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A15388 A confutation of certaine articles deliuered vnto the Familye of Loue with the exposition of Theophilus, a supposed elder in the sayd Familye vpon the same articles. By William Wilkinson Maister of Artes and student of diuinitye. Hereunto are prefixed by the right reuerend Father in God I.Y. Byshop of Rochester, certaine notes collected out of their Gospell, and aunswered by the Fam. By the author, a description of the tyme, places, authors, and manner of spreading the same: of their liues, and wrestyng of Scriptures: with notes in the end how to know an heretique. Wilkinson, William, d. 1613.; Young, John, 1534?-1605.; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1579 (1579) STC 25665; ESTC S101312 139,324 194

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Church for his mother The Church is Noahs Arke out of the which he that is must néedes be drowned Christianus non est qui in Christi ecclesia non est sayth Cyprian He is not a Christiā which is not of the Church of Christ They be Antichristes which goe out of the Church and deale agaynst the Church The which Church of Christ if your Family be Shew me out of the scriptures these markes wherby the Church ought to be knowen this if you can truely doe I confesse that you haue the Church if ye cannot beware least the further ye wander from the shepfold the further ye goe astray from Christ and encrease you owne damnation Therefore loke well to your standing The doctrine is very true yet the place quoted by HN Fol 16. sent 38. out of S. Iude to proue it is very impertinent hauing no such proofe in it as he alledgeth it for For how hangeth this reason together God hath reserued vnto the Angels which kept not their first estate but left their owne habitation euerlasting chaines vnder darknes vnto the iudgement of the great day which S. Peter calleth their damnation Therefore he that turneth away from the comminalty of Loue which as you tearme is the Church of God bringeth euen so ouer himselfe the iudgement of his condemnation But it were hartely to be wished that his fault in abusing Scripture were the least which in the eyes of God is damnable so should not his cancred and poysoned Heresies besides his owne guilt draw with them likewise the soules of those that stumble vpon him And thus much for HN his text Now to Theophilus exposition Theophilus YOu say that this clause It is the hill of the Lord is spoken of the loue it selfe and not of the familie W. Wilkinson THen belike you would haue me take your meanyng to be this The loue the is God ye say for so in the next clause ye expound it is the hill of the Lord whereon his Church is builded What a perplexitie of speach is this the ye can not vtter your mynde so the I may vnderstand ye If you meane the God is onely the foūdation of his Church I graunt yet hath not your Paraphrasis vpon HN. his wordes as yet forced thus much Ergo God is the foundation of your Loue Familie Ye take in hād to explicate HN. his meanyng but the old Prouerbe will still belike be true An euill expositor marreth the text For herein you do but rayse dust with your shufflyng tell vs there is a marke if we could sée it when ye haue dimmed it with a darke exposition so that it can not be sene For in my simple iudgement you leaue the wordes very doubtfull For whereas you make a circumloqution and say it may not bee denied for as much as God is loue and the other must consequently or necessarily follow I vnderstand HN. very well when he sayth God is loue it is very true and therefore I take it that in diuers places he vseth this diffuse terme the loue for the Lord our God as a worde that is equiualente of signification But whereas you say the other must consequently or necessarily follow I vnderstand not yet what you meane for it is as though ye bad me looke stedfastly and yet shut myne eyes For what is the other which you adde Is the sence this the Familie of Loue by you pretended is Gods Church that God is the grounde of that your Familie Geue me leaue to vse your own wordes neither is the consequent good nor doth it follow of necessitie for which you induce it For to let passe your learned and weightie Parenthesis for how is an house to be builded on an house with a sad interrogatorie ministred in the same what a necessarie consequēt is this God is the hill of the Lord or this God is the foundation of his Church Ergo your pretended Familie is the Church of god How this consequent doth halte in his followyng he that knoweth what a consequent meaneth can easely consider But it séemeth that you are no great gatherer of necessary consequentes albeit ye iumbling stumbled on these wordes To follow consequently or necessarily vnwares But if hereafter vppon a further deliberation by you had you shall enforce your consequent more necessarily I shall hit on your meanyng the better so shape you a fitter aunswere And thus much of the first Article An addition to the first Article out of HN. THe Familie and cōmunaltie of the same house vid. of the loue is Gods chosen people of Israell and he him selfe with them is Ierem. 24. a. 31. d. Ezech. 27. c. Apoc. 21. a. their God and will likewise bide their God from generation to generation euerlastingly And if they chaunce to transgresse in any thing God will then 1. Chron. 3. chastē teach and informe them but he will no more withdraw his grace and mercy frō them Psal. 89. c.d. For God hath chosen none other house nor Ierem. 7. b. Temple but 1. Cor. 3. b. c. 2. Cor. 6. b. c. the godly childrē or Communialtie of loue For the F. of L. is the mercy seate of the loue that is of the Lord the schole of grace Exhor Cap. 12.44 Heb. 5. a. The rest prepared from the beginnyng for the people of God and all repentaunt persons It is the Sion and Ierusalem from whence the law was prophesied Esay 2. Mich. 4. to come The Familie of Loue is the true tabernacle of God which shall in all perfection be euerlastingly vpon earth For so it hath pleased God to the end that his will and iudgemēt of his righteousnes may be done vpō earth as it is in heauen Math. 6. Luke 11. All prophesies ministratiōs which are gone from God doe tend or lead to the Familie of Loue as to an euerlasting very true perfect good most holy seruice of the loue that is the Lord which shall remaine in the same clearenes in his ministery euerlastingly to the end that the same most holy Prophet good frō henceforth might perpetually be declared vpon earth W. Wilkinson THese haue I good Reader put downe as a tast that thou mightest bee somewhat acquainted with their horrible blasphemies and thereby thou knowyng them mightest more carefully eschew and auoide them ARTICLE 2. HN. No truth HN sayth that he can not perceiue nor find the true belief in Iesus Christ amongest any people vpon earth that walke without the Communialtie of loue and liue vnto them selues and that same is appeared and manifested vnto the holy ones of God in the Communialtie 1. Iohn 1.3 a. of the loue through the appearyng Mat. 25.3 d. Act. 1.11 d. of the comming of Iesus Christ out of the most high heauen So can not likewise the same most holy belief become rightly witnessed or confessed by any other people nation or communialities but onely by the 1. Cor. 12. a.
of the man from the true fayth in Christ the light of lyfe to the addictyng of him selfe to the lye or darcknes or euer such tyme as they become conuerted to their God and are regenerated in the spirite of their mynde is the greatest Antichrist which also frō the very begynnyng as likewise in the very corporall appearaunce of Christ in the flesh like as S. Iohn also expresseth impugne it and persecute it in the truth of God and that in the inwardnesse of the man to the establishyng of all vnrighteousnesse in him and not onely a certaine disordred or abused Papistrie yea or euer the Papistrie was thought of which no Pope also or such outward fleshly creature could or can euer worke or bryng to passe And therefore deceiue not your selfe in the point to iudge the Author to be a maintainer of any fleshly or creature like Pope with his adherentes in their abusion of Ceremoniall seruices Ceremonies but he driueth his matter onely as in his worke beyng well noted you may sée to this point to wit that after the entraunce of the darknesse once chaunced the manly generations beyng falne away from the fayth towardes God which was established by Christ in his Apostles and Disciples the old Fathers grew out of a zealousnes of the mynde towardes God and his righteousnesse to institute certaine Ceremonies and seruices so neare as they could out of their insight and comprehendyng that they by their diligent study and searchyng of the Scriptures had attained vnto concerning Gods truth hit the same that resembled or were conformablest to the holy and diuine Scriptures to a commemoration of the thyngs wrought and brought to passe before with Christ and his holynes in the very true beyng to the susteinyng and staying vp of the ignoraunt people in the tyme of darknes from fallyng into any greater absurdities enormities and errours that might haue happened vnto thē and which also did happen vnto many such as maliciously and obstinately not rightly seyng but rather in meanyng to set vp some better degressed and winded of them selues there from and maliciously blasphemed and continewed the same tell that the light of Gods truth might spryng foorth agayne or be erected in the seruice of the loue accordyng to the promises and goeth not about to establish the same in and of their ceremoniall much lesse abused seruice and Ceremonies where about men presently so greatly striue and varie now in this present tyme of the light of loue whiche he affirmeth to be the day of the cleare righteous iudgemēt of God wherein god will restore all thynges to their right to wit bryng or set the lye in his lying beyng to be condemned in the hellish caue and the truth likewise in his right fourme or degrée to wit to preuayle florish and beare sway ouer the vnrighteousnes for euer more Whereby that the will of God might euē so be accomplished in earth as in heauen Wherefore me thinkes that should be very small discernyng in such as can not distinct the shadowes figures or image of a thyng from the body it selfe or the very true beyng either substaunce of the same And that he speaketh of mens ignoraunce in that place and touchyng their slender knowledge vnderstandyng in Gods worde that layeth he forth flatly to the effectuall word and not the imagelike or written word wherein the right Christians are not iniuried but the conceited Christians detected Rochester THe rest of the booke from the 34. Chapter vnto the end is of the callyng of the Gentiles and of the grace of God offred to the world in the last age of the world which seemeth to be the best part of that booke Familie of Loue. IT is well that ye like some part of the booke and if ye could therewithall note that there were a defectiō frō the truth and that there were also by that meanes no difference to bee had betwixt a ceremoniall either letter doctour Christian and an vncircumcised Heathen so had ye then somewhat for your part Rochester THus haue you a tast of this booke gathered as the tyme would serue whereby it appeareth to be no such precious price of worke as of some it is supposed to be Such fayre shewes and glorious titles may soone deceiue the simple to haue such bookes in more admiration then the holy Scriptures But we haue Moses and the Prophetes let vs heare them and iudge all others by them Family of Loue. I do not so collect by the authors wrighting that he would prefer his writing aboue the scriptures geuen by inspiration of God and brought forth and written by the holy Fathers in times past But if you had well marked or considered the same he witnesseth as by a concordable and vniforme testimonye either by record of the same their writynges what the Lord will now accomplish in these last dayes wishing euery one in the same booke to search the Scriptures whether that they also mētion and record not the very same affirmyng also therewith that God is not ne cannot be a God of contentatiō but of peace vnitie And that God moreouer hath stirred him vp to bee a seruiceable instrument or as his elect minister to bryng downe accordyng to his promises written in the Scriptures all controuersies growne among men about their misunderstanding of the scriptures to bryng the same to an end And doth also in the same booke vncouer sundry secret thinges which they that haue seing eyes may by ententiue reading of the same together with the Lordes assistaunce well perceiue and vnderstand that no selfewise or enuious scripture learned could or can euer attaine vnto it agayne What iniurie were it seing that it procedeth by the same spirite to valew it equall with those same sacred scriptures that were tofore written by the holy one of God. Also ye may remember that the fleshly Iewes had also for their aunswere to Christ enuying agaynst him being the truth it selfe the same testimonye that ye alledge to wéete that they had Moses and the Prophets c But who were in the meane time greater persecutours of him then they Rochester WE are sure that the holy Scriptures were wrighten by the spirite of Loue and truth the holy ghost And conteine all true and necessary and sufficient doctrine for our saluation let vs not hould vpon men proue all thinges hould that which is good beleue not euery spirite but proue the spirites Family of Loue. I Graunt that right discerning is good and commeth from the Lord and through him from them whome he and not themselues placeth and by them that are set in the right place of iudgement by the Lord himselfe and not by those that sitt on their owne stoole for it is to be doubted that so many as take vpon them that office of iudgemēt or medling with gods matters or euer Christ be come vnto them or haue a liuing shape in them that they all will
the Ceremoniall law is néedefull to be obserued HN. termeth our Baptisme an handfull of water Who soeuer is not Baptised accordyng to the forme or maner of Iohn that is with the water of repentaunce confessing their sinne he is no Christian No man sayth HN. can Minister the vpright seruice or Ceremonies of Christ truly but the regenerate HN. denyeth the outward admission of Ministers The Familie shal be in all perfection euerlastyngly vpō earth to the end that Gods will might be done in earth as it is in heauen HN. beasteth perfection in this lyfe and in many places HN. sayth that this testimony and publishyng of the ioyfull message videl his Gospell is the kyngdome of perfection and that all the seruices and prophecies which are gone out from God doe lead hereunto and rest and cease herein HN. his sayth Familie must not conceale or dissemble their Religiō but they must hold it out before euery one whō the Lord stirreth vp in their wayes In HN. his Familie is the true most holy of the euerlastyng beyng of God from whence the vpright seruice of the Familie is ministred whereunto all seruices and prophecies which are gone out from God and his truth do lead as to the right and very true perfection that God might euer be declared vpon earth HN. sayth of all preachers without his Fam. that they are vnilluminated vnregenerated vnrenewed vngodded vnsent good thinkyng which out of their literall knowledge come into the shéepefold of the beleuers besides the Church of Christ Which Christ calleth théeues wolues murtherers false hartes and Scripture learned HN. alloweth confession of sinnes in his Familie and forgeuenesse of the same and clensing whiche he calleth Purgatorie HN. sayth that the Romishe Church hath obediently grounded it selfe on the seruices and ceremonies which are the prefiguration of true Christianitie and her seruices and with diligence and feruēcie obserued the same to a good discipline or ordinaunce of the congregations HN. sayth that the annoyntyng with oyle which the Papistes vse is a Sacrament of the holy Churche of Christ and signifieth vnto vs the annoyntyng of Priests and Elders with the holy Ghost HN. alloweth of the Pope because sayth he through his seruice of the holy word the true clearenes of Christ was spread abroad in all landes HN. of the Popish Hierarchie namely Cardinals Bishops Parish priestes signifiyng the Leuiticall Priestes Deacons or helpers of the Parish Priestes Sextons or kéepers of holy thynges Monkes whiche signifie such as dwell alone and are through the loue of righteousnes sanctified and therfore seperated from the world and all that is fleshly for to liue euen so as sanctified ones of God. All the aforesayd sayth HN. hath bene vsed in tymes past in his true beyng whē the light of lyfe had his clearenes but now is become darkned HN. condenmeth as many out of their knowledge whiche they take out of the Scriptures brought in certaine seruices and ceremonies in any other wise and order then the Churche of Rome appoynted as vnorderly reiectyng and blasphemyng the Catholique Church of Rome and rentyng the consent and nurturable sustentation of the same It is mere lyes and vntruth which the Scripture learned through the knowledge whiche they get out of the Scripture institute preach and teach HN. sayth God raysed him vp which lay altogether dead without breath and lyfe from the death annoynted him with his godly beyng named him selfe with him and Godded him with him selfe All the Scripture speakyng of Christ of his séede of his commyng in his glory is in this day of the Loue fulfilled HN. sayth that the prophecies 1. Edras 4. d. Esay 3. e. and 11. b. Ezech. 39. c. Soph. 3. b. Zach. 2. b. are in this day of Loue fulfilled Moreouer the raysing vp and Resurrection from the dead commeth to passe also in this same day through the appearyng of the commyng of Christ in his maiestie acaccordyng to his saying Iohn 6. e. I will rayse him vp agayne in the last day In this day are all prophecies fulfilled The seruice of Loue is the perfection it selfe All sayth HN. shall perishe without the Familie of Loue. ¶ Hereticall affirmations and vngodly expositions of Scriptures by HN. out of the documentall sentences EVen thus haue the seruices of the testimonyes of the holy spirite of Loue their ministrations among the perfect ones and do remoue the midle wall which is betwixt the perfect and vnperfect ones To make euen so of twayne that it be one namely God and the man in one true being of Iesus Christ cap. 1. sent 4. Nothing can come from the true perfection but all humble and méeke vertues and righteousnes which flow out of perfection cap. 1. sent 7. He alledgeth that there is a perfection in his lyfe to proue it he quoteth 1. Cor. 13. b. cap. 1. sent 9.10.2 Pet. 1. d. The perfect can bring forth nothing but all good and loue quoted as a profe Iohn 13 14.16 he leadeth thē into all truth Cap. 2. sent 1. ¶ Christ is taken on   1. With an imagination of knowledge Cap. 2. sent 1. Videl 2. Good thincking of the hart   3. Or out of the text of the letter No man can teach the word of doctrine of Christ but such as haue bene disciples obedient of the loue cap. 2. senten 1. Vnilluminated Scripture learned and vnsent preachers cap. 2. sent 2. The word that is ministred speakeable or in letters out of the Loue and out of the true lyfe is also Christ after the fleash cap. 2. sent 4. For euen so among the beleuers of the word the word became flesh and dwelt among them and Iesus was in such sort borne of the virgin Mary out of the séede of Dauid after the flesh that is of pure doctrine out of the séede of the Loue and whosoeuer feadeth of the ouerflowne word and his lyfe beleuingly in his soule he eateth truely the flesh of Christ and drinketh his bloud and is raysed vp by Christ in the last day to eternall lyfe and becommeth euen so in his new birth Consubstanciated with Christ after the spirit cap. 2. sent 5. As also for that the seruauntship of the Law should be noe Gal. 3. c. heire with the beleuer cap. 3. sent 10. That same was the complaint of Abraham which he or euer he had a sonne or an heire complayned before the Lord that he had obteined no. Gen. 15. a. séede out of the beliefe And supposed euen so that his seruaunt that is his seruauntship out of the law should be his heire but the sonne wich shall be borne out of the spirite that is out of the fayth of Abraham cap. 3. sent 11. As long as the young ones are childish and not yet growne vp vnto the Elderdome of the perfect being they are yet vnder the ordinance of the
Ioh. 12. e. 35. HN. his other places Iohn 8. b. 12. I am the light of the world And Ephes 5. c. 14. Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from death and Christ shall giue the light The first proueth that without Christ is nothyng but darknes and condemnation and out of the body of Christ which is his Churche is no health nor comfort of body or soule which when ye can shew me by the Scriptures truly alledged that ye are I will acknowledge my selfe to be in an errour vntill ye can so do say not euery one that sayth the lord c. Heretiques in crying the Churche haue alwayes sought to bryng in a schisme to disturbe and disquiet the state of the Church HN. ANd euen so out of this high Maiestie of God doth this true light shew forth his seruice through the illuminated or Godded man with whom the most hyest through the selfe same light and his seruice is also manned witnessing and declaryng how that the true light consisteth not in the knowledge of this or that but in an vpright and true beyng of God and his eternall life Iohn 17. c. Theophilus exposition THat is through the new creature which is incorporated into God by the power of his word W. Wilkinson IT is not in this place certaine to bee gathered by any apparaunt circumstaunce wherfore or to what end all these authorities are wrong in by HN. for if he meane that no man ought to minister without a callyng as it seemeth hee would fayne meane if hee could vtter it the proposition I confesse is true and I aske him what outward callyng he had and by whom he was called or who admitted him vnto that Propheticall function whiche so often he boasteth of yet are these places by him very vnskilfully cited and vnaptly to the purpose the whiche he doth alledge them so that herein I blame his euill choyse for hee might better for profe haue quoted Iohn 1.25 Num. 17.9 2. Sam. 6.7 Heb. 4.5 But if hee brought them for his illuminated or Godded man as it is like that hee did because vnto that place he made his directorie g. I accuse him that he quoteth scripture with an euill conscience For that in none of those places by him cited there is any word of illumination Goddyng or mannyng The places of the Actes he dealeth lyke a théefe that dare not make a playne stepe least he should be taken for he treadeth but ouerly dare not set downe either Verse or Letter to direct the Reader but vsing onely his old ragged and running maner of quotatiōs very impertinently to no purpose doth he abuse the Reader As also in the places of S. Peter and S. Paule he hath by his direction set vs to séeke that which we shall neuer finde Lastly the place out of S. Iohn 17. c.. is idle and emptie hauyng no one sillable tendyng to any such end as he alledged it for As for HN. it is very like that hee thought the world would allow his wordes without proofe and as his Disciples vse to doe hand ouer head he would take whatsoeuer commeth from him without examination which his opinion is grounded of the old doctrine of the Papistes that doctrine of teachers ought not to be further shifted or iudged by the hearer of the which point we shall haue occasion to speake more Article 8. pag. 89. THE 7. ARTJCLE Conteinyng HN. his blasphemy what he boasteth of him selfe and his miraculous and extraordinary callyng HN Sayth that he is moued with the good nature of God and that hee is raysed vppe from the dead to iudge the earth with righteousnesse Theophilus HEre are his wordes wrested and wrongly alledged his meanyng subuerted and misconstrued Read Euang. cap. 3. sent 11. cap. 28. sent 3. and Dictata cap. 5. sent 4. and ye shall see he pointeth on Christ William Wilkinson THis Article as it is one of the most blasphemous and Hereticall of all the rest so in the Exposition and saluyng therof Theophilus doth so freate and vary his old eloquence as vnlesse I were acquainted with his melancholie and whot complexion I should hardly beare such coales as he heapeth vpon me The houndes wherewith he persueth me are two the first is wrestyng the second is wrongfull alledgyng subuertyng and misconstruyng his meanyng to the which vnlesse I withstand with playne dealyng naked truth it séemeth that I shall finde small fauour at his handes And first whereas hee burtheneth me with wrongfull alledging HN. him selfe shall explayne his owne meanyng who will say agaynst him selfe much more then I in the former clause did accuse him of or for these wordes of his He is indued with the good nature of God the wordes be as playne as can be in the place by me alledged which is also more clearely by him aduouched in his wofull Euangely where he hath these woordes HN. out of grace accordyng to the prouidence of God and of his promises Iohn 6. raised vp by the highest God from the dead annointed with the holy Ghost in the Elderdome of the holy vnderstandyng of Christ Iohn 14. Codeified or Godded together with God in the spirite of his Loue made heyre with Christ in the heauenly treasures of the riches of God Illuminated with the heauēly truth the very true light of the perfect beyng in the spirite Apo. 21. Elected to be a minister of the gracious word stirred vp now at this last tyme accordyng to the promise Ieremy 33. Thus you sée he hath word by word vttered that whiche you maliciously affirme that I haue wrongfully alledged what blasphemy these wordes conteine no man can be ignoraūt but he that will not sée cōcerning his wordes I purposely abstaine to cōfute for that they are learnedly by a godly man confuted already Concernyng his meanyng I shall hereafter set down proofe that arrogantly and Luciferlike he taketh vppon him that which is proper to Christ onely where likewise I will touch the places by you cited and proue that HN. pointeth not out Christ as ye affirme After the day of Loue seyng the same is last or newest day wherin the vniuersall Actes 17. d. compasse of the earth shal be come iudged with righteousnes There shall no Apoc. 10. a. day of grace appeare any more vpō the earth but a seuere Heb. 10. c. or sharpe iudgement ouer all vngodly We acknowledge that there is none other light nor life more that is true nor hath bin neither in heauen nor vpon earth but this same light which is now in this last time through the loue of God the father reueiled come vnto vs that same whereon Moses Deut. 18.6 and all the Prophets of God haue witnessed Esay 60. a. Iohn 5. c. and which the holy Apostles of Christ Actes 2.3.4 7.10.13 c. and the Euangelistes haue published These be HN. his owne wordes out of the which because they were to tedious
did not bow to heare him nor vouchsafe him pardō will Theophilus say that he is giltles for beyng condemned for that transgression So may it be sayd of Caine before he committed that horrible murther the Lord did not onely frowne vppon him but gaue him likewise a watchword that if he stayd not his furie there was a punishment prepared for him and the continuall torment of conscience should not departe from him Dare Theophilus affirme that now seyng the Lord stayd not his hand from heauen in the staying of his brother is God therefore guiltie of that murther as well as Caine because the tongues of them that teach false doctrine are not rent out of the mouthes of heretiques and those that defile the Lordes Priesthode are not plagued is God not iust yes Theophilus God will recōpence the slownes of his punishment with the waight therof our God shall come and not stay for euer looke you therfore before hand to your standyng that ye be not cast out of the holy Citie and haue your part with those that wepe eternally And thus much to your Articles and aunsweres The summe of the opinions of cercertaine Libertines 1 FIrst they affirme that the preaching of the word is not the ordinarye meanes to come to the knowledge of the worde but by reason 2 Secōdly that no man which is faulty himselfe can preach the truth to others 3 Those preachers which doe take in hand to preach the word of God before man be regenerate doe take the office of the holy Ghost out of his hand 4 Those that be doctors and learned can not preach the word truely their reason is because Christ sayth it is hidden from the wise and prudēt and is reueiled to sucklinges and babes 5 There is no deuill but suche as the painters make 6 They which haue the spirite of God know all thinges 7 That we ought not to geue our almes to beggers for that they liue in the consumablenes and that there was no begger in Israell 8 Mariage is a sacrament and wonderfull speculation 9 That there were misteries and great speculations in the Masse if they could be attained vnto and that it was a God seruice 10 Also the seruice that we haue taken for a gods seruice is not so and in so taking it both they and we are deceiued 11 That Adam did not sinne at all their reason is Adam did not sinne but the woman 12 There is no man Gods childe but he that can shew his Pedigrue 13 The martyrs in Q. Maryes dayes ought not so to haue died for in so dying they distroyed the temples of God. 14 That whosoeuer hath Gods Spirite can not sinne and that the Prophet Dauid did not sinne after that tyme he had receiued the holy Ghost 15 That a man ought not to wearie his bodye in trauaile and labour For say they the holy ghost will not tarye in a body that is wearie and yrksame 16 Where there is any contention there is not the spirite of God for say they the spirite is not deuided 17 That the witch which raysed vp the deuill in the lykenes of Samuell was no witch but the wisedome of God and the spirit that she raysed vp was Samuell himselfe 18 That Adam was the sonne of God otherwise then by creation 19 That there be many bookes besides the Bible which Esdras speaketh of should be reuealed and come abroad before the end 20 That the Bible is not the word of God but a signification thereof and that the Bible is but ynk and paper but the word of God is spirite and lyfe 21 That they may not speake the truth bouldly and openly because the truth will not be heard 22 That there are Some which now are liuing which doe fulfill the Law in all pointes William Wilkinson ALbeit there be diuers of these Articles which I haue not read expressiuely in their bookes yet haue they ben confessed by them in conference as it may be proued by the testimonye of thē which haue talked with them vnto the which Articles exhibited at the same time with the former of HN. Theophilus aunswereth in maner as followeth Theophilus NOw forth for your conclusion that you make vpō the 22. forged articles which you terme the opiniōs of the Libertines and you would faine father thē on the Family of Loue vpon the testimony of some priuate conference had by some of that company as you say with such as are as ready as your selfe for to maintayne their lye and yet shame not therein Therfore it is briefly sayd whatsoeuer accordeth not with the scriptures of God therein that same may well be the opinion of the Libertines Whose God is their bellie whose glory is their shame and rest worldy minded Which also with vncircumcised and vnrenewed spightfull minded hartes and all euill dedednes as in contempt of his word persecuting of his chosen following of the fleshly lustes forsaking of his crosse seeking all ease in the flesh by lying and slaundering of his worde and his chosen flock doe seeke to honour the God of lyfe in maintayning of the contrary nature the kingdome of Gods aduersary the deuill to serue and worship the Christ of the same God by maintayning of the lyfe of Antichrist To reuerence his holy spirite by the vpholding of the Belialish spirite of Antechrist but surely none of the right professours of the Loue can in any wise maintayne any such errors as some of them be Therefore in some point Theophilus is a Libertine and so is the Fam. also And by the way it is much to be maruailed at that any such which take vpon them to professe the Christianitye can with such vehemencie contemne the loue of God and her louely ministration whilest that all the Scripture enfouldeth all good and the some of all what God and Christ requireth in his word therein Vnles it were to be graunted that the enviers thereof are vtterly ignoraunt in that which they professe Therfore let this professed Loue vowed by the Familye of Loue be proued a false and counterfaite Loue by some euil fruites or deedes that are in testimonye of truth and meekenes and not by lye and arrogancye And eke by the rule of Scripture to breake forth and be gathered thereout or els if better may be found to be proued by lyke effect let it in peace be allowed to dwell by and with you Least ye procure by such a continuall inueying agaynst God his righteousnes God his seuere wrath and indignation to fall without remedie ouer you For it is all in vaine to kick agaynst the pricke or striue agaynst the Lord for if it be out of the flesh and bloud it will surely goe vnder or faile and spare you much labour but being done by the finger of God small will be your preuailing and much lesse your reward c. W. Wilkinson THis whole speach of Theophilus may for orders sake