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A21197 The churches glory shewed forth in a sermon preached at the Haghe before Their Majesties the King & Queene [brace] of Bohemia / by J.E. ... Elborough, Jeremiah. 1625 (1625) STC 7550.5; ESTC S120080 16,073 56

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Kinge her husband will desire her beauty love her 2. Hee is her Lord shee must worship him in respecting him more then her father be ruled by him 3. though she leaves the glory of Kinge Pharaohs court yet shee enjoyes the glory of Kinge Solomons shall live in as great honour magnificent pompe as ever she formerly did for the daughter x v. 12. of Tyre the rich among the people shall intreat her favour So the Church of the Gentiles of vvhich this Gentile Queene might be a Type must forsake the idolatry superstitious vanities in vvhich shee vvas brought up embrace the true fayth of the Gospel the right manner of vvorshipping God as her Lord husband Jesus Christ vvould have her doe vvho vvill then delight in her her condition shal be more honourable then ever before for y Isa 49. 23. Kings shal be her nursing fathers Queenes her nursing mothers they shal bowe downe to her with their faces toward the earth Commended in the vvords of the text Her commendation is layed out 1. by her relation the Kinges daughter 2. by her qualification shee is glorious 3. by the amplification of her glory First in respect of the universality all glorious Secondly in respect of the sincerity within The Kinges daughter is all glorious vvithin By the Kinge is literally meant Pharaoh Kinge of Egypt by his daughter Solomons Queene for he z 1. Kings 3. 1. married Pharaohs daughter But mystically by the Kinge is meant God by his daughter the Church the spouse of Christ vvhich sense being chiefly intended as J have formerly shevved by the authour of this Psalme J vvill also follovv in the handling of these vvordes Tbe King That God is a King I thinke none vvill denye it except Athiests that denie God though too many in their rebellious deedes seeme not to acknovvledge it King David sayes he is a a Psa 95. 3. great God a great King above all Gods not as other Kings of particular countries but a great King over b Psal 47. 2. all the earth King Nebuchadnezzar confesses him of a truth to be a c Dan. 2. 47. Lord of Kings yea the King of heaven other Kings are borne or d 4. 37. made Kings but hee is an e 1. Tim. 1. 10. aeternal King others are subordinate for by him f Prov. 8. 15. Kings reigne but he is a supreame absolute King others mortal but he an g 1. Tim. 1. immortall h Ier. 10. 10. everlasting King He hath made all thinges in heaven and earth he governes all vvhen he please he can destroy all therefore ye is Kinge of all Vse 1 The consideration vvhereof serves for an instruction to Kings on earth to feare this King of heaven earth vvho hath made them Kings on earth vvho can make them Kings in heaven vvho can make them no Kings on earth for those i Dan. 4. 37 that walke in pride hee is able to abase even him vvho vvas a k 2. 37. King of Kings Nebuchadnezzar vvho vvas driven from men among the beasts of the field to l 4. 32. eate grasse as oxen till he knew that the most high ruleth in the kingdomes of men therefor m Ier. 10. 7. who would not feare thee O King of nations Bee wise then O the Kings be instructed ye that are judges of the earth is the counsell of a n Ps 2. 10. 11. King this is that they should learne to serve the Lord in feare for the o Pro. 9. 10. feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisdome It is good counsell that S Bernard gave the p Lewis 7. French King that he should remember that God his Creatour gave him that great honourable charge not to governe after his ovvne pleasure but for Gods honour to vvhom he vvas to give an account vvhensoever God should demaund it L' historie de France par Seigneur du Haillan p. 692. S. Paul q Col 4. 1. counsells masters to give their servants vvhat is just oequal because they also have a master in heaven for the same reason should Kings vvhose name in Latin r Reges a recte agendo vocati ideoq recte faciendo regis nomen tuetur peccando amittit lib. de sum bon Isidore thincks to be from wel doing governe their subjects with justice equity for they also have a King in heaven Vse 2 Secōdly this shoud teach us all to feare obey this great King the ſ Pro. 16. 14. wrath of a King is as messengers of death how much more is the wrath of the King of Kings We feare thē that can kill the bodye much more is he to be t Mat. 10. 28. feared that can destroy body soule in hell wee feare Kings on earth because of their power much more should wee feare him from whom Kings have u Rom. 13. 1. all their power for the powers are of God S. w 1. Pet. 2. 17 Peter bids us feare God honour the King Some honour the King for their owne honours preferments but the true ground of honour to Kings on earth is the feare of the King of heaven who hath so commaunded And of such as dishonour Kings much more of such as seeke to depose murther thē we may truly say there is no feare of God before their eyes neyther are they Peters successours their not honouring the King proceedes from their not fearing God so being faithlesse to one King they will never be faithfull to the other It is then wisdome in Kings not to commaund their subjects against God yea to command them to serve feare God keepe his Lawes forthen they will honour the King keepe his Lawes but if Kings in their commands obey not God as good subjects they teach their subjects to disobey them for it is better to obey God then man the command is to x Pro. 24. 21 Aquo secun dus post quem primꝰ Tert. apol c. 30. feare God the King first God then the King God is called the King y Ier. 48. 15. the Lord of hoasts because all the creatures are his subjects and souldiers he sayeth to one goe he goeth to another doe this he doeth it to the sunne stand stil or goe back to the sea be dry land to the earth open they doe so z Psa 148. 8. the fire hayle snovv vapours fulfill his vvord since all the creatures as good subjects yeild obedience to their Kinge it is a shame that men should fayle in their duty especially such who in their baptisme have taken the vowe of allegiance and since not only other creatures but even Kings on earth obey this King of heaven earth their example should moove other men to this duty to feare God their King who prefers
his Courtiers to be Kings in heaven but all such as will not have him to reigne over them though a Rev. 6. 15. Kings of the earth great men rich men chiefe captaines mighty men shall hide themselves in dennes in the rocks of the mountaines say to the rocks the mountaines Fall on us hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne King Alexander had two friends 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one loved him as Alexander the other loved him as king Let us doe both love him who is our God so feare him for b Hos 3. 5. his goodnesse love him who is our king so feare him for his pover Daughter SEcondly by the Kings daughter Filiae Regis animae fidelis Hier. in Loc. is meant the Church or the faithfull All creatures are this kings subjects but the faithfull have a neerer relation to him in being his daughters sonnes for c 2. Cor. 6. 18 I vvilbe a father unto you ye shal be my sonnes daughters sayth the Lord almighty so that it may be alike truly sayd that faithfull men are his daughters faithfull women his sonnes for there is no respect of persons with God there is neither Jew or Greeke King or subject rich or poore d Gal. 3. 28. male or female but are all one in Christ Jesus VVee knowe not Christ any more after the flesh sayth e 1. Cor. 5. 16. S. Paul neyther doth Christ knowe us after the flesh for f Mat. 12. 50. who soever shal doe the will of his father which is in heavē the same is his brother his sister mother therefore the Church of Rome to little purpose applyes the latter part of this Psalme concerning the Kings daughter her honourable women to their g Mollerus in loc Nunnes at their consecration since it belongs to men as wel as women to the maried as the unmarried even to the whole Church of what nation sexe or condition soever they be but the prophet in allusion to Solomons Queene heere termes them daughters who in other places are called the h Matt. 5. 9. Rom. 5. 2. 8. 14. sonnes of God Jesus Christ as God is the only i Heb. 1. 2. sonne of God by natural generation as man the only sonne of God by k Luk. 1. 35. personal union the l Iob. 38 7 Angels m Luk. 3. 38. Gen. 1. 26. Adam Eve in them all men women are the sonnes of God by creation after Gods image in righteousnesse holinesse but men being in honour through their fall in Adam lost this image honourable condition of being the sonnes of God are now by nature the n Eph. 2. 3. children of vvrath sonnes of iniquitye but God out of his love to man sent his owne sonne o Heb. 1. 3. vvho is the expresse image of his person to be man to restore man to the image of God in being the sonnes of God for p Ioh. 1. 12. to as many as received him to them he gave this honour to bee the sonnes of God even to them that beleeve in his name so the faithfull only are restored to this honourable estate of being sonnes daughters to the King of heaven for q Gal. 3. 26. wee are all the sonnes of God by faith in Jesus Christ The Church then is the Kings daughter in law by the grace of adoption in a spiritual union by fayth being married to the Kings sonne Vse 1 When Sauls servants communed with David to take in marriage the Kings daughter David answers r 1. Sa. 18. 23. Seemeth it a light thinge to bee a Kings sonne in law but I may say seemeth it a light thing to bee the King of Kings daughter in law It was a great honour wherewith God magnified the blessed Virgin to be the foeliciꝰ eum corde quam carne gestavit Aug. de S. Virg. c. 3. mother of a King of God but a greater happinesse to her that she was a daughter of the King her God Is it a great honour to bee borne of earthly Kings not a greater to be borne of a heavenly King If all worldly honours of Kingly Parentage Kingly marriage Kingly magnificene alliance beauty wit eloquence courage or what soever else may be of higher esteeme added heereto be layed all together in balance with this only honour to be the Kings daughter they wil be founde too light even lighter then vanitye in respect of this spiritual dignity this is that crownes all the rest let us so esteeme of it as the best flower in our garland Cease then cease blind old doting world to judge them the ofscowring of the world who are the happiest people therein and though thou naturall man perceive not the things of God yet the time shall come when in anguishe of heart thou shalt say ſ VVisd 5. this is he whom we had sometime in derision wee fooles accounted his life madnesse his end to be without honour how is he now numbred among the children of God his lot among the saints Use 2 And as this makes for the Churches honour so it affoordes her comfort for is she the Kings daughter she shal then never want any thinge that is fitting or good for her A good Kings care is to provide for all his subjects much more for his owne children God causes his sunne to shine on the wicked but the hottest beames of his favour shal reflect on the righteous this King that hath so much loved us when we were his enemies as to give his owne Sonne to be married to us how shall he not with him give us all thinges being reconciled made his daughters Kings on earth may want power cannot helpe may want love will not helpe may want life for they are mortal though they have both power will yet helpe not put not then your trust in princes sayth the t Ps 146. 3. Psalmist nor in the sonne of man in whom is no helpe his breath goeth forth he returneth to his earth in that day his thoughts perish but the Kings daughters helpe is in the name of the Lord who hath made heaven earth hee is the King of Kings can helpe a loving father will helpe an eternall King the living God can at all times when he sees fitting helpe when u Psal 27. 10 father mother forsake then the Lord taketh us up though Abraham be ignorant of us Israell acknow ledge us not yet thou art our w Isa 63. 16. father our redeemer thy name is from everlasting The King may indeed suffer his daughter sometimes to be troubled like the woman in the x Rev. 12. 14 Revelation forced by the Dragon to fly into the wildernesse but even there where little hope of feod is she shal be nourished
finde a place from the face of the serpent but if she should find none there yet in y Ioh. 14. 2. her fathers house are many mansions the Kings sonne her husband is gone before to provide a place for her The Churh may want sometimes what she desires but never what God knowes good though the King denye his daughter one thinge he may give her a better And though she be a Queene married to the Kings sonne it is fitting she acknowledge her father the King may suffer her to want because he would have her come to him for he is the King wil be sought to great reason he should Because she is the Kings daughter she Lookes the King should looke after her so sets still does not stirre up her selfe to take hold of the King nor call upon him with that humility fayth fervency constancy she ought to doe which if she would doe so dispatch her prayers as extraordinary Embassadours to the King of heaven she should receive a gracious answere z Isa 54. 11. oh thou afflicted tossed with tempest not comforted the Lord a 6. hath called thee à woman forsaken grieved in spirit for a moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath I hid my face from thee but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee Let the Church then with Queene Hester goe in to the King he will hold out the scepter of his grace the devises of wicked Hamans shal be brought on their owne heads b Ps 122. 6. Pray then for the peace of Ierusalem for she is the Kings daughter they shall prosper that love thee Peace bee within thy walls prosperity within thy palaces c Isa 63. 19. Looke downe from heaven wee beseech thee O King of heaven behold from the habitation of thy holynesse of thy glory for the glory of thy name suffer not men on earth to doe thee this dishonour to abuse thy daughter where is thy Zeale thy strength the sounding of thy bowels of thy mercies are they restrayned O thou who hast the hearts of Kings in thy hands put into the hearts of the Kings of the earth to hate the whore that is drunck with the blood of thy saints Arise o Lord God of our salvation smite thine enemies in the hinder parts put them to perpetual reproach Oh d 64 9. remember not our iniquities for ever neyther he wroth very sore behold see we beseech thee we are thy people thus much for the Queenes comfort Vse 3 Thirdly this also teaches the Church her duty for is shee the Kings daughter let her then behave her selfe like a daughter to so great a King shew forth in her conversation the e 1. Pet. 2. 9. vertues of him that hath called her out of darknesse into his marveilous light walke as a child of light be holy as the King is holy be mercifull as her heavenly father is mercifull abhorre sinne as a base thinge sinfull wicked persons as unworthy the company countenance of the Kings daughter Psa 101. 7. It is an abhomination to Kings to commit wickednesse f Prov. 16. 12 sayth Solomon so is it also to Kings sonnes daughters who as they are above others in state so they should be higher in their vertuous behaviour as King Saul g 1. Sam. 10. 23. higher by the head shoulders then the rest of the people h v. 9. When Samuel had annoyuted Saul King it is sayd that God gave him another heart a heart befitting a King to great persons God gives heroick spirits to doe great thinges but to his owne children he gives his owne spirit so there is another spirit in them then in the world for as i Rom. 8. 14. many as are led by the spirit of God are the sonnes of God now the fruit of k Gal. 5. 22. the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentlenesse fayth meekenesse temperance Bet ye there fore followers of God as deare children walke in Love as God hath loved us but l Ephc. 5. 1. all uncleanesse or covetousuesse let it not be once named among you as becommeth Saints or the Kings daughters Thus farre of the relation the Kings daughter Glorious SEcondly is to bee considered her qualification she is glorious Glorious in being gracious First because grace is true glory therefore the saints are called the m Psa 16. 3. excellent ones upon earth by the prophet n Isa 4. 5. Isaiah the glory 2. Ly because her graces are as so many tokens of Gods grace love to her in which she glories for let o 1 Cor. 1. 31 him that gloryes glory in the Lord a wife glories in shewing others her rings jewels costly apparrel not only for the value of the thinges but also for that her husband gave them which she thereforealso esteemes of will keepe as evidences of her husbands love 3. Ly because her graces are the way to eternal glory for p Heb. 12. without holynesse no man shall see the Lord. The Church is glorious in that she is the Kings daughter by her spirituall adoption but glorious also in her justification her sanctification The q Ioh. 8. non generis dignitate sed morum nobilitate jnnotescere debemus dist 40 c. 3. ex Greg. qui genus suum jactat aliena laudat sen H. F. In 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 80. impres Ha. noviae Jewes gloryed that they were Abrahams children yet did not the workes of Abraham and many glory in their noble birth who are inglorious in a wicked life their birth cannot affoord them so much glory as their life begets disgrace the glory of their birth is anothers prayse but their gracelesse life is their owne shame It is true that our late King of blessed memory relates that for the most part a vertuous civill morall life followes a noble birth wee see many times that none are so base rude in their carriage as such of meane rude parentage But it is true that S. Paul r 1. Cor. 1. 26 sayes that not many wisemen after the flesh nor many mighty nor many noble are called for God hath chosen the foolish thinges of the world to confound the wise the weake things to confound the mighty base things of this world that no flesh should glory in his presence but such as are glorious in the flesh by a noble birth being called by God are farr more glorious in their new birth gracious spirituall life there may bee then a natural noble birth but an ignoble life but whosoever is truly ennobled with the glory of a spiritual birth is also glorious in a gracious life Vse 1 Whereby examination may be had who is the Kings daughter Justification