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heaven_n earth_n good_a great_a 7,371 5 2.6096 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18935 The trumpet of Apollo sounding out the sweete blast of recouerie, in diuers dangerous and desperate diseases. Clarke, John, apothecary. 1602 (1602) STC 5353; ESTC S118589 16,609 62

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THE TRVMPET OF APOLLO Sounding out the sweete blast of Recouerie in diuers dangerous and desperate diseases Experientia mater Medicinae Printed at London by P. Short dwelling on Breadstreet hill at the signe of the Starre 1602. To the curteous and well disposed Reader HAuing at the length as well out of mine owne manifold labours charge and experience as also out of the learned and industrious practises of sundrie my well affected friends vnto the chimical and spagirical arte obtained many rare and excellent medicines for the health of mans body whereof I haue here g●uen some taste reseruing a further satisfaction for those who vpon iust occasion shall at any time hereafter require the same I haue now presumed out of the fulnesse of my affection towards my naturall and well deseruing place and countrey to present and offer the best and most approoued remedies which by my 17. yeeres practise I haue gotten either out of mine own workehouse or from other mens Laboritories which haue spent some time in Pellicanes circling glasses and furnesses both calcining and reuerbaratorie c. and such like as well as my selfe Hoping that those Gentlemen who in great kindnesse haue conferred both their receipts and cures vpon me will not be offended though I shall rashly publish the names of some of their patients togither with mine owne which they had happily purposed to reserue onely for their priuate remembrances I am heere also to craue pardon of the patients themselues whose names for the better credit of the medicines and comfort of others that shall happen to fall into the like diseases I haue aduentured to disclose My offence herein I hope will be the more tolerable because my ende and scope is charitable ayming principally at the health of man without the which no honour no wealth nor any other worldly pleasure can giue any true contentment Herein I haue also had a speciall and honest care not to nominate any whose infirmitie might worke either disgrace or reproch to the patient neither can I iustly be taxed with a vaine-glorious vaunting humor in blazing out these cures by a Printers proclamation saying in all Christian humilitie I challenge no part of the glorie to my selfe but acknowledge as I ought that omnis salus à Domino and likewise for that in cases either of death or torment vnto men as these are I thinke there can be no meanes so generall or so sudden but they will come farre short of their desires that haue cause to vse them Neither am I singular in this course for men of great iudgment and learning haue heretofore also made publike obseruation of their cures and diuers of mine owne countreymen haue long since commended their speciall labours in this kinde to the world As that painfull practizer I. Hester who Printed a large Catalogue of his oyles and waters vnder many strange and stately names and Giles that anncient Chimist who hauing blowne away his wealth in the smoake of Alchimie did yet at the length light vpon a Balsamum which remaineth to be solde at this day commended for many rare excellent vses The credit of Moyses diet-drinke lasted a long time and was generally vsed in the scab of Venus And an other auncient and skilful distiller of my name doth at this present make great profit of that his excellent aqua bezoartica with the which I dare boldly compare be it spoken without offence my aqua comfortans stomachū for the strengthning of any weake stomacke Neither can I forget that full and foule-mouthed physitian D. Burcot who solde his generall purging drinke so many yeeres togither for 10. groats the quart beshite the bottle for so he vsually pronoūced the word beside These and many more instances in this kinde I could produce to prooue my selfe to be no Author of nouelties But what need I so much to insist vpon examples seeing the medicines thēselues are such as were first deriued from the sacred closet of nature and are now long since ratified and confirmed with that sure and autentique seale of experience We see that Indian weede Tabacco hath now found out both learned honorable patrons being first made known by publike impression and afterward by continuall practise euen vntill this daie and without all respect of age sex complexion method or other circumstance And why should not English simples truely and chimically prepared by English Artists haue also their free allowance and be made familiar with English bo dies I rest then gentle Reader in the expectation of thy fauour whose infirmities I pitie and whose recouerie I desire and hope to performe I will sell nothing but that which I dare and will take my selfe in the same disease for which it is commended And for thy better safetie and satisfaction I haue here contained my selfe wholy within animal and vegetable medicines wherewith I will at all times God willing bereadie to furnish thee at reasonable rates out of my shop in Sheere lane neere Temple barre faithfully and workmanlie drawne without all sophistication or adustion Thine in all christian loue IOHN CLARKE PLAGVE A Notable defensatiue Cake against the plague being first practised in Millain vpon a generall infection there about the yeere 1579. by M. D. Siring and after brought ouer and practized in England in the great yeere of visitation An. 1593. by N. Romero Gentleman commended and graced by Rodulphus the Emperour with many honourable termes of fauour vnder the great seale of the Empire I Am bold to front my Pamphlet with this defensatiue because I vnderstand by many secret informatiōs of my friends that diuers Physitians and those of great reading and iudgment whose graue censures I doe greatly reuerence doe expect a fearefull and generall infection of the plague this sommer by reason of the vnnaturall and intemperate season of the spring which hath already shewed both his deadly and daungerous effects in the bodies and liues of many thousands of her Maiesties subiects which if it shall please God the great Gouernor both of heauen and earth in his vnspeakeable mercies to turne away from vs I hope it will prooue a strong motiue to stirre vs vp to a general christian thankfulnes If othewise so that our sins do call for vengeance visitation from heauen I haue thought good in my tender loue and affection towards my natiue countrey to publish this preseruatiue which in fiue weekes space by the great blessing of God did cleare that famous Citie of Millain being so grieuously infected as that in some one weeke there died three thousand persons And the citizens in their great loue and thankfulnesse towardes D. Siring bestowed a gratuitie of fiftie thousand crownes vpon him Obseruations in this Medicine IT is made in the forme of a little round cake or tablet and the dose is two drams It is most properly giuen to such as are free and not possessed with the sickenesse although abiding in visited houses It is an excellent