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A08362 The meroure of an Chrstiane [sic], composed ... by Robert Norvell ... Norvell, Robert.; Marot, Clément, 1495?-1544. 1561 (1561) STC 18688; ESTC S100619 59,722 149

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till Eli his great ruine Eli said is he not master principall 2. Sam. 3 His wayes are iust and full of equitie His will mot be fulfilled on vs all Iob. 3. Tobie for afflictione nor miserie He neuer left the waye of veritie Patient Iob to thy booke I me reporte Iob ▪ 23. If thou hast past this fyre in double sorte What shall I saye what Prophet now let see What righteous man that to the trueth is geuen Hathe shawn the worde of God and scapit free In the actes for witnes I take sainet Steuen Act. 7. Saying these wordes in the cheptour seuen Which of the Prophettes that ye in writt of reid Hathe not your Fathers persecute till d●id Like as they did none of the Prophets spair But for to slay them thoght it sport and bourde M●t. 4 ▪ 〈◊〉 17. So did they Iohn that Prophet was and mait Euen as the eunemies of Goddes holie wourd From the beginning with knife fyre and swourd As they his seruandes vsed with death and Rod So haue they done the verie Sonne of God 1. T●s ● Since God the Father in his proper persone Hath not forborne but thoght it right and skill Rom. 8. That Iesus Christ his dear and onelie so●e Shoulde suffre death the Scriptures to fulfill Ma● 15. That wicked mē might wirk on him their will Thus if we start for punishment vntrue Mat. 10. We are not like our master Christ Iesu No seruand should disdane nor yet abhore When with licence at table set he is Ibem To drink such drink as drank his Lord before Ioh. 15. For no disciple nor no seruand I wis Is greater nor his Lord and Master is Mat. 12. If Belzebub they did the master call How mekill more his houshold seruandes all Luc. 11. The enemies of Goddes word are borne 2. Cor. 11 For till rewarde with croce and double hire The postles as the Prophettes was beforne To be like Christ Paull thou had great desire Thou was oft purged and cleuged in that fyre When thou receaued with stoūdes and distresse Act. 14. Two hundreth woūdes sauing one wound lesse They scourged thy bodie thre tymes attones 2. Cor. 11 Thy spirit in patience still it did abound Thou was left for dead stoned was with stones Act. 16 14 21. And was thre tymes in daingere to be dround Thou was at List rasnapped whil thou swound In dangere of th●ues molestatione And in great trouble with those of thy natione With false brethren in daingers many solde ● Cor. 11 Be land be sea in ceties not a few Act. 27. With nakednes in hongare thrist and colde For all these paines thou said o postle trew I gloir in to the croce of Christ Iesu And still thou bair that croce preaching the worde Gal. 6. Whill for the same thy life lost by the sworde From age to age the faithfull lost their liues From reigne till reigne such mercie did them len 1. T●ss 2. And gat such grace as did the prematiues Vnto to this daye was persecute ye ken How many trwe and faithfull Christiane men Of Scotland borne good men and well leuand Had then this croce vpon their backes bearand Scatered with greuous tribulationes And hated for the worde of lucent light Throw all cuntrees realmes and nationes 1. Cor. 4. With patience louing the Lord of might With faith and hope lik one as Christes knight Feghting with force againes their foes fell Gal. 5. I meine the fleshe the worlde the deuill and hell Thy flesh may not these soir assaultes gainstād For it is filthie fragill and indiscreit Except it be well armed fote and hand Proceding from the inward man and spreit Ephe. 6. With godlie armour for mannes saull most meit Who wold right arme a knight the price to winne At his solretz for seuthe he should beginne Thy s●●e must be prepaired and readie shood And 〈◊〉 no shame before ●●inces nor kin●●● For till 〈◊〉 the trwe Gospell of God Rom. ● Which is the Euāgell of peace glaid tythinges That health and life vnto the faithfull bringes Ephe. 6. Thy brest muste bear the plate of righteousnes And tarie by the trueth for all distres The Spirit of God shall the make narratione Rom. 8. 1. Tess 5. Esa 59. Ephe. 6. Heb. 4. Apoc. 19. When that thy helme hath biddin the fyre past That it shall shine vnto saluatione At all tymes thou must bind thy bodie fast With belt of trueth that euer more shall last Thy two edged sworde that no Papist may bide Shall be Goddes word that sheres on ether side For thy defence against all ire and wraith To kep● the dartes of the deuill vntrewe Ephe. 6. Bear hie on high the targe and sheild of faith Where must be written with lettres freshe of hewe 1. Tess 5. The Testamentes the olde bu● and the newe To quenche and slocken the fyrie dartes fell Of Satanas the olde seigneoure of h●ll About thy targe must written be also Ephe. 2. I meine at the foure corners seuerall Per fidem saluabitur omnis caro With charitie the mother of vertues all That suremonteth hope and faith perpetuall Throw this armoure I make the sure and plane Their can no man be murdrest hurte nor slane 1. Cor. 13 To the last daye and houre thou may not tire Mat. 20. Marc. 8. Luk. 6. ● Collo ● To bear the croce and follow Christ Iesu To pas and repas throw this fellone fire The olde and outward man for till subdew And aye rub of his roust to make him new Do diligence to fordge him fote and hand To be obeying at the spreittes command When thou hast foghen with him on sindrie wyse And he rebell yet whil he all be worne Phill. ● Beginne a newe to feght and winne the pryse Which is the crowne of lyfe is the be forne Prepaird for the o knight or thou wast borne Apo. 1. Collo 1. If thou contenew constant to the end This armoure shall from Satan the defend I am assured that mine eyes shall see Amanges the Sainctes and Angel les glorious Thy bodie cled with immortalitie Phill. 2. And on thy head an crowne victorious In newe Ierusalem before the Lord thy spous Where thou shall reigne in liknes euer maire To Iesus Christ the Sonne of God and aire Non est mortale quod opto FINIS ❧ The Lord● 〈◊〉 O●●● father God which ●●● in heauēs 〈◊〉 Thy holie Name be blest for euermoir Thy kingdome come thy will perpetuallie Be done in earth as is in heauen with the. Be gratious to vs good Lord at neid Giue vs this day our foode and dailie breid Forgiue our sinnes and our wickednes As we do them that doeth vs oppres Let vs not fall into temptatione But vs defend for Christis passione And saue
Sprite and consolature But he after his owne Sprite at his will 1. Ioh. 5. Toke aboundance and gaue all others till He is the fontaine ●●oode and springing strande Apo. 21. He holdes lyfe and death in to his hand In that sweit lambe we haue our hole hauing Phil ● Gal. 3. From him doeth al our health and welfair spring Aboue this rob their was an brawe brodoure In golding lettres conteining this scripture Apoc. 19. Rom 14 Esa 5. Act. 2. Lord of lordes King of kings supreme Monarke This is his Name his title stile and marke This holie lambe crowned with gloir might With great triumphe ascended to the hight Psal 9● Where as the cloude right riche and radious Of his splendour with Angelles gratious On knees they kneled and sweitlie him adored Welcome o lambe the whiche hathe death deuor●d Deb. 1. Saying to gidder with admiratione What people or cietie realme or natione What conquerour syn first the wolde began Apoc. 5 ●● 15. May be compair to Christ bothe God and man That hath done all his soes ouercome and th● ●●poc 5 1● ● 15. ●auing his seruandes by his might and gra●● ▪ No wight is worthie this 〈◊〉 and chariat But the victorious lambe 〈◊〉 Welcome said they o lambe celestiall That venquest hes the dragone infernall And fred thy folk for the of that vglie steid That did beleue in the to haue remeid Welcome o lambe that band with chaine insect Apoc. ● ▪ Fals Satan ●o to all thy trwe elect O Sonnes of Adam be ye glaid and sing Reioysse whill heauen earth redound and ring Col. ● With lande and prays reioysse with notes new Giue all honour onelie to Christ Ieseu And sing how that all louing lait and air Parteines to him for now and euer mair Reioyse foutane and forest amiable Reioyse moutane and valaye delectable Apo. ●● ▪ Reioyse feildes sloodes and christall springes Reioyse beastes and all kume foule that singes Before ye were polluted one and all And now ye are deliuered out of thrall Now all to gidder laude the lambe in ane In eccon langage loude sing and say Amen O heauens we did se and considder When ye persauit the lambe and death to gidder Met. 17 Then were ye all ouer spred and cled with sable Luc. 23. With double doole and teares lamentable The Sunne in habite obscure did cleith him sell And did his christall beames bright expell When Titan saw that death had power sick His golden face 〈…〉 black as pick. When he saw tha● 〈…〉 heill did trampe Psal ●1 Then was blaw●●ut the lig●●es and the lampe Of the palyce celesi where 〈◊〉 i● deid The heauens cled in doole and murning weid Then for to weip ye had occasione But now since that the Lord and King of Sione Is ascended to you on life leuand ● Pet. 3. Act. 3. ●●● 10. Siti and on Goddes right and holie hand Therefor be glaid and louinges him prepair For now that lambe may suffred death no mair Resaue agane your colour christalline Psal 68. For now the Sunne and lampe of light deuine That beres more strength nor Phebus did before Is come to you and shall yow newe decore Though he be cled with fleshe and blood humane Mat. 3. He is the Sonne of God and souerane Esa 43. Holding these faithfull purpose singuleirs Amonges the regious planeites and the speirs The lambe commanded then in speciall That throw the whole worlde vniuersall His herroldes should proclame to euery natione The glaide tydinges of the worldles saluatione Rom. ● Syn suddanlie the cloud preordinat With fyres of ioye full fair illuminat Couered the lambe with beames christalline So he ascended by his might deuine Act 3. Where as Phebus kneiled with golden face And to his God right reuerentlie made place Saying o maker I am right farre eshamed Because some men for God haue me proclamed 〈◊〉 so me the whole 〈◊〉 supr●●me 〈◊〉 be annext to thy 〈◊〉 Into compair of the I am farre lesse Nor sparke or gleid of syre I do confesse By thy might to mtotde their ignorance Thou hast caused me oft with great greuance With paill coloure to hyde my beames bright Absenting oft my seruent force and might But now is come the tyme where faith grace Shall all such errours with their felowes chace Eph. ● ● ▪ Therefore with mirth I take my cope saconde To hang my golden palice rubiconde That I may better bear forme and figure Of the o lyuelie Sonne that shall indure Now I reioyse to serue the of image To that effect that all leuing lyuage Esa 9 ● 43. Hold me but as the lamye etheriall And thou the leuing lyght celestiall Thou art the spring the strength force and valour Ioh. ●● That ruelles all the regimentes of natour That hes done sinne with hel and death subdewe Lord of thy elect and chosen people ●rewe Lykewise him honored the celest legions 1. Cor. 1. In ordour him adored the twelue regions Apoc. 5 ●● ● 19. R●m ●●●●b ● Psal 12. Him as their Lord and God they did confesse With Cherubins and Scraphins expresse Of high spreittes the ordores superuall Him magnified with voice Angelicall Saying on high o Sapience profounde That taketh the sinnes from the earth ground Holie holie Word that euer shall remane Ly●e ●●●● substance of the 〈◊〉 Esa ● Pra●er ● ● Cor. 1. word that hast made by 〈◊〉 and by 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 the sea the 〈◊〉 bread 〈◊〉 Haill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Haill holie lambe worthie of all honoure Ephes 2. Phil. 2. Esa 5. Apoc. 21. Lande 〈◊〉 glorie and adoratione Force 〈◊〉 strength and dominatione For 〈◊〉 and euer must to the be geuen Aswell in earth as is into the heauen Thus being ended this orisone deuine All creatures on knees did incline Redring dewe wirshepe reuerēce lande gloire Apoc. 19 To that most migthie king for euer moire Kinges of the earth and Emperours I say Your dayes and yeres shall vanishe sone a way The heauen shall passe earth I make you sure But my trwe word shall euermore indure Psal 1●2 Heb. 1. One word thereof nor iote shall neuer faill Tyll euery thing completed be and haill Thogh Babilone many regiōs drew them till And conquest to that migthie ●euer Nill The first Impire Syne feast their force and power suribound Where then succeded to the Impire secound Cyrus whose crown and sceptre high decored 〈◊〉 In Asia for long tyme was adored Macedone peirs and Syrie Syne after them came the breue seignorie Of Macedone where Peirs and Cyrie To be masters had so great affectione That to comfirme their pryde made directione Thinking to lytill their rowmes and their rent Vnto their boundes sone they did agment All 〈◊〉 Inde Egypt and Arabie With 〈◊〉
plant his breist withinne Suche giftes of grace that he shuld neuer sinne Thou knowest their is no man on earth leuand Tha● can or may against thy will with stand Rom. 9. Sith thou art God our Lord Fath●r 〈◊〉 Why holdes thou vs in wo and miserie Why hast thou hardned thus our hearts min●● And syld our ●yne we shuld not cleirlie s● The thing that may thy will and pleasure be Why doest thou not of thy beneuolence Excuse our sa●tes we do throw negligence 4. Es ● Sith man is made of sinne bothe crope 〈◊〉 And can not drug but as thou lettes him drawe Why doest thou then that sinne to him impu●e The heart that shuld the fear and stand in awe Esa 54. Why doeth it worke against thy will and Lawe But as the iuste so hes thou made 〈◊〉 The murtherare for to distroye and ●eill Euen as the potter with an lompe of lame Doeth after his owne santasie direct Some pott to honour and other some to shame So hes thou lykwyse creat and elect Some to thy gloire and some to be deiect Rom. ●● So of our s●lues we neuer haue s●e will For to do good but all mischeif and ill O sinsull wretche that doest thy self abuse Now damnable is thy frewoll argument Rom. 45. Will thou thy sinnes on the Lord excuse To dispute how dar thou thy self present With the deip wisdome of God omnipotent Esa 45. Sith ignorance hathe the dissaued plane Cry mercie for thy argumentes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Consesse the ●ord the Lord of veritie Esa ●3 1. Ioh. ● ●● ●hes ● ●it ● 2. Tim. 2. Ioh. 1● Rom. ● ●nd do not 〈…〉 sence pleid His iudgemente● 〈…〉 of equitie His ●●nne is 〈◊〉 and remeid For all the sinnes that came of Adames seid Confesse at Baptisme how thow 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And sware the faithfull spouse to Iesus Christe Allas I fornicator full of cair All are spiritual fornicatours that wirshoppes not one God allauerhe Deut. 31 ●●di● 2 8. Fornicatione for infidelitie and murmuratione against God Nūb. 14 Following the apperite of lustes raige Dat not for shame my filthines declair For worldlie lust I lose my heritage I haue a pultered my whole mariage And followed hath my sensualitie I set at noght the word of veritie I grant my luste hathe me rep●●o●a● And hathe me caused to forsake allace My Sauiour Christ and spouse immaculate How day I me present before his face Or how dar I● my spous● require for grace Sith I my self made separatione Commiting filthie fornicatione To follow my lustes I did neuer blinne Rom 3. Nor neuer wold against them contest I am broght vp and nourest in to sinne Pro. 20. With dolour now why am I not opprest Sith I haue done forsake my spouse cel●st O vile 〈◊〉 hast thou no shame Mat. 10. Christ to renunce of whom thou beares the name For ignorance for pleasure and delite For fals doctrine that doeth all men confuse 1. Cor. 14 For gluttonnie and beastlie appetite For them why hast thou done thy self abuse Note how ignorance doeth no man excuse Ther is no way since thou art so infect ●●hes 1. But onelie Christ the spouse of his elect An spouse and that full of benignitie Not looking on my lyfe luxurious Psal 45. That for my luf● hathe suffred death for me His dead hathe venquest death most furious Ephe. 5. And shewn him self an louer curious His grace and mercie most misericord Gal. 4. Hathe made my peace pointemēt with the Lord. Right as thou art my loue and Lord of blisse 1. Cor. 1. My Sauiour and God omnipotent Let thy sweit mercie me imbrace and kisse Ep●e 2. On such an wise that in my heart thou prent Thy holie spreit thy Law and Testament Ioh. 14. And pardone me where I haue done rebell Eccle. ● I come for loue and not for fear of hell Dulce Lord sweit spouse take on me thoght and Shewe me the waye that leades me most euen cure Iacob ● Giue me the knawledge of thy trwe Scripture In sie dispair my sinnes hathe me dreuen That but thy grace I can not come to heauen Arme me with faith the springing streame well R●m 18 That I may venques the fleshe the Deuill hell Or thou do faill to them that thou doest loue Where faith is great as gra●● of mustard se●d Mat. ●● The earth shall faill so shall the heauen aboue Rom. 5. I knowe thy mercie doeth right farre erce●d All my offence my sinne and wick●d d●id And since thou hast thy loue vpon me set Ioh. 1● O Lord I knowe thou will not me forget Which maketh me cry on hight away despair Ephes 2 That so long tyme haith done molest my minde Sith Christ is so benigne bothe late and aire Col. 1. Moued with pretie he will not be vnkinde 1. Ioh. 4 Ioh. 5. For to forgeue his nature is inclinde For his great mercie as wrytes cunning clerkes Doeth farre transcend aboue his godlie werkes Esa 34 For our sinnes Lord we grant thy celsitude Ephe. 2. Of thy mere mercie and speciall grace Frelie thou wishe awaye with thy sweit bloode Heb. 9 1● The whole iniquitie that came of Adames race And meased thy Fathers wrathe in to that cace Rom. 5. Where he stude right glaidlie well content With that one offring that thou did him present Col. 1. Because we could not wirke the Fathers will Gal. 3. We were subdewed to dampnatione Of death and hell whill Christ did it fulfill Ephe. 1. And shed his pretious blood for our saluatione Which is our health our lyfe and our purgatione 1 ●●●● H●b 9. We knewe their is no clen ●eing to conclude But our purgatione by Christes death bloode No purgatione is named euen nor od In holie Scripture Goddes word of veritie But onelie Iesus Christ the Sonne of God Hathe pur●ed vs of our iniquitie Heb. 1. Where we were boūd the Lord hathe made vs fre From hell from deathe and euerlasting pane Sapt 7. And vs restored haith to lyfe agane It is no meruell thogh our hearttes befo●ie Sith we haue through our slouth and negligēce ●● libro senten●●●●●● Beleued to haue an other purgatorie When from this vaill of wo that we shall hence As writtey is in the booke of Sentence That we shall to an certane tyre returne And many hundreth yeres theirin till burne And shall not come to blesse uers the heauen But their till cry till fry till glour ▪ and gaip Whil for iche sume we haue burnt y●res seua●● Idem ● 〈◊〉 And no maner of waye for●●ll e●chaip But by the Mess● and pa●●●ous of the paip If this be trwe as they 〈◊〉 preached plane Thē Christ hathe shed his pr●tion● blood in vane The Father doeth no satisfactione knawe Psal 4●
vs Lord from all maner of ill According to thy pleasure and thy will For strength and might perteneth onelie to th● To whom be gloir and prais eternallie So be it ❧ The 12. articles of our beleū I Trow in God the Father Lord of all That made the earth and heauen celestiall And in Christ Iesu his onelie Sonne most sweit Our Lord consaued by the holie Spreit And of the blissed virgin Marie borne By Pilat falslie iudged rent and torne Crucified dead syne laid in buriall Descended to the helles infernall From death to lyfe he rose on the thrid day Ascended to the heauen where he alway Doeth sit on the right hand of God celest Where bodilie he doeth ●emane and rest ●t the last day from thence shal come with speid Iustlie to iudge the leuing and the deid I beleue in the holie Spre●t Their is an Church of God discreit Of holie sainctes communione And of our sinnes remissione The rising of the fleshe mortall And after lyfe perpetual● In this faith I for euermore Will trust thogh I should die theirfore So be it ❧ The ten Commandementes LIft vp your heartes oppen your eares Hard harted people for till heir The word of God that now appeares And his Commandementes leir I am thy God celestiall From seruitude deliuered the. Thou shall not haue therefore at all No other goddes but onelie me No image to the make thou shall Painted nor carued curious Nor on thy knees before them fall For I thy Lord am ielious His Holie name most venerable Take not in vaine nor it dispryse For God will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 culp●●●● That him bl●sph●mes in any wyse Sex dayes wirk but on the seuen Rest thou thy seruand and thy beast For that ylk day the God of heauen Reposed ▪ and his workes blest Father and mother honour aye That thou may long the earth posses And so the ground to the alway Her frutes shall yeild with great Incres In couatice desire thou noght Frome thy nighbour by thoght nor stryfe That which is his or he hath boght His beast his seruand nor his wyfe Be no man killer nor homicid Adulterar nor witnes fals Be not an these in thoght nor deid No sclanderare nor lier al 's O Lord thy wordes of efficace Are clearer nor the somers day Intill our heartes Imprint thy grace After this law the to obay So be it ❧ Grace before dynner O Souerane Lord Pastour and heid Loke and behold this compangnie Of thy goodes suffre vs to feid And vse our selues soberlie Without excesse or glouttonie For who that doeth the fear and dreid Thou takes thought on them dailie Their bodies for to cleith and feid So be it ❧ Grace after dynner ▪ O Lord that gaue vs in command To take no thoght for the nixt daye For this that we do vnderstand Thou feidis vs we prayse the aye Since it hath pleased the alwaye With meat and drinke to feid our fleshe So with the bread of lyfe we praye Thou will our sinfull soules refreshe So be it ❧ The Pellicane ●iguring Iesus Christ THe Pellicane of the forest celest Amonges his workes notable and new After the heauen the Angelles and the rest He made his birdes of diuers sindrie hew Allone them left and sine awaye he flewe And gaue them their ●rewill and libertie In to the forest of Parradice to be Where that the tre of lyfe it grew and stude Set by the Pellicane of humilitie To saue his birdes that spared not his blud But as they sang sweit and melodious Into that wood as plesand nightingailles An fouler false vgsume and odious Their with his nettes and girnes soir assailles Syne baneist them the gairdings the vailles Because till ouer high frute they did pretend To wilsome vailles dailles thē were they send Where they remaned long in seruitude Abiding the Pellicane their mis for till amend To saue his birdes that spared not his blude Down from the wood of Angelles bright cleir This Pellicane for loue did swiftlie flie Where he ●and Rawens did his smal birdes deir And shed his blood in streimes ●rwellie Withoutten reuth this Pellicane they gart die Denud of mercie they did him rug and ryue With patience to death he thoild them driue His faltles fleshe because their was no ●ude Nor medicicine could saue his birdes lyue Whill from his tendre heart they re●t his blud The Rauens at the Iewes full of feid Vniustlie put this Pellicane to deid Which doeth betoken Christ both God and man The birdes are the creatures humane The fals fouler the laithlie serpent rude That gart misknow the heauenlie Pellicane To saue his birdes that spared not his blude O Iesu Christ my Lord so sweit That for me vile sinner indigne Thou suffred from the heid to feit Thy bodie for till scorge and ding Thy face ouerspred with foull spitting In to deris●one with great skorne Syne on thy head did thrust and thring An kene and crwell pricking thorne To saue me sinner full of vice Thou was the obligatione Thou made the contract and the price That thou should suffce passione To saue me frome dampnatione That was prepared for Adames seid Frome hell vnto saluatione Thou boght me with thy pretious deid I know Iesus thy patience Hath borne my great fragilitie My sinnes eik and my offence Thou bure them to the death with the. Since thou hes borne suche loue to me and su●fred hast such paines fell To saly ray death and miserie That spared not to die thy sell Lord I the pray with heart and minde Lay not to me my sinfulnes Sith thou hast ben● to me so kinde And tholid h●s so great distresse The vinagre and bitterues The scourges skornes and the strife Mot fil me with the great sweitnesse Of peace and euerlasting lyfe Thy holie death surmount and slaye The dolent dead now of my saull Thy pretious blood mot weshe awaye My vncleinnes and vices all The sufflettes suffred in the haull The bandes that band thy handes and feit Mot breck now and perpetuall That bandes of sinne that hurtes my spreit The nailles and the crown of thorne The spitting the strokes and the speir The noddes the shamefull death and skorne The wicked wordes that thou did heir The heauie croce that thou did beir The tormentes of thy death crewell Mot draw my soule to the full neir And saue me frome the paines of hell Lord thy glorificatione Mot clenge my soule and my bodie And in the resurrectione Reforme my great iniquitie Sen I am figurat to the That aye shall regne perpetuum An leuand God in persones thre In world of worldles for to cum ❧ Ane Ballad of the spirituall and carnall vnderstanding of Christes wordes This is my bodie and blood c. Iohn 6. ALlone musing as I forthe went An suddane slepe did me assaye I thoght my spirit was frome me rent Vpon the ground where as I laye I heard an voyce
myrth glaid curage To welcome him and mak● him due homage There lambe that on the hid s●crettes did looke And was founde digne to oppen the holie booke That all the Angels had in suche esteime 1. Tim. ● 1. ●oh 2. Ioh. 17. Heb. 1● This lambe ware on his head one diadeun● Where was writtin thre stiles singulair In 〈◊〉 letteres to him peculiar 1. Ioh. 2. Ioh. 17. Heb. 1● On● 〈◊〉 did him 〈◊〉 call The s●cond s●yle our hie pries● principall The thrid s●●l● was the Sauiour of all wight That in this worlde did bring to vs the lig●t And made his father who is our soueran● Lord On vs poor sinners to haue mis●ricord This blessed Lord and Sauiour most hie Apo● 21. Exod. 20 Bothe heauen and earth togidder gartagrie In so far as the letter did conteane Promesse and law so of right shoulde perteane Isay 17. The Lord shuld promesse kepe and mercy shawe But man ought till obserue and kepe the Lawe Heb. ● ●10 So Christ Iesus to performe his office For that promesse to shewe his benefice Offred his pretious bloode his Father till And for oursake hathe done the Lawfulfill So dyeinge on croce that oblatione trewe Ended the Law and toke an stile of newe Ephe. 2. 1. Tim. ● 1. ●o 12. To be himself our onelie Mediatour He is that prince that with his manlie nature Hath vs redemed where we were dāned to pyne Reasone Scripture wolde that we shulde syne Giue him onelie the gloir and to none other Rom. 4. He is our Lord our Sauiour and brother In that diademe may be red in faith Heb. 2. 3 7 8 9 10 The lambe did meise the Lordes ire and wraith Where as before could do no bloode of beist He offred his owne bloode as mightie preist But not as offred the priestes Leuitticall That offred for themselues and syne for all Their sacrifice nor their oblatione Could neuer bring vs to saluatione For God the Father Lord omnipotent Was onelie with his Sonnes blood content So Christ our Lord was not boūd Priest considder But Melchisedech high Priest King to gidder King of all pietie peace and equitie And Priest that teached the word of verritie And entred ones in to the sanctuair By his owne blood his priesthoode to declair Where he offred his blessed fleshe also Sufficient for an thowssand worldes mo Blood of more strength nor the blood of ●hell Better nor Nabothes blood the trueth to t●ll Heb. 1● That asked vengence from● heauen to that place To fall on Iesabell and I●habs race In dyeng Christ required with mightie voyce Ma● ●6 Pardon to them that did him nai●l one croyce To death he neideth no more him self present That one oblatione for all was sufficient For death may now no more that lambe Arr●ist ●●● 5 ● 9 ●● O lambe o King o high Bischope and Preist Betwix vs and thy Fathers furie stand Syne blesse vs with thy right and holie hand Gal. 4. A●● 4. O man if thou could with thy wit persaue The great ioy● that thou throw Christ dois haue Rom. ● Then shulde thy harte with hope and esperance Be more stable then rocke but variance 2. Para. 3. Thou shuld not cair of mā the threatning bost●s Nor yet regaird their strong and awfull hostes Thou shulde cure no punishment nor pyne P●al ●4 ▪ Nor yet regaird pest hunger nor ruine Thou wold not seir fier death nor helles pane Phil. 4. All earthlie torment thou wold but repute vane If faithfull loue thou in shy harte doest beir To Christ our Lord and to his word● most cleir He is our pleader for vs in to the lawes That venqueist Satan wan to vs our cawes Heb. 9. Againes his ornate speache and eloquence 1. Tim. 1 The heauen nor earth can make no resistance Satan nor death dar pretend no actione Gal. 3. Where Christ saith I haue made satisfactione This diademe most worthie to aduant Is gar●eist with these stiles triumphant Isa 2 4. Whiche shulde not be attribute trust ye sure Vnto none other earthlie creature Nether to sainct nor Angell in the heauen Shulde those thre stiles in any wise be geuen Rom. 8 11. 1. Pet. 4. Exo. 34. None ought the stile of intercessione But Christ that bought it with his passione As in tymes past allace it may be seine How many haue worne an wail before their ein● And stopped them to se the lyght most cleir Of the bright Sunne with eyne of hart inteir 2. Cor. 3. As Moyses ware before an mistie race An vaill to hide the bryghtenes of his face Right so doeth were this waill al thē that wolde Make Christes Law lyke to the lawes olde And may not se the lambes liberalitie That is to say who makes equalitie And wold compair the warkes of the Law Ephes 2 To Christes death that grace to vs doeth shaw Seking consaittes and fassions of their owne I●bic 1 The lambe to thē will not be seyne nor knowne Because at others they haue soght remeid Forgetting Christ their cheif capitayne and h●●● Ps●l 1 6 This soule errour that doeth their consciēce 〈◊〉 Os●c 9 11. 2. Cor. 4 Procedeth from ignorance of holie writ Ferther read forth persaue and se the rest Beholde the vertue of this lambe celest The more that is considered his impire The more alway a man do●th him require With eye debonair dulce and petious That their was neuer man so dispitious Rom. ● ▪ Nor tyrane fell that blood humane did seike Beholding him he shuld● come dulce and meike Sunne on no day so bright did neuer shyne Apoc. ●1 ▪ Nor in Aurora bright starre matutyne In heauen nor earth is found nothing so fair ●a●t 1 2 3 4 ▪ That to his golden face I may compair The lyllie whyte consect in vermeill rose Vnto his bewtie can be no peir nor chose To his cleir colour of brightnes triumphant No pretious stone sapheir nor diamant Apo● ●1 Nor the charbonckle with his lucent strandes May be compaird to the brightnes of his handes He is so full of fragrant an●tie Sain●tes are enamourd with his bright bewtie Apo● ● 18 ● 19. Men in this earth left heritage and gude To winne his loue and serue his selcitude Rather chosing to be bri●t at an slake Nor to renounce his loue and him forsake C●nt ● His vestament of golde pure and s●reue Double● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with purpur colou●●● Garnest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resplendent With 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●nd with diament The gold ●●●ine 〈◊〉 signifie his glorie The colour sanguine his conquest and victo●●● Cant. ● The fair rubies riche and iuestimable Declares his noble giftes incomparable Of his excellent virtues her●icall Where as no Angell nor Catholicall Heb. 1. Psal 97 Did arriue for ●lke one of them by measure Ressaued the holie
〈◊〉 that could not satisfie To their desires whill ●yme prefi●t said ho Then for to rule and reigne bigen also 〈…〉 The great ●ictie superbe and glorious That some tyme founded was by Romulus Whiche wan and conquest all the Orient And in short space subdewed all the Occident On suche an wise all landes and langage Become their subiectes and made them homage Carthai●e ancient strong and mightie town They brack the walles and kest the cietie down Their gloir did so increase and multiplie Pryde promest it shuld still remane on hie Pry●● But whē approched their propre houre and tyme Presixt and set by prouidence deuyne From their impire they were ouerthrawn cast They might no longar reigne for tyme was past So toke an end the high Impire Romane That was so long fordged on blood humane The whole world could not by their great puissance Them vēques whill God by his puruiāce Sewe in their sinnat ciuile seditione Which sprang and grew to their confusione Cons●●e in earth no thing is permanent Eccles ● But shall haue end for God omnipotent With dayes houres hathe euery thing prefixt That shall not be ouer past nor yet proli●t Here in this earth nothing is firme nor stable But Christes kingdome remanes 〈◊〉 ●●●● ● 〈◊〉 So biy●g seased ●ur 〈◊〉 Our ● buocat and 〈…〉 Vpon his Fathers right 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for man 1. Tim. 2 Heb. 9. With 〈◊〉 his orisone 〈◊〉 Praying his Father God omnipotent To grante him these requestes consequent Ioh. 17. O supreme Father most worthie in aspect Since in my bodie that thou hast elect Hathe bene accomplished whole obedience Apoc. ● Hebr. 2 9 10 12. 2. Cor. 6 Rom. 7. Therefore I pray the with de●full reuerence The inobedience of the worlde remitte That they against the daylie do committe Thogh poysone entred in by Adames race Thou may remead it with thy might and grace For my goodnes and loue mende that misdead Rom. 5. Since that by Adam entred sinne and dead Grant throw my death which was superlatyne May entre peace and euerlasting lyue I make the most humble supplicatione Since thou hast pleised the oblatione That pietie hathe caused me to present Ioh. 15. Of my owne naturall bodie innocent That sinne nor death pretend no actione Heb. 10. But take my fleshe and blood for satisfactione Ephes 1. Of them that will with heart intrincicall Pray in my Name to the continuall Holding the as the Father eterne tutorne Ioh. 14. And me as brother iudge and gouernoure Matt. 6. That hopes in me and in none other wight For them o Father I pray the day and night The ardent loue and pietie paternall Ioh. 17. That thou hast borne to me contenuall Must cause the lykewise them to loue so weill That in their heartes they may pers●ne and feill Ioh. 1● How for my sake thou hast them all resaued As thy owne children Gotten and consaued When they by waiknes in temptatione fall 1. Cor. 10 O Father then haue mercy on them all Considder of themselues they haue no goode But imperfite and borne of fleshe and bloode Ioh. 14 16. Without our helpe they fall and may not stand To thy goodnes them all I recommand I know full well what may to them betyde So Sata● me assailled with his pryde Thus may I not alway in their vexatione Mat. 4. Contemple them without I haue compassione Heb. 2. Their cau●e and maters touches me so neir They are my blood elect and brethren deir Thy are my membres and my holie Kirke I must be their defence for them to wirke Ephes 1 2. I may not suffre that one of them be shent To ansuer for them all I me present By thy bontie eternall they are thyne 1. Cor. 3. Mat. 21. Ioh. 16 17. Yet by reasone I boght them they are myne Thou hast them put vnder my gouernance And promesed me to be their assurance Their aide their helpar and protectour propice Father I pray the for my Sacrifice Idem That thou wilt in their mindes and hartes pour Our odoriferrant balme and sweit licour With the feruent flambe and zeale of Charitie The liuelie Spirit condigne of our deitie And the sweit vnctiō that doeth from bothe proceid Mus● be 〈◊〉 their solace and remeid Again 〈…〉 As well 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●iabolicall Ioh. 14. For their most 〈◊〉 and stro●● 〈◊〉 Their most persite and principall instructour The holie Gost for witnes and for gaige Ephes 1. 2. For 〈◊〉 and arles of our heritage Lat them with vs reignes o Father 〈◊〉 When they offend impute to me their crime Ioh. 17. And ended so this supplicatione He said to me for thy oblatione Heb. 9. Rom. 4 5. My dear beloued Sonne celestiall For the offence of men terrestriall Then payed for all au ransome most condigne Heb. 10. And I at thy request to them benigne My Sonne delice and substance of my sell Esa 9. Heb. 5. Pro●or 8. 2. Cor. 4 Ma● 28. Resaue all powere in heauen earth and hell Till damne till bind till Lousse and till releue Till saue them all that shall on the beleue Take all the treasures of the heauen celest Dispone and parte them where thou pleses best Sith I haue all this power to the geuen Psal ●● Act. 2. Heb. 1 The earth the hell the Angelles of the heauen A geue the likewise in thy holy hand An rod of yron to strike who doeth ganestand If thou shall plese that rod without regaird Shall brecke breisse them as an pottars shaird Apo. 19. Our holie lambe ressaning all this charge To shewe him selfe bothe liberall and large The heauens oppened in haist with reuerence Mat. 18. Where he departed with magnificence 〈◊〉 ●●●asure and the holie gifte 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●he worlde plane and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And 〈◊〉 of all his promesse to fullfill Act. 2. The great conforteur come his 〈◊〉 With diuerse tongues and leides solatious And with zeraphricall windes gratious Ilke on of them in science newe did sleit With diuerse giftes of the sammyn Spreit 1. Cor. 2● Where their was men of Mede and Parthians Of Pontus Pamphill and Cerene●us Of Capado●e and Mesopotamia Of Asia Egypt Libia and Phrigia Act. 21. Their was Arab Iewe Greik and Proseleit Strangers of Rome of Candy and of Creit These nations all maruelled and was on sloght To here se what was by the Apostles wroght By verie vertue of their high doctrine Idem When all these nationes were before theme syne In their maternall tongues and propre leid Ilk one of them heard Christ preached in deid Fontaines of grace from them did slowe spring Throw Chrisis prom●sse where his Spirit benig To Idiot men vnlearned hece on ground ●●n 10. Their simplenes did prudent men consound Christ promised to leawe when he did ascend
so be fleshe nor eye corruptable May not himse which is vncorruptable Nor yet their is no mouth nor hand mortall Nor that marchantes thereof thoght they be wraith May ●at or touch● his bodie naturall But all the faithfull as the Scripture saith Do ●at his ●l●she and drink his blood in faith And till he come hath left that ordinance In s●gne of his death and our deliuerance As for the obla●ion● and sacrifice ▪ Malac. 1. Offred by Chānons Mōckes Priestes Freris For quick and dead founded on auarice ●see 5. Their Sacrifice in Godd●s sight apperis As clothe polluted cum menstruo mul●eris W●o will not couf●ss● ▪ all readie that Christ Is come in fleshe he is ane A●techrist ● Ioh. 4 They dèny Christ those fals Prophetes prophane S●ice he is come bothe d●ad and buried Heb. 9. That will h●n newlinges slay and kill agane ●al 2. The Sacrifice of the olde Law pacified Th● father whill his Sonne was sacrified ●om ● Which is come and off●●d ons for all ●●b 10. But ●●●ce that he is com● as saith samet Paull And for our sinnes hath su●●red passione S●ing that he is rissin and gloufied Idem The fath●r will no n●we oblatione He will be no● adored and ma●nifie● Christ will no more for ●innes b● sacrified He will now be lou●d feard s●rued and dred And will no more with Sacrifice be fed It is onelie thou o Iesu Christ my Lord It is thou o sweit Lambe immaculat 1. Ioh. 2. I pray the Lord to be misericord 1. Tim. 2 And thogh that I shuld be vituperat Of all my freindes and excommunicat ●oh 16. Rom. 7. Scorged scorned imprisoned and blamed Yet of thy worde shall I not be eschamed But I shall boldlie say in euerie steid And confesse before men bothe morne and euen Act. 4. That their is none other can giue remeid Nor yet none other name in earth nor heauen Luc. 20. That for saluatione is to mankinde geuen 1. Pet. 2. Nor grace nor life that can till vs inswe But onelie in the name of Christ Ieswe Act. 4. And yet til al them that his word doeth mock And dailie do their owne traditiones houlde Mat. 21. He his an stumbling stone and snapring block Psal 118 To all that wold entre in his shepe foulde By an other way nor him selfe hathe toulde Ioh. 10. To them that s●kes by inuentions subtiles Esa ●8 To saue them by their workes inutiles Ye that your owne good intentes estemes Idem To seke the word of God that is so sweir Arise and walk forthe of your sliprie dremes In slepe ye are charged and may not steir Ephes 5 With heauie burdinges impossible to beir Mat. 23. So that an greate f●bure moued with heit Hath sur●mont●d your senses and yur spreit Esa 16. Which makes you raif saye ye wait not what Os●c ● ● That Goddes worde holie Scripture blames An thousand thinges againes the trueth God wat A walk ●orthe of your ●ilthie dr●ames uifames And vse the counsell of the Apostle Iames ●ho that hathe faute of sapi●nce saith he ●acob 1. Let aske of God which geueth aboundantke To euerie man and doeth none decea●e Nor yet no kinde of natione will he lack ●oh 10. What thing ye ask in faith ye shall it haue Come all that will repent and be not slak Mat. 9. That he may take the burdinges of your back He is our Lord our Sauiour and Maister He makes the wound syne setteth on the plaister ▪ At his owne pleasure and not at our will None of vs are found iuste afore his face Rom. ● Our owne nature can wirke no good but ill If we haue goodnes it is not of our race Ephe. ● Nor yet of our selues but by Goddes grace By his grace I which was an oliue wilde Is grafted in faith and become his childe Rom. 11. Participant of the free oliue faire Where I was before bastard and none other Idem He ha●he me made his lauchfull sonne and aire And ●ik partaker with my eld●st brother Luc. 15. Where I had but an concubine to mother And come last to laubour in the wyne Yet with the first I gat my iuste propyne Mat. 2● That blindes the worlde with hi● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ● Be mercifull to him and let him se And persaue his owne preuarication●● Where with he blindeth all bind of nationes I lose my tyme for so he will not with For that vngodlie beast is no renieid Is he not cheif of his vnknowne kirk 1. Ioh. ●● Sainct Iohn in his epistle biddeth me take heid Their is saith he an certaine sinne to deid For the which sinne I wishe no man to praye The beast cōmitteth the sinne bothe night daye I meine the sinne against the holie ●pr●it Heb. 6 10. With that sinne no man ought to play nor bou●d To pray for Goddes ●oo it is not meit He is his ●oo that ●oo is till his word Rom. 11. That ouer al where with paines fyre and sword Prouer. 2● Doeth seke to slay and persecute expresse All them that will trwelie that word confesse Lord frie vs from his constitutiones And do not suf●re thine elect to fall Ioh. 17. Esa 3. Os●● 12. In the pit of his deuilishe traditiones Which holdē hathe so long thy Churche in thrall By his inuentiones Diabolicall Eiect him forthe and all his euen and od 2. Tes 2. The forlorue sonne that in the temple of God 〈…〉 him self h●●h rong east west South And 〈◊〉 world after his solie 〈◊〉 Thou 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the spirit of thy mouth For till 〈◊〉 and kill that Antechrist 2. Tes ● For his presuming equalitie with Christ The refulgent splendour of thy comming Shall sone to darknes driue that beast maling Then shall the heauie burdinges importables Of mennes doctrines and their vaine command Alleged in their lawes deceiueables Mat. 2● That none but them selues could vnderstand Luc. 11. Where with the consciēce of simple mē they band Then shall their superstitiones in an stound With mekil shame be broght vnto the ground Apoc. 20 Then shal the word of God be shawn compleit Apoc. 7. Which shall darken the doctrine of the hure Ioh. 4. And God him self adored in saith and Spirit But not in images nor painted portrature Which are against the Law and the Scripture To make any kind of similitude Deut. 4. In heauen nor earth in water sea nor slude Nor till worship the werk of mennes handes But to set all idolatrie asyde As thow may planelie read in the commandes Exod. 20 Who maketh them or in them doeth confide Shall with them all in Goddes wrath abide Who worsheppes images it is no bourd Let them allone and follow Goddes word Psal 11● 〈◊〉
breck forthe and saye Take holie Scripture spirituall The letter leadeth to dekaye The fleshe profytetes nothing at all In the sext of Iohne Christ doeth saye The verray bread of lyf am I I came frome heauen I am the waye Mankind to saue throw faith onelie Ye can not come to me trwelie Except my father do you call I am in him and he in me The fleshe profytetes nothing at all Your fathers in the wildernes They eat Manna and yet are deid After an other kinde expres For●uthe I am the leuing breid Come down from heauen in to shissteid A am the bread celestiall My word throw faith it doeth you feid The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all Except ye eat beleue and trow August in sermone ad in●uttes In my bodie and drink my blude I say ye haue no lyfe in yow For my bodie is verray fude Right so is drink I you conclude My bloode and take it spirituall For carnallie no man can dude The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all Except ye eat ye haue no lyfe My fleshe and drink my blood he said ▪ But then amonges them grew such stryfe That some went back and was affraid And carnallie his wordes wraid Vntill their mindes sensuall And frome the faith they still dekaid The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all The Disciples murmurred amang Now can this man his fleshe vs giue But Christ knowing their thoghtes wrang Saying wherefore should this you greiue All thogh the Sonne of man should meiue To his glorie celestiall The spirit quickneth throw trwe beleue The fleshe prosfeitz nothing at all Sain●t Augustine writing full plane Against Adamant trwelie How the Lord douted not to saue This is my blood and my bodie August contra Adaman ●im When that he gaue to his meinzie The signe of his bodie corporall To kepe his death in memorie The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all Al 's in an preface doeth he saye Where Christ did him self admit To his mandie on thuresdaye Saying take you now all and eat The holie sigure of me compleit And of my death memoriall My token trwe and promesse sweit The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all This fleshe ye se ye shall not eat ▪ Nor drinck the blood shed forth of me My Sacrament is drinck and meat That siedes the inwarde man trwelie Not for thy teith nor thy bellie I am no meat materiall Beleue and thou hes eatten me The fleshe prosfeites nothing at all Most gratious God illumiu● Our wittes waik and imp●●ent Incresse our saith so satigat Make worde and deid equiualent Our sinnes vyle for to repent And lead our liues more spirituall According to thy testament Which is the fleshe that profeites all ❧ An● Ballade vpon the prayer or orisque of ●●nasses King of Iuda when he was led presouer● and captiue in Babilone ▪ 2. Cron. 33. VIth teares great I sigh and Sob Bewaling my natiuitie O God of Abram and Iacob I make my wofull plainte to the Bound foote and hand with an cheinze As an slaue mocked and dispist In presoue and captiuitie Soulzeit with the vncircumcist Thou Lord that made the heauen on hight The earth with all her instrumentes Thou made also the daye and night The Sunne the Monne resplendisentes The fyre the aire the elementes Thy worde o Lord and thy command Hath gart the heauenlie ornamentes In till their curse and ordour stand The 〈◊〉 sea depe and prosound By thy vertue which d●●th excell ●hose welicring walles su●●bound Dare not attoure their brymmes swell ▪ Their bodumis furius and fell Of whirling waters stif and stark The Lord hath closed vp himsell And seald them with his seall and mark O fearfull God who may withstand Thy feruent Ire in any case No sinner on the earth leuand Thy furie may abide allace for none are iust before thy face But all are sinners yong and old All are denude and bare of grace And to the deuill and hell are sold I grant thou art the Lord abone Of Iacob Abram and Isac that sinned not as I haue done Nor thy commandementes brak But I sinner sleuthfull and slack For breking thy law and command ●es heaped mo sinnes on my back Nor is in nombre all the sand I haue prouoked thy Ire allace My pride and my Iniquite ▪ ●es wroght great ill before thy face I know their is no health in me I grant I 〈…〉 And wor●h●● of th● 〈◊〉 and rod Because in my 〈◊〉 I wold not know the Lord my God My great abhominatione That day and night hath done incres Hes bene the iust occasione Of all my wo and heauines I haue sinned I do confes Right greuouslie aganes the Lord Let not my sinne and wickednes Stop the to be misericord Yet thou hast in remembrance Thy promesse and thy holie aith The man that is of repentance To punishe him thou art right laith Though thou be angrie in thy wraith Thou art sone pacified we ken When that we call to the in faith For all the wickednes of me● Thogh we sinners deserue iustlie Dampnatione death and helles fyre Yet for rewarde thy great mercie Hes pacified thy wraith and ire And promest hes thy high impire Frelie to all that will conuart For thou doest not of vs require Except an trwe and faithfull hart For thy goodnes no more considder My silthie sinnes night nor daye But wipe them all awaye to gidder Sith that I do repent and praye I know thou castes not awaye No wight that will on the depend Nor willis nor their death no waye But wold that they should leaue and mend With knees of my heart contreit I kneill full law before thy grace With teares distilling that I greit I weshe my bailfull blaickned face O Good Lord hear me in this caice And grant me my petitione And for my sinnes not me chaice But gif me full remissione Now saue me Lord since that I praye Saue me o God omnipotent And I shall loif the night and daye Wh●ll that my lyfe away be spent For all the vertues parmanent Of heauen the Angelles all and some They prayse the as most excellent In world of worldles for to come ❧ An Ballade against the foull and d●t●stable vice of dron●kinnesse ALl for douered 〈◊〉 in after drinck In an 〈…〉 I laye● Appeared suddamlie as I did shl●k Ould father Noye cled in an nyce arraye Shaikand his beird with asteirne voyce did saye Of all sinnes ●xcesse is principall And bringes the bodie sonest to dekaye Pro. 31. Throw droncknes the mother of vices all I was the first that wine did plant or presse Thinking to be his master and his gyde But he deceaued me I the confesse Gen. 9. And of my Sonne was scorned in that tyde Because I could not my own secreittes hyde I cursed Cham my sonne and made him thrall Tyll his two brethren seruand till abyde Throw droncknes the mother of vices all What thogh I was be gild it was
is heau●nlie the bodie inutill And is but an obscure or law preson Where as in laugour lyeth the soule gentill Of that prison I haue key subtill Which is my dart that for the soule is geuen To louse it out of that soull preson vile Where I it send with mekle ioy to heauen Holde f●irme thy faith on an God vndefild And for thy father take him and him call Ys he be so then art thou sure his child Mat. 6. And aire of his kingdome Celestiall Yf he hath fred the frome death perpetuall Befoir or euer thou had tyll him regaird Rom. 5. Dout not but and thou loue him cordiall With mekell better he shall thy selfe rewaird And as concerning the fleshes actione It can not liue without sinne and delite Nor yet it can not make satisfactione Rom. 6. For sinne to God wherof it had the wyte But right as Iesus vpon an croce perfite Died for our sinnes so most our fleshe expire And die with Christ yf that we wold be quyte Of endles death sinne and of Hellis fire Who striketh this stroke but death thou knowest weill So I am to all christians man and wyfe The end of sinne beginning of their seill The end of cair and thoght most pungetyfe And the beginning of euerlasting lyfe Why wold thou Aig● returne to youth againe To pas the vaill of woo and mortall stryfe Which thou hast scaped with so mekell paine Yf thou will say when I come the arreist That I the do great wrong and violence Saying thou hast no paine but ioy and f●ist With all delite withoutten indigence I say that pleasure turnes to impatience When it at length leadeth to dampnatione My death is pleasure to all hath sapience When ye from death turne to saluation What displeasure haue I here to the named To fear my dart nay nay I say not so But for Christis sake to suffer and be blamed To take in patience truble paine and wo The losse of goodes and dignities also Wanting pleasurs that somtime thou had ryfe So dyeng vnder my dart to pas them fio In place of them shall haue Eternall lyfe For fear of me be not contrist nor wo But haue firme hope and faith for till conforme The will of God and syne let gladlie go Ryches and friendes with all thesaures enorme For an cleir sky betoknes that the storme Will sone throw the Aire make seperatione Suche faith in persones departing doeth performe Sure signes and tokens of their trew saluatiōe To this effect thou shuld not fear at length Iesus for vs would first the death assay His death hath venquest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 might strength Theirfore thinke not to dye thogh I the slay He me ouercame to s●ue the frome d●●ay So I am but port and passage manifest That thou shuld gladlie ●ine throw night day Frome this fals world to heauenlie gloir celest Somtyme in figure as Scripture declair can An brasin serpent Moyses did raise on hight Which serpent to behold did heall an man That had bene stonged by ●yrie serpents slight Lykewyse all they that by trwe faith hes sight Of Christ is death is heiled of my band As of the secound death I haue no might Christ hath that pouer rest forthe of my hand Great folie is in the custome humane To mourne for men when I them lay on sleip Yf thou beleues he shall with God remane W●y doest thou then lament with sighing depe Orwould thou here alway on lyfe him kepe Will thou him frome his great profit defend Since it is Goddes will thou shuld not wepe In doing so I know thou doest offend Let pagains rore let turkes take terrours That hope to haue none other habitatione The lake of faith is cause of all theare Errours Like Eath●●qu●s ignorant of their saluatione As to the black doo●es frequentation Ipocricie did shaipe that feyned sorow Some for their father maketh dooll ád deploratione That for their mother wold it weire the morrow Messess of Requ●●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 excellis To the great profite of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 With rou●ing roring and 〈◊〉 of bellis Their gredines forth sheweth their wicked wa●● ▪ For yf ye had no vailzeand to your ●●kes Be ye assured that after youre deceirs None of the rabill that wearres the markes Wyll for you ringe or singe or say an veirs For the prepair no suche solemniteis Nor for thy buriall b● thou no wayes trist In Goddes sight they are but vaniteis Sauitie doeth not in earth nor tombe cōsist An Faithfull man shall in the heauen be blist Where euer his fleshe or bodie buried be The wickits soull shall in the hell ●e thrist Thogh he were buried whith all solemnitie At short to end now with my first purpose Fear not me death nor ban me I the pray For who wold in the heauenlie Hous repose Must first beleue goddes promese I saye Vho wold be with his angelles nyght daye Vho wold the face of God behold and se And who wold dwell in paradice for aye Yet before all I death must gar him die Confesse me to be good and gratious For whill I come thou art with sinne repleit Confesse thy lyfe bitter and Eigerous Confesse my dart plesand holsome sweit Also confesse and grant althogh thy spreit Ware mortall as thy filthie 〈◊〉 immound Yet shuld thou hold me as thy freiud discrte That 〈◊〉 the from thir wor●●li● 〈◊〉 pro ●ound FINIS Where followeth The Iudgment of Minos Vpon the preserment of Alexander the great Conquerout Hanniball of Carthage and Scipion the Romain surnamed Affrican 〈◊〉 forth of Fray●ce in sco●tes by the saide Noruell My vailȝeant heart full of honor gloire May not suffre Hāniball to pas before Me intill armes and dedes martiall For suthe I thinke no man that is equall Ought in dedes of armes for to compair There worthynes or actis vnto myne Hanniball I will defende and manteyne the contrair Reporting me vntill God Mynos syne Iudge infernall and Lord of wo and pyite The aufull sworde of iustice to mantyne Where ryght and reason alway shal be seyne For euerie man alike bothe freind and sone Mynos That I may heare fyrst tell to me anone What are ye that disputis heare alone Of high honours to haue the aduantage Alexandre This is the Duke Hanniball of Carthag● And I Alexandre the great Empriour Of all the world Kyng and Conquerour That wan and s●bdwed euery Natione Mynos Your names are of great existunatione Worthie of honour glorie and land supreyme With lawreir crowned is your diadeyme I meruell ye shuld haue debaite togidder ▪ Alexandre Bot Mynos I thinke ye shuld consider My birth for●u●● silicitie and werde And how I wold suffer no man in erde To be my compagnion nor perregall But as the Eigle that suremountis all Other foules most highest in the aire So may no man himselfe to me compaire In high curage and furour bellicall Wherefore I will not that