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A13680 Of the imitation of Christ, three, both for wisedome, and godlines, most excellent bookes; made 170. yeeres since by one Thomas of Kempis, and for the worthines thereof oft since translated out of Latine into sundrie languages by diuers godlie and learned men: now newlie corrected, translated, and with most ample textes, and sentences of holie Scripture illustrated by Thomas Rogers; Imitatio Christi. English. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. 1580 (1580) STC 23973; ESTC S118358 156,757 336

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intangle me that I can haue no free accesse vnto thee nor enioie thy louing embracements in the presence of thy blessed Saints O my God let my so manifolde sighes and sorowes of mind which I feele in this world mooue thee O Iesus the brightnes of eternal glorie and comfort of the wandring soule my mouth is with thee that cannot speake and in silence do I speake to thee How long wil my Lord defer his comming Oh that he would come to me poore wretch make me glad and with stretched out arme deliuer me from al troble Come Lord Iesus come For lacking thee I am no daie no houre in quiet because thou art my ioie without whom my table is emptie I am a caytiue and I knowe not how kept in prison and kept downe with fetters and so shal be til thou comfort me with the light of thy presence set me at libertie shewe me a friendlie countenance Let others seeke in steede of thee what they wil nothing neither doth nor shal please me but thou my God my hope and eternal saluation I wil neuer be silent I wil neuer cesse to praie vntil y ● put awaie al displeasure speake to me againe LORD Lo because thou callest for me I am come thy teares thy groning thine humilitie and hartie sorow haue mooued me so to do SERVANT O my Lord through the desire I haue to enioie thee I who am redie to renounce al things for thy sake haue called thee But thou first didest stir me vp to seeke thee For which thing O Lord I yeeld thee humble thankes who of thy great goodnes hast bestowed so singular a benefit vpon me Now what remaineth but that I humblie submit my selfe to thee being alwaies mindful of my sinnes and vilenes For among al things either in heauen or earth none is like to thee Thy works are exceedingly good O Lord thy iugdements are true and al things are guided by thy prouidence Wherefore praised and magnified be thou O wisedome of the Father and thou my soule and mouth with al creatures of the worlde extol and glorifie him for euer Chap. 25. Of the continual calling into minde the infinit blessings and benefits of God SERVANT O Lord open thou the eies of my vnderstanding and teach me to liue according to the rules of thy Lawe Grant that I may knowe thy wil and with great reuerence and painfulnes cal thy manifolde benefites conferred both vpon me and al men into minde that so I maie render due praise vnto thee for the same Albeit to saie the truth I cannot sufficientlie commend thee for the least of all thy benefites yea so vnable am I to extol thee dulie for them that when I consider thy liberalitie I am vtterlie dismaied at the greatnes thereof For whatsoeuer we haue belonging either to the bodie or to the soule outwardlie or inwardlie naturallie or otherwise they are thy benefits and cōmend thy bounteousnes and liberalitie of whom we haue receiued al good things And although some haue moe than others yet al is thine and without thee euen the least thing cannot be attained Now if anie haue receiued greater gifts he cannot brag of his owne merit nor extol himselfe aboue others nor despise his inferior For by so much is a man greater and better by howe much he ascribeth lesse to himselfe and is the modester in yeelding thanks And y e more vile and vnwoorthie a man iudgeth himselfe the more capable is he of greater things Againe he that hath fewer gifts ought not to take it heauilie nor to enuie his better but rather to cast his eies vpon heauen and highlie to commend thy goodnes who giuest thy gifts so abundantly so franklie without respect of persons From thee we haue al and therfore in al things thou art to be glorified What is meete for euerie man thou knowest why this man hath litle and he much it is not for vs but for thee to iudge who knowest what is necessarie for euerie man Therefore my Lorde and God I count it for a great benefite to haue but fewe things which seeme glorious and praise-woorthie in the opinion of man And thus I thinke that basenes pouertie should be so far from disquieting the minde bringing downe a man that they ought to be occasions of great comfort and reioicing inasmuch as thou God doest choose the poore humble and despised in this world into the number of thy saincts and seruants As witnes thine Apostles whome thou madest princes through al the earth who behaued themselues so modestlie and showed foorth so litle malice and deceipt that not onelie they absteined from complaining but also reioiced to suffer rebuke for thy Name yea those things which we naturalie abhor they did greedilie embrace So that nothing should so comfort reioice the hart of him which loueth thee and confesseth thy goodnes as the knowledge of thine heauenlie wil wherewith he ought so to content himselfe that he desire as greatlie to be of smal as another doth to be of great accompt and take as wel in woorth the lowest place as the hiest roome and to be despised and contemned as to be honored and extolled aboue al For more should he desire to haue thy wil done and thine honor aduanced than anie thing besides yea more pleasure should he take therein thā in any thing els which either he hath alreadie or maie haue Chap. 26. Of the thing● in number foure which procure quietnes LORD I Wil now teach thee my sonne the readie waie vnto peace and freedome SERVANT Doo Lord as thou saiest for that is it which I desire LORD My sonne doo the wil of another rather than thine own wil alwaies desire litle before a great deale alwaies couet the lowest place and submit thy selfe to al alwaies praie wish that thou maist thoroughlie do the wil of God and doubtles thou shalt enter into the boundes of peace and quietnes SERVANT This thy short speech Lord conteineth much perfection and though it be briefe for wordes yet is it pithie for sense and most effectual And did I faithfulie obeie the same sure I am affections would not beare such a swaie within me as they do and I neuer am greeued and out of quiet but when I swarue from this thy doctrine But thou Lord which art almightie and alwaies doest desire the welfare of man extend thy fauor towardes me that both I maie do thy wil and attaine saluation Amen Chap. 27. A praier against euil thoughtes or cogitations SERVANT O Lord my God forsake me not O my God assist me For euil cogitations and feares be in my minde which disquiet me insomuch that I see not how to auoide and breake them off without great
shal finde that zelouslie do reade the same And this whatsoeuer I haue done was taken in hand at the motion of the Printer hereof whose zeale to set forth good bookes for the aduancement of virtue and care to publish them as they ought to be would some printers folowe neither would the sale of good workes be mard manie-times for lack of wel handling nor vaine and vile bookes to the dishonor of God the infamie of this land to the confirming of the wicked in naughtines and alienating of the wel disposed from virtue I saie to the discredite of the Gospel and abuse of printing would not dailie be so broacht as they are In which my translation I haue rather folowed the sense of the Autor than his verie wordes in some places the which also I haue studied as nigh as I could to expresse by the phrase of the holie Scripture supposing it to be a cōmendation as to Ciceronians to vse the phrase of Cicero so to Christians most familiarlie to haue the words of the holie Scripture in their mouthes and bookes Now touching my correction I trust no good man wil mislike the same For I haue left out nothing but what might be offensiue to the godlie Yet is it neither for quantitie much nor for number aboue foure sentences The first whereof is this Hoc signum crucis erit in coelo cùm Dominus ad iudicandum venerit According to Castellios translation Atque hoc erit signum crucis in coelo cùm Dominus ad iudicandum veniet In the English copie set foorth by Edward Hake thus And this signe of the crosse shalbe in heauen when the Lord shal come to iudge the world Which sentence for somuch as I see neither the Scripture nor anie good writer doth confirme the same I haue left out altogether The second is this Sed nec inimicum Diabolum timebis si fueris fide armatus Iesu cruce signatus According to Castellio Quinne Diaboli quidem inimicitias timebis si fide armatus Iesu cruce signatus eris In the English translation Naie thou shalt not feare the enimitie of the Diuel neither if thou be armed with faith and marked with the crosse of Iesus What needes these words And marked with the crosse of Iesus I haue therefore not mentioned them The third is Non enim flat meritum nostrum profectus status nostri in multis suauitatibus consolationibus c. According to Castellio Neque enim in copia voluptatum consolationum situm est meritum nostrum officijque profectus c. In the English translation Neither is our merit and the comming forward in our dutie consisting in plentie of pleasures and comfortes c. Which I haue thus Englished Neither doth our comming forward consist in the stoare of pleasures and comfort c. leauing out the worde merit Because both the scripture is cleene against our meriting and the Autor too in manie places condemnes the same The fourth Sed neque qui tunc iusti erant saluandi ante passionem tuam sacrae mortis debitum coeleste regnum poterant intrare According to Castellio Quinetiam qui tunc iusti seruandique erant ij ante supplicium tuum sacraeque mortis meritum in coeleste regnum intrare non poterant In Hakes translation Naie also euen those who then were iustified and in the state of saluation could not enter the kingdome of heauen before thy passion and the merit of thy pretious death Where then were they In hel I thinke none wil saie it In Abrahams bosome as some in Lymbo patrum as other Papists do saie but that wil not easilie be proued Wherefore as that which otherwise might offend the godlie I haue cleane omitted left out that sentence And as I haue ouerpast without mentioning these which sauor of superstition so haue I added some godlie sentences which haue bene omitted both by Castellio and such as folowed him as maie appeere both in the 47. according to Castel as in mine the 48. chap. within three sentences of the beginning and also in the 63. as in mine the 64. chap. somewhat after the midle thereof So that I maruel both why these were omitted and the rest not amended by such as haue taken the translation of this booke vpon them I grant they haue done the dutie of translators yet sure I am they haue neglected a greater dutie than of translatorship For my part I had rather come into the displeasure of man than displease God and rather moue the obstinat heretike than offend the weake simple Christian. It maie be obiected that I might haue giuen some note by the waie and so let them passe as doth Erasmus in his translations Surelie Erasmus might better do so in Latine than I maie in English For asmuch as most are learned haue iudgement which read his and I do that which I do for the simpler sorte And were other bookes that I could name excellent for manie good points yet for some things superstitious purged and corrected sure I am both God would greatlie like therof and manie men would then reade them who now reiect them and much profit would be reaped whereas now there is either litle or no profit at al taken One chapter you shal find in this my translation more than is in other bookes Yet haue I added no chapter but diuided the 6. chapter of the third booke For asmuch as it comprehendeth partlie a thankesgiuing vnto God for his benefites and partlie a commendation of charitie which aptlie me thinkes makes two chapters Now he who principalie both stirred the Autor to make this booke and me to do what I haue done euen God almightie grant that both you and I and euerie of vs maie vse it to the comfort of our soules Amen Yours in Christ Tho. Rogers A godlie Preface made by him whosoeuer he was that translated this booke out of the Latin tongue into French IF this booke which concerneth the following Christes example haue heretofore yeelded some frute to such as haue giuen them-selues to the reading thereof I thinke it wil yeeld no lesse hereafter specialie now that it is rid and clensed from a number of imperfections that were in it afore And although it be apparent that the conuersation of such as cal themselues Christians is woonderfulie corrupted yet notwithstanding because God is so good that he wil euermore drawe some one or other of an infinite multitude from it it maketh me that I am not altogether out of hope Againe like as in great and sore diseases al the best remedies that can be deuised are wont to be applied with al speede euen so the more we see wickednes and vngodlines to abound the more ought we to consider by what meanes they may be remedied that some may be saued among so manie thousands which are hardharted and enimies to al good warnings It must needes be granted
LOoke not in this worlde to be without trobles my sonne but while thou liuest thou shalt stand in neede of spiritual armor Thou liuest among enimies on the right hard and on the left thou art assaulted And therefore vnles thou take the shield of faith and the sworde of the spirit which is the word of God thou canst not long be without some grieuous wounde Furthermore vnles thou fasten thy minde vpon me with a pure affection to suffer al things for my sake thou canst neither susteine the heate of persecution nor obteine y e crowne of eternal life Wherefore thou must ouerpas al things like a man and showe a courage howsoeuer things fal out For to him which ouer commeth is Manna giuen but for him who sleepeth is miserie prepared Now if thou seeke rest in this life how wilt thou enter into eternal rest Then prepare thy selfe not to peace but vnto patience and seeke for quietnes not on earth but in heauen not among men or in the world but in God alone Thou oughtest to endure al things for Gods sake euen labors griefe tentations afflictions trobles need sicknes iniuries euil reports reprehensions oppression infamie correction contempt For these things inuite as it were vnto virtue these trie the yong soldier of Iesus Christ these bring to the crowne of blisse To such a man I wil giue for his smal paines an eternal rewarde and for temporal shame glorie without end Thinkest thou alwaies to haue prosperitie at thine owne desire Looke not for it Mine old saintes seruants could neuer haue it but they were faine to suffer much troble manifold tentations miserable endes which they endured patientlie trusting rather vpon God than vpon man and counting the afflictions of this present time not worthie y e glory which was to come Now wouldest thou haue that out of hand which so manie with teares and long trobles could hardlie attaine Hope therfore in the Lord be strong giue not ouer disloialie but valiantlie imploie both thy bodie and life for the glorie of God I wil in the end most bountifullie reward thee and in thy trobles assist thee Chap. 42. Against the vaine iudgement of men LORD CAst thy burden cōstantlie vpon the Lord my sonne and feare not the iudgement of man so long as thy conscience doth not cōdemne thee It is expedient and a blessed thing to suffer on such wise neither is it hard for an humble minde man that trusteth in the Lord so to do Manie men saie manie things and therefore litle regard should be giuen to them and to please al it is impossible And although Paule endeuored to please al men and made himself al things to al men yet passed he litle to be iudged of man He did as much as laie in him to profit and salue others but for al that he could not staie the slanderous tongues of the wicked therfore committed he his whole cause vnto the Lord who knew al and against the slanderous and backbiting speeches of the vngodlie he defended himselfe with patience long-suffering Notwithstanding sometime he answered againe least the weakelings through his silence should be offended Why then fearest thou the sentence of a mortal man who being aliue to daie maie be dead to morowe Feare God and thou wilt not feare man What hurt do anie mans wordes and iniuries to thee Naie himselfe he hurteth rather and shal not escape the iudgement of God whosoeuer he be Haue thou GOD alwaie before thine eies contend not with quareling words And though now thou be without cause defamed take it not grieuouslie neither by impatiencie diminish thy reward but rather cast the eies of thy minde vpon me in heauen who both can deliuer thee from al infamie and iniurie of men and wil reward euerie one according to his workes Chap. 43. That we must wholie resigne ouer our selues vnto God if we minde to attaine vnto the freedome of mind LORD MY sonne if thou forsake thy selfe thou shalt finde mee See thou chalenge nothing to thy selfe nor haue nothing proper and alwaies thou wilt gaine For as soone as thou yeeldest vp thy selfe wholie without reuocation thou shalt be endued with moste excellent rewardes SERVANT Lord how oft shal I yeeld vp and wherein shal I forsake my selfe LORD Alwaies euerie houre both in smal and great matters I except nothing my desire is to haue thee renounce al things For how canst thou be mine and I thine vnles both inwardlie and outwardlie thou haue left and lost thine owne wil And this the sooner thou doest the better thou shalt speede and the more throughlie and syncerelie the more thou shalt please me and profit thy selfe Some there be which giue ouer themselues but it is with some exception They do not fullie depende on God and therefore they studie how to prouide for themselues Others at the first renounce themselues wholie but afterward when tribulation or persecution cōmeth they fal awaie so do no good at al. These men shal neuer aspire either vnto the true libertie of y ● mind or to the most comfortable benefit of my familiaritie vnles they wholie renounce and dailie sacrifice themselues without which none either can or shal enioie the fauor of God I haue saide oftentimes and now I saie againe Forsake yeelde vp thy selfe and thou shalt enioie the sounde quietnes of minde Giue the whole for the whole cal backe nothing keepe back nothing Abide vnfainedlie and faithfullie in me thou shalt haue me the freedome of minde deliuerance frō darknes Wherefore let this be thy studie let this be thy praier wish continualie that thou maist euen nakedlie folowe naked Iesus and die to thy selfe to liue eternalie with me Then shal both vaine imaginations and vile affections and superfluous cogitations depart awaie then both immoderate feare shal vade and intemperate loue consume awaie Chap. 44. Of the right vse of outward things and that we should flie vnto God when we are afflicted LORD MY sonne thou must haue a special care that thy minde be single and pure in euerie place in euerie action in al thy busines also that al things serue thee and not thou them also that thou be not a slaue and bondman to thine owne actions but a master a ruler a free-man an Hebrue translated into the lot and libertie of the sonnes of God whose eies are turned from worldlie and cast vpon heauenlie things who looke vpon temporal things with the left but with the right eie vpon eternal who wil not be brought vnder the power of anie thing
toward these than toward those but that doo they rather of humane affection than of heauenlie I am he who made al the saincts who haue endowed them with gifts and exalted them to glorie I know what euerie one hath deserued I preuented them with most liberal blessings I before the world began fore-knew who were to be loued I choase them out of the world not they me I of my great fauor called them and drew them mercifulie vnto me I lead them through manifold tentations and powred most singular comforts vpon them I gaue them power to perseuere and crowned their patience I knowe both the first and the last I loue al men most wonderfulie I am to be praised in al my saintes and in each of them honored and glorified who haue so gloriouslie exalted such as I did predestinate and that without anie merites at al which they had done Therefore who so despiseth euen the least of my seruants doth not honor the great Because I haue made the smal as wel as the great so that he who derogates from anie of the saincts derogates from me and from al the partakers of the celestial kingdome For al are one through the band of loue they al thinke one thing they minde one thing and they loue al as one Yea which is far more strange they loue me more than themselues or anie merites of their owne For being rauished aboue themselues carried awaie frō al selfe-loue they proceede wholie into the loue of me so that nothing can either turne them awaie or keepe them downe For being ful of eternal truth they burne with y ● fire of loue vnquenchable Let therefore carnal and fleshlie men who know nothing but how to loue their priuate ioies surcesse from prating about the state of the godlie For they ad vnto and diminish from their praises according as in affection they are inclined not as pleaseth the eternal truth Manie are ignorant but they especialie who being smalie inlightened can seldome loue anie man with a perfect spiritual affection of loue Some through natural and humane affection are inclined toward these men and toward those and as they thinke of earthlie so they iudge of heauenlie things But vnspeakeable is the difference betweene those things which vnperfect men do dreame of and betwene that which men spiritualie inlightened from aboue do behold Therefore my sonne wade not curiouslie in those matters which passe the reach of thy wit but bend thy whole studie that thou maist be found the least in the kingdome of God Now in case a man knew who were either more holie for zeale or in place more honorable than the rest in the kingdome of heauen what good would that knowledge bring him but onlie to make him the more humble in my sight thereby and to breake the oftener into the praise of my Name He pleaseth God better that thinketh how great his sinnes and how litle his virtues are and how far he is from the perfection of godlie men than he doth which disputeth about the highnes basenes of the saincts of God They glorie not of their owne merites in asmuch as they ascribe no goodnes to themselues but confesse that whatsoeuer they haue commeth fro me who haue giuen them al things of mine infinite mercie and loue And they for their partes are filled with such fulnes of the Godhed and ioie that they lack no glorie nor felicitie at al. The saincts the more brighter in glorie the more humble are they and the nigher and deerer to me Therefore shal you finde it written that they cast their crownes before the throne of God and with faces toward y e ground before the lambe worshipped him who liueth for euer and euer Manie reason who is greatest in the kingdome of God which neuer recken whether they be themselues to be counted in the nomber of y e least In heauen to be euen the least is a great thing where al be great For al both shalbe called and are the children of God He that is least shal become as a thousand and he that is an hundred yeeres old being a sinner shal die as a yong man For when the disciples demanded who in y e kingdome of heauen should be greatest they had this answere made them Except ye be conuerted and become as litle children ye shal not enter into the kingdome of heauen Whosoeuer therefore shal humble himselfe as this litle childe the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Wo then to them who disdaine to humble themselues with litle ones For the gate of the kingdome of heauen is too lowe for them to enter in thereat Wo also to the rich who haue their comforts in this worlde For they shal stand howling without when the poore are entered into the kingdome of God But ye meeke ones reioice and be glad yee poore For yours is the kingdome of God obeieng or walking in the truth Chap. 65. That al our trust and confidence must be fixed on God alone SERVANT O My Lord wherein is mine hope fixed in this life or what is my greatest comfort of al things which are anie where vnder the coape of heauen Is it thou my Lord and God whose mercie is infinite When was it with me either wel if thou wert absent or il if thou wert present Doubtles I would choose to be rather poore for thee than rich without thee and rather with thee to be a pilgrime on earth than without thee to possesse heauen Where thou art there is heauen where thou art not there is hel and destruction Thou alone art the thing which I desire therefore neede haue I to sigh to crie to praie vnto thee Finalie I can trust none that can dulie assist me in my trobles but thee alone my God thou art mine hope thou art my confidence thou art my comforter in al things most faithful Al men seeke their owne but thou desirest naught but my welfare and profit and turnest al things for me to good In that thou laiest me open to tentations and trobles it is altogether for my profit For thy woont is a thousand waies to trie such as thou louest In which trial thou oughtest no lesse to be loued and praised than if thou did est replenish me with al celestial comforts Wherefore in thee my Lord and GOD I place al mine hope and confidence on thee doo I laie al my calamities and trobles For without thee whatsoeuer I behold is al fraile and transitorie For neither can freends profit nor strong men helpe nor wise men counsel wel nor learned bookes comfort nor riches saue nor secret
And two waies I am wont to cure mine elect to wit by tentation and by comfort and two waies I instruct them dailie first by reprehending their wickednes then by exhorting to proceede in virtue and godlines He that heareth my wordes and despiseth them hath that whereby he shal be condemned in the daie of iudgement Chap. 4. A praier for the attaining of the true knowledge of Gods heauenlie wil a●d for zeale in religion SERVANT O Lorde my GOD which art al my goodes and riches what am I that I dare speake to thee I am thy poore seruant a vile worme yea much more vile and poore than I either know or dare showe forth And yet Lord remember euen this one thing that I am nothing that I haue nothing that I am nothing worth Thou alone art good thou alone art righteous thou alone art holie thou canst al thou doest al thou fillest al onelie the wicked thou sendest emptie awaie Remember O Lord thy tender mercies and fil me with thy fauor thou wilt that none of thy workes should serue in vaine For how can I stand vpright in this wretched worlde vnles thy mercie and fauor do hold me vp Turne not thy cheereful countenance from thy seruant defer not to heale me from daie to daie withdraw not thy comfort that my soule be not as the thirstie land O Lord teach me to do thy wil teach me to walke woorthilie and humblie in thy presence For thou art my wisedome and knowest me in deede Yea thou knewest me not onelie afore I was conceaued in my mothers wombe but also afore the verie world was made So be it Chap. 5. That we must walke syncerelie and humblie before God LORD SOnne walke thou vprightlie in my sight seeke me alwaies in singlenes of minde He that walketh vprightlie walketh salfelie for the truth deliuereth him from deceauers and slanders of the wicked And if the truth shal make you free you shal be free in deede and feare nought the vaine wordes of men SERVANT Truth Lord therefore I beseech thee deale so with me that is let thy truth instruct me defend me and bring me to a blessed ende Yea let the same thy truth deliuer me from al wicked lustes and inordinate affections so wil it come to passe that I shal enioie a wonderful freedome of the minde LORD And I wil teach thee what is right and acceptable in my sight Cal thy sinnes to remembrance continualie that with hartie sobs and sorow and neuer brag of anie good deede which thou hast done For in verie deede thou art a sinner and subiect to manie infirmities of the minde yea by nature alwaies thou tendest vnto vanitie and maist easilie fal easilie be ouercome and easilie troden downe and cast to the grounde Finalie thou hast nothing wherein to boast but manie things to make thee hūble being much more weake than thou canst perceaue So then looke that none of thy deedes seeme great in thy sight or excellent or pretious or wonderful yea count nothing excellent nothing glorious nothing commendable and to be sought for in deede but onelie that which is eternal Let the euerlasting truth like thee aboue al things thine extreeme vilenes mislike thee Feare nothing flie nothing mislike nothing so much as thy sinnes and wickednes they should more disquiet thee than the losse of the deerest thing in the world Some behaue themselues not syncerelie enough towardes me seeking out earnestlie through curiositie and pride my secretes and mysteries neglecting themselues and their saluation these fellowes by reason of their pride and curiositie fal manie-times into greeuous tentations through my displeasure But stand thou continualie in awe of the heauie sentence of the almightie God and search not out the workes of the most Hie but search out painefullie both how much euil thou hast committed and what good thou hast left vndone Somes religion is altogether in their bookes or in pictures or in some outward signes and ceremonies some haue it in their mouth but not in their hart And contrariewise some being cleere in minde and pure in hart do couet alwaies after heauenlie things hearken vnwillinglie vnto earthlie matters serue the necessities of nature with griefe and sorowe and these men perceaue what the Spirite of truth speaketh within them how it teacheth them to dispise earthlie and to desire celestial thinges to contemne the world and to wish for heauen night and daie Chap. 6. A praise and thankes-giuing to God for his benefits SERVANT OCelestial father father of my Lorde Iesu Christ I praise thee for vouchsafing to remember me a poore and sinful wretch O father of mercie and God of ●l comfort I yeelde thee humble ●hankes for refreshing me vnwoor●hie al comfort with thine heauenlie ●omfort Euermore wil I praise and magni●ie thee together with thine onelie ●egotten Sonne and the holie Ghost ●he comforter for euer and euer O Lord my God which louest me ●o holilie I wil reioice with mine ●hole hart when thou shalt come ●nto my minde Thou art my glorie and the ioie of ●ine hart thou art mine hope and ●efuge in the daie of my troble But forasmuch as yet I am weake of smal power I haue great neede of thine assistance and comforte wherfore visit me oftener schoole me with holie discipline Set me free from wicked affections of the minde and heale my soule of al vnbridled desires and sinnes that being inwardlie healed purged thoroughlie I maie be made fit to loue strong to suffer and constant to continue Amen Chap. 7. The praise and force of godlie loue LOue is a gret thing doubtles loue is an excellent thing it can make y ● which is heauie light and carrie that equalie which is vnequal It beareth a burden and feeleth it not and conuerteth al sower things into sweete and sauorie I saie that noble loue of Iesus driueth one to aduenture great things and forceth alwaies to come vnto perfection Loue wil be aboue and cannot be kept downe by anie abiect thing Loue wil be free and loose from al worldlie affection that neither hir inward sight be dimmed nor she be either entangled by worldlie prosperitie or subdued by aduersitie Loue is most sweet most strong most hie most large most comfortable most perfect nothing is better than loue either in heauen aboue or in earth beneath For it ariseth from God and resteth on God aboue al things He that loueth flieth runneth reioiceth is free and cannot be bound he giueth al for al and hath al in al as he which resteth in one aboue al which is most hie from whome euerie good thing doth spring and arise He respecteth not giftes but looketh on the
impatient or careles It is not alwaies in the power of man to dispose his affairs at his pleasure but God it is that both giueth and comforteth both when he wil and what he wil and whome he wil and as he wil himselfe Some through a blinde deuotion haue cast themselues awaie whilst endeuoring aboue their strength they consider not the corruption of their nature but folowe the affection of their minde rather than the iudgment of reason the which because they tooke in hand more than Gods wil was they should did quicklie forgoe the fauor of God they which made their nests in heauen became poore vile and forsaken that the afflicted and poore might learne not to flie with their owne winges but with my feathers As for such as are but yonglings and not trained vp in the waie of the Lord they vnles they harken to the counsel of the wise may easilie be deceaued and ouerthrowen yea if they folowe their owne braine before such as haue experience they are in the greater danger because they wil not be withdrawen from their opinion once conceaued It is seldome seene that selfe-wise men wil yeeld to anie And therefore better is it to haue smal wisedome with modestie than profounde knowledge with a proude minde yea better is it to haue litle than hauing much to waxe proude He dealeth not circumspectlie enough that giues himselfe wholie vnto pleasure forgetting his old aduersitie and the chaste feare of the Lord the propertie whereof is to be alwaies warie that it leese not benefites receaued And he is not virtuouslie wise that in y e time of miserie despaireth ouer much and reposeth lesse confidence and trust in mee than he should He which in the time of peace is too secure in the time of warre is out of hart commonlie and of no courage Haddest thou the waie to behaue thy selfe modestlie and lowlie and to gouerne thy spirites aright thou couldest not so easilie fal into peril and blame It is a point of wisedome while thou art hot in the spirit to consider what would fal out if the light should go awaie againe when that comes to passe to thinke that it may returne againe being therefore withdrawen by me that both you thereby maie be the wiser and I the more glorious For commonlie thou shalt finde such trial more profitable than if continualie thou enioiedst prosperitie at thine harts desire For thou art not virtuous though thou haue heauenlie visions consolations learning and hie degree vnles withal thou haue true modestie christian charitie and zeale of religion vnles thou vnfeinedlie despise thy selfe and reioice that others do despise contemne rather than honor and commend thee Chap. 10. That man must debase himselfe in the sight of God SERVANT I Dare speake vnto my Lord though I am but dust and ashes and if I should make anie better of my selfe thou standest against me and my sinnes beare witnes against me which I cannot gainesaie But if I make none account of my selfe but laieng aside proude imaginations esteeme my selfe for dust as I am in deede then wilt thou be fauorable and thy light shal shine vpon mine hart then wil it fal out that if I esteeme neuer so litle of my selfe euen that litle I being pressed downe to nothing wil vanish vtterlie And here thou wilt showe me to my selfe euen what I am what I haue bin and whence I came to wit nothing from nothing And being left to my selfe I am nothing but mere infirmitie But if thou shine vpon me with thy fauor I am straight waie made strong and filled with newe comfort And this is a woonderful strange thing that so sodeinlie I should be lifted vp when thou doest so gratiouslie embrace me which of my selfe alwaies am carried downeward vnto earthlie things This is a frute of thy loue which freelie preuenteth me and saueth from so manie trobles and preserueth from greeuous dangers and deliuereth me to saie the truth from so infinite euils For louing my selfe inordinatelie I cast awaie my selfe but after once I sought and loued thee syncerelie I both found thee and my selfe and by that loue also I brought my selfe the more to nothing For thou O my sweete Sauior thou bestowest moe things vpon me than I can deserue and a great deale more than I dare hope for much lesse desire Wherfore I thanke thee my God which albe I am vnwoorthie the least of al thy blessings yet of thine honor infinite goodnes ceassest not continualie to loade euen the vngrateful and thine enimies with benefites O Lord thou which art our saluation our strength and our shield conuert vs we beseech thee that we maie prooue grateful humble and godlie in thy sight Amen Chap. 11. That al things are to be directed vnto God as to the principal end LORD SOnne if thou desire to be happie thou must make mee thy cheefest and principal ende Herebie shal thy nature be purified which most commonlie bendeth vnto it selfe and to things created For as soone as thou seekest thy selfe in anie thing by and by thou faintest and witherest in thy selfe And therefore thou must refer al things to me alone which gaue al and sende al and therefore vnto me as to the chiefe spring al things must returne Out of me the smal as wel as the great the poore as wel as the rich do drawe the water of life as from a liuelie fountaine and they which frankelie and willinglie serue me they shal receaue one benefite vpon another But if anie wil glorie or delight in anie priuate thing besides me he at no time shal feele true ioie and comfort in his mind but fal into sundrie discommodities and trobles Therefore thou must ascribe no goodnes nor godlines neither to thy selfe nor to anie mortal man but al to God without whose blessing man hath nothing I gaue al I chalenge al of right and I looke to be glorified for al This is the truth whereby the vaine glorie of man is put to flight And who so hath the fauor of God and true charitie he is neither enuious nor faint harted nor proude For heauenlie loue subdueth al things and stretcheth foorth al the powers of the minde Wherefore if thou beest wise thou wilt reioice and trust in me alone euen as God alone is good who aboue al and in al is to be praised for euermore Amen Chap. 12. That it is a sweete thing to serue God and to despise the world SERVANT O Lord I wil speake againe I cannot hold my peace and in the eares of my God my Lorde and my King dwelling in the hie heauens this I saie O Lord how great is thy goodnes which thou hast laide vp euen for them which feare thee
continue with me vntil the end Giue me grace to wish and couet those things as maie be grateful to thee and acceptable in thy sight Let thy wil be my wil and let mine alwaies folow thine and agree therwith Grant that I maie like and mislike that which thou doest and neuer like or mislike anie thing but that which thou doest either like or mislike Assist me to crucifie my selfe to al worldlie things and for thy sake to couet in this world to be contemned and vnknowen And aboue al things grant that I maie rest and haue peace in thee thou art the true peace thou alone art the quietnes of minde Without thee al things are harde and troblesome In this peace that is in thee alone which art the cheefest euerlasting felicitie I wil sleepe and take my rest Amen Chap. 19. That the true comfort is to be sought for in God alone SERVANT WHatsoeuer pleasure I can wish or imagine I looke not for it in this life but in the world to come If I alone had al the pleasures that mought be and enioied al the delights in the world certaine it is they would not long endure And therefore thou canst not fullie be delighted and refreshed thoroughlie O my soule but in the Lord who comforteth the abiect and assisteth the meeke Hope a litle while O my soule hope for the promise of GOD and thou shalt attaine to plentie of al good things in heauen But if thou vnmeasurablie desire tēporal things make an account of it thou shalt forgo eternal Vse this world but desire heauen No temporal thing can satisfie thee for thou art not created to enioie the same Haddest thou al creatures in thine owne possession yet wert thou not blessed But thy felicitie consisteth in God the creator of al Which is such not as is seene and commended of the foolish fauorers of this present world but as the good and faithful disciples of Christ hope for and they somtime foretast who are spiritual pure in hart whose conuersation is in heauen Vaine and short is al worldlie consolation but true and blessed is the spiritual which the truth doth minister The godlie man carrieth alwaies about his comforter euen Iesus whome on this wise he speaketh vnto O Lord Iesu be with me in al places and at al times Let this be my comfort to lack al worldlie comfort willinglie Or if at anie time I lack thy consolation let thy wil and due trial of me be in steede of cheefest comfort For thou wilt not alwaies chide neither keepe thine anger for euer Chap. 20. That al our cares must be cast vpon God LORD MY sonne let mee deale as I wil w t thee I do know what is for thy profit Thou conceauest as a man and in manie things doest so thinke as thy fleshlie minde doth counsel thee SERVANT Truth Lord Thou hast more care of me than I can haue of my selfe For he standeth totteringlie who trusteth not wholie in thee O Lord so that my wil maie be right and grounded on thee deale with me euen as thou wilt For it cannot be but good whatsoeuer thou shalt determine of me Wherfore whether thou wilt that I be in darknes I praise it or in the light I praise it whether in prosperitie I praise it or in aduersitie I praise that also LORD Sonne thou must be so minded if thou wilt deale with me and be as willing to suffer as to reioice and to be poore and needie as rich and wealthie SERVANT Lord I wil gladlie suffer for thy sake whatsoeuer thou shalt send yea I wil take in good part at thine hands euil as wel as good sower as sweete sorow as ioie and for al things yeeld thanks Defend me O Lord from sinne I wil feare neither death nor y e Diuel so thou forsake me not vtterlie neither blot me out of the booke of life no miserie shal dismaie me Chap. 21. That the troubles of this life are patientlie to be suffered after the example of our Sauior Christ. LORD MY sonne for thy saltion I came downe frō heauen and tooke thy miseries vpon me not of necessitie but voluntarilie to teach thee to be patient to beare the miseries of this world gladlie not grudginglie For from the houre of my birth euen til my death on the crosse there neuer wanted sorowes which I was to suffer I bare the want of necessarie things I harde much muttering against me I put vp manie tauntes and reproches for my benefits I receaued vnkindnes for my miracles il words for my ghostlie counsaile reprehension SERVANT O my Lord seeing thou in this life hast shewed thy selfe patient wherein especialie thou fulfilledst the commandement of thine heauenlie father good reason is it that I a miserable and sinful wretch do showe my selfe patient according to thy wil and while thou thinkest meete beare the burden of mortal life after thine ensample For although this present life seeme burdensome yet through thy fauor it is made the lighter and maie the more easilie be borne of weakelings both by thine example and of thy saincts Yea much more comfortable is it now than it was in the old law when both the waie was harder to finde and fewe had a desire to seeke the celestial kingdome Then how much am I bound to thee which hast vouchsafed to showe both to me to al beleeuers a right and readie waie vnto thine euerlasting kingdome For thy waie is our waie and by holie patience we striue to come vnto thee our crowne whome vnles thou haddest gone afore and schooled vs who would care to folow How manie would abide not onelie behind but a great waie of also if they had not these thy noble examples before their eies And hearing such commandements and signes and yet are luke-warme what would we do if we had not such a light giuen vs to folowe thee Chap. 22. Of long-suffering and who is patient in deede LORD WHat is that thou saiest my sonne cesse to complaine Behold how both I and other saincts haue suffered thou hast not as yet resisted vnto bloud Litle is it which thou sufferest being compared with them who haue suffered so much so mightilie bin tempted so grieuouslie afflicted so manie waies tried and exercised And therefore cal such into minde as haue endured moe troubles so shalt thou more easilie beare thine owne And if thine seeme not light looke whether impatiencie doo not cause thee to thinke so But be they smal be they great endeuor thou to beare them patientlie For the more patience thou showest the more wiselie thou doest the more fauor thou shalt get the more easilie thou shalt
it but when of whom and as thou wilt giue leaue For in the world nothing commeth to passe either without thy counsel without thy prouidence or without cause why And assuredlie it is good for me O Lord that I haue bin afflicted that I maie learne thy statutes and cast off al pride and arrogancie of mind It is good for me that I am put to shame that I maie seeke comfort frō thee rather than of men Thereby also do I learne to stand in feare of thine vnsearchable iudgements who punishest the righteous as wel as the wicked and yet none of them without equitie and iustice I thanke thee O Lord for not sparing to afflict me with euils with bitter paines griefe and anguish both within and without None is there of al vnder heauen that can comfort mee in this miserie none I saie is there but thou alone my God and my Lord who art the celestial curer of soules which both woundest and makest whole againe bringest downe to the graue and raisest vp Thy correction is vpon me thy rod teacheth me wisedome Lo most louing father I submit my selfe to the rod of thy discipline Strike both my back and my neck too that I maie turne mine vntowardlines after thy wil. Make me O Lord thine humble and godlie disciple as thou hast right wel accustomed to do that I maie euen wholie obeie euerie commandement of thine To thee and to thy correction I commend both my selfe and al mine for better is it to be punished here than hereafter Thou knowest al euerie thing yea the most secret cogitation in the hart of man thou knowest Thou knowest what shalbe afore it come to passe neither hast thou neede to be informed or admonished of those things which are done in the world Thou knowest wherebie I maie profit best and what good aduersitie wil doo to the scouring off as it were the rust of wickednes And therefore vse me euen as thou wilt and reiect me not for my wicked life which none knoweth so wel as thou yea to saie the truth none knoweth it but thou alone O Lord grant me to know those things that I should know to loue that are to be loued to praise that which pleaseth thee to make accoūt of such as thou hast in price and finalie to mislike that which thou dost loath Suffer me not either to iudge after the sight of the outward eies or to giue sentence according to the hearing of mine vnskilful eares but with right iudgement to discerne betwene things both visible and spiritual afore al things euermore to seeke after the pleasure of thine heauenlie wil. For commonlie the senses of men in iudging are deceaued and the freendes of this world by louing onelie visible things are deceaued also Is a man so much the better as he is greater in the opinion of man The deceitful in praising the deceitful the vaine man in extolling the vaine the blinde in commending the blinde the weake in magnifieng the weake deceaueth him and by praising vainelie he doth verilie shame him For in truth such is a man and no more as thou esteemest him to be as one saide right wel Chap. 57. That we are to exercise our selues with baser works when we cannot doo the best LORD MY sonne thou canst not alwaies abide in the most earnest and ardent studie of virtue nor continue in the highest degree of heauenlie contemplation but offorce through original corruption thou art made sometime to come downe vnto inserior things to beare the burden of this mortal life though vnwillinglie and with griefe For as long as thou carriest about a mortal bodie thou shalt feele the waight and heauines of the same Therefore in the flesh thou must often groane vnder the burden of flesh because thou canst not alwaies without intermission continue in the studie of spiritual things and heauenlie contemplations Here then it is behooueful to make recourse vnto base and outwarde workes to refresh thy selfe in good deedes and with a strong faith to waite til I come from on hie to visit thee and to suffer with patience thine exile and hunger of minde vntil I see thee againe and deliuer thee from al trobles For I wil make thee to forget thy paines and to enioie fullie the inner quietnes Yea I wil open vnto thee the field of the holie Scriptures that with a ioieful minde thou maist begin to trauers the waie of my commandements and breake into these wordes The afflictions of this present time are not woorthie the glorie which shalbe showed vnto vs. Chap. 58. That man should thinke himselfe to deserue not comfort at Gods hand but condemnation SERVANT O Lorde I am not woorthie thy comfort or anie spiritual consolation And therefore thou doest right wel when thou forsakest me poore wretch and leauest me without comfort For though I should powre out euen a sea of teares yet could I not deserue anie comfort at thine hand That which I deserue be stripes and punishment because I haue so often so greuouslie offended thee and in so manie things so greatlie sinned So that were the matter dulie considered I am not woorthie the least of al thy comforts And yet O gratious and merciful God who wilt not that thy workes should perish to declare the riches of thy goodnes vpon the vessels of thy mercie thou doest vouchsafe to comfort me hauing no merite far beyond the manner of men Neither be thine heauenlie comforts like worldlie communications But what haue I done Lord that thou shouldest impart vpon me anie spiritual comfort at al Trulie that I remember I haue done no good at al but alwaies haue bin both proane vnto sinne and slowe to repent And this is so true as if I should denie it both thou wilt find me a liar and no man dare stand to excuse me By my sinnes what haue I merited but hel and euerlasting fire And therefore I plainelie and in deede confesse I am woorthie al reproch and contempt and most vnwoorthie to liue among thy sonnes and seruants And albeit I can hardly be brought to do it yet because it is true I wil confesse against my selfe my wickednes that so the sooner I maie obteine mercie at thine hand But what shal I sinner that I am ful of al manner shame and infamie what shal I saie Surelie I haue nothing to saie but euen this I haue sinned Lord I haue sinned take mercie on me forgiue me suffer me yet a while to be waile my wretchednes before I passe ouer into the land of darkenes couered with the shadowe of death For what els doest thou of a giltie and miserable man require but that he afflict and humble himselfe for his
thou learne a perfect denial of thy selfe in my wil and that without al contradiction or muttering Folowe thou me I am the waie the truth and the life Without a waie men walk not without a truth they know not without a life they liue not I am y e waie wherein thou must walke the truth wherevnto thou must sticke the life for which thou must hope I am the waie inuiolable the truth vnfallible the life euerlasting I am the right waie the chiefest truth the true life the blessed life the life vncreate If thou go forwarde in my waie thou shalt know the truth and the truth shal so make thee free that thou shalt attaine vnto euerlasting life If thou wouldest enter into life keepe the commandements If thou wouldest know the truth beleeue me If thou wouldest be perfect sel al Wouldest thou be my disciple then denie thy selfe Wouldest thou attaine vnto a blessed life then despise the life present Wouldest thou be extolled in heauen then debase thy selfe on earth Wouldest thou raigne with me then suffer with me For onelie the seruants of the crosse do finde the waie of happines and of true life SERVANT O Lorde Iesu Christ forasmuch as thy waie is narow odious to the world giue me grace with thee to despise the world For neither is the seruant greater than the Lord nor the disciple aboue the maister Let thy seruant be exercised in thy waie because therein my saluation true holines doth consist Whatsoeuer I reade or heare without the same can neuer fullie recreat or delight me LORD Sonne seeing thou haste read and knowest al these things blessed shalt thou be if thou fulfil them He that vnderstandeth and fulfilleth al my commandements loueth me and I wil loue him againe and reueale my selfe vnto him and bring it so to passe that he shal sit with me in the kingdome of my Father SERVANT Grant therefore Lord that what thou hast saide and promised maie come to me From thine hands I haue receaued the crosse I wil beare the same euen to the death as thou hast enioined me Doubtles the life of a true Christian is the crosse but that is the waie into heauen neither backward nor from our course we maie not go Eigh brethren let vs proceede together Iesus wilbe with vs for Iesus sake we haue taken this crosse vpō vs let vs perseuere in y e crosse for Iesus sake He wil help vs who is our capitaine and goeth afore vs Lo our King goeth in before vs fighting on our behalfe Let vs folowe manfulie let no man be dismaied let vs euen valiantlie appoint to die in battel neuer let vs staine our honor by flieng frō the crosse Chap. 63. That we should take heede of despaire though we fal sometime LORD SOnne patience and repentance in aduersitie doth more please mee than much ioie and deuotion in prosperitie Why art thou vexed at so smal a thing spoken against thee the which were it greater should not mooue thee Care not for this it is no newe thing nor the first and shal not be the last if thou liue longer Thou art man good inough while prosperitie doth last yea thou canst giue counsel also to others and encourage them with words but when sudden aduersitie is at hand thou art straight waie without both counsel and courage Waigh what thy frailtie is of which thou hast proofe oftentimes in litle chances Notwithstanding these and such like are good for thee Cast these things out of thy mind as thou knowest thou shouldest doo and if they touch thee endeuor that they neuer ouerthrowe thee nor ouer troble thee at the lest wise beare them patientlie if thou canst not ioiefulie Now if thou heare such things against thy wil and conceauest indignation thereat bridle thy selfe and take heede that nothing slip out of thy mouth wherebie the litle ones maie be offended So wil both this perturbation of thine quicklie be setled and the griefe of minde through the returne of Gods grace be turned into ioie I yet liue saith the Lord readie to helpe and extraordinarilie to comfort thee if thou cal vpon me religiouslie in faith Be thou patient and prepare thy selfe to greater trobles Thou must not therefore be out of hart though thou see thy selfe greatlie to be afflicted tempted grieuouslie Thou art a man no God neither Angel but flesh Thinkest thou alwaies to abide in one and the same state of godlines when neither the Angel in heauen nor Adam the first man in paradise could for both fel quicklie I am he who wil both strengthen the mourners with health and exalt vnto my dignitie such as acknowledge their owne weakenes SERVANT O Lord for thy wordes more sweete to me than honie y e honie-combe I thank thee Alas in such calamitie and trobles what should I doo didest not thou strengthen mee with this ghostlie speech So that at length I maie come vnto the port of saluation what skilleth it what and how great things I endure O Lord grant me a good end and a blessed departure out of this life O my God remember me guide me the right way into thy kingdome Amen Chap. 64. That high matters and secret iudgements of God should not be searcht after OF hard matters my sonne and of the secret iudgementes of God take heed thou dispute not I saie reason not either why this man is so reiected or that man in such fauor why this man is so miserablie afflicted that man so highlie aduanced These things are beyond the reach of man neither is anie reason or disputation meete inough to search out the counsel of the Almightie Therefore when either the enimie doth bring these thinges into thy minde or ●ls some curious felowes enquire of thee answere with the Prophet Righteous art thou O Lord and iust are thy iudgements Againe saie The iudgements of the Lord are truth they are righteous altogether For my iudgements are to be feared not to be discussed in asmuch as they are aboue the capacitie of mā Do thou neither enquire nor dispute touching the merits of sainctes who either was more holie in the world or is more glorious in heauen For these things oftentimes breede strife and vaine contentions yea and moreouer they nourish pride ambition whereof spring enuie and discordes whiles one doth proudlie contende one to be more holie and religious than another The desire to learne and to finde out these things gets no profit at al but displeasure of the saincts For I am not the God of dissention but the God of peace which peace consisteth in true modestie notin arrogancie of minde Some through good wil are more enclined