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heaven_n earth_n good_a great_a 7,371 5 2.6096 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06520 A ryght notable sermon, made by Doctor Martyn Luther, vppon the twenteth chapter of Iohan, of absolution and the true vse of the keyes full of great co[m]forte. In the which also it is intreated of the mynysters of the Church, and of scolemaisters, what is dewe vnto them. Ande of the hardnes and softenes of the harte of manne.; Predigt am Sonntage nach Ostern. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Argentine, Richard, d. 1568. 1548 (1548) STC 16992; ESTC S108931 20,840 50

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ryches be remoued hens farre of / nowe may there not / neither ought any respect to be had of those thinges But nowe must we betwyxt vs entreate and talke of the Kyngdome of Chryste / by the which onely / and by none other thou canst be delyuered frō synne and death This truly is not a forrayne ande a worldlye power and dominion / but it is an office and a ministerie For here truly I seke for nothing of the / I neither hawke nor wowe for any thinge wherby I maye be enryched / or to be lorde ouer the / and wherby I maye make the subiect vnto me / ād to make the my handseruaunt / but I serue ande do exhibit the greatest offyce that maye be vnto the. I brynge vnto the a great ād inestymable treasure / not golde or syluer / but where as thy harte that is oppressed wyth heauy care / doth covet to be comforted / delyuered ande confyrmed / ande to haue GOD mercyfull vnto the in heauē Therfore come I vnto the brīging vnto the / the moost true Gospell or tidings that is moost gladdest / moost pleasaunt and moost to be desyred / not of my selfe / not of my good intent / or of my propre coūsell / but by the commaūdemēt and message of Chryst Who saith / Come you all vnto me / that labour ād are ladē / I shall refresh you Also / These thiges whiche ye lowse vppon earthe / shal be lowsed in heauē / or els as he sayth here Vnto whome you shall remitte their sinnes / vnto thē are they forgeuen etc. Is not thys to serue Is it not an office that is greatest of all and not to be compared withall for any mā to do the better / when thankfully I bringe vnto the an inestimable treasure that is heauenly ande euerlastynge Whyche neyther thou / nor all the woorlde with all the goodes ād riches in it cā neither match nor buy with money For what are the vniuersall treasures of all the world / the Iewelles of all kinges / crownes / goodes / golde / precious stones / and what soever it maketh moost of / ande doth wonder at it / what are all those thīges in comparyson of this treasure / that is to say / the remissiō of sīnes / by the whyche thou arte delyuered from the tyrannye of the Devell / of death ande of hell And arte certyfyed that God the heauenlye Father wil be mercyfull vnto the / And so mercyfull / that for Chrystes sake / thou must be the sonne and heyre of God / ande the brother and coheyre of Chryste Wherfore soche ande so great a treasure as this is / can not be bought or solde / or wayed equally with money / the which thynge the same our Iudas Iscarioth the pope hath done For excepte it be geuen ande taken thanckfully / and wyth mere grace / ther is no cause why that thou shuldest trust to enioye the same thyng / or to take by it any commodyté For the gyfte of God is not gotten with money Truly I would not that any mā shuld thynke that I haue spoken these thynges as though nothynge ought to be geuen or employed vppon the mynysters of the church which syncerely and trulye teach the worde of God / wherby they may nourish them selues / the which thinge at this daie certeyne parsons do gladlye in many places / which do so envie their curates ande ministers of their churches / that almoost they numbre ande measure everye morsell of meate that commeth within theyr Iawes / by all waies ande meanes that they can They steale and pike vnto them selues those ecclesiasticall goodes / wyth the which the pastours and mynisters of the worde of God ought to be nourisshed And in so doying they declare opēly / that they re studie is to driue the ministers of the worde vnto extreme pouerté ad daūger of famyne / and so to dryue them from them / that there maye be none to teache / or to checke their vices Truly what disturbaunce hereafter shall come What desolation of the Church What myserie Nowe great a barbarousnes shal there of follow we shall proue that / and that shortely / excepte the magistrates fynde some remedy for this myschefe In no case therfore do I speake these thinges / nor yet so these thinges ought to be vnderstāde / as who shulde saye / that nothing shuld be geuen vnto the ministers of the Churche For these thinges are dewe wnto thē wherby they may nourish ande susteyne commodiously and easely / them selues ād their familie For except they haue wherwyth to lyue / wherwith to cladde them selue / where to dwell / and howe to defende them selues / agaynst the iniurie of colde ande heate / they can not longe do their office / but they shal be compelled forsakynge theyr offyce of teachynge to seke and finde howe to kepe them selues The which thinge when it cometh to passe / the Gospell can noth longe remaine The which thing the deuell doth ād seketh for the same purpose / that by this occasyon he may take oure of the way and let the doctrine of the Gospell A stypende is dewe vnro the ministers of the Chu●ch / 〈◊〉 the ordenaūce of God And that thinges are dewe vnto them / wherby they maie aptely nourish thē selues / Christe doth teache that openly where he saith The labourer is worthy of his reward S. Paul also He that is instructed / must cōmunicate vnto him that doth instructe him in all good thinges And he dothe adde a terme / wherby iustly those wicked parsons ought to be feared / the which is this God is not mocked Also 1 Timoth. the. 5. Seniour or prestes that are righte in auctorne / or that do gouuerne well / are worthy to be had in doub●… honour specially those that by worde ande teaching do laboure If that therfore stipendes be geuen vnto other that are publike officers in thiges that they serue vnto a communalté / that by the same they maye with more expedition serue the turne wherunto they are called / moch more is it dewe vnto the ministers of the worde / for trulie when we haue wyth all diligence and good will / geuen vnto them all thinges / wherby they may lyue commodiously / yet must ye saye this This stipend / this money or this grayne which we geue vnto the curate or minister of the worde / we geue it not for sermons or absolutiō the which are not the propre thīges of those ministers but of God / ande therfore they can not be solde of them for money but for as moch as God hath so ordained / that we shuld heare ande receaue the worde and his Sacramentes / of menne Therfore is it necessarie that they be norisshed of the comun charge / or of the publike treasure / or by our comune wagis And we shall geue thē with glad mide / that they maie haue whervppō to liue / and that by