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heaven_n earth_n good_a lord_n 9,702 5 3.6330 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00472 The duetie of a faithfull and wise magistrate, in preseruing and deliuering of the eommon [sic] wealth from infection, in the time of the plague or pestilence two bookes. Written in Latine by Iohn Ewich, ordinary phisition of the woorthie common wealth of Breame, and newlie turned into English by Iohn Stockwood schoolemaister of Tunbridge. ...; De officio fidelis et prudentis magistratus tempore pestilentiae rempublican a contagio praeservandi liberandique. English Ewich, Johann von, 1525-1588.; Stockwood, John, d. 1610. 1583 (1583) STC 10607; ESTC S101800 118,209 274

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after a sort shalbe sinne But God will haue vs so long to haue care of our life which hee hath giuen vs vntill he take it away which gaue it vnto vs. For we are in this world as it were his souldiers and for the most part set in the fore front of the battaile from whence we must then only retire when as it shall please him for to call vs. And hee that either of negligence or rashnesse forsaketh his standing shalbe counted giltie of treason And these for the most part are the reasons of thē that holde it lawfull as to flie death so also according to our power to flie sickenesse On the other side the other with no lesse earnestnesse affirme the contrary For when as diseases say they especially vniuersall diseases are the punishment of God for our reason 1 sinnes wee ought not to flie the anger of our Father but rather to appeare before him and patiently to waite for stripes like vnto boyes that haue plaied some vnhappie tricke For they say that the examples alleadged by the aduersarie part make mention not of the plague but of death yea and of such a death as by the persecution of men is laid vpon vs betweene which two things there is great difference oddes For that wee may escape the handes of men but not of God And that men oftentimes haue vniust causes of persecuting as tyrannie desire to reigne reuenge couetousnesse ambition enuie anger hatred reproche quarrellyng letcherie incest stealing away or desiring of another man his wife which thinges are wont to stirre vp men to persecute others but that God doth punishe no man saue onely lawfully Heereunto is added that the punishment of men is not alwayes taken in hande for amendement but often for reuenge of some lewde act For the magistrate saith the Apostle beareth not the sworde in vaine but is a terrour and feare vnto the wicked and suche for the moste parte were the punishments of the olde Testament But God who is made a father vnto vs in Iesus Christe his sonne doth not punish vs for reuenge but for amendement For whom he loueth the same hee chastiseth Hee is also faithfull suffereth vs not to bee tempted aboue our strength But tempteth to make it knowene whether we loue him or no. And him that abideth this tentation the same doth Saint Iames pronounce happie because when hee shall haue beene tryed saith hee hee shall receiue the crown of lyfe which the Lorde hath promised vnto them that loue him Hereupon saith S. Peter Well beloued maruaile yee not when as you are tryed by fyre for this thing is doone for your tryall And Dauid calleth God the Sauiour of suche as trust in him for there is a promise of his in which it is saide Call vppon mee in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee These thinges cannot bee saide of men which persecute vs like as neither can that whereas the booke of wisdome calleth God the louer of the soule because when as wee call for his helpe hee cannot forget his office and minde towardes vs as hee who hath taken vpon him the name of Father as a most notable token of his good will towardes his creature and giuen it peculiarly vnto himselfe and doth yet dayly and bountifully by infinite benefites shewe his goodnesse powred out vpon vs and by his prophet Ezechiel crieth out I will not the death of a sinner but that he be conuerted and liue Againe by Esayas I the Lorde thy God teach thee onely profitable things Agayne by the Apostle Paule that hee will haue all mē to be saued And can these things I pray you say they be spoken likewise of angry tyrants and those that reuenge themselues on vs such as are the examples alleaged by the aduersaries Wherefore who woulde distrust God so bounteous a father and driuen as it were by despaire flie his chastizement taken in hande for our greate profite They say further especially such as are fullest of tongue among them that it is reason 2 no small token that God is displeased with their running away who by going aside in such sort goe about to seeke health for themselues when as oftentimes they neuertheles die in another corrupted ayer euen of this sicknesse whereof wee speake or els of some other griefe and by flying indeede doe not flie As concerning the counsel of Phisitions that they are not vnto Christians of reason 3 such weight that therefore they ought not to regarde the authorities alleadged out of the worde of God and holy Scriptures for that Phisitions seeke the health of the bodies not the health of the soules of which duty being mindful they leaue vnto euery man the care reason 4 of his owne soule Last of all this side preacheth much of the band of charitie wherwith we are bound one vnto an other and especicially of y e charity of those which liue in one citie or y t which is more in one church being sworne together in one spirituall league othe are ioyned together as it were into one loafe and bodie For what a monster or straunge thing saye they were this if some one member of our bodie haue caught some harme or shal peraduenture catch hurt shall it therefore be forsaken of the rest of the body or shal it not rather by all meanes bee holpen Or if some one part of the citie burn with fire shall it not therefore be succoured but shall the towne because of the danger be fled from and be forsaken If a man fal into the hands of theeues and being wounded of them be left halfe aliue shal it beseeme vs after the example of the Leuite and Pharisie to passe by him not rather with y e Samaritane to come downe from our horse that is to say to come down from our owne commodity to repayre y e hurt of our neighbor curteously according vnto our power to help vse him That verilie shoulde bee to Heathenlike and beastly S. Iohn saith Whosoeuer loueth not his brother is a man slayer and how doth he loue him whō being left in great distresse by flying away he forsaketh Is it not cast in the teeth of Sodome among her other sinnes that they forsooke and cared not for their neighbours And to speake at a word what I pray you say they shalbee the principall article of God his last accusation and condemnation agaynst vs sauing for that wee did not in time helpe those whiche stoode in neede of our helpe did not doe them good did not ayde them with our counsaile goodes and trauel For saye they we must after a certayne sort buy heauen whilest we liue on earth if wee wil euer enioye the possession thereof we must buy I say not for so much money as it is worth but by a singular good will and loue towards GOD and our neighbour through the onelye liberalitie of the Lorde God and