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A69499 Devotions in the ancient way of offices with psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day in the week and every holiday in the year. Birchley, William, 1613-1669. 1668 (1668) Wing A4248A; ESTC R8861 220,254 576

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made the light his Garment and commanded the Clouds to be the chariot of his triumph The gates of heaven obey'd their Lord and the everlasting doors opened to the King of glory Enter bright King attended with thy beauteous Angels and the glad train of thy new deliver'd Captives Enter and repossess thy antient Throne and reign eternally at the right hand of thy Father May every knee bow low to thy exalted Name and every tongue confess thy glory May all created nature adore thy Power and the Church of thy Redeem'd exult in thy goodnes Whom have we in heav'n O Lord but Thee who expresly wentst thither to make way for thy followers What have we on earth but our hope by following Thee * to arrive at last where Thou art gon before us O glorious JESU our strength our Joy and the immortal life of all our Souls Be Thou the principal subject of our studyes and dayly entertainment of our most serious thoughts Draw us O dearest Lord from the World and our selvs that we be not entangled with any earthly desires Draw us after Thee and the odours of thy sweetnes that we may run with delight the ways of thy Commands Draw us up to Thee on thy Throne of blyss that we may see thy face and rejoyce with Thee for ever in thy Kingdom Glory be c. Psal VII WHy should our harts stil dwel upon earth since the treasure of our harts is return'd to heav'n Since our glorify'd Jesus is ascended above to prepare us a place in his own Kingdom A place of rest and secure peace where we shal see and praise and adore Him for ever A place of joy and everlasting fruition where we shal love and possess and delight in Him for ever O happy we and our poor souls if once admited to that blisful Vision If once those heav'nly portals unfold their gates and let us in to the joys of our Lord How wil our spirits be ravisht within themselvs to reflect on the fulness of their own beatitude How shal we all rejoyce in one anothers felicity but infinitely more in the infinitely greater felicity of God! O heav'n towards thee we lift up our languishing heads and with stretcht-out hands reach at thy gloryes When O Thou Finisher of all our hopes when shal we once behold that incomparable light That light which illuminates the eys of Angels and renews the youth of Saints That light which is thy very self O Lord our God! whom we shal there see face to face Whom we shal there know as we are known we shal know thee in thine own clear light O light shine thou perpetually in our eys that thy brightnes may darken the false lustre of this world O Light shed thou thy flames in our harts that thy heat may consume all other desires That we may burn continually with the chast love of thee til thine own bright day appear Til we be cal'd from this vale of darknes into the glorious presence of the living God To see Him that made the heav'ns and the earth and disposes all creatures in so beauteous order To see him that first gave us our being then govern'd us in our way * and brought us at length to so blest an end Meanwhile O gracious Lord the Crown of all thy Saints and only expectation of thy faithful servants Make us entertain our life with the comfort of this hope and our hope with the assurance of thy promises Make us still every day more perfectly understand * our own great duty thy infinite love Make us continually meditate the advancement of Thy glory and invite all the World to sing thy praises Praise our Lord O you holy Angels Praise him O you happy Saints Praise him O you Faithful departed in his grace Praise him O you Living who subsist by his mercy Praise him in the vast immensity of his power Praise him in the admirable wisdom of his Providence Praise him in the blest effects of his goodnes Praise him in the infinitenes of all his Attributes Praise thy Eternal Self O glorious God! and to all the felicities Thou essentially possessest may every creature say Amen Glory be Antiph O how adorable are thy Counsels O Lord how strangely endearing the ways of thy love Alleluia Capit. 1 Pet. 1. Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord JESUS Christ who according to his great mercy has regenerated us to a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and pure and which cannot fade conserv'd for you in the heav'ns Hymn II. VVAke my Soul rise from this Bed Of dull and slugish earth Quickly rise lift up thy head And see thy Lords new birth Once He cam O blessed He Born of a Virgin-Womb Now He comes both times for thee Sprung from a Virgin tomb Lo he rises fresh and bright Incircled round with Stars Which from Him take all their light And from his glorious Scars Stil as He his progress makes Up to his heav'n again Each blest Saint his musick takes And follows in his train Thus together They ascend Til at heav'n gates they come Where the Angels all attend To bid them welcome home Soon they know again their King Soon they his Call obey All the Quires come forth to sing And crown with mirth the Day Come my soul let us rejoyce Let us our Concert bring Up to heav'n le ts lift our voice And with the Angels sing Glory honor pow'r and praise To the mysterious Three As at first begining was May now and ever be Antiph Why seek you the Living among the the Dead He is risen He is not here He is gloriously ascended and the heav'ns have receiv'd Him Alleluia Alleluia Benedictus BLessed be our Lord the God of Israel for he has visited and redeem'd his People And rais'd up a Kingdom of Salvation to us in the house of David his Servant As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets who have been since the world began Salvation from our Enemies and from the hands of all that hate us To shew mercy to our Fathers and to remember his holy Testament The Oath which he sware to Abraham our Father that he would give us Himself That being deliver'd from the hand of our enemys we may serve him without fear In holines and Justice before him * all the days of our life And Thou Child shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest for thou shalt go before the face of our Lord to prepare his ways To give Knowledg of salvation to his people for remission of their sins Through the tender mercy of our God wherby the Day-spring from on High has visited us To give light to them that sit in darknes and in the shadow of death to direct our feet into the way of Peace Glory be c. Antiph Why seek you the Living among the dead He is risen He is not here He is gloriously ascended and
the Heavens have received Him Alleluja Alleluja O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to thee Let us Pray O God who hast glorify'd our Victorious Saviour with a visibly triumphant Resurrection from the dead and Ascension into Heaven where he sits at thy right hand the Worlds supream Governour and final Judg Grant we humbly beseech thee his Triumphs and Glorys may ever shine in our eyes to make us more clearly and couragiously look thorow his sufferings and assure by his Example our hopes on his promises that if by thy grace we endeavour to live and dye like Him purely for the advance of thy love in our selvs and others Thou wilt raise again our bodies too and conforming them to his glorious body call us up above the clouds and give us possession of thy everlasting Kingdom Through the same our Lord JESUS CHRIST thy Son who with thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen COMMEMORATIONS For the B. Virgin Antiph And the King sate on his Throne and a Throne was plac'd for the Kings Mother and She sate on his right hand And the King said to her ask on my Mother for I will not deny thee V. Ask thou all Blessings for us O Blessed among Women R. Of thy wombs Blessed Fruit our Lord JESUS O God who hast endow'd the ever Blessed Virgin MARY with all the graces on earth and all the gloryes in heaven worthy the Mother of thy son the Worlds great Redeemer Grant we beseech thee that as we praise and magnifie thy Name for so highly exalting the lowliness of thy Handmaid we may be encourag'd by the confidence of her intercession to hope still more in thy mercy both for pardon of our sins and conduct of our lives and joyful reception into thy everlasting Kingdom through the same our Lord JESUS CHRIST thy Son who with thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen For the Saints Antiph They seem in the eys of the foolish dead to themselves and all the world but they rest with God in immortal peace and exercise towards us a far greater charity V. Hear thou O Lord their Prayers for us in Heaven R. Who on Earth have taught us to pray O Eternal Father whose holy Spirit by thy blessed Apostles has planted in the world the saving Doctrine of thy Son and water'd it with so much sweat blood of Them and their Followers that it has o'respread the earth and born much fruit to heav'n Most thankfully we praise Thee for the gracious Lives and Deaths of all thy Saints here and the glorious Crowns with which they are rewarded in thy Kingdom where we humbly beseech Thee accept their intercession for us siners applying so home to our harts their Memorys and Merits that we too by thy grace may in some measure live and dy like Them and be crown'd at length with the same blisful rewards through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen For the Church Antiph Let us in all things grow in Him who is our head Christ from whom the whole body being compact and knit together by every joynt of subministration increases to the edifying it self in charity V. We all are Members of the same Body R. Let us serve and love and pray for one another O God who gatherest thy Flock out of all Nations into the saving Fold of one Catholik Church where thy Providence has ordain'd Bishops and Pastors immediately to feed thy Sheep and Lambs and one Supreme Governour to secure Unity among the rest Bless we beseech thee thy Servant N. who at present sits in the known Chair of St. Peter with all the graces necessary to that highest Office on earth Bless all Bishops and their Clergy with courage and skil and fatherly care to edify and guard their several Charges Bless all the Faithful with a filial love and due obedience to their Superiours that the clearnes of truth and beauty of holines dayly increasing in thy Church through every ones devout pursuance of their dutys all Heresies and Schisms may at length vanish among Christians and all Pagans and Jews be happily won into her sacred bosom the sole Ark of Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with Thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen For the King Antiph Be subject to all in Autority to the King as most excellent and to the Rulers as sent by Him for punishment of the Bad and reward of the Good Be subject for so is the Will of God that by doing well you may stop the mouths of the ignorant and malicious V. Be subject not only for fear R. But for Conscience sake O God by whom alone Kings reign and all kinds and degrees of lawful Magistracy are substituted to provide for the publik Peace among such infinite varieties of humours and interests and by restraining private injurys to remove the impediments of true Charity that so the whole State and each Member may be built up together to their greatest fitness for thy heav'nly Kingdom Preserve we humbly beseech thee and govern by thy grace our Soveraign Lord King Charles endow his royal Person with Wisdom and Courage and all qualities befitting his weighty Office Bless him with fidedelity and diligence in his Ministers and with reverence and obedience in all his Subject that the sword of Justice in his Hand may establish us in peace and plenty to our freer improvement under the Discipline of true vertue and the higher exalting his own Crown in the Kingdom of Eternity through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with Thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplications come to Thee Bless we our Lord. Thanks be to God May the Souls of the Faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen Pause and meditate a while according to your devotion Then say The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and holy Ghost descend upon us and dwell in our harts for ever Amen Pause a while then rise And so ends the Morning Office These four Conmemorations are said every day at the end of Lauds Sunday Vespers IN the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost Amen Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and for ever Amen Our Father Hail Mary O God incline unto our aid O Lord make hast to help us Glory be to As it was Alleluja Antiph Glorious things are said of Thee thou 〈◊〉 City of the King of Heav'n Alleluja Psal VIII LEt them O Lord seek other delights who expect no felicity from thee Let them fill up their time with other imployments who think thy rewards not worth their labour As for thy servants our chief content shall be to meditate
tender care hast contriv'd such means * that nothing can undo us but our own perversnes How easie hast thou made the way to heav'n how light is the burthen thou lay'st on thy followers 'T is but to love Thee our greatest Benefactor and we perfectly fulfil every branch of thy Law 'T is but desiring to see Thee our supream Beatitude and we are sure to possess an eternity of joy Blessed O my God be the wisdom of thy Providence that alone knows the way to draw good out of evil That not only restores us to our first degree but makes even our fall rebound us to a greater hight Lord as thy goodnes turns all things to the advantage of thy Elect O may the Elect praise thy goodnes in all things Glory be c. Psal XXXII ADmirable wert thou O Lord in thy merciful promise but infinitely more in thy wonderful performance Thou deputedst not an Angel to supply thy place nor entrustedst so tender a work to the manage of a Seraphin But Thy self bow'dst the heav'ns and cam'st down and with thy own blest hands wroughtst our redemption Thy self took'st upon thee our frail nature and vouchsaf'dst to be born of an humble Virgin Thou condescendedst to the weaknesses of a child a child whose parents were poor and unesteem'd in the world Thou declinedst not the mean entertainment of a stable O how unfit for the birth of the King of Heav'n Thou contentedst thy self with the cradle of a manger and the uneasy lodging on a bed of straw Thou refusedst the soft accomodations of the rich to undergo the inconveniencies of a poor stranger Only the faithful Ioseph stood waiting on Thee and provided as he was able for his helples family Only thy pious Mother dearly embrac't Thee and wrapt thy tender limbs in litle clouts Wonder O heavens and be amaz'd O earth and every creature humbly bow your heads Bow and adore this incomprehensible mystery The VVORD was made flesh dwelt among us But most of all we who are most concern'd the banisht children of unfortunate Adam Let us bow down our faces to the dust and prostrate adore so unspeakable a mercy Behold thus low my Saviour stoopt for me * to check the pride of my corrupted nature Behold thus low He stoopt to take me from the ground and raise me to the felicitys of his own Kingdom Lift up thy voice with joy O my soul and sing Hosanna to the new born JESUS Call all the blessed Angels to celebrate his birth and repeat afresh that heav'nly Antheme Glory be to God on high * in earth peace towards men of good will Lift up thy voice aloud O my soul and to the Quires of heav'n ioyn the musick of the Church Glory be c. Psal XXXIII REjoyce all you faithful Nations of the earth * when you hear the sweet Name of our dear Redeemer Rejoyce and with your bended knees and harts * adore the blessed JESUS He is the Son of the everliving God equally participating the glorys of his Father He is that great Messias whom the Prophets foretold * and all the ancient Saints so long expected At length in the fulnes of time he came to visit in person our miserable world He came with his hands full of miracles and every miracle full of mercy He made the crooked become straight and the lame to walk and leap for joy He open'd the ears of the deaf to hear and gave sight to them that were born blind He loosen'd the tongues of the dumb to speak O may he govern ours to sing his praise He clens'd the leprous by the word of his mouth and heal'd their diseases who but toucht his garment To the poor he reveal'd the treasures of his Gospel and taught the simple the mysterys of his Kingdom He cast out Devils by the command of his Will and forc't them to confess and adore his Person He rais'd the dead from the grave to life the dead that were four days buryed and corrupted Nay even Himself being slain for us on the Cross * and his tomb made fast and secur'd with a guard He rais'd again by his own victorious power and carry'd up our nature into the highest heav'ns All these stupendious signs O glorious JESU were done by the hand of Thy Almighty mercy To witness thy truth with the seal of heav'n and endear thy precepts with obliging miracles That thus engag'd we might believe in Thee and obeying thy Law be eternally sav'd O Let not all this love dear Lord be lost be so many Tokens so kindly exprest One miracle more we humbly beg but one as strange and hard as any of the rest Soften our stony harts into a tender sense * of thy great goodnes and their own true duty Raise our dead spirits from this heavy earth to dwell with Thee in the land of the Living That as we here admire thy bounteous Power and daily sing the wonders of thy Grace We may herafter adore thy Blessed Self and sing eternally the wonders of thy Glory Glory be c. Antiph Praise our Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits Capit. Jude v. 24 25. TO Him who is able to preserve you without sin and set you immaculate before the sight of his glory in exultation at the coming of our Lord JESUS Christ to the only God our Saviour by JESUS Christ our Lord be glory and magnificence Empire and Power before all ages and now and to all ages for ever Amen Hymn X. LEt others take their course And sing what Name they please Let wealth or beauty be their Theme Such empty sounds as these For me I 'le ne're admire A lump of burnisht clay Howe're it shines it is but dust And shall to dust decay Sweet JESUS is the Name My song shall still adore Sweet JESUS is the charming word That does my life restore When I am dead in grief Or which is worse in sin I call on JESUS and he hears And I to live begin Wherefore to thee bright Name Behold thus low I bow And thus again yet is all this Far less then what I ow. Down then down both my knees Still lower to the ground While with mine eys and voice lift up Aloud these lines I sound Live glorious King of heav'n By all the heav'n ador'd Live gracious Saviour of the world Our chief and only Lord. Live and for ever may Thy throne establisht be For ever may all harts and tongues Sing hyms of praise to Thee Amen Antiph I saw the bright Sun shew his flaming eys and behold a thousand rays fill'd the ayr and beauteously guilded the earth his glorious face but maskt it self in a cloud and immediately they vanisht away and their place was to be found no more I said such O my God just such is the stability of every creature V. Even the line we now repeat must beg its breath of Thee R. And stop if Thou deny'st it O Lord hear our
weaknes and surprize R. Pardon our sins of wilfulnes and malice V. Pardon our relapsing into the sins we have repented R. Pardon our lying in sins without repentance V. Make us to grieve for our sins that we hate them R. And hate them so that we quite forsake them V. Check our unruly passions with thy holy fear R. And guide our lives in the ways of discipline V. That we may turn to thee with our whole hart R. In fasting weeping and mourning V. That we may humble our souls in prayer R. And redeem our sins with alms V. That we may root out our vices with contrary vertues R. And bring forth fruits agreeable to penance V. Hear us O merciful Lord when we pray for our selvs R. Hear us when we pray for others V. Remember the Congregation thou hast possest from the begining R. Defend and govern and increase it for ever V. Give to thy Priests the spirit of knowledg R. The spirit of holiness and zeal and wisdom V. Give to thy People the spirit of docility R. The spirit of obedience devotion and charity V. Reveal thy self O Lord to those who never knew thee R. And bring home those who have gone astray from thee V. Preserve we beseech thee our King and Council R. And bless all the people of this Nation V. Bless us with helth and peace and plenty R. And make us use them with sobriety gratitude and charity V. Reward O Lord our kinred friends and benefactors R. And forgive our enemys and all that hate us V. Comfort those that mourn and are opprest with their afflictions R. Or labour under the burthen of a troubled mind V. Relieve the poor who have none to help them R. And defend the cause of the fatherless and widow V. Strengthen those who languish on the beds of their sicknes R. And those who struggle in the agony of death V. Have mercy on the Faithful departed in thy grace R. Have mercy on all the world and bring us to thy glory V. O Lord hear our prayers R. And let our supplications come to thee Let us pray O God who by thy holy Doctrine hast taught us to fast and watch and pray and by thy blessed Example powerfully engag'd us to follow thy steps vouchsafe us we beseech thee thy grace so to mortify our bodys by withdrawing the fewel from our unruly passions and reducing our immoderate sleep to the measures of necessary refreshment that our minds may the better be dispos'd for prayer and meditation devoutly to celebrate here the Fasts and Festivals of thy Church and eternally to rejoyce with Thee hereafter in the Kingdom of thy glory where with the Father and the holy Ghost thou livest and reignest One God world without end Amen O Lord hear c. as page 45. These Versicles Responses and Prayers are said kneeling at the end of Vespers on all Fasting days throughout the year Friday Complin OUr help is in c. as page 46 Antiph In peace will we sleep and take our rest for thou O Lord hast particularly establisht us in hope Psal LXXVI COme let us now call off our thoughts from ranging abroad where they but lose themselvs Let us diligently examine the accounts of our time and sum up the profit we have made to day What have we gain'd by all we have seen or heard since nothing so barren ●●ut may yield some fruit Had we the art to cultivate it right and fitly apply it to our own advantage If we have spy'd some good example which our gracious God presents to excite us Did we immediately entertain the motion and resolve in our hart effectively to follow it If we have faln among vicious company which O too often engages into folly Did the danger increase our care and the sin of others breed vertue in us We have heard perhaps some melancholy news of sudden sicknesses or unexpected deaths But do we fear to be surpriz'd our selvs and provide betimes for that day of trial VVe meet with accidents enough to disparage this world but do we really feel it lose credit in our harts Does our esteem of the other grow strong and high and every one faithfully tell his own soul 'T is not in this poor world thou must expect content nor hope to enjoy a perfect rest Order thy whole affairs with utmost skill and which is seldom seen let all succeed Still thou shalt find something to trouble thee and even thy pleasures will be tedious to thee VVhere e're thou goest still crosses will follow thee since where e're thou goest thou carriest thy self VVho then my God is truly happy or rather who comes nearest happines He that with patience resolvs to suffer * what e're his endeavours are not able to avoid Happy yet more is he that delights to suffer and glorys to be like his crucify'd Saviour VVhen thou art come to this my soul that thy crosses seem sweet for the love of JESUS Think then thy self sublimely happy for sure thou hast found a heav'n upon earth At least the best heav'n this earth can afford and take it as a pledg of a better to come Glory be c. Psal LXXVII MY soul when thou art thus retir'd alone and fitly dispos'd for quiet thoughts Never let the greatnes of another molest thy peace nor his prosperous condition make thee repine Say not in thy hart had I that fair estate or were intrusted with so high a place I should know how to contrive things better and never commit such gross mistakes Tell me how dost thou manage thine own imployments and fit the litle room thou hold'st in the world If thou hast leisure art thou not idle and spend'st thy precious time in unprofitable follys If thou art busie art thou not so too much and leav'st no time to provide for thy soul Do thy riches make thee wise and generously assist the innocent poor Does thy poverty make thee humble and faithfully labour for thy litle family Dost thou in every state give thanks to heav'n and contentedly subscribe it s severest decrees Canst thou rejoycingly say to God * O my ador'd Creator I am glad my lot is in thy hands Thou art all wisdom and seest my wants Thou art all Goodnes and delightest to relieve me Under thy Providence I know I am safe what ever befals me thou guid'st to my advantage If thou wilt have me obscure and low thy blessed will not mine be done If thou wilt load my back with crosses and imbitter my days with grief or sicknes Still may thy blessed will O Lord be done still govern thy creatures in thine own best way Place where thou pleasest thy other favours but secure to my soul a portion in thy love Take what thou wilt of the things thou hast lent me but leave in my hart the possession of thy self Let others be prefer'd and me neglected let their affairs succeed and mine miscarry Only one thing I humbly beg and may
But O what are they then to those who see Thee and in that sight see all things else To those who rejoyce perpetually before Thee and in that joy find all joys else O beauteous truth which known inforces love and lov'd begets felicity Live thou for ever in my faithful memory and be my constant guide in all my ways Stil let me think on those joys above and undervalue all things compar'd to my salvation Stil let me think on my Saviours love that purchas'd for me all those joys O my ador'd Redeemer be Thou the masterwish of my hart the scope and end of all my time Soon as I wake let me look up to Thee and when I rise first lowly bow to Thee Often in the day let me call in my thoughts to Thee and when I go to rest cloze up mine eys in Thee So shal my time be govern'd by thy grace and my eternity corwn'd with thy glory Antiph Whither O my God should we go but to Thee Thou hast the words of eternal life I look not O Lord to be pardon'd without repentance but I hope thy grace to make me repent Psal CIII MY God when I remember those words of Thine Repent for the Kingdom of heav'n is at hand When I consider they were the first thou spak'st in publick the chosen text of the Eternal Wisdom Instantly I 'm struck with the importance of the duty and deeply affected with the power of the motive If what this last line says be not wholy true but repeated in course as a form of devotion Forgive dear Lord the de●●eitfulness of my hart and make me think as well as say my prayers Make me apply those searching words to my self and bind them fast on my own soul Repent O my soul for the Kingdom of heav'n is at hand repent for the Kingdom of heav'n depends on thy repentance Vnhappy me I cannot live without sin nor hope for pardon without due repentance I cannot repent without the grace of God nor obtain his grace without his own free gift O my sweet Saviour JESU who cam'st not to call the just but such as I am sinners to repent Since I am not strong enough to be perfectly innocent at least make me humble enough to be truly penitent Make me hartily sorry for what I have done amiss and not do again what will make me sorry Wo to the day and hour wherin I sin'd wo to the many days and hours I have foolishly mispent Or rather wo to me who abuse my days and hours * allow'd by thy goodnes to work out my salvation Deliver me O Lord from the punishments I deserve deliver me from the sins that deserve those punishments Teach me that safe and easy method * of censuring my self to be acquitted by Thee Every night let me sit as an impartial judg and call before me all my day Let me severely examine every thought and word and strictly search every deed and omission Condemning my offences to their just penance and making more firm and wary resolvs Imploring for the past the mercy of heav'n and for the time to come the same unbounded mercy If I perhaps find some litle thing well done * when weigh'd with the allowance indulg'd our frailty Let me return all the glory to my God and beg his grace to continue and improve it H●● is the hand that sews the seed h●● is the blessing that gives the increase Thus let me once a day at least look home and seriously inquire into the state of my soul What ere my weaknes or malice may have done let me now undo with a harty contrition Let not the sun go down upon my wrath nor on any other unrepented sin Still let me write at the foot of my account * Reconcil'd to my God and in charity with all the world Then go to bed with a quiet conscience and fall asleep in peace and hope Glory be c. Antiph I look not O Lord to be pardon'd without repentance but I hope thy grace to make me repent Antiph Since where my treasure is there will my hart be O make me place my treasure where my hart ought to be Psal CIV LOrd e're I take my leave of this Holy day * which thy Church has sanctify'd in honor of thy memory Let me repeat some few words more * of those incomparable many thou hast left among us Let me attentively mediate their substantial sense and settle them as Principles of my life and action Lay not up for your selvs treasures on earth * where rust and moth corrupt and Theeves break thorow and steal But lay up for your selvs treasures in heav'n * where neither rust nor moth corrupt nor Theeves break thorow and steal For where your treasure is there will your hart be also Go now you curious and study what you please for me I le stay and listen to my Saviour He 'l teach me high and sure and useful truths he 'l teach me truths that will make me happy Hark but this one word more and you 'l stay too if any sense of your eternal good can hold you Hark how he kindly tels us this new and glorious Secret we shal be herafter like the Angels in heav'n O sweet and precious word to them that relish it and thorowly digest its strong nourishment To them that feed on 't often as their dayly bread we shal be hereafter like the Angels in heav'n And what O dearest Lord are those blessed Angels * but spirits that know and love and delight for ever Such O my soul we shal be and that sweet life we shal lead we shal be and live like the Angels in heav'n We shal know all that 's true and love all that 's good and delight in that knowledg and love for ever No ignorance shal darken us nor error deceive us we shal be like the Angels in heav'n No cares shal perplex us nor crosses afflict us we shal be like the Angels in heav'n Our joys shal be full and pure and everlasting we shal be like the Angels in heav'n Cheer thee my soul and bless thy bounteous Lord 't is by him we shal be like the Angels in heav'n Cheer thee and raise thy hopes yet gloriously higher we shal be like Himself for we shal see him as he is Antiph Since where my treasure is there will my hart be O make me place my treasure where my hart ought to be Hymn XXXII LOrd now the time returns For weary man to rest And lay aside those pains and cares With which our day 's opprest Or rather change our thoughts To more concerning cares How to redeem our mispent time With sighs and tears and pray'rs How to provide for heav'n That Place of rest and peace Where our full joys shall never wain Our pleasures never cease Blest be thy love dear Lord That taught us this sweet way Only to love Thee for Thy self And for that love obey O Thou our
its Psalm and always three particular Antiphons One for each Psalm of Matins Lauds Vespers and Complin and then the Antiphons set down in the Office are omitted they being provided only for those who think the particular ones too troublesom and such as chuse to say our Saviour's Office somtimes on a day that is not of Obligation The same may be observ'd in the Antiphons for Benedictus and Magnificat and in the Pray'r whenever any particular ones are provided All the rest Psalms Lessons Hymns c. say as in the Office of our Saviour The Office of the H. Ghost Is said on Whitsunday and dring the Octave and on every first Wednesday of the Month unles it be a Holiday and then 't is remitted to the next convenient day The Office of Saints Is intended only for Feasts of Obligation but may be apply'd to Others according to particular devotion In saying this Office the same method is to be observ'd as in that of our Saviour The Office of the Dead Is said every first Monday of the Month unles it be a Holiday aud then 't is transfer'd to the next convenient day as also at other times according to occasion or particular devotion When ever this Office is said that of the day is omitted only the ordinary Complin must be us'd this having none of its own Alleluja From Easter morning til the Octave of Corpus Christi be past to every Antiphon and Invitatory is added one Alleluja except at Matins and Vespers on Fridays In Advent and Lent Alleluja is never said Of Concurrence of Offices If a Holiday fall on a Sunday the Office is said for the Holiday except Easter-day Whitsunday Trinity-Sunday and all the Sundays in Advent and Lent Only the Annunciation is prefer'd before the Sundays in Lent unles it fall on Palm-Sunday and then 't is omitted that year with a Commemoration If any Holiday happen on Thursday Friday or Saturday in holy Week 't is omitted that year without a Commemoration If any Holiday happen on Monday or Tuesday in Easter or Whitsun-week 't is omitted that year with a Commemoration On other days within those Octaves the Office of the Holiday is said and so in all other Octaves with a Commemoration of the Octave These Feasts only have Octaves Christmas-day Twelft-day Easter Ascension Whitsunday Corpus Christi Assumption of our B. Lady All-Saints A Commemoration Is made by reciting all that 's set down in the Proper of Festivals for the Feast commemorated and is to be made immediately after the Pray'r of the Day whose Office is actually said In all Pauses 't is advisable rather to think and meditate then use any set form of words but let every one prastise what he finds most condusive to his devotion Though these Directions concerning Festivals c. would by a litle acquaintance become familiar to any attentive Considerer yet whoever finds it troublesom to observe them let him recite the Offices as they ly and for the Feasts c. read at Lauds and Vespers all the proper Antiphons and Pray'r immediately together without distributing them to their particular Psalms Holidays of Obligation All Sundays New-years-day Twelf-day the Purification Annunciation Assumption and Nativity of our B. Lady all the twelve Apostles S. Joseph the Invention of the H. Cross S. John Baptist S. Ann the Mother of our B. Lady S. Laurence S. Michael All-Saints Christmas-day S. Stephen Holy Innocents S. Sylvester Moveable Holidays Easter-day with two days next following Ascension-day Whitsunday with two days following Corpus Christi-day Fasting-days All Lent except Sundays the Ember-days the Eves of Christimas and Whitsunday the Eves of the Nativity Purification Annunciation unles it fall in Easter-week and Assumption of our B. Lady the Eves of All-Saints of all the twelve Apostles except S. John Evangelist and SS Philip and Jacob of the Nativity of S. John Baptist and of S. Laurence all Fridays except in Christmas and between Easter and Ascension As long as the Bridegroom is with us Mat. 9. 15. Days of Astinence All Sundays in Lent all Saturdays in the year Monday Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension and S. Marks day if it fall not in Easter-week These Lessons are out of Holy Scripture but somtimes the particular places not cited because somtimes the Lesson is not taken out of one place but compos'd of many THE OFFICE FOR SUNDAY MATINS Introduction PRevent we beseech thee O Lord our actions with thy holy inspirations and carry them on by thy gracious assistance that every prayr and work of ours may begin always from thee and by thee be happily ended through Christ our Lord Amen IN the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost Amen BLessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and for ever Amen OUr Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our dayly Bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespas against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Amen HAil Mary full of grace our Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb JESUS Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death Amen I Believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was conceived by the holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffer'd under Pontius Pilate was Crucified dead and buried He descended into hell the third day He rose again from the dead He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost the holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints the forgivenes of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting Amen V. O Lord open thou our Lips R. And our mouths shall declare thy praise V. O God incline unto our aid R. O Lord make hast to help us Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the begining both now and ever world without end Amen Alleluja Thus far is the Introduction and it is said in the begining of every Matins except Those of the Dead In Advent and Lent Alleluja is omitted both here and every where Invitatory Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Psal I. BEhold the Angels assembled in their Quires the blessed Saints ready with their Hymns behold the Church prepares her solemn Offices and Summons all her Children to bring in their prayses Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus The King of heav'n himself invites us and graciously calls us into his own presence He bids us suspend our mean imployments in the world to receive the honour of treating with Him Come let 's
adore our glorify'd Jesus To him we ow all the days of our life at least let us pay this one to his service a service so sweet and easie in it self and so infinitely rich in its eternal rewards Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Let us chearfully ascend to the house of our Lord the place he has chosen for our sakes to dwel in let us reverently bow to his holy Altars where himself in person comes to meet our prayrs Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the begining both now and ever world without end Amen Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Come let 's adore our glorify'd Jesus Hymn I. BEhold we come dear Lord to Thee And bow before thy Throne We come to offer on our knee Our vows to Thee alone What e're we have what e're we are Thy bounty freely gave Thou dost us here in mercy spare And wilt hereafter save But O can all our store afford No better gifts for Thee Thus we confess thy riches Lord And thus our poverty 'T is not our tongue or knee can pay The mighty debt we ow Far more we should than we can say Far lower than we bow Come then my soul bring all thy pow'rs And grieve thou hast no more Bring ev'ry day thy choycest hours And thy great God adore But above all prepare thy hart On this his own blest Day In its sweet task to bear thy part And sing and love and pray Glory to Thee Eternal Lord Thrice blessed Three in One Thy Name at all times be ador'd Till time it self be done Antiphon This is the day which our Lord has made let us be glad and rejoyce therein Alleluja Psal II. WElcome blest day wherin the Sun of Righteousnes arose * and chased away the clouds of fear Welcome thou birth-day of our hopes a day of joy and publique refreshment A day of holines and solemn devotion a day of rest and universal Jubilee Welcome to us and our dark world and may thy radiant Name shine bright for ever May all the earth be enlightned with thy beams and every frozen hart dissolve and sing This is the day which our Lord has made let us be glad and rejoyce therin This is the day he has sanctify'd to himself and cal'd by his own most holy Name That in it we may meet to adore his Greatnes and admire the wonders of his infinite Power That we may remember his innumerable Mercies and deeply imprint them in the center of our harts That we may visit his holy Temple a●●d humbly present our homage at his Altars Those sacred Altars where the Lamb of God is daily offer'd and the memory of our Saviour's love renew'd Worthy art thou O Lord of all our time worthy the praises of all thy creatures Every moment of our life is bound to bless thee since every moment subsists by thy Goodnes Shal others labour so much for vanity and shal we not rest for the service of our God Shal we employ the whole week on our selvs and not offer in gratitude one day to Thee To Thee who bestowst on us all we have and wilt give us hereafter more than we hope O gr●●●ous Lord whose mercy accepts * such slender payment as our poverty affords Whose bounty grants so liberally to us and retains so small a part for thy self O make us faithfully observe our duty and render so exactly the tribute we ow thee That passing still thy days to thy honour we may end our own in thy favour Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the begining both now and ever world without end Amen Antiph This is the day which our Lord has made let us be glad and rejoyce therein Alleluja Antiph Thou hast created all things O Lord for the use of man and man for the enjoyment of thy self Psal III. AS when the harvest Sun provides a cloud and seems to rest his wearied beams He seeks not to save the journy of his light but only spares the Reapers head Much less seek'st thou O Lord who mad'st the Sun * and inspir'st all creatures to represent thy bounty Much less seek'st thou by the reserve of a day to procure thine own repose Thou who createdst all things by a word of thy mouth and sustain'st them in thy hand without feeling any weight Who govern'st the whole World without perplexing thy thoughts and always remain'st the same unchangeable fulnes 'T is not to increase thine own Eternity that thus thou tak'st a portion of our time Thy goodnes friendly bears the name but intends for us all the profit of the day That the wearied hands may be reliev'd with rest and enabled to lift themselvs up to thee That the ignorant minds may be taught thy truth and learn the way to everlasting happines That the guilty consciences may accuse their crimes and be absolv'd on earth to be pardon'd in heaven That the love-prepared souls may approach thy Table and feast their hopes with that delicious Banquet That all may speak to thee by Prayer and hear thy voice by the mouth of their Pastors O blessed Lord what excellent arts * has thy wisdom invented to bring us to thy self Thou tak'st our eys by the beauty of thy house and the decent splendors of thy solemn Offices Thou quicken'st our affections by the livelyness of Pictures and meltest our hearts with the sweetness of thy Musick Thou strengthen'st our Faith by thy publique Assemblies and improv'st our Charity both to Thee and one another While we all meet together for the same blest end and by mutual reflections encrease our fervours Happy thrice happy they O Merciful God! whom thy Providence has favour'd with all these blessings Who freely may enter thy holy Sanctuary and sing aloud their praises to thy Name Who every day may wait on thy Altars and there securely adore thy Person Where thou art pleas'd to deny these Mercies refuse not O Lord to extend thy grace That at least we may build a litle Chappel in our harts and consecrate our selvs entirely to thee Be thou but present gracious God! and fill our Souls with thy chast love No farther motives shall we need to draw us nor other Temple to address our Prayrs Since every place where Thou art not is unholy and where thou art is Joy and Peace Glory be c. Antiph Thou hast created all things O Lord for the use of Man and Man for the enjoyment of thy self Antiph Has the Almighty Goodness made all things us for and shall we do nothing for him nothing for our selvs Psal IV COme let us lay aside the cares of this world and take into our minds the Joys of Heav'n Let us empty our heads of all other thoughts and prepare that upper room to entertain our God Retiring from the many distractions of this
many times O my Soul have we plainly concluded * that this earth affords no real joy How many times have we fully agreed that heav'n alone is the place of happines Yet do these false allurements again deceive us and steal away our harts to dote upon folly Yet do inconstant we forget our resolvs and wretchedly neglect our true felicity O thou victorious Conquerour of sin and death do thou assist us in this dangerous warfare O thou benign Refresher of distressed Spirits do thou relieve us in this tedious pilgrimage Make us stil thirst and sign after Thee the living-fountain of life-giving streams Make us despise all other delights and set our affections entirely on thy joys Since nothing Lord can satisfie our souls but Thee O let our souls seek nothing but Thee Glory be c. Psal XII GIve me O Lord the innocence of Doves and fill my soul with thy mild spirit Then shal I need none of their wings since heav'n it self wil dwel in my hart 'T is on the proud thou look'st afar off but inclin'st thine ear to the thumble and meek Who delight in the peace of a contented mind and limit their thoughts to their own litle sphear Never intermedling with the actions of others unless where reason and charity engage ' em But their belov'd imployment is to sit in silence and think on the happiness they expect hereafter To meditate the joys of Saints and Angels and the blysful Vision of the face of JESUS O how secure and sweetly do they sleep who go to bed with a quiet conscience Who after a day of faithful industry * in a course of just and pious living Lay down their wearied heads in peace and safely rest in the bosom of Providence If they awake their conscience comforts them in the dark and bids them not fear the shadow of death No nor even death it self but confidently look up * and long for the dawn of that eternal day This too my soul should be our care * to note and censure and correct our selv's To strive for mastery over the passions that molest us and dismiss from our thoughts what no way concerns us Are not our own occasions busines enough to fill as much time as this life deserv's Does not the other at least deserve * every minute of leisure we can spare from this Let then the world pursue their libertys and say and do as they think fit What 's that to thee my soul who shalt not answer for others unless thou some way make their faults thine own Thy pity may grieve and thy charity indeavour but if they will not hear follow thou thy God Follow the way that leads to truth follow the truth that leads to life Follow the steps of thy Beloved JESUS who alone is the way the truth and the life Follow his holines in what he did follow his patience in what he suffer'd Follow him that cals thee with a thousand promises follow him that crowns thee with infinite rewards Follow thy faithful Lord O my soul to the end and thou' rt sure in the end to possess him for ever Glory be c. Psal XIII MEeknes indeed is the heav'n of this life but the heav'n of heav'ns O Lord is above with Thee Meekness may qualify our miseries here and make our time pass gentlier away But to be fully happy we must stay till hereafter till thy mercy bring us to our last great end That glorious end for which our souls are made and all things else to serve them in their way 'T is not to sport our time in pleasures * that thou O Lord hast plac't us here 'T is not to gain a fair estate that thy kindnes still prolongs our days But to do good to our selvs or others and glorifie thee in improving thy creatures To increase every day our longing desires * of beholding Thee in thine own bright self O glorious Lord whose infinite sweetnes * provokes and satisfys all our appetites May my entire affections delight in thee above all the vain enjoyments of this world Above all praise and empty honour above all beauty and fading pleasure Above all health and deceitful riches above all power and subtlest knowledge Above even all thy own bounty can give and what ever is not thy very self O may my wearied soul repose in Thee the home and center of eternal rest May I forget my self to think on thee and fill my memory with the wonders of thy love That infinite love which when my thoughts consider not as they ought alas but as I am able The weight of my sufferings sits light upon me and all my fears are turn'd into joys O my adored JESUS let me love thee always * because from eternity thou hast loved me O let me love Thee only gracious God! because thou alone deserv'st all my hart Always and only let me love thee O Lord since always my hope is only in Thee Antiph All is unquiet here till we come to Thee and repose at last in the Kingdom of Peace Hymn IV. DEar Jesu when when will it be That I no more shall break with Thee When will this war of passions cease And let my soul injoy thy peace Here I repent and sin again Now I revive and now am slain Slain with the same unhappy dart Which O too often wounds my hart When dearest Lord when shall I be A garden seal'd to all but Thee No more expos'd no more undone But live and grow to Thee alone 'T is not alas on this low earth That such pure flow'rs can find a birth Only they spring above the skys Where none can live till here he dys Then let me dy that I may go And dwell where those bright lillys grow Where those blest plants of glory rise And make a safer Paradise No dangerous fruit no tempting Eve No crafty Serpent to deceive But we like Gods indeed shall be O let me dy that life to see Thus says my song but does my hart Joyn with the words and sing its part Am I so thorow-wise to chuse The Other world and this refuse Why should I not what do I find That fully here contents my mind What is this meat and drink and sleep That such poor things from heav'n should keep What is this honour or great place Or bag of mony or fair face What 's all the world that thus we shou'd Still long to dwell with flesh and blood Fear not my soul stand to the word Which thou hast sung to thy dear Lord Let but thy love be firm and true And with more heat thy wish renew O may this dying life make hast To dy into true life at last No hope have I to live before But then to live and dy no more Great Everliving God! to Thee In Essence One in Persons Three May all thy works their tribute bring And every age thy glory sing Capit. 1 Jo. 2. Love not the world nor the things
that are in the world if any one love the world the charity of the Father is not in him For all that is in the world is concupiscence of the flesh concupiscence of the eys and pride of life which is not of the Father but of the world and the world passes away and the concupiscence therof but he that does the will of God abides for ever Antiph Learn of me says our Lord for I am meek and humble of hart and you shall find rest to your souls V. Meekness indeed is the heav'n of this life R. But the heav'n of heav'ns is above with Thee O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God whose gracious Providence has particularly ordain'd the Spirit of Meeknes to waft us safely through the turbulent Sea of this world to our Haven of Blyss Vouchsafe we beseech thee so to dispose thy servants for this precious vertue by making every days clearer experience of our own weaknes and vanity strike our lofty sails and lay flat on the ground all proud conceits of our selvs that we suffer not our minds to be discompos'd with any passion nor our tongues to break forth into any violent expression but always preserve our selvs in such a regular and even temper stir the world how it will about us as becomes those all whose Powers are possest with the joys of heav'n and apt to feel in every thing only the sweet impulses of hope and charity through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen V. Vouchsafe us we beseech thee O Lord a quiet night and a happy end R. Amen V. Lord have mercy on us R. Christ have mercy on us V. Lord have mercy on us Our Father c. V. And lead us not into temptation R. But deliver us from evil Amen V. Into thy hands O Lord we commend our spirits R. Into thy hands O Lord we commend our spirits R. Thou hast redeemed us O Lord thou God of truth R. Into thy hands O Lord we commend our spirits V. Preserve us O Lord as the apple of thine ey R. Under the shadow of thy wings protect us V. Save us O Lord waking defend us sleeping R. That we may watch with Christ and rest in peace V. Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this night without sin R. Have mercy on us O Lord have mercy on us V. Lord let thy mercy be on us R. As our hope is in Thee V. O Lord hear our prayers R. And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray VIsit we beseech thee O Lord this habitation and drive far away all snares of the enemy let thy holy Angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace and thy blessing be upon us for ever through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen V. O Lord hear our Prayers R. And let our supplications come to Thee V. Bless we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God V. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace R. Amen Pause a litle then say one of the following Antiphons and Prayers according to the time From Advent Sunday Morning to Candlemas Eve V. Our Lord give us his peace R. And life everlasting Amen Blest Mother of our Lord whose pray'rs display The gates of heav'n whose light directs our way Here in these dangerous Seas obtain supplies For those who often fall yet strive to rise Thou at whom Nature stood amaz'd to see The world's Creator humbly born of Thee Thou whom the Angel did that homage pay All-spotless Virgin for us sinners pray V. Blessed O Lord is the womb that bare Thee R. And the brests that gave Thee suck Let us pray O God who by the blessed Fruit of the Virgin Mary hast bestow'd on mankind the rewards of eternal salvation grant we beseech Thee that we may always injoy the benefit of her intercession by whom thou wert pleas'd we should receive the Author of our life JESUS Christ thy Son our Lord Amen May the divine Assistance remain with us for ever Amen Pause a litle then say The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and holy Ghost descend upon us and dwell in our harts for ever Amen Pause a litle then rise So ends the whole Office of the day From Candlemas to Maundy Thursday V. Our Lord give us his peace R. And life everlasting Amen HAil Queen of Angels holy Quires Hail whom the Court of heav'n admires Thou art the Root whence our joys spring The Gate that light to us didst bring Heav'ns brightest Saints thy grace outshines Thy Glory all the Seraphins Live happy Favorite of Thy Son And plead our cause at his dread Throne V. Vouchsafe O holy Virgin to accept our praises R. And favour us with thy prayers for strength against our enemies Let us pray SUstain we beseech Thee O merciful God the weaknes of thy servants that we who celebrate the memory of the blessed Mother of our Lord may by the 〈◊〉 of her intercession obtain thy grace to rise from our iniquities through the same JESUS Christ our Lord Amen May the divine Assistance remain with us for ever Amen Pause Then The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and holy Ghost descend upon us and dwell in our hearts for ever Amen From Easter to Trinity Sunday V. Our Lord give us his peace R. And life Everlasting Amen REjoyce chast Queen of Angels and apply All those blest Quires to sing this Victory He that was born of Thee and dy'd for us Has conquer'd death is risen glorious Sing then and in thy hymns this mercy crave That thy great Son our souls in Judgment save V. Rejoyce and triumph O Blessed Virgin Mary Alleluja R. For our Lord is risen indeed Alleluja Let us pray O God who by the resurrection of thy Son our Lord JESUS Christ hast vouch●●af't to make glad the harts of the world grant we beseech Thee that by the prayers of his immaculate Virgin-Mother we may attain the joys of eternal life through the same JESUS Christ our Lord Amen May the divine Assistance remain with us for ever Amen Pause Then The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and holy Ghost descend upon us and dwell in our hearts for ever Amen From Trinity Sunday to Advent Sunday V. Our Lord give us his peace R. And life everlasting Amen HAil Queen of Saints Hail mercies Mother Our life our hope our comfort Hail To thee deploring one another We poor Eves banish't off-spring wail To thee we cry and our sad moans Sigh out into thy tender ears To thee our harts weep bitter groans In this doleful vale of tears Hear glorious Advocate O hear And towards wretched us incline The gracious aspect of those dear Compassionating eys of thine Soft source of pity mil'd and sweet O
Mary ever Virgin-pure Behold us prostrate at thy feet And by thy pow'rful pray'rs procure That an unweary'd close persuit Of life may bring us so to dy We may on JESUS thy blest Fruit Feast our glad eys eternally V. Pray for us O holy Mother of God! R. That we may be made worthy the promises of Christ Let us Pray ALmighty and everliving God who by the Co-operation of the Holy Ghost vouchsafedst to prepare the Body and Soul of the glorious Virgin-Mother Mary that she might become the worthy habitation of thy Son Grant that as with joy we celebrate her memory we may by her pious intercession be deliver'd from all temporal evils and from eternal death through the same JESUS Christ our Lord Amen May the divine assistance remain with us for ever Amen Pause then The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and Holy Ghost descend upon us and dwel in our harts for ever Amen MONDAY MATINS Introduction as page 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore our God that made us Come let 's adore our God that made us Psal XIIII LEt us with reverence appear before Him and humble our selvs in the presence of his glory Let us all bring forth our Psalms of Praise and sing with joy to our great Creator Come let 's adore our God that made us He made us not we our selvs and freely bestow'd on us all the rest of his creatures to engage our harts to love his goodnes and admire the riches of his infinite bounty Come let 's adore our God that made us Our bodys he fram'd of the dust of the earth and gave us a soul after his own likenes a soul which all created nature cannot fill nor any thing below his own Immensity Come let 's adore our God that made us For himself he made us and for his glorious Kingdom that we might dwel with him in perfect blyss and sing his praises for ever Come let 's adore our God that made us Glory be c. As it was Come let 's adore our God that made us Come let 's adore our God that made us Hymn V. WAke now my Soul and humbly hear What thy mild Lord commands Each word of his wil charm thine ear Each word wil guide thy hands Hark how his sweet and tender care Complys with our weak minds What e're our state and temper are Stil some fit work he finds They that are merry let them sing And let the sad harts pray Let those stil ply their cheerfnl wing And these their sober way So mounts the early chirping Lark Stil upward to the Skys So sits the Turtle in the dark Among her groans and crys And yet the Lark and yet the Dove Both sing though several parts And so should we how e're we move With light or heavy harts Or rather Both should both assay And their cross-notes unite Both grief and joy should sing and pray Since both such hopes invite Hopes that all present sorrow heal All present joy transcend Hopes to possess and tast and feel Delights that never end All glory to the sacred Three All honor power and praise As at the first may ever be Beyond the end of days Amen Antiph All things ly open to the eys of God all things are naked to Him with whom we speak Psal XV. HAppy are they O glorious Lord * who every where adore thy Presence Happy who live on earth as in the sight of the King of heaven and every moment say in their hart Our God is here Here in the Center of our souls to witnes all our thoughts and judg exactly our most secret intents Though his Throne of state be establisht above and the splendors of his glory shine only on the Blessed Yet his unlimited Ey looks down to this lower world and beholds all the ways of the children of Adam If we go out he marks our steps and when we retire our Closet excludes not him While we are alone He minds our contrivings and the ends we aim at in all our studys When we converse with others He observs our deportment and the good or ill we do them or our selvs In our devotions he notes our carriage and regards with what attention we recite our pray'rs All the day long He considers how we spend our time and our darkest night conceals not our works from Him If we deceive our Neighbor He spys the fraud and hears the least whisper of a slandering tongue If we in secret oppress the Poor or by private alms relieve their wants If in our harts we murmur at the Rich or live contented with our litle portion What e're we do He perfectly sees us wher e're we are he is sure to be with us Why O thou Soveraign Lord of heav'n why dost thou stoop thus low thy glorious Ey What canst thou find that here deservs thy sight among the trifles of our empty world What canst thou find alas that should not fear thy sight among the follys of our vicious lives 'T is not thy self O Lord thou seekst to satisfy but all thy design is for our advantage Thou graciously stand'st by to see as work that thine awful ey may quicken our diligence Thou art still at hand to relieve our wants that so friendly a nearnes may increase our confidence Thou appear'st still ready to punish our sins that the shake of thy rod may prevent our miserys Sure O my God thy favours must needs be sweet since even thy threatnings have so much mercy Sure we must needs be worse then blind if to the face of heav'n we dare be wicked Henceforth O gracious Lord as children freely play * in the indulgent presence of their tender father So make us still with humble boldnes * rejoyce before Thee our merciful Creator And as new pardon'd subjects justly fear * the angry brow of their offended Prince So let our oft-forgiven souls continually tremble * to provoke the wrath of thy dread Majesty O temper thus our love with reverence and thus allay our fear with hope Glory be c. Antiph All things ly open to the eys of our God all things are naked to Him with whom we speak Antiph Happy we who have our God so near us happy if our pious lives keep us near Him Psal XVI MY God! since Thou art never absent from us let us be always present with Thee Let us go up to thy Throne above and there contemplate and admire thy glory Let us attend on thy holy Altars and there adore and praise thy mercy Every where let us seek to meet Thee every where let us delight to find Thee All our wants let us spread before Thee all our petitions let us offer to Thee Thou willingly inclin'st thy gracious ear * to the pray'rs that come from a fervent hart Thou lov'st to hear us so treat of Heav'n as if we made it our business indeed to go thither All other things we must ask with submission to
Thee since we know not absolutely what 's good for our selvs But thy eternal joys we may beg without restraint and urge and press for thy assistance to gain them Heav'n we may wish without the check of resignation Heav'n we may pray for without fear of improtunity O wise and gracious Lord what e're thou dost * thy love intends it all for the good of thy servants If thou defer'st som times to grant our requests 't is only in charity to make us repeat them That we may feel more sensibly our own poverty and be stronglier convinc't of our dependance on Thee That we may practise our hope while we long expect and increase our gratitude when we receive at last That we may learn this sure and happy skil * of working in our souls the Vertues we desire By often renewing those very desires til themselvs become even the graces we seek But O improvident we how unwilling to pray * are most of us always and all of us sometimes How do our litle Offices seem long and tedious and half an hour quite tire our patience How are we slow to begin and swift to make an end how heavy while they are saying and glad when they are said Yet sure no easier work than to ask what we want nor cheaper purchase than to have for asking Sure no sweeter pleasure than to Converse with God nor greater profit then to gain his favour Still we have new transgressions to confess and shall never alas want infirmities to lament Often O dreadful Lord when we speak to Thee * we do not so much as hear our selvs Often we pursue impertinent objects and our careles thoughts contradict our words But O Thou blessed End of all our labors and only Center of all our wishes Do thou reclaim our wandring fancys and guide and fix them to attend thy service Night and day let us call on Thee and never cease knocking at the doors of thy Palace Let no delay discourage our hope nor even refusal destroy our confidence But let this firm foundation still sustain us and on This let our peace be stablisht for ever What 's truly necessary thy Goodnes will not deny the rest our obedience submits to thy Pleasure Glory be c. Antiph Happy we who have our God so near us happy if our pious lives keep us near Him Antiph You have not because you ask not you ask and receive not because you ask amiss Psal XVII DEliver us O Lord from asking of Thee * what we cannot receive without danger to our selvs Deliver us from receiving what we cannot use * without offending others and ruining our own souls Deliver us from presuming so on thy bounty * that we omit to perform our own duty Still to our devotion let us joyn our best endeavours * and make our earth comply with thy heaven If we desire of Thee to relieve our necessitys * let us faithfully begin to labor with our hands And not expect a blessing from the clouds * on the idle follys of an undisciplin'd life If we beg grace for victory o're our passions let us constantly strive to resist their assaults Let us wisely foresee our particular dangers and use the proper weapon against every sin To obtain the gift of chastity we must mortify our senses and immediately fly the least shadow of tentation In vain we approach thy holy Altars if our lives prepare not the way for our Offerings Thou shut'st thy ears to our loudest pray'rs if we open not ours to the voice of the poor Thou deny'st to pardon our trespasses against Thee unless we already have forgiven our Enemys O the extreme benignity of our glorious God! who treats with his creatures on equal terms Who deals no otherwise with us miserable wretches then we our selvs commerce with one another He promises to give us the same measure we give our neighbors and performs incomparably more then he promises Prest down and shaken together and runing over * into the bosoms of them that love him Such O my God is the bounty of thy Goodness and no less the patience of thy generous hand Thou holdest thy blessings hovering o're our heads still watching the time when we are fit to receive them Then thou immediately send'st them down upon us to enter our harts and dwell with us for ever Even that very temper which thus disposes us * intirely depends on the favour of thy providence Every Condition thou requirest on our part * being nothing else but thine own free gift Thy mercy alone is the fountain of all our blessings and in what channel soever they flow to us they spring from Thee Thou art the God of nature and reason Thou art the God of grace and religion Give gracious God what thou art pleas'd to command and then command what thou pleasest Glory be c. Antiph You have not because you ask not you ask and receive not because you ask amiss Our Father c. First Lesson GOd from the beginning made man and left him in the hand of his own counsel He added his commandments and precepts if thou wilt keep them they will preserve thee Fire and water he has set before thee stretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt Before man is life and death good and evil that which he chuses shall be given him for the Wisdom of God is great and he is mighty in power his eys are towards them that fear him and he knows every work of man He has commanded none to do wickedly nor given any a lycence to sin but the penitent he restores to the way of justice and those who were failing in perseverance he confirms and appoints them the lot of truth Turn to our Lord and forsake thy sins pray before his face and lessen thy offences Be not rash with thy mouth nor let thy hart be hasty to utter any thing before God for God is in heav'n and thou art on earth therefore let thy words be few Before prayer prepare thy soul and be not as one that tempts God Go not after thy concupiscences but turn away from thine own will if thou giv'st to thy soul her desires it will make thee a derision to thy enemys A wise man will fear in every thing and in the occasion of sin will take heed of being negligent He that loves danger shall perish therin and he that despises small things shall fall by litle and litle Better is he that has less knowledg and fears then he that abounds in understanding and transgresses the Law of the Highest R. My soul what canst thou wish for more behold thy gracious Lord offers thee to chuse what thou wlt and promises to give thee what thou chusest * O infinite Goodnes 't is Thy self alone I chuse Thou art my only happines for ever I see my portion hereafter depends on my choice here but my choice O Lord depends on thee guide me with thy holy grace that
I withdraw my affections from all vain and perishable creatures and fix them intirely on the enjoyment of Thee my Lord and my God and my eternal felicity * O infinite Goodnes 't is thy self Second Lesson THe beginning of wisdom is the true desire of discipline and the care of discipline is love and love is the keeping of her laws and the keeping of her laws is the accomplishment of incorruption and incorruption makes us next to God therefore the desire of wisdom leads us to an everlasting Kingdom If then you be delighted with Thrones and Scepters seek wisdom that you may reign for ever Into a malicious soul wisdom will not enter nor dwell in a body subject to sins for the holy Spirit will fly from him that dissembles and withdraw himself from thoughts that are without understanding and be chaced away when iniquity comes in The Spirit of wisdom is gentle and will not deliver the Curser from his own lips for God is witnes of his reins and searcher of his hart and hearer of his tongue therefore he that speaks unjust things cannot be hidden nor shall the chastizing vengeance forbear him If thou shalt call for wisdom and incline thy hart to prudence if thou shalt seek her as mony and dig her up as treasure then shalt thou understand the fear of our Lord and fynd the knowledg of God For our Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth is prudence and knowledge R. Send down O thou God of our Fathers and Lord of mercy send down thy Wisdom thy holy heav'n and from the seat of thy greatnes to be in us and labor with us and teach us what is acceptable to thee * That we may know our end and wisely chuse our way and order all our actions to our true felicity Our thoughts are fearful and our prudences incertain we scarce conjecture the things that are on earth and find with pains the things that are in sight Give us O Lord the wisdom that assists at thy Throne and reject us not from among thy Children * That we may Third Lesson THe Spirit of those that fear God shal live and at his sight shal be Blessed for their hope is in him that saves them and the eys of God are on them that love him He that fears our Lord shal tremble at nothing because He is his hope he raises up the Soul and illuminates the eys and gives life and health and blessing Our Lord is only theirs who expect him in the way of truth and justice the Highest allows not the gifts of the wicked nor regards the oblations of the unjust nor pardons their offences for the multitude of their sacrifices By mercy and faith sins are purged and by the fear of our Lord every one declines from evil Despise not a man that turns himself from sin nor upbraid him therwith remember we are all in state to be blam'd Forgive thy neighbor that hurts thee and when thou pray'st thy sins shal be forgiven thee One man reservs anger against another and does he seek pardon of God he has not mercy on a man like himself and does he intreat for his own sins Remember the last things and cease to be at enmity remember the fear of God and be not angry with thy neighbor Hast thou sin'd do so no more but withal pray that thy former sins may be forgiven thee Fly from sin as from the face of a serpent if thou approach it will bite thee the teeth thereof are as the teeth of lyons killing the souls of men He that is washt from the dead and touches him again what does his washing profit him so a man that fasts for his sins and does the same again what avails it to have humbled himself who will hear his prayer R. Deliver us O Lord from relapsing into the sins we have repented the sins we so often have promised to amend Deliver us from all malice and enmity with our neighbors and from oppressing the poor who have none to defend them * Then may we confidently expect thy protection if we serve Thee and love one another Thou art our strength O Lord whom shall we fear Thou art our Salvation of what shall we be afraid nothing can hurt us but our own vicious desires nothing can endanger us but disobedience to our God * Then may we Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost Then may we confidently expect thy protection if we serve Thee and love one another Pause a while to reflect and renew attention then begin Monday Lauds O God incline unto our aid O Lord make hast to help us Glory be to the Father and to the Son * and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the begining both now and ever world without end Amen Alleluia Antiph Bless our Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name Psal XVIII COme let us sing the praises of our God and joyfully recite his divine Perfections His being is from himself alone and he depends not on any but his own eternal Essence His Knowledg fathoms the extent of all things and his power commands them as he pleases His goodnes is supreamly infinite and all his glorious Attributes transcendently adorable Come let us sing the praises of our God and joyfully recite his divine perfections He is the Source of all felicity eternally full of his own unchangable Blyss Before time began He was and when the Sun must lose its light his day will remain the same for ever The heav'n of heav'ns is the Palace of his Glory and all-created nature the subject of his Dominion In his presence the brightest Seraphims cover their faces and all the blessed Spirits bow down their heads to his footstool Come let us sing aloud the prerogatives of our God and stretch our utmost thoughts to exalt his Greatnes But O most glorious and dreadful Deity how dare we wretches undertake thy praise How dare our sin-polluted lips pronounce thy Name or where shal we seek expressions fit for Thee All we can say is nothing to thy unspeakable Excellencys all we can think but a faint shadow of thy unconceivable Beautys Even the voice of Angels is too low to reach thy Worth and their highest strains fall infinitely short of Thee Only in this shal thy servants rejoyce and all the Powers of our souls be glad That Thy self alone art thine own full praise Be to thy self thine own glory Live our great God eternally incompast * with the beams of thine own inaccessible light Live our ador'd Creator and raign for ever * on the Throne of thine own immortal Kingdom Glory be c. Psal XIX Too glorious art thou O Lord in Thy self and thy direct ray shines too bright for our eys Yet may we venture to praise Thee in thy works and contemplate Thee at least reflected from thy creatures In them we may safely behold our mighty Maker and freely admire the
Magnificence of our God Heav'n and earth are full of his greatnes heav'n and earth were created by his power From him all the hosts of Angels receiv'd their Being from him they have the honour to assist in his presence He kindled warmth and brightnes in the Sun and beauteously garnisht the Firmament with stars He spred the Ayr and stor'd it with flocks of birds He gather'd the waters and replenisht them with shoals of fishes He establisht the Earth on a firm foundation and richly adorn'd it with innumerable varietys Every Element is fill'd with his blessings and all the world with his liberal Miracles He spake the word and they were made he commands and they are still preserv'd He governs their motions in perfect order and distributes to each its proper Office Contriving the Whole into one vast Machin a spacious Theater of his own unlimited Greatnes O glorious Architect of universal nature who disposest all things in number weight and measure How does thy wisdom engage us to admire Thee How does thy Goodnes oblige us to love Thee Not for themselvs alone O gracious God did thy hand produce those happy Spirits But to receive in charge thy litle flock and safe conduct them to the folds of Blyss Not for themselvs at all O bounteous Lord were the Rest of this huge Creation fram'd But to sustain our lives in the way and carry us on to our eternal home O may our souls first praise Thee for themselves and employ their whole powers to improve in thy service May we praise Thee O Lord for all thy gifts but infinitely above all still value the Giver May every blessing be a motive of gratitude and every creature a step of approach towards Thee So shall we faithfully observe their end and happily arrive at ours Using them only to entertain us here till our souls be prepar'd for the life of heav'n Till they become full ripe for Thee and then fly away to thy holy presence Glory be c. Psal XX. HOw admirable is thy Name O Lord over all the earth how wise and gracious the counsels of thy Providence After Thou had'st thus prepar'd the world as a house ready furnisht for man to inhabit Thy mighty hand fram'd our bodys of the dust and built them in a shape of use and beauty Thou breath'dst into us the spirit of Life and fittedst us with facultys proportion'd to our end Thou gav'st us a soul to govern our bodies and reason to command in our soul Thou reveal'dst to us a Law for the improvement of our reason and enablest us by thy grace to observe that Law Thou mad'st us Lords over all thy creatures but little inferior to thy glorious Angels Thou compellest whole Nature to serve us without reward and invitest us to love Thee for our own happiness Thou design'dst us an age of pure delights * in that sweet and fruitful Garden Where having led a long and pleasant life thou promisedst to transplant us to thine own Paradise All this thou didst O glorious God the full Possessor of universal blys Not for any need thou hadst of us or the least advantage thou could'st derive from our being All this thou didst O infinite Goodnes the liberal bestower of what e're we possess Not for any merit alas of ours or the least motive we could offer to induce Thee But for thine own excessive charity and the mere inclination of thine own rich nature That empty we might receive of thy fulnes and be partakers of thy overflowing bounty So sheds the generous Sun his beams and freely scatters them on every side Guilding all the world with his beauteous light and kindly cherishing it with his fruitful heat And so dost Thou and infinitely more O thou God of infinite more perfections So we confess thou dost to us but we what return have we made to Thee Have we consider'd well the end of our being and faithfully comply'd with thy purpose to save us Ah wretched we we neglect thy holy rules and govern our actions by chance and humour We quite forget our God that made us and fill our heads with thoughts that undo us Pardon O gracious Lord our past ingratitude and mercifully direct our time to come Teach every passage of our yet remaining life to express an acknowledgment fit for thy mercys O make our senses subject to our reason and our reason entirely obedient to thee O make the whole Creation conspire to thy honour and all that depend on thee joyn together in thy praise This is the only praise thou expectest from us and the whole honour thou requirest of thy Creatures That by observing the orders thou appointest here in this lower region of change and motion We may all grow up to be happy herafter in that state of permanency and eternal rest Glory be c. Antiph Bless our Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name Capit. 4. Apoc. WOrthy art Thou O Lord our God to receive glory and honor and power because Thou hast created all things and for thy will they are and were created Hymn VI. HArk my soul how every thing Strives to serve our bounteous King Each a double tribute pays Sings it part and then obeys Nature's chief and sweetest Quire Him with cheerful notes admire Chanting every day their Lauds While the grove their song applauds Though their voices lower be Streams have too their melody Night and day they warbling run Never pause but stil sing on All the flow'rs that guild the spring Hither their still-musick bring If Heav'n bless them thankful they Smell more sweet and look more gay Only we can scarce afford This short Office to our Lord We on whom his bounty flows All things gives and nothing ows Wake for shame my sluggish hart Wake and gladly sing thy part Learn of birds and springs and flow'rs How to use thy nobler pow'rs Call whole nature to thy aid Since 't was He whole nature made Join in one eternal song Who to one God all belong Live for ever glorious Lord Live by all thy works ador'd One in Three and Three in One Thrice we bow to Thee alone Amen Antiph The boundless Ocean of Being could not contain his streams but overflow'd upon pure nothing and behold a beauteous world appear'd Heav'n and earth and all therein from the highest Angel to the least grain of dust all together the most perfect participation of his Essence V. He spake the word and they were made R. He but commanded and they were created O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O Almighty Lord the only wise and good Creator of the Universe who mad'st all corporeal nature for the use of Man and Man for his own felicity enlarge our souls we beseech Thee humbly to admire and adore thy infinite fulnes of Being in Thy self and thy immense liberality of it to us and mercifully carry on the whole
sin and a shame that brings glory and grace Accept no person against thy soul not let the respect of any cause thee to fall Reverence not thy neighbour in his offence nor refrain from speaking when there is occasion to do good By no means contradict the truth nor be asham'd to confess thy sins Be not hasty in thy words and remiss and unprofitable in thy deeds Let not thy hand be stretcht out to receive and clos'd to give Be not as a lyon in thy house nor oppress those that are under thee Fear our Lord and the King and with detracters meddle not for their perdition shall suddenly come upon them He that swears much shall be fill'd with iniquity and mischief shall not depart from his house if he deceive his brother his sin shall be upon him if he dissemble he doubles his offence and if he swear in vain he shall not be acquitted Turn away thy face from a woman trimly drest and gaze not at anothers beauty for by the beauty of a woman many have perisht and it inflames concupiscence as a fire Be not at the feast of great drinkers nor at the riotous banquets of those who bring their dishes together to eat for the drunkard and the glutton shall be consum'd and the drowsy cloth'd with rags I past by the field of a slothful man and by the vinyard of a fool and behold it was run over with netles and thorns cover'd its face and the stone wall was destroy'd which when I saw I laid it in my hart and by the example learnt discipline By what things a man sins by the same he shall be tormented R. Blessed O my God be thy Providence for ever which so plentifully furnishes us with rules of vertue and so safely guides all those sould to happines who chuse to live under thy sweet government * As thou hast shewn us the way Lord give us strength to walk in it and bring us in the end to thy eternal rest Make us seriously reflect on every line we read and love the truth when it most reproves us Make us labour to correct every error of our lives and always humbly implore thy gracious assistance * As thou hast Glory be c. * As thou hast Pause As page 17. VVednesday Lauds O God incline c. as page 18. Antiph All my life long will I praise my God and lift up my hands to his holy Throne Psal XLIV LEt them neglect thy praises O Lord who never consider thy mercys Let them be silent to thee O gracious God whose mouths are full of themselves But as for us who subsist by thy gifts * and thankfully acknowledg the riches of thy goodnes Our harts shal continually meditate on Thee and our lips delight to sing thy glory Blessed for ever be thy name O JESU and blessed be the sweetnes of thy Wisdom Whose infinite Charity has vouchsaft our earth * such excellent Rules to guide it to heaven Thou taughtst us that happy skil of finding our lives by a generous losing them to follow Thee Thou taught'st us to love our true selvs best by wisely hating our mistaken selvs Thou taught'st us to trample this world under our feet and use it as a step to climb up to the next From Thee we learn those glorious Mysterys * that exalt our faith so high above reason From thee we derive those Heroick Counsels * that raise our souls so far above nature From thee alone and from thy school of grace * all we know we learn and all we do we receive How long alas might we have wandred here * in the midst of darknes and error Had not thy love and pity O merciful Lord brought down thy very self to become our light Never should we else have learnt to deny our selvs and take up our Cross and follow Thee Never should we have known that great secret of peace to forgive our enemys and do good to those who despitefully use us On the unsatisfying things of this low earth * should we blindly have set our whole affections Hadst thou not told us of the Kingdom of Heav'n and bid us lay up our treasures there Hadst thou not terrify'd us to fear thy wrath by declaring the miserys that attend our sins Hadst thou not invited us to obey thy Commands by proposing the felicitys of a pious life What hast thou promised gracious Lord * to the meek and poor in spirit What hast thou promised to the Weepers here to those that hunger and thirst after holines How many joys has thy bounty prepar'd for the lovers of mercy and the makers of peace How many blessings for the pure of hart and those who with patience bear their Crosses O thou all-seeing Wisdom of the eternal Father * and Soveraign King of Men and Angels Who left'st thy glorious Throne to come down on our earth and familiarly teach us the Oracles of heav'n Write thou these sacred words in the tables of our harts and suffer not at any time our passions to break them Make us stil study Thee our heav'nly Master and continually admire the beauty of thy Law A Law that so clearly shews us our end and so plenteously furnishes means to attain it A Law that so safely cures our infirmitys and so fitly supplys all our defects A Law so exactly conform to true reason and so highly perfective of humane nature A blessed Law that makes even here our life more sweet and leads us herafter to everlasting felicity Glory be c. Psal XLV NEver will we cease to exalt thy Goodnes O JESU since thou never ceasest to oblige us with new Blessings Thy generous charity could not thus be satisfyd to have only spoken to us the words of lif 'T was not enough for thy excessive love that thy heav'nly Sermons told us our duty But thou must urge and provoke our obedience by the sweet inforcement of thine own example Thou forbad'st thy followers to affect superfluitys and thine own provision was a few barly loavs Thou command'st the rich to give alms with cheerfulnes and bestow'st on the poorest wretch even thy precious self Thou bid'st us not fear them that kill the body and yeildest up thine own to the death on the Cross Thou injoyn'st us to love our fiercest Enemys and thy dying breath pray'd for thy Crucifiers Thy perfect Soul needed not as our weak natures * the outward forms and discipline of Religion Yet thou vouchsafed'st to observe the common Feasts and assist at the publique Offices of the Temple To watch and pray and fast with so fervent a zeal that thy practice outdid thine own precepts This life and even death it self our merciful Lord undertook to mark out for us the way to heav'n To beat it plain by his own sacred steps and render our passage thither easy and secure Shal we not then O my Soul rejoycingly follow that path * which we see our Saviour trod before us Which we see though
* and are opprest under the weight of your sins Come to me you that hunger after heav'n * and thirst to drink at the fountain of blyss Come to me and I will refresh you * with the wine of gladnes and the bread of life Come you that are weak that you may grow strong and you that are strong lest you become weak Come you that have leisure and here entertain your time come you that are busy and here learn to sanctify your imployment Come all and gather freely of this celestial Manna and fill your souls with the food of Angels Glory be c. Psal LVIII THus does our gracious Lord invite and shall we go shall sinners dare to sit down at his table Thus He invites and shall we not go shall wretches presume to refuse his Call Rise then my soul and take thy swiftest wings and fly to the presence of this great Mystery Soon as thou com'st bow low thy head and humbly adore our hidden God Our God who is come thus far to meet us and brings along with him a whole heav'n to entertain us Arise and leave the world behind thee and run with gladnes to salute thy Lord Enter the Palace of that admirable Tabernacle the house of his own most glorious Residence There we shall see the Eternal Word * that descended from heav'n to become man for us We shall see him still more wonderfully abridg'd * into a lesser space and lower shape There we shall see the Lord of glory * vested with the familiar forms of bread and wine There we shall see the Prince of Peace * sacrifice himself to reconcile us with his Father There we shall see O stupendious mercy the Son of God stoop even to the mouths of men Can we O dear Redeemer believe these Wonders and not be ravisht with admiration of thy love Can we acknowledg thy supream Veracity and not believe were they possible stil greater wonders What though our eys say ther 's nothing but bread our faith assures us there 's nothing but our Saviour Shall not the almighty Power that made our senses * exceed the operation of his own creatures Shall we refuse to believe our God because his mercys transcend our capacitys No no 't is thy very self we see O Blessed JESU 't is thine own light by which we see Thee None but an infinite Wisdom could ever have invented * so strange and high and prodigious a mystery None but a more then infinite Goodnes would ever have imparted * so dear and tender and rich a blessing Glory be c. Psal LIX LOrd who are we unworthy sinners that thus thou regardest our wretched dust What is all the world compar'd to Thee that thus thou seem'st to disregard thy self 'T is for our sakes and to draw us to thy love that thou personally vouchsafest to dwell among us 'T is for our sakes and to spare the infirmity of our nature that thy brightnes appears not in its proper luster Blessed O JESU are the eys that see thee in this kind disguise and the mouth that reverently receives Thee Blessed yet more is the hart that desires thy coming and longs to see thee in thy beauteous self O Thou eternal Lord of grace and glory * our joy and portion in the land of the Living What hast thou there prepar'd for thy servants who bestowest such pledges of thy bounty here What dost Thou there reserve in thine own Kingdom who giv'st us Thy self in this place of banishment How will thy open vision transport our souls when our dark faith yields such delight Nothing on earth so sweet as to kneel whole hours before thee and one by one consider thy innumerable mercys VVhat must it be in heaven to shine continually before Thee and all in one contemplate thy u●●speakable glorys O my ador'd Redeemer when will that happy day appear that mine eys may behold thee without a veil When will these clouds and shadows pass away that thy beams may shine on me in their full brightnes Object not against me dearest Lord that none can see thy face and live Those fears thy love has chang'd and all my hope * is now to live by seeing thee Say not O thou mild and gracious Majesty if I approach thy presence I must dy Rather instruct me so to dy that I may live for ever in thy presence Glory be c. Antiph How great is the multitude of thy sweetnes O Lord which Thou hast hidden for those that love Thee Capit. 7. Apoc. A Men Benediction and Glory and VVisdom and Thanksgiving Honor and Power and Strength be to our God for ever and ever Amen Hymn XVIII VVIth all the pow'rs my poor soul hath Of humble love and loyal faith Thus low my God I bow to Thee VVhom too much love bow'd low'r for me Down busy sense Discourses dy And all adore Faith's Mystery Faith is my skill Faith can believe As fast as Love new laws can give Faith is my ey Faith strength affords To keep pace with those pow'rful words And words more sure more sweet then they Love could not think Truth could not say O dear Memorial of that death VVhich still survives and gives us breath Live ever bread of Life and be My food my joy my all to me Come glorious Lord my hopes encrease And fill my portion in thy peace Come hidden life and that long day For which I languish come away When this dry soul those eys shal see And drink the unseald source of Thee When glory's Sun faith's shade shal chase And for thy veil give me thy face Antiph He feeds the young Ravens that call on Him and says He esteems us much better then them behold a full proof He feeds them and all things else but to feed us behold yet a fuller O Riddle of Bounty even out of the Feeder himself comes food for us V. The bread of life which came down from heav'n R. Feed us with the bread of science and understanding O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O Bounteous Lord the continual supplier of thy creatures with all convenient sustenance to advance our growth and strength fit to take heav'n by violence and rise at length eternal Injoyers of thy self Fix we beseech Thee our eys and adoration on that open Hand which thus graciously gives us our dayly bread and grant that the miraculous Feast of thy Sons Body and Blood may duly sanctify our tasts to all other thy bountys that they may relish as they are only thy great love to us and feed as they ought purely thy dear love in us through the same our Lord Commemorations as Page 29. Thursday Vespers OUr Father c. as Page 33. Antiph Whether O my God should we wander if left to our selvs where should we fix our harts if not directed by thee Psal LX. UNhappy man at first created just as every work comes fair from
men Psal LXIII VVHo will give me this happy favour that I may find my God alone That I may find him in the silence of retirement where the noise of this world can no way interrupt us But that my God may speak to me and I to him as dearest friends converse together That I may unfold before him all my wants and freely ask the charity of his counsel VVhat shall I do O my gracious Lord to be happy here VVhat shall I do to be happy herafter Nature already has thus far taught me that in all I undertake I seek my own good Only I have cause to fear I may mistake that good and set up an Idol instead of thee Unless my God vouchsafe to instruct me and shew my soul its true felicity Hark how the eternal wisdom gives thee advice and let every word sink deep into thy soul Seek with thy first endeavours the Kingdom of heav'n and all things else shall be added to thy wish Love with thy whole affections the injoyment of thy God and all things else shall conspire to thy happines All these my lips confess are excellent truths but when O my God shall my life confess them When shall I perfectly overcome my passions and guide them so that they may draw me to thy light While they are mine alas I cannot govern them behold dear Lord I offer them all to Thee Check thou their lawles motions by thy grace lest they violently carry me away from my duty Wean thou my hart from the follys of this world and quicken its appetite to thy solid joys That I may hunger and thirst perpetually after Thee and those glorious promises thou hast made to thy servants That my whole soul may seek Thee alone since Thou alone art all my heav'n Glory be c. Psal LXIV WHen O my soul shall thy God find thee alone free from those busy thoughts that fill thy head O with what ready charity would he then instruct thee and let thee in to his blessed Secrets Himself would become thy familiar Guest and dwell with thee in perpetual joy Lord Thou must enter first and chace those fancys away and consecrate my soul a temple to thy self Take thou entire possession and hold it fast for ever and suffer not the enemys of my peace to return Sit thou as Soveraign King and absolutely command for thy government is mild and rewards are infinite What hast thou promis'd gracious Lord * to him that receives thee with an humble love All that 's contain'd in those sweet and mystick words * he dwels in me and I in him O blessed words if once my soul can say He dwels in me and I in him He is my refuge in all temptations He is my comfort in all distresses He is my security against all enemys He dwels in me and I in him What can an infinite bounty give greater then it self and what can an empty creature receive greater then his God O glorious God my life my joy and the only center of all my hopes VVere my unsteddy soul once united to Thee or once had relisht the sweetnes of thy presence How would all other company seem dull and tedious and the whole world be bitter to my tast How would my thoughts cleave fast to thee and gladly seal this everlasting Covenant If Thou O Lord wilt dwel with me my hart shall continually attend on Thee Night and day will I sing thy praises and all my life long adore thy mercys Glory be c. Psal LXV THou art my only hope O blessed JESU and thy favour alone is all things to me In thee I find the providence of a father * and the tender kindnes of an indulgent mother In thee I enjoy the protection of a King * and the rare fidelity of a constant friend In thee I possess what ever I want and thy fulnes exceeds even my utmost desires Thou art O JESU my God and all things what can I think or wish for more Already enough is said for them that love and know the value of those precious words O sweet and charming words my God and all things sweet in excess to those that tast them Not to the corrupted palates of the world who relish nothing but the food of sense VVordes that revive the fainting mind and fill its darkest thoughts with light and joy O may these blessed words dwell on my tongue and live for ever in my faithful memory VVhere e're I am in this inconstant world and what ever busines entertains my hand Still let my inward ey look up towards Thee and fix my sight on thy glorious face Still may I wish and long for that happy day * which opens to my soul so blest a view Where I shall see and no longer darkly believe * that thou O Lord art my God and all things Glory be c. Antiph What couldst thou say dear Lord more sweet then this Thy delight is to be with the children of men Hymn XX. COme my thoughts who fondly fly At every toy that passes by Spending so your strength in vain While what you court you ne're can gain Come my soul who sure must be Quite tir'd with all this life can see Losing oft thy hope and time Come take advice of this plain rime Seek no more abroad thy rest But seek at home in thine own brest Let thy mind from guilt be clear Then look for all thy comfort there With thy Self and with thy God Delight to make thy chief abode There repose secure and free And no mischance can trouble thee Should death's self thy walls assail Still thou art safe and canst not fail Still thy soul 's thine own and she To a new house remov'd shall be New and lasting there above All built and furnish't with pure love There shall this mud wall of thine Repair'd the brightest stars outshine There thy Lord who feeds thee now VVith his own flesh will more bestow He came down to be like thee Thou shalt go up and like Him be King of glory King of peace May these our praises never cease Still may we adore thy Throne Still bow and sing to Thee alone Capit. 1. Pet. 5. HUmble your selvs under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in the day of visitation casting upon Him all your solicitude for He has care of you Be sober and watch for your adversary the devil as a roaring lyon compasses about seeking whom he may devour whom resist strong in faith Antiph Be vacant and see how sweet our Lord is get above the eclipse of earth and be ravisht with the light of his countenance V. I said to all creatures Peace be gone R. Let me injoy my God in solitude and silence O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God whose delights are to be with the children of men when thy grace can prevail with us to quit all other Converse and
retire to Thee alone Grant we humbly beseech Thee that thy Providence's withdrawing every night all the world from our senses may efficaciously prompt us to clear our heads and harts of all its distractions and thy holy Spirit finding our minds happily vacant may fill them with acts of love and reverence and adoration of Thee as our only God and all things through our Lord Vouchsafe c. as page 54. Friday MATINS Introduction as page 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Psal LXVI VVHen we had sold our selvs to sin and were all become the slaves of Satan our blessed JESU descended from heav'n and brought a vast price to buy out our freedom Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us The price was no less then his own dearest blood which he plenteously shed on the holy Cross depositing so his inestimable life to rescue us sinners from eternal death Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Let us consecrate this day to his sacred memory and tenderly compassionate his unparalleld sufferings repenting from our harts our many sins and thankfully admiring his infinite mercys Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Let us wean our minds from unbecoming delights and mortify our senses with a prudent restraint that carry'd on the wings of fasting and alms our prayers may mount up more swiftly to heav'n Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Glory be to the Father c. As it was c. Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Come let 's adore our God that redeem'd us Hymn XXI COme let 's adore the King of love And King of sufferings too For love it was that brought him down And set him here in wo. Love drew him from his Paradise Where flow'rs that fade not grow And planted Him in our poor dust Among us weeds below Here for a time this heav'nly Plant Fairly grew up and thriv'd Diffus'd its sweetnes all about And all in sweetnes liv'd But envious frosts and furious storms So long so fiercely chide This tender Flow'r at last bow'd down Its bruised head and dy'd O narrow thoughts and narrower speech Here your defects confess The life of Christ the death of God How faintly you express Help O thou blessed Virgin-root Whence this fair Flow'r did spring Help us to raise both hart and voice And with more spirit sing To Father Son and holy Ghost One undivided Three All highest praise all humblest thanks Now and for ever be Antiph Take up thy cross and follow thy Lord for his yoke is sweet and his burthen light Psal LXVII MY God who can complain of doing too much if they consider the labours of JESUS Those painful labours he so freely undertook and mildly stoopt to his humble task When he might have flown on the wings of Cherubims he chose to walk with us worms in the dust When he might have cal'd for Manna from heav'n in the sweat of his brows he would eat his bread When he might have made the Angels his footstool he rather became the servant of his Parents Living with Them in their litle cottage and readily obeying even their least command There in that humble privacy He increast in wisdom and grew in grace both with God and man Still by his pious candor gaining the love * of those happy few that saw his life That saw thy holy life O glorious JESU and heard with joy and wonder thy incomparable sayings That felt a gentle motion stir their harts * to love and imitate so blest a pattern O that the same sweet spirit of grace * might draw our minds dear Lord to thee O that we could in every passage of our life * still actually reflect on the example of Thine Thy retirements were fill'd with holy speculations and in the midst of busines thy mind was free for heav'n Thy converse with others mispent no time but bestow'd every moment in excellent charity To instruct the ignorant and reduce the deceiv'd to comfort the afflicted and heal the diseas'd To convince the froward and absolve the penitent and perswade all the world to be truly happy It was thy meat and drink to do thy Fathers will O make it ours to perform Thine Make us in every action still think on Thee what thou wouldst counsel us to do What Thou thy self wouldst do O Blessed JESU if thou again wert here among us And when we thus have learnt our duty Lord make us do what thou hast made us know Glory be c. Antiph Take up thy Cross and follow thy Lord for his yoke is sweet and his bruthen light Antiph He humbled himself for us and became obedient to death even the death of the Cross Psal LXVIII MY God who can repine at suffering too much if they remember the afflictions of JESUS Those many afflictions he so patiently endur'd and bore with silence all their weight Even from his humble cradle in the grot of Bethelem to his bitter Cross on the mount of Calvary How litle do we read of glad and prosperous how much of pains and grief and perpetual affronts Somtimes abandon'd by his nearest friends and left alone among all his discomforts Somtimes pursu'd by his fiercest enemys and made the common mark of all their spite Somtimes they plot to insnare Him in his words and enviously slander his miraculous deeds Somtimes tumultuously they gather about him to gaze at and abuse this Man of sorrows Somtimes they furiously seize on his Person and hale and drag him along the streets At last they all conspire to take away his life and condemn him to a sharp and cruel death Have you not seen a harmless Lamb * stand silent in the midst of ravenous wolves So stood the Prince of Peace and Innocence besieg'd with a ring of savage Jews When they blasphem'd Him he reply'd not again and when they injuriously struck him he only observ'd their rashnes When they provok't him with their utmost malice he pleaded their excuse and when they kill'd him he earnestly pray'd for their pardon O strange ingratitude of humane nature thus barbarously to crucify the worlds Redeemer O admirable love of the worlds Redeemer thus patiently to dy for humane nature Say now my soul for whom thy dearest Lord * indur'd all this and infinitely more Canst thou complain of thy litle troubles when the King of glory was thus afflicted Canst thou complain of a meanly furnisht house when the Son of God had not where to lay his head We wear the conisance of a crucify'd Lord and shall we shrink back at every cross we meet We believe in a God that was crown'd with thorns and shall we abide to tread on nothing but roses Before our eys O JESU we see thee humble and meek and shall thy servants be proud and insolent We see thee travail up and down poor and unregarded and shal thy
followers strive to be rich and esteem'd Thy charitable labours were maliciously slander'd and shall not our faults have the patience to be reprov'd Thou disdain'dst not to be cal'd in scorn the Carpenters son and cannot our lownes bear a litle disparagement O how unlike are we to that blest Original * who descended from heav'n to become our pattern How do we go astray from that sacred path * which the holy JESUS trac'd with his own steps Pity O dear Redeemer the infirmitys of thy children and strengthen with thy grace our fainting harts Arm us O glorious Conqueror of sin and death against all the fears and terrors of this world Arm all our powers with those celestial vertues of Faith and Hope and invincible Love That we may still go on and resolutely meet * whatever stands in our way to heav'n Since we must suffer as Christians and deserve it as sinners * Lord let us bear it as becomes thy servants Glory be c. Antiph He humbled himself for us and became obedient to death even the death of the Cross Antiph Unworthy are we O Lord of the least of thy favours and ingrateful for all Psal LXIX MY God when I consider what thou hast suffer'd for us and what we have done against our ●●elvs I am amaz'd at the wonders of thy goodnes and confounded at the vilenes of our misery Our sins were the cause of thy cruel death yet still we permit them to live in us We entertain the worst of thine enemys and treacherously lodg them in our own bosoms Prefering a petty interest before thy heav'n a transitory pleasure before eternal felicity Many we confess are the follys of our life and our consciences tremble at their own great guilt Many are the times thou hast graciously pardon'd us and still we relapse and abuse thy clemency The memory of our transgressions is bitter to us and the thought of our ingratitude extreamly afflicts us But is there O my JESU any stain so foul * which thy precious Blood cannot wash away Is there any heap of sins so vast * to exceed the number of infinite mercys O no Thou canst forgive more then we can offend but Thou wilt not forgive unless we fear to offend Unless we seek to Thee for peace and reconcilement and humble our selvs in thy holy presence Wherefore behold O Lord we fall down at thy crucified Feet and there ask pardon for our perverse affections Reverently we kiss thy pierced Hands and implore forgivenes of our wicked actions Humbly we salute thy bleeding Side and supplicate thy grace to purify our intentions All we can offer thy offended Majesty * to pacify the justice of thy wrath Is only an humble ey bath'd in tears and a penitent hart broken with contrition Only a firm Resolve to change our lives and even all this we must beg of Thee O Thou our gracious and indulgent Lord who freely pardon'st all that truly repent Who giv'st repentance to all that ask and invit'st all to ask by promising to give Make us look seriously into our own brests and hartily lament our many failings Make us search diligently for our bosom-sins and strive to cast them out with prayer and fasting Open thou O Lord our lips to accuse our crimes that we blush not to confess what we fear'd not to do Correct our past sins with the works of pennance that the stains they leave may be quite ta'ne away Preserve us herafter with thy powerful grace that no temptation surprize or overcome us Extend thy mercy O Lord over all our works since Thy self has declar'd 't is above all thine own Glory be c. Antiph Unworthy are we O Lord of the least of thy favors and ingrateful for all Our Father c. First Lesson ATtend to me O my People hear me O my Nation for a Law shall proceed from Me and my judgment shall rest to be a light of the world I gave my back to the scourgers and my cheeks to those who pluckt off the hair I turn'd not away my face from them that rebuk't me and spit upon me I have trodden the winepress alone and of the Gentiles there was not a man with me I lookt about and there was no helper I sought and there was none to aid All that saw the laught me to scorn they shot out their lips and shook their heads he hop't in the Lord let him deliver him because he delights in him let him save him I was as one that is deaf and heard not and as a dumb man that opens not his mouth They who sought evil against me spake vanitys and meditated deceits all the day long They open'd their mouths upon me as a lyon ravening and roaring many dogs incompast me the councel of the malignant besieg'd me They pierc'd my hands and my feet they numbre'd all my bones they divided my garments and for my vesture they cast lots They gave me gall to eat and in my thirst vineger to drink I am poured out as water and all my bones are disjoynted my hart is made like wax melting in the mid'st of my bowels my strength is dry'd up like a potsheard and my tongue cleav'd to my mouth Thou hast brought me down to the dust of death R. All this O Blessed JESU thou taught'st thy holy Prophets to prepare the world for thy coming all this and infinitely more Thou verify'dst in thine own Person with pains and sorrows and reproaches able to make even patience it self break forth into this sad complaint * O all you that pass by the way behold and see if there be grief like to my grief I was betray'd and bound and led away captive I was revil'd and buffeted and scornfully spit on I was stript and scourg'd and condemn'd to a cruel death I was crown'd with thorns and pierc't with nails and crucify'd among theeves * O all Second Lesson NOw therefore saith our Lord Turn to me with all your hart in fasting and weeping and mourning Rend your harts and not your garments and be converted to the Lord your God for he is benign and merciful patient and of much compassion and ready to pardon your offences who knows if he will return and forgive and leave behind him a blessing Seek our Lord while he may be found call on him while he is nigh Behold the hand of the Lord is not shortned that he cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have divided between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear Let the impious forsake his way and the wicked man his thoughts and return to our Lord and he will have mercy on him and to our God for he is bountiful in pardoning Wash you be clean take away the evil of your thoughts from mine eys cease to do perversly learn to do good seek judgment relieve the oppressed judg for the fatherless defend the widow Come
of death thou open'dst the kingdom of heav'n to all Believers Psal LXXXIII IF we rejoyc'd for our selvs in the sufferings of our Lord let us now rejoyce for Him that his sufferings are ended Now that the fowlers net is broken and the meek and innocent Dove escap't Now that the cup of bitternes is past away and never possible to return again Never again O dearest JESU shall those blest eys weep nor thy holy soul be sorrowful to death Never shall thy precious life be subject any more * to the bloody malice of ambitious hypocrites Never shall thy innocence any more be expos'd * to the barbarous fury of an ingrateful multitude But thou shalt live and reign for ever and all created nature perpetually adore Thee O happy end of well indur'd afflictions O blessed fruits that spring from the Cross of JESUS Look up my soul and see thy crucify'd Lord * sit gloriously inthron'd at the right hand of his Father Behold the ragged purple now turn'd into a robe of light and the scornful reed into a royal Scepter The wreath of thorns is grown into a sparkling diadem and all his scars polisht into brightnes His tears are all now chang'd into joy and the laughter of his persecuters into sad despair Herod long since perisht in miserable contempt and Pilate still trembles with everlasting fears The impenitent Jews are scatter'd o're the world to attest his truth and their own obdurate blindness But Himself is crown'd with eternal Triumphs and the souls he has redeem'd shall sing his victories for ever Live glorious King of men and Angels live happy Conqueror of sin and death Our praises shall always attend thy Cross and our patience endeavour to bear our own Through fiercest dangers our faith shall follow Thee and nothing wrest from us our hope at last to see Thee We 'l fear no more the sting of death nor be frighted at the darkness of the grave Since thou hast chang'd our grave into a bed of rest and made death it self but a passage into life We 'l love no more the pleasures of vanity nor set our harts on unsatisfying riches Since Thou hast open'd Paradise again and purchas'd for us the kingdom of heav'n Glory be c. Psal LXXXIV BLessed be thy Name O holy JESU and blessed be the mercy of thy Providence Who hast cast our lot in these times of grace and design'd our birth in the days of light When we may clearly see our ready way and directly go on to our glorious end Till Thou appear'dst O Thou only light of the world our miserable earth lay cover'd with darknes Till thou went'st away O thou soveraign Lord of life thy Saints sate expecting in the shades of death The kingdom of heav'n was close shut up and none permitted to behold thy glory Soon as thine own afflictions were ended thou communicatedst thy joys to all the world All that esteem'd so blest a sight and stood prepar'd to entertain thy coming As for the rest whose eys are shut or turn'd away by their own malice Thy presence alas yields no more joy then light to those who will not see But the harts that love Thee Thou fill'st with gladnes and overflow'st them with an ocean of heav'nly delights Come happy souls to whom belongs * so fair a title to all these mercys Come let us now raise up our thoughts and continually medi●●ate our future beatitude Let us comfort our labours with the hope of rest and our sufferings with the expectance of a quick reward Now that the hand of our gracious Lord * has unlockt the gates of everlasting blyss Now that they stand wide open to admit * such as press on with their utmost strength Such as have wisely made choice of heav'n * for the only end and business of their life Rejecting all these false allurements to attend the pursute of true felicity O Blessed JESU our hope our strength and the full rewarder of all thy servants As thou hast freely prepar'd for us ready wages so Lord let thy grace enable us to work Make us direct our whole life to Thee and undervalue all things compar'd with thy love Seal thou our eys to the illusions of this world and open them upwards to thy solid glorys That when our earthly tabernacle shal be dissolv'd and this house of clay fall down into the dust We may ascend to Thee and dwel above in that Building not made with hands eternal in the heav'ns Glory be c. Psal LXXXV PRaise our Lord O you children of men praise Him as the Author of all your hopes Praise our Lord O you Blessed of heav'n praise Him as the Finisher of all your joys Sing O you reverend Patriarks and holy Prophets sing Hymns of glory to the great Messias Sing and rejoyce all you Ancient Saints who so long repos'd in the bosom of Abraham Bring forth your best and purest incense and humbly offer it at the Throne of the Lamb The Lamb that was slain from the begining of the world by the sprinkling of whose blood you all were saved O still sing on the praises of the King of peace and bless for ever his victorious mercy 'T was he dissolv'd the power of darknes and brake asunder the bars of death 'T was He came down to visit your prisons and lead you away out of the shades of sorrow How did your glad eys sparkle with joy to see at last your Desir'd Redeemer How were your spirits transported with delight to behold the splendors of his glorious presence His presence that can quickly turn * the sadest night into a chearful day That can change a dungeon into a house of mirth and make every place a Paradise O glorious Presence when shall our souls be fill'd * with strong and constant desires of enjoying Thee When dearest JESU shal our desires be fil'd * with the everlasting fruition of thy Blessed self Henceforth for Thee and for thy sacred love O Thou great and only Comfort of our souls May all afflictions be welcom to us as wholsom phisick to correct our follyes May the pleasures of the world be rejected by us as dangerous fruits that fill us with diseases May we by thy example neither feare to dy nor refuse the labours of this life But while we live obey thy grace that when we dy we may injoy thy glory Glory be c. Antiph When thou hadst overcom the sting of death Thou opend'st the Kingdom of heav'n to all believers Capit. 2. Pet. 3. TAke heed lest being led aside by the error of the unwise you fall away from your own stedfastnes But grow in grace and the knowledg of our Lord JESUS Christ to Him be glory both now and to the day of Eternity Amen Hymn XXVI MY God to Thee our selvs we ow And to Thy bounty all we have Behold to Thee our praises bow And humbly thy acceptance crave If we are happy in a friend That very friend
these thy unspeakable mercys We search over all we have and find nothing to return thee but what thy self hast freely given us We search over all thou hast given us and find nothing thou expectest but that we use thy gifts to make our selvs happy O may our souls perpetually bless thee and every minute of our time be spent in thy service Let us not live O Lord but to love thee nor breath but to speake thy praise * nor be at all but to be all Thine Glory be c. Psal XCVII SIng on my soul the praises of the Lord sing on with fresh attention the mercys of thy God Whose wisdom has contriv'd ●●o compendious a method * to redeem mankind by one short word He saw the only cause of all our ruine * was our love misplac't on this present world He saw the only remedy of all our misery * was to fix our love on the world to come This therefore was his great intent and in this concentred all his merits To change the byass of our wrong-set harts by establishing among us new motives of charity Such as might strongly incline our affections and efficaciously draw us to love our true Good Such as might gain by degrees upon all mankind and render salvation easie and universal For this he came down from his Fathers bosom * to teach us the Rules of eternal life That we might firmly believe those sacred truths * which God himself with his own mouth had told us For this he converst so long on our earth * to encourage and provoke us by his own example That he might confidently imbrace those unquestionable vertues * which God himself in his own Person had practis'd For this he endur'd those sharp and many afflictions and became at last obedient even to death That we might patiently suffer whatever should befal us * when God himself was so treated by his creatures For this he so often preacht of the joys of heav'n and set them before us in so clear a light That seeing so rich a prize hang at the race's end we might run and strain our utmost force to gain it For this he ordain'd the Mysterys of grace and left us a Sacrifice made all of miracles That he might breed and nourish in us the life of charity and ravish our harts with the sweetnes of his presence For this he establisht a perpetual Church and sent the holy Ghost to inspire and govern it That it might flourish for ever in truth and sanctity and plant the same heav'nly seed over all the world For this he assum'd those strange endearing names * of friend and brother and spouse to us wretches Doing far more for us then all those names import * then all our harts can wish Blessed O glorious JESU be the wisdom of thy mercy * that has found so sweet and short away to save us Thou art O Lord the cause of our love and love the cause of our happiness By love we fulfil all thy commands and by making us love Thou fulfil'dst all thy Father's By love we are reconcil'd from enemys to friends by love we are translated from death to life By love we are deliver'd from the fear of hell by love we are adopted to be heirs of heav'n By love we are dispos'd for that blysful Vision by love we are secur'd of the enjoyment of our God Who by the sole perfection of his own free goodnes * can never deny Himself to any that love him Else would their very loving Him be the cause of their misery since the misery of a soul is the want of what it loves Thus Lord whate're thy holy Books record of Thee in words comporting with our low capacitys Whate're they say of thy Restoring all things and Repairing again the ruines of mankind All is exactly verify'd by this one line which may our thankful harts repeat with joy Heav'n is attain'd by love alone and love alone by Thee Glory be c. Psal XCVIII STil O my soul let us sing a few lines more * to Him whose mercys are no fewer then infinite To Him whose pity took us by the hand and kindly led us into his own light To thee O blessed JESU our Lord our God! who alone art the source of all our happines The world till thou cam'st sate wrapt in darknes and few discern'd so much as a shadow of Thee They follow'd the appetites of sense and humour and plac't their felicity in being prosperous here Litle considering the life to come and less the joys that entertain that life This was alas their miserable state and worse then this they had no power to help it How could they believe what they never heard or love what they never believ'd How could they desire what they never lov'd or be glad to receive what they never desir'd 'T was thou O Lord first taught us our true end * the blysful Vision of the eternal Deity 'T was thou first taught us the true means to attain that end by a harty love and desire to attain it O the blest changes which thy hand has wrought the happy improvements which thy coming has produc't Now every woman and illiterate man * can discourse familiarly of the highest truths The Creation of the world and the Fall of Adam the Incarnation of God and Redemption of man The Mystery of the Trinity and Miracle of the Resurrection the Day of Judgment and State of Eternity All these we know but 't was Thou O Lord who taught'st us and by thy holy Church first spred them o're the world Now thou hast open'd our eys we plainly see * what unassisted nature could ne're have reacht We see the framing right our affections here * is both cause and measure of our happines hereafter If we supremely esteem the Goods of the future life * we shall find them there and be happy If we love heav'n with our whole soul and press on strongly with all our force We shall enter into its glorys with a strange surprizing delight and possess them for ever in a perpetual extasy We see our souls are made to know and perfect themselvs by the worthiest objects We see their nature is free and unconfin'd and nothing can fill them but that which is infinite All other knowledges enlarge our facultys and breed new desire to know stil more Which if unsatisfy'd we yet are miserable since none can be happy who want their desire Only the sight of God fils us to the brim and infinitely overflows our utmost capacitys It fils and overflows all the powers of our souls * with joy and wonder and unconceivable sweetnes O blest and glorious Sight when wil the happy day appear * and open to my soul that beauteous prospect When dearest Lord shall I see Thee face to face when shall I hartily at least desire to see Thee Thou art my full and high felicity * and only and alone sufficient for me O make me
souls chief hope We to thy mercy fly Wher'ere we are thou canst protect What'ere we need supply Whether we sleep or wake To thee we both resign By night we see as well as day If thy light on us shine Whither we live or dy Both we submit to Thee In death we live as well as life If thine in death we be Glory to Thee great God One coeternal Three To Father Son and holy Ghost Eternal glory be Capit. 1 Thes 5. BUt we who are of the day let us be sober having on us the brest-plate of faith and charity and for a helmet the hope of salvation for God has not appointed us to wrath but to the purchasing salvation thorow Jesus Christ our Lord who dyed for us that whither we wake or sleep we might live together with Him Antiph By seeking our selvs in this world of vanity we lose both thee O Lord and our own souls by seeking our selvs in Thee and thy love we find both Thee and our own happines injoying already a sweet possession of hopes to end e're long in a sweeter fruition of glory V. Thou art O Lord the free bestower of all we have R. Thou art the faithful Promiser of all we expect O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplications come to thee Let us pray O Blessed JESU whose sacred Body after thou hadst finisht in it the work of our redemption was taken down from the Cross and after a short repose in the Sepulcher was rais'd again to a glorious immortality Grant us we beseech thee so frequently to renew in our minds the memory of thy grave that we always be prepar'd for our own and so seriously to reflect on the consequences of a holy death that every day we grow less affected to this transitory life and more in love with thy eternal joys who with the Father and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Vouchasfe c. as Pag. 54. to the end Office of the Holy Ghost Matins Introduction as pag. 1. Psal CV Invitatory Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us COme let us humbly first implore his grace to make us worthy to adore our Sanctifier who from the Father and the Son eternally proceeds and with the Father and the Son is equally glorifyed Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us He infuses into us the breath of life and brings us forth in our second birth a birth that makes us heirs of heav'n and gives us a title to everlasting happines Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Let us prepare our understandings to assent to his truths and our wills to follow his divine inspiratons let us fil our memorys with his innumerable mereys and our whole souls with the glory of his Attributes Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Let us confidently addres to Him our petitioNs who promises to help the infirmity of our pray'rs let us not doubt the bounty of his goodnes but hope he will grant what Himself inspires to ask Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Glory be to the Father and to the Son * and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning both now and ever * world without end Amen Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Come let 's adore our God that sanctifys us Hymn XXXIII COme holy Spirit come and breath Thy spicy odours on the face Of our dull region here beneath And fil our souls with thy sweet grace Come and root out the poysonous weeds Which over-run and choke our lives And in our harts plant thine own seeds Whose quick'ning power our spirit revives First plant the humble Violet there That dwels secure by dwelling low Then let the Lilly next appear And make us chast yet fruitful too But O! plant all the Vertues Lord And let the metaphors alone Repeat once more that mighty word Thou need'st but say Let it be done We can alas nor be nor grow Unless thy pow'rful mercy please Thy hand must plant and water too Thy hand alone must give th' increase Do then what thou alone canst do Do what to thee so easie is Conduct us through this world of wo And place us safe in thine own blyss All glory to the sacred Three One everliving Soveraign Lord As at the first still may He be Belov'd and prais'd fear'd and ador'd Antiph In those days saith our Lord I wil pour out my spirit upon all flesh Alleluja Alleluja Psal CVI. LOrd with how sweet and natural a conduct * does thy Providence govern the children of men Leading them on from one degree to another till thou hast brought them up to their highest perfection Thou putst them to learn in the school of Vertue and disposest their capacity's into several forms In the first ages when the world was young * thou gav'st them for their guide the book of Nature There thy divine assistance helpt them to read * some few plain Lessons of their duty to Thee They saw this admirable frame of creatures and as far as these could argue they could conclude Sure ther 's a God the cause of all things sure ther 's a Providence the disposer of all things He must be powerful that made so vast a world he must be wise that contriv'd such excellent works He must be goodnes it self that did all this for us and we ingrateful wretches if we 'l do nothing for Him Thus far some few could say and very few could do with those slender assistances they then injoy'd After thou gav'st thy people a written Rule which train'd them up in a set form of discipline Which grew and spred into a publick Religion and uniformly profest by a whole Nation They had some weak conceit of the Kingdom of heav'n and some imperfect means to bring them thither But for those high supernatural Mysterys * that so gloriously exalt the Christian faith They all alas were blind or in the dark and dangerously expos'd to the effects of their ignorance Wanting those clear instructions to know their End wanting those powerful motives to love their God Yet this prepar'd them for the times of Grace * to which thy mercy O Lord reserv'd far greater favours To which thou hadst promis'd by thy holy Prophets * an effusion of blessings from thine own full hands I will put my Law in their bowels and write it in their harts I will be their God and they shal be my People I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shal prophesy They shal teach no more every one his Neighbor for all shal know me from the greatest to the least O merciful Lord who hast lov'd us from the begining be graciously pleased to love us to the end Pity the unhappy state of faln mankind which neither nature nor law could bring to perfection If any riper souls
thou blest and holy Spirit to be guilty of those unpardonable sins against Thy self Suffer us not obstinatly to persist in any known wickednes nor maliciously impugn any known truth Suffer us not to dy in our sins without repentance but O have mercy on us in that serious hour Have mercy on us and govern us in our life have mercy on us and save us at our death Glory be c. Antiph Deliver us O gracious God from every evil spirit and vouchsafe to give us thine own good spirit Capit. Gal. 5. NOw the works of the flesh are manifest fornication uncleaness impudicity luxury serving of Idols witchcrafts enmityes contentions emulations angers brawles dissensions sects envies murders drunkeness banquetings and such like which I foretel you that they who do such things shal not obtain the Kingdom of God But the fruit of the Spirit is charity joy peace patience benignity goodnes long-suffering mildnes faith modesty continency chastity against such there is no law And they who are Christs have crucify'd their flesh with its vices and concupiscen●●es If we live in the spirit in the spirit let us walk Let us not be covetous of vain glory envying one another provoking one another Hymn XXXV COme holy Spirit send down those beams Which gently flow in silent streams From thy bright throne above Come Thou Enricher of the poor And bounteous source of all our store Come fill us with thy love Come thou our souls delicious guest The weary'd p●●lgrims sweetest Rest The sufferer's best Releef Come thou our passions cool Allay Whose comfort wips all tears away And turns to joy all grief Come bright Sun shoot home thy darts Peirce to the center of our harts And make our faith love Thee Without thy grace without thy light Our strength is weaknes our day night We can nor move nor see Lord wash our sinful stains away Water from heav'n our barren clay Our many bruses heal To thy sweet yoak our stiff necks bow Warm with thy fire our harts of snow Our wandring feet repeal O grant thy Faithful dearest Lord Whose only hope is thy sure word The seven gifts of thy Spirit Grant us in life t' obey thy grace Grant us at death to see thy face And endles joys inherit All glory to the sacred Three One ever-living Deity All pow'r and blyss and praise As at the first when time begun May the same homage stil be done Till time it self decays Antiph Blessed be thy name O holy spirit of God who dividest thy gifts to every one as thou pleasest and workest all in all in Thee our sorrows have a comforter to allay them and our sins an Advocate to plead for them in Thee our ignorances have a guid to direct them our frailties a Confirmer to strengthen them and all our wants a God to releeve them alleluja alleluja Magnificat c. as pag. 44. Repeat the Antiphon Then O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who by thy holy Spirit didst at first establish and sanctify thy Church and by the same Spirit dost still preserve and govern it hear we beseech Thee the pray'rs of thy servants and mercifully grant us the perpetual assistance of thy grace that we never be deceiv'd by any false spirit nor overcome by the vicious suggestions of flesh and blood but in all our doubts be directed into the way of truth and in all our actions guided by thy holy Spirit who with Thee and thy eternal Son lives and reigns One God world without end Amen O Lord hear c. as page 45. Then say the Complin of the day for this Office has none of its own Office of the SAINTS MATINS On some particular Sundays noted in the Proper of Festivals and on all Holidays of Obligation before and after every Psalm at Matins Lauds Vespers and Complin say one of the Three Antiphons set down in the Proper of Festivals that is each Antiphon eight times in the whole Office of the Day Say also the Antiphon where any proper one is prepar'd before and after Benedictus and Magnificat else say the common one as in the Office Then the Prayer as in the Proper of Festivals The rest of these particular Offices is to be ricited out of the common Offices as is noted in the Directions and Proper of Festivals Introduction as pag. 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore the King of Saints Come let 's adore the King of Saints Psal CXV GReat is the Majesty of the King we serve and rich the splendors of his Court o're all the world he sends his commands and none dare resist or dispute his power Come let 's adore the King of Saints Great is the clemency of our gracious Soveraign to pardon the offences of repenting sinners great is the bounty of our glorious Lord to crown with rewards his faithful servants Come let 's adore the King of Saints Thousands of Saints attend in his presence and millions of Angels wait on his Throne all beauteously rang'd in perfect order all joyfully singing the praises of their Creator Come let 's adore the King of Saints Thou art our King too blessed JESU and we alas thy unprofitable subjects we cannot praise Thee like those thine own bright Quires yet humbly offer our little tribute Come let 's adore the King of Saints Let us bow low our heads to Him before whom the Seraphins cover their faces let us bow low our harts to Him at whose fee●● the Saints lay down their crowns Come let 's adore the King of Saints Glory be c. As it was c. Come let 's adore the King of Saints Come let 's adore the King of Saints Hymn XXXVI AWake my soul chace from thine eys This drowsy sloth and quickly rise Up and to work apace No less then Kingdoms are prepar'd And endless blyss for their reward Who finish wel their race 'T is not so poor a thing to be Servants to heav'n dear Lord and Thee As this fond world believes Not even here where oft the Wise Are most expos'd to injurys And friendles vertue grieves Somtimes thy hand lets gently fall A litle drop that sweetens all The bitter of our Cup O what herafter shal we be When we shal have whole draughts of Thee Brim-ful and drink them up Say happy souls whose thirst now meets The fresh and living stream of sweets Which spring from that blest throne Did you not find this true ev'n here Do you not find it truer there Now heav'n is all your own O yes the sweets we tast exceed All we can say or you can read They fil and never cloy On earth our cup was sweet but mixt Here all is pure refin'd and fixt All Quintessence of joy Hear'st thou my soul what glorious things The Church of heav'n in triumph sings Of their blest life above Chear thy faint hopes and bid them live All these thy God to thee will give
If thou imbrace his love Great God of rich rewards who thus Hast crown'd thy Saints and wilt crown us As Both to Thee belong O may we both together sing Eternal praise to thee our King In one eternal song Antiph Happy are thy Saints O Lord who wisely chose their End and constantly pursu'd the means to attain it Psal CXVI TEl me you eager lovers of the world what 't is you aim at in all your pretences You weary your bodys with restles labour and afflict your minds with perpetual care Day and night you are still perplext stil busily plotting to compas your ends Tel me what are those ends you so long have sought and I will tell you what you soon will find While they are many they but distract your thoughts and often engage them to quarrel among themselvs One end and one alone 's the way to peace and on that One must all the rest depend 'T is true and by that rule we guide our lives * whate're we undertake is only to be happy 'T is to be happy that we strive to be great and enrich our selvs by defrauding others 'T is to be happy that we run after pleasures and covet in every thing our own proud wil But we alas mistake our happines and foolishly seek where 't is not to be found As silly children think to catch the Sun when they see it setting at so neer a distance They travail on and tire themselvs in vain for the thing they seek is in another world Just so we judg and just so are deceiv'd when we think to meet with heaven upon earth This world alas has now no Paradise but all its fruits are weeds and thorns All dangerously mixt with occasions of sin all sprinkled over with the bitternes of sorrow What did we ever passionately love but stil in the end it made us repent Nay the best end was hartily to repent and learn by our falling to tread more sure 'T is not then here we must seek our happines and yet 't is happines we all must seek Pity us O Lord who live below in the dark stil wishing for rest but finding none Scatter those mists of passion that blind our eys and shine upon us with thy beauteous light Convince us thorowly there 's a better world then this a happier people then those we know That we may now begin our journy thither and fit our selvs for that blessed company Glory be c Antiph Happy are thy Saints O Lord who wisely chose their end and constantly pursu'd the means to attain it Antiph O how glorious is the kingdom of heav'n where our Lord reigns in the midst of his Saints Psal CXVII IF thus our nature tend to happines there 's sure some happines to content our nature Sure the All-wise Creator has provided means to satisfy the appetites which himself has made Doubt not my soul the bounty of thy Lord but turn all thy fear on thine own unworthines Look up and see a rich delicious Land that flows with sweeter streams then milk and hony Look up and see a glorious City incomparably braver then the Courts of Kings Behold the blessed Angels shining on their thrones and all the holy Saints triumphing with their hymns Behold the glory wherewith their Lord has crown'd them in the solemn day of their Espousals with Himself Look up and see a more exalted seat and on it one far brighter then the rest the Queen of all those Saints and Angels the Virgin-Mother of the Son of God Look up yet higher O my soul and see * the sacred Humanity of thy deer Redeemer That blessed JESUS who dy'd for us on the Cross and now invites us to partake his crown See and rejoyce in those eternal honors which heaven and earth pay to their King Look up once more and infinitely farther and humbly admire the unspeakable Mystery See and adore the Soveraign Deity essentially ful of its own blest Light Full and overflowing into all his creatures which shine as litle beams deriv'd from Him When thou hast seen all this my soul and staid and dwelt a while among those wonders Turn down thine ey towards the earth again and see the petty things that entertain our minds What is a name of honor and a momentary pleasure compar'd to the blyss of an eternal Paradise What is a bag of mony or a fair Estate if counterballanc't with the treasures of heaven How narrow there do our greatest kingdoms seem how smal a circle the whole globe of the earth Citys and towns shew like litle hils and the busie world but as a swarm of ants Runing up and down and jostling one another and all this stir for a few grains of corn O heaven let me again lift up my eys to thee and take a fuller view of that glorious Prospect There let me stand and fix my steddy sight til I have look't my self into this firm judgment All the most prosperous fortune can here posses or even the largest fancy possibly imagin All is an idle dream to those real joys an absolute nothing to that solid felicity Glory be c. Antiph O how glorious is the kingdom of heav'n where our Lord reigns in the midst of his Saints Antiph In thee O Lord is all our hope in life and death in time and eternity Psal CXVIII T Is true there is I see a glorious state * prepar'd above for the spirits of the Perfect But how shal we poor dust and ashes and laden too with the burthen of our sins How shal we hope to ascend those higher Regions or claim a portion in that holy land Fear not my soul send up thy sighs and prayers * and ask with confidence those celestial spirits They want not knowledge to resolve our doubts they want not charity to relieve our needs Themselvs somtimes have come down to assist us what wil they do when we go up to wait on them Ask the bright Angels what made them happy and straight they 'l answer with a spriteful voice We readily obey'd our great Creator and he fixt us here to shine for ever Ask the blest Saints what brought them to felicity and immediately they 'l tel you in the same glad tune We faithfully lov'd our dear Redeemer and that love plac't us here Ask Both together what bred those excellent vertues and Both together will proclaim aloud Blessed for ever be the grace of our God which alone has wrought all our works in us Blessed for ever be the Bounty of our Lord which gave us freely first then crown'd his own gifts Hark how the holy Saints as more ally'd to us * bear on alone and sweetly cloze the song Fear not say they you who dwel below and sigh under the weight of flesh and blood Fear not to ascend at last to this place of joy and take your happy seats among our Quires We too liv'd once in that valley of tears and were set to strive
in peace and go up to dwel among thy Saints and Angels bless us O Lord with a holy life and then our death cannot but be happy * O make Glory be c. O make Te Deum as Page 16. Lauds for Saints O God incline as Page 18. Antiph The Just shal be as lillys planted in Paradise Alleluja and flourish in the presence of God for ever Alleluja Psal CXIX COme le ts all bring forth our Psalms and go together to the house of Praise There let us meet in peace and love and joyn our harts and voices into one glad song Come let us sing but who shal be our theme what worthy subject shal our Musick chuse No 't is not Conquerours we mean to admire nor any of the Great Ones whom the world applauds But You Blest Spirits who bravely overcame your selvs and led in triumph your own passions Who either wisely us'd this world or to be safer us'd it not at all You are the illustrious worthies we desire to praise * and guild our hymus with your bright names Yours are the only Trophys we delight to set up and beautify our Churches with your holy Pictures Sing then aloud my Soul the glorys of the Saints and let their sacred memorys be always in thine Rejoyce thou who feelst these miserys here * and often complain'st of the dangers of this life Rejoyce at their glad delivery from all these sorrows and hartily congratulate their secure felicity Rejoyce and with thy best instructed thoughts admire * the exquisite wisdom of the divine Providence Who from such low beginings can raise so great effects yet every step thrust naturally on the next Behold a litle seed that 's buryed in the earth * shoot gently out its tender leav●● And nourisht on with the clouds and Sun * climb up by degrees into a tall stalk There it displays its full blown hope and crowns its own head with a silver lilly Such is the progres of immortal souls even those who shine now among the highest Seraphins At first shu●● up in their mothers womb where they ly confin'd close prisoners in the d●●rk Thence they come forth to see and h●●ar and slowly begin to walk and spek Next they advance to understand and discourse then learn to fly with the wings of grace Til they get up even beyond themselvs and believe and live above their own nature At last the kindly hand of death gives them a stroke and they instantly become like the glorious Angels Instantly their dark and narrow knowledg unfolds it self and spreads into a clear and spacious view Where they at once shal see all the glorys of heav'n at once possess and for ever injoy them Thus from the humble seed of grace connaturally spring the flowers of glory And from this life 's green stem of hope * grow just on the top of the Lillys of Paradise Lillys that never fade but stil shine on and fil the heav'ns with their beauteous sweetnes Lillys that even Salomon in all his glory * was not array'd like one of these Sing then my soul but stil among thy Hymns * mingle resolvs to imitate their lives Those are the Lauds most deligh●●ful to Them whose charity rejoyces at the conversion of a sinner Those are the Feasts most profitable to thee whose weaknes needs the impressions of example Learn but of them to be humble and meek to submit all thy wishes to the Will of heav●● To govern thy senses by a rule of reason and thy reason by the dictates of Religion To design thy whole life in order to thy end and establish for thy end the blyss of eternity These holy Lessons let thy life transcribe and never fear their acceptance of thy praise Saints like our service best when our honoring them * becomes an occa●●ion of benefiting our selvs Glory be c. Antiph The Just shal be as lillys planted in Paradise Alleluja and flourish for ever in the presence of God Alleluja Antiph Rejoyce O you Holy and Just Alleluja for our Lord has chosen you for his own inheritance Alleluja Psal CXX O Praise our Lord all you powers of my soul praise the immortal King of Saints and Angels Praise him as the Author of all their graces praise him as the Finisher of all their glorys Praise him in the admirable priviledges of his Virgin-Mother whom he obeyed on earth and assum'd into heav'n That he might give us hope our petitions will be heard presented by the hand of so powerful an Advocate Praise him in the mighty hosts of Angels whom he sets about us as the Guard of our lives That they may safely keep us in all our ways and carry us at last to their own home Praise him in the sacred Colledg of Apostles to whom he reveal'd the mysterys of his Kingdom That they might teach us too those heavenly truths and shew us the same best way to felicity Praise him in the generous fortitude of Martyrs whom he strengthen'd with courage to resist even to death That we might learn of them to hold fast our faith and rather lose this life then hazard the Other Praise him in the eminent fanctity of Confessors whose whole design was a course of heroick Vertue That we might raise our minds from our usual lazy flight and with a quick and active wing mount up towards heav'n Praise him in the Angelical purity of Virgins whose harts he enflam'd with his divine charity That they might kindle ours with the same chast fire the same fe●●vent love to the spouse of our souls Praise him in the perfect holines of all his Saints whose lives he moulded into so various shapes That every size of ours might readily be furnisht * with a pattern cut out and fitted for it self O praise our Lord all you powers of my soul praise the immortal King of Saints and Angels Praise every Person of the sacred Deity and give a harty joy to the whole court of heaven Blessed for ever be the Eternal Father who has fixt his Angels in so high a happines Triumph bright Angels on your radiant thrones and shine continually in the presence of your God Blessed for be ever the Eternal Son who has crown'd so gloriously his incomparable Mother Live most miraculous Mother of the King of heaven and dwel perpetually in the joys of thy Son Blessed for ever be the Eternal Spirit whose grace prefers all the Saints into glory Rejoyce every happy Saint in your own felicity rejoyce every one in the felicity of All. Blessed for ever be the undivided Trinity whose sight alone is the heaven of heaven Sing all you holy Citizens of heaven sing all together everlasting hymns Sing and among your highest fervours forget not us who thus in our low way remember you Still pray our dear Redeemer to save our souls and still we 'l praise his Name for saving yours Glory be c. Antiph Rejoyce O you Holy and Just Alleluja for our Lord
victorys Whom shal we then fear thus safely guarded who can resist so invincible a strength None but our own corrupted nature dare contend and the unlucky accidents that conspire with it against us Somtimes surprizing our unwary negligence somtimes defeating even our strongest resolvs Not that they can compel our wills unles we yeild or make the least wound without our consent Much less prevail against the power of heav'n and frustrate the purpose of the Almighty Wisdom Whose mercy has us'd more arts to save us when the craft of Vice can invent to destroy us Such a redemption so miraculously wrought such holy Sacraments so often repeated Such glorious promises so faithfully assur'd and which revives our hope so easily attain'd O infinite Goodnes how generous is thy love how liberally extended over all the world Thou invitest little children to come to Thee and the lame and the blind to sit down at thy feast None are shut out of heav'n but such as wil not go in none made unhappy but those who care not to be otherwise Cheer then thy self my hart and let no fears molest thee * nor even death it self abate thy courage Death is a passage that was always short and our SAVIOURS Cross has made it safe By the practise of his Saints 't is grown familiar and by their happy success becom desirable Lose not then thy hope in so glorious an enterprise Eternity is at stake and heav'n the reward That heav'n for which the antient Hermits peopled the Desart and so many Religious live bury'd in their Cells That heav'n for which the holy Confessors spent all their time and innumerable Martyrs laid down their dearest lives That heav'n where Millions of Angels continually sing and all the Blessed make one glorious Quire That heav'n where the ador'd JESUS eternally reigns and the immortal Deity shines bright for ever That very heaven is promis'd thee my soul that blest eternity thou art commanded to hope Raise now thy head and see those beauteous Prospects that ravish the harts of all their Beholders Yonder far above the Stars is thy Saviours Kingdom yonder we must dwell when we leave this earth Yonder must our souls remove to rest when the stroak of death shal divide them from their bodys And when the Almighty Power shal joyn them again yonder must we live with our God for ever O bounteous Lord the only Author of all we have the only object of all we hope As thou hast thus prepar'd a heav'n for us O may thy grace prepare us for it O make us live the life of the Just and let our last end be like Theirs That we may dy the death of the Just and live for ever in their blest society Glory be c. Antiph If God be with us who can be against us if He justify us who can condemn us Capit. Apoc. 7. THese are they who are come out of great tribulation have washt their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therfore they are before the Throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and He that sits on the Throne shal dwel over them They shal hunger no more nor thirst the Sun shal not fal upon them nor any heat for the Lamb who is in the midst of the Throne shal rule them and conduct them to the living fountains of waters and God shal wipe away all tears from their eys Hymn XXXVIII TEll me You bright Stars that shine Round about the Lambs high Throne How through bodys once like mine How are you thus glorious grown Hark with one voice they reply This was all our happy skil We on JESUS fixt our ey And his emi'nent followers stil As we clearly saw their mind Set and rul'd we order'd ours Both This state alone design'd Up towards this strem'd all our Powers Taught by Temp'rance we abstain'd From all less for greater Goods Slighting litle drops we gain'd Full and sweet and lasting Floods Arm'd with Fortitude we bare Lesser Evils worse to fly Mortal death we durst outdare Rather then for ever dy Iustice we observ'd by giving Every one their utmost due That in peace and order living All might freely Heav'n pursue Prudence govern'd all the Rest Prudence made us still apply What was fittest what was best To advance great Charity On those golden wheels of grace That loves fiery Chariot bear We ariv'd at this bright place Follow us and never fear O sure truth O blest Attesters O that a●● the world may prove Of both these such strong digesters That both these may feed their love Him who made us all for This Him who made Himself our way Him who leads us in'to Blyss May all praise and all obey Antiph Worthy art Thou O Lord to receive the book and to open the seals thereof for thou wert slain and hast redeem'd us to God with thy blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and hast made us to our God a Kingdom Alleluja Magnificat as Page 44. Antiph Worthy art Thou c. O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God whose merciful Providence has stil from the Begining sown the seeds of grace in the harts of thy chosen servants which at the Resurrection of thy Son the first fruit of them that slept sprung up into glory and by his holy doctrin and admirable life and precious death has infinitely encreast the mean●● of salvation and the number of thy Saints Grant we beseech Thee that we whom tho●● hast favour'd with so many advantages may by the powerful intercession of that glorious Com●●pany obtain thy grace to imitate them here and rejoyce with them for ever in thy Kingdom hereafter through the same our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen Commemorations as page 29. Complin for Saints OUr help c. as page 46. Antiph Help us you blessed Citizens of heaven direct our way you who have attain'd your end Psal CXXV THus we have past another day another step towards our long home We have seen the Sun a few hours more and our day is lost in its own night But is it lost O careles we and all the holy words we have read and heard Leave they no mark in our memorys behind them but make a litle sound and vanish in the air Have we not been at a solemn Feast and do we soon forget our entertainment Could we see nothing among all those raritys * that relisht with us and stir'd our appetite Was there no fit provision for some vertue we want no proper remedy for some weaknes we have Are we devout already as the Saints of God and chast and temperate and resign'd as they Do we despise this world with a zeal like theirs and value heav'n at the same rate with Them Would we give all we have just now to be
your selvs also in the body Let your conversation be without covetousness contented with what you have for he has said I will not leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may confidently say our Lord is my help I will not fear what man can do to me And the God of Peace who brought again from the Dead the great Pastor of the Sheep in the blood of the eternal Testament our Lord Jesus Christ make you perfect in all goodness that you may do his Will working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight thorough Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen Resp Thither O my Soul let us still be going where once to arrive is always to be at rest there let us dwell already in hope where once to enjoy is always to be happy * Since whate're we desire we are sure to have and whate're we have can never be taken from us Let us believe and obey and suffer let us read and meditate and pray Heaven 's a reward worth all our pains * Since what e're we desire we are sure to have and whate're we have can never be taken from us Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost * Since whate're we desire we are sure to have and whate're we have can never be taken from us Te Deum WE praise thee our God we acknowledge thee our Lord All the Earth adores thee thou Father Eternal To Thee the blessed Angels to Thee the Heavens and all their Powers To Thee the Cherubims and Seraphims perpetually sing Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoth The heavens and the earth are full of the Majesty of thy glory The glorious Quire of Apostles praise Thee The renown'd society of Prophets bless Thee The noble Army of Martyrs glorify Thee The holy Church throughout the world confesses Thee Father of immense Majesty Thy adorable true and only Son Also the holy Spirit the Comforter Thou art the King of glory O Christ Thou art the eternal Son of the Father Thou being to undertake the delivery of Man did'st not disdain the Virgins Womb. Thou having overcom the sting of death opend'st to Believers the Kingdom of heav'n Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of thy Father We believe thou shalt com to be our Judg. Help therfore we beseech Thee thy servants whom thou hast redeem'd with thy precious blood Make them be numbred with thy Saints in glory everlasting Lord save thy People and bless thy Inheritance And govern them and raise them up even to eternity Every day we glorify Thee and praise thy Name for ever and ever Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this day without sin Have mercy on us O Lord have mercy on us Let thy mercy O Lord be on us as our hope is in Thee In Thee O Lord have I plac't my hope let me not be confounded for ever Pause a while to reflect on what you have said and to renew your attention then begin Lauds Sunday Lauds O God incline unto our ayd O Lord make hast to help us Glory be to the Father and to the Son * and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning both now and ever world without end Amen Alleluia Antiph O how adorable are thy counsels O Lord how strangely indearing the ways of thy love Alleluia Psal V. SIng to our Lord a Psalm of Joy sing praises to the God of our Salvation Sing with a loud and chearful voice sing with a glad and thankful hart Say to the weak of Spirit be strong and to the sorrowful be of good comfort Tel all the world this soul-reviving truth and may their harts within them leap to hear it Tel them the Lord of life is risen again and has cloth'd himself with immortal glory He made the Angels messengers of his victory and vouchsaf't even himself to bring us the joyful news How many ways did thy mercy invent O Thou wise contriver of all our happines To convince thy followers into this blest belief and settle in their harts a firm ground of hope Thou appeard'st in the Garden to the holy women that sought Thee and open'dst their eys to know and adore Thee Thou overtook'st in the way the Two that discour'st of thee and mad'st their harts burn within them to hear thee Thou shewd'st thy self on the stedfast shore to thy weary Disciples labouring at Sea Labouring alas all night in vain without the blessing of their beloved JESUS Thou shew'dst thy self and told'st them who thou wert in the kind known token of a beneficial miracle Thorow the doors though shut thou swiftly passed'st to carry peace to thy comfortles friends To encourage their fears with thy powerful presence and secure their faith by thy charitable arguments How did'st thou condescend to eat before them and invite them to touch thy impassible body How didst thou sweetly constrain that incredulous servant to thrust his hand into thy wounded side Actions we know unfit for thy glorify'd state but absolutely necessary for our slow belief How often O my gracious Lord in those blessed forty days * did thy charity cast to meet with thy Disciples That thou might'st teach them stil some excellent truth and imprint still deeper thy love in their harts Discoursing perpetually of the Kingdom of heav'n and establishing means to bring us thither At last when all thy glorious task was done and thy parting hour from this earth approacht Thou tenderly gather'dst thy Children about thee and in their full sight wentst up into heaven Leaving thy dearest blessing on their heads and promising them a Comforter to supply thine absence O how adorable are thy counsels O Lord how strangely endearing the ways of thy love Say now my Soul is not this evidence clear enough * to answer all our darkest doubts Is not this hope abundantly sufficient to sweeten all our bitterst sorrows What though we mourn and be afflicted here and sigh under the miseries of this world for a time We 're sure our tears shal one day rejoyce and that joy none shal take from us What though our bodies be crumbled into dust and that dust blown about o're the face of the Earth Yet we undoubtedly know our Redeemer lives and shal appear in brightnes at the last great Day He shal appear in the midst of innumerable Angels and with these very eys we shal see Him We shal see him in whom we have so long believ'd we shal find him whom we have so often sought We shal possess him whom our souls have lov'd and be united to him for ever who is the only end of our Being Glory be c. Psal VI. RAise thy head O my soul and look up and behold the glory of thy crucify'd Saviour He that was dead and layd in the grave * low enough to prove himself Man Is risen again and ascended into heaven * high enough to prove himself God He is risen and
others There we shall rest for ever in the protection of our God in the arms and bosom of our dearest Lord. O Heav'n the eternal source of all these joys and infinitely more and infinitely greater As the Hart pants after the water-brooks so let my soul thirst after thee After Thee let me dayly sigh and mourn and with a fixt and longing ey look up and say When O my God shall I sit at that fountain head and drink my fill of those living streams When shall I be in●●briated with that torrent of pleas●●res which springs for ever from thy glorious Throne O that the days of my banishment were fully finish't How is the time of my pilgrimage prolong'd Why am I still detain'd in this vally of tears stil wandring up and down in this wilderness of dangers Come Thou sweet JESU my only Hope and sure Deliverer out of all my sorrows Come Thou and here begin to dwell in my hart and fit me for the life I shall lead hereafter Come O my dearest Lord and prepare my soul for Thee and then when thou pleasest take it to Thy self Glory be c. Antiph Never can we say too much of this glorious subject never can we think enough of the felicities of heaven Alleluja Capit. Rom. 12. Let love be without dissimulation Hate that which is evil Cleave to that which is good Love brotherly charity one towards another with honor preventing one another In business not slothful In spirit fervent Serving our Lord. Rejoycing in hope Patient in tribulation Instant in prayer Communicating to the necessities of the Saints Practising hospitality Bless them that persecute you Bless and curse not Rejoyce with them that rejoyce Weep with them that weep being mutually of the same mind not affecting high things but condescending to mean things Be not wise in your own conceits Render to none evil for evil Be solicitous to do well not only before God but in the sight of all men If it be possible as much as is in you live peaceably with every one Revenge not your selvs most dearly Beloved but give place to wrath for it is written Vengeance is mine I will repay saith our Lord. But if thy enemy hunger give him meat if he thirst give him drink for doing this thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good Hymn III. WHy do we seek felicity Where 't is not to be found And not dear Lord look up to Thee Where all delights abound Why do we seek for treasure here On this false barren sand Where nought but empty shels appear And marks of Shipwrack stand O world how litle do thy joys Concern a soul that knows It self not made for such low toys As thy poor hand bestows How cross art thou to that design For which we had our birth Us who were made in heav'n to shine Thou bow'st down to thy earth Nay to thy hell for thither sink All that to thee submit Thou strew'st some flowers on the brink To drown us in the pit World take away thy tinsel wares That dazle here our eys Let us go up above the Stars Where all our treasure lys The way we know our dearest Lord Himself is gone before And has ingag'd his faithful word To open us the door But O my God! reach down thy hand And take us up to Thee That we about thy Throne may stand And all thy glories see All glory to the sacred Three One everliving Lord As at the first still may He be Belov'd obey'd ador'd Antiph O glorious God! thy infinite perfections cause us to admire Thee and thy bounteous promises ingage us to hope in Thee Thy incomparable beauty ravishes our harts and the joys thou hast prepared for us transcend all our wishes Alleluja Magnificat My soul magnifys our Lord And my spirit has rejoyced in God my Saviour Because he has regarded the low degree of his handmaid For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me Blessed For he that is mighty has done great things to me and holy is his Name And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation He has shew'd strength in his arm he has scatter'd the proud in the imagination of their harts He has depos'd the pow'rful from their seat and exalted them of low degree He has fill'd the hungry with good things and the rich sent empty away He has receiv'd Israel his child being mindful of his mercy As he spake to our Fathers to Abraham and his seed for ever Glory be c. Antiph O glorious God! thy infinite perfections cause us to admire Thee and thy bounteous promises ingage us to hope in thee thy incomparable beauty ravishes our harts and the joys thou hast prepar'd for us transcend all our wishes Alleluja O Lord hear our Pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who graciously woo'st us to our eternal Inheritance by describing its inexpressible glorys all possibly-taking ways to our low conceits that they may fitly insinuate themselvs and become by degrees absolute Master of our harts Bring them we beseech Thee stil seasonably into our memorys and so strongly settle them in our affections that our souls being wholly ravish't with these great hopes all the temptations and vanities of this world may fly unconcerningly by us and never be able to distract our intire and steddy and dayly strengthning desires of entring once for ever into possession of thy Kingdom through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with Thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without End Amen O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Bless we our Lord. Thanks be to God May the souls of the Faithful Departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen Pause a while to reflect on what you have said and to renew your attention Then begin Complin Sunday Complin V. OUr help is in the Name of our Lord R. Who made heav'n and earth V. Convert us O God our Saviour R. And turn away thy anger from us V. O God incline unto our ayd R. O Lord make hast to help us V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost R. As it was in the begining both now and ever world without end Amen Alleluia Antiph All is unquiet here til we come to Thee and repose at last in the Kingdom of Peace Psal XI VVHo wil give me the wings of a Dove that I may fly away and be at rest That I may fly away from the troubles of this life and be at rest Dear Lord with Thee Here we alas are forc't to sigh and bear with grief the burthen of our miserys Often we encounter chances that endanger us and divert our progres in the way to Blys Often we are assaulted with temptations that overcome us and set us back in the accounts of eternity How
Creation to its end Vouchsafing so to order all thy creatures about us by thy grace that they may attain their perfection in duly serving us and we Ours in eternally injoying Thee through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen Commemorations c. as pag. 29. Monday Vespers IN the Name of the Father c. as pag. 33. Antiph To know Thee O Lord is the highest learning and to be known of Thee the greatest happines Psal XXI LEt us now consider O Lord our God! let us thankfully remember what Thou art to us Thou art the great Begining of our nature and glorious end of all our actions Thou art the overflowing Source from whence we spring and the immense Ocean into which we tend Thou art the free Bestower of all we possess and faithful Promiser of all we hope Thou art the strong Sustainer of our lives and ready Deliverer from all our enemys Thou art the merciful Scourger of our sins and bounteous Rewarder of our obedience Thou art the safe Conducter of our pilgrimage and the eternal Rest of our wearied souls Such words alas our narrownes is constrain'd to use * when we endeavour to speak thy bountys Wider a litle can our thoughts extend yet infinitely less than the least of thy mercys Tell us thy self one word of thine expresses more * then all the eloquence of men and Angels Tell us Thy self O Thou mild instructer of the ignorant what thou art to us Say to our souls Thou art our salvation but say it so that we may hear Thee Gladly will we run after the sound of that voice and hope by following it to find out Thee When we have found Thee once O Thou joy of our harts never let us lose thy sight again Never let us turn our eys from Thee but steddily fix them on thy glorious face Suffer us not to go till thou hast given us thy blessing and then may thy blessing bind us faster to Thee Glory be c. Antiph To know Thee O Lord is the highest learning and to be known of Thee the greatest happines Antiph To know our selvs is the truest wisdom and to see our own poverty the safest riches Psal XXII LEt us now consider O Lord our God! let us humbly remember what we are to Thee We who alas are nothing in our selvs what can we be to thy Immensity Thou who art all things in thine own rich self what canst thou receive from our poverty This only we are to Thee O great Creator the unthankful object of all thy bountys This only we are to Thee O dear Redeemer the unworthy cause of all thy sufferings Guilty we committed the crime and thou with thine innocency undertookst the punishment We went astray from the path of life and thy mercy came down from heav'n to seek us To seek us in the wilderness where we had lost our selvs and bring us home to the discipline of thy love Lord what are we that thou shouldst thus regard * such poor and vile and inconsiderable wretches What can our good will avail thy Blyss that with so many charms thou woo'st us to love Thee What can our malice prejudice thy content that thou threatnest so violently if we love thee not Is there O my God not felicity enough * in the sweetness alone of loving Thee Is there perhaps not misery enough * in living depriv'd of thy blysful love Yes Yes dear Lord and that thou knew'st and that 's the only cause * which mov'd thy goodnes to court our affections Thou knew'st we else would cast away our selvs * by doating on the follys of this deceitful world Thou knew'st the danger of our wilful nature and therefore striv'st by greatest fears and greatest hopes And all the wisest arts of love and bounty * to draw us to thy self and endow us with thy kingdom Unhappy we whose frowardness requir'd so strange proceeding * to force upon us our own salvation Happy we whose wants have met so kind a hand that needed but our emptines to engage him to fill us Happy yet more that our Lord who thus favours us now * will at last even give us Himself Glory be c. Antiph To know our selvs is the truest wisdom and to see our own Poverty the safest riches Antiph Vanity of vanitys all is vanity but the love of God and hope to enioy Him Psal XXIII LOrd without Thee what 's all the world to us * but a flying dream of busie vanitys It promises indeed a Paradise of blyss but all it performs is an empty cloud Thine are the joys that shine fixt as the stars and make the only solid heav'n Lord without Thee what are we to our selvs but the wretched causes of our own ruin We till thou gav'st us Being were purely nothing more remov'd from happines then the miserablest of thy creatures Now thou hast made us we wholly depend on Thee and perish immediately if thou forsake us Thou without us art the same all-glorious Essence brim-ful of thy own eternal felicity Without us thy royal Throne stands firm for ever and all the Powers of heav'n obey thy pleasure Pity O gracious Lord our imperfect nature whose every circumstance is so contrary to Thine Thou dwel'st above in the Mansions of glory and we below in houses of clay Thou art immortal and thy day out-lives all time we every moment go downwards to our grave Thou art immense and thy presence fills the heav'ns but the Greatest of us alas how litle are we Two yards of air contain us while we live and a few spans of earth suffice us at our death When O my God shall these distances meet together when will these extremitys embrace each other We know they once were miraculously joyn'd * in the sacred Person of thy eternal Son When the King of heav'n stoopt down to earth and grafted into his own Person the nature of man We hope they once again shall be happily united * in the blysful vision of thy glorious Self When the children of the earth shall be exalted to heav'n and made partakers of thy divine nature But are there no means for us here below O Thou infinitely high and glorious God! Is there no way to approach towards Thee and diminish at least this uncomfortable distance None but the way of holy love which none can attain but by thy free gift Nor must we sinners dare to ask thy love being infinitely unworthy to be cal'd thy servants Rather let us humbly beg the grace to love Thee who art so many ways worthy of more than our harts And yet O dearest Lord unless thou first love us and sweetly draw us by thy gentle hand Never shal we be so happy as to love Thee nor ever happy unless we love Thee O bounteous God! to all thy favours add this one * of making us esteem Thee above them
thou hast made us nothing have we but what thou hast given us Only our sins are entirely our own which O may thy grace extinguish for ever O may all self-presumption dy in us and our whole confidence live only in Thee May even our frailties make us more strong and our being nothing teach us to be humble So shall thy power O God be magnify'd in our weaknes and thy mercy triumph in relief of our misery Glory be c. Antiph If we receive all we have of God why do we boast as if we had it of our selvs Antiph God is my Saviour whom shall I fear God is my Protector of what shall I be afraid Psal XXIX THus we depend and happy we in this dependance did we but know our own true interest We and our whole Concerns are deposited with God and where can we find a better hand to ensure them Is he not wise enough to chuse safely for us who disposes all nature in such admirable order Has he not power to go through with his purpose who commands the wills of men and Angels Wants he perhaps an inclination to favor us who desires our felicity more than our own harts He feeds the fowls of the air and cloths the lillys of the field Without his providence not a sparrow falls to the ground and shall we mistrust his care for his children Under his government we have liv'd all this while and can we now suspect he 'l forsake us He has shewn his bounty in extraordinary graces and will he deny us his lesser blessings He has freely bestow'd on us his dearest Son how shall He not with Him give us all things else All that are truly useful to carry us on our way and bring us at length to his eternal rest If our necessities be the effects of our folly we must not presume he 'l maintain us in our sins Rather we should strive to moderate our appetites and correct the vices that have bred these myserys But if our wants be innocent and pressing he 'l sooner do a miracle then break his word His word which he so often has solemnly engaged so often prov'd by a thousand experiments Ask but the former ages and they will tell you * the wonders he wrought in favour of his servants He multiply'd the oyl in the poor widows Cruse and fed his Prophet by the service of a Raven He dry'd the Sea into a path for his People and melted the rocks to refresh their thirst He made his Angels stewards of their provision and nourisht them in the wilderness with the bread of heav'n Still O my God thy eternal charity retains * the same affections for them that rely on Thee Still thy all-seeing Wisdom governs the world with the same immense unalterable goodnes Nay surely now the streams of thy mercy run more strong and have wrought to themselvs a larger channel Since thou brought'st down the waters from above the heav'ns and openedst in thine own body a spring of life A spring of joy and blyss to revive our harts and overflow them with a torrent of everlasting pleasures Glory be c. Antiph God is my Saviour whom shall I fear God is my Protector of what shall I be afraid Antiph Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things else shall be added to you Psal XXX LEt us then sit down in peace O my soul and rest secure in the bosom of providence Let us not disturb the order of those mercys * which our God has design'd us in his eternal counsels Every accident may be turn'd into vertue and every vertue is a step to our glorious end If our affairs succeed let us praise our great Benefactor and think what he 'l give us herafter who so favours us here If they miscarry let us yield to the will of heav'n and learn by our crosses in this world to betake us to the other What ever happens let this be our constant rule to provide for the future life and be contented with the present Shall we not patiently accept a litle evil * from Him that has given us so much good Shall the being without some one thing we need not * more sensibly affect us then the having all we need Ingrateful we the common benefits we all enjoy * deserve the thanksgiving of a whole life The air we breath in and the Sun that shines on us the water and the earth that so faithfully serve us The exercise of our senses and the use of our wits if not in excellence at least to some degree All these O Lord thou generally giv'st to the Good and to the Bad and for the least of these none can praise thee enough What shall we say to those high supernatural blessings a Son of God to redeem us and a Heav'n to reward us What shall we say can we yet complain * because some few perhaps are more prosperous then we Should we not rather look down on the many below us and be thankful to see our selvs more favor'd then they Should we not reckon o're the miserys of mankind and bless our God that has so far preserv'd us Had we some desperate canker breeding on our face or noysom leprosy spreading o're our skin These we must all confess are incident to our nature and more then these due to our sins What would we give to be as now we are how gladly change for a moderate affliction 'T is but interpreting our worst condition well to find motives enough for our gratitude to God 'T is but interpreting our best condition frowardly and find defects enough to think our selvs miserable Did we adore as we ought the Wisdom of our God we should easily trust Him to rule his own world Could we understand the secret character of his Decrees we should read in each syllable a perfect harmony Teach us O Thou blest Enlightner of our minds teach us to expound thy actions in a fair sense Suffer us not to follow our private spirit lest we create to our selvs a voluntary misery Still let us construe the afflictions thou sendst us * as meant to correct and not to destroy us To prevent some sin or practise some vertue and when we need our crosses no longer thou'lt take them away Meanwhile O gracious Lord make us wait thy time and not impatiently prescribe limits to thee Make us rejoyce that our lots are in thy hands but O let thy mercy chuse favourably for us Dispose as thou pleasest our condition here only our portion hereafter let it be with thy Blessed Glory be c. Antiph Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things else shall be added to you Our Father c. First Lesson HAve confidence in our Lord with all thy hart and rely not on thine own prudence in all thy ways think on Him and he will direct thy steps Be not wise in thine own conceit fear God and depart from evil The greater thou
blest purpose in us and finish these happy beginings towards us For our hopes are great thou hast chosen us to thy glory since already thou so far art engag'd by thy grace Glory be c. Antiph Dreadful art Thou O Lord in the terrors of thy judgments but infinitely more amiable in the sweetnes of thy mercys Capit. Rom. 13. LEt every soul be subject to the higher Pow'rs for there is no Power but of God and they that be are ordain'd of God who ever therefore resists the Power resists the ordinance of God and they who resist purchase to themselves damnation For Princes are not a terror to good but evil works wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of it for he is the minister of God to thee for good but if thou dost evil fear for he bears not the sword in vain for he is the minister of God a revenger to wrath on him that does evil Wherefore be subject to what is so necessary not only for wrath but also for conscience And for this cause do you also pay tribute for they are the ministers of God serving to this very purpose Render therfore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honor to whom honor Ow no man any thing but to love one another for he who loves has fulfill'd the Law Hymn XI FAin would my thoughts fly up to Thee Thy peace sweet Lord to find But when I offer still the world Lays clogs upon my mind Sometimes I climb a litle way And thence look down below How nothing there do all things seem That here make such a show Then round about I turn my eys To feast my hungry sight I meet with heav'n in every thing In every thing delight I see thy Wisdom ruling all And it with joy admire I see my self among such hopes As set my hart on fire When I have thus triumph't a while And think to build my nest Some cross conceits come fluttering by And interrupt my rest Then to the earth again I fall And from my low dust cry 'T was not in my wing Lord but thine That I got up so high And now my God whether I rise Or still ly down in dust Both I submit to thy blest will In both on Thee I trust Guide thou my way who art thy self My everlasting End That every step or swift or slow Still to thy self may tend To Father Son and holy Ghost One Consubstantial Three All highest praise all humblest thanks Now and for ever be Antiph What hart can resist the great King of Kings terrible and amiable and mightily shewing Both in glorious miracles of vengeance and love V. His right hand holds a golden Scepter R. And his left a flaming sword O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who by hopes and fears the main swayers of our nature here hast graciously provided to counterpoise our weight downwards and sustain our faint progress up to Thee in thy Kingdom Grant we humbly beseech Thee that the many notorious Examples of thy dreadful judgments on obstinate and incorrigible sinners may strongly over-aw our vices and impenitence and thy many more eminent instances of indulgence and mercy to the penitent and truly desirous of vertue may incourage our weaknes into effectual endeavours after it by the abundant and surely efficatious means thou hast vouchsaf't in thy Church through our Lord O Lord hear c. As page 45. Tuesday Complin OUr help is in c. as page 46. Antiph Thou art O Lord all goodnes and patience and we alas all sin and disobedience Psal XXXVII GOod God how extreamly ingrateful are we how strangely insensible of our manifest duty Every creature hears thy voice but we every thing lives by rule but we The Sun observs its constant rising and sets exactly at his appointed time The Sun stands still if thou commandest and even goes back to obey thy will And yet the Sun pretends no reward nor looks to be plac'd in a higher heav'n We who expect those glorious promises and aim no lower then the heav'n of heav'ns Shall we forget the law of our God that only instructs us to perfect our selvs We who are bought by the blood of JESUS and freely redeem'd by his sacred Cross Shall we neglect so gracious a Saviour whose only design is to draw us to his love Shall we neglect so generous a love whose only effect is to make us happy O may thy holy will dear Lord be all our rule and thy gracious hand our only guide O may thy infinite goodnes engage us to love Thee and thy blessed love prepare us to enjoy Thee Glory be c. Psal XXXVIII WHat did I say O Lord my God! we guide not our lives by thy strait rules It was too mild and gentle a reproof * for us who quite contradict thy Laws What thou forbidst we eagerly pursue and what thou command'st our frowardnes still resists We boldly converse with temptation and sin which thy charity advises us to fly like death We timorously fear a loss or frown where Thou bidst us proceed with undaunted courage We govern our actions by our own wild fancys and expect thy Providence should comply with our humors We would have Thee relieve us when we list and rain and shine as we think fit Pardon O gracious Lord this rude perversnes and fashion our spirits to submit to Thee Make us exactly observe what Thou prescrib'st how bitter so ever it tasts to our sense We are sure thy wisdom knows our infirmities we are sure thy Goodnes delights in our relief Glory be c. Psal XXXIX T Was not alone to make the day that Thou O Lord did'st make the Sun But to teach us these pious Lessons and write them plain as it 's own beams So should our light shine forth to others and so our charity warm their coldness So when they say we are under a cloud we should like the Sun be really above it And though we appear sometimes Eclipst or even extinguisht in a night of sorrow Still we should shine to our selves and Thee and still go on the ways of light Still like the regular Sun unchangedly expect * the appointed periods of bright and dark Only in this we gladly disagree and blest be our God who made the difference Not like the Sun that every night goes down and must at last be quite put out When we have finisht here our course and seem to set to this dark earth We hope to rise and set no more but shine perpetually in a brighter heav'n Glory be c. Antiph Thou art O Lord all goodnes and patience and we alas all sin and disobedience Hymn XII BLessed O Lord be thy wise grace That governs all our day And to the night assigns its place To rest us in our way If
works the laboring hand impair Or thoughts the studious mind Both are consider'd by thy care Both fit refreshment find Fit to relieve their present state Fit to prepare the next While we are taught to meditate This plain and useful Text. As every Night lays down our head And morning ope's our eys So shal the dust be once our bed And so we hope to rise To rise and see that beauteous light Spring from those eys of Thine Not to be check't by any night But clear for ever shine All glory to the sacred Three One everliving Lord As at the first still may He be Belov'd obey'd ador'd Amen Capit. 1 Pet. 4. THe end of all is at hand bewise therefore and watch in prayers but above all have mutual charity continually among your selves for charity covers a multitude of sins use hospitality one towards another without murmuring every one as he has receiv'd grace ministring the same one towards another as good dispensers of the manifold grace of God If any man speak as the words of God if any man minister as of the Power which God gives that in all things God may be honored by JESUS Christ to whom is Glory and Empire for ever and ever Amen Antiph The Sun runs it's Course or stands still or goes back as thou command'st the raging Sea growes calm nay divides it's waves at thy word only Thine own Israel resist the voice of their God V. A rod of direction is the Scepter of thy Kingdom R. Swaying man to observe the discipline of life O Gratious Lord whose laws are but necessary Rules of Soul-saving love and whose Commands are but emphatical Advises of what our nature requires to grow happy Quicken we beseech Thee the slacknes of our obedience to them by often reflecting on this thy generous Goodnes and grant the ready observance paid by all other creatures to thy least will for serving us may so reproach our perverse resisting the guidance of thy sweet spirit towards our own only good which thou kindly cal'st thy Service that we may feel our selves confounded with shame at our notorious follys and be henceforth apter to learn by all the world about us our duty to Thee through our Lord Vouchsafe us as Page 54 to the end Office for Wednesday Matins Introduction as page 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore our God that governs us Come let 's adore our God that governs us Psal XL. HE is our great soveraign and Lord the absolute King of heav'n and earth he sees at once the whole frame of all things and thorowly comprehends their various natures Come let 's adore our God that governs us To every creature he appoints a fit Office and guides all their motions in perfect order till he has wrought his glorious design to finish the world in a beauteous cloze Come let 's adore our God that governs us All these he governs with infinite wisdom and all for the good of them that love him his counsels are deep and beyond our reach but all his ways are just and merciful Come let 's adore our God that governs us He governs his enemys with a rod of iron and punishes their wilfulnes with eternal miserys but his servants he blesses with the priviledg of children and provides for their duty a rich inheritance Come le ts adore our God that governs us Glory be c. As it was c. Come le ts adore our God that governs us Come let 's adore out God that governs us Hymn XIII OPen thine eys my soul and see Once more the light returns to thee Look round about and chuse the way Thou mean'st to travel o're to day Think on the dangers thou mayst meet And always watch thy sliding feet Think where thou once hast faln before And mark the place and fall no more Think on the helps thy God bestows And cast to steer thy life by those Think on the sweets thy soul did feel When thou didst well and do so still Think on the pains that shall torment Those stubborn sins that ne're repent Think on the joys which wait above To crown the head of holy love Think what at last will be thy part If thou go'st on where now thou art See life and death set thee to chuse One thou must take and one refuse O my dear Lord guide thou my course And draw me on with thy sweet force Still make me walk still make me tend By Thee my way to Thee my end All glory to the sacred Three One undivided Deity As it has been in ages gone May now and ever still be done Antiph The day will come it will infallibly come when God will destroy all that work iniquity Psal XLI WHy do you laugh unhappy wretches * who tire your selves in the ways of sin Ways that indeed seem smooth at first but lead to danger and end in ruine Why do you boast your pleasant life * who ly asleep in the arms of death Awake and chace the dream away * that deludes your sick heads with empty fancys Awake and fill your eys with teares * and sadly look on your real miserys Whither alas will your souls be hurry'd when in cold despare you sigh away your last faint breath They shall fly amaz'd from the sight of heav'n and hide their guilty selves in eternal darknes There they shal dwel with intolerable pains weeping and wailing and lamenting for ever Their understanding shal sit as in a deep dungeon and think on nothing but its own calamitys Their Will shal be heightn'd to a madness of desire and perpetually rackt with the despir of obtaining Their Memory shal serve but to renew their sorrows and their whole souls be drown'd in a sea of bitternes They shal wish the Mountains to fall upon them and cry to the Hils to cover them But nothing shal fal on them but the wrath of God nor cover them but their own confusion There every vice shal have its proper torment prodigiously bred out of its own corruption The lascivious shal burn in unquenchable fire perpetually flaming from their own passions The Glutton and the Drunkard shal vainly sigh * for a drop of water to cool their tongues The furious colerick shal rage like mad dogs and the spiteful envious knaw their own bowels The riches of the covetous shal be as thorns in their sides and the proud be thrown down to the bottom of contempt The slothful shal miserably deplore their lost time and languish with grief for their stupid negligence But O what horrid pangs shal seize them all and wound and pierce the very center of their souls When they shal see themselvs eternally deprived * of the bright and blisful Vision of God When they shal see themselvs eternally banisht * from the sweet and gratious presence of JESUS That God who made them to injoy his glory that JESUS who 〈◊〉 redeem'd them to be heirs of his felicity Then they shall curse the day of
the hands of God At first endow'd with dominion o're the Earth and which was more with dominion o're thy self At first not only made sole Lord of Paradise but heir apparent of the Heav'n of heav'ns All this thou lost by one rash act * disobeying the Law of thy wise Creator All this alas we lost by thy transgression which brought in sin and death and universal misery Our bodys were deprav'd by thy distemper and our souls made fit for such depraved bodys Our senses quickly rebel'd against reason and both together conspir'd against grace Dulnes and ignorance o'respred the world error and vice possest mankind The Law they observ'd was their own unruly appetites and the Deity they worship'd the work of their own hands Even the selected people of the true God the favourite Nation of the Almighty Providence They who were brought out of Egypt with so many wonders and seated in a Country flowing with Milk and Honey They who had seen the sea divide before them and stand on each side as a wall to defend them They who had tasted the quails and manna from heav●●n and drunk of the streams that came gushing from the Rock Even they forgot their great Deliverer and set up for their God a Golden Calf They could not worship what they did not see they must have Gods to go before them Thus lay the miserable world all cover'd with darknes and the thickest mists of gross Idolatry Thus had poor man quite lost his way and all he could do was to wander up and down a while Til when his few vain years were spent * he suddenly descended to everlasting sorrows This mov'd thy pity gracious Lord who often art found by those that seek thee not VVho never withdraw'st thy hand in time of need but constantly supply'st us in all our distresses This mov'd thy pity to undertake our relief and come down thy self and dwel among us That as our nature us'd to worship what it saw we now should see what we might safely worship But thou again dear Lord must leave our world and though it be good for us 't is hard to part from Thee Thou must again ascend into thy Fathers bosom to prepare a place for thy faithful Followers Yet even then O thou wise and infinite Goodnes thou didst not wholly forsake our earth Only thy usual cloaths and shape were chang'd but thy former Self stil dwels among us Stil thou art really here to move us by thy presence * and entertain our devotions without fear of excess VVe know 't is impossible to adore our God too much O that 't were possible to adore him enough Glory be c. Antiph VVhether O my God should we wander if left to our selvs where should we fix our harts if not directed by Thee Antiph Blessed be thy Providence O God that so tenderly nurses up the world stil growing on to new degrees of perfection Psal LXI LOrd what a happy change has thy coming wrought what glorious effects has thy Doctrin produced Narrow was once the gate and strait the path to bliss and few there were that found it Once in a populous City not ten that were just and on the whole earth but eight that were sav'd Now we see thousands with a strong and generous love * run swiftly after Thee in the ways of thy Counsels Now we see millions with a fair degree of hope * walk constantly towards Thee in the ways of thy Commands Now we see Kings and mighty Nations submit to Thee and hope all the world will ere long adore Thee Whence O my God could this strange improvement come but that JESUS ascending left himself on our Altars Whence could this blessing spring but from his holy life and the infinit merits of his painful death Both which are here miraculously united and the fruits of both abridg'd into this one Mystery This is the Mystery that gives life and spirit to the Church and works all the wonders that adorn the world This builds our great and sumptuous Temples to bestow on our God the best house we have This with our richest treasures beautifys our altars to entertain our Lord in the best way we can This breeds the reverence we pay to Priests and excellently disposes us to believe and obey them This keeps alive our dear Redeemers death and applies to our souls all the vertue of his Passion This fills our hearts with heroick courage * to do and suffer for the Name of JESUS This is in fine the food of faith and hope and love and these 3 fit us for eternal happines O blest memorial of my Saviours love and faithful Seal of all his promises If I forget to sing of thee * let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth If I forget to meditate on Thee * let my head forfeit its power to think All the short time I remain in thy presence * I will wholly employ to adore thy Majesty Thee will I bless for all thy mercys to Thee will I open all my necessitys Beging thy pardon for my past offences * and thy gracious assistance for the time to come Imploring thy peace for the souls departed and thy blessing for all the world O spotles Lamb once slain for us on the Cross and dayly sacrificed on the holy Altar Be thou our powerful Advocate with thy heav'nly Father and solicite by thy Merits his mercy for us Offer thy sacred Self before his Throne and turn away the wrath we deserve for our sins So slaves are rescu'd from their chains * and prisoners from the doom of death While they appease their offended King * with the pleasing remembrance of his beloved Son And so hope we and infinitely more from the infinitely greater Mediation of JESUS If Thou O Lord shalt thus restore our liberty and cloath thy servants in the robes of innocence Then shall we all delight to be still in thy presence and follow thee where're thou goest In thy Processions we 'l wait on thy triumph in thy visiting the sick we 'l attend thy charity When thou art lifted up we 'l bow before Thee when solemnly expos'd we 'l publickly adore thee Where e're Thou art we 'l never forsake Thee where e're we are our harts shall be with Thee Glory be c. Antiph Blessed be thy Providence O God that so tenderly nurses up the world still growing on to new degrees of perfection Antiph This is the greatest charity that God himself can bestow since God can bestow nothing greater then himself Psal LXII ANd does our glorious God not only visit but dwelt perpetually with us men upon earth He whom the heav'n of heav'ns cannot contain does he make his residence in our litle Tabernacles Where are you holy Angels that you fly not swiftly down and in your whitest robes attend your Lord Where are you careles men that you run not quickly hither and with your lowliest homage bow to your King Who though
he shines out clear to the Blessed alone and the beams of his glory strike bright upon their faces Yet have his mercys to us far more of miracle far more of care and tender Providence VVhile he not only is pleas'd to be among us but condescends to become even one with us VVhile he not only is our God to go before us but our very food to enter into us O souls redeem'd by the Blood of JESUS and nourisht with the flesh of his sacred Body Why melt you not away into tears of joy for being so regarded by the King of heav'n Why not at least dissolve into tears of sorrow for so litle regarding him Who will not tremble with an amorous reverence * that stands in the sight of so great a Majesty Who can forbear to be transported with joy that thinks I 'm going to receive my God! Who can contain the overflowings of his hart while his brest can say here I have my God! My great and glorious God who meerly out of love * thus gives me Himself in pledg of my salvation O infinite sweetnes how good is it for us to be here and behold our Lord transfigur'd before us Here let us make a thousand Tabernacles one O my JESU for Thee and one for each of us That in our litle tents we may dwel about thee and sing and bow and rejoyce before thee What should the captive wish but liberty and the weary Pilgrim but to be at rest What should the sick desire but helth and what can I but to be with my God But stay am I drest like a friend of the Bridegroom * that I safely may come to this Marriage Supper Have I consider'd how chast those eys should be * which go to behold the God of purity Have I consider'd how clean that mouth should be * which presumes to eat the Bread of heav'n But most how all-celestial that soul should be * which aspires to an union with the Body of our Lord Look look my hart look well into thy self and strictly search every Corner of thy brest Alas how poor and dull and empty are we how infinitely unworthy so divine a Sacrament Yet are we cal'd by Him that can command by Him that sees and pitys our misery He bids us come he surely will receive us and with his bounteous fulnes supply our defects Go then my soul go to that sacred Table and take thy part of that delicious Banquet Go all inflam'd with love and joy and hope and quench thy holy thirst at that Spring of Blyss When thou hast tasted the sweetnes of thy God and feel'st his heav'nly streams flow gently on thee Open thy happy brest and suck those waters in and let them freely run over all thy powers Let them soak deep to the root of thy hart and turn thy barren heath into a fruitful land Fruitful in holy thoughts and pious words fruitful in good and just and charitable deeds Fruitful to thy self in thine own improvement fruitful to others in thy good example No more ingratitude to so gracious a God no more neglect of so glorious a Majesty Away false pleasures sin and vanity for the God of holines hath touch't my hart He has himself gone in and taken full possession and seal'd it up for his own service Glory be c. Antiph This is the greatest charity that God himself can bestow since God can bestow nothing greater then himself Capit. 1 Cor. 13. IF I speak with the tongues of men and Angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinckling Cymbal and if I should have Prophecy and understand all mysteryes and all knowledg and if I should have all fayth so that I should remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing Charity is patient is benigne Charity envyes not deals not perversly is not puft up is not ambitious seeks not her own is not provok't to anger thinks not evil rejoyces not upon iniquity but rejoyces with the truth suffers all things beleevs all things hopes all things bears all things Charity never fayls but whether Prophesyes they shal be made void or tongues they shall cease or knowledg it shal be destroy'd for we know in part and Prophecy in part but when that which is perfect shal come that which is in part shal be made void When I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things Now we see darkly through a glass but then face to face now I know in part but then I shal know even as I am known and now there remain faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is Charity Hymn XIX DO I resolve an easy life Stor'd with plenty free from strife When dear Lord thy days and nights Pass'd in poverty and fights Do I design a gentle death Singing out my aged breath When my Saviour tortures tore Thy dear soul out drown'd in gore O dread dayly Sacrifice Acting in a sweet disguise JESUS Passions o're again Such undue conceits restrain Keep stil lively in my mind How I ought to be resign'd How this Pattern ought destroy All my sensual greif or joy Are suffrings Ills no goodness chose His and our way to blyss through those Are pleasures Goods no wisdom scorn'd Their daliance and us forewarn'd This this make my Ditty be At least whenever Thee I see Thee it's ground so oft repeating To prevent my souls forgetting JESU thus arm'd no terrors shall Make my vertuous courage fall No flatterys here my blest hope drown Since thy Cross led to thy Crown Live for ever glorious Lord Live by heav'n and earth ador'd May both their praises give They who see we who beleeve Amen Antiph Thou art ascended our glorious Redeemer to prepare a place for us yet continuest stil here our gracious Emmanuel to prepare us for it V. 'T is thy delight O Lord to be with the children of men R. O make it ours to be with the God of heav'n O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us Pray O God who seeing the dulnes of our spirits need so often fresh impulses of sense hast wonderfully contriv'd our alone saving Object thy sacrific'd Son continually to solicite our harts by his own dear Presence stil really among us Reclaim we humbly beseech Thee all our wandring affections with this miracle of goodnes and compose them into such a diligent and devout attendance on our graciously veild JESUS that we may dayly feed our adoration and love of Him and dayly grow in our desires of seeing eternally his glorious Face who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen O Lord hear as Pag. 45. Thursday Complin OUr help c. as Pag. 46. Antiph What could'st thou say dear Lord more sweet then this Thy delight is to be with the Children of
now and argue with me saith our Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow and though they be red as vermillion they shall be white as wool R. Who will give water to my head and a fountain of tears to my eys that day and night I may continually weep and mourn and lament for my own sins and for my Saviours sufferings * O my ador'd Redeemer make us hartily sorry to have offended Thee make us speedily mend least we ruine our selvs Thou hast given us these holy rules to guide our lives and enforc't them on us by thine own example fasting and praying and weeping and humbling thy self to death even the death of the Cross * O my Third Lesson BEhold in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exact of all your debtors you fast to debates and contentions and strike with the first impiously Is this such a fast as I have chosen a man to afflict his soul for a day is this it to wind his head about like a circle and spread sackcloath and ashes Is not this rather the fast I have chosen dissolve the bands of impiety unlose the heavy burthens break in pieces every yoak and let the opprest go free deal thy bread to the hungry and bring the poor and harbourles into thy house when thou seest the naked cover him and despise not thine own flesh Then shal thy light break forth as the morning and thy helth speedily arise and thy justice go before thy face and the glory of our Lord compass thee round about Then shalt thou call and our Lord will answer thou shalt cry and he will say behold I am here I am he who blot out thy iniquitys for my own sake and thy sins I will remember no more I am the Lord thy God who teach thee profitable things and govern thee in the way where thou walkest I am the Lord thy God who take thee by the hand and say to thee fear not I will help thee fear not for I am with thee shrink not aside for I am thy God R. My God never let me so rely on any outward performances that I neglect the improvement of my mind lest my fasting becom an unprofitable trouble and my prayer a vain lip labor * The soul and the body make a man and the spirit and discipline make a Christian Never let me so pretend to inward perfection that I slight the outward observances of Religion lest my thoughts grow proud and phantastick and all my arguments be but a cover for licenciousnes * The Soul Glory be c. * The Soul Pause as Pag. 17. Friday Lauds O God incline as Pag. 18. Antiph Come let us glory in the Cross of our Lord JESVS Christ in whom is our life and helth and resurrection Psal LXX SHal we rejoyce my soul to day Shal we not mourn at the Funeral of our dear Redeemer Such O my Lord was the excess of thy goodnes to derive joys for us from thine own sorrows Thou forbadst thy followers to weep for Thee and reserved'st to thy self alone the shame and grief Thou invitest all the world to glory in thy Cross and command'st us to delight in the memory of thy passion Sing then all you dear-bought Nations of the Earth sing hymns of glory to the holy JESUS Sing every one who pretends to felicity sing immortal praises to the God of our Salvation To Him who for us indur'd so much scorn and patiently receiv'd so many injurys To Him who for us swet drops of blood and drank off the dregs of his Fathers wrath To the eternal Lord of heav'n and earth who for us was slain by the hands of the wicked Who for us was led away as a Sheep to the slaughter and as a meek Lamb open'd not his mouth Whither O my God did thy compassion carry thee how did thy charity too far prevail with Thee Was it not enough to becom man for us but thou must expose thy self to all our miserys Was it not enough to labor all thy life but thou must suffer for us even the pains of death No gracious Lord thy mercy stil observ'd * some wants in our nature as yet unsupplyd Thou saw'st our too much fondnes of life * needed thy parting with it to reconcile us to death Thou saw'st our fear of sufferings could no way be abated but by freely undergoing them in thine own person O blessed JESU whose grace alone * begins and perfects all our hopes How are we bound to praise thy love how infinitely oblig'd to adore thy goodnes At any rate thou would'st stil go on to heal our weak and wounded nature Even at the price of thine own dear blood thou would'st finish for us the purchase of heav'n Glory be c. Psal LXXI AWake my soul and speedily prepare * thy richest sacrifice of humble praise Awake and summon all thy thoughts * to make hast and adore our great Redeemer For now 't is time we should reverently go and offer our harts at the foot of his Cross Thither let us fly from the troubles of the world there let us dwel among the mercys of heav'n Under the shade of that happy tree let us kneel and often look up to our dearest Lord Let us remember every passage of his love and be sure that none escape our thanks Let us compassionate every stroak of his death and one by one salute his sacred wounds Blest be the hands that wrought so many miracles and were bor'd with cruel nails Blest be the feet that so often travail'd for us and at last were unmercifully fastned to the Cross Blest be the head which was crown'd with thorns the head that so industriously studied our happines Blest be the hart which was pierced with a spear the hart that so passionately lov'd our peace Blest be the entire person of our Crucifyd Lord and may all our powers joyn in his praise In thy eternal praise O gracious JESU and the ravishing thoughts of thy incomparable sweetnes O what excess of kindnes was this what strange extremity of love and pity The Lord is sold that the slave may be free the Innocent condemn'd that the guilty may be sav'd The Phisician is sick that the Patient may be cur'd and God himself dys that man may live Tell me my Soul when first thou hast well consider'd * and lookt about among all we know Tell me who ever wisht us so much good who ever lov'd us with so much tendernes What have our nearest friends done for us or even our Parents in comparison of this Charity No less then the Son of God came down to redeem us no less then his own dear life was the price he paid for us What can the favour of the whole world promise us compar'd to this miraculous bounty No less then the joys of Angels are become our hope no less then the Kingdom of heav'n is made our inheritance Glory be
my gracious God Vouchsafe to grant it Cast me not away from thy presence for ever nor wipe my name out of the book of life But my eternal hopes let them remain and stil grow quicker as they approach their end Glory be c. Psal LXXVIII MY thoughts run o're the passages you have met to day or rather forget such impertinent things What have we seen but distracting vanitys and what brought home but unprofitable fancys How often have we felt our minds disturb'd how often endanger'd by unhappy accidents Somtimes we frowardly throw our selvs down and like sullen children will not stand Somtimes the tempest throws us down and like weak children we cannot stand Yet are we venturing stil among the snares entic'd by the appearance of some present delight We weary our selvs with running after flyes which are hard to catch and trifles when they are caught This we pursue and follow that but nothing we mee●● can fill our harts Til we have found out Thee O gracious Lord our only full all-satisfying Good Til we have found out Thee not by a dark beleef but clearly as thou art in thine own bright Self Remember O my soul this truth of the world we live in which our own experience too evidently proves The ey is not fill'd with seeing its varietys nor the ear with hearing all its harmony Remember this truth of the world we hope made sure to our faith by the word of JESUS The ey has not seen such beauteous glorys nor has the ear heard such ravishing charms Nor can the hart it self conceive such incredible joys as our God has provided for them that love him As our Blessed JESUS has purchas'd for his servants and even for Thee my soul to crown thy patience Wherfore in peace lay down thy head and rest secure in the protection of thy God Whose mercy so graciously has singled Thee out and so strongly establisht on himself thy hope Glory be c. Antiph In peace will we sleep and take our rest for thou O Lord hast particularly establisht us in hope Hymn XXIV T Is not for us and our proud harts O mighty Lord to chuse our parts But act wel what Thou giv'st 'T is not in our weak pow'r to make One step o' th way we undertake Unless Thou us releev'st What Thou hast given Thou canst take And when Thou wilt new gifts canst make All flows from Thee alone When Thou didst give it it was Thine When thou retookst it 't was not mine Thy will in all be done It might perhaps too pleasant prove Too much attractive of my love So make me less love Thee Some things there are thy Scriptures say And reason proves that heav'n and they Do seldom wel agree Lord let me then sit calmly down And rest contented with my own That is what Thou allow'st Keep thou my mind ferene and free Often to think on heav'n and Thee And what thou there bestow'st There let me have my portion Lord There all my losses be restor'd No matter what falls here Is 't not enough that we shall sing And love for ever our blest King Whose goodnes brought us there Great God as Thou art One may we With one another all agree And in thy praise conspire May Men and Angels joyn and sing Eternal Hymns to Thee their King And make up all one Quire Capit. 6 Galat. GOd forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord JESVS Christ by whom the world is crucifyd to me and I to the world For in Christ JESVS neither circumcision avails any thing nor uncircumcision but a new Creature and whoever shal follow this rule peace on them and mercy and on the Israel of God Antiph Consider O my soul and see that nothing can happen unprofitable to those who know how to use it and real●●y seek by tempering right their minds to build them up in true Vertue V. Day to day utters words of instruction R. And night to night affords Science O Lord hear our prayers And let our Supplications come to thee Let us pray O God whose provident mercy makes every day a new branch of the tree of Knowledge to us whence the Evening may gather fresh variety of wholsom fruit for the nourishment of souls whose digestion by grace has sanctifyd by feeding on the tree of life the Cross of JESUS Grant we humbly beseech Thee that no experience of good or evil which this day has afforded may be lost on us but what e're of moment has happen'd to our selvs or others may by seasonable and minute rumination be fitted to render us more skilful in discerning the true value and use of this state in all its postures and stronger to sacrifice up with our Saviour our whole Concerns and Being here to thy Will and the sole advance of thy glory which at length will surely crown thy Servants with immortal Blyss through our Lord Vouchsafe as Pag 54 to the end Saturday MATINS Introduction as page 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore our Victorious Redeemer Come let 's adore our Victorious Redeemer Psal LXXIX COme all you Powers of my deliver'd soul and pay your homage to the Prince of our salvation cast your unworthy selvs at his sacred feet and renew your vows of following his steps Come let 's adore our Victorious Redeemer He triumpht over death in his own body and enables us to conquer it in ours imparting to us his heav'nly skill and provoking our courage with infinite rewards Come let 's adore our Victorious Redeemer He chang'd the corrupted government of the world and establisht a new and holy Law that as we were vassals to sin before we might now become the free subjects of grace Come let 's adore our victorious Redeemer Let us live and dy in his blest obedience and no temptation ever separate us from him who if we resist will make us overcome and when we have overcome will crown us with peace Come let 's adore our victorious Redeemer Glory be c. As it was c. Come let 's adore our victorious Redeemer Come let 's adore our victorious Redeemer Hymn XXV LOrd we again lift up our eys And leave our slugish beds But why we wake or why we rise Comes seldom in our heads Is it to sweat and toyl for welth Or sport our time away That thou preserv'st us stil in helth And giv'st us this new day No no unskilful soul not so Be not deceiv'd with toys Thy Lords commands more wisely go And aim at higher joys They bid us wake to seek new grace And some fresh vertue gain They call us up to mend our pace Till we the prize attain That glorious prize for which all run Who wisely spend their breath VVho when this weary life is done Are sure of rest in death Not such a rest as here we prove Disturb'd with cares and fears But endless joy and peace and love Unmixt with grief and tears
't is Thou bestow'st His pow'r his will to help our end Is just so much as thou allow'st If we enjoy a free estate Our only Title is from Thee Thou mad'st our lot to bear that rate Which else an empty blank would be If we have h●●lth that wel-tun'd grownd Which gives the Musick to the rest It is by Thee our ayr is sound Our food secur'd our physick blest If we have hope one day to view The glorys of thy blysful face Each drop of that refreshing dew Must fall from heav'n and thy free grace Thus then to Thee our praises bow And humbly thy acceptance crave Since 't is to Thee our selvs we ow And to thy bounty all we have Glory to Thee great God alone Three persons in one Deity As it has been in ages gone May now and stil for ever be Antiph 'T is consummated Thou hast O JESU overcom in thy Body all the Powers of darknes their hour is past but thy souls eternal blyss remains and Behold That of thy triumphant Resurrection approaches V. Be not afraid of those who kill the body R. And after that have no more they can do O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who hast submitted thy only Son our Saviour JESUS to expire on the Cross and descend into the grave that he might destroy the life of sin and bury the terrors of death grant we beseech Thee they may never revive or rise again to tempt or fright us from the ways of vertue nor shake this sure and fundamental truth which thy grace has laid in our harts That the greatest mischiefs our salvation can cost us here are but momentary and work above measure exceedingly in us an eternal weight of glory through the same our Lord Commemorations as Page 29. to the end Saturday Vespers OUr Father c. as Page 33. Antiph They who use this world let them be as if they ●●s'd it not for the figure of this world passes away Psal LXXXVI WHy do we stil pursue this world and so eagerly seek its fond enjoyments A world of vanity and false deceits a world of misery and sad disasters Whose crosses are solid and comforts empty whose sorrows are permanent and delights pass quickly away A world where the innocent are condemn'd with shame and the guilty freed with applause Where often the wicked are advanc'd to honour and the vertuous opprest with disgrace Where friends fall off and kindred forget and every one minds his private interest Yet are we taken with this crooked world and blindly court its painted face We make some ugly passion mistress of our hart and neglect the pure and amiable love of JESUS Whose goodnes to us gives us all we have whose perfections in himself are more then we can conceive Thou art O glorious JESU the beauty of Angels and the everlasting joy of all thy Saints Thou art the heay'n of heav'n it self and in thy sight alone is the fulnes of Blyss All this thou art and infinitely more and yet alas how few esteeem thee The world we dearly know too often has deceiv'd us and our rashnes cares not to be undone again Thou never O JESU hast fail'd our hope and our dulnes fears to rely on Thee The world distracts and embroils our spirits and wretched we delight in our misery Thou always O JESU fil'st our harts with peace and sensles we are weary of thy happines The world calls and we faint in following it thou cal'st and we are stil reliev'd by Thee Yet is our nature so ingratefully perverse we run after that which tires and abandon that which refreshes Somtimes our lips speak gloriously of Thee O Thou living fountain of eternal Blyss Some happy times we relish thy sweetnes and decry aloud the poyson of the world But we are soon enticed by its guilded cup and easily forsake the waters of life O Blessed JESU who took'st upon thee all our frailtys to bestow on us thine own perfections Teach us to prize the joys of heav'n and part with all things else to purchase Thee Make all the pleasures of this life seem b●●tter to our tasts as they are indeed pernitious to our helths Let not their flatterys any more delude us nor superfluous cares perplex our minds But may our chief delight be to think on Thee and all our study to grow in thy love Glory be c. Antiph They who use this world let them be as if they us'd it not for the figure of this world passes away Antiph We by a fond self-love blame every thing but our selvs while nothing can hurt us but our own misplac't affections Psal LXXXVII ALl this is true and yet the world is lov'd and our nature inclines to affect its vanitys 'T is lov'd and so it justly deservs did we understand its real value Our life indeed seems mean and trivial and all things about us troublesom and dangerous Yet O my God is their consequence excellent in this that they are our only way of coming to Thee This world and this alone 's the womb that breeds us and brings us forth to see thy light This is alone the proper Machine wherein thy hand has set our lives To learn the art of managing it right and wind up our selves to thy glorious heav'n O that we had that happy skill how soon would every thing help forward to advance us Whether we eat or drink or what ever else * an innocent hand can undertake If we regard our faithful end and order all to the improvement of our minds They instantly change their secular name and deservedly are prefer'd to become religious Riches themselves and imperious honour * have not so perverse and fixt a malice But a prudent use converts them to piety and makes them fit instruments of highest Blyss Our very delights O the Goodnes of our God! may so be temper'd with a wise alloy That his mercy accounts them as parts of our duty and fails not to give them their full reward While they are entertain'd for the health of our bodys or the just refreshement of our wearyed spirits And both our bodys and spirits constantly apply'd * to gain new degrees of the love of heav'n Thus gracious Lord every moment of our lives * may still be climbing up towards Thee Thus may we still proceed in thy service even then when we most of all serve our selvs And then indeed it is we best serve our selvs when we are busiest in what we call thy service Thou sweetly vouchsaf'st to stile th●●t thy glory which in very truth is nothing but our interest Thou kindly complain'st we dishonour thy Name when we only mischief our own souls O Blesses JESU King of clemency and great Rewarder of every little grace Thou who by all we can do pretendest no gain but bestow'st on us all thy self hast done Thou who cam'st down from heav'n to shew us a
pattern and mad'st us free to work for our own profit Instruct our gratitude to consecrate all to Thee since all by thy bounty will redound to our selves Glory be c. Antiph We by a fond self love blame every thing but our selvs while nothing can hurt us but our own misplac't affections Antiph It is decreed for all men once to dy and after death Judgment Psal LXXXVIII THis life indeed is the way we must walk but this alone cannot bring us to our end Ere we arrive at our appointed home we must be led through the gates of death Where we shall absolutely be stript of all we have and carry nothing with us but what we are Where we not only must quit the whole world but leave behind us even part of our selvs Hast thou my soul seen som Neighbour dy and dost thou remember those circumstances of sorrow VVe are sure the case ere long will be our own and are not sure but it may be very soon Have we our selvs been dangerously sick and do we remember the thoughts we had then How we resolv'd to correct our passions and strive against the vices that particularly indanger us 'T will come to this again and no reprieve be found * stay one single minute the hand of death But he immediately will seize upon us and bear us away to the region of spirits There to be rang'd in our proper place as the course of our life has qualify'd us here Nor is this all to expire and dy and dwell for a time in a state of separation VVe must expect another Day a day of publick accounts and restiution of all things When the Archangel shal sound his trumpet and proclaim aloud this universal summons Arise you dead and come to Judgment arise and appear before the Throne of God Then shall the little heaps of dust immediately awake and every soul put on her proper body Immediately all the children of Adam shal be gather'd together from heav'n and hell and every corner of the earth There they must stand and all attend their doom but O with how sad and fatal a difference The Just shal look up with a cheerful confidence and in their new white robes triumph and sing Alleluia let us rejoyce for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his Bride has prepar'd her self Let us rejoyce for the Kingdom of the world is made our Lords and his Christs and He shal reign for ever and ever Let us rejoyce for now our Redeemer is nigh behold he comes quickly and his reward is with him Come come Lord JESU thou long Desire of our harts come quickly thou full Delight of our Souls Come and declare to all the world thy glory come and reward before all the world thy servants Lo where aloft he comes in power and Majesty attended with a train of innumerable Angels Behold where he sits inthron'd on the wings of Cherubins and takes at once a view of all mankind Soon he commands his Angels to sever his Sheep and gather them together on his right hand First then to them he turns his glorious face and shines upon them with these ravishing words Come you Blessed of my Father possess the Kingdom * prepared for you from the begining of the world O the joys their souls shal feel when those heav'nly words sound in their ears Joys that the wit of man cannot conceive joys that the tongues of Angels cannot express Let it suffize themselvs shal tast their own felicity and feed on its sweetnes for ever But O with what dejected eys and trembling harts * shal the wicked stand expecting their Judg What shal they do when where're they look * their ey can meet with nothing but despair Above the offended Judge ready to condemn them below the bottomless pit gaping to devour them Within the worm of conscience knawing their bowels and round about all the world in flames What shal they do when that terrible voice * shal strike them suddenly down to the bottom of hell Go you accursed into everlasting fire * prepar'd for the Devil and his Angels The day of man is past when siners did what they pleas'd and God seem'd to hold his peace 'T is now the day of God when his wrath shal speak in thunder and siners suffer what their wickednes deservs Then shal they sink immediately into the pit of sorrow and dwel in darknes and torments for ever While the Just shal go up in joy and triumph and reign with our Lord in his Kingdom for ever Thus shal the whole Creation be finally dispos'd and mercy and justice divide the world O my soul who now art here below and read'st these dreadful truths as things afar off Know thou shalt then be present and see them with thine eys and be thy self concern'd for all eternity Know as thou livest thou art like to dy and as thou dy'st thou art sure to be judg'd Think what a sad condition it will be * to find thy self on the wrong hand Think what thou then would'st give to have repented in time think what thou would'st give for a litle time to repent Watch therfore now and continually pray for we know not the hour when the Son of man will come O Son of God and man who cam'st in mercy to save us bring the same mercy with thee when thou com'st to judg us Mean while assist us with thy heav'nly grace to stand perpetually with our accounts prepar'd That we may dy in the peace of God and his holy Church and go to live with Him and his blessed Saints Glory be c. Antiph It is decreed for all men once to dy and after death judgment Capit. Tytus 2. SPeak thou the things which becom sound doctrin that the aged men be sober chast wise sound in faith in charity in patience likewise the aged women that they be in holy attire not speaking ill of others not given to much wine teaching good things that they may learn the young women wisdom to love their husbands to love their children to be prudent chast sober to have a care of the house to be gentle subject to their husbands that the word of God be not blasphem'd Young men also exhort to be sober Servants to be obedient to their Masters pleasing them in every thing not contradicting not defrauding but shewing good fidelity in all things that in all things they may adorn the doctrin of God our Saviour Hymn XXVII LOrd what a pleasant life were this If all did well their parts If all did one another love Sincerely with their harts No Suits of law no noise of war our quiet minds would fright No fear to lose no care to keep What justly is our right No envious thought no sland'ring tongue Would e're disturb our peace We should help them and they help us And all unkindnes cease But the All-wise chose other laws And thought it better so He made the world and
sure he knows What 's best with it to do 'T is for our good that all this ill Is suffer'd here below T is to correct those dangerous sweets That else would poyson grow So storms are rais'd to clear the ayr And chase the clouds away So weeds grow up to cure our wounds And all our pains allay How often Lord do we mistake When we our plots design Rule Thou herafter thine own world Only Thy self be mine Or rather Lord let me be thine Else I am not mine own Give me Thy self or take Thou me Undone if left alone To Thee great God of heav'n and earth Each knee for ever bow May all thy Blessed sing above And we adore below Antiph Thou giv'st us tasts of Good here to beget and feed in us an appetite Thou giv'st us but tasts here to draw our affections up to thy self whose fruition alone can fully satisfy us V. Vain and preposterous it is to expect our Port at Sea R. Or to look for a heav'n on earth but in hope O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O Merciful God whose Providence disparages with shortnesses and crosses all the injoyments of this world to allay their temptatiousnes and slacken their hold on our harts grant us grace we beseech Thee wisely to discern and praise Thee for this their most beneficial nature and since we cannot attain Thee the heav'n of heav'ns but by our sole Fixure on Thy self nor be rais'd to That without a sense of dissatisfyingnes in what ever else we do or can possess make us check and overcome the repinings of flesh and blood with juster adorations of Thy infinite mercy for qualifying so fitly this womb of our souls that by its own uneasines it more easily disposes them for a happy birth into thy blessed eternity through our Lord O Lord hear c. as page 45. Saturday Complin OUr help is in c. as page 46. Antiph Too often are we troubled about many things when the truly necessary is but One. Psal LXXXIX REtire O my soul into thine own bosom and search what thou aim'st at in all thy thoughts Where dost thou place thy chief felicity and whither tend thy strongest desires Go to the Great and Prudent of the world and learn of them to chuse thy interests Do they not there increase their estates where they mean to spend most of their life Do they project their Mansion seat * in a country through which they pass as travellers No more my soul should we build our best hopes * on the sandy foundation of this perishable earth Where sure we are we cannot stay long and are not sure we may stay very litle O Thou eternal Being who changest not yet art the cause and end of all our changes Who still remain'st the same rich fulnes in thy Self * the same bright glory to all thy Blessed Teach us O Lord to use this transitory life as Pilgrims returning to their beloved home That we may take what our journy requires and not think of setling in a forrein country But wisely forecast our treasures so to be happy there where we must always be Glory be c. Psal XC NOw thou hast found thy happy end and found it the only Good that lasts for ever Study O my soul to know still more and still more value those immortal joys Strive for so glorious a prize with thy whole force and the utmost strainings of all thy facultys Purchase at any rate that blest inheritance and wiseley neglect even all things else All that divert thee from thy holy course or but retard the speed of thy advance For though the least in the kingdom of heav'n be happy enough where every Vessel is fil'd to the brim yet to enlarge our capacity to the least higher degree * deservs the busiest diligence of our whole life Shall the industious Bee endure no rest but fly and sing and labour all the day Shall the unwearied Ant be running up and down to fetch and carry a few grains of corn And we for whom all nature so faithfully works and tires it self in a perpetual motion For whom the tender providence of God * commands even his Angels to watch and pray For whom the ador'd JESUS came down from heav'n and spent a whole life in continual labours Shall we sleep on in a drowsy sloth and not stir a finger to help our selvs Awake my soul and chide thy sluggish thoughts and let their stupid folly plainly know We have a store to provide as well as Ants and infinitely richer then their poor hoard We have a work to do as well as Bees and infinitely sweeter then all their hony What can so noby enrich an immortal soul * as still to be gathering a stock for eternity What can so highly delight one that every day improves as daily to see the encrease of his hope O blessed hope be thou my chief delight and the only treasure I covet to lay up Be thou the quick'ning life of all my actions and sweet allay of all my sufferings So shall I ne're refuse any meanest labour while I look to receive such glorious wages So shall I ne're repine at any temporal loss whil●● I hope to gain such eternal rewards Glory be c. Psal XCI BUt O 't is not so much our sloth undoes us as the imprudent choice in applying our diligence Many alas take pains enough many perplex themselvs too much See how the busie toylers of the world * are chain'd perpetually like slaves to their work How early they rise and go late to sleep and eat the bread of care and sorrow See how the hardy soldiers follow their Prince * through a thousand difficulties to meet with dangers See how the ventrous Mariners expose their lives * over stormy Seas into barbarous Nations And why all this poor ill-advised wretches but to fetch perhaps a litle fish or spice To gain a few pence or some petty honour which others often share in more then your selvs O bounteous Lord how easie are thy commands how cheap hast thou made the purchase of heav'n Half these pains would make us Saints half these sufferings canonize us for Martyrs Were they devoutly undertaken for Thee and the higher enjoyment of thy glorious promises Thou bidst us not freez under the Polar star nor burn in the heats of the torrid Zone But proposest a sweet and gentle rule and such as our nature it self would chuse Did not our passions strangely mislead us and the world about us distract our reason Thou bidst us but wisely love our selvs and attend above all things our own true happines Thou bidst us value even this world as much as it deservs since 't is the School that breed us up to the Other Only we are forbidden to be wilful fools and prefer a short vanity before eternal felicity O the mild government of the King of heaven this we can
do what ever else we are doing This we can do even while we sit still and only move our thoughts towards Thee Nay then we best perform this best of works when all our powers are quiet in Thee Yet let not this thy facil sweetnes dearest Lord be abus'd by us to a wanton neglect But make us love Thee so much more as Thou more discover'st the excess of thy love Glory be c. Antiph Too often are we troubled about many things when the truly necessary is but One. Hymn XXVIII MY soul what 's all this world to thee This world of sin and wo Where only sense can tast its sweets And those unwholsom too Truth is thy food truth thy delight Which cannot here be free Thy mind was born to know and love What this life ne're can see Malicious world how dost thou lay and cover thy false baits Here those of pleasure there of gain Each for our ruine waits Unhappy we it is our fault 'T is we our life abuse The world presents a furnisht shop And we the tools misuse So have I seen a litle child If Nurse but turn her ey Instead of heft take hold o' th blade And cut it self and cry This litle child alas am I Self-will'd self-wounded too But Lord turn not thy face away Lest I my self undo O make me stil so use this world That I the other gain O make me so the other love That this its end attain It s end to breed up souls for heav'n Then be it self new drest No more corruption no more change But one perpetual rest To Father Son and holy Ghost The undivided Three One equal glory one same praise Now and for ever be Capit. Thessal 5. THe day of our Lord shall come as a thief in the night let us not therefore sleep as others but watch and be sober For God has not appointed us to wrath but to the purchasing salvation by our Lord JESVS Christ who dyed for us that whether we wake or sleep we may live together with Him Antiph We have here no permanent City but are bound in quest of Jerusalem above the eternal mansion of Blyss V. Jesus came down to give us a glimpse of it R. And made his own life the Card to direct us to it O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to thee Let us pray O God whose eternal Providence has imbarkt our souls in the ship of our bodys not to expect any port or anchorage on the Sea of this world but steer directly through it to thy glorious Kingdom grant we beseech Thee that daily reflecting with what care and unwearied diligence the wretched Adventurers for all sorts of vanity pursue round about us their desperate courses we may hartily feel our selvs confounded with just reproach who knowing our ingagement on so important a voyage yet take so litle pains to perform it Preserve us O Lord from those dangerous winds that on all sides assault us and keep the sails of our affections still duly trim'd to receive thy holy inspirations that carried sweetly forward by the gales of thy Spirit we may happily arrive at last in the haven of eternal salvation through our Lord Vouchsafe c. as page 54. to the end The OFFICE of our B. SAVIOVR Matins Introduction as Page 1. Christmas Invitatory To day for us our Lord was born alleluia Come let 's adore Him Newyears-day Invit To day our Lord was Circumciz'd and receiv'd the sweet name of JESVS alleluia Come let 's adore Him Twelfth-day Invit To day the holy Kings brought their presents to our Lord●● alleluia Come let 's adore Him Candlemas-day Invit To day our Ble●●ed Lord was presented in the Temple alleluia Come let 's adore Him Lady-day Invit To day the Eternal WORD was made flesh Come let 's adore Him Passion-Sunday and Palm-Sunday Invit To day if you will hear the voice of our Lord harden not your harts Easter-day All as in the Office for Sunday except as in the Proper for Festivals Invention of the Cross Invit To day the miraculous Cross of our Lord was found alleluia Come let 's adore Him Ascension Invit To day our glorious JESVS ascended into heav'n alleluia Come let 's adore Him If this Office be said on any day that is not a feast of our Saviour let the Invitatory be To day let 's adore our God that redem'd us Psal XCII BRing to our Lord all you his servants bring to our Lord the sacrifice of praise bring to our Lord all you nations of the earth bring hymns of glory to his great Name To day c. He is our God and we his people created by his goodnes to be happy for ever he is our Redeemer and we his purchase restor'd by his death to a better eternity To day c. Let us learn of Him and he will teach us his ways let us follow Him and we shal walk in the light for the Law and its types were given by Moses but grace and truth came by JESVS Christ. To day c. O Come let 's ascend to the house of our Lord and celebrate this day with a holy joy imploring his mercy for all we need and blessing his bounty for all we have To day c. Glory be c. As it was To day c. To day c. Hymn XXIX JESU who from thy Fathers throne To this low vale of tears cam'st down In our poor nature drest O may the charms of that sweet love Draw up our souls to Thee above And fix them there to rest JESU who wert with joy Conceiv'd With joy wert born while no pain griev'd Thy Mothers Virgin-womb O may we breed and bring Thee forth In our glad harts for all is mirth Where Thou art pleas'd to come JESU whose high and humble birth In heav'n the Angels and on earth The faithful Shepherds sing O may our hymns which here run low Shoot up aloft and fruitful grow In that eternal Spring JESU how soon did'st Thou begin To bleed and suffer for our sin The Circumcizing knife O may thy grace by making good Our souls just caufe ' gainst flesh and blood Cut off that dangerous strife JESU who took'st that heav'nly Name Thy blessed Purpose to proclaim Of saving lost mankind O may we bow our hart and knee Bright King of Names to glorious Thee and thy hid sweetnes find JESU who thus began'st our Blyss Thus carry'dst on our happines To Thee all praise be paid O may the Great Mysterious Three For ever live and ever be Ador'd belov'd obey'd Antiph Blessed be the mercy of our God who has left no way untry'd that could possibly recover us Psal XCIII COme now and hear you that fear our Lord and I will tell you what he has done for my soul Hear and I wil tel you what he has done for yours and the wonders of his bounty towards all the world When we lay asleep
in the shades of nothing his mighty hand awak't us into Being Not That of stones or plants or beasts o're which he has made us absolute Lords But an accomplisht body and immortal spirit and litle inferiour to his glorious Angels He printed on our souls his own similitude and promis'd to our obedience his own feli●●ity He endued us with appetites to live well and happy and furnisht us with means to satisfie those appetites Creating a whole world to serve us here and providing a heav'n to glorify us her-after Thus didst thou favour us O infinite Goodness but we what return did we make to Thee Blush O my Soul for shame at so strange a weaknes and weep for grief at so extreme an ingratitude We childishly prefer'd a trivial apple * before the Law of our God and the safety of our own lives We fondly embrac't a litle present satisfaction * before the Pleasures of Paradise and the eternity of heav'n Behold the unhappy source of all our miserys which still increast it streams as they went farther on Till they exacted at last a deluge of justice * to drown their deluge of iniquity And here alas had been an end of Man a sad and fatal end of the whole world Had not our wise Creator foreseen the danger and in time prevented the extremity of the ru●●e Reserving for himself a few choice plants * to replenish the earth with more hopeful fruit Yet they grew quickly wilde and brought forth sowre grapes and their childrens teeth were set on edg Quickly they aspir'd to an intolerable pride * of fortifying their wickedness against the power of heav'n Justice was now provok't to a second deluge and to bring again a cloud o're the earth But mercy discover'd a bow in the cloud and our faithful God remembred his promise Allaying their punishment with a milder sentence and only scattering them from the place of their conspiracy Which yet his Providence turn'd into a blessing * by making it an occasion of peopling the world Stil their rebellious nature disobey'd again and neither fear'd his judgments nor valued his mercys But with a graceles emulation propagated sin * as far as his Goodnes propagated mankind Then he selected a private Family and increast and govern'd them with a particular tendernes Giving them a law by the hands of Angels and ingaging their obedience by a thousand favours But they neglected too their God and heav'n and fel in love with the ways of death When thou hadst thus O dearest Lord try'd every remedy and found our disease beyond all cure When the light of nature prov'd too weak a guide and the general flood too mild a correction When the miracles of Moses could not soften their harts nor the law of Angels bring any to perfection When all was reduc't to this desperate state and no imaginable hope left to recover us Behold the eternal Wisdom finds a strange expedient the last and highest instance of almighty love Himself he resolvs to cloath with our felsh and come down among us and dy to redeem us Wonder O my soul at the mercys of thy Lord how infinitely transcending ev'n our utmost wishes Wonder at the admirable providence of his counsels how exactly fitted to their great design Had he been less then God we could never have believ'd * the sublime Mysterys of his heav'nly Doctrin Had he been other then Man we must needs have wanted * the powerful motive of his holy Example Had He been only God he could never have suffer'd * the least of those afflictions he so gloriously overcame Had He been meerly Man he could never have o'recome those infinite afflictions he so patiently suffer'd O blessed JESU both these Thou art in thy self be Thou both these to us Be thou our God and make us adore Thee be thou our Leader and make us follow Thee Glory be c. Antiph Blessed be the mercy of our God who has left no means untry'd that could possibly recover us Antiph Lord thou not only offer'st us salvation but lay'st in means before hand to make us accept it Psal XCIV SOon as this blest decree was made * of sending the Son of God to redeem mankind Immediately his goodnes was ready to come among us had our ungracious world been ready to receive him But we as yet were too gross and sensual and utterly incapable of so pure a Law We were immerst in cares and pleasures and wholly indispos'd for so perfect an obedience While we were thus unfit for thee O thou God of pure and perfect holines Thou graciously wert pleas'd to stay for us and all that time prepare us for thy presence From the begining entertaining us with hope and through every age confirming our faith How early O my God didst thou engage to relieve us The Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head How often didst thou repeat thy promise to Abraham In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed How many ways did thy mercy invent * by unquestionable tokens to give notice of thy Coming Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and his name shall be called God with us A branch shall shoot out of the stock of Jesse and from the root of that branch shall spring a Flower The Spirit of our Lord shall rest upon him and the spirit of wisdom and piety and fortitude Our Lord shall raise up a Prophet like Moses and put his words in his mouth and he shall teach us And thou Bethelem who art litle among the thousands of Juda out of thee shall He come that 's to be the Ruler in Israel Whose goings forth are from the beginning even from the days of eternity Hark how the eternal Father introduces his Son commanding first all the Angels to adore Him Thou art my Son this day have I begotten Thee Thou art my Son and I will be thy Father I will give Thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance and the ends of the world for thy possession 'T is too litle that thou raise up the Tribes of Jacob and convert the dregs of Israel Thou art appointed a lght for the Gentiles and a Saviour to the utmost parts of the earth Hark how the antient Prophets rejoyce in the Messias and in soft and gentle words foretel his sweetness He shall come down as rain into a fleece of wool and as drops of dew distilling on the earth He shall feed his flock like a Shepherd and gently lead those that are with young He shall gather his lambs with his arms and carry them in his own bosom The bruised reed he shall not break nor quench the smoking flax Justice and peace shall flourish in his days and sin and death be destroy'd for ever Then shall the eys of the blind be open'd and the ears of the deaf be made to hear Then shall the tongues of the dumb be loosen'd and the lame man leap like a Back Thus did thy holy
that day the root of Jesse which stands for a sign to the People him shal the Nations beseech and his Sepulcher shal be glorious R. Thus holy JESU did the antient Prophets foretel thy perfections and the blessed changes thy doctrin should produce the cruelty of the proud should be soften'd into meeknes and the innocence of the weak be protected by the strong and peace and charity flourish o're the world * This was thy wise and gracious design to make us happy by making us holy Thou hast planted the seeds of all these effects O give the increase that we may gather the fruit defend the good and rebuke the wicked and fill the earth with thy knowledg that all discord and animosity may utterly cease and justice and equity govern our lives * This was Second Lesson Heb. 1. GOd who in time past diversly and many ways spake to our Fathers in the Prophets has last of all in these days spoken to us in his Son whom he has appointed heir of all by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightnes of his glory and the figure of his substance and sustaining all things by the word of his power having made purgation of sins sits at the right hand of Majesty on high being so much better then Angels as he has inherited a more excellent name above them For to which of his Angels has he at any time said Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee and again I wil be to Him a Father and He shal be to me a Son and again when he brings in the First-begotten into the world he says And let all the Angels of God adore him To the Angels indeed he says He makes his Angels Spirits and his Ministers a flame of fire but to the Son Thy throne O God shall be for ever and ever the Scepter of thy Kingdom is a Scepter of equity thou hast loved justice and hated iniquity therfore has God thy God annointed thee with the oyl of gladnes above thy fellows Thou in the begining O Lord didst found the earth and the heav'ns are the works of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt continue and they all shall wax old as a garment and as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the self-same and thy years shall not fail R. Live glorious Jesu and reign for ever eternal King of heav'n and earth may all thy Blessed above perpetually adore thee and all thy servants here continually praise thee * And every tongue confes that thou O Lord art most high in the glory of thy Father Alleluja Thou wert for us obedient to death even the death of the cross wherefore God has exalted thee and given thee a Name above every name that at the Name of JESUS every knee bow of things in heav'n of things on earth and of things under the earth * And every tongue Third Lesson Ephes 1. BLessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual benedictions in celestial things in Christ as he has chosen us in him before the constitution of the world that we should be holy and immaculate in his sight in charity who has predestinated us into the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the purpose of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace by which he has made us gracious in his beloved Son in whom we have redemption through his blood the remission of sins according to the riches of his grace which has exceedingly abounded in us in all wisdom and prudence that he might make known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purpos'd in him that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might restore all things in Christ which are in heav'n and earth R. Lord what are we that thou shouldst thus regard us thou hast chosen us in thy Son before the world began and freely predestinated us into the adoption of thy children thou hast made us heirs of thy kingdom and co-heirs with Christ * O happy we if we forfeit not these mercys but labour by good works to make sure our election Thou hast redeem'd us by the blood of Jesus and given us in him remission of our sins thou hast by him reveal'd to us the secrets of heav'n and promis'd to restore us here to holines and replenish with our souls the vacant seats among thy glorious Angels * O happy we Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost * O happy we if Te Deum as page 16. Lauds for our B. Saviour O God incline c. as page 18. Antiph Bless our Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name Psal XCVI PRaise our Lord all you Nations of the earth praise him with the voice of joy and thanksgiving Praise him with the well-tun'd strings of your hart praise him with the sweetest instrument obedience Let every one that pretends to felicity * sing immortal praises to the God of our salvation He is our full and all-sufficient Redeemer he has perfectly finisht what he graciously undertook For all our trespasses he has made satisfaction for all our forfeitures he has paid the ransom We by disobedience were banisht from Paradise and he has receiv'd us into his own kingdom We wandred up and down in the wildernes of error and he has guided us into the ways of truth We were by nature the children of wrath and he has mediated our peace with his offended Father We were become the slaves of sin and he has bought our freedom with his own blood We were in bondage to the dominion of Satan and he has overcome and confin'd his power We were in danger of sinking into hell and he has sav'd us from that bottomles pit The gates of heav'n were shut against us and he went up himself and open'd them to all Believers Dissolving for ever the terrors of death and rendring it now but a passage into life O dearest Lord who mad'st us first of nothing and restor'dst us again when we had made our selvs nothing Who wouldst at any rate redeem us from misery at any rate procure our felicity How came we wretches to be so consider'd how came we sinners to obtain such favour That thou shouldst leave thy Throne where Scraphins ador'd thee and descend on our earth where slaves affronted thee That thou shouldst lead a life of poverty and labour and dy a death of shame and sorrow That thou shouldst do all this for such worms as we without the least concern or benefit to thy self Only to raise us up from our humble dust and set us to shine with thy glorious Angels O infinite Goodnes the bounteous Author of all our hopes and strong Deliverer from all our fears What shall we say to this thy excessive charity what shall we render for
the true light of the world they who follow Thee walk not in darknes Psal C. RIse holy Spouse of the Son of God rise and put on thy robes of joy Rise and shine forth for thy glory is come and the splendor of our Lord strikes bright upon Thee The Gentils shal walk in the beams of thy light and Kings in the lustre of thy brightnes Lift up thine eys round about and behold they gather all together and flock to Thee Thy Sons shal come from far and thy Daughters be nurst at thy side Then thou shalt see and flow in abundance thy hart shal wonder and be enlarg'd with gladnes When the multitude of the Sea shal be converted to Thee and the strength of the Gentiles submit to thy Laws The sons of strangers shal build thy walls and Princes obey thy commands The Nation shal perish that will not serve thee and the Kingdom be utterly wasted that refuses thee The sons of thy afflicters shal bow before thee and they that despis'd thee kiss thy footsteps For our Lord shal be thy everlasting light and the days of thy mourning shall end in glory To thee shal be given the Keys of heav'n and thou shalt shut and open those eternal doors Thy foundation shal be laid on a firm rock and the gates of hell not prevail against thee A way shal be made so direct and plain that the Passengers though fools shal not err therin And the Earth shal be filled with the knowledg of our Lord * as the waters cover the sea All this we read all this we firmly beleeve for the mouth of our Lord has spoken it Heav'n and earth shal pass away but not a tittle of his Word be disappointed for ever Already these sacred Prophecys are in part fulfill'd abundantly sufficient to assure us of the rest Already a Virgin has brought forth a Son and given him the gracious Name of JESUS The Kings of the east have been led to him by a star and offer'd him gold and frankincense and myrth His holy Parents have presented him in the Temple and the devout Simeon was overjoy'd to see him In his tender infancy he fled into Egypt and the Idols fell down at the presence of a child He past his private life in peace and meeknes and taught a contradicting people in patience and humility He confirm'd his doctrin with innumerable miracles and defended the truth to the last drop of his blood He rose again victoriously from the grave and ascended in triumph to the right hand of his Father And there O glorious JESU mayst thou sit and reign till all thy enemys becom thy footstool Nor has thy judgment slept O dreadful Lord but with a swift and terrible vengeance crusht them into ruine Jerusalem long since was made a heap of stones and the children of thy Crucifyers run wandring o're the world While thou art thus severe in the predictions of thy justice thou did'st not forget those of thy mercy Thousands of that ingrateful City have acknowledg'd Thee their Lord thousands of that perverse generation have submitted to thy Scepter Whole Nations of the Gentiles have embrac't thy faith and remotest Islands received thy law Blessed for ever be thy Name O Lord and blessed be the sweetnes of thy mercy Who reveal'st thy self to those that knew thee not and art found of those that sought thee not Who often followest those that fly from thee and never refusest any that come to thee Thou stil exactly perform'st thy part but we ingrateful wretches how do we comply with ours Where is the profit thou mayst justly require to answer the care of thy providence over us Thou hast planted us O Lord in thine own Vineyard and fenc'd us about with thy holy discpline Where is the fruit we should always be bea●●ing since good works are never out of season Of our selvs alas we are dry and barren and our nature at best brings forth nothing but leaves O Thou in whom while we remain we live and from whom divided we instantly dy Curse not we humbly beg these fruitless branches lest they wither away and be cast into the fire Pronounce not against us that dreadfull sentence Cut them down why Cumber they the ground But mercifully Cut them off from their wild stock and graft them in Thy self the only true vine water O Lord our weeds with the dew of heav'n and bless our low shrubs with thy powerful influence So grapes shal grow on thorns and figs be gather'd on Thistles Glory be c. Antiph Thou art O Lord the true light of the world they who follow thee walk not in darkness Antiph In Thee O Lord is all our hope have mercy on the works of thine own hands Psal CI. REjoyce in our Lord all you children of Adam rejoyce in the bounty of his free grace No longer now confyn'd to a few choyce Favorites and the narrow compass of a private Family He has thrown down that partition wall and opened the way of life to all mankind That all may beleeve and love him here and all injoy and be happy in him herafter But O my God what do we see * when we look abroad into the wide world We see sad effects but cannot see the cause * why so many Kingdoms ly miserably wast We know O Lord thy ways are in the deep abyss and humbly adore thy secret Counsels Only we cannot think on their lamentable condition without pitying their misery and imploring thy mercy Some have not yet so much as heard of thee others who have heard refuse to entertain thee Some who have once acknowledg'd thee have quite faln away and others reject what they list and obey by halfs Many even of those who rightly beleeve * abuse their holy faith by a wicked life Thus the for greatst part of wretched mankind whom thy goodness created to thine own similitude Whom thou hast redeem'd with thy precious blood and design'd to so great and long a happiness Still fail alas of their true end and dy in their sins and eternally perish Look down O Lord and behold from heav'n behold from the Habitation of thy holines Where is thy Zeal and the bowels of thy mercy where are thy promises to thy beloved Son Hast thou not said all Nations shal adore Him and all the Tribes of the earth be blessed in him Hast thou not said Thy self O glorious JESU If I be exalted I wil draw all men to me Hast thou not given thy Disciples express Commision * to go into all the world and Preach to every Creature Remember O thou God of everlasting truth remember O thou Author and Finisher of our faith Remember these thy dear engagements and graciously acomplish what thou hast mercifully begun Visit O Lord thine own house first and thorowly redress what thou findst amiss Make our lives holy as thou hast made our faith and perfectly unite us in the bonds of love Kindle in the harts
pray'd and mingled with their prayers their tears they wept and mingled with their tears their complaints Ah dearest Lord why were not we so happy * to be conuerted by Thee while thou dweld'st among us Why not entertain salvation when thou brought'st it to our homes and preferd'st our litle nation before all the world Vnhappy we how came this misery to pass * that many of us look't on thy miracles and saw them not Before our eys thou gav'st sight to the blind and our souls were darkned with sin and prejudice Thou did'st cleanse the leprous and heald all manner of deseases thou did'st raise the dead and cast out divels with thy word Yet we alas how many of us blasphem'd thy name how many conspir'd with thy bloody crucifyers Spare us O Lord have mercy on us O JESU for we knew thee not to be the Lord of glory Blessed be thy holy spirit who has open'd our eys and made us see through the veil that ecclipst us Now we beleeve Thee the Messias we expected now we acknowledg Thee the King of Israel Such were the fervours of those happy times and O how happy were our times had we those fervours But ours are become miserable by schisms and heresys and the darknes that covers a great part of the earth Ours are become miserable by the unfruitful lives * and scandalous examples of too many Christians Too many alas yet even the gates of hell * can ne're prevail against the power of God Stil the same spirit governs the world and keeps alive the same primitive fire Stil there are harts ful of the holy Ghost ful of that ravishing wine of divine love Stil there are souls who renounce all they have and take up their cross and follow our Lord. Stil there are fiery tongues kindled by the breath of heav'n who carry their sacred flames into every Nation Stil the Apostolick Church is true to its name and sends abroad her burning and her shining lights Stil the Almighty Goodnes is true to his Church and conservs it one and holy and universal O keep us blessed Spirit in this thy fold of grace and bring the whole world into one flock That all may be of the same mind here and all enjoy the same happines herafter Glory be c. Antiph This is our Lords doing and it is wonderful in our eys Alleluja Alleluja Our Father c. First Lesson Jo. 14. AMen amen I say to you he that beleevs in me the works that I do he also shal do and greater then these shall he do because I go to the Father and wharever you shal ask in my name I wil do that the Father may be glorify'd in the Son If you love me keep my Commandments and I wil ask the Father and he will give you another Paraclete to abide with you for ever the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees Him not nor knows Him but you know Him for he shal abide with you and be in you Resp Blessed be thy merciful Providence O JESU who when thon hadst finisht thy great work on earth ascendedst into heav'n to draw up our minds even thither after Thee Alleluja * That where our happines is there might our harts be also Alleluja Alleluja Blessed be thy infinite goodnes O dear Redeemer who when thou hadst taught us the words of eternal life ●●entst down the holy Ghost to make us observe them and raise up our affections to that glorious Kingdom whether thou art gone before us Alleluja * That Second Lesson Acts. 2. WHen the days of Pentecost were accomplisht they were all together in once place and suddenly there was made a sound from heav'n as of a vehement wind coming and it fill'd the whole house where they were siting and there appear'd to them parted tongues as it were of fire and sate upon each of them and they were replenisht with the holy Ghost and began to speak with divers tongues according as the holy Ghost gave them to speak And there were dweling at Jerusalem Jews devout men of every Nation under heav'n and when this noise was made the multitude came together and was astonisht in mind because every one heard them speak in his own tongue the wonderful works of God Resp Thus were the words of the Prophets fulfil'd and the promises of our Saviour perform'd and the faith of the Christian Church miraculously begun Alleluja * O may it stil go on and increase and multiply til every Nation speak in their own tongues the wonderful works of God Alleluja Alleluja Govern O blessed Spirit the Church thou so wonderfully hast establisht govern it with thy special grace and always preserve it in obedience to Thee and us in obedience to it Alleluja * O may Third Lesson Acts 4. ANd the multitude of Beleevers had one hart and one soul nor did any say that ought was his own of what he possest but all was common to them And the Apostles with great power gave testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and great grace was in them all nor was there any one needy among them for as many as were owners of lands of houses sold them and brought the price of what they sold and laid it at the feet of the Apostles and to every one was divided as every one had need Resp O happy life O heav'n upon earth this is the blest effect of the fire of the true Spirit which warms without scorching and shines without smoking and inlightens without consuing Kindle in our harts O Lord this holy fire of meeknes and peace and unity * That all the world may know whose Disciples we are by seeing us love one another Alleluja But O deliver us from the contrary fire the fire of the false spirit that scorches without warming and smokes without shining and consumes without inlightening deliver us from schism and heresy and every least uncharitable passion * That all the Glory be c. * That all the Lauds for the Holy Ghost O God incline c. as Page 18. Antiph Kindle in our harts O Lord thy holy fire that we may offer to thee the incense of praise Alleluja Psal CIX COnsider now my soul the mercys of thy God consider the wonders he has wrought for the children of men The eternal Father created us of nothing and set us in the way to everlasting happines The eternal Son came down from heav'n to seek us and restor'd us again when we had lost our selvs The eternal spirit sends his grace to sanctify us and gives us strength to walk that holy way Thus every Person of the sacred Trinity * has freely contributed his peculiar blessing And All together as one co-infinite Goodnes * have graciously agreed to compleat our felicity But O ingrateful we was it not enough * to receive of our God all we have and are Was it not enough that the Son of God should come down and live
to teach us and dy to redeem us Was not all this enough to make us love and love is all he aim'd at and love is all we needed Let us confess to thee O mercifull Lord let us confess to thee our miserable condition Such was alas the corruption of our nature and so many and strong the rentations round about us That without this thy last miraculous favour * of sending the holy Ghost to guide and quicken us We should have still remain'd in our old dull pace slow to understand and slower to obey We should have quite forgotten our God that made us and neglected the service of our Lord that bought us Had not thy fulnes been readily furnisht * with one blessing more to bestow on thy children Ha'dst not thou providently reserv'd a better blessing then the dew of the clouds and fatnes of the earth Better then plenty of corn and wine * or the multitude of posterity or dominon o're our Brethren These were the great rewards of the old Law but behold far greater then these are here Divine refreshments from the heav'n of heav'ns and the rare delicious fruits of the holy Ghost Meeknes and peace and joy diffus'd in our brests strength and undaunted courage kindled in our harts A thousand sweet imbraces of the Spouse of Souls a thousand dear pledges of his everlasting love These are the great rewards of the law of grace and given to prepare us for the Kingdom of glory O blessed Spirit who bestow'st thy favours as thou pleasest and the more thou hast given stil the more thou giv'st Fit and dispose thy servants first to entertain thee then graciously vouchsafe to descend into our harts Fil us O holy Ghost and our litle Vessels and as thou fil'st us inlarge our capacitys Make us the more we receive of thee stil grow in desire of receiving more Til we ascend to those satisfying joys above where all our facultys shal be stretcht to the utmost Where they shal all be fil'd to the brim and overflow'd with a torrent of pleasure for ever Glory be c. Psal CX Blessed for ever be thy name O holy Spirit and blessed be the bounty of thy goodnes When the eternal Father by creating the world * had declar'd Himself and his almighty Power When the Increated Word by redeeming mankind * had reveal'd Himself and his infinite Wisdom When now there remain'd but one seal more * to be open'd of the Book of divine Mysteryes Behold a strange condescendance to our weak nature the invisible Spirit visibly appears He descends from heav'n in the shape of a doue and gently lights on the Prince of peace Again he descends in the liknes of fire and miraculously sits on the heads of the Disciples Mingling thus together into one blest compound * those cheif ingredients of excellent vertue Mildnes to allay the heat of zeal and zeal to quicken the indifferency of mildnes Innocence to adorn the light of knowledg and knowledg to direct the simplicity of innocence O blest and admirable Teacher who can instruct like the spirit of God! He needs no years to finish his course but with a swift and effecacious touch consummates all things He entred the soul of a young delighter in musick and presently sanctify'd him into a Composer of Psalms He took a poor shepherd from following the flock and immediatly rais'd him to the degree of a Prophet He by one lesson perfected the Disciples and polisht rude fishermen into eloquent Prechers He toucht the hart of a persecuting Pharisee instantly chang'd him into a glorious Apostle All this thou hast done O infinite Goodnes and all we do is wrought in us by thee By thee we are regenerated at first in our baptism by thee confirm'd in the imposition of hands By thee we are heal'd in the Sacrament of Penance by thee prepar'd for that banquet of the bread of Angels By thee thy choycer servants are consecrated into Priests by thee our marriages are sanctifyed into blessings By thee our souls are comforted on our beds of sicknes and by thy holy vnction all our life is govern'd If in the Church be any wisdom or knowledg if any real sanct●●ty or decent order If any faith of the mysterys of religion if any hope of everlasting salvation If any love of God as our soverain bliss if any mutual charity of one towards another If any miracles to convert unbelievers or quicken devotion in such as faintly beleeve All flows from Thee and thy free grace O thou boundles Ocean of eternal mercys All flows from Thee and may we all return * our litle streams in tribute to thy bounty May every favour thou offer'st be thankfully receiv'd and every talent thou bestow'st diligently improv'd So shal we faithfully perform our duty and render to thy grace its just glory While whate're we have we acknowledge from thee and whate're thou giv'st us is not in vain Glory be c. Psal CXI STil let us sing O blessed Spirit to Thee let us humbly sing these few lines more To Thee the eternal Love of the Father and the Son and glorious Finisher of that sacred Mystery To Thee the quickning Spirit of regenerate Souls in whom they live and move and have their being To Thee the soveraign Balsom of our wounds and only Comfort of all our sorrows To Thee our Refuge in this place of banishment and faithful Guide in this wandring pilgrimage To Thee the sacred Pledg of our free adoption and ensuring Seal of our eternal Salvation What do we say O thou adorable Spirit of God! what do we say when we utter such words as these We say what we can in our low capacity but alas how short of thy unspeakable excellencys O that we had the tongues of Saints and Angels O that we had thine own miraculous tongues Those which sate flaming on the heads of the Apostles and made them speak thy wonders in every language Stil all our praises would be poor and narrow stil infinitely less then thy more then infinite perfections But if we cannot speak as our God deservs shal we hold our peace which our God forbids Wo be to them O Lord who are silent of Thee and spend the breath thou giv'st them on any but Thy self O thou who openest the mouths of the dumb and makest the tongues of children eloquent Inspire thy servants if not with expressions suitable to Thee at least with such as are profitable to us Such as may instruct us what we ought to do such as may move us to do what we say And when we have try'd our best endeavours and taken measure of our own defects Let us beg this charity of thy Blessed above to supply our weaknes with their worthier hymns Praise the eternal Spirit O thou Queen of Saints by whom the world's Redeemer was conceiv'd in th●● womb By whom thou wert made the Mother of the Son of God so high a favour to thee and so happy
there and part with life it self to dy and go thither Alas how short are we of these perfections how slowly do we follow those excellent Guides O that we liv'd I dare not say blest Souls like you * whose aim was high and a generous heat bet in your brests But that our harts desire were to live like you and what you really did we really wisht to do O that we liv'd in some degree like you and lov'd to think and read and speak of you To sign and publish your heroick Acts and where we cannot imitate at least admire At least let us learn to humble our selvs and check the vanity of our proud conceits Let us mourn and blush at our many infirmitys and so much the louder call to heav'n for releef Hear us you blessed Saints who dwel secure above and turn your eys of pity towards us below Look down with tendernes on our world of miserys and bow your charitable knees to the God of mercys That what our own unworthines cannot obtain we may hope to receive by your holy prayers Glory be c. Antiph Help us you blessed Citizens of heav'n direct our way you who have attain'd your end Antiph Fear not my soul our God has a blessing too for us if we have a love and obedience for Him Psal CXXVI LEt us humble our selvs but not grow faint * at the sight of others so far before us Rather let us quicken our sloth by their swift pace and encourage our fears with their happy success We who profess the Religion of all these Saints who liv'd and dy'd in the same Church with us We who partake of the same holy Sacraments and eat the same celestial Food Why should we fear one day to shine above and rejoyce together with you glorious Saints Are we not all redeem'd by the same rich price the same eternal crowns propos'd to us all Are we not bred in the same Apostolick faith and nurst at the brests of the same Catholick Church The Lessons I see and Teacher is the same but the hand is dul and instrument out of tune You liv'd indeed in a dangerous world like this and were ty'd to bodys frail as ours But by a constant vigilance you o'recame the world and subdu'd your bodys to the service of your minds You overcame with a joyful hart * and we thus congratulate the triumph of your victorys You overcame but not by your own strong hand you now triumph but 't is by the bounty of your God Chear then thy self my soul raise thy head * and open thy bosom to the hopes of heaven Fear not our God has a blessing too for us if we have a love and obedience for Him If we delight in the ways of piety and diligently attend the Offices of devotion If we refrain from the libertys of the world and curb the loose suggestions of the flesh If we can look on gold and honor and their flaming beams not dazle our eys If we perform with them the part of faithful servants * we shal surely with them have the portion of children Glory be c. Antiph Fear not my soul our God has a blessing too for us if we have a love and obedience for Him Antiph Precious in thy sight O Lord is the death of thy Saints precious to thee and themselvs and us Psal CXXVII PRecious in thy fight O Lord is the death of thy Saints which finishes thy greatest work the perfecting of Souls Whom Thou esteem'st as the jewels of heav'n and choicely gather'st into thine own Treasury Precious to themselvs O Lord is the death of thy Saints which takes off the dusky cover that hides their brightnes Which shapes and polishes them to a beauteous luster and sets them as stars round about thy Throne Precious to us O Lord is the death of thy Saints which makes us heirs of so great a welth Which leaves us furnisht with so rich variety that every kind of want is abundantly supply'd Some teach us courage to encounter dangers and not for fear make Shipwrack of our conscience Others instruct us to converse with meeknes and patiently bear neglects and injurys From some we learn how wisely to use this world and make it serve us in our way to the next From others how more generously to renounce it and pass our time in peace and prayer From all we learn this best of arts to live and dy like Saints and in the best of methods their own example O gracious Lord whose love still looks about and searches every way to save us siners Who cam'st thy self bright Sun of glory * to inlighten our darknes and warm our frozen harts Who with thy fruitful beams stil kindlest others to burn as tapers in thy Churches hand And by their near proportionate distance stand fit to shine into every corner of our lives O make us bless thy Name for all these mercys and let not one be lost by our ingratitude Let us not see in vain the crown at the races end and sit down lazily in the shades of ease Let us not keep in vain these sacred memorys to be only a reproach to our unprofitable lives But let us stretch our selvs and pursue to the mark for the glorious prizeis that set before us Stil with our utmost speed let us follow Them whose travails ended in so sweet a rest And when our life's last day begins to fal and bids us hasten to prepare for night Then come you holy Angels and watch about 〈◊〉 and suffer not the enemy to disturb our ●●ssage Come and receive in peace our departing souls and bear them safely to the presence of our Lord. Then O Thou blessed Virgin-Mother protect us with thy favor and all you glorious Saints assist us with your pray'rs Then O Thou dear Redeemer of the world and Soveraign King of life and death Thou who despisest not the tears of the penitent nor turnest away from the sighs of the afflicted Thou who preserv'dst all that rely on Thee and fulfilst their desires that long to be with Thee Hear Thou our cryes and pardon our sins and graciously deliver us from all our fears Cal us to thy self with thine own blest voice cal us O dearest JESU in thine own sweet words Come you Blessed of my Father possess the kingdom * prepared for you from the foundation of the world Then O my happy soul immediately obey and go forth with gladnes to meet the Lord To live with Him and behold his glory to rejoyce with Him and sing his Praise Glory be c. Antiph Precious in thy sight O Lord is the death of thy Saints precious to Thee and themselvs and us Hymn XXXIX NIght forbear alas our Praise And our young begining hope Set to grow on these blest days Faint and dull requires more scope 'T will not hear but sullen flys Summons all the world to sleep Bids us close our books and eys What
have had sacrifice I verily had given it with burnt-offerings thou art not delighted R. A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit a contrite and an humbled hart O God thou wilt not despise V. Deal favorably O Lord in thy good will with Sion that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up R Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever V. Turn not thy face away from them O Lord R. Turn not thy face away in wrath from thy servants V. Behold their humiliation and their labor R. And forgive them all their sins V. Behold how their spirit is in anguish R. And their hart troubled within them V. Their iniquitys have overtaken them R. Innumerable evils have compast them about R. And now what is their expectation but thou O Lord R. And their substance is with Thee V. Before Thee is all their desire R. And their groans are not hid from Thee V. As the Hart pants after the water brooks R. So do their souls thirst after thee V. Their souls thirst after Thee the living fountain R. When shal they come and appear before thy face V. Their tears are their bread day and night R. While stil 't is said to them Where is your God V. Convert them O Lord thou God of strength R. Shew them thy face and they shal be safe V. Bring out their souls from prison to praise thy Name R. The Just stand expecting til thou rewardst them V. How long Lord wilt thou forget them for ever R. How long wilt thou hide thy face from them V. Turn thee O Lord and deliver their souls R. Save them for thy mercys sake V. Save thy People O Lord and bless thy Inheritance R. Govern them and raise them up to eternity V. That they may walk in the light of thy countenance R. And rejoyce in thy presence for ever V. That their souls may live and sing thy praise R. While even thy judgments lead them to their Blyss V. O Lord hear our pray'rs R. And let our supplications come to thee Let us pray O God who in thy mercy hast prepar'd immediate rewards for the Perfect and in thy justice immediate punishments for the wicked and mingling thy mercy and justice together hast ordain'd a middle state for those who depart in a true but weak degree of divine charity hear we beseech thee our prayers for these thy afflicted servants who look up to thee and sigh after the times of refreshment from thy glorious presence forgive them their sins and deliver them from their sorrows and bring them to the possession of all their wishes in rest and peace and everlasting joy through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen A Prayer for any particular person departed BEhold with pity we beseech thee O Lord the soul of thy servant N. for whom we humbly offer our Pray'rs to thy Divine Majesty and grant that the offences which humane frailty has inconsiderably committed being by thy clemency mercifully forgiven and all impediments by a perfect cleansing from the strains of sin thorowly remov'd the happy effect of seeing Thee face to face for ever may immediately follow through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who V. Give them eternal rest merciful Lord. R. And may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever V. May they rest in peace R. Amen Vespers for the Dead OUr Father Hail Mary Secretly and Kneeling then rise and say Antiph Blessed are the servants whom our Lord shal find watching he surely wil bestow on them all the mercys of heav'n Psal CXXXIV COme let us make our peace betimes with our God before the evening approach too near While it is cal'd to day let us faithfully labour for the night wil come wherein none can work Let us implore his favour first for our selvs and not til then presume to beg for others Let us look first into our own brests and strictly examine what passes there Lest while we pray for the salvation of others * our selvs becom everlasting reprobates Tel me my soul how stand our great account are all things even betwixt heav'n and us Are we prepared to go meet our Judg whose justice punishes every least defect Is there not stil some restitution to make which the love of this world tempts us to delay Is there not stil some mis-affection to rectify which our own false harts abuse us to connive at Not that we esteem O Lord any creature more then thee from which abhor'd ingratitude defend thy servants But that we esteem them more then they deserve serve and busy our thoughts too eagerly about them We love them in some degree for themselvs not purely as instruments to bring us to Thee Forgive O Soveraign Goodnes these our imperfections and fix our whole harts on nothing but Thy self Why are we thus at best but good by halfs for whom there 's a heav'n prepar'd worth all our labors Why do we mingle stil with thy pure grace * so much of our own corrupted nature Deliver us O Lord from the tentations of this world and mercifully save us from the wrath to come That dreadful wrath which we so justly fear and which so many terribly feel Justly they too confes and yet they hope * in the God of clemency to meet with pity Pity O Lord their miserys Thou who hear'st their crys releive their sorrows Thou who seest their tears Pity their fainting eys that perpetually wake * till the long expected day appear Pity their wearied hands stretch't out to Thee and send thy blessed Angels to unloose their bonds That they may pass away to those mansions of joy where holy Souls rest and weep no more Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever Antiph Blessed are the servants whom our Lord shal find watching he surely wil bestow on them all the mercys of heav'n Antiph Happy they who are pray'd for by others but far more happy they who pray for themselvs Psal CXXXV HEar these our Pray'rs O Lord for thy servants and favourably accept our humble charity Hear their own better pray'rs O Lord for themselvs and tenderly regard their doleful complaints Out of that dark and dismal prison behold they cry in the anguish of their harts O wretched we what do we feel what strange extremitys do we here endure How has the just Avenger of our crimes * severely pour'd his wrath into our souls Every thing afflicts us in this sad abode but nothing so much as our own iniquitys They like a heavy yoke oppress our necks and keep down our eys from looking into heaven Lord we confess we have follow'd vanity and negligently perform'd the work thou gav'st us We confess we have gone astray after the manner of men but our chief desires were towards thee In Thee we believed and
for our example commandedst thy beloved Son to submit his pure and innocent flesh to the rigour of the Law and for encouragement of our hope madest choice of that sweet and amiable Name JESUS Teach us we beseech Thee with readines and humility to obey thy sacred Laws how cross soever to our unmortify'd passions and in all our necessitys with joy and confidence call on that holy Name in which whate're we ask we are promis'd shal be granted through the same our Lord Jesus Christ c. Twelfth-day and during the Octave 1. Antiph Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja This is the priviledg'd Festival that comes forth adorn'd with the glory of three miracles To day the Wise-men were led by a Star to the cradle of our Lord and falling down ador'd Him and offer'd Him their royal Presents of Gold Frankincense and Myr●● Alleluja 2. Antiph To day our gracious Redeemer vouchsaft his presence at a Marriage-feast and there first publisht to the world his divine power turning water into wine Alleluja 3. Antiph To day our B. Saviour was baptiz'd by S. John and the H. Ghost descended visibly upon Him and a voice was heard from heav'n This is my beloved Son in whom I am w●●l ple●●'d Alleluja Alleluja Antiph for Ben●●dictus and Magnificat To day the first fruits of the Gentils were consecrated to our Lord and that sacred Prophesy happily fulfil'd In his light shal the Gentils walk and Kings in the brightnes of his rising Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja Prayer O God who by the guidance of a miraculous Star in the heav'n led'st the Gentils to the sight of the more miraculous Son of righteousnes newly risen to the world in a Stable Grant we humbly beseech Thee that inlighten'd and inflam'd by the memory of this wonderful providence our eys and harts may be more lively fixt on thy goodnes stil as graciously working towards the accomplishment of thy promises to call at length the Jews and all the earth to the saving knowledg and love of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ who with Thee c. Candlemas All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph To day the immaculate Mother humbled her self to the common rites of Purification and presented her first-born JESUS in the temple and for the litle price of a pair of Doves redeem'd the world's inestmable Redeemer Alleluja 2. Antiph To day the devout Simeon took our Lord in his arms and knowing nothing now could make him happier but the joys of heav'n sung aloud this glad farewel to all the world Now let thy servant O Lord depart in peace according to thy word for mine eys have seen thy salvation Alleluja 3. Antiph To day the holy Widow and Prophetes Anna who had spent her life in fasting and prayer and in the service of the Temple came happily in and saw our Lord and spake gloriously of Him to all that expected the redemption of Israel Alleluja Prayer O God who vouchsafest us this day to commemorate the B. Virgin 's presenting in the Temple her self to be purify'd and her Son to be redeem'd according to the Law Give us grace we beseech Thee to adore and praise the condescendence of thy providence that by such great Examples teaches us our evident duty of submitting to thy Discipline though seeming perhaps unnecessary for our selvs and grant that as we bear in our hands these hallowed candles we may confes in our lives our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son to be the light of the Gentils and the Glory of thy people Israel who with Thee and the H. Ghost c. Ash-Wednesday All as in the Office of Wenesday except Invitatory Come let us fast and mourn and pray for our Lord is merciful and just Antiph 1 2 3 Remember O man that dust thou art and into dust thou shalt return Say this one Antiphon before and after every Psalm at Matins Lauds Vespers and Complin Prayer O God whose providence introduces thy Church to the grave discipline of Lent by the mortifying Memento of the vile and frail matter we are made of Grant we humbly beseech thee that the Cross of our Redeemer form'd to day in ashes on our foreheads may lay all our proud conceits in the dust and make flesh and blood feel it self highly honour'd if by whatever crosses or mortifications it may be temper'd and rais'd to become a fit instrument for rip'ning souls in they love the immediate disp●●sition to eternal felicity through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. Sundays in Lent All as in the Office of our Saviour except Invitatory Come let us fast and mourn and pray for our Lord is merciful and just 1. Antiph Now is the time of acceptance now are the days of salvation let us not re-receive the grace of God in vain but in all things approve our selvs his servants in labours and watchings and fastings 2. Antiph Now let us take a just and holy revenge on our sins past and strive for the future to bring forth fruits agreeable to our penance in purity meeknes and temperance in charity patience and obedience 3. Antiph Let us follow as we may our divine Master in his forty days retirement and fasting who needed not as we the arts of religion but all he did was for our example that we might learn to fly from the danger of occasions and take away the fewel from our passions and by using to contradict the appetites of sense inure our selvs to obey the commands of reason Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Convert us O God of our salvation and turn away thy anger from us hear us in thy mercy and speedily forgive us lest prevented with death we find no time to repent and without repentance eternally perish Prayer O God whose gracious Providence has ordain'd us to lighten the oppressive weight of our corrupt bodys on our souls by the long and solemn Abstinence of Lent Grant us we beseech Thee conscienciously to observe the wholsom discipline now prescrib'd us and with the due mortification of our flesh so tojoyn the quickening of our spirit by frequent devotions that all our carnal appetities may be fitted for burial in our Saviour's grave and all our affections ready to rise with Him to immortality at those sacred Feasts for which this season is to prepare us through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. S. Mathias All as in the Office of Saints except 1. Antiph Let them that stand take heed lest they fall Judas was an Apostle yet betray'd his Master and dy'd in despair and another took his Bishoprick 2. Antiph The lot fel on Mathias a continual Follower of JESUS from the baptism of John till the day of His ascension and he was numbred with the eleven Apostles 3. Antiph He liv'd their life and dy'd their death and sits with them in glory to judge the twelve tribes of Israel Prayer O God by whose special grace the B. Mathias was chosen to supply
world without end Amen SS Philip and Jacob. All as in the Office of Saints except 1. Antiph Now it suffices thee Philip our Lord has shewn thee the Father and henceforth for ever thou shalt see Him face to face Alleluja 2. Antiph And thou holy Jacob the Brother of our Lord art gloriously happy injoying for ever the same blysful Vision Alleluja 3. Antiph These are Two of those precious stones that found and adorn the walls of the heav'nly Jerusalem Alleluja Prayer O God by whose grace the B. Apostles S. Philip and S. Jacob water'd as this day with their blood the heavenly seed which they had long swet in sowing o're the world Redouble we beseech Thee the devotions of thy servants by celebrating together their happy Memorys and grant that our Faith sopreciously confirm'd may fructify into holy lives deaths worthy such glorious Masters through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who Invention of the H. Cross All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph Glorious art thou O B. Empress Helen whose devotion so miraculously restor'd to the world the standard of Salvation Alleluja 2. Antiph This holy Sign shal be in the heav'ns Alleluja when our Lord shal come to Judgment Alleluja 3. Antiph Far be it from us to glory in any thing but the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ in whom the world is crucify'd to us and we to the world Alleluja Prayer O God who as this day vouehsafedst to raise again even the Cross of our Saviour from its ignominious grave to become a close and striking memorial of his Passion Grant we beseech Thee that our devout celebrating this thy special providence may still more deeply imprint in our harts its gracious design of making us often reflect on the great benefit of our redemption and the infinite love and mercy of our Redeemer through the same our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. Rogation VVeek Monday Tuesday and Wednesday All as in the Weekly Office except 1. Antiph Ask and you shal receive seek and you shal find knock and it shal be open'd to you says our Lord whose word cannot fail Alleluja 2. Antiph Thou know'st we need all these things but more but more by these our needs to be drawn to look up to Thee Alleluja 3. Antiph Seek first the kingdom of heav'n and all things else shal be added to you Alleluja Prayer O God by whose H. Spirit thy Church ordains this a solemn time of supplication for all our necessitys Open we humbly beseech Thee thy gracious ears to the pray'rs thou inspir'st and draw'st from our harts and by granting us those Goods which thy Children with humility and resignation ask of Thee their heav'nly Father so encourage our devotion and obedience and so increase our hope and love that transcending all Particulars as safely to be trusted in the hand of thy Providence our whole souls may thirst after Thee thy self alone who art our All in All for ever through our Lord Ascension and during the Octave All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph I have finisht the work which my Father commanded me and now 't is time I return to him that sent me let not your harts be troubled I go to my Father and your Father to my God and your God Alleluja 2. Antiph Let not your harts be troubled I go to prepare a place for you and I wil come again and receive you to my self that where I am there may my servants be Alleluja 3. Antiph Meanwhile I wil not leave you desolate but wil pray to my Father and he shal give you another Comforter the Spirit of truth to dwel with you for ever Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Why stand we looking downwards on the things of this world behold our Lord is ascended into heav'n and sits in glory at the right hand of his Father Alleluja Why stand we idle with our accounts unprepar'd behold the same JESUS shal come again to judg the living and the dead and give to every one according to his works Alleluja Alleluja Prayer O God who hast inspir'd thy Church to celebrate this day the memory of our Saviours Ascension when having finisht on earth the great work of our Redemption He carryed up his glorify'd Humanity above the clouds to its eternal Rest Grant we humbly beseech Thee that taking off our eys from these vanitys here below we may stand continually looking after Him into heav'n and hartily expecting his appearance thence again at the last great day be always ready to obey his call and meet him in the clouds and follow him into those blysful Mansions which he went to prepare for us at thy right hand for ever through the same our Lord c. VVhitsunday and during the Octave All as in the Office of the H. Ghost Trinity-Sunday All as in Sunday Office except 1. Antiph There are Three that bear witnes in heav'n the Father the Word and the H. Ghost and these Three are One Alleluja 2. Antiph The Father is God and the Son is God and the H. Ghost is God yet are they not three Gods but One God Alleluja 3. Antiph In this adorable Trinity none is before or after none greater or less then Another but all the Three Persons are coequal among themselvs and coeternal Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat To thee the eternal Father made by none to thee the increated Son begotten by the Father alone to thee the B. Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son One holy consubstantial and undivided Trinity be ascrib'd all power and wisdom and goodnes now and for ever Alleluja Prayer O Eternal Father who by the visible dedescent of thy Son to redeem the world and of thy H. Spirit to sanctify the Elect has wonderfully made thy Churches own experience facilitate our faith of the incomprehensible Trinity Grant us we beseech Thee in hart and voice to profes this most high and supernatural truth and rejecting all the fallacious suggestions of short reason humbly adore Thee Three every-way-coequal Persons in the same indivisible Deity til we come herafter to thy blysful presence and see the Mystery reveal'd in thine own glorious face through our Lord c. Corpus Christi and during the Octave All as in Thursday Office except 1. Antiph I am the living bread that came down from heav'n if any one eat of this bread he shal live for ever and the bread which I wil give is my flesh for the life of the world Alleluja 2. Antiph Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you shal not have life in you Alleluja 3. Antiph He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I wil raise him up at the last day Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat O sweet and sacred Feast wherein Christ himself is receiv'd and the memory of his Passion renew'd our minds are fill'd
the glories prepar'd for us above All the few years we live shall spend themselvs to purchase that one eternal Day That Day whose brightness knows no night nor ever fears the least eclips Whose chearful brow no cloud o'recasts nor storm molests the passage of its rays But still shines on serene and clear and fills with splendors that spacious Palace It needs not the fading lustre of our Sun nor the borrow'd silver of the Moon The Sun that rises there is the Lamb and the Light that shines the Glory of God O how beauteous truths are sung of thee thou City of the King of Heav'n Thy walls are rais'd with precious stones and every gate is of one rich pearl Thy mansions are built with choicest jewels and the pavement of thy streets is transparent gold Down in the midst runs a crystal river perpetually flowing from the throne of God There all along those pleasant banks deliciously grows the tree of life Healing all wounds with its balmy leaves and making imortal all that tast but its fruit Thus is the holy City built thus is the new Jerusalem adorn'd O fortunate and glorious City how free and happy are thy glad Inhabitants Every head wears a royal Crown and every hand a palm of Victory Every ey overflows with joy and every tongue with Psalms of praise Behold O my soul the inheritance we seek and where can we find more riches to invite us Behold the felicities to which we are cal'd and where can we meet such pleasures to entertain us Away then all vain and worldly desires be banisht for ever from molesting my peace Descend thou blessed Heav'n into my hart or rather take up my hart to thee Thy joys are too great to enter into me O make me fit to enter into them Make me still think on my Country above and there establish my eternal home Where I shall dwell perpetually in the view of my God and be fill'd for ever with the sweetness of his presence Glory be c. Antiph Glorious things are said of thee thou City of the King of Heaven Alleluja Antiph If these imperfect shadows so sweetly please how will the real substance transport our harts Alleluja Psal IX BLest be thy gracious Wisdom O Lord that so mercifully stoops to our low conceits Under these veils thou hid'st those glorious mysteries too high and spiritual for our flesh and blood Thou hid'st or rather so reveal'st thy sublime rewards to take us with things we most admire Scepters and Crowns thou know'st are apt * to win the harts of us thy children Children alas too truly in useful knowledg O that we were so in love and duty What is a drop of water to the boundless Ocean or a grain of dust to this vast Globe Such O my God and infinitely less * are the richest Kingdoms here below Should we compare their most pompous state * to the meanest degree in the Court of Heav'n When thou hast fed us a while with milk thou invit'st our appetite to stronger meat Thou tel'st us of a sweet delicious life in the blest society of Saints and Angels With whom we shall dwell in perpetual friendship and be lov'd and esteemed by them all for ever Thou tel'st us of a pure soul-ravishing joy to behold the amiable face of JESUS Whose gracious smiles shine round about and fill the Heav'ns with holy gladnes Thou tel'st us still of incomparably higher delights harken O my soul and humbly adore thy God Whose bounty has provided thee large rewards Since they are no less then his very Self Himself he will clearly unveil before us and openly shew us that great Secret O happy Secret if once at last attain'd if once we but see the face of our God What is it glorious Lord to see thy face but to know Thee as thou art in thine own blest Being To know the immensity of thy self-subsisting Essence and the infinite excellence of all thy Attributes To know the Power of the Eternal Father and the Wisdom of the Increated Son To know the Goodnes of the Holy Ghost and the incomprehensible Glorys of the undivided Trinity This O my Soul is the top of happines this the supreme perfection of our nature This this alone is the aim of our Being the hope and end of all our labors When we are come to this we shall presently rest and our satisfyd desires reach no farther We shall be fill'd with overflowing bliss and our utmost capacities hold no more But in one Act of joy be eternally fixt and that one act spring fresh for ever Glory be c. Antiph If these imperfect shadows so sweetly please how will the real substance transport our harts Alleluja Antiph Never can we say too much of this glorious subject never can we think enough of the felicities of Heav'n Alleluja Psal X. ARise my soul to thee these joys belong arise and advance thy self on high Leave here below all earthly thoughts and fly away with the wings of thy Spirit Fly to that glorious Land of Promise and gladly salute those heav'nly regions Hail happy Paradise of pure delights thou beauteous Garden of never fading flowers Hail blest Society of beatify'd Spirits who perpetually contemplate the eternal Deity Hail and for ever may your glorys grow till they rise so high they can grow no more Hail and among your cheerful Hymns remember us who dwell below in this vale of tears We hope one day to come up to You and be plac't to sing in your holy Quires We hope to know that all-producing Cause we hope to know all it has produc't O what a fire of love will it kindle in our harts when we shall see those shining mysteries When our great God like a burning Mirroir shall strike his brightness on the eys of our soul O what excessive joy will that love produce a love so violently desiring and so fully satisfyed When our capacities shall be stretch't to the utmost and the rich abounding Object fill and overflow them O what profound repose will that joy beget a joy so infinitely high and so eternally secure When in an amorous languishment we shall sweetly dissolve into that blysful union with our first Begining When without losing what we are we shall become even what He is We shall take part in all his joys and share in the glorys of all his Heav'n O what divine and ravishing words are these how gently they enter and delight my ear How they diffuse themselvs over all my brain and strongly penetrate to my very soul Me thinks they turn to substance as they go and I feel them stir and work through all my powers Me thinks they ly as a Cordial at my hart and send forth spirits to quicken and refresh me There O my soul we shall rest from all our labors which are but the way to all that happines There we shall rest from sin and sorrow and no longer be troubled with our selvs or