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A71329 Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church. 1538 (1538) STC 16004; ESTC S105507 112,078 275

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archbysshoppe xvj   f saynt Newe bysshoppe xvij xvij g octa of saynt Martyn xviij vj saynt Elizabeth xix   b saynt Edmunde kynge xx xiiij c Presentacyon of our Lady xxj iij d saynt Cecily virgyn and martyr xxij   e saynt Clement bysshop of rome xxiij xj f saynt Grysogony martyr xxiiij xix g 〈…〉 xxv   saynt Lini bysshoppe of Rome xxvj viij b saynt Agricole and vital xxvij   c saynt rufe martyr xxviij xvj d saynt saturne Uigyll xxix v e xxx Decembre The yere by Decembre taketh his ende And so dooth man at thre score and twelue Nature with aege wyll hym on message sēde The tyme is come that he must go hym selue 〈…〉   f saynt Loye bysshoppe i 〈◊〉 g saync lybane ij ij A deposicyon of saynt osmunde iij x b saynt Barbara virgyn iiij   c saynt Sabba abbot v xviij d 〈…〉 vj vij e octaues of saynt andrewe vij   f 〈…〉 viij 〈◊〉 g saynt Cypryan abbot ix iiij saynt Eulalie x   b Damase bysshoppe of Rome xi xij c ¶ 〈…〉 xij i d saynt lucy vyrgyn xiij   e othilie virgyn xiiij ix f saynt valery bysshoppe xv   g ¶ 〈…〉 xv● xvij saynt lazarus bysshoppe xvij vi b saynt Gratian bysshoppe xviij   c saynt venyce virgyn xix xiiij d saynt Iulyan martyr xx iij e 〈…〉 xxi   f xxx martyrs xxij xi g vyctory virgy● xxiij xix Uigyll xxiiij   b 〈…〉 xxv viij c 〈…〉 xxvj   d 〈…〉 xxvij xvi e 〈…〉 xxviij v f 〈…〉 xxix   g ●ranslacyon of saynt Iames xxx xiij saynt Syluester bysshop of Rome xxxi ●Not● the golden nombre that is writen after the sayntes on the ryght hande in the moneth of 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 And the sonday nexte after the goldē nōbre for the yeare shall be 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 I Am Sonday mooste honorable The heed of al the weke dayes That day all thynges laborable Ought for to res●e gyue prayse To our Creatour that alwayes wolde haue vs reste after trauayle Man seruaunt and thy beaste he sayes And the other to thyne auayle ¶ 〈…〉 Monday men ought me for to call In whiche good workes ought to begynne Hearynge masse the fyrste dede of all Intendynge for to flee deedly synne This worldly goodes truely to vynne with labour and true exercyse For who of good workes can not blynne To his rewarde shall vynne Paradyse ¶ 〈…〉 I tuesday am also named of Mars Called of goddes armypotent I loue neuer for to be scars Of workes but alwayes dylygent Stryuynge agaynste lyfe indigent Beynge in this worlde or elles where ●o serue our lorde with good intent As of duety we are bounde here ¶ 〈…〉 wednesday sothely is my name A mydes the weke is my beynge wherin all vertues dothe frame By the meanes of good lyuynge I do remembre the heuenly kynge That was solde in my season I do worke with true meanynge Hym for to serue as it is reason ¶ 〈…〉 I am the me●yest of seuen Called thursday verely In my tyme the kynge of heuen Made his souper merely In forme of breade gaue his body To his Apostles as it is ●layne And then washed theyr fete mekely And went to Olyuet mountayne ¶ 〈…〉 Named I am deuoute fryday The whiche careth for no delyte But to mourne fast deale and pray I do set all my hole appetyte To thynke on the Iues dyspyte Howe they dyd Chryste on the tre rent And thynkynge howe I may be quyte At the dredefull Iudgement ¶ 〈…〉 Saterday I am comynge laste Trustynge on the tyme well spent Hauynge euer mynde stedfaste On that lorde that harowed hell That he my synnes wyll expell At the instaunce of his Mother whose goodnesse dothe farre excell whome I serue aboue all other amen The commaundementes of 〈…〉 gyuen by Moyses and expounded by 〈…〉 to our Mother tongue very necessarye and expedyent for Youthe and all other for to lerne and to knowe ¶ 〈…〉 I Am the Lorde thy god whiche haue brought the out of the lande of Egypt and out of the house of bōdage 〈…〉 Thou shalte haue none other goddes ī my syght 〈…〉 Thou shalte make the no grauē Ymage neyther any similitude that is ī heuē aboue or in the earthe beneathe or in the water that is beneath the earthe Se that thou neyther bowe thy selfe to them neyther serue them For I the lorde thy god am a gelouse god vysite the synne of the fathers vpō the chyldrē vnto the thyrde and fourth generacyō of them that hate me and yet shewe mercye to thousandes amōge thē that loue me and kepe my commaundementes 〈…〉 Heare Israell our lorde god is one lorde and thou shalt loue thy lorde god with all thy herte with all thy Soule with all thy mynde and with ali thy strength Thou shalte worshyp thy lorde god hym onely shalte thou serue ¶ 〈…〉 ●Hou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltlesse that taketh the name of the lorde his god in vayne 〈…〉 ●Ye haue herde howe it was sayde to thē of olde tyme. Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe but shalte performe thyn othes to the Lorde ●say vnto you sweare not at all neyther by heuē for it is goddes seate nor by the earth for it is his fote stole neyther by Ierusalē for it is the Citye of y e great kynge Neyther shalt thou sweare by thy heade bycause thou canst not make one whyte heare or a blacke But let your communicacyon be yea eya nay naye for what soeuer is more then that commeth of euyll ¶ 〈…〉 ●Emembre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctify it 〈…〉 Syxe dayes mayste thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy god In it thou shalte do no maner worke neyther thou nor thy sone nor thy doughter neyther thy manseruaunt nor thy mayde seruaunt nor thy catell nor yet the straunger that is within thy gates For in syxe dayes the Lorde made heuen and earth and the see and all that is in them and rested the seuenth day wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye halowed it 〈…〉 It is lefull to do a good dede on the Sabbath day For the sone of mā is lorde euen of the Sabbath day The Lorde sayth by his prophet 〈…〉 That his sabbath is halowed and kepte when we rest and cease to do our owne wyll to folowe oure owne wayes to speake our owne wordes when we in worde thought and dede fulfyll his well I say not ours and when we suffer hym to do his workes in vs that at the last we may come to that Sabbath and true reste euen eternall lyfe whiche Chryst the Lorde of the sabbath hath opteyned for vs by his blode ¶ 〈…〉 ●Onoure thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be longe in the lande whiche the lorde thy god gyueth the. ●onour
Father is a lorde the Sone a lorde the holy Ghost a lorde ●nd yet they be not iij. lordes but one lorde ●or as we be compelled by the Christian veryte to confesse seperatly euery one person to be God and Lorde ●o are we prohybite by the Catholike relygyon of Chrystes fayth to say that there be iij. Goddes or thre lordes ●he Father is made of none neyther created nor gotten ●he Sone is frō the Father alone neyther made ne create but gotten ●he holy Ghost is frō the Father and the Sone neyther made created nor gotten but procedynge ●nd so there is but one Father not thre Fathers one Sonne not thre Sonnes one holy Ghoste not thre holy Ghostes ●nd in this Trinyte there is none before or after another nothynge more or lesse but all the thre persons be coeterne and coequall to them selte ●o that by alwayes as now it hath ben aboue sayd the Trinyte in vnite and the vnite in Trinyte may be worsshypped ●e therfore that wyll be saued let hym vnderstande thus of the Trinyte ●ut it is necessary vnto euerlastyng health that euery christian beleue also faythfully the in carnacyon of our lorde Iesu chryste ●t is therfore the ryght fayth that we beleue confesse that our lorde Iesu Chryste the Sone of God is God and man ●e is god by the substance of the Father gotten before all worldes and he is man by the substance of his mother borne in the worlde ●erfyte God perfyte man beynge of a soule reasonable and offlesshe humayne ●quall to the Father by his Godhed lesse thē the Father by his manhed ●hiche thoughe he be God and man yet is there not twyane but one Chryste ●ruely he is one not by turnyng of his godhed in to māhed but by assumptynge of his manhed in to godhed ●●ynge one to all intentes not by confusion of ●ub●ance but by vnite of person ●or as the reasonable soule and the flesshely body is or maketh one man so God and man is one Chryste ●hiche suffered death for our saluacyon descended to helle and rose from death the thyrde daye ●hiche ascended to heuens sytteth at the ryght hāde of God the Father almyhghty from thense shall he come to Iudge the quycke and dead ●t whose comynge all men muste ryse w t theyr bodyes and shall gyue accompt of theyr owne propre dedes ●nd they that haue done well shall go in to euerlastyng lyfe they that haue done euyll in to euerlastynge fyre ●his in the Catholyke fayth whiche excepte euery man faythfully and stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued The Offyce of all Estates A Bysshop muste be fautlesse the husbande of one wyfe sober discrete honestly appareled herberous apte to teache not dronken no fyghter not gyuen to fylthy lucre but gentyll abhorrynge fyghtynge abhorrynge couetousnesse and one that ruleth his owne house honestly hauynge chyldren vnder obedyence with all honeste ¶ 〈…〉 ●…e that are rulers of the earth se that you loue ryghteousnes and that you commyt none vnryghteousnes in iudgement Thou shalte not fauour the poore nor honoure the myghty but shalt iudge thy neyghbour ryghtteously ¶ 〈…〉 ●…e shall not deceyue your brethren neyther with weyght nor measure but shall haue true ballances and true weyghtes for I am the Lorde your God ¶ 〈…〉 ●…us bandes loue your wyues euen as chryst loued the congregacyon and gaue hym selfe for it to sanctyfy it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorowe the worde to make it vnto hym selfe a gloryous congregacyon without spot or wrencle or any suche thynge so ought men to loue theyr wyues as theyr owne bodyes He that loueth his wyfe loueth hym self For no man euer yet hated his owne flesshe but norysshed is c. ¶ 〈…〉 ●●yues submyt your selues to your owne husbandes as to the lorde For the husbande is the wyues hed euen as Chryst is the heed of the congregacyon Therfore as the congregacyon is in subieccyon to Chryste lykewyse lette the wyues be in subieccyon to theyr husbandes in all thynges ¶ 〈…〉 ●e fathers moue not your chyldren vnto wrath but brynge them vp with the nurture and informacyon of the lorde ¶ 〈…〉 ●●hyldren obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for so it is ryght Honour thy father and mother that is the fyrst commaundement that hathe any promyse that thou mayste be in good estate and lyue longe on the earthe ¶ 〈…〉 ●e maysters do to youre seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall put tynge away all bytternesse and theatenynges knowynge that euen ye also haue a mayster in heuen ¶ 〈…〉 ●…eruauntes be obedyent to youre bodyly maysters in all thynges not with eye seruice as mē pleasers but ī synglenesse of herte tearynge god And what soeuer ye do do it hertely as thoughe ye dyd it vnto the lorde and not vnto men for as moche as ye knowe that of the lorde ye shall receyue the rewarde of inheritaunce for ye serue the Lorde Christ ¶ 〈…〉 ●he that is a very wydowe and frendlesse putteth her truste in god and contynueth in supplycacyon and prayer nyght and day ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oue thy neyghbour as thy self what soeuer ye wolde y t other shulde do to you do you euē y e same to thē and what ye wolde not y t other men shulde do to you se y t ye do it not to them The preface y e maner to lyue well ¶ 〈…〉 FOr to begyn the maner of salutary or helth full lyuyng And to come to perfection how well I haue more nede to be instruct than for to teche other yet kepe these small doctrines here folowyng to your powers Fyrst ryse vp at vj. of the clocke in the mornynge in all seasons and in your rysyng do as foloweth Thanke our lorde of test that he gaue you that nyght Commende you to god byssed lady saynt mary and to that saynt whilh is feested that day and to all the sayntes of heuen Secōdly beseche god that he preserue the that day frō deedly synne at all other tymes And pray hym that all the werkes that other dooth for you may be accept to the lawde of his name of his glorioꝰ mother of all the company of heuen Uvhan hye haue arayed you say in your chambre or lodgyng maryns pryme houres yf ye may Than go to the chyrche or ye do ony worldly werkes yf ye haue no nedefull besynesse abyde in the chyrche the space of a lowe masse whyle where ye shall thynke and thanke god of his benefytes Thynke a whyle on the goodnesse of god on his dyuyne myght and vertue Thynke what gyft he hath gyuen to you to create you so nobly as to his ymage lykenesse Thynke also what grace he hath done to you in the sacrament of baptysme clensyng your soule from synne Thynke how many tymes ye haue offended hym syth ye were cristened Thynke how mekely he hath abyden your recournyng from synne Thynke from how many daungers he hath preserued
thyne handes the Moone and the starres whiche thou hast set in ordre ●hat thynge is man that thou art so mynde full of hym or what is the sone of ●dā that thou so regardest hym ●hou haste made hym not moche inferyor to aūgelles thou hast crowned him with glory and honour and hast made hym lorde vpon the workes of thyne handes ●hou hast cast all thynges vnder his feet al maner of shepe and oxen yea moreouer the catell of the felde ●oules of the ayre and fysshes of the see which swymme in the waters of the see ●lorde whiche arte our lorde how marueylous is thy name ouer all the earth ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the beginnynge as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ●eli enarrant ●He heuyns declare the glory of god and the firmament manyfesteth the workes of his handes ●aye vnto daye vttereth out speache nyght vnto nyght openeth knowlege ●here be neyther speaches nor wordes but that the voyces of them ben herde ●heyr soūde hathe gone throughe all the worlde and theyr wordes through the coostes of the rounde earthe ●e hath pyght his pauilion in the sonne he is lyke a brydegrome procedynge out of his chābre ●e hath sterte vp lyke a gyaunt for to take his course his progresse is from the hygh heuen ●nd his recourse is vnto the farthest parte therof neyther is there any that can hyde hym from his heate ●he lawe of the lorde is pure conuertynge soules the testymony of the lorde is faythfull gyuyn ge wysdome to the ygnoraunt ●he commaundementes of the lorde be ryghtfull confortynge the herte the lordes precept is cleare gyuynge lyght to the eyes ●he feare of the lorde is euermore cōtynuynge the iudgementes of the lorde are true iustyfyed in them selues ●hey are to be desyred aboue golde precyous stones more sweter the hony the hony combe ●erely thy seruaūt obserueth them in kepynge of them is great rewarde ●ho doth consyder his faultes pourge me frō those that be secrete and frome other spare thy seruaunt ●f they haue not the maystry of me then shal I be cleane shal be purged frō the greatest synne ●nd the wordes of my mouth shal be pleasant and the meditacyon of myne herte acceptable in thy syght alway ●lorde thou arte my helper and my redemer ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnyng as it is now and and euer shall be So be it ●ommi est terra ●He earth is the lordes and the habundaunce therof the rounde worlde all that inhabyte in it ●or he hathe pyght it vpon the sees and hathe buylded vpon the flodes ●ho shal ascende in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall stande in his holy place ●n innocent in handes and of pure herte whiche hath not taken his soule in vayne nor hath not sworne to deceyue his neyghbour ●e shall receyue blessynge of the lorde and mercy of god his sauyoure ●his is the generacyon of thē that seke hym of them that seke the face of the god of Iacob ●e prynces heaue vp your gates and ye eternall gates open youre selues and a kynge of glory shall entre in ●ho is this same kynge of glory a strōge lorde and a myghty a lorde myghty in batayl ●e prynces heaue vp your gates and ye eternall gates opē your selues and a kynge of glory shall entre in ●vho is this same kynge of glorye the lorde of powers he is the kynge of glory ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 ●lessed be thou amonge all women and blessed be the fruyte of thy wombe 〈…〉 ●oly mother of god and virgyn perpetuall 〈…〉 Pray for vs to the lorde celestyall ¶ 〈…〉 ●Ur father whiche arte in heuyn sanctifyed be thy name Let thy kyngdome come ●hy wyl be fulfylled in erth as it is ī heuyn Our dayly breade gyue to vs this daye And forgyue vs our offences euyn as we forgyne thē that offende vs. And leade vs not in to tēptacyon But delyuer vs from al euyl So be it ¶ 〈…〉 ●Ayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with the. Blessed be thou amonge women and blessed be the fruyt of thy wombe Iesus Chryst So be it And ledde vs not lorde in to temptacyon But delyuer vs from euyl ●orde we besech the of thy blessynge ●oly virgyn of virgyns praye for vs vnto the lorde ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oly Mary moost pure of virgyns all Mother doughter of the kynge celestial So conforte vs in our desolacyon That by thy prayer and specyall meditacyon Uve enioy the rewarde of the heuynly raygne And with goddes electe there for to remayne Thou lorde haue mercy on vs. ●Holy and vndetyled virgynyte I wot not with what praysynge I may exalte the. For hym that the heuyns coulde not conteyn thou barest in thy wombe ●…lessed be thou amōg al women blessed be the truyt of thy wōbe For hym that the heuyns coulde not cōtayn thou ba rest in thy wombe 〈…〉 Lorde we beseche the of thy blessynge ●…raye for vs deuoutly o virgyn Mary ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oly Mary of all godly the godlyest Pray for vs of all holy the holyest That he our prayers may accept in good wyse Uvhiche of the was borne and raygneth aboue the skyes By whose charyte and mercyfull grace Our greuous synnes may take no place Thou lorde haue mercy on vs. Thanke we god ●…lessed arte thou virgyn Mary thou barest our lorde Thou hast borne hym that made the and yet remaynest a virgyn euermore ●…ayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with the. Thou hast borne hym that made the and yet remaynest a vyrgyn euermore ●…orde we beseche the of thy blessynge ●…oddes holy mother be helpynge to vs. ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oly mother of god whiche hym haste conceyued That of all the worlde coulde not worthely be receyued Thy sone beseche with hūble intercessyō Us for to purge of our transgressyon That so beynge redemed we may the place ascende Uhere thou dwellest with hym worlde without ende Thou lorde haue mercy on vs. ●…urely happy arte thou blyssed virgyn Marye worthy to haue all maner of praysyng For of the is rysē the sone of ryghtwysnes Chryst our god 〈…〉 Pray for the people entreat for the elergye make i ̄t ercessyon for the deuoute womā kynde let all fele thyne helpe that worthely solempnysed thy memoryall For of the is rysen the sone of ryghtwysenes Chryste our god Glorye be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghost Chryst our god ¶ 〈…〉 UE prayse the O god we knowledge the to be the lorde ●ll the earth doth worshyp the which arte the father euerlastynge ●o the crye forth all aungelles the heuyns and all powers therin ●o the thus cryeth Cherubyn and Seraphin cōtynually ●oly
your body and soule Thynke how yll ye haue be stowed the tyme that he hath gyuen you to do●●naunte Thynke how many tymes he hath forgyuē you inshryft et how many tymes ye haue fallē to synne agayn Thynke in what payne ye had bēnow et euer yf god had taken you out of this worlde whan ye were in deedly synne Thynke how derely he bought you frō the daunger of the deuyll suffryng cōtynuall paynes in this worlde about the space of xxxn. yeres goynge barefote ī colde heate suffryng hōgre thyrst many shamefull ●●uryes how derely he redemed you gyuyng his p̄●●ous body his blod his soule at this point cōsydre all the paynes of his wofull passyon as god wyll gyue you grace Thynke also what payne his dere gloryous mother suffred all y t whyle Consydre his sharpe iugement at the houre of dethe And touchyng this dethe thynke osten the ron and that ye can not escape it nor knoweth whan nor how in what estate nor what place nor tyme day nor houre Thynke thā what shall become of the worldly goodes that ye haue gadred spared with grete labour how lothe ye shall be to leaue thē and all your frendes kynsfolke An y t more is whā your soule ī grete payne shall leaue your body to rotte in the erthe Consydre thā what shall become of your strenght be aute you the helthe other welthe of the body Thynke what the poore soule shall do whan it goothalone without company where it was neuer Thynke what it shall do whā it seeth the horryble enemyes that wolde drawe it to ꝑdicyon yf ye deye in deedly synne Thynke how wofull a iourney it shall he whan ye must yelde a generall rekenyng of all your werkes wordes thoughtes without excepcyō of ony thyng Thynke how god shall hyue you grace Thynke on y e horryble paynes of hell on the cruell ꝯpany of deuylles where without ende ye shall neuer haue releas yf ye deye in deedly synne And thynke on the ine stimable ioye of the sayntes ī heuē y e w iche out lorde hath promised you yf ye lyue out of deedly synne et loue hym aboue all thyng And haue ye a ꝑfyte hope yf yelyue wel ye shall come to that glory Amē ¶ And yt by ony other reasonable besynesse ye may not be so long in the chyrche at is it sayd he re afore yelde thankes to god of his goodnesse And thyne on the resydew in your how 's ones in the day or in the nyght yf ye may Whā ye are cōe fro y e chyrch take hede to your housholde or occupacyō tyll dyner tyme. And in so doyng thynke sō tyme that y e payne y t ye suffre in this worlde is nothyng to the regarde of y e in fynite glory y t ye shall haue yf ye take it mekely Thā take your refecciō or mele reasonably w tout excesse or ouer moche for beryng of your meate for there is as moche daunger ī to lytell as in to moche yf ye fast ones in a weke it is ynought besyde vigilles ymbre dayes out of lenten And yf ye tynhe y e fastyng be not good nor ꝓuffytable do by counsell Rest you after dyner an houre or half an houre as ye thynke best prayeng god that in that rest he wyll accept your helthe to y e ende y ● after it ye may serue hym y e more deuoutly The resydew of y e day bestowe ī your besinnesse to the pleasure of god As touchyn your seruyce say vn to tiers a fore dyner and make an ende of all be fore souper And whan ye may say dyryge and cōmendacyons for all chrysted soules at the leest way on the holy dayes and yf ye haue leaser say them on other dayes at the leest with thre lessōs Shryue you euery weke to your curate except ye haue grete lette and beware ye passe not a fourtenyght excepte veray grete lette Yf ye be of power refuse not your almesse to the fyrst poore body that axeth it of you that day Yf ye thynke it nedefull Take payne to here kepe the worde of god Cōfesse you euery day to god without fayle of suche synnes as ye knowe that ye haue done that day Cōsydre oftē eyther by day or nyght whan ye do a wake what our lorde dyde at that houre the day of his blyssed passyon where he was at that houre Seke a god sayth full frē de of god cōuersacyō to whome ye may dyscouer your mynde secretes Enq̄re proue hym well or ye trust ī hym And whā ye haue well ꝓued hym do all by is counsell Day lytell folowe ●●uous cōpany Eschew y e felaw shyppe of them y t ye wol de not be lyke After all werke prayse tāke god loue hi aboue all thynges serue hym his glorious moder diligētely do to nouer ther but that ye wolde were done to you loue the welth of another as your own● And in goyng to your bedde haue sōe good tought eyther of the passyō of our lord or of you sines or of y e paynes y ● soules haue purgatory or sōe other good spirituall toughtes And than I hope your lyuyng shall be acceptable and pleasyng to god Thre verytees ¶ 〈…〉 GOd our souerain lorde knowlegyng the grete fragilite inclinacyō of out synne is alway red of his infynyte ●y te and goodnesse to do vs mercy and forgyuenesse so that truly without faynyng with a good hert and contrite thought we offre and say the thre verytees folowyng ¶ ●y god I knowlege and confesse to haue often ded synned agaynst thy goodnesse brekyng thy commaundementes in suche maner and suche Of the which synnes I am sory and repēt me for the honour of the that arte all good onely worthy to be serued obeyed honoured worshypped ¶ ●ood lorde I haue good purpose by your helpe to kepe me from hens forwarde to offende you without brekyng your commaundementes and to fle esheue to my power all occasyōs of synne ¶ 〈…〉 ●ord god I haue good and stedfast wyl to be cōfessed clerely of all my synnes in tyme and place after the commaundement of you and our mother holy chyrche or at suche a feest or suche after your ordinaunce and commaundemēt of our mother holy chyrche and to make satisfaction to you and to my neyghbour To the relikes in the chirche ¶ 〈…〉 ●orpora sanctorum in pace sepulta sunt et viuent nomina eorum in eternum 〈◊〉 Letamini in domino et exultate iusti 〈◊〉 Et gloriamini omnes recticorde Dremus 〈◊〉 ●opiciare nobis domine famulis tuis per sanctorum tuorum quorum reliquie in presenti requiescunt ecclesia merita gloriosa vt eorum pia intercessione ab omnibus semper protegamut aduersis Per dominum Dratio 〈◊〉 Ancte dei genitricis marie semper virginis gloriose et beatarum omnium
earth all the partes therof feare the. ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●t it was in the begynnyge as it is nowe and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 enedicite om●a opera domini ¶ ●Rayse ye the lorde all his workes prayse ertolle hym for euer ●e angelles prayse the lorde ye heuens prayse the lorde ●e waters al that are aboue heuen prayse the lorde all the powers of the lorde prayse ye y e lord ●he sonne the moone prayse ye the lorde starres of the fyrmament prayse ye the lorde ●he ravgne and the d●we prayse ye the lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the lorde ●●e● and heate magnifye ye the lorde wynter and sommer prayse ye the lorde ●oysture ye hoore frostes prayse ye the lorde frost and colde prayse ye the lorde ●se and ●●owe prayse ye the lorde nyghtes and dayes prayse ye the lorde ●yghte and darkenes prayse ye the lorde lyghtnynge and cloudes laude ye the lorde ●he earth mought prayse the lorde laude and extolle hym for euer ●ylles and mountaynes prayse ye the lorde all that spryngeth vpō the earth laude ye the lorde ●e welles and sprynges prayse the lorde sees flodes prayse ye the lorde ●hale fysshes and all that moue ī the waters prayse ye the lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse ye the lorde ●ll beastes bothe wylde and tame prayse the lorde ye chyldren of men prayse the lorde ●et Israel prayse the lorde laude hym and ex●oll hym for euer ●epreestes of the lorde prayse the lorde ye serua untes of the lorde prayse the lorde ●espirites and soules of ryghtwysemen prayse the lorde ye holy meke in herte prayse the lorde ●nania Azaria Misael prayse ye the lorde lau de and extolle hym for euer ●lesse we the father the sone w t the holy ghost prayse we hym and serue we hym euermore ●lessed arte thou lorde in the fyrmament of heuyn thou arte prayse worthy gloryous and magnifyed worlde without ende ●audate dn̄m de celis ●Rayse ye the lorde of heuyns prayse ye hym in the hygh places ●rayse ye hym all his aungelles all his powers prayse ye hym ●rayse ye hym Sonne and moone all starres lyght prayse ye hym ●he hyghest of h●uyns prayse ye hym and the waters that are aboue the heuyns let thē prayse the lordes name ●or by his worde all thynges were made by his commaundemen ▪ all thynges were created ●e hath stablysshed them euerlastyngly and in to the worlde of worldes he hath set a lawe that shall not exspyre ●rayse the lorde ye dragons and al depnesses of the earthe ●yer hayle snowe yse stormes of wyndes that do his commaundement ●oūtaynes and all lytell hylles wodde bearyng fruyte and all Cedre trees ●eastes and all maner of Catell serpentes and fethered foules ●ynges of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the earth ●achelers and maydens olde men and yonge let them prayse the name of the lorde for the name of hym onely is e●alted ●he knowledge of hym is aboue heuyn earth he hathe exalted the horne of his people ●aude be vnto al his sayntes to the sones of Israel to the people approchynge vnto hym ●antate domino ●Yng ye vnto the lorde a new song praysed be he in the congregacyon of sayntes ●et Israel reioyce in hym that made hym and let the sones of syon triumphe in theyr kynge ●et thew prayse his name with daunsynge let them syng vnto hym with tympany and harpe ●or the lorde is well pleased with his people hath exalted the lowly into saluacyon ●ayntes shall triūphe ī glorye they shall make ioye in theyr chambres ●he prayses of god shal be in theyr mouthes two edged swordes in theyr handes ●o do vengeaunce amongest nacyons correccyons amongest people ●…o bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron ●or to execute on them the iudgement wryten this is glory vnto all his sayntes ●audate dn̄m in sanctis 〈◊〉 ●Rayse the lorde in his sayntes prayse hym in the fyrmament of his power ●rayse hym in his strenght prayse hym accordynge to the almyghtynes of his power ●rayse hym with the sounde of a trompet prayse ye hym with harpe and lute ●rayse hym with tympany and daūsynge prayse hym with rebeckes and organs ●rayse hym with clarysymbals wel soundynge prayse hym with symbals of swetnesse let euery spyryte prayse the lorde ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 wonderfull exchaunge The creatour of mankynde takynge vpon hym a lyuynge body hath not disdayned to be borne of a virgyn And he beyng made man without seede of man hath commytted vnto vs his godhed 〈…〉 aria virgo semper ●Irgyn Mary reioyce alway whiche hast borne Chryste the maker of heuen erth for out of thy wombe thou hast brought forth the sauyour of the worlde Thankes be to god ¶ 〈…〉 gloriosa femina ●Gloryous floure of womanhed Aboue the starres inthronysed Thyne holy brestes haue nourysshed That lorde that the hath created ●ur health lost by Eues offence Thy godly fruyte doth recompence For vs in heuyn to haue ingredience Thou wast a wyndowe by prouydence ●hou arte the dore of the heuynly kynge And the gate of lyfe resplendysshynge Syns that a virgyn lyfe doth brynge Ye redemed people reioyce and synge ●lory to the lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chaste was bore ●lory to the father and the holy ghost To them be praysyng for euermore So be it ●…od hathe her chosē all other before ●…nd causeth her to dwell with hym for euermore 〈…〉 gloryous mother of god ¶ 〈…〉 ●Lessed be the lorde god of Israel for he hath visyted and redemed his people ●nd hath raysed vp an horne of saluacyon vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid ●uyn as he promysed by the mouthe of his holy prophetes whiche were syns the worlde began ●hat we shuld be saued from our enemyes and from the handes of all that hate vs. ●o fulfyl the mercy promysed to our fathers to remembre his holy testament ●o perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham that he wolde gyue vs. ●hat we delyuered out of the hādes of oure ene myes myght serue hym without feare ●n holynesse and ryghtwysenes before hym all the dayes of our lyfe ●nd thou chylde shalte be called the prophet of the hyeste for thou shalte go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes ●o gyue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remyssyon of theyr synnes ●hrough the tendre mercy of our god wherby the day spryng from an hye hath visyted vs. ●o gyue lyght to them that syt ī darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guyde our feete in to the way of peace ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it