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A16347 Incipit Speculum vite Cristi; Meditationes vitae Christi. English. Love, Nicholas, fl. 1410.; Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274, attributed name. 1494 (1494) STC 3261; ESTC S111579 210,740 291

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lady to syte on a suppoylle to leene to and so that the lady of al the worlde in that symple aray besyde the cratche hauynge hir mylde mode and hir louely eyen wyth hir inwarde affeccion vpon hir der worth swete childe But in thys poure symple worldly arraye what ghostly Rychesse and inward comforte Joye she had may no tonge telle wherfore yf ye wylle fele the true Joye comforte of Jhesu we must with hym and ▪ with his moder loue pouerte mekenes and bodily penaunce as he Primum de pauper ●ate gaf vs ensample of all these here in thys byrth and first comynge in to thys world For of the fyrste that is pouerte saynt Bernard in a sermon of the natyuite of our lord tellyng how she was borne to cōforte of mankynde seith in thys maner Goddes sone cōforteth his peple wolt thou knowe his people that is of whome speketh Dauid in the Sauter and seith Lord to the is bilefte the poure peple And he hym self sayth in the Gospel woo to you Ryche men that hauē youre comforte here How shold he comforte hem that hauen here Nota bent her owne cōforte wherfor Crystes Innocence childhode cōforteth not Janglers grete spekers Crystes wepyng teres comforteth not dysolute laughers His symple clothyng conforteth not hem that gone in proude clothynge his trable racke comforteth not hem that louen firste setes and worldly worshyppes And also the Aūgels in Cristes Natiuite appierynge to the wakyng sheepherdes comforten none other but poure traueyllers and to hem tellē they the Joye of newe lyghte not to the Ryche men that hauē her Joye comfort here Also as to the seconde we may see at this byrthe bothe in Criste and in his moder parfyte mekenes For thei were not S 〈…〉 squeymoꝰ of the stable ne of the bestes ne of heye other suche abiecte symplenes But this vertue of mekenes bothe 〈…〉 oure lord our lady kepten parfytely in al their dedes commended it soueraynly to vs. wherfore be we aboute with all oure myght to gete this vertue knowyng that without it is no sauacion For there is noo werke or dede of vs that maye please god with pryde Also as to the thyrdde we maye see in hem bothe and namely in the child Jhesu not a lytyl bodyly penaūce Of the whiche saint bernard sayth thus Goddes sone T 〈…〉 C●rpets lie 〈…〉 Bernard see 〈◊〉 〈…〉 whan he wold be borne that had in his owne free will to chese what tyme he wold take therto he chese that tyme that was moost noious harde as the colde wynter namely to a yonge childe a poure womās sone y● scarscely had clothes to wrappe hym in a racke as for a cradel to leye hym in yet though ther was so mykel nede I fynde no mynde of furrys or pilches And sythē Cryste that is no begyler chace that is most hard to fleshe sothely that is best moost prouffytable rather to be chosen and who soo techeth or byddeth other he is as a fals deceyuour to be fledde forsaken All thys sayth saint ▪ Bernard and thus moche of these vertues at thys tyme Go we now ferthermor to speke of the forsayde blessyd natyuyte of Cryst what tyme that oure lord was so borne the grete company of Aungels that there were honoryng worshyppyng her lord god wente anone to the sheepherdes that were there besyde about a myle fro Bethleem tellyng hem the ▪ byrthe of her sauyour and also the place therof by one of them appierynge wtyh grete lyght perauenture Gabriel that was special messager of this werke And therwyth al that multitude of Aūgels token vp that newe Joyeful songe sayeng as the gospel telleth in these wordes Joye wythoute ende aboue in alther hyhest heuen to God and in erthe pees to alle men that ben of good wyll And so with that Joyeful songe my kel myrth they wenten vp in to heuene tellyng their other ●e lawes these newe Joyeful tydynges of their lordes blessyd byrthe wherof all the Courte of heuene Joyeful glad mor̄ than tong can telle or herte thynke makyng a solempne feste and deuoutly thankyng the fader Almyghty god ▪ as we may deuoutly thinke ymagine comē al after by ordre to see that louely face of goddes sone theyr lorde with grete reuerence worshyppynge hym his blessyd moder Here to accordynge speketh the apostel saynt Paule in his pystle Ad Hebreos sa yenge that when the fader of heuene brought his fyrste gotē sone in to this worlde he badde that all the Aūgels of God shold worshyppe hym Also the herdmen after the Aūgels we ren passid fro them camen worshyppiden this child tellyng openly what they herden of the Aungels his dere moder as she that was soueraynly wyse wytty took good hede of all that was done kepte pryuely in hyr herte al the wordes that were spoken of her blessyd sone Thus mykel and in thys maner we maye haue in comtēplacyon touchyng the processe of the blessyd Natyuyte of our lord Jhesus And ferthermore touchyng the solempuyte of thys feste and thys hyhe daye we shold haue in mynde that thys daye is borne the kyng of blysse and the sone of Almyghty god lorde of all lordes and maker and gouenour of all the world whos name is cleped specially prynce of pees for by hym was made that grete endeles pees that is told before the Incarnacōn wherfor this daye the Angels songen that Joyeful songe Gloria in excel sis deo as it is sayd before this day as holy chirche syngeth in the masse after the prophecye of ysaye A child is borne to vs that is lyke to vs in his manhede and a sone is yeuen to vs that is euen to the fader of heuen in his godhede Also thys day the sone of ryghtwysnes that was fyrste vnder cloude spred de openly his beames of mercy the lyghte of his grace in al the world And so this day was sene that blessid newe syȝt that neuer ere was sene in erthe that is to say god almyȝty in mānes lykenes This day also befell tho two kyndes that passen all kynde al men̄es wytte the whiche may al only be cōceyued thorugh trwe byleue that is to saye that god is borne a maydē without sorowe or blemysshyng of hir maydenhede hath borne a childe wherfore thys day had she that seconde souerayn Joye in felyng done in dede that she yaf feyth to spoken before behyȝt of the angel of hir conceyuyng so to al mākynd this day is of grete Joye a grete fest both of god almyghty of his blessid moder mary as it is sayd before in the feste of the Incarnacōn for all the skylles that there were said began̄e here more playnly fulfylled Joyne that to this than it wylle shewe pleynly In token also and in wytnesse of this
●ernard his lord was come before and there he fonde all the holy Trimen or his messager For thou shalt vnderstonde that thys blessid Incarnacion was the hyhe werke of all the holy Trinite though hit so be that only the persone of the sone was Incarnate become man But now beware here that thou erre not in Imaginacōn of god of the holy Trinite supposynge that these thre persones the fader the sone and the holy ghost ben as thre erthely men that thou feest with thy bodyli eye whiche ben thre dyuerse substaūces eche departed fro other so that none of hem is other Nay it is not so in thys ghostly substūce of the holy Trynyte For tho thre persones ben one substaūce and one god and yet is ther none of these persones other But yet may thou not vnderstōde by man̄es reason ne conceyue with thy bodyly wytte And therfore take here a generall doctrine in this mater now for algate what tyme thou herest or thynkest of the Trynyte or of the godhede or of ghoostly creatures as Aungels or soules the whiche thou mayst not see in her propre kynde with thy bodyly eye ne fele with thy bodyly wytte studye not to fer in that mater occupye not thy wytte therwith as thou woldest vnderstōde it by bodyly reson For it wylle not be whyle we be in thys boisto● body lyuyng here in erthe And therfore whan thou herest ony suche thyng in byleue that passeth thi kindely reson trowe soth fastly that it is soth as holy chirche techeth goo no ferther And so thou shalt bileue in thys mater of the Incarnacōn that the second persone in trynyte Goddes sone of henene come in to the erthe tooke flesshe and blood of the blessyd vyrgyne Mary and become veray man yet was he neuer departed fro the fader or the holy ghost in his godhede but euer was dwelling stylle with hem one very god in heuen But now for to goo to oure purpos of the Incarnacion before sayd take hede haue in mynde as thou were present in the pryue chā●er af our lady where the holy Trynyte is present with his Aungel gabriel O lorde what how 's is that where suche ghestes ben suche thynges ben done For though that the holy Trynyte is euer where by presēce of his god hede Neuertheles thou maist thynke vnderstonde that he is there in a more special maner by reson of hys hyhe werke of the Incarnacion Gabriel that entred in to Maries chambre that was stoken fro men but not fro aungels as saynt Bernard sayth knelynge wyth reuerence beganne his message in these wordes and said Heyle ful of grace oure lord is with the blessyd be thou in wymen or aboue all wymen Mary than herynge this message thys newe gretynge that she neuer herd before was astonyed and abasshed and nought answerde but thought what gretynge thys myghte be She was not abasshet or troublet by ony vycious or synfull distourblynge ne agaste of his presence for was wonte to Aungels presence to the syghte of hem but as the gospel sayth she was astonyed in his worde that was a newe gretynge For he was neuer wonte be fore to grete her in that maner And for as moche as in that gretynge she sawe her self cōmended praysed specially in thre grete thynges in that she was parfyghtely meke she must nedes be abasshed in that hyhe gretynge For she was commēded that she was sul of grace that oure lord was with her y● she was blessyd aboue all wym̄en And for as moche as the parfyȝte meke maye not here his praysynge withoute abasshement shamefastnes Therfore she was abasshed astonyed wyth an honeste shamefastnes and also with drede for though she trowed wel that the Aūgel said sothe Neuertheles she drede his word for as mykel as they that ben parfytely meke haue that propirte that they rewarde not her owne vertues but rather taken hede to their owne defaultes where thorugh they mowen a●gate profyte vertuously holdyng in hem self a grete vertue lytyl and a lytyl defaulte grete And so as wyse and were as shamefast and dredeful she helde her pees ansuerd not Here mayst thou take ensample of Mary fyrst to loue so lytary prayer and departyng fro men that thou mayst be worthy Aungels presence And ferthermore lore of wisdome to here or thou speke and for to kepe scylēce and loue lytyl speche For that is a ful grete and proutfytable vertue For marye herde firste the Aungel twyes speke or she wold answere ones ageyne And therfore hit is an abhominable thyng and grete repreef to a mayden or vyrgyne to be a grete iangler namely a Relygyous Ferthermore after the gospel the aūgel beholdyng her semblaūce and knowynge the cause of hir abasshemente and drede answerd to hir thoughte and spake more homely callynge hyr by name sayd Drede thou not Marye and be thou not abasshed or ashamed of y● praysing that I haue grete the with for so is y● trouthe and not only thou arte ful of grace in thy self but also thou hast founden speciall grace of god and recouerd grace to al mankynde Bernar● For why Loo thou shalt cōceyue bere a chylde thou shalt calle his name Jhesus that betokeneth sauyour for he shall saue fro synne dampnacōn al his peple that trewely hopen in hym ¶ Here sayth saint Bernard God graūte that my lord Jhesus vouchesauf to nombre me amonge his peple so that he saue me fro my synnes For sothely I drede that many Not● shewen hem as they were of his peple the whiche he knoweth not ne hath not as his people And as I drede he maye saye to many that semen in his peple more religyous more holy than other this people worshippeth me wyth lyppes but sothely her herte is ful ferre fro me But wolt thou knowe where thou be of his peple or wylt thou be of his people do● that our lord Jhesus bydeth in the Gospel and the lawe the prophetes and also that he byddeth by his mynystres and be Bernar● buxome to his vykers y● ben in holy chirche thy soueraines not only good and wel lyuynge but also shrewes and euylle lyuynge And so lerne of Jhesu to be meke in herte and buxome and than shalt y● be of his blessyd peple But here now ferthermore what the Aungel speketh in praysynge of thys childe Jhesus he shall be grete not in temporal lordship and worldly dygnyte ●or that he shall forsake but he shal be grete god and man grete prophete in myracles wyrchyng grete doctour in sothfaitenes prechyng grete cōquerour in myghtely the deuylle ouercomynge And so worthyly he shal be cleped the sone of all ther hyest lorde god the whiche shall ye●e hym the sete of da●id his fader for he shall take mankynde be borne in flesshe by desēte of his aucestrye And he shall regne in the hous of Jacob euermore
and of his kingdome shal be none ende This hous of Jacob is ghostly holy chirche in y● whiche Jhūs shall reygne in trewe soules fyrst ouercomyng synnes the deuylle here in erthe by grace And after in heuen in blysse withouten ende Here may thou say with saynt Bernard 〈…〉 desyrynge in the kīgdome of Jhū thus come my lord Jesu and putte aweye al sclaūders of ●ynne fro thy reame that is my soule soo that thou maye reygne therein as the oweth to do For couetyse cometh chalengeth his reame in me ▪ Presumpcyon coueyteth to be my lorde Pryde wolde be my quene lechery saith I wol regne De traccion enuy wrath and glotony stryuen whiche of hem shal pricipally regne in me and I in as mykel as I wa●e ageynstonde hem But thou my lord Jhesu destroye hem in thy vertue and take thou thy reame and thy kyngdome in me For I haue no trewe kyng but thy my lord Jhesu And whan the Aungel hadde tolde these condicions and the worthynes of this blessid child the ●●s to that meke mayden mary that was chosen to his mo ▪ der Than she spake fyrste to the Aungel nought dredyng of his wordes ne of hyr cōceyuyng ne knoulechyng ne forsakyng the praysynges before said of his gretynge but wyllynge to be more certyfyed playnly of that she drede most that was that she sholde not lese hir maydenhede asked of the Aūgel the maner of hyr conceyuynge in these wordes how and of what maner shal this be done syth I knowe no man flesshely And I haue made a vowe to kepe me chaste to my lord god withoute faylle and I shalle neuer dele wyth man flesshly And than the aungel answerd and said to hir it shal be done by the wyrchynges of y● holy ghost that shal lyghten in to y● in a synguler maner thoruȝ his vertu that is alther hygest thou shalt cōceyue sauyng thy maidenhede therfore that holy thyng that shall be borne of the shal be named godes sone in cōforte ferthermore here of the aungel said Loo Elizabeth thy cosyn that is olde was bareyne hath cōceyued a child now six monethes apassed for ther shal no thyng be imposible to god Now take here good hede haue in mynde how fyrst all the holy Trynyte is there abydinge a fynal answer assēt of his blessyd vyrgyne Mary takyng hede and be holdyng lykyngly hir shamefast sēblaunce hir sadde maners Bernar● hir wyse wordes And ferthermore how all the blessyd spyrytes of heuen al the ryghtwys lyuynge men in erthe alle the chosē soules that were that tyme in helle as Adam Abraham Dauyd all other desyreden hyr assente in the which stode the sauacion of all mankynde And also how the aūgel gabriel stōdynge with reuerence before his lady enclynyng and with mylde semblaunce abydeth the answer of hys mesage And on that other syde take hede how mary stant sadly with drede mekenes in grete auysement hauyng no pryde ne veyne glorye For al the hyhe praysynge before said But tho souerayne yeftes of grace that she hath herde yeuen to hir that neuer were yeue to creature before all she aretid only to the grace of god lerne thou than by ensāple of hir to be shamefaste vertuously meke for withouten these two vertues maydē Bernar● hede or vyrgynyte is but lytyl worthe For as Saynte Bernarde saith vyrgynyte is a fayre vertue but mekenes is mor necessary For thou may be sauf wythoute the fyrst but withoute the other that is mekenes thou maye not In soo moche that I dar hardly saye that withoute mekenes the vyrgynite of mary had not be plesynge to god For but Mary had be meke the holy ghost had not rested vpon hir sayth saynte Bernard At the last as the ende of the gospel seith the mylde maydē mary when she had herde wysely vnderstonde the Aungels wordes by good auysement yaf hir assente in thys maner as it is writen in her reuelacōns she knelyd doun with souerain deuocion holdyng vp bothe hir handes and lyftyng vp her eyen to heuen sayd these wordes Loo here the handmayden the seruaunt of my lord ▪ be it done to me fulfilled after thy word And so in these meke and lowe wordes of Mary at the ende thou hast ensample of grete mekenes as thou haddest in hyr sylence at the begynnyng loo she is chosen godes moder and of the Aungel cleped ful of grace and she named 〈…〉 hyr self his hand mayden And noo wonder for as saynt Bernard saith Mekenes is euer wonte to be fel●w with the grace 〈…〉 of god But this mekenes was not lytyl For as he sayth It is not mykel to prayse mekenes in abieccion but it is a grete vertue seldome sene mekenes in worship Also sone than as she yaf hir answer goddes sone entrid in to hir wombe thorugh worchyng of the holy ghost was made mā in very flesshe blod taken of her body and not as other chyldren conceyued borne by kynde ben shapen membre after membre and after the soule shedde in to the body but anone at the fyrste instaunce was full shapen in all membres and all hole man in body and soule but neuertheles ful lytyl in quantyte For after he we●ed more more kyndely as other chyldren done Soo that at the fyrste he was ful parfyghte God man al 's wyse and as myghty as he is now And whan thys was done Gabriel knelyng doune with our lady and sone after with hyr rysyng vp tooke curtoisli his leue of hir with a deuoute lowe bowynge to the erthe and so vanisshed away fro hir with a swift flyghte and toke his wey to heuen agein tellynge certyfyenge the holy courte of heuene hys message fulfylled And that that was done in erthe and than was there a newe Joye and a newe feste ▪ and full mykel myrthe and solempnyte Afterward our lady fulfylled enflāmed with the holy ghost in the loue of god more brennynge than she was before felyng that she had conceyued knelyd doune and thanked god of that grete yefte mekely besechynge hym and deuoutly prayenge that he wold sende hir grace and teche hir so that al that were after to come and to be done aboute hys blessyd sone that she myght fulfylle hem doo hem wythout defaulte And thus mykel touchynge the Gospel and the processe of the incarnacyon of Jhesu Cryste ¶ Of the feste of the annūciacion And of tho thynges that befelle that daye NOw take good hede vnderstōde how worthy thys feste thys solēpnyte is And haue therfore a ghostly myrthe make a speciall feste in thy soule thākynge god inwardly For suche was neuer herd before for this is the sōlempnite of al the holy Trynyte the Fader sone and holy ghoost by whome this souereyn dede of Incarnacyon was wroughte and fulfylled as it is said before Thys also
tempted of the enemy we shold not wonder though we wretches ben ofte sythes tempted for not oonly he was tempted in these thre tymes But also as saint Bernard saith in other dyuer se tymes as the Apostle saith that he was tempted in all maner temptacyou that longeth to the infirmyte of man wythoute syn̄e Ferthermore whan the enemy was fully ouercome gone away angels comen serueden and mynystreden hym Meditacio ●●uo●● But now here take we good hede ▪ and beholde we inwardly oure lorde Jhesu etynge alone and the Aūgels aboute hym thynke we deuoutely by ymagynacion tho thynges that folowen herafter For they ben ful faire and styrynge to deuocōn And so fyrste we maye aske ▪ what maner of mete it was that the Aungels serueden hym of after that longe fast ▪ Herof speketh not holy wrytte wherfore we maye here ymagyne by reason ordeyne this worldly feest as vs lyketh not by errour affermynge but deuoutly ymagynynge and supposyng and that after the comyn kynde of the manhede For yt we take hede and speke of his myghte after the godhede there is no question For it is no doubte that he myght make what hym lyst ▪ And also haue of tho that ben weren made at his owne wille But we shall not fynde that he vsed this myght and this power for hym self or for his disciples in her bodyly nede But for the peple to shewe his godhede we reden that at two tymes he fedde hem myraculously in grete multitude of a fewe loues and fysshes but of his disciples is wryten that in his owne presence they plucked eeres of corne eten hem for honger as it shal folowe herafter ¶ Also what tyme he hym self was wery of the way and satte vpon the welle spekynge with the womā Samarytane we rede not that he made mete for to ete but that he sende his disciples in to the Cyte to begge her mete so it was not lyckly that in thys tyme after his fast bodily honger he purueyed his mete by miracle fythen in thys tyme he shewed oonly his manhede and also there was no peple ▪ therfore to wyrche myracle to her edificacion as comynly he dide but oonly Aungels were there present And sythen in that hylle was noo dwellynge of men ne mete redy dyȝt we shall suppose that Aūgels broughten him man̄es mete all redy dyghte fro another place as it befelle to the prophete Danyel ¶ For as holy wrytte telleth what tyme Danyel was put in the pytte of lyons and Abacuk a nother prophete bare mete to his repars in the felde goddes Aungel took hym vp by the here of his hede bare hym fro then● in to babylonye to Danyel for to be fedde wyth that mete And after anone he was borne ageyne ¶ And so in that manere lete vs ymagyne here with ghostly myrth as it were rehetynge oure lorde ▪ Jhesu at his mete and also hauynge in specyally his dere moder thynke we deuoutly in this manere what tyme sathanas was reproued as a fals temptour and vtterly dryuen away holy Aungels in grete multitude comē to oure lord Jhesu after his vyctory and fallynge downe to y● erthe deuoutely honoured hym and salued hym as theyr lord and Almyghty god And oure lord benyngly and swettely to ok hem vp enclynyng to hem with his hede as hit were knowlechyng hym self veray man and in that somwhat lasse lowed fro Aūgels And then̄e speken the Aūgels saydē thus Oure worthy lord ye haue longe fasted And it is now youre tyme to ete what is youre wille that we ordeyne for you And then̄e he said goo forth to my dere moder what maner of mete she hath redy brynge to me For there is none bodyly mete so lykynge to me as that is of hir dyghtynge And anone two of theim goynge forth sodeynly were before hir ▪ and with grete reuerence gretynge hir of hir sone behalfe tolde their message And so of that symple mete y● she had ordeyned to hir self Joseph the Aungels token with a loof and a to wel and other necessaryes and broughten hit to Jhesu And perauenture there with a few smale fysshes that oure lady had ordeyned then̄e as god wold so therwyth the Aungels comynge spradden the towel vpon the grounde leiden brede theron and myldly stoden sayden graces with oure lord Jhesu ▪ abydynge his blessyng tyl he was sette ¶ Now take go Vide solitarie ●t resluse od entente here specially thou that arte solytary and haue in mynde why thou etest thy mete alone as withoute man̄es teliship the maner of this mete And how lowely oure lorde Jhesꝰ sytteth downe to his mete on the bare groūde For there had he neyther bancquerre ne quysshen and take hede how N curteysly and how sobirly he taketh his mete notwithstondynge his honger after his longe fast The angels serueden hym as her lord perauenture one of brede another wyne another dyȝt fysshes some songen in the stede of mynstrelsy that swete songe of heuen and soo they reheteden and coūforted her lord as it longen to them with mykel Joye medled with cōpassion This teliship hast thou though thou see hem not whan thou etest allone in thy celle yf thou be in charite and specyally when thou hast thy herte to god as ye owe to haue after the byddynge of the apostle the whiche saith to vs that whether we eten or drynken or ony other thynge doo all we shall doo in the name of oure lord the whyche name Jhesus we shall algate blysse and thanke hym in herte haue we mykel haue we lytyl haue we good haue we badde and soo ete oure mete though we ben alone as though we seene bodyly the blessyd Aungels that ben presente ghostly And here with hauynge inward compassion of oure lorde Jhesu and beholdynge in mynde hym that is Almyghty god souerayne lorde and maker of alle the worlde that yeueth mete to alle flesshely creatures soo meked and in maner neded to bodyly mete and therewith etynge as another erthely man mykel owe we to loue hym thanke hym and wyth a gladde wylle take penaunce and suffre dysease for hym that soo moche hath suffred for vs ¶ Ferthermore as to the processe when our lord Jhesus had eten and sayd grace that is to saye thanketh the fader in his māhede of that bodily refeccion He badde the Aūgels bere ageyn to his moder that was lefte tellyng hir that he shold in shorte tyme come to hir ageyne And whan they hadden doo as he badde were come ageyne that was in ful shorte tyme. he spake to all the Aungels that weren there and said God ageyne to my fader and youre blysse and recōmendeth me to hym and to all the Courte of heuen For yet it behoueth me to doo my pylgremage here in erth a whyle a none therwyth they fallyng downe to the erthe deuoutely askynge his
ensample of true repentaunce and penaūce that is V●●● penitēcia ꝓ peccatis Cōte a lollardos Nō de cōte●● iōe nedful to forieuenesse of sin̄es shewed in this woman Maudaleyne as we haue herde the whyche penaunce as alle hooly Chirche techeth stant in sorow of herte in shrift of mouthe and in satisfactōn of dede But here parauētur somme men thynkyng after the fals oppynyon of lollardes that shryft of mouth is not nedefull but that it sufiseth only in herte to be shriuē to god as the forsayd womā was ▪ for the gospell telleth not that she spake ony word by mouthe yet was her synne fully foryeuen as it is sayd as it semeth this is a grete euydēce Nō●●s● for that opinion But here to is an answere resonable that our lord Jhūs to whome she made hir cōfession in herte was there in bodily presēce very god man to whome by vertu of the godhede was al 's open the thouȝte of herte as is to man y● speche of mouth as oft sithes the processe of the gospel tellethe specially here opēly bothe of y● woman also o● the pharisees thouȝt wherfor y● thouȝt of herte was only thā to him as mykel as is now therwith speche of mouthe to man bodily And for as moche as now in the newe lawe what tyme that we syn̄en dedely we offenden him not only after his godhede but also after his manhede that he bought vs with fro synne and ghostly dethe Therfore vs behoueth to do satisfaccion to him after bothe kyndes by true penaūce knowelechynge oure trespaces both to god and man askynge foryeuenes And sy then we haue not here his bodily presēce as Maudaleyne had therfore in hys stede vs behoueth to shewe to the preest by worde that we haue offendid him as man as we shewen to hym by repentaūce in herte that we haue offendid hym as god y● is to say at y● lest by dedely syn̄e For therby only we ben deꝑted fro him and vnkindely lesen the grete benefice that he gaf vs in his manhede wherfore yf we wyll be restored ageyne and knytte to hym as we were before in grace we muste doo satisfaction not only to hym as to god but also as to man that we haue soo forsake by dedely synne in manere as it is sayd ¶ And soo as holy Chyrche hath resonably ordeyned and beden knowleche by mouth make oure confessyon truly of oure synne to the prestes that he hath specyally ordeyned in hys stede as hys vykers here to by thoo wordes of the gospell that he spake to his dysciples when he sayd to them thus ¶ what so euer ye bynden in erthe it shall be bonden in heuen And what soo ye vnbynden in erthe shall be vnbonden in heuen ¶ Of this true penaunce nedefull for dedely synne not only by repentaūce in herte but also by shrifte of mouthe to the preste in godes stede yf we may For more our lord god afketh not And therwyth of due satisfaccion folowyng we haue parfyte Ensample opēly shewed in this blessid woman that was before so synfull Mary maudeleyne in the processe before sayd of this Gospell as it is open ynoughe touchyng the firste parte and the laste that is to saye repentaūce and satisfaccyon ¶ And as to the Seconde that is confession though we rede hit not of hir by worde speking for that was no nede to hym that knewe fully her herte our lord Jhū the re beyng in his bodily presence as it is sayd Neuertheles she shewed the affeccion of this confession parfitely in dede in that that she wold not shewe hir to hym pryuate as synfull askynge mercy as she myght haue done betwyx him and hir or els before his discyples but sparing for no shame that is a grete parte of penaūce in confession she chese the place and the tyme where it myghte be to hir as open repreef shame that was in the hous of the pharysee of the whiche she knew wel hauynge indygnacion and despyte of the sinfull and also at the mete whan hit shold be moste wondringe to him al his ghestes vpon her for the repreef shame that she had of her syn̄e was so grete withinforth that she foryate all shame reprefe wythoute forth And so in that dede she knowleched openly her synne in generall and also by wyll in special not refusinge for to haue herd it reherced and openly tolde of hym that she cam to our lord Jhesu the whiche as she wiste well knewe in specyall the leste parte therof and that myght resonably haue reprehended hir openly of it or he hade foryeuen it But our curtois lord ful of grace and mercy sawe that very contricyon in her herte and that gode wyll grounded in true byleue that he was very god that myght fully foryeue hir Nō fidē●●a●i●atē ri quisitis in cōtricione vera syn̄e as hym lyked and therwith that she had full hope to haue his grace foryeuenesse and also the feruent loue that she had to hym the whiche thre vertues ben nedefull to euery mā y● wyll haue foryeuenes of syn̄e And so wythoute ony more penaūce he fully foryaf all her syn̄es and bad her goo in pees that was pees of cōscience fully made bytwene hir god and man for hir true feyth bilyue in the whiche were grounded parfitely hope charite as it is sayd had made hir sauf And so shall it the moste synfull man that is or euer shall be ▪ yf he haue it truly grounded in his herte by veray contricion as she had for thenne withoute doubte he wyll not spare for ony shame to knowleche hys syn̄e by worde openly to man in goddes R 〈…〉 stede as she dyde by wyll to hym that was bothe god man as it is sayd But here parauentur semeth to som̄e men that as the synfull man shall folowe this woman by true forthin kyng of his syn̄e so shold the preste folowe our lord in lyght foryeuynge shewed therof enioynyng no more penaūce than R 〈…〉 ▪ he dyde therfore But here answere holy doctoures that sayen that the contricion and the forthynkynge of synne may be so grete and so parfite that it suffyseth wythoute ony more penaūce to full foryeuenes there of the whyche there as it is yf the preste myght see and fully knowe he shold yeue no more penaūce But for as mykel as man seeth not the herte as our lord Jhūs god man dyde and so may he not knowe it but in party as by tokens wythoutforthe therfore as to the syker parte he shall enioyne penaūce for synne more or lasse as holy chirche hath ordeyned And wold god that all synfull people wold folowe this womā in true forthynkynge then̄e with N 〈…〉 i b● oute doubte they sholde haue of god full foryeuynge were the penaūce more or lesse of the prestes enioynynge Ferthermore in the forsaid processe of the
maudleyn other sayeng thus to hem Be not your herte troubled and drede ye not for I shalle not leue you desolate as faderlees For I shal goo come euer be wyth you And at the last he badde hem goo in to the moūte of olyuete for thēs he wolde stie vp and soo passed at that tyme awaye fro hē And anone right his moder all other wythout taryenge yeden in to the forsayd mount y● is fro Jhrlm aboute a myle and ther̄ anone our lorde apered to hem Loo here we haue on this daye two aperynges Then̄e clippyd he kyssed his moder takynge leue and she again warde clippyd kysse hym full tenderly And the dyscyples maudleyne and other fallynge downe to the groūde and wepynge kisseden his fete deuoutly and he takynge hem vp kyssed all his apostles benygnely Now take hede Inwardly of hem and of all that here ben done And therwyth beholde the holy faders there beynge Inuysible how gladly and reuerētly they beholden Inwardly blessen her by whom they haue receyued soo grete a benefyce of her sauacy on They beholden tho worthy chāpyons leders of goddis oost the whiche amonge all other peple our lorde Jhūs specyally hath chosen for to conquere all the worlde ¶ At y● last whan all the mysteryes were complete fulfylled our lorde Nō processū ascēcionis Jhesꝰ began to be lyfte vp fro hem and to stye vp by his owne vertue And thenne our lady and all other fellen downe to the erthe worshyppynge hym And our lady sayd My blessed sone Jhesu thynke on me And therwith she might not with holde her fro wepyuge by cause of his gooynge Neuertheles she was full Joyefull that she sawe her sone soo gloryously stye vp to heuen Also the discyples this seenge sayden Lorde we haue forsaken all worldes goodes for the haue mynde on vs And soo he hauynge his hondes lyfte vp and blessyng hē wyth a bryghte Joyefull face Crowned worthily as a kyng gloryously arrayed styenge vp to heuen and sayd Be stedfaste and werchyth manfully For I shall euer be wyth you And soo our lorde Jhesus all gloryous whyte and rudye shinynge and ▪ Joyefull ledynge wyth hym that noble multitude and gooynge before and shewynge the waye to hem in dede fulfylled thenne that the prophetes had sayd longe before of his ascencōn And they also wyth vnspeable Joye folowyng hym songen merely the psalmes ympnes of his louyuge as perteyned to that blisfull tyme of her delyueraūce fro all sorow and entre in to all blysse wythout ende And in that tyme the archangel mychael prouoste of paradise gooyng bofore tolde the blessed court of heuen that our lorde Jhūs was comyng vpstyenge And anone all the blessed spirytes after her orders yeden ayen her lorde none lefte behynde metynge wyth hym and worshippyuge ▪ hym wyth all the reuerence that they cowde ladde hym wyth hympnes songes of Joye that maye not be spoken nor thought And soo metynge togyder the holy faders and the blessed spirytes and syngen alleluya and moost Joyefull songes wyth reuerence before hym maden a grete solēpnyte a worshipful feest ye lord who myght tell what fest y● was in what Joye they hadden whan they mett togider And whan they had done due reuerence to our lorde and fulfylled her mery songes that perteynen to his gloryoꝰ ascencōn they torned hem eche to other bothe the blessed spirytes the holy princeps ap●o● faders reioycynge syngyuge And fyrste the holy spirytes in this manere sayenge ye prynces of peple be welcome Joyeful we ben of your comyng All ye are now here gadred and wonderfully lyft vp wyth your god Alleluya Therfore make myrth and syngeth now to hym ▪ that so gloryously styed vp princeps ppl●●● aboue heuen heuen Alleluya And the holy faders Joyefully ansuerde To you prynces of goddis peple alieluya ▪ Our kepers helpers alleluya Joye pees be euer alleluya Syngyth makyth myrth also to our god kyng and sauyour Alleluya alla alleluya And ferdermore all togyder songen and sayden in do●● dn̄●le Now we go merely in to the hous of oure lorde alleluya and that worshipfull cyte of god that shall receyue vs all togyder alleluya In ympnes and songes of Joye myrthe Alleluya alleluya Loo here was moche myrthe and Joye All they songen and soueraynly Joyeden as the prophete dauyd sayth God styeth in to heuen in moost wonderfully Joye of the appostles ascend●● d●●in in bilacōne that sawe hym that tyme And in voyce of trompe That is in voyce of angels that apered thenne and spake to the appostles Sothly our lorde Jhesus styed vp thenne openly to the comforte of his moder And the appostles as longe as her bodily syghte wolde suffyse to see hym And after a briyght clowde took him fro her eyen And anone in a moment that is in an vnperceyuable shorte tyme. he was wyth all his angels and the forsayd faders in the hyghest heuen O lorde what Joye was thenne to see that blessed lorde soo gloryous vp styenge Sothly I trowe who soo myghte haue seen that as the appostles dyden and therwyth herde that Joyfull songe of angels holy soules wyth hym vp styenge for that passynge Joye of his soule sholde haue be departed fro the body and goon vp to heuen also wyth hem and noo wonder wherfo● our lorde knowyng the Infyrmyte of mankynde in bodily lyfe here wolde shewe some of his blysse to his moder other discyples In as moche as they myghte bere that was in that blisfull vpstyeng of hym and hydde ●ro hem that they myghte not bere soo in flesshly lyuynge And therfore also he sent to hem u. angels in man̄es lickenes that they sholde not ouer moche be traueyled in y● stondyng lokynge vp after hym in to heuen ▪ For they were soo rauysshed by that blysfull syght of hym that they hadden foryete hemself And also he sent than gels to cōforte hem in that they herde the angels wytnesse accordynge wyth hem of thascencōn of our lorde And whan the angels had bidden hem that they sholde noo lenger loke after Jhūs bodily presence in that forme that they sawe him then̄e stye vp in to that tyme that he sholde come in that self forme bodily to deme all quycke dede But that they sholde torne a yen in to the cyte and there abyde the holy ghost as he had sayde hē before Then̄e our lady prayed mekely the angels to recōmende B her to her blessed sone And then̄e louely enclynyng to her gladly token her biddyng And also the appostles and maudleyne recōmended hem in the self maner And after the angels passyng fro hem they torned agayne in to the cyte as they were bydden to moūt syon there abidyng the holy ghost of our lorde Jhū Now goo we vp bi deuoute contēplacōn to N B our lorde Jhū beholdyng in ymagynacōn
of heuenly thinges by lykenes of erthly thynges how he wyth all that forsayd worthy blysful multytude of holy soules openynge heuen yates that were befor̄ that tyme spered ayenst mankynde as a worthy conquerour Joyefully entred and gladly before the forsayd fader Fader I thāke the that thou hast yeuen me the vycto ry of all oure enmyes and aduersaryes And loo fader here I present to the our frendes that were holden in thraldome And for asmoche as I haue behight to my brethern discyples the whyche I haue left in the worlde to sende to hem the holy ghost I praye the fader fulfyll my byhest and I recōmende hem also to the Then̄e the fader takynge hym vp made him sytte on his right honde and said My blessed sone al power dome I haue yeuen to the. and therfor̄ of that thou askedest dyspose and doo as the lyketh After that all the holy faders blessed spirytes the whiche had in worshping of the holy trynyte fall doune lowely wyth all reuerence risynge vp began agayn to synge her songes of myrthe and vnspekable Jore before the trone of god For sithen moyses the chyldern of Israhel songen in thankyng louynge of god whan they were passed the reed see and her enmyes therin drowned And also the selfe tyme mary aarons syster with other wym̄en her folowing in tym panes and other melodye daūsen songen to goddis louyng Also dauyd wyth his peple ledynge the arke of god in to Jherusalem ▪ harped daunsed for Joye before the arke and chaūters songen and in other dyuers myntralsye they honoured worshipped god And also saynt Johan sayth in the apocalip se that he herde a voys in heuen of an hūdred fourty and four thousande harpes harpyng and syngynge a newe songe bifore the throne and the seet of the very lambe Jhesu Moche more we resonably trowe that now in this Joyefule tyme whan Jhūs wyth his company passed all sorowe and al his aduersaryes were so gracyously ouercome And he that was tokened by the arke Jhūs was soo gracyously come in to the cyte of heuenly Jherusalem All that blessed felyship of spirytes and soules wythoute nomber songen and maden Joye myrthe that noo tonge maye telle ne herte thynke Soothly now in that blessed cytee of heuenly Jherusalem is songeu herde that souerayn songe of Joye after the prophecy of thobie by all the stretes therof is songen Alleluya that is as moche Nō excel lenciā festi ascēci oīs su● a lia festa to saye as louynge be to our lorde Neuer from the begyn̄yng was there soo solēpne soo Joyefull a feest ne neuer perauē sure shall be But at the laste after the daye of dome whā all the chosen soules shall be presēted there wyth her bodies gloryfyed And therfore as I sayd at begyn̄ynge of this chapyter This solēpnyte all thynges considred passeth all other Take Incarnacio hede of eche of hem and see whether it be soo that I saye Fyrste the Incarnacyon of our lorde Jhū is a solempne feest worthy For that was the begyn̄ynge of all our good oure Natiuitas sauacōn But that was our Joye and not his for he was closed then̄e in his moders wombe Also the natyuyte is a solēpne and hyghe feest and worthy myrthe to be made therin but that is also as on our syde For as on his syde we owen to haue compassōn of hym that was for vs borne in soo grete pouertee Hardenesse of weder and other abieccōn Also as to vs Passio his passion is a grete feest thrugh the whiche we ben broughte oute of the feudes thraldome And all oure synnes ben for yeue and done away And as saynt gregory saith It had not auaylled vs to be borne but it had also profyted vs for to be boughte Neuertheles for the grete tormentes of hym and that hardest and moost despytous dethe that he suffred for our Redempcyon Resurreccio and byenge there was noo matere of Joye but rather of sorowe bothe to hym in that paynfull suffrynge and to vs for our synfull deseruynge Ferdermore yet the resurreccōn of our lorde Jhesu is a gloryous solempne and a Joyful feest bothe for hym and for vs for thenne was his body gloryfied and all payne sorow passed and we iustyfied haue an ernest and ensample wythout doubte of our laste vprysynge in body soule And therfore of this worshipfull Joyful Hec ē dies quā fecit dn̄s daye specyall syngeth holy chirche by the wordes of the prophete dauyd This is the day of our lorde made be we mery therin gladde And as augustyn sayth in a sermon This day is holyest of all other but that maye be vnderstonde of all other before that day For this of the ascencōn by reason is gretter holyer ▪ and that touchynge thre partyes That is to say our lorde hymself the blessed spirytes in heuen mankynde in erthe For as to the fyrste though our lorde had then̄e gloryously in body soule vprysen fro dethe to lyf euerlastyng neuertheles he was bodily yet as a pilgryme in erthe fro his owne kynde herytage reame Also as to the seconde yet saye not y● angels her felishyp encreased by season takynge of mankynde wyth hem in blysse And as anēst the thyrde yet was closed shytte the yate of heuenly paradyse and yet were not the holy faders soules presented to the fader of heuen the whiche all thre were cōplete and fulfylled in his holy ascencōn And yf we take good hede we maye see that all that god wroughte dyde he dyde for to come to this ende And wythout this all his werkes had ben as Inperfite For lo heuen erthe and all that is made in hem is made for man And man for to haue the blysse of heuen And therto myghte noo man come after ●●op●●● he had synned in to this daye were he neuer soo gode and rightwys And soo we maye see how worthy this holy daye is yet more ouer this feest of penthcoste is hyghe holy ▪ And worthily holy chirche makyth it solempne For thenne was yeuen therto that hyghe worthiest yefte that is the holy ghost Ascencō But this is to vs and not to hym But this ascencyon daye is properly the moost solempne feest of oure lorde Jhesu For Fm̄ Jhū this daye fyrste in his manhede he beganne to sytte on the taders ryght honde in blysse And toke ful reste of his pylgrymage before All this is properly the feest of all the blessed spyrytes Ascencō in heuen For this daye they had a newe Joye of her lorde whom they sawe neuer before there in his manhede ▪ And also Ascencō Fm̄ angelo for this daye beganne fyrste to be restored the fallyng downe of her felowes And that in soo greate a multytude and nombre of blessyd soules of patryarkes
deuocyon fellen doune prostrate to fore the Trone N. ● of Almyghty god kynge of heuen and Gabriel to whome as Seynte Bernard saith was made speciall reuelacion of Crystes Incarnacōn in her owne name sayd in thys maner 〈…〉 ¶ Almyghty lord hit lyked to youre hyghe mageste of your endles goodnes to make of nouȝt that noble and resonable creature man for oure comforte and oure goodnes that of hym shold be made the restoryng of oure fals companye Lucifer hys felawes that felle doune fro vs by Apostasye soo that he sholde dwelle here in thys blessyd place wyth vs louynge and worshyppyng yow wythouten ende But loo go od lord now all thei perysshen and none is saued And in so many thousand yere passed we sene none of hem all here Oure enemyes hauen the vyctorye of hem oure partye is not restored but the pryson of helle contynuelly fylled wher to lord be they borne to grete meschyef For though it be doune after your ryȝtwysnes Neuertheles lord it is now tyme of mercy haue in mynde that ye made hem after youre owne lykenes And though her fornfaders folyly wrechydly breken youre maūdement Neuertheles youre mercy is aboue al thynge wherfore all their eyen ben set vpon as the seruaūtes on the lordes handes tyll ye haue mercy helpe hem wyth a spedeful heleful remedy Seqiut de cōtencōe īter mīam veritatem ¶ HEre wyth beganne a maner of altercacion and disputacion bytuene the foure kynges deughters that is to saye Marcy and sothfastnes pees and ryght wysnesse Of the whiche foure mercy and pees accordyng to the Aungels prayer for sayde were fauourable to mannes restorynge But that other two systers soth Be 〈…〉 in s●r ▪ de An 〈…〉 fastnes and right wysnes ageyne sayden ¶ As saynte Bernarde by deuout me ditacion maketh herof a processe faire longe but for to take therof shortly as to our purpos at this tyme sōwhat in other maner in other wordes we may ymagyne thynke thꝰ Fyrst mercy pees knelyng to fore her fader kyng of heuen by y● ꝓphetes wordes Dauid said thus Lord shalt thou cast a Nunquid in ●●●●num p●●●ci●● de u● way fro the mā withoutē ende ▪ or hast thou foryetē to do mercy And this oft they reherceden than said our lord lete clepe forth your other two systers the whyche ye sene redy ayenste you lete vs see also what they wol saye here to they were Miser●●●● 〈…〉 cor●●● 〈…〉 s●● o●● M 〈…〉 n● 〈…〉 cleped comen al to gyder mercy began said in this wyse My fader of mercy it was youre wyl euer withouten ende a mōge your other douȝters my systers to yeue me that prerogatyue aboue al other werkes that only I shold specially regne here wyth you in heuen but also that the erthe shold be replenyshed wyth me to soo moche vertu that who so wold truly besely aske my helpe in ony meschyef or nede he shold wythout fayl finde your socour helpe thoruȝ the meditacōn of me But now lo my dere fader that worthi partie of erthe your noble creature man in hys grete wretchydnesse myschyef so longe tyme lyggyng cryeth cōtinuelly asketh after my helpe now time is comen in the whyche but yf ye helpe hym saue hym I lese my name Here ayenst that other sister ●eri●●● P 〈…〉 i 〈◊〉 b●r●o● tuoru 〈…〉 ●e 〈…〉 sothfastnes sayd ye knowe wel my fader sothfast god that I am begynnyng of your wordes after ye made man in so grete worthynes that ye wedded me to him in that cōdycyon that what tyme he breke your heste he al that come of hym shold lese her blessyd lyf be dāpned done to deth wherfore he forsoke me betoke hym to your enmy myn the fader of lesyng witnes my syster riȝtwysnes I perysshe lese my name but he haue deth that he hath deseruyd thā spake riȝtwys Jus●i●i● Jus●i●i● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 ●e ●●t●● nes Ryȝtwis lord thou hast made me gouernour of thi dome lastyng wythoute ende my sister trouth techer of thy lawe al thouȝ it so be that our sister mercy be styred of pyte a good zele for mannes sauacyon neuertheles in that she wolde saue hym that hath so gretely forfetyd ageinst yow vs also Ca. i. withouten dewe satisfaccion she wolde destroye vs both hir susteren that is to say trouthe ryghtwysnes fordo our name Pa● Here with y● fourth syster came forth that is to saye pees ●irite sovirly blamyng hir susters for her contrarious wordes her stryt said to hem thus knowe ye not wel sisters that In pace ●actu●●s●●ocu●●●●● our fader hath ordeyned made his place only there as I am I may not abyde ne dwelle there as is stryf dissēcion and that is not semely but fully ageynst kynde to be amōges vertues wherfor but ye cease of stryf be acorded I must forsake yow my fader also lo here is agrete cōtrauersy bytwene the se four douȝters of our lorde so grete reasons that it was not sene how that in mannes sauacion mercy sothfastnes ▪ pees ryȝtwysnes myght fully be kepte accorded than bad Pater ōn●●udicuim de di●●i●i● the fader of heuen that for as moche as he had cōmytted ye uen all his dome to his dere sone souerayne wysedome kyng euerlastyng with him in one godhede y● these four douȝters shold go to hym he to termyne this question yeue a dome ther on And than the kynge souerayne wysedome wrote y● sēte●●e the dome in thys maner toke it to hys chaūceler Reson to rede it in his name sayenge in these wordes This doughter sothfastnes saith that she peryssheth leseth hyr name but man haue the deth that he hath deserued with hyr acordeth hir lister riȝtwysnes on y● other syde mercy sayth that she perissheth leseth hir name but man haue mercy be saued with hir accordeth her fourth sister pees wherfor to accorde all these to gyder for a fynal dome in this mater lete be made a good deth of man so y● one be founden wyd●uten Judicium ●egis synne y● may wyl innocētly for charyte suffre deth for mā than haue they all y● they asken For than may not dethe lenger holde hym that is without syn̄e or trespas And so he shal perse hym makynge in hym a hole a wey thorugh the whyche man may passe and be saued ¶ In this sentence and dome all the Courte of heuen wondrynge and commēding the souerayne wysdom assented wel here to but ferthermore askeden amonge them self where that one myght be foūden that shold fulfille and doo this dede of charyte And than mercy toke with her reson and sought among all y● ordres of augels in heuene to see whether ony of hem
effectuelly of ony other prayer the Pater noster yf it be sayd truly wyth deuocion and specially by that peticion askinge Fiat volūtas tua sicut in celo et in terra that is to saye Oure ●ader in heuen thy wylle be doone in al thing as in heuen so in erthe And so yf it be best to vs for to be kepte fro fyer or water or sodeyne deth or ony other bodily perylle wyth oute doubte our fader of heuen god wylle yeue it vs after the forsayd peticion with rightwys linyng els not saye we neuer so many priuate prayers For as we rede al daye of diuer se martirs saintes that som̄e were brente somme drowned and in other diuerse maners putte to shamful dethe as to the worlde and that was best to hem encreace of her Joye and blisse of heuen wherfor it had ben a grete open foly to hem as we may well were to haue prayed for to be kept fro suche bodily harmes or perils as ayenst sodeyne deth it is spedeful to many men for to haue suche dethe shamful to mannes syghte As saynt Gregory telleth by Ensample of the prophete Abdo that was woryed of the lyon that god purged of tyme here ryghtwys men by suche shamful dethe For as holy writ Jus●ꝰ simo● te ●occupatꝰ fu●●it in refrige●●●●●it te wytnesseth sothely the ryghtwysman yf he be ouercome by ony maner of bodely dethe his soule shal be saued and be sette in reste euerlastynge Neuertheles we prayen ofte that lawfully to be kepte fro sodayne dethe but that is vnderston de that we be not combred wyth dedely synne therinne to deye withoute repentaūce of herte shryfte of mouthe and therto as I hope is moost beste effectuel prayer the pater noster specyally in the two laste petycyons and askinges therof by the whyche we prayen almighty god fader of heuen that he suf freth vs to falle to be combred with temptacyon of dedely Et n●no● i ducas in●●p ta●●on● syn̄e but that he kepe vs and delyuere vs fro all wyckednesse And though it so be that the matere of this worthy prayer be so plentiuous also the thesyre of the wryther herof were to speke more there of Neuertheles for it is writen in so many other places as I hope suffysaūtly and also for the grete processe that foloweth after we leue this matere at thys tyme al the fructuous sermons that our lord Jhūs made to his discyples in that hyll before goynge downe with him by deuoute contemplacion and beholdinge how that after that noble lesson taught in the hyll as it was skylful for the hyghe per feccion therof our lord Jhūs cam downe with that meke t●lke of his disciples spekyng also homely with hem by the waye they as the chykens of the hen̄e folowen him with mikel ghostly lykynge coueytynge eche before other to be ne●● hym and here is vertuous swete wordes ¶ And after he was come downe mykel peple cam ageinst him bringinge diuerse se ke folke many as the gospel telleth by processe the whiche al he ful of mercy heled made hole bothe in body in soule ¶ And thus shotly we passen here ouer mykel processe of tye gospel many chapiters of the forsayd boke of bo●a●●u●●t for the litil edificacion of hem as it semeth nedful to simple soules to y● whiche this boke is specially writen in englisshe as it hath ofte be sayd here before And so leuyng this processe in many places we shall only telle the notabylytees therupon shortely to edyficacion Amē ¶ Of the seruaūt of Cēturio the sone of the litil kynge heled of our lord Calpin ●●● IN this Gospel in that our lord ihesus mekely vnpra●ed wente bodely to hele the seke seruaūt and wold not go to the kinges sone praied our pride is reproued in that we ●ō cō●●● suphiā mū●● no●um in the contrary maner ben redy leue to goo to Ryche men and myghty that we maye beworldly worshipped by and to please them and do the seruyce that we may for worldly me de but we ben loth to go to poure men and simple or to helpe hem in her nede for ghostly mede leest it were ageynste our worshyp as saynt Gregory noteth in thys place ¶ Of the paletike mā leide done in his bedde by the hous heling heled of our lord Jhū Captm xx IN this gospel Nōde i●i●mi ta●ibꝰ corpo ralibꝰ spū alibꝰ we haue ensample doctryne that ofte sythes bodely sykenes cometh of ghostely sikenes that is sin̄e and that the helinge of ghostly sekenes is ofte cause of bodyly hele In that our lord first foriaf to y● paletike his sin̄es after heled him of the bodily palesye ¶ Also here we may see the grete vertu of true bilyue in y● y● the feith the biliue of one man helped saueth another as the feyth of the berers of this paletike man saued hym also in the next chapytre before the feithe of Centurio De ●●ute fidei gate he le to his seruaūte And also here after the feithe of the woman Chananee saued her douȝter And so it falleth now al daye that children baptysed after dede before the yeres of discression ben saued in the feith of their godfaders thorugh the meryte of crist this is openly ageinste somme heretikes that helden the contrary opinion ¶ How that Martha was heled of hyr sykensse by touchynge of the hemme of our lord clothinge Captm xxi The gospel nameth not the woman that was heled by the Finibria vestimē●a bin touching of the hemme of Jhūs clothinge But saint Ambrose and other doctours sayen that she was Martha the syster of mary Maudeleyne by the hemme of Jhesus clothynge as sainte Bernerd saith may be vnderstonde euery meke seruaūt of god the whyche in ony vertuous dede that he doth oweth to knowe truly herte and openly knowleche by mouthe that only god is principall doer therof and noughté he as the clothe heled not but our lord Jhūs that wered that cloth ¶ Of the Conuersyon of Mary Maudeleyne Captm xxii OVre curteis lord Jhesus was prayed of Symon the leprose on a daye to ete with him and therto he graūted gladly came to mete as he was wonte to do oftsythes both of hys owene curtosie also for the loue the zele that he had Nō de cu●● al●tate● dom 〈◊〉 I●●●● to the sauacyon of man̄es sowles for y● wyche he was made man for so etyng wyth hem benygnly comining wyth hem he drowe hem to the loue of hym Also for as mykel as he made hym self so pertitely poure that he toke none pocession of worldly godes for hym self as for hys therfore thruȝ that loue of pouerte he that was the mirrour of mekenes what time that he was prayed or beden to mete toke it for the tyme the place mekely
was the brede of lyfe that came fro heue● it behoueth to ete his fless● drynke his blood who so sholde be saaf haue euerlastyng l●fe they vnderstondynge his wodes flesshly not ghostly grutcheden agaynst hym and token occasion of grete sclaūder and many of his discyples thrugh that mys vnderstondynge flesshly forsoken hym But Peter in the name of twelue appostles answerde that they w●lde not leue him For he had the wordes of euerlastyng lyfe And soo that was sclaūder to the badde was vertue to the good ▪ ●n the forsayd wordes dedes of our lorde ●hesu we haue ensample that we sholde not lete to doo good werkes for occasion 〈…〉 of sclaūder vnskylfully taken of other or for en●re and euyll wyll of hem and specyally of that dede that is necessa●● to soules hele we sholde not cease for ony sclaūder wherfore 〈◊〉 saynt Gregory sayth that a man shall rather suffre sclaūder for to ryse than he shall leue the trouthe ●hat is to sa●e in thre maners after the comyn sentence of doctours ▪ Fyrste of y● p̄●●●̄●e ●●as ●●te good lyfe a man shall not ceace for sclaūder that is to say ●e shall not doo dedely syn̄e for puttynge awaye of ony sclaūder Also a doctour or a precher shal not teche or preche fals for ony sclaūder but in caas he maye holde his pees of a certayne 〈◊〉 ●e ●●as 〈◊〉 ●●●●e trouth As what tyme that he knoweth that the herers bē obstynat in errour and shold be the wors yf that trouth were sayd ●he thyrde is trouth of rightwysnes that shall not be let for sclaūder ●hat is to saye a do●esman shall not yeue fals ●er●●●●e 〈◊〉 ▪ dome nor a wytnes bere fals recorde for ony sclaūder ▪ But of other certayne dedes that maye be lefte wythout peryll of soule a man shal other while seace though they ben gode in hemself for to put awaye occasion of sclaūder as thapostle poul sayth That wolde rather neuer ete flessh than he wolde there thorugh yeue occasyon of sclaunder to his brother Also in the forsayd processe of our lord Jhesu we ben taughte for to charge more the clennesse of soule And that disposeth N cōtraplures specialit religios to vertues thanne bodily clennesse and honeste wythoute forthe that is noo vertue in Neuerthelesse honeste and bodily clennesse is good soo that it dyspose not to vayne glory or curyosyte or lechery or other synnes And soo ben good customes that ben grounded vpon reason for to be kepte But the biddynges of god and the good ordenaunce of souereyns in ▪ holy chirche ben moche more for to charge Wherfore in this poynt erren many crysten men and specyally religious that chargen more bodily obseruaunce and customes though they dispose to noo vertue And ofte ben agaynste reason than they done the byddynge of god and good doctryne of holy faders towchynge charyte mekenesse pacyence Deuocyon in prayer dyscrete abstynence and other vertues wherfore they maye drede the repreyf of our lorde Jhesu pry uely that he reproued the pharysees openly As it is sayde be fore ¶ Of the specyall rewarde of our lorde Jhesu behoten to all thoos that forsaken the worlde for his loue Caplm xxix WHat tyme our lorde Jhūs by occasyon of the ryche man that wolde not leue his temporell goodes for perfeccōn sayd that it was harde to a ryche man entree the kyngdom of heuen The appostle peter in the name of all his felowes the twelue appostles asked of hym what rewarde they sholde haue that had forsake and lefte al worldly thynges for his sake And thenne our lorde ansuerde not oonly behetynge to hem a De cētuplo promisso souereyne mede in the blysse of heuen but also to all other that forsaken fader moder and other kyn̄e and temporell goodes for his sake the hondred folde in this worlde and after lyfe euerlastynge in a nother worlde to come wherfore all tho that haue taken hem to ghostly lyuynge fully forsaken the worlde Notabil haue matere of grete ghostly Joye and specyall comforte in this byheste of Jhū not on̄ly for the euerlastynge lyfe in heuen that they trustly hopen to haue by his gracōus byhest but also for that hūdred folde rewarde that they shall fele in thys bodily lyfe yf they truly louen Jhū and fully forsaken y● worlde that is neyther golde ne syluer nor deynteous metes or precyous clothes but ghostly ryches of vertues comforte of the holy ghost the whiche alonly he knowyth that by experyence felyth it in hymself And that is amonge other clen̄esse of cōscyence reste in soule loue of pouerte chastyte pacyence and other vertues And what tyme that our ghostly spouse Jhesu is knowen of ghostly folke before said but it is hyd to flesshly N sp●ale donūgrē Quāmagna multitudo dulce dis tue dn̄e folke that haue set their herte her comforte in this worlde as the prophete dauyd felynge this yefte spekyth to our lorde god in this manere Lorde how grete is the multytude of thy swetnesse that thou haste hydde to hem thad dreden the Of this mater saynt bernarde makyth a dououte processe in a tretyse of hym that is called De colloquio simonis Jhū spekynge more plenarly of this ghostly mede of the whiche Jhesus graunte vs parte AMEN ¶ Of the Transfyguracyon of our lorde Jhesu in the hylle Eaplm xxx OVr lord Jhūs willynge to conferme strēg the his dyscyples in y● true byleue that he was bothe god mā He shewed hem that he was very man by that he suffred after the kynde the comyn Infyrmyte of man And also that he was god by the myracles that he wroughte aboue the comyn kynde and myghte of man And therwyth all so he enformed hem told hē before that he shold suffre paynfully the hard deth as man after aryse vp gloryously to lyf as god and to this ende what tyme as the gospel of mathewe marke luke tellen math vii marc 13. Luc. i● that he had tolde his discyples that he sholde suffre many reproues dispytes in Jhrlm and att the laste be slayne dede And after that he sholde ryse fro dethe to lyfe the thyrde daye Then̄e ferdermore he cōcluded sayd that there were some of hem that there stoden at that tyme. the whiche shold not taste bodily dethe tyll they seen man̄es sone ▪ that was hymselfe comynge in his kyngdom that is to saye aperynge in a wonder full Joyeful clernesse of his māhede as longyng to his kyngdome And that for to fulfyll this byhest aboute the viii daye after he toke wyth hym peter James John vp in to an hye hylle that was as clerkes sayen called Thabor And there he was transfygured in her syghte that is to saye torned out of the lowe lyknes of seruaūt in to the hyghe gloryous lyknes of his kyngdom For his face shone as
grutchith in the for fayth grutcheth And yf fayth be in vs then̄e cryst is in vs so in this maner of grutching is hope of vprisyng For after this wepyng trowblyng as the processe of y● gospel I telleth our lord Ihūs asked where they had put lazar not for vnknowing but in spekyng in maner of man in token ghostly of a straūgnes of his grace to hem that ben ouerlayed wyth dedely syn̄e for the tyme Neuertheles he hath alwaye cōpassyon of the synful And his mercy is redy to all y● woll truly aske it For after he had asked where they had putt hym they sayden ayen Lorde come see then̄e he wept And y● Jewes y● there were sayden ▪ loo how he loued hym And so he shewed the affeccōn that he hath to the synfull as he sayth in y● gospel I came not to calle the rightwis but the syn̄ers to penaūce But now goo we to y● graue of lazar folowyng our lord Ihū wyth all that meyne that is to saye the two systers martha mary and the apostles Jewes many that were there that tyme to comforte the systers And as oure lorde wolde to see bere wytnesse of that solempne worthy myracle and so we maye see by deuoute ymagynacōn how our lorde Ihūs gooth before bytwene the ii sisters talking homly wyth hem they wyth hym shewyng to hym the grete dyscōfort sorow that they hadden of her broders deth And specially for asmoche as they durst not bydde hym come to helpe hem kepe him fro de the for drede of the malice of the Jewes that they knewe had cōspired in to his dethe and how they were hyely cōforted thēne of his presence But neuertheles therwyth they had grete drede of hym by cause of the Jewes And then̄e how our lord benyngly cōforted hem again and bad hem not drede of him for al sholde be for the best at the faders wyll And so talkinge togyder they camen to the graue that was couered wyth a grete stone aboue Then̄e bad our lorde Ihūs that they sholde take awaye the stone and they abasshed for the grete tender loue that they had to hym dredynge the horribylyte the styuke of carayne that it sholde ought of fēde hym sayden ▪ Lorde now he stynketh for he is iiii dayes dede shewynge therby that they had none hope of his liuynge ayen But our lorde ayenwarde cōforted her byleue and makyng the stone to be taken awaye Afterwarde liftynge vp his eyen to heuen sayd Fader I thanke the. for thou herdest me and sothly I wote well that thou herest me euer But I saye this for the peple that here stant y● they byleue that thou haste sente me And whan he had sayd thus he cryed wyth a grete voys Lazar come oute of thy graue O lorde Ihū what nede was the to crye Sothly as saynt austin sayth to shew in ghostly vnderstōding how harde it is to augusti ▪ hym for to reyse to lyfe a soule that is ouerlayed with the stone of dedely synne in custome How many ben there sayth saynt Austyn in this peple the whiche ben ouerlayed wyth this heuy burden of wycked custome Perauc̄ture some beren me that ben ouercome wyth lechery or gloteny that the appostle forbedeth hem where he sayth thus wyll ye not be dronken wyth wyne in the whiche is lechery And they sayenge again Nolite ī briari vi no we may not and soo forth of other grete mysdedes wyckydnes that god forbedeth holy chirche whan it is sayd to hem dooth none of thyse leest ye peryssh they ansuerynge sayeng we maye not leue our custome O lorde Jhū reyse thise folke as thou reysedest lazar for thou arte sothly as the resurreccōn or vprisyng lyfe How heuily this stone of wicked custome ouerlayeth men in all degrees not on̄ly lered lewde seculers but also religyous nyghe by in all astates who soo woll speke N ayenst her wycked customes he shall know sothly by experyence that there is noo remedye but on̄ly Jhū O lorde Jhū crye to all thise men with an hye voys that is to saye shewe thy myȝte teyse hem to lyfe of grace puttynge away that heuy stone of wycked custome as thou reysedest lazar For after thi crye and at thy biddyng he rose vp and wente out of his graue but yet boūden hondes fete tyll he was losed and vnboūden by thy discyples at thy byddynge This is a grete wonder as saynt augustyn sayth to many men how he myghte goo out of the graue wyth his fete boūden But it is moche more wonder how he rose fro dethe to lyfe that was foure dayes dede and beryed And wyth that body of a stynkynge careyne But what tokenyth all this sayth saynt Augustyn Sothly this it tokenith whan thou doost a grete syn̄e bi contēpt thou arte ghostly dede And yf thou contynuest customably therin then̄e arte thou dede beried And whan thou forthinkest within forth and shryuest the and knowlegest thy synne wythout fourth For thenne rysest thou and goost out of thy graue For it is nought elles to saye goo forth out but shewe and make knowen outwarde that is preuy wythin forth And this knowynge shewynge of syn̄e makyth on̄ly god cryenge wyth a grete voys that is to saye wyth his grete grace callynge But N yet though he that was dede be reysed and goone oute of his graue Neuertheles he dwelled boūden that is to say gylty in to the tyme that he be losed vnboūden by goddis mynystres to whom on̄ly he gaaf that power sayenge thus to hem Al that ye vnbynde in erth shal be vnboūden in heuen Al this N sayth saynt augustyn in sentence In the whiche we maye see openly a suffycient auctoryte agaynst hem that reprouen confession ordeyned by holy chyrche and also the assoylyng of curates sayenge falsly that it is ynough generally to euery man for to shryue hym on̄ly in his herte to god And that prestes curates of holy chirche haue nomore power to assoyle of sinnes than a nother man but that god allonly assoyleth none other in his name But now leuyng the fals opynyons go B ynge to the ende of our forsayd processe what tyme that Lazar was reysed to lif by our lord Jhūs as it is sayd and after vnboūden by his discyples he his systers wyth grete Joye lowely thanked Jhūs of that souereyn bienfete and laddē him home wyth hem to her hous makynge moche myrthe And then̄e the Jewes that there were wōdryng hyghly of that grete myracle some torned in byleue to Jhū and some yeden tolden y● pharisees that Jhūs had done and so was it publyshed opēly knowen in somoche that grete multytude of Jerlm the coūtree theraboute camen to sce lazar that was reysed And then̄e were the prynces of the Jewes the pharisees all confused and thoughten casten for to slee lazar
testamēt makyng hymself our sacrefyce he toke brede in his holy hondes lyft vp his eyen to his fader almyghty god blessed the brede and sayd the wordes of the consecracōn therouer ▪ By vertue of the whiche wordes brede was torned in to his body thenne he yaaf it to his discyples and sayd Taketh eteth for sothly this is my body that shall be take yeue for you And after in the same manere takynge the chalyce wyth wyne sayd takith and drynkith alle herof ▪ For this is my blode that shall be out shedde for you many other in redempcyon of syn̄es after he yaaf hē power of the consecracōn and to all prestes in hem and sayd thus dooth ye as oft as ye take it in cōmemoracōn and mynde of me Take now gode here thou crysten man ▪ but specyally thou preste how deuoutly how dy ligently truely thy lorde Jhūs cryste made fyrste this precyoꝰ sacrament And after wyth his blessed hondes minystred it commyned that blessed his byloued meyne And on that other syde take hede wyth what deuoute wonder fyrste they sawe hym make that wonderfull and excellent sacrament And after with what drede reuerēce the y toke it ▪ and receyued it of hym Sothly at this tyme they lefte all her kyndly reason of man and on̄ly rested in true byleue to all that he sayd and dyde byleue wythoute ony doubte ▪ that he was god and myghte not erre And soo must thou doo that wolte fele and haue the vertu the ghostly swetnesse of this blissed sacrament This B is that swete precyous memoryale that soueraynly makith mans soule worthy and plesynge to god as ofte as it is duely receyued eyther by true deuoute meditacōn of his passion or elles and that more specyally in sacramentale etynge therof wherfore by reson this excellent yeft of loue shold kyndle man̄es soule and enflam̄e it all holy in to the yeuer therof oure lorde Jhūs cryste For there is noo thynge that he myght yeue and leue to vs more derworth more swete or more profy table than hymself For without ony doubte he that we receiuen in the sacrament of the aulter is he that self goddis sone Jhesus that toke flesshe and blode and was borne of the vyrgyn mary and that suffred deth on the crosse for vs. and rose the thirde daye fro dethe to lyfe and after styed vp in to heuen and sittyth on the faders ryght side and that shall come at the daye of dome and deme all mākynde In whoo 's power is bo the lyfe and dethe that made bothe heuen helle and that on̄li maye saue vs or dāpne vs euer wythout ende And soo he y● self god man is conteyned in that lityll oost that thou seest in forme of brede And eueri daye is offred vp to the fader of N heuē for our ghostly hele euerlastyng sauacōn This is the true bileue that holy chirche hath tauȝte vs of this blessid sacrament But yet more ouer lete vs sitte a lityll lōger at this worthy lordes boorde Jhūs and take we hede Inwardly of oure ghostly foode comforte more specyally of that precyous moost de●●teous mete that is there sette before vs. that is the blessed body of our lorde Jhūs in this holy sacramēt beforsayd And so by inwarde cōsideracōn taaste we the swetnesse of this heuenly fode hauynge fyrst in mynde the gracious resonable makyng ordenaūce of y● blessed sacramēt and after the grete worthines merueylous werkyng therof in chosen soules to cōforte strengthyng of our fayth And as anenst the firste poynt we shall vnderstonde that almyghty goddis sone the seconde persone in trinyte willynge of his souerayne charyte endles goodnes to make vs partyners of his godhede he toke our kynde and became man to make men as goddes ferdermore that he toke of our kynde that was flesshe blode a●●e he yaaf to vs for our hele our sauacōn For he offred to his fader of heuen vpon the aulter of the crosse his blessyd body for our reconcilynge and he shedde his precyous blood in to pryce for to bye vs out of our wretchid thraldom to was●● vs make vs clene of all synne And for asmoche as he wolde that the mynde of that hye grete benefyce sholde dwelle in vs euerlastyngly he yaaf to al cristen people his body in to mete and his blode in to drynke vnder the lyknesse of brede wyne in manere as it is sayd before in the fyrst makyng of this blessed sacrament But now here beholde we Inwardly take we hede what wondrynge it was to the appostles thenne to see oure lorde Jhūs very man as they were syttynge wyth hem bodily and therwith holdyng in his hondes that self body in that y● semyd to her bodi●y syghte noughte elles but brede affermynge thus sothly This is my body that shall be yeuen for you And also of that that in the chalyce semed oonly very wyne This is my bloode that shall be shedde for remyssion of your synnes And soo that self bodi that they sene wyth her bodily eyen before hem was sothly vnder the forme of brede And that self blode that was all hole in his bodi was there in the chalice in forme of wyne But thenne was not that brede as it semid as it was before the wordes of cōsecracōn nor wyne as it semid in self maner but on̄ly the liknes or the fourme of brede wyne conteynynge very crystes flesshe and blode as it is sayd But what man̄es wytte or reason myghte comprehende att this tyme Sothly none And therfore the true apostles at that tyme leften all her bodily reason wytte and rested on̄ly in true byleue to her lordes wor des as it is sayd befor̄ sauf Judas that was reproued for his falshede mysbyleue and therfore he receyued that blessed sa cōtra lol lardos crament to his dampnacōn And so done all tho that bē now of his parte the whiche falsly bileuen and sayen that the holi sacramente of the aulter is in his kynde brede or wyne as it was before the consecracōn by cause that it semyth soo to all her bodily felynge as in syght taast touchyng the whiche bē more reprouable as in that parte than Judas For they sene not Jhūs bodily beside that sacrament as he dyde and therfor̄ it is lyghter to hem for to byleue and more to her dampnacion yf they byleue not as god himself holy chirche hath taughte namly sythen that true techinge of this blessed sacramente hath be holden stedfastly soo many hūdred yeres and of so Fides sacramēti many holy men marters confessours other true cristen men the whiche in to her laste dayes stoden without doubte in this faythe and deyden therin The whiche is this in fewe wordes that the sacrament of the aulter duely made by vertue of crystes wordes is very
now hens forwarde be pleysed well wylled to hem for my loue all olde offence trespace foryeue and wype awaw put aferre all vnclen̄es of syn̄e fro hem For sothly I offre here now myself for theim and their he le And thenne he that was on the ladder behynde the Crosse takyth his ryghte honde and was on y● ladder behynde the crosse taketh hys ryght honde nayleth it fast to the crosse And after he that was on the lifte syde draweth whyth all his myghte the lyttt arme and honde and dryueth ther thruȝ another grete nayle After they comen doune taken aweye all the ladders and so hangeth our lorde oonely by tho two nayles smyten thrugh his hondes wythoute sustenaunce of the body drawynge dounwarde peynfully thorugh the weyght therof Here wyth also another harlot renneth to and draweth doune his fete wyth all his myghte and another anone dryueth a grete longe nayle thorugh bothe his fete Joyned to other this is one maner of hys crucifyenge after the oppynyon of som̄e men Other ther ben that trowen that he was not crucyfyed in this maner but fyrste lyggynge the crosse on the ground they nayled hym therupon after wyth hym so hangyng they lyften vp the crosse and festen it doune in the erthe And yf it was done in this maner thenne mayst thou see hou vylaynsly they taken hym as a rybaulde casten hym doune vpon the crosse ▪ and then̄e as wode theues drewen on bothe sydees fyrst hys hondes after hys fete soo nayled hym fast to the crosse And after wyth all her myghte lyften vp y● crosse wyth him hangyng as hyghe as they myghte And then̄e lete it falle dooune in to the moiteyse In the whyche falle as thou mayst vnderstonde all the senowes to breken to hys souerayne payne But whether soo hit be in one maner or in other sothe it is that our lord Jhūs was nayled BN hard vpon the crosse honde foote and soo streyned and drawen that as he hym self sayth by the prophete Dauyd that Dinūe tauerūt ossa mea they myghte telle and nombre all hys bones then̄e rennen oute of hys blessyd body the stremes of that holyest blood on all sydes habondauntly fro the grete woundes and soo he is con streyned and arted that he maye not meue but hys hede wherfore hangynge the body onely by tho thre nayles noo doubte But that he suffreth so bytter sorowe and paynes that there maye noo herte thynke ne tonge telle And yet more ouer he hanged bytwene two theues of the whiche that one blasphe myed tēpted hym to Jnpacyēce and therwith other blasphe myng scornynge sayen Vath this is he y● destroyeth the temple of god makith it vp ayen in iii. dayes And other saydē He made sauf other but he maye not now saue hymself and many other reproues scornynges they sayden to hym as the gospel tellyth And all thise reproues blasphemyes despites ben done seenge herynge his moost soroufull moder whose Notabn̄ cōpassion sorowe made hym her sone to haue the more bytter payne And on that other half she henge in soule with her sone on the crosse and desyred Inwardly rather to haue deyed that tyme wyth hym than to haue lyued lenger And soo stode the moder besyde the crosse of her sone bytwene his crosse the crosse of the theif she torned neuer her eyen fro him She was full of anguyssh as he was also And she prayed to the fader at that tyme wyth all her herte sayenge thus Fader and N● o●o nē m●●s ꝓ filio god wythout ende it was pleysyng to you that my sone shol de be crucifyed it is done yet is not now tyme to aske hym of you ayen but ye see now in what anguyssh is his soule I beseche you that ye woll ease his paynes Good fader I●recommende to you in all that I maye my dere sone and also he her sone prayed for her pryuely in hymself sayenge My fader ye N● o●o nē filii ꝓ mr̄e knowe how my moder is tormented for me I sholde on̄ly be crucifyed and not she But loo now she hangeth on the crosse wyth me Myn owne crucifyenge suffyseth for I bere the syn̄es of all the peple She hath not deserued ony suche thing wherfor̄ I recōmende her to you that ye make her paynes lesse Then̄e was with our lady John mawdleyn the biloued discyples other of his freudes by the crosse of our lorde Jhū the whiche all maden grete sorow wepten ▪ and myghtē not be comforted in noo maner of her byloued mayster but euer was her sorow renewed wyth his sorow eyther in reproues or in dede as it foloweth after ¶ How our lord Jhūs yelded vp the spiryte at none xliiii NOw hangeth oure lorde Jhesus on the crosse in grete payne yet he is not ydle by cause of y● payn But he wroughte alwaye spake y● was profytable for vs wherfo● so N● v● ●ba d● in 〈…〉 hangynge he spake vii no table wordes that ben foūden writen in the gospell The first was in the tune that they crucifyed hym whā he prayed for hem sayenge P 〈…〉 vb● pt igno●●● illis S●dm mul●e●e● s● filius tu●● Te●c●● hodieme cū eris ● paradiso Quartū hely hely lama zabatani thus Fader foryeue hem for they wite nought what thei done the whiche worde was a worde of grete pacience of grete loue vnspeka ble benygnyte The secōde was to his moder sayeng thꝰ woman loo thy sone also to John loo thy moder He called not her at that time moder leest she sholde thrugh feruent tendernes haue ben more sory The thyrde was to the blessed theyf sayenge this daye thou shalt be wyth me in paradise wherin his moost large merci is openly shewed The fourth was whan he sayd Hely hely lamazabatany that is to saye My god whi hast thou forsake me as though he said in this sentēce My god fader of heuen thou hast somoche loued the redempcōn of y● worlde that thou hast yeuen me therfore and as it semed forsaken Lo Jhū what cōforte was that forsayd worde to all thyn enmyes and what discōforte to all thy frendes Sothly as it semyth there was neuer worde that oure lorde spake that yaaf so moche boldenes to hys enemyes and so moche occasion to hys frendes for to despayre that he was god as that worde For they vnderstode hit that tyme but nakedly after theletter souneth But our lord wold shewe in to the last ende that as he suffred in body fully after the kynde of man so also in his B N spekynge after the infirmyte of man that he was very man suspendyng for the tyme the vse of all the myghte of the godhe de The v worde was Sicio I am thursty the whiche worde Quintū Scicio also was occasion to his moder and
gospell tellyth But they for as moche as they founde not y● body of her mayster there as they hopeden were soo dystour ▪ bled in her wittes and abasshed that they token no● rewarde to the angels wordes But wyth grete sorow and drede anone tourned agayne to the discyples And tolde theym that her lordes body was taken awaye And whyther they wyste not ▪ And thenne Peter and Johan rennen towarde the sepulture And wyth hem also the forsayd wymmen And alle they rennen for feruente loue to Jhesu sechynge her herte and her lyf ●u 〈…〉 ● ii viii But after the processe of the gospell Peter and Johan entrynge the graue and not fyndynge the body but oonly the clothes that he was wrapped in and the sudary of his hede wyth grete heuynesse they tourned home agayne ¶ And here we owen to haue Inwarde compassyon of hem For sothly att this tyme they were in full grete desolacōn ▪ and sorow whanne they soughte soo theyr lorde and founde hym not Nor wyste where they sholde seche hym more Also here we haue ensāple y● oft tymes before grete Joye ● comyth grete dyscomforte and sorowe the whyche is to be born pacyently for the tyme and euer Jhesu to be sought and called on by denoute prayer and feruent desire vnto the tyme that he be foūden as the processe after folowynge sheweth B For after the ii apostles were gone ayen as it is sayd in maner of despeyre The forsayd maryes abyden lokeden efte in lucexiiii the sepulcre and then̄e they sawe the ii angels sittyng in white clothes sayenge to hem what seke ye hym that lyueth wyth hem that ben dede But they yet token no rewarde to her wordes nor token ony cōforte to the syght of the angels for they soughten not the angels but the lord of angels And for they fonde hym not therfor̄ the ii felawes of mawdlayne al heuy discōforted withdrewe hem setten hem doune somwhere a lityll besyde makyng her mone to other But mary magdalayne I. ii viii wittyng not what she myght doo for wythout her mayster she coude not lyue And for she fonde hym not there nor wyste where she shold seche hym elles she stode styll there wythout the graue wepyng and eft she loked in For she hoped Tertus maria st abat ad monumentū Notabil euer to fynde hym there as she helped to berye hym And thēne sayden the angels to her woman why wepest thou whom sekest thou And she said they haue take awaye my lorde and I wote not where they haue put hym Beholde here the wonderfull werchynge of loue A lytyll before she herde of one angell that he was rysen and after of ii that he lyued And yet she had it not iu mynde but sayd I wote not alle that made loue For as orygene sayth her hert her mynde was not the● she was in body but it was there as her loue was that is to saye her mayster Jhūs therfore she coude not speke nor here but of hym And therfore befell that what tyme she wept so toke none rewarde to the angels by cause of the feruent loue that she had to Jhū that was lorde of angels her mercyful mayster myght noo leuger holde hym fro her but appered to her as it foloueth ¶ How our lorde Jhūs apered after his resurreccōn to mawdelayne Caplm lii OVre lorde Jhūs spekynge with his blessed moder at his fyrste apperynge to her ▪ as it was tolde and sayd before Amonge other louely comynynge tolde her of the grete besynes feruent felynge of mawdleyne and sayd that he wolde goo shewe hym bodily to her to comforte her And our lady gladde therof sayd My blessed sone gooth in pees and comforte her For she louyth you full moche and full truely and was full sory of your dethe But I praye you thynketh to come agayn to comforte me And soo she louely clyppyng and kissynge hym lete him goo ¶ And anone he was in the gardyne where mawdleyne was and sayd to her woman whō sechest thou And why wepest thou Oure lorde asked that he wyste well To that ende as saynt gregory sayth that by her ansuere in the namyng of hym the fyre of loue sholde be more feruently kyndled in her herte Neuertheles she not knoweynge hym but all dystracte and out of herself supposing that he had be a gardy●er sayd Sire yf thou hast take him away telle me where thou haste done hym that I maye take him to me And though our lorde was not a bodily gardyner neuertheles as the same clerke gregory sayth he was so in soth to her ghostly For he was that planted in her herte the plantes of vertues and true loues And then̄e our lorde Jhūs hauyng compassyon of her grete sorowe wepynge chere called her by her homely name and sayd mary the whiche worde sodenly heled all her sorowe And she then̄e knowynge hym wyth vnspekable Joye sayd O Rabony that is mayster ye be he y● I haue soo longe soughte and why haue ye hydde you so longe from me And anone she ranne to hym and fallyng downe to the erthe wolde haue kyssed his fete as she was wonte before by vnperfyte affeccōn to his manhede that was then̄e dedely but not soo now after his Resurreccōn wherfore oure lorde willynge to lyfte vp ghostly her herte and her affeccyon to heuen to the godhede ▪ and that she sholde nomore seke hym in erthe in manere as she dyde before that he was dede sayde Touche me not in that erthli maner for I haue not stied vp to my fader That is to say I am not yet lyfte vp in thy soule by true perfyte byleue that I am euen wyth the fader veri god And therfore touche me not in that manere Inperfytely But goo saye to my brethern I ascende vp to my fader and your fader to my god and your god And ferdermot̄ our lord homely comynyng wyth her spake to her in this maner woost thou not well doughter that I tolde the before my passion that I sholde ryse the thyrde daye from dethe to lyfe And why woldest thou thenne soo besily seke me in the sepulcre And she sayd Soothly mayster I saye you that my herte was fylled wyth so grete sorowe of the bitternesse of your harde passyon and deth that I foryate all other thynge and on̄ly thoughte of your bod● dede and beried and on the place that it was beryed in And therfor̄ I broughte now the oynement for to haue enoynted wyth your gloryous body Blessed be your almyghty godhede where thrugh ye wolde ryse fro deth and come agayne to vs And soo they two true louers stoden spaken togyder wyth grete likynge and Joye And she curyously beholdeth his glorious body and askith what her lykith and he in all thynge ansuerde plesyngly to her paye And ferdermore though our lorde soo strangly as it semyth
and prophetes ▪ And all the holy soules that this daye entred fyrst in to that blessid cyte of heuenly Jhrlm her kynde herytage aboue wherfore sy then we maken solēpne the feest of one saynt that is passyd out of this world to heuen Moche more we owen to doo of soo many thousandes and yet passingly of hym that is saint Ascencio Fm̄ dn̄e of all sayntes Also this is specialli the fest of our lady for as moche as this daye she sawe her blessed sone Jhū very god man soo gloryously crowned as kynge steye vp to heuen ¶ yet this daye is properly our feest For this daye was first our kynde exalted lyft vp oboue the heuēs And also for but yf cryst had so styen vp y● worthy yeft of the holy ghost wherof we make solēpnyte we myghte not haue receyued to hys disciples ●t is spedful to you that I goo vp to the fader for but yf I goo fro you the holy ghost comforter shall not com̄ to you ▪ And therfore saith saynt bernarde in a sermon of this feest of thascencōn in the cōfermacōn of my forsayd sentence that this gloryous feest of thascencion of our lorde Jhū is an ende a fulfillyng of all other solempnytees festes and blessed conclusion of all the Journeye of our lorde Jhū his manhede ¶ Thus maye we openly see that this daye this feest is moche hygh solempne of all other and that soule that loued truely our lorde Jhū shold this day be more rauysshed to heuen and more ghostly Joye haue in herte than in ony daye of the yere For thus sayd our lorde Jhūs to his discyples yf ye loued me soothly ye sholde be gladde Joyefull for that I goo to the fader ▪ wherfor̄ I leue that I sayd truly before that was in heuen neuer a daye soo Joyefull and so solempne as this daye And soo this daye and this solempnyte lasted in to the daye of penthecoste wherof we maye deuoutly ymagyne and haue medytacōn in this maner The ascencōn of our lorde was at the serte hour For before he ete wyth his discyples at tyerce Then̄e may we thꝰ ymagyne y● those x-dayes fro y● hour that he ascended into the hour of the holy ghost sending the ix ▪ orders of angels wyth the holy faders and soules that he toke vp wyth hym made him x. festes he ayen warde reward ded hem specyally in some synguler comfort euery daye and soo though all that were then̄e in heuē generally were of his ascencōn Joyefull and made soo mery a feest that noo tonge can telle Neuertheles the fyrst daye fro the hour of his ascencōn in to the sexte of the next daye folowynge angels maden her feest Te seconde day in the self maner maden her feest ar chāgels the thirde day virtutes the fourth daye potestates the fyfth day pryncipatus the sexte day domynacōnes the seuēth day thrones the eyght daye cherubyn the ninthe day seraphin And soo thise nyne orders of angels cōtynued her festes in to the sexte hour of the vigyll of penthcost And fro thens in to tyerce of the daye folowyng ▪ that is the sondaye of penthcost the holy faders wyth her felyshyp made her feest to Jhūs blessed be he wythout ende Amen ¶ Of the sendyng doune of the holy ghost Caplm lxiii AFter that oure Lorde Jhesus was goone vpp̄ to his blysse And the angels had bydden the dyscyples to tourne agayn in to the cyte as it was sayde next before they wyth his blessed moder worshippinge him kissyng deuoutely the steppes of his fete wher̄ he last towched the erthe as the gospell of Luke tellyth they wente agayn in to Jherusalem with grete Joye there they abyden the comynge of y● holy ghost contynuelly in deuout prayers louynge god and blessinge our lorde And whan the tenth daye was come fro his Ascencōn then̄e was the fyfthy daye of his resurreccōn our lord Jhūs Joynynge the fygure of tholde testament with the new For asmoche as the tyme of grace was in that daye come he sayd to the fader thus My fader hauith now in mynde the byhest that I made to my brethern of the holy ghost And the fader ansuerd My dere sone I am wel apaid of that byhest and now it is tyme that it be fulfilled And morouer he sayd to y● holy ghost we pray the that thou goo doune to our discyples And that thou fylle hem of thy grace comforte hem strength hem teche hem and yeue hem habūdaunce of vertues Joye And anone the holy ghost came doune wyth a wonderfull noyse N in bren̄ynge tonges vpon an hūdred twenty discyples gadred that tyme togider and fyllid hem wyth all Joye vertues grace ▪ By vertue wherof the discypled strengthed taughte lyghted and enflāmed yeden after by all parties of the world and made it subget to hem in grete partye This is a worthi feest and amonge other a swete louely feest For this is the feest of hym that is loue properly as saynt Gregory sayth that the holy ghost is loue wherfore he that loueth god sholde in this feest specially be enflāmed with loue or at the leest with a brennynge desire to loue But this woll not be with flesshly or wordly loue medled as saynt bernard saith in a sermon bernarde of the ascencōn in this maner sentence He erryth gretly who soo he is that weneth for to medle togyder that heuenly Joye wyth thise bytter asshes of flesshly likynge Or that swete ghostly baume wyth this venym or those gracious yeftes of the holy ghost wyth thise lynkynge lustes And noo wonder For as the self bernarde sayth Thapostles for the tyme that they hadden his bodily presence wyth hem ▪ for the loue that they hadden to his body though it was holy good yet for that tyme they were vnable to receyue perfytly y● holy ghost as he sayd hymself But yf I goo fro you the holy ghost shall not Nisiego abiero come to you Moche more then̄e he that is knytte wyth loue to rotten mucke or to a stynkyng carrayn is in al maner vnable to that clen̄est swetest loue of the holy ghost For there is none accorde knyttynge togyder of sothfastnes vanyte of lighte and derkenes of the spiryte and the flesshe of fyre colde water But thou perauenture that felest not the swetnesse comforte of that ghostly likynge and loue sayst to me wyth out comforte of loue likynge I maye not be ▪ what shall I not doo then̄e whyle I fele not that ghostly loue Saynt bernarde ansuereth thus sayth to the Forsake fyrst fully truly all vayne worldes comforte and all flesshly loue lykynge abyde awhyle in deuoute prayers as the appostles dyden abydynge the holy ghost wherof they knewe noo certayne tyme And thou shalt fele wythin shorte tyme. that he shall come comforte the better than thou cowdest before knowe or thinke and in
that there maye noo true angel teche the contrary of the bileue of holy chirche And therfor̄ he that soo dooth is an angell of sathanas and not of god As ben all the fals lollardes the whiche haue neyther true drede nor perfyte loue of oure lord Jhū And therfore they fele not the ghostly swetnes of this heuenly mete of his precyous body ne the likynge mynde of his merueylles shewed in that blessed sacramente ▪ But we that thorugh grace stonden in true byleue as holy chyrche hath taught vs in this souerayne holyest sacrament wyth goostly lykynge of sowle Haue we not oonly in mynde the grete merueylles and myghty myracles wryten and preched of that holy Sacrament in dyuerse maners shewed as it is beforsayd But also consider we how that our lorde Jhūs of his vnspeable goodnes shewed to mankynde he yeueth hym self to vs euery daye bodily in that precious sacrament as in a conclusion and moost specyall mynde of all his blessed lyf to souerayne comforte helpe of our wretchid lyfe the whyche is full of temptacōns and ouersette wyth many enmyes Wherfore it is spedfull to vs contynuelly to crye after helpe of the sonerayne vertue of this blessed sacrament by the wordes that holy chyrche syngeth in the ympne of this sacrament thus O thou helful oost that openest the door of heuē the bataylles of our enmyes oppressen ouerseten vs wherfore yeue vs strengthe of wythstondynge and brynge vs thy helpe to her ouercomyng Also to wythstondynge of temptacōns and ouercomyng of vices to getynge of vertues and encreace of feruent affeccōns of our lorde Jhū as for a full ende of all his blessed lyfe before wryten ¶ Enprynted by wynkin the worth ¶ Here folowyth a shorte deuoute prayer to Jhū cryst his body in the sacrament of the aulter the whiche oweth to be sayd in presence of that holy sacrament at the masse with inwarde deuocōn HEyle holyest body of our lorde Jhesu cryste that art now soothfastly conteyned here in this moost excellent sacrament I knowlege the my lorde god wyth my mouth I loue the wyth all my herte and I desyre the wyth all the Inwarde affeccyon of my soule I beseche the swete Jhū that thou vochesauf of thy souerayne goodnes this daye soo benygnely gracyously to vysite my sike soule desiryng to receyue the goostly our heelfull sacrifyce well of all grace soo that I may wyth gladnesse fynde medecyne heele in body soule by vertue of thy blessed presence Beholde not lorde Jhū to my wickydnesse manyfolde neclygences and my grete vnkyndnes but rather to thy souerayne mercy endles godenes Sothly thou arte that holy lambe wythout wēme of syn̄e that this day is offred to the euerlastinge fader of heuen for the redempcōn of al the worlde O thou swettest man̄a angels mete ▪ O thou moost likynge ghostly drynke brynge in to my Inwarde mouth that hony swete taast of thy helfull presence Byadie in me the feruour of thy charyte Quenche in me all maner vyces Shede in to me the plentee of vertues Encreace in me the yeftes of graces And yeue me heele of body soule to thy plesynge My god I biseche the that thou wolt soo gracyously bowe the and fro thy hye heuen now come doune to me y● I knytted Joyned to the be made one spiryte wyth the O y● worshypfull sacrament I byseche the that al myn enmyes be put awaye fro me by the strengthe of the and all my synnes foryeue and all wyckidnes be excluded by the blessid presence of the Good purpose lorde yeue thou me My maners thou correcte amende And al my werkes dedes thou dispose in thy wyll My wytte vnderstondyng by the swete Jhū be made here clere wyth a newe lyghte of grace Myne affeccōn be enflāmed wyth the fyre of thy loue and myne hope cōforted strengthed wyth this blessid sacrament soo that my lyf here profyte euer in amendynge to better And at last fro this wretchid worlde wyth a blessed departyng that I maye come wyth the to lyf euerlastyng Jhū lorde by vertue grace of thy lyfe blessed wythout endynge Amen amen Amen ¶ Jhū lorde thy blessid lyfe helpe comforte our wretchid lyfe AMEN ¶ Explicit Speclm vite xp̄i cū ▪ ●tili●●ime tractatu breue de sacramento corporis xp̄i oracōne eid●●● sacramenti Impressū westmonasterii Anno dn̄i M. C●●● ▪ ●xxxxiiii
blessyng after he had blessyd them wenten vp ageyn to heuen tellyng there these tidynges of his gracious vyctory And therof was all the blessyd Courte reioysed fulfilled in myrthe thankynge of god And thus in thys maner we may thynke ymagyne the forsaid processe to styrynge of oure deuocion as by way of meditacion in the whiche processe ben many good notabylitees touchyng temptacion of man in this world of the wiche saynte Gregory other doctours spekē in the exposicion of this Gospel Duet ▪ est Jhesus in deserto cetera And specially Crisostome in in perfecto the whiche for they ben suffisaūtly wryten not only in latyn but also in Englisshe we passen ouer at this tyme Spekynge ferthermore of the tornynge ageyne of oure Lorde 〈…〉 Jhesus home to his moder at Nazareth And then̄e whan he wente downe fro that hylle and cam to Jordan Johan Baptiste as soone as he sawe hym come towarde hym wyth his fynger puttynge toward hym shewed hym and sayd loo the lambe of god loo he that dooth a way the syn̄es of the worlde He hit is vpon whome I sawe the holy ghost reste what tyme I baptysed hym ¶ Afterward also a nother day whan Johan hadde shewed hym as he dyde firste Andrewe and Peter with other disciples speken wyth hym and hadden a begynnynge of his knowleche as Johan telleth in his Gospel Afterward oure lord Jhesꝰ lefte that Countre ▪ and took the waye towarde Galilee tyl he came to his moder at Nazareth whome we shall also folowe by cōpassion of his grete trauaylle all that longe waye of lxxiiii myle as it is said before And what tyme that he was come home and his moder had the syghte of hym noo wonder was though she was gladde ioyeful in so mykel that there may no tonge telle ▪ wherfore anone she rose clippynge and kyssyng hym welcomyd hym home and thanked the fader of heuen that brought hym sauf to hir But there with beholding his face lene pale she had grete cōpassōn and he ayenward reuerently enclynynge dyde hir worshippe as to his moder also to Joseph as to his trowed fader And so dwellid he with them as he dyde before me kely but in another maner of lyuynge as by shewynge withoute forth of his perfeccion more and more as it shal shewe Nota bene pro ordine capitulorū● modo s●ribe●di in sequ●ntibus hereafter But for as mykel as it were longe werke perauēture tedious bothe to the reders to the herers herof yf al the processe of the blessid lyf of Jhu shold be wryten in Englissh so fully by meditacions as it is yet hyder to after the processe of the book before named of Bonauenture in latyn therfore hereafterward many chapitres longe processe that semeth lytyl edifycacōn in as to the maner of symple folke that this book is specyally wryten to shalle be lefte vnto it drawe to the passion the whiche with the grace of Jhu shalle be more playnly cōtynued as the mater that is moost nedeful moste edyfyenge And before oonly tho materes that semen moost fructuous and the Chapytres of theym shalle be wryten as god wille yeue grace wherfore as the same Bonauenture B byddeth thou that wilt fele the swetnes and the fruyte of these meditacions take heede algate and in all places deuoutly Vide ī co● ꝓxio seque ti qd hic omittitur in thy mynde beholdynge the persone of oure lorde Jhesu in all his dedes as whan he stante with his disciples and whan wyth other synful men And whan he preched to the peple And how he speketh to theym And also when̄e he wyrcheth myracles ▪ so forth takynge hede of all his dedes his maners and pryncipally beholdynge his blessid face yf thou canst ymagyne it that semeth to me moost hard of all other but as I trowe it is moost lykynge to hym that hath grace therof And soo what tyme that synguler me ditacions ben not specifyed this generalle shal suffyle Amē ¶ De aperciōe libri ī sinagoga notatur in capitulo sequēti ¶ How oure lord Jhesus began to teche and gadre disciples Capitulum xvi AFter that oure lorde Jhesus was come home ageyne to Nazareth fro his baptisme and his temptacion as it is sayd he beganne a lytil a lytil to shewe hym self and to tech pryuely and in party For as openly and fully we rede not that he took vpon hym thoffyce of prechynge all that yere folowyng that is to saye vnto that tyme that he wrought the first myracle at the weddyng that was that self day a twelue moneth that he was baptised And though he or his disciples precheden in the meane tyme other whyle Neuertheles it was not so fully nor so customably done before that Johan Baptiste was taken emprisoned as after And in that he gaf vs ensample of a wonderful mekenes when touchyng thoffyce of prechynge he gaf stede to Johan that was mykel lesse with oute comparison more vnworthy than he And soo we may see that he began not with boost blowynge as many done but with mekenesse lytyl lytyl softely wherfore vpon a sab botte daye when he was come in to the synagoge as he was wonte to doo with other as in the chirche of Jewes he rose vp for to rede in maner of ▪ a mynyster or a Clerke And whan there was take hym the book of the prophete ysaye he tornyd to that pace where it is wryten soo he redde in this maner The spyryte of oure lord hath rested vpon me wherfore he hath anoynted me and for to preche to the poore he hath sēte me cetera And then̄e whan he had closed the booke taken it to the seruaūt he sat down and then̄e he spake ferthermore This day is this scripture fulfylled in youre ere 's Now take hede of hym how mekely at begyn̄ynge he took vpon hym y● offyce of a reder as it were a symple clerke fyrste with a benigne and lowely chere redynge and after expownyng it me kely of hym self yet not openly expressyng or menyng hym self when he said this day is fulfilled this scripture as who seith I that rede this this daye am he of whome it speketh And the eyen of all that were in the Synagoge were sette be sely in hym And alle they wondred of these wordes of grace that yeden oute of his mouthe And no wonder for he was soueraynly fair also moost eloquente As Dauid saith of hym also Thou faire in shappe passyng the chyldren of mē Specio●ꝰ ●o●●a pre 〈…〉 s homi num and grace is shewed in thy lyppes Ferthermore also our lord Jhesus besyenge hym aboute oure sauacōn beganne to clepe gadre to hym dysciples and soo he cleped Peter Andrew thre tymes Fyrste tyme when he was aboute y● water of Jordan as it was sayd before and then̄e they comē somwhat in De