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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47144 A Farther account of the great divisions among the Quakers in Pensilvania, &c. as appears by another of their books lately come over from thence, intituled, Some reasons and causes of the late separation, that hath come to pass at Philadelphia, betwixt us, called by some of the seperate meeting, and others that meet apart from us : more particularly opened, to vindicate and clear us and our testimony in that repsect, viz. : that the seperation lieth at their door, and they, and not we, are justly chargeable with it : with an apology for the present publication of these things. Budd, Thomas, 1648-1699.; Furnis, Henry.; Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1693 (1693) Wing K166; ESTC R16901 19,794 24

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when Achan had Transgressed in the Camp of Israel and had hid the accursed thing the Anger of the Lord was kindled against them until he was discovered and Judgment executed against him And seeing it is so that many evil and hurtful Opinions that are as poysonous Weeds have had too much place among us but have so secretly lurked under Ground and yet have brought forth bad Fruit above Ground for it is the Nature of Errors in Doctrine to produce Errors of Practice and evil Conversation of Life that we did not know that such bad Fruits did spring from such bad Principles of Doctrine that were held by them but we did rather impute them to some other Cause than to Ignorance or Error in Judgment We have great cause to rejoyce and bless God that his Light hath made this Discovery among us for the Light discovereth Darkness as well of Errour and Unbelief in relation to Doctrine as in matters of bad Conversation And we are fully perswaded that it is an infallible sign of that approching Glory of God's blessed Day that is more abundantly to be revealed among us and in us which many of our faithful Friends have fore-told as nigh at hand and all the Faithful have much longed and waited for and continually pray for And it will have a service to bring many to Truth that have stood at a distance because of Offences and Stumbling-blocks that have been laid in their way through the Ignorance of many especially who have professed the Truth with us after some sort but have not received the true and sound Knowledge of it and too many that have presumed to preach and pray in our Meetings their way both of preaching praying hath been very offensive to many tender-hearted people by their pretending greatly to the Spirit 's Leadings and Movings when they have expressed very unsound and unsavoury words and have greatly discovered their unskilfulness in the Mystery of Christ both outwardly as he came in the Flesh died and rose again and is ascended and the great benefit of his outward Coming to men as so known and believed by them and as inwardly revealed so that many who have come to our Meetings have been as a hungry Child that greatly needed the Breast and thirsted for the sincere Milk of the Word having heard a great Noise of it but when they came to suck they did not find that which answered their desire and went away dissatisfied and the Breast it self was so daubed over with what was unpleasant to them as Mustard or Chimney-Sout is to the Mouth or Taste of a Sucking Child But God having so ordered it by his great Love that by his marvellous Providence discovering these things that hath been a long and great hurt and hindrance to the prevailing of Truth among us and causing his Light to spring up more clearly among us that Christ and the Faith of him both without us and within us is sincerely and powerfully preached by some of God's raising up among us more clearly and fully than many have formerly known although the Doctrine is the same in matter and substance that the most faithful and foundest Friends and Brethren have all along held from the beginning and we are infallibly assured this present Exercise that is at present so heavy and grievous to many honest hearted for want of a through discerning and understanding the Mind and Counsel of God therein and his blessed Purpose for the advancement of his Truth shall greatly tend to their Comfort in due time and to the Comfort of many to raise them up to give Glory to God with high Praises in their Hearts and Mouths for what he hath begun to do and will finish and perfect in his own time for the Exaltation of his own Name and the Name of his dear Son that the Mystery of him even that great Mystery of Godliness which is Christ come in the Flesh and God manifest in the Flesh even in that Body of Flesh through Death to reconcile us unto God with the blessed Effects and Fruits of it inwardly witnessed by the Revelation of him in us may be yet more gloriously revealed that the Souls and Hearts of many may be affected with the same and overcome therewith to love him and live to him who died for them and rose again and to love God and live to God through him in all holy Obedience who gave him freely unto them And though the Adversaries of Truth may for a small time rejoyce a little and seem to be gratified and strengthned in their Enmity against Truth and the sincere Lovers and Professors of it so as even to seem to glory over them yet after a little time their joy will be turned into sorrow and their great glorying and seeming gratifyings into Discontents and Frettings when they shall be made to see and acknowledge the Hand of the Lord in all these things to their great Amazement and Disappointment for the good of all that love him and the Exaltation of his Name and promoting Truth and Righteousness in the Earth that his Kingdom may come in greater Power and Glory and his Will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven And as for all such who are by a false Spirit acted to Prophecy false things concerning us and to pronounce Woes against us and our present Work and Testimony as if both it and we should fall and come to nothing as some have done Our Faith and Trust is in God and our Dependance and Reliance is on him whose we are and whom we serve and for whose Glory and Honour we are zealously concerned in this present Service with true Humility of Mind and earnest Prayer unto God that he will preserve and strengthen us to the end and make our Almond Rods to bud and blossom while others that resist the Truth of our Testimony will wither for of a Truth God is with us and on our side whose blessed Power and Presence we feel to encourage and strengthen us and therefore let such who gain-say the Truth of our Testimony and from a rash head-strong and wilful Spirit make opposition to the same take heed what they do lest they be found Fighters against God for what is of God will stand let ever so many high and bold Pretenders to that which they are not real Professors contradict it and lest that be fulfilled concerning them that is written Acts 13.41 Behold ye Despisers and wonder and perish for I work a Work in your Days a Work which ye shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you compared with Hab. 1.5 And further the false Reports and Rumors that are already spread abroad concerning us by many laying all fault upon us of this present Breach and Division and loading not only us but the Truth it self with many false and bitter Aspertions Reflections and Calumnies will be cause enough we hope to all impartial people to whose hands this shall
Judgments only one or two signifying their not throughly understanding the Case declared their unclearness but said nothing against it the true Copy whereof doth also hereafter follow And this Judgment also given by the Meeting being refused by a Party in the Quarterly Meeting to let it be entred in the Monthly Meeting Book gave us just Offence because in so doing they refused us to be a Monthly Meeting and denied our Judgments which we are perswaded in our Consciences by the Spirit of Truth was a just Judgment concerning these Men and we could do no less both for the Peace of our Consciences and the honour of Christ Jesus and also for the Credit of our Profession in all parts of the World where such a Profession is made than to give such a Judgment concerning these Men. Note That G. K. had no hand in giving Judgment concerning th●se Persons and Matters but was wholly passive he being the Person accused And also No●e That they which refused our Judgments were present at the said Monthly Meeting but when they perceived things to go contrary to th●ir Mind they with-drew Another thing wherein the said Party both in the Quarterly and Monthly M●●●ing gave us Offence was That whereas great Opposition had been made by them against a late printed Book entituled The Christian Faith of the People of God called Quakers in Rhode Island vindicated c. several Friends presented to this Meeting a Paper desiring the Meeting to be cautious not to oppose the Rhode-Island Friends Testimony to the Truth whereupon after having read and duely considered the said Rhode-Island Sheet Judgment was given by us approving it and VV. B. for Printing it but this also was refused by them to be recorded in the Monthly Meeting Book wherein they have given a Three-fold Instance that they have denied us to be a Meeting A Practice that we never knew before among the People called Quakers that ever such a thing was suffered that one party of a Monthly Meeting should deny their Brethren and leave them and yet afterwards lay claim to them when they themselves made the Separation Here follows a true Copy of the Judgments given at the Monthly Meeting at Philadelphia the 27th Day of the 12 Month 1691 2. which was the Meeting adjourned by consent from the 26th to the 27th day where they met at the School-House as used in cold Seasons WHereas at the last Monthly Meeting Thomas Fitswater openly accused G. Keith with denying the sufficiency of the Light which G. K. denying T. insisted that he could prove the same And coming into this Meeting to prove his Charge brought VV.S. as his Witness whom the Meeting having heard the said T. F. by his own consent left the Matter to the Judgment of this Meeting which they having duly weighed and considered they do unanimously agree and deliver it as their sence That the said T. F. do give forth a Paper of Condemnation of his falsly charging G. K. and to clear the said G. K. of the said Charge As also it is the Sense of this Meeting that the said T. F. do give Satisfaction to the Friends of this Meeting by a Paper of his true Faith and Belief in Christ's Resurrection and as he is now in Heaven in the Glorified Nature of Man which is not the Godhead he having given this Meeting great cause to question his Belief therein and that he forbear offering his Gift by way of Testimony in our publick Meetings until he hath given Friends and G. K. Satisfaction in manner abovesaid Whereas VV. Stockdale having formerly accused G. K. with Preaching Two Christs and the Charge and Matter having been fully Debated at the last Yearly Meeting before publick Friends and others who did deliver it as their Sense and Judgment That the said W. S. had abused G. K. thereby and that G. K. 's Doctrine was right and true in his Preaching Faith in Christ within and Faith in Christ without and the said VV. S. having never given any Satisfaction but at this Monthly Meeting did say That what he had formerly said in his Charge against G. K. he did yet stand by and justifie The Friends of this Meeting do deliver it as their Sense and Judgment That the said W. S. should condemn his Unrighteous Charge publickly by giving forth a Paper of Condemnation for his so doing and that he desist offering his Gift by way of Testimony till he hath so done There being a Paper presented to this Meeting Signed by several Friends in relation to the Rhode-Island Paper entituled The Christian Faith c. recommending the Service of the said Paper c. whereupon the said Paper being read in this Meeting the Friends thereof do unanimously agree and give it as their Sense and Judgment That the said Paper is for the general Good and Service of Truth and Friends in this Country and elsewhere and that it came forth very seasonably for the Vindication of Truth and Friends and the W. B. ought not to be blamed nor discouraged for Printing the same Signed by Order of the Meeting by J. W. The Names of some of the Friends that gave the aforesaid Judgments at the said Monthly Meeting the 27th of the 12 Mon. 1691. George Hutcheson Paul Saunders John Lynam Ralph Jackson Phillip James Richard Hillyard Anthony Sturges Thomas Peart Thomas Tress John Lostus William Harwood James Chick Thomas Morris John M Comb John Hutchins James Cooper Thomas Winn John Hart Anthony Taylor Abel Noble Nicholas Pearce John Furnis John Redman John Williams Ralph Ward William Dyllwin John Duploveys John Budd William Bradford William Paschall Joseph Willc●x Thomas Budd Thomas Hooton Thomas Paschall Humphrey Hodges Henry Furnis Robert Wallis Thomas Jenner William Davis Francis Cook Henry Johnson Joseph Walker Hugh Derborough William Say William Hard But that it may appear how weak and insufficient the Reasons are that were given by the said Party at the Quarterly Meeting why we were no Meeting we think sit to give an Account of them with our Answers to them One Reason was That a Monthly Meeting could not Adjourn and there was no President for it But to this the Clerk of the Meeting answered That he had Minu●es to sh●w a Monthly Meeting had formerly Adjourned and why could not a Monthly Meeting upon a weighty occasion Adjourn as well as any other Meeting Another Reason was That the Clerk and the Monthly Meeting Book was gone But to this it was answered The Monthly Meeting could make or conslitute a Clerk as other Meetings have done for it is the Meeting that makes the Clerk and it is not the Clerk that makes the Meeting A third Reason was There are few of the Friends of the Ministry or Elder Friends and Brethren that were present at the Adourning or at the Meeting Adjourned To this it was answered That there were more both Friends of the Ministry and Elder Friends and Brethren at that Meeting that did Adjourn and met when