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A72932 Caesars dialogue or A familiar communication containing the first institution of a subiect, in allegiance to his soueraigne Nisbet, E. 1601 (1601) STC 18432.5; ESTC S113170 56,805 127

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all the dayes of Salomon haue not England doone the like from Barwick to saint Michaels Mount all the dayes of Elizabeth But if any man through diligence stādeth before Kings not before the meaner sort of men hee shal find that in the light of the Kings countenance is life and his fauour is as a cloud of the latter raine If I regard a house House Ester 2.21 8.2 Externall pompe Gen. 41.43 I see it brought Mordecay from sitting at the Kings gate to be placed ouer the house of treacherous Haman If I respect outward shew I see Ioseph in the second Charret of Egypt and Mardocheus vpon the Kings horse in royall apparrell a crowne of gold on his head Ester 6.8.11 Haman proclaiming before him in the streetes of Shusan thus shall it be done to the man whom the King will honour and Daniel in Babilon clothed in purple and a chaine of golde about his necke If estimation of the people for it Dauid was honoured with his Ten Thousand if fauour and frendship of the worthyest this knit the soule of Ionathan eldest Sonne to the King to the soule of Dauid If alliance with the greatest this espoused Ioseph the prisoner to Asenath daughter of Potipherah priest or Prince of On this brought Dauid the Shepheard to Michall Daughter of Saule King of Israell If power and authoritie this made Ioseph 2. in Egypt Mordecai 2. in Persia Daniel 2. in Babilon If good to our nation this lift vp Mordecay to the deliuerāce of his people from destruction If the good of the Church of God this with the blessing of God vpon him who aymed at so good an end made Zorobabel gratious in the eyes of Darius if a good name and eternall renowne what more pretious then a good name especially eternized This caused Mordecaies vertues and Mordecaies magnificence to be celebrated in the Chronicles of Media and Persia this Ester 10.2.3 eternized them in the neuer-fayling word of the eternall God If the good of our posteritie a dead man stil seemeth to liue in his posteritie Barzillaie when Dauid fled from Absolon prouided him of sustenance lying at Mahaynaim Barzillai dutyfull loyall and after Dauids victory conducted him ouer Iordane Dauid for this not onely offered to feed Barzillai with him in Ierusalem and to doe for him whatsoeuer he would require of him Dauid when he would needs depart blessed him kissed him but also for his sake accepted of Chimham and dealt royally with him in his life but also in his death-bed commanded Salomon to shew kindnes to the sonnes of Barzillai the Giliadite and to let them be among them that eate at his table O blessed loialtie blessing the loial not onely generally with the common and publique but also particularly with the priuate good good in possession good in estimation good in authoritie in honor in fauour in alliance in name in religion in fame in posteritie O blessed loyalty Is it not enough that thou blessest vs with so many fauours but others for vs not vs and others at this present but others for vs herereafter Gratefully Barzillai was loyall to Dauid in his distresse Dauid was gratefull to Barzillai when he was deliuered from distresse gratefull in life gratefull in death death makes men forget their owne children their own selues death and the panges of death could not make Dauid to forget Barzillaies loyalty death had power to ende and cut off Dauids life death had not power to end or cut off Dauids gratuity for Barzillaies loyalty Royall the both might remaine after death euen at death he charged his sonne to shew kindnes to Barzillaies sonne Both to Barzillaies sonne to Barzillaies sonns and such kindnes that they should eate with him at his table Immortall Barzillai dead Barzillaies loyalty Dauid dead Dauids gratuitie brightly shineth in their posteritie Sonne Good father you shewing Caesar to be set ouer me of God my duety to God moued me to performe my duety to Caesar you shewing me of the haynousnes of the crime of disloyalty my heart abhorred it and I beseech God no disloyalty come into my heart much lesse breake out of my tongue in speaking or my hand in action you shewing the iudgementes incident to the disloyall if I had so little grace and so little reason that nought else could feare of them may keepe me from this crime but now you shew the great benefits that arise out of loyalty you haue inflamed my heart with a more feruent loue of the same Father Let me then my sonne further inflame it If Caesar being ouer such a people as Salomon was and as Paul was for all the Churches 1 Kin. 3.8 2 Cor. 11.28 cumbred with the care of them daily or bee thy merits be not of the moment or there is not that opportunitie to haue them knowen vnto Caesar therfore Caesar cānot say with Assuerus though Caesar be as boūtiful royally grateful as Assurus what honour Ester 6.3 dignitie hath beene giuen to Mordecai for this Yet for the Publique good for which Curtius in Rome Sampson in Israel many in many nations sacrificed their liues and in the publique thy priuate good though Caesar should neuer heare if thou wert disloyall and therefore could not punish thee yet giue Caesars to Caesar Luke 17.10 Math. 3.15 Rom. 13.5 1. Pet. 2.13 as the Lord Iesus saith for dueties sake and for righteousnes sake as saint Paul saith for conscience sake as saint Peter saith for the Lords sake and the Lord whose reward is with him who will come quickly whose word shal not passe away though heauen and earth passe away will reward thee though man doe not whose life is a vapoure whose flesh is grasse whose rewards be temporarie the Lord I say will reward thee reward them as else hee will punish thee Externally Internally Eternally Gods rewards of loyaltie Externally for our good Subiect is to bee a good man our true Caesarian to be a true Christian otherwise if he goe not out with Absolon I suspect his going out with Adoniah neither good man nor good Subiect is he who giueth not to God those thinges which be Gods and for Gods ordinance to Caesar those thinges which are Caesars Blessed shalt thou be in the Cittie Externall Deut. 28.3 4 5 6. and blessed also in the field blessed shall be the fruite of thy bodie and the fruite of thy ground and the fruite of thy Cattell the encrease of thy Kine and the flocks of thy Sheepe blessed shall thy baskette be and thy dowe blessed shalt thou bée when thou commest in and blessed also when thou goest out Sonne How internally Father What greater blessing then the soules banquet Internall Prou. 15.15 then the soules continuall banquet a good conscience saith Salomon is a continuall Feast what mellodie to that swéete harmonie of excusing thoughtes what comfort to that most comfortable assurance
to all things so the Soueraigne of euerie estate is a pattern of the great God from whome our whole estates lawes to liue by and comfort in our seuerall courses doe proceed pray therefore for Caesar since Caesar needes thy prayer Pray for Caesar for as Darius highly respected the Sacrifices and prayers of the priests of Israel for his life and for his sonnes so her most gracious Maiestie greatly regardeth that prayer bee made for her by her truly-christian subiects And let subiects pray for Caesar since prayer is honourable prayer is easie praier is profitable prayer is honourable If wee account it a grace vnto vs to follow the fashions of the greatest persons on earth For prayer is honourable Reue. 8.8 9 10 11. For prayer is easie O howe great honour will it be for vs to imitate the blessed spirits in heauen Prayer is easie if thy purse bee so poore that it cā pay no tribute to Caesar if thy body be so feeble that it can do nothing for the defence of Caesar yet if thy hart be not too lewd too wicked if thy heart be not voyde of all pietie For prayer is profitable against all calamities Ionah 2.1 7 10. Act. 12.5 7 8 9 10. Tobit 3.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. Against sicknesse Ecclus. 38.9 2 King 20.3 5.6 Against death Against the enemies voide of all Christian dutie thy heart wil daily and often euery day pray for Caesar Prayer is profitable profitable against all calamities it deliuered Ionas out of the Whales bellie Peter out of prison Sara the daughter of Raguel from reproach profitable against sicknesse for sayth the sonne of Sirac my sonne faile not in thy sicknesse but pray vnto the Lord and he will make thee whole profitable against death It prolonged Ezechias life fifteene yeares profitable against the enemies against the enemies this but without this against vs the enemies preuaile when Moyses lift vp his hand Israel preuailed Exod. 17.11 If Paule commaunded to pray for Nero 1 Tim. 22. Baruch 1.11 Ierem. 29.7 If Baruch and Ieremie commaunded to pray for Nabuchodonosor but when he let his hand downe Amaleck preuailed if Paule exhorted and commanded to pray for Nero a man so wicked that he murdered his Tutor his mother and was natures Monster If the prophets commaunded the Israelites to pray for the life of the king of Babylon who had wasted Iudea with sword and fire besieged and taken Ierusalem burned the Temple caried away the holy vessels set fire on the whole citie brake downe the walles of Ierusalem round about 2. King 24 and 25. chap. murdered many people caried others to miserable seruitude slue the sonnes of the king before his eies pulled out his eies bound him in chaines carried him to Babel and as if to murder the innocent to rauish the chaste to carrie princes into captiuitie to sacke the holy Citie to burne the Temple of the God of heauen were not impietie inough that hee might come to the full height of all impietie he set vp a golden Image and by a Herauld proclaimed that whosoeuer did not worship it Dan. 3.1 4 5 6. should bee cast into the midst of a hot fierie fornace If the holie Prophet commaunded the Israelites to pray for wicked Nabuchodonosor 2 Peter 1.21 What woulde the holye ghost that we should do for Elizabeth The royall acts of Augustus Dauid Salomon Asa and Iosiah performed by her Maiestie 1. Chro. 16.4 5 6 7 37 38 39. 1 King 15 13 2 King 23.1 2.3 1. King 6 That which one said of Salomon manie haue saide of Elizabeth 1. Kin. 10 8 9 That which the straunger Iewes said of the Apostles hauing receyued the holy Ghost we can not but say of our ministers in the dayes of Elizabeth what would that holy spirit by whom both the Prophets and Apostles did write that all English all Irish all others vnder the subiection or protection of her most gracious Maiestie should doe for Queene Elizabeth who whereas Augustus said he found Rome of Bricke but left it of Marble may say shee found England of Brasse and Lead but brought it to Siluer Golde with Dauid appoynted the Leuites to sing in their courses with Asa destroyed Idols with Iosiah restored the Booke of the Law with Salomon builded a Temple to the God of Heauen So that as the Queene of Saba sayd of Salomon manie haue sayd of Elizabeth Happie are thy men happie are these thy seruants that stand before thee and heare thy wisedome Blessed bee the Lorde thy God which loued thee to set thee on the throne of Israel because the Lord loued Israel for euer and made the Queene to do equitie and righteousnes Our English and Irish returning from forraine coastes may say of the Ministers of their Countries in the daies of her Maiestie as those stranger-Iewes did of the Apostles hauing receiued the holy Ghost Acts. 2.11 we heard them speake in our owne tongues the wonderful works of God Shall we not pray for such a Queene 1. Tim. 2.2 3. Pray for her saith S. Paul in respect of your selues in respect of God In respect of your selues Pray for her in respect of your selues 1. Tim. 2.2 That you may liue a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse Gen. 28 16 17 that you may liue a quiet a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie A quiet life that we haue no insurrections at home a peaceable life that we haue no inuasion from abroad In all godlines that it may be said of England as Iacob said of Bethel Surely the Lord is in this place this is none other but the house of God this is the gate of heauen And in honestie And in honestie Rom. 2.24 that the name of the Lord be not blasphemed amōg the Gentiles amōg the Mahumitans amōg the Anabaptists amōg the Romish Recusants through you but the as Christ saith your light may so shine before men that they may see your good workes Matt. 5.16 and glorifie your father which is in heauen as saint Peter saith that they which speake euil of you as of euill doers may by your good workes which they shall see 1. Pet. 2.12 glorifie God in the day of the visitation In respect of God our Sauiour Pray for Caesar in respect of God our Sauiour for this is good 1. Tim. 2.3 O acceptable in his sight Psal 19.1 Baru 3.33 34. If all the creatures in heauen and earth seeke to please God Psal 104 19. 7 21 32. Ierem. 8.7 Esay 1.3 Shall not man being more bound then they all Gen. 1.26 1. Pet. 1.19 1. Cor. 3.16 Aphe 2 10. 2. Tim. 4.8 1. Pet. 5.4 pray for Caesar for sayth Saint Paule this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour If the Heauens declare the glorie of God and the Firmament shew his handy-worke If the Light obey him with feare If the Starres shine in their Watch and reioice If the Moone kéepe her appointed seasons If the Sun knoweth his going downe If the waters flie at his rebuke If the Lions seeke their meat at God If hee looke on the Earth and it trembleth If hee touch the Mountaines and they smoke If the Storke in the aire knoweth her appointed times and the Turtle and the Crane and the Swallow obserue the time of their comming If the Oxe know his owner and the Asse his maisters crib shall not man being not liue-lesse like some not sencelesse like others not vnreasonable like others But created by a consultation of the deitie redeemed with the precious bloud of Christ as of a Lamb vndefiled without spot sanctified by the holy Ghost expecting a Crowne a Crowne of life a Crowne of righteousnes a Crowne of glory performe to Caesar all duetifull alleagiance Seeke in all things to please his Maiestie 1. Tim. 2.3 since the blessed Apostle hath taught vs that this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour THE eternall Father for his sweet Sons sake by the holy spirit so rule our hearts The Authors prayer for Caesar and Caesars true subiects Iames. 5.16 2. King 1.10 12. that we being righteous as Elias and our prayers feruent as Elias they may open heauen bring from thence Gods Iudgements as fier vpon Caesars enemies but the dewe of the diuine grace vpon Caesar 1. King 18 45 Rom. 13.5 and Caesars true Subiects that her most sacred Maiestie may long religiously happily rule vs that we for conscience sake least we resist the ordinance of God least we receue Iudgement least we be depriued of all benefits incident to the Loyall Feare Honor Obey Pay tribute to Defend and Pray for her most sacred Maiesty on earth and in the end and without all end raigne together with her in the kingdome of Heauen Amen
an infidell Is not God highly displeased with you for not instructing your households who was so highly pleased with Abraham if ye bee Abrahams children ye will doe the works of Abraham for instructing of his household Iohn 8.39 Gen. 18.17 18 19. Assure your selues he who vpon the Israelites according to the flesh imposed such a respect of their enemies beasts Exod 23.4 5. imposeth vppon the Israelites according to faith a far greater regard of their owne seruants those breath an vnreasonable mortall life these haue a reasonable and an immortall soule heires they be with you of the same saluation Fathers shall I tender it to you You remember who enioined you To teach your sonnes Deut. 4.9 Deut. 6.6.7 8 9. and your sonnes-sonnes you remember who sayde These wordes which I commaund thee this day shal be in thine heart And thou shalt rehearse them continuallie vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou tariest in thine house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou liest downe and when thou risest vp And thou shalt not onelie for thy remembrance binde them vpon thine hand and betweene thine eyes but for thy children and seruants write them vpon the postes of thine house and vpon thy Gates Those wordes of God teach vs our dutie to God our dutie to our neighbours amongst our neighbours first to our superiours Exod. 20.12 amongest our superiours chiefly to our Caesar because Caesar is the father of the Countrey the noursing mother of the Church Hence Salomon hence Peter hence Paule hence Christ drew that which they haue taught vs for our duties to our Princes As you loue your selues as you loue your children omit not this Omit not this if you loue your children for the same Adoniah whō Dauid because hee was his darling would not reprooue and correct with the rod 1. King 1.6 I holde reproofe and correction to be either partes or appurtenances of instruction the same Adoniah because he proued a Traitor 1. King 2.25 did Salomon though hee were his brother execute with the sword Omit it not if you loue your selues for O howe heauie was the Iudgement that fell vpon the head of Eli. for omitting this dutie for omitting this dutie vpon Eli old Eli Eli the high Priest Eli who had iudged Israel fortie yeares 1. Sam. 2.23 24 25. Eli who herein had done somewhat O how heauie I say was the Iudgement that for omitting this dutie fell vpon his bead when in one day Israel fled before the Philistines 1. Sam 2.17 18. there was a great slaughter among the people his two sonnes were both slaine the Arke of God was taken himselfe fell backward and brake his necke that he died Better then that this should befall were it that the Romane law were receiued into England whereby it was enacted that for the first offence the child should be admonished for the second he should be chastized for the third he should be hanged and the father banished Mothers whom nature or rather the God of nature hath made most kinde to your children let not your too great kindnesse to them be too great hurt to them and too great hurt too you The wisest sonne that by course of natur● euer any mother had hath left this lesson for all mothers for euer Prou. 29.15 A childe set at libertie shameth his mother Thogh I tell you not either of that too wantonly brought-vp sonne who beeing led to execution by the clamor of his tongue and sharpenesse of his teeth tooke irefull reuenge of his owne mother or of that mother who to maintaine her two sonnes in drinking and gaming defrauded her husband in his life soone after his death with her owne eies behelde them both robbing following vpon rioting openly executed the one with the sword the other with the rope Yet giue me leaue to tell you that if Aretia taught her sonne Philosophie if Cornelia taught her sonnes the Latin eloquence If Zenobia taught her sonnes the Greeke Latin and Egyptian tongues Prou. 31.1 if Bethsaba taught her sonne a prophesie you are to see that your children learne both those principles of religion alreadie published that they may giue to God those things that are Gods and this institution of a Subiect that they may according to the wil of God expressed in the word of God Giue vnto Caesar the things which are Caesars So shall you so shall they please both God and Caesar Children Preach 12.1 and all sortes of youth Remember your Creator in the dayes of your youth and in the dayes of your youth as carefully learne to honour those that are set ouer you by God Exod. 20.12 as you desire earnestly that a long life should bee giuen you of God Last of all I say to all If there bee any consolation in Christ Phil. 2.1 2. if any comfort of loue if any felowshippe of the Spirit if any compassion and mercie fulfill my ioy As we are become a happie Nation by the gouernment of our Caesar Barue 1.11 so let vs and ours perform all dutifull allegiance to our Caesar and pray and pray feruently and pray continually that her daeys vpon earth may be as the dayes of heauen Yours in the L. if you be Caesars in the L. E.N. CAESARS DIALOGVE or a familiar communication containing the first institution of a Subiect in allegiance to his Soueraigne Father Sonne MY sonne A father at thy birth I receiued thée as a gift of the Lord since thy birth I made thée a chiefe obiect of my care it is thy part hereafter to become while I liue Eccle. 30.4 the staffe of mine age and when I am dead 2. Sam. 18 18. to be so like me whereof I more estéeme then of the pillar of Absolon that I shall not séeme to be dead Prou. 31 2. But O my sonne but O the Sonne of my loynes but O the Sonne of my desires if by disloyaltie thou euer turnest the gift of God into a iudgement vpon my head The Fathers Care If thou changest the cares of my head into thornes to my heart If thou bringest my gray head with sorrow vnto the graue if thou dishonourest my name attaintest my blood ouerthrowest my house Sonne Deare father vnworthie were I of life if I should so highly offend him who next to God gaue me life The sonnes acknowledgment and whom God himselfe hath commaunded me to honour Father Then swéete Sonne imprint now in thy heart and expresse euer in thy life that short charge of our swéetest Sauoiur Mat. 22.21 Giue vnto Caesar the thinges which are Cesars and giue vnto God those things which are Gods Of giuing vnto God the things that are Gods the performance of which dutie is euer to be preferred before the safetie of thy life thou vsually hearest both of thy maister from whome as Xenocrates Disciples of riotous and dissolute became
sonne that so many as beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life In this worlde externally hath for our sakes sent out the Aungels to minister Preseruation Heb. 1 14. internally hath giuen vs the spirit of adoption whereby wee crie Abba father Sanctification Rom. 8 15 16. the same spirite beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the children of God Glorification 1. Cor. 2.9 against the world to come hath prepared for vs the things which eye hath not seene neither eare hath heard neither came in-the heart of man Sonne Being bound by so many bonds to the seruice of God Assurance that God inthroneth Caesar a great motiue to allegiance I should euer most willingly serue Caesar if it would please you to shewe some proofe that Caesar is enthroned by God Father Proofe of that doth the scripture shewe both by plaine testimonies Double profe that God in throned Caesar Plaine testimonies And those bee affirmatiue Wisd 6 23 and euident arguments By plaine testimonies and that both affirmatiuely and negatiuely affirmatiuely So saith the Wiseman Giue eare ye that rule the multitudes glorie in the multitude of the people for the rule is giuen you of the Lord and power by the most high vncreated wisdome by me kings raigne Prou. 8.15 and princes decree iustice The prophet He taketh away kinges Dan. 2 21. Rom. 13 1 Or negatiue hee setteth vp kings the Apostle The powers that be are ordained of God Negatiuely So Christ to his disciples Math. 10 29 Not a Sparrow falleth to the ground without your father So Christ to Pilate Iohn 19 11 Rom. 13 1.2 euident arguments Thou couldest haue no power at all against me except it were giuen thee from aboue So Saint Paul There is no power but of God Sonne These euident testimonies be sufficient proofes but yet what I beseech you be the other arguments Father His spirit altering their hearts 1. Sam. 10.9 1. Sam. 16.19 His spirite altering their hearts Soone after Saul was anointed king God gaue him another heart From the day that Samuel anointed Dauid the spirit of the Lord came vpon Dauid His eyes securing their thrones Iob. 36.7 Their end Rom. 13.6 The title he taketh of them to himselfe Psal 10.16 The title he giueth them with his own mouth Psal 82 6. His direction of their hearts tongues and hands His eies securing their thrones His eies are with kings in the throne where he placeth thē for euer thus they are exalted Their ende beeing to do him seruice They are Gods ministers applying themselues for the same thing The title that he taketh from them to himselfe The Lord is king for euer and euer The title he with his own mouth giueth to them Ego dixi not any creature in heauen or earth but the Creator of heauen earth he saith I haue said ye are Gods The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord he turneth it whensoeuer it pleaseth him In the kings heart is the will of God Prou. 21.1 Prou. 16.10 2. Chro. 19.9 in the kings mouth is the decree of God in the signing of the kings hand the iudgements of God Sonne More cleare is it then the light Obiection Answere Euill Of Crime Of Paine Euill of crime is not of God Hee needeth it not Gen. 17.1 He forbiddeth it 1. Iohn 3.4 He licenceth no man to do it Ecclus. 15.20 He hateth all that cōmit it Psal 55. Heaccurseth it Deut. 28.15 He seuerely punisheth it The Impenitent hee eternally cōdemneth for it Math. 25.41 that all good princes are of God but since euery euill prince is so great an euill so great a plague how can he be of God who is the onely spring from whence all goodnesse flow Father There is an euill of Crime and an euill of paine the euill of crime is sinne the euill of paine is the punishment of Sinne. The euill of crime is not of God God béeing all sufficient doth not need it It is the transgression of the Lawe therefore he doeth forbid it hee commaunded no man to doe it neither gaue hee any man a licence for it hee hateth all them that commit it he accurseth it he I call to witnesse Adam thrust out of Paradise the olde world drowned with the floud Sodom and Gomor flaming with fire the Sonne of God for the sinnes of men giuing vp his Ghost vpon the Crosse seuerely punisheth it and in the impenitent he eternally condemneth it The euill of Pain is of God Esay 45.7 Amos. 3.6 A good King cometh from the right hand of Gods mercie An euil king from the left hand of Gods Iustice Hosea 13.11 For the sins of the people hee suffereth the hipocrite to raigne Iob. 34.30 2. A good King to fal 2 Sam. 24.1 1 Cron. 21 1. 3. Chaungeth Kings Prou. 28.2 4. Punishe Prince people 1 Sam. 12.25 ● Bringeth euill from the good Prince vpon the euill The euill of Paine is the punishment of sin and this is throwne from the Throne of God vppon the heads of wicked men I sayth the Lord forme the light and create darknesse I make peace and create euill the Prophet of the Lord shall there bee euill in a Cittie and the Lord hath not done it As a good Kinge commeth from the right hand of Gods mercie so an euill King from the left hande of Gods Iustice Sometimes for our sinnes hee giueth an euill Kinge I gaue thee a Kinge in mine anger he maketh the Hipocrite to raigne for the sinnes of the people for the sinnes of the people he suffereth a good King to fall Israell hauing sinned against God God suffered Sathan to put into Dauids heart the numbering of the people for the sinnes of the people hée changeth Kinges for the transgression of the Lande there are many Princes thereof For the sins of Prince and people God punisheth the Prince and people If ye doe wickedly ye shall perish both yee and your Kinge If thou béest euill euill shall come to thée from him though hee bee good for he is the Minister of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill Rom. 13.4 Titles of euill princes shewe thē to be Instruments of gods Iustice Since therefore euerie Prince both good and bad is of God therefore calleth hee Ashur the Rod of his wrath the staffe in their handes his indignation therefore calleth he Nabuchodonozor king of Babell his seruant Esay 10.5 Rodde of his wrath Ieremie 27.6 seruant Esay 45.1 annointed Flagellum Dei Ira Dei 1 Peter 2.18 therfore calleth hée Cyrus his Annointed therefore I take it did Attila call him selfe Gods scourge and Themir-cuthclu vulgarly Tamberlaine himselfe the wrath of God as Peter commaundeth seruants to bee subiect to their Maisters with all feare not onely to the good and courteous but also to the froward so I aduise all Subiects to bée subiect to their Princes with al feare not
CAESARS DIALOGVE or A Familiar Communication containing the first Institution of a Subiect in allegiance to his Soueraigne Matth. 22.21 Giue therefore to Caesar the things which are Caesars AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Purfoot 1601. ❧ Cursed be he that curseth thee And Blessed be he that blesseth thee Gen 27.20 But to take vengeance on him that doth euill Rom. 13.4 ❧ Wherefore ye must be subiect not because of wrath onely but also for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 ¶ The Minister of God for thy wealth Rom. 13.4 TO All sound Members of that bodie whereof her sacred Maiestie is Supreame head Happinesse Externall Internall Eternall IF we consider howe much this admirablie-beautifull frame of the world the earth beeing adorned with sweete smelling hearbes fruit-bearing trees infinit variety of beasts after their kind the sea replenished with whales and fishes after their kind the ayre garnished with feathered fouls after their kind the heauen beautified with the sunne for the day the Moone for the night the bright-shining starres and all the hosts thereof excelleth that formelesse vastnesse of the Poets Chaos whereof saith the Scripture The earth was without forme and voide and darknes vpon the face of the deepe then may we partly conceiue how much a Monarchie which is amongst gouernments as the Sunne amōg the stars 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Homer Iliad B. Not good is the rule of many Let there be one Lord one King where vnder one Caesar the Nobilitie the Cleargie the Communaltie is prudently iustly happily gouerned excelleth a brutish Anarchie so hatefull to Moses soule that his death beeing by the Lord foretold him not mentioning one word of his death he presently brake out into a most patheticall praier for a Gouernour Num. 27.16.17 That the Congregation of the Lord might not be as sheepe which haue not a shepheard The God of all glory glorified therefore be his glorious name of his great grace mercy keeping vs from the one hath so blessed vs with the other as both neighbour and remote Nations crie out The happines of England Psal 144.15 O fortunatos nimium bona si sua norint anglos Happy are the people that be in such a case That which abroad so many do admire shall not euery one at home desire to preserue Could he 2. Cor. 8.12 who was taken vp into Paradise heard words which cannot be spoken which are not possible for man to vtter be himself deceiued would he who was readie to giue his life Rom. 9.3 his life yea his soule for the good of others deceiue others when he said If one member suffer 1. Cor. 12.26 all suffer with it If one member be had in honour all the members reioyce with it Are not wee members of the same bodie of the same bodie politique and temporall there being to vs all one Queene members of the same bodie ecclesiastique and spirituall their being one bodie Ephe. 4.4 5 6 one spirit one hope one Lord one faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all which is aboue all and through all and in you all Who is there of you of whom I am not to hope the best Yet can I speake onely for mine owne heart for mine owne soule Such liuely feeling hath my soule had of those bonds wherewith as Country-men wherewith as Christians wee bee combined that I could not but desire desiring endeauour endeauouring effect somewhat for the common good In Arcop If sweet Isocrates accounted that not reuenewes and riches not lawes and ordinances but good nurture of youth make a Citie quiet and happy If profound Aristotle affirmed that in vaine doe men make lawes Pol. 5.6 if youth be not brought vp in good manners If diuine Plato auerred that small need had his Common-wealth of lawes De repub li. 4 by reason of the good discipline wherein his Citizens had bin nourished Prou. 22.6 If Salomon who in respect of the others is as a Carbuncle amongest the meanest gemmes hath deliuered Teach a child in the trade of his way and when he is olde he shall not depart from it What especially if ye looke eyther vpon the pronesse of some to be seduced or vpon the malice of some mal-contents seeking to seduce or vpon some who from beyond the seas as Sathan from beyond the wildernes raise vp windes to beat our houses vpon our heads what I say more conuenient what more expedient what more necessary thā some instruction for our youth in their dutie to our Caesar An Instruction least England take vp that complaint of the Prophet Hosea 4.6 My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge a plaine instruction least our youth doe not conceiue it a briefe instruction intending hereafter for riper heads in another tongue more amplie to handle the like argument least few should read it But to whom then shall I tender and present it May I to you most honorable Councellors who am I that knowing your Lordships as Gedeliah did not alone himselfe serue 2. King 25.24 but also incite others to serue his King not onely obey but most principally draw others to obedience to our Caesar should interrupt your graue consultations with so sleight a Schedule yet haue most of your Honours respecting the good end most honourably approued it Most and Right Reuerend Fathers of the Church to whom God hath giuen his vrim and his thummim may I present it to you I am peccatorum maximus Apostolorum minimus I know yee put them in remembrance that they be subiect to the principalities and powers and that they be obedient Most graue Iudges and Maiestrates may I present it to you The Right Honourable who is among you as a Diamond set in Gould hath in regard of the intent giuen it his double approbation You all knowing that law of the Israelites Common-wealth Deut. 17.12 13. That man that will doe presumptuously and will not hearken vnto the Priest that standeth before the Lord thy God to minister there or vnto the Iudge that man shall die and thou shalt take away euill from Israel So all the people shal heare and feare and do no more presumptuously Doe know what regard is to be had of Caesar being the Priests and Iudges Soueraigne Tutors and instructors of our youth dressors of the plants of England shall I tēder it you you being accounted most necessary members of euery weale-publike In nothing more then this can you shew your loue to your coūtry nor discharge your dueties to your Soueraigne Maisters of families and keepers of seruants shall I tender it to you Col. 4.1 May I say in this respect yee Maisters doe that vnto your seruants which is iust and equall Is it said for food rayment only or for ciuil and Christian education also 1. Tim. 5 8. That hee that prouideth not for his owne and namely for them of his household hee denieth the faith and is worse than
doing the will of God from the heart will much more that subiects shall so serue their Soueraignes Hee knoweth the imagination of the thoughts of our heartes and vnderstandeth al imaginations of thoughts 1. Chro. 28.9 will haue an inquisition made for the thoughts of the vngodly Wisd 1.9 and if thou wilt not heare him curse not the king no not in thy thought God both Wisd 20.1.3 hee from whome wicked thoughtes doe seperate will haue it reuealed for the fowles of the heauen shall carrie the voice And threatneth the reuealing of treacherous thoughts and that which hath wings shal declare the matter Sonne How can the fowles of heauen carrie a voyce how can that which hath winges declare it or any man discouer the thoughts of our hearts Father Examples of secret sinnes reuealed Acts. 5.2.3 Dan. 13.45 46 54.58 2. Pet. 2.26 Hee who shewed to Saint Peter the secrete compact of Ananias and Saphira he who raised vp the holy spirit of a yong childe to cleare Susanna and conuict the wicked Iudges he who caused the dumbe Asse speaking with mans voyce to forbid the foolishnesse of the Prohhet he who discouered Bessus his Paracide by the chattertng of Swallowes Plutarch he can cause euerie foule of heauen and euerie creature vpon the earth to reueale and reuenge our mutinous Wisd 5.17 20 flaunderous sedicious and impious thoughts against Caesar Sonne To him that hath not denied the power of godlinesse it is inough that God hath forbid vs to curse the king in our thought to euerie beleeuer it is inough that God hath foretold the declaring of such thoughts to euery one that is not an open Infidell it is inough that he neede not go farre for an informer If they with Michal despise Dauid in their heerts Michals thought vttered by her owne tongue their owne tongues sometimes with Michals vtter it O how glorious was the king of Israel this day which was vncouered to day in the eyes of the Maydens of his seruants as a foole vncouereth himselfe and with her And punished by Gods hand 2. Sam. 6.20.23 for this crime receiue punishment at the handes of God Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child vnto the day of her death Yet pardon mee though I desire to know whether mans law forbid euill thoughts of Caesar Father The lawes of men for common crimes punish onely wordes Both the ciuil and common law punish treacherous thoughts with death 13. Eliz. 1. and deedes but for this point of high treason if any man hath thought it though hee neuer attempted it the lawe both Ciuill and Common doth punish him with death Sonne But was there euer such a president seene The law in this point when where executed Father Neither farre hence nor long since neede we looke for such a president That Norman Gentleman who confessed to a Franciscan Frier that he had a thought to kil Frances the first of France though he had changed his minde repented and asked pardon of that crime yet the Frier reporting it to the King and the King referring it to the Parliament of Paris the graue court of that great Parliamēt though that king shewed himselfe very gracious condemned him to death Yea so great detestation is there to bee had of the least shew of violence to the prince that whereas the law excuseth madde men from punishment Madnesse excuseth not the shew of violence to the Prince madnesse it selfe being so great a punishment yet when Capito a man raging mad drew his sworde vpon Henrie the sonne of king Frances hee was therefore executed Sonne Since to offend Caesar euen in the thoughts of my heart it is prohibited and punished both by God and man how may my heart be preserued from wicked thoughts against Caesar Father The custodie of the heart is the preseruatiue of the tongue and whole bodie As hee that woulde haue a streame sweet wholsome wil haue care that the spring bee kept from poyson and all corruption so if thou wilt haue the words of thy tongue and the works of thy hande to sauour nothing but pure alleagiance then must thou of necessitie first see that the thoughts of thy heart bee pure from this venemous infection That thy thoughts may be pure from al corruption thy heartmust bee puryfied and kept Purifying of the heart necessarie in respect of originall corruption Gen. 8.21 daungerous polution 1 Cor. 5.6 and a fearefull Wisdom 1.4 assertion Ieremie 4.14 What purifyeth our harts Iames. 2.19 Acts. 15.9 and how Reuel 1.5 Sonne How is that done Father By purifying thy heart By kéeping thy heart Sonne Needeth my heart purifying Father In regard of the originall corruption in regard of the dangerous polution in regard of a fearefull assertion I say with Ieremie O Ierusalem wash thine heart from wickednesse that thou mayest be saued how longe shall thy wicked thoughtes remaine within thée Sonne What is that gift of God which purifyeth our hearts Father Faith not euerie Faith for the Diuels also beléeue and tremble Faith puryfieth the heartes for being the hand of the soule it apprehendeth applyeth vnto vs Iesus Christ who hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Sonne What helpes bee there for the confirmation of our Faith Helpes hereof bee and purifying our hearts Father Prayer the word the Sacraments Prayer Psa 51.20 Prayer and therefore pray with Dauid Create in me a cleane hart O God and renew a right spirit within me Iohn 15.3 The word The word Now sayth Christ are ye cleane through the word which I haue spoken vnto you Iam. 1.23.25 The word as a glasse The word helpeth to purifie as water it helpeth to purifie as a glasse as a glasse it sheweth our corruptions as water it serueth to wash away our corruptions Prou. 13.14 As water helpeth to purify the heart The Sacraments 1. Mac. 6.34 The heart 1. Cor. 6.19 of a christian the holy of holyes Hence Integritie 16. in vs. Sacraments shewing the Lordes death till he come as the bloud of Grapes and Mulberies prouoked the Elephants to fight purifie our hearts and prouoke vs to fight against all corruptions that can come Sonne Must wee bee verie carefull of this Father If thy body be the Temple of the holy Ghost then must thy heart bee Sanctum sanctorum the holy of holyes Hence good in thée if the roote be holy so are the braunches if thy heart be cleane so will thy tongue so will thy handes Hence fauours on earth hee that loueth purenesse of heart Fauours on earth Prou. 22.11 for the grace of his lippes the Kinge shal be his friend Hence glorie in Heauen Math. 5.8 Felicitie in Heauen Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Sonne So hath this of the puryfying of the heart rauished my heart that I desire for the keeping of my heart to be also
instructed Father For this heare Salomon Keeping of the heart Prou. 4.23 kéepe thy heart with all diligence And first of all since as except the Lord kéepeth the Citie ps 127.1 the Kéeper watcheth it in vaine so vnlesse the Lorde kéepeth the Cittie of thy heart thou kéepest it in vaine As the Priests with hands lift vp to Heauen besought him that was euer the defendour of their Nation for the Temple 2. Mac. 14.34 36. with lift vp hands and bowed knées For keeping thy heart pray to God beséech the preseruer of thy soule O moste holy Lord keepe this house of my heart euer vndefiled which lately was clensed praying to God to kéepe it Libertine-like be not thou then secure If Lucifer in Heauen if Adam in Paradice presume not if Iudas in the Schoole of Christ fell what place can there bee for carnall securitie Blessed is the man sayth the wisedome of Salomon prou 28.14 But vse diligence that feareth alway But sayth Salomon kéepe thy heart kéepe thy heart with diligence kéepe thy heart with all diligence with diligence within least there arise corruption from within thy heart with diligence without least from without there come corruption into thy heart within Within least corruption arise within for euen as in a wéeded Garden there will spring vp newe wéedes so euen in the puryfied heart since there is still sinne dwelling Rom. 7.20 Rom. 6.12 Because of sin dwelling 2. Sam. 3.1 Gal. 5.17 though not sin raigning as there was a long time warre betwéene the house of Saule and the house of Dauid so there will be a longe time striuing betwéen the flesh and the spirite Ouid. The poets aduice as the Poet aduiseth stop the beginning for as it was said of Babell so of the flesh whose lusts cherished will be our Babell our Confusion may it most fitly be sayd psal 137.9 Blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy young ones against the stones Exod. 12.29 31. When the first born of Pharaoh was slaine Israell was deliuered when the first temptation is cut off we are freed kéepe thy heart with diligence from without And without because of the Diuell tempting Eph. 2.2 for as Abner strenthened the house of Saule so the Prince of darknesse that ruleth in the ayre euen the spirite that nowe worketh in the Children of disobedience strengthneth the flesh against the spirit the affections against reason he being the first Rebell dayly inciteth to Rebellion But resist him saith Saint Iames and he shall fly from thee Whome if we resist hee will flie Iames. 4.7 From whom seducers to sedition bee sent If any Rabshakeh such be your seditious Libellers lewd Inuentors of fained sightes and prodigious apparitions and others of like braine be sent out by this spirituall Senacherib to drawe either you from Alleagiance to Hezechiah or Hezechiah from confidence in the Lord since they that are such serue not the Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 16.18 Whom they serue and what they do Rom. 16.17 Howe but their owne bellies and with faire spéech and flattering deceaue the harts of the simple I beséech all Subiects that they would marke such and auoid them nay since such serue not the Lord Iesus Christ who commaunded vs to giue to Caesar those thinges that are Caesars Math. 22.21 who submitted himselfe to Caesars Lieuetenant Iohn 19.11 but neglect his example and transgresse his Commandement and not his alone but resist the ordinance of his father Rom. 13.2 I charge thee my sonne though thy hand bee not presently vpon them as it was commaunded against them that sought to seduce to Idolatrie Deut. 13.6 yet though it bee a Prophet that giueth a signe or a wonder the Sonne of thy mother They are to be or thine owne Sonne or thy Daughter or thy Wife that lyeth in thy bosome or thy friende who is as thine owne soule entice thee secretly thou shalt not consent vnto him nor heare him neither shal thine eye pitty him shew mercy nor kéep him secret Nulla est excusatio peccati Cicero in his ●aelius si amici causa peccaueris It is no excuse of thy offence that for thy friendes sake thou diddest offend But not to speake so hard in this crime as in that discouer him or her Entertained and wherfore Against them we are to watch how neere how deere so euer to shew thy true loyaltie to Caesar thy religious dutie to thy countrey And as Ionathan in regard of the enemies commanded his men to watch Eph. 6.13 Arme. to be in armes ready to fight so kéepe thy soule diligently and bee armed for resistance And as Ioachim vpon the comming of Holofernes Iudith 4.6.7 wrote to the Bethulians to keepe the passages of the Mountaines for by them there was an entrie into Iudea so keepe the passages of thy sences Keepe our sences for by them there is an entrie into thy heart Wee resist an enemie rather without the gates than within the walles so Dauid that his heart might not fall into vanitie Psa 119.37 prayed to God to turne away his eyes that he might not behold vanitie Iob. 31.1 and to this ende did Iob make a couenant with his eyes 1. Cor. 15.33 If euill words written or spoken corrupt good manners with Dauid pray that God would turne away thy eyes and thy eares with Iob make a couenant with thy eyes and with thy eares that they looke not on that they heare not any kind of seditious Libelles trecherous pamphlets Prou. 24.21 Where we be to arme most or the smoothest wordes tending to Rebellion My sonne sayth Salomon meddle not with them that are seditious Arme most where thou art weakest for where thou art weakest there will they assault most Is Indian gold offered to make battery in an English heart How against couetousnes 1. Tim. 6.10 with both thy eares receiue that Oracle The loue of mony is the roote of all euill with both thy eyes beholde Iudas who for loue of money betrayed his Master Math. 27.5 Howe against ambition Iudg. 9.14 Art thou high minded doe the seditious say to thee as the trees did vnto the bramble Come thou and raigne ouer vs. Remember that God resisteth the proude 1. Pet. 5.5 Esa 14.12 How art thou fallen from heauen O Lucifer sonne of the morning Art thou wrathfull doe they enflame thée with reuenge remember the wrath of man doth not accomplish the righteousnesse of God Iames 1.20 How against wrath Rom. 12.19 Mihi vindicta auenge not your selues Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord. Remember a fathers curse vpon his two sonnes that were brethren in euill Cursed bee their wrath Gen. 49.7 for it was fierce and their rage for it was cruell I will diuide them in Iacob and scatter them in Israel Remember that of Christ So likewise shall myne
cruell speare of the souldiour which pierced the side of my Sauiour O cruell tongue of the Seditious The seditious tongue Prou. 25.3 which though Salomon affirmeth that the heauens in height the earth in déepnes the kings hart can no man search out pierceth the head and heart of my soueraigne The speare of the Souldier pierced not the side of my Sauiour Compared to the souldiers speare Iohn 19.33 34. vntill hee was dead the tongue of the seditious I tremble to thinke of it pierceth the head and heart of my Soueraigne in her life There is not sayde the sonne of Sirac a more wicked head Ecclus 25.17 then the head of a serpent yet is the tong of the seditious head as wicked as the head of a Serpent The seditious tongue compared to a serpent The seditious tongue as euil as the head of a serpent the tongue of the seditious head is more wicked then the head of a Serpent Is as wicked as the head of a serpent the Serpent is trecherous it stingeth in secret the tongue of the seditious is trecherous it stingeth in secret at the voyce of a man the Serpent flyeth at the voyce of a good Subiect the seditious is silent the Serpent feedeth but vpon the dust of the earth the seditious tongue talketh but of the infirmities that bee nay lewdly faineth infirmities to be in the Prince the Serpent goeth not straight along but wreatheth and inuolueth himselfe the seditious speaketh not sincerely and plainly but wil protest that he is sorie to sée this sorie to heare that he forsooth wisheth onely the sauing of soules and the good of the estate and yet he is more wicked then the head of a Serpent The seditious tongue worse then the head of a serpent The Serpent poysoneth one at once but the euill tongue Saint Bernard sayth poysoneth thrée at once himselfe that speaketh him that he speaketh of and him that he speaketh too but there resteth not his poyson for at the same instant he offendeth God Acts. 10.33 in whose presence we all do speake And therefore if you will know how wicked he is God by S. Iames telleth vs that the tongue is not wicked but wickednesse not a little but a great wickednesse And if you woulde knowe howe great The euil tong Iames 3.6 A worlde of wickednesse Gen. 9.22.25 Examples which may moue vs to take heede to our tongue Numb 12.10 2. Sam. 6.7 hee sayth it is a world of wickednesse If Cham who told his brethren of his fathers nakednes had that sentence frō his father Cursed be Canaan a seruant of seruants shall he be to his brethren If Miriam though a Prophetesse murmuring agaynst Moyses the leader of Israel was leprous like snow If Vzzah for putting his hande to the Arke of God incurred Gods so great indignation that he stroke him in the place that hee died in the place what may he looke for at the handes of God who shal set his mouth against heauen and bend his tongue against the God vpon earth Pray for the gouernment of the tong Psal 141.3 Murmur not saith Paul Phil 2.14 when thou shouldest not speake make a doore and a barre and a sure bridle for thy mouth pray with Dauid Set a watch O Lord before my mouth and keepe the doore of lippes Remember that of Paul Do all things without murmuring and reasonings That of God himselfe Thou shalt not walke about with tales among thy people Sow not sedition Leuit. 16.16 Saith God himselfe Nay since such are fitte to kindle the fire of sedition and their wordes sinke déepe thou must driue them away with thine angrie countenance yea I cannot but say with the Apostle Prou. 25.23 Frowne vpon such sayth Salomon Wish them cut off with the Apostle wold to God they were euen cut off which doe disquiet you when of thy Soueraigne to whom as Isaac sayd to his Sonne God séemeth to haue sayd Cursed be he that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee thou shalt speake Pray also with Dauid Whome god seemeth to blesse and Gen. 27.29 whome to curse Psal 51.15 Pray forthy speech of thy Soueraigne Open thou my lippes O Lord and my mouth shall shewe forth thy praise Sonne Since neither in Thought nor in Word much lesse in Action may I breake my Alleagiance to Caesar Father Much lesse my Sonne Sonne But must I then obey an hard and oppressing Prince Father Were he as cruell as Holofernes thou wert to obey him If thou haddest alreadie played the Fugitiue Iudith 3.7 8. Allegiance must be perfourmed to the hardest Prince Punishments of Fugitiues Counsaile for Fugitiues a Fugitiue the Aeginians punished with the losse of the Thumbe of the right hande the Samians with the picture of an Owle branded in their face the Mitylenians with the losse of their liues and wert now in the middest of the enemies Troupes Remember the Mandate not of a man of Beliall but of an Angell of the Lord to Hagar lately fled from Sara Gen. 16.6 9. who had dealt roughly with her return vnto thy Dame and humble thy selfe vnder her handes Sonne But what if he be a wicked and vngodly Prince Father Nabuchodonozor was so and yet was Zedechiah gréeuously punished Allegiance must be performed to the vngodly Prince Ierusalem sacked Israell miserably afflicted for rebelling against him Sonne But what if the vngodly Prince commaund mee to doe that which is wicked and vngodly Father 1. Tim. 17. 2. Tim. 3.6 Iude. 19. Math. 23.15 2. Peter 1.20 Ps 119.105 The vngodly Prince is not to be obayed in vngodlines Acts. 5.29 But beware thou speakest not euill of God and callest not sweet Sowe First be sure that thou béest not mis-led either by these whom Paul and Iude describe nor by such to whom Christ himselfe doth denounce a woe and then being assured of this by the constant Harmonie not priuate interpretation of that which thou oughtest to account a Lanterne vnto thy feet and a light vnto thy pathes Resolue with Saint Peter wee ought rather to obey God then men Sonne But if a man adorned with singuler vertues honoured of the people gracious in the Court great in authoritie deseruing well of Prince and Countrey beeing oppressed by a wicked king the king though there bee manifest testimonie of most assured loyaltie still persecuting him may he not by his Princes perill free himself from perill Father Either neuer purified or euill kept hath thy heart beene who once durst think much more propound such a question The Essei the wisest and most vertuous Sect among the Iewes Iosephus affirme that the person of the Prince is of the Subiects to be accoūted sacred the Ciuilians teach that it is sacriledge to dispute of that which is done by the Prince and dare anie dispute whether any man for any cause may offer so vnspeakeable outrage to that sacred person
furies whereof the Poets Rom. 2.15 those accusing thoughts wherof the Apostle that neuer dying worme whereof the Euangelicall Prophet Esay 66.24 Mark 9.44 46 48. and he whom the Euangelicall Prophet did foretell that booke whereof S. Iohn saith Reuel 20.11 12. That it shall be opened when the earth and heauen flie away from his face that shall sit on the great white throne This when they are abroade Leuit. 26.36 though there be but the sound of a leaf shaken chaseth them this whē they be within Prou. 28.1 maketh them flie though none pursueth them this writing in their heart like the hand-writing which Balthasar saw vpon the walles Dan. 5.5 6. when they are in the height of their pride will cause their countenance to bee changed their thoughts to bee troubled the ioints of their loynes to bee loosed and their knees to smite one against the other 1. Sam. 24.6 This if they cut but the lap of the Princes garment will touch them at the heart This if they offer violence to their Lord Acts. 2.37 will pricke them at the heart Gen. 4.13 This as it did Cain for his brothers blood will much more for their Lieges blood make their owne hearts to thinke and their owne mouthes to say that their punishment is greater thē they can beare that their sinne is greater then can be forgiuen them This as it did Iudas will make their soules to loath and abhorre their bribes receiued for their trecherie Math. 27.3 4.5 and their handes to cast them downe and their tongues to proclaime that they haue betraied innocent blood This will make their owne handes to hang them Math. 27.5 Luk. 10.17 2 Sam. 17.23 though like Iudas they haue faith to worke Miracles or like Achitophel they can giue counsail eas if one asked at the oracle of God Were there no other I would say with Iuuenall 2. Sam. 16.23 Cur tamen hos tu Euasisse putes quos diri conscia facti Iuuenal Mens habet attonitos sur do verbere caedit Occultum quatienti animo tortore flagellum How deem'st thou them ac-quite Whom guiltie minde of fact so foule doth frighte And scourge vn-seene doth beate with vn-heard bloe Their hang-man restlesse Conscience biting soe Sonne O hatefull treason how art thou enuironed with fearefull iudgements iudgement in house and lands iudgement in Offices iudgement in body iudgement in buriall iudgement in honour and reputation iudgement in children Thus pray we all iudgements powred vppon thy head euen by the hand of God eternally and this of conscience internally O most mightie and most mercifull God of thy infinite mercie by thy infinite grace blesse mee euermore from this sinne that I may be euermore blessed from the punishments of this sinne Father As Chrisostome wished that men would dayly thinke of hell Chrisostomes wish and speake of hell that so by feare thereof they might bee drawne from sinne so I wish they would dayly thinke of The Authors wish and dayly speake of the iudgements which resisters and Rebelles do receiue that so they might be driuē from treason but the better to driue them from it know there is another iudgement vpon traitours more greeuous then any of these more greeuous then all of these Sonne Is it possible Father If Lucifer for Rebellion fell from heauen Eternall if Adam for disobedience was cast out of paradise his whole posteritie infected with originall sinne made subiect to death became the children of wrath then no maruell though sedition bee such a fruite of the flesh as whosoeuer is guiltie of it it hindreth him from the inheriting the kingdome of God If it seemed greeuous to Absolon lying in Ierusalem Gal 5.20 21. 2 Sam. 14.32 not once in two yeeres to see the face of Dauid O how greeuous shall it be for all Rebels dying without repentance neyther to come into the new Ierusalem Paine of losse nor to see the face of God for euer if it be a grieuous thing to lie fettered in a prison O how greeuous is it with the vngodly of whom Rebels be in the first ranke to be turned into hell and there to lie bound hand and foote Paine of sence Acerbitie Math. 25.41 wouldest thou knowe the sharpnesse of those paines Christ telleth thée they goe into fire wouldest thou know the time they do last he calleth it euerlasting Eternitie wouldest thou knowe the companie they shall haue Societie he telleth thee the diuell his angels wouldest thou haue it further expressed assure thy selfe that as the ioyes of the godly purchased by the obedience of the sonne of God Vnspeakable are such as the eye of man hath not seene nor the eare of man hath not heard nor can enter into mans heart so also be the paines and torments prepared for the the disobedient sonnes of men Sonne The father of mercyes of his great mercie keepe mee and all my countrey-men from this crime His wish to the English and from these paines The fourth Cable The reward of the loyall to Caesar Father He is the minister of God for thy wealth Rom. 13.3.4 Doe well so shalt thou haue prayse of the same Generall rewards of the Loyall The rewards of loyaltie bee either generall to all or particular to some generall to all this Daniell declareth somewhat darkely in the tree Dan. Beholde I saw a tree in the middest of the earth Darkely sha the heigth thereof was great a great tree and strong and the heigth thereof reached to heauen and the sight thereof vnto the ends of all the earth The boughs thereof were faire and the fruit thereof much and in it was meate for all it made a shadow vnder it for the beasts of the field and the fowles of heauen dwelt in the boughes thereof and all flesh fed of it Esay more plainely dowed Esay 32. Plainely expresseth That man shall be as a hiding place from the winde and as a refuge for the tempest and as riuers of waters in a drie place and as the shadow of a great rocke in a wearie land If Israell for her peace must seeke Ierem. 29 ● the peace of Babel Wil not England for her good seeke the good of Elizabeth Wherefore as Ieremy willed the Israelites to seeke the prosperitie of the cittie whether they were carried so I beseech all true Englishmen to seeke the prosperitie of Caesar vnder whom they are gouerned Ieremias reason may induce them for in the peace thereof they shall haue peace in the prosperitie thereof they shall haue prosperitie in the glory thereof they shal haue glory Iudah and Israel dwelt without feare euery man vnder his vine and vnder his fig-tree from Dan That Salomon was to Israell that Elizabeth is to England Perticuler rewards for the loyall Prou. 22.24 Prou. 16.15 euen to Bersheba
a Liō The sword not for a bare shew No saith Paul he beareth not the sword for nought Hence may it be that Salomon affirmeth of the seditions that their destruction shal rise sodainely Sodaine in the destruction of the seditious Prou. 24.22 To what we must take heede I therefore with Salomon aduertise thee to take heede to the mouth of the King If thou wilt haue another reason added to the former he saith where the worde of the king is there is power If thou wilt know how great power Ecces 8.2 4. the second of those Squires of the bodie making Orations before Darius and his Nobles telleth thee The greatnes of the Kinges power .. though men rule by land and sea and ouer all things in them yet is the king greater 1 Esdr 4.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. for he ruleth all things and is Lord of them If hee bid them make Warre one against another they doe it If he send them against the enemies they goe and breake downe mountaines and wals and Towers they kill and are killed and doe not passe the commaundement of the king If he bid kill they kill if he say spare they spare if he bid smite they smite if he bid them make desolate they make desolate If he bid build they build If he bid cut of they cut of Feare the sword of Caesar the drawē sword of Caesar the powerful drawen sword of Caesar But especially for a wise man saith Salomon feareth and departeth from euil Prou. 14.16 A difference of the wise man and the foole Caesar punisheth the transgressor of the lawes of the land Caesar punisheth the trāsgressor of the lawes of God Rom. 13. Wherevpon and to what end this feare beareth the eyes of subiects What the vertuous subiect feareth Iob. 29.8 but a foole rageth and is carelesse feare to commit euill feare the breach of the lawes of the land feare the breach of the lawe of God feare the breach of the lawes of the land for the king of the land will take vengeance of the transgressions of the lawes of the land Feare the breach of the lawes of God for the King of the land being the Minister of God wil take vengeance on them that transgresse the lawe of God This feare carieth one eie of the Subiect vpon the Princes sword that he neuer prouoke it the other eye vpon the offence that he neuer commit it he feareth blame as much as paine reproach as much as torment dishonor as much as death So the young men fearing to be seene where and when they should not when they sawe Iob hid themselues This feare as the Porters keepe Traytours out of the Princes Courte This feare is a porter of the heart The ballast of the soule The bridle of the affections The naile that fasteneth vs in our duties Reuel 12.14 The two eyes of this feare be two wings wherewith we flie from Rebellion Hest The two waiting women wherewith a subiects mind endued is prepared to the seruice and fauour of his Soueraigne Rom 13.7 keepeth treacherie out of the Subiectes heartes This feare as ballast preserueth the shippe from being ouerblowen of the winde keepeth the soule of the Subiect that shee be not ouerthrowen by others flatterie or her owne presumption This feare as a bridle curbes vs from all disobedience This feare as a naile fixeth vs firme in our dueties This feare as the woman in the Reuelation with the two winges fledde from the Dragon with her two eies flyeth from all Rebellion the seede of the Dragon This feare as Esther with her two maides comming into the presence of Assuerus was gratiously entertayned with these two eyes comes into the seruice and fauour of her Soueraigne This feare giue to Caesar to Cesar thou owest this feare Sonne The God of heauen imprint this feare in my heart But to this feare am I to adioyne honour Father Honour If as among the Elements the fire is most excellent If as among the creatures on earth man is most excellent 1. Cor. 15.41 If as among the starres of heauen one starre differeth from another starre in glorie So Caesar amongest men by the finger of God is made most excellent Honor are we to giue to Caesar least we beare false witnesse Who will not since honour is as the Philosopher sayth a testimonie of excellencie giue honour to Caesar least they beare false witnes not against their neighbor not against Caesar Least wee breake the Canon of the Apostle Rom. 13.7 but against God who hath exalted Caesar least they breake the Canon of the Apostle Giue honour to whom ye owe honour least they be vniust not giuing to euerie man his dutie Least wee bee vniust Least wee transgresse Gods Commandements Exod. 20.12 Lamen 4.16 Least we giue iuste occasion of complaint against our Nation least they transgresse Gods owne cōmandement least as Ieremie complained of the Iewes They reuerenced not the face of the Priestes some other complaine of the English they reuerenced not the face of the Prince The Priest is a figure of Christ the King is the figure of God If Nabuchodonozor setting vp a deade Image preuailed with his vngodly subiects at the sound of musicall Instruments Dan. 3.1.7 to worship it with honour forbidden of God Shall not God rather preuaile with his Seruants then Nabuchodonozor with his Subiects What the harmonie of the Scripture soundeth 1 Pet. 2.17 The Philosopher and the Scripture teacheth vs to honour Caesar The Philosopher compareth a king to a Father to a Phisition to a Pilot to a Shepheard Malach. 1.6 Caesar is to be honoured as a Father Eccus 38.1 to be honoured as a Phisition Our Caesar is a Phisition Politicall and Metaphysical shall 〈◊〉 Iehouah setting vp not a dead but as Menander calleth the King his liuing Image preuaile with all his godly Subiects at the swéete harmonie of the sacred Scripture sounding out with Saint Peter Honour the King to giue him that honour which hee hath commaunded Will you sée wherevnto the Philosopher compareth a King will you sée what titles God giueth a King The Philosopher compareth a King to a Father to a Phisition to a Pylot to a Sheepheard If I be a Father saith God where is mine honour If I be a Father may the king say where is mine honour Honour Caesar as a Phisition The Phisitian deliuering the bodie of man from euill humours and noysome diseases restoreth it to health Caesar deliuereth the body of the estate from euill humours from daungerous diseases preserueth the sacred Cleargie the honorable Nobilitie the well meaning Communaltie in perfect health Caesar is not onely a politicall but also a corporall and that not a Physicall but that you in Caesar may see an extraordinarie stampe of the finger of God a Metaphysicall ph●sitian curing that euill which to the skilfullest Chirurgions is incurable which one rarely skilfull in that
money for the kings tribute When the blessed virgin was verie great by the holie Ghost with the Sauiour of our soules in the depth of winter shee tranailed from Nazareth in Galile Luc. 2.4 5 6. to Bethlem in Iudah to performe this dutie to the vnder Officers of a Lieutenant to an heathen prince When the sonne of God conuersing with the sonnes of men Math. 17.24 25 26 27. Peter was asked if he paid not tribute he taking tribute of an vnreasonable creature that tribute for him and peter might be paid bound all the reasonable men Of the Sonne of God paying it though to paye it wrought a miracle may mooue euery one to the perfourmance of this dutie though they doe it with their great difficultie to performe this dutie to Caesar Wherefore I conclude this poynt with Saint Ambrose Si censum filius Dei soluit quis tu tantus es qui non putas esse soluendum If the sonne of God paid tribute or subsidie who so great a man art thou which thinkest it not to be paid Sonne Before you enter into your speech of defence Defence I desire to heare some incouragement to this dutie Father To encourage vs in this dutie wherein whoso through dastardie or any other vile respect fayleth Punishments of Dastardie amongest the Romanes I wish him banished either into Italie whose glorie the auncient Romanes condemned such wretches neuer to eat their meat but standing Transiluanians and herevnto bound them by oath or to the Transiluanians Those of that countrey of Dacia whose predecessours the Daci inioyned them seruile subiection to their owne wiues and to sleepe with their heades euer towardes the beddes féete Or to that part of Greece where sometime dwelt the Spartanes Spartans who ordayned that their cloathes should be rent their Beardes euer halfe cut permitted euerie man to strike them without penaltie but accompted it a great disgrace to match in their stocke To encourage vs to this dutie let vs consider her Maiesties confidence in God Incouragements to this dutie Gods encouragement to her Maiestie the confusion of her enemies the thankesgiuing befitting England Her Maiesties confidence in God The Lord is my rock and my fortresse and he that deliuereth me God is my strength and in him will I trust my Shield and the horne of my saluation 2 Sam 22.2.3 my high tower my refuge my Sauiour thou hast saued me from violence 1. Caesars confidence in God Gods encouragement to her Maiestie Be strong and of a good courage Gods incouragement to Caesar Iosua 1.6 The confusion of her foes whither forraine inuading her Dominions or conspiring at home but confounded from heauen That as The confusion of Caesars foes Heliodorus told the King Seleucus of the Temple they may tell their Spanish and Italian founders of her Maiestie 2. Mac. 3.38.39 If thou hast any enemie or Traitour sende him thither and thou shalt receiue him wel scourged if he escape with his life For in that place no doubt is a speciall power of God for he that dwelleth in heauen hath his eye on that place and defendeth it and he beateth and destroyeth them that come to hurt it The thankesgiuing of Israel now well befitteth England The thankesgiuing now befitting England If the Lord himselfe had not beene on our side may Israel now say if the Lord had not beene on our side when men rose vp against vs Psal 124. they then had swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs the waters had drowned vs and the streame had gone ouer our soule then had the swelling waters gone ouer our soule praised be the Lord which hath not giuen vs a praie vnto their teeth our soule is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the Fowler the snare is broken weare deliuered our helpe is in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen earth Therefore I speak not to the alone Cant. 2.7 but as the true louer of soules saith I charge you O daughters of Ierusalem by the Roes by the Hindes of the field that you stirre not vp nor waken my loue vntill she please so I charge you my duety to my God my duety to his Church The Adiiuration my duty to my Soueraigne together with my desire of the safety of your selues and the saluation of your soules enforceth me this to charge you I charge you O sonnes daughters of the supernal Ierusalem by the ioyes of Heauen as euer you would enioy them by the paines of Hell as euer you would auoide them Gal. 4.26 by the pretious bloud of the Sonne of God as euer therein you would be washed from your sinnes by the blessed fauour of the eternal Father to reueale forraine complots 2 Kings 68.9.12 as euer you would see his face If you know of any King of Aram taking counsell with his seruants agninst Israel if God by any meanes reueale it vnto you that you would with Eliseus make knowen to our Caesar euen the words that the King of Aram speaketh in his priuie Chamber If any Bigthan and Teresh To detect domesticall conspiracies Ester 2.21 22. seeke to lay hands on our Soueraigne that you would presently with Mordocheus and Ester certifie our Soueraigne If your seruice be fitting To performe all dutifull seruice 1. Sam. 10.26 Carefull to guard her Maiestie 1. Sam. 26.15 16. that whersoeuer she goe yee attend her as that band of men did Saul whose heart God had touched that when she resteth ye keepe her that none that be willing to hurt her come neere the Lords annointed least as Dauid said to Abner it be said to you yee be worthy to die because ye haue not kept the Lords annointed That if ye see any apparance of perill you with Dauids men To preuent all perill 2 Sam. 21.17 2 Sam. 18.3 and with the true hearted people be carefull that she being worth ten thousand of vs come not into any perill If in the least distresse the Lord keepe her from all distresse her soule desireth any thing that may preserue her To prouide whatsoeuer may preserue her that you would with all alacritie prouide it as the three mightie euen with the hazard of their liues brake into the hoste of the Philistines 2 Sam. 23.15 16. and drew water out of the Well of Bethelem and brought it to Dauid If any with Is●ibenob thinke my touge faultreth in pronouncing the word 2 Sam. 21.16 17. To destroy all that would assault her An assertion of assistance Iudges 5.20 21. Iudges 5.15 18. Prediction of honour to all true Seruitours Iudges 4.14 15 16. and 5.12 15. Especially the cheefe commaunders 5.16 17. But of dishonourable reproach to the negligent And verse 23. of a curse frō God himselfe vppon obsti●●●e Offendours in this point and the Lord confound them that entertaine any such entent