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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07572 [Liber festivalis]; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1486 (1486) STC 17958; ESTC S110149 187,701 329

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nostri Ihesu cristi GOod men and wymmen as ye heryn and seyn as hooly churche makyth mynde and mencion of the grete myrthe and me lodye of the blessyd birth of oure lord ihesu crist very god man that was this day borne of his modyr mary in socour of all man kynde But in e speciall for thre causis Firste to yeue pese to man of good wyll and to lyghte hem that were darcke in synne and for to drawe vs with loue to hym Thanne as to the firste cause he was borne to geue men peese of good wyll I may well preue this for whan he was borne angellys songhe thus Gloria in excelsia deo c. Ioye be to god in heuen pese in erth to man kynd of good wyll At midnighte oure lord was borne for be kynde all thyng was in pees reste inshewyng that he was and is Princepa pacia Prince of peese come to make pees be twyxe god and man and be twyxe the angell and man and be twyx man and man And for to be trew mediatour be twyx god and man he toke natur and kynde of bothe and was bothe verray god and man and by his mediacion he knette the loue of god to man so saddely that the fadyr of heuyn sparyd not hym that is his owne but sente hym in to this worlde to bye man kynde with his precious blode thourghe his grete mekenesse to ioye of paradyse that man hadde loste be couetyse of vnbuxsumnes Thus he made pees be twyx god and man and man and man for whanne angeles say her lord wrothe with man for his vnbursumnes for it is a synne that angeles hatyn gretly Ther fore they kepte the gatys of paradyse and wolde lette no soule come ynne tyll they say her lord borne of man kynde Thanne a none for loue of our lord the angels did mankynde worshippe spake goodly to mankynde as to the sheperdys that keptyn her shepe in the countre by They bad hem go to the cite of Bethlem and ther they shuld fynde a childe borne and leyde in a crache and bad hem do hym worshippe and so they dedyn And euer syn angelys haue ben frendely to man and lowly end haue done reuerence to mankynde for the incarnacion of oure lord ihesu criste Thus he made pees betwene angelys man Also he made pees betwene man and man for a yene the tyme that oure lord wolde be borne he made so grete pees that in all the worlde ther as kyngdomes and countreys were in debate and werred eche with othyr on to the tyme of our lordis birthe Than there was so grete pees that a man that was callyd octauian Emperour of rome and he hadde the gouernaunce of the worlde for all the world was subiete to rome and hit dured xxx wynter in so moche that ther was a maūment sente oute from rome in to all the world comaundyng to all maner of people shuld go to the cite that he drew lynage of ley a peny vpon his hede and so offer hit vp in knolechyng that he was sogette to the Emperour of rome Than muste Joseph oure ladyes husbonde nedys go to the cite of Bethleem for to offer with othir peple but for he had no money to offer he toke an oxe with hym to selle at the cite to make money to do his de●te with but for he durste not leue our lady be hynde hym for she was nyghe her tyme. And there fore he sette her vpon an asse and toke her with hym And so whanne they come to the cite of Bethleem hit was so full of people so that Joseph and oure lady myghte haue no logyng but tourned in to a cabon that was made betwyxse two houses there as the people of the countre sette her horses and theyr asses and othir bestis whanne they come in to the towne to the markette and so there they founde a crache with hey And they sette the oxe and the asse ther to and so there they taryed all that nyghte And whanne hit was a lytyll be fore mydnyght oure lady badde Joseph goo in the towne and loke her for a myddewyffe whan the tyme was come she shuld be delyuerid asked her wher ther shulde after hym any be borne that shulde be gretter than he Thanne at myd day Sybill loked in the sonne and there she saye a cercle of gold a boute the sonne Et in medio circuli virgo pulch errima And the myd dys of the cercle a fayre mayden and a childe in her arme with a crowne of gold And whan sibyll had shewid this to the Emperour she seyd to hym this childe shall be gretter than thos arte or euer were or euer shall be and ther fore do hym worshippe and reuerence Than a none the emperour toke ensence and dede worshippe to hym and charged all the people to do the same and to calle the childe her god hym but a man as othir were Thus all cristen people may lerne to do worshippe and seruice to this childe this day And ther fore the thyrde masse this day is seyd at myd day in tokenyng that cristen people shulde come and offer in the worshippe of this childe and his modyr and shewen hym seruaunt and suget to hym and knoleche this childe for his lord and his god and eche man shulde come to hym for loue and not for drede And ther fore the office of the masse this day begynneth thus Puer natus est nohis A childe is borne to vs he seyth and not a man for all cristen people shulde be bolde and not a ferde to come to hym to haue grace for he is full of grace and redy to yeue mercy to hem that askith hit mekely with dewe reuerence he is euer redy to yeue mercy and grace In tokenyng that same day that crist was borne in Bethleem a welle of water in rome tourned and ranne oyle all that day shewyng that the well of grace and mercy was borne that day that shuld yeue mercy and grace to all theym that wolde come to hym and aske mercy and grace and that ye shall here be ensample Narracio we rede of a woman that was defowled in lechery and all moste fill in dispayr of drede for whanne she be thoughte her of the streytenesse of cristes dome and the gre●● horrible peynes of hell that were ordeyned for soche synners as she was ●or● a ferde and be thoughte her of cristes passion what loue he shew de to all cristen people she thoughte she was vnkyn de to hym and he sufferid so sore for h●● And than she be thoughte her how children be they neuer so wrothe and shewe neuer so grete vengeaunce how lyghtly they woll sese and for geue where fore this woman a none cryde to Criste preyng hym for his child he de to for geue her and to haue mercy on her and a none she herde a voyce an high in the eyre and seyd
nother ete nor drynke for drede of the dome that is com●n● The sixth day all grete byldynges castelles towres steples houses shall fall doun brennetyl the sonnense ayen The seventh day all stones and rockys shall bet● to gyder that eche shall breke other with one horryble noyse the whych shall be herde into heven The eight doye the erthe shall quake so that there may no man stonde theron but shall fall downe The ninth day the ▪ people shall goo oute of they re denmys and goo as they were myndeles nonespake to other The tenth day ●yles and erthe shall be even plain The eleventh daye all graves tombes shall ayen the bodys shall stond upon theym The twelfth day s●erres shall fall fro heven shetyng out brennyng bemes a dredfull syght to see The thuteenth day they shall deye that be●en by ● The fourteenth day heven erthe shall brenne the fifteenth day heven erthe shall be made newe all peple shall ryse in y● age of thyrty wynter come to the dome Dominus venie● adjudicium cummulti●●dine angel orum Thenneshall come to the dome our lord Jesue rystvery god very man wyth his angellys shew his woundes fresshe bledynge as yt. day he deyed on ye. cros with ally e instrumentes of his passyon The sper crowne seourges nayles hamer pyn●sons the garlande of thorns to shewe what he suffrede in his passion for mankynde Thenne may they besory and ferde that have sworn by his passyon or woundes or by o●● membre of his body that shall be a grete represse to them but they a mend theym in thys world or they deye Then wyll our lorde gretely thank them that have doo mercy in this world for hyssake to they reve●crysten and wylle saye thus to theym Venite benedicti patris mei pe●cipite regnum●●● Come ye my faders blessed chyldren and recey●●ye the kyngdom of heven that is ordeyned to you and someher●e so theym the seven wekes of mercy whan I was hungry ye gaaf me mete Sihvi●t ded is tismihi bibere whan I was thursty ye gave me drynke and whan I was herberles ye herbered me and so for the all the werkes of mercy For whan ye gass ony thynge in my name it was to me Thenne shalour lord rebuke the rych people that wolde not doo for hys love nor sorgyve nootresspasse for hys sake And sayd to theym ●iscedite a mem●ledieti in ignem eternum Goo ye cursed people into everlastyng peyn of helle For when I was a hungred ye gave me no mete c Than may they befull sory woo that ever our lord Jesue ryst shall thus rebuke theym For ther shall be no man of lawe to plete nor for golde nor for sylver nor other yeftes to helpe For than shal nother mayster nor lord shyppe helpe but all be set be syde butt ryghte as a man hath done so shall he have And there shall be dyvers accusers both above hym and byneth hym And on everyside above hym shall be oure lord Jesu Cryst hys domys man ●rahisest fur or domini in populo suo wythoute mercy to theym that dede no mercy and soo accuse theym of the leste thought that ever was amys On the ryght syde hys angell tellyng redely where whan and how oste he dyde amys On that other syde fendes challengyng hym they res as by ryght for hys wycked dedis Under hym helle redy yf he be founde in synne that day they shall be peyned and in peyne wythoutenend that daye poore people ▪ shall sylle wyth eryst at the dome and deme the ryche people for the grete wrounges that they dyd to theym and they myght gete none a men des tylle the daye of dome thenne they shall have theyr wylle of the ryche people for whan the riche done the poore wronge they can doo no more but pray to god to quyte them at the daye of dome And so he wyl for god sayth thus Michi vindi clametego ●etrib●am Put all to me ● yeld every man after his deservynge therfore whyle yeben here make ye amendes for your wyckednes And make theym y● ▪ frendes that shal be your domys men at the daye of dome and trust not to theym that shall come after you lest ye be begyled And drede the peyne of of helle that never shall have end Narracio Saynt Bede telleth how there was an housbonde man in Englande that fyll syke and ley dedefram the evyn tyll on the morrow Then ne he rose and departed his godes in foure partyes and all his own part he gave to poure men and wente and was a monke ●n an abbey that was nygh the water syde Into the whych water he wente every nyght were it never so cold and stode therin long and suffred grete penaunce And whan he was asked why he dyde soo to suffre that grete penaunce He sayde to esche we a greter peyn that he had seen And he wolde ete but barley brede drynk water all hys lyf after And tolde two religyous men the peynes that he had seen and they were soo grete that they cowde not telle theym openly He sayde that an angell ●ad hym to a place there that ▪ one syde was soo colde that noo tonge myght telle the peyne therof And ye. other syde was so hote that no man myght tell the peyne therof and soules were caste oute of that one into that other and that was a grete peyne to theym And the angell shewed hym ye. fyre that came out of helle that was sooho● And soo ferre as hym thought he myght see it he thou ghtal bren● hym ▪ and in the ●eme therof hesawe soules boyle up and down cryeng and waylyng for woo Also he herde fendes crye cast oute hole lede brymstone to make herpeynes gretter and so they tormented the soules in pey●e Now lord god for thy grete mercy have mercy on us and kepe us ●ro thoo peynes and brynge us to the blysse of heven that never shall have endyng Amen Dominica in septuagessima Good men wymmen this day is called in holy chirche the sonday in septuagesme Forcause●● ▪ holy chirche is moder of allerysten people she taketh good hede to the children as a good mode● oweth to doo ●orasmo●he as she seeth hem full sore syke in synne and many of theym wounded to ye. wyth the swe●d of synne the which synne● hath caught all this ye●● to fore And namely this cr●stmas tyme yt. was ordeyned in holy dryrch for grete solem p●●yte for every man sholde be besy to serve god wyth all his power bycause that cr●ste hymself she wed that day swetnes of love to all crysten people For man he was borne yt. tyme And in the same flessh blood as one ●f us layd in a cradell more pourly than any of us was crystened in water as ony of us And also he come to a weddyng for to dense it from synne
is to a mannes lyuys ende that is tyll the soule go to reste yit is not the soule in full reste tyll the saterday in albis that is tyll the day of dome whan the body and the soule shall come to gedyr and be clothyd in albis that is in whithe seuen tymes whyter than the sonne than they shall syng doubyll alleluya that ys to sey lorde make vs saue in euer lastyng blysse to the whiche bryng vs he that for vs all dyd on the wode tree Amen Dominica .lx. GOod men and wymmen thys day is callyd the ●onday in sexagesime that is the nombre of .lx. the whiche nōbre hooly chirche techith euery man woman to thynke howe shorte once lyffe is nowe in oure days for somme tyme people leuyd .ix. ● yere and more and now thre score or fore score is a long lyffe But yit the grace of god and hys mercy and goodnesse is so moche that yf we wyll do oure besynes and diligence to serue god plese hym he wyll yeue ●s as moche ioye and blysse in heuen as he gaffe to adā eue that leuyd so long but he y● wyll haue that ioye blysse muste do iij. thynges One is he muste hate synne namely and suffre tribulacion mekely do almes dede wylfully Than for oure dayes be shorte we muste the more tribulacion suffre mekely with pacient herte not grocchyng dissese comyth of speciall grace for hit is remedye for synnes here in thys worlde for penaūce or else for grete encresyng to hys ioye in a nothir worlde wher● for goddys apostell poul woll that all cristen people shall take ensample of hym for he suffred moche tribulacion paciently that he rehersith in the pistell of this day And seyd thus In laborihus plurimia Poule seith I haue be in many grete trauelles and oftyn tymes in pryson sore boūdyn with cheynes of yren Quinqʒ virgis cesue .v. tymes betyn with roddys and stourgis on my bare body with paynemes Semel lapida tus And ones betyn with stones and thre tymes in shippe brekyng Nocte ac die in profundum maria fui And I was in the groūde of the see a nyght and a day Sepe in periculis fluuium many tymes in parell of flodes Periculis latronū in parell of theuys and in parell of false brethe rē that shewed trewe loue to me and were false and conseyled othir to doo me dissese and troubell In fame et siti in hungre and thurste In ieiuniis multis in moche fastyng In multis vigiliis in longe wakyng In frigore in colde and in many othir myscheuys and parell that were to long to tell and all he suffered with good wyll and euer thankyd god of his swete sonde for well he wyste that all these tribulacionus and dissese was for synne that he hadde done to fore And to encresse his merite and ioye that shulde come after where for all cristen people that woll plese god what maner dissese or tribulacion that come to hem be hyt sykenesse losse of catell or othir goodys or dethe of frendys take hyt paciently and mekely and thyn kyth hyt comyth for synne that thou haste do to fore or ellys for grete encresse of ioye and blysse that thou shalte haue after for hyt comyth of speciall grace ther as god visitith comyth there as god sendith but ther as he sufferyth all her wylle is no good syne that he louythe And ther fore thanke god euer of hys visitacion and beseke hym euer of his mercy god knowithe oure entente ther for he for yeuith sone to all that askyth mercy with a meke herte Thus muste a man suffre tribulacione paciently he muste also do almesse discretly whiche be figured be these .lx. dayes for .lx. is sexesythis x. so that by .vi. ye shull vnderstond the vij werkis of mercy that comen oute of the .x. comaundementes the why the be these to yeue mete and drynke clothe her borow visite p̄soners conforte the sike blynde lame and to berie hem that be dede these be the. vij werkys of mercy the whiche all cristen people muste do that woll be saued haue mercy of god wherfore sexagesime be gynnyth this day and endith the wenesday in esterwēke the whiche hooly chirche spekyth of thus Denite benedicti pr̄ia mei ●● Come ye my fadres blessyd children and take the kyngdome of heuen that is ordeyned for yow These same wordys god shall sey to yow at the day of dome And to all that hathe done almes dedys diseretly full filled the werkys of mercy and they where of pore and tho that be not of pore muste do her good wyll that shall fullfille the dede this muste be do discretly and how god techith this day i the gospel be ensample seyth thus Exiit qui semiuat seminare semē suū A man wente to sow his sedis as he sewe summe fyll by the wey fowlys come ete hem summe fyll among thornys was loste sūme fyll in good erthe brought forth an C. fold encrese to this criste seythe thus hym selfe Ego sū via veritas et vita I am the verray ryght trewe lyffe and wey to heuen Thanne fallyth his sede be sydys the wey that yeuith not his almesse for cristis sake discretly but for pryde pompe and vayne glory of the worlde and so lesith his mede And that I preue be ensample Narracio Ther was in yrlond a wondyr riche man and dede moche almesse in his lyue in so moche that the people wente he had be a saynte But whanne he was dede he aperyd to on that he loued well in his lyue as blacke as any pyche with an horrible stynke and seyd ye wene that be a seynte but now y am soche as thou seiste than seyd he where be thy almesse dedis and he seyd the wynde of vayne glory hathe blowym hem a wey for he that doth his almesse for vayne glory of the worlde lesithe his mede and the ●endys of the eyre destroyit hit Also he lesithe his mede that yeueth his almesse to soche that knowith that bethe in dedly synne and so to maynten hem in her syn hys sede fallyth among stones wexyt drye and so lesithe his mede his sede fallith among thornes that yeuith his good to riche people that haue no nede ther to and so les● her mede But his sede fallith in good erthe that yeuith his almes to good trewe people for they be goddis erthe that sede shall yeue an hundrid folde encrese in euer lastyng ioye and blysse and shall be euer lastyng fode to hem that dothe thus her almesse discretly ye muste also hate synne namely and fle hit in all that ye may for he that hatythe and fleith synne loued god god loued hym for god hatith synne in so moche that he toke vengeaū ce one all the worlde for synne of lechery and in speciall for the
they not vp ayene till they haue do somme ●u● sed dedis for than they rere wederys and make tempestis in the see and drawe downe shippis make debate among the people and make on to sle a nothir and tende fyre and brenne houses drawe downe steples trees and cause wymen to ouerley her children make people to hange hē selfe and drowne hem selfe in wanne hope and in dyspeyre and do many cursed dedis And for to putte awey all soch my scheuys and the powre of the fende hooly churche hathe ordeyned that all cristen people shall faste and go a processione these thre dayes and prey to god and to oure lady and to all seyntes of heuen of helpe and socoure where for in these processiones bellis be rōge baneres be splaed the crosse comythe aftyr and the people sewith aftyr ●●r ryght as a kyng whā he gothe to a batayle his tromppetis goo to fore thanne the baneres and than comythe the kyng and his oste foloyng So in this procession the bellis be goddis tromppys the baneres comyth aftyr Than comyth the crosse in cristus lykenes as kyng of cristen people and all s●we hym and with her good preyoures chase a wey the fendes that they haue no power and lyke a cursed teraūt wolle be sore a ferde and dradde whā he herde the tromppis of a kyng that were his ●●my sey his baneres displayed in the feld with his oste coming towarde hym in the same wyse the fende the teraunte of hell is a ferde dredithe hym sore whan the bellis ringith and the baneres be bore and the crosse with all the people come preyng thanne he fleith and dare not a by de and puttith awey his power that 〈…〉 Narracio we rede at the Cite of Constantyne as the people wente in processione for a dissese that the people had as they songe la tony sodenly a child was pluckyd vp in to the eyre and bore in to heuen and the angeles taughte hym to syng this songe Sancte deus Sanctefor i● Sanete et in mortalis misere re nobis and anon he was ladde down ayen to the erthe and thanne he songe that same songe a none they were delyuered of her dissesis this is to sey in englische hooly god hooly stronge god holy neuer shall dye haue mercy vs God that is hooly and neuer shall dye haue mercy one vs. god willithe and woll that we be stronge for to fighte with the fēde with the worlde and with the flesche and than he woll haue mercy on vs and brynge vs to that place than there as angeles sing● Sancte deus Sācte ●or●i● Holy god hooly stronge god haue mercy one vs and bring vs to his blysse Amen Ascensio dm̄ GOod frend is so che a day ye shall haue an hyghe a solempne feste in hooly churche that is callid the ascension of oure lord the su Criste for that day as the feythe and be leue techith how god is veray god man and styed vp in to heuen where fore in tokenyng of this the paschpll that is the chefe lyghte in holy church that hathe stōde openly in the quere from Estyr vn to this day Now hit is remeuyd a wey in tokening that criste is chefe lyghte in holy churche so oure lorde diuerse tymes opēly apperithe to his disciples and taughte hem the feythe and the beleue and this day hestyghed vp in to heuen and there wolle a ●y●e vn to the day of dome But nowe ye shall here the maner of this ascension from escyr day vnto this day he was not with his disciples algates but diuerse tymes appered vn to hem and he appered to hem as they satyn at her mete ete with hem to shew hē that he was very god man in flesche and blode as they were For somme of hem they were in dowte lefte he hadde be a spirite that hathe no 〈…〉 flecsche nor blode ther for to preue the trowthe he ete with hem in her sighte and badde hem go● in to the hyll of olyue there in fighte of all his disciples he blessyd hem and styed vp in to heuē and lefte the steppes of his fete thurste downe in to the harde marbull stone for a tokyn of his ascēsion Thanne ye shall vnderstonde that the hill of olyuete be tokenithe merry where for criste styed vp at the hyll of olyuete shewyng well that he is the hede of mercy and he is euer redy to yeue mercy to all that askithe mercy with meke herte Thanne in his vp rising as we call Ascension angeles made so moche melodye that no tonge may tell it so fayne they were of his comyng Ascen dit velociter he styed vp swyftely for as it were a moment he was frō erthe to heuen A grete clerke a philosouer y● is callid ●abymoyses he seyth that it is as fer frō erthe to heuen as a holy man myght leue a thousand yere and euery day go a thousand myle But he that mette this wey knowithe beste and this wey shall be mette of a ryghtfull a good mā Thanne in his ascension he hadde with hym a grete multitude of foules the which he f●tte oute of hell from the fendes bondes He styed vp al so with his woundes rede fresche blody And as bede seythe for v. causes Furste for to veri fye the feyth of his resur rection for he wse in very flesche blode that dyed on the crosse for all mankynde The secounde to shew his woundes to his fadyr in grete helpe socoure to all mākynde The thridde is to shewe how ryghtfull they be dā pned that woll not bele ue in his passion in his resurrection The four the isto shew how mercyfull he is to them that woll be leue aske mercy The .v. is that he bare with hym a signe of victory for a sykernesse to all mankynde for lyke as a lord is siker that ha the a trew aduoket be for a Auge to answere fore him so in sikernesse to all mākynde we fynde hym oure aduket ener more redy to answere for vs at thyng that the fende ou re gof●ly enemy makyth a yense vs. wher for seith the hooly scripture a sike rer attourney may no mā be but god Dbi mater ostēdit fil io pe ct as et vhera where for the modir shewed the sone here brestes and her pappes Filius patri latus et vulnera The sone shewde to the fadyr his fides all to betō his woundes bledyng how shulde any thyng be putte a wey or deuydyd there as soch tokenes of loue be shewyd he may not fare a mysse that hath soch to frend is in the coūtrey of heuen Also by the steyng vp in to heuē of oure lord ihesu criste mā hath gotyn a grete dig●●te for a mā to see hys owne kynde his owne flesch hisblode sittyng on the
is the cause eue that was the furste ●ormyd woman that e●●r wrathid oure lord more thā did the mā Adam therfore she is lenger in formyng Thus fore fleschly complexion of man woman she is vn clene in her selfe there for this purificacion is ordeyned But vnderstondith well that oure lady had no nede to this clensing fore she conceyued not with complexion of man but only of the holy gosce so that she was clene of all maner of filthe touching consent of man But yit she wente to the temple no othir wymmen dede specyally for iiij causes The firste was to fullfillethe scripture that seyth thus Quanto mai●e● ta●to te humilie● The higher that thou arte in degre the mekyr thou shulde●●e make the Thus did oure lady for she wyste well sche was modir to goddis sone of heuen and had so grete worshippe passyng alle othir wymmen yit sche made her as the poreste woman that was in the company The secoūde cause was as she fullfillithe the lawe of circūcision of her sone in the same wyse she fullfillid the purificacion and in offeryng of her sone in the temple doyng for him as othir pore wymmen did for her children The thridde cause for to stoppe the iewes mouthes left they had seyde that she had not do the lawe and so caughte a grete sclaundre a yense h̄ē in tyme comyng The fourthe cause was for to yeue ensample to all othir wymen that they shulde come to chirche aftyr the birthe of her childe thanke god that he hathe sauyd hem from dethe in her trauelyng for in that tyme a woman is in grete parell of dethe for there is noo sikenes in the world that gothe so nyghe dethe fore these causes hooly churche makythe mynde of oure ladyes purificacion Hit makythe mynde also of the comyng of symeon and Anne Symeon ille senex din vixerat ●ine etas cooperatur Anne This symeon was a passing olde man but he had preyde to god besely all his lysse that he shuld neuer dye till he had seyne criste bodely in this worlde and so he dede And this Anne hathe preyde the same Also ye shall vnderstonde that this was not ●ine oure ladyes mo dir but an othir āna ▪ that had a husbonde vij yere and whan her husbonde was dede she wold not be weddid no more but leuyd till she was lxxx yere olde and serued god in the temple nyghte and day and preyde to se god or she dyede oure lord grauntid her Thanne whan oure lady come into the temple with her sone the hooly goste warned symeon and Anne and a none they with moche ioye wente a yenste hym and broughte hym in to the temple Et Symeon accepiteum in uluaa sna● And symeon toke him in his armes with all the reuerence that he cowde and myghte and seyde 〈◊〉 dimittis sernum tuum domine secundum nerhum ●num in pace cetera O thow lord nowe for yeue thy seruaunt aftyr thy word in pese and so with all the worshipp̄ and reuerence that he coude he louyd thākid him that he wolde lete hym leue so long to see hym bodely with his eyē wher in mynde of this whan a woman comythe to chirche of a childe she a bydithe at the churche dore till the preste come caste hooly water on her and takythe her in by the honde in to the churche yeuen her leue aftyr to come to churche and to goo to her husbonde for and they haue comened to gedyr be fore they muste bothe shreyue hē ther of and take her penaunce Also hooly chirch makythe mynde of candels offeryng and as ye see hit is a comyn vse for all cristen people that be of conuenient age to come that day to churche and bere a candell brennyng in procession as thoughe they wente bodely with oure lady But nowe ye shalle here howe this worshippefull feste was firste founde Somme tyme whanne the Romaynes by grete myghte and viall power conquered all the world fore they hadde grete dominacion they were so prowde that they for gete her god and made hem diuerse goddis aftyr her owne luste And so among all they hadde a god that they called Mars that had be to fore a notable knyghte in batayle And so they preyde to hym fore helpe and fore they wol●● spede the better of this knyghte the people preyde and did grete worshippe to his modir that was called februa aftyr the whiche woman moche people haue opinion that this mone that is callid februarij where fore the secounde day of this mone is Candelmas day The Romaynes this nyghte wolde goo a boute the Cite of rome with torchis and candels brēnyng in worshippe of this woman Februa for hope to haue the more helpe and socoure of her sone mars Than was there a 〈◊〉 that was callid Sergius whan he sawe Cristen people drawe to this false maumentry and vn●●● we beleue he thought to vndo this foule vse and custume and tourne hit in to goddis worshippe and oure ladyes and yaffe cōmaundement that all cristen people shulde come to churche and offer vp a candell brennyng in the worshippe that they did to this woman februa did worshippe to oure lady and to her sone oure lord Ihesu Criste so that now this feste is solemply halowed thorow all cristendome and eche cristen man and womā of couenable age to come to chirche and offer vp her cādels as though they were bodely with oure lady hopyng for this reuerence and worshipp̄ that they do to oure lady to haue a grete rewarde in heuen and of her sone oure lord ihesu ▪ criste and so they may be sekyr and hit be doo in clene lyffe and with good deuocione A candell is made of weke and wexe So was cristis soule hid with ynne the manhode Also the fyre be tokemith the god hede Also hit be tokenithe oure lady modirhode and maydenhede lighte with the fyre of loue Also hit be tokenith euery cristen man and woman that doth good dedis with good entente and perfite loue charite to god and to all cristen people where for yf there be any of you that his candell of charite be queynte goo a none and be a cordid with his neybores and lighte his cādell and thā offer hit vp fore that is goddis wyll And yf ye do not thus ye shall lese all youre me rite and youre mede yn heuen god kepte them so that they had no harme Than for this ▪ Judas was one of the xij apostels the nombre of hē muste be fullfilled than was criste steyed vp in to heuen the xi apostles were to gedyr with many othir people in a place Thanne seyde Petyr to hem thus now all good men bretheren hit is well knowe to you that Judas was one of the xij be cause the nōbre may not be in perfeyte hit is nedefull to chese on of these ij men that hathe be
at mebe herowdes wyffe as couenaūte was be twene hem tho she sente her thoughter in to the halle for to daunte to tomble a fore the gestis And that plesid her fadir so well that he swore a grete othe seyde Peto a me quad uis et da●o tibi Aske of me what thou wolte I shall yeue hit the than as the modir bad her sey she seyde Caput iohannis baptiste The hede of iohan baptiste Than he rode ●ayned hym wrothe sory that he had made so the an othe but he was glad than sente in to pryson to smyte of iohās bede wi●h ou●e any othir dome was brought to the damysell Than the modir let●e bery hit in a preuy place fer from the body Than the nexte nyghte aftyr iohans disciples come to his body beried hit And there hit lay till iulian the aposteta the Emperour come that wey than he made take vp iohans bone● to brenne hem and we nowe hem in the wynde hopyng that he shulde neuer ryse a yene to lyffe Thus ye may vnderstōde how holy that this ●ā was that an angell come from heuen tolde zakary of this conceyuyng was ha'owed in his modir wombe oure lady toke hym from the erthe in his birthe an angell brought his name from heuen aftyr he cristoned oure lord ihesu criste this was an holy man ye shall vnderstonde that seint iohan the euāgeliste dyed the same day but holy churche makith no mencion there of for his day is holdyn in cristemasse woke Than for these ij iohans be holdyn for the worthyeste seinte● in heuen Than ther were ij scolero of diuinite y● one loued iohan baptiste that othir iohan euāg liste on a day they puposed to dispute of this mater the day was a syned but than the nyghte be fore eythir iohan apperid to his louer badde hem leue her disputacion for they were well a cordid in heuen made no stryffe than on the morowe be fore all the people eythir tolde his vision that were come to haue herde hem dispute thā all the peple thankid god both iohans of this fay re miracle Also ther was too mesoles that loued well these ij iohans as so as they in comenyng they spake of these ij seintes whiche were the gretter in heuen And so that on seyd that one was gretter than an othir seyde that othir so they be ganne to ●ighte Than there comes voyce from heuen seyde we ●ight not in heuen there for ●ight not ye in erthe for vs fore we be in ●es● so be ye and euynthere with they were bothe hole of her dissese thankid god bothe iohans And aftyr warde they were holy mē ther for lette vs worship pe these holy seyntes that they may prey for vs that we may come to euer lastyng blysse Amen Defesto sanctorū●etri et panli 〈…〉 od frendis so 〈…〉 he a day ye shall 〈…〉 haue the feste of 〈…〉 ●oule and ye shall faste the euyn and on the morow come to church and worshippe god prey to these ij seyntes ● were hooly apostles to prey fore vs. Oure lord hathe Petyr one his one syde and Poule on that othir syde and he hathe his woundis opyn and fresche bledyng schewyng to all maner of cristen people that he suffe●●d the woundis for vs that bethe the v. welles of mercy that he suffered for vs ye shall vnderstōd that these ij apostles were furste grete synners But for they left her synne were sory contrite synned no more oure lord toke hē in ensample to all othir that woll leue synne they shall be sauyd For he that is shreuyn for sakith his synne mercy folowith that do his penaūce he shall haue mercy grace For as glad as the ●adir is to se the sone ryse from deth to lyffe also gladde is our lord moche gladder to se a man ryse oute of dedly synne neuer to do hit more therfore shewing by ensample Poule berithe a swerde to all cristen peple to cutte a weythe cheynes of synn with his sharpe swerde of confession for this dedly synne byndithe a man sore to the fende ther for cutte awey that cheyne Petyr is also redy to opyn the gatis of heuen to all crisien people to take hem ynne that woll fore sake her synne ye shall vnderstōde that pou●e was furste so high so ferse a yense all goddis seruauntes that there durste no p̄chour dele with him but aftyr he lefte that grete malice there as he was ferse aftyr he was gracious And there he was be fore highe prowde of herte aftyr he was meke lowly to all goddis seruaūtes Petyr also helde hym selfe moste perf●te stedfaste of all cristus disciples where for he made boste by a vayne glory that he was redy to go to dethe with criste seyde thus Hit be houit me to dye with the whann Criste seyde that all his disciples shulde fore sake hym Petyr for the grete boste seyde thoughe alle men for soke him he wolde not And yit more ouer whan criste was take Petyr drowe oute his swerde smote of a seruaūtes ere that hight mal cus But sone aftyr whā he sawe that criste was take shulde be putte to●e the thā he swere starid that he neuer know him for soke criste but whā he herde the cocke crawe than he was mynded ● oure lord hadde seyde to him that or the cokke crow id thry●s thou shalte for● sake me Than petyr wē te forthe Et fleuit amare wepte bitterly hid him in a caue and durste not come among his brethe ryn foe schame ti●● once lord sente to him by name Than was petyr euer aftyr a shamed sory for his tr●space there as he was a boster vnstable of his wordis aftyrwarde he was trew stable groundid in stabelnesse of perfite leuyng in so moche that crist callid him Petyr that i● a stone in englishe For there as thou leyeste a stone there thou shalte finde hit so was petyr so sted faste aftyr that nethir for we le nor for woo he neuer fle tered but euer stode stede faste in cristus lawe had euer his synn in mynde to a mende that he had do a mysse was aftyr of grete abstinaunce that he ete but brede and oyle wortes full selden flesche and wered but a singull kyrtell with a mātell And euer as oftyn whanne he herde any maner a man mynde Ihesus a none he be gonne to wepe full sore And whan he herde any cokke crowe a none he rose vp and wolde goo and prey and suffre penaunce and he wepte many tymes so bitterly that the teris of his eyen brente his face in so moche that were he was he hadde a clothe in
all to Amen Dm̄ca secūda qua dragesime GOod men and wymmen it is i● the seconde son day in clene lente where for like as ye haue all this yere made yow honeste in good a ray to your body Now shulde ye be as sone●besy to make yow a clene soule where for this tyme of lente is ordeyned to clense youre concience from all maner ruste and filthe of synne so that ye may on Estyr day with clene cōcience receyue the body of oure lord ●h●●u criste wher fore s●int poule in the pystell of thys day seythe thus Hee ē voluntas dei Thys is goddys wyll that ye shulde be besy and hooly to kepe youre bodyes in clennesse for to plese god moche to prey to hym to make his vessell clene a yense the comyng of oure lord the su criste than shall ye vnderstonde that this vessell is mannes cō cience and that is a good vessell y● kepith all good thyngis that is putte ther in till the day of dome for at that day of dome euery mānes ●essell shall be openyd and the world shall see what a man hath kepte there in be it better or worse fayre or fowle Than he that bryngithe a clene vessell be fore the highe iuge shall be well a lowed Thanne how a man shall kepe his vessell clene hooly churche tech ith by a ensample of an hooly batriarke Jacob that is redde songe of all this woke jacob had a fadyr that was callid Isaac and his modyr rebecca And she had ij children at on birthe and that was firste borne hyghte esau and that othir Jacob But for the story is longe we shall take at this tyme that is moste nedefull and leue that othir Thanne had god yeue his patriarke ●saac soch grace that what blessyng he gaue his blessid children they shulde haue it Than for Isaac was olde and blynde and nyghe his dethe he seyd to his sof●e Esau Aufer michi de venatione tua Go and hunte and gete me somme mete that I myghte ete of Bene dicā tibi pri●squā moriar That I may geue the my blessyng or I dye But whan Esau was gone jacob that yonger be techyng of his mo dyr gate his fadres blessyng and his fadyr seyd to hym Esto dū●●ra trum tuorū Be thou lorde of all thy bretheren And so made hym his Eyre and blessid all that blessid hym Than whā Esau was come home and wyste thys he hatid Jacob his brothyr and thoughte to ●le him Thanne jacob be counsell of his modyr wente oute of the countrey vn to au vncle that he hadde that highte laban And as he wente be the wey in a countre of wylde peple leuyng he durste not ●● ge with hem● a byde but ●ay all a nyȝte in the felde by the wey and leyde a stone vnder his hede and slepte Diditqg iu sōp nis scalam stantē super terram And in this slepe hym thought he sawe a ladder that stode on the erthe and la styd vp to heuē and god ioyned to the ladder An gelos quoque dei ascendentes et descē dentes And angeles of god goyng vp and downe Thanne god spake to hym and seyd I am god of abraham and ●saac and I woll geue the this londe and be thy keper in thy wey Than woke jacob and seyd Dere dn̄a est in loco isto et e●o nescie bam For sothe god is this place and I wyste not And so wente forth to his vncle was with hym xx wynter and more his seruaunt and wed did his ij doughteris that one highte rachell that othir ly● And whā he had de be there so long he desiryd home ayene in to his owne countre and toke with hym his wy●●e and his children and all his catell and wente forth Thanne come there to hym multitude of angeles to helpe hym Than whā iacob come to a ford he made all his meyny to go be fore with his Catell and hym selfe ●ode be hynde in his preyours and as he preyde there come an an angell to him in likenesse of a man and wrastelid with hym all the nyghte till on the morow and toke hym by the grete senowe of his thyghe and made hym to halte euer after Thā seyd the angell to iacob what is thy name he seid jacob Nay seyd he thou shalte no lenger highte iacob but israhel shall be thy name and blessed hym and lefte hym there haltyng and thus he wente home to his owne countre with grete prosperite This story is redde in hooly churche in this ensample to all good seruaūtis that desirith to gete the blessing of the fadyr of heuen and to haue heritage that is there he muste firste be iacob and after israhel For iacob is to vnderstonde a wrasteler and israhel a man that seyghte god for he that wyll see god he muste wrastell here in erthe with the bad angell that is the fende with his owne flesche as thus whanne he hathe done a grete hor●ible synne than the ●ende puttyth to him a grete shame in herte so that he dare not tell hit oute Thanne muste he weastell with the fynde and the flesche and ouer come and tell oute hys synne opynly with all the circumstaunce of his syn Thanne woll his flesch be a ferde and a shamed there of but than he muste wrastell with his flesche strongely and make hit to tell his synnes to do penaunce aftyr the counsell of hys goos●ely fadyr takyng the ensampell of the woman of ●er countrey that come to criste as the gospell seith Ecce mulier cananea a finibua illis egressa clamauit dicens How the woman of cananee come to crist to gete hele for her doughter that was trobbled with a fende And seyd Ihesu fili dauid mi serere mei ihesu the sone of dauid haue mercy on me Thanne oure lord answered Nō est ●o●●m sumere panem filinrum dare canib●● Hit is not good to take brede of children and yeue hit hundys Nam et catelli ●●e ●t de mensa dīro rum suorum yis lord for why whe l●es eten of the c●ommys that fallyn from her lordys borde Thanne seyd oure lord Mulier magna est fides tua fiat tibi sicut via O woman thou haste a grete feythe where for as thou wolte thy doughter be saued so was her doughter hole This womā and her doughter be tokenythe a man that his concience trauelythe with a fyude of dedely synne that may not be holpen but he go to god and there shryne hym to the priste sparyng for no rebuke nor shame ne for drede but me kely suffer all that the cōfessor seythe to hym and take his penaunce mekely with a contrite herte do hit with good deuocion and so he shall be de lyueryd of the fende that hathe trouelyd his concience For a man that hathe done an horribell synne and shall be saued he shall
worshippe not the saterday at aftir none Than as Iohan Bellet seithe on there thursday a man shulde do downe his hede clippyn his berde a pryste shulde shaue his crowne so that ther shulde no thyng be betwene god hym for heris come of superfluite of veynes of humures of the stomake they shuld pare her nayles of handes fete that comythe of superfluite of fylthe with oute forthe and shryue hem make hem clene with in his soule as with oute And thus make hym clene bothe with in and with oute The while that all this lenton hathe be drawyn betwene vs and the quere be tokenithe the passione that was hydde and vnknowyn till the dayes come the whiche these dayes be done a way ande the Auter opynly shewde to all the people for these dayes criste suffered his passion opyniy that he hadde haugyng on the crosse Consummatum est it is endid that is to sey now the prophecy of my passion hathe an ende where for the clothis of my auter be takyn a wey For cristis clothis were takyn a wey from hym so was done nakid on the crosse saue as oure lady his modyr wonte a kercoffe aboute hym to couer his membris The auter stone be tokenythe cristus body that was drawyn on the crosse as a skynne of perche ment on a harow so that all his bonis myghte be tolde The besemes that the auter is wechyn with be tokenythe the s●ourgys that they betyn oure lor dis body with and the thornes that he was crouned with The watyr the wyne that it is waschyn with be tokenythe the blode and the watir that ranne doune fro his woundis that was in his syde peryshyd with a spere The wyne that is poured vpon the auter on the v. crossis be tokenith the blode that ranne doune frome his principalle wondis of his body Also this day is no paxe yeuen at the masse for Iudas be trayed crist this uyght with a cosse thys was the prophecy of his passion this day endid wher for this nyght whā he had soupyd he made the sacramēt of his owne body and gaffe hit to his disciples to ete and drynke and beganne the sacrament of the masse and of the newe law and aftyr souper he wysche his disciples fete that was a maner of the newe lawe full oute for as he seyde to Petyr he that is washin and is clene of dedely syn hathe no nede to be waschyn it be tokenythe the affliction of veniall synnes Than yf people aske why prystes doo not masse aftyr fouper as criste dede It was tourned in to more honeste more saluacione to mannes soule for as Hyamo tellith vppon the pistell of seint Poule that many in the begynnyng of the feythe comythe to churche on sherethurday and tho that were riche bryngithe mete and drynke with hem and eton and drynkyn her belyes full aud than at nyghte tokyn her hosell and seyde that criste gafe hem ensample Lu● whanne the riche e●e and drynke to moche th● pore people a bydythe with oute till aftyr the riche hathe done fore an hu●gerid than eton of the releffe that they lefte and so aftyr the people toke her hosell where as the pistell of this day tellithe seynt poule rebukithe hem there of and tourned that foule vse in to more honeste and clennes and holynesse that is for to sey masse fastyng all people to take her hosell fastyng on estyr euyn the pascall is made the chefe tapir in the churche So is criste chefe aboue all the seyntis in heuen The pascall also be tokenyth the pelour of lyght fere that wēte before moyses and the children of israhel whan moyses ladde hem oute of Egipte in to the londe of be hefte that is Iherusalem and so they passid saue and sounde And so vij dayes aftyr they come all in to these and thankyd god for her passage And in mynde here of hooly churche vsithe all the Estyr woke to go a processione to the founte that is nowe the reed see to all cristen people that be cristened in the fouute for the watyr in the founte be tokenythe the rede see for blode and watyr is the woūdes that were in cristus sydys in the whiche the power of pha●●o the fende of hell is drowned all his myghte loste and cristen people failed and for the founte is halowed on Estyr euyn and one wytson euyn for in the begynnyng all children a bode to be cristeued one these .ij. dayes and to be cristoned atte the founte halowyng But now for because that many in so longe abydyng were ded with oute cristendome where for hooly churche ordeyned now to cristō all tymes of the yere saue viij dayes before these evenys the childe shall abyde to the founte halowyng yf it may for parell of dethe and else not Thus is the paschall halowed be light with new fyre and of hit all othyr taperis and candellis be lighte for all hoolynesse good techyug good leuyng comythe of criste and techyng of holy churche and lightithe hem in cristus passione with brennyng loue and charite Pecys of ensence he styckyde in the paschall in the maner of a crosse tho be tokenith the v. woundes of oure lord as Bede seythe that he suffered in his body that shall be frecsche and swete as any ensence tyll the day of dome to grete rep̄ue to all that shall be dāpned that beleue not in cristis passion and woll not aske mercy and foryenesse of her synnes In the founte halowyng the pryste caste watyr in the iiij partyes of the founte for crisce hade his disciples goyng prechyng and techyng m foure partyes of cristome in the name of the fadyr and the sone the hooly goste And aftir the pryste bre thithe one the watyr for the holy goste in making of the worlde was borne vpon watres for whanne god for adames syn cursed the erthe londe he cursed not the watyr ▪ where for it is lawfull to a man to ete in léntō that ●omythe of the watyr Aftyr he dropythe the wex in to the watyr of a candell brennyng the whiche betokenythe the māhode of criste that was fullyd in watyr and puttith oyle creme in to the watyr for by the vertu of the sacrament tho that be in heuen in erthe be ioyned to gedyr that was preuyd be cristus baptyme for there the fadyr of heuē spake seyde Hic est filin● me●a dilectus in ●●● michi bene complacui This is my welbeloued sone that woll plese me And the holy goste was seyne Sicut culumba As a whyte do ue thus was the foūte halowed ij tyme● in the yere At wytsontyde and at Estyr whan all the peple is broughte oute of thraldome be cristus passion from the daūger of the fende at wytsontyde for than is the holy goste yeuen in remission of all synnes Than from the founte the peple gothe
peyned hym so they lad de hym forthe all blody Admontem cal●arie To the mounte of calnarye to the ende of deth y●t wymmen of the Cite whan they sighe hym so fowle fare with and all to luggi● and to drawe for very pitte they wepte vppon hym Thā seyde oure lord to hem Nolite flere super me sꝪ super vos et filios vestros ye wymmen of iherusalē wepe ye not for me but vpon you and youre children for there shall dayes come in the whiche ye shall blysse the wombes that were bareyne and the pappys that neuer gaue socke Thus oure lord prechyd be fore the vengeaunce that fill aftyr vpon iherusalem The whiche prophecye Jeremye the prophete spake of that is radde in hooly churche these thre dayes at tenebras the whiche was so horible of many diuerse myscheuys in speciall of hoūger that children lay for hounger dede in the stretis Than was there a woman was come of grete birthe that for hunger toke her own child that fedde with her pappys and slewe hit partid hit in ij partyes and than she rostyd halfe and that othir halfe she kepte till on the morowe Thanne as peple come by the strete they hadde sauoure of the rost and anone they come in to haue hadde parte ther of and whan they sawe the modyr roste her own childe and sone they were heuy and foule dismayed and wolde notte ete there of but wente theyr wey forthe ayene Than toke the modyr of that childe and ete there of seyde in this maner wyse this is myne owne sone and myne owne childe that I bare of my body and fedde hit with my pappys but yit I wolle rathir ete hit than dye for hunger There for I tell yew this for to shew yew somwhat of the vengeaunce that fill in the cite of iherusalem aftir the dethe of oure lord ihesu criste Thanne they ladde hym to the mounte of Caluarye and ther they s●reyned so on the crosse that euery bone of his body myght be knowen on from a nothir and naylyd hym honde and fete to the crosse and they gaue vp the crosse and the body to gedyr and with a grete peyse they lete the crosse and the body falle downe to gedir in to the morteyse that all the body dasch●d and all his bones crakyd and his ioyntes braste and ●eynes and all woūdes braste oute of blode sydis armes legges fete and bondes so that ther lefte no blode in hym And ●●● they toke a clothe wlyle the blode was hote and wonde hit a boute his body till the blode was colde and than they drew away the clothe and pullid away the flesche frō the bones this was a grete pite And so whan he shulde dye he began as Iohan Hellet seythe Deus meus respice in me And so seyde all verses sewyng till he come vn to that verse In te domine speram And so atte this verse An manus tuas domine commendo spiritum meum redemisti me domine deus veritatis There he gaue vp the spirite This is a grete ensample that oure lord ihesu Criste ●n to alle cristen that euery mā shulde haue in mynde these verses And he that can hem s●y and yf he sey hem ●uery day he shall not dye no maner myscheuous nor rengeable dethe Thann● aftyr this passi on we sey orysons knelyng at euery orison saue at that orison that is seyde for the iewis at that orison hooly church knelith not for be cause iew ysm scorne knelyng thre tymes to criste whā they scourgid hym Thanne these orisones holy chirche preyith for all maner of people for iewis sarise nes cysmatys heretikis but not for cristen peple for while any man or woman stonte a cursed he is dampned be fore god and dampned shall be at his dethe but he repente him and amende him while he leuith in this p̄sente worlde But take he de what seint Austē seith Siscirem pro certo●nod ●ater meus esset in in●erno non ●r arem pro illo nisipro diabolo yf I wyste for a trouthe that my fadir were dampned in to helle I wolde neuer prey for him but as for the deuell of hell for ther is no preyoure of holy churche that helpithe a dampned man Than aftyr these orisones the crosse is broughte forthe to the whiche all cristen people shulde worshippe this day in worshippe of hym that this day dyed on the crosse and to prey to oure lord ihesu criste to for geue vs all oure tre space as criste preyde to his fadyr of heuen to for geue hem that ded hym on the crosse Narracio There was a knyght summe tyme and that was a grete lord and he hathe a worthy man vn to his sone And so hit hapyd that a nothir knyghte and this man fille atte debate and so thys knyghte slewe him where fore the fadyr of thys man that was dede gade ryd a grete multitude of people and pursewed that othir knyghte wher so ener he wente to haue sleyne him nyghte and day so that he myghte haue no reste but euer de de fley for fere of hys lyffe Thanne hit happyd on a good fryday this knyghte sawe all cristen people go to the churche And he be thought him that criste dyed that day on the crosse for all man kynde and putte hym only in the mercy of almyghty god and wente to the churche with othir people to serue god and whan he was in the chirche a non this othir knyghte had worde and come with moche people in to the churche and his swerde drawen in his hōde for to sle hym and whā this othir knyghte sawe that and wyste well that he hadde trespased hym and fyll downe flatte to the grounde with his armes spradde a brode as our lord ihe su crist sprad de his armys on the cros and seyde For his loue that this day sprad de his armys on the ercss● and suffered passion and dyed for the and me and all mākynde haue thou mercy one me and for geue me thy sones dethe Thanne this knyghte thoughte hit hadde be to horrible a thynge to smyte hym whyle that he lay so and cryed hym mercy so mekely and a none he putte vp his swerde and seyde to hym Now for his soue that this day dyed on the crosse for the and me and all m●●yn de I for yeue the and to ke hym vp and kyssed hym and a none wente to gedyr aftyr vn to do worshippe to the crosse knelyng And whanne this knyghte worde haue kyssed the fete of the crosse the Image low sid his armys from the crosset be clippyd the knyghte a boute the necke and kyssyd him and spal e thus that all the people herde I for yeue the as thow haste fore yeuen fore the loue of me and thus all cristen people shulde do and than they shulde haue mercy and grace of god and blysse euer lastyng In die pashe GOod
ryghte syde of the fadyr of heuē in his trone where for Angelus conderyng the dignite of mā they wolde not suffre no man to do hē worshipp̄●● they dede be fore the in ●●●●acion of oure lord ihesu criste but they worshippe men for god hymselfe hathe take mankynde on hym and is now in heuene bodely Here by may a man see howe moche he is be holde to his god that we where bounde be fore and therll to the fende of hell and nowe we be made fre of all that and oure lord ihesu criste hath yeue vn to man a fredome a bo●e any Angeles And there fore we be bounde to hym to do hym seruice reuerence and worshippe And there as Angeles sommetyme kepton the gatis of paradyse with brennyng swerdis that no soule myghte come yn Now by feythe oure lord ithesu criste to mankynde he hathe caste vp the gatis and warne no man to entre there yn that is of stede●asee beleue for as seynte Austeyn seythe Apperuisti credentibus regna celdr●n Thow hasee opened the gatis of heuen to theym that be leue Also ye shall be leue ryghte as a kyng of this worlde hathe in his countre officeris of diuerse de grees somme higher and somme lower and somme more preuyer thanne somme So oure lordes steyng vp at this tyme the lower Angell for grete woundre that they hadde in cristus Ascensione whanne they sawe hym in flesche and blode steyng vp to heuene with so grete multitude of fo●les with hym And also for the grete woundre that they hadde whanne they sawe the fendes of the eyre flye a wey for drede and fere of his sc●onge comyng that be fore were wonte sparyng no thyng to assayle the soules that come by theym and thanne they flow● fore grete fece of this comyng Also the good Angeles come in all the haste that they myght to do oure lord the sucriste seruice reuerence and worshippe Thus for grete woundre that the lower angell hadde of his freyng vp they askyd the higher angell and they seyde Quis est iste qui venit de edom what is this that comythe out of the world with blody clothys as he were a kyng of ioye This is he that with dethe sufferyng redy in his stour gyng sike and dede in the crosse stronge in helle bodely in doyng ferfull in rysing and thus hathe ouer come all his en myes and now is kyng gloryous in heuen Thanne whan oure lord thesu criste was sty ed vp in to heuen and than his disciples stondyng with his modyr for grete woundre of that sighte and also of the me lodye that they herde in the eyre they lokyd vp in to heuen and sodenly ij Angeles clothid alle in whyte stowde by hem and seyde Diri galilei qui statis aspicientes in celum hi● est ihesus qui assūptus est a vobis Men of gelilee what stō de ye be holdyn in to heuen it is Ahesus that is styed vp from yow and so he shall come atte the day of dome a yene and deme all quycke and dede And there for all cristen people lyfte vp you re hertis to oure lord ●he su criste that now ys styed vp in to heuene and s●●tythe at his fadir ryghte honde and is redy to geue mercy to all them that woll aske mercy with a meke herte And here fore there is no maner a man that may excuse hym selfe nor haue no maner excusacion but yf that woll hymselfe and aske mercy to his lord god with a meke herte and he shall haue mercy and shall be sauyd ●●● thoughe a m̄an be neuer so sinfull and he woll aske mercy with a meke herte he wolle yeue hym mercy For contritūet humiliatum deus non despiciea A meke and a contrite her te god shall neuer despice for and he wolle aske mercy and be sory for his synnes oure lord wolle take hym to his mercy Thanne for to shewe his grete goodnesse and compassion that oure lord ha the of mākynde A shall telle yow this ensample Narracio we rede in the syffe of seinte Carpe how a man of mysse beleue turnyd a cristen man oute of hys feythe and for soke his beleue and his cristendo me where fore this holy man Carpe was so wrothe that he fill in grete sykenesse and whan he shul de haue preyde to god for a mendement he preyde nyghte and day that he myghte see hem haue a bodely vengeaunce Thā hit happid atte a mydenyghte as he preyde thus sodenly the house that he lay ynne cleuyd in foure partis And he loked vp aud sawe one honged so piteusly that hit was grete pite to se and than he lokyd vp to heuen and there he sawe oure lord ihesu Criste with a grete multitude of angeles sittyng in his trone and he lokyd vp ayen and than he sawe this ij men stondyng be fore an hot te ouyn quakyng and tremelyng for drede of fend is like adderis and wormes comyng oute of the ouyn to draw the se ij men in to the ouyn with hem And so many othir fendis come in diuerse likenesse to helpe that they were into the ouyn Thanne was this holy mā Carpe fayne to see these ij men haue that vengeaūce and was woū dre gladde there of that he loste the sighte of oure lord thesu criste and his hooly angelis for his herte was all one these ij mēnes vengeaunce and was sory for it was so longe or they were put vn to her peyne And than he rose and wente to hym selfe and halpe all that euer he myghte and whā they were in to the ouyn than was this Carpe very gladde there of And than he lokyd vp in to heuen and there he sawe oure lord Jhesu criste and he sawe hym ryse frome his trone for grete pitte and compassione that he hadde on the too men and come downe to hem and toke hem oute of her peyne and seyde thus to Carpe Extende manus tuas contra me Streche forthe thyne hondys ayense me ●nd seyde thus I am redy and nede were to dye ayene for mankynde rathir than to lese hym ●e this ensample ye may see how redy that oure lord ihesu criste is to all that wolle aske mercy and for yeuenesse and deserue mercy that is that euery man a mende and leue his synnes and be in full wylle and purpose to synne no more and thus he shall come to the grace and mercy of oure lord ihesu criste that suffered for vs and all man kynde one good fryday and this day styed vp to heuene the whiche he woll graunte vs and bringe vs all ther to Amen Sequitur vigilia penthecosten GOod frendis as ye knowe well a saterday neste comyng is wydsonueuyn and ye shall faste and come to chirch to here youre seruice and make you ●●ene to receyue the holy goste that the fadir of heuen sendithe amonge mākynde where for I counsell
make clene his righte syde and to couer it with a fayre clothe of sendell and ley god dis body there on And seyd thus to the oste lord thou knowiste that I loue the with all my here and wolde fayne resteyue the with my mouthe and I durste and therfor that I may notte I ley the on that place that is nexte to my herte and so I shewe the all the loue of my herte that I can and may where for y beseche the good lord haue mercy on me an● euyn ther with in sig●● of all the people that ●●●re aboute hym his sydde openyd and the Oste wente there in to his sydde And thanne his sydde closed a yene And soo● none aftyr he dyde departid out of thi● world So lette vs loue the sacrament in oure liffe and do it reuerence and worshippe and thanne at oure laste ende whā we shall dye passe oute of this world hit will socoure vs and brynge vs to euerlastyng blysse Thus the sacrament is vsid for grete mede getyng to all that beleue there ynne for thoughe it haue the likenesse of brede and the taste hit is flesche and semythe brede it is quicke and semythe dede ye mo●e beleue verely that it is goddis blessyd body that toke flesche and blode of the virgyne mary and after dyde on the crosse and rose from dethe to lyue and styed vp in to heuen and now sittithe on his faderis rigthe honde and shall come a yene at the day of dome to deme the quicke and the dede and he that resceyuith it here and beleued verely ther vpon shall haue euer lastyng lyffe in the kyngdome of heuen as the gospell seythe Qui manducat hūc panē viuet in eternum Who so etith of this brede shall leue euer and neuer be dede and he that resceyuith hit and beleuith not thus Renaerit in iudicio at the day of dome he shall be dampned in to euer lastyng payne Augustinus in person● xpristi Manducas me non mutabis me inte sed ●n mutabis in me Seynte Austyn seythe in the persone of criste Ete me but y shall not tourne and chaunce in to the but thou shalte tourne and chaunge in to me Narracio We rede that there was a Iewe that went wi●h a cristen man a felowe of his in to a churche of cristen people and her●e masse Et post misi● dixit indeua And oftyr whan masse wa●d●● the iewe seyde to the cristen man Si ego tantum edissem quantūtu comedisti no●esuriem ut puto in tribus diehus yf I hadde eton as moche as thou haste eton I shulde not be an hungered as I trowe in many dayes And thanne seyde cristen man Dere nichil comedie For southe quod he I ete no mete this day thanne seyde the ●●we Ego uidi te cōedere puerum pulcherrimum qua●ē sacerdos eleranit ad altare I sawe the ete a childe the whiche the preste helde vp at the auter Et tūc uenit pulcherrimus bomobabena multos pueros in gremio sno Thanne come a fayre man that had many children in his armys Et dedit unicuique ue●irum unum puerū●alem qua●ē sacerdos ●●medit An● yafeche criston a childe soch as the preste ete yit to sharpe youre be leue the more to this hooly sacramēt I woll tell you this ensample Narracio We rede in seynte Gregorius tyme there was a woman that highte laciua and she made brede for the pope and othyr prestys to singe with and for to hosell with the peple Also whan the pope come to this womā to yeue her hosell and seyde take here goddis body than this woman smylid and laughed thanne the pope with drewe his hōde and leyde the oste vpon the auter and tourned to this woman laciua and seyde to her whismylest thow whan thou shuldeste resceyue cristus body and she seyde why call●ste thow that cristus body that I made with myne owne hondis Thā was Gregor the pope sory for her mys●e beleue badde all the people prey to god to shewe somme miracle for this womannes helpe and whan they hadde preyde longe Gregor wente to the auter a yene and founde the oste tourned in to reed flesch and blode bledyng and he shewde hit to this woman Than she cryed seyde lord now I crye the mercy I beleue that thou arte verray god man and goddis sone of heuen in forme of brede Thanne badde Gregor the peple prey a yen that hit shulde tourne a yene to bredis likenesse and so hit dede and with the same oste he hoselid this woman lacina and therfor late vs do all the worshipp̄ that we may to the sacrament that we can or may and be in no mysbeleue Narracio Also we fynde that in deuynchere be syde exbrigge was a woman lay sike and was nye dede and sente aftyr a hooly person abowte mydnyghte to haue her rightis than this man in all the haste that he myghte he a rose and wente to churche toke goddis body in A box of yuery and putte hit in to his bosome and wēte forthe towarde this woman And as he wēte thourghe a foreste in a fayre mede that was his nexte wey it happid that his box fill oute of his bosome to the grounde and he wente forthe and woste hit not and come to this woman and herde her confession And than he askid her yf she wolde be hoselid and she seyde y● sere than he putte his honde in his bosome and soughte the box and whan he founde hit noughte he was full sory and sadde and seyde dame in woll go aftyr goddys body and come a none a yene to yow and so wente forthe sore wepyng for his simpulnesse and so as he come to a ●elow tree he made ther of a rodde and strypyd hymselfe all nakyd and to bete hymselfe that the blode rāne doune by his sydys and seyde thus to hymselfe O thow simple man why haste thow loste thy lord god thy maker thy former thy creatour And whanne he hadde thus bete hymselfe he dede on his clothis and wente forthe And than he was ware of pilour of fyre that laste from erthe to heuen and he was all asto yned thereof yithe blessed and wente ther to and there lay the sacrament fallyn oute of the bore into the grasse and the pilour schon as bryghte as any sonne and la styd from goddis body to heuyn and all the be stys of the foreste were come aboute goddis body stode in compas rounde aboute hit all knelid on foure knees saue on blake horse that knelyd but on that on knee Than seyde he yf thow be any beste that may speke I charge the in goddis name here presente in forme brede tell me why thow kneliste but on thy one knee Thanne seyde he I am a fende of hell wolle not knele y my ghte but I am made a yense my wyll for hit is wreton
that euery knelyng of heuen of erth shall be to the worshippe to the lord god why arte thow like a horse he seyde to make the people ●o stele me at soche a towne was one hougid for me at soche a towne anothir Thā seyde this hooly person y commaū de the by goddis flesche his blode that thow goo in to wildernesse be ther as thow shalte neuer dissese cristen people more And a none he wente his wey he myghte no lē ger a byde And thanne this man wente forthe to De festo sancti andree apostoli GOod men and wymme●●och a day ye sha● haue seint Andrewis day and ye shall faste the euene come to god and to hooly churche and worshippe this hooly seynte that day for thre speciall vertous One is for his grete holynesse in his ded doyng The secounde for his good leuyng The threde for his grete compassion sufferyng He was a man of hooly leuyng for whanne he vnderstode and herde of seint Iohan the baptist that he was prechyng in deserte anone he lefte all his wordely occupacion and wente to hym and was his disciple And so after on a day as crist come walkyng by the way and seint Iohan baptiste saw hym walkyng he seyde to his diseiples Ecce agnus dei qui tollit peccata mūdi See the lombe of god that shall doo a way the synne of all the worlde And whanne seint Andrew he●de that anone he lefte seint Iohan baptiste and sewid forthe criste And whanne he herde criste preche hit plesid hym so well that a none he wente and fette Petyr his brother to here criste preche than they caste grete loue to god and sone after as they where in the see of galyle fischyng crist come and callyd hem a none they lefte fischyng shippe and nette and all that they hadde and sewid crist euer after and where with hym tyll he styed vp to heuene Narracio Thanne after that seint Andrew prechid a mong the people than on a day as he prechid it happenyd so ther was a man among the people that was callyd Nicoll that hadde leuyd many wynters in lechery but yit by the g●●ce of god he thoughte to amende his lyffe and whan he herde that the worde of god was of so grete vertu that hit shulde putte a way all temptacions of synne he lete write a gospell and bare hit with hym where some euer he wente and with the vertu there of he absteyned hym selfe from synne But yit on a day by temptacione of the fende he for gate hym selfe and wente ayene to a brothellus house as he was vsed to doo be fore and whan he come thedyr and whan the wymen lokyd vp on hym they cryed oute on hym seyd o thou olde sely man what doste thou here go home ayene for we see so many maruelous on the that we may not haue to do with the. Thanne this Nicoll be thoughte hym that he hadde the gospel vpon hym and a none he wente to seint andrew and tolde hym all the cause and preyde seint andrew to prey for hym that his soule myghte be sauyd Thanne seint andrew wolde neuer etene dryncke tyll he wyste whethir Nicoll shuld be sauyd or no Thanne seint andrew fastyd .v. dayes brede and watyr and preyde besely nyght and day Thanne come a voyce and seyd as thou haste faste and preyde make Nicoll to do the same and thanne he shall be saued Than seint andrew bad Nicoll faste .v. dayes brede and water and prey besely vnto god and so he dede and thanne come a voyce to seint andrew ayene and seyd thy preyours and thy fastyng hathe made Nicoll that was loste founde ayene and he shall be sau●d Narracio Also anothir miracle that anothir yong man come to seint andrew in a tyme and seyd preuely to hym sire my modyr hathe be longe aboute me that I shuld lye with her and for I wolde not do her wyll she hath acused me to the bishope seyd that I wolde haue done that sinfull ded with her where for I wotte well that I shall be dede and yit I hadde leuer dye than sclandyr my modyr so soule There for I beseche yow prey for me that y may take my deth paciently to the saluacion of my soule Thanne seyd seint Andrew goo forthe to thy dome and I shall goo withe and so ther with the people come and sette hym be fore the bishoppe And whan his modyr accufid hym he seyd no thyng but helde his pese Than seyd seint Andrew Innocena sangnia eiua sine causa dam nabit This cursed woman for luste of her body wrongfully is aboute to dampne her owne childe to dethe vengeaunce woll come to the. Thanne seyd she lo sire iustice euer sethe he myght not haue his wyll he hathe drawyn vnto this man for counsell and socour Thanne the iustice comaundid to caste this youg man in to the watyr to drowne hym and to putte seint andrew in pryson tyll he where a vysid what dethe he shulde dye Thanne seint andrew preyde besely vnto god for helpe and socour and thanne a none come a grete thoundyr and made all the people so a ferde that they where fayne to sette seint Andrew oute of the pryson And euyn ther with come a lyghtnyng of fure and brennyd the modyr of the yong man in sight of all the people And thus was this man sauyd and the iustice by this grete miracle tourned to cristen feyth and moch othir people with hym and euer after beleuyd in god and seint Andrew ther by ye may see that he was hooly in leuyng Also he was grete in miracles worchyng for on a day as he wente by the see side he saw a drowned man caste oute of the watyr than andrew preyde to god to rere hym ayene to lyffe and anone this man rose Than andrew askyd hym where that he was drowned and he seyde we where .x. men to gedyr herde of an hooly man that hyght Andrew And we where comyng to here his prechyng and as we where in the see there come a grete tempest and drowned vs all to gedyr but wolde god that we hadde be caste to londe to gedyr that we myght haue ben reysed to lyffe to gedyr ayene Thanne anone seint androwe preyde to god that all the bodyes myght come to gedyr so they dede and where raste vp in diuerse countres Than seint andrew made and ordeyned to gedere hem all to gedyr Than he knelyd downe and preyed god long for theym tyll they where reysed all to lyffe Than seint andrew made hem all to knele downe thanke god and prechyd hem and taughte hem cristen feythe and cristened hem all and whan they where stedefaste in the feythe he sente hem home to theyr owne countre with moche ioye to hem and many othir miracles he ded that where to longe to telle thus ye may se that he was myghty
thy trespas is for yeuen the Amen Sequitur ●●●uis sermo de sārto stephano GOod men and wymmen soche a day ye shall haue an hyghe day and a hooly feste in the churche of seint Stephen the martyr the whiche was the firste martyr that suffered dethe for goddis sake after cristes ascension Than for to stere youre deuocion the more to this hooly martyr I wyll tell yow somme what that he suffered for cristes sake as the boke of apostlys tellyth Post ascensionem domini after the ascension of oure lord that he was styed●vp in heuen the apostlys labour was all to preche and to teche the word of god to cristen people And for they where to fewe to serue all the people that rome ther come so many to tourne to the feyth there for they chose .vi. holy men and good lyuers for to helpe hem in goddis seruice of the whiche seint stephen was one of hem and the firste and the wyseste and was so full of grace and myght of the hooly goste that he did many miracles and meruelous amonge the people But thoughe a man be neuer so hooly ●it he shall haue enemyes wherfore of diuerse countreys that hadde enmyte to stephene and come ayene hym and disputed with hym for to haue ouer come hym with disputacion and for they myghte not they broughte false wyttenesse ayenst hym to putte hym to deth But whanne seynte Stephene sawe and knowe her malice anone he thoughte to sese hem be on of these thre weyes othir be shamyng in disputacion or be drede of reuolacion or be preyours of hooly orysones But firste he seyd be shamyngm disputacione For whanne they be gonne to dispute with hym he was so full of the hooly goste that they hadde no poure nor no myghte for to a gayn sey hym And so he ouer come hem in all her maters and preued all her maters false that they seyde ayenste And ther for he seyd he was redy to take the dethe in very fiyng of all that he seyd And so putte hem that where grete clerkes and knewe the lawe and the prophecie to grete shame and velonye But yit they wolde not leue but alwey ayene stode hym But he was so full of the hooly goste that he preued that he seyd be grete reson and trouthe yit wolde not they be leue it for all that the hooly goste spake in herte and yit for all that wold not they beleue in theyr concience that they dede a mysse and there as they seyne the cōmynte turne to the feyth for wordys and miracles that god shewed in her sight yit they ayen stode hym and sette goddis miracles at noughte be malyce and enmyte of her cursed hertes and by none othir reson of scripture And so they fretid her hertis withyn hym selfe and grugged with her tethe for anger and how that they myght ouer come hym with disputacion Than they soughte yf they myghte haue take hym with som worde of Cristes dethe where by they myghte haue made them a cause to haue putte hym to dethe Thanne seynte stephene knewe her malice and lyfte vp his eyen into heuen Et vidit celos apertos And he saw heuyn opyn and oure lord ihe su criste sittyng on his fadyr ryght hande redy to helpe hym And there with his face shone as bryghte as it hadde be an angell of heuen But whan they herde hym speke thā where they fayne and stoped her erys as though they hadde herde him speke false sclaundre of god and so a none drow hym oute of the cite to stone hym to dethe as for adisclaunderer Thanne they toke .ij. yonge men that cowde beste hurle stones and toke of his clothis and leyde hym at the fete of a yonge man that hight Saule and after was seynt paule Than whan seynt stephen sawe that he myghte not sese her malyce be reuelacione shewyng he turned to deuoute oryson preyng and yit hit wolde not be And than they hurled stones at hym and smote oute his brayne and thanne he cryed to god and seyd Domine i●e su suscipe spm̄ meū O thou lord take my spiryte for he wolde prey more de●outly for his enemyes than for him selfe he knelyd down to the groūde and seyde Pater ig nosce illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt Fadyr for geue hem for they wote not what they do and anone he slepte in god Now take he de what brennyng loue he hadde in his herte to god that preyde more deuoutly for his enemys thanne for hym selfe In this he gaue an ensample to all cristen people to be in charite echon with othir and to prey for his enemyes and hem that pursewe hym and do hym dissese ●ni●ersa delicta cooperiit caritas Charite hidith euery trespas for he y● preyth for his enemyes that martyr hym with any dissese and sufferyth paciently he is a martyr be fore god For there is ▪ iij. maner of martyrdome● The firste is be passion and wyll ther to be wyll with oute passione be passione with oute wyll The first is shewid by seynt stephene that is sette nexte the birthe of criste for he sufferyth passione and had wyll there to seynt Iohan the euan geliste he hadde wyll but no passione The innocentes they suffered passion and no wyll ther to but not ayenst wyll Thus may a man be a martyr thoughe he shede not his blode that is whan he suffered grete wrong of cursed people and thankyth god ther of and takyth hit with good wyll and preyth for his enemyes deuoutly in clene charite Now take hede and ye shall se how these .iij. where in per●ite loue and charite Seint stephen whan he shulde dye he knelyd downe and preyde for his enemyes Seint Iohan whanne he wente to war dys his ende he seyd ofte to hem that ladde hym children loue to gedyr fo● charite is now to saluaciō The innocentes for they were so yonge that they cowde not speke yit they shewde loue be signes for the dede laughe and pleyde with her hondes whan they sawe the knyghtes come with her brighte s●erd●s to sle hem than for seint stephyn was so glorious a martyr god shewde many fayre miracles for hym Narracio There was an honest man that had vij sones and iij. doughtres but in mysse happe on a day all they wrathyd the modir at ones and in a grete angre she cursed hem all at ones a none there ●ill grete vengeaūce vpon hem for there come soche a sikenesse one her preuy membres that they were so for gnawyn that they myghte nethir a byde for woo but walkithe vp downe in the countrey like mased bestis that all the people that sawe hem had grete ●ite of hem Thanne happid hit so that one of the breshere● that highte paule and a sustyr highte palida come in to churche of seint stephyn and there they herde people tell how deuoutly seint stephen preyde for his enemyes y● martred hym
a none they kneled downe preyde to seint stephene to prey to god for hem they wolde be his trew serua●tes kneled downe in the churche preyng seint stephene hertely of his helpe a none they fill a slepe in sighte of all the people so were hole And an on they wente aftyr all her othir bretheren ●usteren and they were hol pyn all in the same wyse Narracio Anothir miracle seint Austyn tellith how ther was a senatour of rom● wente to iherusalem and ther he made a fayrt chapell of seint stephen and there he dyed and was ●eried in the same chapell Than longe aftyr his wyffe wolde home in to her countrey wolde fayne haue had her housbondes bones with her in to her owne coūtrey preyde the bishoppe that she myghte haue hem Than the bishopp̄ broughte seint stephenes bones her housbondes bones to her seyde y know not thy housbondes bones from seint stephenes bones she was glad and seyd I knowe my housbondes bones well y now toke seint stephen bones in s●ede of h●r husbōdes Than whan she come fer in the see angeles songe with grete melody in the eyre there was a passyng s●●ete sauoure y● come oute from the bone that passid any spicety in the worlde And a none they herde fendes crye in the eyre seyd wo wo is vs for stephen be ▪ dithe vs burnyth vs bitterly there with reysid a grete tempest● that the shippemen wende for to haue be drowned for grete fere cry ▪ d to seint stephen a none the tempeste ses●d Than the people herde the fendes crye thus thou cursed prince oure mastir thou nor we may do n●ne harme to this shipp̄ for stephen oure aduersary is ●herynne Than the prince of fendes sente v. fendes for to haue burnyd the shipp ▪ but thanne goddis angell was redy drowned the fendes in the grounde of the s●e And so whā they come to the londe with the shippe fendes cryed seyde goddis seruaunt comythe that was stoned to dethe with the iewis And than in worshippe of seynt stephene the people made a churche leyde his bones ●her ynne where god wrought many a fayre miracle for hym De sancto io●āne euangeliste GOod frend is soche a day ye shall haue an highe feste in hooly churche the ●este of seynte Iohan euangeliste the whiche was goddis owne d●rlyng where for all hooly churche makithe mynde and mencion of the specialte that once lord gaffe to hym for any othir of his disciples Oure lord gaffe hym grace to kepe his ● ginite and of kepyng of his modir and oure lord shewde hym his prynyte He gaffe hym grace to kepe his virginite that is maydynhode For this story tellith and the people haue opynned whan johan shulde wedde mari maudeleyne criste callidr hym and he come sero●d hym and johan lefte the worldes vamte sewed oure lord and so kepte him selfe clene mayden till he passid oute of this worlde In preuyng of this whanne Domician the Emperour of Rome herde the people tell that johan preched in a countrey that was callid asia and there johan made to bilde many churches and whan the Emperour herde that he sente aftyr Iohan and made hym be putte in a brayson tonne full of sethyng oyle and whan Iohan hadde longe sodyn there ynne that alle the people wende that he had be all to sodyn and dede Thanne the Emperour badde opyn the tonne and whan the tonne was opyn Iohan come oute of the tonne and as ●e was clene of all synne so was he clene of all maner of b●ennyng or harme in all parties of his body A nothir harde tourmēt he had on a day Iohan sawe a temple of iewes and was full of mawmentry and than he preyde to god to distroye hit a none there with hit fill downe to the grounde ●all to powdyr where fore Aristodimus the bishoppe of the temple was so wrothe that he putte Iohan in to pryson Thanne seyde iohan yit wolte thou that y shal make the beleue in ihesu criste Than seyde aristo dimus y woll mak● venym make hit drynke be fore the whan thou seyste hem dede drynke thou there of with oute harme than woll I beleue on thy god than seid iohā go do as thou seyste thā ordeyned the bishopp̄ poyson fette ij mē oute prison that were dāpned to drynke of the poyson anone they were dede thā seyde iohan yf thou yeue venym to drinke y shall call to my god And than Iohan toke this poyson and blessid hit and dranke there of he was neuer the worse but rathir semyd the bettyr and the fayrer for as he was clene from synne so he was clene from all grenaunce of the poyson yit seyde the bishoppe he wolde not beleue vn to the tyme he hadde seyne these ij men ar●rid from dethe to lyffe that where dede Thanne johan caste of his cote and seyde Dade et mitte ●a●c tunicam super corpora defunctorum Goo and ley this cote vppon the dede bodyes and sey thus Ihesu cristus apostell sente me to yow and bad that ye shulde a ryse vp in goddis name and a none they resyn to lyffe ayene Than the bishoppe with many othir tourned and beleuyd in criste and johan cristoned hem and aftyr the bishoppe was a full hooly man Thus iohan hadde grace to kept hym clene bothe body soule and thus he was a martir to fore god in with stondyng of synne Also he was keper of cristus modir for oure lord sawe the grete clennesse that was in Iohan be fore all othir whanne oure lord shulde dye he seyde to Iohan. Ecce mater tua See thy modyr and be toke Iohan the kepyng of his modir and oure lord seyde to his modir Ecce filins tuns Se thy sone and so be toke eythir to othir and whanne oure lord was dede and ley in his tombe Iohan toke oure lady home with hym in to his house and kepte her till oure lord ●hesu criste was a reyson from dethe to lyffe a yen And whan oure lord was stied vp in to heuen he kepte oure lady in the same chambre as longe as she leuyd aftyr thus he had grace of kepyng of goddis modir Also he hadde grace of knowyng of cristus p̄uite for this was furste whā oure lord sate at his soper on sherthursday for grete loue that johan had to our lord Ihesu criste he leyde his he de to cristus breste and in the same wyse as a man leythe his body downe to a welle drynkithe his body full of water righte so johan dranke his soull full of gostly wysedome at cristus breste and at the same tyme oure lord shewed him all his priuyte be fore all othir And for he was olde and wolde not leue to p̄che the worde of god the Emperour exi●ed Iohan him selfe a lone in to the yle of pache
and to oure lady ●n shewyng that he that is moste mekyste in hert is moste nexte oure lord ihesu criste and soche he a vaunsith in euerlasting blysse And there for the Genelogie this nyght begynnythe at ihesu criste gothe vpwardes to abraham and so to god Also he was shewed verray god in trinite whann he tourned watyr in wyne at the weddyng Hit happit so the people ●●ackyd wyne at the mete Thanne badde our lord that they shulde take vi steues or pottys that were empty and bad fill hē with watyr and they did Thanne oure lord blessed hem and bad they sholde ●ere theym that be ganne the table and late hym begynne and than he be ganne and seyd hit was the beste wyne that euer he dranke Thus oure lord shewed hym selfe bothe god man god in that he tourned watyr in to wyne and man in that he et● and dranke with hem This miracle he shewde at the weddyng in tokenyng that he blessed all weddynges that he done aftyr the lawe of holy chirche And there for kepe youre wedloke and be in full feythe and beleue of hooly churche as hooly churche techithe and so ye shall come to euer lastyng blysse Amen De con●ersi●●● sancti pauli GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue 〈…〉 lis day that is callide ●●● con●ersion of seint poule for that day he was cōuertid● and ●●●●ned frō a cursed tyraunte in to goddis seruaunt from ●● highe man and a prowd● in to a meke man and a good man and from the disciple of the de●yll in to goddis hooly apostell so for this man was tournede from all wickkednesse in to grete goodnesse in grete strenghte helpe and socoure to all holy churche There for holy churche holdithe his ●ouersion and so we do of no mo but of him only and that i● for iij. causes The firste for grete miracles in his tourning and for the grete ioye in his defendyng and fore the ensample of his amendyng Firste or he was tourned he was called saule for right as saule the kyng of Jherusalem pursewed holy dauid to haue slayne hym right so the saule porsewed criste and his disciples to bryng hem to the dethe There for while criste wente one erthe here this saule wolde neuer come to hym to here his techyng but as sone as criste was steied vp in to heuen than a non this saule for he was lerned cowde the Jewes lawe he be ganne to with stonde and a yense seyde cristus disciples disputyng a yense hem and poursewed hem in all he myghte in full entente to haue distroied hem and cristen feythe Thanne on a day he disputed with seynte Stephyn and for he myghte not ouer come hym he be thoughte hym how he myght bringe hym to his dethe and so he lefte hym neuer till he was dede Thanne hit is the maner of the fendes children whan they haue done a cursed dede to be glad fayne there of prowde in her hertis and ●encrese her malice ●o was saule gladde of the dethe of seynte Stephyn and fore he wolde haue gotyn him a name of wickednesse passing all his felowes he wente to hem that had the iewes lawe to kepe and gete hym a letter of warraunt for to take all that be leued in in criste where they myghte be founde to brynge hem to Jherusalem for to be putte to the deth there Thanne whan ●e hadde these lettres he toke soch a pryde ther with and enuye in his herte a yenste cursten peple that whan he herde any man speke of hem a none fore grete angre he wolde snefet the nose and frothe at the mouthe for anger and grugge with his tethe thretenyng and masesseynge towardis hem that all Cristen people was sore a ferde of hym Thanne on a day he herde that in the Cite of damaske was moche cristē people hidde for drede rode the dyr wardes but a none oure lord ihesu cristeshewed the swetenesse of his grate whanne this saule was in his high●pride and in wylle to haue do moste harme Than a boute midday oure lord caste a lyghte of grace a boute that was moche lyghter thanne the sonne the lyghte spake to saule thus Saule saule quid tu me perseq̄ri● Saule saule what folowest thow me and a none he was a ferde and fill downe of his horse cryde and seyde for grete fere Quis es tu domine Lord what arte thou than seyde oure lord Ego sum ihesus ua sarenua I am ihesu of nazareth for that was the name of his manhode Thanne saule a none be leued on hym seyde lord what wolte thow that I shall do Thanne sawe the people● a boute hym the lyghte and herde the wyre but they saw no thyng but a none wēte to saule and toke him vp by the honde fore he was blynde and myghte not see and so ladde him in to the Cite to a good mānes house and there he was thre dayes and thre nyghtis fastyng and nothir ete mete nor drynke ●e myghte not fee but euer preyde to god fore drede of that vision The whiche tyme the holy goste taughte hym cristus lawe Than the thridde day on of cristus disciples that highte Ananyas as god bad hym come to hym full sore a ferde and seyd Saule frater dominua ihesua misit me ad te qui apparuit tibi in via Saule the lord hath sente me to the ihesus that apperid to the in the wey and that thow shuldeste see and be cristoned and whan Ananias leyde his honde vppon his hede a none he sawe and there fill from his eyen like scales of fisches And whā he hadde cristoned hym he callid him Poule than ete and was comforted and hadde his strenghte and was there a fewe dayes with the disciples Than wente ●e in to the temple and prechid openly of oure lord thesu criste p̄uyng clerckly that he was both god and man and none othir Stu●ebant autem omn●a qui eum andiebant et dicebant For fothe all that herde hym were a stoyned and seyde that hit was a grete miracle and grace of god and his ●o deyne conuersion for he ● was of so cursed leuyng so litell be fore was ●o sone tourned to god and man Thus may ye here how grete miracle god shewde in his conuersion and how grete ioye hooly chirche makyth of his defendyng hit was grete ioye to all cristen people that was a litill be fore to distroye cristen people a non aftyr as besy to encrese cristen people ▪ And he that was so besy so glad to shede cristen mennes blode than was he so redy to shede his blode for hem And as besely as he wente to putte hem to dethe than with as good a wyll h● was redy to take the deth for hem and there as no man durste p̄●he the worde of god for hym aftyr the cōforte that they had of hym they spared
not for lord nor fore kyng but openly preched th● worde of god and taughte the feythe aftyr in euery place And he that was to fore so proude so feres and sone aftir was so meke and so lowly y● he fill to the grounde to euery cristen mānes fote that euer he ●respased to and mekely be soughte hem of mercy with a full pacient herte where fore seynte ▪ Austeyn likenyth hym to an Onicorne of kynde that berith an horne in his nose and with that home he ●leithe alle the bestys that he fightithe with Also he is so ferse in him selfe that thee may no hunter take him but thus they wolle be gile hym they wolle aspey where the vnicorne hauntith and vse to walke there they wolle sette a meyde and as sone as the vnicorne seethe the mayde a non be kynde he wol fall downe and ley his hede in her lappe than all the myghte streghte is gone And than they come and take hym Thus he seythe seynte Poule was firste fo ferse in hym selfe that they durste not preche there as he was nor speke to hym for drede But whanne oure lord ihesu criste shewed him swetenesse of his grace and this fayre mayde that is the lawe of hooly churche a none poule fill downe to the grounde was soget to all cristē peple here fore hooly churche was gladde of his defendyng He is sette also in highe ensample of highe a mendyng for oure lord is so gracious y● all cristen people may be saued that woll for fake her mys●e leuyng and be conuertid Multomagis gaudiū erit in celo de vno peccatore penitenciam agē re quam de nonagin ta n●uem qui uō indigent penitentia There is more Joye in heuen vppon on synner doyng pen●unee thanne vppon xcix that dede neuer synne And ther for oure lorde wold that all were conuertid and saued where fore in highe ensample and coumforte to all sinfull peple he sette seynte Poule to loke vppon for thoughe a mā had do neuer so moche synne and he wolde fore sake his synne and synne no more Thanne all the companye of heuen makythe myrthe and melodye of his conuersion as we do here in erthe of the conuersion of seynte Poule but there is moche people that loue more synne with luste and likelyng in this world than they do god Fore there be many that wolle neuer leue synne nothir for the loue of god nor for the desire of the blisse of heuene nor for fer● of the fende nor drede of the grete paynes of hell But somme people seyne god wolle neuer lese that he hathe boughte dere with his passion but they that sey so be notte wyse god wolde that none were loste but be ware thou lese not thy selfe for alle the whyle thow loueste more synne than god and haddest leuer to serue the fende than god thou arte cause of thyne owne dampnacion fore whyle thou haste more wille to serue the fende be his childe than goddis childe thow lesiste thy selfe and god hathe ordeyned fendes to tourmente hem in euer lastyng payne But seinte Gregor seyth they that shalle be dampned begynne her penaūce here in this world in party and aftyr her deth contin●ueth of euer more where fore I telle yow this ensample Narracio There was a man that was an officer with a lord and stode a cursed and on a tyme ●● he rode towardes a maner of his lord is he fille oute of his mynde and ●n b●● de●id his horse and he bare hym in to a maner of his lordis And than a none the bayly conseyued howe hit was with this man that he was discranght oute of his minde and a none made the people to bynde hym to a poste in a barne so whā the bayly and his seruaūtes had souped he bad one of his seruauntes go loke how that this man dede and he wente to this man And whan he come there he sawe iij. gre blacke dogges plucking a wey this mannes fleshe from the bone Thanne was this seruaunte a ferde that ●nethe he hadde his mynde but wente to his bed and lay there sike longe aftyr And on the morow whanne the people come the thir as this man was boūde the● founde no more of this man but his bare bones and all the flesche was clene a wey Thus ye may see he that contynualy leued in synne may be full sykyr of a foule ende and though● his ende semythe fayre in the sighte of a man yit hit is ryghte foule in the sight of almyghty god and all his angellis where for hit is nedefull for euery cristen man and woman to a mēde hym while he is here in this world and hathe tyme and space of a mendement And he that dothe so shall come to seynte Poule and be there with hym in euerlastyng blysse to the whyche bryng vs he that died for vs and all mankynde Amen Sequitur ●e parificaciōe beate marie virginia ▪ GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue candelmas day that day makith m●de and mencion of oure lady of her sone speciyally iij thingis oure ladyes purificacion in sime onis metyng and in cād●les offeryng This day is callid the purificacion of oure lady in englische hit is the clensing of oure lady but fore noo nede that she had there to fore sche was clensid with the worchyng of the hooly goste in conceyuyng of her sone that there was in her no maner of spotte of filthe But for that day was the xl day from the birthe of her sone and was callid in the iewes lawe the day of the purificacione not only for oure lady but for all othir wymmen where fore we calle hit the purificacion of oure lady The lawe of the iewes was soche that a woman that was delyueryd of a man childe was holde vnclene vij dayes aftyr thā the lawe gaue her leue to go to her husbonde but yit she was vnclene xxxiij day●● but till xliiij dayes were fullfilled she shulde holde her with oute the churche with her offeryng And the offering ▪ in those dayes was of a riche man a lambe and for a pore mā●●s a peyre of turtyll doues or elles othir doues and so offered oure lady with her sone And yf a woman be delyueryd of a mayden childe she shulde duble all those same dayes a fore sayde that is for to say the comyng to her husbonde and also the comyng to the temple and so this is there son there of For hit is so that all grete clerkys sey that hit to vij dayes aftyr whanne a woman hathe conceyued a mānes childe or that the same sede tourne in to blode And hit is also .xxxiij. dayes aftyr o● it tourne to any shappe of man than god sente lyffe in to hit and yf hit be a mayde childe hit doublithe all the dayes bothe in tournyng in to the blode also in shappe of body this
with oure lord chesu criste from the tyme that he was baptisid in to the tyme of his ascēsione to bere wittenesse with vs of his vprysing of his doyng Than they setten these ij men Joseph barsabas mathie leyde lotte vppon hem seyde thus preyng oure lord O lord thou knowist the hertis of all men shewe to vs whiche thow che●i●te of these ijj men the lotte fill on mathie so he was in nombre with the othir xi Than mathie wente in to mirre to preche worde of god fore he had the grace of the hooly goste with hym he did miracles tourned moche people to the feythe of criste Than was the fende sory aperyd to the Bishoppe of the iewes lawe in likenesse of a yonge childe with longe heris hore bad him take mathie do hym to the dethe or else he wolde tourne all the people to cristus feythe Than the Bishoppe wexyd nyghe wode forwrathe and sente oute people to seke mathie whā they had hym they bounde hym his hondis be hynde hym caste a rope aboute his necke ladde hym to prison there bonde him faste with cheynes of yron Thanne the nyght aftir oure lord ●hesu C●riste come to hym with a grete lighte and lousid his bondis and whā he had well comfortid him he opened the pryson dore bad hym go preche the feythe spare for no mā Than there as he p̄chid there were somme that a yenestode hym letid othir y● wolde haue tourned to the feythe Thā seyd mathie to hem I tell you be for he shall fall downe to hell pitte so a none in sighte of all mē the erthe openyd they sanke downe in to helle body soule neuer was seyne more of hem than was the people sore a gaste of that sighte tourned to the feythe a grete nombre of hem Thā whan the bishopp̄ herde ther of they toke hym bounde hym sette men to throwe stones at hym whan he was nyghe de de he bad cristen pleople to bere the stone that he was stonedwith in to the grau with him in wittenesse of his martirdom● he knelid downe helde vp his hondis to god seyde O lord I be sech the take my spirit gafe vp the goste Reynold of chestre in his cronicles tellith a nothir miracle like this seythe whanne seynte wolston visitid his bishopp̄riche the people brought a man be for him that did his neyboures moche disese wolde neuer be in pese preyng the bishop to chastise him whan the bishop had prechid this man he was euer lenger the worse thō the bishop all the people preyde to seint mathie to shewe som miracle be this man what he was worthy to haue than anō in sight of all the people ther come oute of the erthe ij fendes with brennyng hokes pullid this quicke man doūe to hell whan he was gone the people were well releued had reste pese euer aftyr Amen ▪ De annunciacione beate marie uir ginis GOod frend is so che a day ye shall haue an highe a sole mpne feste in holy churche the annūciacion of oure lady and he that had a vowed or ioyned in penaunce muste faste the euyn ye shall vnderstonde that hit is callid the annūciacion for this cause for the fadyr of heuen sente his angell Gabriell Missus est an gelus gabriel a deo in cinitatem cui no men nazareth In to the cite that was callid nazaret to oure lady that was newe wedded be the bidding of god and reuelacion of the holy goste to a man that callid Joseph and as she was in her chābre in her prey oures the Angell gabriell come to her and seid oure lorde i● with the Thanne was she gretly a stoyned of this greting for there was in that coūtrey a man that cowde moche whiche crafte and so with helpe of fendes he made him selfe like an Angell and come to diuerse maydenes and seyd he was sente from god to hem on his message so ofte tyme lay by hem did hem grete vylony Thanne whan oure lady herde tell of that man she was a drade lefte hit had be he for she had spoke with none Angell be fore nor there were no soche wor●is ne soche gretynges made neuer none to her be fore Thā Gabriell the Angell comforted ther and seyd Ne time as maria in●e uisti graciam apud dominum Drede the not mary for sothe thou haste founde grace of oure lord for a mong alle wymmen oure lord hathe chosyn the forto be the modir of his sone hym thou shalte conceyue be feythe be loue of the holy goste with oute any dede of mā that shall shadowe the quenche alle fleschly luste tende the lighte of gostely loue that thow shalte conceyue the sone of the highe god And thus thow shalte be bothe modir mayde so was neuer nō before Thanne a none oure lady herde this wordis a none there with come a spirituall swettenesse ioye in her herte that a none or any erthly mō●owde tell hit so with all the reuerence of meke nesse that she cowde sche answered thus a yene seyde Ecce aucilla domini fiat michi secundum uerbum tuum Lo here goddis owne mayde redy to do goddis wyll preyng hit may be to me righte as thow seyste Thus that blessyd body conceyued oure lord ihesu criste in euer lastyng ioye to all the world Thus I may likyn oure lady to a p̄cious stone callid enix he is as clere as any criscall shall of kinde whā the sonne shynythe hote on him hit openithe receyued a droppe of the dewe of heuen in to him closithe a yene till .ix. monthes aftyr thanne hit openithe fallithe oute a stōe of the same kinde so closithe a yene as euer hit was neuer openithe aftyr Thus oure lady was as clene as any cristall for the hote loue of the hooly goste at the ix month is ende she was delyueryd of her sone oure lord ihesu criste she aftyr as clene meyden as she was to fore Than whan the Angell hadde done his message he wente his wey to heuē oure lady wente to her cosyn elisabeth that was grete with childe with seinte Iohan Baptiste whō she come to Elisabethe she grette her mekely as sone as oure lady spake to Elisabeth the childe in Elisabethes wombe pleyde made grete ioye for●●●●we that oure lord had take mankynde was come to saue he in that were lorne Thann● oure lady dwellid therewith Elisabeth her cosyn till the tyme that seinte Iohan was borne was myddewyffe to eli sabeth toke seint Iohan from the erthe there she lerned all that her ned id for to knowe ayē the tyme that her sone shulde be borne was persite y noughe there
his bosome all wey to wype a wey the teris Thanne so folowyng he was so hooly that where that euer he wente and he myghte schadowe any syke body a non they were hole So on a tyme he sente ij of his disciples in to a ferre countrey to preche whan they were go ij dayes iorney one of hē dyed that othir tourned a y●ne tolde Petyr Thanne petyr t●ke hym his staffe bad him ley the staffe on his felow bad him a ryse in the name of god he rose a none wente forth to gedyr p̄chid Than were many wrothe that petyr tourned so moche people to the feythe putte hym in to pryson bonde hym faste with grete ●heynes of ●rō till he was nye 〈…〉 he shuld be stole a wey where for the knyghtes woke yi● one seint ●●●res nyght And thus t●e co●●n people to●e ensample of hem make ●yres in worshippe of seint petyr wake thā criste come to Petyr in prison And than come an angell to Petyr with grete lighte as oure lord bad a none the cheynes breke fill from his hondis fete he wente to rome was there pope xxxv yere tourned moche people to cristus ●eythe But sone aftyr come the fendeeleme that was callid symond mague that cowde moch of ●he fendes crafte made moche people sike in diuerse sikenesse some blynde somme lame somme dethe soo that the people what fore fere for wondyr beleued in hym Thanne petyr helyd all tho that magus had hurte bad they shulde not be lene in hym than was this symond magus wrothe with Petyr that he myght not ●aue his wyll in speciall he myght not reyse a dethe body to ly ▪ ue that petyr reysid Thā thio symond tyed a fende in liken s●e of a grete dog ge there as petyr shulde come to sle petyr but petyr blessid him lette this dogge lofe than he l●p te to symond p̄ullid him downe vndir his fete than petyr bad leue do hym no harme of his body but he ●ll to rente his cloth is so that symond werde all moste nakyd a wey Than symond or deyned all the weyes that he cowde to haue Petyr dede Than oure lord apperid to petyr seyde Simon e● nero con●rate cogitant Symond nere othir haue ordeyned thy d●th tomorow I woll sende to the poule my seruaūt in comforte to the ye shall suffer matirdome to gedyr for my sake so come vnto me in to euer lasting blysse Than petyr tolde his bretheryn of his vision that he had in the nyght so he toke Clemente by the ●onde sette him in his cheyre made him pope successour aftyr him Than on the morow come poule p̄chid the people Than this symond had so encharmed the emperour● in soche a folinesse that he wende that he had be goddes sone So this symond magus come to the emperour seyde there be ij men of ●alile come to this cit● that one highte petyr that ●th●r p●●le that dothe me so moche dissese that I may a by de no lenger here in erthe where for comaunde soch a day all maner of people to come to capiti●ion there in sight of all people y woll stye vp to my fadir in heuen wh●n all the people were come to gedir Symond wente vp in to a toure of capitilion than com ij f●ndes like ij angeles and sette on his hede a garlaunde of lory and bare him vp in to the eyre like as he had de f●owyn Than seyd petir to poule brothir ●oke vp se than seyde poule ●it fallith for me to prey and the to cōmaunde a non Petyr seyde I comaunde yow angeles of sathanas that ye late that man go downe that all the peple may see whom they haue worshippid Than symon fill downe all to braste than was the emperour wrothe made to lede petyr poule fort●e did petyr on a crosse his hede downe wardes so put hym to dethe pou●e for he was a gent●● man borne for the more worshippe they smote of his hed● Than the people saw angeles stonding on the crosse there as petyr honge with crownes whan poules hede was smyte of ther come oute feyre plente of mylke and aftyr blode Than in the nyghte aftyr come cristē people leyde her bodyes to gedyr in a graue there lay till cristen fey●● was more opyn in rome Than wolde they haue bore eythir body to his churche but they cowde not knowe eythir bones from othir Than come ther a voyce from heuyn seyde the more bones be of the prechour and the lesse of the fischer ▪ So aftyr whan cristen feith come in to this ●●n●● kyng Etheberte lette make a grete churche at westme s●re in worshippe of seint petyr an othir in ●ōdon of seint poule An● so on a day whan the chirch of seint petyr shulde be halowed in the nyght be fore was a man fischyng in the temmysse vndir wes● mestre and a lityll be for mydnyght come seint petyr lyke a pilgreme prey de the fischer to lete hym ouer the watyr he did so And petyr wente to the chirche there the fischer sighe a grete light there with was the gretteste sauoure that euer he felte also he herde the meriest songe that he woste not were he was fore ioye Than come petyr to hym a yene seyde has●e thow take any fisch tonyght ●e seyde nay fore I was so s●oyned with lighte with the melody that I myght do no maner thyng Than seyde petyr Mitte rete in mari caste thy nette in to the see I w●ll helpe the and so the toke a grete multitude of fisches than seyde petyr to the fischer ▪ I am semt petir that ●● ue halowed my chirche this nyght toke a grete fische and seyde haue bere this to the bishopp̄ sey that I sente him this on this tokyn bid him do no more to the halowing of the churche but si●ge a masse there make a sermone to the people that they may be leue on this And for to p̄ue the tron the bid him go to chirch se where the candelis s●i ke on the wallis ●ll ●he churche wete of holy water ●●o●he fischer did his message the bishop̄ foū de ●●●●rew knelid downe on his knees moche people with him songe ●e deū la●dam●a thā●●● god semt petir ●● translatione sancti ●●●me 〈◊〉 frendis so 〈◊〉 day ye shall hau●●he transla●●●n of sem●●●omas ▪ the martir that ●●● he was take oute of h●● gr●ue his bony● ley●● in 〈◊〉 how ye shall how this man was ordeyned in his birthe to be a● holy man a worth● se●●e 〈◊〉 for that was 〈◊〉 furste to his mo●●r ●●tir to his 〈◊〉 in ●ld●●●ge and no● is
one a dede man that was hongid on the cro●●● thā seyde ●●rtholome I haue boūdyn that god that thy brothir beleued on shewde that sende And yf thou or he maiste doo so to my god than wolle y beleue as thow does●e Thanne the kynge comaundid to hange barthol mew on a crose and longet o torment him th●● on and aftir toke hym doune and fley him quycke and thanne to smyte of his h●de Thanne rome cryseyne people and beryd him with gret reuerence and worshyppe and thus he was hanggyd vp by grete cōpascione suffurynge were de in gestys romanorū that whanne frydwicke the Emperour hade dystroyd a grete cite and there in was a feyre churche of seinte bartholomewe And othere ●oo of dyuers scy●t●s And as a goode holy man come by the cite and he sawe a grete company of men stonding to gedir Thanne had this man gret mervell of hem as●id what they were what was there counsell Thane seid they that it was seinte bartholmew and other seintes thate hadd churches in the●e cyte thate were dystroy●d and there they toke theyr counsell what they mygtht do wyth the Emperour they w●re in full purpose that he shulde come be fore god and answere for his dedis and so the Emperoure deyde a fowlle dethe and was dampned And also hyt ys wretynne in the lyffe of seynte godlake thate furste inhabyt crowland in the fenny● and the furste daye that he come thythere was on seinte bartholmewes daye Thanne be preyde to thys holy aposttell to be hys p●trone ● yense the wyckid spirits that were in that place for hit was callid the habitacion of fendes fore there durste no man dwelle there for fendes Than was this holy man come thedir nere honde loste his witte for fere But thā be gret grace he had mynde on seint bartholomew preyde him with all his herte of helpe socoure Than a none come seint bartholome cōmaūdid the fendes to go fro that place than the fendes made a grete horrible noyse wente her wey seyde A las a las for now h●●e we loste oure myght 〈…〉 oure habitacion 〈…〉 shall 〈…〉 to him with good de●cion he wolle helpe he● at her nede De natiuit 〈…〉 ate marie 〈…〉 GOod 〈…〉 che a d 〈…〉 haue 〈…〉 she was 〈…〉 faste the 〈…〉 god 〈…〉 worst 〈…〉 seint 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 m 〈…〉 ●● the birthe of o●re lady 〈…〉 adid the fadir the mo 〈…〉 where for● god sente 〈…〉 rute of he● bodyes 〈…〉 e grete thā be kyn 〈…〉 an all neyboures 〈…〉 mfortid anne 〈…〉 doughter ma 〈…〉 ●ad or she 〈…〉 e goton 〈…〉 nde that 〈…〉 hippid 〈…〉 f oure 〈…〉 othir 〈…〉 d of 〈…〉 ew 〈…〉 ry 〈…〉 childe I may well beleue than seint Anne oure ladyes modir had not so in her birthe of her child oure lady for she was halowed in her moderie wō be holy born holy euer aftyr So whan she was borne wenyd was iij yere of age Ioachim and anne othir frend is broughte mary in to the cite of iherusalem to fore the temple as they had made her a vow to fore Than the temple stode one an hill was xv steyres vp to the dore so they left mary nethir meste while they made hē redy to do her offering thā wēte ma●y t● 〈…〉 ●●●rmest gryce 〈…〉 her all to spūall occūpacion euery day fro morow to vndren she was in her p̄youres from vndren to noon she occupied her crafte of vewing of clothis in the temple at nō the mete the drinke that was broughte to her to ete she gaffe to pore people was in her deuocion till an āgell broughte her mete Thus she leuyd so clene so honestly that all her felowes callid her quene of maydēs whā any man spake to her mekely she lowted with her hed seyd Deo gracia● For that worde was comm in her mouthe there for she is likid to a spicers shopp̄ for she smellith swete for p̄chens of the holy goste that was with her habūdaūce of vertues that shulde bere the kyng of vertues and thus her birthe dayly is ioy to all cristen people how this day was furste foūde a grete clerke iohā Bellet tellith Ther was an holy man that preyde to god oft be nyght tyme so on a nyght as he was in his deuocion he herd a songe of an āgell in heuē that oure lady was borne of her modir no more of all the yere aftyr so in a nyght he herde this melody in the eyre where for this holy man preyde to god that he myght haue wetyng what was the cause that he herde that melodye that certayn nyght no more of all the yere aftyr Thā come an angell to him seyd that nyght oure lady was borne of her modir there for the melody was made in heuē at that tyme. thā wente he to the Pope tolde him how the āgell seyde Thau the pope cōmaundid that day shulde be halowed fore euer more thus come this furste into holy churche Also oure lady is borne by watyr wasching that is be cristonyng for whan oure lord ihesu crist was baptised in the watir of f●om iordan than oure lady the xij apostles in ● tyme w●● cristoned there for right as oure lord folowid the olde ●awe the new bothe all y● fill to a man of right so oure lady fullfillid both law●● all fill to a wom● at the same cristoning for there her soue toke his righte name she bothe as the gospell tellith whā oure lord thesus was cristoned the fadir of heuē●pake seyde Hir ē filins mena ●● seyde he ●●is my welbeloued sone but aftir he was callid she sus goddis sone fro that tyme oure lady was callid the wyffe of ioseph aftyr that she was callid the modir of ihū to moche worshippe to her The thirdde tyme oure lady was borne to ioy passing for whan she shulde passe oute of this world her sone come with a grete multitude of angeles broughte her to heuen with moche ioye the●e crowned her quene of heuen emperes of hell lady of all the world so she is in euyr lasting blysse we fynde of oure lady how there was a iew that was borne in fraunce come in to Englond for diuerse maters that he had to do with othir people come in glo●ater to Bristow so wold go in ●o wilke shew but he was take by the wey with the fes ladde in to an olde house boundyn to a poste his hondis be hynde him so lefte hym there all nyght at the laste he ●●ll in a slepe he saw a fayre woman clothid in white he had seyn neuer non soche enyn ther with he woke felte him selfe lose Than he saw oure lady bright that him thoughte she passid the sonne seyde what
diuerse catell and as his bestis wente one the hill● there happid a balle left be hynde othir bestis thā wente this man his seruaunte to seke this bolle and founde hym stondyng be fore an hole in a grete dene and than on of hem shette an arrow at him and the arrew tourned a yene smote hym that shote the arrow and hurte him sore Thanne were they sore a ferde and thought what that myghte mene wente to the bishop tolde him all the cause thā the bishop preyde to god to haue knowleche what hit was Thā in the mounte of gargan michaell apperid to him seyde hit was goddis wyll that the man shulde be hurte for ye shall knowe well that y am kepir of the place where for go thou make a chirche of that dene and so the bish●p made a fayre churche there Also michaell a●pered to a nothir bishop bad him go to an hill toppe to the mounte of gardell ther as he founde a bolle teyde he shulde make a churche in the worshipp̄ of god semte michaell Thanne were there ij ro●chis of stone on eythir syde that the werke myght not vp Than semt michaell appered to a man that hight baymo bad hym go put a wey the roche drede no thyng so this man wente thethir sette to his shuldres bad the roche go vtter in the name of god seint michaell so the hilles wente vtter as moche as nedich to the werke Narracio we rede also in the lyfe of seint gregory how ther was a grete multitude of people in rome and they saw arrowes of fyre come oute of the eyre slewe moche people Thanne seint Gregory preyde to god to sese that pestilence Than he saw an āgell stondyng one a castell wall wypyng his blody swerde but that angell he seyde was seint michaell was sente thethir to punische the people for syn thus michaell was meruelons in miracles worchyng Also he was victorious in fightyng for whan the citezenis of septutyne were oppressid with paynemes shulde yeue hē batayle they preyde ofte to seint michaell of helpe Thā the nyght be for as the batayle shulde be michaell apperid to the bishoppe seyde to him haue no drede but go to the batayle boldely he wolde helpe hym so on the morow whan the batayle shulde be the hill of garganus was ouer c●uered with a grete myste arrowes come oute of the myste fleyng of fyre b●ltis of thoundir hurte moche peple of the paynemes in so moche that they slew all that euer myght fle And so many were sleyne tho that were a lyfe were saued be grete miracle of god were cristoned Seint iohan euengeliste seythe in his Apocalips how michaell his angels foughten with lucifer in heuen that is callid the dragon his angels with helpe of god ▪ michaell had the better droue oute the dragon all his felowshippe in to the eyre betwene heuen erth so they be ther yit as thicke as motis in the fonne And for criste come to heuen in a blaste of thoundyr there for yit whan they here thoundir they fall downe to the er the for fere thā they go not vp a yene till they haue do somme harme for than they make batis stryues man slawter make grete wyndes bothe in londe in water doo moche harme yit they wolde doo moche more than they doo nere seynt● michaell for all her sorowes is to se soules engeles in heuen in the place there they were ynne to fore Also othir spirites there were that s●ode not stede faste towardes god but flatering the whiche seint michaell droue oute heuē all in to an yle of the see as ye shall here As seinte Brandan seyled in the se he come to an yle sawe a tree was so grete be the highe brode that it was woūdir to tell on the whiche tre satte briddis thicker than the bowes were as white as snowe thā he preyde to god to wete what they wee Thā come on of hem satte on the shippis borde batered with his wynges made a sowne like an organ Than seyd brandan yf thou be come a messenger speke and tell me what ye ben Thanne he seyd we were angels that stode not stede faste in the be leue a● michaell wa● there for we were dreuyn oute whan michaell droue oute lucifer his angels But yit we haue euery day a remedy to woshippe god Thus was michaell woundrefull in apperyng meruelous in miracles doyng victorious in fightyng where late vs worshipp̄ this holy angell that he may be oure shelde in fightyng a yense oure gostely enemy the fende so that we may haue the victory of him now euer Amen De festo sācti luce GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue seint lukys day the euāgelist ye shall vnderstōd that criste had iiij euangelistes that is marke mathew luce and iohan these wrote the gospell the gospell is no more to sey but goddis worde these holy euangelistis wrote not only that god spake but also what y● he did what he suffered for mankynde for hit shulde be knowe to all mankynde fore euer more to thynke on goddis worde to do ther aftyr These iiij be likened to iiij diuerse bestes so they be portrayed in iiij parties of the crosse on euery syde of criste for marke a lyon for mathew a man for luce a calfe for iohan an egyll But late no mā suppose that they were soch bestis but likened to soch bestis for diuerse causes ▪ for be cause that mathew wrote moste of cristus manhode there fore he is likened to a man And luke wrote moste of cristus sacrafice his dethe there for he is likened to a calfe or to an oxe fore a calfe that was offered in sacrifice of the olde lawe in tokening that criste shulde be offered for synne of the people in sacrifice in the auter of the cros And marke wrote moste of the resurrection vprysing there for he is likened to a lyon For as bokis sey tell whan a ly on hathe yonge welpes they shall lye as dede thre dayes aftyr they be welpid Than comyth the lyon sethe his welpes dede a none he makith so the a roryng a crye y● the dede welpes wake there with quekon take lyfe So wh●n criste had leyne iij. dayes in his tombe Than the fadir spake to him bad him ryse so rerid from dethe to lyue Also iohan is likened to an egyll for be kinde she fleith highest in to the eyre nexte to the sonne so iohan wrote moste of the godhede but litill of the manhode these be the causes that they be likened to iiij diuerse bestio But nowe ye shall vnderstonde that Luke was likened to a calfe iij maner of weyes that is