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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73785 A sermon preached before His Maiestie at White-Hall, on Tuesday the 25. of December, being Christmas day, by the Bishop of Elie His Maiesties almoner. Anno 1610 Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. 1610 (1610) STC 614; ESTC S113687 19,318 44

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16.22 A time shal be when it shal not be Sed gaudium meum nemo tollet a vobis But my ioy mine grounded on mee none shall euer take from you not sicknesse not death it selfe Others it shall this it shall not but now ye shall this Day and euermore ye shall reioyce in the holy comfort of it And this is the magnifying of the message 1. No euill newes Feare not 2. Nay good Be of good cheere 3. Good newes of ioy 4. Of great ioy 5. Publique ioy toti populo 6 Vniuersall ioy omni populo 7. Ioy to all that are or shal be And againe ioy which now is and shal be so for euer Now vpon all these he setteth an Ecce and well he may And that is neuer set by the Holy Ghost but super res magnae entitatis vpon matters of great moment But vpon this Hill vpon the top of it that hath so many ascent 's a Beacon would doe well For looke how many Ecce's in the Scriptures so many Beacons And betweene them as betweene these ye shall obserue a good correspondence still This Ecce here to the last a Cap. 1.31 Ecce concipies of the Blessed Virgine That to Esay's b Esay 7.14 Ecce concipiet Virgo That to Dauid's c Psal 132.11 Ecce de fructu ventris tui That to Abraham's d Gen. 22.18 Ecce in semine tuo and so vp till ye come to e 3.15 Semen mulieris There they first begin and take light one from an other till they come to this Ecce natus est hodiè the Ecce of all Ecce's the last and highest of them all And as a Beacon serueth to call and stirre vp men to haue regard so is this here to excite them and in them vs all with good attention to heare to heed these so great good tidings And indeed who is not excited with it whose eye is not turned to behold this Ecce whose eare standeth not attent to heare this Euangelizo whose heart doeth not muse Chap. 1.29 what maner of message this should be 2 That there is borne THis it is then Quòd natus est The birth of a Childe that there is one borne this Day the cause of all this ioy There is ioy at euery birth Sorrow in the trauaile saith our Sauiour but after the deliuery the anguish is no more remembred for ioy that a man is borne into the world But the greater he is that is borne and the more beneficiall his birth the greater adoe is made And among men because there are none greater then Princes and great things are looked for at their hands their birth 's are euer vsed to be kept with great triumph Gene. 40.20 Mar. 6.21 Pharaos in the Old Herods in the New both their Natus est's dayes of feasting Now of him that is borne here Matth. 12.24 it may truely be said Ecce maior hîc Behold a greater is borne here One whose birth is good newes euen from the poorest shepheard to the richest Prince vpon the earth Who is it Three things are said of this childe by the Angel 1. Hee is a Sauiour 2. Which is Christ. 3. Christ the Lord. Three of his Titles well orderly inferred one of another by good consequence We cannot misse one of them they be necessary all Our method on earth is to beginne with great In heauen they beginne with the good first A Sauiour First then a Sauiour that is his name Iesus Soter and in that name his benefite Salus Sauing health or Saluation Such a name as the great Oratour himselfe saith of it Soter In Ver. 4. Hoc quantum est Ita magnum est vt latino vno verbo exprimi non possit This name Sauiour is so great as no one word can expresse the force of it But wee are not so much to regard the Ecce how great it is as Gaudium what ioy is in it that is the point we are to speake to And for that men may talke what they will but sure there is no ioy in the world to the ioy of a man saued no ioy so great no newes so welcome as to one ready to perish in case of a lost man to heare of one that will saue him In danger of perishing by sicknesse to heare of one will make him well againe By sentence of the Law of one with a pardon to saue his life By enemies of one that will rescue and set him in safety Tell any of these assure them but of a Sauiour it is the best newes he euer heard in his life There is ioy in the name of a Sauiour And euen this way this child is a Sauiour too Potest hoc facere sed hoc non est opus eius This hee can doe but this is not his worke a further matter there is a greater saluation Hee came for And it may be wee neede not any of these wee are not presently sicke in no feare of the Law in no danger of enemies And it may be if we were wee fancie to our selues to bee releeued some other way But that which hee came for that sauing wee neede all and none but Hee can helpe vs to it Wee haue therefore all cause to be glad for the birth of this Sauiour I know not how but when wee heare of sauing or mention of a Sauiour presently our minde is caried to the sauing of our skin of our temporall state of our bodily life and further sauing wee thinke not of But there is another life not to bee forgotten and greater the dangers and the destruction there more to be feared then of this heere and it would bee well sometimes wee were remembred of it Besides our skinne and flesh a soule wee haue and it is our better part by farre that also hath need of a Sauiour that hath her destruction out of which that hath her destroyer from which shee would bee saued and those would be thought on Indeed our chiefe thought and care would be for that how to escape the wrath how to be saued from the destruction to come whither our sins will certeinly bring vs. Sinne it is will destroy vs all And to speake of a Sauiour there is no person on earth hath so much neede of a Sauiour as hath a sinner nothing so dangerous so deadly vnto vs as is the sinne in our bosome nothing from which wee haue so much need to bee saued whatsoeuer account we make of it From it commeth vpon vs all the euill of this life and from it all the euill of the life to come in comparison whereof these heere are not worth the speaking of Aboue all then we need a Sauiour for our soules and from our sinnes and from the euerlasting destruction which sinne will bring vpon vs in the other life not farre from vs not from him of vs that thinketh it farthest of Then if it bee good tidings to heare of a Sauiour where it
is but a matter of the losse of earth or of this life here how then when it commeth to the losse of Heauen to the danger of Hell when our soule is at the stake and the well doing or vndoing of it for euer He that could saue our soules from that destroyer were not the birth of such a one good newes trow Is not such a Sauiour worth the hearkening after Is he not It is then because we haue not that sense of our soules and the dangers of them that wee haue of our bodies nor that feare of our ghostly enemies nor that liuely apprehension of the eternall torments of that place and how neere wee are to it nothing beeing betwixt vs and it but this poore puffe of breath which is in our nostrils Our carnall part is quicke and sensible our spirituall is dead and dull We haue not the feeling of our sinnes that wee haue of our sickenesse if wee had wee would heare this newes with greater cheerefulnesse and hold this day of the birth of such a Sauiour with ioy indeed We cannot conceiue it yet this destruction is not neere ynough to affect vs. But in nouissimo intelligetis planè Ier. 30.24 in the end when the destroyer shal come and we shall finde the want of a Sauiour we shall plainly vnderstand this and value this benefite and the ioy of it as we ought and finde there is no ioy in the earth to the ioy of a Sauiour There is borne a Sauiour is the first The Angel addeth further 2 Which is Christ A Sauiour which is Christ For many Sauiours had bene borne many had God sent them that at diuers times had set them free from diuers dangers of their enemies Moses from the Egyptians Ioshua from the Canaanites Gideon from the Madianites Iepthe from the Ammonites Samson from the Philistims And in deed the whole story of the Bible is nothing else but a Calender of Sauiours that God from time to time still stirred them vp But these all were but pettie Sauiours there was one yet behind that was worth them all One that should saue his people from their sinnes Matt. 1.21 Saue not their bodies for a time but their soules for euer which none of those Sauiours could doe One therefore much spoken of wished for and waited for a Sauiour which was Christ when hee came they looked for great matters as said the Woman at the well side Ioh. 4.25 For hee was the most famous and greatest Sauiour of all And this is Hee A Sauiour which is Christ. Hee of whom all the Promises made mention and Hee the performance of them all of whom all the Types vnder the Law were shadowes and Hee the substance of them all Of whom all the Prophesies ranne and Hee the fulfilling of them all Hee of whom all those inferiour Sauiours were the figures and forerunners and Hee the accomplishment of all that in them was wanting This is Hee Iacobs a Gen. 49.10 Shilo Esayes b Esa 7.14 Emmanuel Ieremies c Iere. 23.5 Branch Daniels d Dan. 9.25 Messias Zacharies e Zach. 6.12 chap. 1. ● 78 Oriens ab alto Aggeis f Agge 2.8 Defideratus cunct●● Gentibus The Desire of all the nations then and now the ioy of all Nations a Sauiour which is Christ And what is meant by this terme Christ A Sauiour anointed or as in another place it is said more agreeable to our phrase of speaking a Sauiour sealed Ioh. 6.27 a Sauiour vnder Gods Great seale That is not as those other were sauiours raised vp of a sudden vpon some occasion to serue the turne for the present and neuer heard of till they came but a Sauiour in Gods fore counsaile resolued on and giuen foorth from the beginning promised and foretold and now signed and sent with absolute Commission and fulnesse of power to be the perfect and compleat Sauiour of all And to be it ex Officio His office his very profession to be one that all may haue right to repaire vnto him and find it at his hands Not a Sauiour incidently as it fell out but one ex professo Anointed to that end and by vertue o● his Anointing appointed set foorth and sent into the world to exercise this function of a Sauiour not for a time but for euer not to the Iewes as did the rest but euē to al the ends of the earth So runnes his Bil a Matt. 11.28 Venite ad me omnes Come all and b Ioh. 6.37 Qui ad me venerit non eijciam for as of them that come to me I wil cast none out c 1. Tim. 4.11 Seruator omnium hominum the Sauiour of all men and as the Samaritanes said of him d Ioh. 4.42 Seruator mundi The Sauiour of the world of Samaritanes Iewes Gentiles of Kings of Shepheards all And there is yet more particularitie in this word Christ Three offices did God from the beginning erect to saue his people by and that by three actes The very heathen tooke notice of them Purgare Illuminare Perficere Priests to purge or expiate Prophets to illuminate or direct them Kings to set all right and to keepe all right in that perfection which this world admitteth And all these three had their seuerall Anointings Aaron the Priest Leuit. 8.12 Elisa the Prophet 1. Reg. 19.16 Saul the king 1. Sam. 10.1 In the Sauiour which is Christ his will was all should meete that nothing in him might want to the perfecting of this worke That Hee might be a perfect Sauiour of all He was all A Priest after the order of Melchisedek Ps 110.4 A Prophet to be heard whē Moses should hold his peace Deut. 18.18 A King to saue his people whose name should be Iehoua iustitia nostra Iere. 23.6 Dauids Priest Moses Prophet Ieremies King And these formerly had met double two of them in some other Melchisedek King and Priest Samuel Priest and Prophet Dauid Prophet and King Neuer all three but in him alone and so no perfect Christ but He but He all and so perfect By his Priesthood to purge expiate and saue vs from our sinnes 1. Ioh. 2.2 being a propitiation to God for them By his prophesie to illuminate and saue vs from the by-pathes of errour guiding our feet in the way of peace By his Kingdom protecting conducting vs through the miseries of this life Chap. 1.79 til He perfect vs eternally by himselfe in the ioyes of his heauenly kingdome Rightly then a Sauiour which is Christ Now as in the name Sauiour there was so is there likewise ioy in this Name Christ and that many wayes First that we shall hang no more in expectation Wee shall be no longer Vincti spei Hopes prisoners He that should come is come Zach. 9.12 The promised Sauiour The Sauiour which is Christ is now borne and when spes becomes res then our ioy is full 2.