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A09593 The perfect path to paradice Contayning diuers most ghostly and wholsome prayers, fruitfull and christian meditations, for the comfort of euery afflicted conscience: published in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, and deliuered to all those that feare God, and hope for saluation in Christ Jesus, as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne, sathan, and all the power of hell, &c. By Iohn Phillips. Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1588 (1588) STC 19872; ESTC S106462 55,576 300

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What are the plesures of the world welth honour company of our parentes and friendes wherein all our pleasure swéetenesse is mixed wyth sowernesse and sorrowe wherein euerye perfection hathe hys imperfection What is all this to the vnspeakable ioy in the kingdome of GOD what is y e company of frinds c. here in comparison to the companye of Abraham Isaac Iacob the Patriarches Prophets and all the Sayntes of God O the infelicitie of euerlasting lyfe whiche is without all discommodities perpetuall without all perrill and molestation Oh the glorious maiesty the singuler myrth and passing ioyes of the lyfe to come the eye hathe not séene nor the hart of man is able to conceiue in any part the happy estate of the blessed soules in heauen Oh howe amiable are thy Tabernacles my soule hathe a desire to enter into the Courts of the Lorde my harte and my soule reioyce in the liuing god blessed be they that dwel in thy house they may be alwayes praysing thée One daye in thy Courtes is better than a thousande else where I had rather to be a dore kéeper in the house of my God than to dwel in the Tents of vngodlinesse The Lorde God is a light and defence My soule is a thirst for God euen for the lyuing GOD. When shall I come before the presence of my God My flesh longeth after thée in a barren and dry land where no water is Good Lord remember mée and grant that I maye weare the white Garmentes of innocencye with thyne elected in thy euerlasting kingdome Amen A thankesgiuing for benefites receyued at Gods hand O Moste mercifull father I yeeld thée moste humble thankes for thy greate benefites bestowed vppon me a sinner of thy frée mercye onely thou haste of thy fatherly loue brought mée vp tenderly and instructed me in thy holy lawe thou hast giuen me knowledge and vnderstandyng thou hast preserued me from many daungers euils which diuers men haue felte thou hast blessed me with helth quietnesse ioy plentye and wealth which a number do want thou hast taken care of me and done all thinges for me O Lorde thoughe I can deserue nothing but punishment by thy iuste displeasure yet good Lorde I trust to thy goodnesse I ask thy mercye and not iustice and for thy mercies sake I beséeche thée to continue thy grace and to increase thy good gifts towards me and haue me in thy protection till my lyues end good Lord blesse me that I may enioy the fruites of the earth and vse them to thy honour and glory good Lord be thou my ayde and guyde me in al my doinges my buckler and defence in all daungers that I may freely and ioyfullye sing prayses to thée whiche liuest and raygnest one God almightie and incomprehensible worlde wythout ende Amen A Godly Prayer MOst mightie God which by thy worde hast made all thinges whose voyce the floudes and hilles doe knowe whose heast both quick and dead heauen and hell obey at whose displeasure the Diuels in hell doe tremble let thy worde so lighten our heartes that by oure good workes we may testifie our profession séeing that the Trée whiche beareth not fruite shall be cut downe and throwne into the fyre Graunt that I may not onely be a hearer but also a doer of thy holy word that so finallye I maye bée partaker of thy euerlasting ioye and blisse O Lorde graunt mee wisedome to knowe thee and grace to followe thée in true humilitie that as thou didst suffer to be spitted at and smitten of thine enemies so wee may beare the displeasures of the world and rage of our ennemies wyth pacience thou hast blessed the little ones reuealed vnto them the thinges hidden from the wyse for thou wilte haue mercye where it pleaseth thée O set thy feare always before myne eyes and graft thy fayth so in my hart that I may loue thée and glorifie thy holy name for euer Amen A godly Prayer to be sayde of euery christian GOod Lord whiche wyth thy handes doest stay the frame and engyne of the earth and rulest the course of the swifte heauens disposing and ordering all thinges by thy diuine prouidence whiche hast appoynted boundes to oure life which we cannot passe I beséeche thée that by my liuing I learning to dye mortifying by thy spirite the affections of the fleshe though not expelling them yet subduing the rage of them I maye at the last by the Hauen of Deathe land in the moste gloryous Citye of euerlastyng lyfe where our bodyes whiche are nowe darcke myserable and corruptible shall be moste brighte glorious and incorruptible lyke to the immortall shining bodye of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste we shall be lyke to Christ oure Sauyour euen as he is so shall we be as we haue borne the Image of the earthlye so shall we beare the Image of the heauenly and shyne lyke to the sunne as the face of Christe did in his transfiguration Oh Lord Iesus blessed Sauiour whiche by thy deathe haste tryumphed ouer sinne and deathe Thou hast troden on the sting of the monster oure hydeous enemye the Gates of Hell haue not preuayled againste thee graunt to me true and liuely fayth by which men passe from earth to heauen from death to eternall life This can we not do without thée thou must be our Mediator for a child of a nights birth is not pure in thy sight In sinne were wee borne and by nature wee are the children of perdition and fyrebrandes of Hell but thou O blessed Sauiour arte the perfection of the Lawe to them that beleue As death came by synnes so by thy death and precyous bloodeshedding is death conquered and exiled and wée that beléeue washed and cleansed of our sinnes al the prophets beare witnesse that they whiche beléeue in thy name shall receiue remission of their sins If we confesse our synnes thou arte righteous to forgiue vs our iniquities Whosoeuer calleth on thy name shal be saued thou hast no pleasure in the death of a sinner but rather desyrest y t they shoulde liue be cōuerted thou hast so loued the world that thou not only didst become man and tooke our nature vpon thée but were content also to suffer most cruel death on the Crosse to purge our nature from mortal sinne and corruption adorne it with immortality eternall glorye not only in thyne own person but in vs also to satisfy the iustice of the father for oure sinnes O blessed shepheard thou doubtest not to spende thy most precious bloode to saue thy beloued sheepe from rauine spoile Good Lorde so increase thy grace in mee that thy holye woord may take roote florish in me that the good séed may not bee choaked with thornes so order my liuing that when by course of nature I shalbe dissolued from the pryson of my bodye I may come to thée that when thou more brighter then the sunne shal come in the middest of the Legions of
happye and safe whom God the mighty God of Israel keepeth the sunne shal not burne him by daye nor the Moone by night Thryse blessed is hée that feareth the Lorde for hée shall see happy dayes As the Hart thyrsteth after the water springes so my soule hath longed for my Lorde the liuing God When shall I come to appeare before thy presence to sée thée in thy glorious Maiestie face to face O Lord let thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesus that I may see the day of my redemptiō Good Lord make hast to helpe mée All glory maiesty and Empire be vnto God the Creatour God the redéemer and God the holy comforter for euer and euer Amen A Prayer to bee sayd of the sinfull soule MY synfull life increasinge and my synnes still abounding good Lord to whom shall I flye or to whome shall I resorte for succoure from offendinge thée I cannot cease neyther day nor nighte my sinnes are heuy vpon me pressing mee downe euen vnto Hel such is the weight thereof Moreouer when I prepare my selfe to amendmente of life and thinke stedfastly to serue please thée euen soone after doth my corrupt and infected nature offend and displease thy Deuyne maiesty so that I am proane ready to runne headlong into all kynd of wickednes sin such is my strength such is my force or rather weaknesse in performing those things which thou requirest at my handes So that good Lord I am ready vtterly to dispayre and forsake thée vnlesse thou of thy great mercy and pitty send thyne ayde from aboue and poure into mee thy moste healthfull grace that I may make hast to flye vnto thée with most bitter teares a sorrowfull heart and bowing knées lamenting my sinfull lyfe and gréeuous offences committed agaynste thée trusting most assuredlye and faythfullye in the merites of my sauioure Iesus Christ that by his most bitter death and bloodshedding which is of farre greater force vertue effect in preseruing me then all my sinnes and offences are in condemninge and casting mée away for whose sake I moste assuredly beléeue all my sinnes and offences are clearly forgiuen and shall neuer be layd to my charge but that I shall enter with thée in the laste day into thy euerlasting kingdom there to bée with thée for euermore to whom be all honor praise and glory for euer and euer A Prayer for the obtayning of Gods grace SHyne wee beséech thée O almighty and mercifull God through the power of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the comfortable woorking of thy sacred Spirite the heauenlye comforter vpon our myndes and harts with the glorious beams of thy heauenly grace geue vs such plenty of wisedom and vnderstanding from aboue that thorow the knowledge of thee the man of ūn that is our frayle féeble fleshe with the wicked lustes and desyre of concupiscence may lye deade and buryed in vs giue vs good Lord the feeling of thy grace that by the vertue and deuine operation of thy worde the eyes of our soules may bee illumyned and made so light that the Prince of Darknesse with all his vnrighteous ministers may bee expulsed and banished from our memories and so establish vs in thy truth that our harts myndes and thoughts may continuallye be occupyed in thy testimonies that thereby thou good Lorde effectually shyning in our hearts by the vertue of thy good spirite we may learn to know and vnderstand what is the fulnes of of our calling and how ritche thou arte in the glory of the celestiall and Heauenlye heritage of thy Sayntes and that excellent greatnes of thy power and louing kyndnes towardes vs which beléeue without fayning thy holy Gospell according to the might and force of thy strength which thou shewedst in Chryst Iesus when thou didst rayse him from the dead and didst set him on thy ryght hande farre aboue all Empire power authority and dominion and euery name that is named not onely in this worlde but in the world to come by whose precyous death dearest bloodshedding wee are assured that sinne Death and hell are vanquished ouercome and vtterlye destroyed and if wée beléeue without wauering we shall in him bee able to resiste all the power of Hell and in Christ as Conquerours to tryumphe with victorye ouer sinne Death and Sathan and at the last to haue and enioye the fruition of his riche and glorious kingdome which hee by moste paynfull agonye bloody strypes gréeuous and bloodye woundes and lastly by his most painfull death purchased for his chosen and elect To whom for our sanctification iustification redemption and our saluation bee rendred with his Celestial Father and the holye Ghoste all lawd glory power honor and dominion for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for a woman that is great with childe to be repeated by her hartily before her trauel which will bee maruaylous comfort vnto her Thy wisedome Lord in all thy wayes and power great to perfourme it We cease to search and onely praise they passe so farre the reach of wit And thus we muse and maruaile much of all thy works and yet wee finde No marueile nor no wonder such as daily forming of mankinde Of such beginning such an ende and of such seede such frune to growe With Dauid well we may contende to mase to muse and nothing knowe The matter earth the shape from Heauen doth knit both soule and flesh in one Whereof such stryfe is them betweene from whēce they came they would be gon And yet in all thy wonders great thy mercy Lord doth farre passe all Which doest vouchsafe to worke this feate in mee pore wretch thy bond and thrall And as good Lord then doest me make thy shop to shape the worke therin Thy handworke so do not forsake but ende the thing thou doest begin Thy goodnes Lord did once make light this burthen now which sore doth greeue Untill which woe did wrap each wight the wilfull worke of woeful Eue. That Eue hath lost let Christ restore that guilt hath made let grace amend Why should the fault of Eue do more then grace in Christ God it defende Oh Lord the time approcheth neare that throwes of Eue I must sustaine And that I may the same wel beare increase my strength or lesse my paine Thy wil this burthen on me layd thy goodnesse eke wil ease the same Where Christ hath once the raunsome payd why should the deed of Eue bring blame Thus O Lord I me in thy will doe put eke wholly in thy hand I will not once swarue from thy skill to dye or liue to fall or stand A Godly and earnest Prayer in time of trauayle or Childbyrth of euery Christian faithfull woman ALmighty GOD my Heauenlye and moste mercifull Father I feele thy promised punishmente at this presente to take effect on mee which for the guilte and transgression of my progenitours hath bene by thy deuyne maiesty iustly pronounced agaynst me and the whole generation of Adam great
thée of thine excéeding goodnesse to increase our fayth that as thy Guestes repayre to the Table of thy sonne Iesus Christ who hath lefte vnto vs before he gaue hys bodye to be crucified and his blood to be shedde largely on the Crosse for our redemption as a pledge of his great loue and aboundant kindenesse the celebration of his glorious Supper wherein as it were in a looking Glasse the death of our great mayster the high shephearde of our Soules Iesus Chryste is moste liuely set forth vnto vs giue vs grace therefore from aboue rightly to vnderstand the deuyne mysteries offred vnto vs thereby and not to wreste or wring the same contrary to thy will Let it bée far from oure thoughtes good Lord to leaue thy eternall veritie and to builde on the doctrine of men who following their owne imaginations run headlong to the gaping Gulphe of daunger and destruction plucke the Scales of ignoraunce from oure eyes that wee maye cléerly disearne and behold by the light of thy glorious Gospell howe wee maye truelye Communicate and participate the fruites of thy grace represented vnto vs in this comfortable Sacramente indue vs plentifully with such pure knowledge that we may not once think or say after any grosse fourme or carnall manner we feede vppon or eate thy fleshe reallye or carnallye make vs alwayes constantly to beleeue that thy gloryous body is ascended vp into heauen sitteth on the right hand of thy father cōcerning thy humanitie and cannot be thence remoued till the time that thou shalt come with Legions of Aungels to iudge the quick and the dead before whose presence shall runne a consuming fyre and moreouer wee doe moste humblye beséech thée so to confyrme vs in the trueth of thy blessed Testamente that we maye confesse thy deuine nature to be equall with the father and the holy Ghoste and to beléeue that thy power is not a power perticuler but a power generall and suche as doth and shall gouerne in Heauen and Earth in the déepe and low waters yea and in the neathermoste partes of Hell strengthen vs therefore good Lord that stande least that in falling from the true knowledge of thée we perish euerlastingly and sith thou hast called vs by thy worde as thy Guestes to this blessed banquet wherein the mouthes of our carnall bodies are fostered and fedde with bread and Wyne so Lorde confirme oure faith in thée that the mouthes of oure soules may féede spiritually vppon thy swéetest flesh and drink thy dearest bloud and so bée norished to euerlasting life and heauenlye blessednesse which rewarde as a dowrie due thou haste promised to all those that faythfully● build vpon thée whiche art the Rock and strong Piller of oure Saluation and as these must set forth vnto vs most liuely thy death passion so make vs thankfull to thée for the same therby giue vs grace to prynte in oure heartes thy greate loue and exceedyng clemencye that sparedst not to giue thy bodye to the moste vylde shamefull and slaunderous death of the Crosse and thy bloud to be shed for oure offences indue vs wyth loue and charitie to all menne make vs readie to forgiue loue and pardone oure enemies persecuters and slandoers tourne oure heartes and myndes from al impietie couetousnesse blasphemie pride glottonie fornication and al other detestable euils and if at any time we haue defeated y ● fatherlesse of hys right the widow of hir dowrie or gathered together our goodes wrongfully by vyolence oppression fraud by collusion or deceyt giue vs grace to make restitution and to ask wyth sorrowfull playnte flouds of teares from the bottome of our heartes pardon and free forgiuenesse of thée for such and all other our offences whatsoeuer wee haue don or cōmitted in thought worde will and deede agaynst thy deuyne Maiesty or any other oure brethren Take away from vs all bitternesse curssed speaking and backbyting gyue vs grace to come worthelye by the vertue of a true fruitefull fayth to this holye and blessed Supper that oure soules féeding faythfully on thy swéetest fleshe and drinking thy dearest bloude wée may both in bodye and soule be nourished by thée to euerlasting and endlesse glorye in Heauen where with thee and the fellowshippe of thy chosen sayntes we shall enioy the fruition of thy euerlasting kingdome whiche thou haste ordayned for all those that onely and alone without wauering do build vpō thée sanctifie and make cleane our harts and minds by the power of the holye Ghost the verye comforter of thy chosen purge thou our canckred consciences infected wyth sinne by the working of thy good grace least that by the presuming to this thy table O Lorde we incurre thy displeasure and being vnrepentant for oure offences wee be founde vnméete Guestes to come to thy holy banquet and so we eate and drinke to the vtter confusion of oure soules and bodies giue vs grace therefore good Lord to conuerte vs wholye vnto thée and we shall bee tourned from all our sinne and iniquity giue vs grace to rest onely vppon thée and wee shall be made safe giue vs thyne ayd from aboue we beséeche thée by fayth to striue with the man of sinne and so to vanquishe him that he maye die in vs we may liue to thée which art the giuer of life Graunt this O most gracious God for Iesus Christe hys sake to whome with thée and the holye Ghoste be giuen all prayse honour and glorye for euer and euer Amen A Prayer or thankesgiuing to be sayd after the receyuing of the Communion WE giue thée moste harty thanks O heauenly father that hast at this present fed refreshed our hungry Soules with the fleshe blood of our sauior Christ not carnallye but spirituallye giue vs grace therefore continuallye by the meanes of an increasing and fruitefull fayth to beleue that thy flesh is meate in déede and thy bloud is drinke in déede and that vnneaths wée eate thy flesh drinke thy bloud wee cannot enter into thy kingdome nor be saued in the daye of thy commyng Giue vs grace therfore being vnprofitable seruantes and vnworthely called by the reason of the multitude of oure sinnes to banquet at thy table whereas the celebration of thy Supper hath bene vsed and thy death by the vysible Elementes of breade Wine represented vnto vs to offer vp vnto thée continually the fruites of true repentaunt and sorrowfull heartes that thy name may be glorified wée by thy grace comforted thy displeasure bee tourned to loue thy wrathe to compassion oure sinnes pardoned and forgotten our names written in the booke of life And as it hath pleased thee at thys present to accompt vs for thy guests not onelye to féede vs wyth visible creatures namely breade and wyne but also in soule whiche is thyne owne similitude to cherishe vs wyth thy flesh blood whereon by the vertue of a liuely fayth we haue to oure great comfortes most plentifully fed
¶ The perfect path to Paradice Contayning diuers most ghostly and wholsome Prayers fruitfull and Christian Meditations for the comfort of euery afflicted conscience Published in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse and deliuered to all those that feare God and hope for saluation in Christ Iesus as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne sathan and all the power of hell c. By Iohn Phillips Matthew 3. Repent and amend your lines for the kingdome of God is at hand ¶ Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete by H. Iackson 1588. To the Right Honourable Lord Robert Deuorax Erle of Essex and Ewe Visecounte of Herrifard and Bourchire L. Ferres of Chartley Bourchire and Louaine Maister of the Queenes Maiesties horsse Knight of the most noble order of the Garter Iohn Philips his humble well-willer wisheth the feare of God continuall health of body and minde peace and quietnesse of conscience with all other the giftes of grace prrceeding from God the Father through the intercession of Christ Iesus c. RIght honorable when I call to memory how apt and redie wee are of our selues to fall into the filthy quagmire of the olde Adams corruption wherein wee are moste monstrously soyled with all kindes of wickednesses which make vs detested in the eyes of our heauenly father whose loue wee by the exercise of our notorious euils dayly committed against his deuine maiestie we most wilfully conuert to hatred I am driuen into no small admiration But truly as these are the dangerous dayes of wickednesse wherein sinne aboundeth and iniquitie hath obtayned the preheminence and vpper hand so it is expedient for all those that haue the feeling of GODS grace in their consciences to arme thēselues in this worldly Laberinth of vncleannesse with a liuely faith and earnest repentance and to continue in prayer and supplication to the almightie to abridge these dayes of wickednesse and to hasten his comming For vnlesse this perillous season as Christ himselfe hathe foretolde vs should be shortned wherein sinne is exalted to the subuersion of vertue there shoulde no fleshe be saued It shall bee necessary for vs therefore that seeke dayly and hourely by the vsuall practise of our innumerable euiles to offend the Lord our gracious God whose heauy indignation we haue worthely heaped vp vnto our selues and whose vengeaunce wee haue iustly deserued Nowe euen nowe and hencefoorth for cuer to return with Dauid from our impieties to mourn with Magdalin for oure iniquities to weepe with Peter for our offences and to crye out with the prodigal child for the mispending of oure portions ryotously Yea and thē the Lord our God whose wrath we haue kindled vp agaynst vs like consuming coales of fire beholding the sorrowes of oure contrite hartes the grieuous gronings of our sinful soules and our wet and blubbered eyes weeping for oure wickednesses wil repēt him of these plagues that he had prepared to poure forth vpon vs for our destructiōs Yea he wil cast aside the vioals of his wrath yea hee wil in his mercy quenche the burning coales of his furie Yea he will vnbend the bowe of his anger and breake asunder the arrowes of his displeasure wherewith he had in his diuine iustice prepared to wound vs For faithful praier and hartie repentance are acceptable to God The which weapons if we wil take vpon to vse vndoubtedly in steede of cursinges wee shal obtayne blessings in steed of penury we shal reape plentie in steed of battel wee shal haue peace in steed of sicknesse wee shal finde health yea and at the last of vncleane vessels we shalbe made vessels of honor and heires of his heauenly kingdome God for hys sonne Christ his sake giue vs the grace therefore whilest mercy as yet keepeth his indignation at a baye to continue in prayer and to shew vs hartie repentant for our sins for the day of oure visitation draweth nigh Thus ceasing right honorable I leaue you to the merciful protection of the almightie beseeching him in this life to blesse and defend you from al peril and daunger to continue your health to his good guiding wil prouident pleasure to giue you victorie ouer al the enemies of God and hir royal maiestie and in the world to come to crown your head with honour and glorie Your honours in al humilitie and reuerence IOHN PHILIPS ¶ When that thou preparest thy selfe to pray look that thou with all humblenesse of mynde kneelest downe and lifting vp thy hart thy handes and thine eyes vnto heauen to God the Father almightie praye on this manner O Lorde open thou my lippes that my mouth may speake and shew forth that whiche is to thy glorie and praise A prayer for the Morning O Omnipotent Father and euerliuing GOD the Fountayne of al felicitie from whom onely procéedeth all good giftes most hūblie I beséech thée of thyne aboundante mercye and exceding kindnes so to direct and gouerne me this day and euer with thy good guyding spirite that all my thoughts words and déeds maye onely be occupyed in thy seruice fayth feare and loue and so assist strengthen me with thy grace O most mercifull and louing father for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake that nether sinne death hell nor Sathan haue the dominion vpper hande of mée Indue my heart with the true vnderstanding of thy true and liuely word that I may be ready proane manfully to fight vnder the standerd of my glorious captain Iesus Christ agaynst the world the flesh that cruell Serpente the olde Leuiathan which hunteth continually like a roaring lion seeking the vtter destruction of my soule Make me constant in time of temptation y e whē or at what time my rebelling and sinfull fleshe shall intice me to luste after the pomps and vanities of this wicked worlde I may by a strong liuely and vnshakeable fayth thorowe the bitter tormentes that my sauiour Christe Iesus suffered for me and al that faythfully beleue and cal vpon him so mortifie and subdue the olde Adam that I maye bée dead and buryed from sinne and all iniquity the new man Christ Iesus may continually dwell and raign in mee by whose meanes I shall be garnished decked by the meanes of a fruitfull fayth with immortalitie heauenly blessednes vouchsafe O Lord I beséech thée according to the multitude of thy mercies to looke vpon mée and by thy celestiall prouidence so illuminate the eyes of my soule that I may continually watche for the glorious cōming of thy anoynted son Iesus Christ. Roote oute O Lorde in and from me the vilde and corrupt branches of rapine deceipte auarice luxurie concupiscence and all vngodlinesse let the motions of my minde altogether depende vppon thée prepare my tongue to publishe thy prayse let my lippes be locked vp from all scurillitic vncomely talke let myne eares loathe and abhorre to heare thy glorious and blessed name blasphemed thy trueth to be by any Sectarian ill spoken of and slaundered kéepe and
defend mée vnder the winges of thy cōfortable protection from al errors sismes and detestable heresies make me with out fayning firmely constantly to builde vpon the truth wherein is perfectly set forth thy great mercie diuine iustice Let the zeale of thy promises in al distres be my chiefest ioy and consolation and giue me grace from aboue that as I make my boast of thy mercies and louing kindnes by vertue wherof I am by my Sauiour Christ Iesus quickned from deathe to life in his dearest death and precious bloudsheding regenerated borne a new not of water but of the spirit by fayth so Lorde I maye with thy aboundaunt loue showne to mée warde the whole posteritie of Adam I may bée afrayde wilfully or of a set purpose to transgresse thy commaundementes and so incurre therby thy displeasure that the effectes of thy iustice in the day of thy cōming to iudgement be pronounced against mee to the vtter destruction of bodie soule make me alwais willing good Lord to heare thy worde by the power wherof my faith is increased and therewithall plante in mée perfite loue and obedience and so directe my footsteppes in this vale of miserie that I may treade the pathe that leadeth to thée with whome my soule thirsteth to rest euen as vehementlye as the Hart longeth after the water brookes Graunt this O merciful God for the honor and glorye of thy names sake Amen ¶ A fruitfull Prayer to bee sayde at the g●yng to bedde of euery Christian. MOste mercyfull Father I moste wretched and vnworthye sinner prostrate my selfe before the Throane of thy heauenlye grace yeelding vnto thée moste humble and heartye thankes that hast of thy excéeding loue and fauor preserued mee this day from al perill and daunger humbly beséeching thy diuine maiestie this night to preserue me for the loue of thy onely sonne my sweetest Sauiour Iesus Christ my Mediatour aduocate who continuallye pleadeth and maketh intercession to thée for mée all the rest of thy chosen children presenting hys bloudy wounds and his glorious body al to be scourged in thy diuine presence who thereby doth mittigate thy wrathe indignation iustly conceiued agaynst me a miserable and wretched creature and all mankynde Make me Lord still to confesse myne vnworthynesse and weakenesse to be suche and so great that of my selfe I am not worthye to lift vp myne eyes to heauen much lesse to be called thy sonne such and so great is the burthen of my sinne and iniquitie so that by the meanes of my corruption filthinesse I acknowledge my selfe to be the child of death and destruction yet build I still on thy promises good Lord and in this greate daunger I come vnto thée with teares saying O father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and agaynst thée and am no more worthy to bée called thy sonne of my selfe I haue nothing but by thée I haue al things of my selfe I acknowledge I haue iustly deserued the heauy sentēce of thine yre but by grace of thee O mightie Emanuel I am regenerate and borne agayne from death to life from daunger to ioy from perill to peace from bondage to libertie so in fine from Hell damnation to blisse saluation Such is the effect of thy mercie so abundant is thy loue towardes me and all those that with contrite heartes presente themselues vnto thée Increase my fayth lord that it may abound in good and fruitfull workes so fortifie mée y t I neuer swerue from thy veritie giue mée thy grace from aboue O merciful Iesus that I may neuer shrinke from thy sacred testimonies And more ouer I with all humilitie and reuerence of heart and mynde beséeche thée thys night whiche thou hast ordayned for man to rest in thou wilt gard and protecte mée with thy good guidyng spirite and albeit my sinfull flesh shall sleepe slumber yet graunt good Lorde that my soule may continually kéepe watch and ward let not the enemie finde me slumbering and sléeping as careles in the cradle of sinfull Securitie leaste that whilest I am vnarmed that is naked destitute of thy grace and fauour he enter in and breake vp the house of my sinnefull bodye and make such hauocke spoile that my infected and leaporous soule deformed by meanes of myne iniquitie and wounded with the dangeruos Darts of transgression bée throwne with the body of sinne to the Lake of destruction wherein is continuall wayling and gnashing of téeth Make me stil O good Lorde to consider that the bed is a plaine patterne and similitude of the Graue which continually calleth for me and all other thy Creatures make me to vnderstand that when I am layd of my self without thy heauenly prouidence I can not bée able to ryse agayne make me to acknowledge that sléepe is the very figure of death to whose stroak at thy appoynted pleasure I must submit my selfe Indue me with loue charitie to all men let my Lampe O Lord be garnished with Oyle that whensoeuer or at what tyme soeuer thy messenger death shall drawnie and knock at the gates of my house I maye at hys sommons in the daye of the resurrection of the dead be ready to attend on thée and thy bride with my burning Lampe that is with a stedfast fayth when as by thée I shalbe clothed a newe for my mortall body shall then be couered with immortallitie the corruption of my sinful rebelling flesh shal be changed to incorruption and perfite puritye thy righteousnesse shalbe mine thy merites shal make me perfite holy by vertue wherof hell shal loose his victory death shall loose his sting my fayth and hope shal haue ende and rewarde I wyth thy Saintes continuallye dwell in loue and charitie with thée the Heauenlye Bridegrome Christ Iesus To whome with the father and the holy ghost be ascribed all lawd glory power prayse and dominion for euer Amen A Prayer for the remission of sinne and to obtayne a vertuous life FOr as muche as O Bountifull Lorde it is most méete right and iust that all fleshe shoulde prayse magnifie and worship thée and shoulde without ceasing giue thankes vnto thée who onely art the Creator and maker of all thinges as well visible as inuisible who onely art the Treasure of all goodnesse the Well of life onely God and Lord whom the Heauens and Heauens of Heauens the Sunne the Moone the Starres the earth the Sea with all that mooue therein yea the heauenly companie of martyrs the soules of the Prophets and Apostles Aungels Arckeaungels togither with the soules of al iust righteous persons do lawd glorifie It is moste requisite that ech mortal creature liuing in this worlde shoulde also acknowledge thy magnificence wherefore most mercifull Father I wyth my hart and mouth do acknowledge thée to be my king Lorde the giuer of all goodnesse I confesse thee to bee omnipotent reuerent merciful long suffering God of all consolation comforte mercie
ingrafte in me Unto myne eyes let there be giuen aboundance of weeping And let my handes be occupied With often almes gyuing O thou my king quench out of me all foule fleshly desire And with the loue of thee alone set thou my hart on fire O my Redeemer dryue away the spirite of pride from me And graunt to mee that great treasure of meeke humilitie Take from me O my Sauiour the furious rage of yre The shield of pacience giue to me the which I doe desyre O Creator roote out of mee all spitefulnesse of mynde And graunt in steede thereof agayne meeken●sse that I may fynde O Bountifull father giue me a fayth that shall indure With hope agreeing therevnto and charitie most sure O thou my guyde keepe from my lips all lying vanitie And from my minde driue farre away all vayne vnconstancie All wauering tak● from my heart and from my mouth scoffing With all proud lookes glottony backbiting slandering Couetousnesse wipe cleane away with curiositie The fond desire of vayne glory with all hipocrisie Let me neuer the poore despise nor yet the weake oppresse And let me not blaspheme for then I dye remedilesse O thou which didst mee forme and make take all rashnesse from me And leaue me not such a minde as will not with peace agree Take from me ydlenesse and sloth with heauie lumpishnesse Take from me disobedience and also stubburnnesse O my God for thy deare Sonnes sake I humbly beseeche thee To graunt me the works of mercy aboundance of pitie That I may thee both loue feare and eke pitie the poore Make mee good men alwayes to loue and wicked to abhorre Make me so little to esteeme those thinges that worldly bee With harte and voyce that I maye craue in Heauen to be with thee amen ¶ Beeyng tempted by the ghostly ennemy as all that feare God are to doubt in any article of the Catholike Fayth to dispayre in Gods mercye to yeelde to melancholye fantasies to bee vexed with vnkindnes of friends or the malice of ennemies to bee troubled with sicknesse or any other wayes oppressed with griefe of body and mynde say deuoutly as followeth I Humblye accept moste mercifull Iesus this heauie temptation whiche nowe I suffer at the handes of thy diuine prouydence and would a greater if thou please to laye it on me for thy sake Who hath ordayned this from the beginning for the tender loue thou bearest to the health of my sinfull soule and I most hartily thanke thée for it I confesse I haue deserued worse for my sinne and vnkindenesse towardes thée and I am not worthie to receyue any comfort or consolation at thy handes therefore to the honor of the passion and death whiche thou wyllinglye sufferedst on the Crosse I offer my selfe to sustayne this or any other aduersitie with al my hart not séeking other ways ease or reliefe then in and by thee O Lorde and as thy good will and pleasure shal appoint yet this one thing I craue and beséech thée for the tender loue thou bearest to mée and all mankinde for in mée is no vertue or ought that is good to helpe and assist me with thy holy spirite as my trust is thou wilt who promiseth that no man shall be tempted more than he shalbe able to beare and giue me all what euer shalbe necessary to sustayne with patience this painfull Crosse temptation which thy deuine wisdome hath apointed for me to the intēt that I bearing y e same wyllingly with thée here in this worlde may conceiue assured hope to bée partaker of thy glorye in the worlde to come grant me my request moste mercifull Sauioure not for my merite or deseruing but onely for the merites of thy death and bitter passion I humblye beséeche thée Amen A Prayer for the obtayning of grace and mercy O Moste mercifull Lorde God whose Maiestie is incomprehensible and power infinite whose magnificence is exalted aboue the heauens vouchsafe I beséech thée from thy high Throne to beholde the worke of thy handes Haue pitie on the vnhappy desolate condition of thy creature I am a sinner conceiued in sin of my selfe I haue no good thing wherefore O Lord I cleaue to the Altare of thy mercy Thou art my Ankor my hope my refuge staye Therefore O Lorde haue mercy vpon me for no flesh can be iustified in thy sight Thou knowest the frayltie weakenes of men we are taught by the fall of Peter y t we can doe nothing wythout thée Graunt vs therfore good lord thy grace without which in this world we are lyke by the waues of temptations to be swallowed in the gulph whyrlepoole of sinnes to be drownd as the ship without Ankor Pylate in euerye Tempest to runne on the Rocke and perishe Guide vs therfore by thy grace good Lorde thorow the flouds of this carefull worlde that wee maye rest for euer in the pleasant Porte and happye hauen of euerlasting ioy with thyne elected thorough our blessed Sauiour Iesus Chryst. To whome wyth thée and the holye Ghoste bée all honour and glorye in all worldes Amen A Prayer for the Penitent O Lord I am a sinner my sins are heauy vpon me the burthen of them is intolerable refresh me with thy grace washe away mine offences I shall be whiter than the snow let the chéerfull beames of thy countenance shine vppon mée and giue light to the darknes of my life We can looke for nothing as deserued but punishment due to oure offences Wherfore good lord not according to thy iustice but in the multitude of thy mercies deale with thy seruant Remember not the sinnes of my forefathers think not on the misdemeanor of my youth passed haue pitie on thy creture which acording to the likenesse of thy selfe thou hast made shaped of earth How long wilt thou turne thy face away frō me forsake me not O my God but renewe in me thy holy spirit Pluck away from me all that withdraweth mée from thée Graft in my hart thy grace y t I may loue thée and feare thée and so finallye reioyce in thy goodnesse with thy elected and prayse thée in thy wondrous works for euer Graunt thys most mightie God for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake To whome with thée and the holye Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Fayth O Blessed sauiour Iesus sonne of the euerliuing God the vnspeakeable ioye of thy seruantes moste present cōfort to sinners which camest into y e world to saue offenders whiche so louest the world that thou sparedst not thy most pecious blood to redéeme the losse of oure first father Adam to make vs Coheires of the forfaited inheritance with thy selfe that al which beléeue in thée might be saued good Lorde whiche hast promysed to them that knocke it shal be opened that they whiche seeke shall finde graunt I beséeche thée that I maye search thy holye lawes and finde
vp the fallen and raysest the humble and méeke cloathing them wyth purple setteth them vp wyth Prynces in the seates of honor thou whiche despisest the imaginations of the proude and resistest their enterprises blesse me in all my doynges send mée happy successe in all my affayres that I maye reioyce in thy goodnesse with thyne elected for euer euer Accepte my humble sute good Lorde I beséeche thée for the glorye of thy names sake Amen A Prayer to be deliuered from enemies and dangers O Moste mightie Lorde God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob which didst lead the children of Israell thorow the red Sea and made the streames of Iordane runne back into their springes agayne that thy people mighte passe throughe the middest thereof good Lorde whose heastes the floudes obey at whose voyce the hils doe leape and the earthe doeth tremble O moste mightie Lorde which canst destroy the prowdest kings with very Flyes and Ants whiche made little Dauyd to tryumphe on the Gyaunt Golyath which deliueredst his enemy King Saule into his handes gauest Gedeon thy seruaunt wyth hys few Souldioures victorye of so manye Legyons of strong men Thou which hast subdued so many mighty kings and sundrye Nations vnto thy people Israell O God whiche workest all in all things which giuest victory alwayes as séemeth best to thy vnsearchable wisdome defende me alwayes I beseeche thée agaynst myne enemies all euils that my ship tossed and beaten in the waues of this worlde may rest in thy happye Hauen of euerlasting ioy My soule cleaueth vnto thy mercye as to an holye Sanctuary O God if thou shouldest not be mercyfull who could abyde the heat of thy displeasure but thou O Lorde arte good to thy seruauntes and I hope to sée thy goodnesse in the land of y e liuing All glory be to thée moste high and mercyfull God for euer euer Amen The Penitent longeth for comfort HOwe long O Lorde wilt thou tourne awaye thy face from mee Howe long wilte thou be angrye wyth thy seruauntes How long shall I abyde mourning solitarye as the byrd that hath lost hir young O Lorde thinke on mée in thy mercies and doe not correct me in thy wrathe for then shall I become as the duste and smoke in the winde O Lorde forsake not thy seruaunt Israell whome thou hast chosen my heart comforted in thy mercyes shall reioyce and I will sing vnto thée and praise thée in thy good works and Myracles which thou hast done in our forefathers time A godly Meditation I Altogether vnhappy and comfortlesse haue greeuouslye offended my Lorde God what shall I doe whether shall I goe I cannot hyde me from hys sight how oft haue I trespassed against hym howe oft haue I deserued his displeasure and yet howe seldome hath hée punished me howe oft hathe hée béene good and mercyfull vnto mée howe ofte haue I promised vowed amendemente and howe little and seldome haue I perfourmed it this is a woefull case Who will haue pittye on me I dare not lift vp myne eyes towarde Heauen because I haue sinned against it and in earthe I can looke for no refuge because I haue béene a slaunder and shame to it What then should I dispayre No God is a mercifull and a good sauiour hée dothe visite them that liue in darcknesse and is a chearefull light to them that sit in the shaddowe of death He willeth vs to forgiue our brother though he offend seuentie times yea infinitely And God is more mercifull than any man can be and he must be the onely refuge and comfort he will not despise hys creature the image of himselfe returne thée to thy Lorde God praye to him humbly on thy knées for grace and continue to bewayle thy sinnes past because that he whiche loueth thée prouoketh thée dayly with hys gracious giftes and blessings to loue him wil not leaue vntil he haue made perfite his worke begone brought his mercye to full effecte in thée What naturall cause begynneth his worke and leaueth it in the halfe way imperfite the vertue of the seede doth not cease till y e fruit be brought to perfection yet that nature worketh not at once but first prepareth the matter and then disposeth and makes it fit to receiue the shape which is the perfection and ende thereof and as by naturall order and right course things doe procéede and increase by little and little from the lesse to the more euen so doth God first dispose vs to his mercy and then increasing his goodnes daylye bestoweth on vs in the ende the treasure of his grace the inheritance of euerlasting ioies What bird forsaketh hir yong till they bée able to lyue of themselues and yet no auayle for their paine cōmeth to them very loue worketh in naturall causes to bring foorth their affectes to perfection if it be so in creatures what will the Creator doe which is loue it selfe and infinite goodnes He wil withdraw thée from thy sins make thée cleane and pure and finally blesse thee with eternal life whiche he hath prepared for thée O Lorde I come to thée sad and mourning I sit at thy feete humblye wayting for thy mercie thou art my hope and helper according to thy great mercyes haue mercy vpon me Amen A Prayer agaynst Couetousenesse or too much care of the worlde GOod Lord seeing that it is thy pleasure that wée shall not bée carefull for worldly thinges if a Sparrow falleth not on y e ground without thy foresight howe muche more care doest thou take of vs thy children good Lord thou féedest the byrdes of the ayre and cloathest the Lyllyes of the Field which take no care Wherefore good Lorde so prouide for our necessitie sickenesse wée beséeche thée that wee casting all our care vppon thée maye chieflye studye to please thée and serue thée and not to be so wrapped entangled in the desires of worldly thinges like little children who for light trifles of no valure will forsake the moste ample inheritance that is So in like manner those whome the Scripture calleth the children of this worlde are so adicted to trifles are so giuen to transitory moment thinges that for them they dispise the inheritaunce to come and in comparison of them they contemne euerlasting felicitie of heauenly thinges Graunt vs therfore good Lord that we be not so ouercome with the desire of worldly transitorie things that thereby wee loose the ritch inheritance of euerlasting life Graunt this good Lord which liuest and raignest King of all Kinges for euer and euer Amen A Prayer that we may liue vprightly O Lorde seeyng that the righteous shall dwel in thy tabernacle graunt mée I beséech thée a pure and vndefiled soule O what is the shape of the earth wherein Gods ennemies haue abyding in comparison of the wonderfull bewtie of Heauen wherein righteousnes doeth dwell in comparison of that place wherein Aungels Arckaungels all good men yea and God himselfe is abyding
O mercifull father for thy Sonne Christes sake oure onely Sauioure and Redéemer Christ Iesus A godly and fruitfull prayer to be sayd in tyme of bloudy Battaile O Lorde oure heauenlye father and euerlyuing God wée thy wretched and most miserable Creatures confesse and acknowledge wée haue worthelye deserued the rod of thy correction and punishment and doe merite manye sharpe and bitter stripes that knowing thy blessed glorious wyll haue of set purpose contemned thy deuine and heauenly precepts for which cause the sentence of thy wrath is sharpely kyndled agaynste vs euen as it hathe béene against thy chosen people Israell in the dayes of oure forefathers who glorying in their wickednesse were plagued in the fulnesse of thy indignation the sworde of their enemies beset them rounde about and hemmed them in on euery side the Iebusits the Amonits the Philistines and the Amorites oppressed them diuersly theyr strong holds were rased their Citties were besieged theyr houses were ransackt theyr goodes and theyr riches were caryed awaye by force of the bloud-thirstie enimie theyr yong men were ledde awaye captyue their virgines were woefully deflowred but in fyne when thou Lord God diddest beholde their heartie and earnest contrition thou didst withdrawe thy frowning countenance and sent them spéedy and safe deliueraunce one whyle thou Lorde sentest them Moyses to bring them out of the seruitude of Pharao the stony and stubborne hearted king of the Egyptians another whyle Iepthah sette them frée from the sworde of the Amonites wherewith they were greeuouslye afflicted and to make thy power excellent glory fully known thou gauest Sampson suche fortitude to bridle y e prowde Philistians Ouer and besides these thou of thy loue and myraculous goodnesse hast made feeble women mightie and victorious conquerours Debora was a shield to thy people Iudith comforted the distressed Bethulians and cut off y e head of prowd Holophernus that thy selfe good Lorde when thou beheldest their teares and harty sorrowe for their offences did prepare thy selfe to goe forth with their hostes thou thy selfe wyth the breathe of thy Nostrels diddest confounde and ouerthrow their enemies so good Lord be thou nowe present with vs in the fulnesse of thy deuyne power looke vpon vs wyth the eyes of thy fauourable pittie forget our corrupt and moste filthye offences let our contrite and sorrowful harts be a meane to vanquish thy displeasure conceiued agaynst vs bée thou present with vs in this tyme of necessitie and trouble set thy hand to help and assist vs agaynst the enemy be thou present with vs in this tyme of perrill daunger goe thou forth with our hostes then shall wee be assured to preuayle let not the multitude of furious foes dismaye vs for victory we doe know consisteth not in the power nor strength of many men the strengthe of horses armor nor weapons but it is thou O merciful father that giuest y e conquest where and to whome thou pleasest To thée therfore in this great extremity we flie and appeale beséeching thée of thyne inestimable loue and kyndenesse for the loue of our sauiour Christ Iesus to looke vppon our true repentante hearts and in the fulnesse of thy misseration and pytties to set vs free from the power of the raging enemye and to pardon our sinnes and greeuous offences that henceforth wée vow and dedicate our harts and mindes wholy to walk in integritie and newnesse of life Whiche graunt good Lorde to whome with thy sonne Christ Iesus and the holye Ghost be prayse and glorye attributed for euer and euer worlde wythout end Amen A Prayer agaynst presumptuous pryde and vayne glory WE heare O Heauenly father and are daylye taught and instructed out of thy eternall worde howe greatlye the gréeuous sinne of presumption pryde and vayne glory displeaseth thy deuyne Maiestye wée are learned that for the practise of this pestilente and haynous euill thou haste not spared the verye Aungels but haste throwne them in thy displeasure for their pryde vayneglory and presumption from beatitude to miserye from ioy wythout end to perdurable payn from brightnesse of thy glorious presence to vtter extreme and palpable darkenes from the gloryous fruition and participation of thy euerlasting kyngdome to the bottomlesse pit of hel Death damnation and endlesse flames of fire besydes this we are taught that by the transgression of Adam whose hawtye presumyng thorowe the intisemente of the subtle and perillous alurement of the Serpente thought to bee as thy selfe but in fine thy iustice condemned him and all hys posteritie this pestiferous sinne of pryde drowned him in the floudes of all daungerous euils as gluttonye luxury and suche other perils that had not thy mercye taken effect to keepe and hold Plea for his and oure sauegarde and thy sonne Chryst imbrased the glory power of his deuyne Essence taken vpon him our fleshe and frayle nature sinne onely excepted who freely offered his innocente bodye to the death of the Crosse we had perished euerlastinglye and bene vtterly confounded Print therefore good Lord and wryte these examples in my memorye that I fall not from thy fauour by the exercise of thys detestable sinne make me still to consider that the proud and disdaynfull are always abhorred in thy sight and sith it is thy good will and gracious pleasure to regard the humble and lowly man giue me such méekenesse from aboue that I maye continuallye present thée with the Sacrifice of a gentle méeke and contrite spirite that I may auoyde the plagues and punishmentes which thou hast prepared for the prowd and hawty minded Graunt this good Lord for Iesus Christ his sake my onely Mediatour and Aduocate who liueth and raigneth with thée and the holy ghost in glorye permanent and maiestye euerlasting A Prayer to be sayde in tyme of affliction and trouble O Eternall and euer lyuing god the father of al consolation and comforte vouchsafe of thyne infinite loue kindenesse to strengthen mée with thy heauenly grace paciently to beare and wyth meekenesse to suffer this Crosse of affliction and trouble which thou hast layde vpon mée for the vse of sinne and iniquitie I knowe O gracious and louing father that my deserts are suche as worthely haue prouoked thée to displeasure the burthē of my sinnes are intollerable for the whiche I must acknowledge and earnestly from the bottome of my heart confesse that iustlye thou haste corrected and visited mee yet not in the fulnesse of thy furye but according to thy fatherlye loue and kyndnesse and albeit thy rod lie heauy vpon my shoulders yet in thys tyme of thy correction I am comforted greatlye knowing assuredlye that y u correctest and smytest where thou louest thou woundest and healest agayne thou throwest downe to Hell and thou liftest vp to Heauen such and so great is thy omnipotencie that thou rulest aboue the Firmament in earth flouds and the lowermost partes of hell in Heauen the Aungels Arckaungels the souls of thy saints the blessed company of
and euer worlds with out end Amen A prayer against the councels of the ennemyes of God and of his diuine verite AH Lorde thou puissant strong mightie God which destroyest the councels of the vngodly riddest away the tyrantes of this world out of the earth at thy pleasure so that no councell or strength at all can resist thine eternal wisdome and euerlasting determination which thou hast to fore appointed by thine vnsearcheable wisedome from the beginning We thy poore creatures simple wretches and vnprofitable seruants doe most instantly and hartely desire thee for the loue that thou haste to thy welbeloued and onely begotten sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ that thou wilt looke vpon thy cause for it is time O Lorde and bring to naught all those things that are or shall bée appoynted determined and fully agréed vpon among the wicked against thée and thy holy word Let not the enemies of thy trueth so miserably oppresse thy seruauntes which seeke thy glory tender the aduauncement of thy pure religion and aboue all thinges wish in their heartes that thy most holie name may onely be glorified among all nations Whatsoeuer the vngodly goe about contrary to thy glory and thy worde let it not take effect O swéete father yea rather destroy it vtterly bring it to nought that all men may knowe that thou alone art that almightie and euerlasting God which rulest and subduest all inhabiters of the earth from the highest to the lowest after thy moste holye will and pleasure But to them that walk not in the councell of the vngodly nor tread not y e way of sinners giue thou good lucke prosperous successe in thy name that their holy trauailes and vertuous enterprises may come vnto a godly end Defend them that they sit not in the chaier of the pestilent scorners which spitefully rayling on thy trueth do defend with high tirannie both their wicked doctrin and liuing Grant to thy seruantes the mouthe of thy wisedome which no man may resiste whereby they may know y t thou alone art the Lorde that none is to be compared vnto thée al the enemies of thy Godly truth with their wicked counsels destroyed and put out of the way we may with feruēt minds receiue the trueth of thy most holy word order our life according to the same sing perpetuall prayses to thy most blessed name worlde without end through Iesu Christ thy sonne our Lord. So be it A prayer for the vnitie concord and perfect agreement in things concerning Christian religion O Euerlasting and merciful God which art the God of peace loue vnitie and concord not of strife debate discorde and confusion thou seest how miserably thy holy congregation is rent torne and deuided into diuers sectes whyle fleshly mē leauing the holsome instruction of thy most blessed word which is the alone truth and righteousnesse set foorth and maintaine euery mā as his fansie leadeth thinges of their owne brayne inuented by carnall wisedome without the authoritie of thine vndefiled lawe And hereof commeth it to passe that so great dissention reign now a dayes in the worlde and that so manye and diuers sectes schismes and heresies spring vpp in euerie place vnto the great perturbation of the christian publicke weale For so long as men set aside the rules and ordinances of thy holie Scripture and appoynt things of their own imagination and stiffely defend them it cannot come to passe that christian peace and vnitie of spirite with heartie concorde can haue place among vs. Therefore we wretched sinners to whome knowledge of these thinges thorow thy grace haue chanced doe pray and moste feruently desire thy great mercy that for asmuch as there is but one euerlasting God and one heauenly father which thou art and one fayth and one baptisme which we al professe y e cal on thy name thou wilt thorow thy onely spirit gather togither such as are dispersed into diuers sects into y e vnitie of true pure vnderstanding of thy word by fayth bring them againe whose mindes are disseuered into one bodye that there may be no dissention among them But specially O most mercifull father graunt that we which doe breath and for our little power labour vnto the true vnitie in Christ may lay aside al dissension and seeke that thine only euerlasting trueth which is contained in thy word that wee together may growe into one iudgement sentence and minde yea and that which floweth and commeth forth from the intelligence and vnderstanding of our Lord Iesu Christ and euermore guide and leade vs agayne vnto him that we with one perfect agréement of minde and with one mouth may praise magnifie thée the celestial father of our Lord Iesu Christ through the same Iesu Christ thy sonne the holy ghost So be it A prayer for spiritual ioy O Lorde Iesu the redéemer and comforter of mankinde which hast prepared for them that forsake the vaine pleasures of this worlde for thy loue farre better delectations pleasures through y e holy ghost that most swéete comforter which the worlde knoweth not measuring the griefes of this life with inwarde and secret comforts and renewe to vs as a certayne gage or pledge of the glorie that hereafter shall come wherewith we being refreshed comforted may run vnto thée with the more chearefull minds I beséech thée that the annoynting of thy sprite may continually beate out of me the tediousnes of euils and make my minde merry with healthfull ioy and be annoynted thorow thy aboundant mercie with the oyle of gladnesse and ghostly comfort which liuest and reignest with the father and the same spirite very GOD worlde without ende Amen A prayer vnto Christ our sauiour for the glory of heauen O Lorde Iesu Christe which art the onely and euerlasting sonne of God the father which also becamest man for oure sake that thou shouldest bring vs vnto God y e father and therfore thou going vnto the father occupiest hys right hand graunt that we may be cōuersant now with thée thorowe fayth in the holy Ghost after an heauenly manner and that after this exyle and banishment we being illumined with thy brightnesse may remaine with thée for euer which liuest and reignest with God the father the holy ghost very God world without end Amen Thanks gyuing to God for his benefites O Lorde God our heauenly father we right hartely thanke thée for thy manifold and inestimable benefites which thou haste giuen to vs deseruing nothing lesse than to receiue of thy boūtie so great kindnesse We thanke thée that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercie first to create and make vs according to thy likenes and to place vs in ioyful Paradise there perpetually to haue remayned if through the subtile and deceitefull suggestions of Satan our aduersarie we had not transgressed thy most holy commandment We thank thée also O most bounteous father for thy louing kindenesse which thou shewest