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A06346 A treatie of the churche conteining a true discourse, to knowe the true church by, and to discerne it from the Romish church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations / vvritten by M. Bertrande de Loque ... ; and faithfully translated out of French into English, by T.VV. Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. 1581 (1581) STC 16812; ESTC S123131 175,246 422

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is not at any time perfecte so long as shee trauelleth and fighteth in this worlde whiche maior I prooue thus First if the Church were without spot in this worlde in vaine hath our Sauiour Christe taught it alwayes to pray Matth. 6.12 forgiue vs our trespasses and sinnes But the Lorde Iesus hath not without good cause giuen vs such doctrine and instruction wherefore it followeth that the Church is not in this worlde without spotte yea rather that shee hath continuall neede alwayes for to praye vnto GOD that shee may bee more and more sanctified and obteyne the forgiuenesse of all her sinnes Secondly those which are with out spot and wrinckle haue nothing to doe with any washing because they haue no neede thereof But the faithfull although they be washed haue notwithstanding need yet of washing still as Iesus Christe himselfe declareth it vnto vs Iohn 13.10 when hee saith Hee that is washed needeth not saue to washe his feete For by the washing of the feete hee meaneth a continuall sanctification It followeth then that the faithful are not in this world without spot 1. Cor. 1.2 Thirdly Saint Paul ceaseth not to adorne and bewtifie the Corinthians with the title of the Church who notwithstanding greeuously abused the holy supper of the Lorde and had amongest them diuisions and partakinges which are not smal faultes yea indeede they were in doubte also touching the resurrectiō of the dead Also he nameth the assembly of the Galathians Galat. 1.2 the Church although that poore people were deceaued by false Prophetes and caried away to an other Gospell contrarie vnto that which hee had preached vnto them These places doe manifestly declare that the Church is neuer so pure and perfect in this world but that it hath always need to be more more purged sanctified which thing S. Paul sheweth yet more plainly openly whē he writeth vnto the Thessalonians For he calleth thē the Church 1. Thes 1.1 1. Thes 5.23 and yet he prayeth vnto God for them that he would sanctifie thē through out True it is that the Nouatians Donatistes and Anabaptistes who doe not agree with vs in this point are not without their replies For first they alledge vnto vs that which S. Paul writeth vnto the Ephesians Ephe. That Iesus Christ gaue himselfe for his Church that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinckle but that it shoulde be holy without blame But wee want not an aunswere also Saint Paul considereth the Church not in her selfe but in Iesus Christe her heade which shee taketh holde of by faith So shee is saide to bee without wrinckle and vnblameable by reason not of her owne righteousnesse but of Iesus Christes righteousnesse whereof shee is made partaker because it pleased God to impute and reckon the same vnto her for which cause also it is in an other place 1. Cor. 1.30 that Iesus Christe is made of God the father vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Moreouer wee might say that Saint Paul speaketh of sanctification or holinesse promised and which is not yet fully accomplished as though he called saide the Church to bee without spot not that it is so here belowe on the earth but because that one day it shall so bee aboue in heauen Augu. lib. de nuptiis Concupise cap. 34. And after this sorte Saint Augustine vnderstandeth it Iesus Christ saith hee cleanseth his Church by the washing of Christians to make it vnto himselfe without spott or wrinckle not in this world but in the world to come They alledge moreouer that which Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 3.6.9 whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not Wherevnto I aunswere by a distinction Those that are borne of God that is to say the faithfull sinne not that is to say serue not sinne or rather sinne doth not raigne in them because they do withdraw themselues as much as they can or are inabled from sinne and with all their heart giue themselues to holinesse of life that they may glorifie God And in this sense Saint Iohn taketh it and speaketh it Againe they that are borne of God sinne that is to say can not liue so holily but that oftentimes they stumble and fall into sins For although they be sanctified yet for all that by reason of the reliques and remnauntes of nature corrupted which yet resteth and remaineth in them euery day they turne aside from the righte waye and sinne In this sense S. Iohn ment not that which he saith that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for so he should speak against him selfe hauing before saide If we say we haue no sinne 1. Ioh. 1.8.10 wee deceiue our selues and trueth is not in vs yea wee make God a lyer and his worde is not in vs. So it is then that though there seeme to bee some contrarietie betweene these two to say that we are sinners and sainctes both together yet all agreeth together verie well for euerie man if we consider him in his owne nature according to which he is called the childe of wrath he is a sinner worthie of death and eternall damnation but if we consider him in Iesus Christ as a Christian and faythfull man hee is holy so that he sinneth not that is to say serueth not sinne and his imperfections are hidden and couered because that they are not imputed vnto him and moreouer the Lorde Iesus maketh him partaker of his righteousnesse And so being a sinner in respect of his owne nature he is notwithstanding reputed and accounted holy iust before God But that which we haue hitherto spoken toucheth or concerneth the members of the Church particularlie Wee may also well say touching the Church considered in her owne bodie that it shall neuer here be purged from al filthinesses because that so long as shee shall bee on earth there shall be in her wicked ones mingled with good ones Which thing Iesus Christ hath declared in the Gospell by two similitudes Matth. 13.24.25 c. In the first he saith that the kingdome of heauen that is to say the Church is like vnto a man which sowed good seede in his feeld but while men slept there came his enemie sowed tares amongest the wheate and went his way And when the blade was sprong vp and had brought foorth fruit then appeared the tares also Then came the seruauntes of the housholde and saide vnto him Master sowedst thou not c. and woulde presently haue gone and gathered them vp but the Lorde woulde not suffer them least while they went about to gather the tares they plucked vp also with them the wheate Therefore he willed that they might both growe together vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest the reapers shall gather the tares and binde them in sheaues to burne them but they shal gather the good
falsified or corrupted that is to say that the preaching of the doctrine must be pure and the administration of the sacramentes sound and lawfull For indeede in outward shew they would make men beleeue that these two markes are to be found amongst the Romish Catholikes but when all shall be rightly and duely examined we shall finde that the true Church is not for all that on their side For as concerning the worde it is not preached by them rightly or purely but as S. Hilarie saith they make a sense vpon the scriptures and take it not out of the scripture and make it as were a leaden rule which men commonly call Regula Lesbia applying it to their owne intentes and purposes and not submitting their owne purposes to it Touching this matter it is needfull for vs to knowe that all exposition of holy scripture must be referred to two principal heads or ends that is to say that it tend to the glorie of God and that it be conformable or agreable to the analogie proportion of faith For touching the first Iesus Christ saith Ioh. 7.18 He that seeketh the glorie of God is true Now without doubt when the Romish Catholikes extol mans free wil ascribe vnto mā some merit for his works they snatch as it were by violence pull away frō God some part of the glorie which is due vnto him and so by consequent whē they serue them selues with certain peeces of the scriptures to proue that which they pretend they can not therein excuse them selues but that they corrupt and falsifie the scriptures declaring them selues hereby right heretikes indeede In epist ad Galat. For as S. Ierome saith Who so euer expoundeth the scripture otherwise then the sense meaning of the holy Ghost requireth although he haue not withdrawne or separated him self from the Church he ceaseth not for all that to be an heretike Secondly S. Paul declareth that he Rom. 12.6 who hath the gift of prophecie ought to prophecie that is to say expound the scriptures according to the proportion of faith Now if in this behalfe we would take heed to and marke the expositions which the Romish Catholikes make and bring foorth vpon the scripture we shall finde at the least for the greatest part that they alledge or bring nothing lesse than the right true sense therof not following the analogie proportion which is required namely when the question is to expound these wordes of Iesus Christ This is my body Matt. 26.26 For seeing that they tye Iesus Christ here belowe on the earth meaning also that he should be bodily in the sacrament and that neuerthelesse the articles of our faith which are taken and drawen out of the holie scripture Act. 3.21 do teach vs that Iesus Christ is aboue in heauen and that he must of necessitie in respect of his body be therin contained remaine there vntil the last day that he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead it followeth well that in such an exposition they go farre astray and wander very much from the analogie proportion of faith As much also may we iustly say in that behalfe of many other articles which they haue corrupted Matt. 15.9 besides that very often they propound teach for doctrine mens traditions which are not only not drawne or taken from the word of God but which is more are altogether contrarie therto as cōcerning abstinence from meats forbidding of marriage inuocation of Saints praier for the dead adoration or worshipping of reliques and images many other such like matters And as concerning the sacramēts it is certaine that they are not lawfully administred by those men neither yet according to the forme and ordinance of Iesus Christ but they adde and ioyne to them in the ministration thereof infinite abuses superstitions do corrupt them through a certaine kinde of idolatrie which is detestable and full of vngodlinesse for that I may speak nothing of the fiue sacraments which they haue added of their owne let vs consider in what puritie baptisme and the holie supper is administred amongest them First is this a smal abuse to applie or minister baptisme to things without sense as to bells which was not ordained but for reasonable creatures Is this a sleight prophaning therof to ioyne to this sacrament oyle spittle salt and other such things as though it did not behoue vs to be content with that simplicitie wherein and wherewith Iesus Christ hath commaunded his Apostles to administer the same And touching the holie supper when they cause men to worship a morsell of breade for Iesus Christ when they denie to the people the signe of wine when the Priest eateth all by him selfe so that there is not any communion or partaking at all what is a corruption of the sacrament and an ouerthrowing of the ordinance of Iesus Christ if this be not Now seeing that these matters fall out thus we are to make this cōclusion to wit that seeing it must needs be that the word of God should be purely preached and expounded and the sacraments lawfully administred to the end that men may holde take them for right and certaine markes of the true Church that we are certaine and it manifestly appeareth that the contrarie be found amongest the Romish Catholikes it followeth verie well that these are not to be attributed to them although they would make men beleeue that these markes doe agree vnto them and their Church as well as vnto vs. But we wil dispute more largely in an other chapter of this matter to witte whether the Romish Church be the true Church or no CHAP. V. Of the succession and calling of Pastors BVT it may be that some wil demaund Is not the succession and ordinarie calling of Pastours a marke also of the true Church yea one of the principall markes I aunswere that the Romish Catholikes do affirme so indeed for this is that which they cōmōly obiect vnto vs to weaken our calling by being not able in the rest to find any thing to say or set against the doctrin whiche we preach vnlesse they intangle thēselues in infinite contradictions manifest absurdities But in the first place concerning succession I demaund what this is which they meane there I suppose that it is not such a succession as is from the father to the sonne as it hath beene heretofore in the line and race of Aaron as to say that he should be a priest that is the sonne of a preist for so they might ouermuch discouer and vnfold the vilanie of their high priestes but that they meane a continuall succession of Bishops and Pastors succeeding one an other euen from the time of Iesus Christ and his Apostles But where is this to be shewed that they haue founde that such a succession shoulde simplie bee necessarie and make a vocation or calling lawfull Doeth S. Paul Timoth. 4.1 c.
Caesars Wherefore seeing that Iesus Christ hath distinguished the offices of the Magistrates and the charges of the pastors of the Church Siluester did verie ill to confounde and iumble them together in his owne person Yea also there is a certaine Canon to this purpose Distinct 96. Can. Quū ad Nico. c. auouched and alledged vnder the name of a Pope and that these offices are distinguished by Iesus Christ If so be that Constantine gaue the empire of the west partes to Siluester they must say that Siluester possessed the same and left it to his successors and that if his successors doe not any longer hold it they must say that they haue beene thrust and driuen out of the possession thereof But let them shew if they can any matter touching this point in the histories Verilie so farre is it that Siluester those which succeeded him euen vnto Hildebrand who was named Gregorie the seuenth was created Pope about the yeare of Christ one thousande seuentie foure did holde the Empire of the West that indeed they had not rule or authoritie ouer the Citie of Rome but did peaceably and quietly acknowledge the Emperors for their Lords and were subiect to their lawes neither was there at any time a Pope chosē or created without the authoritie of the Emperor The charge came in in the time of the foresaide Gregorie It is about fiue hundred yeres agoe since the Pope haue by litle litle incroched vpon the Empire haue at the last brought into their subiection the Citie of Rome and since they did accomplish that there is not passed about a hundred threescore and nine yeares or there about I holde my selfe contented to haue set downe and declared this as it were by the way He that woulde more fullie see the falshod subtiltie which is in the deuice of this donatiō or gift may read thē which haue cōfuted the same Marsili c. as Marsilius of Padua in his booke which hee intituled the defender of peace who liued about the yeare of Christ 1324. Moreouer Laurentius Valla Laur. Valla. who liued about the yere 1440. Antonius Archiep. Also Antonius Archbishop of Florēce in his historie Cardinal Cusanus Cusanꝰ Cardinal in his third booke second chapter who sent his opiniō to the Councel of Basill about the yeare 1460. Raphael volater Raphael Volateran who liued about the yeare 1500. Moreouer it is written in the ecclesiasticall historie that Liberius and Felix Niceph. lib. 9. cap. 37. both two together at one and the same time gouerned the seate apostolicall and did in common the duetie of a Bishop at Rome Sozo lib. 4. cap. 15. and that by the consent of the Church yea by the ordinance and decree of the Councel of Syrmia which of these two then was at that time the onely and vniuersall head of all the Churches But let vs see whether the bishop of Rome were by the auncient fathers aduouched or acknowledged for the high or chiefe bishop S. Cyprian writing to the Bishoppes of Rome as Cornelius Stephanus Cypria lib. 1 epi. 1. 2. Cypria lib. 2. epi. 1. c. some others doeth not in any sorte call them either Popes or vniuersall Bishoppes but brethren and fellowes Cipria tract 3. de Simpli praelat Hee himselfe saith in an other place that there is no more but one Bishoprike wherof euery bishoppe in his owne charge holdeth a whole and sounde portion Cypria in Synod Carthu August recitat haec verba lib. 3. de Baptism contra Donatist cap. 3. And againe none of vs sayth hee is appointed bishop of bishops to inforce his fellowes by tyrannous terror vppon necessitie to obey him Polycarpus Bishoppe of Smyrna came to Rome in the time of Anicetus Bishop of Rome not to frame some appellation before him neither yet to kisse his feete or to receiue his decrees but to conferre with him touching the feaste of Easter and hee alledged for him selfe the authoritie and custome of S. Iohn and of other Apostles of Christ But Anicetus did not alledge either S. Peters authoritie or his owne but onely saide that it stoode him in hande to obserue the custome of the Elders which were his predecessors neither did he constraine Polycarpus to doe the like or excommunicate him therefore and Polycarpus on his side did not thinke he had cōmitted any offence in not consenting with the bishop of Rome in this matter touching the feast of Easter which hee woulde of a suretie haue done if he had acknowledged him for the heade or for the vicar of Iesus Christ constituted and placed in that office by the authoritie of God Irenaeus Euseb lib. 5 cap. 26. of whome wee haue spoken a litle before calleth Soter Anicetus Higinus Pius Telesphorus Xistus Elders as Eusebius in his fifth book and sixe and twenty chapter Dionysius the Bishoppe of the Corinthians writing to the Romaines calleth Soter not Pope of Rome or high prelate but Bishoppe Marke what he saith Soter your good Bishoppe hath not onely obserued this custome but also hath augmented it Euseb lib. 4. cap. 23. Eusebius hath extracted or taken this out of the Epistle of the saide Dionysius Lib. 4. cap. 3. Hierom. ad Euagr. Saint Ierome in an Epistle to Euagrius saith thus If a man dispute or reason of authoritie the worlde is greater then a citie In what place soeuer the Bishops be whether at Rome or at Eugubiū or at Constantinople or at Alexandria or else where they are all of equall ministerie and degree Chrysostome Chrys hom 43. in Saint Matt. ca. 23. whosoeuer saith hee shal amonge the Bishops desire primacie on earth shall finde confusion in heauen and he that shal affect or seek to be the first shal not be counted amongest the seruantes of Christ. Gregor lib. 4. epist Gregor lib. 6. epist S. Gregorie in diuers of his Epistles saith That he is an Antichrist that will attribute or giue vnto him the title of vniuersall Bishop But aboue al he putteth down a notable sentence in the two hundred and seuen and thirtie epistle to Eugenius the Bishop of Rome Gregor ad Eugeni epist 237. saying If Christ haue sent thee thou shouldest iudge that thou arte come not to be serued but to serue The true successor of Saint Paul will say with S. Paul Not that we haue Lordship ouer your faith but that we are aided and comforted with your ioy Saint Peters heire ● Peter 5.3 wil heare S. Peter saying Not as though yee were Lords ouer the Lordes heritage but being made ensamples to the flocke In the third Councel of Carthage whiche was helde about the time of Pope Syricius in the 26. Conci Cart. tertium Can 26. habet Distinct 99. Ca. prima sedis c. Canon which is also alledged distinct 99. The fathers ordeined that the Bishop of Rome should
or seeke newe places to offer their sacrifices oblations in but to come and to staye them selues within the Court of the tabernacle or of the temple Iesus Christ woulde not despise this place But wee knowe that whatsoeuer corruption was there no faithfull man was inforced to cleaue or sticke to anye superstitious manner or custome which is not practised at this day in the Church of Rome For as all there is of superstition and manifest idolatrie so they will constraine and enforce the faithful by fire and sworde to consent thereto and to pollute and defile themselues therewith against their owne consciences and gods expresse forbidding Lastly to what point did Iesus Christ bring the Church of Ierusalem when the high Priestes Scribes and Pharisees shewed them selues great madde men not doing their duties towardes it did hee not take his vineyard from these husbandmē who did not giue him the fruites whiche belonged vnto him and committed the same vnto others that is to his Apostles and their successors to yelde him fruite in their seasons Euen so likewise hath the Lorde done therewith in the Popedome He hath not destroyed his Church but hath only chaunged the estate thereof taking it out of the hand and guiding of the Bishoppes and Popishe Priestes and placing it againe vnder the gouernement and charge of other guiders and leaders who can see more clerely and be of better trust as it is spoken in Saint Mathewe Matt. 22 4● vnder the similitude or parable of the vineyarde To conclude if they aske what shall become then of our predecessors who died in the faith of the Romish Church are they condemned I aunswere that wee leaue the iudgement thereof vnto GOD for it belongeth not to vs to determine iudge of that which is hidden from vs which indeed passeth our knowledge and calling It is verie true Ioh. 3.18.36 that the holy scripture pronounceth that they which die without the faith of Christ are damned and we cannot but say amen and giue our consent to this Neither serueth it to any purpose to alledge ignoraunce and to say that it excuseth the sinner before GOD For the scripture is plaine and manifest therein Luk. 12.47.48 The seruaunt saith Iesus Christ that knew his masters will prepared not him selfe neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many strippes But he that knewe it not and yet did commit thinges worthie of stripes shall be beaten with fewe stripes Also Matt. 15.14 if the blinde leade the blind they shal fall both into the ditch Saint Paul saith also As many as haue sinned without the lawe Rom. 2.12 2. Thess 1.6 shall perishe also without the lawe and as many as haue sinned within the lawe shall bee iudged by the law And againe it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled rest and deliuerance with vs when the Lorde Iesus shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rendering vengeance vnto them that do not know God and which obey not vnto the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe which shall bee punished with euerlasting destruction c. These places doe openly inough declare what is the ende of those that die without faith although they bee ignorant for their ignorance can not excuse them nor serue them for a cloake or couering to absolue and set thē free from the iudgement of God for confirmation proofe wherof wee may alledge also and put downe that which is written in Leuiticus Leui. 4.2 touching the offering commaunded by God for the sinnes which were committed through ignorance Lo what wee haue to say for one point But to that which remaineth touching our fathers and predecessors God might well shewe mercie vpon them at the end of their dayes making himselfe knowne vnto them by the secrete vertue and power of his holy spirite and putting it into their harts to beleue in Iesus Christ his sonne that so they might be saued For God is almightie to saue his owne people yea without vsing any of these meanes which he is accustomed cōmonly ordinarily to vse to plant faith in vs and to ingraue it in our harts to our owne saluation And this is S. Cypriā his answere touching those that die in some false opinions Cypri lib. 2. epist 3. If some one of our predecessors saith hee either by ignorance or through simplicitie hath not kept and helde that which the Lord hath taught vs to doe by his example and authoritie the mercie of the Lord may pardon him But wee cannot helpe the same being admonished instructed by him Behold what S. Cyprian pronounceth herein It is true that hee speaketh properly touching the matter of the holy supper but nothing letteth but that wee may applie his speach generally to the matter of all the other articles of the faith The IX CHAP. Of the degrees of ministers in the Church where mention is made of the orders of the popish clergie and of the offices and dueties of true pastors Matt. 9.38 WE haue sene and heard heretofore that it apperteineth vnto the Lorde of the haruest to sende foorth workemen into his haruest For it belongeth not to any what giftes soeuer he hath receiued from the Lord to thrust himselfe into the worke of the ministerie vnlesse he be lawefully called thereto Ephes 4.11 Now the Apostle Saint Paul writing to the Ephesians sheweth vs what workemen the Lorde hath sent into his haruest that is to say Apostles prophetes Euangelistes Pastors and doctors Apostles Touching the Apostles they were chosen immediately from Christe and their office was to sowe and spreade the Gospell abroad throughout all the world neither had any one of them any limites or borders set thē or some certaine Churches appointed to them Matt. 28.19 Matt. 10.2 Gal. 2.8 but Christ would that in euery part or place where so euer they came they should do their message before all peoples and nations Such were the twelue named in the Gospell to whome Saint Paule was added who was specially appointed to beare the name of Christ among the Gentiles Nowe bicause this degree of Apostles was instituted and ordained by God for the establishing of Churches those Churches being planted and established this name of Apostle ought not any more to be vsed among the ministers as to be giuen and communicated to them And yet we read that sometime it is taken generally in the scripture for a Pastor and preacher of the Gospell As Epaphroditus is called the Apostle of the Philippians Philip. 2.25 Act. 14.14 and Barnabas is named an Apostle Act. 14. Prophetes are distinguished into two sortes or orders Prophets Some were vnder the old Testament and in that time who being instructed and taught by a speciall reuelation from God did foretell things to come the other were in the newe Testament who in
Origen in Iohan. Hom. 7. that hee whiche hath bene three times admonished and yet afterwards amendeth not should be cut off from the bodie of the Churche by the gouernours of the Churche And Saint Cyprian Cypr. lib. 3. epist 10.14 27. making mention of the custome and manner vsed in his time touching the publike and open censures of the Churche saith that nothing at all was done by the Bishoppe without the counsell of the Cleargie and the consent of the people Wherefore the Pope of Rome declareth him selfe to bee a false dealer and indeede a tyrant when snatching away and that by violence from the Churche the right and power that belongeth thereto hee arrogateth to him selfe and to his power and authoritie to cut off from the Churche and to excommunicate whome so euer hee or any of them shall thinke good The fourth consideration is touching the ends which men ought to set before them in the corrections of the Church and namely in excommunication Nowe there are three speciall ends thereof The first is that those which be of wicked life and conuersation may not haue any place amongest true Christians to the contempt of Gods name The second is that good people may not be corrupted by the conuersation of the wicked 1. Cor. 5.6 for a little leauen leaueneth the whole lumpe The third is that they which haue fallen and offended may be confounded and ashamed in them selues and afterwardes lifted vp againe comforted and reconciled to the Church 2. Thes 3.14 That is it which S. Paul setteth out and meaneth when he saith If any man obey not our saying note him by a letter and haue no companie with him that he may be ashamed 1. Cor. 5.5 Also speaking of the incestuous person I haue determined saith he that he should be deliuered to Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirite may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus These three ends are verie largely laid out at length discoursed vpon in the fourth booke of M. Caluines Institution Cap. 12. Sect. 5. Calu. lib. 4. Inst cap. 12. sect 5. Whereof the summe is that in corrections and censures men must regard and looke to three endes that is to say the glorie of God the edification of the Church and the repentance and conuersion of sinners The fift consideration is that men in the reprehensions and censures of the Church looke well to this that they haue not such cōsideration regard or respect to the outward appearance and shewe of mens persons that they tread the little ones or poore people vnder their feete and support aide and hearten the great and rich Deut. 10.17 Gal. 3.28 For as God accepteth no mans person and in the Church there is neither Iewe nor Grecian bond nor free male nor female but all are one in Iesus Christe so the gouernors of the Churche ought alwayes to walke with an vpright and equall foote without turning aside any manner of way in receiuing and allowing some and in refusing and disallowing others It is verie true that corrections ought alwayes to be tempered measured and accompanied with gentlenesse softnesse and courtesie to the end as Saint Paul saith that he that is reproued or blamed 2. Cor. 2.7 may not be swallowed vp with ouer much heauinesse For otherwise we shall turne the the remedie into poyson and hurt And therefore the same Apostle doth exhort vs Gal. 6.1 That we should restore with the spirite of meekenesse such as be fallen into or ouertaken with some fault 1. Tim. 5.12 And againe Rebuke not saith he an Elder vnreuerently but admonish or exhort him as a father the young men as brethren the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purenesse and chastitie We must therefore moderate with gentlenesse and meekenesse the rigour or hardnesse of the discipline least we hurt rather then profite But so farre off is it that they ought to spare any man that the corrections must be equally and indifferently applied and administred to all them which shal haue neede thereof whether they be men or women whether they be great or small whether they be masters or seruantes whether they be Gentlemen or of the common sort We knowe with what earnestnesse and heate Chrysostome was angrie against the Pastours in his time who for feare of great and rich men durst not reiect or put from the supper any of them when they offred them selues thereto nor before they were admitted thereto Chrysost Hom. 3. in Matth. The bloud saith he of these men shall be required at your handes If you feare mortall men for their greatnesse and riches verily men shall mocke you but if so be that you feare the liuing God he will bring to passe that euen men them selues shall haue you in honour and estimation And those which are lifted vp in dignitie An admonitiō to great men not to reiect or despise the discipline ought not to refuse to submit them selues and to make them selues as it were subiect to the discipline and they ought not to refuse the corrections of their Pastours and Elders seeing that by this meanes the Lorde will set them againe vpon their feete after they are fallen There is I knowe not what manner of pride in many which hindereth them from submitting them selues vnto the discipline There is besides I knowe not what maner of foolish and filthie shame which when it hath once seised or taken holde of them they loue rather to continue in their vices than to be aduertised or admonished thereof to the end that they may keepe them selues there from But the Emperor Theodosius was better aduised and of a more godlie minde For we reade Ambr. lib. 1. epist 3. in oratio Theodosij that when Saint Ambrose had excommunicated him by reason of much innocent bloud which was spilt and shead at his commaundement he tooke such a censure in good part and so farre off was it that he was stubborne and selfe willed against his Pastor and his Elders to recoile backe againe or to withdrawe him selfe from the Church that on the other side approuing the same correctiō and censure he vnclothed him selfe of his kingly ornaments and openly bewailing his sinne in the Church he did with teares gronings and sighes demaund and aske forgiuenesse thereof Certainly this is not in vaine that Iesus Christ hath said to the Pastors of his church What so euer ye shall bind or loose in earth Matt. 18.18 shall be bound or loosed in heauen For thereby he hath authorised his Church in the vse of the keyes by the word of God to condemne the peruerse stubborne and vngodlie and by the same word to reconcile and receiue to mercie all true penitent sinners Which authoritie of the Church is not restrained or hedged in to be exercised and executed among the common people only but also vpon Lordes and Magistrates Whereupon it
vnto the last day Psal 34.20 He wil keep the remembrance of vs for euer that it may not be any maner of way fading away or darkened Hee will keepe our bodies to the very bones thereof Iob. 19.25 against the day of the resurrection of al fleshe and will at the last crowne vs with eternal life which he himselfe hath purchased for vs by his owne blood O death then 1. Cor. 15.55 where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory Certainely wee haue very much wherewith to comforte our selues by the consideration of these thinges and when wee heare that Iesus Christe saith vnto vs Luke 9.23 If any man wil come after mee let him denie him selfe and take vp his crosse daily and followe me We ought to learne howe and after what sorte it behoueth vs to beare afflictions For first by these wordes Let him take vp his crosse Iesus Christe meaneth that wee shoulde willingly bowe downe our shoulders vnder the burthen of the crosse and shoulde subiect our selues with a free hearte and courage to beare the same yea that wee shoulde bee glad and reioyce if in this respect and behalfe we could yeeld and perfourme any seruice to God Acts. 5.41 Rom. 5. 3. according to the example of the Apostles and the doctrine which they taught Secondly when hee addeth dayly hee declareth that wee are neuer at the ende of our striuing vntill wee depart out of this worlde and therefore this is our continuall exercise that when wee shall haue indured and suffered sundrie persecutions wee shoulde prepare and dispose our selues to suffer them againe and other new beside them knowing as we haue ere while alleadged That he which shall continue to the end shal be saued .. Mat. 10.22 Wherefore they abuse and deceiue them selues who thinke that they haue rightly and duely discharged their duetie if they haue stoode fast in the time of one persecution or of two for it is not with the first flight that we flie to the ioyes of Paradise and Iesus Christe commaundeth vs not any thing here which he himselfe hath not first of all shewed vs the way thereto seeing that he was not only vnder the crosse but that al his life was no other thing then a perpetuall combate and striuing against afflictions 2. Corin. 11.14 c. And Saint Paul although hee might haue set out his labours his perils his prisonings his beatings his shipwrackes and an infinite number of other afflictions notwithstanding he saide yet That hee was altogether ready to suffer not onely to bee bounde and put in pryson but also willingly Actes 20.23 24. and without any grief to dye for Christes cause O how great is this honour to giue vp our life for the name of God They that are in the wages or souldiership of som eathly Prince make no great difficultie to forsake their owne parents and their goods that they may go to his seruice yea it troubleth them not muche to hazarde and giue vp their owne liues to mainteine his quarrell and cause which very often is vniust wicked And shall we which haue such a Prince as Iesus Christe the sonne of God is who died for vs poore and miserable sinners shall wee I say doubt to leaue all thinges yea to aduenture and yeelde vp our owne liues to maintain his cause his quarrel which is so iust and vpright specially seeing hee hath power to render and giue the same againe vnto vs afterwards Moreouer the meditation of the glory to come as wee haue already touched the same ought to strengthen and incourage vs in the middest of afflictions as we see Saint Paule fully resolued and settled himselfe thereupon when hee saide to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 4. 17.18 Our light affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre most excellent and an eternall weight of glory While wee looke not on the thinges which are seene but on the thinges which are not seene For the things which are seene are temporall but the thinges which are not seene 2. Tim. 2.11 12. are eternall And to Timothie It is a true saying If we be dead with Christ we shall allso liue with him if we suffer with him we shal also reigne with him Do we think to haue the crowne of glory without hauing first fought as our great Captaine did Do wee thinke to reigne with the Prince of life on high in heauē without hauing first suffered and borne troubles with him in this worlde If men take the earth from vs let vs looke vp to heauen Actes 7.55.56 which is open for vs as it was to Saint Steeuen If they put vs to death let vs looke to Iesus Christe who is our life who also dyed and rose againe Rom. 14.8.9 to the ende that if wee dye wee shoulde dye vnto him that afterwardes wee may bee raysed vp in glory as hee was Phill. 3.21 If our abiect and base body bee despised and dishonoured let vs looke to the glorious body of our Lorde Iesus Christe like vnto which our bodies shal be made in the last day To bee short if wee weepe and waile in this wonderfull heape and sea of miseries 2. Cor. 5.1 being in this worlde strangers pilgrimes passengers let vs remember that when wee shall once come to our celestiall and heauenly Citie which wee nowe waite and hope for then wee shall reioyce with a ioy which cannot bee comprehended and that with God himselfe and the holy angels Prophets Apostles and Martyres Reuela 21.4 For the Lord wil wipe away all teares frō our eies and there shal be no more death neither sorow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine Then shall wee feele the fruite of the crosse and tribulation whiche wee haue indured and suffered in this worlde Then shal we knovv hovv much vve be blessed Reue. 21.4 that haue suffered for Iesus Christe and haue made our robes vvhite in the blood of the Lambe 1. Iohn 3.2 1. Cor. 13.12 Then shal vve behold God euen as hee is and shal knovv him perfectly as he knoweth vs and wee shal liue and reigne with him for euer The Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrewes doeth by this meditatiō incourage the faithfull when he said vnto thē Ye haue bin partakers of the aflictions of my hāds Hebr. 10.34.35 suffered with ioy the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selues how that yee haue in heauen a better and induring substance Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence and rewarde But shall wee now thinke or suppose that wee loose our life when we shall haue abandoned forsaken and as it were giuen vp the same vnto tyrants for gods cause and matters Mat. 5.12 Shall wee iudge that wee die vpon imagination and as it were foolishe and insensible madde people as in deede the worlde supposeth seeing Iesus Christe hath promised