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A46669 A token for children being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives and joyful deaths of several young children / by James Janeway. Janeway, James, 1636?-1674. 1676 (1676) Wing J478; ESTC R28739 55,852 192

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be thought their nature is made capable of greater glory than mans He said he was of another mind and his reason was because Angles were Servants and Saints are Children and that Christ never took upon him the nature of Angels but he took upon him the nature of Saints and by his being man he hath advanced human nature above the nature of Angels 15. By this you may perceive the greatness of his parts and the bent of his thoughts and thus he continued for several years together labouring to get more and more spiritual knowledge and to prepare for an endless life 16. He was a Child of an excellent sweet temper wonderful dutiful to his Parents ready and joyful to do what he was bid and by no means would do any thing to displease them and if they were at any time seemingly angry he would not stir from them till they were thorowly reconciled to him 17. He was not only good himself but would do what he could to make others so too especially those that were nearest to him he was very watchful over his brethren and Sisters and would not suffer them to use any unhandsome words or to do any unhandsome action but he would be putting them upon that which was Good and when he did at any time rebuke them it was not Childishly and slightly but with great gravity and seriousness as one that was not a little concerned for Gods honour and the eternal welfare of their Souls 18. He would go to his Father and Mother with great tenderness and compassion being far from telling of tales and beg of them to take more care of the Souls of his brethren and Sisters and to take heed least they should go on in a sinful Christless state and prove their sorrow and shame and go to Hell when they die and be ruined for ever 19. He was exceedingly affected with hearing of the Word of God preached and could not be satisfied except he could carry home much of the substance of what he heard to this end he quickly got to learn Short-hand and would give a very pretty account of any sermon that he heard 20. He was much engaged in secret Duty and in reading the Scriptures to be sure morning and evening he would be by himself and was no question wrestling with God 21. He would get choice Scriptures by heart and was very perfect at his Catechism 22. The Providences of God were not passed by without considerable observation by him 23. In the time of the Plague he was exceedingly concerned about his Soul and Everlasting State very much by himself upon his knees This Prayer was found written in Short-hand after his Death O Lord God and merciful Father take pitie upon me a miserable Sinner and strengthen me O Lord in thy faith and make me one of thy glorious Saints in Heaven O Lord keep me from this poisonous Infection however not my will but thy will be done O Lord on earth as it is in heaven but O Lord if thou hast appointed printed me to die by it O Lord fit me for death and give me a good heart to bear up under my afflictions O Lord God and merciful Father take pity on me thy child teach me O Lord thy Word make me strong in faith O Lord I have sinned against thee Lord pardon my sins I had been in hell long ago if it had not been for thy mercy O Lord I pray thee to keep my Parents in thy truth and save them from this Infection if it be thy will that they may live to bring me up in the truth O Lord I pray thee stay this Infection that rageth in this City and pardon their sins and try them once more and see if they will turn unto thee Save me O Lord from this Infection that I may live to praise and glorifie thy name but O Lord if thou hast appointed me to die of it fit me for death that I may die with comfort and O Lord I pray thee to help me to bear up under all afflictions for Christ his sake Amen 24. He was not a little concerned for the whole nation and begged that God would pardon the sins of the Land and bring it nearer to himself 25. About the beginning of November 1665. this sweet Child was smote with the Distemper but he carried it with admirable patience under the hand of God 26. These are some of his dying Expressions The Lord shall be my Physician for he will cure both Soul and body Heaven is the best Hospital It is the Lord let him do what seemeth good in his eyes Again it is the Lord that taketh away my health but I will say as Job did Blessed be the name of the Lord. If I should live longer I should but sin against God Looking upon his Father he said If the Lord would but lend me the least finger of his hand to lead me through the dark entry of Death I will rejoice in him 27. When a Minister came to him amongst other things he spake somewhat of life He said This is a wicked world yet it is good to live with my Parents but it is better to live in heaven 28. And hour and an half before his Death the same Minister came again to visit him and asked him John art thou not afraid to die He answered No if the Lord will but comfort me in that hour But said the Minister How canst thou expect Comfort seeing we deserve none He answered No if I had my deserts I had been in hell long ago But replied the Minister which way dost thou expect Comfort and Salvation seeing thou art a Sinner He answered In Christ alone In whom about an hour and an half after he fell asleep saying he would take a long sleep charging them that were about him not to wake him He dyed when he was twelve years three weeks and a day old Example IX Of a Child that was very eminent when she was between 5 and 6 years old with some memorable passages of her life who died about 1640. 1. ANne Lane was born of honest Parents in Colebrook in the County of Bucks who was no sooner able to speak plain and express any thing considerable of reason but she began to act as if she was sanctified from the very womb 2. She was very solicitous about her Soul what would become of it when she should die and where she should live for ever and what she should do to be saved when she was about five years old 3. She was wont to be oft ingaged in secret Prayer and pouring out of her Soul in such a manner as is rarely to be heard of from one of her years 4. I having occasion to lie at Colebrook sent for her Father an old Disciple an Israelite indeed and desired him to give me some account of his Experiences and how the Lord first wrought upon him 5. He gave me this answer that he was of a child somewhat civil
many excellent Christians to stand amazed as judging it scarce to be paralell'd 14. She took great delight in reading of the Scripture and some part of it was more sweet to her than her appointed food she would get several choice Scriptures by heart and discourse of them savourly and apply them sutably 15. She was not altogether a stranger to other good Books but would be reading of them with much affection and where she might she noted the Books particularly observing what in the reading did most warm her heart and she was ready upon occasion to improve it 16. One time a woman coming into the house in a great passion spoke of her condition as if none were like hers and it would never be otherwise the Child said it were a strange thing to say when its night it will never be day again 17. At another time a near Relation of hers being in some streights made some complaint to whom she said I have heard Mr. Carter say A man may go to Heaven without a Penny in his Purse but not without Grace in his heart 18. She had an extraordinary love to the people of God and when she saw any that she thought feared the Lord her heart would e'n leap for joy 19. She loved to be much by her self and would be greatly grieved if she were at any time deprived of a coveniency for secret duty she could not live without constant address to God in secret and was not a little pleased when she could go into a corner to pray and weep 20. She was much in praising God and seldom or never complained of any thing but sin 21. She continued in this course of praying and praising of God and great dutifulness and sweetness to her Parents and those that taught her any thing yea she did greatly encourage her Mother while she was a Widow and desired that the absence of a Husband might in some measure be made up by the dutifulness and holiness of a Child She studied all the ways that could be to make her Mothers life sweer 22. When she was between Eleven and Twelve years old she sickned in which she carried it with admirable patience and sweetness and did what she could with Scripture arguments to support and encourage her Relations to part with her that was going to Glory and to prepare themselves to meet her in a blessed Eternity 23. She was not many days sick before she was marked which she first saw her self and was greatly rejoyced to think that she was marked out for the Lord and was now going apace to Christ She called to her Friends and said I am marked but be not troubled for I know I am marked for one of the Lords own One asked her how she knew that She answered the Lord hath told me that I am one of his dear Children And thus she spake with a holy confidence in the Lords love to her soul and was not in the least daunted when she spake of her death but seemed greatly delighted in the apprehension of her nearness to her Fathers house And it was not long before she was filled with joy unspeakable in believing 24. When she just lay a dying her Mother came to her and told her she was sorry that she had reproved and corrected so good a child so oft O Mother said she speak not thus I bless God now I am dying for your reproofs and corrections too for it may be I might have gone to Hell if it had not been for your reproofs and corrections 25. Some of her Neighbours coming to visit her asked her if she would leave them She answered them if you serve the Lord you shall come after me to glory 26. A little before she died she had a great conflict with Satan and cried out I am none of his her Mother seeing her in trouble asked her what was the matter She answered Satan did trouble me but now I think God all is well I know I am none of his but Christs 27. After this she had a great sense of Gods love and a glorious sight as if she had seen the very Heavens open and the Angels come to receive her by which her heart was filled with joy and her tongue with praise 28. Being desired by the standers by to give them a particular account of what she saw she answered you shall know hereafter and so in an extafie of joy and holy triumph she went to Heaven when she was about Twelve years old Hallelujah A Fourth Example of a Child that began to look towards Heaven when she was about four years old with some observable passages in her Life and at her Death 1. A Certain little Child when she was about four years old had a conscientious sense of her duty towards her Parents because the Commandment saith Honour thy Father and thy Mother And though she had little advantage of education she carried it with the greatest reverence to her Parents imaginable so that she was no small credit as well as comfort to them 2. It was no unusual thing for her to weep if she saw her Parents troubled though her self had not been the occasion of it 3. When she came from School she would with grief and abhorrency say that other Children had sinned against God by speaking grievous words which were so bad that she durst not speak them again 4. She would be often times admiring of Gods mercy for so much goodness to her rather than to others that she saw some begging others blind some crooked and that she wanted nothing that was good for her 5. She was many a time and often in one hole or other in tears upon her knees 6. This poor little thing would be ready to counsel other little children how they ought to serve God and putting them upon getting by themselves to pray and hath been known when her friends have been abroad to have been teaching Children to pray especially upon the Lords Day 7. She very seriously begged the Prayers of others that they would remember her that the Lord would give her Grace 8. When this Child saw some that were laughing who she judged to be very wicked She told them that she feared that they had little reason to be so merry They asked whether one might not laugh She answered no indeed till you have grace they who are wicked have more need to cry than to laugh 9. She would say that it was the duty of Parents Masters and Mistresses to reprove those under their charge for sin else God will meet with them 10. She would be very attentive when she read the Scriptures and be much affected with them 11. She would by no means be perswaded to prophane the Lords Day but would spend it in some good Duties 12. When she went to School it was willingly and joyfully and she was very teachable and exemplary to other children 13. When she was taken sick one asked her whether she were willing to
but he would answer such questions as are not in the Catechism with greater understanding than could be expected of one of his age 7. He took great delight in discoursing about the things of God and when my Friend had been either praying or reading expounding or repeating of Sermons he seemed very attentive and ready to receive the truths of God and would with incredible gravity diligence and affection wait till duties were ended to the no small joy and admiration of them which observed him 8. He would ask very excellent questions and discourse about the condition of his soul and heavenly things and seemed mightily concerned what should become of his soul when he should dye so that his discourse made some Christians even to stand astonished 9. He was greatly taken with the great kindness of Christ in dying for sinners and would be in tears at the mention of them and seemed at a strange rate to be affected with the unspeakable love of Christ 10. When no body hath been speaking to him he would burst out into tears and being asked the reason he would say that the very thoughts of Christs love to sinners in suffering for them made him that he could not but cry 11. Before he was six years old he made conscience of a secret duty and when he prayed it was with such extraordinary meltings that his eyes have looked red and sore with weeping by himself for his sin 12. He would be putting of Christians upon spiritual discourse vvhen he savv them and seemed little satisfied unless they vvere talking of good things 13. It s evident That this poor Childs thoughts vvere very much busied about the things of another vvorld for he vvould oftentimes be speaking to his Bed-fellovv as mid-night about the matter of his soul and when he could not sleep he would take heavenly conference to be sweeter than his appointed rest This was his usual custome and thus he would provoke and put forward an experienced Christian to spend waking hours in talk of God and the everlasting rest 14. Not long after this his good Mother died which went very near his heart for he greatly honoured his Mother 15. After the dead of his Mother he would often repeat some of the promises that are made unto Fatherless Children especially that in Exod. 22.22 Ye shall not afflict any Widow or the Fatherless Child if thou afflict them in any wise and they cry at all unto me I will surely hear their cry These words he would often repeat with tears and say I am Fatherless and Motherless upon Earth yet if any wrong me I have a Father in Heaven who will take my part to him I commit my self and in him is all my trust 16. Thus he continued in a course of holy duties living in the fear of God and shewed wonderful grace for a Child and died sweetly in the Faith of Jesus My friend is a judicious Christian of many years experience who was no ways related to him but a constant eye and ear-witness of his godly life and honourable and chearful death from whom I received this information EXAMPLE VII Of a notorious wicked child who was taken up from begging and admirably converted with an account of his holy Life and joyful Death when he was nine years old 1. A Very poor Child of the Parish of Newington-Butts came begging to the door of a dear Christian friend of mine in a very lamentable case so filthy and nasty that he would even have turned ones stomack to have looked on him But it pleased God to raise in the heart of my friend a great pity and tenderness towards this poor child so that in Charity he took him out of the streets whose Parents were unknown who had nothing at all in him to commend him to any ones Charity but his misery My friend eying the glory of God and the good of the immortal soul of this wretched Creature discharged the Parish of the Child and took him as his own designing to bring him up for the Lord Christ A noble piece of Charity And that which did make the kindness far the greater was that there seemed to be very little hopes of doing any good upon this Child for he was a very Monsier of wickedness and a thousand times more miserable and vile by his sin than by his poverty He was running to Hell as soon as he could go and was old in naughtiness when he was young in years and one shall scarce hear of one so like the Devil in his infancy as this poor Child was What sin was there that his age was capable of that he did not commit What by the corruption of his Nature and the abominable example of little beggar boyes he was arrived to a strange pitch of impiety He would call filthy Names take Gods Name in vain curse and swear and do almost all kind of mischief and as to any thing of God worse than an Heathen 2. But his sin and misery was but a stronger motive to that gracious man to pity him and to do all that possibly he could to pluck this fire-brand out of the fire and it was not long before the Lord was pleased to let him understand that he had a design of everlasting kindness upon the Soul of this poor child for no sooner had this good man taken this creature into his house but he prays for him and labours with all his might to convince him of his miserable condition by Nature and to teach him something of God the worth of his own Soul and that Eternity of Glory or Misery that he was born to and blessed be Free-grace it was not long before the Lord was pleased to let him understand that it was himself which put it into his heart to take in this Child that he might bring him up for Christ The Lord soon struck in with his godly instructions so that an amazing change was seen in the Child in a few weeks space he was soon convinced of the evil of his ways no more news now of his calling of Names Swearing or Cursing no more taking of the Lords Name in vain now he is civil and respectful and such a strange alteration was wrought in the child that all the Parish that rung of his villany before was now ready to talk of his reformation his company his talk his imployment is now changed and he is like another creature so that the glory of Gods Free-grace began already to shine in him 3. And this change was not only an eternal one and to be discerned abroad but he would get by himself and weep and mourn bitterly for his horrible wicked life as might easily be perceived by them that lived in the house with him 4. It was the great care of his godly Master to strike in with those convictions which the Lord had made and to improve them all he could and he was not a little glad to see that his labour was not
in vain in the Lord he still experiences that the Lord doth carry on his own work mightily upon the heart of the Child he is still more and more broken under a sense of his undone state by nature he is oft in tears and bemoaning his lost and miserable condition When his Master did speak of the things of God he listened earnestly and took in with much greediness and affection what he was taught Seldom was there any discourse about Soul-matters in his hearing but he heard it as if it were for his life and would weep greatly 5. He would after his Master had been speaking to him or others of the things of God go to him and question with him about them and beg of him to instruct and teach him further and to tell him those things again that he might remember and understand them better 6. Thus he continued seeking after the knowledg of God and Christ and practising holy duties till the sickness came into the house with which the child was smitten at his first sickning the poor child vvas greatly amazed and afraid and though his pains were great and the distemper very tedious yet the sense of his sin and the thoughts of the miserable condition that he feared his soul vvas still in made his trouble ten times greater he was in grievous agonies of spirit and his former sins stared him in the face and made him tremble the poison of Gods Arrows did even drink up his spirits the sense of sin and wrath was so great that he could not tell what in the world to do the weight of Gods displeasure and the thoughts of lying under it to all eternity did even break him to pieces and he did cry out very bitterly what should he do he was a miserable sinner and he feared that he should go to Hell his sins had been so great and so many that there was no hopes for him He was not by far so much concerned for his life as for his Soul what would become of that for ever Now the plague upon his body seemed nothing to that which was in his soul 7. But in this great distress the Lord was pleased to send one to take care for his Soul who urged to him the great and precious promises which were made to one in his condition telling him that there was enough in Christ for the chiefest of sinners and that he came to seek and save such a lost creature as he was But this poor Child found it a very difficult thing for him to believe that there was any mercy for such a dreadful sinner as he had been 8. He was made to cry out of himself not only for his swearing and lying and other outwardly notorious sins but he was in great horrour for the sin of his Nature for the vileness of his heart and original corruption under it he was in so great anguish that the trouble of his spirit made him in a great measure to forget the pains of his body 9. He did very particularly confess and bewail his sins with tears and some sins so secret that none in the world could charge him with 10. He would condemn himself or sin as deserving to have no mercy though that there was not a greater sinner in all London than himself and he abhorred himself as the vilest creature he knew 11. He did not only pray much with strong cries and tears himself but he begged he prayers of Christians for him 12. He would ask Christians whether they thought there were any hopes for him and would beg of them to deal plainly with him for he was greatly afraid of being deceived 13. Being informed how willing and ready the Lord Christ was to accept of poor sinners upon their repentance and turning and being counselled to venture himself upon Christ for mercy and salvation he said he would fain cast himself upon Christ but he could not but wonder how Christ should be willing to dye for such a vile wretch as he was and he found it one of the hardest things in the world to believe 14. But at last it pleased the Lord to give him some small hopes that there might be mercy for him for he had been the chiefest of sinners and he was made to lay a little hold upon such promises as that Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest But O how did this poor boy admire and bless God for the least hopes How highly did he advance free and rich grace that should pity and pardon him and at last he was so full of praise and admiring of God so that to speak in the words of a precious man that was an eye and ear-witness to the praise and glory of God be it spoken the house at that day for all the sickness in it was a little lower Heaven so full of joy and praise 15 The Child grew exceedingly in knowledg experiences patience humility and self-abhorrency and he thought he could never speak bad enough of himself the Name that he would call himself by was a Toad 16. And though he prayed before yet now the Lord poured out upon him the Spirit of prayer in an extraordinary manner for one of his age so that now he prayed more frequently more earnesily more spiritually than ever O how eagerly would he beg to be washed in the Blood of Jesus and that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that was over Heaven and Earth and Sea would pardon and forgive him all his sins and receive his Soul into his Kingdom and what he spoke it was with so much life and fervour of Spirit as that it filled the hearers with astonishment and joy 17. He had no small sense of the use and excellency of Christ and such longings and breathings of his Soul after him that when mention hath been made of Christ he hath been ready almost to leap out of his bed for joy 18. When he was told that if he should recover he must not live as he list but he must give up himself to Christ and to be his Child and Servant to bear his Yoke and be obedient unto his Laws and live a holy life and take his Cross and suffer mocking and reproach it may be persecution for his Name sake Now Child said one to him are you willing to have Christ upon such terms He signified his willingness by the earnestness of his looks and words and the casting up of his eyes to Heaven saying yes with all my Soul the Lord helping me I will do this 19. Yet he had many doubts and fears and was ever and anon harping upon that that though he were willing yet Christ he feared was not willing to accept him because of the greatness of his sin yet his hopes were greater than his fears 20. The Wednesday before he died the Child lay as it were in a trance for about half an hour in which time he thought he saw a
Ministers of the place to be publickly instructed and catechised 2. It pleased the Lord to bless holy education the good example of her Parents and catechising to the good of her Soul so that she soon had a true savour and relish of what she was taught and made an admirable use of it in a time of need as you shall hear afterwards 3. She was a Child of great dutifulness to her Parents and of a very sweet humble spiritual nature and not only the truth but the power and eminency of Religion did shine in her so clearly that she did not only comfort the hearts of her Parents but drew the admiration of all that were witnesses of Gods works of love upon her and may well be proposed as a pattern not only to Children but to persons of riper years 4. She continued in a course of Religious Duties for some considerable time so that her life was more excellent than most Christians but in her last sickness she excelled her self and her deportment was so admirable that partly through wonder and astonishment and partly through sorrow many observable things were past by without committing to paper which deserved to have been written in letters of gold But take these which follow as some of many which were taken from her dying lips and first published by religious and judicious Christians in Dutch afterward translated into Scotch and with a little alteration of the stile for the benefit of English Children brought into this form by me 5. In the month of August 1664. When the Pestilence raged so much in Holland this sweet Child was smitten and as soon as she felt herself very ill she was said to break forth with abundance of sense and feeling in these following words If thy Law were not my delight I should perish in my affliction 6. Her Father coming to her to encourage her in her sickness said to her be of good comfort my Child for the Lord will be near to thee and us under this heavy and sore Trial he will not forsake us though he chasten us Yea father said she our heavenly Father doth Chasten us for our profit that we may be partakers of his holiness no chastisement seemeth for the present to be joyous but grievous but afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness to them which are exercised thereby The Lord is now chastening of me upon this sick bed but I hope he will bless it so to me as to cause it to yield to me that blessed fruit according to the riches of his mercies which fail not 7. After this she spake to God with her eyes lift up to Heaven saying Be merciful to me O Father be merciful to me a sinner according to thy word 8. Then looking upon her sorrowful Parents she said It is said Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee and he will never suffer the righteous to be moved Therefore my dear father and mother cast all your care upon him who causes all things to go well that do concern you 9. Her mother said unto her O my dear child I have no small comfort from the Lord in thee and the fruit of his grace whereby thou hast been so much exercised unto godliness in reading the Word in Prayer and gracious Discourse to the edification of thy self and us The Lord himself who gave thee to us make up this loss if it be his pleasure to take thee away from us 10. Dear mother said she though I leave you and you me yet God will never leave us for it is 〈◊〉 Can a woman forget her sucking Child that she should not have compassion on the fruit of her womb yet will not I forget thee behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands O comfortable words both for mother and children Mark dear Mother how fast the Lord keepes and holdeth his people that he doth even grave them upon the palms of his hands Though I must part with you and you with me yet blessed be God he will never part either from you or me 11. Being weary with much speaking she desired to rest a while but after a little time awaking again her father asked her how it was with her She made no direct answer but asked what day it was her father said it was the Lords day Well then said she have you given up my name to be remembred in the publick Prayers of the Church Her father told her he had I have learnt said she that the effectual fervent Prayer of the righteous availeth much 12. She had a very high esteem for the faithful Ministers of Christ and much desired their company where she was but knowing the hazards that such a visit might expose them and the Church to she would by no means suffer that the Ministers should come near her person but chose rather to throw her self upon the armes of the Lord and to improve that knowledge she had in the Word and her former experience and the visits of private Christians and those which the Church had appointed in such cases to visit and comfort the sick 13. One of those which came to visit her was of very great use to her to comfort her and lift her up in some measure above the fears of death 14. Though young she was very much concerned for the interest of God and Religion for Gospel Ministers and for the Sins and the Decay of the power of Godliness in her own Countrey which will further appear by what may follow 15. Her father coming in to her found her in an extraordinary passion of weeping and askt her what was the cause of her great sorrow She answered have I not cause to weep when I hear that Domine de Wit was taken sick this day in his Pulpit and went home very ill Is not this a sad sign of Gods displeasure to our Countrey when God smiteth such a faithful Pastor 16. She had a high valuation of God and could speak in David's language whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none on earth that I can desire in comparison of thee She was much lifted up above the fears of Death what else was the meaning of such expressions as these O how do I long even as the Heart panteth after the water brooks so my soul panteth after thee O God for God the living God when shall I come and appear before God 17. She was a great hater of sin and did with much grief and self-abhorrency reflect upon it but that which lay most upon her heart was the Corruption of her Nature and Original Sin How oft would she cry out in the words of the Psalmist Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me and I was altogether born in sin She could never lay her self low enough under a sense of that Original Sin which she brought with her into the world 18. She spake many things very judiciously of the
old man and putting it off and of the new man and putting that on which shewed that she was no stranger to conversion and that she in some measure understood what Mortification Self-denial and taking up of her Cross and following of Christ meant That Scripture was much in her mouth The sacrifices of God are a contrite heart a broken and a contrite spirit O God thou wilt not despise That brokenness of heart said she which is built upon and flows from faith and that faith which is built upon Christ who is the proper and alone Sacrifice for Sin These are her own words 19. Afterwards she desired to rest and when she had slumbred a while she said O dear father and Mother how weak do I feel my self My dear Child said her father God will in his tender mercy strengthen thee in thy weakness Yea father said she that is my confidence For it is said The bruised reed he will not break and the smoking flax he will not quench 20. Then she discoursed excellently of the nature of Faith and desired that the eleventh of the Hebrews should be read unto her at the reading of which she cryed out O what a stedfast loyal faith was that of Abraham which made him willing to offer up his own and only Son Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen 21. Her Father and Mother hearing her excellent discourse and seeing her admirable carriage burst out into abundance of tears upon which she pleaded with them to be patient and content with the hand of God O said she why do you weep at this rate over me seeing I hope you have no reason to question but if the Lord take me out of this miserable world it shall be well with me to all eternity You ought to be well satisfied seeing it is said God is in heaven and doth whatsoever pleaseth him and do you not pray every day that the Will of God may be done upon earth as it is in heaven Now farther this is Gods will that I should lie upon this sick bed and of this disease shall we not be content when our Prayers are answered Would not your extreme sorrow be murmuring against God without whose good pleasure nothing comes to pass Although I am struck with this sad disease yet because it is the will of God that doth silence me and I will as long as I live pray that Gods will may be done and not mine 22. Seeing her Parents still very much moved she further argued with them from the Providence of God which had a special hand in every common thing much more in the disposal of the lives of men and women Are not two Sparrows sold for a farthing and not one of them falls to the ground without our heavenly Father Yea the hairs of our head are all numbred therefore fear not you are of more value than many Sparrows Adversity and Prosperity they are both good Some things seem evil in our eyes but the Lord turns all to the good of them which are his 23. She came then to speak particularly concerning the Plague Doth not said she the Pestilence come from God why else doth the Scripture say shall there be evil in the City which I have not sent What do those people mean which say the Pestilence comes from the Air Is not the Lord the Creator and Ruler of the Air and are not the Elements under his Government Or if they say it comes from the Earth hath he not the same power and influence upon that too What talk they of a Ship that came from Africa have we not read long ago together out of Lev. 26.25 I shall bring a sword upon you and avenge the quarrel of my covenant and when you are assembled in the Cities then will I bring the pestilence in the midst of you 24. After this having taken some little rest she said O now is the day for the opening of the first question of the Catechism and if we were there we should hear that whether in death or life a Believer is Christs who hath redeemed us by his own precious blood from the power of the Devil and then she quoted Rom. 14.7 8. For none of us liveth unto himself and none of us dieth to himself For whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die unto the Lord whether then we live or die we are the Lords Then be comforted for whether I live or die I am the Lords O why do you afflict your selves thus but what shall I say with weeping I came into the world and with weeping I must go out again O my dear Parents better is the day of my death than the day of my birth 25. When she had thus encouraged her Father and Mother she desired her Father to pray with her and to request of the Lord that she might have a quiet and peaceable passage into another world 26. After her father had prayed for her he asked her whether he should send for the Physician she answered by no means for I am now beyond the help of Doctors But said he my Child we are to use the ordinary means appointed by the Lord for our help as long as we live and let the Lord do as seemeth good in his eyes But said she give me the heavenly Physician he is the only helper doth not he say Come unto me ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give ye rest and doth not he bid us call upon him in the day of distress and he will deliver us and we shall glorifie him Therefore dear father call upon him yet again for me 27. About this time a Christian friend came in to visit her who was not a little comforted when he heard and saw so much of the grace of God living in a poor young thing which could not but so far affect him as to draw tears of joy and admiration from him and her deportment was so teaching that he could not but acknowledg himself greatly edifi'd and improv'd by her carriage and language 28. That which was not the least observable in her was the ardent affection she had for the holy Scriptures and her Catechism in which she was throughly instructed by the godly Divines of the place where she lived which she could not but own as one of the greatest mercies next the Lord Christ O how did she bless God for her Catechism and beg of her Father to go particularly to those Ministers that had taken so much pains with her to instruct her in her Catechism and to thank them from her a dying Child for their good instructions and to let them understand for their encouragement to go on in that work of Catechising how refreshing those truths were now to her in the hour of her distress O that sweet catechising said she unto which I did always resort with gladness and attended without weariness 29. She was
much above the vanities of the world and took no pleasure at all in those things which usually take up the heart and time of young ones She would say that she was grieved and ashamed both for young and old to see how glad and mad they were upon vanity and how foolishly they spent their time 30. She was not forgetful of the care and love of her Master and Mistress which taught her to read and work but she desired that thanks might also be particularly given to them Indeed she thought she could never be thankful enough both to God and man for that kindness that she had experience of But again and again she desired to be sure to thank the Ministers that instructed her either by catechising or preaching 31. After some rest her Father askt her again how she did and began to express somewhat of that satisfaction and joy that he had taken in her former diligence in her reading the Scriptures and writing and her dutifulness and that great progress that she had made in the things of God upon which she humbly and sweetly desired to own God and his kindess in her godly education and said that she esteemed her holy education under such Parents and Ministers as a greater portion than ten thousand Gilders for thereby I have learned to comfort my self out of the Word of God which the World besides could never have afforded 32. Her Father perceiving her to grow very weak said I perceive Child thou art very weak It is true Sir said she I feel my weakness increaseth and I see your sorrow increasing too which is a piece of my affliction be content I pray you it is the Lord which doth it and let you and I say with David Let us fall into the Lords hands for his mercies are great 33. She laid a great charge upon her Parents not to be over-grieved for her after her death urging that of David upon them while the Child was sick he fasted and wept but when it died he washed his face and sat up and eat and said Can I bring him back again from death I shall go to him but he shall not return to me So ought you to say after my death our Child is well for we know it shall be well with them that trust in the Lord. She did lay a more particular and streight charge upon her mother saying to her dear mother who have done so much for me you must promise me one thing before I die and that is that you will not sorrow over-much for me I speak thus to you because I am afraid of your great affection consider others Losses what they have been Remember Job forget not what Christ foretold In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer in me you shall have peace and must the Apostles suffer so great tribulation and must we suffer none Did not Jesus Christ my only Life and Saviour sweat drops of blood Was he not in a bitter agony mocked spit at nailed to the Cross and a Spear thrust thorow his blessed side and all this for my sake for my stinking sins sake did not he cry out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Did not Christ hang naked upon the Cross to purchase for me the garments of salvation and to cloth me with his righteousness for there is Salvation in no other name 34. Being very feeble and weak she said O if I might quietly sleep in the bosome of Jesus and that till then he would strengthen me O that he would take me into his arms as he did those little ones where he said Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven and he took them into his arms and laid his hands on them and blessed them I lie here as a child O Lord I am thy Child receive me into thy gracious arms O Lord grace grace and not justice for if thou shouldest enter into judgment with me I cannot stand yea none living should be just in thy sight 35. After this she cryed out O how faint am I but fearing least she should dishearten her mother she said while there is life there is hope If it should please the Lord to recover me how careful would I be to please you in my work and learning and whatsoever you should require of me 36. After this the Lord did again send her strength and she laboured to spend it all for Christ in the awakening edifying and comforting of those that were about her but her chiefest endeavour was to support her dear Parents from extraordinary sorrow and to comfort them out of the Scriptures telling them that she knew that all things did work together for the good of them that did love God even to those which are called according to his purpose O God establish me with thy free Spirit Who shall separate us from the love of Christ I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shall separate us from the love of God which is towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord. My sheep saith Christ hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and no man shall pluck them out of my hands My Father who gave them me is greater than all and none shall pull them out of my Fathers hands Thus she seemed to attain a holy confidence in God and an assurance of her state as to another world 37. When she had a little refreshed her self with rest she burst forth with abundance of joy and gladness of heart with a holy triumph of faith saying out Death is swallowed up of victory O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God who hath given us the victory through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 38. That she might the better support her friends she still insisted upon that which might take off some of their burden by urging the necessity of death We are from the earth and to the earth we must return is the mother of us all the dust shall Dust turn to dust from whence it is and the Spirit to God which gave it 39. The She discoursed of the shortness of mans life O what is the life of man the days of man upon the earth are as the grass and the flowers of the field so he flourisheth the wind passeth over it and it is no more and his place knows him no more 40. She further urged the sin and sorrow that did attend us in this life and the longer we live the more we sin now the Lord will free me from that sin and sorrow We know not the thoughts of God yet we do know so much that they are mercy
the evening in the fourteenth year of her age having obtained that which she so oft intreated of the Lord a quiet and easie departure and the end of her faith the salvation of her soul Example XII Of the excellent carriage of a Child upon his death bed when but seven years old IAcoh Bicks the Brother of Susannah Bicks was born in Leiden in the year 1657. and had religious education under his godly Parents the which the Lord was pleased to sanctifie to his Conversion and by it lay in excellent provisions to live upon in an hour of distress 2. This sweet little Child was visited of the Lord of a very fore Sickness upon the sixth of August 1664. three or four weeks before his Sister of whose life and death we have given you some account already in his distemper he was for the most part very sleepy and drousie till near his death but when he did wake he was wont still to fall a praying 3. Once when his Parents had prayed with him they asked him if they should once more send for the Physician No said he I will have the Doctor no more the Lord will help me I know he will take me to himself and then he shall help all 4. Ah my dear child said his Father that grieveth my heart Well said the Child Father let us pray and the Lord shall be near for my helper 5. When his Parents had prayed with him again he said come now dear Father and Mother and kiss me I know that I shall die 6. Farewell dear Father and Mother Farewell dear sister farewell all Now shall I go to heaven unto God and Jesus Christ and the holy angels Father know you not what is said by Jeremiah Blessed is he who trusteth in the Lord now I trust in him and he will bless me And in 1 John 2. it is said Little Children love not the world for the world passeth away 7. Away then all that is in the world away with all my pleasant things in the world away with my Dagger for where I go there is nothing to do with Daggers and Swords men shall not fight there but praised God Away with all my books there shall I know sufficiently and be learned in all things of true wisdom without books 8. His Father being touched to hear his child speak at this rate could not well tell what to say but my dear child the Lord will be near thee and uphold thee 9. Yea Father said he the Apostle Peter saith God resisteth the proud but he giveth grace to the humble I shall humble my self under the mighty hand of God and the shall help and lift me up 10. O my dear child said his Father hast thou so strong a faith 11. Yea said the Child God hath given me so strong a faith upon himself through Jesus Christ that the Devil himself shall flee from me for it is said He who believeth in the Son hath everlasting life and he hath overcome the wicked one Now I believe in Jesus Christ my Redeemer and he will not leave or forsake me but shall give unto me eternall life and then I shall sing holy holy holy is the Lord of Sabbath 12. Then with a short word of Prayer Lord be merciful to me a poor sinner he quietly breathed out his Soul and sweetly slept in Jesus when he was about seven years old He died August 8. 1664. Hallelujah Example XIII Of one that began to look towards Heaven when he was very young with many eminent passages of his life and his joyful death when he was eleven years and three quarters old 1. Iohn Harvy was born in London in the year 1654. His Father was a Dutch Merchant he was piously educated under his virtuous mother and soon began to suck in divine things with no small delight 2. The first thing very observable in him was that when he was two years and eight months old he could speak as well as other children do usually at five years old 3. His Parents judging that he was then a little to young to send out to school let him have his liberty to play a little about their yard but instead of playing he found out a school of his own accord hard by home and went to the school-Mistriss and intreated her to teach him to read and so he went for some time to school without the knowledge of his Parents and made a very strange progress in his learning was able to read distinctly before most Children are able to know their letters 4. He was wont to ask many serious and weighty questions about matters which concerned his soul and Eternity 5. His Mother being greatly troubled upon the death of one of his Uncles this Child came to his Mother and said Mother though my Uncle be dead doth not the Scripture say he must rise again yea and I must die and so must every body and it will not be long before Christ will come to judge the world and then we shall see one another again I pray Mother do not weep so much This grave Counsel he gave his Mother when he was not quite five years old by which her sorrow for her Brother was turned into admiration at her Child and she was made to sit silent and quiet under that smarting stroke 9. After this his Parents removed to Aberdeen in Scotland and setled their Child under an able and a painful School Master there whose custome was upon the Lords day in the morning to examine his schollers concerning the Sermons that they had heard the former Lords day and to add some other questions which might try the understanding and knowledge of his Schollers the question that was once proposed to his form was whether God had a mother none of all the Schollars could answer it till it came to John Harvy who being asked whether God had a Mother answered no as he was God he could not have a Mother but as he was man he had this was before he was quite six years old His Master was somewhat amazed at the Childs answer and took the first opportunity to go to his Mother to thank her for instructing her Son so well but she replyed that he was never taught that from her but that he understood it by reading and his own observation 7. He was a Child that was extraordinary inquisitive and full of good questions and very careful to observe and remember what he heard 8. He had a great hatred of whatsoever he knew to be displeasing to God and was so greatly concerned for the honour of God that he would take on bitterly if that any gross sins were committed before him And he had a deep sense of the worth of Souls and was not a little grieved when he saw any one do that which he knew was dangerous to their Souls 9. One day seeing one of his near Relations come into his Fathers House distemper'd with drink as he thought he quickly