 〈◊〉 resist if God at any tyme wyl geue thē repētaunce for to know the truth and to turne agayn from the snare of the deuel which are holdē i prison of him at his wyll Preach the worde 2. Tim. 4. beferuent be it in season or out of ceasō iproue rebuke exhorte with allong suffering doctrine For the time wil come when they shall not suffer wholsome doctrine but after their own lustes shal thei whose eares itch get thē an heap of teachers shal turne their eares frō the trueth and shal be geuē vnto fables But watch thou i al thinges suffer aduersite do the workes of a precher of the gospell fulfill thine office vnto the vttermust Se the thou know the numbre of thicatell Pro. 27. c loke wel to thy flockes Iohn 10 Titu i. b. A Bishop must cleaue fast vnto the true worde of doctrine the he may be able to exhort wyth wholsom learning to iproue thē that sai agaynst it i. Pet. v. Acto v. c. Act. xx d. The elders which are amōge you I exhort whiche am also an Elder and a witnes of the affliction in Christ partaker of the glory that shal be opened Fede Christes flock whiche is among you take the ouersight of them not as though ye were cōpelled therto but willynglye not for the desire of fylthy lucre Titu ii a but of good mide not as though ye were lordes ouer the pharisshēs but the ye be an exāple to the flocke Who soeuer wyl be great amōg you let him be your mynister whosoeuer wil be chefe Mat. xx d. let hym be your seruaunt Euē like as the sonne of man came not to be serued but to do seruice to geue hys lyfe to a redēption for many Go and preach the Gospell Mat. x. saying The kingdom of heauen is at hand Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deade cast out the deuels Frely ye haue receyued frely gyue agayne Matth. xx ii●i mat xxv Who is now a faithful seruaunt who me hys Lord hath made ruler ouer his boushold that he may gyue them meate in due ceason Blessed is that seruaunt whome hys lord whan he commeth shal finde so doing Uerely I say vnto you he shall set hym ouer all his goods But if the euell seruante shal saye i his hart Apoe xvi Tush it will be long or my lorde come begin to smite his fellowes yea and to eate and drinke wyth the drōken the same seruauntes Lord shall come in a day whan he loketh not for him in an houre the he is not ware of shall heawe hym in peces giue hym hys reward with ypocrites where shal be waylinge gnasshing of teth I haue made the a watch man vnto the house of Israel
blame Gala. vi But if there be any that prouideth not for his owne specially for thē of his houshold the same hath denied the fayth 1. Pet. ii and is worse then an infydell Let no widdow bee chosen vnder threscore yere old such one as was the wyfe of one man well reported of in good workes if she haue brought vp childrē wel 1. Tim. v. if she haue bene harberowes if she haue wasshed the saictes fete ii Pet. iiii if she haue ministred vnto thē whiche were in aduersitie if she were cōtinually geuē to all maner of good workes But the younger widdowes refuse For whā they haue begon to waxe wāton against Christ thei will mary hau●●g 〈◊〉 ●npuacion because 〈…〉 broken the first fayth 〈◊〉 this they are ydel learne to ronne about frō house to house Not only are they ydell but also trifling busy bodies speaking thinges whiche are not comly Num. xxx The vow of a widdow of her the is deuorsed al that she bindeth her selfe withall ouer her soule shall stand in effect vppon her Exhortacion to the rich of this worlde If ryches encrease set not your hart vppon them Psal li It becommeth not a couetous man and a nygarde to be rich what shuld a nygard do with golde He that wyth all hys carefulnes heapeth together vnrightuously gathereth for other folkes Eccl. 23 and an other man shall make good there wyth his goods He 〈◊〉 wicked vnto him self how shuld he be good vnto other men How can such one haue any pleasure of hys goods there is nothyng worse then when one disfauoureth him self this is a reward of his wickednes If he do ani good he doth it not knowing therof against his wil at the last he declareth his vngraciousnes Pro. r 7. Eccle. iii. A nigarde hath a wicked eye he turneth away his face and despiseth his owne soule A couetous man hath neuer in ough in the porciō of wickednes vntyl the tyme that he wither awaye and haue lost his owne soule Ecc. 24. b Eccle. iiii To. iiii b Luke xvi A wiked eye spareth bread ther is scarsenes vppon his table My sōne do good to thy selfe of that thou hast and giue the lord hys due offrynges Do good vnto thy frende before thou dye and accordyng to thy abylitie 〈…〉 out 〈…〉 ough● 〈…〉 selfe ●ob i. ●● Tim. vi not 〈…〉 Charge thē whiche are 〈◊〉 in this woorlde that they be not ●●●●d nor trust in the vncerteyne ryches but in that lyuing God whiche geueth vs aboundauntly all thinges to enioy thē that thei do good Mat. vi d that they be ryche in good workes that they giue distribute with good wyll gatheryng vp treasure for them selues a good foundacion agaynst that tyme to come To. iiii b that they may lay hand on eternally fe Geue almes of thy goodes turne neuer thi face frō the pore for almes deliuereth frō death suffreth not the soule to come in darkenes A great confort is almes before the hye God vnto all them the do it Let neuer pride haue rule in thy mynde nor ī thi woord for in pride began all destruction Happy is the rich that is found without fa●●e Geue iii. and 〈◊〉 turneth not from the right ●ay for golde Eccle. iiii neyther put●●th hy● trust in mon●i or treasure Go to know ye rich men wepe howle on youre wretchednes that shal come vppō you Tim. vi your ryches are corrupt your garmētes are moatheatē your golde and your siluer are cank●ed the rust of thē shal be a witnes agaynst you shal eate your flesh as it were fyre ye haue heaped treasure together in your last dayes Leuit. x. c Deut. 24 Too iiii c Beholde the hyer of the labourers which haue reaped youre owne feldes which hier is of you kepte backe by fraud crieth the cries of them whiche haue reaped are eatred into the eares of the lord sabaoth Luke xv c ye haue lyued in pleasure on the earth in wantonnes ye haue condempned and haue kylled the Iust Eccle. x. b he hath not resisted you There is nothing worse then a couet●us mā What pridest thou thē O thou asshes there is not a more wicked thīg thē to loue money And why such one hath his soule to sel yet is he but a fylthy donge whyle he lyueth Although the phisician shew his helpe neuer so long yet in conclusiō it goeth after this maner to day a kyng to morrow dead For whan a man dyeth he is the hyere of beastes serpentes wormes Wo he vnto the proude wel thy in Sion too suche as thinke them selues so sure vpon the mount of samaria Amos. vi Luke vi Whiche hold thē selues for the best of the world and rule that house of Israell euen as they list beholde ●s the border of the land of the Philstines wider then yours ye are taken out for the euel day ye that sytte in the stole of wylfulnes ye that lyghe vpō beddes of Iuory and vse your wantonnes vpon your couches Iob. xxi Ezay v b. Reg. v d ye that eate the best lambes of the flocke the fattest calues of the droaue ye that sing to the lute in playing of instrumentes cōpare your selues vnto Dauid ye that drinke wine out of gobbletes and anoynte your selues wyth the best oyle Prouer xi Psal 40 but no man is sory for Ioseps hurte Who so trusteth ī his ryches shal perish Blessed is he that considereth the pore for the lorde shall delyuer hym in the tyme of trouble Ma. ix c Luke xi d Eccle. 36 Se that ye gather you not treasure vppon earth where rust mothes corrupt where theues breake through steale But gather you treasure together in heauē where nether rust nor mothes corrupt Pro xxiiii and where theues nether breake vp nor yet steale Luk. xii c For wher your treasure is ther is your harte also ye cannot serue God and mammon Make you frindes wyth the vnrightuous mammon Luk. xv a that whan ye shall haue nede they maye receaue you into the euerlastyng tabernacles All they that wyll be ryche fall into tēptacion and snares and into many folish and noysome lustes Tim. vi b Pro. 33 whiche drowne men in destruction dāpnacion For couetousnes is the roote of all euell whiche whyse some lusted after they erred frō the fayth and tangled them selues wyth many sorrowes Exhortacion to the poore sicke and impotent Parsons Blessed are the poore ī spirite Mat. v. a Luke vi Pro. xv for theirs is the kyngdom of heauen All the dayes of the poore are miserable but a quiet hart is a continuall feast Better is a lytle with the feare of the lorde thē great treasure Psal 36. Pro. xix Better is the poore that trueth Godly thē the
and my selfe also as of my selfe And do cleaue vnto the onely inuisible and almighty which is without beginnyng myth out endyng whiche hath made all that is made whiche ruleth all after his godly wyl and prouidence THe secōd parte of the beleue is Math. i. Esay vii of the second parson of the holye trinitie God the sonne GOD mā Iesus Christ our sauiour and soundeth thus I beleue in Iesu Christ the onely sonne of God the father our lorde which was conceyued by the holyghost borue of the virgin mary That is I beleue knowledge wyth my harte and confesse wyth my mouth that the same Iesu christ whiche the Iewes put to death the very worde and sede whiche was promised to our forefathers Abrahā Isaac Iacob is the very sonne of the liuing God God man without whome Iohn 14. no man commeth to God the father neyther can bee saued by any thing that harte can thinke or mouth can speake saue onely in and through the same Iēsus Christ lorde and sauiour of all christian men The wich to my behoufe necessite was conceyued of the holyghost aboue al mens vnderstandyng and that without the worke of man and without all fleshly power to the intent that he of his owne mere mercy for it so pleased him shuld clēse purify and make spirituall both my concepcion the cōcepcion of al mē with concepcion is happened in synne I beleue that he is borne to myne vse behoufe of the pure vndefiled virgin mary a sonne of God beyng God from the beginning a sōne of mā now becō mā to the intēt that he shul make vs the chyldrē of God Of a virgin to the intent the he shuld purify clēse vs of our spots and synnes Suffred vnder ponce pylate was crucified deade buried Luk. xxiiii Mat. 28. Descended into hel That is I beleue that he suffred the moost shameful death tormētes of the crosse that for my transgression iniquite and sinnes destroying therby all the tormētes of euerlastynge dāpnacion whiche I haue deserued He suffred death Ezay liii Apoca. v. Ephe. iiii Roma i. Act. v. ii cor xxv Hcbr. x. Psal eiii ii cor xv wherby he vanquished and ouercame euerlasting death and damnacion to the intent that we through hys death shulde obteyne immortalyte He was buried and descended into hell to the intent that we through baptisme shuld be buried with him in death now walke in a new spirituall lyfe The thirde daye he rose agayne frō death He ascēded into heauen He sitteth at the right hāde of god the father almightie That is I beleue that he vppon the thirde daye as a vanquisher of hel deuel and death rose agayne for our rigtuousnes geuyng vs an example by the same bys resurrectiō that we also shall ryse frō death at the day of dome He ascēded into heauen leading away captiuite captiue Ephe. iiii to the intēte that he shuld be a true aduocate a faythful medial our betwene God his heauenly father and vs wretched sinners He sitteth at the right hande of GOD equall wyth hys father Philip ii rulyng and hauyng power ouer all thynges both in heauē earth In whose name all knees must bow both in heauen hell and earth From thens he shall come to Iudge the quicke and the deade ▪ That is I beleue that the selfe same Iesus Chryst at the day of dome or iudgement which day is onli knowen to him lyke as he ascended into heauē shall come again to iudge the quicke and the dead The quicke that are all faythfull Christians the dead that are al wicked vnfaythful dāpned people And shall say to the faythful Mat. 25. and .xx. c. Psal vi b mat vi b luk xi i. c ezay xx f Mat. xvi i. Cor. v. Come hether ye blessed of my father inheret the kyngdome whiche is prepared for you from the beginning of the world but alas to the dampned shal he saye Departe frome ye cursed into the euerlastynge fyre whiche is prepared for the Deuell hys aungels The thirde parte of the belefe or fayth is of God the holyghost the thirde parson of the blessed trinitie sanctifyinge all thynges and soundeth thus I beleue in the holyghost The holy catholyke churche The communion of saynetes The forgeuenes of synnes That is I beleue that no man can at tayne or come vnto God the father than onelye by the woorke and meane of the holighost who with God the father through Iesu Christ is woorkinge geuing lyfe to all thynge without who me nothyng is lyuyng nor holy Furthermore I beleue that here vppon the earth is a Christiā catholyke church or congregacion of the faithful which is nothing els then a communion of the congregacion or assemblinge together of faythful christians spiritually in one GOD in one faith in one baptisme Of the which congregacyō or assemblie Chryst is the head wych congregacyon also is gouerned and daylye encreased through the holy ghoste through or by the administraciō of the holye sacramētes misteries destributed geuen to euery one by the handes of the priestes administratours and preachers of Gods worde Furthermore I also beleue that no man can bee saued onles he become a felowmēbre of this congregaciō and the nether Iew Turke nor heretike cā or may be saued onles he first be recōsiled made at one in with the same holy assēbly or cōgregaciō Mat. ●vi In the which no where els is for geuenes of synnes for she hath receyued the power of God to binde to lose This is the onelye spouse of our lord iesuschrist whiche is not adorned with glyttering shining costly or trāsitory thynges of this world nether hauing dominion nor bearing rule in rychesses kyndoms gold or precious stones but is abiect dispised persecuted oppressed troubled yea in a maner wholy couered hid and disfigured with bloude through martirdom of the reprobate and vnfaitful whose surest sygne or token to knowe herby is the declaring professing of the gospell both in word and dede The resurrection of the body and the lyfe euerlastynge ezech xxx Iohn v. That is I beleue also that there shal be a generall resurrection or rising agayne of all men whiche euer haue bene or euer shall be So that this corruptibile and transitory flesh body after that it shal be dead rotten turned into earth shal be restored vnto lyfe whiche lyfe both of the soule and body I beleue stedfastly shall neuer ende To the blessed in euerlasting ioye Ephe. ii And to the dampned in euerlastyng sorrow He that sinserely confesseth this sayth S. Ignacius and beleueth it he is happye Concernyng the third parte and article before rehearsed Luk. xxii ma. xvi b Luk. xi b. Chryst in the gospell techeth vs saying Pray that ye fall not into temptacion Hauyng respect vnto the worde of him whiche
can not lie let vs praye to GOD with the father of the possed yongman saying Lorde strengten encrease our fayth for without the we can do nothyng so wretched so corrupt and so frayle is our nature yea through her owne loue so blynded that that of her owne selfe she cā not wyll nor obeye the commaundement of God so farre is our minde and inclynacion ronne astray frome the pristine or former innocency in the transgressinge of the commaundementes of God by our first father Adā So that in case we shulde be compelled to striue agaynst our ennemies the deuell the worlde and our owne flesh which standeth vs in hand to do so long as we are cladde with thys mortall body wyth our owne strength without the assistence and helpe of God we shuld by and by euē at the first assault and sounde of the trumpet caste bothe our weapon and shylde frome vs and wholye despayringe leaue our courage fal and yelde Mat. ix and suffer oure selues to be ouercome in such wyse that they shulde easelye beare rule haue dominion ouer vs. But the grace of God workyng in vs a perfect fayth and hope with the dedes of charite is able ynough to worke al thing in vs wich other wise we shuld not be able to fulfyl Now to the intent we lose not this fayth or belefe and that the same decrease or diminish not in vs but rather may encrease augment and waxe fruteful there is nothynge better Luk. xi more profytable or necessary then to pray to God without ceasyng For our lorde Iesus Chryst sayth hymselfe Seke ye shal finde knock and it shal be opened vnto you pray it shal be geuen vnto you But he that wyll pray to God Marc. ix with an ernest harte must bee thus disposed First a mā must knowe hys owne infirmitie and weakenes and confesse to haue nede of helpe For as we reade the sycke hath onelye neade of the Phisician and hym wyll he gladly helpe lyke as the blessed virgin mary her selfe witnesseth in her songe Luke li. saying he hath fylled the hungry wyth all goodnes hath sent the ryche awaye empty and voyde What auayleth it that thou prayest when thou doest not know fele that thou hast nede Is it not to scorne mocke wyth God Ipocrisy and fayned prayer Thou wilt aske how and in what maner shal we pray to God for to obteyne those thynges whiche are necessarye for vs Heare therfore least perchaunce thou praye for those thynges whiche are not lawful and mete in the steade of thē whiche are moost necessarye profytable for the. For therby it oft chaunceth that God dooth not heare vs as S. Iames sayth be we aske a misse And as Paule sayth to the Romaynes we ourselues know not what is moost necessary for vs to aske Iacob iiii And therfore the most highest doctour master Iesus Christ who best knoweth what is proffytable necessarye for our health saluacyon hath described and taught vs a moost sure rule how we shulde ought to praye settynge GOD his heauenlye Father as a sure Marke before our eyes to whome we shuld lyft vp our hartes inwardde thoughtes to hym I saye aboue in the highest we that labour are ladē wyth synne here in this vale of feares And he sayth when thou wylt pray thou shalt pray thus Our father whiche art in heauen psal cxiii hallowed be thy name Now is to bee noted as before sufficientlye is declared that it is impossible to make an earnest harty and perfect prayer except a man first and before all thynges confesse his owne faute and disease And therfore I haue set a brief lamentacion and confession before euery peticion of the lordes prayer to the intent that the sinfull consciēce might therby be stirred kindled to make the more feruent earnest prayer vnto God desyring hys helpe And after that the cōtent and declaracyon of the same ryght goodly expounded and opened to the honour of God and vtilyte and edifycacyon of all men First vppon that poynte Our father whiche art in heauen Confession O merciful euerlasting god moost louynge father of whome all fatherlye mercy fauour and goodnes commeth procedeth both in heauen erth I poore miserable and wretched creatur knowledge confesse before thy fatherly mercy that I lyke the ryottous sonne haue despised not regarded all the same thy fatherlye loue and trust haue shewed my selfe dysobediēte towardes the and haue not geuē eare to thy moost blessed worde and louyng exhortacyons but haue folowed the voyce of straungers and haue cleaued more to the doctrine of men then to thy commaundementes O bountuous louyng God father of vs all who manifoldly shewest thy benefyttes doest distribute and gyue thy gyftes as wel to the wicked as to the good yea somtyme more corporally to the wicked then to the good I knowledge and cōfesse before the that I haue not loued other men as my brethern nor reuerēced them as thy chyldren but in pride haue exalted my selfe aboue my brother despising hating and enuying hym as the vnfaythful seruaunt did his fellow brethern in the Gospel And furthermore I confesse mooste m●ke louynge father that I haue fyrst sought helpe and counsel by the creatures here beneth vppō erth and not by the who art aboue in the heauens euerlastyng and almighty Mat. 24 and onely canst wilte helpe as a good father of vs all I haue most of all set my thoughtes yea alas the whyle my whole harte mynde trust and all my desire vppon erthely temporal and transitory thynges and haue not lyfted the same vp vnto the whiche art in heauen lyke as I ought to haue done for the whiche I crye the mercy Prayer and confession O louyng father thou hast of thyne entier goodnes created vs vppon earth and for nothing hast thou deliuered vs from euer lastyng death whiche we were gilty and had deserued O good father we are not worthy to bee thy chyldren for we haue synned agaynst thy rightuousnes Psal xv Neuertheles by the commaundement of thyne onelye sonne we do boldly say our father O thou faythfull father what shall we gyue the agayne or wherewith shal we recompence the for thi greate loue goodnes which thou through thi mercy synguler goodnes hast geuē vs power to be thi childrē to becō heyres of thy kyngdome wyth thy dere sonne Iesus Christ Thou art truely our faythfull and trusty father for thou bearest vs lyke a moost ge●le and kinde father hys chylde in his armes thou ledest vs wyth thy rightaude that we although we sometime through weakenes do stumble are not al together broused Psal xv and destroyed of our enemies zacha ii Thou doest preserue and kepe vs lyke the apple of thyne eyes and he that toucheth vs o father toucheth the. O mylde lyberall father howe richely hast thou endued
al our care vppon the for thou carest for vs thou knowest before we aske of the what is necessary for vs Mat. vi yea many tymes thou geuest it vnto vs before we aske it Giue vs not to great abundaunce of ryches least we be thereby occasioned to exalt our selues against the and agaynst our neighbours or that we forget not thy great goodnes and mercy neyther gyue vs so great pouertie nede the we be cōstrayned to begge breade or to steale or prouoked too sweare blaspheme thy holy name through vnpacient suffering But gyue vs our daylie sustenaunce neuertheles accordinge to thy Godly wil. We of duety most diligently labour worke but vnto the as he that geueth the encrease we shall cast all our care we are al in thy hande there is none that can resiste thy Godly will Thou good father geuest vnto vs Iob. ix and hast power to take agayn from vs yf thou geuest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy mercye yf thou takest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy rightuousnes Forgyue vs our trespasses as we frogyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. Eccle. 28 Math. 18 Marc. xi Confession O heauenly father I haue bene hardnecked stifnecked and stubborne against those whiche haue offended me haue not willinglye remitted or forgeuen thē their trespasses but I haue much more accounted and estemed the offence whiche they haue done agaynst me then that whiche I haue done agaynst thy Godly maiestie I haue set the synne of my neyghbour before mine behinde Luke vi haue muche soner spied a mote in my brothers eye then a blocke in myne owne eye By reason wherof I haue not harteli or duely as I ought to haue done desired that thou woldest forgyue me my synnes the whiche alas wretch that I am are ineffabile and innumerable Wherfore I cry the mercy Prayer and confession Meke and gentle father we are exceding greatly ī thy debte haue not nor know not wherwith to pay the. We know nothyng better then that we fall prostrate before thy fete and cast vp our eyes towardes the and cry the● 〈…〉 mercifull and 〈…〉 his ful of thy mercy 〈…〉 that no man is holy nor saued by hys owne workes only Psal xxii except thou haue mercy on hym forgeue him his synnes Happy are they whose synnes are forgeuen couered Happy is that man whose synnes are not imputed or rekened vnto hym psal xxxi O mercifull father if we go not about to make our selues vngilte fautles or inculpable thē shalt thou forgiue vs all oure synnes And if we through or by confessiō do knowledge or discouer our sinnes then shalt thou thy selfe couer them cloke or hide our shame In our spirite o heauenly father is a great deceyt the whiche withoute the brightnes of thy Godlye light we can neyther see nor knowe We loue our selues we seke that is ours we feare ad●●r 〈◊〉 we loue not that we se●●e not 〈…〉 is thyne yea not so muche as 〈◊〉 corporall or bodelye thynges Therfore we do se our dampnacion wherin we are and there is none that can redeme or delyuer vs excepte we cal cry vnto the out of the depth O father forgyue vs our trespasses through thy greate merci lyke as a louinge father forgeueth his childe for thou hast promised it vnto vs sayinge Ezech. 18. yf the vngodly will turne away from all his sinnes that he hath done and kepe all my commaundementes do the thing that is equal righte doubtles he shal liue not die for I haue no pleasure in the death of a sinner saith the Lorde but rather that he cōuerte lyue ii Pet. iii Iere. iii. Agayne thou hast committed fornicaciō with many louers yet turne agayn to me I wil receaue the. O moost kinde father thinke vppon thy promises haue mercye on vs forgiue vs oure trespasses as we forgiue thē that haue trespassed agaynst vs. O moost louing father we confesse graunt that it lyeth not in our power to forgyue our ennemies Luk. vi yea to loue thē as thou cōmaundest so is our nature poysoned infected that it is impossible for vs to do it The loue of our selues which is that roote of all Synne seketh alwayes that whiche is hers not that which is thyne or that which is to thy honour or that which is proffitable to our neyghbour Thus good father plant in vs the true brotherly loue the we as thou hast done taught vs may with all our harte loue thē forgiue thē pray for thē Verely I do know most louig father that if we forgiue not oure neyghbour thou shalt neuer forgiue vs our synnes Furthermore I knowe that no sacrifice or prayer is acceptable or pleasaunt vnto the as longe as we reconsyle not our selues with our brother Therfore geue vs grace that we may forgiue our devtoures then shalt thou also forgeue vs our offēces for thou art kynd and full of mercy And thou art come downe from heauen here vpō this earth for synners that repent and amend their lyfe And let vs not bee led into temptation Psal xii zacha 14. i. Pet v. But delyuer vs from euyll Amen Confession O my lord God my heauēly father I haue oft many times alas the while geuyng place vnto temptacion Lyke an vnfaythfull depute or liuetenaunt who through slouthfulnes and neglygence towardes his lorde yeldeth and geueth ouer hys castel or bulwarke vnto the ennemies Neyther haue I beue only satisfied with this miserable wretchednes or fragilitie and synne but haue had pleasure and delite therein in such maner that I haue willingly stirred moued and geuen my selfe ouer and defiled my selfe lyke aswine in the muddy and filthy puddle and myre And haue not endeuoured my selfe to that whiche is euerlasting and good Forgeue o father helpe the feble and weake Prayer and confession O moost bounteous father thou whiche art a kynde and louyng helper of all thē that feare the and call on the in nede trouble and persecutiō Beholde consider that our life is a strife and continual warrefare here in this world Our ennemies cease not the deuell goeth about lyke a roaringe lyon sekinge whome he may deuoure The glorious flatteting worlde in lyke case laugheth vpon vs on euery side And our owne flesh and ghostly or inward enemie ceaseth neuer to spurre and striue agaynst the spirite and that so vehemently that of very necessite we are cōpelled to cal vppon the for helpe ayde and comforte as to a fayth full father who wil not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue our power but shal faythfull ye helpe vs at oure right side i. Cor. iiii to the intente we shulde not be ouercome of our ennemies O comforter and father of al consolacion comfort vs in all our aduersitie for thou art a father of all consolacion thou shalt strength ●●●s and
make vs alyu● eue● in the middest of persecucion O lorde we desier not 06 to bee deliuered frō the crosse nor yet that thou take vs from the worlde before that our houre come whiche thou hast appoynted But deliuer and make vs fre frō euell and suffer vs not to perishe betwene our ennemies For if thou diddest not helpe vs our soule shulde immediatlye dwell in hell and that fearfull Image of death shuld without ceasyng torment trouble and vexe vs in euerlastyng darkenes in the snates of hell O thou speciall helper of all weake and troubled creatures if thou accordinge vnto thy Iudgement suffer vs to fal for there is no man which hath not synned yet lyft vs vp agayne And like as a mother lyst teth vp her childe that is fallen euen delyuer vs from all th●●● thynges whiche might or 〈…〉 be hinderfull vnto vs. O mo●●● true father thou kepest thy couenaunt and promis at all tymes and euermore We trust in the that lyke as thou ones haste deliuered vs from all euell through thy Sonne Iesus Christ thou shalt preserue saue vs through the effusion and sheddinge of his holy and precious bloude with the whiche he hath sprinkled and clensed vs of all our synne vppon the crossr Conclusion of the lordes prayer or pater noster This prayer we send vnto the o almightie euerlasting God heauenly Father stedfastlye trustinge in thy bottomles mercy and holy promises For thyne onely sonne our 〈…〉 Iesus Christ 〈…〉 ●●●aunded 〈…〉 ●●●●●ge Aske Luke xi it shal be ●●●e vnto you knocke and it shal be opened vnto you And what soeuer thou askest beleue and it shal happen vnto the What soeuer thou askest my father in my name sayth Christ he shall gyue it the. Therfore o holy father we come vnto the Iohn 14. in the name of thyne onely sonne not douting but that thou wilt heare vs But o lorde gyue vs our peticion and request not according as it shall seine good in our sight or accordyng to our wyll But whē thou shalt thinke it time and as thou wylt and by such meanes wayes as shal be most agreable to thy Godly wil. A brefe instruction of Baptysme THere are th●e whiche be●●● recorde in heauen Iohn v. the ●●ther the W●●●●e th● 〈◊〉 ghoost these thre are due 〈◊〉 Our lord Iesus Christ sayde vnto his disciples Mat. xvi Go ye your way into all the worlde and preach the Gospell vnto al creatures Who so beleueth and is baptised shal be saued but who so beleueth not shal be dampned When we then are baptised we receyue a sure witnes that al we whiche beleue in Chryste are wasshed and clensed in the precious bloude of that lābe Iesus Christ our sauiour whiche was put to death And the dipping in the water signifieth vnto vs that we are mortified of synne of oure owne wyll and of all fleshlye desier and after this maner are we buried with Chryste in the fonte And that we are lifted again out of the fo●●e 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 that is 〈…〉 ●y●ne which might dr●●ge vs to death in a newe spirituall lyfe And also that after this tēporall death we shal ryse agayne into euerlastinge lyfe And vppon this we receaue our name thus are our names written in the rolle of the christian knightes of Chryst vnder the standarde of the holy crosse as long as we lyue Prayer O moost blessed foregoer and guyde of the Christen people Iesus Chryst who submitting and humblyng thy self vouchsauedst to bee baptised of Iohn in the Iordane werest not only baptised in water but also in bloud and in the holyghoost vouchsafe euen so to enclyne bowe and dispose our outward lyfe wyth our inwarde my●●● 〈◊〉 ●●●●ctes and desyres in the 〈…〉 rightuousnes so that we ●●yng now mortified and dead of the olde Adā through thy holy witnes of baptysme by the worke operacion of the holy ghost may alwayes haue our holye couenaunt in remembraunce before our eyes that vowe or couenaunt I saye whiche we haue taken vpon vs in baptysme to the intent that we maye as faythfull campions striuyng agaynst the world the deuell aud the flesh vanquish and ouercom thē with all other wych myght bee noysome or hinderfull vnto vs. Amē A bryefe Instruction of christes supper in the whiche he geueth vs his flesh and bloud Saynct Paule sayth to the Corinthians g. corin xi Mat. xxv That wych I deliuered vnto you receyued I of the lorde Mat. xiii Luke xxi For the lord● Iesus the same nyght in the whiche he was betrayed toke bread and gaue thākes and brake it and sayde Take ye and eate ye this is my bodye whiche is broken for you Thys do in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cuppe when supper was done and sayde This cuppe is the new testament in my bloude this do as oft as you drinke it in the remembraunce of me For as oft as ye shall eate of thys bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the Lordes death vntyll he come Wherfore who soeuer shal eate of this breade drike of this cuppe of the lorde vnworthely shal be gyltye of the body and bloude of the lorde ● corin xi But let a man examen him selfe and so let him eate of this breade and drinke of this cuppe For he that eateth drinketh vnworthely eateth drinketh hys owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordes body This hath the sonne of God first instituted vnto vs to the intent we shulde do the same thyng after hym euen vnto the ende of the worlde and that we outwardly shulde kepe holde and exercise oure selues in thys supper of thankesgeuing hauinge alwayes in remembraunce hys inexplycable loue and benefite sshewed towardes vs left vs in a Testament to a corroboracion or strēthening of our beleue or fayth Prayer O most blessed and holy bloudeshearder for all synneful creatures Iesus 〈…〉 so our 〈…〉 sences or vnderstandyng so and in such wise I say that we altogether through one perfect knowledge in one fayth and in one spirite may so vse this misterie and holy sacrament in the christen cōmunion and receaue the same in suche wyse euen as thou hast instituted it to the intent that we may come wortely to thy communion and that we maye there so eate and drinke and being assembled in feruent charite and brotherly loue may declare thy bitter death to eache other haue the same alwayes in our remembraunces not doubtyng but stedfastly beleuyng and contynuinge therby vnto death that thy holye Bodye and moost precious bloud hath be●e ●ffred ●●es for all ●●pon ●he 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 ●●●fect att●●● 〈…〉 forgeuenes of all ou●●yn●es Furthermore gyue vs grace o lorde that we and all men maye rightlye and iustly knowe to what end and wherfore thou diddest institute and ordeyne thys new Testament to the intent that we through the same