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A11162 A sermon preached at Richmond before Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie, vpon the 28. of March, 1596. By the reuerend father in God Anthony Rudd, Doctor in Diuinitie, and Lord Bishop of S. Dauids Rudd, Anthony, 1549 or 50-1615.; R. S., fl. 1603. 1603 (1603) STC 21432; ESTC S103177 19,634 62

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vttering such wordes as be good to the vse of edifying that Eph. 4. 29. they may minister grace vnto the hearers because he desireth to profite 1. Cor. 2. 1. 4. 5. them rather then to delight them Him do I iudge the best Geometrician who ordereth all his doings in measure number and weight by VVis 11. 17 the example of God aboue who maketh the word of God the rule Psal 119. 9 105. and the squire the line and the leuell of all his actions who being rooted and grounded in loue is able to comprehend with all Saints what is the Eph. 3. 18. breadth and length depth and height that is the excellencie and perfection of the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge being fully perswaded that neither height nor Rom. 8. 38. 39. depth nor farre distance nor any other creature shall be able to separate him from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. I count him the best Astronomer who by the view of the host of heauen can Gods spirit directing him Rom. 1. 20. picke out the eternall power God-head of the Creator or his maiestie and glorie which resulteth of his power wisedome and goodnesse therby taking occasion to glorifie him accordingly Who when he looketh vp to the skie not onely acknowledgeth Psal 19. 1. that the heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handiworke but also concludeth in a good conscience that as high as the Psal 103. 11 heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercie toward them that feare him And casting in his mind the sundrie Clymates of the world resolueth by assurance of faith that as farre as the East is from the West so farre hath God remoued our sinnes Ib. vers 12. from vs. I reckon them the best Musitians which speake to thēselues in Psalmes Eph. 5. 19. and hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making a melodie to the Lord in their hearts whose thoughts wordes and deedes are in tune with Gods holy Scriptures making a consort or harmonie among themselues without any iarre or discord from Gammuth to Ela that is from the cradle to the graue And vndoubtedly they are the best Arithmeticiās whom God hath taught to number their dayes in such sort that they may apply their hearts vnto wisedome The mind of man is the dwelling place of vnderstanding and the heart of man is the seat of the affections Now it sufficeth not that the knowledge of goodnesse be swimming or floating in the braine vnlesse the affection of godlinesse be setled in the heart For of the aboundance of the Mat. 12. 34. heart the mouth speaketh either words of edification whereby thou mayest be iustified or euill wordes Ib. ver 37. 1. Cor. 15. 33 corrupting good manners whereby thou shalt deserue to be condemned Out of the heart I meane the corrupt Mat. 15. 19 affection of the heart proceede those things which defile the man as euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slaunders and therefore no maruel if the floud drowned them of Gen. 6. 5. the old world because all the imaginations of their hearts were onely euil continually Yea let Simon Magus Act. 8. 20. 21. with his money perish hauing neither part nor fellowship in the Apostolicall businesse because his hart was not right in the sight of God But on the other side the end of the commaundement is loue out of 1. Tim. 1. 5. a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfained Therefore blessed are the pure in heart for they Mat. 5. 8. shall see God The seede which fell in good ground are they which with Luk. 8. 15. Act. 15. 9. an honest and good heart purifyed by faith heare the word and keepe it and bring forth fruite with patience Be glad then ye righteous and reioyce Psal 32. 11 in the Lord and be ioyfull all ye that are vpright in heart applying it wholly vnto wisedome Now if it be demaunded what true wisedome is it may out of Moses be briefly defined The vnderstanding and obseruing of Gods commaundements For these be the wordes of Moses in his exhortation Deu. 4. 5. 6. to the people Behold I haue taught you ordinances and lawes as the Lord my God commaunded me Keepe them therefore and do them for that is your wisedome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people which shall heare all these ordinances and shall say Onely this people is wise and of vnderstanding yea God himselfe vttereth in Iob words of the same meaning saying vnto man Behold the feare of the Iob. 28. 28. Lord is wisdome and to depart from euill is vnderstanding Wherefore though a man were as well experienced and worldly politicke as Achitophel whose aduice 2. Sam. 16. 23. was like as one had asked counsell at the oracle of God in ciuill pollicie matchable with the children of the East the Priests of Egypt the Philosophers of Greece wiser then Ethan 1. Reg. 4. 30. 31. Heman Chalcol and Darda the sons of Mahol excelling also in wisdome them of Tyrus which deemed them Ezck. 28 3. selues wiser then Daniel briefly though a man were as wise as Salomo to whome God gaue prudence and knowledge exceeding much and a large heart euen as the sand that is on the sea shore so that he could speake of beasts fowles creeping things fishes 1. Reg. 4. 29. c. and of trees from the Cedar in Lebanon euen vnto the hyssope that springeth out of the wall with the admiration of all that heard him or heard of him vttering his Prouerbes and Songs by thousands Yet shall he be counted but vnwise in the sight of God if against the rule of pietie he admit in his hart a pluralitie of gods Exod. 20. 1. to the 18. or bow downe his bodie to the worship of Imagerie or take the name of the lord his God in vain or prophane the Lords day or if contrarie to the rule of charitie contained in the second Table of the Decalogue he dishonour the parents of his life by procreation or the parents of his countrie by office against the first Commaundement or if he do wrong to his neighbour in his owne person breaking the sixth Commandement Thou shalt not kill or in the persons of those of his familie transgressing the seuenth Commandement Thou shalt not commit adulterie or in his goods violating the eighth Commaundement Thou shalt not steale or in his good name preiudicing the ninth Commandement Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour or if he haue in his mind any lewde cogitation or wandering conceipt offending against the tenth Commaundement Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house neither shalt thou couet thy neighbours wife nor his man-seruant nor his mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Saule may thinke himselfe politicke
A SERMON PREACHED AT RICHMOND BEfore Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie vpon the 28. of March 1596. By the reuerend father in God ANTHONY RVDD Doctor in Diuinitie and Lord Bishop of S. Dauids Printed for Thomas Man 1603. To all that feare God THIS Sermon bred much speech long ago and the sight of it was greatly desired by many But it hath bene concealed these seuen yeares and more by him that had the copy therof Howbeit now at the last it is published vpon hope that it may with as good meaning be construed by the Reader as it was formerly vttered by the Author R. S. PSAL. 90. 12. Teach vs so to number our dayes that we may applie our hearts vnto wisedome THIS Psalme was endited by Moses the man of Num. 13. 14. God the occasion of the making of it grew thus After that those which were sent to search the land of Canaan were returned frō the viewing or surueying of it vpō the report of some of them that the inhabitants were Gyants in respect of the Israelites who in comparison of them seemed but grashoppers and that their cities were walled vp to heauen and Deut. 9. 1. so iudged impregnable the people murmured Whereupon God sententiated Num. 14. 29. that their carkasses should fall in the wildernesse so many as were twenty yeares old and vpward Then Moses penned this Psalme that it might be a monument of their repentance and a forme of prayer for the obtaining of mercy This text I say is a prayer And whereas there be foure sorts of prayer 1 Tim. 2. 1. mētioned by the Apostle namely first a petition for the obtaining of that good which we want desire Secondly deprecation whereby we request the turning away of that euill from vs which we feare and haue deserued Thirdly intercession when we intreate for others Fourthly thanksgiuing for benefits receiued Now this prayer is a petition first for instruction in these words Teach vs secondly in this particular to number our dayes thirdly to this end that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome The request of teaching implieth ignorance in the petitioner and the acknowledging thereof by consequence For the sluggard which is Pro. 26. 16. wiser in his owne conceipt then seuen men that can render a reason and al they that be wise in their owne Isa 5. 21. eyes prudent in their owne sight contemne all doctrine and admonition hating to be taught and reformed Therefore woe vnto them for there is more hope of fooles then of Pro. 26. 12. them for fooles sinne of ignorance but these sinne of malice I haue learned of Zophar the Naamathite that vaine man would Iob. 11. 12. be counted wise though indeed man new borne is like a wild Asse-colt that is without vnderstanding So that whatsoeuer good gifts he hath afterward they come of God and not of nature Verily ignorance is the mother not onely of admiration while we wonder at those things whereof we know not the cause or reason but also of errour Mat. 22. 29. For by it men speake good of euill and euill of good putting darknesse Esai 5. 20. for light and light for darknesse bitter for sweet and sweete for sower being like the children of Nineueh Ionas 4. 11. who could not discerne betweene their right hand and their left Seeing then the naturall man vnderstandeth not the things that are of 1. Cor. 2. 14. the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him therefore Nicodemus though a maister in Israell Iohn 3. 1. 2. must be Catechised before he be regenerated and see the kingdome of God If Saul heare not Ananias the Act. 9. 17. 18. scales will not fall from the eyes of his mind any more then from the eyes of his body Cornelius the Captaine of the Italian band must heare Peter Act. 10. preach vnto him and his familie and his friends before that he and they receiue the holy Ghost And how should the Eunuch of Aethiopia vnderstand what he readeth in Esai except Act. 8. 26. vsque ad finem Philip the Euangelist be ioyned to his chariot and comming vp to sit with him expound the Scriptures vnto him Assuredly the kingly Prophet himselfe cannot see how the Psal 73. 17. prosperity of the wicked may stand with Gods prouidence vntill he go into the sanctuarie of God there to learne by his word and holy spirite that he ordereth all things most wisely and iustly And it is put downe in the foote of one of the Psalmes that Psal 49. 20. if man be in honour and vnderstand not he is like to beasts that perish Wherefore to preuent this daunger Dauid had need to haue Nathan 2. Sam. 12. 24. and Gad to admonish and aduise him And if Ahab had not wanted grace and abandoned the feare of God from before his eyes yea and 1. Reg. 21. 20. sold himselfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lord he might haue receiued great benefit by the godly lessons of Elias and Micheas 1. Reg. 18. 21 22. 2. Reg. 12. 2. King Iehoash did that which was good in the sight of the Lord all the time that Iehoiada the Priest taught him If the Nineuites had not heard Ionas 3. beleeued Ionas they had vndoubtedly bene destroyed in their sinnes And to be short where prophesying Pro. 29. 18. faileth there both the Prince and the people must needs perish in the end Wherfore Almighty God for the singular loue which he beareth to mankind hath furnished al ages with skilfull and sound teachers For example before the floud after Adam the monarch of the whole earth by Gen. 4. 3. 4. whose instructions his sonnes sacrificed to the king of heauen was Sheth Ibid. 26. who taught the men of his time to call vpon the name of God restoring religion which by the wicked had a long time bene suppressed Henoch Gen. 5. 22. likewise that walked with God Noe also whom the Apostle entituleth a 2. Pet. 2. 5 Preacher of righteousnesse After the floud till the giuing of the lawe in mount Sinai for the space of 857 yeares the Patriarks were the worlds instructors whom in their perambulations from nation to nation Psal 105. 13. 14. 15. from one kingdome to another people God suffered not to be wronged but euen reproued kings for their sakes saying Touch not mine annointed and do my Prophets no harme At the giuing of the law it was ordained that the Priests lippes Mal. 2. 7. should preserue knowledge and that men should seeke the lawe at their mouthes because they are the messengers of the Lord of hosts And when they failed in their ordinarie duty then God stirred vp extraordinarie 1. Sam. 9. 8 9 10. teachers called Seers men of God and Prophets So that at sundry times and in diuerse maners God Heb. 1. 1. 2. spake
all his benefits O Lord I am now entred a good way into the Climactericall yeare of mine age which mine enemies wish hope to be fatall vnto me But thou Lord which by thy Prophet Ieremy Ier. 10. 2. commandedst the house of Israell not to learne the way of the heathen nor to be afraid of the signes of heauen and who by thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme madest the yeare of the greatest expectation euen 88. maruellous by the ouerthrowe of thine and mine enemies Now for thy Gospels sake which hath long had a sanctuarie in this Iland make likewise 96. as prosperous vnto me and my loyall subiects that by the happie bringing about of this yeare I may still set vp the banner in thy Psal 20. 5. name which art my strength my Psal 18. 1. 2 rocke my fortresse my deliuerer the lifter vp of mine head my shield the horne also of my saluation my refuge Thou art my hope ô Lord God Psal 71. 5. 6. euen my trust from my youth vpon thee haue I bene stayed from the wombe thou art he that tooke me Ib. 9. out of my mothers bowels cast me not off in the time of age forsake me not when my strength faileth O forsake Psal 138. 8. not me the worke of thine hands vntill I haue declared thine arme to Psal 71. 18. this generation and thy power to all them that shall come Lord I haue now put foote within the doores of that age in the which the Almond tree flourisheth wherein Eccles 12. 1 men begin to cary a Calender in their bones the senses begin to faile the strength to diminish yea all the powers of the body daily to decay Now therefore graunt grace that though mine outward man thus perish 2. Cor. 4. 16. yet mine inward man may be renewed daily So direct me with thine holy spirite that I may daily waxe elder in godlinesse wisedome VVis 4. 9. being my gray haires and an vndefiled life mine old age Let thy statutes Psal 119. 54. be my songs in the house of my pilgrimage Sweeter vnto me thē hony Psal 19. 10. the hony-combe vnto my mouth and more desired by me then thousands Psal 1 19. 22. of siluer or the gold of Ophir yea thē the pearle or pretious stones Pro. 8. 11. 19. For though I haue out-liued almost all the Nobles of this Realme whom I found possessed of Dukedome Marquisats Earledoms Barronries at mine entring into the Kingdome and likewise all the Iudges of the land and all the Bishops set vp by me after my comming to the Crowne And although I haue seene an end of sundry of these once or twise ouer yet what auaileth this my long temporall life in suruiuing others vnlesse I my selfe lead alwayes a spirituall life while I cōtinue vpō earth in hope to enioy an eternal life whē I am dead And though Lord I haue liued in respect of my self long inough in this valley of miserie so that in regard of troubles past and dangers future I see some reason to say with Elias It is 1. Reg. 19. 4 inough ô Lord take my soule for I am no better then my fathers and with Paul I desire to be loosed and Phil. 1. 23. to be with Christ yet because this people reckon of me as Dauids subiects did of him whom they termed 2. Sam. 21. 17. the light of Israell and for that they esteeme of me as the Iewes did of Iosias whom they called the breath of Lam. 4. 20. their nosthrils Therefore for their sakes if it be thy pleasure in thine heauenly prouidence let me their candle burne yet a while longer and let me breathe still among them vntil I haue met with dāgers present or imminēt and established the state for the time to come so that not onely peace and 2. Reg. 20. 19. truth may be in my dayes but also that after my departure out of this life they may in the future age liue in peace and plentie in euery quarter and corner of the Realme from Barwicke to Porchmouth and from the Margets to the Mount like as Israell and Iudah dwelt without feare euery 1. Reg. 4. 25. man vnder his vine and vnder his fig-tree from Dan to Beer-sheba all the dayes of Salomon And if Lord for the effecting therof thou meanest to deale with me as with Hezekiah by adding to the former 2. Reg. 20. 6 part of my life the terme of 15. yeares more or rather two fifteenes if it be thy will then assist me euer with thy grace that during all that time I may know how to go out and 1. Reg. 3. 7. in feeding this people according to the simplicity of mine heart and guiding Psal 78. 72. them by the discretion of my hands That so at length I may go to the sepulchers of my fathers in a good time as a ricke of corne that is ripe Iob. 5. 26. caried into the barne yeelding the spirite like Dauid in a good age full of 1. Chro. 29. 28. dayes riches and honour And so the dust of this body returning to the Eccles 12. 7. earth as it was my spirit may returne to thee that gaue it to enioy alwaies Psal 16. 11. thy presence in the which there is fulnesse of ioy and to be alwayes at thy right hand where be pleasures for euer more purchased and prepared for all them that feare thee by the mediation of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus To whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory both now and for euer FINIS Erratum Pag. 21. lin 23. for first reade fift