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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66869 A warning and testimony from the Lord who lives and abides forever that all that have known the Lord get into the name of the Lord therein only to have their confidence ... / by Humphry Woolrick. Wollrich, Humphry, 1633?-1707. 1680 (1680) Wing W3306; ESTC R26392 18,663 26

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A WARNING AND TESTIMONY FROM THE LORD Who Lives and Abides forever That all that have known the Lord get into the Name of the Lord therein only to have their Confidence And that all such who have truly known him who is the great High Priest wait upon the Lord out of Self in the true Light that sheweth every Thought and Reasoning for the buddings and bringings forth of the Spiritual Rod of his Strength out of Sion in his holy Tabernacle and Temple whose Fruits being brought forth praise him in the midst of the Church World without End By Humphry Woolrick Printed in the Year 1680. A Warning and Testimony from the Lord who Liveth and Abideth forever c. FRIENDS WHo is that happy Man or People that are in such a happy State and Condition to whom the Lord's Power is a Hedge and Walls of Salvation as it was to the Just and Upright Man Job who put on Righteousnes as a Garment and whose Crown was true Judgment who feared the Lord and eschewed Evil Was not his Root by the great Waters and did not the Dew lie upon his Branch Did not the Lord give him according to that good man's Blessing the Fatness of the Earth and the Dew of Heaven Was not the Secret of God with him and his Glory fresh in him who did not set before his Eye any Evil Thing but put it all away from his Tabernacle with his holy Eye which had brought Death and filled the Temple of God with Darkness for whilst Solomon saw with that Eye he drove away the Evil from his House then he saw it was the Slothful's Vineyard that was over-grown with Weeds he saw also the Place of Judgment and Transgression was there the Place of Righteousness and Iniquity was there read Isaiah 5. to the 8th verse see what the Lord would do to his Vineyard I will take away the Hedge thereof saith he and it shall be eaten up and break down the Wall thereof and it shall be trodden down for the Vineyard of the Lord of Hosts is the House of Israel and the Men of Judah his Pleasant Plants from whom after all his Labour upon them he looked for Judgment but behold Oppression for Righteousness but behold a Cry and for this Cause have many great and fair Houses and Buildings been left desolate without Inhabitants even for want of the Judgment of Truth being executed within their Gates But consider could the Devil or them that are Co-workers with him get over this Hedge which the Lord made about Job to touch him or any thing he had until the Lord gave them leave that so his Patience and Faith might be tryed and proved as Gold is tryed in a Furnace of Earth and he come out more pure as he himself said on this wise I know when I am tryed I shall come forth as Gold and his most holy Faith and Patience which the most holy and living Word was the Author and Finisher of might be found to the Glory and Praise of God whose Kingdom and Dominion rules over all and he himself our First and our Last before and above all in the Hearts and Souls of his People might be God blessed admired and praised in the midst of that House whose Walls are Salvation World without end as Solomon saith To do Justice and Judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than Sacrifice Such that neglect it I know may force themselves to Sacrifice like Saul in the Trangression but Samuel told him It was a Foolish Sacrifice Behold saith he to Obey is better than Sacrifice and to do his Will and Commandment than the Fat of Rams or all these which thou sayest the People have brought to sacrifice to the Lord my God in Gilgal For who keep not their own Hearts clean all they do is unclean as to them and therefore unto Cain's Offering nor the Hypocrites long Prayers and Praises which are out of the living Spirit out of the clean thing the Lord hath no regard and this is one with the Apostle's words which saith To the Pure all things are Pure and why so because it never leads into any Sin or Impure Thing all that is an Effect of Man's departing from the Living God his going out from His holy Will and Counsel which ever purifies and keeps the Heart clean and sanctifies throughout But saith the Apostle To the Impure all things are impure nay further Whatever is not of Faith is Sin the Prayer and the Ploughing of the Wicked is Sin because their Hand is not to God's Plow which should plough up the Fallow and Thorny Ground of their Hearts that so the Plant and Lilly of God might grow and the Man-child whose Name is the Branch might grow and spring up upon the holy Hill of Sion to Reign before the Ancients gloriously which is his right and place the Father who is greater then all hath allotted him and into whose Hand he must deliver his Kingdom that he may be seen and known to be all in all and that all the various Ministrations and diversities of Gifts he hath given to men be effects of his goodness for the perfecting of the Saints untill we come to this holy fulness which is all in all in his holy People who by him for his great Mercy sake wherewith and wherein he loved us when we were Enemies hath and doth wash from all Sin and so in that that is without Spot or Putrefaction comes the Church to be cleansed and presented to God without Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing in and through that which is all fair and altogether lovely and hath no spot in it and you that know this you know the Golden Altar the hidden Manna ye eat of and the holy Incense in which the Lord smells a sweet Savour and the holy and pure Hand of the holy and pure Angel through which it ascends to the holy Lord God as did the holy Apostle Offerings which the Unholy and Sinners in Heart have no right unto and this Altar must be known in the Heart of his Kings and Priests and they do know that this holy Altar is raised through the true Fear Awe and in the Name of the Lord For they that Fear as saith the Prophet which Fear is to depart from Evil their Heart shall be enlarged and their Vnderstandings shall be opened their Ear and their Eye that was shut and closed up as within a Cloud of Darkness shall be opened because the Abundance of the Sea shall be converted to them for they be come to that one in which God reconciles all things to himself whether they be things in Heaven or things in Earth and blessed are they of the Lord God that made Heaven and Earth that read and understand wait to witness in a daily Cross to self these things for they are the Redeemed and the Blessed of the Lord and their holy Off-spring with them And my Heart is overcome with the
and his Company who cryed Are not all the Lord's People Holy every one of them Wherefore then do ye Moses and Aaron take so much upon you as to lift up your selves above the Congregation of the Lord These were famous men men of Renown in the Congregation and it was themselves that loved to have the Preheminence which they charged upon that Meek man whom God honoured and they were usurping the Priesthood which the Lord had given to Aaron These men I say doubtless had seen great things and were men of Understanding which made them honourable in the Eyes of the People but they being puffed up in the fleshly Mind and having darkned themselves with Belial's Spirit who is a King over all the Children of Pride they said to Moses Wilt thou put out the Eyes of this People and charged him as a Lyar in the face of the Congregation without all fear of God in their Hearts Moreover said they thou hast not brought us into a Land that floweth with Milk and Honey They would fain have been there to satisfie their Lusts with the good things thereof whilst they were unfit to partake of them And as I was considering what would be the End of these men who obey not the Gospel whither will they lead their Followers who have not the Lord to lead them but even into the Pit and Ditch of Darkness and Miery Places out of which the Lord in his manifold Mercies hath plucked our feet for they be not for Justice that they esteem harsh and bitter like Wormwood And these words came fresh into me from the Lord to send amongst you This is a People Robbed and Spoiled they are snared in Holes and shut up in Prison-Houses they are for a Prey and none saith Restore for a Spoile and they themselves do not say Deliver And against such the Testimony of Truth is But as for such who mean well and forbear the doing of things because they see them not and be kept simple in their Minds out of the Emnity the Lord will teach such and guide them in the way he would have them to go and to such God he knows my Heart is tender I judge them not but leave them to the God of Mercy and Judgment And let none be content with Sights or Visions of God only for Judas Saul and Balaam and many others had that whose Hearts and Ears were not Circumcised nor right before the Lord for man may see great things whilst himself is yet afar off from him who is the Root and Giver of all good as Paul saith 1 Cor. 13.1 Though I understood all Mysteries though I have the Gift of Prophecy though I have all Faith so that I could remove Mountains though I spake with the Tongue of men and Angels and have not Charity I am but as a sounding Brass and tinkling Cimbal being out of that more Excellent Way read Ezek. 16. also being not subjected down thereunto in the daily Cross with that that comes there-from Man will soon be puffed up as a Bubble and become as a wandring Star from his own Station and Order for man being not subjected down into the true Love to the Giver he will vaunt himself as if he bore the Root or had something which he had not received and so play the Prodigal until Want and Famine comes upon him And here is the great Idolatry and spiritual Whoredom when People run out with God's Gift to Sacrifice upon the Mountains without the Leadings and Conduct of the great Captain of Salvation whose Leadings are alwayes in the living Path of Self-denyal until down into the Humility Self be humbled and made of no Reputation and so is the Eye kept waking and the living Keeper and Shepherd that never slumbers nor sleeps comes to be seen Eye to Eye and the Eye that sees him is satisfied and its Lise and Clearness of Sight is in his Presence and all that work here and walk here stumble not neither do they labour in vain or spend their Strength for nought for they be Workers together with God and be the Wise Builders as Paul was for the Lord is the Builder of the sure House and City which hath the Everlasting Foundations which John the beloved Disciple gives a Relation of when he was in the Holy Spirit of Self-denyal on the Lord's Day where Christ was his Root and Offspring his First and his Last who bid him Fear not I am he that was dead and am alive and behold I live for evermore and I have the Keys of Hell and Death And I do desire all that be newly convinced that you keep your living Thirst and Pantings after the living God alive in you and be not satisfied with any other thing besides the flowing-forth of the sincere Milk of the Word and the goings-forth of that River which parteth it self into many Streams from the spiritual Eden of God to the watering of the Souls of the weary Followers and Flock of God this is the ancient River even that ancient River the River of God and the Brook in the Way which Enoch and all the weary Travellers drank of and so lifted up their Heads and their Bow was renewed in their Hand and their Arm was strengthned by the Arm of the Mighty God of Jacob thence is the Shepherd the Stone of Israel and the sure Foundation for the Righteous to build upon throughout all Generations for they be not the Foolish Builders raising their Structure with Hay or Stubble Silver or Gold or any such thing for they hear the Word and keep it they know the Word and do it and so be the Wise Builders and so their holy Building and House the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against So go not forth nor journey not whist the Cloud is upon the Spiritual Tabernacle until you see the Cloud removed and it going before you to find you out a Resting-Place and as Joshua said to Israel of old concerning the Shadow of this Spiritual Ark Joshua 3.4 so may I say to you Let there be a space between you and it that you may know the Way you should go for you have not passed this Way heretofore and so the Fire in Sion and the Furnace of the Lord in Jerusalem ye shall know to your Good and not Hurt who love him above all even to take away the Bad which hath seperated the Soul from the chief Good and when he whets his glittering Sword and causes his holy Hand to take hold on Vengeance and when he layes his Ax to the Root of the Evil Tree to cut it down into this Consuming Fire if thou now be patient and bear the Indignation of the Lord for Sin out of the Furnace will he bring thee as Gold and nothing shall be consumed but that which cannot dwell with the Lord nor ascend into his Holy Hill and here to pass through Death will be thy Life thy Poverty Riches and thy Loss thy exceeding Gain and great Reward for thou shalt fear the Lord and his Goodness and thy Heart shall be enlarged greatly and lifted up in his holy Way because the abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee the Glory of that goodly Mountain Lebanon even so spiritually wherein dwelt thy Enemy afore-time shall be given to thee with the Excellency of Carmel and Sharon But now run not out with the Flashes that come as Lightning out of the East into the West but keep down in Humility and Simplicity and the Lord will teach the Simple and the living Springs will he guide the Meek in Judgment Oh Friends it is the Humble that give the Glory to the God of Israel for all his Benefits and that render back again to him according as from him they have received and to them will he shew his Wonders in the deep he will beautifie them with Salvation and make them exceeding glad with the Light of his Countenance When David was in the deep Poverty crying unto the Lord then did he hear and help him and shewed him great things to wit How the Angels of the Lord pitched their Tents about the Fearers of the Lord and the Thousands of Angels were his Charriots wherewith he fought and prevails forever against his Enemies who touch and grieve his hidden Ones And how did Jacob see the Host of God's holy Angels and God himself calling and speaking to him out of Heaven in the Day of his great Distress when he wrestled with him and made Supplication to him And when the Prophet's Servant in Dothan had the Eye of his Understanding opened that is shut in the Proud and Haughty then he saw the Mountain full of Horses of Fire and Charriots of Fire round about Elisha And the Apostle who from a good Experience exhorted so much to Self-debasement and a Dying daily he said in that great Danger by Sea that he was in The Angel of the Lord whose he was stood by him to counsel and comfort him And when before Nero he was brought no man stood by him but the Lord only and he strengthned him and he was delivered out of the Mouth of the Lyon And so as thy Ear is open to the living Shepherd's Voice of thy Soul and his Precepts and Statutes with the Judgments by thee being observed and not put away from thee nor slighted thy Eye shall not be dim but it shall be by the Lord held watching and the Commands shall be to thee Life and the Precepts of the Lord will be pure rejoycing thy Heart and opening thy Understanding and him that is true thou shalt see and no Evil shall come nigh thy Dwelling and as Christ said to them that kept his Sayings they should never see Death but they being given up as a whole Burnt-Offering into the holy Will where is the holy Flames of Love that many Waters cannot quench they shall see Life and Immortality brought to light and so come to be clothed upon with their Holy House from Heaven as the Unholy House of the Wicked is broken down and destroyed H. W. THE END