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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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ynough for all that call on him so that whosoeuer calleth on the name of y e Lord he shall be safe For none shalbe confounded y t putteth his trust in hym This poore mā cried saith Dauid the Lord hard him saued him from al his troubles For the aungell of the Lord pitcheth his tent round about them that fear him deliuereth them O tast therfore se how gētle gratious louing the Lorde is blessed is the man y t trusteth in hym Euse. Brother Epaphroditus all these sentences and histories which our neighbor Phi●lemon hath here recited vnto you out of the holy scriptures ought to encourage you to pray vnto the Lord God in this your sicknes w t a strong and vnshaken faith and to be fully perswaded that God will both gratiously heare you also worke that in you which shal turn moste vnto his glory and vnto the saluation of your soul For behold the Lordes hand is not so shortned that it can not helpe nether is his eare so stopped that it may not hear Our God is such a God as saueth With the lord our God there is health he laith his blessing vpon his people Whome did God euer despise that called faithfully vpon hym For God is gratious merciful he forgeueth sinnes in the tyme of trouble is a defender for al them that seke after him The. The wise man saith sonne in thy sickenesse despise not thy self but pray to the Lord he shall heale thee Here is a cōmaundement geuen to pray vnto God in the tyme of our sicknes also a promise added that he wil hear heale and help vs as he saieth by the Psalmograph Call on me in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt honor me Chri. S. Iames in his Epistle also saieth If any be diseased among you let hym call for the elders of the congregation and let them praye ouer him and anoynt him with oyle in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall saue the sick and the Lorde shall raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shall be forgeuen him Phile. That God being faithfully called vpon wyll helpe in the time of sicknesse we haue many examples in the holy scriptures whiche may worthely comfort vs stir vp our faith toward God lokyng for helpe at his most mercifull hand But for this present let this one example of kyng Ezechias suffice whome being apoynted to die after he had called ●n the name of the Lord the lord our God graciously heard his request restored him to his health gaue him .xv. yeares mo to liue in this world after that his sicknes Notwithstanding brother Epaphroditus all be it we doubt not but that you praying vnto God in this your sicknes God wil mercifully heare you and worke that in you whiche shall be moste vnto his glory and the health of your soule yet forasmuch as you know not what is most expediēt for you be content in all your prayers to submit your will do the good will of God whiche without all doubt tendereth the health of your soule more than any mortall frend tendereth the healthe of your body In al temporal worldly things that you craue of God in your praiers prefer the wil of God vnto your owne will and be content to receiue at the hand of God as shall be his godly pleasure to appoynte For whether we lyue or die we are the Lordes An example hereof haue you of our sauiour Christe whiche a little before his passion being greatly dismaid w t the terrours and feares of death praied vnto his heauenly father that these bitter paynes and tormentes whiche were at hand for him to suffer myght be remoued from hym so that he myght not suffer them but be fre from them Notwithstanding knowing that the will of his heauenly father is euer best and moste perfecte and that all willes of men oughte t● geue place vnto his godly will h● wyshed rather the will of God t● be done then the wyll of hym be●yng man and so submitted hy●● selfe to Gods holy wil being con●tented to suffer in his body wha●soeuer should be his godly pleasure to appoynt The wordes of Christes praier in this behalf are these O my father if it be possible let this cup depart from me notwithstanding not as I wyll but as thou wilt Again O my father if this cup can not goe from me but that I must drincke it thy wil be done That we ought in al our praiers for temporall things to submit our wil to the good wil and pleasure of God and no more to desire of him then may stande with his blessed wyll Christ our Lord and sauiour teacheth vs in that common prayer whiche we call the Pater noster where we praye on this manner Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen This manner of praying practised the Leper which came vnto Christ to bee healed of hys Leprosy Lorde saith he if thou wilt thou art hable to make me whole Here this faithfull Leper confessed Christ thorow y e almighty power of his Godhead to be able for to clense him and to make him whole not withstanding he submitted his will to the will of Christ that if the Lorde Christe thought it not mete to make hym whole but y t it was better for his saluation to continue a leper still he refused not to suffer that plague of leprosy vpon his body euen vnto the very death Thus affected neighbor Epaphroditus must we all be whansoeuer we aske anye tēporall or worldly thing of God And this trade folow you in this your sicknes whē you pray vnto God Desire God to remoue this your disease frō you and to blesse you agayne with the benefite of health that you may liue long se good daies on earth yet in these your prayers be content to submit your will to his godly wyll yea though death should follow knowing that if death doe ensue of this your sicknesse it shalbe no losse but auauntage vnto you as saint Paul saieth Christe is to me life and death is to me auantage On this manner did Christ our elder brother submit his will vnto the wil of his heauenly father as you afore heard and so hūbled himself that he became obedient vnto death euen y e death of y e cros Note now what foloweth wherfore God hath also exalted him on hie and geuen him a name which is aboue al names that is y e name of Iesus euery kne should bowe bothe of thinges in heauen and thinges in the earth and thinges vnder the earth that all tonges should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the praise of God the father He that humbleth him self shall be set hie For the Lord is a frend to them that be humble
God euen vnto the Lord my god Deliuer my soule O Lord out of prison that I may come vnto the and glorify thy holy name For albeit this my weak feble sicke and mortall body shall geue ouer to nature and die yet I vnfamedly beleue with my hart and frely confes with my mouth that at the last day it shall rise agayn as the bodies of all other both mē and women that haue died shall likewise do There shalbe a generall resurrectiō of the flesh Al that are dead shall rise agayne some to euerlasting life and some to euerlasting paine and damnation as our sauiour Christ saith The hour shall come in the which all y t are in the graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of God and shal come forthe they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of damnation Yea they that shall lyue and remaine vntill the comming of oure Lord sauiour Christ Iesu shall all be chaunged yea and that in a moment in the twinckling of an eie by the last trompe For the trompe shall blowe and the dead shall rise vncorruptible and we shalbe chaunged for this corruptible body must put on vncorruptibilitie and this mortall bodye must put on immortalitie Therfore I fear nothing at all the putting of of this body for although it slepeth in the earth for a time according to the ordinance of god be turned into dust yet shall it awake and ryse againe out of the earth so that I shall receiue it in a far better state then euer I had in it this world euen like vnto the glorious body of our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesu. Wherfor I say with the holy man Iob I beleue that my redemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the ●atter day and that I shall be clo●hed again with this skin and se God my sauiour in my flesh Yea I my selfe shall beholde him not with other eies but with these ●ame eies This hope is stedfastly ●et in my heart To ende I vnfainedly beleue with my heart frely cōfesse with my mouth that after my body soul be vnited and knit together I with all the faithful that haue liued from the beginning vnto the very end of y e world shall through the benefit of Christ Iesu enioy euerlastyng lyfe So many as haue truely beleued on Christe Iesu shall enioy continuall and blessed peace glister as the shining of heauē ●e as the stars world without end yea they shall be clad with white garments and haue golden crownes vpon their heades They shal glorify God and doo seruice day and nighte before the glorious throne of his maiesty They shall se God face to face and for euer and euer enioy the presence of Gods moste excellent Maiesty and the compa●ny of all the heauenly Angels and blessed sainctes Of the ioyes of euerlasting life whiche God hathe in store for all faithfull beleuers can no man eyther write speake or thincke at ●he full as it is written the eye hathe not sene and the eare hathe not heard nether haue entred into the hearte of man the thinges whiche God hath prepared for thē that loue him And this euerlasting life is the gift of god thorow Iesus Christ our Lord to whom be all honoure and glory for euer and euer Theo. Amen Epa. Thus haue I declared before you my faith concerning God and his holy misteries grounded I trust on the true and vndeceyueable worde of God And I faithfully beleue that God my heauenly Father will be mercifull vnto me and forgeue me all my sinnes for Christes sake and receyue me into his heauenly kingdome and geue me euerlasting life whiche I now most entirely desire wish and longe for counting my selfe then most happy whiche through death I shall take my passage toward that most glorious and heauenly kingdom For I know and am fully perswaded that if my earthy mansion of this dwellinge were once destroied I shuld haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Chri. God geue vs all that heauenly mansion Euse. Amen Epa. Well come thou hither myne owne deare wife let me kisse thee and bid thee farwel God kepe thee defend the. Come ye hither also my most swete children that I may kisse you also before I die God blesse you sende you prosperous daies on thearth God geue you his spirite that ye may liue in his faith feare and loue and serue him in holines righteousnes al the daies of your life Ye my seruaunts draw nere geue me your hands Far ye wel God make you his seruauntes send you obedient harts vnto his holy and blessed lawe Wepe not for me but praye for me that the wil of God may be done in me that I may bothe paciently and thankefully abide the good pleasure of God I trust we shal haue a ioyfull meting againe together in the kingdome of our heauenlye father where we shall reigne one with an other in ioye and glorye worldes without ende and se the glorious maiestie of God face to face vnto our exceding consolation and comfort Wel depart in the name of God The grace of oure Lord Iesu Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy gost be with you all Phile. Amen Nowe good brother Epaphrodi●us how do you Epaph. The spirit is willing and ready but the flesh is weake Chr. I pray you sir be on good confort Epa. The Lord is my confort He ful gratiously dealeth with me Eu. Do you lack any●thing sir Epa. Nothing but strenth frō aboue that I may paciently abide and suffer the good plesure of God Thy wil be don o heauen●ly father in erth as it is in heauē Let me lie somwhat hier with my head It is well a litle thing god knoweth disquieteth this my sick weake body I trust that within fewe houres it shalbe paste al● sicknes and misery and shal bothe● quietly swetely slepe in the harte● of the earth vntill the great daye of the generall resurrection In y e meane season shall my soule be in glory with Christ and ioyfully be●hold the glorious maiesty of God I will cease talking for a little whyle with you and fall to cōmunication with my lord God in my hart I pray you pray for me that I may continue faithfull vnto the end For it is written Be faithfull vnto the death I will geue thee the crown of life Phi. Neighbors ●●om aside a little while and let vs fall to prayer Chri. Most gladly Phi. Lord heare our praiers Euse. And let our cry com vnto thee Ph. Saue this thy seruaunt O Lord thou father of mercies God of all consolatiō Chr. And so worke in him by thy
my dayes are more swift then a runner yea they passe away as the shippes that be good vnder sayle and as the Egle that flieth to the praye Seing it is Gods will pleasure and ordinaunce that wee should dye why do we which dayly pray on this manner Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen shew our selues vnwilling to haue y t thyng chaūce vnto vs for the which we haue so often times praied It is naturall to die why then labour we to degenerate and growe out of kind Our aūcestours the most holy and moste perfect haue died why disdaine we then to followe their steps It is highly for our profit to die why are we than ennemies to our selues We can not cease to sinne except we die why do we than not hast to fle from so great an euil We shal neuer come vnto the true life where felicitie bothe ioyfull and eternall is except we die why than make we so litle spede to hast thither wher so many good thinges shalbe geuen vs We shal neuer haue y e fruition of Gods maiestie the blessed company of the heauenly spirits except we die why thē do we not pray daily vnto y t lord our god to deliuer vs from this stincking sinck of euils I mene this world that we may come and enioye his most glorious presence The very Heathen which knew not God a right but only dreamed of the immortalitie of the soule loked for a better lyfe after this they knew not why they should feare death but wyshed death and died bothe valeantly and ioyfully and shall we being christians which know God and his holy word and vnto whom so much comfort hope and euerlasting life is promised refuse gladly and willingly to die What a saying of an Ethnicke is this O immortall God howe is that pleasant and ioyfull iourney to be wished for which being once done and past there remaineth no sorow no care no pensiuenes Again O that goodly and pleasant day whan it shall be my chaunce ●o leaue this filthy troublesome world and come to their company that inhabit the heauens I● God wold suffer me that I being of this age might become an infant and sucking child againe I woulde vtterly refuse it neyther would I by any meanes call the rase that I haue run back again that I might again be yong For what pleasure commoditie hath this life yea rather what displeasure incommoditie pain trauel trouble hath it not But let it be graunted that it hathe pleasure certes yet hath it ether satietie or mesure And nature in this world hath geuen vs a place to tary in for a while but not to dwell to continue in it The Heathen wryters in their monumēts cal death a changing for a better life a quiet slepe a remouing from mortalitie vnto immortalitie from trouble vnto quietnes from y e shadow of a life vnto a very vncounterfet life from sorow vnto ioy from euill vnto good an hauē of rest a solace of the mind an end of all euill and wickednesse and a beginning of all true ioy felicitie pleasure Of these things may we easly learne what opinion the very Heathen conceiued of death and shal we that professe Christ know God beleue his word and cal our selues dead vnto y e world recoūt death an euill thing and be lothe to go vnto it whē God calleth vs as though there were no resurrection of the body no immortalitie of the soule no life after this no felowship with god and with the heauenly spirites The Iewes also beyng perswaded of the resurrection of the body and of thimmortalitie of the soule die ioyfully with a lusty courage whiche notwithstanding for their vnbelief in Christ are damned and shal we whiche are christians tremble and shake at y e name of death as though after our death we should be in worse case then we be nowe whan to say the truthe the faithfull christians do than chiefly begin to liue when thei depart from this world All good men haue euer desired to depart frō this vile and wretched life and to go vnto that ioyful and blessed state of immortalitie Dauid that Prince-like Prophet crieth out and saith Wo is me and sory am I for it y t I must yet longer abide in this world Again Like as the hart desireth the water brokes so lōgeth my soule after thee O God My soul is a thurst for God yea euen for the liuing God when shall I come to appeare before the presence of God Also in an other place he saith O howe amiable are thy dwellinges thou Lord of hostes My soule hath a desire longing to enter into the courtes of y e Lord my heart my fleshe reioyse in the liuing God Blessed are they that dwel in thy house they shalbe alway praising thee One day in thy courtes is better then a thousand I had rather be a dorekeper in y e house of my God then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlines In another Psalme he praieth on this mā●er Deliuer my soule out of pry●on that it may come and prayse ●hy name The holy man Tobias made his praier vnto God said O Lord deale with me according ●o thy will and commaunde my ●pirit to be receiued in peace For more expedient were it for me to ●ie then to liue How desirous the ●oly Apostle S. Paul was to go ●rom this vale of misery vnto the ●eauenly kingdom these his wor●es declare manifestly Christe is to me life and death is to me aduauntage Againe I desire to bee losed and to be with Christ. What shall I speake of that auncient godly father Simeon whiche so sone as he had sene Christ knowing him to be the sauioure of the world was very desirous to die brast out into these wordes said ▪ Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy promes For mine eyes haue sene thy saluation whiche thou haste prepared before the face of al people A light to lighten the gentils and the glory of thy people Israel Of the like affection with these tofore rehearsed were without doubt all godly parsons from the beginning then being moste ioyfull whan they sawe the time of their departure from this wretched world to be come so likewise brother Epaphroditus ought both you and we to reioyse and be glad whan death approcheth and commeth vpō vs. For then beginneth our felicitie welth quietnes safetie ioy pleasure comfort glory as the voyce from heauen sayde Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. For from henceforth the spirite saieth that they shall be at reast from their labours paines trauailes Precious and ryghte dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of his sainctes saith y e Psalmograph The soules of the righteous saieth the wiseman are in the hand
as the wyse man saythe In all thy workes remember the latter ende and thou shalt neuer sinne I desire muche to visit my neighboure Epaphroditus occording to his hartye request and to comfort him in these his paines to instruct him how he ought both paciently thankfully beare this crosse of sicknes which God hath laid on him but I wishe greatly to haue the company of mine olde familiars and approued frends Eusebius Theophile and Christopher I sente my sonne Theodore and Rachell my Doughter for them I muche maruell of their long tariaunce But beholde where they come Neighbors and frendes welcom Euse We reioyce to se you in helth thanking you most hartely for the louing kindnes which heretofore many times you haue shewed vnto vs. But wherfore I pray you haue you sent for vs. Phile. Haue ye not heard howe our neighbour Epaphroditus is greuously vexed with sicknes Theophi●punc Is ou● neighbor Epaphroditus sicke Phi. He is sick and that very sore Christo ▪ Sory am I to heare this Philemon We are in the Lordes hande as the claye in the potters to doo with vs what so euer his good pleasure is Therfore let vs not beare heueli this work of God in our neighbor least we seme to striue against his godly will seeing we vse dayly to pray Thy wil be don in earthe as it is in heauē hauing also an example of our sauior Christ whiche praid vnto his heauenly father on this manner Not as I will but as thou wilt o father Euse. How long hath oure neighboure Epaphroditus bene sick Phi. Not yet two daies The. I mucch maruel of this his soden sicknes Philemon It is no maruell at all seing sicknes foloweth health and deathe life as the shadow accompanieth the body Ye know neighbors how charitable a deede it is to visite the sicke and to comforte the diseased It is one of those works whiche being don in the faithe of Christe shall be rewarded at the last day in the face of the whole worlde with then heritance of the heauenly kingdom as ye may see in the gospel of blessed Mathew I was sicke and ye visited me saithe oure Sauioure Christe The wise man also saith Let not them that wepe be withoute comforte but mourne with suche as mourne Let it not greue thee to viset the sicke for that shall make the to be beloued Christop This saying differeth not muche from the saying of S. Paule Reioyce with them that reioyce and wepe with them that wepe Be of like affection one to another Phile Let vs therfore go and visit our sicke neighboure Epaphroditus and comforte him with the heauenly consolacion of the holy scriptures that he may beare this his sicknes bothe the more paciētly and thankfully For to this end did I send for you that we should go together vnto him and to confort him Theo. We were to much vnkinde and vnworthy the name of a Christian yea of a man yf we shuld disdayne to accompany you goyng aboute so godly a matter Phile. Well then let vs go For as the preacher saith It is better to go into an house of mourning thē into an house of banketinge for there all menne be admonished of their latter end and the liuing cōsidereth what afterward shall becom of them I pray the Lord our God that we may find him at our comming in his whole mind and perfect memory Eusebi I beseche the Lorde our God also that his paines be not so outragious that when we come he haue no minde to heare what shalbe saide vnto him so shall our labour be loste Christop Gods will be don in all thinges Phile. We will do oure duty let God wurke his pleasure Now are we at the house I wyll be so bold neighboures as to leade you the way Theoph. I pray you go sir we will folow you Epa. the sicke man Oh cursed be the day wherin I was borne vnhappy be the day wherin my mother brought me forthe Cursed be the man that broughte my father the tydinges to make him glad saying Thou hast gotten a sonne Let it happen vnto that man as to the Cities which the Lord turned vp side downe Let him heare crying in the morning and at none daye lamentable howling Why sluest thou not me as soone as I came oute of my mothers wombe O that my mother had ben my graue her selfe that the birth might not haue come out but remained styll in her Wherfore came I forth out of my mothers wombe to haue experience of laboure and sorow Ah how sicke am I my strengthe is gone my sight faileth me my tounge flottereth in my mouthe my handes tremble and shake for paine I can not hold vp my head for weakenes If I attempte either to stand or to goo my legges fall downe vnder me No parte of my body doth her right office my memory is paste My sences fayle me What so euer I tast is vnplesant vnto me What other thynge am I thē a dead corps brething For my skin vpon me is tourned to blacke and my bones are dried vp with heate Yea miserably am I tormented and altogether wery of my lyfe What can be plesant vnto me but present deathe Ah wo worth the time that euer I was borne O y t som hill might fall downe and ouerwhelme me that I might shortly be rid out of this pain Philemon O Lord God good neighbores these be wordes proceding rather from a desperat harte then from a pacient minde But why do I cease to go in The father of mercies and God of all consolacion be presente with vs. Theo. Amē Phile. Peace be vnto this house and to so many as loue the Lord Iesus vnfainedly Epa. O mother alas that euer thou did dest beare me Alas why died I not in the birthe Why did I not perish assone as I came out of my mothers wombe Philem. Neighboure Epaphroditus God geue you a pacient hart a quyet contented minde According to youre request I am com vnto you with certaine of my neighbours being very desirous to see you and notwithstandinge not a little sory to beholde you in this case not that you are visited of God with sicknes but that you so impacientlye take thys louing visitatiō of god whiche chaunceth vnto you not for your hurt and destruction but for your commodity and saluatyon Epaphro Welcome welcome neighbors all Oh how sicke am I Oh that the end of my life wer at hande It greueth my soule to liue All ioy is gone with me This sicknes hathe vtterly marred me Phi. Say not so neighbor Epaphroditus yea rather think that this youre sicknes is the louing visitacion of God and bringeth although to the body wekenes and trouble yet to the soule valeaunce and consolation Epa. Gods louing visitation Philem. Yea neighbor Gods louing visitation For so ar we taught by the worde of God God himself
euen that they shuld set forth magnifie prayse and commend the maiestie power might and glory of this moste myghty glorious god And whatsoeuer he made he made it thorow his only begotten sonne by whō al things were made and without whome was made nothing y t was made For when he made the heauens this his only begotten sonne was present whan he hāged y e cloudes aboue when he fastned the springes of the depe when he shut the sea within certaine boundes that the water should not go ouer the marckes that he commaunded When he laide the foundations of the earth he was with hym ordring all thynges deliting daily and reioysing alway before hym For the sonne of God caused the iyght that fayleth not to aryse in the heauen and couered all the earth as a cloud And that prince like Prophet sayeth By the word of the Lord which word is Christ the natural sonne of God are the heauens made and all the hostes of them by y e breath of his mouth This God the father almightye maker of heauen and earth I beleue am fully perswaded that he for Christes sake by fayth is my moste mercifull father that I am borne againe of him not by mortall but immortall seede thorowe the worde of God which liueth and abideth for euer and so am become his sonne and that he therfore loueth and fauoreth me gouerneth and defendeth me ●eadeth and nourysheth me and finally hath made me his heire and fellow heir of eternall glory with his only begotten and moste derely beloued sonne Christ Iesu our Lorde and sauiour Now haue ye heard my fayth concerning God the father Phil. It is a faith both true and christen and from the beginning receiued of all godly parsons Will it please you likewyse to reherse your faith concerning Iesus Christ y e sonne of God yea God and man Epaph. This it is I vnfainedly beleue with my heart and frely confesse wyth my mouth y e Iesus Christ the seconde persone in the godhead is the only begotten sonne of God yea and true immortall and euerlasting God begotten of God the father before any beginning of lyke maiestie myght power glory with God the father of the same nature essence being and substance I beleue that this Iesus Christe whiche is the very brightnesse of his fathers glory and the very image of his substance first begotten before all creatures is oure Lord euen the Lord of all y e faithfull And I beleue that as he is called Iesus that is to saye a sauiour so likewyse he is both able and will saue me frō al my sinnes A God that is righteous suche one as saueth there is none but he There is saluation in none other Neither is there any other name vnder heauen geuen vnto men wherein we may be saued but only the name of Iesus Of hym therfore alone as of an almighty sauiour doe I loke for my saluation For vain is the sauing health that is loked for of any other And as he is called Christ y e is to saye annoynted because he is the Kyng and Priest of all the people of God and is annoynted with the true oyntment euē with the fulnes of the holy ghoste for God geueth not the spirite by me●ure vnto him but he hathe annoynted him with the oyl of gladnes aboue his fellowes euē so do I beleue that out of hym euen as out of a liuely spring and flowing fountaine this oyle of gladnes I meane the holy ghoste come forth vpon all the members of Christ and they also in him tho●om him are made Christes that ●s to say the annointed of the lord For of his fulnes haue all we receiued euen grace for grace And whosoeuer beleueth on hym as sayeth the scripture flouds of lyuing water shall flowe out of his belly As I am of this Christ called a christian so do I beleue that this Christ hath annoynted me w t his holy spirite and therwith also sealed me vp vnto euerlasting life ▪ For they that are led with the spirit of God are the sonnes of God For the same spirit certifieth our spirite that we are the sonnes of God If we be sonnes then ar we also heires the heires I meane o● God fellow heires with Christ of eternall glory Furthermore I beleue tha● Iesus Christe the onlye begotten sonne of God is called our Lord not only because he is Lorde of al● thinges in asmuche as he is Go● and hath all thinges in subiection vnto hym by the ryght of his di●uine nature but also because h● is the Lord ruler gouernour of all the elect and chosen people of God myghtely deliuereth them from the power violence and tiranny of Satan sinne and death by this meanes making them his owne and peculier people continually defendeth and preserueth them against all euils and perils wherunto they should dayly fall thorow the deceitfull suttelties of Satan the vaine perswasions of the world the poysonfull entisements of the flesh if by the mighty power of him they wer not preserued For althogh there be many lords yet haue we but one lord euē Iesus Christ by whō ar althings we by him And this Iesꝰ Christ y e only begottē son of god I faithfully beleue to be my lord my protector my mighty shield bukler defender and y t he hath deliuered me frō the tirany of Satā from y e law of sin and death and brough● me in thorowe faithe vnto this grace wherin I stād and reioys● in hope of the glory of God Moreouer I vnfainedly beleue with my heart frely confesse w t my mouth that this Iesus Christ the only begotten sonne of God is also very true and naturall man of the same flesh bloud with vs and like vnto vs in all poyntes sinne alone except And he became man not after the maner of other men but by the wonderful operation and aboue natural working of Gods naturall spirite For he was conceiued of the holy ghost borne of the Uirgin Mary That which was conceiued in her was not of man but it came of the holy ghost For y e holy ghost came vpō that godly maid and the power of the hiest ouershadowed her so conceiued she and brought forth Christ her true natural sonne a pure and vndefiled Uirgin before the birth in the birth after the birth It was necessary that Iesus Christ shuld be so both conceiued and borne that by this his pure and cleane birth he myght washe and put away the corruption and filthinesse of our nature which was distained in the fall ●inne of Adam For it was not cō●enient that he which was come ●o purge the world from all sinne ●huld in any point be spotted with ●iune
cleane sayde Christe for th● word whiche I spake vnto you Hereto parteineth the sayinge o● the wyseman Nether hearbe no emplasture hath healed them O lord but thy worde which healet● all thinges Like vnto this is 〈◊〉 sentence in a certaine Psalme h● sent his word and deliuered the● from destructiō Epa. God deliue● me from destruction phi Enar● your self w t faith praier and wit● the word of God doubt ye not For these kyndes of armoures o● weapons sathan can by no mea●nes abide Ep. The Lord preseru● and defend me Neighboures I wil pray once againe vnto y e Lord my God while I haue time Chr. It is a godly exercise Epa. I per●ceiue Sathan to be still busy and to seke my dānation Phi. Striu●●fully you shall haue the crowne of glory ▪ Epa. How long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from me O how long shal I seke councell in my soule and be so vexed in my heart How long shall mine enemy triumph ouer me Consider here me O Lord my God lighten mine eies that I sleepe not in death least myne ennemy saye I haue preuailed against him If I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyse at it But my trust is in thy mercy my hart is ioyful in thy saluation I againe for this thy louynge kyndnesse wyll prayse thy holy name Euse. So be it Ep. Unto the wil I cry O Lord my strēgth thinck no scorn of me ●east if thou make thee as though thou heardest not I become like them that go downe into the pit Here the voyce of my humble pe●icions when I cry vnto the whē I cry vnto the whē I hold vp my handes toward the mercy seat of thy holy temple O hyde not thou thy face from me nor cast thy seruaunt awaye in thy displeasure The sorowes of death haue compassed me round about and the ouerflowings of vngodlines made me afraid The pains of hel came about me y t snares of death haue ouertaken me Be not thou farre from me ▪ O Lord thou art my succour hast thee to helpe me Delyuer my soul from the swearde my dearling frō the power of y e dog Saue me from the Lions mouth So shal I declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the middest of the cōgregation wil I praise thee● Euse. I doubte not brother Epaphroditus but y t God hath heard these your moste humble prayers lamentable supplications and will when he seeth conuenient● time send you remedy and geue you a ioyfull and mery hearte so that you shall leape vpō Sathan and saye The Lord is my light my saluation whom then shall I feare The Lorde is the strength of my lyfe of whome then shall I be afrayde Though an hoaste of men were layde against me yet shall not my heart be afrayd And though there rose vp war against me yet wyll I put my truste in hym Again death is swalowed vp into victory Death where is thy stynge Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is synne and the strengthe of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God which hath geuen vs the victory through our Lord Iesus Christ Epa. O whan will the Lord haue mercy on me and deliuer me from the greuous assaultes of mine ennemyes O Lorde why hast thou forgottē me Why go I thus heauely whyle the enemy oppresseth me Up Lord why sleapest thou Awake and be not absent frō me for euer Wherfore hidest thou thy face and forgettest my miserie trouble My soule is brought low euen vnto the dust my belly cleaueth vnto the grounde Arise and help me O Lorde and deliuer me for thy mercies sake Chri. Fainte not nether despaire you of Gods mercy but take a good heart vnto you abide the Lordes pleasure Be of like mynd with him which praid on this manner vnto God saying Unto thee lift I vp myne eies thou that dwellest in the heauens Beholde as the eies of seruaunts loke vnto y e hande of their maisters and as the eies of a maiden vnto the hand of her mistres euen so our eies wayte vpon the Lord our god vntil he haue mercy vpon vs. It is good to be quiet saith the Prophet and pacientlye to abide the sauing healthe of the Lord ▪ For y e Lord wyl not forsake for euer but though he punyshe you now and suffre satan to trouble you a little while for the triall of your faith yet according to the multitude of his mercies will he receiue you to grace again not cast you out of his heart for euer He is a father of mercies and God of all consolation He wyll not be alwayes chiding neither wyll he for euer be angry with vs. For like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto thē y t feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but duste Epa. Lorde be thou mercifull vnto me Hide not thy selfe in a cloude but shew me thy louing and gentle countenaunce that I may be saued Send me present helpe frō aboue or els I perysh For I wrastle not against bloud and fleshe but against rule against power against worldly rulers euen gouernours of the darcknes of this worlde against spirituall craftines in heauenly thynges This greuous conflict O Lord is with such an ennemy as feared not to assail thee whom thou thy self callest the Prince of this world and the holy Apostle tearmeth hym the God of this worlde Arise therfore O Lorde and take my part Be thou O God my defender my house of defence and my Castell Deliuer me out of y e snare whiche myne ennemy hath layde for me that I being set at libertie maye syng prayses to thy blessed name and magnifie thee my Lord God for euer and euer Theo. Amen Phi. Neighbour take a good hart vnto you and you shall shortly see the wonderfull working of God For behold he that kepeth Israell doth nether slomber nor slepe The Lord him self is your keper the Lord is your defence the lord shall preserue you from all euill yea the Lord shal kepe your soule For as he casteth down so lifteth he vp againe As he killeth so he quickeneth As he nowe for a little tyme suffreth Sathan to disquiet you for the exercise probation and triall of your faythe so likewyse will he deliuer you oute of this agonie geue you againe a ioyfull mery and quiet conscience For the nature and property of God is to woūd before he healeth to throwe downe before he lifteth vp to kyll before he quickneth to condemne before he saueth Therfore feare not For the lord dealeth none otherwise with you than he doeth with his other saincts This your trouble he wil turn to ease and this your
dwelling wer destroy●ed he meaneth the body we haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen We shalbe with Christ. We shalbe with the Lorde for euer We shalbe vessels vnto honour We shall haue the crown of righteousnes We shall come to the citie of the liuing God the celestiall Hierusalem and to an innumerable sight of Aungels and to the Congregation of the firste borne sons whiche are written in heauen and to God the iudge of al and to the spirits of iust perfect men and to Iesus the mediatour of the newe testament We shal receiue the crown of life saith S. Iames which the Lord hath promised to thē y t loue him Whē Christ y e chief shepherd shall apere saith S. Peter ye shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory We are nowe the Sonnes of God saith saint Iohn and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be We knowe that if it once appeare we shalbe like vnto him for we shal se him as he is In the Reuelation of S. Iohn we finde these Sentences concerning the blessed state of the faithfull after this life To him that ouercommeth I wyll geue to eat of the tre of life whiche is in the mids of the Paradise of God Be faithfull vnto the death and I shall geue thee the crowne of life Him that ouercommeth will I make a piller in the temple of my God and he shal go no more out c. To him that ouercōmeth will I graunt to sit with me in my seat The .xxiiii. Elders that sate vpon the seates were clothed in white raiment had on their heades crownes of gold They are in the presence of the seate of God serue him daye and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the seat will dwell among them They shal hōger no m●re nether thirst nether shall y e sonne light on them neyther anye heat For the Lambe which is in the mids of the seat shall fede thē and shall lede thē vnto fountains of liuing water God shall wine away all teares from their eyes They follow the Lambe whither soeuer he goeth They are without spot before the throne of God I heard a voice from heauen saying vnto me Wryght Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Euen so saith the spirite that they reast from their labors but their workes folow them Blessed are they whiche are called vnto the supper of the Lambes mariage I saw a new heauen and a new earth For the first heauen and the first earth were banished awaye ▪ and there was no more sea And I Ihō saw the holy Citie newe Hierusalem come down from God out of heauen prepared as a bride garnished for her husbande And I heard a great voyce out of heauen saying Behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel with them And they shalbe his people and God him selfe shall bee with them and be their God And God shall wipe awaye all teares from theyr eyes And there shalbe no more death neither sorow ●●ther ●●ying neither shall there be any more paine for thold thinges are gone And he that sat vpon y e seat sayd ▪ Beholde I make all things now ▪ And he sayd vnto me wryte for these wordes are faith full and true And the Angell caried 〈◊〉 way in the spirite ●o a great 〈◊〉 hie mountaine and he ●●e wed●●e the great Citie holy● Hierusa●●● descendinge out of heauen 〈◊〉 God hauing y ● brightnes of God And her shining wa● lyke vnto 〈◊〉 stone most precious euē like a Iasper clere as Christall had wals great hie had xii gates at the gates .xii. angels and names written whiche are the names of the .xii. Tribes of Israell On the ●ast side .iii. gates and on y e north side .iii. gates and towardes the south .iii. gates from the weast iii. gates and the wal of the Citie had .xii. foundations in thē the xii names of the Lābes .xii. Apostles he that talked with me had a go●den rede to measure the citie withal the gates therof and the wall therof And y e citie was built iiii ▪ square and the length was as large as the bredth he measured the citie with the golden rede .xii M. furlonges the length and y e bredth the height of it were equall And he measured the wall therof an C. xliiii the measure y t the angel had was after the measure that mā vseth And the building of the wall of it was of Iasper And the citie was pure gold like vnto cleare glasse the foundations of the wal of the city wer garnished with al maner of precious stones ▪ The first foundation was a Iasper the seconde a Saphir the third a Calcedony y e .iiii. an Emerald the .v. a Sardonix the .vi. a Sardius the .vii. a Chrisolite the .viii. a Berall the .ix. a Topas the .x. a Crusoprases the xi a Iacint the .xii. an Amathist The .xii. gates were .xii. pearles euery gate was of one pearle and the streate of the Citie was pure gold as through shining glasse And I sawe no temple therin For the Lord God almighty and the Lambe are the temple of it And the citie hath no nede of the sunne nether of the moone to lighten it For y e brightnes of God did light 〈◊〉 and the Lambe was the light of it And the people which are sa●ed shall walke in the light of it And the kinges of the earth shall bringe their glory and honoure vnto it And y e gates of it are not shut by daye For there shalbe no night there And there shall enter into it none vncleane thing neyther whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or maketh lies but they only whiche are wrytten in the Lambes booke of life And he shewed me a pure riuer of water of life clere as Christall proceading out of the seat of God and of the Lambe In the mids of the streat of it and of ether syde of the riuer was there wood of life whiche bare .xii. maner of fruites and gaue fruit euery moneth and the leaues of the wood serued to heale the people withall And ther shalbe no more cursse but the seat of God and the Lambe shalbe i● it and his seruauntes shall seru● him And they shal se his face and his name shalbe in their foreheds ▪ And there shalbe no night ther●● and they nede no candle ● neythe● lyght of the Sunne for the Lord● God geueth them lyght and they shall raigne for euermore And he sayde vnto me these thinges are faithfull and true Ep● God be praised for that true ioye and singuler comfort which the faithfull finde in his holy worde It is not without a cause sayd of the holy Apostle The eie hath not sens and the eare hath not heard neither haue entred into the heart
of man ● the thinges whiche God hath prepared for them that loue hym My heart is nowe so enflamed with y e desire of those heauenly and blessed treasures which you haue named to me out of the infallible true word of God y t I most entirely wysh to be losoned frō this life to enioy these ioyfull pleasures Oh who wold not be glad to chāge lead for siluer copper for golde transitory mortall and corruptible thinges for certain immortall vncorruptible thinges earth for heauen sinne for godlines darkenes for light fear for securitie trauel for quietnes sicknes for helth death for life the cōpany of men for y e cōpany of the most hie God his heauenly Aungels and blessed spirites the vile pleasures of this worlde for the inestimable ioyes of the glorious kingdom of God Oh like as the heart desireth the waterbrokes so longeth my soule after the O God My soule is a thurst for God yea euen for the liuing God Oh when shal I come to appere before y e presence of my God O God thou art my god early wil I seke thee My soule thursteth for thee my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry lād where no water is Thus haue I loked for thee in thy holy place y t I might beholde thy power and glory For thy louing kindnes is better then life it selfe my lippes shal praise thee As long as I ●●ue wil I magnifie thee on this manner and lift vp my handes in thy name Euse. We reioyse good brother Epaphroditus and geue god most harty thankes that he hath by his holy Spirite wroughte so good and glad will in you to die and to leue this wretched worlde Epa. I moste hartely wyshe to bee losed from this life and to be with Christ. It greueth my soule lōger to liue in this mortall body And now O Lord dele with me according to thy will and commaunde my spirit to be receiued in peace For more expedient were it for me to die then to liue Chri. Sir how do you fele your selfe Epa. In my body weaker and weaker but I trust in my soule stronger stronger I pray you lay me vp hier in my bed For I begin to waxe very faint and my wynde decreaseth waxeth shorter I thanke you it is wel Neighbours I am troblesome vnto you but I trust I shal not be so long The. It is vnto vs great ioy and comfort to be with you being so godly mynded For in you as in a cleare mirrour we beholde our selues and see what shall become of vs hereafter Of you as of a liuely scholemaister do we learne howe we shall behaue our selues when God layeth the crosse on vs. And we most humblī besech God to geue vs the like pacience and thankfulnes Epa. The spirite is willing but the fleshe is weake For in asmuch as I fele in my self present tokens of death am not certain how long y e ▪ Lorde will suffer me to liue or to enioy y e vse of speche I thinke it conuenient to pray again vnto the lorde my God and to commend my sinful soul into his merciful handes Phi. Godly forsoth Ep● Lord vouchsafe I most humbly beseche the to hear me sinfull creature Chri. The Lorde is nye vnto all them that call on hym yea that call on him in truthe Epa. O Lorde Iesu Christ whiche art the only health of all men liuing and the euerlasting life of them which die in thy faith I wretched sinner geue and submit my self wholy to thy moste blessed wil. And I being sure that the thing can not perishe whiche is committed vnto thy mercye most humbly besech thee o Lord to geue me grace that I maye nowe willingly leaue this frayle and wicked flesh in hope of the resurrection whiche in better wyse shall restore it to me again I beseche thee O most mercifull Iesu Christe y t thou wilt by thy grace make stronge my soule against all temtations that thou wilt couer and defende me with the buckler of thy mercy against al thassaults of the deuill I see knowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of lyfe and saluation but all my confidence hope and trust is in thy moste mercifull goodnes I haue no merites nor good workes whiche I may alledge before thee Of sinnes and euill workes alas I se a great heape but thorow thy mercy I trust to be in the nomber of them to whome thou wilt not impute their sinnes but take and accept me for righteous and iuste and to bee the enheritoure of euerlasting glory ▪ Tho● O moste mercifull Lorde wast borne for my sake Thou diddes● suffer both hunger and thirste for my sake Thou diddest preach and teach thou diddest pray faste fo● my sake Thou diddest all good workes and deedes for my sake Thou suffredst most greuous pai●nes and tormentes for my sake And finally thou gauest thy most precious body to die and thy most blessed bloud to be shed on y e crosse for my sake Now most mercifull sauiour let all these thinges profit me whiche thou frely hast geuen me whiche hast geuen thy selfe for me Let thy bloud clēse and wash away the spottes and foulnes of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merits of thy passion and bloud bee the satisfaction for my sinnes Geue me Lorde thy grace that my faith and perswasion in thy bloud wauer not in me but euer be firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that charitie waxe not colde in me finally that the weakenes of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me also O moste merciful sauiour that whē death hath shut vp the eies of my body yet that the eies of my soule may stil behold and loke vpō thee and that when death hath takē away the vse of my tongue speche yet that my heart may cry say vnto thee O Lorde into thy handes I geue and commit my soule Lord Iesu take my spirit The. Amen Eu. Sir how is it with you now Epa. Euen as with a ship whiche is tost with the waues of the sea I trust shortly to come vnto the heauen and then shall I be quiet and without all daunger I pray you pray for me Phi. Most gladly Let vs knele down neighbors and beseche the Lord our God for his tender mercies to preserue this our sicke brother from the assaultes of Sathan to kepe him constant and stedfast in his faithe vnto his liues ende that he maye geue vp a good a faithfull soule into the mercifull handes of God Geue me hither the flower of godly Prayers that I in the name of vs al may rede that prayer which is to be said for them that lie at y e point of death The. Here is it Philemon O Moste louing Sauiour gentle redemer whiche
of the world to come whiche neuer shall haue end wher weping and gnashynge of teethe shall be as ye see it chaunced to the afore saide ritche glotton vnto whome God said sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasure and contrariwyse Lazarus receiued pain But nowe is he cōforted and thou art punished so doth our sauiour Christ threaten the vngodli saying Wo be to you that are full for ye shall hunger Wo be vnto you that now laugh for ye shall wayle and wepe The holie Apostle also saieth What sonne is he whom the father chasteneth not If ye be not vnder correction wherof all are partakers then are ye bastardes not sonnes A terrible end therfore abideth them which in this world licenciously and without punishment do sinne For all such be bastardes and no sonnes therfore haue they no part of the heauenly enheritaunce Epa. Yet the world iudgeth otherwyse For they thinke suche only to be beloued of God as walowe in all kinde of worldly pleasures as the filthy sow in the mire so longe as they liue neuer tast of any aduersitie Phile. But the holie scripture iudgeth otherwise For those voluptuous Epicures whiche in this world say Come let vs enioy the ●leasures that are and let vs sone ●se the creature like as in youth Let vs fill our selues with good wine and oyntment and let there no flower of the tyme goe by vs. Let vs crowne our selues with roses afore they be withered Let ●here be no fair medowe but our ●ust go thorowe it Let euery one of you be partaker of our volup●uousnes Let vs leue some token of our pleasure in euery place for ●hat is our porcion els get we no●hing c. Shall in time to come ●ry out on this maner saye We ●aue erred from the way of truth the light of righteousnesse hath not shined vnto vs and the sunne of vnderstanding rose not vp vpō vs. We haue weried our selues in the way of wickednes destruction Tedious wayes haue we gone but as for the way of y e lord we haue not knowne it What good hath our pryde done to vs Or what profit hath the pompe of riches brought vs All these thīgs are passed awaye like a shaddow c. Suche wordes shall they that haue sinned speake in hel For the hope of thungodly is lyke a drye thistil flower that is blown away with the wynde c. Therfore we may well conclude that suche as enioy continuall prosperitie liue at their heartes ease obey their sensuall appetites are free from all aduersitie and as the Psalmo●graphe saieth come in no misfortune lyke other folke neither ar● plagued lyke other men shall not reigne with God in glory nether haue they any portion in the lande of the liuing For though they prosper for a litle while in this world be puffed vp with pryde swell for fatnes do what they list rule as they will haue plenty of ritches in possessiom haue the world at commaundement c. Yet are they set in slippery places and shal be cast downe and destroyed Yea sodenly shall they consume perishe and come to a fearful end I haue sene saith that Princelike Prophet thungodly in great power florishing like a greue bay tree And he vanished away and lo he was gone I sought him but he coulde no wher be found c. For the wicked shall perishe together and the end of the vngodly is euerlasting damnation Christo. If it please you I will tell you a history that I heard once Epa. I pray you tell on good brother Christopher Chri. Saint Ambrose that godly couragious Bishop traueiling at a certain time toward Rome chaunced by the way to goe vnto a great richemans house to lodge after other talke he demaunded of the man of the house howe the world went with him in what case he stode The ryche man answered sir my state hath alway bene fortunate and glorious I neuer tasted any kynd of aduersitie I neuer had sicknes or losse of goods All thinges hitherto haue chaunced vnto me according to my hartes desire Whan S. Ambrose heard this he said vnto thē that accompanied him Rise and let vs go hence with al expeditiō for the Lorde is not in this place And when they wer departed frō the richemans house euē straight waies thearth sodenly opened swalowed vp the man with all that euer he had so that nothing at all remained Phile. A notable history declaring that God is not there present where the crosse is absent and that thinges can not long continue in safe state where God fauoureth not Theo. Here was that thing fulfilled that is spoken by the Psalmograph The vngodly shall sone be cut downe like the grasse and be withered euen as the grene herbe c. Yea a litle while and the vngodly shall be clene gone Thou shalt loke after his place and he shalbe away Thungodly shall perishe and the enemies of the Lord shal consume as the fat of lambes yea euen as ●he smoke shall they consume away Againe in an other place Thou O Lord dost set the vngod●y in slippery places and castest them downe and destroiest them O how sodenly do they consume perish and come to a feareful end yea euen lyke as a dreame when one awaketh so shalt thou make their Image to vanishe out of the citie Phile. Where continual successe of thinges is wher al things at all tymes serue and content the fleshly appetites of voluptuous worldlinges where no affliction nor trouble is there is not God there is not his grace fauoure and blessing He that is free from the crosse hath no enheritaunce in the kyngdome of heauen Yea it is a moste certaine signe of euerlasting damnation where a life is led without affliction For whom the Lorde loueth he chasteneth they are bastardes and no sonnes that sometime fele not the Crosse. Who euer went vnto heauen by ioy and pleasure By many tribu●lations saieth the Apostle must we enter into y e kingdom of God Hereunto pertaineth the saying of the vertuous woman Iudith Our father Abraham being temted and tried thorowe many tribulations was founde a louer ●rend of God So was Isaac so was Iacob so was Moses and al ●hey that pleased God being tried ●horowe many troubles were founde stedfast in fayth Blessed ●s the man that suffereth temp●ation saith saint Iames for whē●e is once tried he shall receiue y e ●rown of life which the lord hath ●romised to them that loue hym Euse. I red once of a certaine her●it which was wōt euery yere to ●e sicke wherin he greatly delited felt much quietnes of conscience ●eing perswaded y t his sicknesse ●as the louing visitation of God ●nd an vnfained token of Gods singular good will toward hym It chaunced that by the space of an whole yeare he was fre from al maner of
euen that I may learne thy righteous ordinances Uexatiō or trouble saith the Prophet geueth vnderstanding And whāsoeuer we repent cease to sinne the Lord straightwais remoueth and taketh away the crosse that he hath laid vpon our backes and poureth his blessing againe plentiously vpon vs. For though he maketh a woūd he geueth a plaster though he smite he maketh whole again The Lord killeth maketh a liue bringeth down to the graue and fetcheth vp again The lord maketh poore maketh ●ich bringeth lowe and lifteth vp again After a storm O lord saith holy Toby thou makest the weather faire calme after wepyng and heauines thou geuest great ●oy Thy name O God of Israel ●e praised for euer Euseb. If God ●oueth a man and entendeth to make him partaker of euerlasting glory he wil not cease to punishe him vntill he knowledgeth his ●ault repenteth become a newe ●an Phi Ye say truth For vnto ●his end doth God correcte suche ●s he loueth and entendeth to ●aue The Lord saith by the Pro●het that he will punishe his peo●le which sinne against him and ●un on whoring after straunge Gods vntill they cōfesse their falt and say I wil turne again to my first husband for at that time was I better at ease then now Chri. This is a great comfort for a christen man in his affliction to hear that God punisheth hym in this world to this end y t he may cease to sinne that he may repent turn againe vnto the Lord his God so for euer be saued Epaph. But I pray you rehearse vnto me out o● the holy scripture for the quiet●nes of my conscience some histories which may declare vnto me that God punishing synners fo● their disobediēce doth afterwar● whan they repent and turne for●geue them and receiue thē agai● into his fauour Philemon In th● fourth boke of Moses called N●●mery we reade that the pepole 〈◊〉 Israel murmured and grudged ●●gainst God and against Mose● saying vnto Moses wherfore hast thou brought vs out of Egipt for to die in the wildernesse For here is neither bread nor water our soule lotheth this lyght bread Now se ye the sinne of the Israelites They murmur thei grudge they are vnfaithfull vnpacient disobedient against God and against his lawful magistrat now heare again the reward of sinne Wherfore the Lord sent firy Serpentes among the people whiche ●tong them muche people of Israel died Here haue ye the punishment of the sin Now hear also y e ●emedy against this punishment ●nd the salue against this plage Therefore the people came vnto Moses sayd we haue sinned for ●e haue spoken against the Lord ● against thee Make intercession ●o the Lord that he take away the ●●rpentes from vs. Here the people of Israll repenteth confesseth their sinne turneth againe vnto the Lorde and besecheth Moses to pray for them vnto the Lorde Repentance cōfession of the sinne conuersion vnto the Lorde and faithfull prayer are the meanes wherby Gods wrath is turned away from vs his plagues cease For when Moses had made intercessiō for the people the Lord said vnto him Make a brasen serpēt and set it vp for a signe that as many as are bitten may loke vpō it and liue And Moses made a seruent of brasse and set it vp for a signe And when the Serpents had bitten any man he beheld th● serpent of brasse and was healed ▪ Here se you the mercy of God e●uen in the middes of the crosse to●ward penitent sinners The Is●raelites sinne God plagueth th● people repenteth God turneth a●way his plague and healeth thē Epa. A cōfortable history Be ther no mo such in the holy scriptures Phi. Uery many Ep. Rehearse thē I pray you For I delight to hear such comfortable histories Phile. I am very glad Manasses king of Iuda was an abhominable Idolatoure He went to and built ●he hill altares whiche good king Ezechias his father had broken ●owne And he reared vp altares ●or Baal and made groues and worshipped all the hostes of heauen and serued them and he built ●ltares in the house of the Lorde wheras the Lord yet had said In Hierusalem shall my name be for euer And he builded aultares for ●l the host of heauen in the courts ●f the house of the Lorde And he ●urnt his children in the fire in ●he vally of the sonne of Hinon ●e was a sorcerer he regarded y e crying of birdes vsed enchauntments ▪ and mainteined workers with spirites seers of fortunes wrought much euill in the sight of the Lord to anger him withall And as he him self was an Idolatar forsoke the Lord God of his fathers so likewise made he Iuda and the enhabiters of Ierusalem to erre and to do worse then the Heathen c. Nowe haue ye heard how greuously king Manasses sinned against y e Lord his God Chri. His sinnes were grea● worthy of much punishmēt Eu● Yea of euerlasting damnation i● he were handled according to his desertes Epa. I pray you what b●●came of him Phi. Albeit y e sinnes of this Manasses were great ye● behold the louing kindnes of Go● toward him his people Befor● he sent any punishement amon●● them he raised vp his Prophets which exhorted both him and his subiectes to turne from their euil to repent and to walke in the ordinaunces and lawes of God but both he and his people would not heare the gentle admonitions of God by his Prophetes nether regard them Epa. O stony hartes But how than Ph. Whan y e Lord ●aw y t by no meanes they woulde ●urne from their abhominations ● went forth stil to effēd he brou●ht vpō them the captaines of the ●ost of the king of the Assirians ●hiche toke Manasses in hold ●ound him with chaines and ca●●ed him to Babilon Theo. O the ●●ghteous iudgemēts of God Epa. ●ere we heare y t Manasses was ●unished for his sinnes yea and ●●at worthely but did God caste 〈◊〉 away for euer Phi. Ye shall ●ear Whā Manasses was in tri●●lation he besought the lord his God and humbled him self exceadingly before the God of his Fathers and made intercession to him and God was entreated of hym and heard his prayer and brought him againe to Hierusalē into his kingdom And than Manasses knew y t the lord was God After this he became a new man and toke away straunge Gods Images out of the house of God and all thalters that he had buil● in the mount of the house of God and Ierusalem and cast them ou● of the citie And he prepared tha●●tare of the Lord sacrificed ther● on peace offringes and thanck of●fringes charged Iuda to seru● the Lord God of Israell Chri. 〈◊〉 happy change Epaph● Yea O th● great mercies of God Phile. I● this history many notable thin●ges are to be learned First if a●● such as God entendeth to saue 〈◊〉 offend and breake his holy
commaundementes the Lord wil not suffer them to escape vnpunished but he visiteth them with his louing rod of fatherly correction that by this meanes he may call them to repentaunce saue them Secondly we learne that whan the Lorde correcteth vs casteth vs into trouble than as we see in Manasses we make haste vnto y e Lord seke him pray vnto him hūble our selues before his deuine maiestie become new men as y e psalmograph saith When he slue thē they sought him and turned them early enquired after God And they remembred that God was their strengthe and that the ●hie God was their redemer God him self also saith by the Prophet In their aduersitie they shall ear●y seke me say come let vs turn again vnto the Lorde for he hath smitten vs and he shall heale vs he hath wounded vs and he shall bind vs vp againe Thirdly it setteth forth vnto vs the great and exceding mercies of God toward penitent sinners whome so sone as they cōuert turn he receiueth into his fauor forgeueth them taketh away his plagues and restoreth them to their former or els muche better state accordinge to this saying of the Prophet If the vngodly will forsake his waies thunrighteous his imaginations turn again vnto y e lord the Lord will surely haue pity on him for he is very ready to forgeue Forthly we learne of this history what the duty of such is whom God to fore hath plagued and now restored to their former state Uerely to become newe men to walke for euer after in the feare of God to mortify their carnall affectes to fle from sinne as from a venomous Serpent to garnishe their conuersation with godly and christen manners and to serue the Lord God in holines and righteousnes all the daies of their lyfe So saith the Psalmograph It is greatly for my profit that thou O Lord hast corrected me that I may learn thine ordinances Here to perteineth the saying of y e Prophet Uexation geueth vnderstanding O Lord thou hast corrected me and thy chastning haue I receiued as an vntamed calf saith the prophet Ieremy Turne thou me and I shalbe turned for thou art my Lorde God yea as assone as thou turnest me I shall refourme my self when I vnderstand I shal smite vpō my thigh Epaph. Many godly lessons haue you taught vs out of this history brother Philemō They that rede and consider the histories of the holy scriptures on this manner they are no vayne readers but they read with much profit Phile. This is the true vse of histories otherwyse to read them auaileth litle In the histories of the holy scriptures as in moste pleasaunt mirrors goodly glasses we behold our frail nature our wicked wyll our beastlyke manners and sinful life We se Gods iustice punishment vengeaunce vpon the disobedient and stifnecked transgressers of his holy commaundements Again we behold his tender mercy and louing kindnes toward penitent sinners and howe ready he is to forgeue whansoeuer we tourne vnto hym Moreouer in holy histories we consider what our dutie is toward God after we haue receiued benefites of him Uerely to labour vnto the vttermoste of our power to be thākfull vnto him and to liue worthy his kindnes These and suche like thinges must the godly reader cōsider when he readeth the histories of the holy scripture or els his reading auaileth little Theop. It is truly sayd Ep. I remember that I heard once y e praier which Manasses king of Iuda praied vnto God whan he was a prisoner in Babilon I would gladly hear it again Phi. Is there not a bible here Eusebius Here is one Ep. I pray you turn vnto y e praier and read it vnto me Eusebi The praier is this O Lord almighty God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of the righteous sede of them whiche haste made heauen and earth withall thornament therof whiche hast ordeined the sea by the worde of thy commaundemēt which hast shut vp the depe and hast sealed it for thy fearfull and lawdable name which al men feare tremble before the face of thy vertue for the anger of thy threatning whiche is notable to be borne of sinners But y e mercy of thy promes is great vnserchable for y e art the Lord God most hie aboue al thearth long suffring exceading merciful and repentant for the malice of men Thou lord after thy goodnesse hast promised repentāce of the remissiō of sins and thou that art the God of the rightous hast not put repētance to the righteous Abraham Isaac and Iacob vnto thē that haue not sinned against thee but because I haue sinned aboue the number of the sandes of the sea and that mine iniquities are exceding many I am brought low with many bondes of Iron and there is in me no breathing I haue prouoked thine anger and done euil before thee in cōmitting abhominatiōs and multiplying offēces And now I bow y e knees of my hart requiring goodnes of the O Lord I haue sinned lord I haue sinned and I knowledge mine iniquitie I desire thee by praier O Lorde forgeue me forgeue me and destroy me not with mine iniquities nether doe thou alwais remember mine euils to punishe them but saue me which am vnworthy after thy great mercy I wil praise the euerlastingly al the daies of my life for all the power of heauen prayseth the vnto thee belongeth glory world without end Amē Epa. A fruteful godly prayer God geue me grace so to repent and to pray that I may haue the lord my God mercifull vnto me For I haue also greuously offended my Lord God and I most humbly beseche him for his names sake to haue mercy on me and to forgeue me Phile. Be on good cōfort wepe not God seing your repentaunt and faithfull heart hath frely forgeuen you al your sinnes and cast them away behind his back so y t he wil neuer remember thē more The bloud of Iesus Christ Gods son hath made you clene from all sin By thoffring of Iesus Christs body done once for all you ar sanctified and made holy Ye are the blessed of God for your iniquities are forgeuen your sinnes are couered and no vnrightousnes shall be layde to your charge Epa. God graunt Phile. It is most certen Where repentaunce and faith is there is also Gods mercy fauor louing kindnes and remission of sinnes Thou O lord saith y e wise man makest thee as though thou ●awest not the sinnes of men for ●epentance sake And the Prophet ●aieth All that beleueth on him ●he speaketh of Christ shal nat be ●onfounded And Christ saith of ●im selfe I am the resurrection ●he life He that beleueth on me ●ea though he were dead yet shall ●e liue And whosoeuer liueth and ●eleueth on me he shall neuer die ●lso in another place he
and suche other as be comfortles And in this nō●ber also of the pore I comprehend prisoners pore maides yong mē which haue not wherewith to set vp their occupation my neadie neighbours These .iiii. C. pounds are in four seuerall bagges lying in my countyng house by them selues with this wryghting vpon euery one of them Mony for the poore This mony I wil haue distributed with all haste if it be possible euen before I departe Haue you wrytten in this monye for the pore Phile. I haue done it Epa. The hie wayes may not bee forgotten whiche in many places are very foul ieopardous Unto the repayring of them I geue xl poundes Write it For I thincke this also to be a dede of charitie a commendable worck befor God to repair hie wayes that the people may safely and without danger trauaill by the way Chr. The ●et is very godly w tout all doubt Ep. Neighbour Philemon I pray you put in that xl pound for the hie wayes Phi. It is done already Epa. That which I shuld chiefly haue remembred I had almost forgotten Euse. What is that Epi. Sermons Phile. What is your minde in that behalfe Epa. This. At the tyme of my buriall when the people be gathered together I wold gladly haue some learned man to make a Sermon wherin the people may be admonished of their mortalitie and be taught howe they ought to dispose them selues in this life that whan the tyme come they may yelde vp a good soule into the handes of the liuing God For his paines I appoynt x.s. to be geuen him Also I geue for the preaching of foure score sermons at other times whē it shalbe thought most conuenient xx poundes And as I with these Sermōs to be preached by godly discrete learned men so I wishe them to be preached in suche places as the people haue most nede of doctrine and teaching For the Lorde knoweth the people perish for want of godly knowledge The greatest parte of our beneficed men God helpe vs are blinde guides and dom dogges not once able to barke The people are desirous to knowe God and omong the great multitude of so many beneficed men none almoste ether is able or els endeuoreth him selfe to bring them vnto Christ. It is in these our daies found true that is written in the gospel The haruest truely is plenteous but the labourers are fewe It behoueth therefore euery Christen heart to pray the Lord of the haruest that he will send labourers not loyterers into his harnest and to procure so much as lieth in his power that the worde of God may be vniuersally preached that the people may repent turn vnto y e Lord our God and serue hym in holynes and righteousnes al the days of their life whiche can not bee brought to passe where the word of God is not preached How shal they beleue on him of whom they haue not hard How shal thei hear without a preacher To declare therfore my good will toward the word of God the saluatiō of the Christians I geue .xx. poundes for the preaching of .lxxx. sermōs I pray you note it in my wil Phi. It shall be done Epa. To beare all these charges ye shall haue y e mony in my coūting house Chr. Sir concerning the costes of your burial what order wil it please you to make in that behalf Epa. Let y e ministers with the other officers of the church haue their duties according to the custome Eu. Howe many mourning gownes sir wil ye geue Epa. Of what mourning gownes speake you Eu The manner is as ye know y t whan a man of honest reputation departeth is brought to be buried ther shuld follow him certaine in fine blacke gownes certain pore men women in courser cloth Epaph. Unequally hādled that the pore shuld haue the worst the rich or wealthy the best And cal ye these mourners Eu. So are they called Epa. For whō shuld they mourn Euse. For you Ep. Why for me Because good thinges haue chaunced vnto me Because I haue passed ouer y e daungerous sea and am come vnto the hauen of quietnes Or because I am deliuered from al euil and set in a blessed and ioyfull state I thinke that at the burials of the faithfull there shuld rather be ioy gladnes then mourning and sadnes rather pleasant songes of thankesgeuing then lamentable and dolefull diriges Let the infideles mourn for their dead the Christians ought to reioyse whan any of the faithfull be called from this vale of misery vnto the glorious kyngdome of God Phi. In dede that most worthy Apostle S. Paule would not haue vs mourn for them that are fallen aslepe as the Heathen doe which know not God And s. Ihō saith in his reuelation I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me wrighte Blessed are the dad which die in the Lord. For from henceforth the spirit saith y e they are at rest frō their labours pains and trauailes c. The Psalmograph also saith O full precious in the sight of the Lord is y e death of his sainctes Hereto belongeth the saying of the wyse man The soules of the righteous are in the hand of God the paine of death shall not touche them ▪ in the sight of the vnwyse they appeare to die but they are in peace Againe in another place The righteous shall liue foreuer more their reward is also with the Lorde and their remembraunce with the highest Therfore shall they receiue a glorious kingdome and a beutifull crown of the Lordes hand For w t his righthād shall he couer them and with his own holy arme shall he defend thē Chri. Blessed Luke declareth in his Gospell y e so sone as Lazarus was dead which in his life time was diuersly afflicted and miserable punished with many sores and diseases he was receiued into the bosome of Abrahā where he enioyed all pleasure felicitie and comfort Such as die in y e Lord are not to be mourned but God is rather to be thancked for their Christen departure For they are now in reast They ar w t him in whom alone al glory ioy comfort and felicitie is God hath wiped away al teares from their eies so that they are past al sorow al mourning all paine why than should other mourn for them y e ar in so ioyful state The eie hath not sene nor y e eare hath hard neither hath it entred into y e hart of man what ioyes god hath prepared for them that loue him Theo. Saint Cipriane in his sermon of mortalitie hath these words how much it profiteth to go out of the world Christ him selfe the author of our saluatiō prophet sheweth which whan his disciples were sad because he said that he shuld depar● from them spake vnto them say●●ing If ye had loued me ye wold haue reioysed
because I goe vnto the Father teaching and shewing by these his wordes that whan our frendes whome we derely loue depart out of the worlde we ought rather to reioyse than to be sad Thereof the blessed Apostle Paule being myndfull saieth in his Epistle Christ is to me lyfe and death is to me a vauntage He thinketh it great auauntage to be rid out of the snares of this lyfe when he shalbe no more subiect to any offence or synne of the flesh but be exempted from the afflictions that do trouble vs and deliuered frō y t in venimed chawes of the deuil by going vnto the ioy of eternal saluation through the calling of Christ. Also in the same sermon he saith I my selfe being the most simple of all other haue through the goodnes of God diuers times aswell by Reuelation as otherwyse receiued instructiō manifestly to affirme and preach that our brethren whiche be deliuered from the worlde by the calling of God ought not to be mourned for seing they be not lost but sent before to make the waye for vs that do come after We should not therfore couet them againe which be dead nor mourne for thē any otherwyse then we vse to do for such as haue taken their iourny into a straunge lande And for them we ought not to wear black sence they in heauen be clothed in white Herein we should not geue occasion vnto the gentils y t they might iustly reproue vs when we mourn for them as dead and lost whom we do affirme to be liuing with God c. And a litle after he saith The Apostle Paule doth reproue blame such as do mourne at the departure of the persones y ● they loue I would not brethren quod he that you should be ignoraunt concerning them which be fallē on slepe that you sorowe not as other do whiche haue no hope If we beleue that Iesus died and rose againe euen so then also thē whiche slepe by Iesus wyll God bryng again with him He declareth that suche as be sorowfull at their frendes departure haue no hope Why should we that liue by hope that beleue in God truste that Christ suffred for vs is risen again that remain in Christe and be rysen by hym and in hym ●e so vnwylling to departe out of this worlde or els mourn lamēt suche as be departed as though they were lost sence Christ our ●ord our God doth admonish vs ●aying I am the resurrection and ●he life he that beleueth on me yea though he were dead yet shal he liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleueth in me shall neuer die If we beleue in Christ and trust his wordes and his promises we shal neuer die but shal com with glad suerty vnto Christ with whome we shal euer liue raigne And y t in the meane season we do die we do but therby passe to immortalitie For except we departe from hence the lyfe euerlasting can not come Death is no departure but a passage to y e entent y t this worldlye iourney once ouer runne we may come vnto eternitie Wh● will not make haste to a better estate Who will not desyre to bee chaunged and transfourmed into the likenes of Christ and to come out of hand to the dignitie of the heauēly grace which thing Paul the Apostle doth declare Our cōuersacion saith he is in heauen from whence we loke for a Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ whiche shall transforme our vile body that he may make it like vnto his glorious body And Christe the Lorde doth promise that we shalbe such when that we may be with him liue with him in his eternall seat and reioyce with hym in his heauenly kingdom he praieth vnto the father for vs on this manner father I will that they whiche thou haste geuen me be w t me wher I am that they may see my glory whiche thou hast geuen me for y e didst loue me before y e making of the worlde Therfore we ●ught nether to mourne nor to la●ent for cōming vnto the seate of Christ to y e glory of y e heauēly king ●ō but ought rather according to ●he promise of God according to ●he faith of the veritie to reioyce 〈◊〉 our departure and transformation Hitherto haue I rehearsed the words of S. Cipriane which do manifestly declare that they whiche die in the Lorde are in a blessed state and therfore not to be mourned nor lamented I fear least I haue bene tedius vnto you in rehersing so much of s Cipriās mynde concerning this matter Epaphro You haue rather neighbour Theophile cōforted me then molested me yea you haue ryght well confirmed my faith mightely encouraged me to goe vnto this battel and willingly to geue ouer this my life forasmuch as I am thorowly perswaded that after my departure from this vale of mysery I shal come vnto a glorious kingdome and shal se God face to face And one thing I noted in the wordes of S. Ciprian whiche you haue reheased tha● is this y t we ought not to wear● black clothes mourning gowns for them whiche are deliuered frō the world and are gone to God seing thei be clothed in whight and wear ioyfull apparell and are in heauen with God reigning in glory and eternall felicitie Euse. In dede it is a poynt of fondnesse to mourn for thē that are in ioye and to bee sory for them that are mery The Apostle saith Reioyce with them that reioyce mourne with them that mourne Seynge that the faythfull which are deliuered out of this worlde are in ●oy it is more semely y t we should ●oy in God with them thā mourn ●nd be sory for them as though ●hey were in worse case now then ●hey were afore Let the Heathen ●ourne whiche haue no hope for ●he departure of their frends the ●rue christians which ar perswa●ed that such as die in the Lord are in muche better case then they euer were in this worlde we ought rather to reioyce to singe psalmes praises thākesgeuings vnto God for the christē and godly departure of their brethren and for their blessed estate wherein God hath placed them For the holy scripture pronounceth them blessed and happy which die in y e Lord. And y e Psalmograph saith precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saintes The wise man also sayth that y e soules of the righteous are in peace Chr. They therfore which are in so blessed estate ar not to be mourned nor lamented but God is rather to be thancked for them Th. The holy scripture declareth that king Dauid praied vnto the Lord for the child whiche he ha● by Bethsabe Urias wife when i● was sicke and that he fasted an● lay all the night vpon the earth in so much that the Elders of his house arose and went vnto him to take hym vp frō the earth but he
would not nether did he eat meat with them But when he hearde that the childe was dead he arose from the earth and washed and annoynted him selfe and chaūged his apparell and came into the house of the lord and worshipped ▪ and afterward came to his owne house and commaūded that they shuld set bread before him he did eate And whan his seruauntes maruelling at these thinges said vnto hym What thinge is this that thou hast done Thou didst fast and wepe for the childe while it was alyue and as sone as it was dead thou diddest aryse vp and eate He answered While the childe was yet aliue I fasted and wept For this I thought Who can tell whether God wil haue mercy on me that the childe may lyue But nowe seyng it is dead wherfore should I fast Can I bryng him any more I shall go to hym and he shal come no more again vnto me In this history y t godly wisdom of Dauid is greatly to be considred For hereof may we learne to pray vnto the Lorde our God for our sycke frendes so long as they be aliue and to seke all meanes possible at the Lordes hand to obtain health for the diseased But if the good wil of God be to take them out of this world then are we taught here no more to mourn to wepe to lament and to be sory for them but rather w t a ioyfull hart to worship the lord as Dauid did and to geue hym moste harty thankes that it hath pleased his goonesse to delyuer our brethren or sistern from this sinck of euils I mean this world and to receiue them into his blessed kyngdom Heathen like mourning therefore is to be banished from the burialles of the Christians Euse. The maner among the Thraciās is that whan any child is borne and commeth into the world thei wepe lamēt mourn but when it goeth out of y e world they reioyce and are mery Epaphr What moueth them so to do Euse. Whan a childe commeth into the worlde they consider into what great miseries he is lyke to fall if he liue contrariwise when he departeth hence they know that an end of all sorow care of all pain and trauail is come Therfore the one thing moueth them vnto sadnes the other vnto gladnes Phi. Ther is great plentie of histories whiche declare that the very hea●hen haue taken y e death of their deare frendes paciently so far is it of that after y e manner of some whiche professe Christ they immoderatly toke the death of theyr frendes wept wayled mourned wrong their hāds tare their hear rent their clothes and in manner killed them selues with sorowe and thought taking Whan our Sauioure Christ went vnto hys death certayne women followed hym wepyng and mournyng to whome he sayd Ye daughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for your selues and for your children Theo. Is he to be lamēted and mourned for whiche is remoued from thraldom vnto libertie from mysery vnto welth from darknes vnto lyght from ieopardy vnto safetie from sicknesse vnto health frō mortalitie vnto immortalitie from corruption vnto vncorruption from paine vnto ioy from transitory thinges vnto euerlasting thinges from the cōpany of men vnto the felowshyp of the blessed aungels and heauēly spirites c Let the Heathen whiche haue no hope of the ioyful immortalitie of the soule nor of the glorious resurrection of the body mourne wepe and lament for their diseased let the faythfull Christians be ioyfull in the Lord and thank God for his great mercy and infinite goodnes whiche he hath shewed vpon the brethrē by calling them from this vale of wretchednes vnto his heauenlye kingdome For the voyce of God euen from heauen pronounceth them blessed happy fortunate which die in the Lord. Phi. What is your mynde therefore neyghbour Epaphroditus concerninge mourning gownes Epaphr If it were not for offending other and that it should also be some hynderaunce vnto the poore I woulde wysh rather to haue none than otherwyse For I would haue no man mourne for me My trust is that so sone as my soule shalbe deliuered out of the pryson of this my body it shall strayght wayes possesse the blessed enheritance of the heauenly kyngdome raigne in glory with God for euer What nede shall I haue then of mourners Or wherfore should any mā mourn for me Notwithstanding I wil not striue with thē for their garmentes Let my wyfe and my children weare what garmentes they wyl at my buriall so they be such as become the professours of true godlinesse Only this I require that .xxx. pore men and wemen do accompany my body vnto the buriall and that eche of thē haue a gowne of some conuenient colour I wyll also that .xxx. poore children be there also and that euery one of them haue a semelye gown And after my burial I wil that both those pore men women and children come home vnto my house and haue some repast for y e refection of their bodies And so ●et them depart in the name of the ●ord Haue you writtē this neighbour Philemon Phile. Yea syr it is done Epa. I am glad of it To se that these thinges may be done according to my wyl I make my wife sole executresse you neighbour Philemon with my neighbours Christopher Theophile Eusebius here present I make you fower myne ouerseers char●ing you in the name of God and as ye wyl answere before the high ●udge Christ at the dreadeful day ●f dome y t ye se these my bequestes ●ruely diligently and faithfully fulfilled Chr. we were twyse vngodly if we shuld not satisfy your desire and will being so Christen and righteous Epa. I bequeath to euery one of you foure for youre paynes taking fiue poundes sterling not to the ende to make you hearlinges but that it may be a token of my hartie good wyll towards you Chr. Sir wil it plese you to be buried in the churche or in the churchyard Epa. All is one to me The earth is the Lordes all that is conteined in it I am not curious of the place Wherso●euer I lie I doubt not but y e lord our God at the last day shall raise me vp again and geue me a body like vnto y e glorious body of our Lorde and sauiour Christ Iesus ▪ Let the body therfore returne vnto the earth from whēce it came and the spirite vnto God which gaue it Euseb. Your children ar● buried in the churchyard Ep. Bu●y me there also God geue vs all a ioyfull resurrection Theo. Sir what solempnitie will you haue at your buriall Epa. What meane you The. Solempne singing de●out ringing holy sensing prie●es pattering candels lightning ●orches brenning Communions ●aying and such like Ep. No kind of superstitious custome do I al●ow That is godly I only commend As touching your solempn ●inging it is all one to me whi●her you sing or say
ye now ●e practised in me y e time of my departure out of y e world is at hand I thought it good therfore to send ●lso for you to take my leaue of ●ou til we mete again in y e king●om of God I thanke you for the ●ood seruice y t ye haue done me I ●aue not forgotten your seruisea●le hearts and good wils toward ●e If the good pleasure of God ●ad bene that I shuld lōger haue ●ontinued with you I wold haue ●onsidred your seruice better But ● haue geuen to euery one of you ●uche portion of mony as shal de●are some part of my thanckefull ● wel willing heart toward you This nowe remaineth to be craued at your hands As ye haue hetherto faithfully truly honestly serued me in my life time euen so after my departure so long as ye●tary here shewe the like faithfulnes truth honestie toward your mistres Consider that as lōg as I liued I was a stay vnto her vnto her thinges But nowe her chief hope next vnto God consisteth in you Therfore I pray yo● loke well vnto the thinges which appertaine vnto her Se that nothing go to wast Prouide that through your diligēce her things may rather encrease then decrease Ye knowe rightwell the dutie of a good seruaunt notwithstanding euen at this my departure from you I wil put you in remem●braunce of it that whē I am gon● ye may yet remēber my admonitions the more spedely aunswe● vnto your vocatiō The duty of a good seruāt is to serue his maister and mistres willingly with a fre courage euen for conscience sake not with the eie but with y e heart to obey them to honor thē gently to aunswere them not to picke or steale away their goods but to be faithfull vnto them in all thingee Se therfore y t ye on this manner behaue your selues towarde your mistres auoid al stubbernes churlishnes cursed speakinges telling of tales lying picking wast idlenes negligence and sluggishnes Eschue all euill and riotous company Fly dronkennes and whordome Abstaine from vaine othes and folishe pastimes So behaue your selues in all your life conuersation that the name of God his doctrine be not euil spoken of Yea let the lyghte of your godlye behauioure so shine before men that ye may do worship to the glorious gospell of our sauior Christ in al thinges And in thus seruing your mistres with a glad ready faithfull will thincke your selues to serue the Lorde your God and to do that thing whiche is pleasaunt in his godly sight and that he also will se your paines recompensed as the holy Apostle saith ye seruauntes be obedient vnto thē that are your bodely maisters in al thinges not with eie seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of hart fearing God ▪ And whatsoeuer ye do do it hartely as though you did it to the Lorde and not vnto men knowyng that of the Lorde ye shall receiue the inheritaunce for ye serue y e Lord Christ. But he that sinneth shall receiue accordynge vnto his synne For there is no respect of persons with God If ye serue your mistres truly and faithfully hereafter when ye shall your selues be housholders God shall likewyse send you true and faithful seruauntes But if ye serue her falsly and vngodly then shal ye of your seruauntes be likewise serued hereafter For with what measure that ye mete withall shall other mete to you again saith our Sauioure Christ. Liue therefore according to your vocation in the feare of God ye shall prosper right well God shal blesse you neuer leaue you succourles as the holy man Toby sayth Be not afrayd truthe it is we leade here a pore life but great good shal we haue if we fear God and depart from all sinne and doe wel Wel the blessing of God be w t you I am very faint Ph. No maruell For ye haue talked a greate while Epa. I trust my talke hath not bene euil Phil. Forsoth it hath bene both good and godly I pray God geue bothe them and all vs grace to followe these your moste wholesome and christen admonitions But sir will it please you to take your leaue of your wyfe chyldren and seruauntes geue your self to reast for a litle whyle Peraduentur it shal do you much good Epaphro Slepe I can not And I am lothe to let them goe from me For the sight of them is comfortable vnto me and as me thincketh easeth my payne Chri. God cōfort you ease your payn Epa. Before they depart from me I wysh greatly euen in their presence to confesse my faithe y t both you and they may be witnesses before God the worlde that I die a Christen man Phile. Although we nothing doubt therof yet we greatly desyre to heare the confession of your faith that we may be able to testifie hereafter that you departed in y t faith of Christ. Epa. Heare then I Unfainedly beleue w t my hart and frely cōfesse with my mouth that there is one only true lyuing immortall and euerlasting God God the father God y e sonne and God the holy gost .iii. distinct persons in the godhead and notwithstāding one very God in substāce of like maiestie glory might power iudgement and will As touching the first parson in the deitie I vnfainedly beleue w t my heart and frely confesse with my mouth y t he is the God which alone is the father not only of our Lorde and sauiour Christ Iesu whom of him self frō euerlasting he begot his natural sonne therfore likewyse true and immortall God but also of all y e faithfull not by nature but by adoption whom he hath chosen to be his children in Christ Iesu before the foundations of the worlde were laide to loue fauour cherish comfort norish gouern defend and blesse thē both corporally and spiritually This God the father I beleue confesse to be almighty and hable to do whatsoeuer his godly wil pleasure is ▪ With him all thinges are possible There is nothing to hard for him to doe neither is any thynge vnpossible in his syght This God the father almighty I beleue and confesse that he is the creator and maker of heauen and earth and of all thynges contained in thē Of nothing by his wōderful and almighty power made he the heauens with the blessed aungels and heauenly spirites that are in them Thone he chose to be his glorious seate the other he made to be his Ministers to do his blessed will and holy commaundement This God the father almighty made also the earth of nothinge with her encrease gaue breath to the people that are in it and spirit to thē that dwel therein The heauens the earth and the sea w t all that euer is cōteined in them are the creatures of this God the father almyghtye created vnto this ende
nede no such daily sacrifices as the Papistes hearetofore for lucres sake haue deuised As Christe Iesus is an euerlasting Bishoppe so abideth his sacrifice whiche he once for all offred on the Crosse of ful vertue power might and strength euen vnto the ende of the world Iesus Christ yesterday and to daye and the same continueth for euer For asmuche therfore as Christ endureth for euer and hath an euerlasting Priesthode he is able also euer to saue them to the vttermost and vnto the full that come vnto God by hym seyng he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. For he is not entred into the holy places that ar made with handes which are similitudes of true thinges but is entred into very heauen for to appeare nowe in the sighte of God for vs not to offer hym selfe often as the hie priest entreth in to the holy place euery year with straunge bloud for then must he haue often suffred sence the world began But nowe in the ende of the world hath he appeared once to put sinne to flyght by the offering vp of him self And as it is apoynted vnto all men y t they shall once die and then commeth the iudgemēt euē so Christ was once offred to take away the sinnes of manye and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare again w t out sinne vnto saluation We are sanctified and made holye by the offeringe of Iesus Christes bodye done once for all With one only oblation hath Christ Iesus made perfecte for euermore them that are sanctified Adue therfore to all newe counterfaict and straunge sacrifices deuised for lucres sake by the crafty conueyance of man through the subtile suggestion of slie Satan let the faithfull people of God embrace that sacrifice that offringe of Christes blessed body which he him self offred vnto God the father on the altare of the crosse once for al for the sinnes of the worlde Let them cleue and sticke vnto that Let them repose their whole affiaunce and put all trust in that swete smelling sacrifice and saye with the holy Apostle God forbid that I should reioyse in any thing but in y e crosse passion and death of our Lord Iesu Christe So may they be sure neuer to perishe but to haue euerlasting life Againe This Iesus Christ the sonne of God and the sonne also of the glorious virgin after that he had suffred many bitter paines and greuous tormentes hauing vpon the crosse died the death of the body was buried I beleue that Christ by his death hath conquered vanquished subdued and ouercome him that had Lordship ouer death that is to saye the deuill that he myght deliuer them which thorow fear of death were all their lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage Yea by his death Sathans power is so broken and the violēce of death so weakened that we may be bold to saye Death is swalowed vp into victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is y e law But thankes be vnto God whiche hathe geuen vs wictorye through our Lord Iesus Christ. Christe after the death of his body went downe in his soule to hell as clearely appeareth by the ●criptures not that he shuld there ●uffer mo paines whiche had all ready on the crosse suffred to the vttermoste and done whatsoeuer was nedefull for our redemption but to breake the pride of Sathan and to destroy the fury of the hellishe powers againste the chosen people of God that al the faithful thereby might be deliuered from death and hell and triumphantly say with the Prophet O death I wyll be thy death O hell I wil be thy destruction And lykewyse as Christe died for our synnes so I vnfaynedlye beleue with my hearte and frely confesse with my mouthe that he rose agayn the third day through the power of his father for oure iustification according to the scriptures And by this his resurrection and lyfe he hath not only shewed hym selfe a glorious and triumphante conquerour ouer Sathan death and hell but he hath also brought lyfe and immortalltie vnto light and assured vs of the resurrectiō of our bodies that as he is rysen from the dead so likewyse shall we with our bodies ryse agayne out of the earth at the last daye And therfore is he called the fyrst frutes of them that ar fallen aslepe Moreouer I vnfaynedlye beleue with my heart and frely confesse with my mouth that as Iesus Christ the sonne of God the sonne of the Uirgin Mary shewed him selfe oftentimes after his resurrection vnto his disciples so likewise he ascended vnto heauen in their presence perfect God and perfect man sitteth at the right-hand of God y e father almighty aboue all rule power might dominion aboue all y t may be named not only in this worlde but also in y e worlde to come For God the father hathe put all thynges vnder his feete and hathe made him aboue all thinges the head of the congregation whiche is his body and the fulnes of hym that filleth all in all Al power is geuē vnto him bothe in heauen and in earth He is a lord aboue al lords and a king aboue all kinges Yea he is an almighty God with his father of y e same Maiestie might power and glory and not withstāding inasmuche as he is man he is also our intercessour mediator and aduocate For he is not gone vp into heauen to be an idle gaser nor to neglect his churche but to pray for the faythfull to make intercessiō for them vnto God the father to be our mediatour aduocate and to appease the wrath of God the father if at any tyme through sinne it waxeth whote against vs and to wynne vs again vnto his fauoure and to kepe vs in the same vnto thende We nede not seke helpe of other neither yet call on the sainctes departed that they may pray for vs and pleade our cause before God The man Christ Iesus alone whiche gaue him self a raunsom for all men is our sufficient mediatoure aduocate and intercessour as the holye scripture teacheth in diuers places Whosoeuer therefore refuseth to pray vnto this man Christ Iesus to be his mediatoure and aduocate vnto God the father and ●leeth vnto other w tout all doubt he is an ennemy vnto Christ and to the vttermoste of his power he ●aboureth to make Christ as they ●se to saye Iacke out of office For since the time of his ascention ●is chief and principall office is to ●e our intercessoure mediatoure ●nd aduocate He ascended also into heauen to leade captiuitie captiue and to geue giftes vnto men Satan that old enemy of mankind had taken vs captiue made vs his bond slaues through sine caried vs away with his craft subtiltie from the Lord
our God and brought vs in to his kingdō of darcknes whiche is the dreadful kyngdom of sinne death and hell Thus were we in great misery and should for euer haue bene damned if we had not bene holpen by some other meanes then we withall oure wittes could deuise Therfore euen of very pity tender compassion came one which is much stronger the● Satan euen Christ that mighty Lion of the tribe of Iuda a ryght conquerour a strong Sampson a valeant subduer of death sinne hell a puissaunt vanquisher of Satan c. He as a king of glory mightely brast into Satās kyngdome brake open the gates of hel toke the Prince of darknes boūd hym toke him prisoner made him his bound slaue destroied his Empire ledde away his prysonners bringing them againe into moste ioyfull and blessed libertie so that al they which beleue in this most mighty Emperour and valeaunt conquerour Christ Iesus are deliuered from the tyranny of Satan and from the power of sinne death and hell There is no damnation nowe vnto them whiche are engrafted in Christ Iesu. Satan sinne death and hell withall the infernall army cannot hurt y e elect and chosen people of God Who shall lay any thynge to the charge of Gods chosen It is God ●hat iustifieth ▪ who is he that can ●ondemne It is Christ whiche died yea rather whiche is rysen againe whiche is also on the righthād of God and maketh intercession for vs. Who shal then seperat vs from the loue of God c. And as Christ by his most glorious and triumphant Ascension hath led captiuite captiue so likewyse hath he geuen giftes vnto men euen that holy ghost that spirite of truthe that comfortoure whiche worketh in the heartes of the faithfull newe mocions and spiritual affectes faith hope loue feare humilitie modestie mekenes pacience long suffring ioye peace quietnes of conscience tem●peraunce goodnes mercy c. It mortifieth the old man and quieneth the newe man whiche is renued vnto the knowledge and Image of him y t made him ▪ whiche after God is shapen in righteousnes and true holines Againe Christ ascending vp in●to heauen by y e power of his godhead hath prepared in the kingdō of his father euerlasting and ioyfull dwelling places for so manye as beleue in hym as he him selfe witnesseth saying I goe to prepare a place for you and I wyll come agayn vnto you take you vnto my self that where I am ye also maybe He hathe also ascertained vs of our ascension and going vp into heauen not onlye in soul but also in body He corporally is rysen agayne and gone before into the glorious kingdom of his father to declare that we also after the generall resurrection shall both body and soule be caried into heauē The members must nedes be lyke the head Christ our head is risen againe therfore shall we his members ryse agayne Christ our head is ascended and gone vp into heauen both body and soule therfore shal we his members ascend and go vp into heauen bothe body and soule also Christ our hed was taken vp into Heauen in a cloud bothe body and soule therefore shall we his members also be taken vp in a cloude to meete the lord and so shal we both body and soule dwel with the Lord Christe our head for euer and euer as the holy Apostle testifieth saying If we beleue that Iesus died rose againe euen so them whiche slepe by Iesus God will brynge again with hym For this say we vnto you in the worde of the Lord that we whiche shall liue and shall remaine in the comming of the lord shall not come yer they whiche slepe For the Lorde him selfe shal descend from Heauē with a shout and the voyce of the Archaungell and trompe of God And the dead in Christe shall aryse fyrste then we which shal liue euē we which shall remaine shalbe caughte vp with them in the cloudes to mete the Lorde in the ayre And so shall we euer be with the Lorde Finally I vnfainedly beleue with my hearte and frely confesse with my mouth that as the Lord Christ is ascended into heauen so shall he come agayne from heauen with power and muche glory nobly accompanied with thousands of blessed ▪ Aungels and heauenly sainctes for to iudge the quicke and the dead the faithfull and vnfaithfull and to geue ▪ euery man his rewarde according to that he hathe donne whether it be good or badde And when he thus gloriously shall come vnto the iudgemente all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce and shall come forthe they that haue done good vnto the resurrection ●f life and they that haue done euil vnto the resurrection of damnation The faithfull shal go into eternall life the vnfaithfull into euerlasting damnation Euery man shall be reward according to his dedes that is to say prayse honor immortalitie to them which continue in good doyng and seke immortalitie But vnto thē that are rebels and that doe not obeye the truthe but followe vnrighteousnes shall come indignation wrath tribulation and anguishe vpon the soule of euery man that doth euell Now haue ye heard of my faith cōcerning Iesus Christ God and man And I beleue al things that I haue spoken to be vndoubtedly true And I am fully perswaded that Iesus Christ my lord and sauiour wrought all the thinges y t euer he did in his humanitie for me and for my saluation To saue me to reconcile me vnto God the father to make me enheritour of euerlasting glory he came downe from heauen was incarnate by the holy ghoste and borne of the virgin Mary Yea he ●uffred was crucified died went down to hel rose agayn the third day from the dead ascended vnto heauen and shall come again vnto iudgement for me for my sake for my glory saluatiō Thus haue ye heard my fayth concerning God the father and God the sonne whiche also is man receuing his humain nature of the glorious virgin Mary Eus. Whosoeuer this beleueth and confesseth of God the father and of his sonne Christ the same can neuer perishe For as our sauioure Christ saide vnto God the father in his praier This is euerlasting life euen to know thee y e alone tru God and whom thou hast sente Iesus Christ. Chr. The wise man also saieth To know the O god as perfect righteousnes God sayth by the Prophet yea to know thy rightousnes and power is the roote of immortalitie Theo. By the knowledge of him whiche is my righteous seruaunt he shal iustify the multitude Phi. God graunte vs the true knowledge of his sonne Christe so may we be sure to be iustified saued gloryfyed Epa. Amen But now heare also my faythe concerning the third parson in the deity which is the holy gost Chr. We
the kingdome of God then it is in this world We beinge in this corruptible bodye know one another whan we see not God but with the eies of our faith shall we not know one another after that we haue put of this sinfull body and se God fac● to face in the sight of whom is the knowledge of al things We shall be lyke the glorious Aungels of heauē whiche know one another can it than come to passe that one of vs may not knowe an other Shal we be equal with y e angels in other thinges inferiour vnto them in knowing one an other We shal know and se Christ as he is whiche is the wysdome image and brightnes of the heauenly father and shall the knowledge of one another be hyd from vs We are members all of one body and shall we not knowe one another we know our head which is christ shall we not knowe our selues we shalbe citezins of one heauenly city wher continuall light shall be and shall we be ouerwhelmed with suche darkenes that we shal not see and know one another They that in this worlde be synging men continuing together in a place but for a season know one an other and shall we which for euer shall continue together synging praysing and magnifying y e Lord our God not know one another They that are in houshold serue one Lorde or maister know one another in this world shall not we know one another which in the kingdome of heauen shall continually serue the Lorde oure God together with one spirit and with one mind There is a certen knowledge one of an other here in the earth euen among the vnreasonable and brute beastes and ●hall our senses be so darkened in the life to come that we being immortall incorruptible and lyke ●nto the angels of God yea seing God face to face shall not knowe ●ne another We shall know God as he is shal we not knowe one another Adam before he synned beyng in the state of innocencie knew Eua so sone as god brought her vnto hym and called her by her name and shall not we being in heauen where we shalbe in a● muche more blessed and perfecte state then euer Adam was in P●●radise knowe one another Shal our knowledge be inferiour to Adams knowledge in Paradise● Whē Christ was transfigured i● mount Thabor his disciples Pe●ter Iames Iohn did not only know Christ but also Moses and Helias whiche talked there with Christ whome notwithstanding they had neuer seene nor known in y e flesh Wherof we may learne● that when we come to behold th● glorious maiestie of y e great God we shall not only know our sau●our Christ and such as with wh●● we wer acquainted in this world but also all the electe and chosen people of God whiche haue bene from the beginning of the world as the holy Apostle saith Ye are come to the mount Sion and to the citie of the liuing God the celestiall Hierusalem and to an innumerable sight of aungels and vnto the congregation of the first borne sonnes which are writtē in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the spirites of iust and perfect men and to Iesus the mediatour of the new testament c. When we are once come vnto that heauenly Hierusalem we shal w tout al doubt both se and know Adam Noe Abrahā Isaac Iacob Ioseph Moses Samuel Dauid Iosias Ihon Baptist Mary the Mother of Christe Peter Iohn Iames Paule and all the moste blessed cōpany of the Patriarkes prophets apostles martirs with al other the faithful As we are al members of one body wherof Iesus Christ is the head so shall we knowe one another reioyse together be glad one with another Moreouer the history whiche we read of the rich vnmercifull man and of Lazarus declareth euidētly y t in the lyfe to come we shall know one an other In that we se that the riche glotton beyng in hel did knowe bothe Abraham and Lazarus being in ioye and that Abraham also knew that vnmercifull riche man although the one was in glory the other in pain If that they whiche are in hell doth both se and know them that are in heauē and they whiche are in heauen know thē also that are in hell the one place beyng so far distant from thother muche more do they knowe one another that be Citezins in one City fellowe heirs of one kingdome members of one body and fellowe seruants in one houshold seruing one lorde God If there be mutual knowledge after this life betwene good euil much more shall y e sainctes and the holy ones of God knowe one another in the kyngdome of our heauenly father Our sauiour Christ said to his disciples when the sonne of man shall sitte in the seat of his maiestie you also shall sit vpon the .xii. seates iudging the .xii. tribes of Israell If after the generall resurrection ▪ and at the iudgemente one shoulde not know another how shal thē the apostles iudge thē vnto whom thei preached They can not iudge nor be witnesses of the condemnation of them whome they knowe not Hereof also it manifestlye appeareth that after this life one of vs shal know another After y e Christ was risen again had a glorified body thapostles knew him yea that so perfectly y t none of thē neded to saye vnto hym what art y ● For they knew well y t he was the Lord. Hereof also may it truely be gathered y t the faithfull shall as perfectly knowe one an other in y e life to come as the apostles knew Christ after his resurrectiō ▪ or as Peter Ihō Iames knew Moses Helias in the moūt Thabo● whē Christ was trāsfigured Many other thinges might be alledged out of the holy scripture to declare y t we shall know one another after this life but these for this present may seme to any indifferent person aboundantly to suffice If I shuld reherse to you all the sayings both of thancient late writers concerning this matter I shuld spēd a great part of this day to much t●ouble you notw tstanding I will reherse one saying of s. Gregory in his Dialoges bid al the other farwel There is a certain thing saith he in gods elect chosen people which is to be marueled at for they being in heauē do not only know thē whom they knew in this world but thei know also the good people whō thei neuer sawe euen as perfectlye as though they had afore both sene known thē For whē thei in y t euer lasting enheritance shall se thancient fathers they shal not be vnknowne to thē in sight whō they always knew in work For when al there w t one clearnes do behold God what is it that they shoulde not ther know where they know him that knowe all thinges Epa.
This is a cōfortable hering Phi. No les true then cōfortable Epa. I trust then within fewe houres to se al the faithfull whiche before me haue departed in the Lord my children also and all my other acquaintaunce Phi. You shall both se them know them reioyse and be meary with them Eu. I maruell y t any man shuld doubt of thys doctrine beynge so clearlye set forthe both by the authority of the holye scriptures and by the testimonyes of the godly wryters seynge that the very heathen which knew not God a right beynge parswaded 〈◊〉 the immortality of the soule neuer doubted of it but were thorowlye resolued that such as lyued in this world iustly and vprightly and deserued wel of the common wealth whan so euer they departed from this life should go vnto the blessed company of the immortal Gods there not only se know the gods but also all those noble good and vertuous parsons that euer liued in this world as wel suche as they neuer knew as also those whome in this world they dyd moste perfectly know And they beyng thus perswaded desyred deathe at the leaste when the tyme of theyr departure came they toke their deathe the more ioyfully and paciently I wil rehearse vnto you y e wor●es of ●ne or two of them I haue 〈…〉 desire said Cato the elder ●o se your fathers whom I honou●●d and loued But I wish not on●y to talke wyth them whome I haue knowen in thys worlde but with such also as of whom I haue ●eard and red yea and I my selfe ●aue wrytten If I were once go●ng thitherward I woulde neuer ●aue mynde to retourne hyther a●ain Againe he saith O that no●le and pleasant day when it shall ●e my chaunce to come vnto that ●eauenly company and blessed fe●owship and depart frō this troublous stincking world For the● shall I go not only vnto those mē● of whom I spake vnto you befor● but also vnto my Cato whiche was as worthy a man as euer liued and as noble And it is written of Socrates y t when he wen● vnto his death amōg many other thīgs he said y t it is a most blessed goodly thing for thē to come together which haue liued iustly faithfully o saith he what a grea● pleasure thinke you it to be frēdl● to talk w t Orpheus Musaeus Home●rus Hesiodus such like verely I wold die ful oft if it were possibl● to get those things y t I speake of Thus se we y t many among y t very Heathē which wer perswade● of thinmortality of y e soul beleue● y t they whiche in this world liue● godly iustly vprightly honestly should al go vnto a ioyful place o● rest ther hauing y e blessed comp●●ny of y e immortal gods they shul● know one another talk reioyce one w t an other The. As touching y e Ethnickes which in this world led a iust vpright life in the sight of mē I pronoūce nothing but leue thē vnto gods iudgmēt but as concerning the faithful christians which beleue in God feare loue God are perswaded of their saluatiō in Christes blud frame their life vnto the vttermost of their power according to the cōmaundements of God as they shall al obtain one glorious kingdome be Citezins of one Citie so likewyse shal they se know one an other talke reioyse be mery one with another This is my belief Ph. I agre w t you in opiniō concerning this matter Therfore good neighbor Epaphrodit be of good ●here take a good hart vnto you faynt not nether feare you death For y e time is at hand that you leauing this wretched worlde and the inhabitantes therof shall come vnto that most glorious and heauēly kingdom where you shall haue the sight and knowledge not only of God and of his holy angels but also of al Gods elect and chosen people Al your dear frendes which are gone afore you shal glo●riously come and mete you ioyfully receiue you gladly present you vnto the maiestie of God and so shall you altogether remain in al glory and ioy for euer and euer Epa. Amen God graūt Chr. Sir how do you Epa. As God wyll Chri. I truste you do remember what my neighbour Philemon hath sayd vnto you Epa. Yea right wel I thanke God Chr. Then sir I praye you be of good comforte Epa. I am well content to forsake the worlde and all that is in the world and to go vnto the lord my God Eu. I trust y t there is none other thinge that troubleth you Epa. Yes not outwardly but inwardly Eu. Inward trouble is y e greatest griefe in the worlde Declare I pray you what it is we will doe the best we can to quiet your mind Epaph. Let me alone a little and pray for me Euse. Well content Neighbours let vs commend this our sicke brother vnto God with our prayers For he desireth it Phi. God commaundeth vs by his holy Apostle saying If any be diseased amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregatiō let thē pray ouer him annoint him w t oyle in the name of the Lord. And y e praier of faith shall saue the sicke and the Lorde shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shalbe forgeuen him Knowledge your fautes one to another and praye one for an other that ye may be healed The prayer of a righteous mā auaileth muche if it be feruent Let vs therfore knele downe and praye O Lorde heare our praier Eu. And let our cry come vnto the● Phi. O almighty and euerlasting God which lightnest al men that come into this world we besethe thee lightē the heart of this sicke weake and diseased persone with the beames of thy deuine grace mercy y t al his thoughtes wordes workes may so be directed that he may be acceptable to thy godly maiestie in true faith and perfect loue thorow thi only sonne Iesus Christ our Lord sauiour Chr. A●men Phi. O eternall and merciful God loke down from heauē and visit this thy weake seruaunt as thou diddest visit Toby Sara Peters wiues mother the Captaines seruaunt Blesse hym as thou didst blesse Abraham Isaac and Iacob Behold him O Lord with the eies of thy mercy Replenish his hart with all ioye kepe from him al sinful thoughtes and wicked imaginations And sende downe thy angell of peace that he may kepe and defend him in euerlasting peace through Iesus christ thy deare sonne our Lorde sauiour Eu. Amen Phi. O Lord Iesu Christ thalone sauiour of y e world and the true phisitiō both of body and soule we most humbly besech thee mercifully to behold this our sicke brother which is a mēber of y e mistical body wherof thou art y e head and a braunche of the which y ● art the true vine Be thou vnto hym that moste
the Phisition being nothing afraid of him because they ar sick diseased but rather somuche the more doo they desire to come vnto him to shew him their woundes and to disclose their diseases that they may be made whole Now is Christ a phisitiō all we through sinne are diseased shal we therfore runne away from Christ and not rather make hast vnto him what Phisition is so ready to heale the body as Christe our Phisition is to heale the soule Who euer came vnto him with a faithfull and penitent heart and was refused Who euer sought remedy at his hand and was not holpen Who euer opened vnto hym his disea●es and was not cured he calleth all without exception be they neuer so diseased and loden with th● burden of sinne vnto him and pro●miseth that he will ease them of their burdens make thē whole is it to be thought that he wyl● refuse sinners when they come vn●to him Come vnto me sayth he al ye that labour and are loden I wil refreshe you Take my yoke vpon you and ye shall find rest for your soules For I came not to ca● y e righteous but sinners vnto repentance The sonne of man came to seke and to saue that was lost How frequented he the cōpany of synners when he was in this world that to this end only tha● he might call them through his godly sermons vnto repentance vnto the fauour of God and vnto the felowship of the sainctes in so muche that he was called a frend of open sinners and whores How defended he alway the humble penitēt sinners against the proud and stifnecked Pharises and Iusticiaries When Zache being a sinner the Prince of the Publicans sought to see Christ how louingly did Christ speake vnto him and frendly came into his house eat dranck with him Whē Mary Magdalē being a greuous sinner came vnto Christe he refused not her company but talked most gently with her cōforted her receiued her into his fauour quieted her cōsciēce healed her diseases gaue her euerlasting life Whan the poore Publicane whiche had both ofte and greuously offended the Lord his God came into the temple to pray and in his praiers hūbled him self before the maiestie of God and cōfessed him self a sinner was he not ioyfully receiued into the fauour of God and pronounced more righteous euen by the mouth of Christ then y e proude ▪ Pharesy for all his glistring workes How ioyfully was that vnthrifty prodigal wastfull sonne receiued home again What frēdship founde that theif whiche was crucified with Christe at the hand of Christ when he saide Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome Did not Christ straightways aunswere him and say This day shalt thou bee with me in Paradise And yet was he both a thief a seditious persone and a murtherer Christe refuseth none although neuer so greuous a synner if we come vnto hym Turn ye vnto me and I wil turn vnto you saith the Lord of hostes Thou disobedient Israel Turne again saith the Lord and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you I am mercifull saith the Lord and I wil not alway bear displeasur against thee but this I will y e thou know thy great blasphemy namely that thou hast vnfaithfully forsaken the Lord thy God and hast made thi self partaker of straunge Gods vnder all greene trees but hast had no wil to hear my voyce saieth the Lorde O ye disobedient chyldren turne againe saieth the Lord and I will be maried with you c. O ye disobedient childrē turne agayne saying Lo we are thyne for thou art the Lorde our God and so shal I heal your back turninges Who wyll not boldely come vnto so mercifull a Lord most louing father seing he so gētely calleth all men vnto hym be they neuer so greuous synners promiseth that he wyll not refuse them but louingly receiue them neuer lay their offences vnto their charge but to forget them and cast them behinde his backe that he wyll neuer ether remember th● or loke vpon them more Theo. The Lord is merciful gentle and louing pacient long suffring o● muche kindnes and ready at all tymes to forgeue yea euen wha● he is at the poynt to punyshe Th● Lord is louing vnto euery man his mercy is ouer all his workes ▪ The lord is good and gracious of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon him The Lord is ful of tender compassion and great mer●cy long sufferyng and of muche goodnes He wil not alway be chi●ding neither kepeth he his anger for euer He dealeth not with vs after our synnes neither rewardeth he vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke how hie y e heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Loke howe wide also the East is from y e west so far hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth y t we are but dust With the Lorde there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel frō al his sinnes Phi. The great kindnes dere hearty loue of God toward vs appeareth not only in this y t he both willingly and gladly admitteth and receiueth synners whensoeuer they repent and tourne vnto hym but ●n that he also most diligently seketh them vp fetcheth them home again and geueth them grace to repent and turne that they maye ●e saued This thinge is verye ●yuelye described and set forthe in ●he parables of the straid shepe of the lost groat and of the wounded man Herein is loue saith S ▪ Iohn not that we loued God bu● that he loued vs sent his sonn● to be the agrement for our sinnes Saint Paule saieth God settet● out his loue toward vs seing tha● while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more thē now● we that are iustified by his blud● shalbe saued from wrath throug● him For if when we were enne●mies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much● more seing we are reconciled we shalbe preserued by his life Epa. I beleue y t God is a mercifull father for Christes sake to all them tha● do truly repente beleue and con●uert vnto him but is it not to be● feared that my repentaunce and conuersion is to late Phi. Be on good comfort neighbor Epaphroditus there is no repentaūce and conuersion to late in this worlde ▪ so that it be true proceadeth frō a contrite heart humble spirite For at whatsoeuer hour a sinner dooth mourne and lamente for his sinnes God promyseth that he will so forgeue him his iniquities that he will neuer remember thē more And
outwarde man perish yet thinward man is renued day by day and that this our tribulation whiche is short light prepareth an exceding and an euerlasting waight of glorye vnto vs while we loke not on the thinges whiche are sene but on y e thinges whiche are not seene For the thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things whiche are not sene are eternall Chr. God kepe you in this mind euen vnto thend Eu. Amē Epa. Confirme make that perfect o lord which y ● hast begon to worke in me vnto the glory of thy blessed name and vnto the saluation of my soule The. Amē Epa. Neighbors I pray you tourne me that I may lye on my right side Chr. The Lord our God graunt that ye may syt in his kingdome on the right hande of his glory Ep. Yea that shortly Euse. So be it Phile. Sir howe do you nowe Epaphro Well God be thanked but I trust to doo better euen anone Phile. Lacke you any thing sir Epa. My paine approcheth nearer vnto my heart wherby I perceiue the end of my life not to be far of I beseche you pray for me that I may continue faithfull constaunt and stedfast in the faith of the Lorde my God euen vnto the very end of my life Phi. We wil do it gladly Neighbors let vs knele down and pray Lord we moste humbly besech thee heare our prayer Chri. And let our crye come vnto thee Ph. O lord Iesu Christ thou only sonne of the heauenly father our alone redemer and omnisufficiciēt sauiour we moste humbly beseche thee deliuer this sicke and weake parson now being in great pains and at the point to departe out of this worlde from all vgsome and terrible assaultes and temptations of the deuill synne and hell Deliuer him O Lord as thou deliueredst Noe frō the raging waues of the sea Lot from the destruction of Sodome Abraham from the feare of the Chaldees The children of Israell from the tiranny of Pharao Dauid from the hand of Goliah The thre men from the violence of the firy fornace in Babilon Daniel from the mouth of the Lions Ionas from the belly of the whalefishe Peter from the prison of Herod euen so O gratious Lord God deliuer the soul of this person both nowe and whensoeuer he shall departe hence from all pearill daunger Opē vnto him at y e hour of death the dore of Paradise the gates of heauen the entry of euerlasting life O Lord Iesu Christe forgeue him all his synnes and lead him with ioye into the kingdom of thy heauenly father euē vnto the bosom of Abrahā and appoynt him vnto euerlasting rest that he may reioyse with thee and with all the elect childrē of God in euerlasting life Eu. Amen Epa. Neighboures I thanke you Nowe will I also pray vnto the Lord my god while I may speake and I trust he wil for Christes sake gratiously heare me Th. Doubt you not neighbor God hath so promised Epa. Lorde harken vnto my prayer and geue ear to my most humble requestes O moste mercifull God O father of all mercies the father of oure Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ be mercifull to me a sinner Haue pitie on me and quickely healpe me poore wretche for the moste bitter passion and moste precious death of Iesus Christ thy only begotten sonne and oure alone redemer and Sauioure Enter not into iudgemēt with thy seruaunt O Lord. Handle me not according to my desertes and merites neither rewarde me after mine iniquities but for thine infinite and vnmeasurable bountie and exceading gret merci receiue me and take me into thy fauour I miserable weake creature am in thy hand I am thy bonde seruaunt and thy depter O most gentle God o most fauorable father forsake me not cast me not away pore wretch that I am For I am thine withal that euer I cā make No man is able to strengthē me no man is able to deliuer me no man is able to help me but thou alone Thou art the true helper in aduersite Thou art y e most sure present comfort in all necessitie Thou alone art our helper oure bulwarke our fortres our most mighty strongly defenced tour Thou o god art our refuge Thou art our strengthe Thou art our helper in all our tribulations In the O Lord do I trust let me not be cōfoūded Let me neuer be put to shame let me not be deceiued of my hope but preserue me for thy rightousnes sake Bow doun thine ear vnto me make haste to deliuer me Be my defēder O god my strōg hold y t thou maist saue me For y u art my strength and my refuge Yea thou art my God and my destinies are in thy handes Lighten thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunt and saue me for thy mercies sake O Lord. And foras●much O swete father as it is thy godly pleasure to call me now frō this miserable life and wretched worlde I most entirely besech the● so to defend me in this agony o● death that neither sathan nor his ministers preuaill against me but that I continue faithful and constant vnto thend in the confessiō of thy holy name loking for full remission of all my sinnes in the precious bloud of thy welbeloued sonne and my only sauiour Iesus Christ and that I departing in this faith and perfect trust maye be placed among thy blessed saintes and heauenly spirites and so for euer and euer remaine with y e in glory Graunt this O moste mercifull father for thy dear sons sake Iesus Christ our alone mediatour and aduocate Chr. Amē Epa. Me thinke good neighbours I begin to waxe very coulde and numme in my limmes Euse. Syr discomfort not your selfe Be content with the good workynge of God This cold is a present tokē that the death of your body is not far of Epa. My fleshe is consumed and wasted away Eu. That is y e end of all fleshe Earth thou art saith God and vnto earth shalt y u retourne Epa. My feling is gone and my tasting decaieth All my senses grow out of course Eu. To that end wer they geuen you that you shuld lose them againe With the body al bodely thinges decay Phi. Brother Epaphroditus let y e care of the body of bodely thīgs passe You doo beleue the resurrection of the body Epa. I beleue that my redemer liueth and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the latter day and that I shalbe clo●hed again with this skin and see God my sauiour in my flesh Yea I my sef shall beholde him not w t other eyes but with these same eies This hope is stedfastly set in my hart Ph. Beleue this earnestly and it shal not greue you to depart frō your body For wher as it is now mortal incorruptible sick weake vile lothsome it shal at y e generall resurrection be immortal vncorruptible
whole strong precious and in al poynts lyke to the glorious body of our Lorde sauiour Christ Iesus Hear wha● the Apostle saith our conuersati●on is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ which shal chaung● our vile body that he may mak● it like vnto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able also to subdue al things vnto him selfe Agayne We know that if our earthy mansion of this dwellinge were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen For therefore sighe we desiring to be clothed with our mansion whiche is from heauen so yet if that we be founde clothed and not naked For we that are in this tabernacle sighe and are greued because we woulde not be vnclothed but woulde be clothed vpon that immortalitie might bee swallowed vp of lyfe He that hath ordained vs for this thing is God whiche very same hath geuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirite Therfore we are alway of good cheare and knowe that as longe as we are at home in the body we are ab●ent from God For we walke in ●ayth not after outwarde apperaunce Neuerthelesse we are of ●ood comfort and had rather to be absent from the body and to be present with God Epa. This is cōfortable doctrine I can be contēt with al my heart to make such a chaūge whensoeuer the Lordes good pleasure shalbe But I pray you rehearse some wholsome sayinges oute of the holy scriptures concerning the resurrection of the body for strēgthning of my faith and for the comfort and quietnes of my conscience Phi. In the prophet Esay we read on this manner Thy dead men shall liue euen w t my body shall they rise againe Awake and sing ye that dwell in dust For thy dewe is euen as the dew of herbes and the earth shall cast out them that be vnder her Againe your bones shall floryshe like an herbe The Prophet Ezechiell hath these words The hād of the lord came vnto me and caried me out in the spirit of y e Lord let me downe in a playne field that lay full of bones and he led me round about by them and beholde the bones that lay vpon the fielde were very many and maruelous dry also Then sayd he vnto me Thou sonne of mā thinkest thou these bones may liue again I aunswered O Lord God thou knowest And he sayd vnto me prophecy thou vpon these bones and speake vnto them Ye drye bones heare the worde of the Lord. Thus saith the Lorde God vnto these bones Beholde I will put breth vnto you that ye may lyue I will geue you sinowes make fleshe grow vpon you couer you ouer with skinne and so geue you breath that ye may liue knowe that I am the Lord. So I Prophecied as he had cōmaūded me And as I was prophecying ther came a noyse and a great motion so that the bones ran euery one to an other Nowe when I had loked behold they had sinnowes flesh grewe vpon them and aboue they were couered with skin but there was no breath in thē Then said he vnto me Thou sonne of man prophecy thou towarde the wind prophecie speake vnto the wind Thus saith the Lord God Come O thou ayr from the foure windes blowe vpon these slaine that they may be restored to life So I prophecied as he had commaūded me then came the breath into them and they receiued life and stode vp vpō their fete a maruelous great nomber Againe Thus saith the Lord god behold I wyll open your graues O my people and take you out of youre sepulchres The wordes of the Prophet Daniel are these Many of them that slepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to perpetual shame and reprofe God saieth by Esdras those that be dead will I rayse vp againe from their places and bryng them out of theyr graues Moreouer Christ saide to the Saduces which denied the resurrection of the body As touching the resurrectiō of the dead haue ye not red what is said vnto you of God which saith I am Abrahams God Isaacks God Iacobs God God is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Also in an other place The houre shall come in the whiche all that are in the graues shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and shall come forthe they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euil vnto the resurrection of dampnation Martha said vnto Christe of her brother Lazarus when he was dead I know y t my brother shall rise againe at the latter day The holy Apostit s. Paul is plenteous in the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead I wyll reherse one or two of his sentences byd the other farewell The trompe saith he shall blowe and the dead shall ryse incorruptible and we shalbe chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortall must put on immortalitie Again the Lord Iesus shal chaūge our vile bodies that they maye bee fashioned like vnto his glorious body Also in an other place I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt concerning them which are fallen aslepe that ye sorow not as other do whiche haue no hope For if we beleue y t Iesus Christ died rose againe euen so they also whiche slepe by Iesus will God bring againe with him Diuers examples of the resurrection of our bodies haue we bothe in the old and new testament Helias the Prophet raised vp from death vnto lyfe the sonne of y e widow of Sarepta The like thinge read we of Heliseus the Prophet Christ raised frō death the daughter of a certain ruler the sonne of a certayne widowe and Lazarus w t many other Christ rose again and the bodies of many sainctes whiche slept arose also and came out of their graues after their resurrection and came into Hierusalem and appeared vnto many Peter raysed vp Tabitha from death S. Paul restored vnto life a certaine yong man named Eutichus Al these are euident examples of our resurrection Therefore good brother Epaphroditus feare not to geue ouer this your body and frely to commend it vnto the earth At the great daye of the generall resurrection you shal receiue it in a far better case then euer you had it in this world Ep. I leue this my vile body willingly yea and that with this hope that at the last day I shall take it againe immortall and vncorruptible I beleue the resurrection of the fleshe I wish to be losoned frō this body and to be with Christe Eu. You doubt nothing of the blessed state of y e godly departed and of the immortalitie of the soule Epa. I beleue euerlasting lyfe The. You are not
camest into this world to call sinners vnto repentaunce and to seeke vp y t was lost thou seest in what case this oure brother lieth here visited with thy mercifull hand al weake feble sicke and redy to yealde vp his soule into thy holy hāds O loke vpō him moste gentle sauior with thy mercifull eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workemanship despise not therfore the worke of thine own hands Thou suffredst thy blessed body and thy precious bloud to be shed for his sinnes and to bringe hym vnto the glorye of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shouldest suffer so great paines for him in vaine He was baptised in thy name and gaue him self wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuill the world and the flesh confesse him therefore before thy heauenly father and his blessed Aungels to be thy seruaunt His sinnes we confesse are great for who is hable to saye my heart is clene I am fre from sin but thy mercies O Lord are much greater And thou camest not to cal th● righteous but sinners vnto repētaunce To them that are diseased and ouerladen with the burden of sin doest thou promise ease Thou art that God which willest not y e death of a sinner but rather that he shuld turne and liue Thou art the sauiour whiche wishest all mē to bee saued and to come to the knowledge of thy truthe Withdraw not therfore thy mercy from him because of his sinnes but rather lay vpō him thy sauīg health that thou maiest shewe thy selfe toward him to be a sauior What greater praise cā there be to a phisition then to heale the sicke Neither can there be a greater glory to thee being a sauior then to saue sinners saue him therfore O Lord for thy names sake Again let the law be no corsiue to his conscience but rather geue him grace euēin this extreme agony and conflicte of death to be fully perswaded y t thou by thy death hast takē away all his sinnes fulfilled the lawe for hym and by this meanes deliuered him from the cursse of the law and paid his raunsome that he thus beinge fully perswaded may haue a quiet heart a fre conscience and a glad will to forsake this wretched world to go vnto his lord God Moreouer thou hast conquered hym that had rule of death euen sathan suffer him not therfore to exercise his tirāny vpō this our sicke brother nor to disquiet his conscience with the terrours of sinne and paines of hell Let not Sathan nor his infernall army tempte him further then he is hable to beare but euermore geue him grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil with strong faith in thy precious bloud that he may fight a good fight and finish his course with ioy vnto y e glory of thy name and the healthe of his soule O Lord so worke in him by thy holy spirite that he with all his hearte maye contempne and despise all worldly things and set his mind wholly vpon heauenly thynges hopyng for them with a stronge and vndoubted faithe Againe let it not greue him O swete sauiour to be losoned frō this vile wretched ●arca●e which is now so full of sorow trouble anguishe fickenes and paine but rather let hym haue a bent and ready wyll thorowe thy goodnes to put it of yea and that with this faith that he at the last day shall receiue it again in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daye of his birthe euen a body vncorruptible immortall like to thy glorious body Let his hole heart and mynde be set only vpon thee Let the remembraunce of y e ioyes of heauē be so feruēt in his brest that he may bothe patientlye and thanckfully take his death and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the tyme cōmeth that he shall geue ouer to nature depart from this miserable worlde vouchafe we most hūbly beseeche the o Lord Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it amonge the glorious company of thy holy angels blessed saintes and to kepe it vnto that most ioyful day of the generall resurrectiō that both his body soule thorow thyne almighty power being knit agayn together at y t day he maye for euer euer enioy thy glorious kingdom sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Chri. Amen Epa. O God be merciful vnto me and blesse me shewe me the lighte of thy countenaunce and deale fauourably with me Lighten mine eies that I slepe not in death least myne ennemy say I haue preuailed against him For if I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyse at it But my trust is in thy mercy my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation Phile. Sir how do you Epa. My bodely sight is gone Phi. The Lord gaue it you and the Lorde hath taken it away againe As it hath pleased the Lord so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde Now that God hath taken away the sight of your corporal eies behold the Lord your God with the eies of your faith and doubte you not but that shortly you shall see the glorious maiestie of god with the eies of your soule euen as he is face to face whiche shalbe vnto you suche ioy and so great cōfort that no tounge is able to expresse nor no heart able to thinke it Epa. I beleue and am assuredlye perswaded that I shall see the plesures of the Lorde in the lande of the liuing Phile. Cōtinue in this faith vnto the end and you shall surely be saued Ep. As God hath taken away my syght so do al my other senses decaye Phi. Though by the appointment of God you lose your bodely speache yet shall your soule in the heauenly kyngdom sing prayse and magnify the Lord your God worldes without end And all be it the bodely hearing be taken away from you yet shall your soule in the kingdom of God hear such swete pleasaunt delectable thinges as neuer mortall man heard nor may hear the like Againe although your going and the vse of your whole body be taken away from you and your body returne vnto the earth from whence it came yet doubte you not but your soule being once deliuered out of the prison of your body shal serue the lord your god perfectly and ioyfully follow the Lambe Christ. whither so euer he goeth Epa. O Lorde deliuer my soul out of the prison of the body that I maye come vnto thee and glorify thy holy name Cōmaund my spirit to be receaued in peace for more expedient were it for me to die thē to liue Phi. Be on good comfort sir God in this your troble and bitter agony of death is present with you and when he seeth conuenient tyme
Christ. To the Ephesians he writeth on this manner Christe is oure peace whiche hath made of both one he speaketh of y e Iewes and Gentiles and hath broken downe the wal that was a stoppe betwene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred euen the law of commaūdementes contained in the lawe writtē c. Here haue we the cause why god was angry with vs. Uerely because we fulfilled not the law Now is Christ come hath put away the cause of this anger and hatred that is to saye he hath fulfilled the law for vs and recōciled vs vnto God so that nowe the father for his sake hateth vs no more but loueth vs is no more angry but wel pleased with vs accepteth his fulfilling of the law as our own fulfulling Also to the Collossians Christ saith he hathe put out the hand wryting y t was against vs contained in the lawe written and that hath he taken out of the waye and hath fastned it to his crosse and hathe spoyled rule and power and hath made a shew of them opēly and hath triumphed ouer them in his owne person If Christ hanging on the Crosse hath by the vertue of his passion death put out the hande wryghting that was against vs contained in the lawe than is our bond made frustrate and voyde we set at libertie forasmuche as Christe by his bloude hathe bothe paid our debt vnto God y e father and also subdued and brought vnder fote al our ennemies The authour of the Epistle to y e Hebrues hath these wordes The cōmaundement that went afore is disanulled because of weakenes and vnprofitablenesse For the lawe brought nothynge to perfection but was an introduction to a better hope by the whiche we drawenie vnto God Here ar we taught also that forasmuche as by y e lawe no man can be made perfect for who amōg vs fulfilleth the law we haue our perfection in Christ● ●y whome for our sake the law is fulfilled and remission of synnes and euerlasting lyfe is frely geuē vnto vs. This is the hope profit and libertie whiche so many as beleue receiue in Christ. Let therfore the terrours and cursse of the lawe neuer trouble you though Sathan do neuer so muche lay it vnto your charge but remember what the Apostle saieth ye are no more vnder the lawe but vnder grace Againe Now are we deliuered from the law and dead vnto it whereunto we were in bondage that we shoulde serue in a newe conuersation of the spirit and not in old conuersation of the letter For if righteousnesse commeth by the law then died Christ in vaine But we know saieth the Apostle that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And we haue beleued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christe and not by the deedes of the lawe because by the deedes of the law no flesh sha● be iustified Againe as manye o● you as are iustified by the lawe a● fallē from grace We loke for and hope in the spirite to bee iustifed thorow faith For in Christ Iesu● neither is circumcision any thing worth nether yet vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue ▪ Comfort your selfe neighbour E●●paphroditus against the assaults of Sathan with these swete sayinges of the holy scripture and s● shal nether the feare nor the curss● of the lawe hurt you Epa. God b● thanked I trust I am nowe we● enarmed against Sathan for this matter But what if he laye my sinfull life vnto my charge and so burden my conscience with that that I know not what to do but am like to fall vnto desperation What shal I aunwere How shal I escape For I confesse vnto you that I haue bene all my lyfe time a very greuous sinner and haue greatly offēded the Lord my God Phi. Discomfort not your selfe but take a good heart vnto you You are in this behalfe in none other case then all the sainctes and faithfull people of God haue bene before you are at this daye For all haue sinned and want the glory of God All haue gone astraye lyke lost shepe We are vnprofitable seruauntes All our righteousnesses are as a clothe defiled with menstrue If we saye we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. But if we confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from al vnrighteousnes Epa. What 〈◊〉 I do than that synne may be 〈◊〉 clog vnto my conscience Phile. Let it repēt you that euer you of●fended so louing a father and s● gentle a Lord. Be hartely sory fo● your misdoings Lament and in●wardly bewail your wretchednes●ses which so wickedly haue trans●gressed brokē the holy cōmaun●dements of the Lord. For this ha●ty and vnfained repentaunce is a goodly preparatiue to saluation ▪ and without it none can be ●aued Therfore Iohn Baptist Christ his Apostles begā their preaching of repentaunce For whosoeuer is not brought into the knowledge of hym selfe he shall neuer haue delyghte to come vnto Christe ▪ For suche as thynke them selues whole haue no pleasure in a phisition but they that are sycke Epaphr And will God accept this my repentaunce Phi. Hear what God saith by the Prophet Whom shall I regard Euen hym that is pore and of a lowly troubled spirit standeth in awe of my wordes The Psalmograph also saith A sacrifice vnto god is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise Again the Lord is nie vnto them that are of a troubled heart and he will saue them that are of a broken spirite Epa. O Lord take away from me that stony heart whiche can not repent and geue me that fleshly heart which gladlye and willingly lamenteth her synnes and miseries and vnfainedly delyghteth in a newe lyfe But what is repētance ynough Phi. As you ernestly and from the very heart do repent you of your former sinnefull lyfe so likewyse hūble your self in y e sight of God and confesse your selfe vnto him a moste wicked miserable sinner Crie in your heart with Dauid say haue mercy vpon me O God after thy great goodnes Accor●dinge vnto the multitude of thy mercies do away myne offences Wash me thorowly from my wic●kednes clense me from my syn For I knowledge my fautes and my sin is euer before me Against thee only haue I sinned and don● euill in thy sight O turn thy fac● from my sinnes and put oute al● my mysdedes Make me a clean● heart O God and renue a righ● spirite within me Cast me not a●way from thy presence and tak● not thy holy spirite from me Cry● with that lost sonne and say O fa●ther I haue sinned against heauē and before thee and am no
more worthy to be called thy sonne ▪ Cry with the Publicane and say O God be merciful to me a sinner Cry with the Leper and saye O Lord if thou wilt thou art hable to make me cleane Cry with the blinde man and saye O Iesu the sonne of Dauid haue mercye on me Cry with the woman of Canane and say● haue mercy on me O Lord thou●●ne of Dauid My doughter is greuously vexed of y e deuil Cry with the Centurion say I am not worthy that thou shouldest entre vnder my rofe but speke the word only and my sōne shalbe heled But vnto this your harty repentaunce humble confessiō of your sinnes you must put mighty strong faith beleuing y t God y e father for his promise sake made vnto all penitent sinners in Christes bloud wil frely merci●ully forgeue you all your sins be ●hey neuer so manye or greuous for without this faith all y t euer you do is nothing worth as thapostle saith Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Cain repented and confessed his fault saying my sin is greater then I may deserue to be forgeuen But because he wanted faith he fell into desperation was dampned Iudas repented confessed his sinne saying I haue synned betraying the innocent bloud yea he also made satisfaction suche as it was but not with●standinge because he added no● faith vnto his repentaunce con●fession and satisfaction all was in vaine Peter his fellowe disciple● sinned also greuously but becaus● he earnestlye repented and als● faithfully beleued to haue remis●sion of his sinnes by the precious bloud of his maister whome he ● fore had both denied forsworne he was forgeuen and receiued i● to fauour againe For by faith ar● we made of the children of wrath the sonnes of God By faith are we maried vnto Christ. By faith are our hartes purified By faith sathan is ouercome By faith the world is vanquished By faith we are preserued from dampnation By faith we are iustified made righteous By faith the wrath of God is asswaged By faith we worke the will of God By faith our praiers are heard and our requestes graunted By faithe we please God By faith we be made the children of light By faith we are borne a new of God By faith we are made the temples of the holy ghost By faith we vnderstand the misteries of God By faith we preuaile againste the gates of hell By faith we are made the heyres of God and fellow heyres with our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesu of euerlasting glory Faith as S. Austen saith ▪ is the beginning of mans saluation Without faithe no man can reache or come vnto the nomber of the sonnes of God Withoute faith al the labour of man is frustrate and voyde Faith saieth S ▪ Ambrose is y e rote of all vertues ▪ and whatsoeuer thou buyldest o● this foundation that alone profiteth vnto the reward of thy work● frute and vertue Fayth saith he ▪ is ritcher then all treasures strōger then all corporall power and more healthfull then all Phisitions Therfore loke that you hau● this true faythe in you and tha● you cleue both toth and nayle as they vse to say to the merciful and comfortable promises of god So may you be sure to haue remission and forgeuenes of your synnes Epa. I beleue O Lord helpe tho● my vnbelief O Lord encrease my saith O heauenly father my God and my Lorde I with an assured perswasion of thy goodnesse toward me most humbly besech the for Iesus Christes sake mercifully to behold me a moste miserable sinner and clearly to forgeue all those sinnes wickdnesses which I wretched creature haue committed against thee my Lord God from the houre of my byrth vnto this present tyme. Forgeue me all my sins for thy names sake they ●e bothe many and great Oh remember not the sinnes and offen●es of my yougth but accordynge vnto thy mercy thynke vpon me O Lorde for thy goodnes Oh remember not mine old sinnes but ●aue mercy on me yea and that ●●ghtsone for I am come to great ●iserie Helpe me O God of my ●●luation for y e glory of thy name O deliuer me and be merciful vnto my sinnes for thy names sake So shall I geue thee thankes for euer magnifie thy blessed name worldes without end EU. Amen ▪ Phi. Doubt not neighbour Epaphroditus but that god hath graciouslye heard this your humble sute also graunted your request ▪ He hath forgeuē you al your sins He will neuer laye them to your● charge He hath cast them away● behynd his back so that he wil n●●uer remember them more as h● saith by y e Prophet I will forgeue their misdedes and wil neuer remember their synnes any more ▪ Againe If the vngodly wil tur● away from all his sinnes that h● hath done and kepe all my com●maundementes and do the thin● that is equall and right doubtle● he shall lyue and not die As for 〈◊〉 his sinnes that he did before th● shall not be thought vpon but in his righteousnes y t he hath doone he shal liue For haue I any pleasure in the death of a sinner saith y e Lord God and not rather that he conuert and liue Item Repent turne you from al your wickednesses so shal ther no sinne do you harme Cast away frō you al your vngodlines that ye haue doone Make you new harts and a new spirit Wherfore will ye die O ye house of Israel seing I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dieth sayeth the Lorde God Turn you then and ye shal liue Therfore feare not good brother but cōtinue faithfull repentant vnto thend ye shall surely be saued Epa. Sinne is an heauy burden very displeasāt vnto the lord our God and maketh sinners to ●le frō the face of God forasmuche as they know that God hateth sin and al thē that do commit it Phi. I confesse synne to bee an heauy burden and displeasant vnto God yet as heauy as it is Christ hath taken it on hym and born it away as the Prophet saieth he hath taken on him oure infirmities and borne oure sycknesses This witnesseth S. Peter sayinge Christ hym selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we beyng delyuered from synne should liue vnto righteousnes And where as ye say that synne maketh sinners to flie from the face of God I answere It driueth in dede the obstinat and desperate sinners from God but not the penitent whiche repent in faith and turne vnfaynedly vnto the Lorde theyr God being perswaded that he is a father of mercies and God of al consolation and that he for Christes sake wyll forgeue them Doe they whiche fele them selfe sick and diseased flie and run away from the phisition They rather make hast vnto