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A63780 Truth vindicated against all heresies shewing how the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent is distinguished : the woman cloathed with the sun discoverd, she having the moon under her feet : the Old and New Testament made to agree and God's justice and mercy magnified. Marsin, M. 1698 (1698) Wing T3162; ESTC R32876 65,626 96

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matter Dan. 7.28 Of this Vision which did appertain to this Mystery which has to this day been hid from Israel And Daniel heard but understood not therefore said O my Lord what shall be the end of these things And the Lord said go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end verse 8.9 And the Disciples asked the Lord why he spake to the Jews in Parables the Lord said to them It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given Matth. 13.10,11 For indeed this Kingdom of Heaven or Heavenly Kingdom is a great Mystery which when the Christians had lost the knowledg of this Secret it was then to remain a Secret till the time of the end and now is the time the Lord will have it Revealed and they that desire spiritual Wisdom shall understand it Dan. 12.10 And the Lord will first come in the Clouds of Heaven before the last or seventh Angel soundeth Matth. 24.31,32 And the Saints that are under the Altar receive white Robes Rev. 6.9 In which they will accompany the Lord into the world before their Bodies are raised and then will the Nations know the two Witnesses which now they understand not And all this is to be after the Lord comes and before the seventh Angel soundeth Rev. 11.15 And when the seventh Angel sounded there were great Voices in Heaven Saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever And the Saints receiving their Bodies at the sound of the last or seventh Trumpet 1 Cor. 15.52 the Elders fell upon their faces and worshiped God Rev. 11.16 But our Predecessors having lost the right Apprehension of these things by reason of the Apostacy so as they that came after did not understand how God could make his Promise good to the raised Saints in providing Mansions in the Heavens for them in that Tabernacle which the Lord shall pitch and not Man at which time the Lord will restore Israel to their own Land Likewise then God will make good his Word concerning the Heathen so as all the Families of the Earth shall be blessed in Christ after the wilfully Wicked are Condemned accordingly as God hath threatened that he would send his Angel and gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend as I have fully proved For God by the Law and Gospel speaks but to them that are under it and they are the World and Heavens and Earth that will be Condemned by it Isaiah 34. Chap. 24 5,6 For transgressing the laws changing the ordinances breaking the everlasting covenant therefore the curse devoureth the earth that is the Earth upon whom the Curse falls for the Offences For the Ordinances which St. Paul would have the Church keep as they were delivered unto them 1 Cor. 11.2 God by this Prophet declares they have changed And in Ezekiel 34.18 it is said they have eaten the good Pastures which must be those Ordinances which Isaiah saith they have changed that is put them away and made new ones in their room that is new Articles of Faith new Church Government new ways of Administring the Sacraments in all these things the Romish Church is horribly out of the way besides all their other Abominations and likewise others as to some of these things will be found dangerously out of the way for treading down with their Feet the Residue of their Pastures and also fouling of the deep waters with their feet so as the flock eat that which they have trodden with their feet and drink that which they have fouled with their feet verse 18.19 This place and the foremention'd Chapters of Isaiah have peculiar References to the second coming of Christ to Judgment at which time he will Judge between Cattel and Cattel and the Rams and the hee Goats v. 17. And then the Lord will feed his Sheep himself so as then they shall no more be a prey when he is Prince among them verse 22.23,24 and the offending Shepherds will God then feed with Judgment But after the Teachers of the Romish Church had changed the Ordinances or eaten the good Pastures or as the Lord saith hid the Talent they thereby made way to set up their own Institutions and so transgressed the Laws and brake the everlasting Covenant for the moral Law is an everlasting Covenant Isaiah 24.5 as well as the new Covenant when Established will be an everlasting Covenant to them with whom it is Established for the old Covenant will only then be done away as a conditional Covenant as now it is for the Lord will then give an inherent perfect Righteousness to all with whom that Covenant will then be made as thereby they shall be enabled perfectly to keep the moral Law for then God will magnifie the Law and make it Honourable Isaiah 42.21 But when the Nations came to have no love to the Truth and their Rulers would not any longer be holden with the Cords of the Laws of the Lord according as it was Prophesied of Psalm 2. Then God permitted the Prince of Darkness to hoist up the Beast an Instrument whom Satan had prepared for his purpose who thought to change times and laws and they were given into his hands till the day of judgment and then shall his dominion be taken away Dan. 7.25,26 But God all along preserved the Law and the Testimony of the Prophets safe in the Hands of the Jews whom he scattered throughout the World that they might be a Light to the World in the cloudy and dark Day when the Beast had deprived the Nations of the rest of the Scriptures and the Christians knowing that Christ was come and that the Ceremonial Law was Abolished and that Christ was that great Sacrifice that had made an Attonement for Sins that were past for all those that would walk in Obedience to the rest of God's Laws and Commands and Precepts that Christ would then compleat their sincere Endeavours they not forgetting Baptism and the Lord's Supper For all the Prophets as they declare Christ first coming to Suffer so also they declare that he will come again to Judge and Reign And in the way of well-doing God has declared by the Prophets that we may stay our selves upon his Promises in that he will shew his Salvation to all that walk uprightly by their improving the Day of Grace whilst it was in their Hands that they might not be hardned through the Deceitfulness of Sin by accustoming themselves therein which had the Christians taken heed to the Law and to the Prophets herein they could have been very little out of the way ' for whosoever speaks not according to the Law and the Testimony of the Prophets it is because there is no light in them Isaiah 8.20 But many being deceived by the Popish Idolatrous Worship and with their pretended Pardons and also
Lord comes the which will not be till after the Lord comes as I have fully made appear in the fore-mentioned Book For Idumea will be the Figurative Heavens with their Hosts that will be destroyed Isaiah 34.4,8 When Israel is Restored which Idumea in the Revelation is termed mystical Babylon and the Figurative Heavens and Elements which will be destroyed Rev. 6.3,4 And the Heaven and Earth that will pass away with which are included the rest of the Wicked that know his Laws for the Covetous Man is said to be an Idolater as well as he that Worships an Idol Eph. 5.5 Col. 3.5 And those that walk after the Lust of the Flesh will fall under the Condemnation for the Wicked shall perish and the Enemies of the Lord shall be as the Fat of Lambs they shall consume into smoke shall they consume away Psalm 37.20 And we reckon our Enemies always to be them that knows us and not them that knows us not And St. Peter's Charge was that they should be mindful of the words that were spoken before by the Holy Prophets and of the Commandment of us the Apostles 2 Pet. 3.20 Which was that they might not be ignorant of the coming of the Lord which the Scoffers are willfully ignorant that by the word of God the Heavens were of old and the Earth standing out of the Water and in the Water whereby the World that then was being overflowed with Water then perished verse 5.6 The which World was the World of People and then they were not distinguished by Heavens and Earth for then there was no Ruling Powers but what belonged to Parents over their Children and Families and therefore alike termed the World and not the Heavens and Earth As Israel was not termed Heavens and Earth till they became a Ruling Power and People So likewise the Heathen when they became a Ruling Power and People then were they termed a Heavens and Earth as I have already proved but in that St. Peter saith the Heavens and Earth that are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto Fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly Men verse 7. But in that he saith the same Heavens and Earth which are now are kept in store unto Judgment Therefore he had no reference here to those that were of old and the Figurative Heavens which was then in the Apostles time was the Roman Power by which the Servants of Christ were then opprest and it is the Roman Power which are now likewise their Afflictors and will remain till the Lord comes and then will they be destroyed with Fire with the Perdition of the rest of the ungodly Men who knowing the Laws of the Lord will not obey them And then not only the fore-mentioned Heavens and Earth of People will be burnt up that is that pa●t of the Earth where the devouring Storm cometh mentioned Psalm 11.6 Vpon the wicked he shall rain snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tsmpest and then it is the hail will sweep away the refuge of lies Isaiah 28.17 Whereby it sheweth there will be Hail mixed with Fire as was in Egypt Exod. 9.23,25 For the Storm of Hail in Isaiah and the Storm of Fire in the Psalms hath ●ts tendency to one and the same time And this Hail is said to come down on the Forrest Isaiah 32.19 At which time Israel and the rest of the Nations that are saved will be safe in Israel's Land whilst the Earth is renewing as I have largly proved in the fore-mentioned Book of the Figurative Speeches But because the Adopted Seed to whom this is spoken have ' transgressed the Laws changed the Ordinances therefore the Curse devoureth the Earth and the Inhabitants thereof burned and few Men left ' Isaiah 24.5,6 That is few Men will be found Righteous among the fore-mentioned so as to be left when the other are destroyed for this Earth of People that has so wilfully offended ●he Transgressions ' thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again ' verse 20. So as in the first Judgment there will be some Sentenced to everlasting Punishment according as the Lord by the Parable declares Matth. 25.46 And the wilful Opposers of the Truth will likewise be raised to receive their Condemnation for then the Saints will rise to everlasting Life and some to Shame and everlasting Contempt Daniel 12.2 For they that neglect the greater Salvation fall under the greater Condemnation For then the Heathen Powers of Rome or otherwise called Heavens that wilfully resisted the Truth when the Holy Ghost was given for the Confirmation thereof will rise to receive Punishment and therefore likewise said to be kept in store as well as the Heavens of the Christian Rome which has made Lies their Refuge For these sdumean Heavens or mystical Babylon will be the Heavens that will be on Fire and the Elements that will melt with fervent heat of which St. Peter spake But he saith neverthel●ss we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new eaerth wherein dwelleth Righteousness 2 Pet. 3.12,13 For the Apostles always had their Eye to the Prophesies as not to teach in contradiction to the Promises And God saith Isaiah 65.17,18 For behold I create new heavens and new earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind But be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her People a joy And because God would have us take notice what this is that he here Creates he therefore saith Behold I Create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her People a joy This is the new Heavens and new Earth that God Created upon the old Foundation the which is Israel of which Foundation Christ is the chief corner Stone And why is it here said that God will Create new Heavens and new Earth because they are such Heavens and such Earth as was never here such before as to have Righteousness dwelling in them as will be when Jerusalem is made a rejoycing and her People a joy For when Christ first came the ruling Power was not given him though he had then Righteousness dwelling in him and it is said these Heavens came down from above Isaiah 45.8 Drop down ye heavens from above and let the skies pour down righteousness let the earth open and let them bring forth salvation and let righteousness spring up together I the Lord have created it This Righteousness the Lord Creates when he comes down with all his Saints which are the Heavens that comes from above then will he pour down Righteousness and then the Earth of his People will bring forth Salvation and then Salvation and Righteousness will spring up together For the Covenant is to them and their Children and to as many of us as are found in our Obedience and in that day God will appoint Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks Isaiah 26.1 Thus the Prophets
is made with them although they do not find any of those things here promised made good to them Such like Ephraim feed on Wind but the Lord will establish this promised Covenant when he Reigns in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Ancients Gloriously Isaiah 24.23 Which will be when he gathers his wheat into his garner and burns up the chaff with unquenchable fire which is at the time when he will judge the nations in the valley of Jehosaphat and at the time when the Saints are raised which are called the first resurrection Rev. 20. And then will the new Jerusalem come down out of heaven from God and be placed in the elementary Heavens 2 Cor. 5.1 This is the tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man Heb. 8.2 The pavement of which is of pure gold as it were transparent glass through which the glorious Saints will then shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father Matth. 13.43 And when this ' World is become the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ ' Rev. 11.15 ' Then will it become the Kingdom of their Father and ' then in the ages to come God will shew forth in them the exceeding Riches of his Grace ' Eph. 2.7 That they ' should be to the praise of his Glory that first trusted in Christ ' Eph. 1.12 And likewise all that overcome and ' keep his Works to the end shall sit with Christ in his Throne ' Rev. 3.21 For the Glorious Tabernacle will be Christ's Throne as the Heaven of Heavens is God's Throne and this Glorious Tabernacle is the Tabernacle or Covert spoken of in Isaiah which the Lord will place over all the Assemblies of Israel when he cleanseth their Blood Isaiah 4.4,5,6 which he hath not yet cleansed Joel 3.21 And the Glory of the Saints in this glorious Tabernacle the Apostle had a Reference to when he said ' God hath provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect ' Heb. 11.40 And the glorious Saints Perfection will not be till Israel receives the Promises for when the Lord comes again the dead Bodies of the Saints will be Raised and then under Christ their Head will be given to them their ruling Power upon Earth Rev. 5.10 For then they will with Christ Descend from the glorious Tabernacle as the Lord formerly did in the Cloudy Pillar to the Tabernacle in the Wilderness so likewise will the Lord Descend upon the real Mount Zion which the Lord will make an eternal excellency and the joy of many generations Isaiah 60.15 And then will the Lord destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the vail that is spread over all nations for then he will take away the sting of death from all his people which is sin and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth Isaiah 25.7,8 But when Christ first came he was laid in Zion as a stumbling stone and thereby a Vail was cast upon the Face of Israel and they were made the Rebuke of all the Heathen But when the Lord again co●…es he will then take away the covering off of all faces and the rebuke of his people from off all the earth and then his people Israel will be all righteous and inherit the land for ever Isaiah 60.20,21 For the Lord hath said he will gather them out of all countries and will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul Jer. 32.37,38,39,40,41 And at the time of the Judgment of this World it is that unto the Son of God will be given dominion and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed Dan. 7.14 And then shall be the end of the Wicked of this World when the son of man shall send his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them that do iniquity Matth. 13.40,41 Therefore it is clear according to the Word of the Lord in Daniel 7.27 That this Kingdom which shall be given is under the whole Heaven from whence ' those that Offend and them that do Iniquity will be gathered out and cast into a Furnace of Fire after the Lord comes ' and the Angel flies in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters Rev. 14.6,7 And then will Israel and the Heathen Nations that know not God be called in which will be after the Lord comes and just before Babylon's Fall Rev. 14.1,8 And this was the Kingdom that St. Peter's Endeavour was that the Elect Remnant to whom he Wrote might be able after his decease to have these things always in remembrance 2 Pet. 1.11,12,13,15 This is the World to come of which St. Paul speaks of Heb. 2.5 And this is the Kingdom the Angel told the blessed Virgin of that Christ should reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his kingdom there shall be no end Luke 1.33 But this Kingdom will not be until the times of Refreshing shall come from the Presence of the Lord and then 't is that the kingdom and dominion and the great ness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him Dan. 7.27 When the Lord taketh to himself his own great Power and Reigneth the which will be when the seventh Angel soundeth Rev. 11.15,16,17 And then it is that the Raised Saints will likewise Reign under Christ their Head Chap. 5.10 And then to Israel and the People under them will be given the Kingdom they being the People of the Saints of the most High Phil. 1.10 And that ye may approve things that are excellent that ye may be Sincere and without Offence till the day of Christ XVII Who they were that were made able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit AND whereas the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 3.5,6 ' Not that we are sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves but our sufficiency is of God ' that is without God we can do nothing ' for in him we live move and have our being ' Acts 17.28 And if he take away our breath we dye but as God hath made us Rational Souls and given us his Law so as to understand thereby his Will in his Word and God by so doing has made us capable to do something but in that he saith verse 6. God hath made them able ministers of the new Testament not
blind to thy self such are full of Darkness and then how great is that Darkness Mat. 6.22,23 for that leads to utter Darkness But for some there is a Redemption in the World to come for all that dyed in Adams Transgression will be cleared from Original Sin by Christ 1 Cor. 15.22 and so a Redemption for all Children in time to come For then the Son shall not bear the Iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father bear the Iniquity of the Son the Soul that sinneth it shall Dye Ezek. 18.20 But in this time it is only the Children of the Believer is Holy 1 Cor. 7.14 before they have committed actual Sin and the Believer is he that believes Salvation is to be had according to the words of Christ but at Judgment there is none Condemned but for the Deeds done in the Body 1 Cor. 5.10 and then all Children will be cleared and likewise all them unto whom God hath promised Mercy will then accordingly find Mercy as the Meek the Mercifull c. Mat. 5. and all that order their conversation aright Psal 50.23 and the Ignorant shall be beaten with fewer Stripes than those that wilfully offend Luke 12.47 And whereas it is said He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life 1 John 5.12 These Words do no ways exclude a Redemption by Christ for some in the World to come or Restoration but for some Sin there is neither forgiveness in this World nor in the World to come Mat. 12.32 1 Joh. 5.16 But whereas it is said Where the Tree falleth there it lieth thereby it shews that after Death we can no ways help our selves as we may now by Repentance and Amendment of Life but all that go into the Pit must there stay till they are brought to Judgment to receive their Sentence of release or final Condemnation but the coming of the Lord the raising of the Saints the judgment of this World and the restoration of Israel will be many Ages before the last Judgment when the Sea Hell and Death deliver up their Dead Rev. 10.12 In which God hath secret places for Souls which we know not of for all that go not to Heaven do not go to the Fire of Hell for what the Lord speaks by the Law and Gospel is but to them that are under it as I have proved and for them that are under the greater light they will fall under the greater Condemnation but whereas the Prophet prays Jer. 10.25 Pour out thy Fury upon the Heathen that know thee not and upon the Families that call not on thy Name for they have eaten up Jacob and devoured him and consumed him and have made his Habitation Desolate The Prophets Petition here is only against those Heathens that devoured Jacob and laid wast his Dwelling Place The same also is said upon their like Cruelties in Psal 79.6,7 And whereas the Apostle saith The Lord will come to take Vengance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1.8 And those are they that know not God that believe he will not Reward and Punish according to his Word VIII Concerning the drawings of God as to when and upon what account Christ then thus Spake NOW whereas the Lord saith No Man can come to him except the Father draw him John 6.44 And also the Lord saith in vers 65. No Man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my Father The Lord Christ hath here his reference to the then time in which he appeared as a mean Person which in Scripture is termed the form of a Servant and those that were then first called in had the more immediate drawings of God and the Words of the Lord here had their tendency to the Remnant with the rest of the Elect that were given him of his Father unto whom the Holy Ghost was afterwards given to be in them And therefore the Lord saith in the 45. vers It is written in the Prophets and they shall be all taught of God The Lord here having his reference to the time that the Holy Ghost should be given for the establishing of the Gospel Heb. 2.3,4 and as an earnest of their Inheritance in time to come Ephe. 1.14 And whereas the Lord saith Every Man that hath learned of the Father cometh unto me Whether the Lord in these Words meaneth only the Sheep that were his Fathers before and given to him or all them of Israel who then lived according to the rule of Gods Word for of such it may be said they were taught of God in that they were guided by his Precept and unto all that fear his Name in Israel was the Word of this Salvation sent Acts 13.26 But the Lord seems rather here to have his peculiar reference to them that was then given him by his Father but the reason the Lord speaketh thus mystically to them was because the Multitude had seen the great Miracle that he did in feeding Five Thousand with Four Loaves and Two Fishes Upon which the Multitude thought to have taken him by force and to have made him a King but the Lord knowing their thoughts went privatly from them and the Multitude seeking after the Lord which when they again had found him he then spake so mystically unto them that they could not understand him and therefore they said they were hard sayings who could bear them and from that time many of the Disciples went back and so the Lord brake their design of making him a King for his time to Reign was not then but these very Persons that did not then wilfully depart from him but went away because they could not then understand his sayings Christ said unto them in the 27. vers Labour not for the Meat which perisheth but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you Which was to those very Persons that sought after him to make him a King and who had eaten of the Loaves and were filled For though by those hard sayings the Lord brake their design yet from the Word of the Lord it is plain they were not to be forgotten by him And whereas the Lord saith vers 39. This is the Father's Will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing Again in the 40 vers And this is the Will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting Life That is every one that so believeth in the Son as to walk in the Precepts of the Son it is likewise the Father's Will that all such may have everlasting Life which is if they continue in well doing then will the Lord raise them up at the last Day which is the last Day of the Power of this wicked World For God is not willing that Man should perish but that they
should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3.9 But if we will not deny our selves for Christ Christ will deny us And the Lord saith in the 33d verse That he is the Bread of God that cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World That is to all that will take hold of the offered Mercy And Christ saith if he be lifted up from the Earth he will draw all Men unto him John 12.32 Which accordingly followed for after the Lord's Ascension the Holy Ghost was given to be in the Elect whereby the World was convinced that God had sent Christ and so the Nations embraced the Faith and by so doing became the Seed of Abraham and a great number for the major part in Scripture is reckoned as the whole but afterwards when the evil Servants came to think the Lord delayed his coming they began to smite their fellow Servants and to eat and drink with the drunken Luk. 12.45 But we building our Faith upon those dark Sentences which the Lord put forth thereby to leave Israel to Blindness are become Blind our selves also XI The Woman cloathed with the Sun Or The Woman in the Wilderness REV. 12.1 There appeared a great Wonder in Heaven a Woman cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her Feet and upon her Head a Crown of Twelve Stars Now whereas it is said There appeared a great Wonder in Heaven a Woman First I shall here shew you what or who this Woman is This Woman is the Elect Church or Remnant chosen from among Israel which had a peculiar Calling 2dly Why she is said to be in Heaven It is because she is highly favoured by the Heavenly Powers or Powers of Heaven which is God In being by him elected fore-chosen ordained and secured so by God as none shall pluck them out of his Hand John 10.29 3dly Why she is termed a Wonder Was because there was none elected through the first or Old World nor till the then time that Israel was brought out of Egypt to be placed in the heart of the Earth and laid as a Foundation of the World to come From which Foundation Christ was figuratively slain in the Paschal Lamb From which Foundation the Works of those unbelieving Jews were finished when they through unbelief of the Promise of God's giving them the Victory refused to go to fight for the Land of Canaan for which all that were numbred of them from twenty Years old and upward dyed in the Wilderness save Caleb and Joshua Now all Israel were taken into Covenant and Life and Death set before them for them to choose Life that they and their Seed might live Deut. 30.19 But in the Wilderness they were disobedient therefore they were cut off After which God secured a Remnant of that Foundation which was then a laying in Israel for the World to come which is the World of which the Apostle speaks Heb. 2.5 And this exceeding kindness of God to this elect Remnant or Woman was the Wonder in Heaven For this is the Foundation or Remnant chosen from the Foundation which standeth sure unto whom Christ promised to be with to the end of the World and that he would send them another Comforter which should abide with them forever Joh. 14.16 This is more fully proved and explained in the former Book Therein is also shewed that God elected and chose from among the Gentiles a peculiar People to the praise of his Name Acts 15.14 upon the first publication of the Gospel who received the holy Ghost to be in them that the World by the evident witness of the Spirit might believe that God sent Christ the which was given for a ground of Faith that thereby we might believe the Truth whereby a door of Mercy was set open to all Believers that believe like Abraham the promised Reward is to be had in the way of their Obedience for Christ is become the author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him whether Elect or not Elect. Whereas it is said in the 4th verse of this 12th chapter That the Elect Remnant or Woman was cloathed with the Sun That is she was covered over with the Righteousness of Christ which was applicable before he was Incarnate or in the Flesh as well as afterwards and in that she is said to have the Moon under her Feet thereby shewing the little value she has to all the changeable Vanities and Pleasures of this World which is like the Moon and therefore she is said to have the Moon under her Feet And in that she is said to have upon her Head a Crown of twelve Stars thereby signified the twelve Apostles to whom was given the preheminency and in time to come the ruling power And in that they are termed the twelve Stars is because they were the first Publishers of the Gospel by which many were turned to Righteousness and of such it is said They shall shine as the Stars for ever and ever Dan. 12.3 Rev. 12.2 Now whereas it is said This Woman being with-Child cryed travailing in Birth and pain to be delivered That is of this Elect Remnant or Woman as concerning the Flesh the Lord Christ came And in that she cryed out pained to be delivered was her ardent longing for Christ coming in the Flesh that by the Seed of the Woman the Serpents Head might be bruised Gen. 3.15 But whereas it is said in the 3d. Verse There appeared another Wonder in Heaven a great Red Dragon When the Apostle saw this Vision this Dragon or Devil was not then wholly cast out from some part of the Heavens as doth appear in the 8th verse And whereas it is said in vers the 4. That this Dragon or Devil stood before the Woman to devour the Child as soon as it was born That was in that the Devil stir'd up Herod to seek the young Childs Life thinking to have destroyed him with the Innocent Children vers 5. And she brought forth a Man Child which was to rule all Nations And therefore notwithstanding all Satans attempts this Child was preserved till he himself freely laid down his Life by which he conquered Death after which he was caught up unto God and his Throne according as it is said Acts 1.9 He was taken up and a Cloud received him out of their sight And in Heb. 8.1 It is said He is set at the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens Rev. 12.6 And the Woman fled into the Wilderness where she had a place prepared her of God that they should feed her there a Thousand Two Hundred and Threescore Days From whence we are to take notice there is no mention made of the time how long it was before she fled into the Wilderness after the Child was caught up unto God Now having proved this forementioned Woman to be a Body of People as also the Scarlet Whore that sits on many Waters is a Body of People Rev. 17. And as the Scarlet Whore is
World who acknowledge the Law and Prophets in the truth of these things it is certainly evident to us and the whole World that the Scriptures are true and the Word of God and to confirm the Truth of what God hath there declared he hath given us a Sign in the Heavens Signs upon the Earth and under the Earth and thro' the World But for Brevity sake I shall here mention but three which are evidently known to all First That the old World for Sin was drowned the Rainbow in the Heavens doth witness to the Truth of the Word Secondly God declareth that his Anger should set on fire the Foundations of the Mountains which should burn to the lowest Hell Deut. 32.22 Which for these many hundred years is come to pass and also that Hell should enlarge her self Isaiah 5.14 Which within these few years is wonderfully come to pass by the Rivers of Fire Pitch and Bitumen which has been sent out thence the which doth likewise bear witness to the Truth of God's Word and also Israel's being scattered doth witness to the World the Truth of the same XV. Christ proved to be the Son of God BUT peradventure some will say how can we prove the New Testament to be true and Christ to be the Son of God seeing the Jews do not own it I shall not here go to prove it from the Words of the Apostles as to believe it through their bare Word but I chiefly believe it because I find those things that were fore Prophessed of by the Prophets concerning the Messiah made good in the Crucified Jesus unto which sure word of Prophesies we are always to take heed And in that the Scriptures now again being rightly understood they are not contradictory to what God before spake by the Prophets for we are to believe nothing in contradiction to what God hath spoken by the Prophets for what God hath absolutely promised he will certainly perform And therefore to declare his Righteousness in the performance of his Promise he sent the Son of his Love to Suffer for Sinners as was declared by the Prophets and that for Israel's wilful Disobedience he was then a Stone of Stumbling and a Rock of Offence to both the Houses of Israel for a Gin and for a Snare to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem Isaiah 8.14 Which accordingly so fell out for they expecting he should come as a King and not apprehending that he should first come to Suffer therefore he was Despised and Rejected of Men. A Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief they hid as it were there Faces from him he was despised and they esteemed him not Isaiah 53.3 And it was Prophesied concerning him Isaiah 7.4,15,16 That a Virgin should conceive and bear a Son and that he should be born in Bethlehem Mic. 5.2 And lowly Riding upon an Ass Zach. 9.9 And the Lords Sufferings and Death were likewise foretold Isaiah 53 7 He was brought like a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep dumb before the shearers so opened he not his mouth Zach. 11.12,13 And they weighed for his price thirty pieces of silver Ps 22 16,18 And they pierced his hands and his feet Dan. 9.26 And the Messiah was cut off but not for himself all these hings and many more were made good in the Crucified Jesus Therefore I believe him to be the Messiah that Seed of the Woman that should ●…ise the Serpents Head Gen 3. And that Lord unto whom the Lord said sit thou on my right hand till I make thine 〈…〉 Ps 110.1 Which will be when the Lord again comes to deliver his People And for further Proof that this Lord is God God saith Zech. 13.7 Awake O sword against my shepherd and against the man that is my fellow saith the Lord of hosts And none can be the fellow of God but the Son of God which is God and therefore said of him that Was to be born in Bethlehem that his goings forth have been from of old from everlasting Mic. 5.2 And of him it is said Vnto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and he shall be called the wonderful counceller the mighty God the everlasting Father the prince of peace Isaiah 9.6 And when this Prince of Peace shall come and take the Government then will he be to all his Sheep the everlasting Father and the God of the whole earth shall he be called Isaiah 54.5 And of this Prince of Peace it is said Thy throne O God is for ever and ever the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness therefore God thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladness above thy fellows Psalm 45.6,7 And according to this the Apostles declare of Christ the Lord that he is God for they were not nor did not hold any thing in contradiction to what God hath declared by the Prophets and what is declared of God in the Old Testament there is nothing contrary thereunto in the New And as the Holy Spirit was spoken of throughout the Old Testament so likewise in the New only sometimes called Holy Spirit sometimes Holy Ghost which is all one it being the Breath of God which is called the River of God the Streams whereof shall make glad the City of God the Holy Tabernacle of the most High Psalm 46.4 Which pure River of Water is said to proceed out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb Rev. 22.1 therefore this River giveth Life and maketh glad Now as there is Figurative Heavens and Earth spoken of in the Old Testament so there is also in the New and as there is a Figurative Sea made mention of in the Old Testament so likewise in the New for there is in both several Figurative Expressions which have one and the same meaning aluding to one and the same thing in both which I have fully made appear in my Book of the Figurative Speeches therefore I shall not insist here up on it But God did not only speak mystically to Israel concerning Christ's first coming because for their Sins they might be snared broken and taken but the second coming of Christ is also to us now since we have lost the true meaning of the word these things appear very mystical in the New Testament to us that the wicked of the Adopted Seed whose turn it is now to be snared broken and taken for God by the Law and Gospel speaks to them that under it as I have fully made appear from the Scriptures in my Book of the Explanation of the New Testament and they are the World that will be Judged by it and the Wicked of them that will not live in Obedience to it are the World that will be then Condemned by it The which the Christians not apprehending they put the Day of Judgment far off expecting the Fall of Babylon and the Restoration of Israel to be before the
and Apostles agree that Salvation will be when the times of Refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3.19,21,22 And Christ saith Search the scriptures for they were they that d●d testifie of him John 5.39 And then there was no other Scriptures but the Old Testament Now all Christ's Sufferings being fulfilled in the plain Letter of the Word and left us upon Record ever to believe the same And as in the Word it is Prophesied that Israel should be scattered so we evidently see the same and we ought also and are bound to believe all the great Prophesies and Promises relating to Christ's second coming that they will be performed in the plain Letter of the Word and as it was Prophesied that God would pour forth his Spirit Joel 2.28,29 Of which St. Peter saith It was made good to them in that time Acts 2.16,17,18 Which was for the Confirmation of the Gospel and as an earnest of their Inheritance in time to come or Restitution Before which time as in Joel 2.30,31 God will shew wonders in heaven and in earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke which accordingly has come to pass for by wars much blood hath been spilt And the Lord in a great and wonderful manner hath sent out of the earth fire and pillars of smoke for these many hundred years but much more of late And it is said verse 31. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come This came to pass when the Nations which had embraced the Faith came to have no love to the Truth God then gave them up to Delusion 2 Thess 2.10,11 For when the people could not endure sound doctrin but after their own lusts they did heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they turned away their ears from the truth and were turned unto fables 2 Tim. 4 3,4 And when the Seducers and false teachers went about to deceive they then became deceived ch 3.12,13 For God doth never so punish without a cause Eze. 14.23 And then was the Sun turned into darkness for in the Scriptures the Teachers are termed the Light of the World and when the Sun the Teachers were darkned the Moon which is the World of People which receiveth her Light from the Teachers as the Moon doth her Light from the Sun the People were soon turned into Blood by hating and killing one another The Pope and his Clergy pretending to be the true Church Mahomet the true Prophet and every Sect the right Remnant and thus the Prince of Darkness carries on his Designs in setting Men to hate and kill one another through these Divisions Now in that Prophesie of Scripture is of more than a private Interpretation 2 Pet. 1.20 But we must be sure to put no other Interpretation on it but what we can make plain from the Word And in Joel 3.15 It is also said The sun and moon shall be darkned and the stars shall withdraw their shining Here the Prophet may have a Reference to the material Sun Moon and Stars which by the Glorious Appearing of the Lord will be obscured by his Brightness But when the Nations came to have no love to the Truth God suffered a Spirit of a strong Delusion to go forth 2 Thess 2.11 For God hath determined that those that will not deny themselves for him shall suffer by him for unto them that are contentions and will not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile but glory honour and peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile Rom. 2.8,9,10 For there will be a Redemption in time to come for all that order their Conversation aright and have not been wilful Opposers of the Truth which is one of the worst of Unrighteousnesses And though it is those who comes in Heirs to the Promises made to the Fathers that are made partakers of the greater Glory yet there is Glory and Salvation for others of a lower degree And though the Jews that have been since Christ's time were cast off for the Sins of their Parents yet not for ever and ever to be forgotten of God without their own Sins does occasion it for there will be a Redemption in time to come for some and if Israel for the Sin of their Parents has been left to stumble on the dark Mountains these seventeen hundred years no wonder if the Adopted Seed has been left to stumble thereon for above this thousand years For it is Israel who as touching the Election is beloved for their Fathers sake Rom. 11.28 For though there was but a Remnant chosen from among them that were chosen according to the Election of Grace verse 5. Yet they were all Gods chosen and elected People for their Fathers sake Isaiah 45.4 And this God did because he loved their Fathers because they had walked with a perfect Heart before him The which when the Lord proved Israel in the Wilderness they did not And therefore the Lord saith Deut. 31.21 For I know their imaginations which they go about even now before I have brought them into the land Here because God would have us take notice when it was he knew it therefore he redoubles his Words and saith even now at the time when they were in the Wilderness But we do never read of God's foreknowing his Drowning of the World till he saw the Wickedness of Man was great and then it was that it grieved him at his Heart that he had made Man but God's choosing Israel was for their Fathers sake and not that he had Elected them without a why or a wherefore but when God had proved and tryed Israel in the Wilderness and as they had there often miscarried God saw they would again fall away for which he determined to leave them to Blindness the like God foreseeing that the Gentiles would fall away for which he determined to leave them to Delusion For as of old when the People fell away Rom. 1.18,20,21 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they were without excuse because when they knew God they glorified him not as God but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkned verse 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them up to a reprobate mind So we see Man 's not improving his Day of Grace has been his Destruction all along and not that they had not a Day of Grace given them and it is such that God gives up to Delusion that first deceives and deludes themselves
Ezek. 14.7 And like not to retain God in their knowledge but in the way of well doing we may commit the keeping of our souls unto God as unto a faithful creator 1 Pet. 4.19 Now St. Paul speaking of the Creation of the World in the fore-going Words Rom. 1.20 makes mention of it as such and not as the Foundation of the World And all the Apostles in all their Writings agree in calling the Twelve Tribes the Foundation of the World to come And likewise Zachariah the Priest said God hath raised up a Horn of Salvation in the House of his Servant David Here he doth not say that this was Prophesied of from the Foundation of the World but by all the Holy Prophets since the World began Luke 1.69,70 That he would raise up a horn of salvation in the house of his servant David And in David and Solomon was the Typical Kingdom of Christ And after David had received the Kingdom God by the Prophet said His seed shall endure for ever and his throne as the sun before me Psalm 89.36 This ever is the ever of the time to come the which all the Prophets Prophesied of from David till Christ came but no Prophet Prophesied that this Salvation should come out of the House of David before David was and had received the Kingdom But we not apprehending the difference between the Creation and Foundation nor the beginning of this World to come has cast us into most dangerous Mistakes for thereby we have received another Faith than what the Gospel teacheth in thinking none but the Elect can be saved and that some thereby have thought they should be saved by the Righteousness of Christ contrary to the Words of Christ which are upon the condition of their Obedience which will prove destructive if unrepented of Likewise we have another Hope than what the Scripture Teacheth for by our Predecessors falling into Popery we have lost the form of sound words as they were first delivered and to maintain our received mistaken Notions we must not believe what God hath declared promised and sworn to And this out of pretence of justifying God's Wisdom which some say doth greatly consist in God's sore-knowing all the Wickedness of the Devil and Man from all Eternity whereby they make God the first conceiver of it and likewise with such approbation as some say as he did not only suffer it but decreed it to be committed which is so quite contrary to the Holy God as the thoughts thereof are to be abhorred it being Blasphemy for to think it for he hath absolutely declared against it For it was after God saw that Man had corrupted his Way it repented him that he had made Man upon the Earth and God said it griewed him at his heart Gen. 6.6 Now whether it is right in the sight of God to believe Man rather than God judge ye Acts 4.19 And that God that is an unchangeable Being in Holiness Wisdom Justice Goodness and Truth which are his proper Attributes and therefore impossible for God to lie Heb. 6.18 For God is not a man that he should lie neither the Son of Man that he should Repent that is when God hath absolutely promised a Blessing he will certainly perform it as it is here declared Hath he spoken and shall he not make it good Numbers 23.19 And we are to believe of God in every thing as he hath declared of himself to be moved to pity upon Man's Repenting and Returning and to Anger and Wrath upon Man's Rebellion and of certain God will never be angry with any for believing what he saith or hath promised or sworn to And the Prophet for believing what another Prophet told him in contradiction to what God had declared to him a Lyon met him and Slew him 1 Kings 13.17,18,24 And as the Faith of Abraham was set down for our Example so this was Recorded for our warning that we might not believe Man in contradiction to God Now Christ and the Apostles being rightly understood are found to agree with the Words of God and the Prophets and the Care of the Apostles was such as to compare spiritual things with spiritual things 1 Cor. 2.13 To see if the Spirit spake in them agreeably to what the Spirit spake in the Prophets of old that thereby no Delusion or Deceiver might creep in among them for God did never send his Son and the Servants of his Son to contradict what he himself hath declared promised and sworn to XVI The Glory and Blessedness that will be in time to come For the Lord will come to judge the Nations in the valley of Jehosaphat and restore his People Israel Joel 3.1,2,12,13,16,17,18 and then it is the Lord will make Mount Sion and eternal excellency and the joy of many Generations Isaiah 60.15 And then it is his people shall be all righteous and inherit the land for ever Then it is a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation the Lord will hasten it in his time Isaiah 60.21,22 Here the Lord sheweth there will be another time after this time in which his People will be blessed against which time St. Paul ordereth Timothy that he should charge them that are rich in this world that they be rich in good works laying up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come 1 Tim. 6.17,18 And sure if we were not blind we could not think that all that are Rich in this World are Elected but that by doing good Works all may lay hold of eternal Life ' for Christ is become the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him ' Heb. 5.9 Whether Elect or not Elect but those that remain blind now God has made plain his Word is because they have no desire to see but whether some will see or not it is in the time to come that God will make that promised new everlasting Covenant with his People and put his laws in their inward parts and write them in their hearts and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know ye the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord Jer 31.33,34 And in that day the Lord will make a covenant for them with the beast of the field and with the fowls of heaven and with the creeping things of the ground and then will the Lord break the bow the sword and the battel out of the earth And then will the Lord betroth Israel to him for ever in righteousness in judgment in loving kindness and in mercy Hos 2.18,19 And then the days of his People shall be the age of a Tree and then it is the Meek shall inherit the Earth and delight themselves in the abundance of Peace and then it is the evil Beasts will cease out of the Land Ezekiel 34.25 Now this Covenant some have blindly imagined that it