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heaven_n earth_n good_a great_a 7,371 5 2.6096 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01828 The legacye or embassate of the great emperour of Inde prester Iohn, vnto Emanuell kynge of Portyngale, in the yere of our lorde M. v.C.xiii. Of the fayth of the Indyans, ceremonyes, relygyons [&]c. Of the patryarche [and] his offyce. Of the realme, state, power, maiesty, and order of the courte of prester Iohn; Legatio magni Indorum Imperatoris Presbyteri Ioannis, ad Emanuelem Lusitaniae Regem. English. Góis, Damião de, 1502-1574.; More, John, fl. 1533. 1533 (1533) STC 11966; ESTC S116675 18,827 64

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¶ The legacye or embassate of the great emperour of Inde prester Iohn̄ vnto Emanuell kynge of Portyngale in the yere of our lorde M.v. C.xiii. Of the fayth of the Indyans ceremonyes relygyons c. Of the patryarche his offyce Of the realme state power maiesty and order of the courte of prester Iohn̄ Iohn̄ More to the crysten sten reader FOr as myche as euery mā naturally is desyrous to here new thinges and straunge as both authours testyfye and experyence proueth all though there were none other commodyte therof then the neweltye I thought yt a thynge worthe the labour to translate this lyttell worke late happed in my hande through the helpe of a specyall familyar frende of myne syns surely I thought it shuld be a worke not onely new trew and plesaunt to the reader but also for y e knowlege of sundrye thynges therin conteyned very profytable and necessary For in this lytle treatyce be conteyned the state the fayth the relygyon the ceremonyes the Patryarche wyth his offyce the powre the lawes of the lande and empyre of prestre Iohn̄ besydes his royall maiestie and order of his courte All whyche thynges were rehersed vnto y e myghty and pusaunt prynce Emanuell kynge of Portyngale by the mouth of one Mathew sent frō themperour of Inde prester Iohn̄ vnto the fornamed Emanuel in the yere of our lord M.v. hundred .xiii. And all though of this prester Iohn̄ syr Iohn̄ Maūdefeld knyght in a worke y t he made of the dyscrypcyon of coūtrees somwhat hath made mencyon yet this embassatour that came from thens to the kynge of Portyngale as he to whome euery thynge perteynyng eyther to the religyon and fayth of that people or to the polytyque order of that lande was myche more perfytely knowen yt is no meruayle though he myche more perfytely descrybe theym namely to that prynce whych from poynte to poynte was curyouse to enquyre This empyre of prester Iohn̄ ys reputed as great a maygne countre in a maner yf yt be not gretter as all the remanaunt that nowe remayneth christened except the new founden landes that haue ben bycomen chrystened wythin few yeres of late And therfore yt greatly may of reason greatly ought to reioyce all good chrystē people to perceyue that though there are dyuerse thynges wherein they and we dyffere in rytes lawes customes and ceremonyes yet in all other thynges necessaryly perteynynge as well to the vertues of fayth and relygyon as all other vertues morall they so farreforth accorde and agre wyth these cristen nacyons of ours and wyth the catholyque doctryne of the chyrche that yt may well appere euen by that thynge alone that the spyryte of god hath wrought and worketh this full agrement consent in so many thynges necessary to saluacyon thorowe so many great countreys and regyōs as ours are and theyres both y e tone by so longe space hauynge so lytle accesse vnto the tother that of many yeres tyl nowe very late we coulde not wel tell whyther they were well cristened or not Howe be yt yet appereth well nowe by many thynges not in this boke onely but in those letters also whyche now very late the emperour of that lande that nowe is son vnto him that sent thembassatour vnto the kynge Emanuell dyd send not onely to the noble kynge of Portyngale that now is sonne vnto the said noble kynge Emanuell but also to the popes holynesse that now is Clement of that name the .vii. by his embassatour wyth his obedyence after the maner of other chrysten prynces by this treatyce and those letters yt doth I saye well appere that the said emperour and all the chyrche that ys to wytte all the chrysten people of that empyre be of the same fayth that we be And in this treatyse ye also se that y e great thynges whych haue ben byfore this tymes establyshed agaynst heretyques by generall counsayles of olde agaynst whych old determynacyons these new heretyques make newe besynesse nowe the selfe same thynges haue the chrysten people of that great chrysten empyre frō the tyme of theyre fyrste cōuersyon whych was forthwyth vpon the deth of Chryste cōtynually byleued and euer obserued styll So y t this poynt is able alone yf yt be pondered as yt is worthy eyther to tourne and conuert or putte to sylence for shame all the besye bretherne that wolde make men so madde as to wene that those thynges were new deuysed and late brought vppe here by prestes whych thynges theym selfe se well ynough though they dyssymyle and say nay in the bokes of old holy sayntes and whych thynges are now well knowē to haue ben this .xv. hundred yere byleued and vsed thorough that great empyre as great a people as oures into whyche our prestes as farre as men can tell of neuer came hense to teache them But syth that we begyn nowe eache to heare more of other I pray god as there is in bothe many thynges very good and some thynges that myght be better eche peple may lerne take of other those thynges that be good and lette the badde go by And that we may make bothe so but one chyrche mylytant here in erth that we may both be partes of one gloryouse chyrche that euer shall be tryumphaunt in heuen Damyane Gooes a Portyngale vnto the ryght reuerent father in god lord Iohn̄ y e great Goth archbysshop of wpsalen̄ inhabytyng the countrey of Swetia sendes gretynge THrough the great famylyar frenshyp god therof the vndouted autor that was betwene your holynes me whē we were to gether at Dantiske what tyme I had there maters of my pryncis to do after often metynges at the last happened vs cōmunycacyon of y e maters of Portīgale as of y e viages of the Indyans Arrabies and Perses And also of the longe and dyffyculte passage into those coūtreys of the parelles of the mayne Occean see also and of the cōtynuall warre that the inhabytours as well on thys syde Gaūge as beyond made agayn y e Arrabyans Persyās Indyans of the yerely inuasion of the Turkes whych by theyr mighty naueyes sent by the see of Arrabye vnto Inde the lesse all though not venqueshyd yet greatly vexed and troblyd our peple But after we had mych debated this mater your holynes putte wel in mynde of the high emperour of Inde prester Iohn̄ From whome surely my self ones saw an embassatour sent vnto our kynge and beynge present by harde all that euer he tolde as well of the fayth as of the ceremonies and estate of prester Iohn̄s empyre whyche he parcell mele descrybed in the presens of many of his nobles All whych when in order I had shewed your holynes you requyred me yf euer yt chaūced me to returne to the lowe countres that I wolde sende you all those thynges breuely descrybed wyth the artycles of the fayth ceremonies and estate of theyr countrey whyche I faythfully promysed to do Therfore after ones though a