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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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crafty crueltie of the wicked which may teach the godly two things specially first in all holy wisedome to labour the preuenting of these mischiefes that are meant against them secondly to striue to liue a holy and an vpright life because the eies of the wicked are continually vpon them Ver. 7. Sheweth vs howe the wicked flatter themselues in their sinne Ver. 8. Expresseth the great care that God hath ouer his children and how dearely he accompteth euery thing that is done to them or commeth from them Ver. 9. Setteth out the force and effect of feruent prayer Ver. 10.11 Are the same with ver 4. of this Psalme Ver. 12. Teacheth vs in care and conscience to performe the holy promises we haue made vnto God specially those that concerne praise and thanksgiuing Ver. 13. Teacheth two things first that it is God alone that vpholdeth his children and deliuereth them from all dangers and distresses secondly that he doeth this to this end that by holy life and godly conuersation we should glorifie him before men Psalme 57 Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first the Prophet calleth vppon the Lord assuring himselfe that God will graciously heare his prayers and deliuer him from ver 1. to the end of the third In the second hee declareth the dangerous and pitifull estate wherein he was and the craft and cruelty of his enemies praying deliuerance therfrom from ver 4. to the end of the 6. In the third part he sheweth his readines and inforceth himselfe to yéeld thankes to the Lord for his mercy goodnes towards him from ver 7. to the end of the Psalme The title to him that excelleth sée Psal 4. Destroy not In these words is declared the summe of those petitions which are conteined in Psalmes that haue such titles as this is as Psal 58. also Psal 59. It should appeare that Dauid was in some wonderfull feare of death and destruction and therfore praieth the Lord not to destroy him i. not onely not to suffer the wicked to destroy him but also because he alone had al power in his hands not to lay hands vpon him himself A Psal of Dauid on Michtam sée Psal 56 in the title whē he fled from Saul the history hereof is put down at large 1. Sam. 22.1 1. Sam. c. In the caue or rather into the caue He meaneth either Adullam or else an other caue in En-gedi for which sée the places before noted so that in this title wee may sée the occasion of the writing and making of this Psalme vz. Dauids great daunger and affliction Ver. 1. Haue mercy vppon mee O God haue mercy vpon mee this is a most vehement request which also may appeare by the doubling of the words by the which also he sheweth that he was in very great danger for my soule trusteth in thée this word soule importeth that he trusted in God with all his heart which is the part that God especially regardeth and in the shadowe of thy winges i. thy sauegarde prouidence and protection it is a metaphor borrowed from chickens who lye close vnder the hennes wings till the kyte be passed ouer sée Psal 17.8 Wil I trust vz. because I haue heretofore found it good the Prophet meaneth that he had trusted did and would continually trust in Gods almighty protection onely till these afflictions ouerpasse It appeareth that Dauid had more troubles then one yea that hee had as it were flouds of them which maketh him here to resēble his afflictions to a storme or tēpest not meaning by the word til that when the tempest was appeased hee woulde then cease to trust in God but that hee would both then and for euer hang vppon him so haue you the word till vsed Psal 110. ver 1. Ver. 2. I will call i. I will pray vnto the most high God the Prophet addeth this to strengthen his fayth because he whom he would inuocate had all power in his hand and hée strengtheneth himselfe also by that which followeth vz. that god doth faithfully performe his promises made him for God neuer vseth to leaue a worke vnperfite that hee hath begunne but alwaies continueth his benefits and goodnes towards those that are his Ver. 3. Hee will sende from heauen vz. either one or many Angels rather thē I shoulde want helpe and succour and saue mée i. deliuer mee from the reproofe hee meaneth by this worde all that either closely or openly coulde be done or sayd against him of him i. not onely of Saul though he be the chiefe but of those that take part with him against mee that woulde swallow mee sée Psalm 56.1 God will sende his mercy and his trueth this may serue to expound by the way of addition these wordes hee wil send from heauen in the beginning of this verse or else wee may expound them thus hee wil sende vz. vnto mee making mee féele by experience that which I haue had heretofore but in perswasion his mercy and his trueth by mercy hee meaneth the manifestation of his goodwill and grace towardes him and by trueth hee meaneth the faithfulnes and true performance that God obserueth in keeping his promises Verse 4. My soule i. my whole life and body is amonge Lions i. greedy and cruell persons sée Psalm 35.17 Hée meaneth his enemies whome hee resembleth to Lions because they were full of rage and cruelty meaning also by this manner of speach and those that followe in this verse that hee was in wonderfull daunger I lye among the children of men i. such as haue nothing more then that corruption which they haue brought from their fathers which is nothing else but al maner of naughtines and cruelty that are set on fire vz. against mee and that through the malice and mischiefe of their owne heartes without any cause on my part giuen whose téeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword by téeth and tongue which are the instruments wherby men speake he vnderstandeth the false and hateful accusations that Sauls flatterers made against him and in that he resembleth them to speares arrowes and swordes hee meaneth that they were sharpe kéene and persing euen to the wounding of him sée Psal 120.4 also Psalm 55.21 also Psal 59.7 Ver. 5. Exalt thy selfe O God aboue the heauen hee prouoketh the Lorde as it were by prayer to declare his power q.d. shewe thy might and power which is farre aboue the heauens here vppon the earth in ouerthrowing and confounding mine enemies and let thy glory bee vz. made manifest and appeare vpon all the earth i. all the earth ouer to the ende that thy glory may bee extolled and magnified amongst men which can hardly be if I be oppressed for that should be with the dishonour of thy name Ver. 6. They vz. the wicked and vngodly my deadly enemies haue layd a net for my steppes i. haue either narowly watched me in my conuersation as before Psal 56.6 or else
for his excellent gouernment and prouidence Verse 13 teacheth that howsoeuer men be corrupted in their iudgements and gouernment yet God is not sée Psal 94. verse 20. Psalme 97 THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts Di. In the first is described the greatnesse and excellency of almightye God and and his power From verse 1 to the end of the sixte In the seconde is declared that this power of his is terrible to the wicked and comfortable to the godly whome the Prophet therfore exhorteth to yéeld obedience and thankfulnesse to the Lorde from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme This Psalme hath no Title as sundry both before it and after it haue not likewise and therefore we cannot determine eyther who was the Author of it Se. or when it was penned Certaine it is that the holye Ghost therein purposeth to exhort the faythfull to shew themselues ioifull for the Lordes fauour loue and power towards them Verse 1. The Lord reigneth sée Psalme 93.1 let the earth reioyce i. people inhabiting the earth as Psalme 96.1 q.d. Let the people be excéedingly glad euen in that respecte that the Lordes power beareth a sway Let the multitude of the Iles i. the multitude of people inhabyting the Ilandes be glad vz. for the same cause and occasion Ver. 2. Clouds and darkenesse i. most fearefull and terrible maiestie and power sée Psalm 18.11 And he doth thus describe God that he might more liuely touch mens harts to yéeld him reuerence and honour are round about him i. compasse him in on euery side meaning that he hath both plenty of them and in a readinesse also to performe whatsoeuer pleaseth him righteousnesse i. all vprightnesse and equitie and iudgement i. true and right iudgement and this the holy Ghost addeth as it were to preuent that which the wicked might obiect as though gods power and maiestie were full of iniustice are the foundation of his throne i. are so tied to his kingdom that they can no more be separated from his kingdom then the foundation of his building Vnderstanding by throne the signe of a kingdome the kingdome it selfe and by foundation the straight and narrowe coniunction of iustice and sound iudgement to it Verse 3. There shall goe a fyre before him he vnderstandeth by the word fire the wrath and vengeaunce of God and burne vp his enemies round about i. it shall vtterlye consume those that set themselues agaynst him and that on euerye side before him and behinde him on the lefte hande and on the right hand so that none shall escape Verse 4. His lightninges i. the lightnings that come from him and are sente by his appoyntment gaue lighte vnto the world i. were so great that all the Worlde mighte sée them the earth i. the people dwelling on the earth saw vz. with their bodilye eyes and sensiblye it i. those lightninges one number put for an other and was afrayde vz. of his great power and maiesty whiche appeared therein By this and the thyrde verse before going and the nexte verse following it the holy Ghost myndeth nothing but to shewe the greatnesse of almightye Gods power in so much that nothing though it be neuer so stoute and stéedye is able to stande before it Verse 5. The Mountaynes vz. though they were neuer so greate strong and mighty melted like waxe vz. helde agaynst the fyre or the heate of the Sunne He meaneth by this Metaphor that they quickly consumed at the presence of the Lorde i. so soone as the Lorde gaue some shew of his presence or maiestie at the presence of the Lorde of the whole earth i. of him that ruleth the earth and all thinges therein contayned Verse 6. The Heauens declare his righteousnesse i. euen those thinges whiche are done in the Firmament as fyre hayle thunder lightning the Lorde thereby plaguing the wicked doe sufficientlye declare him to be vpright and iust in all his wayes and all the people vz. of the earth sée i. plainlye and sensiblye perceyue by the thinges done there his glorye i. his great power and mighte In this verse the Prophet mindeth to declare that God is most glorious manifest tokens of whose glory and iustice appeare in the very heauens and are set out before mens eyes to make them without excuse sée Psalme 19.1 Romanes 1 20. Verse 7. Confounded vz. thorowe the mightye power and iudgemente of almightye GOD bée all they vz. of what state or condition soeuer they bee q.d. let them bée confounded and ouerthrowne that serue vz. any manner of waye or with anye sorte of worship grauen Images i. images or pictures made framed and grauen by the hande arte and cunning of man and that glorye i. eyther boaste of or speake of them as to allowe them anye manner of waye in Idols see before Psalme 96 5. Leuiticus 19.4 Worshippe vz. according to the prescripte rule of his worde him vz. onelye all yée Gods i. not only mightye men and Magistrates of the world but all thinges that in the worlde is esteemed as God The Prophet meaning that eyther they shoulde doe it willinglye and of a good mynde or else by constraynt and inforcemente because they coulde not resist his power Verse 8. Sion i. the Church as Psalme 48.11.12 hearde vz. by thy workes and by thy worde of it vz. that goeth before i. the confusion and ouerthrowe of the idolatrers and was gladde vz. for the iust execution of thy iudgementes vppon them and the Daughters of Iudah i. not onely the Cittyes and Townes of that Lande in whiche sence you shall sundrye tymes haue the worde Daughters taken but the people inhabiting the same places meaning notwithstadding the particular members of the Church reioyced i. were excéedinglye glad because of thy iudgementes O Lord vz. executed vppon the wicked and vngodlye by whiche also it hath pleased thée to prouide for their deliueraunce and safetie Verse 9. For thou Lord vz. alone arte moste high aboue all the earth i. arte greater in power and mighte then all thinges in the earth because that they whatsoeuer they be are subiecte to thy authoritie and power Thou arte muche exalted vz. in thy iustice and iudgementes aboue all Gods sée Psalme 95 3. Verse 10. Yée that loue the Lorde vz. indéede vnfeignedlye and with a good hearte hate i. detest and abhorre from the bottome of youre hartes sée Romanes 12.9 Euill i. whatsoeuer is sinne and transgression before him or inclining that waye sée 1. Thessalonians 5.22 hée preserueth i. God mayntayneth defendeth and kéepeth the soules i the life and whole person of his Sayntes i. of those whome hee hath framed to holynesse and inflamed with the loue thereof hée will deliuer them i. set them safe and sounde from the hande i. from the cruell power and outrage of the wicked vz. that séeke to destroy them Verse 11. Lighte i. ioye prosperitie and eternall blessednesse Sée Ester 8 16. as by the contrarye vz. darkenesse is signifyed myserye is sowne
prepare arrowes for the persecutors i. those that with him doe persecute me ver 14. Behold q.d. notwithstanding all this he shall trauaile with wickednesse but yet he shal not be able to bring forth i. to worke that which he hath deuised for he hath conceaued vz. in his vnderstanding mischiefe vz. agaynst me but he shall bring forth a lie i. such a thing as shal deceaue him of his expectation and hope which he doth more particulerly and plainly declare in the next verse Ver. 15. by which and the 16. he noteth that all the mischiefes that the vngodly deuised agaynst the good and all the daungers that they thought to take the godly in shal light vpon themselues and they themselues be taken therewith ver 17. hath this meaning q.d. Propheta When I shall sée Gods iudgements vpon the wicked and his mercy in deliuering me I wil prayse him according to his righteousnesse he meaneth not so much as Gods righteousnesse i. his faythfull kéeping and performing of promises deserueth but rather noteth the cause that God hath giuen to prayse him for and by name in this verse he meaneth the excellent power maiestie of God which then appeareth when he ouerthroweth his enemies and deliuereth his owne ver 1. Trust and confidence in God Do. is alwaies necessary in them that pray to him also we learne to pray for deliuerance from our persecutours ver 2. describeth the cruel and subtill nature of the wicked ver 3. Sheweth that many of Gods children may stand vpō their innocencie to menward though not before God ver 4. Teacheth that we should ouercome euil with wel doing ver 6. Sheweth that we may sometimes pray against some enemies of the Church it teacheth this also to make Gods promises general or particular the ground of our prayers ver 8 Teacheth that when men wil not iudge rightly we may by prayer defer our causes to him that hath no respect of persons ver 9. that we shoulde pray for the direction and prosperitie of Gods people also that nothing no not the secret thoughts of our hearts can be hid from God ver 10. Teacheth two things 1. that we ought to hang vppon God 2. the fauour and loue hée beareth towards thē that sincerely feare him ver 11. Sheweth that God wil not the death of sinners in that he vseth so many meanes to bring them to amendmend ver 12. 13. Declare what mischieuous mindes the wicked carry towarde the godly and what meanes they wil worke to accomplish their naughtines ver 14.15.16 Shew the god shal ouerthrow al their purposes and practises so that good cause we haue to hang vpon him and litle cause to feare the other seeing that their deuises passe into smoke ver 17. Teacheth vs to thanke God either for the destruction of the wicked or the deliuerance of the good Psalme 8 Di. THis Psalme hath principally two partes In the first the Prophet sheweth that the excellent power and prouidence of almightie God may appeare in many his creatures as namely in the heauens and the things therin contained and this is comprehended in the three first verses But specially it is to be seene in man whose excellency in respect of his first creation the Prophet doth wonderfully extol From ver 4. to the end of the Psalme And this is the second part thereof The title of this Psalm hath bene expounded before al sauing this word Gittith which I take to be instruments the custody whereof was committed to Obed Edom the Gittith and to his familie or kinred that came of him of whom you may read 2. Samuel 6.10.11 ver 1. name put for power maiestie as Psal 7.17 q.d. O Lorde howe great doth the whole earth shew thy power to be which hast set thy glory aboue the heauens q.d. not onely the earth but the heauens also declare thy glory as Psal 19.1 Yea he meaneth further by these spéeches that though gods glory appeare in heauen and earth yet notwithstanding hee is infinite in maiestie and glory because his glory is farre aboue the highest heauens vers 2. Hast thou ordained strength i. thou hast strongly established vz. thy prouidence and power q.d. besides the earth and the heauens wee haue very infants preachers of thy power and goodnes and so doth our sauiour vnderstand it Mat. 12.16 Because of thine enemies i. thou hast done this that they thereby might bee confounded that thou mightest stil the enemie i. stoppe his mouth in such sort that he should haue nothing to say and the auenger he that reuengeth his own cause and leaueth not vengeance to the Lord to whom alone it belongeth Rom. 12.19 Who by their facts sheweth that they are perswaded that God careth not for mens matters or else would they neuer so violently breake into his office ver 3. The heauens are called gods both because he made them and also because he gouerneth there and they are as it were his dwelling place the worke of thy fingers i. which thou thy self hast most exactly and perfectly made the moone and the starres Hee particularly reciteth some of the heauenly creatures which thou hast ordeined vz. to bee there to giue light and to keepe their ordinary courses ver 4. That thou art mindfull of him vz. to shewe fauour and loue towardes him or the sonne of man i. his posterity here hee speaketh generally of all comparing man with the rest of the creatures sée Eccle. that thou shouldest visit him i. haue regarde and consideration of him ver 5. For thou hast made him a litle lower then God Here hee speaketh of GOD in the first place in the second person in the second place in the third person the Apostle Heb. 2.6 expoundeth or translateth in thus Thou hast made him a litle inferiour to the Angels both in this place and in that of the Hebrewes the meaning is that the Lord gaue vnto men in this life a certaine angelicall and heauenly excellencie and crowned him i. Thou hast decked him as it were with a crowne with glory and worshippe some referre this to the mynde and reasonable soule of a man by whiche hee doeth not onely differ from beastes but draweth nigh to the heauenly nature I doe not onely stretch it so farre but vnderstand thereby also the dominion and Lordshippe that the Lorde hath giuen to him ouer all his creatures which followeth ver 6. In the woorkes i. ouer the works of thine hands i. which thou thy selfe hast made all thinges vnder his féete i. made thē subiect vnto him this was true in Adam by creatiō it is verified also in our sauiour as may appeare Heb. 2. We lost it by Adams fall but we haue it in part restored againe vnto vs by Christ in our regeneration ver 7. He doth particularise the general time all in the 6. verse Ver. 8. and that which passeth through the paths of the sea Hee meaneth the whale and other great fishes which make a smooth
those that can hardly be tamed and bee full of wantonnes and sport as it were such as calues be when they are very fat that tread vnder féete i. that do contemne despise and set little by as Matth. 7.6 pieces of siluer thinges that ought to be regarded and estéemed putting one for al of the like sort scatter sée ver 1. of this Psalme the people that delight in warre i. take pleasure thinke it to be the greatest ioy when they may contend or fight most Ver. 31. Then i. when thou shalt bestow these great graces vpon thy children and ouerthrow thine enemies shall the Princes vz. moued partly through iudgments and partly by thy mercy come out of Egipt vz. to yéelde obedience vnto thée and to submit themselues to thy Lordship and gouernment Ethiopia i. the people inhabiting that land shall hast i. make hast and speede to stretch her hands i. to pray vnto or readily to offer giftes in signe of obedience and subiection putting the signe of prayer or obedience for the things themselues vnto God i. vnto thée speaking of God to God in the third person Ver. 32. Sing vnto God vz. prayse and thankesgiuing for your conuersion calling for these verses comprehend the calling of the Gentiles to the kingdom of Christ O ye kingdomes of the earth i. O ye people which inhabite the kingdomes of the world putting the places inhabited for the persōs inhabiting as sundry times before sing prayse vnto the Lorde the saying is doubled the more earnestly to prouoke men thereto Verse 33. To him that rideth vppon the heauens i. to him that gouerneth them and their course as hee that rideth vppon the Horse doeth the Horse this is spoken of GOD according to man and is nothing else as a man woulde say but a description of Gods excellent maiesty and when hee sayth most high heauens hee speaketh it also according to men who are wont to make sundry heauens as the Philosophers yet doe not that there are so for all that they babble of that matter is vayne but that men so esteeme it and yet notwithstanding in Scripture wee see that the worde heauen is sometimes vsed in Scripture for the ayre as when wee say foules of heauen sometimes for the firmament which is also aboue the ayre and so this place may bee expounded thus let men imagine neuer so many heauens yet God ruleth them all whiche were from the beginning as appeareth Gen. 1.1 and so haue since that time continued and still shall continue al which tendeth to expresse the great power of almighty God behold he will send out by his voice a mightie sound by Gods voyce he vnderstandeth the thunder the diuers effects whereof sée at large Psalme 29. And by mighty sound he meaneth not only large sound but also great which euen shaketh the earth as it were Verse 34. Ascribe the power to God i. giue vnto him all the prayse of power both in himself and in you for his maiestie is vpon Israel i. is declared mightily toward his people and Church as Psalm 14.7 and his strength is in the cloudes i. is not onely made manifest in the same but also he vseth the cloudes and all other creatures whatsoeuer to set out his power Verse 35. O God thou art terrible vz. to thine enimies and aduersaries out of thine holy places q.d. Thou shewest euident testimonies and tokens thereof out of thy tabernacle and he vseth the plurall number holy places eyther in respect that the arke was set vp in sundry places before the temple was builded or else in respect of the distincte places of the arke as Heb. 9.2.3 all which were called holy or else in respect of the heauenly holye place and the earthly holy place which was a shadowe of that heauenly one as Heb. 10.19 the God of Israel i. the God of his Church and faythfull people is he vz. alone that giueth vz. of his own goodnesse and mercye onely without any merite or desert of theirs strength and power vz. to defend themselues and to beat back their enimies meaning by strength and power all the meanes whereby these great workes may be performed vnto the people vz. whome he hath chosen vnderstanding the people of Israell for that time and the Church for euer praysed be God vz. for that his mercy and greate goodnesse towards them Verse 1. Teacheth two things Do first that God hath all power in his hande to destroy his enemies seconde that the enemies of the Church cannot prosper Verse 2. Setteth out the sodayne destruction of the wicked Verse 3. sheweth that when the wicked shall be beaten downe Gods children shall be lifted vp in spirituall ioye and mirth Verse 4. teacheth vs continually to prayse God for his incomprehensible maiestie and power Verse 5. Teacheth vs what greate care God in mercy carrieth toward the distressed persons Verse 6. Teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of body deliueraunce of extreme daungers and plagues and punishments of what sort soeuer vpon the vngodly come all from God Verse 7. Teacheth vs to thinke vpon Gods graces performed of old that therby our fayth may be strengthened to escape daungers Verse 8. Teacheth that all creatures are not able to stande before the presence and maiestie of God Verse 9. Teacheth that plentifulnesse and the means thereof are all in Gods handes Verse 10. Teacheth that though the wicked haue a great portion of the earth in possession yet that the Lord hath properlye prepared it for them that feare him Verse 11. Teacheth vs that we can not haue our mouthes open to speake much lesse to speake well til God giue both the matter and vtterance also that the weakest meanes as women when God inableth them shal be sufficient to expresse his prayse Verse 12. teacheth that neither multitude strēgth nor authority can preuaile agaynst the Lord and his people otherwise then he himselfe séeth good Verse 13. Teacheth that the afflictions of the godly doe no whit at al hinder the beautie of the godly but rather are the instruments which God doth use to make them more glorious Verse 15. Setteth out the excellency beauty and continuance of Gods church Ver. 16. Teacheth that al congregations though outwardly neuer so glorious and glittering in respecte of it are nothing Ver. 17. Sheweth that Gods power is inuincible and his armies to performe his purpose are innumerable Verse 18. Sheweth that God will triumphe ouer al the faythfull willingly and vnfainedlie subiecting themselues and the other whether they will or no. Verse 19 teacheth vs two things first to yéeld thanks to God for his mercies secondly that his goodnes toward vs neuer ceaseth Verse 20 teacheth vs that euen in the greatest daungers God deliuereth his children to the end all glory might be giuen to him therefore Verse 21. Sheweth that the wicked enemies of his Church shal not long escape vnpunished Verse 22. teacheth vs that Gods promises of deliuerance saluation c. are the
thée i. adorneth and compasseth thée about as the crowne is a testimony of glory and honour and compasseth the whole head round about with mercyes and compassions i. with great abundaunce and varietye of mercies which appeareth both in that hée vseth two woordes signifiying almost both one thing and also because hée putteth the latter in the plurall number Verse 5. Which satisfieth the mouth i. which filleth thine affection and appetyte Sée Psalm 81.10 hee séemeth to alude to men which take great licence to themselues in eating and drinking meaning that God will abundauntly satisfie vs and giue vs all that wee can wish with good thinges i. with all manner of good thinges so that nothing should bee wanting and thy youth i. the dayes and times of thine age yea euen though thou bee olde yet shall it bée as youth is renued vz. through the speciall blessing and goodnes of GOD as the Egles which liue long and dye not but through want of abilitie to take in their meate as Aristotle and Plinie both shewe Verse 6. The Lorde vz. himselfe executeth vz. both in word and déed specially when men are negligent righteousnesse and iudgement i. suche sentence as are righteous and iuste Sée Psalm 97.2 to all vz. of his children and seruauntes that are oppressed vz. by wicked and vngodly men Verse 7. Hée vz. God the Lorde made his wayes knowne by wayes hee vnderstandeth not onely the deliuerance of the people out of Egipt and all that hée did for them till hée brought them into the lande of Canaan but euen his whole lawe vnto Moses vz. first and before others and afterwardes by him to all his people and his workes i. the excellent and noble workes which hée did and that for their sakes vnto the children of Israel vz. which hee had chosen to bee a peculiar people to himselfe Verse 8. The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye vz. to them that come vnto him slow to anger vz. though men by their wickednesses prouoke him much thereto and of great kindnes vz. towardes them that turne vnto him this sentence seemeth to bée taken out of Exodus 34.6 where the nature of GOD is so farre set foorth vnto vs as is profitable for vs to knowe and séemeth to bée the same with Nehe. 9 17. Psalm 86.15 Verse 9. Hee will not alway chyde vz. with men and specially with his children neither keepe his anger for euer vz. towardes them Sée Leuitic 19.18 Ver. 10. Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes i. hee hath not punished vs according to the greatnesse and grieuousnesse of our sinnes nor regarded vs vz. in his iustice and iudgements heare wée sée what rewardes wee may looke for from the Lorde in respect of our selues according to our iniquities vz. committed against him and our brethren Verse 11. For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth q.d. looke what distaunce there is betwéene heauen and earth which is very great and wonderfull yea infinite as it were so great is his mercye i. the mercy which hée sheweth for if hee had it in himselfe and powred it not foorth vpon others it were to litle purpose towardes them that feare him vz. with an vnfeigned heart putting the feare of GOD for care conscience and obedience to his trueth Verse 12. As farre as the East is from the West vz. which wee knowe to be so farre asunder that they shall neuer come together so farre yea and further to if further possible can bée hee meaneth by this comparison that the Lorde hath vtterly remoued our iniquities from vs hath hee remooued our sinnes i. the sinnes that wee haue committed from vs i. who were the doers thereof Verse 13. As a Father vz. earthly or naturall hath compassion on his children notwithstanding that manye times they doe prouoke him to displeasure so yea and in farre greater measure by howe much GOD is greater then man and his afflictions more certaine and sure hath the Lorde compassion i. hée vouchsaueth them mercye notwithstanding they deserue it not on them that feare him Sée verse 11. of this Psalme Verse 14. For hee knoweth vz. by manye degrees better then wée our selues whereof wée bée made i. of howe brittle a matter wée are created for so much doeth the Hebrewe woorde import which sense also maye bee gathered by that whiche followeth in this verse hee remembreth though men many times forget it that wee are but dust and that into the same wee shall returne Sée Genesis 3.19 Verse 15. The dayes of man i. the course of his yéeres and age or the tyme of his life are as grasse vz. which is cutte downe withered and quickely consumed hee meaneth by this speach the breuitye and shortnesse of mans lyfe as a flowre of the fielde so florisheth hée i. hee is nowe florishing and by and by withered and note that hée speaketh of a flowre of the fielde rather then of a garden flowre because that fielde flowres are more subiect to stormes tempest heate c. then the garden which haue more shelture and couerture Verse 16. For the winde vz. sent from GOD meaning by wynde which is one meane to marre the beautye of blossomes and flowres all other whatsoeuer goeth ouer it vz. with violence and so ●ppeth it either with extreme colde as the Easternewynde or with partching heate as the Westerne wynde and it is gone vz. out of mens sight hée meaneth that it is decayed and the place thereof i. the grounde wherein it grewe shall knowe it no more vz. in mans iudgement meaning also by the woorde it the selfe same and not any other of the same kynde In these two last verses hée doeth nothing else but by a similitude sette out the shortnesse and vanitye of mans lyfe which is no better then an hearbe or grasse subiect to cutting downe weather wynde and such lyke Verse 17. But the louing kindnesse of the Lorde vz. towardes his sonnes and seruauntes indureth for euer and euer the reason is because those whome the Lorde loueth hee loueth for euer vppon them i. playnelye testified towardes them and plentifullye powred foorth vppon them that feare him Sée verse 11. and 13. of this Psalme and his righteousnesse i. his iust and faythfull kéeping of his promise and the succour and ayde by which hée maynteyneth and preserueth his vppon childrens children i. to all posteritye Verse 18. Vnto them that kéepe vz. in their behauiour and conuersation his couenaunt i. his Lawe which is called a couenaunt because it conteyneth the conditions of bargayne as it were betwéene GOD and his people and thinke vppon them vz. in their déepe thoughts and secret heart his commandementes i. the matters which hée hath commaunded to doe them vz. in their outwarde conuersation and dealing Verse 19. The Lorde hath prepared his throne in heauen i. hée hath a kingdome and exerciseth the same euen in heauen and yet that letteth not but that his iurisdiction ruleth our all vz. what
headed men dreame to the contrary secondly that he doth vpon the earth euen whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 34 teacheth that sin and vngodlines is the mean to turn al plenty into pouerty and al blessings into cursings Verse 35 teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of ground and plenty of al things is Gods only gift Ver. 36 teacheth that God in great mercy prepareth abundance for them that want and giueth them safety shilter from al their enemies Ver. 37. Teacheth Gods children euen in the middest of Gods blessings and abundance yet notwithstanding to imploy themselues in ordinary trauayle and labour Ver. 38 teacheth vs that it is not the trauayle of man but Gods blessing that maketh men rich sée Psal 127.2 Verse 39 teacheth that afflictions are good means to bring men to the right knowledge of God and themselues Verse 40 teacheth that the estate of Princes and great men is not so sure as they commonly fantasie Ver. 41 teacheth vs that preferment commeth not from the east nor weast but from the Lord only sée Psalme 75 6. Verse 42 teacheth that godly men may reioyce as in the benefites of God bestowed vpon others so in his iudgements poured forth vpon the wicked it teacheth also that Gods mercies vpon his children and his punishments vpon the vngodly bring forth an other effect in the wicked that is taketh from them all sence so that they neyther haue harts to conceiue nor mouthes to speake either with or against god in his dealings Ver. 43 teacheth first that men ought déeply to weigh Gods wonderful workes secondly that the number of thē that do so in déede is very small in respect of the other thirdly that the consideration of his works is one good means to make vs sée and féele not his power and prouidenee only but also his eternall goodnes and incomprehensible mercy Psalme 108 THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the Prophet stirreth vp himself to prayse God calling also vpon him for helpe and deliuerance from verse 1. to the ende of the 6 verse In the second the Prophet assuring himselfe by reason of Gods promises that his enemies should be ouerthrowne maketh his prayer vnto God for strength to performe it And this part reacheth from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme Se. The title A song or Psalm of Dauid sée before Psal 48. in the title and in that it is sayd here a Psalm of Dauid it is euident that he was the author of it Though it be true that this Psal be made of two Psalmes before going that is of Psal 57 from ver 7 to the end of the Psal and of Psal 60 from verse 5. to the end of the Psal frō whence also the sence doctrines might very wel be fet yet notwithstanding because there is some difference somwhat shal be sayd in this place Ver. 1. O God mine hart i. my inward man is prepared vz. to prayse thée for thy mercies so is my tongue i. mine outward man also putting a part for the whole q.d. I am ready both in the inward man outward mā to magnify thée for thy graces I vz. my self none other for me wil sing gyue praise vz. vnto thée alone Ver. 2. Awake Viol and Harpe he incourageth not only himself but also his instruments to praise God that euen thereby hee himselfe might be the better prouoked thereto I will awake vz. from my sléepe and rise vp from my bed early vz. in the morning the Prophet meaneth that he will euen breake his sléepe to performe seruices to God Verse 3 I wil praise thée O Lord vz. for thy mercies great and vnspeakeable among the people vz. whom thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe and I will sing vnto thée vz. prayses and thanksgiuing amongst the nations vz. round about vs the Prophet meaneth that he would so publish Gods prayses that euen the Gentiles should heare of it Ver. 4. For thy mercy vz. towardes all men but speciallye towards thy sonnes and seruaunts is great i. is so great that it is aboue the heauens i. higher then the heauens themselues so that as the space betwéene heauen and earth is infinite so is thy mercy and thy truth vz. reacheth he vnderstandeth by truth Gods faythfulnesse in making kéeping and performing promise vnto the Cloudes by these maner of spéeches hée meaneth nothing else but that Gods mercy is vnmeasurable and incomprehensible as it were in respecte of the greatnesse of it Verse 5. Exalt thy selfe O GOD vz. by thy mighte and power aboue the heauens i. aboue the highest thinges that may be not that he meaneth that God was not then and alwayes is exalted but that he prayeth the Lorde by effect to shew it amongste men and let thy glory i. the praise that appertaineth vnto thy glory be vz. dispersed farre and wide vpon al the earth i. in euery place of the worlde The Prophet sheweth in this verse that the firste thing that moued him to make this request is Gods glorye In the nexte Verse hée sheweth that an other reason is the saluation and deliueraunce of his people Verse 6. That thy beloued vz. people that is suche people as thou fauourest and louest of thine owne mercye onely without any merites of theirs may be deliuered vz. out of the great daungers distresses and feares wherein they are helpe vz. both them and me and euerye one of vs in this case for it shoulde séeme that Dauid made this Psalme at the beginning of his Kingdome when thinking vppon his enimies and his owne weakenesse it was tyme to craue helpe at the Lords hands for himselfe and his people with thy right hand i. with thy mighty power and strength that so thereby I may ouercome these enemies and heare me vz. praying vnto thée for my selfe and my people vnderstanding by hearing graunting his requestes Verse 7. GOD vz. himselfe hath spoken vz. openlye and playnlye and that by his holye Prophet Samuell that hee will establshe and inlarge the kingdome in my hande yea he hath spoken it in his holinesse i. hée hath holilye and assuredly promised it mée so that I néede not doubte any more of it then of his holinesse therefore vz. for this his mercye I will reioyce vz. greatlye for séeing he hath promised mée I knowe that I shall diuide vz. as the right owner and possessor of it Shechem Shechem is the name of a place on this side Iordan as the valley of Succoth was beyond Iordan Hée nameth certayne places of the land whiche by reason of Saules stocke and those that tooke part with him as Abner and such like he had not at the enterance into his Kingdome in his possession and yet notwithstanding assured himselfe that he should haue them and measure vz. to euery man his portion as Ioshua did by which the prophet noteth his gouernment kingdome ouer it the valley of Succoth this is expounded alredy before euen in this verse
not onely labour to whet our coldnesse and dulnes but sheweth that God is he who alone is worthy all prayse Ver. 2. Blessed i. praysed and magnified hée the name of the Lorde i. Gods maiesty power and goodnes as before ver 1. of this Psalme from henceforth and for euer i. from this tyme and so forward alwayes In this verse the Prophet amplifieth Gods prayse by the circumstance of tyme q.d. hée would haue it to continue alwayes in mens mouthes as in the next verse hée amplifieth it by the circumstaunce of place q.d. hée woulde haue it remaine and abyde also in all places Ver. 3. The Lordes name i. his maiesty power goodnes c. as before verse 1.2 of this Psalme and also Psalm 20.1 is praysed i. is meete and worthy to bee praysed for the excellency and woorthinesse thereof some read it thus let it be praysed both senses may stand well with the purpose of the Prophet from the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same i. in and through all the world he putteth two of the chiefest parts of the world for the whole world because these two partes vz. East and West were most inhabited for the North by reason of colde and the South by reason of heate are not so well peopled as the other quarters are Ver. 4. The Lorde is high aboue all nations i. is renowmed and more glorious then al the peoples of the world or any one of them and it is a secret reproof q.d. Is there any thing more absurde amongest reasonable men then this that they which haue certaine experience and knowledge of Gods glory amongst them should cease to prayse him for it séeing it shineth euen amongest them that are blinde and his glory aboue the heauens q.d. God doeth not onely excéede and excel al nations in glory but euen the very heauens themselues which are not able to conceiue or conteine his glory Ver. 5. Who either in heauen or in earth is like to wit in power strength prouidence goodnes c. vnto the Lorde our God i. vnto him whom we serue that hath his dwelling on high i. that dwelleth in the heauens as Psalme 2.4 Ver. 6. Who abaseth himselfe vz. in loue and mercy towardes his to behold thinges vz. which are done in the heauen and in the earth he meaneth that God foreseeth all thinges both aloft and belowe and by his power disposeth thereof Ver. 7. He rayseth vz. through his almighty power and of his goodnes the needy i. the poore and abiect amongst men out of the dust i. out of a vile and contemptible estate and lifteth vp the poore out of the dung hee speaketh the selfe same thing in other tearmes meaning that God many tymes aduanceth the most base persons sée 1. Sam. 2.8 also 2. Sam. 7.8 and note that hée speaketh not here of an ordinary course as in other places but of vnaccustomed workes in which Gods hand power is more manifest as when he exalteth a poore man not onely to a simple degrée of honour but also to haue authority ouer his people True it is that this appeareth plainely in the ciuill gouernement but yet especially in the state of the Church which is the principall theatre as it were of the worlde and wherein God giueth the plainest testimonies of his power wisedome and wonderfull iustice Ver. 8. That he may set them with the princes i. that he may giue and commit vnto them gouernement as other princes haue and not onely as euery other Prince but euen such gouernement as the princes of his owne people haue whome hée hath not onely chosen but also most tenderly loued Ver. 9. Hée i. God maketh vz. by his almighty power and working the barren woman i. shee that was barren to dwell with a family i. to haue plenty of children about her the Prophet putteth the whole family for the principall part thereof that is children and vz. God maketh her also a ioyfull mother of children i. to reioyce in her children and fruitfulnes hee ascribeth here ioy vnto mothers because they preferre posterity before all other thinges which they desire that barrennes bred griefe and fruitfulnes ioy appeareth in Hannah the mother of Samuel 1. Sam. 1.2 chapiters throughout prayse yee the Lorde sée Psal 106. and the last verse Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that it becommeth all men Do. but specially the ministers of Gods worde to set forth the noble prayses of the Lord. Ver. 2. Teacheth vs that Gods prayses should be continuall Ver. 3. Sheweth that they shall bée publike in all places Verse 4. Sheweth that all the glory both of heauen and earth and of all the creatures therein conteined is not so much as a shaddow of the glory and maiesty that is in God Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that none is any manner of way comparable with God or like vnto him Ver. 6. Teacheth vs that God looketh vppon all thinges both in heauen and earth which shoulde teach vs to walke with feare and trembling in his sight Ver. 7. and 8. Teach vs that preferment commeth not from the East nor from the West but from the Lorde onely as Psal 75.6.7 Ver. 8. Teacheth further that christian princes and those which gouerne Gods people are more to be estéemed then vnbeléeuing magistrates are Ver. 9. Teacheth vs first that barennes and fruitfulnes are both from the Lord. Secondly that wee may yea that wee ought to reioyce when God blesseth vs with posterity Psalme 114 THis Psalme may be diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet sheweth how the people were deliuered out of Egipt and the wonderfull works which God did for their sake from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second is comprehended as it were a dialogue or disputation betwéen the Prophet and the creatures from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title as sundry other haue not and namely Psal 10. Se. also Psal 91. also Psal 93. c Ver. 1. When Israell i. the people of Israell who are called Israel because they descended of Iaakob who was also called Israel went out of Egipt i. were deliuered out of it by the handes of Moses Aaron and the house of Iaakob i. his race and posterity from the barbarous people vz. of the land of Egipt the Hebrew worde vsed in this place signifieth such as spake an other tongue besides the Hebrewe Sée Psalm 81.5 Ver. 2. Iudah i. not onely that tribe but all the rest of the people of Israel for that which hee attributeth to that tribe because it was one of the chiefest appertaineth also euen vnto the whole body of the people was his sanctification i. was a people whom hée had sanctified and seperated from other nations to bée a peculiar holy people to himselfe And Israel i. the people that came of Israel as ver 1. of this Psalm his dominion i. God had purchased vnto himselfe a Lordship and rule ouer them
onely and not from any policie or deuise of man whatsoeuer Ver. 15. Sheweth that the Lorde can by his worde doe watsoeuer pleaseth himselfe Ver. 16.17.18 Teach vs that howsoeuer God vse secondarie causes in the accomplishment of his wil yet it is his power only that directeth disposeth of al things see to this end Iob. 37. throughout Ver. 19. Teacheth vs that gods word is the most singular iewel and blessing that God can giue vs in this life Ver. 20. teacheth vs that God wil haue mercy vpon whomsoeuer he wil haue mercie and he wil shew compassion to whomsoeuer he wil shewe compassion as for the other he wil harden psalme 148 THis Psalme may be diuided into three partes In the first Di. the Prophet exhorteth al the heauenly creatures to praise and glorifie God from ver 1. to the end of 6. In the second he stirreth vp earthly creatures to the performance of that great duety and al this he doth that hee might the better prouoke men therunto from ver 7. to the end of the 12. In the thirde hee exhorteth them al together to prayse the name of the Lorde shewing certaine notable causes wherefore they should do it and this is comprehended in the two last verses of the Psalme The title Prayse ye the Lord Sée before Psal 106. also 111. also 112. Se. also 113. also 146. also 135. and 149. 150. Verse 1. Prayse yee the Lorde from the heauen q.d. al ye things that are in the heauens and haue your abiding there magnifie the Lord and extol him for his goodnes praise ye him in the high places i. ye that are in the heauens haue your dwelling places as it were there and the heauens are called high places because they are high aboue vs and note that in this verse he speaketh generally vnto them al meaning them parcularly as it were one after another in the verses folowing ver 2. Praise ye him all yee his angels hee speaketh this not as though the Angels did not their duetie in that behalfe but because he woulde haue them to shewe men the way as it were to praise God and they are called Gods angels both because he created them and also because they are alwaies ready to execute his commandements praise him al his armies or hostes this is a general word and is to bee referred to all the heauenly creatures as Gene. 2.1 which are called Gods armies and hostes because he vseth their ministery and seruice either in the defence of his children or in the ouerthrow of his and their enemies yet notwithstanding it may very wel be applied to Angels especially as who are the chiefe and principall instruments which he vseth in those cases Verse 3. Prayse ye him sunne and moone he directeth his speach to the insensible creatures though they haue no vnderstanding because they glorifie their creator in doing their duty and kéeping the order which he hath set them and because Gods glory shineth forth in them and they do as it were with a loud cleare voyce publish and set foorth his prayses sée Psal 19.1 and Psal 145.11 all this hee doeth to shewe that it should be great vnkindnes if men should degenerate from the end of their creation prayse ye him al bright starres i. all starres for there is no starre but he hath brightnes and light in him to shine vppon the earth as Gene. 1.16.17 Ver. 4. Prayse ye him heauen of heauens i. not onely the circles and spheres wherein the planets are as it were in diuers seates dwelling houses as the Philosophers affirme but euen the very true heauēs the place of eternal ioy prepared for the elect sée for this phrase 1. King 8.27 and waters i. raine that bée aboue the heauen i. are in the cloudes aboue the firmament and are there vpholde by his almightie power Sée Genesis 1.7 so heauen in this place is put for the aire or the nethermost region of the aire aboue which the cloudes conteining the raine are Ver. 5. Let them vz. altogether and euery one of them prayse the name of the Lorde i. celebrate and set forth his maiesty power goodnes c. for hee commaunded i. hee spake the worde onely and they i. all and euery one of them were created vz. immediatly and presently as Psalme 33.6.9 Verse 6. And hee hath established them vz. by the strength and power of the same word whereby hee created them for euer and euer i. to all perpetuitie and this must chiefely be vnderstoode of the Angels and ministring spirites he hath made an ordinaunce i. he hath set a decrée or decréed by which they are lead to do the office wherunto they are appointed which shal not passe i. which shall not vanish or fléete away or rather thus which they shal not passe i. which they shal not transgresse or goe beyonde doe what they can Verse 7. Prayse yee the Lorde from the earth i. yee earthly thinges as from the heauen verse 1. was heauenlye thinges and this is a general terme comprehending the particulars expressed afterwardes ye Dragons the Hebrewe worde properly signifieth great fishes such as are Whales but yet it may bee applied generally to all great beastes whether they liue in the lande or in the waters and all depthes i. all déepe places or rather by the signe metonomia all thinges conteyned in the déepe places as whether they be in the bottome of the sea or in the caues of the earth Ver. 8. Fire i. lightning and haile i. which cōmonly commeth with stormes of thunder and lightning snow and vapours vz. in the ayre which are drawn vp thither by the power attractiue of the sunne stormie wind which vz. wind or else all of them together but I rather refer it to the wind execute his word i. obey his commaundement after their maner and fashion the accomplishment whereof we sée Exod. 14.25 And this he sayeth because alterations come not by fortune or chaunce but are guided and gouerned by Gods secret will Verse 9 Mountaines and all hils by this particular enumeration he declareth this to be his meaning that he would haue no creatures excepted though he do not reckon them vp all fruitfull trees i. trées that beare fruit for the nourishment of man and beast which thing many trées doe not being replenished only with boughes and leaues and all Cedars vz. how high and tall soeuer they be meaning that if the best were not excepted thē the worst should not Verse 10. Beasts and all cattel vz. of what kind or forme so euer they be the particulars whereof he reckoneth vp afterwardes créeping things vz. as wormes snakes serpents and such like which créepe or craule vnderstanding also by those the very fishes as may appeare Gen. 1.20 feathered foules i. euery thing that hath winges and flieth Ver. 11. Kings of the earth i. al maner of rulers and men of mighte by what title or name soeuer they are called and
part of the law put for the whole it may also be called iudgments because that thereby hée sheweth what he iudgeth méete to be done are truth and therefore can not be accused of subtilty or falshood and it is more forcible in that hee sayth they are truth then if hee should say they are true because that speach noteth that nothing besides or without them is truth but méere lying ver 20. Sheweth the preciousnes of the lawe If we would desire store or profit we must preferre it before the finest golde that hath beene oftenest tried if present vse and pleasure before hony the hony combe ver 11. made circumspect vz. in his walking being taught what to do and what to flée from and here Dauid speaketh of himselfe in the third person yet so that it doth apperteine to all Gods children There is great reward vz. through Gods mercy for so doth the word rewarde import and not of our merit as the papists imagine ver 12. Who can vnderstand his faults i. knowe them as it were particularly either for the multitude of thē or because ignorantly we cōmit many things which we take to be no sinnes secret faults i. sinnes not only hidden from other men but from my selfe by reason of my ignorance and yet al knowne to thée ver 14. Wordes of my mouth i. the words I shal vtter with my mouth meditatiō of mine heart i. the things I shal meditate in my hart he wisheth that his thoughts words might be such as might be regarded before God and answerable to his profession and he speaketh nothing of déeds and works because this necessarily followeth that when the meditations thoughts of the heart together with the words be good then déeds also wil be good redéemer vz. through Christ none other speaking here not only of deliuerāce frō dangers but from sin that which sinne bringeth with it also vz. eternal death and destruction Do. Out of the sixe first verses we may learne to behold knowe the maiestie power goodnes of God in his creatures secondly that as they in their kind expresse preach these excellent things so yea much more should men that God hath created after so feareful wonderful a sort that not euery man in himself but also to be gods instrument to worke the same in others Out of the We learne generally by the excellent cōmendation of gods law reuerently to estéeme it vnfeignedly imbrace it out of ver 7. Where it is called perfect wee haue an answere to the papists that accuse it of some want by bringing in vpon it their vnwritten verities and traditions and in these words conuerting the soule that ordinarily it is possible that any should repent and haue fayth without the hearing of gods word as Rom. 40.17 and in these words is sure there is a doctrine of comfort to the faithful because gods wil neuer faile them of terror to the wicked because gods iudgmēts shal assuredly ouertake them and in these words giueth wisedome vnto the simple we haue not only a notable effect of the law set forth but an argumēt to conuince the papists in this that they accuse the word of darknes as though none could profit by it but the learned sort ver 8. True ioy is to be fet from gods word as also true light of knowledge vnderstanding ver 9. Noteth the propertie of gods word the exact perfection that is in the whole in euery part therof ver 10. Teacheth in what great estimation we ought to haue the word and with what a holy hunger and thirst we should desire the worde ver 11. Teacheth two things first that wee can neuer bee truely wise but by learning gods word secondly that for our better incouragement to the doing thereof the Lord setteth great rewards before vs and indéed graciously in good time giueth vs the same ver 12. Teacheth that our sinnes are innumerable secondly that we must pray pardon of them generally particularly of these which we haue committed either of ignorance or of knowledge and yet remember them not ver 13. Teacheth vs to pray against the power and rule of sinne in vs. ver 14. That we should haue care and conscience ouer our wordes and thoughts that they might be approued before God Psalme 20. THis Psalme hath specially 2. partes In the first Di. there is a prayer for the king for whose welfare the people promise ioyfulnes and thankfulnes from ver 1. to the end of the fifth In the second they do assure themselues of Gods fauour and of their enemies ouerthrow and protesting for themselues that God shal be their aide and praying again for their king from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psas 4. ver 1. heare thée i. Se. the praier that thou makest granting thy requests of Iaakob may be here taken either for the person of the Patriarth who worshipped god with great religion which God also was present with him in al his afflictions or else it may be put for the whole people of Israel who came of Iaakob both the wayes are vsuall in the old new testament ver 2. Frō the sanctuary i. from a place in the arke so called in which God gaue visible tokens of his fauor defence out of Sion this was the place wherin the arke which was a visible token of gods aide defence was receiued he putteth the place the arke therin contained for the assured fauor aid of God Some vnderstand by sanctuary heauen by Sion the visible place of god in his church what soeuer it is the prophet meaneth nothing but aide assistance to be giuen from god ver 3. Let him remēber or as Immanuel readeth let him smel meaning by that metaphor a gracious acceptation of his sacrifices as Gene. 8.21 vz. With fauor graciously accepting al thine offrings he meaneth by offrings the exercises of religion ioyned with them as confession of sins praier c. and turne vz. by fire as it were sent frō heauen Thy burnt offrings into ashes declaring therby that he alloweth thy seruices as he did to Aaron Leuit. 9.24 to Eliah 1. king 18.38 Ver. 4. According to thy hart i. as thy hart wisheth desireth all thy purpose i. whatsoeuer thou purposest he meaneth describeth here a king that asketh nothing but by the direction of gods spirit what God himself hath prescribed ver 5. Immanuel readeth this verse as it were a continuance of the peoples praier this is a reason to moue god graciously to yéeld to their praiers In thy saluatiō i. in that thou sauest deliuerest from dangers vz. our king so haue we had saluation sundry times vsed before And set vp the banner like vnto those that triumph after a victory is gotten hee putteth the signe of ioy for ioyfulnes it selfe in the name this word is taken here as ver 1.
care and conscience diligently to instruct others ver 9. Beware of stubbornes in sinne for besides that it maketh men brutish it draweth Gods iudgement vpon them ver 10. The vnlikely rewarde of the wicked and the vngodly from the Lord. ver 11. Exhortation yea euen to those that haue made good procéedings in godlines is very necessary Psalme 33 THis Psalme hath two special parts Di. In the first the Prophet exhorteth good people to be thankful shewing sundry causes that shoulde moue them thereto as his power prouidence faithful performaunce of his promises and such like from ver 1. to the end of the 11. In the seconde hee sheweth that all thinges in respect of God bee as nothing shewing what a fatherly care that great God hath continually ouer his children and praying also the continuance and increase thereof from ver 12. to the end of the Psal This Psalme hath no title such a one is Psalm 10. Ver. 1. Se. In the Lorde sée Psal 32.11 it becommeth this is a reason to induce praises to God set from their duty vpright men sée Psal 32.11 to be thankeful vz. to God for all his benefits ver 2. instruments of tenne strings the proper name of this instrument is not expressed but it should séeme to be very melodious by reason of the number of strings ver 3. A new song i. not a common song but a very rare and exquisite one chearefully for such countenances the Lord loueth in his seruice ver 4. Al his workes i. whatsoeuer he doth are faithful i. true firme in respect of him from whom they come and profitable vnto vs. ver 5 He loueth i. he so fauoureth that he performeth righteousnes and iudgment I make this difference in this place betwéene these two termes that righteousnes should be referred to the good people vnderstanding thereby faythfull performance of all his promises made to them and iudgement to the vngodly meaning the punishments that he will powre forth vppon them and yet which I thinke also wil not be a misse for this place in consideration that iudgement consisteth of two partes vz. of acquiting and clearing the intent and of condemning the guilty it may be referred to the faithful also is full i. hath wonderfull plenty of the testimonies and tokens of Gods mercy ver 6. Worde of the Lord i. his commandement or effectuall speach as Psal 148.5 Heauens i. not onely heauens but the earth and al creatures whatsoeuer some creatures or a part of the workemanship for the whole and al the host of them if you referre it to the heauens alone he meaneth Sunne Moone Starres c. but if you referre it to the whole worke of creation hee meaneth then all the seuerall creatures the breath of his mouth i. by his word only sée Iob. 15.30 ver 7. He gathereth i. he hath sundred them appointed them their place as appeareth Gene. 1.9 and euer since hath as it were kept them in that compasse and so wil do of all which hee speaketh in the present tense the depth i. the waters that séeme to haue no bottome in his treasures i. hee hath shut vp the depths to be kept in a certaine place euen as it were his treasures or amongst other his treasures ver 8. Al the earth i. al the people of the earth by Metonymia ver 9. He spake c. q.d. he did with a becke as a man would say create al things sée ver 6. of this Psalm It was done i. al the worke of his creation and it stood vz. firme sure and vnmoueable ver 11. the counsell of the Lord i. whatsoeuer he hath purposed and decreed stand vz. sure and stedfast yea neuer to be ouerthrowne the thoughts of his heart the prophet speaketh herof God according to men and as they are able to conceiue of him ver 12. Blessed is that nation q.d. seeing it is so that man can do nothing and God is all in all O blessed are that people that hath the Lord for their God that is for their iudge and gouernor ver 13. All the children of men i. all men whatsoeuer and not only their persons but their deeds and workes as ver 15. ver 14. from the habitation of his dwelling i. from heauen as 1. king 8.30.43 ver 15. He fashioneth i. he not only made but now directeth and disposeth their harts and the thoughts of the same ver 16. Is not saued i. deliuered from danger or getteth the victory by the multitude of an host i. by an host consisting of very many people deliuered vz. from the danger and power of his enemies by great strength vz. of himselfe or others for him teaching that all is done and gouerned by the Lord. ver 17. A horse is a vaine helpe q.d. a horse can not helpe And we may vnderstand by horse al aide succour that man can haue deliuer any vz. that rideth vpon him by his great strength i. by any thing that is in him courage swiftnes c. sée Iob. 39.22.23 c. ver 18. The eye of the Lord i. his fauourable countenance and goodnes is yea and shal be continually ver 19. Their soules i. their liues from death i. from all manner of daunger and destruction that might bring death with it and to preserue i. féede and norish them aliue as he did Elijah by rauens in famine i. in the tyme when other people shall be oppressed with great want ver 20. Our soule i. our whole life and being our inward and our outward man wayteth for the Lord i. patiently taryeth the Lord and his leasure q.d. séeing God doth thus and thus for his children as he had declared before ver 18.19 This is it that we do and will do al the daies of our life trust in him with patience Our helpe i. he that helpeth vs and our shield sée Psal 3.30 Psal 11.2 Ver. 28. Our heart a principal part for God specially regardeth the heart put for the whole man q.d. we will reioyce c. in his holy name i. in his vertue power and grace as Psal 29.1 And God is called holye because there is nothing in him but holines nay hée can not away with wickednes Psal 5.4.5 Ver. 22. As wee trust in thee vz. that thou wilt shewe vs mercy not meaning that they woulde haue no more mercy shewed them then they had trust Ver. 1. The consideration of the duety we owe to God Do. should stirre vs vp to thankfulnes ver 3. God loueth chearfulnes in all the exercises that are to bee performed towardes him ver 4. Whatsoeuer God doeth is righteous good and therefore they are to blame that will dislike of his doings ver 5. God giueth plentiful testimonies of his mercy to the ende hee might thereby prouoke men to continual thankfulnes ver 6. Confirmeth this article of our faith God is the maker of heauen and earth ver 7. Gods prouidence guideth al his creatures and namely and particularly the Seas and great
woulde saye to beholde the Heauens then the heares of myne heade i. they are innumerable my harte i. my courage witte counsell c. hath fayled me i. hath hene as it were consumed vz. by earnest thinking vppon them Verse 13. Let it please thée Hée flieth to Gods good will sée Psalme 38.21.22 Ver. 14. Let them bée c. Sée Psalme 35. 4. and 26. where you haue almost the same words Verse 15. For a rewarde i. as a méete and iust punishmente of their shame i. of their filthye and shamefull life sée Psalme 28.4 Aha Aha sée Psalme 35.21 Verse 16. That séeke thée vz. with a sincere and vprighte harte and that to serue thée in thee i. for thée and for the gracious deliueraunces that thou bestowest vppon them that loue thy saluation i. like and reioyce in thy sauing health and deliueraunces saye alwayes i. haue alwayes an occasion to say the Lorde be praysed vz. for the continuall mercy and goodnes which hée hath shewed vnto vs. Ver. 17. Though I be poore and néedy i. destitute of all mans ayde thinketh on me vz. to doe me good or else prouideth for me my matters thou art my helper and my deliuerer q.d. I néed not be proud when I doe any thing well for I doe it by thy helpe who art wont to deliuer me from troubles Do. Ver. 1. Patient abiding the Lords leasure is neuer vnrecompenced Ver. 2. God sheweth himself then most nigh to his children when they are in the greatest daunger Verse 3. By graces bestowed vppon his children GOD deliuereth two doctrines the one that those that haue receiued them shoulde prayse him the other that those that haue not receiued them should learne thereby to reuerence him and put their trust in the truth of his promises Verse 4. GOD onely must be trusted vnto as for proude and deceitfull persons they are to be abhorred Verse 5. Gods workes are past our reache Verse 6. God preferreth obedience speciallye in the harte before outwarde Ceremonies Verse 7. Teacheth vs chearefully when wée knowe Gods worde to obaye the same Verse 8. Teacheth vs to reuerence the law and worde of God aboue all Verse 9.10 To set forth Gods goodnesse righteousnesse truth to the vttermost of our powers Ver. 11. Continually to pray for the féeling of Gods mercy and truth Verse 12. Describeth the gréeuousnesse of sinne and the horrible effectes of the same Verse We learne to make prayer as for our selues so for others and yet withall to pray against the malicious and obstinate enimies of Gods truth Verse 17. God reiecteth none for his pouerty or néede but the more he is in distresse the readier is the Lord to helpe him if hée be his Psalme 41. THis Psalme may be deuided into thrée parts Di. Firste Dauid declareth what good estate they are in that pitie the afflicted and néedye in their calamities and distresse from verse 1. to the end of the fourth In the seconde hee describeth the mischieuous mindes of his enimies agaynst him and the practises of his counterfeyted friends from verse 5. to the ende of the ninth In the third he prayeth vnto the Lord for deliueraunce and assuring as it were himselfe thereof he concludeth with thankesgiuing from verse 10. to the end of the Psalme The Title is expounded before Verse 2. Se. Kéepe him vz. from the violēce and rage of his enemies preserue him aliue vz. euen here vppon the earth from many daungers hee shall bee blessed vppon the earth i. hée shall haue abundaunce of blessinges powred forth vpon him in this life and thou vz. O God a sodayne chaunge of the person vnto the will vz. that they shoulde doe with him what they list sée Psalme 27.12 Ver. 3. Vpon the bed of sorrowe i. when being sorrowful and gréeued hee doth for verye weakenesse kéepe his bedde putting the place wherevpon the heauy harted partye lyeth for the partie himselfe and his wonderfull gréefe thou hast turned a chaunge of the person as before ver 2. of the time by turning he meaneth changed all his bedde i. all the gréefe hee had vppon his bedde in his sicknesse i. in the time of his sicknesse The Prophet meaneth that God either had or would for the Prophets vse to speake sundry times of things that are to come as though they were alredy done restore him from sicknes to health from gréefe of mynde and body to soūdnes both of body soule ver 4. Therfore I sayd vz. because I saw thy goodnes towards others my soule i. me my self both in body soule a part for the whole Verse 5. Speake euill of mee i. Wish euill to me as may appeare by that which followeth in this verse They desired his death and his name i. not only his glory but his remembraunce perish vz. from amongst men Verse 6. He come a sodain chaunge of the number putting one eyther for some excellent one amongest them or for many to sée me vz. when I am sicke he speaketh lyes because he hath one thing in his mouth and another thing in his hart see Psalme 35.15 his hart heapeth iniquitie within him i. he carrieth an innumerable number of mischiefs in his hart againste mée which he declareth to his mates so soone as he is departed from me and laboreth to put the same in execution commeth forth vz. from the place where he had bin with me he telleth it vz. to his companions Verse 7. Whisper together i. hold their secret counsels and conspire against me for by whispering he meaneth their secret spéeches and practises myne hurt i. the hurt they will doe me Ver. 8. A mischiefe i. some great affliction punishment or disease sent from God which his enemies called a mischiefe prophanelye as prophane men sometimes call it vengeaunce Acts 28.4 hath light vpon him and taken such hold that he that lieth vz. gréeuously sicke vpon his bed and in it shall no more rise vz. out of his bed because they supposed hee shoulde dye of that disease Ver. 9. My familiar friend this may be vnderstood eyther of Absolon or Achitophel as 2. Sam. 15. or some other trustye one which did eate of my bread i. that came to my table and did eate of the best vittails I had there hath lifted vp the héele agaynst me by héele we vnderstande the whole man a part being put for the whole The meaning of the Prophet is that not onelye he whosoeuer he was did set himselfe against him but that also hee did it despightfully and contemptuously for to lift vp the héele or foote to the ende to trample vnder féete or to spurne argueth contempt despight and crueltye This by our Sauiour is applyed to Iudas Iohn 13.18 Verse 10. Rayse me vp vz. to my former strength and glory so shal I reward them vz. according to my kingly calling and office rendring vnto them that they haue deserued Ver. 11. He vseth the present tense for the future which is vsuall
to looke vpon their deliuerance and to consider Gods power who doth what pleaseth him from ver 8. to the end of the Psalme Se. The inscription vpon Alamoth which I take to bee the name of an instrument sée 1. Corinth 15.20 Ver. 1. Our hope i. hee on whome wee hope or in whom we trust and strength i. from whom the strength wee haue cōmeth and helpe i. hee that alone helpeth vs in the time of troubles deliuereth vs out of the same ready to bee found q.d. he is not farre off neither yet needeth much intreaty Ver. 2. Will not wee feare i. be ouercome with feare though the earth should be moued q.d. if it were possible that the whole world shoulde be turned vpside downe as it were much lesse would wee feare lesse matters as warres and such like mountaines either vpon the earth cast through earthquakes into the Sea or the mountaines and rockes in the sea should through the rage of the Sea bee ouertumbled as in the next verse by these maner of speaches shaking of the earth and mouing of mountaines hee meaneth most terrible tumults and fearefull things which might strike wonderful great feare into a man that wanted fayth but yet by reason of the full and assured hope that they had shoulde no whit at all dismay them Ver. 3. Thereof i. of the sea rage i. bee very violent and vehement and bee troubled i. with the rage séemeth to haue chaunged his colour by reason of being mingled with dirt clay and mire for so in our spéech we do vse to say the fountaine is troubled shake vz. with the violence of the waues of the sea hée meaneth by this manner of speach in this and the other verse before going that though all the worlde and the whole course of nature shoulde bee as it were turned vpside downe yet still they will hang vppon the Lorde being assured of his goodnes and mercy Ver. 4. A riuer hee meaneth no doubt Gihon or Shiloach which did flowe to Ierusalem whose streames also did fil sometimes the brooke Kidron or Cedren spoken of Iohn 18.1 that compassed some part of the city of Ierusalem shall make glad vz. in the time of their heauines the Citie of God i. Ierusalem which is so called because hee was the defender thereof and was there worshipped euen the Sanctuary hée putteth the word sanctuary which was a part of the Arke for the place where the Arke was that is Sion whither the Arke was caried of the Tabernacles that is of the whole lande which is called Tabernacles because the Arke was pitched in diuers partes of it before it came to bee placed in Sion sée Psal 43. ver 3. Of the most high i. of God himselfe all these three verses vz. 2.3.4 are allegoricall meaning that though the troubles and hurliburlies were neuer so great yet Gods fauour which hee vnderstandeth by riuers and streames as Psalm 36.9 is a sufficient stay to appease their consciences in the middest of them all and because Gods fauour was no where more plainely shewed then in the Citie of Sion or Ierusalem and the Arke there placed hée maketh also speciall mention thereof Verse 5. In the middest of it vz. of that City noting by being in the middest of it his presence Mat. 18.20 Iohn 20.26 and his ready fauour to helpe it not bée mooued therefore much lesse shall it fall doe the enemies against it what they can very earely i. spéedily and in good time before it be distressed Ver. 6. Whē i. so soone as the nations raged i. beganne to expresse their fury and the kingdomes i. the people deuided into kingdomes God thundered i. gaue manifest signes and tokens of his wrath and iudgement against them and the earth i. the people dwelling on the earth melted i. consumed away as snowe before the Sunne or as waxe before the fire sée Psalm 68.2 Ver. 7. The Lord of hostes sée Psalm 24.10 is with vs i. on our side to defend vs the God of Iacob i. of the Patriarch and all the people that came of him towardes whome the Lorde shewed himselfe marueilous mighty and mercifull as in Genesis Exodus and other places appeareth our refuge i. the place whereunto we commit our selues to bée succoured from our aduersaries Verse 8. Come and behold c. In this place the faithfull exhort all to looke vppon Gods iudgements against the vngodly and his mercy towardes his children that thereby they may profit in the hatred of euil and in the loue of weldoing Ver. 9. Vnto the endes of the worlde i. euen vnto the furthest partes of the worlde so that there is no part wherein hée gouerneth not and by breathing cutting and burning of the bow speare and chariot they vnderstand an vtter confounding and consuming of all warlike instruments whatsoeuer and of al the deuices and pollicies that can be vsed therein Ver. 10. Bee still and knowe c. In this verse the faithfull take vppon them as it were Gods person and in the same admonish the enemies of the Church to stay themselues from persecuting it knowing that in setting themselues against it they set themselues against GOD that I am God i. ful of al maiesty and might doing whatsoeuer pleaseth me both in heauen and in earth I will bee exalted among the heathen vz. whether they will yea or no because none of them can let mee Ver. 11. Is expounded before in the seuenth verse Ver. 1. In all troubles Gods people must hang vppon God Do. whose readines to helpe is there also set out Ver. 2. Noteth the assured perswasion that the faithful haue of God and his goodnes notwithstanding the great troubles that be in the worlde Ver. 2.3.6 doe allegorically and in plaine termes also expresse the rage and cruelty of the wicked and the harde brunts that Gods children must abide at their handes Ver. 4. Declareth that notwithstanding all hurliburlies God wil comfort his children in such sort as shal be most for his glory and their good Ver. 5. God is alwaies present with his children to helpe them in due time Ver. 7. God is a sure place of refuge for his children to flie to for hée will neuer put them backe Ver. 8. Teacheth vs to admonish one an other yea the very wicked it setteth out also as likewise the 9. verse doeth Gods power against his enemies Ver. 10. None is able to withstand God and his works sée ver 11. sée ver 7. Psalme 47 Di. THis Psalme chiefely propoundeth two thinges The first is an exhortation to the faithfull to shewe themselues thankful vnto God for the great and wonderfull thinges that hee doth from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second is a description of Gods great power maiesty and glory set out to this ende that the faithfull might learne to trust in him alone from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title is expounded before Psal 42. Ver. 1. All people i. as well
Iewes as Gentile clappe your handes vz. for ioy as Nahum 3. ver 19. Hee putteth the outwarde signe of ioy for inward and outward ioyfulnes sing loude vnto God c. in this part of the verse the Prophet requireth of the people on the Lordes behalfe willingnes chearfulnes and gladnes for in all seruices performed to him hee specially regardeth these thinges as 2 Corinth 8.12 Ver. 2. Is high vz. not onely because hee dwelleth in the high heauens but also because hee hath highest yea all authoritie and terrible i. fearefull or méete to bee feared not onely of his children for their good but of the wicked for their punishments a great king vz. as whose power no creature is able to resist ouer all the earth i. such a king as to whose authoritie all the quarters corners of the earth are subiect Ver. 3. He i. God hath subdued vz. by his word spirit the people i. of all the people of the world some vnder vs i. vnder the exercises of his religion seruice which wee professe putting the persons professing a thing for the thing professed vnder our féete by this maner of speach is ment that the gentiles shold be schollers the Iews scholemasters as it were to them for to sit vnder the feet or at the feete is vsed in scripture for being a scholler or learning as Act. 22.3 And not that the Iews had euer such a large Lordship ouer the Gentiles Ver. 4. May be the words as it were both of the Iewes and Gentiles conuerted to Christes kingdome shewing what graces he hath bestowed vpon them hee q.d. he that knoweth what is better for vs then wee our selues hath chosen i. not onely layd out but also appointed and that of his owne good will and mercy towards vs our inheritance i. not onely all thinges méete for this life as landes countries possessions c. but euen all other things that concerne the hope of a better life euen the glory of Iaakob i. euen all these excellent thinges that he gaue and promised to Iaakob wherin he might glory and reioyce The faithful meane that they had as great both abundance and assurance of Gods grace and goodnes as Iaakob euer had Ver. 5. God i. the arke of God which was a true token of Gods presence and so is the word Lord also vsed as Psal 132.5 Is gone vp hee speaketh this no doubt in respect of bringing the Arke into the mount Sion of which sée 2. Sam. 6. Throughout the chapter with triumph vz. against the enemies which also was ioyfull to Gods people euen the Lord with the sound of the trumpet this is euen the same that was sayd in the first part of this verse sauing that here hee addeth the instrument which many times striketh terrour into the enemies and addeth courage to the faithful and by this manner of speach hée meaneth to note out the great glory of the Lord and of the triumph and victories that our Sauiour gotte as Colos 2.15 Ephes 4.8 Ver. 6. The foure times repeating of these woordes sing prayses hath great force q.d. let all your care and study tend to this to prayse the Lorde and his sonne Christ Ver. 7. For God this is a reason why they shoulde extoll the Lorde King of all the earth i. hath power ouer all and exerciseth an Vniuersall kingdome the particulars and the maiesty whereof hée setteth out in the next verse Ver. 8. Holy throne hée meaneth either the Tabernacle or else the heauen for both of these in scripture are called Gods holy throne because he that had the fulnes of holines in himselfe gaue manifestation of himselfe from both these places sée Mat. 5.34 Matth. 23.22 Whatsoeuer it is or howsoeuer it is to be taken the Prophets purpose no doubt is to describe God as a iudge ready to yéelde iustice both to good and bad according to their seuerall causes Ver. 9. The Princes of the people q.d. not onely meane men from among the Gentiles but euen the mighty are gathered vz. by the mightie woorking of Gods spirit and the exercises of the word the Prophet meaneth by this manner of speach that the Gentiles should make profession of true godlines as well as Iewes and he speaketh of it as though it were already performed for the certainty of it people of the God of Abraham i. the Iewes for from Abraham they came according to the flesh And he calleth him the God of Abraham thereby to distinguish him from al the false Gods of the Idolatrous gentiles the shields of the world i. the defence and the protections of the whole earth he vseth shields which are good meanes of defence for defence it selfe belong to God is his right q.d. seeing that the worlde is preserued and maintained by God great cause is there why men shoulde reuerence his so great and high maiesty and therefore he addeth hee is greatly to bee exalted i. feared and praysed Ver. 1. It becommeth all sects of people to praise God Do. and that willingly and chearefully Ver. 2. Sheweth that wée ought to praise him for his maiesty and power Ver. 3. Declareth that it is God alone that draweth mens heartes to the imbracing of his trueth Ver. 4. Gods loue is the first and onely cause of all the graces we haue Ver. 5. Setteth out his maiesty and might Verse 6. Teacheth how earnest we should be in praising our God Ver. 7. Sheweth that both our praises and all the seruices that we shall yéeld to the Lorde must procéede from an vnderstanding heart Ver. 8. In that God is described as a iudge it conteineth matter of comfort to his children of terror to the wicked Ver. 9. God calleth of all states some to the imbracing of his truth also God alone is the defender of the whole world and of all the people 's therein and that therefore he is worthylie to be magnified Psalme 48. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into three partes In the first is conteined a commendation of Gods power and goodnes manifested especially to the citie of Ierusalem from Ver. 1. to the end of the third In the seconde is declared that all the conspiracies practises and forces of the wicked against that Citie shal be ouerthrowne because God will defend it from ver 4. to the end of the 8. In the third the faithfull set out the assured perswasion that they had of Gods goodnes towardes them praying for the continuance therof both vppon themselues and the whole Church from verse 9. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title would bée thus a song or Psalme meaning such a Psal or song as both by voyce and instruments was sung the rest is expounded Psal 42. Ver. 1. Great is the Lorde vz. in respect of his power and glory and greatly to be praysed q.d. and therefore no smal prayse doth belong to him in the citie of our God i. in Jerusalem which is called Gods Citie because God had
poison of a serpent i. strong and ful of infection able to kil the parties vppon whom it is cast namely the venime of the Aspes of which he speaketh in this place which is vncurable vnlesse the mēbers touched therwith bee immediatly cut off as Plinie noteth lib. 8. cap. 3. like the deafe adder i. the wicked are like to it when he saith the adder or serpent is deafe he meaneth that they make themselues so expressing therby their subtilty against inchantments of whom some write that they stop both their eares after this sort they lay the one of thē close and hard to the ground stop the other with their taile so that no sound can enter when he attributeth eares vnto these adders serpents he meaneth by that speach those open partes of the head whereby they receiue a sound noise made Ver. 5. He noteth that the most cunning inchanter can not once preuaile against thē when their eares are stopped frō hearing of his inchanting words That serpents adders by inchantments haue beene made to lye still not able to hurt is very manifest and famous by sundry examples and yet at this day many in Germany do practise the same I my selfe haue seene it practised vppon a snake by a high Dutchman yet aliue as I take it in England but neither these examples nor this place do proue the lawfulnes of that art as some doe gather thereuppon but rather the contrary for whereas the Iewes cal their charmers by a name importing hauing fellowshippe with an other calling to their fellowship the deuill himselfe and his strength to the practising of these artes Dauid vseth the same word here which also God himselfe condemneth Deutron 18.11 Let vs rather sée what the Prophets purpose is he meaneth to note that his enemies in subtilty and malice did surpasse the most subtill serpents whatsoeuer and that they were so setled in their wickednes that there was no way nor hope of their reclaiming Ver. 6. Breake their teeth in their mouthes he prayeth the Lorde here to remoue all meanes whereby they might hurt either nigh or farre off I take it to be the same with Psal 10.13 sauing that it is expressed in other wordes meaning by téeth the cruell desire or rather their desperate rage to hurt wherwith they were set on fire as though they were raging to byte sée Psalm 3.7 breake the iawes of the yong Lions O Lord i. ouerthrow the force and power of this cruell men who for their force and cruelty hee resembleth to young Lions Ver. 7. Let them melt like the waters vz. turned either into snowe or ice which when the heate of the sunne once commeth vppon them confirmeth very easily and quickly so that he prayeth for a quicke riddance and dispatch of the wicked let them passe away vz. very sodainely when hee shooteth his arrowes i. when hée goeth about any manner of mischiefe whatsoeuer sée Psalm 11.2 Let them bee as broken i. not able to wounde or hurt no more then a broken arrowe can hee prayeth the ouerthrowe of all their mischiefe and power and marke both in this verse and in that that followeth the sodaine chaunge of the number from the plurall to the singular Ver. 8. let him consume like a snaile that melteth vz. after that he is come out of his shell or house for them as Aristotle noteth Lib. 5. de historia animal cap. 32. He waxeth dull and dieth quickly so that here hee prayeth that the wicked might come to a sodaine ende and like the vntimely fruite of a woman i. like a childe borne long before the time It appeareth by Iob. 3.16 that there is two sortes of this vntimely fruite one in which the forme and liniaments of a body doe not yet distinctly appeare an other that hath the parts and members of a body and life it selfe and yet dyeth either before the birth or in the birth I woulde vnderstande the Propet of both but especially of the first part Verse 9. As rawe flesh q.d. let the vngodly bee like rawe flesh taken away out of the pot before the pot haue felt the heate of fire made with thornes or any other wood whatsoeuer by which similitude the Prophet mindeth to note two thinges vz. both the sodaine vengeaunce of God against the wicked which also hee expresseth afterwardes by carrying him away in a whirlewind and also the vnprofitablenes of the wicked For as rawe flesh can not be méete foode for man so these vngodly are such as the Lorde taketh no delight in at all so let him i. God carry them away i. destroy the wicked from amongst men or else tosse them to and fro as the whirlewinde doeth the chaffe dust or any light thing and by the whirlewinde hee noteth their sodaine destruction as by Gods wrath he meaneth the greatnes thereof I know other men read this ver otherwise and giue other senses but me thinketh this is sufficiently playne and hangeth well with that that goeth before Ver. 10. The righteous i. those that are accounted right not that any are so of themselues but that they are so accounted for Christes righteousnes sake shal reioyce i. not onely bee glad for the wickeds ouerthrowe but giue God the glory and praise therefore when hee séeth the vengeaunce vz. from God executed vppon the wicked and vngodly and this is not because the godly are caryed forward with a desire of reuenge that they so reioyce in the wickeds destruction and ouerthrowe but because they conceiue a wonderfull ioy when they sée Gods iudgments executed whereby they knowe that their life is precious before God for as there is mildnes and gentlenes in faithfull mens heartes so being lead with a true zeale they take pleasure in the execution of Gods iudgements and these affections are pure and right because they are ruled according to Gods will hée shall wash his féete in the blood of the wicked the Prophet meaneth hereby that Gods iudgements shalbée so heauily executed vppon the wicked and there shalbée so great a slaughter and discomfiture of them that the good shall euen bathe their feete by a manner of speach in their blood Ver. 11. And men shal say vz. not only the good but euē others that in the great slaughter of the wicked shal remain aliue shal say not in heart onely but also confesse with their mouthes verely there is fruite for the righteous i. certainely it is profitable and good to striue to serue God and to leade a holy life Doubtlesse there is a God vz. in heauen that iudgeth in the earth i. that gouerneth the worlde though the wicked thinke that hee is idle in heauen and regardeth not the things that are done here below Sée Mala. 2.17 also 3.14 Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs charitably to debate matters with the wicked and vngodly it sheweth also that hypocrites pretend iustice and iudgement whereas they performe nothing lesse Ver. 2. Declareth how sinne
this Psalme respecting rather matter then order doeth somewhat confusedly expound diuers things generally hée expoundeth in déed Gods power which hee manifested in sauing and deliuering his in ouerthrowing their enemies for which mercy towards the one and iudgement towards the other he exhorteth all the faithful and all others to yéelde both thankes and power vnto him The ouerthrowe of the wicked is foretold and confirmed by examples similitudes Ver. The mercy of God towards his seruants is set out Ver. Exhortation to humble confession of Gods might and hearty praysing of him for his benefites are comprehended Ver. The rest of the verses of this Psalme doe for the most part most excellently séeke the maiesty and power of God as Se. The title is expounded before sundry times and specially Psal 48. of Dauid i. which Dauid made It shoulde séeme that Dauid writ this Psalme after he had ouercome the Philistines Iebusits and went about to cary the Arke into Ierusalem as 2. Sam. 6. and 1. Chronic. 13. and it is so much the more confirmed vnto me because he beginneth this Psalme with the same words almost that Moses vseth Numer 10.31 When the Arke should remoue Ver. 1. God wil arise i. God by effects wil declare that he is not only present with but that also he taketh care for his Church by exercising his power against the enemies therof and his enemies i. those that molest and trouble his people they are called his enemies because he estéemeth any thing done against thē as done against himselfe shal bee scattered vz. like chaffe before the wind sée Psal 1.4 meaning that they shal not be able to stand before him they also that hate him vz. either himself or his people shall flée before him vz. as men discomfited in the field and turne their backes Ver. 2. As the smoke vanisheth i. sodainly for we sée the smoke soone passeth away and this is one similitude hee vseth to set forth their hasty and present destruction so shalt thou driue them vz. by violence and that whether they will or no away vz. from the place of their aboade and where they thought their nest was most sure and as waxe melteth before the fire this is an other similitude expressing their sodaine and assured destruction so shall the wicked perish i. come to naught bée ouerthrowne and destroyed as Psalme 1.6 at the presence of God i. when God beginneth once to shewe some testimonies of his presence Ver. 3. But the righteous i. good and holy men who haue the righteousnes of God imputed vnto them shal bee glad and reioyce before God i. shall shewe themselues ioyfull because God declareth himself terrible to the wicked which also is for their good and the saluation of his Church yea they shall leape for ioy i. they shall expresse the inward ioy of their heart by outward gestures and signes Ver. 4. Sing vnto God he exhorteth the faithful to praise God and sing praises vnto his name i. to his power goodnes maiesty and nature for al these are his being substance exalt him vz. with songes and prayses that rideth vpon the heauens i. that hath an infinite power and is lifted vp farre aboue all the world in his name Iah i. in his eternal nature which is of it selfe and is the cause that all other thinges are for so much the worde Iah importeth and amongest other names and titles of God hee taketh that which is in déede most significant for the which he is especially to be praised reioyce before him vz. in the place where he is worshipped which was wheresoeuer the Arke was till the temple was builded Ver. 5. He i. God is a father i. a gracious prouider for maintainer of the fatherles i. of al those that bee in affliction misery as Hosea 14.3 and a iudge i. one that taketh knowledge of reuengeth iniury offred to the widowes by these two fatherles widowes he meaneth that God caryeth a singular affection towards those that are oppressed which he wil maintaine against all those that labour to put them downe and oppresse them by violence in his holy habitation hee meaneth either heauen or the tabernacle of wicnesse The sense is that for as much as God had chose him a dwelling place amongst men the poore might haue more bold assurance when they vnderstoode that they néed not séeke God farre off Ver. 6. God maketh the solitary to dwel in families by solitary he meaneth those that were childles who are so called not onely because barennes which was reprochful among the Iewes made thē sundry times to liue as it were solitarily i. not so much to reioyce in company as others did but also because not hauing séede they were as it were alone in as much as they did not increase the house or stocke and by dwelling in families hee meaneth blessing of them with children and posterity sée Psalm 113.9 and deliuereth i. setteth frée from bandes and the daunger of their enemies power them that were prisoners in stockes i. those that were kept most straitly and locked most surely as Paul and Silas Actes 16.24 Sée Psalme also Psalme 146. throughout but the rebellious vz. against GOD and his truth shall dwell in a dried lande i. a barren place as Psalme 63.1 Hee meaneth that they shalbée destitute of gods blessing and in continuall misery expressing one kinde of affliction for al. Ver. 7 O God when thou we●test foorth i. when thou diddest take the charge and gouernement and so wentest in and out for them and on their behalfe before the people vz. of Israel what tyme thou causedst them to come vp out of Egipt when thou wentest vz. with them and that fortie yeeres long through the wildernes sée Psalme also Numb 33.11 Verse 8. The earth i. not onely mount Sinai but also the ground about it sée Exodus 19.18 yea hee meaneth that all thinges gaue place vnto him bringing his people out of that bondage as the historie sheweth from Exod. 7. Vnto the 20. chapter the heauens dropped vz. either manna which God gaue the people or else raine and water sée Psalm 18.7.11 at the presence of this God i. when this our god would giue vs some tast of his maiesty euen Sinai q.d. that great notable and strong mountaine was moued i. trembled and shooke as before in this verse Verse 9. Thou O God diddest send for so it must be and not sendest a gracious raigne he meaneth that of his free and onely goodwill did giue the land which of it selfe was a lande of mountaines and valleis as Deutrono 11.11 good store of raine which here also hee calleth gracious because it procéeded of Gods onely grace and good-will vpon thine inheritance i. vpon the land of Canaan which he calleth inheritance because he gaue the same for an inheritance to his people and thou diddest refresh it
in their heades they haue more vz. of worldly prosperitie and wealth then heart can with i. the●● they themselues in their owne affections can desire sée Psal 17.14 Verse 8. They are licentious i. they giue themselues in their conuersation and behauiour to al licentiousnes doing whatsoeuer they themselues like of and speake wickedly of their oppression hee meaneth to note their impudencie and shamelesnes that not only did euil but would with wicked words publish the same abroad and speak presumptuously i. fearcely against men and proudly against God as though they were not like other men Ver. 9. They set their mouth i. they spare not to speake putting the word mouth an instrument of speach for speach against heauen i. against God chiefely that is in heauen and these blessed ones that are there with him and their tongue i. their speach tongue is vsed here as the word mouth was before in this verse walketh through the earth i. they speake outragious wordes also euen against men that inhabite the earth and in these words heauen and earth there is Met●●●mia Ver. 10. Therefore his people i. Gods people turne vz. from God hither i. to wickednes and sinne with the vngodly the Prophet meaneth that many that were supposed to be faithful people straied from the right way or else stoode not so stedfastly therin as some imagined they did for waters of a ful cup are wrung out to them the Prophet noteth the cause of their falling to bee on the one side the wickeds prosperitie and abundance and on the other side the plentie of their owne afflictions vnderstanding by waters of a full cup wrung out vnto them the abundance of calamities that they sée dayly prepared to fall vppon them euen as it were bitter potions for them to drinke Ver. 11. And they say i. the godly or these that haue a shewe of godlines and are readye to fall from it by reason of the wickeds prosperitie as verse 2. of this Psalme howe doeth God know it vz. their wickednes and vngodlines is there knowledge vz. of their sinnes and trasgressions q.d. no surely for if there were hee must néedes punish them or else deny his owne nature so farre doeth fleshly weakenes cary them that it maketh them to doubt of Gods prouidence and gouernment Verse 12. Loe these vz. that thus florishe are the wicked vz. of the worlde yet prosper they alway sée verse 4. and 5. of this Psalme hee meaneth that whatsoeuer they take in hande goeth well forwarde and besides are not afflicted as others are and increase in riches vz. euen as much as their heart can desire Ver. 13. Certainely q.d. séeing the case so standeth to what ende haue I striuen to do well and note that the Prophet expresseth rather his assault shewing whereunto hée was tempted then vttered his perswasion I haue cleansed mine heart i. I haue laboured to remoue corrupt and filthy affections from mee not meaning that hee had power in himselfe but that God had giuen him a will to beginne in vaine i. without any cause why séeing that the wicked haue more abundance many times then the godly and washed my handes in innocensie by handes hee vnderstandeth workes performed by the handes as it were q.d. I haue in vayne béene carefull that my workes shoulde be cleane and iust meaning by purging his heart inward soundnes specially towards God and by washing his hands outwarde behauiour specially towardes men q.d. I haue without cause walked in honest conuersation before men and perfourmed dueties of godlines towardes God Sée Psal 26.6 also Iob. 9.30 Ver. 14. For dayly haue I béene punished i. continually afflicted with some one crosse or other for this is the portion of Gods children that in this life with them the latter end of one trouble is the beginning of an other chastened euery morning vz. for my amendment and bettering Ver. 15. If I say vz. to my selfe in my owne heart and thought I wil iudge thus vz. of the wicked that they are good and that thy prouidence beareth not such a sway as I haue beléeued behold the generation of thy children vz. which shal conuince me of vanitye and falshood because thou alwaies preseruest them to thy selfe what danger so euer come I haue trespassed q. d yea I must further confesse that in hauing these motions I haue sinned against thée Ver. 16. Thē thought I to know this i. I laboured painfully to come to this matter and the depth of it vz. whether matters were gouerned by thy prouidence yea or no but it was to paineful for me vz. to atteine vnto and that by mine owne natural wit and vnderstanding as may appeare by that which followeth in the next verse Ver. 17. Vntill I entred vz. with déepe consideration hearty prayer c. into the sanctuary of God i. into the word of God in which his wil is declared putting the place where the word was most vsed for the word it selfe then i. after that I had looked into thy word I vnderstood vz. rightly and soundly their end i. the wicked mens ende which is called their end not that it was in their choyse to make what end they would but that it was that end which GOD in his iudgements layde vppon them euen when they thought him to haue no care of their doings and themselues in the greatest safety Ver. 18. Surely thou hast set them in slippery places i. in an vncertaine and chaungable estate whereof they can haue no more assurance then if they went vppon ●se or some slippery matter and from which they shall as easily and as soone fall as they haue béene exalted thereto and castest them downe into desolation i. thou doest so ouerthrowe them that they are vtterly wasted and destroyed as may appeare by the next verse Verse 19. Howe sodainely are they destroyed vz. by thy iudgements perished vz. from among men and horribly consumed vz. by thy feareful iudgments which by reason of the noueltie strangnes of them astonisheth them and bringeth them to naught Verse 20. As a dreame when one awaketh vz. so passe the wicked and their felicity away hée meaneth that they sodainely vanish away as a dreame is quickely forgotten yea many times knowe not what they dreamed and though they doe yet they finde that it is nothing but a vayne perswasion and so shall the wicked mens felicity bee when thou raysest vs vp vz. either in honour and estimation for the lifting vp of the good is the depressing of the wicked or else in right and sounde iudgement Immanuel readeth when thou arisest vp referring it to GOD i. when thou beginnest to execute thy power vppon them which also is good sense thou shalt make their image despised vz. of the godly by image hee meaneth either their outwarde shewe which blearing their eyes vanish away as sodainely as an image that sheweth it selfe in a glasse or else the men themselues who are of no longer continuaunce then an
dennes of violence vz. which they practise against other men q.d. the holes which men sought for refuge and defence are by these mens cruelties become very dennes of outrage violence Ver. 21. Oh let not the oppressed vz. by the iniurie outrage of cruel men returne vz. from thy maiesty specially séeing he prayeth vnto thee but let the poore and néedy praise thy name i. giue them occasion to prayse and extoll thy power by deliuering them from their enemies and supplying their wantes Ver. 22. Arise O God vz. to declare thy might vpon thine enemies and to helpe thine maintaine vz. against the violence and rage of thine enemies thine owne cause i. thyne own glory now hazarded in the person of thy people like to be ouerthrowne if thou lay not to thy hand q.d. the enemies will say that either thou canst not or wilt not helpe and so thy glory shal be defaced remember this is spoken according to man and not that God forgetteth though hee séeme so to doe thy dayly reproch i. the reproches which thy enemies and the enemies of thy people do daily vtter against thée by the foolish man i. which the wicked man speaketh foole put for a wicked person as Psal 14.1 Verse 23. Forget not this is spokē as in the other ver remember the voice of thine enemies i. the roaring and blasphemies that they cast out against thee thy temple and people sée ver verses of this Psalme for the tumult i. the rage and outcries of them that rise against thée i. of thine enemies and thy peoples enemies ascendeth vz. into thy sight and presence continually q.d. thou canst not chuse therefore but remember and thinke vpon the same as in the beginning of this very verse Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that God many times layeth grieuous afflictions vpon his children to the end he might thereby drawe them nigh vnto himselfe Verse 2. Teacheth the faithful not only to haue recourse to god by praier in the time of their troubles but to ground themselues vppon that experience which either they thēselues or their forefathers haue had of his goodnes Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that we may safely pray against the enemies of the Church Ver. Do liuely paint out the rage violence of the enemies of god and that against the outward marks of religion which may teach Gods children hatred and zeale against the monuments of idolatry superstition Ver. 9. Teacheth vs that euident signes of Gods wrath displeasure as the want of his worde the stopping of the true ministers mouthes c. should touch vs to the quicke Ver. 10. Teacheth vs with patience to beare the Lords hand vpon vs till it please him to remoue it and yet notwithstanding to craue according to his wil the taking of it from vs. Ver. 11. Sheweth that Gods right hand and power is the only assured meane of defence of his children the destruction of the vngodly Ver. 12. True tast and féeling of gods former deliuerances should strengthen the hope of his seruants that they shal again be deliuered out of al their distresses Ver. are particular descriptions of the might power of God in certaine particular works of his out of which we learne to stay our selues wholly vpon him who hath al power in his owne hands and doth whatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and in earth Ver. 18. Setteth out the malice of the wicked which reacheth not only vnto men on earth but to God in heauen Ver. 19. Teacheth vs to haue recourse to God by earnest prayer in the middest of all our calamities and afflictions Ver. 20. Teacheth vs that Gods frée couenant made with vs is not only a good ground for prayer but also a matter of great comfort to the conscience because we know he wil not go backe from that which he hath promised Ver. 21. Teacheth that it is no small comfort to the godly when they féele by effects that their praiers are heard Ver. 22. Sheweth that God his people be so linked together that reproch can not be offered to the one but it is offred to the other Ver. 23. Teacheth vs that euen the very outrage cruelties of the wicked are effectuall instrumentes to drawe from God as iudgements against their owne soules so deliuerance to his people Psalme 75 IN the argument of this Psalm I do somewhat differ from the Geneua Bible taking it to be a Psalme made by Dauid before that hee bare rule ouer the twelue tribes what time there was such great warres betwéene him and the house of Saul the Prophet promising here that if God will establish him in the full gouernement hee wil praise his name continually for the better proof of this my assertion consider the words of the third verse of this Psal This Psal specially expoundeth thrée things Di. first is a solemne promise of hearty thanksgiuing vnto the Lorde and this is comprehended ver 1.9 The second is a protestation what he wil do when god shall aduance him to the kingdome and this is in ver 2.3.10 And the thirde is a louing admonition to the wicked with graue reasons of that admonition that they set not themselues against God and his ordinance and this is conteyned in ver For the exposition of the title of this Psalme sée Psalm 57. in the title Se. and also Psal 48. in the title and Psal 50. in the title out of al which laid together you shal haue these termes destroy not a Psalme and song committed to Asaph expounded and as for these words to him that excelleth they are declared before Psalme 4. in the title Ver. 1. We wil praise thée O God vz. for thy benefites and graces bestowed vpon vs and the doubling of the wordes noteth the constant mind and earnestnes which they caried with them to performe it and all this Dauid speaketh in the person of the faithful in his owne name also for thy name is néere i. thy power maiesty as Psal 20.1 meaning that God by his power began to approch for his good profit therefore they i. not only I but al other faithfull and godly people will declare i. publish and set abroad and that to all others thy wonderfull workes i. those workes of thine which thou doest for those that are thine are in déed for the excellency and greatnes of them to be wondered at Immanuel readeth the latter part of this ver thus for thy wonderful workes declare that thy name is nigh q.d. this shalbée one cause of our praysing thée because we perceiue by thy wonderfull workes that thou in power drawest nigh to helpe vs in these confusions and troubles and this is in my mind a very good sense Ver. 2. When I marke the sodaine change of the person this Dauid speaketh of himselfe not of God as the note in the Geneua Bible goeth shall take i. obtaine and get a conuenient time i. that time
bée séene and glorious in beholding as these places palaces that are builde on high hilles and mountaines like the earth which he stablished for euer vnderstande and like the earth for this is an other similitude expressing the firmitie and continuance of the Church which shal indure vppon the earth vnto the comming of Christ and afterwardes for euer and euer in heauen Verse 70. Hée chose Dauid also his seruant after that he had spoken of the Arke religion and seruice of God hee commeth to speake of the kingdome and politique gouernement for these two things were principal signes of Gods goodnes and grace and tooke him from the shéepefoldes i. from a poore and meane estate for hee was no better then a shéephearde as it were Ver. 71. Euen from behind the ewes with young i. as hee followed the ewes either ready to eane or hauing eaned all ready for the worde I take it may be referred to both to féede his people in Iaakob i. to rule and gouerne his people Iaakob vz. those that came of Iaakob his inheritaunce in Israel i. the Israelits which were his inheritance I knowe these words in Iaakob and in Israel may haue an other sense as though hee put the names of the father of the people inhabiting the place for the place it selfe but mee thinketh the other is more simple Verse 72. So hée fed them i. ruled and gouerned them according to the simplicity of his heart i. as he was of a single mind so hée gouerned iustly and holyly and guided them i. went in and out before them exercising holy and lawfull gouernement ouer them by the discretion of his hands i. by most iust rule and gouernement for the worde hande is in many places of Scripture by metonimia put for worke rule and gouernement because kinges in their handes did vse to beare their Scepter a signe and seale of their gouernement All this serueth to shewe that Dauid did not vnaduisedly handle the thinges that hee was to passe through but did that which apperteined to his office through wisedome aduisedly also and with iudgement Verse 1. Teacheth vs to bring attentiue eares with vs Do. to the exercises of the worde Ver. 2. That the more darke and high the thinges are that are propounded the more diligent should we be in hearing and meditating thereof and not discouraged as many men are with the hardnesse Ver. 3. Teacheth that the workes and worde of GOD which either wee our selues haue tryed or other in trueth haue tolde vs of should bée great grounds of strength to our consciences and perswasions Ver. 4. Teacheth vs to haue a care for posterity that the worde and works of God may in trueth and sinceritie continue with vs and our séede for euer Ver. 5. Sheweth that Gods word bestowed vpon any people is no small signe or token of his fauour or loue towardes them Ver. 6. Sheweth that God giueth his word to the end that the people present and they that should come after might be instructed in sound knowledge of his truth Ver. 7. Teacheth that Gods word is ordeined to two especiall purposes the one is to increase hope in the heartes of his children and the other is to worke obedience Verse 8. Teacheth that fathers are not alwayes to bee followed and therefore that they say nothing that say they will treade in the steppes of their fathers Verse 9. Teacheth that weapon and armour are nothing where GOD his strength and fauour is not ioyned with them Verse 10. Teacheth that disobedience and rebellion against GOD is a grieuous sinne Verse 11. Teacheth vs howe fowle a sinne forgetfulnes of Gods goodnes is Verse Setteth out Gods great loue towardes his people who maketh thinges against nature to prouide for them rather then they shoulde bee hurt or want any thing that were good and all this hée doeth to the ende that they might haue their fayth stedfastly stayed vppon him and his goodnes Verse 17. Teacheth that sinne against GOD after benefites receiued is very horrible and monstrous Verse 18. Teacheth vs that euill motions of the heart are sinne Verse 19. Teacheth that there can no greater dishonour bee offered to God then to call his power and will into question Verse 20. Sheweth howe the wicked peruert those things that God doth for them so the increase of their distrust and infidelitie Ver. 21. Teacheth two thinges first that the Lorde séeth the thoughts of the hearts heareth the words of mens mouthes conceiued or spoken against him secondly that sinne shall neuer bee vnpunished Verse 22. Teacheth that distrust in God is a most heinous and grieuous offence Verse Expresse Gods great loue in giuing the people whatsoeuer they desired and that in wonderfull plenty and abundaunce to the ende that by that meanes he might bring them to amendment Ver. 30. Teacheth that the wicked are not drawne to repentance by Gods benefites but rather goe on forward more and more in their sinne Ver. 31. Teacheth that the abuse of Gods goodnes and mercy shall neuer bee left vnpunished also that God respecteth no persons in the execution of his iustice but hee that hath offended of what countenance soeuer he be shall smart for it Ver. 32. Teacheth that there are a sort of people so setled in their sinnes that no graces of God will pul thē out of them Ver. 33. Teacheth that hasty and sodaine destruction oftentimes ouertaketh the wicked Ver. 34. Liuely painteth out the nature of hypocrites their counterfeite repentance so doth verse 35.36.37 Ver. 36. Teacheth that the abuse of mens mouthes and tongues must be answered to the Lorde Verse 37. Sheweth that God specially regardeth an vpright heart Ver. 38. Doeth wonderfully commend the riches of Gods grace and goodnes Ver. 39. Doth marueilously set out the vanity and frailtie of man in all his glory Ver. 40. Teacheth howe the vngodly cease not sinning but procéede from one iniquitie to another Ver. 41. Teacheth that to set god his bounds is a grieuous transgression Ver. 42. Teacheth that the forgetfulnes of gods benefits towardes his children or of his iustice vpon his and their enemies is a grieuous transgression In that description of gods wrath executed vpon the wicked Egiptians and comprehended Ver. Wee may learne many thinges first that the enemies of gods people shall neuer escape vnpunished which also expresseth gods iustice against persecutours Secondly wee sée the mightie power of the Lorde who wil arme the least of his creatures with such might as all the Monarchies in the worlde shall not bee able to resist Thirdly in that there are so diuers and sundry punishments reckoned vp we learn that the Lord hath all his creatures at commandement to vse them for the manifesting of his glory either in the maintenance of his seruants or for the punishing of the wicked Ver. 52.53 Do not only expresse gods great loue towards his children but also they teach howe that in
the middest of iudgements which fall vppon others they are safely deliuered Ver. 54. Sheweth that the Lord is faithful in all his promises accomplishing the same the same is taught also in Ver. 55. Which serueth wonderfully to the strengthening of our faith Ver. 56. Setteth out the nature of desperate wicked ones who neither for gods heauy iudgements executed vpon others nor for his mercies bestowed vppon them are any whit at all bettered Ver. 57. Teacheth that euill children treade in the steppes many times of their euill fathers and therefore fathers not so much to be stickt to Verse 58. Teacheth that idolatrie and idoles do greatly prouoke Gods wrath against them that make vse allowe or maintaine the same Ver. 59. Sheweth that all sinne is naked before God also that out sinnes seperate betwéene God and vs which is confirmed also in the 60. verse following Verse 61. Teacheth that sinne bringeth in the subuersion of religion as it were Verse 62. Sheweth that sinne also destroyeth the politique state Verse 63 6● Declare that God in the execution of his iudgements spareth no persons or condition that hath transgressed Ver. 65. Declareth that God will not alwaies afflict his children and let his enemies triumph ouer them Verse 66. Setteth out Gods iudgementes vppon the enemies of his people Verse 67. Sheweth that for the exercises of his seruice and worship is not tyed to men or places Verse 68. Teacheth that looke what place or what manner God appointeth for his worship that ought onely to bee obserued Verse 69. Setteth out the excellency and perpetuity as it were of the Church Verse 70. Teacheth that God chuseth not as man chuseth the great but the weake and feeble persons to the ende that all the glory might bée giuen vnto him Sée 1. Corinth 1.26.27 c. Verse 71. Doeth excellently describe the duety of godly and faithfull Magistrates Verse 72. Teacheth all by Dauids example painefully and wisely to trauaile in the offices castinges and places that the Lorde setteth them in Psalme 79. THis Psalme Di. being a pitifull discription of the miseries which Gods Church indured may as séemeth to mée bee diuided into thrée partes In the first the faithfull set out the great outrage and crueltie of their enemies and the distresses that they were in from verse 1. to the ende of the 4. In the second is conteyned an earnest prayer that they make as for their owne deliueraunce so for the ouerthrow of the wicked from verse 5. to the end of the 8. verse In the thirde they alleadge certaine reasons as it were to moue the Lord to take pity vpon them promising prayse and thankesgiuing to the Lorde for their deliueraunce and this reacheth from verse 9. to the ende of the Psalme The title hath béene sundry times expounded before and namely Psal 50. Se. Verse 1. O God the heathen either the Babylonians or Assyrians Sée 2. Chronic. or else the people that came with Antiochus who marueilously prophaned the temple as appeareth 1. Machab. 1.46.47 c. also in Ioseph Antiq. Iudais lib. 12. cap. 7. For of both these it may bée vnderstood are come vz. with outrage and cruelty into thine inheritaunce i. the lande of Canaan afterwardes called the lande of Iudah or Israel and as a principall part of that lande the Citie of Ierusalem which GOD also had chosen to be the place of his aboade Thy holye temple vz. which was at Ierusalem and was called holy because the holy GOD gaue testimonies of his presence there and because holy exercises were vsed there haue they desiled both by spoyling it sheadding blood in it and by bringing into it all prophane and wicked thinges contrary to the lawe Sée the places before noted and m●●e Ierusalem heapes of stones i. haue defaced the buildinges thereof and pulled downe the walles hee meaneth by this speach a great and pitiful ruine to beholde Verse 2. The dead bodyes of thy seruantes vz. which were slayne by the rage and cruelty of their enemies yeelding a constant confession to thy trueth and withstanding their pollutions haue they giuen to bée meate vnto the foules of heauen i. they haue cast them heere and there to the ende that they might bee rauened of the fowles of the ayre for by heauen hee meaneth the ayre in this place and here hee secteth out the cruelty of the enemies who woulde not shewe them so much fauour as to let them bee buryed This in déede is reckoned among the curses of Gods lawe Deutronom 28.26 But yet for all that wée may not condemne the faythfull who in respect of the afflictions of this life doe differ little or nothing from the vnbeléeuers and the flesh of thy Saintes vz. they haue cast or giuen and hée calleth Gods people Saintes because the Lorde accounted them holy and by his spirite had prepared and apted them to the workes of sanctification vnto the beastes of the earth i. vnto the wilde beastes that liue as it were by dead carion or to the dogges to bee deuoured of them as was the flesh of that wicked Iezabel 2. Kinges 9. verse 36. This is added but to aggrauate their cruelty and inhumanitie Verse 3. Their blood vz. of the Saintes and good people haue they i. the enemies and aduersaries shed like waters i. plentifully and in great abundaunce or else thus the enemies made no more account of mens liues and bloods then they did of water both senses are good but I rather allow the former rounde about Ierusalem hée meaneth both without the City and within without the city before the enemies came thither and within after they had taken the City q.d. there was no place frée from their cruelty and violence and there was none vz. either of their owne nation that durst or of others that woulde shew them so much curtesie as to bury them Ver. 4. Wée are a reproch vnto our neighbours vz. by the meanes of the misery which they sée vs in they thereby taking an occasion to reproch vpbrayd vs and by neighbours he vnderstandeth the people that bordered vpon their country as the Ammonits Moabites c. which also may appeare by that folowing in the verse vnto them that are rounde about vs vz. dwelling which word inserted after are will make the sense plaine And note that the faithfull doe not here complaine of the mockeries that were directed against their owne persons but of those also which after a sort did redound to the dishonour of God and the disgrace of his law Ver. 5. Lord howe long wilt thou bee angry for euer q.d. wilt thou neuer put an ende to our miseries which are testimonies of thy heauy wrath and continuall anger against vs Immanuel readeth this part of the verse better thus how long vz. wilt thou withhold help and ayde from vs set the wicked insult ouer vs as they do and then hee addeth an other interrogation thus wilt thou be angry for euer q.d. shal there be
signes of thy wrath vpon them hast remoued from their shoulders the heauie weighte of thy iudgementes and hast turned backe vz. in pittie and compassion as though it were better weying thine own mercy and our miserye from the fiercenesse of thy wrath or else we had bin consumed thereby They meane that GOD kindled not his wrath to the vttermoste agaynste them eyther as in iustice hee mighte or in wickednesse they had deserued Verse 4. Turne vs vz. vnto thée by fayth and repentaince as Lamentation 5.21 or else from that miserable captiuitie and bondage wherein wee are to oure former libertye and fréedome in oure owne lande O GOD of our saluation i. thou that workest our deliueraunce from daungers and distresse so saluation is taken Psalm 3.8 release thine anger towards vs i. frée vs from that wrath of thine the testimonies thereof which we sée and féele presently vpon vs. Verse 5. Wilt thou be angry with vs for euer q.d. wee hope no for that is the force of the interrogations meaning that Gods wrath should not alwayes continue vppon them and wilte thou prolong thy wrath vz. which is now presently vpon vs from one generation to an other i. vpon vs and our posterities q.d. shall it continually abide vpon vs and our séedes Ver. 6. Wilt thou not turne again vz. in loue mercy fauor presence towards vs quicken vs who seeme as it were to be dead sée Ezechiel 37.1.2 c. that thy people i. the people whome thou haste chosen to thy selfe may be deliuered and set frée and so haue an occasion to reioyce in thée i. to prayse thée and to magnifie thée for thy goodnesse towardes them hee séemeth to note two endes of their deliuerance one the good and benefite of the people the other Gods glory Ver. 7. Shew vs O Lord thy mercy i. make vs by effect to sée and féele thy goodnes and graunt vs i. graciously and fréely bestowe vpon vs thy saluation i. the deliueraunce which fréely and only must come from thée For the acception of this worde saluation sée before ver 4. of this Psal Ver. 8. I this the faithful together speak as though they were but one person by reason of the nigh cōiunction of them wil heare i. not only diligently hearken vnto but patiently looke for what the Lorde God wil say i. what he will either speak or performe for the word of God is as it were the déed of god sée Psal 148.5 for he wil speak i. promise and performe in déed and this is a reason why hée will in patience attend the Lorde and his worke peace i. al goodnes and prosperity after that their calamities bee once ended Sée Gene. 43.23 vnto his people i. vnto his faithfull ones putting by this marke a difference betwéene Gods people in déede and those that haue but the bare title only and to his Saints i. to those whom he hath sanctified sée Psal 16.3 that they turne not againe vz. to their old filthines of idolatry distrust and such like whereunto Antiochus laboured to bring them to folly i. to all maner of wickednes and in this respect the vngodly are generally through the Prouerbes called fooles as also Psalm 14.1 Ver. 9. Surely q.d. without all doubt it can not otherwise be his saluation i. succour deliuery and aide from God sée ver 7. of this Psalme is neere i. euen as it were at the doores and wil come vpon them quickly to them that feare him vz. with holy feare and all their heartes leading also their liues according to the rule of righteousnesse which hée hath prescribed that glory i. the sincere seruice and worship of God and all goodnes as may appeare by all the verses following in this Psalme may dwel i. may haue continual aboad notwithstanding the mischieuous deuises of the vngodly in our land i. amongst the people that inhabite this land appointed for vs so had you the word lande vsed ver 1. of this Psal Ver. 10. Mercy vz. from God and truth i. simple and sincere dealing vz. from men shall méete vz. ioyfully and chearefully together q.d. God wil turne his owne iustice towardes his people into mercy and their hypocriticall heartes and handes into sounde and sincere ones righteousnes vz. from God meaning by righteousnes also the faithfull execution of his promises and peace vz. of conscience in men an effectuall worker whereof is Gods faithful performance of his promises shal kisse one an other vz. in token of true friendshippe and reconciliation for by these manner of speaches and metaphors the holy ghost mindeth to note the reconciliation and agréement which shal be made betwéen God and his people Ver. 11. Truth vz. from men as before ver 10. shall bud i. by effects shall shewe foorth it selfe and yéelde fruite as the bud in the spring time appeareth which also is an argument of hope that fruite wil followe out of the earth i. out of the mindes and soules of the godly putting earth conteining them by the figure Metonimia for they themselues therein contained and righteousnes i. the iust performance of Gods mercifull promises as before verse 10. shall looke downe i. shal manifest and declare it selfe from heauen i. from the almighty whose dwelling is in the heauen Ver. 12. Yea the Lord shal giue vz. fréely and of his owne goodnes for so much doth the word import generally throughout the Scriptures good thinges i. heapes and abundance of al goodnes whether they be spiritual graces mentioned ver 10. 11. or bodyly blessings mentioned in the last part of this verse and our land i. the land appointed to vs from God and wherin we dwel shal giue her increase i. shal plentifully yéeld it the same being made fruitful by the mighty power of God Ver. 13. Righteousnes shal go before him q.d. when God shal shew these graces vnto his people then God wil bring to passe that vpright dealing shall haue frée passage amongest men for so I take righteousnesse to bee vsed in this place and shal set her steppes in the way vz. so that a man shal walke no way but there shall appeare certaine printes as it were of his footing Immanuel readeth this verse otherwise but methinketh this sense is plaine Do. Verse 1. Teacheth that the féeling of Gods fauour in former time should minister hope vnto his seruauntes that they should afterwards féele it in like sort when they are in any distresse Verse 2. Teacheth that it is God alone that doeth and must forgiue all the sinnes of his people Verse 3. Sheweth that vnlesse the Lorde in the middest of his wrath remember his mercy wee shoulde bee all consumed Verse 4. Teacheth that vnlesse GOD worke in vs repentaunce wee shall neuer repent Verse 5. Teacheth that Gods wrath indureth not alwayes Sée Psalme 30.5 Verse 6. Teacheth two thinges the first is that vnlesse GOD quicken vs wee are but as dead people the seconde that God in deliuery of his
the kingdome for euer i. for a long time if you referre it to the outward gouernement but if you referre it to Christ it signifieth perpetuity and euerlastingnes of time and set vppe vz. to continue and abyde thy throne i. thy kingdome putting a part of the kingdom for the whole from generation to generation sée ver 1. of this Psalme there are two partes of this promise the one is heires and successours the other is the kingdome Sée Genesis where the like order is obserued in promising two things Ver. 5. O Lorde euen the heauens i. either the firmament it selfe the thinges therein contained as the Sunne Moone starres c. or else the Angels or rather in déede both together Sée Psalm c. shall praise thy wonderous woorkes i. they shall magnifie that great power of thine by which thou doest as it were miraculously vpholde thy Church yea vz. they shall prayse and set out thy trueth i. thy faythfulnes in kéeping and perfourming promises made in the congregation of the Saintes i. in the society fellowship and assembly of the children of God in the Church meaning that the Angels and heauenly spirites should bee Gods instruments to publish the same vnto men and to shewe them also matter of praysing God Ver. 6. For who is equal vz. in name maiesty power c. to the Lorde vz. the onely God in the heauens i. amongest all that glorious company of Angels and blessed spirites which are in the heauens putting the thing conteining for the thinges conteined q.d. not one of them no not all of them together are in any respect equall to him and who is like to the Lorde vz. in power maiesty might c among the sonnes of the Gods some vnderstande this Angels who in déed may be so named because they haue not their beginning from the earth neither clothed with a corruptible body but are heauenly spirits beautified with diuine glorye for mine owne part I woulde rather turne it thus amongest the sonnes of the mighty i. amongest the most mightiest of the earth of what state or condition soeuer they bee and so haue you the worde vsed before Psalm 29.1 also Ezech. 17 13. and chapter 32.21 and then it may bee the same in sense with that which is Psalme 73.25 Verse 7. GOD is very terrible i. hée sheweth manifest tokens of his maiestye and might which strike terrour into all in the assemblye of the Sayntes it skilleth not much whether wee take it for the company of Angels or for that which verse 5. of this Psalme is called the congregation of the Sayntes but I woulde take it rather in the latter sense because of that which followeth in this verse the Prophet meaning in my mynde that GOD is terrible both to men and angels and to be reuerenced aboue all i. more to be feared then all Angels or whatsoeuer else that are about him i. Angels or heauenly creatures whatsoeuer who are sayd after the manner of men to bée about as those that are alwaies ready to execute his commaundement Neither doeth the holy ghost meane in saying that God is to be reuerenced aboue all that therefore the Angels and dead Saints may haue a seruice and reuerence dedicated vnto them for if they will referre it to them why then should not the Sunne and Moone which the gentiles also worshipped as well as the Papists do Angels and dead Saintes be worshipped séeing that they are about God and attend vppon him to execute his will Verse 8. O Lorde God of hostes i. thou God who hast all thy creatures euen as it were so many armies to execute thy will and commaundement who is like vnto thée q.d. surely none for the Hebrews vse by such interrogations strongly to deny which art a mighty Lorde vz. a most mighty Lorde and an eternall being for hee vseth the name of God Iah in this place and thy trueth i. thy faithfulnes and constancy in all thinges and namely in perfourmaunce of thy promises is about thée i. compasseth thee in on euery side q.d. thou art full of all faithfulnes and trueth Verse 9. Thou rulest i. thou stillest makest calme as appeareth by that which followeth in this ver the raging of the Sea i. the mighty waues thereof which rage and roare and make a feareful noyse when the waues thereof arise vz. by some great wind or tempest thou stillest them i. thou makest them calme and still Verse 10. Thou hast beaten downe vz. to the ground and that by thy might and power Rahab i. Egipt as before Psalm 87.4 and here he toucheth the deliuerance of the people out of Egipt of which sée Exod. 14.15 c. as a man slayne vz. with the sword hee meaneth that God by the waues of the Sea destroyed the Egiptians as one man doeth an other by the edge of the swoorde thou hast scattered thine enemies i. thou hast discomfited them as men put to flight in a battaile runne some hither and some thither and so being out of aray lye open to be wounded and slayne of their enemies with thy mighty arme i. with thy great force power and strength so wée haue had armie vsed sundry tymes before Verse 11. The heauens i. the thinges themselues and all other things whatsoeuer therein conteined are thine i. at thy commaundement to be vsed when where and howsoeuer it shall please thée the earth also vz. with al things therein conteined is thine i. is at thy commaundement as before he meaneth that all thinges both in heauen and earth are at his commaundement which séemeth wonderfully to expresse the great maiesty and power of God thou hast layde vz. by thy almighty power the foundations of the worlde vz. in such sort that it shall not bee mooued and all that therein is vz. thou hast created and established Verse 12 Thou hast created the North and the South i. the whole worlde putting these two partes of it for the whole Tabor it is the name of a mountain towards the West of this mention is made Iosh 19.22 and Hermon this is the name of a mountaine towardes the East of which mention is made Deut. 3.8.9 and they are two high mountaines in Iudea by which no doubt he meaneth the whole land of Canaan shal reioyce in thy name i. shall prayse thy great power and maiestie Vere 13. Thou hast a mightye arme i. thou art of great power might and force strong is thy hande vz. thy left hande vnderstanding thereby the smallest manifestation of Gods power meaning that euen there is such strength as none is able to resist and high vz. in greatnesse and might is thy right hand i. thy mighty power and the full manifestation thereof Verse 14. Righteousnesse and equitie q.d. although thou art mightie in all manner of power yet thou gouernest not by power or strength only but in all vprightnesse iustly rendring vnto thine enemies that they haue deserued and faythfully perfourming to thy
outragiously following sinne and vngodlinesse for they haue not known i. neither allowed loued nor walked in my wayes i. eyther my doctrine and law or the knowne miracles which I haue done for their sakes Verse 11. Wherefore vz. by this their continuall rebellion being moued I sware vz. vnto them q.d. I tied my selfe by the vertue of an oth in my wrath vz. agaynst them he meaneth by this spéech being angry with them saying vz. in such sort that they might both heare it and know it surely they i. this wicked and rebellious people shall not enter vz. at all into my rest i. into the land of Canaan where they should rest after their long trauayles and he calleth it Gods rest both because God promised it and also after forty yeares by the ministery of Iehoshua performed it vnder which Dauid ment that there was another rest signified and prepared for Gods people sée Heb. 4. ver 8.9 Verse 1 teacheth vs not only to prayse God our selues Do. but also to prouoke others thereto Ver. 2 teach vs to yéeld praise vnto him publikely chearefully and with an vnfeyned hart Ver. 3 teacheth that none in heauen or earth no not all of them together are in any respect to be compared with the God whome the faythfull serue Ver. 4.5 teache that Gods power and prouidence gouerne all things whatsoeuer in heauen earth the water c. Ver. 6. teach vs with all outward reuerence to humble our selues in praiers and thanksgiuing vnto the Lord. Ver. 7. teacheth vs two things first that in respect of God and of our selues we ought to yéeld him seruice and obedience secondlye that when hee speaketh vnto vs out of his word we ought with reuerence to harken vnto the same Verse 8. teacheth vs to cast away and to purge from vs al hard hartednesse and obstinacy when God speaketh vnto vs it teacheth also to set before vs the example of other mens wickednesse and Gods iustice vpon them for the same that we may learne in the sight of them to auoyde them Ver. 9. teacheth that it is not alwayes safe and good to follow the steps of our forefathers also that the more workes God sheweth of his power and prouidence the more we should haue our fayth strengthened in the truth of his promises not demaunding euery day new miracles for the strengthening of our fayth Verse 10. teacheth vs that God beareth long with a people before hee punisheth them Also that he vseth many meanes to bring men to amendmente if it woulde bée Verse 11 teacheth vs that sinne and rebellion against God shutteth vs vtterlye out of the heauenly kingdome Psalme 96. TRue it is that this Psalme doth chéefely contayne an exhortation directed to the people Di. to stir them vp to prayse God for his goodnesse yet notwithstanding I suppose it may be diuided into foure parts In the first the Prophet exhorteth men to praise the Lorde verse 1.2.3 In the second he sheweth causes wherefore they should doe it verse 4.5.6 In the third he doth agayne because men are dull prouoke them to that duety of praysing God ver 7 8 9 10. In the fourth he desireth or rather indéed prophecieth of the good things and blessinges that the godly shall haue from verse 11. to the end of the Psalme Se. This Psalme séemeth to be a part of that Psalme which the Israelites sung at the bringing of the Arke into Ierusalem differing little or nothing sauing in the chaunging of certain words from that which we may reade 1. Chronic. 16. from verse 23. to the end of the 33. verse Verse 1. Sing vz. with harte and voyce vnto the Lord vz. our good gracious God a new song i. not only new in respect of making but an exquisite one and more then a common song by reason not only of a new grace shewed vs from God but one that is more then accustomed yea extraordinary sée Psalme 33 3. sing vnto the Lord vnderstād it as before in the beginning of this verse all the earth i. all the people inhabiting the earth meaning specially the people of the Iewes vnderstanding also by earth the lande wherein the Iewes dwelt Verse 2. Sing vnto the Lord expound this as it was expounded before ver 1. of this Psal and praise his name i. set forth his maiesty power c. as Psalme 20 1. with songes of prayse and thanksgiuing declare vz. in your songs with your words his saluation i. the gracious deliuerance wch he performeth for his people frō day to day i. continually without ceasing as the day neuer ceaseth True it is that god neuer ceaseth to poure vpon vs new continuall benefits but yet the meaning of the Prophet is not in this place to set forth that but to shew rather the faythful what their duty is in publishing these graces Ver. 3. Declare vz. by your words déeds his glory i. the things which he hath don for you getting ther by glory vnto himselfe among al nations vz. of the earth meaning that the people of the Iewes should trauayle what in thē lay to make known his works euen to the Gentils and his wonders vz. whiche he hath done for you and on your behalfe among all people vz. of the whole world q.d. sound sende them abroad that other may heare the same and feare Ver. 4. For the Lord is great vz. in strength might and power and muche to bée praysed vz. of all men but specially of his own children and seruaunts for the graces he bestoweth vpon them he is to be feared vz. with a reuerent and holye feare aboue al Gods i. more then al the idols of the Gentils for of them he speaketh in this place as may appeare by that which followeth in the next verse Ver. 5 for all the Gods of the people i. all those things which the people estéeme as Gods but yet are not so in déed as appeareth 1. Cor. 8.5 and Psal 115.4.5 c. are idols i. vanities and matters of nothing as appeareth 1. Corinth 8 4. whereof also in this place and Leuit. 19.4 they haue their names as the etymologie of the Hebrew word very well declareth but the Lorde vz. our God which we serue made vz. in the beginning and that of nothing the heauens i. al things whatsoeuer heauen earth c. putting one part of the creatiō for the whole Ver. 6. strength vz. to strike his enemies to defend his own people and glory vz. for those whom he loueth liketh are before him i. are continually in his sight and in a readinesse at his cōmandement as it were to goe whether soeuer it pleaseth him power beauty vz. most excellent and glorious are in his sanctuary i. in the place of his abode worship the Prophet meaneth as I take it that though the Lord manifest his great power and glory in many places yet specially doe they appeare in his sanctuary or Tabernacle Verse 7. Giue vnto
the Lord vz. only and to none other but him ye families of the people vz. of God the Prophet speaking this according to the custome of the Iewes who were diuided first into tribes and then into families Iehoshua 7.17.18 1. Sam. 9.21 which maketh me also to dissent from Immanuel who referreth it generally to al people of the earth which also is confuted by that which followeth in this Psalm ver 10. wher they are cōmaunded to speake to the Gentils giue vnto the Lord vz. only as before glory and power i. al glory and power for vnto him only it is due sée Psal 115. verse 1. Verse 8. Giue vnto the Lord the glory of his name i. that glory and honoure which is due and méete for his name q.d. Striue to glorifie God as much as in you lieth euen according to his excellency bring an offring vz. vnto him in token that you doe vnfeignedly worship and serue him this and that whiche followeth he speaketh according vnto the law by which the people were appoynted to performe these things enter into his Courts vz. to praise serue and worship him For this word Courts see Psalme 84. verse 2.10 Verse 9 Worship vz. according to the rule of his word the Lord vz. only as manye times before in the glorious sanctuary i. in the Tabernacle of witnesse where his glorye appeareth most liuely tremble before him vz. in token of a louing and reuerente feare all the earth sée verse 1. of this Psalme Verse 10. Saye i. speake aloude declare and publish that which followeth among the nations i. the other peoples of the world meaning thereby the Gentiles The Lord reigneth sée Psalme 93.1 surely the worlde shall bee stable i. the whole earth and the people therein shall continue in good order and peace though the wicked laboure to disturbe the same He noteth this as an excellent fruite of Gods gouernmente not moue vz. for all that the wicked can imagine or do and note that this amplyfying by the contrary as that on the one syde it shall be stable and on the other side it shall not moue serueth for the greater certayntye and assuraunce thereof as Iohn 1 20. Romanes 9.1 1. Timothie 2.7 and shée shall iudge the people i. gouerne and guide them putting one parte of gouernmente for the whole in righteousnesse i. vprightlye and iustlye without any partialitie or respecte of persons or without feare fauoure or flatterye Verse 11. Let the heauens reioyce some reade it the heauens shall reioyce and so they doe reade all these verses vnto the ende of the Psalme as foretelling of the greate ioye and gladnesse that shall bée among Gods people for that he exerciseth a gouernmente ouer them They that reade it as the Geneua Texte doeth maketh it an exhortation that the Prophet should vse the more to sette out Gods grace and goodnesse euen for this that hee gathereth men vnder his authoritye and gouernmente q.d. This grace of GOD is so greate that euen the dumbe creatures haue thereby an occasion offered them as it were to reioyce and be glad take whether of these sences you shall thinke good yet for mine owne part I allowe rather the latter because of that which followeth Psalme 98.7.8 Which also Immanuel turneth as exhorting the creatures to reioyce in it though he doe not so in this place let the heauens reioyce vz. for this great goodnesse of god ruling and gouerning and let the earth be glad vz. for the same occasion let the sea roare vz. in token and testimonye of reioycing and all that therein is i. euery thing that liueth and moueth in the same Verse 12. Let the fielde i. the fieldes putting one for many as Psalme 95.9 worke is put for workes be ioyfull vz. for the causes before alleaged and all that is in it i. whatsoeuer groweth and flourisheth in the same fieldes let all the Trées of the Wood i. al trées of what kinde soeuer that groweth in the Woods then reioyce vz. when the Lorde shall beginne this gouernment here for the better vnderstandinge of this of these two verses we are specially to marke these two thinges firste that the Prophet layeth not this duetie vpon the insensible creatures otherwise then they in their kind are able to performe it and to no other end but that thereby he may prouoke men who haue the vse of reason and the light of the worde to doe the same Secondly that he layeth it not only vpon them whom hee here nameth but that by these which he putteth downe he vnderstandeth all the rest of the creatures whatsoeuer Verse 13. Before the Lord i. in his presence and openly for this as playnly appeareth must be ioyned to the ende of the other verse for he commeth for he commeth i. he wil certainly come the certaintie is noted not only in the doubling of the word but also in that he sayeth he commeth as though he were already present putting the present tense for the future to iudge i. to rule and gouern as before verse 10. of this Psal the earth i. the people inhabiting the earth he will iudge q.d. howsoeuer others rule yet he will gouerne the world i. the people of the world both greate and smal with righteousnesse i. vprightly and iustly as ver 10 of this Psal and the people in his truth i. in exactnesse and perfection of truth and vprightnesse for that word his hath a force in this place as discerning betwéene men and him how truely and vprightly soeuer they deale Do. Verse 1. teacheth vs to striue what in vs lieth to make our praises aunswerable to Gods graces though in déede we can not performe the same Verse 2. teacheth vs that our prayses and speakinges of his glory ought to be continuall Verse 3 teacheth vs that we should publish it before al men and in al places Verse 4. Setteth out the excellent power glory and maiestie of the Lord our God Verse 5 paynteth out the vanity and vnprofitablenesse of all counterfeyte Gods and idols Verse 6 teacheth that all honour glory strength c. are due only to the Lord. Ver. 7 teacheth the faythfull to ascribe also and yéelde vnto him the same seing they belong to him and to none other but to him Verse 8 teacheth Gods people carefullye to exercise themselues in the seruice and worship of him that is so gracious a God to them Verse 9 teacheth vs not onelye to frequent the places of publike exercises but also there and euerye where to shew forth assured testimonies of a reuerent feare that wee carrie to his Maiestie Verse 10 teacheth vs to haue a care to publish Gods gouernment amongest others that they also may be subiected to the same It teacheth vs further that the vngodly can not vnlesse the Lord so appoynt it make any hurliburlies or stirs in the Worlde Verse 11.12 teach vs in the example of insensible creatures to shew our selues thankfull to God for all his graces and namelye
all This he speaketh according to the law then in force sée Psalme 33 2. and not to tie vs to the vse of the same euen vppon the Harpe he repeateth the same thing agayne d.q. vse all the meanes you maye the better to prouoke you to performe that dutie with a singing voyce d.q. ioyne to your Musicall instrumentes songes expressed and vttered with your owne voyces because that without them the sounde of the Harpe or any other musicall instrument is to little or no purpose Verse 6. With shalmes and sounds of Trumpets he addeth other instruments vnderstanding as was before noted the vse of all musicall instruments allowed by the Lord to his people sing loude i. blowe them vp chearefully and couragiously and make them to giue a loude noyse or sounde for I rather referre this to the musicall Instrumentes then to mens voyces before the Lorde the King i. before the Lorde whome we serue who is King and ruler ouer all the Worlde Verse 7. Let the Sea roare vz. in token of ioy and thankefulnesse and all that therein is sée Psalme 96. verse 11. the World q.d. Let the Worlde i. the frame of the worlde as the heauens earth c. reioyce and be glad also and they i. all creatures whatsoeuer that dwell therein i. haue their liuing being and continuaunce or aboade in the same Verse 8. Lette the floudes vz. of the earth he meaneth by this worde eyther the standing water or the running riuers whiche are different from the sea clappe their handes vz. for ioye and gladnesse meaning by the signe of gladnesse the thing it selfe and not that flouds haue handes and let the Mountaynes i. the greate and huge hils reioyce together i. testifye also their ioyfulnesse and gladnesse with the rest of the creatures In that he ascribeth this reioysing to dumbe and insensible creatures it is q.d. Let euery one inforce himselfe as muche as he can or will and yet he shall neuer yéelde prayses sufficientlye aunswering the greatnesse of Gods grace Verse 9 Before the Lorde for the sence of this whole verse sée before Psalme 96.13 where you shall fynde it almost worde for word De. Verse 1 teacheth vs to be thankefull to God for his greate workes and power also that the Lord alone without any helpe or ayde of man is hee that defendeth his Church Verse 2 teacheth that God doth his workes openly not only to the end that no man might pretend ignoraunce thereof but also that therby euery man might be prouoked to prayse him Verse 3 sheweth that God in déede is euer as good as his worde whether it be in respecte of particular persons or generall persons Verse 4 teacheth vs to inforce our selues by all the meanes we can to prayse the Lord. Verse 5.6 deliuer the same doctrine vnto vs. Verse 7.8 teach vs euen by the example of insensible creatures to be stirred vp to performe the same Ver. 9. teacheth that Gods iustice and iudgement is alwayes vpright howsoeuer corrupt mans is Psalme 99 Di. THis Psalme may be deuided into two partes In the first the Prophet exhorteth the faythfull to prayse God for the greatnesse of his excellency and power and for his singular graces and goodnesse bestowed vpon them from verse 1. to the end of the 5. In the second he expresseth Gods loue towardes their fathers and auncestors for which also he prouoketh thē to worship and praise the Lord from verse 6 to the end of the Psalme Se. This Psalme hath no title Verse 1. The Lord raigneth sée Psal 93. ver 1. and he meaneth specially amongst his people the people of the Iewes let the people vz. which border round about them other their enemies though they be neuer so far of tremble vz. euen for feare of this Lord who wil defend his own and punish them he vz. that ruleth and gouerneth al thing according to his good pleasure sitteth betwéen the Cherubins this is a description of god q.d. euen that God which hath shewed himself familiarly to Israel he it is that ruleth beareth the sway sée Exod. 25.22 let the earth be moued i. trēble and be afrayd as it were at his presence q.d. Let al creatures hauing life or without life striken with his presence and Maiestie yield him singular reuerence and honour Ver. 2. The Lord is great i. hath declared himself to be mightye and strong in al places but specially in Sion i. amongst his own people amongst whom he hath shewed the greatest testimonies of his power putting Sion the principall place of their abode for the people themselues he is high aboue all the people vz. of the world he meaneth not by this that he ruleth and gouerneth them for ●●eir saluation but that he is exalted ouer them to scatter their counsels and to beate downe and ouerthrow their enterprises Verse 3. They i. the faythfull and godly people shall prayse vz. both in word and déede thy great and fearefull name i. thy Maiestye and power whiche is full of mighte and feare for it is holy and therefore méete to bee praysed and magnifyed Verse 4. And the Kinges power q.d. yea they shal praise the power of the great and mighty King that loueth iudgement i. that not onely liketh and alloweth but also executeth vpright iudgement and marke that after he had as it were set vp God in his seat he speaketh of the maner of his gouernment affirming that God is in such sort mighty and strong that yet notwithstanding hee hath not a tyrannous force with him but that his power is ioyned with his iustice and vprightnes for thou vz. O Lord a sodain change of the person from the third to the second hast prepared equitie i. hast appointed and established amongst thy people a good and vpright forme of gouernment which is a verye good rule to liue well and righteously one with another thou hast executed vz. faythfully and with all vprightnesse iudgemente and iustice i. true iudgement sound iustice in Iaakob i amongst the people of Israel who discended frō Iaakob meaning no doubt further vnder these terms a iust holy gouernment of the Church and people of God Verse 5. Exalt vz. with your songes of praise and thanksgiuing the Lord our God i. the Lord whom we his people serue who is indéede the only true God Iohn 17.3 and fall downe vz. before him and that in token of true reuerence and worship sée Psalme 95.6 before his footstoole the Chaldean paraphrase expoundeth it thus before his footestoole i. in his Temple others thus Before his Footestoole i. before the Arke of Couenaunt whiche is therefore as they suppose called God his Footestoole because the Iewes shoulde not staye too muche vppon the outward signe but shoulde lifte vp their harte to Heauen that they might there beholde the incomprehensible glory of God I would expounde it thus Before his Footestoole i. fall downe euen vnto the grounde or pauement of the Temple vpon which GOD
of the Lorde i. shal tremble at his great power and maiesty though not with the reuerent and right feare thereof which his owne children only haue and al the kings of the earth q.d. this feare shal not onely sease the heartes of their common people but euen of their greatest and mightiest princes thy glory i. they shal feare thy maiesty glory which doest such great and glorious thinges for thy people Verse 16. When the Lorde hee noteth the time of the trembling of the kings and people shall builde vp Sion i. his Church vz. decayed and cast downe hee vseth this worde Sion generally for the place of Gods seruice because that sometime the arke of couenant was placed there and shal appeare in his glory i. shall shewe himselfe glorious and triumphant which shall no doubt be comfortable to his children and feareful to his enemies Ver. 17. And shal turne vz. his gracious and louing countenance meaning by this speach yéelding or graunting vnto the prayer i. to the harty supplications and requests of the desolate i. of thē that are forsaken of all whom though they stand in néede of euery mans helpe yet no man helpeth The worde properly signifieth a kinde of shrubble which groweth in vntilled places as a brier or such like by which he noteth also the people that were in the captiuity of Babylon as in a deserte and wilde place and not despise their prayer vz. which they make vnto him in their affliction hee speaketh one thing twise as it were of which sundry times before and not as though god did euer despise the supplications of his poore seruants Ver. 18. This vz. gracious hearing of his poore seruants prayers and deliuery of them out of captiuity shal be written vz. as an excellent thing and worthy of continual remembrance for the generation to come vz. that they therby may be instructed both of the power of God and his faithfulnes and trueth in performing his promises and the people vz. of Israel and Iudah which shalbée created i. which shal returne out of the captiuity of Babylon which hée compareth to be a second birth or creation as it were because they séemed therin to bée as dead Sée Ezech 37. from ver 1. to the ende of the 14. of which also for the greatnes of it it is sundry times sayd in the Prophets It shalbée no more sayd the Lord liueth that brought the people out of Egypt but that brought the people from the lande of the North shall prayse the Lorde vz. for his great goodnes and mercy towardes them Ver. 19. For hée hath looked downe vz. vppon the great outrage of his enemies and the wonderfull affliction of his people from the height of his sanctuary i. euen from the very heauens as hée séemeth to expound it euen in this verse out of the heauē which is the throne of his maiesty did the Lorde behold the earth i. not onely the earth it self but specially and chiefly men inhabiting the earth and amongest the rest his owne people as may appeare in the verses following Verse 20. That hee might heare vz. and so take pity of the mourning i. the sighings gronings and lamentable cryes of the prisoner i. of the prisoners one number put for an other meaning those that were bound and helde as captiues in Babilon and deliuer vz. out of daunger distresse and all manner of feare the children of death i. them that were at deaths doore or appointed to death as it were Sée Psal 79.11 Ver. 21. That they vz. so deliuered noting also the end why god giueth deliueraunce vnto his seruants may declare i. set out and publish and that both by word and déede the name of the Lord i. his power maiesty goodnes c. as Psal 21.1 in Sion i. in his Church and his prayse i. the prayse which is due vnto him for the same not that any is able to prayse him sufficiently for his power and goodnes in Ierusalem i. in the Church as before Sion and Ierusalem being the principall places of his worshippe put for his whole Church and the publike assemblies and congregations thereof sée Psal 2.6 Ver. 22. When the people vz. which are nowe in captiuity and dispersed abroad shal be gathered together vz. to serue the Lorde in these places and after that sort which he himselfe hath prescribed and the kingdomes vz. of the earth meaning hereby the calling of other people besides the Iewes to serue the Lord vz. according to the prescript rule of his word The Prophet noteth two thinges specially in this verse the one is the returning of the people out of Babylon the other is the calling of the Gentiles to the religion and seruice of God Ver. 23. He i. the Lorde abated vz. by outwarde and inward afflictions my strength i. whatsoeuer séemed excellent in mee putting one excellent thing for many in the way vz. wherein I walked meaning the daies and course of his life as may appeare by that which followeth in this verse and shortened vz. in mine owne iudgment and as I supposed for otherwise in respect of God our dayes are certainely numbred my dayes i. the dayes of my life Ver. 24. And I sayd vz. in that great affliction and griefe O my God take mee not away vz. out of this life q.d. let mee not vanishe awaye but shewe mée thy fauour in continuing my life in the middest of my dayes i. before I come to the full ende of my race and all this and that in the former verse the Prophet speaketh not onely in his owne person but in the name of the rest of the faithful thy yéeres indure from generation to generation i. thou continuest and abidest for euer and art alwayes one make mee therefore q.d. like vnto thy selfe Verse 25. Thou vz. O GOD hast afore tyme vz. in the beginning layde the foundation of the earth i. created and mainteined the earth and all thinges therein hee sheweth Gods eternitie because hee was before all thinges created and was the maker of all thinges whatsoeuer and the heauens vz. and all thinges therein conteined are the worke of thine handes i. thou hast made them handes attributed to GOD for our vnderstanding sake Verse 26. They vz. the heauen the earth and all thinges therein shall perish vz. not in respect of their substance but in respect of their qualities sée Isaiah 65.17 Isaiah 66.22 Reuelat. 21.1 2. Peter 3.12.13 and this perishing hée calleth afterwardes in this verse a chaunging but thou shalt indure vz. frée from any alteration or chaunge as Iames 1.17 and that for euer and euer hée here commendeth Gods eternity by comparison euen they all q.d. not one of them accepted shall waxe olde as doeth a garment i. shall through continuaunce of tyme decay as doeth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them this is a metaphor taken from men who changing their garmentes from worse to better of which chaunge of the creatures the Apostle
speaketh Roman verses Nowe if any wil demaunde to what vse the creatures shal be imployed I answere that for as much as GOD in his worde hath not reueiled that it is more then curiositie to aske the same and they shal bee changed i. they shall certainely and without fayle bée chaunged for so much doeth the doubling of the worde chaunge import Verse 27. But thou art the same i. alwayes one and the selfe same without any shadowe of chaunging q.d. howsoeuer the creatures bee variable yet thou the creator art alwayes vnchaungeable and thy yeeres i. the time of thy essence and beeing shall not fayle vz. for euer and euer q.d. thou art and hast béene from euerlasting and so shalt continue Verse 28. The children of thy seruantes i. thy godly ones and their godly posterity shall continue vz. stedfast and sure alwayes safe vnder thy almighty defence whatsoeuer great alteration shal bee in heauen or earth and their séede i. their race and posteritie shall stande fast vz. so that they shall not bée mooued for euer in thy sight i. before thée hée meaneth that GOD will care for and preserue for euer the godly Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to be earnest with the Lord to grant vs our holy requests Do. Verse 2. Sheweth that in the time of affliction nothing is more grieuous to Gods children then to perceiue God any long time absent Ver. 3.4.5 Do declare what great affliction the godly are in for their sinnes and the wrath of God vppon them for the same Verse 6.7 Shewe that it is no new thing to sée the children of God forsaken of men Verse 8. Noteth two things the one is howe that the godly are subiect to the vyle both woordes and deedes of the vngodly the other that the wicked giue themselues a full swinge to all manner of outrage both in worde and deede Verse 9. Teacheth that so long as wée féele Gods wrath vppon vs for our sinnes our meat and drinke is not pleasaunt and delightfull vnto vs. Verse 10. Teacheth vs three things first howe much wee shoulde stande in awe of the fearce wrath and indignation of the Lorde Secondly that in this life Gods children haue no durable estate and thirdly that their exaltation and depressing is not by fortune as they say but from the Lorde onely Verse 11. Setteth out the shortnesse and troublesomnesse of mans life Verse 12. Setteth out the eternity and continuaunce of the almightie Verse 13. Teacheth vs to haue an assured trust that God wil looke graciously vppon the afflictions of his Church Verse 14. Teacheth Gods children two thinges first to delyte more euen in the verye ruines of the Church then in the palaces of the vngodly secondly to pity and pray for the reforming of the desolations thereof Ver. 15. and 16. Teach vs that Gods fauour shewed to his Church shalbée matter of sufficient terrour to the wicked and vngodly Ver. 17. Is comfortable shewing that the prayers of Gods poore people shall neuer returne empty from the Lorde Ver. 18. Teacheth the faithful to haue a care for their posterity that both Gods mercy towards them and his iudgements vpon the wicked might be conueyed to their children Ver. 19. Teacheth that God beholdeth al things done vpon the earth contrary to the imagination of them who suppose him to sit as idle in heauen Ver. 20. Teacheth that God taketh speciall regarde of those that be his and namely when they are in the greatest distresse Ver. 21. Teacheth that god doth deliuer his people out of al their feares specially to this end that they might publish his prayse for the same in the Church Ver. 22. Teacheth that our assemblies should be for the seruice and glory of god Ver. 23. Teacheth that God for the trial of his children layeth manifold afflictions vpon them in this life Verse 24. Teacheth vs that wee may pray for long life but yet so that that life may bée referred to Gods glory Verse 25. Teacheth that God is the maker of heauen and earth Verse 26. Teacheth the variablenesse of the creature which shoulde instruct vs so to vse the worlde as though wee vsed it not and no otherwise but as it may further vs to the hope of a better life Ver. 27. Teacheth that howsoeuer variable the creature is yet the creator is altogether vnchaungeable Ver. 28. Setteth out to the comfort of the godly their continuaunce Psalme 103. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first hee doeth stirre vp and prouoke himselfe to be thankful to the Lord and this is conteyned in the two first verses In the seconde hee sheweth causes for which men shoulde prayse the Lorde as for the forgiuenesse of their sinnes for their deliuery from daunger and the continuall course of his mercies from ver 3. to the end of the 19. In the last part he exhorteth euen all creatures to praise the Lord for the largenes of his goodnes from ver 20. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title of this Psalme hath beene expounded before in others of the lyke inscription Ver. 1. My soule hee exhorteth the soule to this great worke because if that be ready the other cannot be much backward and the word soule is vsed here for the seate of vnderstanding and afflictions prayse thou the Lord vz. for his great mercies and all that is within me as my thought my hart and all the powers both of the one and the other and hee meaneth all inwarde thinges because those parts specially doeth the Lorde regarde as Psal 51.17 Ioh. 4.23 prayse his holy name i. set foorth the glory that apperteineth to his maiesty power goodnes c. name is here vsed as Psalm 20.3 Ver. 2. My soule praise thou the Lord this is expounded before ver 1. and forget not vz. through negligence or otherwise but earnestly thinke vpon to the vttermost of thy power al his benefites i. not onely all but any one of them as possible thou canst and by this meanes he prepareth himself a way to speak of the blessings which afterwardes he reckoneth vp Ver. 3. Which vz. alone forgiueth thée fréely vz. and of his owne mercy onely without any merites or deserts of thyne at all all thine iniquity vz. committed either against God or man either of ignoraunce or of knowledge and he beginneth with the frée forgiuenes of sinnes because it is as it were the fountaine from which al other blessinges flowe many whereof he reckoneth vp afterwardes which are nothing else but the effects of that reconciliation and healeth vz. of his great goodnes his mighty power all thine infirmities vz. bodily or spirituall outwarde or inward Ver. 4. Which vz. alone as before ver 3. redéemeth vz. by his great and mighty power thy life i. thy whole man both body and soule putting a part for the whole from the graue i. from death and destruction Sée Psalm 16.10 putting that which followeth death for death it selfe and crowneth
the person from the second to the thirde sendeth vz. by his eternall appoyntment and power the springs into the valleyes the Prophet meaneth that by Gods decree and appoyntment the fountaines and springes keepe their course euen in those places that he hath assigned them that is in the vales and lenelles of the lande which vz. fountaines or springes runne betwéene the mountaines q.d. not withstanding that they séeme to bee little thinges yet God doeth sometimes so increase them that they rise as high as some part of the mountaines This serueth to set out Gods power in the ordinarye gouernement euen of his creatures also Ver. 11. They i. the waters and springes shall giue drink vz. in great plenty and abundance to all the beastes of the fielde vz. so that not one of any kinde shal bee excepted and hee speaketh rather of beastes then of men the better to set out the grace of GOD not only in that he prouideth for bruite beastes but also in that hee giueth them which drinke more then men such great abundaunce of it and the wilde asses shall quench their thirst q.d. euen the beastes that drinke most by reason of their heate shall not onely be satisfied but leaue abundaunce beside of the wilde asse Sée Iob. 39. ver 8.9 10.11 Ver. 12. By these springes vz. spoken of before shall the foules of the heauen i. the birdes of the ayre heauen put for the aire Sée Matth. 6.26 dwell i. abide and continue and that with delight which hée expresseth afterwardes and shall sing vz. for ioy and pleasure that they shall take therein among the braunches vz. of the trees that stande along by the riuers sides Ver. 13. He i. God watereth the mountaines i. powreth downe abundance of waters vppon the mountaines so that by reason of the rayne which he sendeth hee maketh the mountaines otherwise barren very fruitfull from his chambers i. from the cloudes which are sayde to bee Gods chambers because it séemeth to vs that the Lorde dwelleth in and aboue them so that chambers is taken in an other sense here then in verse 3. of this Psalme and the earth i. the whole worlde so that there is no part exempted no nor no creature either man or beast as may appeare by that which followeth in this Psalme is filled vz. plentifully and in very great abundaunce with the fruite of thy workes i. with those fruites which by thy workes thou doest graciously minister vnto them which fruites also through thy blessing and commaundement the earth it selfe doth yéeld And marke the sodaine chaunge of the person from the thirde to the second Ver. 14. Hée i. God causeth vz. by his almighty power as the first cause and by rayne and dewe from heauen as the seconde cause grasse to growe vz. vppon the earth for the cattle i. for the vse of cattle that it may bee meate vnto them and herb i. euerye gréene thing sée Genesis 1 29. for the vse of man i. for man to vse eyther necessarily or of pleasure that he vz. man being strengthened by the vse of the hearbes trées c. may bring forth vz. by his ordinary labour and trauayle bread though the Prophet meane it principally of bread yet he vnderstandeth also thereby all manner of sustenaunce out of the earth vz. laboured and tilled in the sweat of mans face Gen. 3.18.19 Immanuel readeth the latter part of the ver thus that they i. both man beast reading it in the plural number may fet meat out of the earth i. may haue al maner of food ministred vnto them out of the earth for the maintaynaunce of their life whatsoeuer it be all commeth to one end vz. to shew that God by his power doth this and doth that Verse 15. And wine vz. God giueth that maketh glad the hart of man i. maketh mans hart to reioyce when it is striken downe with heauinesse sée Prouerb 31.6.7 and oyle to make the face to shine i. to make him séeme to haue a merry and chearefull countenaunce he speaketh this according to the manner of those hote countries wherein men vsed with sauours and oyntmentes both to strengthen and refresh themselues and bread vz. he giueth also vnderstanding by bread as before verse 14 that strengtheneth mans hart i. whiche is a good meane to ad strength and courage to a mans stomach And mark the Prophets course he sheweth in this place that God plentifullye giueth vnto all his creatures and namely vnto man not only life but al thinges necessary for the maintaynaunce thereof Whether they be thinges necessary as breade and foode or profitable as wine and drinke or seruing to pleasure delighte or comlinesse of the body as oyle and oyntments c. Verse 16. The high Trées he passeth from men to trées shewing that euen Gods power and prouidence also watcheth ouer them are satisfyed vz. with moysture dew and rayne sent from the Lord to make them grow and increase euen the Cedars of Lebanon sée Psalme 29 5. which he hath planted i. which the Lord himselfe hath caused to grow which sort of Trees must néedes excell them that are set by Art Verse 17. That the birdes vz. of the Woods and Forrests yea the very foules of heauen may make their neasts there vz. in those trées because they are so great high and mighty The Prophet doth not meane only as I take it that God ordeyned the Trées to this end that birdes might build their neasts therin but also to shew the greatnesse of Gods power in creating such great trées as are able to receiue the Fowles of the ayre the storke dwelleth in the Firre trées he meaneth not only that they build their neasts there for their yong ones but also haue as it were their continuall abode Verse 18. The high Mountaynes vz. otherwise barren and bare are yet notwithstanding good and profitable are for the Goates vz. good to féede on and to liue in the Rockes are a refuge for the Conies vz. to kéepe them safe in as it were from al distresse and feare Verse 19. He vz. God appoynted vz. by the order which he himselfe set in creation the Moone i. that glorious and excellent creature for certayne seasons i. not only to distinguish the night from the day and other times spoken of Gene. 1.14 c. as monethes yéeres c. but also for some principall feastes obserued in the lawe and the sunne i. that other great and excellent creature knoweth vz. by the boundes and orders which God hath set out his going downe i. in what part it shoulde set according to the seuerall quarters of the yéere Verse 20. Thou makest darkenesse i. thou causest darkenes to come in an ordinarye course And not as though GOD did euery night make newe darkenesse for hee did once create the same Gene. 1.2 to continue as the rest of his creatures and it is night i. night commeth presently for none is able to let or withstande it wherein i. in
euer since the beginning hath preserued and increased the same the heauen and the earth vz. and al thinges therein conteined q.d. you may assure your selues of a most plentiful blessing séeing that he who blesseth you is the author preseruer gouernor of heauen al things therin of the earth al things therin which also he hath giuen to vs as verse following Ver. 16. The heauens euen the heauens i. the most high heauens are the Lords i. apperteine and belong vnto him as the special place of his delight and dwelling and yet we must not so vnderstand it as God were tyed to any one certaine place for his maiestie filleth the heauens and the earth but he hath giuen vz. of his large liberality and goodnes the earth vz. wherein men dwel to the sonnes of men i. to men and their séede after them that they should inhabite and vse it so that in this life they might by the thinges thereof bee prouoked to serue God and stirred vp thereby to the hope and fruition of eternal felicity Verse 17. The dead prayse not the Lord the Prophet meaneth that if God preserued not his Church the whole order and course of the worlde shoulde bee turned vpside downe for to what end should the creation of the worlde serue if there were not a people to call vpon God whereupon he gathereth that there shal always be some which shal praise the Lorde euen vntil the end of the world and so with al there is set out the end wherefore men are placed in the world vz. to prayse serue God q.d. that we dye not must be attributed to gods glory therfore euen our life also must be occupied about his praise sée Psal 6.5 whether they that go downe into the place of silence i. neither do they praise him that are brought to their graues and layed in them sée for this speach Psal 94.17 sée also Isaiah 38.18 The Prophet vttereth vnder diuers words one the selfesame thing Ver. 18. But we vz. which shal liue and be deliuered from our distresses wil prayse the Lord vz. for the benefites that we haue receiued from him from hencefoorth and for euer i. continually and alwaies prayse ye the Lord sée Psal 104. and Psal 105. in the very end Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs when we do in prayer appeare before the Lord to craue any thing at his handes vnfeignedly to cast from our selues all trust and confidence in our selues to flie to gods soueraine goodnes and trueth only Ver. 2. Teacheth vs that gods glory is after a sort hazarded amongst the enemies of God and his people when his own people are discomfited or disgraced Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that the more the enemies do blaspheme God the more we should be throughly perswaded of his power because that their dealing doeth prouoke him to execute a more swift and hard iudgment vpon them Ver. doth liuely paint out the vanity of idoles themselues and of al such as either make or worship them Ver. 9. Teacheth the godly howsoeuer other men run a whoring after idols to cleaue only to the Lord. Ver. 10. Teacheth the ministers preachers of Gods word to make themselues examples vnto other of stedfast confidence in God Ver. 11. Teacheth vs that with the seruice of god there must be ioyned faith in God and his word or else it is nothing Ver. 12. Teacheth vs that God neuer forgetteth his children and merciful couenant made with them also that the godly shal haue from the Lord both assurednes and plentifulnes of blessings Ver. 13. Teacheth vs that God respecteth no mans person but in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnes is accepted before him Ver. 14. Sheweth that Gods grace and loue reacheth euen to the godly and their posterity after them Ver. 15. Teacheth vs that those whom the Lord pursueth with his fauor shal not nor can not want any thing that is good Ver. 16. Setteth out the large liberality and fatherly care of God towardes men also it teacheth vs that séeing he hath giuen vs the things of this life we shold vse them wel and so as they may further vs to the hope of a better life Ver. 17. Teacheth vs that when God giueth vs life in this world he doth thereby as it were prouoke vs to set forth his glory and praise Ver. 18. Teacheth vs thrée things first that we should praise the Lorde for his mercies for euen to the ende haue we our life giuen and his blessings are bestowed vppon vs secondly that this our thanksgiuing should be continual and thirdly that we should prouoke and stirre vp other men to do the like Psalme 116. THis Psalme as I take it may bée diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet setteth out on the one side his loue fayth towards the Lord and on the other side Gods mercy and goodnes towards him from ver 1. to the end of the 11. In the second part hee promiseth humble and hearty thankesgiuing vnto the Lorde for that continuall heape of benefites which hee had receiued from his mercifull handes from verse 12. to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title as many other Psalmes both before it Se. and after it haue not sée Psal c. Ver. 1. I loue vz. with all my heart and vnfeignedly the Lord vz. only and alone and none either with him or besides him and vnder the word of loue the Prophet sheweth that there was nothing without god that either could like him or please him because hee hath heard i. because he hath yéelded vnto and granted my voyce vz. sent forth vnto him and my prayers vz. which I made vnto him vnder these words voice and prayers the Prophet meaneth such prayers as he powred forth vnto the Lord not only with his heart but also with his mouth and words Ver. 2. For he hath inclined his eare vz. as one that were ready for to heare mee this is spoken of God according to mans capacity vnto mée vz. being in distresse and when I prayed vnto him as followeth when I did call vppon him vz. for helpe and ayde by earnest and hearty prayers in my dayes i. in the tyme of my affliction as may appeare by the next verse following sée Psal 137.7 also Lament 1.21 and by the woorde dayes hée noteth that hee had continuaunce and length of trouble Ver. 3. When the snares of death compassed mee vz. on euery side and rounde about so that there was almost no hope of escaping no more then of a bird or wild beast taken in a snare or grin by this manner of speach hée meaneth that euen then when hee was ready to dye the Lord in mercy looked vppon him Sée 2. Sam. 22.5.6 also Psalm 18.4.5 and the griefes of the graue i. great and extreme griefes which brought me almost to the graue made me as it were ready to bee put into it caught
vnfaignedly and from his hart Ver. 3. I wil not enter vz. willingly and gladly into the tabernacle of my house i. into any part of the house or the house it self which I haue caused to be newlye builded sée 2. Samuel 5 9 also 1 Chronicles 15 1. nor come vpon my pallet or bedde vz. whiche are set and made in my new house to lye down vpon them or take my rest there Verse 4. Nor suffer mine eyes to sléepe vz. verye muche specially in that house which I haue newly made nor my eye liddes to slumber q.d. I will bee continually watchfull and carefull for to build God a house The Prophet meaneth not in al this that he was so proude as to think that either by oth or vow he could prescribe God a law neither yet that he was so rash as to promise that he would dwel openly in the ayre not sléepe neither daye nor night till the arke were brought to a place whiche hee woulde prepare for it which could not be very quickly done for that had but after a sort to haue killed himself but this he meaneth that he made religion conscience of it to goe into his new house vnlesse he had prepared a place for Gods arke to rest in also q.d. I must not be more carefull for my selfe either in respect of pleasure or profit or both then I am for God and his seruice Ver. 5. Vntill I finde out i. vntill I shal by searching find out a place i. a fit méet and conuenient place for otherwise there were places ynow for the Lord vz. to dwell and rest in not that God is tied to any place for the heauen of heauens can not contain him but he meaneth the Ark which is called the Lord himself because it was a most manifest testimonie of his maiesty and power an habitation i. a place to rest dwel in that it may no longer bee caried from place to place as it hath bin for the mighty God of Iaakob i. for that great God whom Iaakob worshipped or else for him that saued and deliuered Iaakob frō many daungers as before ver 2. Ver. 6. Lo we i. both I and others heard of it i. not of the place but of the arke in Ephrathah i. that it was Ephrathah I take this rather as Immanuell doth to be the name of the countrie wherein the tribe of Ephraim dwelt then of any one particular place yet so that it should note Shilo in the Tribe of Ephraim where the Arke of the Lord was kept from the dayes of Iehoushua vntill the death of Helie the Priest at what time it was taken by the Philistines sée 1 Samuel chapiters 1 2 3 and 4. and found it i. the Arke in the fieldes of the Forrest or as Immanuel turneth it as it is in the hebrew text in the fields of Iahar i. in the citie of Iahar which was situate both in a plain and woody place and therfore is turned here in the fields of the forrest in which respect also it hath seuerall names for of the woodes it is called Kiriah Iearim that is the citie of woods and of the playn or fielde it is called Baal or Baalah or Kiriah in Baalah and sometimes Bala of Iuda that is plaine place for the sence of this place sée 1. Sam. 7 1 c. and for the citie it self sée Iehosh 15.60 where it is reckoned vp among the cities alotted to the tribe of Iudah hath two names I know other men giue other sences but methinketh this is most plain Ver. 7. We wil enter vz. cherefully gladlye into his tabernacles i. into the places where this arke shall rest he himself be religiously serued which in Psal 100. ver 4. are called his gates his courts and worship vz. him before his footestoole i. before the ark of the couenaunt which is so called to put the faithfull in mind that they must not stay in the beholding of the ark only as though god wer inclosed therin but that they must lift vp their harts to heauen to worship God there with all reuerence as though GOD stretched his féete from the heauen to the earth that hée might lifte vs vp to heauen Now he must be sought to in Christ who is the verye Arke of Couenaunte in déede Verse 8. Arise vz. now at the earnest prayer of thy people O Lord this is to be referred both to God himselfe and to the Arke also as may appeare by that which followeth in the Vers Sée the word Lord also put for Arke verse 5 of this Psalme to come into thy rest i. into the place of thy rest because that before the Arke stayed not long in one place as maye appeare by the continuall concourse of the stories thou and the Arke of thy strength i. both thou thy selfe and the visible sacrament as it were of thy strength and power and he calleth it the ark of Gods strength because that in and from the Arke the Lord did plainly declare his maiesty power c Ver. 9 Let thy Priests i. the Priests which thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe to bée the administers of holy things be clothed i. compassed about on euery side let it cleaue stick fast to thē as apparel doth to the body with righteousnes vz. both outward inward q.d. Let thē that are sanctified to this gret office be more and more sanctified let thy saints i. thy people whom thou hast sanctified to thy self reioyce vz. greatly that for this because the Ark shal stay in one place not flit as heretofore it hath done so that here he praieth both for Priests people Ver. 10. For thy seruaunt Dauids sake i. for him those promises which thou hast made to him others vnderstād by Dauid christ the sonne of Dauid who also in the Prophets is called by that name as Hosea 3 5 in the letter the first sence is most playn he speaking of himself in the third person in the doctrine the other is very true refuse not the face of thine annointed i. of me whom thou haste appointed to be King vnderstāding by not refusing his face the graunting of him his requests for here he prayeth the Lord to be merciful to his priests and people not to reiect the prayers which the king maketh for thē Ver. 11. The Lord vz. himself hath sworn in truth i. hath truly iustly sworn to perform whatsoeuer he hath promised vnto Dauid i. vnto me speaking stil of himself in the third person will not shrinke from it i. will not at any hand or by any meanes go back from his word sée Psa 110.4 and note that God sweareth not for any inconstancy in his word but for the strengthening of our fayth of the fruit of thy body i. some one or other of thy children sée Psal 127 3 wil I set vpon thy throne i. I will establishe them as thy lawfull heyres in thy kingdome after
doe in their beddes thou art there vz. in thy almightye power prouidence and presence Verse 9. Let mee take the winges of the morning i. as I take it the sunne beames putting a parte for the whole q.d. albeit I had as great quickenesse as the sunne hath both when it riseth and when as it were in a moment it goeth rounde about the worlde yet that woulde not profite mee to hyde mée from thy presence and knowledge and dwell in the vttermost partes of the Sea i. shoulde dwell as farre as there is any Sea or at the furthest ende of the Sea Verse 10. Yet thither vz. euen to that same very place shall thine hande i. thy power and might leade mee vz. euen as a shephearde is wont to leade his sheepe and thy righte hande i. thy great power and might holde mee vz. there and keepe mee in that place q.d. though I woulde thinke by flying hither and thither to withdrawe my selfe from thy presence yet I shoulde be in thy presence and power still because by it I should bée caried whither I my selfe would to stay there and to returne againe from thence at thy pleasure euen as the shéepe hang vppon the shephearde Verse 11. If I say i. if I shoulde either speake or thinke thus yet the darkenesse q.d. séeing other places and meanes can not helpe yet this shift I will haue I shal bee hidden from thée in the night for I take it that by darkenes hée vnderstandeth night as may appeare by that which followeth shal hyde me vz. from thy presence and knowledge so that thou shalt not sée or perceiue mee euen the night shal be light about me q.d. certainely I shal bee but deceiued for that which is done in the night is as wel known to thée as that which is done in the noone day for howsoeuer to me and other creatures the night is darke yet to thée that art the creator all thinges are open naked and bare as Heb. 4.13 Ver. 12. Yea the darknes i. the night nor no other darkenes whatsoeuer though it were as thicke and palpable as the darkenes of Egypt hydeth not vz. any either thought worde or déede from thée i. from thy sight and knowledge but the night shineth vz. before thée and in thy sight meaning by the worde shineth that it is as cleare for God to beholde any thing in as the noone tyde the darkenes and light i. the night and the day Sée Gene. 1.5 are both a like vz. to thée for thou séest as clearely in the one as in the other Verse 13. For thou hast possessed here hée yéeldeth a reason why God shoulde knowe the thinges before mentioned and it is taken from the notable creation of man by Gods wonder full gouernement q.d. by good reason all these thinges are knowne to thée because thou hast created man and euery part and péece of him and vnder the worde possessed the Prophet noteth first the knowledge that God hath of vs for no man possesseth euidences or houses but hee knoweth the right title roomes thereof Secondly his right and authoritie for howsoeuer men obtaine vniust possessions yet with the Lorde there is no iniustice my reines i. mine affections yea the most secret thoughtes of my heart and whatsoeuer lay or lyeth hid within me thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe Immanuel addeth here a terme that maketh the sense most plaine thus from the time that thou hast c. q.d. yea euen from my conception long before thou knewest al thinges concerning me And yet I deny not but this text of the Geneua Bible may haue a good sense thus thou hast couered mee vz. with flesh sinewes skin c. in my mothers wombe i. before I was borne when in that place thou gauest a forme and fashion to me and so it may be a reason why nothing can be hidden from God because God made him there and knewe him there therefore much more in this life Ver. 14. I wil praise thée vz. with my whole hart as psal 138.1 for I am fearefully wonderously made i. the very creation and making of me and the due consideration which I haue thereof do strike into me a feare of thy maiesty a wondering at thy workmanship or else thus thou hast created me after a feareful and wonderful sort Immanuel readeth it thus I doe praise thée because by these thy reuerend woorkes I am brought to wondering then repeateth these words I praise thy marueilous works my soule knoweth thē very well but I take the other text to be as good as this marueilous i. very excellent wonderfull are thy workes vz. euerie one of them and namely the continuall forming and creating of mankynde and my soule knoweth it well vz. through thy great goodnesse who hast put that light into it to know and consider of that excellente and wonderfull worke Verse 15. My bones i. neyther they all nor any one of them for thou kéepest them in a continuall account sée Psal 34 20. are not hid from thée for thou knowest both their names and their number though I was made in a secret place vz. in my mothers wombe as verse 13 q.d. the closenesse of that place could not hide them from thy presence and knowledge and fashioned beneath in the earth whereas thou notwithstanding was in heauen q.d. the distaunce of the place could not hinder thée from the sight and knowledge of me and of euery part and péece of me Verse 16. Thine eyes did sée me this is spoken of God according to mans vnderstanding not that God hath eyes but that the Lord knew more perfitly by many degrées then we know things by our sight when I was without forme i. when I had neither shape nor fashion but was as it were a rude lumpe he speaketh here of a great secret of nature Of which we should both think and speake reuerently and modestly for in thy booke this is spoken according to men who vse bookes for the helpe of their memory that they may haue euery thing by péecemeale as it were were all thinges written i. all the members and parts of my body were as well knowne in thy prouidence vnto thée as if they had bin written in a booke and layd before thée which vz. members and parts of mine in continuance vz. of time were fashioned vz. thorow thy great power woorking when there was none of thē before vz. created and made This is it that he meaneth that as God in the beginning made heauen earth as a huge heape without forme yet afterwardes gaue them that notable forme which they haue and out of them framed that great variety of excellent creatures so out of the rude lumpe conceaued first in the womb which yet notwithstanding did in it self containe the whole body did the Lord by a merueilous workmanship create that excellent forme and proportion of mans body and of the seueral members ioynts therof Ver.
enemies and I hope that thou wilt hereafter likewise deliuer me Verse 8. Let not the wicked haue his desyre O Lord i. the thinges that he hath desired agaynst me q.d. Let him not sée mine ouerthrow which he much wisheth and desireth performe not i. giue him not leaue or strength to performe agaynst me his wicked thought i. the wicked thing which he hath wickedly thought vpon and deuised againste mée and by one no doubt he vnderstandeth many mischiefs of theirs least they bée proude vz. aboue measure for he had before charged them with pride ver 5. he meaneth least they should wax proude euen agaynst God and man Selah this is expoūded before Ver. 9. As for the chéefe of them how great or high soeuer he or they be Whether he speake it of Saul Doeg and such like particularly it is not certaine that compas me about vz. to destroy and are my deadly enemies sée Psal 3.6 also Psal let the mischiefe of their own lips i. that mischiefe which with their own lips they haue spoken agaynst me come vpon them i. fall vpon thē thorow thy iust iudgemēt I know others both translate this verse otherwise and giue some other sence but methinketh this is playn Ver. 10. Let coles vz. of thy wrath iudgement fall vpon thē vz. frō heauen as it did in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to which he séemeth to allude let him vz. god thus he speaketh to him or of him in the third person cast thē into the fire vz. that neuer goeth out but burneth for euer Mar. 9.43 into the déepe pits vz. of danger destruction that they rise not i. that they may neuer be able to rise vp again to do any more hurt Ver. 11. For the backbiters i. slanderers such as haue their tongues ful of venime and worke mischiefe rather by fraud flattery and backbiting then by opē force shal not be established vz. any long while vpon the earth i. in this life to liue long here euill i. plagues and punishments from the Lord shall hunt vz. from place to place pursue him so that he shall not escape it the cruell man sée verse 1.4 of this psalme to destruction i. in such sort that it shall in the end vtterly destroy him Immanuel others read this whole verse as a prayer Ver. 12. I know vz. certainly and assuredly q.d. I am fully perswaded both by Gods word and the dayly executing of his iudgements vpon the wicked that the Lord vz. himself will auenge i. in good time not only deliuer his but ouertake with his iudgements the wicked vngodly for the iniuries they haue done them the afflicted i. such as are afflicted by the wicked and iudge i. not only pronounce righteous sentence but also deliuer from the cruelty of the vngodly the poore i. those his seruants which are here despised amongst the worldlings of the earth Ver. 13. Surely the righteous i. those whom thou hast made righteous by imputing righteousnes vnto them by framing them to a righteous conuersation shal prayse vz. vnfeignedly with all their hartes thy name i. thy maiesty power goodnes and the iust i. such as deale faythfully both with thée and their brethren shall dwell in thy presence i. shall not only in this life be maynteined and vpholden by thy fatherly care and prouidence but shal be made partakers of eternall glory Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs to pray to be safely deliuered from the rage of the wicked ver 2. 3. doe generally paint out the malicious nature of the wicked Ver. 2. doth particularly teach vs that wicked thoughts against gods childrē are sin before him Ver. 3 teacheth vs that the wicked spare not euen with slaunderous venemous toungs to persecute the godly Ver. 4. teacheth vs that vnles the Lord kéepe vs we can not be deliuered frō the rage power of the vngodly Ver. 5. sheweth the malicious minds of the wicked who cease not both opēly secretly to indeuour the destruction of the good Ver. 6 teacheth vs that the more men set themselues against vs the more earnest and often we should be with God in prayer for his gracious assistance Ver. 7 teacheth vs that God is the protector of his in all dangers distresses whatsoeuer Ver. 8 sheweth that if God let not wicked men in their attempts they will be more bold in mischiefe and swel against his maiestie and men also Ver. 9 10 teach vs that we may pray against the malicious wicked and desire their ouerthrow Ver. 11 teacheth vs what a gréeuous offēce the sinne of backbiting and slaundering is Ver. 12 teacheth vs to bee assured of Gods fauour goodnes towards vs and of his iudgmēts towards the wicked Ver. 13 teacheth vs two things first that it becommeth the godly to shew them selues continually thankful secondly what is the excellent estate and condition of Gods children Psalme 141 THis Psalme consisting wholy of supplication and prayer vnto God may be diuided into two parts Di. first he beséecheth the Lord to accept his prayer and to guid him into a godly conuersation and for this end to prouide such for him as maye brotherly admonish him from verse 1 to the end of the 5. In the second he foretelleth as it were the destructiō of the wicked desiring the Lord to deliuer him from them and to ouerthrow them in their deuises from verse 6 to the end of the Psalme The Title A Psalm of Dauid i. which Dauid made Se. this hath bin expoūded sundry times before It should séeme that Dauid made this Psal at some time or other whē he was gréeuously afflicted persecuted we may refer it without iniury as I suppose to the history conteined 1 Sam. 24. Ver. 1. O Lord I cal vpon thée i. pray vnto thée earnestly continually specially in the time of my gréeuous afflictions hast thée vnto me vz. to helpe me to deliuer me out of the same neither doth he here prescribe God a time but rather declareth the great danger distresse that he was in q.d. vnlesse he were spéedily holpen in the iudgement of flesh and blood he should perish heare my voyce i. graunt the prayers which I vtter with my voyce and words when I cry vnto thée i. whē hartily and earnestly I pray vnto thée Ver. 2 Let my prayer vz. which I make vnto thée be directed in thy sighte i. come before thée and bée accepted of thée as the incence vz. which was wont to bée offred vnto thée by thine own commaundement And here hée alludeth to the perfumes whiche they vsed in the time of the law of which read Exod. 30 chap. and the lifting vp of my hands i. euen my prayer supplication He putteth a gesture vsed in prayer for prayer it selfe as 1. Timoth. 2.8 as an euening sacrifice i. as that sacrifice which thou hast appointed to be offred to thée in the euening God prescribed
forefathers and me He putteth time for the things done in the time he meaneth that by former examples trials he strengthened himself in the faith against the bitter assaults which he suffred I meditate vz. carefully and continually in all thy workes i. in all that thou hast wrought yea I meditate i. I doe diligentlye and déepely think vpon in the works of thine hands i. in those excellent workes which by thy power and prouidence thou hast performed Verse 6. I stretch forth mine hands vnto thée i. I doe earnestlye and hartilye pray vnto thée he putteth the signe for the thing signified as Psalme 141 2. to declare that we must euen as it were lift vp our selues vnto God my soule i. I my selfe but chéefely my inward man desireth after thée i. longeth sore after thée sée Psalme 42 1 2 also Psalme 84 2 as the thirstye lande vz. doth desire water rayne or dew He vnderstandeth by thirstie lande the earth which is dried and chopped for lack of water gaping gréedily as it were to receaue the moysture or raine that shal fal from heauen sée also Psal 63.1 Ver. 7. Heare me i. graunt the requests which I make vnto thée speedily O Lorde i. quickly and in good time not that he prescribeth god a season but expresseth rather his great misery q.d. vnlesse thou quickly helpe it is like in mās iudgment that I shal be destroyed for my spirit fayleth i. I faint euen in the inward man and this is a reason of his prayer taken from his own person the misery that he was in hide not thy face from me i. shew not thy selfe angry against me as men many times do who wil not vouchsafe to looke vpon thē with whom they are displeased else vz. if thou hide thy face I shal be like vnto thē that go down into the pit i. there wil be no difference betwéene me those that are dead Ver. 8. Let me heare thy louing kindnesse i. make me to know féele and perceiue thy mercy in the morning i. in good time and spéedily for in thée is my trust i. I depend and hang only vpon thée and shew me the way that I should walke in i. direct not only the order and conuersation of my life but euen my very steppes also from daunger for I lift vp my soule vnto thée i. I do both trust in thée cal vpon thée from the hart Ver. 9. Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies i. from the power and rage of them who séeke nothing else but to destroy me for I hid me with thée i. I did hang vpon thy prouidēce and protection only sée Psal 31.5.6 Ver 10. Teach me to doe thy will i. to do the thing which thou willest commaundest in thy word for thou arte my God i. thou art he alone whom I wil serue worship let thy good spirit i. thy blessed and holy spirit which is called good because it is Gods effectuall instrumente to lead vs into all goodnesse leade me vz. which am so often and continuallye straying and wandering from good thinges vnto the land of righteousnesse i. guide me not only in this life to righteousnesse of life but to that same eternall life wherein righteousnesse shall dwell for euer sée 2. Peter 3.13 Ver. 11. Quicken me O Lord i. cause me to passe safe and sound thorow this danger wherein I séeme to be as it were in death for thy names sake i. that I others may praise thy name as Psal 142.7 and for thy righteousnesse i. for thy righteous and faythful accomplishment of thy promises bring my soule i. me and my life out of trouble i. out of this trouble wherein it presently is and vnder which it wil quaile if thou assist me not Ver. 12. And for thy mercy sake vz. toward me thy seruaunt slay mine enemies i. destroy them by what meanes or wayes soeuer thou shalt think good and destroy vz. in thy iustice and iudgements against the wicked al them vz. of what state or condition soeuer they be whether it be Saul as the chéefest or his complices that oppresse my soule i. me and would faine take away my life from me for I am thy seruaunt i. I am such a one as whom thou in mercy hast vouchsaued worthy of this honour to commit some part of thy seruice into his hands sée 1. Timoth. 1.12 13. so that he boasteth not here of his merits but magnifieth the grace of God from whom this goodnesse came Ver. 1 teacheth vs Do. first in our distresses to run vnto God by earnest and harty prayers secondly to ground our prayers vpon the righteousnesse truth and faythfulnes of our God Ver. 2 teacheth vs two things first to pray the Lord to remoue al things that might hinder the course of his mercy toward vs secondly it is a strong place to ouerthrow al imagination of mans righteousnes Ver. 3 teacheth vs that God suffereth and appointeth the wicked many times to preuaile very far against the godly Ver. 4 is a notable place to proue that euen gods children in their troubles haue their affections against that blockish dotage of the sto●ks Ver. 5 teacheth vs that the consideratiō of Gods goodnesse in former times should minister no smal comfort vnto vs in the time of our present heauines Ver. 6 teacheth vs to hunger and thirst after the Lord and to bee earnest with him in our supplications vnto his maiesty Ver. 7 teacheth vs that the more our miseries grow increase vpon vs the more earnest and often we should be with the Lord our God in prayer Ver. 8 teacheth vs that there is nothing more comfortable then plentifully and in good time to féele Gods mercy Ver. 9 teacheth vs in all distresses to commend our selues to Gods power and prouidēce as to a most sure rock and tower of defence Ver. 10 is a notable place againste fréewill because we are blind til God teach vs and we can do nothing without the assistance of his holy spirit Ver. 11 teacheth vs that vnlesse God set vs frée from trouble we can neuer be deliuered Ver. 12 teacheth vs that we may safelye praye agaynste the malicious and obstinate enemies of Gods Churche and people Psalme 144 Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts In the first he prayseth God for his goodnesse and confesseth his own vnworthines and this is comprehended in the 4 first verses In the seconde he prayeth to GOD for the ouerthrowe of his enemies whose corruption he toucheth and for his owne deliueraunce and this reacheth from the fifte verse to the ende of the eleuenth In the thirde he sheweth what fruite shall redound thereby both to GOD and his people vz. he shall be praysed and they shall bée comforted from verse 12 to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title A Psalme of Dauid vz. which he made after his comming to the kingdome when he had obtayned diuers victories and yet notwithstanding his enemies were very
busie with him either the Philistine as 2 Sam. 5. or els some other as 2. Sam. 8. Ver. 1. Blessed i. praised and that continually be the Lord my strength i. he who alone giueth me strength to ouercome mine enemies sée Psal 18.2 which teacheth my hands to fight vz. against his mine enemies meaning hereby also that God gaue him strength to ouercome them as wel as knowledge in warlike affaires to deale with them and my fingers to battaile i. apteth them and maketh thē able to indure fighting Ver. 2. He vz. alone is my goodnesse i. whatsoeuer good thing I haue eyther within mee or without mée hee is the Fountayne from whence it floweth meaning also that hée had euer felte GOD liberall and mercifull towards him my Fortresse my Tower and my deliuerer my Shield all these termes are expounded Psalme 18.2 and in him I trust vz. stedfastlye and continually which subdueth vz. by his almighty power my people i. the subiectes that hée hath giuen me vnder me i. vnder the obedience of me and my lawes he meaneth that GOD did put into the hartes of his people a minde willing and faythfull to commit themselues vnder him and his gouernment Ver. 3. Lord what is man i. of himselfe what account or regard is he to be had in that thou regardest him vz. so greatly and so much as thou doest or the sonne of man i. his posterity how great or famous soeuer it bée that thou thinkest vppon him vz. in such great mercy and with so fatherlye a care sée Psalme 8. verse 4.5 c. Verse 4. Man is lyke to vanitie i. to a thing of no accounte or regarde or to a vayne thing In an other place hée sayeth that they are vanitye that the chéefe men are but lyes and to laye them vppon the Ballance they are altogether lighter then vanitie Psalme 62.9 his dayes i. the dayes of this life in this worlde are like a shadowe that passeth vz. oute of mennes sightes and remembraunces quicklie and sodainlie q.d. his life is but short and of small continuaunce see Iob. 14.1.2 see also for this verse Psalme 39.5.6 and psalme 90. almoste throughout Ver. 5. Bow thine heauens O Lorde vz. to come to succour and help me this is spoken of God according to mens vnderstanding he calleth the heauens Gods owne both because he created them and hath his principal habitation and dwelling in them sée for this phrase 2. Sam. 22.10 also Psal 18.9 and come downe vz. to deliuer me from the hands of mine enemies persecutors touch vz. in thy wrath and furie q.d. thou néedest not vse al thy power or any great might against them begin but only to lay thy hand vpon them q.d. and do but touch them as a man would say softly and yet they shal be consumed the mountaines i. my most high and mightie enemies this kind of metaphor is very often vsed in the Prophets sée Isai 2.14 they shal smoke yea burne and that to their owne destruction he putteth the beginning of their miseries for the accomplishment and ful performaunce thereof And hee vseth all these maner of speaches both in this verse and in the verse following that hee might more excellently set out Gods power who deliuereth his after a wonderful sort and that he might declare that no worldly lets or hinderaunces are able to do any thing against Gods infinite power which hee apprehended by faith Ver. 6. Cast forth the lightning scatter them vz. one from an other so that they may not be able to gather their forces together againe q.d. by thy heauenly wisedome and power destroy and ouerthrow them shoot out thine arrowes vz. against them vnderstanding by arrowes either thunders or some other particular iudgments and consume thē vz. vtterly and from amongst men that they may no longer molest me and thy people Ver. 7. Send thine hand from aboue i. display and make manifest here below vpon the earth thy might and power which séemeth after a sort to be shut vp in heauen because thy seruants be not deliuered from their distresses deliuer me vz. of thy goodnes and through thy power from the rage and violence of those that persecute me and take me vz. who am ready to be drowned with troubles out of the great waters vz. which are ready to ouerflow and drowne mee by great waters he doth not only vnderstand the grieuous afflictions wherein he was but also the extreme rage of his enemies who did breake in vppon him as waters of the sea into the land sée Psal 18.4 also 69.1 also 124.4 and from the hand i. from the power and force of strangers this may be referred either to coūterfeit and bastardly Israelites who though they bragged in mouth that they were good people yet were they in déede starke naught or else to thē that were in déed idolaters and infidels such as the Philistines were and to these latter would I rather apply it Ver. 8. Whose mouth talketh vanity i. who doe nothing else but speak and vtter vaine and vncertaine thinges proudly promising vnto themselues great things and their right hand is a right hand of iniquitie i. they are vnfaithful people and ful of subtilty and haue no certainetie nor assuraunce in them This speach is borrowed from the common custome of men who when they make a promise giue one another their hands sée Gal. 2.9 Ver. 9. I wil sing vz. euen from my heart a new song i. a singular and excellent song sée Psal 98.1 vnto thée O God vz. when thou shalt haue performed these graces in deliuering me and ouerthrowing mine enemies and the Prophet maketh this promise and carieth with him a purpose to performe it because he was certainely perswaded and assured that God would in déed do both the one and the other sing vnto thée vpon a viole and an instrument of ten strings sée Psal 33.2 also Psal 92.3 he meaneth that he would vse these instruments as meanes to stirre vp his affectiōs and to prouoke him more earnestly and heartily to serue the lord Ver. 10. It is hee vz. alone that giueth vz. of his goodnes and mercy deliuerance vz. from all dangers and distresses and rescueth vz. when no other can do that for him Dauid his seruaunt i. me whom he hath aduaunced to this honour to serue him in the gouernment of the kingdome and thus hee speaketh of himselfe in the thirde person from the hurtful sword i. from the sworde of his enemies who did purpose to hurt him if they coulde haue caught him or ouerthrowne him wée may also stretch this worde further as that vnder it he should comprehende all the daungers through the which hee had passed and hee meaneth that this should be the argument or matter of the song that hee woulde sing to the Lorde Ver. 11. Rescue me vz. O Lord for vnto him onely hee directeth his prayers and deliuer me vz. who am in distresse and daunger on euery
GOD also as who requireth the same at our handes as a péece of his seruice Psalme 50.15 and prayse vz. giuen vnfeynedly vnto GOD is comelie vz. both before him and all good men though the wicked of the worlde make no account of it but as a deformed thing sée for these two wordes good and comelie Psalme 133.1 Verse 2. The Lord vz. him selfe doth buyld vp vz. thorowe his goodnesse and power Ierusalem i. his Church and vnder the terme builde the Holy Ghost doth meane that GOD is the author the founder yea all in all for his Church and gathereth to gether vz. by the voyce of his worde and the vse of his Sacramentes the dispersed of Israell i. the straying members of his Church If we referre it to Ierusalem and the Iewes he meaneth that GOD hath bene alwayes a gracious Father vnto that people and that howsoeuer they were now scattered abroad into other cuntreyes yet he would bringe them home agayne to theyr owne If wée referre it to the Church as wée may and ought to do in déede he meaneth then that it is not builded by mans power but by a heauenly and diuine power that is by GOD himselfe who gathereth into the bosome or lappe of his Church all those that are strayed from it and appertayne to his election Verse 3. Hee i. the Lorde healeth vz. by his worde and most comfortable promises conteyned therein which are the medicines of our soules and the diseases thereof and this he doth for his promise sake broken in harte i. humbled in the inward man for their sinnes committed agaynst him sée Psalme 51.17 it may also be taken for such as be grieuouslie afflicted either outwardly or inwardly yea throwen downe and ouerwhelmed as it were with their affliction and buildeth vp their sores i. remedieth and redresseth their hurtes and euills and cureth as it were theyr griefes like a good Shéepheard Ezech. 344. and as the good Samaritane Luke 10.34 and as a good Surgion is wont to doo after that he hath opened and dressed his patients woundes Verse 4. He i. the Lorde counteth the number of the starres i. knoweth the very certayne number of them and not that we should thinke that he sitteth there to reckon them after the manner of men calleth them all by their names i. knoweth howe to name euery one of them q.d. that GOD which sitteth in heauen and knoweth all thinges yea euen the least thinges that are and who also ruleth all thinges euen in the very Heauens and doth by name beare rule ouer euerie one of them according to his authoritie and might sée Isaiah 40.26 yea euen that God is worthie to be praysed declaring also that it is no more harde matter for God to gather his Church the dispersion thereof then to number the starres and to giue to euery thing his office might property guiding them all by his prouidence and wisedome in such sorte that nothing shal be disorderous in that great multitude Ver. 5. Great is our lord vz. in goodnesse great is his power vz. also d.q. both his goodnes and power is very great yea infinite Sée Psal 135.3 his wisedome is infinite vz. to men as who can neither account it nor throughly comprehende it vnderstanding by wisedome his most fatherly and wise gouernement also and the particulars thereof Ver. 6. The Lorde relieueth i. comforteth by his woorde and spirite and many times in his prouidence exalteth to great honour as Psal 113.7 the méeke i. the humble hearted and such as by their afflictions are brought to true lowlines and abaseth the wicked to the ground i. casteth them downe from the top of their honour euen as lowe as can bee Ver. 7. Sing vz. prayses and thankesgiuing vnto the Lorde vz. our God with prayse i. with ioyfulnes also as well as with prayse sing vz. Psalmes of prayse vpon the harp hee addeth instruments for the better stirring of men vp Sée Psalme 144.9 and yet this was but temporal and arbitrarie vnto our God sée ver 1. of this Psalme Verse 8. Which couereth the heauens with cloudes i. casteth thick cloudes conteining raine in them ouer the firmament meaning thereby that God doeth by that meanes chaunge as it were the face of the heauen which shoulde drawe vs euen to wonder at his power and prepareth vz. by that meanes raine for the earth i. for the good and profit of the earth because without raine and moisture from heauen it woulde bee vtterly barren and maketh vz. through his speciall blessing as the first cause and the raine as the instrument the grasse to growe vz. in great plenty and abundaunce vpon the mountaines i. in most barren and drie places which are for the most part very scant of grasse because they are nigh to the parching and pearsing heate of the Sunne Verse 9. Which giueth vz. in mercy to beastes their foode i. the nourishment wherewith they are maintained and liue and to the young rauens which are not able to féede themselues which crye vz. through want of foode and sustenaunce Sée Iob. 39.3 and in this verse the Prophet setteth out Gods fatherly care and prouidence which stretcheth it selfe euen to Rauens or Crowes whiche are the most contemned foules almost that are men making no account of them as for foode but vtterly to destroy them as hurtefull and noysome Verse 10. Hée i. GOD hath not pleasure i. careth not for nor delighteth in in the strength of an horse of which you may reade a liuely description Iob. 39.22.23 c. and vnder this and that which followeth hee comprehendeth all meanes of flesh and blood whatsoeuer in which many men put their trust but that is a peruerse thing and much to bee condemned and yet without that wee may lawfully vse all holy meanes which God shall giue vs neither delighteth hee in the legges of man vz. howe strong well proportioned swift and nimble so euer they bee meaning notwithstanding that God exerciseth this goodnes towards vs of the vse of the meanes not for any worthinesse that is in any of the Creatures but for his owne glory fake and the good of his Church Verse 11. But the Lorde delighteth in them i. both careth verye much for them and taketh singular pleasure in them that feare him i. sincerelye worshippe and serue him hauing a reuerent feare of his maiesty in their heartes and attende vz. in hope and patience vppon his mercy i. the time till in mercie hee perfourme that which hee hath graciously promised them Verse 12. Praise the Lorde vz. for his mercy and goodnes O Ierusalem i. O thou his Church prayse thy God i. the GOD which thou seruest O Sion by Sion and Ierusalem he vnderstandeth both one thing vz. Gods Church and congregation Sée Psalme 51.18 meaning also by this often prouoking of men to prayse the Lorde to teach them this that they can neuer want occasion or matter in that behalfe Ver. 13. For he hath made
in that he beginneth with them he doth not only closely as it were reproue them for their vnthankfulnesse because that whereas they are more bound to God then others by reason the greater benefits they haue receaued from him and yet notwithstanding they are more slow to doe their dutie in this behalfe vnlesse they be wonderfully prouoked and pricked on forward defrauding God by that meanes of the praise which is due vnto him supposing that the world was made only for them but also secretly telleth thē their dutie to wit that they should go before others in the performance of that great office for the more that any hath receaued and in the offices of his exaltation draweth nigh to God the more is he bound to serue him and to magnify the riches of his grace and al people vz. of the world of what nation country or kinred soeuer they be princes and all iudges of the world i. al that haue the matters of state or publike iustice committed vnto them Ver. 12. Yong men and maids old men and children the particular recitall of the distinction of ages and sexes which the Prophet vseth in this verse doth sufficiently declare that all without exception should imploy themselues in the seruice praysing of God And these two words virgins children import an amplifying as it were of the matter q.d. yea let virgins which are not so well instructed as the male kind is and let children which are not so skilfull as the old sort are performe this dutie of praise vnto the Lord. Ver. 13. Let them vz. altogether both heauenly and earthly reasonable and vnreasonable but chéefely the reasonable creatures laste rehearsed verse 11 12. prayse the name of the Lorde i. his goodnesse power and might for his name only is to be exalted vz. in the songes and prayses of his peoples meaning that none is worthy of prayse in respect of himselfe but he alone sée Psalme 145 3. and his praise aboue the earth and the heauens i. he is to be praysed more then the heauens or the earth or else his prayse is so great that neither the heauens nor the earth nor all thinges therein contayned are able sufficiently to expresse it and this is the firste reason why they should prayse him taken from the excellēcy of Gods own maiestie Ver. 14. For he vz. alone hath exalted vz. by his power and mighte the borne of his people i. their strength for so haue we had the word horne vsed sundry times heretofore meaning that God aduaunced his Churche both into great strength and dignity which vz. exaltation and lifting vp of their glory and strength is a prayse to all his saints i. tendeth not only to their glory and prayse but also offreth them a plentifull occasion to prayse and magnifie his name by reason of the grace which he hath shewed them For the worde Saints sée Psalme 145 10. euen for the children of Israell i. euen for the true and right Israelites and this is an other terme proper and peculiar to Gods sonnes and seruaunts a people that is nere vnto him vz. by the reason of the couenant which God hath made with them in the person of Abraham and confirmed in his sonne Christ and thus he doth more and more specifie the people who haue most singular occasion to praise him praise yee the Lorde sée Psal 146 in the end Do. One generall doctrine is offred in this Psalme from ver 1. to the end of the 10. vz. that if all Gods creatures in the dutie and by the right of their creation are bound to praise God in their kind much more man for whose sake all the creatures were made that are made An other generall doctrine wee may gather out of verse 2. that if Angels must be put in mind of the performance of this dutie men had much more néede to be remembred and not only so but to bee pricked and prouoked forward thereto Verse 5 being a generall inference vpon the particular premisses doth playnly proue that Angels as well as other things were created and that therefore that is a dotage of some to thinke that they were without beginning and withall it plainlye and sufficientlye ouerthroweth the dreame of the Sadduces who did thinke that there was neither Angell nor spirit Verse 6 teacheth vs that not one of the creatures nor all the creatures can go beyonde the boundes which God hath set them in his eternall decrée Verse 8 teacheth vs that al gods creatures are but instruments to execute that which God will haue them to doe Verse 11 teacheth vs that as Kings are the highest so they should be the first and examples to others in the seruice of God Verse 12 teacheth vs that no age or sexe can or should be exempted from the sincere worship and seruice of God Ver. 13. teacheth vs that as God onely is to be praysed so he is only to be prayed vnto because praise and prayer belong onlye vnto him alone Verse 14 teacheth vs first that al the glory and strength which the church hath it hath it from God secondly that God neuer bestoweth benefit vpon the Churche but that it becommeth the same aboue all others to bée thankfull to God for it Psalme 149 THis psalme may bee deuided into two partes Di. In the first hee exhorteth the faithfull to praise God for his great grace and mercie bestowed vpon them from Ver. i. to the end of the 4. In the second he prouoketh them to prayse him for the strength and power which he gaue them to subdue their enemies from Ver. 5. to the end of the psalme The title is expounded before Psalme 148. Se. in sundrie other places Ver. 1. Singe yee vz. which are his sonnes and seruantes vnto the Lord vz. your God a newe song i. a singular and excelent song by reason of an vnacustomed benefite which you haue receaued from the Lord. sée Psalme 33.3 also psalme 144.9 let his praise i. songes and Psalmes made vnto his praise be heard vz. openlie and painelie in the congregation of saincte i. in his Church this is an excelent description of the Church for saincts sée Psalme 148.14 Ver. 2. Let Israell i. the Church of God and faithfull people sée Psalme 147.19 also 148.14 reioyce vz. excedinglie and with an vnfeyned ioye in him that made him i. in God and hee meaneth it not here of the generall creation onely but also of their frée adoption by which they were chosen seperated from all mankinde to be a peculiar people to God which was as it were a newe creation and let the children of Sion i. the faithfull members of the Church sée Psalme 146.10 and 147.12 reioyce vz. as before in this verse in their king i. either in Dauid and so by consequent in Christ because Dauid was but a figure of him or els in God whom the faithfull many times call their king as Psalme 5.2 and this latter do I rather allowe