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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35381 Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg ... / by Nich. Culpeper, Gent.; Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. English Royal College of Physicians of London.; Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. 1653 (1653) Wing C7525; ESTC R2908 351,910 220

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Heaven to give light upon Earth and it was so And God made two great Lights the greater light to RULE the day the lesser Light to RULE the night He made the Stars also And set them in the Firmament of the Heaven to give light upon Earth And to RULE over the day and over the night and to divide the light from darkness To this place also answers that in the 136. Psalm He made the Sun to RULE by day and the Moon and Stars to RULE by night In these Scriptures God saith He made them to Rule He set them for Signs therefore they must signifie something He set them also for Seasons for Daies and for Years the Scriptures are so cleer they need no Exposition But let us see a little what Reason saith to the business It is palbable and apparant that all Elementary Bodies never stand at a stay but are ever either increasing or decreasing It is as apparant that the Celestial Bodies are not changed but remain the very same they were at the first Creation and if so the Elementary Bodies must needs be by Nature Passive because they are subject to change and the Celestial Bodies active because they change not as a Carpenter when he hews a Timber-log the Timber-log must needs change form according as 〈◊〉 hewed but the Carpenter himself changeth not Secondly Consider that all Time is measured out by Motion and that the Original of all Motion is in the Heavens for it is the motion of the Sun which causeth day and night Summer Winter Spring and Harvest from which Conversion of Times and Years all changes proceed both Heat and Cold Dryness and Moisture by which four is caused Life and Death Generation and Putrifaction increase and decrease of Elementary things for the Elementary world is the womb of all Elementary Creatures both Animals Minerals and Vegetables it conceives them and nourisheth and cherisheth them being conceived this womb is alwaies full of useful Matter fit for the forming increasing and conserving Bodies whether Animal Mineral or Vegetable the Sun gives a vital seed and stirs up all to motion and action quickens and defends what it hath quickned the Moon subministers moisture to preserve what the Sun hath Generated from the scorching heat which is caused by motion both Sun and Moon make use of the other five Planets even as the Heart and Brain make use of the Liver Spleen Gall c. in the Body of Man for the effecting and varying things below and tempering them diverse waies according to their several motions else all the things generated in the Elementary World would be of one Nature and Quality and then the world could not subsist for Man having all qualities in him cannot subsist without any one of them He and he only is a Physitian that knows which of these qualities offends by which of the Celestial Bodies it is caused and how safely and speedily to remedy it all the the rest that practice Physick are but Mountebanks for there is no question to be made but that all Diseases have their original from super-aboundance or deficiency of Heat Coldness Dryness or Moisture and that the Elements barely from themselves can cause this is an opinion more fitting for a Hog-herd than a Phylosopher for whatsoever is begotten must have a matter to be begotten of as well as something to beget it and this matter must be proper to receive form for man cannot make a Timber-log of a Turf nor a Book of an Egg-shel therefore this Matter must naturally be affected to suffer whatsoever form the Author pleaseth to give it the Author of every Generation must be altogether active not subject to any adverse principles that so he may not run out of one thing into another before he hath finished and this is proper to the Sun Moon and Stars this will be denied by none that have lived a Rational Man but one Summer and one Winter and felt a difference of heat and coldness driuess and moisture caused by the neerness and remoatness of the Sun and seen the difference of springing increasing and decaying of things upon Earth in those times for when we see the Load-stone draws Iron it shews plainly that Nature hath given it efficacy so to do so when we see these things done by the Heavens we must needs think Nature hath given the Heavens power to do so and seeing those Qualities Heat Coldness Dryness and Moisture are contrary the one to the other of necessity sometimes the one must yeeld and sometimes the other and thence comes the Procreation Corruption and Vicissitude of things below and seeing all likes rejoyce in their likes and disagree with their dislikes there must needs be something in the Heavens agreeable to all this therefore some part of the Heavens is said to be Hot some Cold some Dry and some moist not because they are so in themselves but because they work such effects in Elementary Bodies as is evident to the experience of them that search after it We have now shewed you what a Physitian ought to be in respect of Knowledg in the Celestial World I shall only now show you in a word or two what knowledg he ought to have in the Elementary and Intellectual worlds and that very briefly and so conclude As in the Celestial world he ought very carefully to heed the oppositions and great conjunctions of the Planets the Eclipses of the Luminaries the Quarterly ingresses of the Sun and the Crisis of Diseases so in the Elementary world he ought to heed the Seasons of the Year whether they be hotter colder dryer moister than they should be 〈◊〉 ought to be very well skilled in Vegetables and Minerals and how the Earth brings them forth what is the Office of the Central Sun and what is the office of the Celestial Sun what is the office of the Central Moon and what the office of the Celestial Moon in the production of things here below and how and by what Mediums they perform it Lastly In the Intellectual World he ought to be very frequent fearing God and eschewing evil for into his hands as the means hath the eternal God of Heaven and Earth put the lives of those Christians whom he loved so well that he redeemed them by the Blood of his only begotten Son Let him be very studious in those great Books of God the Book of the Scripture and the Book of the Creatures let the Glory of God and the Good of the Creature be his whol Aim neither let such a Monster as Covetousness have the least entertainment in his heart let him be no respecter of Persons but go as willingly to the Poor for nothing as to the Rich for a reward Knowing That he that giveth to the Poor lendeth to the Lord and he shall be sure to have a good Pay-master To conclude In all his practices let him consider what he would have another do to him if he were in like case and
plain nor an Epistle stuffed as full of Flattery as an Egg is full of meat which I hate to give and you to receive and God hates it in whomsoever he finds it it is sufficient to you and infinite joy to me that your Works declare to the World what you are even in these times when rich Pluto is accounted a better Phylosopher than learned Plato when Godliness is not accounted great Gain as it was in better times than now are but Gain is accounted great Godliness I had Reasons enough to make me bold to dedicate it to you as namely That Ingenuity of your Spirit your excellent Endeavors for the publick Good that admirable Constancy which Honor it self could not choak so that your Splendor like other Justices in Office with you has not gone out like a Candle and left a stinking snuff behind though it hath pleased God to place you in Authority in such an Age that calleth Vertue Vice and Vice Vertue that calleth Good Evil and Evil Good that strike at the Devil and hit Christ in his Saints To whom rather these things considered should I dedicate these my weak Labors than to your self to whom God hath given the Knowledg to discern Vertue from Vice to love the one and hate the other according to that excellent Speech of Plato Oh Knowledg how would men love thee if they did but know thee for as Health is the Conservation of the Body so is Knowledg the Conservation of the Mind which is too too much absconded the more is the pity from the eyes of this languishing Nation and calls aloud for a Cure for as Plato saith in another place If Vertue could take upon her a bodily shape she would be so beautiful as men would be in love with her also if Vice could take upon her a Bodily shape she would be such an ugly beast all men would loath and disdain her for if Drunkards have so many Apish and beastly postures what would Drunkenness it self have which is the Author of them all if that could appear in a visible form This I know you are well versed in the love of a Real Common-wealth may be read in you even through a pair of Spectacles glassed with an inch board this was another argument moving me to dedicate this Book to you which tends towards the furtherance of a Common-wealth and the pulling down a Monopoly extreamly prejudicial yet scarce discernable I must be brief because it is brevity you delight in therefore to use many words I account it needless your kind acceptance of this Book I shall account such a favor as is never to be forgotten The God of Heaven and Earth which hath hitherto preserved your Body in so many dangers and difficulties which you have passed and your Spirit pure in these back-sliding Times still be your Guide and preserve your Spirit Soul and Body untill the time of your Change shall come and present you blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in whom God hath loved you and washed you from your sins in his Blood So praies Sir Your Worships most humble Servant NICH. CULPEPER A Premonitory Epistle TO THE READER Courteous READER THose things which God did make first in the Beginning without means He now preserveth by Means and therefore He hath placed Nature in the World which by Motion acts in all things according to the quality of the thing acted upon as Fire acts upon Wood to make a fire to warm one by or the like therefore as the Cause of Diseases is to be understood to be Natural so is their Cures also to be effected in a Natural way and if you do but consider the whol Universe as one united Body and Man an Epitomy of this Body it will seem strange to none but Mad-men and Fools that the Stars should have influence upon the Body of Man considering he being an Epitomy of the Creation must needs have a Celestial World within himself for to wind the strings a little higher If there be a Trinity in the Deity which is denied but by none but Ranters then must there be a Trinity also in all his Works if there be a Unity in the God-head there must needs be a Unity in all his Works and a dependancy between them and not that God made the Creation to hang together like Ropes of Sand so God made but one world and yet in this one World a Trinity first Elementary which is lowest Secondly Celestial which is next above that Thirdly Intellectual which is highest in degree and happy yea thrice happy is he that attains to it if then Man be capable of the Intellectual World as having an Epitomy of that in himself whereby he knows that there is a God and that God made this World and Governeth it now he hath made it that there are Angels and that he bath an immortal Spirit in himself which causeth him to hope and expect immortality If he have an Epitomy of the Elementary World in himself whereby he searcheth and seeks after the Vertues of Elementary Bodies and the various mixtures of Natural things their Causes Effects Times Fashions Events and how they are produced by the Elements must he not also by the same rule have an Epitomy of the Celestial World within himself by which he searcheth out the Motion and Course of the Celestial Bodies and what their influence is upon the Elements and Elementary Bodies he that denies this let him also deny that the whol world was made for man that so the world may see what he is it is palpable to those that fear God and are conversant either in his Word or in his Works that every inferior world is Governed by its superior and receives influence from it God Himself the only First-being the Maker and Disposer of all things Governs the Celestial World by the Intellectual namely the Angels He governs the Elementary World and all Elementary Bodies by the Celestial World namely the Stars and that 's the reason the influence ' of the Stars reacheth not to the Mind or Rational part of Man because it is an Epitomy of the Intellectual world which is a superior to them but because there is now some Dispute about it I should have said Cavelling by such as would fain have their own Knaveries hidden and therfore they would fain have the Stars made to stop Bottles or else for the Angels to play at bowls with when they had nothing else to do but not rule the Elementary world no by no means We shall prove they rule over the Elementary world first by Scripture secondly by Reason First by Scripture I beseech you read in the first place Genesis 1. 14 15 16 17 18. verses And God said let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to divide the Day from the Night and let them be for SIGNS and for SEASONS and for DAIES and YEARS And let them be for Lights in the Firmament of the