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A80142 The exhaltation of Christ in the dayes of the Gospel as the alone high-priest, prophet, and king, of saints. / By Thomas Collier, sometimes teacher to the church in Yorke. Collier, Thomas, fl. 1691. 1641 (1641) Wing C5281; Thomason E1101_1; ESTC R208336 117,464 275

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day of the Lord Jesus the day Jesus comes in to doe good unto him for when ever the Lord Jesus takes an oportunity to doe good to a sinner that is the day of the Lord or the Lords day when he manifests mercie see Psal 110.3 2 Cor. 6.2 Thus Christ rules by his Law generally in the Assembly of Saints But 2 He manifests his Kingly power in ordaining officers with their gifts and callings which the Scripture seems in the strictest and most refined sense to call Elders and Deacons or Bishops and Deacons 1 Tim. 3.1 2 3 c. Of Bishops or Elders are two sorts or a different administration with relation to their gifts ruling and teaching these although they ought not to seeke it for they are the Churches servants yet by the Church are to be accounted worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5.17 and in things partaining to Christ are to be obeyed for they watch for soules Heb. 13.17 Quest But what power hath Christ committed to his Church wherein his Kingly office appears Answer Hee hath given power to his Church 1 To Judge 2 To Determine 3 To Passe sentence 1 To Iudge and this under a twofold consideration 1 Of the faith of members that are to be received 2 Of proceedings within the same body 1 Of the faith of members that are to bee admitted This belongs to the Church or some appointed thereunto by the Church For if faith be required of those that are to be admitted then faith is to be manifested in those received to those that receive it this is a truth generally held forth in Scripture Act. 2.38 with the 41. and Act. 8.37 and 19.17 18. And likewise there seems to bee somthing to this purpose in that Scripture Mat. 16.19 I will give unto thee the keyes of the Kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth shall be bound in heaven Whatsoever the Church of Christ concludes on on earth is approved of in heaven while they walke according to rule although I believe the great mystry couched under these words is another thing to wit the power Christ gives to the faith of Peter all that obtain like precious faith whatsoever is bound on earth that is whosoever believes on earth that is bound in heaven whosoever believeth not on earth looseth all it is loosed in heaven for it is to Peters faith Christ commits the keyes 2 There is power to judge of things in the Church and this every member ought to make use of in looking to the wayes of each other Phil. 2.4 Look not every one to his own things but every one to the things of one another Mat. 18.17 18. Thus all the body ought to watch over each other and to judge the actions of each other thus the Elder is to watch over the body and to judge the actions and to reprove rebuke exhort with patience and love where is occasion and thus may nay and ought the whole Church to watch over and if occasion be reprove admonish c. the Elder Thus is the Kingly office of Christ carryed along sweeetly in the Church of Christ 1 Tim. 5.19 20. When all watch over each other when all are subject each to other 1 Pet. 5.5 2 Christ hath given power as to Judge so to Determine of things and this for the good of the body for the order of the Church of Christ 3 And also It to passe sentence I mean spirituall by way of excommunication as you heard before I conceive the Church and state of the Jews who was Abrahams naturall seed was a type of the Church of the Gospel the spirituall seed of Christ Gal. 3.26 They had laws and statutes so hath the Church of Christ now onely theirs carnall ours spirituall for that Church was more carnall then Spirituall for that was the naturall seed this the spirituall they were to admit none but those that were naturally or bodily circumcised we none but those that are spirituall Rom. 2. ult They were not to touch any thing whereupon was any externall uncleannesse wee are not to touch the spirituall unclean thing that is Sin or sinfull worships or fellowships 1 Cor. 6.15 16 17. They were to put offenders that were grosse to death bodily the Church of Christ spiritually by excommunication Thus is the Kingly office of Christ carried along in the Kingdom in the Church of Christ under the Gospel and you see both Church and Laws are spirituall 3 The executions of the Churches Laws are spirituall but this I have opened already in my foregoing discourse therefore I passe 4 The ends of it are spirituall namely as you have heard 1 The good of the body the edifying of the body of Christ see Ephes 4.11 And 2 The glory of Jesus the execution of the Laws of Christ as it tends to the Saints good so Christs glory Yee call me Lord sayth Christ but where is mine honour This should be the end as of all the Saints Church actions so of all civill actions the glory of God 1 Cor. 10.23 Thus you see Christ is King and he hath a spirituall Kingdome and he rules by his Scepter in this Kingdom and there is good reason for it 1 He was borne King he hath a right to it by birth it is his birthright Mat. 2.2 Where is he that is borne King of the Iews He is a Iew that is one inwardly and it is Christs birthright to reigne over them and those who take the rule the Kingdom from Christ are no lesse then enemies and traitors to the royall crowne and dignity of the Lord Jesus and he will take them alive one day and cast them into the lake of fire Revel 19.20 2 He is thereunto appointed by the Father God the Father hath committed all judgement to the Sonne Iohn 10.22 For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Son ver 27. And hee hath given him authority to execute judgement because he is the Son of God God the father hath given up the Kingdom to the Son and all government rule and dominion is in the hand of Christ as he is man as well as God Act. 17.31 He hath appointed a day in which he will judge the World by that man whom he hath ordained Mat. 28.18 All power is given to me both in heaven and in earth c. Thus you see power and authority is given to the Lord Jesus and he is to exercise it and not man farther then hee hath appointed for the good of his Church 3 He hath purchased this Kingdom with his own bloud and therefore good reason he should reigne in it and over it Act. 20.28 He hath purchased his Church with his own bloud is it not reason then that Christ should reigne over those whom he hath purchased those who were lost and undone children of wrath as well as others Christ having redeemed them out of the hands of all their enemies and now rules-over them in love
have been as likely to fall away as Adam nay and more likely for there is a body of sin left still in the Saints matter for the Deuill to work upon but Adam was without sin therefore there is no possibility for that man to stand that stands upon his owne strength But it is in the strength of Christ the believer stands without me ye can do nothing Iohn 15.5 You cannot pray or perform any duty acceptably Rom. 8.26 much lesse stand and hold out to the end against all spirituall oppositions a Christian is to encounter withall The fifth and last reason why Christ teacheth this grace of self denyall to the Saints is that so they might live in love and peace one with another If every Saint should seeke to please himself and love himselfe and to have his own will in every thing how is it possible love and peace should be continued amongst the Saints if there should not be a bearing with and forbearing one with another if the strong should not beare the infirmities of the weak and not please themselves but God hath so tempered the body together that they should all seek the good of each other in love that there should be no Schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one of another as of themselves 1 Cor. 12.25 that every one might secke not their own but one anothers good That they might all grow up together a compleat body a holy temple in the Lord. Use 1 A word of examination and tryall hath Christ bin thy Prophet hath he taught thee this lesson of self denyall this is a very needfull use not only for carnall men but for Saints it was the exhortation of the Apostle 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves prove your selves know you not Christ is in you except ye be reprobates Christ is in every Saint and if there what doth he there Surely hee is not there for nought he will be ever teaching the soul hee will be there as they Prophet shewing thee the way thou shalt walk in Consider a little now I beseech thee hath Christ taught thee to deny thy owne righteousnesse canst look upon it all as filthinesse or else art thou stuffed and filled with thine own righteousnesse lifted up as high as the heavens in thine own conceit like the proud Pharisee I thank God I am not as bad as other men I pray and performe duty I have a good heart and as good a mind to God as any man If this be thy condition the Lord Iesus hath never been thy Prophet thou art yet in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity Thousayst thou art rich and wantest nothing when the truth is if the Lord open thine eyes to see it thou art poore and miserable and wretched and blind and naked Hath Christ taught thee to deny vngodlines and sin or else canst thou take pleasure in unrighteousnesse I dare say it that some there are in the world that have high thoughts of of themselves yet indeed make a mocke of sin take pleasure in unrighteousnesse if this be thy condition the Lord Christ hath never taught thy soule 2 Pet. 1.9 Christ teacheth to be holy and humble hee gives power against sin and Iust 1 Cor. 6.9.10 11. Consider you who have been taught of God hath hee taught your souls this lesson to deny your owne wisdome will end strength and all to lay down all as nothing at the feet of Jesus The Lord help you and I a little now to examine our selves how much of self yet remayns self wisdome self glorying and boasting self love self ends O how doth the Devill crowd in these things into the soules of the Saints the Lord help you and I to see it and give us power against it certainly if it be with your souls as it is with mee you have some experience of these things hardly can you performe any duty but self will present it selfe to your view in one shape or another Now where Christ teaches he ever sets the soule a work against those sins and causes the soule ever to have high thoughts of it selfe and to have high thoughts of God and of the Saints esteeming every one better then himselfe 2 Wherein you finde you come short in this duty selfe denyall looke up to the Lord for help and assistance it is the Lord that teacheth to profit therefore if you want any thing the exhortation of James is Aske of God who giveth to all men liber ally upbraydeth none Jam. 1.5 For every good gift comes down from God ver 17. Therefore have recourse to heaven make known thy condition to the Lord Jesus this thou maist doe thou oughtest to doe it thou must goe to God and tell him what thou wantest what grace thy soule needs tell him thou hast a poore-selfeseekeing-heart that will not stoppe farther then he bends it and bows it looke to him and he will help thee come unto him and he will ease thee and give thee thy hearts desire Note this one word where God hath begun this work in any measure though you find much of self and it is thy burthen yet here is a ground of comfort for such a soule it is mercy thou seest that evill of self that is in thee and that it is thy burthen The comfort is 1 that Jesus Christ hath beene thy Prophet hee hath taught thee in some measure to deny thy selfe and given thee a desire after the perfection of this grace 2 That where Jesus hath began this work he will finish it he will perfect it to the days of Christ 8 Thou mayst live upon him henceforth and expect teachings from him new manifestations new discoveries of grace and love new influences of power from himself as thou stanlest in need for his own honour the Saints good or thine own consolation Heb. 13.5 Thus much for the first which is Self-deniall 2 Where Christ becomes a Prophet hee eacheth that soule to yield universall obedince to himselfe this is an effect of the teaching of Christ Mat. 28.20 teaching them to observe and doe all things whatsoever I shall say unto you and Acts 3.22 23. A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you him shall you heare in all things c. And this obedience Christ doth not only require as he is a King but he teacheth it as he is a Prophet See Esay 54.13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children It is the covenant of grace Heb. 8.10 I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts c. Hee will make them a willing people hee will teach them to yield willing obedience he will teach them to do spirituall things with an appetite with a minde to them now this obedience flows from faith it is a fruit an effect of faith Rom. 1.5 Christ first teacheth faith and then obedience Quest What are
CHRIST The alone PROPHET of SAINTS CHAP. II. I Come in the next place unto the Prophetical office of Christ wherein hee is also in the dayes of the Gospell to be exalted In the handling of which I shall first shew you from the word of life That he is the Prophet and teacher of his people and secondly that hee is to be exalted in the days of the Gospell as the alone teacher of his people First that he is the Prophet and teacher of his people now for the better proceeding in the unfolding of this particular unto you I shall goe along comparatively holding forth the Prophetick office of Christ by the Prophets under the Law Now there were three things ordinary to the Prophets under the Law viz. Teaching working miracles and foretelling of things to come Now in all these three Christ answers them yea and excels them all for he himselfe is the substance of all their prophesies Iohn 1.45 1 It was the worke of the Prophets to teach the people so Moses a type of Christ both in respect of Law and worship God taught Israel by him so Esay 1 throughout Jer. 1.5 6 7 Chap. 2. and all the Prophets In this Christ hath manifested himselfe wonderfully to be a Prophet this part of Christs Propheticall office to wit as hee is the teacher of his people may be considered under these three heads First as hee was a teacher of his people before he came in the flesh Secondly When he was in the world Thirdly Now he is in heaven 1 before hee came in the flesh Christ taught them by the Prophets therefore you have ever the Prophets in the Old Testament saying The word of the Lord came unto me Jer. 1.4 Cap. 2.1 This Peter confirms 2 Pet. 1.20.21 For the prophesie came not in old time by thye will of man but holy men of God spake as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit No Scripture is of private interpretation that is men did not speak of their own private spirits not that private men as they call them may not interpret Scripture there is no such thing in the word but the truth held forth to us in it is that holy men that writ the Scripture did not speak their own mindes their own fancies but spake as they were inspired by the holy Spirit and hence it is that upon good grounds we receive the Old Testament for Scripture because it is the Word of God But 2 Christ performed his Propheticall Office when he was in the World hee then taught personally Mat. 5.12 He teaches his Disciples in the Mount he teaches a very long Sermon the longest Sermon we read of in all the Gospel it continues to the end of the seventh Chapter Mat. 13.1 2. you have Christ teaching multitudes in a ship by the Sea shore hee continues his Sermon almost throughout that Chapter speaking to them in parables In John you have Christ often teaching in the third Chapter teaching Nicodemus in chap. 5 6 8 9 10. and almost in every Chapter you have Christ teaching the Jews But beloved in the third place Christ is still a Prophet to his people now he is in heaven which is the principall thing I intend to speak unto In the handling of which I shall indeavour First To prove from Scripture that Christ is still the Prophet of his people Secondly By what rule he teaches his people now he is in Heaven Thirdly The manner how he teaches Fourthly The matter what he teaches 1 That he is a Prophet still to his people now he is in heaven he never fails teaching his people he is still powerfully present with his people now he is in heaven Mat. 28.20 I will be with you to the end of the world hence it is that Christ sayth John 6.45 And they shall be all taught of God and Christ when he ascends promiseth to send the Holy Spirit what to do to teach his people Ioh 14.26 But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance and this is the new Covenant the Covenant of Grace Heb. 8.10.11 I will give my Laws into their mindes and write them upon their hearts and they shall all know mee from the least to the greatest for they shall be all taught of the Lord Esay 54.13 so that you see Christ is still teaching and leading his people as a Pophet in the way he would have them to walke The second particular propounded was by what rule Christ teacheth his people now he is in heaven and that is by his Word the word of God is the alone rule by which Christ teacheth his people now he is in heaven therefore he sayth Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them you think to have eternall life and they are they that testifie of me and Esay 8.20 To the Law and to the testimony if any speak not according to this rule it is because there is no morning in them Ob. But some may say this was before Christs ascension into heaven Ans True but the same rule holds still see it confirmed after Christs ascension Gal. Co 6. He that walketh according to this rule peace shall be upon him and upon the Israel of God Marke it he that walketh according to this rule peace shall be upon him c. Note first The Word of God is the rule of a Christians life and secondly they are to walke according to it see 2 Pet. 1.18 20. We have also a more sure word of prophesie wherento you doe well that yoe take heed as unto a light that shineth in a darke place c. A sure word of prophesie that is the Scriptures and note in ver 20. he confirms the Scriptures for that end Know this that no prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit now the Scripture brings a sure word of truth It is that which ought to be the rule of the Saints in all their actions and believe it Christ never teacheh contrary to this Scripture If this be truth how may this reprove two sorts of people First those that cast off Scripture and refuse to walk according to it under a pretence of being lead by the Spirit and so above Scripture refusing to receive the Scripture as the rule by which Christ teacheth looking upon the Scripture as nothing to them It is a very sad thing that men professing Godlinesse should fall into such absurdities in receiving such principles as are destructive to the very power and being of godlinesse how can a man walke if he have no rule how can a man walke without his compasse his line he knows not when he is in or when he is out so it must needs be with those that cast off Scripture they cannot know when they walke according to the mind of God or when they
Iustification and Life 1 It is a believing of the report God hath given concerning his Son that is that he is the Son of God Mat. 3.17 the son of man God and man Rom. 1.3 4. Col. 2.9 That he is a mighty God the everlasting Father the prince of peace Esay 9.6 That he came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 To save them from their sins Mat. 1.23 and from all their enemies Luke 1.71 This is the record God hath in Scripture given concerning his Son and faith is required to believe it John 5.10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witnesse in himselfe he that believeth not God hath made him a lyar because he believed not the record God gave of his Son that is to believe that he is the Christ the Auointed sent of God and fitted for the work to save sinners ver 1. with ver 11. This is the record that God hath given to us eternall life and this life is in his Son 2 Faith is a dependancie upon this Christ for life flowing from a sensible apprehending of all that fulnesse that is in him John 6.68 When many Disciples went from Christ Jesus said to the twelve Will yee also goe away Simon Peter answered and said Lord to to whom shall we goe thou hast the words of eternall life we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God marke here is the Apostles faith We believe thou art the Christ thou hast the words of eternall life therefore whether shall we goe but to thee If all forsake thee yet we cannot whether shall we goe Here is faith when a soule believes indeed Jesus to be the Christ the Sonne of the living God and there leaves it selfe sees no way or means else in the world of help but sticks close to the Lord Jesus in a way of dependancie and this none can doe but by the power of God see Mat. 16.17 Jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou Simon flesh and bloud hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in heaven and none can call Iesus the Lord but by the Holy Spirit c. 1 Cor. 12.3 Now the fruit of this faith is Obedience where ever Christ works this faith it produceth obedience Rom. 1.5 By whem we have received Grace and Apostleship to the obedience of faith so is the word in the Greeke Faith is a working grace it is not idle where it is it worketh by love Gal. 5.6 Circumcision availeth not nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love Christ is ever teaching a believer and hee receives this teaching by faith which worketh by love and constraineth the soule in whom it is to submit unto the teachings of Christ which still is according to Scripture as you have heard Quest What doth Christ teach a believer after he hath given him faith Ans Christ teacheth many things to his Disciples which they receive by faith and they may be called in some sort the fruits of faith because by faith we receive them and submit unto them but they are indeed the fruits of the spirit which Christ our Prophet giveth to his people Gal. 5.27 but I shall confine my selfe in the discovery of the teachings of Christ to the Saints under three heads The first is Selfe denyall 2 Universall obedience 3 To live by faith The first is self-denyall and this Christ teacheth in the first place where he comes I mean to a believer for self-denyall is a fruit of faith how can a man deny himselfe till hee sees somthing out of himselfe worthy thy of his love See Christ teaching this lesson Luk. 9.23 If any man will be my Disciple let him deny himself and take up the crosse and follow me Christ teacheth his Disciples to deny whatsoever is of flesh in the creature Now there are ten things in selfe which Christ teacheth his in some measure to deny and to lay all down at his feet There is 1 Selfe sinfull 2 Selfe righteous 3 Selfe wisdome 4 Selfe glorying and boasting 5 Selfe profit 6 Selfe pleasure 7 Selfe love 8 Selfe will 9 Selfe strength Selfe sufficiencie 10 Selfe ends First Self sinfull or sinfull self now it is true that it is in it self all very sinfull whatsoever is of self is sinfull But for the more cleer opening of this grace of self-deny-all I branch it forth under these heads the first is Sinfull self where Christ is hee teacheth men thus to deny themselves they cannot sin willingly see 1 John 3.9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remayneth in him and he cannot sin that is he cannot sin with a mind to sin he denies his sin he loves not his sin therefore he is able to say It is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me as the Apostle Rom. 7.17 and therefore he is ever at enmity with his sin and lusts the grace of God teaching him to deny them Titus 2.11 12. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation to all men hath appeared teaching us that denying ungodlines and worldly lusts we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world The grace of God manifested in the Gospell teacheth men that rightly receive it to deny themselves to deny all ungodlines and worldly lusts believe it this is the grace of the Gospel it is not as some pretend a Gospell of liberty to sin but such grace as teacheth men to deny sin who-ever he be that takes liberty in sin under a pretence of grace certainly it is not that grace that brings salvation that teacheth men to deny ungodlinesse and sinfull lusts that teacheth them to live soberly in respect of themselves righteously towards men and godlily towards God This is the effect of the grace of the Gospels Saul a persecutor shall be so no more Zacheus an oppressor shall be so no more it makes a separation between a man and his lusts and between man and his sinfull courses as Job 40.4 5. Behold I am vile and what shall I answer the I will lay my hands upon my mouth once have I spoken but I will not answer yea twice but I will proceed no farther So when once the grace of the Gospel comes then it makes a man lay down all sin and lust whatever it be as Saul Acts 9.4 5. once have I spoken but I will proceed no farther perhaps once I have been a persecutor yea twice but I will proceed no further once I have been light vain prodigall walked unbeseeming the Gospel of Christ yea twice but I will proceed no further this grace teacheth men to deny ungodlinesse 2 There is righteous selfe that is in selfe apprehension though it is true none can doe good and the best actions out of Christ are but filthinesse yet such a disposition there is in nature that is ever apt to have high thoughts of it selíe they that know
gives power against this cursed fruit of the flesh in some measure there is a disposition of nature even in the Saints to be exalted and that above measure not onely in their own personall excellencie but in those graces received from Christ The Apostle Paul was sensible of both in 1 Cor. 9.27 where the Apostle sayth he beats down his body c. There was a lifting up the Apostle was sensible of it he found that in him that which was enough had not God let him see it helped him in it as he apprehended notwithstanding his preaching to others to make him a cast away so also a Cor. 12.7 Least I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of revelations the Lord sent me a prick in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffet me that was to pull him down that he might not be exalted in himselfe there is in every childe of God a naturall disposition to spirituall pride he that knows any thing knows it The Lord teach you and I to search our own hearts in this particular and give us power against it see 2 Cor. 6.1 Having such promises let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of flesh and spirit c. This is the filthinesse of spirit that the Saints are lyable unto truly we have little cause to glory in any thing except in Christ Jesus What hast thou sayth the Apostle that thou hast not received and if thou hast received it why dost thou yet boast 1 Cor. 4.7 therefore the Prophet sayth Let not the wise man glory in his wisdome nor the strong man in his strength but let him that gloryeth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth the Lord. It is the exhortation of Christ to his Disciples Luk. 10.20 Rejoyce not that the Devils are made subject to you but rejoyce rather that your nanaes are written in heaven and this lesson the Apostle Paul learned and every Christian in some measure must learn Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory in any thing save in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world 5 There is selfe profit which every man naturally is apt to looke after O how hard is it for a poore creature to deny himselfe How hard is it for a rich man sayth Christ to enter into the Kingdom of heaven The world is a common baite wherewith the Devill inticeth man to sin as Iudas Ananias and Saphyra Act. 5. Nay Christ lumselfe is set upon with this temptation Mat. 4. O this profit the love of money is the root of all evill But where Christ comes teaching effectually he teacheth the soule to deny it selfe to look upon the world as a very empty thing he gives power to overcome the world Whosoever is borne of God over commeth the world and this is the victory that over commeth the world even our faith 1 Ioh. 5.4 Now the soule sees that it is his duty not to looke onely on his own things but every one on the things of another Phil. 2.4 Now hee hath learned to sympathize with the body every member he looks not upon himselfe at a distance from the meanest member making himselfe equall to them of the lower sort 6 There is self pleasure also and this of two sorts 1 In delighting in pleasures of these the Apostle speaks of 2 Tim. 3.4 They shall be lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God Beloved it is much unbeseeming Christians to be lovers of pleasure see 1 Tim. 5.6 But shee that liveth in pleasure or shee that liveth delicately is dead while shee liveth Now beloved Christ takes off his people from these pleasures by presenting better pleasures to them he makes them drinke of the river of his pleasures Psalme 36.8 so that the Saints are not without pleasures spirituall and that abundantly and eternally Psal 16.11 At his right hand are pleasures for ever more But God takes off his from those earthly carnall pleasnres which is indeed dangerous and destructive Prov. 21.17 Hee that loveth pleasure shall be a poore man it is true spiritually as well as temporally carnall carthly pleasures and profits are two great enemies to the power and being of god linesse Luk. 8.14 cares and riches and pleasures is that which choaketh the Word that men bring forth no fruite to perfection A second sort of Self-pleasure is when men resolve to please themselves O sad word that men should have such a disposition to please themselves but where Christ teacheth hee teacheth men in this case to deny themselves Now this may be considered under a twofold relation eyther to God or our brethren 1 To God where Christ teacheth effectually there the soule will rather deny it selfe then God It will rather please God then it selfe Christ who is the Saints pattern did always so walk as to please God John 8.29 For I do always those things that please him to wit the Father Now Christ as hee was man in our flesh pleasing the Father alwayes in all things and so was our pattern so he teacheth his the same lesson This is a Maxime in Religion That whosoever chuseth to please himself rather then God Christ hath not taught him 1 Thes 4.1 We beseech you brethren and exhort you by the Lord Iesus that as ye have received of us how yeought to walk and please God so ye would abound more and more As if the Apostle had sayd that which ye have received of us is that ye ought to walke according to the example of Christ to please God This is the doctrine that wee have taught you we beseech and exhort you by the Lord Jesus That ye abound more and more in this grace This is an excellent choice grace to please the Lord ever to have that in thine eye to please God though thou displease thy selfe that is thy fleshly carnall selfe Col. 1.10 O this is a soule taught indeed by the spirit of God when he prefers the pleasing of the Lord before himself or carnall friends or any thing see Prov. 16.7 When a man ways please the Lord hee maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him when a man seeks to please God in walking answerable to the rule of God though hee displease his enemies God will make those enemies to be at peace with him 1 This being rightly learned is that which would carry you along through all oppositions in a way of truth perhaps somethings yea some truths may seeme hard to a poore creature to be submitted unto perhaps the poore creature resolving with flesh and bloud which will have its bouts even in the Saints Rom. 7.21 may be ready to conclude sometimes if I submit to this way to this truth I must expect reproach persecution perhaps losse of liberty estate yea life and all now it would wonderfully please carnall reason to deny such a truth to hide and conceal such a truth in unrighteousness but
to take the shield of faith a sheeld is for defence so this faith both defends and resists the Devill Quest But how doth faith overcome Ans It ever hath an eye to the foundation Christ it knows the foundation standeth sure and so it turns over the devill the false conclusion that the devill and the heart is ready to make together to Christ and now the soule sayth it is true Satan or it is true heart I am base I have a vile cursed nature I cannot pray nor performe any duty as I should sin is in my best action I confesse I am in my selfe as bad as man or devill can make not a worse heart in the world more subject to evill farther then God restrains it more unable to doe good farther then God inables and what of all this Satan I know there is enough to condemne me for ever were I to answer in mine own person for my selfe but Christ hath been condemned for me Satan he hath borne all my sins and so my condemnation and he hath made himselfe over to me so that now thou must first have something against Christ before thou canst shake my hold and thus by faith flying to Christ the soule overcomes the enemy but if the soule cannot thus have recourse to the Lord Jesus he is gone when the tempter comes he is not able to resist Then sayth the beleeving soule it is true Satan I have a proud self seeking heart ready ever to take that honour to it selfe that is due to God but it is as true that I may thank thee for it who hast thus metamorphozed my nature and made it like thine own and not onely so but commest in and ever stirrost up the heart to pride and selfe-seeking knowing well by experience that it is a sin that much provokes God but this is my mercie God lets me see into this depth of wickednesse and it is my burthen but Christ hath freed me from the power of it and from the iniquity of it hee is ever subduing it in me and one day I shall for ever be freed both from it and thee thus by faith the soule overcomes the devill this is the first particular wherein the Christian comes to liue by faith in the exercising of it according to the manyfold occasions it meets withall 2 To live by faith is a living upon Christ in the want of all things and that both externall and internall 1 Externall in the want of outward things when the creature is tripped naked and bare brought even to a morsell of bread then to live in beleeving the Lord will care for you when that you are brought to Christs condition that you have neither house nor home nor any thing in the world besides a Christ besides a God to live upon then when thou canst get a promise as that Heb. 13.5 He hath sayd I will not fail thee nor for sake thee and stick close to the Lord Jesus in such a promise this is a living by faith when the creature fails Hab. 3.17 18. Although the figtree shall not blossome neither shall fruit be in the vine the labour of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yeeld no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no therd in the stalls Yet will I rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation This is to live by faith when all creatures fail then to live upon God then to rejoyce in the Lord believing that God is able and will help the Lord will sustain The want of this faith was Israels sin Psal 78.18 19. they spake against God and sayd Can God prepare a table in the wildernesse how is the deceitfull heart of man ready to distrust God in such a condition as those Jews can God prepare a table when all is gone but faith in such a condition believes and lives by blieving and the Lord will care for moe sayth the soule and the Lord hath sayd it The lions shall luck and suffer hunger but they that wait upon the Lord shall want nothing that is good This is a hard thing it is easily sayd but not so easily done you thinke it is easie perhaps to live by faith while you have a house a calling that brings you in money perhaps every day or every week or money by you or land c. you can live comfortably upon Christ and your calling upon Christ and your house or land but let all be taken from thee see then how then canst live this may be your condition and then you will be put to the tryall 2 Spiritually when the soule hath nothing of its own to rest upon when duties and performances and all is gone then to believe and live by believing this is to live by faith indeed upon this ground the soule believes Rom. 4.4.5 He that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted to him for righteousnesse he that worketh not he that cannot performe one acceptable duty in way of righteousnesse but sees all is nothing yet believes in Christ and so lives by believing this is the constant stay of a believer he eversees his own emptinesse the untighteousnesse of his best actions I say to believe in and to live upon Christ in all such conditions it is to live by faith above duties and performances but how doe many a professing man and woman comfort themselves in the performing of duties in their inlargement in duty and the like but when they fail in this then they call all in question again this faith was not right for they thinke they believe because they can pray and meditate c. when indeed the soul that rightly believes doth believe because he cannot pray nor act or doe any thing that is acceptable and therefore he cannot live by faith but when that power he has to performe duty fails his faith and all fails this is not to live by faith yet this hath been the life of most professours in this Nation 3 A living by faith it is to live by beleeving of what the soule shall one day enjoy and this mightily bears up the spirits of the Saints And this we may take notice of under a threefold consideration 1 That which the gracious soule longs most after is the full enjoyment of God nothing lesse can satisfie the believing soule the soule that hath tasted how gracious the Lord is O sayth the Soule when shall I come to the full enjoyment of my God and so the seule groanes as the Apostle 2 Cor. 5.2 earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with the house from heaven and the reason is ver 7. for while we are here we walke that is live by faith and not by sense while we are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord that is absent comparatively with relation to what it shall be for the soule has but a glimpse of glory but a