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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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Iesus who being refused of wicked men vpon earth but chosen of God the Father is crowned with eternall glorie and godly honour in heauen No euill saying or curse ought to ouercome vs considering that for the same there is so exceeding ioy prepared for vs of God THen Pilate took Iesus therfore scourged him the souldiers wound a crowne of thorns and put it on his head And they did on him a purple garment and came vnto him and said haile king of the Iewes and they smote him on the face Pilate went foorth againe and said vnto them Behold I bring him forth to you that you may know that I finde no fault in him Then came Iesus foorth wearing a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple And he saieth vnto them Beholde the man When the high Priestes therefore and ministers saw him they cried saying crucifie him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them Take ye him and crucifie him for I finde no cause in him The Iewes aunswered and said vnto him Wee haue a lawe and by our law hee ought to die because hee made himselfe the sonne of GOD. When Pilate heard that saying hee was the more afraid and went againe into the iudgement hall and sayth vnto Iesus Whence art thou But Iesus gaue him no aunswere Then said Pilate vnto him Speakest thou not vnto mee Knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee and haue power to let thee loose Iesus aunswered thou couldest haue no power at all against me except it were giuen thee from aboue Therefore he that deliuered me vnto thee hath the more sin And from thence forth sou●ht Pilate meanes to loose him but the Iewes cryed saying If thou let him go thou art not the Emperours friend for whosoeuer maketh himselfe king is against the Emperour Doctrine and fruite HEre in Pilate we learne how hurtful it is when euery one in his office and vocation looketh not diligently about him but slenderly letteth the thing slippe and passe that he earnestly ought to bring to effect Pilate was the deputie of a countrey and knew that Christ had wrong wherof he himself also many times beareth him witnesse with his owne mouth Seeing then that he was a Iudge it appertaineth to his office to iudg right not to suffer the innocent to die For though Pilate doth as if he would discharge Christ yet he mindeth it not earnestly Hee goeth about to let Christ loose neuertheles so farre as hee displease not the Iewes and the Emperour so farre as hee loose not the fauour and friendshippe of men While Pilate now fainteth in the righteousnesse that hee knoweth and is sure of and holdeth not on stoutly as he should to deliuer Christ God suffereth him still to fall till he come to this point that he condemneth the innocent to death against his own conscience Thus goeth it with al those that for the grace of GOD lent vnto them are vnthankfull vnfaithfull in the little It is the part of a righteous Iudge to maintaine iustice and to defend the innocent thogh it should cost him body honour and goods The pride also of Pilate that presumed by reason of his authoritie is brought downe with the wordes of the Lorde there is no power but from aboue therefore should it bee godly vsed the higher powers are Goddes Ministers In the which wordes of Christ the faithfull beleeuers that bee in aduersitie are comforted knowing that no man hath authoritie nor power ouer them except it bee giuen him of God Christ is bound to deliuer vs from the bandes of our sinnes and to place vs in eternall freedome Hee is scourged to take from vs the stripes that we should suffer by reason of our sins yea to heale our wounds is hee sore wounded himselfe Altogether suffereth hee for our sakes thorow his stripes are wee made whole His backe as Esay saith Esay 50. offereth he to the smiters and his cheeks to the nippers to purge vs from all filthinesse of sinne Hee became without beautie as a leper despised spitted vppon and mocked to deliuer vs from eternall shame punishment Wee had deserued all this hee did nothing worthie thereof wee are the cause of his martyrdome Oh the great burthen of our sinnes that the Sonne of the eternall GOD must suffer so sore stripes and cruell payne for vs to reconcile vs with his Father Oh the exceeding great loue which he declareth vnto vs in that hee taketh all rebuke vppon himselfe for vs Oh that wee considered this with true deuotion so that wee might say with Christ and Dauid I am readie to bee scourged and my plague is alwaies before mee O Iesu kindle vs with the fire of thy exceeding loue which thou in so much aduersitie hast well tryed towardes vs. Graunt vs the helpe of thy grace to the strengthening of our weakenesse when the heauie burdens of aduersities fall vppon vs that thorow the terrible ouercharge of them wee be not opprest and throwne downe Giue vs grace so to chasten and subdue our body and flesh that it maye bee subiect vnto the spirite and obedient vnto thy will in all things WHen Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Iesus and sate downe to giue sentence in the place that is called the Pauement but in the Hebrue tong Gabatha It was the preparing of the Easter about the sixt houre And he saith vnto the Iewes Behold your king They cried away with him away with him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them shall I crucifie your king The high Priests aunswered We haue no king but the Emperour And the high Priestes with the Elders of the people accused him in many things but he gaue no answere Pilate asked him further and said makest thou no answere Seest thou not in how many and great thinges they accuse thee But Iesus moreouer gaue no answer so that the deputie maruelled sore at it At the feast he had a custome to let one vnto them loose whom they would desire Now while the people pres●ed on Pilate began to aske them as hee alwaies did said Whom will yee that I let loose vnto you Barabas or Iesus who is called Christ While Pilate sate in iudgement his wife sent to him said Haue thou nothing to doo with that iust man for this night in sleepe haue I suffered much for him But the high Priests the Elders perswaded the people inticed them that they should aske Barrabas require Iesus vnto death Then answered Pilate and said vnto them whom will ye of these two that I shall let go loose vnto you They said Barrabas Then said Pilate vnto them What shall I then do with Iesus who is called Christ Then said they al let him be crucified The deputie said What euill then hath he done Neuertheles they cried yet more let him be crucified When Pilate saw that he profited nothing but that the vprore was greater he tooke water and washed his hands before the people
and said I am vnguiltie from the bloud of this iust man looke ye to it Then answered all the people said His bloud be vpon vs and vpon our children So Pilat according to theyr desire let Barrabas loose vnto them And Iesus whome hee scourged gaue he ouer vnto them to be crucified Doctrine and fruite PIlate feareth men more than God therfore doth he against God and condemneth the innocent althogh he thinketh to be vnguilty of his bloud The Euangelist maketh mention of the feast of Easter or Passah to the intent wee shoulde consider that Christ the true right Paschall lambe was put to death and slaine for vs. Here we learne what the iudgement of the world is righteousnes is refused and condemned wickednesse vngratiousnesse and murther is deliuered and quite O how lamentably perisheth the righteous no man there is that considereth it or that goeth about to deliuer him The true is giuen ouer to the lyers the innocent to the guiltie the godly to the vngratious the murtherer is chosen before Iesus the annointed sonne of God heere the wicked is preferred before the iust death before life night darknes before the light This nowe in all our troubles when wee are opprest and falsely condemned shal comfort strengthen vs if we set before our eyes the blessed example of Iesus the innocent who for vs was condemned as an euill dooer For wee seruantes are not aboue our Lorde If the Iudge of the quicke and deade bee wrongfully condemned how much more conuenient is it that wee poore guiltie shoulde suffer when wee are iudged whether it bee doone iustly or vniustly Christ for our sake was falsly condemned to take from vs the iust iudgement of eternall damnation which was gone out vpon vs for our sinnes Graunt vnto vs O Lord Iesu that neither thratening nor slaunder driue vs away from the contemned crosse but that with our whole powers we may gladly follow thee O giue vs grace to fasten our flesh with the temptations therof vnto the crosse that we bewailing our former sinnes may withstand and ouercome the temptations that are behind Helpe vs Lorde in the conflict of the spirite lette thy crosse ô Lord bee vnto vs a medecine against all vice and graunt that we alway chearefully take vp our crosse and follow thee Amen THen the souldiers lead Iesus againe into the iudgment hall And when they had mocked him they stripped him out of the purple robe and put his own garments vpon him and lead him forth to be crucified And he bare his owne crosse himselfe and went on towardes the place of execution And as they lead him they caught one that was called Simon of Cyren who came from the field and was the father of Alexander and Rufus him they compelled to carie the crosse of Iesus and laid it vpon him that he might beare it after Christ And there followed him a great companie of people and women which bewailed and lamented him But Iesus turned backe to them and sayd Ye daughters of Ierusalem weepe not for me but weepe for your selues and for your children For behold the daies will come in the which they shall saie Happie are the barren and the wombes that neuer bare and the paps which neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begin to saie to the mountaines Fall on vs and to the hils couer vs for if they doo this in a greene tree what shall be done in the drie And vnto the place of execution there were lead with him two other murtherers to be slaine And they came vnto the place called Golgatha that is a place of dead mens skuls or the place of execution And they gaue him to drinke vinegre mixt with gall but when he had proued it he would not drinke it And they crucified him with him two murtherers the one on the right hand the other on the left and Iesus in the middest That the Scripture might be fulfilled Hee was counted among the euill dooers Doctrine and fruit HEere ought we with deuout hearts to behold our Sauiour Iesus how meekely he taketh the crosse vppon him for our sakes and patientlie beareth it to bring the lost sheep again vpō his shoulders Heere we see our king beare his kingdome vpon his shoulders as Esay the prophet saith He is is not onely led foorth but it is done with great teproch euen as if he were a ring-leader of murtherers and vnthrifts O how was the king of glorie blaspemed and misintreated for our sakes Hee taketh our sins vpon him and dischargeth vs of our burthen In the consideration of this his reproch we shold not weepe ouer him but ouer our selues For if this be done to the innocent sonne of God what are we then worthie of By this also must wee learne patiently to beare our crosse in folowing our fore-goer for he sheweth vs an example before that we should follow his foosteps euen to the death And if we so consider our crosse it shall be light and easie vnto vs. We haue sworne vnder the crosse from the which we must not shrinke if we will follow the Lord. The loue of Iesu Christ shal make all aduersitie sweet and acceptable vnto vs. Our ioy and comfort ought to bee chiefly in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ by whome the world must be crucified vnto vs and we vnto the world He shall cause our slouthfull flesh to bee quicke and diligent and shall kindle our colde heart Hee goeth before vs in the narrowe waie and is a companion of our pilgrimage a helper in all trouble a comforter in all aduersitie a worker with vs in the grieuous trauaile that wee suffer for his sake O Lorde helpe vs to beare the heauie burthens that wee maye bee diligent and apt vnto all good workes Assist vs with thy power and grace helpe vs according vnto thy accustomed mercie teach vs to breake and vtterlie to leaue our owne will Make vs true Crosse-bearers and followers of thee Take from vs all worldlie lust and wilfulnesse what so euer hindereth vs in thy loue that in obedience and patience wee may alwaie followe thee and find rest with thee after aduersitie Thou Lorde wast stripped out of thy apparell and spoyled thereof that wee with vertues might be cloathed The same that was put vppon thee to rebuke and shame is vnto vs become the highest honour Thou wast lift vppe from the earth that thou mightest drawe the heartes of thy faithfull beleeuers vnto thee from all earthlie thinges and kindle them in the loue of hie heauenly things that thou thorow thy death mightest reconcile fully restore all that is in heauen and earth O ye righteous and faithfull that delite to serue God behold with the eies of your hart how our God Lord king and redeemer hangeth on the crosse for vs. let vs consider our louer who for our sakes hangeth naked and bare in great shame reproch before the world He spreadeth out his
of patience is heere declared to performe the redemption of mankinde This paine and smart is so great that euen the Elements which haue no sence declare tokens of their compassion The Sunne lost his shine and hid his cheerefull light from the wicked rabble hauing as it were a displeasure for the death of their maker Seeing now that the sun mourneth and the earth quaketh much more ought we reasonable men to haue compassion and to consider the death of our maker Behold O faithfull seruant of God how thy foregoer in all his punishment and sorrowfull trouble indureth stil mild and patient and that there is heard no bitternes out of his mouth His praier and complaint sendeth hee vppe vnto his heauenlie Father neither nameth hee any other saue onely God To him alone hee complaineth and openeth his desolation Euen so ought wee to doe when aduersitie reproch or any such thing assaulteth vs wee must not vndiscreetly sorrow or be angrie but runne straight way vnto the Crosse and at the Crosse tarrie and abide a little while with the Lorde If thou be forsaken complaine of thy trouble vnto GOD the Father Consider that Iesus also for thy sake was left in great trouble and anguishe Learne thou likewise to bee soft minded and patient without murmuring or cursing Keepe thee to the onelie comfort of God giue ouer all the ioy of this world so shalt thou not bee forsaken of him All earthlie thinges set apart turne thou thy minde vppe into the Countrey of Heauen Take GOD for thy Father Iesus for thy brother Thou art of a noble high kindred namelie a childe of the euer liuing God O mercifull father wee crie vnto thee in all trouble and call vppon thee through the crucified Iesus Suffer vs not to sincke in great afflictions giue vs not ouer vnto our owne strength but the more the enemie presseth vppon vs the more bee thou our assistance For in all anguishe and trouble thou art the right helper and most faithfull friend If temptation then come vppon vs by thy fatherly will graunt vs grace O Lord patientlie to beare it and to lay the burthen vpon thy mercie that in all trouble we being els destitute of all consolatiō may put our whole trust onely in thee Amen AFter this Iesus knowing that all thinges were nowe perfourmed that the scripture might be fulfilled hee saith I thirst So there stood a vessell by full of vineger Therfore they filled a spunge with vinegar and wound it about with Isope and put to his mouth Assoone as Iesus then receiued of the Vinegar hee answered and saide It is finished Doctrine and fruite ADam satisfied his lust in the forbidden Apple which noisome lust was ocasion of our death But Iesus for the reformation of this concupiscence suffreth also vpon his tongue to restore vs againe from the fall and to conquere vs in this life His bitter drinke is vnto vs a blessed medicine Such great vnthankefulnesse of the Iewes was prophecied by King Dauid in the Psalmes To him that fedde them in the wildernesse with bread from heauen and gaue them water to drinke out of the hard stonie Rocke Euen vnto him for a recompence they giue Vineger and Gall. O the sower and vnnaturall fruite that the LORDE receiueth of his owne Vineyard which he had planted and garnished so faire To vs heere is prepared a soueraigne medicine against glotonie and all voluptuousnes of the flesh thorow the loue whereof God is forgotten and forsaken Now when Christ who is the fulfiller of the law and all the Prophets had whollie and fully perfourmed the will of his heauenlie father hee saith for a conclusion and ende of his life it is finished as hee would say Now is finished all that the old law hath written and spoken of me all that the old Testament figured with oblations and sacrifices with glory and beautie in the Gods seruice Now are truly fulfilled the holy prophesies of the Prophetes and the long wished desires of the holye olde Fathers Nowe is wrought and perfourmed all that belonged concerned the redemption of mankinde It is all as it was promised of God concluded with an honourable blessed end And looke what is behinde shall vndoubtedly be fulfilled in due time I haue accomplished the commandement of my Father who sent me into this world the worke that hee gaue mee to do haue I finished What could I do more for thee O my people that I haue not done Vppon the sixt daye hee finished the worke of the creation of the world And nowe vppon the sixt day and age of the world hee perfourmeth the blessed worke of mans redemption Vppon the sixt day hee created man and made him of the mould of the earth Vpon the sixt day hee restored him againe and deliuered him with his holy bloud Thus all things are finished the great worke of his mercie and most excellent loue is accomplished the way vnto heauen is opened and the deuils power is broken In such hope ought wee valiauntlie to trauaile at this time in this vnconstant world and not to let fall the worke of God that is begun but by his assistance to bring it vnto a blessed ende and stoutly to endure therein It is well-nie come to the point that all shal bee finished the euening and ende of our life commeth on apace wherein we may say with glad harts as Christ our foregoer did It is all finished Wherefore deare brethren let vs euer most diligently and earnestly walke in the way of the truth and of commendable vertues begun exercising our selues in righteousnes We must not think otherwise but to haue battaile against vice against the flesh the world and Satan Daily goe we on a pace towardes death in hope to attain eternal life O that we might say with Paule I haue fought a good fight I haue fulfilled my course I haue kept the faith We must suffer and haue trauaile yet a litle season the time of our deliuerance will shortly be heere O Lord Iesu direct thou all our works according to thy good pleasure illuminate purifie our minds and thoughts Teach vs how wee euer to the praise and honour of thy holy name may meekly beginne diligently doo and blessedly end all our workes and enterprises O giue vs grace faithfully to labour in the Vineyard of the Lord that the heat and trauaile driue vs not back that we faint not that in the schole of heauenly exercise wee may steadfastly indure till wee giue vp the ghost and that through thy mercie after many commendable battails and long striuing wee may say in the last houre of our life It is all finished Vouchsafe thou to bee the finall occasion of our whole life and of all our woorkings so shall it followe that thou wilt bee also our eternall reward ioy and saluation Amen ANd Iesus criyng with a loud voyce said Father into thy hands I commit my spirite And when hee had thus
Fruitfull Lessons VPON THE PASSION BVRIALL RESVRRECTION Ascension and of the sending of the holy Ghost GATHERED OVT OF THE FOVRE Euangelists with a plaine exposition of the same BY MILES COVERDALL IOHN 14.6 I am the waie the truth and the life no man commeth vnto 〈…〉 but by me LONDON Printe● b● Thomas 〈◊〉 ●593 The Author to the Reader SInce our humane imperfections are such as one sinne driueth out another and the frailtie of our natures is so great as hauing touched the brim of the Ocean thereof we neuer cease till we are ouerwhelmed drowned in the bottome of the same since of our selues wee are but graftes of a corruptious tree children of eternall darknesse infidels who bowe the knee to Baal hauing vncircumcised hearts and lying lippes whose mindes are fixed on the world and fastned on Mammon I thought good Christian Reader considering the self loue in vs which haue conuerted the Angels into deuilles which as Augustine witnesseth hath builded the verie Babylon of contempt of God to leuell out a waie for all men to tread a glasse for all men to see an Adamant wherewith all soules may be drawen to the beholding of their vices the loathing of the same and finally the amendement and hartie conuersion for their misdeeds And for that it most euidently appeareth that the iustest man falleth oftentimes a daie and they that discerne errors in themselues and seeing then that they are in the next step to amendement it behoueth vs to consider the weaknesse which is in vs how farre we are fallen and d●o fall from the protection of the iust so that in the end we may in the spring of repentance wash away originall and successive sinnes which haue defiled our soules and cleaning to the 〈◊〉 corner stone wheron our saith should be builded withstand the peri● of perdition which our ghostly enemie hath raised against vs. And ●●r that truth is neuer knowen but by his contrarie and our nakednesse is not disclosed vnlesse our eies be opened let vs examine our selues and we shall find that these are inseparable errours in vs from which the iustest are not exempted namely blindnes and corruptnes of iudgement 〈◊〉 spirit mistrust in GOD to be slacke and wearie in Gods seruice defaming of Gods truth not to haue God before the eies surmising vanitie 〈◊〉 heart curiositie and nicenesse grudging in our heartes against the enemie bitternesse desire of vengeance a mans good intent greedines to be seen and praised vainglorie ambition proper election maintaining of our owne and dis●lainfull false vnfaithfull wicked are and 〈…〉 points and feats wherwith the 〈…〉 the good men that keepe themselues from 〈…〉 These and other innumerable vices shall euery 〈…〉 good so euer he be find in himselfe if he search 〈…〉 vprightly and throughly to the bottome 〈◊〉 then that we finde our selues so vicious altogether 〈◊〉 poisoned and wounded vnto death we ought daie and night without ceasing to complaine and lament before God to watch and pray vnto God for remission of our sins yet should we not despaire of life The true Phisition of our soules came downe from heauen through his passion hath he made vs a plaister for our wounds onely let vs vse it and lay it to the sore The faithfull Samaritane poureth oile and wine into our wounds taketh vs vp to cure and to heale vs onely let vs follow him fashion our selues after his image He is the brasen serpent without sinne whome with the eyes of faith we must behold hanging and lift vp vpon the crosse for vs hee taking our sinnes vppon himselfe giueth vs his owne innocencie If the burthen of sinne now oppresseth and grieueth vs we ought to runne vnto him he shall ease vs giue vs rest for his bloud washeth awaie our sinnes him hath the father giuen vnto vs to be our righteousnesse and redemption Besides this great treasure that God hath giuen vs in Christ he is set foorth vnto vs especially in his passion for a patterne or example whereby we may learne to die from sin and finde a preseruatiue against vices to come For selfeloue and high esteeming of a mans owne selfe is the wel-spring of all vice Consider that Christ was not proude himselfe of his owne highnesse but tooke vpon him the shape of a seruant come to serue vs humbled him most lowly loued not himselfe sought not his owne desired not his honor but the honor of his father all despite and reproch fell vpon him If we ponder this by saith all greedy loue of our selues shall fall away The obedience of Iesu in true beleefe considered expelleth and healeth our disobedience and the idolairie of our owne carnall heart With his obedience couereth he the disobedience of all men so farre as we abide in the obedience of faith that Christ be dearer vnto vs than the whole world for the which cause we freely giue ouer our selues into his obedience suffering all things for his sake Pride and vaine-glorie is healed through Christs humilitie and contempt which he suffered for vs manifolde Learne of me saith he for I am meeke and lowly of heart Why are wee so greadie of temporal things when Christ the Lord of heauen and earth became for vs so poore hanging bare and naked vppon the crosse The chast pure life of Iesus Christ expelleth in vs all vncleannesse of the flesh Also his martirdome anguish and trouble which in his flesh hee suffered for vs quencheth the lust and concupiscence of the flesh O how euill doth it become a beleeuer to be irefull and greedie of vengeance when his fore-runner beeing in most humilitie like vnto a sheepe praied for his enemies Enuie and hatred is highly expelled if we consider the excellent deepe loue of Iesu towards vs. Gluttonie and excesse of life shall fall awaie from vs if we well remember that Christ for vs dranke vineger mixt with gall As it is here shewed in certaine points euen so against all vices and blemishes of the soule there may remedie be● sound in the passion of Christ if it bee rightly vsed in the contemplation of faith The old Adam ought we to lay aside to mortifie the members vppon earth and to put on Christ the Lord as the new wedding garment In the crosse ought to be our exercise our ioy comfort and life Herevnto also helpeth vs our heauenly father who vnto vs his children whom he most entirely loueth suffreth manifold passions afflictions troubles and anguishes sicknesse pouertie and persecution to come to keepe vs vppon the crosse least we as negligent people gape for temporall earthie things And if we will needs follow our owne lusts he hedgeth our waie with thornes nourturing and humbling vs through trouble that we being tried and purified as the gold in the fire may crie and call vnto him and that we may giue our earthly things seeing we finde no quietnesse in them He bringeth vs into the land of promise howbeit through the
vnto him and after many questions and examinations they hang him vp vpon a crosse Thus the high God is brought low as if he were most vile the almightie is defaced as if he were most weake of all the wisest of all is laughed to scorne as if hee were a naturall foole the most vnguiltie is handled as an euill doer This spectacle ought wee verie diligently to behold for wee are laden with grieuous burdens of all wickednesse and haue for our iniquitie deserued so much that wee are worthie of all rebuke shame and confusion yet are wee vnpatient when wee bee despised Neuerthelesse all such vile intreating doth Christ suffer for our sakes to deliuer vs from eternall 〈◊〉 and confusion which wee iustly haue de● O Lord take from vs all wantonnesse and pride 〈…〉 vs thy seruaunts wilfully 〈…〉 our bodies whereas thou Lord king of heauen are scornefully despised in a fooles coate O Lord set thou before our eies and heartes the contempt and derision that was done vnto thee Teach vs to followe thee thorough the contempt and hatred of our selues and to reioyce when wee are despised Let vs neuer set our hope vpon men vpon praise vpon honour vpon power vppon monie but that from the bottome of our harts we may be able to despise all temporall things and loue thereof and firmly and steadfastly to followe after thee O Lord Iesu our welfare that as touching all the rebuke and contempt which thou for vs poore vnworthie sinners hast suffered wee may beare the same in the perpetuall remembraunce of our heart and neuer forget it Amen PIlate called together the high Priests and chiefe rulers with the common people and sayde vnto them Yee haue brought this man vnto mee as one that peruerteth the people And behold I examined him before you finde no fault in this man of those things whereof yee accuse him no nor yet Herode For I sent you to him lo nothing worthie of death is done vnto him So Pilat went againe into the iudgement hall and called Iesus and sayde vnto him Art thou the king of the Iewes Then answered Iesus Speakest thou that 〈…〉 others tolde it thee of me Pilate answered 〈…〉 Iew Thy people and thy high Priestes 〈…〉 vnto me What hast thou done Iesus answered 〈◊〉 ●dome is not of this world if my kingdome were of this world assuredly my ministers would fight for mee that I should not be giuen ouer vnto the Iewes But now is not my kingdome from hence Then sayd Pilate Then art thou a king Iesus aunswered Thou sayest it I am a king For this cause was I borne for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnesse vnto the truth Who so is of the truth heareth my voyce Then sayde Pilate vnto him What is truth When hee sayde this hee went foorth againe to the Iewes and sayde vnto them I finde no fault in him But ye haue a custome that I shoulde deliuer one vnto you loose at Easter Will ye that I loose vnto you the king of the Iewes Whome will ye that I shall let goe Barrabas or Iesus which is called Christ For he knew that the Priestes had of enuie and hatred deliuered him vp Then cried they all and sayd Not him but Barrabas As for Barrabas he was a murtherer who because of an vproare made in the Citie and for man-slaughter was layde in prison Then spake Pilate farther with them willing to let Iesus loose But they cried Crucifie him crucifie him Then said he vnto them the third time What euill then hath he don I finde no cause in him Therfore will I punish him and let him go Doctrine and fruit FOrasmuch as the deuil knoweth that Christ and his ministers applie all diligence with their doctrine that the kingdome of him who is the Prince of this worlde 〈◊〉 hee destroied and that the kingdome of Iesus Christ the sonne of God the chiefe king of all might prosper hee bringeth to passe that Christ and the Ministers of the word are noted and su●pected of sedition wheras they yet seeke nothing lesse than worldly power and dominion Christ flyeth away when they would make him king now is he noted and accused as one that seeketh to bee Emperor Neuertheles Christ is a true king whose kingdome consisteth not in corporall things but in spirit and in power Christ despised all honor riches power and pleasures of this world his Ministers therfore must of all the world bee contemned But Christ ruleth through his spirite and power in their hearts they also shall rule with him in the resurrection Hee is the trueth and giueth witnesse vnto the trueth who so is of the truth heareth his voyce and beareth record also vnto the trueth Heere likewise we learne the vnstedfastnes of the worlde they that afore ranne still after Christ and would haue made him king crying ioyfully Hosanna vnto the Lorde crie now Crucifie him crucifie him So little worthie is the praise and commendation of the world to be regarded They that said afore Praised be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde the same crie nowe Away with him crucifie him and so they chose a murtherer in stead of the Sauiour Their request is that the murtherer may liue as for the Sauiour well of life him they desire to be put to death If we pondered this well in our hearts that our Sauiour Iesus was esteemed worse and more vile than a murtherer there should be nothing that wee would not be glad to suffer for his sake Now when the world is in hande with vs and casteth manie opprobrious wordes vppon vs we must not be ouercome with vnpatiencie the false accusation and threatening of wicked people ought not to make vs shrinke but if we loue Christ with our harts we must remember his patience when he was falsely accused and reuyled for our sakes and so with stopped cares ought wee to lette all sharpe wordes passe yea to pray for them that speake euill of or to vs. When our good workes and meanings are taken in euill part our enterprise resisted our wordes reiected and refused of euerie man wee ought paciently to suffer it For farre inferiouis are wee vnto Christ our Lord ouer whom goeth so horrible and wicked a crie Crucifie him crucifie him Hereof should all faithfull beleeuers bee admonished yea assured if they mind to liue godly in Christ Iesu that they must suffer much persecution that if they wil walke and go forward in the way of God they must beare many hurtfull and noysome things for no man can please GOD that for his sake is not exercised in much aduersitie Therefore saith hee vnto his deare friendes Blessed are yee when men reuyle you and persecute you shall falsely speake all manner of euill against you for my sake Reioice and bee gladde for great is your reward in heauen Math. 5. Wherefore deare children let vs follow our innocent Lord
these things and so to enter into his glorie And hee began at Moses and all the Prophets and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were written of him And they drewe nigh to the towne that they went vnto and he made as though he would haue gone further And they constrained him saying Abide with vs for it draweth toward night and the day is far passed and he went in to tarrie with them And it came to passe as he sate at meate with them he tooke bread and blessed it and brake and gaue to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight And they said betweene themselues did not our heartes burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures And they rose vp the same houre and returned againe to Hierusalem and found the eleuen gathered together and them that were with them saying The Lorde is risen indeed and hath appeared vnto Simon And they told what things were done in the way and how they knewe him in breaking of bread Doctrine and fruite CHRIST sayth Iohn 5. Search the Scriptures 〈◊〉 they testifie of mee Also If yee beleeued Moses ye should beleeue me for he hath written of me Christ therefore willing to strengthen the weake and to teach the vnlearned expoundeth vnto them the Scriptures beginning at Moses and so thorough out all the Prophets For whatsoeuer is written in the Scripture concerning the mercie goodnes and wisedome of God the washing awaie of sinne and satisfieng for the same it belongeth properly to Christ For so worthily and euidently haue they described the passion glory of Christ that one would thinke them not to write of a matter which were to come but done alreadie as it is plaine in the Psalmes and Prophets Psa 22. Esa 53. 1. Pet. 1. c. Thus out of the Scripture we learne partlie the testimonies of the passion and resurrection of Christ partly by what waie Christ came to so high honour and glorie of his father that wee first beleeuing that Chri●t dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnesse might by his resurrection be sure of a good conscience and consolation of the lyfe to come Secondly that wee in patience and obedience might learne to be obedient to our heauenly father to take vp our crosse and to follow our Lord IESVS Christ if wee will haue ioy with him wee must also suffer and trauaile with him Our head goeth to eternall ioy through aduersitie and trouble and will we enter into it through the pleasure of the worlde and lust of the flesh It passeth the boundes of all ●nitie and comlynesse and honestie for 〈…〉 to bee sluggish and slouthfull when the 〈◊〉 ●keth vppon him such trauell and paine 〈…〉 narrowe gate that wee must enter in at for thorough many tribulations vexations and miseryes must wee come into the euerlasting kingdome of heauen and all they that will liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution in this world He that will possesse an inheritance must beare and suffer all the charges belonging to the same The eternall inheritance is appointed vs of our heauenly father thorough Christ but with this addition that we receiue the possession of it in such sort as the son hath done namely with and through the crosse and trouble Blessed are they whome God the father maketh partakers of the passion of his onely begotten sonne for who so is a companion with him in suffering shall haue his eternal fellowship in heauen and inioy with him euerlasting blisse and rest Hee that vnderstandeth not this is a foole and slowe of heart to beleeue the Scriptures let that man beseech God to open the Scripture vnto him and to make him vnderstand it Where that commeth to passe ignoraunce vanisheth awaie and the heart is feruent and receiueth vnderstanding for the Lorde is the right and perfect schoole-master that toucheth the hart and pearceth it through with the arrowes of his words and ardent loue In breaking of the bread they knowe the Lorde 〈…〉 life time when he nowe woulde goe 〈…〉 and death tooke bread rendered 〈…〉 it and gaue it them admonishing 〈…〉 ●bit as they dyd the same they shoulde 〈…〉 remembrance of him Whereby they now ●hin●●ng on the same wordes and beeing admonished of the act remember that it is hee Thus the breaking of the bread before our eyes in the supper is an admonishing token that Christs body was broken and dyed for vs on the crosse and the drinke an admonishing token that his bloud was shedde for the washing awaie of our sinnes And so when wee breake the bread and drinke the drinke wee ought thereby to knowe the Lorde thanking him for his death which is our life being mindfull of him and following his great loue wherein hee dyed for our sinnes AS they thus spake it was verie late the same daie which was the first daie in the weeke and where the disciples assembled together the doores were shut for feare of the Iewes Iesus came while they sate at the table and stoode in the middest among them and sayde vnto them Peace bee with you But the disciples were afraid thinking that they had seene a spirite Then sayde Iesus vnto them Why are yee troubled And why doo thoughts arise in your head And hee sayde yet agayne vnto them Peace bee with you And with that shewed he them his hands feet and side and said Behold my hands and feete that it is euen I my selfe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue The 〈…〉 when they had seene the Lord. And 〈…〉 ●●leeued not for ioy and wondered he sayd 〈…〉 ye anie thing to eate So they offered him a 〈…〉 fish and an honie combe The same hee took● 〈…〉 before them casting in their teeth their vnbeleefe 〈◊〉 ●nes of heart because they beleeued not them which 〈…〉 that he was risen againe from the dead Doctrine and fruite IN that the Euangelists describe the true resurrection of Christ they declare withal vnto whom such a high mystery was opened and shewed For when we heare how the disciples were minded and behaued themselues we learne therby what becommeth vs that we also may beleeue that Christ is truly risen againe yea not only to acknowledge the same with the mouth but also to proue and feele it in the tast of the spirite So haue wee heard afore what the desire ardent loue which God stirred vp in Mary Magdalene dyd bring to passe and what good came of the feruentnesse and diligence of Peter This we see now here for God hath a plesure to stir vp our desire when hee will open himselfe vnto vs. And therefore all the same daie from morning early vntill nyght were the disciples still more and more endued with new ioy that the desire to see Christ might be kindled more and more in them And as they were assembled
gracious father who can right well order and dispose them how when he will as he thinketh best to further his glorie and to edifie his elect children Our care ought rather to bee how we may lead a godly life and beautifie the faith of Christ with good woorkes Wee must looke that wee bee neither vngodlie nor hypocrites but to liue vertuously and innocently in his sight and paciently at his hande to wayte for our deliuerance The kingdome of Christ that is published and offered through the Gospell is not a corporall but a spirituall kingdome neither consisteth it in outward things but in a pure and faithfull beleeuing heart and yet reacheth it throughout the whole worlde and amongst all nations In the hearts of all faithfull beleeuers doth Christ raigne through his spirite and there ouercommeth hee the deuill sinne and death And to the intent they shoulde well vnderstande this kingdome he commaundeth them to waite for the holy spirite whom he had promised them as if he would say Now goe I to my Father now enter I into my kingdome that I may mightily raigne vpon the earth this thing yee vnderstand not but when the spirite is giuen you yee shall perceyue it well All thinges in heauen and in earth are giuen into my power In those that are mine shall I raigne and make them righteous through fayth yea inuincible shall I make them against all enemies heereof shall yee beare witnesse when yee are baptized through the holie Ghost This my kingdome shall ye publish in all nations from one ende of the world to another Thus shall I raigne from sea to sea of the which my kingdome the Prophetes spake so much before Of this kingdome dooth Christ take possession through his ascending vp to the Father at whose right hande and in this kingdome hee sitteth raigning much more mightily in his Church and working more effectuously in those that be his than hee did before when he liued yet corporally with him Thus taking his leaue hee giueth them louing wordes comforteth them and admonisheth them of their office that they all may be diligent therin that they continually direct and lift vp their heartes into that kingdome and that they take in hand to bring all men to the same into the obedience of Christ His blessing hee giueth them saluting them wishing them good and praying hartily vnto his Father for them Thus was hee taken from them and carryed into heauen By the heuen we vnderstand the incomprehensible light in the which God dwelleth which no mortall man can attaine vnto From thence came Christ vnto vs and thither is hee gone againe euen into the inuisible glorie and clearenes of God For the eternall worde and power of GOD dwelling in Gods incomprehensible light from euerlasting became man and had his conuersation vpon earth in all partes sinne excepte as a verie true man But when hee had fullie finished and throughly ended the worke that was giuen him in commission of his heauenly Father and had obeyed him euen vnto the death for as much as in all thinges hee had honoured and glorified his Father vppon earth it was conuenient that the Father also shoulde glorifie his Sonne And therefore raysed hee him from death and tooke him vp into heauen not after the Godhead for so was hee alwaies in heauen but after the manhoode For his true humane nature which hee tooke vppon him for our sakes is carryed and taken vp out of this world into the inuisible honour and glorie into the highest incomprehensible and into the perfect fruition of the Godhead In this honour and glorie Christ dwelleth and raigneth and yet amongst those that are his doth he finish and performe all things by his spirite hauing gouernance in the harts of the faithfull through beliefe through loue through patience and innocencie of life To the intent now that this kingdome might be erected in the hearts of men it was necessarie that he should giue his disciples commission to publish the same and to prepare mens minds thervnto through the preaching of the Gospell But first hee made the mindes of his disciples readie and apt to receiue the holy ghost whom he afterwards poured into others by them and therefore he commaunded them vntill the spirite appeare and open the worke to waite still at Hierusalem from the which place the kingdome of Christ was afterwardes planted in all the world Of the promise of the spirite reade Esay 44. Iere. 31. Ezech. 36. Ioel. 2. Iohn 19.16 Considering that the mysterie of Christs ascention is great and excellent and that there is notable power contained therein to those that be faithful beleeuers the Euangelists doe therefore describe verie perfectly the time the place the persons with all circumstances and assured testimonies thereof Hee ascendeth vp before his disciples that they might openly and euidently see it with theyr eyes there did appeare Angels as messengers and witnesses from heauen euen two of them that in the mouth of two all trueth might bee established The white apparrell signifieth the euident glorie into the which Christ is taken vp as a noble royall and mightie king and conquerour entring into his heauenlie kingdome Thus the high and glorious king cloathed with our nature is entred into our royall pallace as one that mindeth faithfully to dispatch our matters Hee is our owne mediatour and aduocate in the presence of the Father notwithstanding our sinnes committed wee haue a free entraunce vnto GOD by him Our flesh hath hee in himselfe carryed vp and exalted our nature vnto the right hande of GOD the Father Wherefore wee that are bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh doe iustly conceyue a comfortable and assured hope that our mortall bodyes also shall bee taken vp and haue immortall and eternall ioye The earnest pennie of his spirite hath hee giuen and left behinde him vnto vs and contrariwise hee hath of vs taken an earnest pennie and pledge namely our sinfull and wicked flesh which hee in himselfe hath carryed vp into the kingdome of heauen Nowe where the parcell is there shall also bee the whole summe By this wee that are flesh and bloud haue a comfortable and assured trust that in Christ wee shall haue the possession and inheritaunce of heauen Our sinnes in him are recompenced heauen in him is opened in him is the hope of immortall life sealed and made sure vnto vs Christ the victorious glorious conquerour is able to defend his church So that from henceforth no man shall haue power to condemne his elect and faithfull beleeuers Rom. 8. Heb. That his flesh is with-drawne from vs and taken into heauen it is our great profite to the intent that all our deuotion and Gods seruice may bee directed vpwardes in the spirite and that the mindes of faythfull beleeuers maye bee drawne from earthlie vnto heauenly thinges euen vnto the place where Christ sitteth on the right hande of GOD the Father When the Disciples
God became after sinne like vnto the deuill filthie and shamefull yea altogether carnall hauing nothing more of the spirite in him as the scripture in the booke of creation testifieth For as much now as the miserable man was degenerate from the noble spirituall and godly nature to an vncleane carnall and diuelish disposition becomming altogether flesh hee was able no more eyther to thinke or woorke any spirituall or godlie thing All his thoughts and imaginations are carnall in that he is fallen into eternall death and hath lost the life of the spirite for the affections and lustes of the flesh are death but the desires of the spirite are life and peace The affections of the flesh are enmitie against God for the flesh is not subiect vnto the lawe of GOD neyther can bee they therefore which are in the flesh cannot please GOD. Nowe when man who had taken so hurtfull a fall was brought downe from life vnto death from the grace of God into his wrath life might not bee giuen him againe but by the spirite of God whome man by sinne hath lost Therefore like as the Father at the beginning had created man so fashioneth hee him againe by his Sonne who ouercommeth and destroyeth death and giueth vnto vs againe the way of immortalitie For into a froward soule entereth not the spirite of GOD therefore is it conuenient and necessarie that such soule and corrupt flesh bee purged and cleansed againe By Christ the eternall worde were all thinges created by him therefore after the fall must all things be restored againe for this cause died Christ vppon the crosse to banish the sinne of the worlde and to make satisfaction for it From death also hee riseth agayne to giue vs a certaine and assured hope and an vndoubted pledge of an immortall and eternall life and that hee hath ouercome death and sinne for vs. Immediately after the resurrection he breatheth vpon his disciples and giueth them the holy Ghost to declare that he is the same who at the beginning created our nature and sealed it it with his spirite and that it is euen hee who now in the beginning of a new life must by his spirite renew and restore our decayed nature againe that thus Christ who is the liuing and expresse image of the inuisible GOD may bee fashioned and fourmed of the newe in vs now cannot Christ the image of GOD bee right proportioned and renewed in vs but by the holie Ghost Nowe like as Christ after the resurrection gaue his Disciples the spirite to print into them a newe life whereby they knewe and were assured that hee was the fountaine and giuer of the spirite and therefore hee saide All that the Father hath is mine Item All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen and in earth euen so immediately after the same hee ascended vp into heauen to declare vnto them that he was the Lord of all thinges Out of the high and reall throne where he sitteth at the right hand of God his Father Christ the eternall king sent downe his holie spirite vpon all flesh that we by him might obtaine the old innocencie and saluation againe that the Image of God stained and defiled by sinne might be restored vnto vs and that wee thus might become partakers of eternall life What they be vnto whom God giueth his spirit that see we well heere namely euen vnto those that in vnitie of faith and feruent loue are gathered togither with one accord for of all vnitie he is the fountaine and originall In contentious and proud hearts dwelleth not the holy Ghost therefore is it meet that we pray Come O holie spirite replenish the harts of thy faithfull beleeuers and kindle in them the fire of thy loue thou that through manifolde tongues hast gathered together all the nations of the heathen in vnitie of faith O take all dissention and discord out of thy holie Church and make vs to be of one mind in vnfained loue without the which wee cannot please thee THere were dwelling at Hierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euerie nation of them that are in heauen now when this was noysed about the multitude came together and were astonied because that euerie man heard them speake with his owne language They wondered all maruelled saying amongst themselues Beholde are not all these which speake of Galilee and how heare wee euerie man his owne tongue wherein we were borne Partheans Medes and Elemytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia and of Iewrie and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrigia Pamphilia of Egypt and of the parties of Lybia which is besides Siren and strangers of Rome Iewes and Proselytes Greekes and Arabians wee haue heard them speake in our owne tongues the great works of God Doctrine and fruite THE eternall wisedome hath indued all good minds diligently to learne and search the thing wherein they thinke to finde that which they desire and what can be more worthie to be desired or more acceptable to the mind of man than eternal life and saluation which onely consisteth in God the highest good of all Now was the sacred scripture giuen of the holie Ghost that man thereby might bee guided and lead vnto saluation and to most excellent felicity For they that exercise themselues in holie scripture studying and perusing it ought thus to doe euen to direct themselues and others vnto life Therefore by the ordinance of God there hath been euer men in all nations which to instruct others haue applyed themselues to the scripture as among the Iewes wee finde Leui of whome in the Prophet Malachie it is written that the lawe of the truth was in his mouth and no wickednes in his lippes that he walked before God in peace and equitie and conuerted many from vngodlines for the lippes of the Priest are sure of knowledge and the law is required at his mouth for hee is a messenger of the Lorde of hosts Thus as it may wel be coniectured there were at Ierusalem congregations of learned men that exercised themselues in the holy scripture For though all wisedome come of God as the fountaine wel no man can be learned whom God himselfe teacheth not yet will not he giue his grace spirite and knowledge to the idle slouthfull and vnthankfull neither to the proud but vnto those that with meeknes feare of God practise themselues in the scripture and that applying vnto feruent praier doe not despise the meanes and gratious giftes granted them of God And if any man will say that all falshood and destruction all erroneous doctrine and discorde were come into the church by such as be learned let him consider that the thing which in himselfe is good ought not for the abuses sake to bee refused remoue the abuse and then the thing is good and profitable Wine is a profitable and wholesome thing created of GOD for the behoofe of man and is neuer dispraised
euen so is it in the opinion of those that must beare the iudgement of God For as much now as the Apostle Peter according as the matter required did necessarily alledge testimony out of the Prophet concerning the holy Ghost who is giuen to the good children of God he thought also to specifie that which was written in the Prophet as touching the punishment of the wicked that despise the grace of God giuing a warning thereby vnto the Iewes to cease from theyr vnbeleefe and shamefull life declaring vnto them that if they proceed foorth in wickednes it should happen vnto them as it did before vnto theyr forefathers vnto whome Ioel opened the punishment of God Whereby wee must learne paciently to beare it and to take it in good part when our sinnes are rebuked our vices spoken against and we told that the punishment is at hande For this custome had the Apostles in their preaching and declaring of the Gospell that they not onely made mention of the grace of God offered vnto the world by Christ but therwithall likewise they threatned sore punishment to those that eyther despised such excellent grace or hauing knowledge of the truth did cleaue vnto vice which thing in the worde of Peter is yet more euident The Gospell also preacheth amendment of lyfe and not remission of sinnes onely through the bloud of Christ But nowe at this present time there bee many dainty Christians as certaine Princes and Senates in the countreys and citties whose opinion is that the grace of the Gospell is to bee preached yea and they permit Christ and his grace gently worthily to be spoken of but if the false Gods seruice as the honoring of Images and all that is crept in and erected vp in the Papistry agaynst Gods word be reprooued or if the preacher speake agaynst theyr tyranny vniust actes theyr malitious violence and wilfulnes whereby they oppresse poore widowes and fatherlesse children dooing right vnto no man or if the preacher touch them on the gald backs for their excessiue pompe and pride for their rioting whoredome adulterie gluttony drunkennes fighting and extortion if such vices I say wherein they still lead their liues be touched to the quicke then is all fauor gone then burne these preachers say they drowne them they be seditious fellowes they will set vs together by the eares and bring the common people in our necks But such men should consider that vnto this office of the preacher it belongeth to crye against vice least he bee called of God a blind watchman a dumbe dogge and least all the soules which perish through his silence be required at his handes their wilfulnes pride and vaine lyfe they should forsake and reforme themselues and so needed not the preacher to crye out agaynst them Now considering that the Prophets vsed as I said before to make mention of the kingdome of Iesu Christ and of the calling of the heathen to the grace and knowledge of God especially in their orations when they speak of captiuity and deliuerance from the same Ioel in his prophecie doth also keepe that order For seeing that the Iewes were euer still continually as stifnecked rebellious and vnbeleeuing people vnthankful to the grace of God the holy Ghost foresawe theyr reiection declaring it by the Prophets and that another people namely the heathen should bee receyued in their stead For in as much as they despised the grace of God which first was offered vnto them it was meet that the kingdome of God should bee taken from them and giuen to another nation Seeing they thought scorne to come to the marriage to the royall feast whereunto they were bidden it behooued others to be called vnto the same Therfore is Peter earnest vpon this sentence Whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued As if he would say O ye Iewes bragge not of circumcision of Abraham of the temple or of other ceremonies thinke not that ye onely are the people of God the time is now come that God wil bestow his grace vpon those whom ye esteeme to bee vncleane God is no accepter of persons but among all people who so calleth vpon him shall be saued Of this sentence dooth Peter now take occasion more manifestly to speak of the kingdom of Christ for much more pithily and with more euidence doth the Apostles describe the kingdome of Christ than do the Prophets Who so calleth vppon Gods name must knowe God Now can no man knowe God but by Christ Therefore in this little worde to call vpon the name of the Lorde is comprehended the whole summe of the Christian faith Like as oftentimes in the Prophets bee these to sweare by God is contained his whole religion But forasmuch as the Iewes knew not Christ by whome commeth the true knowledge of God therfore beginneth Peter and declareth with strong argumentes how the name of God is to be called vpon namely through true faith in Christ who is the true Messias the annointed king and sonne of God which was promised in the Prophets This doth Peter prooue by the ground of the resurrection of Christ from death by his ascension into heauen and by that he now sitteth at the right hand of God Lord king of al things First let vs heare the text YEe men of Israel heare these words Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with miracles wonders and signes which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selues knowe him haue yee taken by the hands of vnrighteous persons after hee was deliuered by the determinate councell and foreknowledge of God haue crucified and slaine him whom God hath raysed vp loosed the sorrowes of death because it was vnpossible that he should be holden of it For Dauid speaketh of him aforehand I sawe God alwayes before mee for hee is on my right hand that I should not be mooued Therefore did my heart reioice and my toong was glad moreouer also my flesh shal re●t in hope because thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holie one to see corruption Thou hast shewed me the waies of life thou shalt make mee full of ioy with thy countenance Doctrine and fruite TO the intent now that no man should bee offended at the death and crosse of Christ Peter sheweth first that in the councel of God it was concluded foreseene and determined that the son of God the true Messias should and must die and how that the same sacrifice was ordained from the beginning of the world to bee slaine and offered vp vpon the crosse for our sins And that no man should make any stoppe by reason of his death Peter therefore declareth that he was no misse-doer which had deserued his death by any transgression but that hee was sent vnto vs by GOD the father to dye for vs whereby we might perceiue the loue of our Father in heauen And if they now would
right hand of God is exalted and hath receiued of the Father the promise of the holie Ghost he hath shed foorth this gift which yee now see and heare For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but he saith The Lorde saide to my Lorde Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy foot stoole Doctrine and fruite WE beleeue that Iesus Christ our king and Sauiour is not onely risen againe from death to life but also is ascended vp into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God and raigneth for euer For though hee heere a season was despised and refused as the stone of the builders yet hath the strong hand of God exalted him and mightily wrought in him Which thing may well bee perceiued by this as Saint Peter heere valiantly concludeth that hee sendeth downe from on high such an excellent gift of the holy Ghost vpon those that are his This is a sure euidence that he mightily raigneth at the right hand of God and hath all things in his hand seeing he hath power of the spirite of God whom he poureth into the hearts of his and that sometime in visible manner For the glorious triumpher ascending vp to heauen with great victorie did after the custome of great kings and let fall his giftes downe vppon vs and parted them among vs namely the gifts of the holy Ghost whom he as man receiued of the Father but after the godhead he had him alwaie for of the father and of the sonne there is one onely spirite Neither may this bee applied vnto Dauid for though hee as a iust friend of GOD bee saued and come to heauen yet did not hee immediatly after death ascend into heauen with bodie and soule that he might be reported to sit at the right hand of God for his wordes speake of another whome he calleth his Lord namely in the hundreth and ninth Psalme he saith God the Father sayd vnto my Lorde euen the Sonne Sit thou on my right hand So therefore let all the house of Ierusalem know for a suretie that God hath made this Iesus whom ye haue crucified Tord and Messias Doctrine and fruit WIth these wordes doth Peter conclude his Oration exhorting them not to doubt Iesus Christ to be the same annointed sauiour and king who of God the father was first promised then giuen for the deliuerance of the people of the Iewes and of all nations In this conclusion is comprehended the summe of the whole Christian faith namely that wee beleeue that Iesus who was borne of the virgine Marie and crucified of the Iewes is the true Christ that is to saie Messias euen the king that was ordained annointed of God to raigne foreuer ouer all faithful beleeuers Lorde of the whole world and sauiour of all such as put their trust in him This hath God the Father opened and set forth vnto vs by myracles by the resurrection by the ascension by the power of the holy Ghost that wee might beleeue it and not doubt thereof Therefore saith Iohn Who so beleeueth that Iesus is Christ the same is borne of God WHen they heard this they were prickt in their hearts and said vnto Peter and to the other Apostles Ye men and brethren what shall we doe Peter said vnto them Repent of your sinnes and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinners and yee shall receiue the gifte of the holy Ghost For the promise was made vnto you to your children and to all that are a farre off euen as many as the Lord our God shall call And with many other words bare he witnesse and exhorted them saying Saue your selues from this vntoward generation Then they that gladly receiued his preaching were baptised And the same daie there were added vnto them about three thousand soules Doctrine and fruite THis is the fruit and end which followeth out of the preaching of the worde of God that they whose heartes God toucheth are so sorrie for theyr sinnes that it euen pearceth them for Gods word is euen a sharpe two edged sword and entreth through to the depth Blessed are all they which so reade and heare the word of God that they begin to be ashamed of their sinnes and wickednesse beeing repentant and sorrie therefore A blessed and wholsome sorrow is that which riseth and groweth out of the truth which is opened vnto the heart by the holy Ghost Which spirite in the heart giueth hope vpon the mercie of God and driueth awaie all despaire Then beginneth a man to aske What shall I doo Then enquireth he after the will of God and such a man that so asketh is easie to be helped soone is he healed that knowing his disease would faine be made whole Vnto such a man doth the faithfull Minister of Christ giue counsell out of the Scripture and sheweth him the fruit of Christ preached and knowen He doth not bid him bestow monie on solemnities and Diriges on Images Monisteries or co●les in●●●ying of pardons He doth not will to runne vnto Rome or to Lawret but requireth of him the best and most profitable thing of all namely amendement conuersion of life Our mindes our workes and maners must be altered if we will please God Who so saith with his heart that he beleeueth in Christ holding Christ for his sauiour and king must forsake his euil waie eschuing euill and doing good Iere. 7.11 Isa 1 Niniue stood still vpright when they tooke vppon them true conuersion and amendement As for Hierusalem though they offered many sacrifices fasted much it helped not because there was no true reformation and forsaking of sinne needs must they be destroied and miserablie perish To botch or patch the matter it will not helpe there is no remedie wee must become godly and vertuous of life it auaileth not to dissemble God looketh into the heart which he will haue pure and vnfained Forasmuch then as we through baptisme in the faith of Christ haue receiued Christ and are marked out for him hauing once forgiuenesse of sinnes through the grace and gift of Christ let vs be of a vertuous lfe walking innocently and in the feare of God Let vs die therefore to the innocencie which is restored vnto vs againe through Christ let vs daily remember to harken follow the admonishment of the spirit which teacheth vs all good things We are they vnto whom God hath promised his grace of the spirite yea and vnto our children also so farre as we abide in his couenants Let vs thankfully receiue such excellent grace deare brethren being ware that we stain not the temple of Iesus Christ and of his holy spirit with filthinesse of the worlde that wee neuer make our selues partakers in the iniquitie of wicked and faithlesse men but to leade here a pure and cleane conuersation with a good conscience before GOD our most louing father and alwaie lift vp our minds vnto