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A86686 Manus testium movens: or, A Presbyteriall glosse upon many of those obscure prophetick texts in Canticles, Isay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, Zachary, Matthew, Romans, and the Revelations: which point at the great day of the vvitnesses rising; Antichrists ruine, and the Jews conversion, neare about this time. VVherein Dr. Homes, with the rest of the independent antichristian time-servers are clearly confuted, and out of their own writings condemned: and against them proved, that the present usurpers in England are that antichristian party who have slain the witnesses, and shall reign but three yeers and an half, which time is almost at an end. To this book must be joyned Lingua testium, being its proper preface. / Written by Testis-mundus Catholicus Scotanglo-Britanicus. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1651 (1651) Wing H328; Thomason E632_23; ESTC R206463 110,211 129

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responsionem non mereatur So that you have the time of rising the time of continuance the actions and the ruine of the Beast to be one and the same both in Daniel and the Revelation But that we may not be mistaken in this beast of the earth take a more exact view of this beast as the Holy Ghost describes him in Rev. 13. 13. And he doth great wonders for that he made fire come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceived them that dwell on the earth by the signs which were permitted him to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an Image of the beast which had the wound in the head and did live And he did great wonders 't is in the original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great signes Upon the same occasion Christ useth the same words setting out the parties that shall do these signes Mat. 24. 24. There shall arise false Priests and false Prophets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and shall give out great signes these signes shall be held forth to the world immediately before the ruine of the Roman Monarchy v. 29. and the calling of the Jews v. 30. 31. and making all the Nations in the world submit and come into the Gospel To this Text directly answers that in Rev. 19. 20. there the false Prophet is taken 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which wrought miracles in the presence of the other beast whereby he deceived them that received the mark of the beast this clearly demonstrates that it is the same beast in Rev. 13. 14. for there he deceiveth the people and to that the Holy Ghost alludes Rev. 19. 20. I will intreat the Reader to observe how this beast of the earth gets to his power in v. 11. of chap. 18. 't is by the horns of a Lambe and by the tongue of a Dragon What more innocent then a Lambs horns and what more fair and smooth and deceitful then a Dragons tongue Observe this that the two last enemies of the Gospel Church shall arise out of the purest Churches Rome was the purest Church in the world it had the famousest Magistracy and Ministry in the world yet in that Church starts up an Independent Government amongst the Churchmen which is called the Pope-dom and strips both the Magistracy and Ministry of its glory this is called Rev. 11. the Sack-cloth condition of the two witnesses so that out of that pure Church arose the great enemy that drove the wi●nesses into the wilderness and now when the Pope-dom is ready to fall and the witnesses have finished their testimony that is resolved to cast off Independency Prelacy which in its exorbitancy is nothing else but Independency then up-starts this beast of the earth who ariseth out of the purest Church and out of the purest part of the Church he is one that professeth piety beyond all others one that holds all the principles of Religion to be true that cries out against Antichrist more then any As the Popes by pretending the advancement of Christ and Peters chair advanced themselves to that excessive pride and tyranny over Church State so doth the beast of the earth by his pious pre●ences of setting up Christ advance his own wicked designs and slayes the witnesses As the beast of the Sea arose out of the Church where the famousest witnesses viz. Magistracy and Ministry were and drove them into Sack-cloth and into the wilderness that is into some remote Kingdom in Europe where they remain 1260. years so must the beast of the earth in this wilderness arise amongst the witnesses where they are finishing their testimony and there he must kill them therefore when John comes to see the judgement of the whore he was carried into the wilderness i.e. that remote Countrey whither the witnesses by the beast of the Sea were driven Rev. 11. 3. But this place only in the world is England for here only a lawful Magistracy and Ministry hath for 1200. years been visible in Sack-cloth so that you must expect this last enemy of the Church to be more cunning cruel and subtil to deceive then any that ever were before him for he hath all the politick tricks of Rome he doth all that the first beast could do before him did the Pope fall from his first principles so doth he did the Pope depose and murther and rebel agoinst his liege Master the Emperor so doth he against his Soveraign did the Pope persecute the Ministers that would not comply with his designs so doth this beast Did the Pope impudently and ridiculously profess to the world that all his Rebellion murthering of Emperors and Kings and deposing of them was for the promotion of the Gospel and the good of the Church even so doth this beast So that he doth all that the first beast could do before him yea and more too for he doth greater wonders he maketh fire to come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men this is one of his great signes whereby he deceives people Observe this his pretences and designs are on purpose to deceive the people and he deceives the people mearly to set up his new Government he sets it up by his doing wonders this is an eminent Character of a cheater and the Antichrist to prove his honesty by his signes and wonders That power is an usurped power that hath no other title then signes and wonders to maintain it 'T is an Antichristian power the Holy Ghost tells us for Antichrist comes with lying wonders 2 Thess 2. I omit to repeat the several strange opinions of both Protestants and Papists upon these words and he maketh fire come down from Heaven neither shall I shew the difference in the Copies because I possibly may do that hereafter At this time I shall only deliver the soundest and most clearest opinions Brocard comes nearest the mark of any Englishman for he conceives it alludes to 2 Kings 1. 10. where Elias proved himself to be a man of God by causing fire to come down and consume those that came against him his allusion is good had he rightly applyed it for this beast of the earth pretends to be by his good success as prevalent with God to destroy those that were against him as Elias was But Cornelius è lapide comes nearer the mark for he conceives this expression of fire coming from heaven alludes to that in the 2 Chron. 7. 1. where Solomon sacrificed in the sight of all the people after he had made his publick prayer in the sight of all the people had by fire coming down from heaven upon his sacrifice an unquestionable evidence of Gods acceptance of his prayers This allusion is also good for this beast of the earth pretends to be the only man to build Gods house and for that end makes a glorious profession and proclaims Fasts wherein as if indued with Solomons spirit he makes
shall be done in this great day This I do affirm yet not I but the Scriptures 1. That the Witnesses shall arise in this day 2. That the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet shall be overcome in this day 3. The Jews shall begin to be converted both the two Tribes and the ten Tribes and all the Kingdoms in the world shall become Christs In the generall as I have delivered them I think the Doctor and I do not much differ unlesse the Doctor differ from what he hath formerly delivered which is no strange thing if he do I affirm That the glorious day of destroying the Beast and this false Prophet and chaining the Dragon and of the Jews conversion shall be begun when the Witnesses arise from their slaying Now this implies two things when the Witnesses arise from their slaying Now this implies two things 1. That the Witnesses shall be slain immediatly before this day 2. That some enemy of the Church shall slay them So that it will not be amisse to enquire 1. Who slaies them and 2. when they are slain we shall do both together exceeding briefly In Revel 11. 7. and Daniel 7. 25. there is both 1. The Beast that slaies them 2. The Witnesses that are slain and 3. the time when this shall be in Revel 11. 7. when the Witnesses have finished their testimony that is when their 1260 daies i. years of prophesying in sackcloth is out v. 3. Then the Beast ascending or that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make warre with them overcome them and kill them After three daies and an half i. three years and an half these Witnesses must rise v. 11. and immediatly after the seventh Trumpet soundeth and then the Kingdoms of this world became the Lords and his Christs v. 15. This all men will grant is the beginning of the great day of Reformation which immediatly follows upon their rising And this is worth the noting also v. 13. the same hour the eminent enemies of the Church are slain these men of name who are numbred by their name those painted outside Saints but inside devils they shall fall and then v. 19. the Temple of God is opened and the vials are poured out this you have in Revel 11. Now mark how that in Dan. 7. answers to this Daniel in this chapter had a vision of the four Monarchies the Assyrian the Persian the Graecian and the Roman Monarchy After these four Monarchies are extinguished Christ will set up his Monarchy v. 18. The Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdom and possesse it for ever and ever that is untill the day of Judgement this is the beginning of the glorious day of Reformation which shall be when the Roman Monarchy shall be destroyed which is the last of the Kingdome or Monarchies this is to be done at the sounding of the seventh trumpet Rev. 7. 15. when all Nations and Kingdoms shall become Christs But mark how inquisitive Daniel is when he comes to the Roman Monarchy Dan. 7. 9. he would fain know the truth of this Beast and of the ten Horns and of the other mark that which came up after the ten Horns before whom three fell even of that Horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake great things whose look was more stout then his fellow v. 20. I beheld and the same horn made warre with the Saints and prevatled against them Here is the Beast that slaies the Witnesses for 't is one that riseth in the end of the Roman Monarchy Quando r●gnum Romanorum est distruendum saith Hierome Fabritius Paulutius Hugo Cardinalis Theadoretus and Hector Pintus with others and he shall throw down three of the ten Kingdoms subject to Rome he shall throw down three Kings that is saith Viega tres reges purè profitentes evangelium three Kings purely professing the Gospel But Theodoretus puts this question Quomodo tres superiores ●odem tempore humiliabit how will he throw down three Kings at one time Certainly we of this age can give the best answer to his question for thus he shall cut off Regem trium Regnorum ita tres Reges in una persona humiliabit or thus by pulling down at once the three Estates of King Lords and Commons who make the supream Power of the Nation where he usurps this Power but this question is needlesse and therefore we passe it by The main thing we intend to prove by Daniel is That this Beast is he that slaies the Witnesses and the same with that in Rev. 11. 7. because he is of the same time for that in Daniel riseth when the Roman Monarchy is going to destruction and that in Rev. 11. 7. ariseth when the raign of Antichrist is drawing to an end which Antichrist is the last head of the Roman Monarchy the Pope as this beast is of the same time so he doth the same things with that in Rev. 11. 7. for there he makes war with the Saints prevails against them and slayes them and in Dan. 7. 24. this other little horn that riseth after the ten Kings belonging to the Roman Monarchy this little horn that is an upstart base fellow say the Fathers a man of no repute amongst the Kings of the earth shall subdue three Kings this horn must necessarily be some new upstart fellow who riseth in the western Empire distinct from other Kings this horn shall speak great words against God and shall wear out the Saints of the most high and think to change times and Laws These words need no comment since the times we live in are a sufficient comment on them and they shall be given into his hands untill a time and times and the dividing of times that is three years and a half say all Interpreters which is just that space of time in which the Beast that starteth up out of the bottomlesse pit domineers over the slain bodies of the Witnesses so that these places do but explain one another and both set forth one and the same Government and bloudy enemy But this that makes it most cleer of all other is that which immediatly follows the horns raign an exercise of Tyranny over the Saints Dan. 7. 26 27 the Judgement shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it unto the end and the Kingdom and dominion and greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high here begins the glorious day after the horns tyrannicall government and dominion is destroyed this answers to Rev. 11. 13. where the men of name are destroyed and then as in Daniel the Saints possesse the Kingdom under the whole Heaven So the seaventh trumpet so●nds and all the Kingdoms in the world become the Lords and his Christs that is they all submit to his scepter and become Christians bating their old profanesse so that here in both places you have cleerly discovered the Beast that
that exerciseth their faith and patience whiles he raigns the Saints shall have little else to live upon his Government also is the same for in Dan. 11. 38. he sets up the God Mauzim the sword-power and in Revel 13. 12. he inforceth people to subject to the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed that is to a packt party of Rebels to the Common-wealth such as the Senate of Rome was when Caesar forced away all the honest men out of the Senate and set up his own party to govern this was upheld by the sword and set up by the sword he is also the same in the matter of duration for that in Dan. 7. 25. continues a time times and the dividing of time and this in Rev. 11. riseth and triumphs over the slain witnesses three dayes and a half which is both one time both making three years and a half Lastly He is the same both in Daniel and Revelation in his ruine and in the time of his ruine The time of this Beasts ruine is set-forth in Dan 7. 11. the Beast was slain and his body was destroyed this the Fathers call the 11. King because he is divers from any of the Kings that were before him under the western Empire he being the last and this was at that time v. 13. when the Son of man came in the Clouds of Heaven and v. 14. there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdom that all People Nations and Languages might serve him these phrases we shall see Christ borrows in Mat. 24. 30. 3● immediately after those dayes what dayes the dayes of tribulation how verse 24. there shall be false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great wonders see Rev. 19. 20. the false Prophet was taken that wrought miracles before the Beast Mark how Matthew goeth on insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very Elect. In Rev. 13. 13. and he did great wonders so that he made fire come down from Heaven on the earth By the signes which were permitted him to do in the sight of the Beast who doth not see that these expressions are all to set out this one Beast Immediately after these dayes of tribulation which are dayes of blasphemy and heresie and separation from the true Church v. 30. ye shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds with power and great glory and v. 31. he shall send his Angels with the sound of a great Trumpet and gather the Elect those that belong unto the election of grace from one end of Heaven to the other this is the same with that forecited place in Rev. 11. great voyces in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of the world are our Lord and his Christs and when was this this was when the witnesses were risen and stood upon their leggs v. 11. v. 13. near that hour when the great Earthquake is which time of shaking Heaven and Earth is foretold in Luke 31. 24. immediately after the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled now the time of the Gentiles is 42. moneths Rev. 11. 2. which is according to the Doctors account 1260. years which being up then the signes in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Starres that is the Antichristian state shall be shaken down and then the Son of Man shall appear in the Clouds with glory and great power and then the elect redemption draweth nigh the great voices Matth. 24. 31. allude to Christs passion when he yielded up the Ghost he cryed with a loud voice it is finished and after three dayes he arose and called his Disciples to a mount in Gal●lee where he appeared to them and proclaimed all power in Heaven and in Earth was given to him and then the Disciples were made Apostles such are the effects of the rising of the Witnesses Oh how do I adore the infinite wisdom of the Holy Ghost in the Scriptures how clear might this truth be made to the weakest capacity were there but a worthy pen about it The time of the beasts reign is expressed in D●● 7. 22. to be when the ancient of dayes come ● when the Kingdom becomes the Lords Rev. 11. 15. and the Saints possessed the Kingdom that is the witnesses stand upon their feet Rev. 11. 11. 12. and they i.e. the godly Magistracy and Ministry did ascend up to heaven that is they possess that place of dignity from which they were cast it cannot be otherwise understood in Dan. 7. for v. 25. the Saints of the most high are they that he tyrannizeth over three years and a half so he doth in Rev. 11. 7. 9. which Saints of the most high are the Magistracy and Ministry the two witnesses principally meant There is one notable place more in Dan. 12. 45. which points at time and the place of the ruine of the Beast This Beast of the earth or this King as Daniel calls him shall plant the Tabernacles of his pallace between the Seas in the glorious holy Mountains yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him this holy Mountain learned men on all sides conclude is some eminent Kingdom for holiness therefore the Independent Pulpit-men say 't is England this day eminent in exalting the Saints and holiness certainly 't is that Kingdom which hath kept its Garments clean from spiritual fornication and hath not received the marks of the Beast nor bowed down to his Image that is engaged to be true and faithful to his unlawful new Government And of all the Kingdoms in the world I think it is Scotland where the Beast of the earth hath placed his Tabernacles where he now is where I believe he shall come to ruine But mark what imediately follows this Dan. 12. 1. And at that time shall Michael and Christ stand up and it shall be a time of trouble as in Mat. 24. and Luke 21. And at that time the elect shal be all delivered that is as much to say as all the Kingdoms in the world shall become Christs both Jews and Gentiles shall be brought to Christ this glorious day is in several places called a day of Resurrection it shall be to the Jews as a day of Resurrection now all this is to be at the 7. Trumpet sounding and therefore the ruine of Daniels Beast and Johns Beast are at one and the same time and therefore 't is but one and the same Beast that they both mention As for those that affirm this Beast is Antiochus who raigned in the time of the Grecian Monarchy was destroyed before the Roman Monarchy was in being it is so wide from the Text that 't is impossible to be true for this little horn ariseth not only after the Grecian Monarchy but after the Roman Monarchy became ten horned he riseth the last distinct from them all and therefore I will say to such men as Aquinas saith to Porferrius upon the same text holding the same opinion haec interpretatio tam fatua est ut
that four or five of the Vialls are powred out on Rome and the Pope when the Pope and Rome were never in greater pomp witnesse this yeare of Jubilee at Rome and his Councells and politick devices never more prosperously succeeded then now 'T is true indeed Husse and Hierome of Prague and Luther and those German Princes who defended those truths which their Ministers taught prove that there were Witnesses then in being but for certain the Pope made them wear sackcloth all Europe will affirm it Queen Elizabeth the famousest Princesse in the world against the Pope how was she and her Ministery and Kingdom kept in sackcloth once the Armado from Spain put her and all the Kingdom to fasting and sackcloth she her self went daily in danger of her life at least twelve severall attempts of treason against her person were discovered so that she escaped hardly the Popes clutches with her life Now to call this a powring out of the vialls on Rome is that that gives just occasion to the Papists to scorn and deride our Expositors Let not Rome think that she hath had one of her plagues yet When God powres out his vialls upon her she shall feel then to the purpose Romes plagues are not to come till the politick State have reigned 1260. years and then let Rome know in a day that is a yeare Rev. 18. her plagues shall come upon her The Beast of the Earth must lead the way to destruction in whose ruine the chief strength of the Pope shall go to ruine and the Devill too and therefore 't is I conceive that in the great battell that this Beast shall fight against the Lamb for none but he this day is capable in person to fight against the Lamb and his 144000. followers For I conceive by this completenesse of the number of Christs followers 't is meant a Nationall Church that he fights against if so then it must be Scotland or no Nation in the world for they onely are a Natinall Church truly reformed When he is overcome 't is said Rev. 20. 21. that the Pope was taken when this false Prophet is taken because the Popes interest is most concerned in this Beasts overthrow Could the Pope who by his Beast works all his miracles in the sight of the Pope or with his approbation overthrow the covenanted people in England and Scotland the Protestant Cause would not have rest for the sole of its foot in the world and then the Pope would flourish But if the Covenauters in Scotland should prevaile against the Beast of the Earth there the Pope must not look to stand long and that the Romish Polititians know they have read the Covenant over and over and know full well the contents of it and the intentions of the takers and keepers of it so that the Popes interest is highly concerned in the successe of the Beast of the Earth who bears him up who falling which will doubtlesse be very suddenly for the viall is first powred on him Rev. 16. 2. immediatly followes the vialls upon the Romish party and so Romes ruine coms on a sudden As for those who affirm in their writings that there is a large space of time betwixt viall and viall in its powring out I dare affirm the contrary that they have no cause nor ground for it in the world 1. Not from Rev. 16. from v. 1. rather the contrary is proved for there is command given at once to the seven Angells to powre out the seven vialls 2. They are called vialls which say the learned are wide-mouthed and large vessells like a kettle to signifie large and sudden measures of wrath on Gods enemies Sodom with two Angells who powred out their vialls on it was utterly destroyed on the sudden with a terrible destruction but here are seven Angells and seven vialls to note the terrible and irresistible destruction and the full and complete destruction of the enemies this destruction that God shall bring on these last enemies in these last dayes shall be to their finall ruine and therfore 't is that Babylons ruine is compared Rev. 18. 21. to a milstone cast into the sea and Rev. 20. 20. the enemies were cast into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone that is into hell now out of hell there is no redemption these are the same enemies on which the vialls are powred out Though here the Beast of the Earth be called the false Prophet it is but to let us know 't is the same Beast that makes fire come down from heaven Rev. 13. 13. that is before he takes in hand his enterprises that he may cheat the foolish people of the world he makes open appeales to God in the sight of the world to own his cause and give him successe according to his integrity herein He imitates Elias and after he hath fasted and prayed and made his appeales he hath his desired successe and then he makes the world believe 't is the return of his prayers all which makes the world cry up his cause for Gods cause and him and his party for the true Saints and the great Reformers But for all his successes he is but a false prophet a lying traiterous perjured malicious enemy to the Church and Saints of God These seven Vialls are but figurative expressions of the suddain terrible and finall wrath of God upon the enemies of his Church which we shall find against the same enemies in Isaiah 11. 15. Zach. 10. 11. Luke 21. 23. Matth. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. I will briefly tovch upon them all because they give much light unto our present discourse observe this by the way Note That the finishing of the Mystery of God in the daies of the voice of the seventh Trumpet is for certain revealed to the Prophets in the Old Testament Revel 10. 7. and I am very confident that this is the day that Ezekiel saw Ezek. 1. Chap. 10 and this is the day that Solomon sings of indeed it was their fervent desire that were Saints under the old Testament to see the day of Christs appearing in the flesh therefore Cant. 1. 2. Let him kisse me with the kisses of his mouth for his Love is better then Wine They under the Law were kissed only with Moses mouth they received the Law from his mouth the most soul-refreshingst part of it consisting in Sacrifices in meat Offerings drink Offerings Wine Oyl but they desired the Ordinances from Christs mouth which was better then such Wine better then the Ceremoniall Sacrifices but when Christ came in the flesh amongst them to give them Ordinances v. 5. they looked on Christs blacknesse they looked on his mean parentage his poverty and his sufferings they looked on him as on the Tents of Keder which were course mean base things what said they is not this the Carpenters Son they looked only on his humane nature which was as mean as the Tents of Keder but they looked not on his Divine
matter to the text there we may see Christs coming to repay vengeance to the Enemies in the Islands that the West may fear God and this shall be done ver 19. when the Enemy comes in like a floud and how it shall be done the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standart against him this is absolutely prophesied of that time when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in that is when the time of Antichrists Raign is accomplished I am not ignorant how far I am from the common interpretations of this text but I am confident upon Scripture-grounds I come neerer the mind of the Holy Ghost then they that say by the fulness of the Gentiles is meant the glorious time of the full coming in of the Gentiles to the Gospel Blindness is hapned in part to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in here is the measure of the time of the Jews rejection from the Gospel so long as till the fulness of the Gentiles be come in If by fulness of the Gentiles be meant their full conversion then the Jews shall not be converted until the full conversion of the Gentiles be accomplished but this is contrary to the Apostles words in the same Chapter for ver 12. Now saith he if the fall of them be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fulness So that by this text it is clear that the rising of the Jews shall be the bringing in of a far greater number of Gentiles to the Gospel then their fall could do and therefore 't is that the Prophet saith In this day people shall flock in to the Gospel as the Doves to the windows and ten women shall take hold of the skirt of a Jew and go after him that is embrace his Religion being a Christian And hence it is that at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet a voice is heard crying aloud That all the Kingdomes in the world are become the Lords because of the great conversion of Soules throughout the world that shall be when the Jews begin to come in to Christ So that the fulness of the Gentiles in that place cannot mean any other then as Luke 21. 24. expresseth it the fulfilling the times of the Gentiles which Rev. 11. 2. is 42 Moneths and that is 1260 years the full time of Antichrists raign and so long the true Church which is Jerusalem shall be trodden under foot Cajetan well observes though few of the Romish Writers which quote him observe it that donec plenitudo gentium intret is the mystery which Paul would have the Romans not ignorant of lest they should think too well of their Church and doubtless this is the mystery which the Holy Ghost Rev. 10. 7. saith shall be finished in the dayes of the voice of the seventh Trumpet as the Prophets have declared So that we must look i● to the prophesies concerning this mystery and the seventh Trumpet as well as into the Writings of the Apostles Beda on Luke 21. 24. saith that it is the same with Rom. 11. 25. and many of the Popish Doctors agree with him which is as much as I will desire to make good my assertion The Ancients and many of the Romish Doctors conclude that Israel shall be converted to Christ about the end of the World Saith the ordinary glosse in the end of the World when Antichrists falshood shall be detected and saith Abelardus in the end of the world they shall be converted per the Witnesses So saith Remigerus Now the Witnesses rise not untill the full time of Antichrists raign be accomplished Rev. 11. Therfore when the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in that is Antichrists raign shall be accomplished Israel shall be converted Of this opinion I suppose learned Protestants are That the Romish Apostacy is the cause of the Jews Obstacy untill the destruction of which they shall continue in their blindnesse This opinion Contzenus the Jesuit cries out of as the opinion of Hereticks I conceive he cryeth most against learned Melancthon who on that text tels us of the ruine of the Gentiles Church by heresies and apostacy which apostacy being fulfilled the Jews shall be converted To this purpose he speaketh excellently and truly but mark what follows in Luk. 21. 25. After the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled then there shal be signs in the Sun and in the Moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the seas and the waves roaring mens hearts failing them for the powers of heaven shal be shaken These are the vials that shal be poured out on the Churches enemies and what then ver 27. Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud and then ver 18. When they see these things begin to come to pass let the Jews lift up their heads for their redemption draweth nigh compare Matth. 24. and Mark 13. with this text this day must be meant of the Jews conversion therefore it sets forth some Gospel-day for should it be the day of Judgment it would be the day of their Damnation therefore when the vials are poured out they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory this leads me back to the text that I have run away so long from Revel 14. 14. there immediatly the witnesses were slain John looked and behold a white cloud and on the cloud one sitting like the Son of Man having in his hand a crown there 's his glory and with a sharp sickle there is his power and then there are the Angels the Angel out of the Temple and the Angel from the Altar and they make supplication that the harvest of the earth which is ripe may be reaped by Christ who had the sharp sickle in his hand and at their supplication Christ goes to work with the Vines of the Vineyard of the Earth and cuts them down and then the bloud of the Vines of the Earth that is the power of the beast of the Earth is broken and their bloud in a great measure shed at the same time Revel 15. John saw another sign in Heaven great and marvellous this great sign is that in Matth. 24. and Mark 13. the sign is seven Angels with the seven plagues the great sign is Gods eminent wrath against the Roman Monarchy in all its power and strength for by clouds trees waves of the Sea and stars Jude 13. tells us are meant hereticks in the Church they shall be cast from heaven that is out of the Church or else by Sun Moon and Stars are meant the higher powers in a State So Jacob interprets his son Josephs dream but observe what John sees before the Vials be poured out he saw ver 2. a glassie sea mingled with fire The sea in the Temple was made of brass it was not to be seen through onely they that looked into it saw what
Lord of the three Kingdoms this all the Fathers have told us from Dan. 7. 24 25. and we see it fulfilled in our eys Now they say this vile fellow shall reign but three years and an half and then he shall fall with an utter ruine I have proved that in all probability 't is this year that he shall fall and have shewed from Scripture what probability there is of his fall in Scotland it being the mountain of delights and no other Kingdom in the world maintains such a lawfull Magistracy and rightly constituted Ministery and so reall right and glorious a reformation as Scotland doth It hath been shewed also what probability there is from the time alotted to Antichrist the Pope the Beast that keeps the Witnesses in sackcloth to reigne which is 1260. years which time is up about 1651. and then from the time of the Beast of the Earth the Beast that coms out of the bottomlesse pit his reign which began in 1647. and continues three years and an half so that 't is probable his reign will be expired in 1651. about the middle of this year then 't is probable from his actions for he throws down a lawfull and unquestionable Magistracy and then he most bitterly and violently persecutes the Ministery which lawfull Magistracy and Ministery shall have a mighty victory over him and so rise up to their former dignity again but immediately before this victory they must be in an exceeding low condition and in the eyes of the people of the world past recovery All this we have made out clearly from Scripture and how clearly and manifestly these Scriptures are in part fulfilld hastning to be accomplished I leave to every sober-minded man to judg so that my merry Dr. that is so confident of his holy Democracy and holy Army unlesse he can prove them to be the slain Witnesses that were slain and persecuted by the Beast arising out of the bottomlesse pit and thrown down and worn out by the little horn Dan. 7. that riseth and reigneth over three kingdoms where the Gospel is purely professed three years and an half in which time he changeth their Lawes and Customs unlesse he prove them so out of his own mouth we shall clearly overthrow him for p. 33. 34. there he undertakes to prove from Dan. 7. 14. v. 27. that Monarchy shal be thrown down and now 't is on the tragicall stage for that end and all to make way for Christs visible Kingdom on earth This honor of throwing down Monarchy and exalting Democracy is given he saith to his holy ones according to that text Dan. 7. 27. the kingdom and Dominion and greatnesse of the kingdom under the heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high Let me intreat the Reader to observe but the time when the kingdom shall be given to the Saints in Dan. 7. it is at that time v. 8. when the little horn that riseth after the other states subject to Rome and plucks up three of the first hornes or kingdoms observe this the Doctor confesseth is in the end of the Roman Monarchy if so which is undeniable then let all the world judge what little horn is lately rose to usurp three kingdoms is not this text visibly fulfilled in the sight of all Europe But then observe v. 9 10. Christ comes is in Rev. 10. 1 2. and in v. 11. this little horn was slain and given to the burning flame 't is the same with Rev. 19 20. where he was cast into the lake burning and then v. 13 14. Christ set up his Kingdom which is both a glorious and everlasting kingdom and v. 24 25. this little horn is cleerly described to be the Witnesse slaying Beast who shall continue three years and an half and then immediately followes Christ v. 26 27. coming forth to destroy this Beast and then as in Rev. 11. all the kingdoms in the world become Christs Rev. 20. 4. thrones are set then the Saints i. e. the Witnesses sit upon them so that the meaning is not that Christ will throw down Kingly Government or Monarchy in the Church but that he will raise a godly Magistracy and a godly Ministery to a higher degree of power then ever before and thereby the reall Saints of God shall have greater freedome then formerly The two Witnesses shall goe no more in sackcloth but put on white linnen 'T is true Usurpers and Tyrants shall bee throwne downe the Tyrannicall Independent Monarcy of Rome shall be thrown down and the tyrannicall usurped Democracy of England shall be thrown down who give the Beast of the Earth their power and strength Rev. 17. 13. and with that strength go forth against the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is the King of kings and Lord of lords that 's his Motto in Rev. 19. 19. When he fights against this Beast and overcomes him 't is one and the same battel these shall be overcome and overthrown for ever but the Witnesses though they are slain and the Doctor and all the Antichristian Rabble make merry and keep Thanksgiving days yet they shall arise again stand upon their legs and ascend in power and authority and glory above their Enemies But why do I stand to confute the Doctor when he confutes himself in his own book in p. 9. He approves that there was Kingly Government from Noah for Sem he saith was King of Salem and yet in p. 39. of the same book he accounts of Kings as Antichristian and saith that they that uphold Kings uphold Antichrist so that by this account as p. 22. confirms it for there he useth this as a motive to prase because Monarchy is turned into Democracie it seems Antichristian power was in the World as soon as Abraham if Kings be Antichristian in the Church But why do I say so much when I have heard the man within this these two years in a publick Auditory profess himself no Enemy to Kingly Government or Monarchy but onely to the excess of Monarchy and tyranny of Kings and yet here he puts on with all vehemency the people to praise God for the destruction of Kingly Government and the promotion of Democracie But why did I meddle at all with him who knoweth not what he saith For if we begin with him we shall find him in a gross mistake he saith in p. 2. that we are now under the sixth Seal and sixth Trumpet of that Seal and under the end of the fourth Viall of that Trumpet or the fifth Whereas the sixth Seal was opened Revel 6. 12. when Constantine the great overthrew the Pagan Empire and cast out of office all the persecuting Tyrants both in Rome and throughout the Romane Empire which was at least 1300. yeers since and yet we are but under the opening the sixth Seal whereas none of the Trumpets sounded untill the sixth Seal was past and the seventh Seal was opened as is manifest