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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22030 A looking glasse for England VVherein those enormities and foule abuses may most euidentlie be seene, which are the destruction and ouerthrow of euery Christian common-wealth. Likewise, the onely meanes howe to preuent such daungers: by imitating the wholsome aduertisements contayned in thys booke. VVhich sometime was the iewell and delight of the right honourable Lorde and father to his countrey, Fraunces Earle of Bedforde, deceassed.; De duodecim abusivis. English. Lesse, Nicholas.; Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, attributed name.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage, attributed name. 1590 (1590) STC 84.5; ESTC S118999 17,805 50

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inward man that féeleth no age beeing also pained with the selfe same diseases And all these sickenesses and infirmities rehersed are signes and tokens before that the house of this bodie shal shortlie decay What haue we to doo then while the ende of this life draweth so fast on but that such as are olde shoulde desire to couet nothing els then howe they might soonest obtaine the felicitie of the life to come Although the time of death be vncertaine to al men yet it is most naturall to olde men For to young men the end of their life is alway at hand and vncertaine but vnto olde men it is more ripe naturall as also agreeable to their age Two things in a man neuer wexe olde Wherefore a man must take heede of two things which neuer doo were olde in his flesh and doo drawe the whole man vnto sinne that is to say the heart and the tongue For the hart is alway imagining of new thoughts and the tongue is euermore swifte in speaking whatsoeuer the hart doth imagine or thinke Let olde men therefore beware that these young members doo not bring the whole harmonie of their bodies out of tune causing the other parts of the body which doo shew grauitie to be laughed to scorne For euery man ought to take heede what becommeth the age which he beareth that he may doo those things which shall cause that neither his life age nor behauiour may be touched with despising The third abuse A young man without obedience Cap. 3. Disobedience is the disorder of al the world HEere must wee intreat on the thirde eye sore namely if a young man be founde without obedience whereby the world is brought out of good order For how dooth he think to be reuerenced whē he commeth to age that in his youth wil shew no obedience or reuerence to them which are olde And therfore it is a common saying among olde men that he can neuer play the Maister well who hath not one way or other declared himselfe seruiceable and obedient to some other before Example of our Sauiour Christ his obedience For the which cause our Lorde Iesus Christ in the time of his béeing vpon the earth in his flesh til the lawfull time and age of a teacher that hée should teach did serue and minister obediently to his Parents Likewise then as grauitie sadnes and perfect godly manners are looked for and beheld in olde men so to young men belongeth of right humble seruice subiection and obedience Wherfore in those precepts and commaundements of the Law which appertaine to the loue of our neighbor the first is the honor of Father and Mother beeing commaunded vnto vs that although the carnall father be not aliue or is vnworthy yet thou must to some other which is aliue shew obedience and giue honor till such time thou cōmest to an age worthie to be honoured thy selfe The vocable father is taken foure manner of wayes For this word Father is taken foure manner of waies in the Scripture that is to say by nature by the nation or people for coūsell and for age Of the naturall father Iacob speaketh to Laban saying Gene. 31.42 If the feare of my father Isaack had not beene heere thou wouldest haue taken all that I haue Of the father of the people it is said when the Lord spake to Moses out of the bush Deut. 32. I am the God of thy Fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaack the God of Iacob Of the father for age and counsell it is likewise written Deut. 10.12 Aske the father and hee shall tell thee and the Elders and they shall shew vnto thee Wherefore if thy naturall Father bée dead and so not worthy to be obeyed if anie other olde man doo giue thee good counsell thou must shew the obedience of a young man vnto him For how shal hée be honoured in his olde age which refused to folow the good lessons of obedience when hee was a young man himselfe Whatsoeuer a man doth labour that shal he reape and gather In like manner all discipline at the first seemeth to be vnpleasant and painfull but afterward it shall giue to them that haue exercised themselues therin the most pleasant and quiet fruite of right and iustice For like as there is no fruite found on that Tree which first did beare no blossoms so in age that man shall neuer haue the due honor to age who in his youth hath not first béene exercised with some discipline And which way can discipline be without obedience Obedience is the mother of discipline It followeth then that a young man without obedience is a young man without discipline for obedience is the mother of all discipline It requireth great exercise example and rule whereof it hath taken by our Lord Iesu Christ Example of obedience who being obedient vnto his father yea to the death and that to the death of the crosse tooke vppon him gladlie ignominie and rebuke The fourth abuse A rich man without charitie Capit. 4. NExt ensueth the fourth argument of euill which is a rich man destitute of almes deedes or charitie such a one as doth hide and lay vp til the time to come more then is sufficient for him distributing nothing to the poore and needie and so while he vseth so great dilligence in keeping the goods gathered on the earth hee leeseth the treasure which is euerlasting of the heauenly Country Whereto our Lorde Iesus called the rich young man who demaunded of him the way to perfection saying to him Math. 19.21 If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou hast and giue it to the poore and come and follow me thou shalt haue treasure in heauen Which no man euer can haue except hée comfort the poore Let not him therefore sleepe vpon his riches which may doo good vnto the poore for although a rich man haue gathered together great store of goods The nature of man is sustained with small thinges yet can hee not enioy them all alone in respect the nature of man is sustained with few and small thinges Then what greater follie can there be in the worlde then for the excessiue féeding clothing of one man to loose all the pleasures of the kingdome of heauen and so to purchase the euerlasting pains of hell without hope of anie comfort or helpe That thing therefore which of necessitie thou must once forsake in hope to bée rewarded againe euerlastinglie doo thou distribute willingly and cheerefully For all thinges which wee beholde with our eyes are temporall but those which wée sée not are eternall and euerlasting For so long as we are temporall thinges of like qualitie doo vs seruice but when wée depart from this earthly abode euerlasting ioy shall attend vpon vs and felicitie without limit or ending What reason haue wee to loue those thinges which wee cannot alwaie haue with vs
of God and the loue of the world cannot dwell together in one hart An apte similitude euen as the eyes of a man cannot behold the heauen aboue and the earth beneath both at once with one looke But let vs search and see whether there be in the world any thing indeede that is to be loued and what is the world which the speech of God forbiddeth vs to loue What we are commanded to loue in the earth We are not commaunded to looue the earth nor the things which come out of the earth but onely our neighbor for whose sake all thinges are made Him thou art commaunded to loue for all other things which doo perrish and fade away cannot goe vppe with vs to heauen But our neighbour is heyre as well as wee of the kingdome which shall neuer fayle and therefore wee must loue together one another hartilie For so much therefore as wée shall not continue alway in the world but shall fayle also with the worlde Wherfore we are commaunded to looue our neighbour we are commaunded not to loue the worlde but our neighbour because yea being on earth he is a part and portion of the heauenlie kingdome although hee be among these lowe Elements which makes him worthy to be loued of all such as are desirers of the heauenlie blisse forsomuch as in the high Country which is the kingdom of heauen he shall be heyre with his bretheren for euer Why the loue of the world is forbid For this cause God doth forbid vs to looue this worlde least hee which so loueth be seperated and made a stranger frō the loue of God That thing then shoulde not be striuen for which a man may not looue because a man bearing the name of Christ must see that he haue also the selfe same or like manners in him that Christ had Who is a Christian man For no man can worthily be called a Christian man except he agree with Christ in maners and good liuing As touching Christ the prophet dooth write of himselfe these words Esay 42.1.2 Beholde the childe whom I haue chosen mine elect my soule is well pleased in him I will send my spirit vpon him He shall not striue he shall not be an outcryer nor extend his voice in the streete Behold Christ dooth not striue or crye out therefore if thou doo couet to be like him in maners striue not least thou appeare to doo nothing but abuse the name of Christ in the Church For God commaundeth them which follow him saying Math. Be not ye called Maisters for there is but one your Maister who is in heauen And call ye not father vpon the earth for ye haue one father which is in heauē For yee are altogether bretheren whom hee commaundeth to make common supplication and prayer after this manner Math. 6.9 O our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. Hée then contendeth and laboureth in vaine to haue a father in earth when hee professeth that both his Country and father is in heauen which Countrey no man can possesse and enioy but hee that refuseth to set all his care on this world as one passing not for it The eyght abuse A poore man proude Cap. 8. TO beholde a poore man proude may worthilie in this place stande for the eyght abuse because although hee haue nothing yet is he puffed vp with an high aspiring minde which thing euen they that are riche men are forbidden to doo Math. 23.12 That they shoulde not be high minded What thing is more foolish then that he who through great pouerty extreame misery is brought low and as it were to the very ground because that in respect of that consideration hee might behaue himselfe lowlie should in this meane estate beare a proud hart against GOD The Angels cast down from heauē for pride For this fault euen they that were created in the high habitacle of heauen were deiected and thrown downe from thence Wherefore then will he be proud and high minded heere on earth as though he were a man of exceeding great power who before al other men shold cary and behaue himselfe both humble and lowly But that the poore people shall not beare their pouertie heauenlie with sorrowfulnes and sadnes of heart let them heare what they shall receiue of God hee saith Math. 5.3 Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen For the mercifull Iudge dooth handle all thinges so indifferently that to them to whom he hath not giuen the riches of this worlde he giueth the kingdom of heauen that he may be a rich man in the glorious place who on earthlie things hath not sette his care or delight A christian caueat for poore men Poore men therefore must take héed least while in pouertie neede they passe ouer the pleasure and kingdome of thys world they should through the lacke of wisedome leese also the kingdom of heauen Marke this well and it will returne to thy benefite For although by the order and dispensation of God they doo liue in earthly pouertie yet they may endeuour to bee poore and meeke in spirit For the kingdome of God is not promised to all poore men without exception indifferentlie but to them onelie in whome the humble and lowly meekenes of the hart dooth accompanie the want and lack of outwarde riches Why the poore are called poore in spirit Because an humble poore man is called poore in spirit who whē he is outwardlie poore needie doth not inwardlie extoll himselfe with a proude heart for the lowlines of the mind shal do more to the attaining of the kingdome of heauen then the temporall pouertie lacke a worldlie riches For meeke and lowly men possessing riches may be called poore in spirit whereas those that are proude and yet haue nothing without doubt are dispossessed of the blessing which is promised to the poore in spirit Of bothe these sorts the holy Scripture speaketh on this wise Prouerb 13.7 Some make themselues rich although they haue nothing and some make themselues poore albeit they haue neuer so great riches The rich man then béeing poore in spirit is as a poore man notwithstanding al his riches and the poore man that is proud in hart is as a rich man although hee be naked and poore Hūblenes of the minde is a glorious pouertie It followeth that humblenes of the minde is a noble and glorious pouertie and the proude stubbornnesse of the hart a foolish kinde of riches Therfore poore men must haue in mind what they are and because they cannot obtaine in worldly goods what they wold haue let not their hearts be puffed vppe with pride as though they had all that they cannot haue The ninth abuse A wicked and an vniust King Capit. 9. The office of a King and what his name importeth NOw come we to a capitall abuse