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A45354 A defence of revealed religion in six sermons upon Rom. I, 16 : wherein it is clearly and plainly shown that no man can possibly have any real ground or reason to be ashamed of Christianity / by Henry Hallywell. Hallywell, Henry, d. 1703? 1694 (1694) Wing H459; ESTC R26653 55,183 216

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was the Reason the Gauls gave for their Sacrificing of Men Pro vitâ hominum nisi vita hominis reddatur non posse Deorum Immortalium Numen placari arbitrabantur i. e. They thought the Anger of God could not otherwise be averted unless the Life of some Man were offered as a Piacular Sacrifice for the safety of the rest Now our Lord by his Death extricated Men from this insulting Pride and Cruelty of the Devil in his barbarous Usage and infinite Contempt of humane Race and the sheding of his Blood became a real Propitiatory Sacrifice to appease the Anger of GOD and to obtain Terms of Reconciliation and Peace with him for all his lapsed Brethren 4. It is highly reasonable that this Preacher of Righteousness the Person who should undertake to bring back the strayed Souls of Men to their Obedience to God should have all Power committed into his hands both in Heaven and Earth For since he humbled himself so far as to take upon him the form of a Servant and vilifi'd his own Life in comparison of that great benefit that would accrue to the World by his laying it down and submitted to the ignominious and accursed Death of the Cross Divine Justice was concerned to Reward these Exinanitions with a proportionable Glory And that he might be instated in a capacity to Reward his faithful Friends and Adherents and Punish his refractary and stubborn Enemies it became necessary that he should have the Government of Heaven and Earth put into his hands For this is a great Security to us That our Lord is able to make good whatever he has promised to his Servants and a powerful Encouragement to us to persevere and go on to the end in Vertue though we pass through many Troubles and Afflictions And being thus made God's Vicegerent we cannot doubt but he will order all Affairs of the World for the good of his Church and at last remarkably Triumph over all the Powers of Darkness You see now the reasonableness and becommingness of the Frame of Religion and how suitable and agreeable it is to our Capacities and Necessities All which when St. Paul had considered he breaks out into a kind of Admiration Rom. 11.33 O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his ways past finding out GOD being an infinite Wisdom has various ways and methods of Governing and Ordering his Creatures far above our shallow Comprehensions But the way of recovering Men is that which he has made choice of and discovered to us by Jesus Christ in which there are such easie compliances with those inveterate Prejudices the World laboured under and such apt Condescentions to Humane Nature as when the whole Frame and Contexture is laid open to an entire view we cannot wonder that the Angels desire to look into it Which plainly shews that Religion is no confused Jumble or Nonsence but a Contrivance wherein appears the greatest Art and highest Wisdom in the World And if all sober Persons admire the infinite Wisdom of God in the Works of Nature as the creation of the Sun Moon and Stars they have much more reason to stand amazed at this great Work of the New Creation or recovery of Mens Souls to their first and Original Happiness And if we can give a satisfactory Account of the Order and Management of the several Phaenomena of Providence in the natural World so in like manner there is a very reasonable Defence to be made for the Contrivance and Conduct of Affairs in the Moral A DEFENCE OF Revealed Religion SERMON III. ROM I. 16. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ THat there is no unreasonableness in the Frame and Composition of Christianity but that it is infinitely agreeable and suitable to our Case and Necessities we have clearly demonstrated It remains now that we show with the same Plainness that there is nothing disagreeing with sound Reason in the Doctrines contained in it that so we may see that upon neither of these two Accounts we have any cause to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ The Doctrines of Christianity consist either 1. Of such things as are to be believed as Articles of Faith Or 2. Of such things as are commanded as Duties and Matters of our Practice Or 3. Of Promises of great Rewards to them that shall be Obedient and severe Punishments and Threatnings to the Stubborn and Rebellious who refuse to walk according to those Rules laid down in the Gospel As to the Articles of Faith we shall briefly run over some of the chief of them that it may appear how consonant they are to the light of our own Reasons and Understandings That our blessed Saviour should be born in an unusual and extraordinary manner of a pure and immaculate Virgin that there should be an Apparition of Angels at his Birth that the Wise Men of the East should have notice and come to see him are all things so highly becoming that we should wonder if the same or something like them had not been done For our Lord being to be the greatest Person that ever appeared in the World and being designed to be the fairest Copy of a Holy and Pure Life and to correct all the carnal Exorbitances and Corporeal Impurities in which Mankind wallowed as if their only Felicity had consisted in the highest and rankest Exercise of their Animal Powers it was very agreeable that his Birth should be different from the common manner And that he should have no other Father but God was a way very suitable to gain a greater Authority to those Holy Precepts that he should deliver to the World this being the universal Sence of Mankind that there is the greatest Reverence due to what any Person nearly related to God communicates And that the Angels should usher in his wonderful Nativity with a solemn Anthem is no more than what served to enhance and set forth the Eminency Value and Dignity of his Person who was to be the great Prince of Angels as well as Men and in that Christ was designed to be the Hope of all the ends of the Earth and the Person in whom the Gentiles should trust though the Magi or Wise-Men intended no such thing yet it may well seem a Prefiguration of that chearful Submission the Gentile World should yield to him as their Prince and Redeemer so soon as he should come to be manifested to them And that Christ should appear in the World like one of us Cloathed with Flesh and Blood is more suitable to our State and Condition than if God should speak by an Angel or a Voice from Heaven For since many Troubles Afflictions and Tribulations attend us in our way to Immortality it cannot but be a greater encouragement to us to bear them with Patience when we see our most Holy and Innocent Lord suffer a World of Reproaches and Indignities and much hard usage
we behold our Lord casting out Devils does it not assure us that he has Power over the dark Kingdom and that if we will submit to his Gracious Laws he will at last bruise Satan under our Feet When we see him by his Commanding and All-powerful Word raising the Dead it cannot but beget in us a strong Faith and Trust in him that though we die and our places know us no more yet his Power which is able to subdue all things unto it self can and will recover us again to Life and at last swallow up Death in Victory Thus it is plain that though we are not called to imitate our Saviour in those Actions wherein he stood as a Publick Person nor in those which he performed chiefly to show that he came from GOD yet there is a great and a good use to be made of every one of them recorded in the Gospel But that which more nearly concerns us is that there are certain Things wherein the Example of Christ is proposed as a fair Copy for our Imitation and to which we ought to conform our selves And these are all those things wherein he came to exhibit to Mankind a most perfect and compleat draught of a Divine Life and Nature and which it is the Design of GOD in the Gospel to make us Partakers of As namely a firm and unshaken Faith in the Goodness and Power of GOD that he is both able and willing to reduce and bring us back to himself and that nothing shall fail of all the Good that he hath promised Moreover we are enjoyned to follow our blessed Redeemer in the Purity and Sanctity of his Life by keeping our selves unspotted from the World and the Flesh And then that we imitate him in his wonderful and exemplary Humility who being as the Apostle speaks Phil. 2.6 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cloathed with Celestial Light and Glory and possessed of all the Happiness of those Immortal Regions yet emptied himself and took upon him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the form of a Servant or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the likeness and fashion of Man that is he came into these Earthly Regions took upon him a Humane Body and was made a Man who is really 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Servant of Corruption in this Terrestrial State And lastly We are to follow the Example of our Lord and Saviour in an universal and un-self-interessed Love who was not contented to be happy alone but died to recover the rest of his strayed Brethren Here is the fair Image and Resemblance of that Divine Life our Lord Jesus came to propagate upon Earth and to which we ought all to be conformed according to that excellent Pattern that he has laid before us 5. To the intent that the things which pertain to Life and Godliness may be vigorously pursued and all Sin and Vice discountenanced and banished the great and last Day of Judgment is made known to us When the fixt and determinate Time is come wherein GOD thinks fit to put an end to the Generations of Men and all sorts of Animals by the Conflagration of this Terrestrial Globe then shall Jesus Christ visibly descend from Heaven with the sound of a Trumpet and the voice of an Arch-angel accompanied with innumerable Bands and Squadrons of the Heavenly Militia and every individual Person that has lived in the World since Adam to that very time shall visibly appear before him And as the Angels rescued Lot from that particular Burning of Sodom and the rest of the Cities of the Plain so these officious Spirits shall be imployed by their great Prince and Head Christ Jesus to gather his Elect from the four Winds from one end of Heaven to the other and save them from this universal Burning that shall at once seize upon this lower World For then by the mighty Power and Word of him that created all things the subterraneous Treasures of Fire shall be opened which meeting with those fierce and penetrating Fires wherewith the whole Vault of Heaven is enflam'd with their joint and united force will melt and dissolve all Terrestrial Mixtures and Combinations and compleat that Sulphureous Lake and external Hell which was of old prepared for the Devil and his Angels By all which we see the mighty efficacy of the Gospel and what powerful means it is furnished withal to reclaim Men from their Sins and fit them for an eternal Happiness in another World A DEFENCF OF Revealed Religion SERMON VI. ROM I. 16. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ THE usefulness and serviceableness of the Christian Doctrine for the promoting the Immortal Happiness of Men having been fully shown in the preceeding Discourse and likewise the suitableness strength and efficacy of the Arguments contained in it to that end and Purpose we shall now as a Conclusion of all show that Christianity is highly conducing to the happiness of Mankind in reference to this Life and that there cannot be a better way for any Person to live happily in this World than by a due and sincere Observation of the Laws and Commands of Christ Jesus And that this may appear easie and natural we need but take an Inventory of all those good things that this our Earthly State is capable of and we shall find that the due observance of Christ's Commands is the most proper means both for their Acquisition and Continuance The Blessings then of this Life are such as either relate to the publick or such as concern every particular Man's Person The publick Blessings are 1. Peace Let us see now how excellently well Religion provides for this Our blessed Saviour the Prince of Peace came to unite and cement all Christians into one Body to heal the Distempers of Mankind and to make all the jarring Principles of the World chime together And if Men were conformed to his Example and put in practice his Commands there would be no occasion of Disturbances no Animosities or Contentions but an universal Calm would overspread the Earth and this World would shine out into a perfect Heaven From whence come Wars and Fightings among you says the Apostle James 4.1 From whence is it all the Troubles and Confusions of the World flow Come they not of your Lusts that War in your Members And Solomon assures us Prov. 13.10 that it is only by Pride Contention comes Here is the source of all the Miseries that Mankind now groans under For when Mens Lusts and Passions become exorbitant they raise unequal and convulsive Motions in the Body Politick as the undue Fermentation of the Humours in the natural Body often produces dangerous effects It is Mens unbridled Appetites which Religion came to correct that makes them murmur and repine against the present Settlement of the Nation though the greatest Blessings that we can hope for here both for our selves and our Posterity are the most likely to be derived from hence These unruly