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A16831 Gods treasurie displayed: or, the promises, and threatnings of Scripture, &c. Methodically composed, for the helpe of weake memories: and contrived into question, and answere, for the comfort of Sions mourners, and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure. Bridges, Francis, fl. 1630.; Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1630 (1630) STC 3733; ESTC S106572 191,335 607

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Abrahams seede and heyres according to promise Gal. 3.29 Neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh they are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seede Rom. 9.7 Now wee brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise Gal. 1 Pet. Luk. 19.9 Mat. 3.9 Ioh. 8.39.47 Hos Isa 65.1 Ob. This priuiledge may concerne some great personages of the Gentiles but not such abiect and dispised persons as I am A. Hearken my beloued brethren hath not God chosen the poore of this world rich in faith and heires of the Kingdome which he hath promised to them that loue him Iames 2.5 For you see your calling how that not many wise men after the flesh nor many mighty nor many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the world confound the things that are mighty a● base things of the world and things wh● are despised hath God chosen yea thi● which are not to bring to nought thi● that are that no flesh should glory in presence 1 Cor. 1.26 Isa 66.2 Ob. If I could doe some thing wo●thy of such a reward there were th● some hope A. God hath called vs not according workes but according to his own purpose a● grace whieh was giuen vs in Christ Ies●● before the world began 2 Tim. 1.9 For 〈◊〉 promise made to Abraham that he sho● be the heyre of the world was not to ●braham and his seed through the Law 〈◊〉 through the righteousnesse of faith For they which are of the Law be heires faith made voyd the promise made of none ●fect Ro. Luk. 17.7 Tit. 3.3 Ob. Notwithstanding it will not o● of my minde but that it is my well d●ing if at all that must enter mee in this estate A. This perswasion commeth not of him that calleth you Gal. 5.8 For God sent foorth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that are vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of Sonnes Gal. 4.4.5 And therefore tell me you that desire to be vnder the Law doe you not heare the Law For it is written Cast out the bondwoman and her sonne for the sonne of the bondwoman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the freewoman Gal. 4.21 Gen. 21.10 Q. How comes it then to passe that wee miserable creatures should be so highly exalted A. We haue not chosen him but he hath chosen vs Ioh. 15.16 And hath predestinated vs vnto the adoption of children by Iesus Christ to himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will Ephes 1.5.11 For behold the heauen and the heauen of heauen is the Lords the earth also with all things that therein is Only the Lord hath a delight in vs hath chosen vs aboue al people as it is this day Deu. 10.14 Isa 60.21 Rom. 11.5 Ob. Can it bee imagined that me● instamped with the diuels image should become the children of God A No For there are also giuen vnto vs great and precious promises that 〈◊〉 these ye might be partakers of the diuine n●ture hauing escaped the corruption that 〈◊〉 in the world through lust 2 Pet. 1.4 Wherby we haue put off the old man wit● his deeds and haue put on the new ma● which is renewed in knowledge after th● image of him that created vs Col. 3.9 An● are changed into the same image from glory to glory 2 Cor. 3.18 Q. What are the causes by which this Image of God is wrought in vs A. 1 Principall efficient the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3 18. For we are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Ioh. 1.13 That which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the Spirit is Spirit Ioh. 3.6.8 Tit. 3.5 2 Instrumentall the word For of his owne will begat hee vs with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures Iames 1.18 Being borne againe not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer 1 Pet. 1.23 3 Ministring the Preachers who do beget vs by the Gospell 1 Corinth 4.15 And doe trauell in birth vntill Christ bee formed in vs Gal. 4.19 Isa 66.8 1 Cor. 9.1.2 Q. How may we know our selues to haue this image and so to be the children of God A. By these markes wee know that we are of God when yet the whole world lyeth in wickednesse 1 Ioh. 5.19 1 God himselfe hath sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hearts 2 Cor. 1.22 which spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits that wee are the children of God Rom. 8.16 2 Hee that beleeueth on the Sonne hath the witnesse in himselfe that hee is borne of God 1 Ioh. 3 He that is of God heareth Gods word Iohn 8.47 And as new borne babes do● desire that sincere milke of the Word tha● he may grow thereby 1 Peter 2.2 4 If you know that hee is righteous you know euery one that doth righteousnesse i● borne of him 1 Iohn 2.29 And being new borne hee doth not commit sinne because his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sinne because hee is borne of God In thi● therefore are the children of God knowne and the children of the diuell whosoeuer doth not righteously is not of God 1 Ioh. 3.9.3 Epist 11 Rom. 8.14 5 Loue is of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God 1 Iohn 4.7 6 Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God Mat. 5.9 But if you haue bitter enuying and strife in your hearts glory not and lye not against the truth Iames 3.14 For your spot is not the spot of his children they that are such are a crooked and peruerse generation Deut. 32.5 Hosea 1.9 Deut. 32.32 33. Iohn 8.44 Isa 57.3 Q. What may this priuiledge of being the children if God teach vs A. 1 To pray that the eyes of your vnderstanding being inlightned ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance is in the Saints and what is the exceding greatnesse of his power to vsward who beleeue according to the working of his mighty power Ephes 1.18 2 To call no man your father on earth for one is your father in heauen Math. 23.9 But be yee followers of God as deare children For yee were once darknesse now are yee light in the Lord walke as children of the light Ephes 5.1.8 And let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Math. 5.16 Mal. 1.6 1 Pet. 1.17 Ephes 4.30 3 To
so it is And when ye see the South wind blow yee say that it will bee hot and it commeth to passe Luke 12.54 So likewise yee when yee shall see all these things know that it is neere euen at the doore Math. 24.33 But of the day and houre knoweth no man no not the Angels of heauen but my Father onely Math. 24.36 Eccles 8.5.7 Act. 1.7 Q. What shall bee the manner of CHRISTS comming to judgement A. Hee shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the foure winds from one end of heauen to the other Math. 24.31 Then the Heauens shall passe away with a great noise and the elements shall melt away with fervent heat the earth also with the workes that are therein shall be burned vp 2. Pet. 3.10 And there shall bee a great earthquake the sonne shall become blacke as sackcloth with haire and the Moone become as blood and the Starres of Heauen shall full to the earth and the heauens shall depart as a scr●ule Reuel 6.12 And there shall be signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres and the Sea and the waues roaring the powers of the Heauen shall be shaken and then shall they see the signe of the sonne of Man comming in the Cloudes with power and great glory Luk. 21.25 Who shall be reuealed from heauen in flaming fire 2. Thes 1.7 With ten thousands of his Saints in glory and all his holy Angels with him Mat. 25.31 Thousands thousands shall minister vnto him and ten thousand times ten thousands shall stand before him and the Iudgement Seat sha●l be set and the bookes opened Dan. 7.9 And euery eye shall see him Reu. 1.7 Q. How shall men in the s●nce o● these things stand affected A. Vpon the earth there shall be distresse of Nations with perplexity mens hearts shall faile them for feare and for looking after those things which shall then come on the earth Luk. 21.26 And al● the kindreds of the Earth shall waile because of him Reuel 1.7 And in those dayes shall men seeke Death and shall not find it and shall desire to dye and death shall flye from them Reu. 9.6 Then the Kings of the earth and the great men and euery bondman and euery free man shall hide themselues in the Dennes and in the Rockes of the Mountaines shall say to the Mountaines and Rockes fall on vs and hide vs from the face of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand Reuel 6.15 Isa Hos 10.8 Q. But shall the godly bee thus perplexed at the beholding of these things A. Beloued if our heart condemne vs not then shall we haue confidence towards God 1. Ioh. 3.21 For God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of Power of Loue and of a sound Mind 2 Tim. 1.7 And therefore when these things begin to come to passe then shall we looke vp and lift vp our heads because our Redemption draweth nigh Luk. 21.28 For CHRIST was once offered to beare the sinnes of many and vnto them that looke for him shall he appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation Heb. 9.28 And herein is our loue made perfect that wee may haue boldnesse at the day of Iudgment because as he is so are we in the World Ioh. 1.4.17 18. Rom. 10.11 Q. When Christ is set downe vpon his throne of glory what is the first work he shall doe A. He shall seperate the sheepe from the Goats and he shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goats on his left Mat. 25 32. Among whom there shall be two in one bed one shall be taken and the other left Two women shal be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left Two men shall be in the field the one shal be taken and the other left Luk. 17 34. Q. What shall follow vpon this seperation A. Such as haue followed CHRIST in the Regeneration when the Sonne of Man shall sit in the Throne of his glory they also shall sit vpon twelue thrones iudging the twelue tribes of Israel Mat. 19.28 Know yee not also that the Saints shall iudge the Angels 1. Cor. 6.3 Q. What are the things wherof Iudgment shall be giuen A. GOD shall bring euery worke into Iudgment with euery secret thing whether it be good or whether it be euill Eccl. 12.14 Moreouer I say vnto you that for euery idle word that men shall speake they shall giue an account thereof in the day of Iudgement For by their words they shall be iustified and by theyr words they shall be condemned Matth. 12 36. Ioh. 3.18 Iude v. 15. Q. What is the euidence which shall be produced A. Hee shall not iudge after the sight of his eyes neither reprooue by the hearing of his eares Isa 11.3 but by the Bookes which shall bee then opened Reuel 20.12 their Consciences also bearing witnesse and their thoughts accusing one another or excusing Rom. 2.15 Q. What are the rules according t● which CHRIST shall iudge A. 1. As many as haue sinned with out law shall perish without law and ● many as haue sinned in the law shall be iudged by the law Rom. 2.12 2. GOD shall iudge the secrets of men by IESVS CHRIST according to m● gospell Rom. 2.16 The words also whic● CHRIST hath spoken shall iudge them i● the latter day Ioh. 12.48 Iam. 2.12 Q. What is the sentence it self● which CHRIST shall pronounce A. Hee shall say vnto them on his righ● hand come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the word Then sha● he say vnto them on his left hand Depar● from me yee Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devill and his Angels Math. 25.34 And vnto his servants h● shall say binde them hand and foot Mat. 22.13 and cast you these vnprofitable servants into outer darknesse Math. 25.30 Q. What shall bee the issue of this sentence A. God will then render to every one according to his deeds To them who by patient continuance in well doing seeke glory and honor and immortality eternall life But vnto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey vnrighteousnesse indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vpon euery soule of man that doeth evil to the Iew first and also to the Gentile But glory and honour and peace to euery man that worketh good to the Iew first and also to the Gentile Rom. 2.7 2. Cor. 5.10 Mat. 25.46 Q. What may the consideration of these things teach vs A. 1. Reioyce O young man in thy youth and let thy heart cheere thee in the dayes of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes but know thou that for all these things GOD will bring thee into
CHAP. I. The Preface or Introduction Question HOw was Man created Answer 1. In knowledge after the image of him that created him Col. 3.10 Who taught him more than the beasts of the earth and the fowles of the heauen Iob 35.11 2 He was created after God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Ephes 4.24 3 In dignity he was made a little lower than the Angels and was crowned with glory and honour and was made to haue dominion ouer the worke of Gods hands who did put all things vnder his feet Ps 8 5.6 Gen. 1.28 Q. Did he continue so A. No for hee did eate of the tree of knowledge of good and euill of which the Lord said thou shalt not eat of it Gen. 2.17 3.6 whereby he like man transgressed the couenant and trespassed against God Hos 6.7 And so sinne entring into the world all men by him haue sinned Rom. 5.12 Q. What followed this his transgression A. 1 Mans vnderstanding is thereby darkned and hee is become a stranger from the life of God through the ignorance that is in him Ephes 4.18 Col. 1.21 Rom. 3.11 euen a beast by his owne knowledge Ier. 10.14 51.17 and like a wild Ass● colt Iob 11.12 and much worse Isai 1.3 wise hee is to doe euill but to doe good hee hath no knowledge Ierem. 4.22 and in the thing he professeth himselfe to be wise hee is become a foole Rom. 1.22 and 8.5 2 Cor. 3.5 2 Mans will is thereby also peruerted for hereby the wickednesse of man is great in the earth and euery imagination of the thoughts of his heart is onely and continually euill Gen. 6.5 8.21 And there is no iust man on earth that doeth good and sinneth not Eccles 7.20 There is none righteous no not one c. they haue all gone out of the way they haue been made altogether vnprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one c. Rom. 3.10 12. And if any man say he hath not sinned hee maketh him a lyer and the truth is not in him 1 Iohn 1.10 For who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am pure from my sinne Prou. 20.9 And what is man that hee should bee cleane or the sonne of man that he should be iust Iob 15.14 This therefore haue I found that God hath made man righteous but he hath sought many inuentions Eccles 7.29 Iob 25.4 and 14.4 Isa 1.5 6. Rom. 7.18 3 The wages of sinne is death Rom. 6.23 For as by one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed vpon all men Rom. 5.12 and reigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them also that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression Rom. 5.14 Iob 17.14 CHAP. II. Christ promised Q. DId God leaue man thus A. No For he made a promise afore by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures concerning his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 1.2 Q. Which was the first of that kind A. That which was made to Adam and Eue concerning whom God said vnto the Serpent I will put enmity betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seede and her seede It shall breake thine head and thou shalt bruise his heele Gen. 3.15 Q. Shew me some more of them in the manner they were propounded A. 1 Without exception of doubt saying The Lord thy God will raise vnto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like vnto mee Deut. 18.15 Hee will bring foorth his seruant the branch Zach. 3.8 And the man whose name is the branch hee shall grow vp out of his place Zach. 6.12.13 and shall bee King ouer you and you shall haue one shepheard Ezech. Ier. 33.17 2. As vncertaine when and long to come For saith Balaam I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh there shall come a Star out of Iacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel and shal smite the corners of Moab and destroy the children of Sheth Numb 24.17 3 In a time determined The Scepter saith Iacob shall not depart from Iudah nor a lawgiuer from betweene his feete vntill Shiloh come Gen. 49.10 And after threescore and two weekes 〈…〉 was the Messiah to be cut off Dan. 9.26 4 As neere at hand The Lord saith Malachi whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his Temple euen the Messenger of the Couenant whom yee delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of hosts Mal. 3.1 5 As if already come For vnto vs a child is borne vnto vs a sonne is giuen and the gouernement shall be vpon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderfull Counceller the mighty God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace Isay 9.6 6 By the place where For saith Micah and thou Bethlahem Ephrath though thou be little among the thousands of Iudah yet out of thee shall hee come foorth vnto me that shall be ruler in Israel whose goings forth haue beene from of old from euerlasting Micah 5.2 7 By the manner how which was with much humility For saith Isaiah hee shall not cry nor lift vp nor cause his voyce to be heard in the streetes Isa 42.2 But he shall be poore and riding vpon an Asse and vpon a Colt the foale of an Asse Zech. 9.9 And he shall grow vp before him as a tender plant and as a roote out of a dry ground he hath neither forme nor comelinesse when we shall see him there shall be no beauty that we should desire him Isa 53.2 8 By his parentage I will saith God raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch Ier. 23.5 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Iesse and a branch shall grow out of his roote Isa 11.1 For behold a Virgin shall conceiue and beare a sonne and thou shalt call his name Immanuel Isa 7.14 16.5 Ier. 33.15 CHAP. III. Christ exhibited Q. VVEre these promises fulfilled A. This day these Scriptures are fulfilled in your eares Luke 4.21 For when the fulnesse of time was come God sent his Sonne made of a woman Gal. 4.4 And of the seed of Dauid hath he according to his promise raised vnto Israel a Sauiour Iesus Acts 33. Ob. These are but idle tales and who so foolish to beleeue them A. Behold ye despisers and wonder vanish away for I haue wroght a worke in your dais a work which ye shal not beleeue if a man would declare it vnto you Act. 13.41 Ob. All you can say in this matter is but by flying reports than which what is more vncertaine A. We haue not followed cunningly deuised fables when wee made knowne vnto you the power and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ but were eye-witnesses of his Maiesty 2 Pet. 1.16 For the life was made manifest and we haue seene it and beare witnesse and shew vnto you that eternall life which was with the Father was made manifest vnto vs c. 1 Ioh. 1.2 c. Act. 26.23 Q.
There is a reward for the righteous Q. BVt suppose wee haue Gods acceptance is this all wee shall haue for our well doing A. Hee that soweth righteousnesse shall also haue a sure reward Prou. 11.18 And euery man shall receiue his owne reward according to his owne labour 1 Cor. 3.8 Whether hee be bond or free Ephes 6.8 So that hee which followeth after righteousnesse and mercy findeth life righteousnesse and honour Prou. 21.21 For behold the Lord God will come with strong hand and his arme shall rule for him Behold his reward is with him and his worke before him Isa 40.10 So that a man shall say verily there is a reward for the righteous verily he is a God that iudgeth the earth Psalm 58.11 Prou. Iob. 34.7 c. Therefore Vzziah so long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper 2 Chro. 26.5 Hezechiah also wrought that which was good and right and true before the Lord and prospered 2 Chro. 31.20 17.3 Numb 25.11 Math. 26.13 Exod. 1.21 Zech. 3.7 Gen. 22.16 Ierem. 35.18 Heb. 11.5 Gen. with 26.2 Chro. 14.7 c. 2.13 18 Psal 18.20 Ob. Much good is done which God may neither see nor obserue A. The Lord searcheth the heart and tryeth the reines euen to giue euery man according to his wayes and according to the fruite of his doings Ierem. 17.10 For hee is the great and mighty God the Lord ●f host is his name great in counsell and mighty in worke for his eyes are open vpon all the wayes of the sons of men to giue euery one according to his wayes and according to the fruite of his doings Ier. 32.18 And doe runne to and fro throughout the whole earth to shew himselfe strong in the behalfe of them whose heart is perfect towards him 2 Chron. 16.9 Psal 111.5 Ob. But may not God forget our weldoing A. God is not vnrighteous to forget your worke and labour of loue which yee haue shewed towards his name in that you haue ministred to the Saints and doe minister Heb. 6.10 For he remembred his holy promise and Abraham his seruant Psal 105.42 And when they that feared the Lord and speake often one to another the Lord hearkened and heard it and a booke of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought vpon his name Mal. 3.16 I haue waited long and yet hau● no reward A. Yet bee not weary in weldoing fo● in due season you shall reape if you faint not Gal. 6.9 For how euer the sonne of man be a● one gone into a farre countrey to recei●● vnto himselfe a kingdome yet will he returne Luke 19.11 And come in the glory of his Father with his Angels and the● hee shall reward euery man according to hi● workes Mat. 16.27 Therefore turne thou to thy God keep mercy and iudgement and waite on thy Go● continually Hos 12.6 Ob. As for works of mercy wherein I doe part with my goods the more good I doe for others the lesse good remaines to my selfe A. There is that scattereth and yet increaseth The liberall soule shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himselfe Prou. 11.24.25 Hee which soweth bountifully shall reape bountifully 2 Cor. 9.6 Giue and it shall be giuen vnto you good measure pressed down shaken together running ouer Luke 6.38 For God is able to make all grace to abound towards you that you hauing sufficiency in all things may abound in euery good worke As it is writen Hee hath dispersed abroad he hath giuen to the poore his righteousnesse remaineth for euer 2 Cor. 9.8 Psalm 112.9 1 Kings 17.16 Isa 32.8 Psalme 41.1 Q. Why will God thus reward our weldoing in this kind A Because the administration of this seruice not onely supplieth the want of the Saints but is abundant also by many thankesgiuing vnto God whiles by the experiment of this minsteration they glorifie God for your professed subiection vnto the Gospell of Christ and for your liberall distribution vnto them 2 Cor. 9.12 Math. 5.16 Q. What is the vse of this A. 1. To confute the scorner for what man is he then who drinketh vp scorning like water which goeth in company with the workers of iniquity and w●keth with wicked men For hee saith profiteth a man nothing that hee shou●● delight himselfe with God Iob 34.7 And what profit is it that we haue kept h● ordinances and that we haue walked mour●fully before the Lord of hosts whic● call the proude happie and say that suc● as worke wickednesse are set vp yea the● that tempt God are euen deliuered Where as they that feare mee shall be mine sait● the Lord of hosts in that day when I ma●● vp my Iewels and I will spare them as man spareth his owne son that serueth him Then shall ye returne and discerne between the righteous and the wicked between him that serueth God and him that serueth him not Mal. 3.14 Thefore hearken vnto mee yee men of vnderstanding far be it from God that he should doe wickednesse and from the Almighty that hee should commit iniquity For the worke of man shall be render vnto him and cause euery man to finde according to his waies Iob 34.10 Mal. 2.17 2 Pray saying Remember me O my God concerning this and wipe not out my ●ood deedes that I haue done for the house ●f my God and for the offices thereof Neh. 13.14 Doe thou O Lord recompence my workes and giue vnto mee a full reward Ruth 2.12 And let thy mercy be vpon me according as I hope in thee Psal 33.22 3 Be strong therefore and let not your hands be weake for your worke shall be rewarded 2 Chron. 15.7 And as euery man hath receiued the gift euen so minister ●he same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God 1 Pet. 4.10 Because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in all thy workes and in all that thou puttest thine hand vnto Deut. 15.10 And shall also recompence thee at the resurrection of the iust Luke 14.14 Deut 14.29 Gal. 6.10 Eccles 11.1 Hebrews 13.2 Colloss 3.24 Prou. 3.28 1 Tim. 6.17 Isa 3.10 Q. Among other good works shew mee how the works of charity must be done that so I neither neglecting th● worke nor faile in the manner of doing them may bee sure not to faile● my reward A. Take heed that you doe not your alm● before men to be seene of them otherwi●● you haue no reward of your Father which in Heauen But when thou doest thi● almes c. let not thy left hand know wh● thy right hand doeth that thine alm● may bee in secret and thy Father whic● seeth in secret himselfe shall reward th● openly Math. 6.1.16 And whatsoeue● you doe doe it heartily as to the Lord a●● not vnto men knowing that of the Lord y●● shall receiue the reward of the inheritance for yee serue the Lord Christ Col. 3.23 2 Hee
an eye at the last trumpe for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed 1 Cor. 15.51 Q. Now I know that wee shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day Ioh. 11.24 What therefore would you thence inferre A. 1 Concerning them that sleepe that ye sorrow not euen as others without hope For if we beleeue that Iesus died and rose againe euen so them also which sleepe in Iesus w● God bring with him 1 Thes 4.13 2 Though I walke in the valley of t●● shaddow of death I will feare no euill fo● thou art with mee thy ●od and thy sta● comfort mee Psalm 23.4 Therefo●● also my heart is glad my glory reioycet● my flesh also shall rest in hope for thou wi●● not leaue my soule in hell Psal 16.9 3. Let vs therefore which haue the fir● fruites of the spirit groane within our selue● waiting for the adoption to wit the redem●tion of our bodies Rom. 8.23 4 Let none of vs liue or die to our selue● for whether wee liue wee liue vnto th● Lord or whether we dye we dye vnto th● L●●● For to this purpose Christ dye● 〈…〉 and reuiued that he might be the Lord both of the dead and liuing Rom 14.7 Wherefore labour we that whether present or ahsent wee may be accepted o● him 2 Cor. 5.9 Q. When this dust returneth to th● earth Eccle. 12.7 who knoweth the spiri● of a man that goeth vpward and the spirit o● the beast that goeth downeward to the earth Eccles 3.21 A. Wee know that if this earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolued wee haue a building of God an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens 2 Cor. 5.1 For the spirit shall returne to God that gaue it Eccles 12.7 and shall bee with Christ in Paradise Luke 23.43 And with Lazarus in Abrahams bosome Luke 16.22 Q. How stand you affected with this A. I am in a straite betwixt two hauing a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better Pbil. 1.23 For in this wee groane earnestly desiring to be clothed vpon with our house which is from heauen if so be that being clothed wee shall not be found naked For we that are in this tabernacle doe groane being burdened not for that we would be vnclothed but clothed vpon that mortality might be swallowed vp of life 2 Cor. 5.2 Therefore wee are alwaies confident knowing that whilest wee are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord for wee walke by faith and not by sight wee are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord 2 Corin. 5.6 Math. 17.4 CHAP. XVI Of the last iudgement Ob. WHat we shall haue after death I cannot say but in these daies of my vanity I haue seen there is a iust man that perisheth in his righteousnesse and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickednesse Ecces 7.15 yea the tabernacles of robbers prosper and they that prouoke God are secure for into their hand God bringeth abundantly Iob 12.6 Behold these are the vngodly who prosper in the world they increase in riches verily I haue cleansed my heart in vaine and washed my hands in innocency For all the day long I haue been plagued and chastened euery morning Psal 73.12 13. Ier. 5.27.12 1. Eccl. 8.14 A. God hath appointed a day in which he will iudge the world in righteousnesse by that man whom hee hath ordained whereof he hath giuen assurance vnto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Acts 17.31 So that we shall all stand before the Iudgement seat of Christ Rom. 14.10 Who shall iudge his people Heb. 10.30 Vnto whom they also must come to giue an account 1. Pet. 4.5 Heb. 9.27 Psal Eccles 11.9 Ob. Where is the promise of his comming For since the Fathers fell a sleepe all things continue as they were from the beginning 2 Pet. 3.4 A. This you are willingly ignorant of that by the Word of GOD the Heauens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being ouerflowed with water perished But the Heauens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserued vnto fire agains● the day of Iudgement and perdition of vngodly men But beloued be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as ● thousand yeares and a thousand yeares a one day The Lord is not slacke concerning his promise as some men cou● slacknesse but is long suffering to vs ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2. Pet. 3.5 Q. Tell vs then when these thing shall be and what shall be the signes o● the end of the World Mat. 24.3 A. 1 Before the end come many shall come in CHRISTS name saying I am CHRIST and many false Prophets shall arise Mat. 24.5.11 2 The day shall not come except there come a falling away first 2. Thes 2.3 and many be deceiued Mat. 24.5.11 3 That man of sinne shall first be reuealed the sonne of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called GOD or that is worshipped 2. Thes 2.3.4 4 You shall heare of warres and rumors of warres for Nation shall rise against Nation Kingdome against Kingdome but the end shall not be yet Mat. 24.6.7 5 Because iniquity shall be increased the loue of many shall waxe cold Mat. 24.12 6 This Gospell of the Kingdome shall be preached in all the world for a witnesse vnto all Nations and then shall the end come Mat. 24.14 7 When the fulnesse of the Gentiles is come in all Israell shall be saued as it is written The deliuerer shall come out of Sion and shall turne away vngodlinesse from Iacob Rom. 11.25 8 As it was in the dayes of Noah so shall it be also in the dayes of the Sonne of Man they did eate they dranke they married wiues they were given in marriage vntill the day that Noah went into the Arke and the Flood came and destroyed them all Likewise also as it was in the dayes of Lot they did eate they dranke they bought they sold they planted they builded but the same day that Lot went out of Sodome it rained fire and brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all euen thus shall it bee in the day when the Sonne of man is reuealed Luke 17.26 And when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction commeth vpon them as trauell vpon a woman with child 1. Thes 5.3 Or as a thiefe by night 2. Pet. 3.10 Reuel 16.15 Math. 24.38 Now learne a parable of the Fig tree when his branch is yet tender and putteth foorth leaues ye know that summer is nigh Math. 24.32 And when ye see a cloud rise out of the West straite way yee say a shower commeth and
before vs wh●ch hope we haue as anker of the soule both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that which is within the vaile whether the fore-runner is for vs entred Heb. 6.17 Q. Shew me then some marks wherby I may discerne whether or no my selfe am one of that number which shal be saued A. 1. This is life Eternall that wee know him to be the onely true God and IESVS CHRIST whom he hath sent Ioh. 17.3 2. GOD so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Son that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Io● 3.16 These things I write vnto you that beleeue in the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye haue eternall life 1. Ioh. 5.13 Ioh. Acts 16.31 3. It shall be that whosoeuer shal call on the name of the Lord shall be saued Act. 2 21. 4. We know that we are passed from death to life because we loue the brethrē 1. Io. 3.14 5. Whosoeuer shall humble himselfe and become as a little child the same is great in the Kingdome of GOD. Mat. 18.4 Mat 6 The Kingdome of Heauen suffereth violence and the violent take it by force Mat. 11.12 and for ioy thereof depart and sell all that they haue to purchase it Mat. 13.44 5.10 7. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth nor whosoever worketh abomination or that maketh a lie Reu. 21.27 For without are dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murtherers Idolaters Reu. 22.15 Neither shall any that worketh abhomination enter into the Kingdome of GOD. Reu. 21.27 The sinners in Zion are afraid fearefulnesse shall surprise the Hypocrites Who among vs shall dwell with the devouring fire who among vs shall dwell with the everlasting burnings He that walketh righteously and speaketh vprightly he that despiseth the gaine of the oppressions that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes and stoppeth his eare from hearing of blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing of euill hee shall dwell on high Isa 33.14 And to him that ordereth his conuersation aright will I shew the salvation of GOD. Psal 5● Math. 5.19 Ier. 17.13 Ob. These things in some measure I doe find to be in my selfe yet my griefe is that I can be no more sencible of this happinesse A. 1. Now wee see through a glasse darkly but then face to face Now wee know in part But then shall wee know even as also wee are knowne 1. Cor. 13.12 2. We are saved by hope but hope that is seene is not hope For what a man seeth why doth hee hope for it But if we hope for that we see not then doe we with patience waite for it Rom. 8.24 As well as IACOB who said I haue waited for thy salvation O LORD Gen. 49.18 1. Pet. 1.9 3. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seene Heb. 11.1 Whom hauing not seene you loue in whom though you see him not yet beleeuing you reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and full of glory receiuing the end of your faith the saluation of your soules 1. Pet. 1.8 4. For this end pray saying Restore vnto mee the ioy of thy salvation and vphold me with thy free spirit Psal 51.12 And then with ioy shall you draw water out of the wels of saluation Isa 12.3 Ob. I am beset with so many enemies that my feare is I shall fall short of Heauen A. We are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation ready to bereuealed in the last times 1. Pet. 1.5 When Christ shall put downe all rule and all authority and power For he must reigne till he haue put all his enemies vnder his feet the last whereof that shall be destroyed is death For hee hath put all things vnder his feet but when hee saith all things are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things vnder him 1. Cor. 15.24 Q. Seeing GOD ha●h prouided for vs such an inheritance what therefore are we to doe A. 1. We are bound to giue thankes alwayes to GOD because GOD hath from the beginning chosen vs to saluation through sanctification of the spirit and the beliefe of the truth Whereunto hee called vs by the Gospell to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord IESVS CHRIST 2. Thes 2.13 1. Pet. 1.3.4 2 Because the Scriptures are call●d the Word of the Kingdome Mat. 13.19 Search the Scr●ptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life Ioh. 5.39 In which because some things are hard to be vnderstood 2. Pet. 3.16 Let euery man be swift to heare Iam. 1.19 For after that in the Wisedome of GOD the World by Wisedome knew not GOD it pleased GOD by the foolishnes of Preaching to saue them that beleeue 1. Cor. 1.21 3. Seeing wee here haue no continuing City but we seeke one to come Heb. 13.14 And the time here being short it remaineth that both they that haue Wiues be as though they had none and they that weepe as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that vse this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this World passeth away 1. Cor. 7.29 And wee according to his Promise looke for new Heauens and a new earth where dwelleth Righteousnesse 2. Pet. 3.13 Ioh. 6.27 4. Make you friends of the Mammon of vnrighteousnesse that when yee faile they may receiue you into everlasting habitations Luk. 16.9 Sell that yee haue and giue Almes and prouide your selues Bags which waxe not old and treasures in Heaven that faile not Luk. 12.33 Matth. 6.19 5. Hauing therefore these promises let vs cleanse our selues from all filthines of flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of GOD 2. Cor. 7.1 And let vs feare left a promise being left vs of entring into his rest any of you should seeme to come short of it Heb. 4.1 Wherein we ought to giue the more earnest heed to the things which wee haue heard least at any time wee should let them slip For if the Word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgression and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward how shall wee escape if wee neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the LORD and was confirmed to vs by them that heard him Heb. 2.1 Wherefore the rather brethren giue diligence to make your calling and election sure for if yee doe these things yee shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministred to you abundantly into the everlast ng Kingdome of our Lord and Saviour IESVS CHRIST 2. Pet. 1.10 11. R●u 22.14 Heb. 12 28. 1. Cor 15 34 R●m 13.11 1. Cor. 6.9 Tit. 2.11 Q You tell me of Heaven and if these bee the cond●tions of attaining it how shall I ●e animated to come there A. If any man will come after me let
reason of the enemy and avenger All this is come vpon vs yet haue wee not forgotten GOD neyther haue wee dealt falsely in his Covenant Our heart is not turned backe neyther haue our steps declined from his way Though hee hath sorely broken vs in the place of Dragons and covered vs with the shadow of Death Psal 44.15 Woe is me saith IEREMIE for my hurt my wound is grievous But I said truly this is a griefe and I must beare it Ier. 10 19. I IOHN am also your Brother and Companion in tribulation and in the Kingdome and patience of IESVS CHRIST Rev. 1 9. Take therefore my Brethren the Prophets who haue spoken in the name of the LORD for an example of suffering Affliction and of Patience Iames 5 10. 2 Timoth. 2 5. Psalm 119.83 141 143 39 9.123 2 38 12 13. Isa 26 8 39 8. 1 Sam. 26 19 2 15 25 2 16 11. Iob. 1.21 1 Corinth 4 12. Q. Why what will a mans patience profit him A. Behold wee count them happy which indure You haue heard of the patience of IOB and haue seene the end of the Lord that the Lord is verie pittifull and of tender mercy Iam 5.11 And so ABRAHAM after hee had patiently endured hee obtayned the promise Heb. 6.15 Blessed therefore are all they that wayte for him Isa 30.18 For the Lord is good vnto them that wait for him to the soule that seeketh him It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord Lam. 3.25 In your patience possesse yee your soules Luk. 21.19 And let Patience haue her perfect worke that yee may bee perfect and intire wanting nothing Iam. 1.4 And take my yoke vpon you and learne of mee for I am meeke and lowly in heart and you shall find rest vnto your Soules Math. 11.29 And it shall be said in that day loe this is our GOD wee haue waited for him and hee will saue vs this is the Lord wee haue waited for him wee will be glad and reioyce in his Salvation Isa 25.9 Therefore waite on the LORD bee of good cheere and hee shall strengthen thine heart waite I say on the Lord Psal 27 14. Saying why art thou cast downe O my Soule and why art thou disquieted within mee Hope in GOD for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Psal 43 Q. By what meanes may this Grace of patience bee attained A. 1 If any of you lacke Wisedome let him aske of GOD that giveth to all men liberally and vpbraideth not and it shall be given him Iam. 1.5 2 This is my comfort in my Affliction for his Word quickneth me Psal 119.50 And if my delights had not beene in his Word I had perished in mine Affliction Psal 119 92. 3 I remembred his Iudgements of old haue comforted my selfe Psal 119 52 I haue considered the dayes of old and the yeares of ancient times I call to remembrance my Song in the night Psal 77.5 I remembred the yeares of the right hand of the most high I remembred the workes of the LORD surely I remembred his wonders of old Psal 77 10 11. And so strengthened my hand in GOD 1. Sam. 23.16 Psal 119 52 143 5. 2 Cor. 1.10 2 Tim. 4 17 18. 1 Sam. 17.37 Q. When comfort and deliuerance comes will it abide by vs A. Whereas thou hast beene forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee I will make thee an everlasting excellency a ioy of many Generations Isa 60.15 For a small moment haue I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I haue mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer Isa 54.7 Lift vp your eyes to the Heavens and looke vpon the Earth beneath for the Heavens shall vanish away like smoake and the Earth shall waxe old like a Garment and they that dwell therein shall dye in like manner but my Salvation shall bee for ever and my Righteousnesse shall not be abolished Isa 51.6 A woman when shee is in travell hath sorrow because her houre is come but as soone as shee is delivered of the Child shee remembreth no more the anguish for ioy that a Man is borne into the world And yee now also haue sorrow but I will see you againe and your heart shall reioyce and your ioy shall no man take from you Ioh 16.21 For you shall bee saved in the Lord with an everlasting Salvation yee shall not bee ashamed nor confounded world without end Isa 45 17. Amos 9.15 Ob. This your discourse imports much comfort notwithstanding all which I doe remaine but in the forlorne hope A. Are the Consolations of God small with thee Iob 15 11. Fooles because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted Their soule abhorreth all manner of meate and they draw neere vnto the gates of Death Psa 107.17 18. Wherefore then doth a living man complaine A man for the punishment of his sinnes Lam. 3.39 And why cryest thou for thine affliction Thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine Iniquities and because thy sinnes are increased I haue done these things vnto thee Ier. 30 15. Thine owne wickednesse correcteth thee and thy backslidings shall reproue thee Know therefore that it is an evill thing and a bitter to haue forsaken the Lord thy GOD and that his feare is not in thee saith the Lord God of hosts Ier. 2 19. Ob. If our transgressions and our sinnes be vpon vs and wee pine away in them how shall we then liue Ezek. 33.10 A. O Israel thou hast destroyed thy selfe but in me is thy helpe Hos 13.9 Therefore returne thou back-sliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause mine anger to fall vpon you for I am mercifull saith the Lord and I will not keepe anger for ever Onely acknowledge thine iniquities that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy GOD and yee haue not obeyed my voyce saith the Lord. Ier. 3.12 If thou were pure and vpright then surely hee would awake for thee and make the habitation of thy righteousnesse prosperous Though thy beginning was small yet thy latter end should greatly increase Iob 8.6 It is meete therefore to say vnto God I haue borne chastisement I will not offend any more Iob 34.31 32. Wherefore if iniquity be in thy hands put it farre away and let not wickednesse dwell in thy Tabernacles for then shalt thou lift vp thy face without spot yea thou shalt be stedfast and shalt not feare because thou shalt forget thy misery and remember it as waters that passe away And thine age shall be cleerer than the noone-day thou shalt shine foorth thou shalt be as the Morning Iob 11.14 Turne thou therefore vnto thy GOD keepe Mercy and iudgement and waite on thy GOD continually Hos 12 6. And acquaint thy selfe I pray thee
hated me before it hated you If yee were of the World the World would loue his owne but because you are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Remember the words that I said vnto you the Servant is not greater then his Lord if they haue persecuted mee they will persecute you also Iohn 15 18. For if they doe these things to a greene Tree what shall bee done to the drye Luke 23 31. Math. 10.16.1 Corinth 4 9.10 13 2. Cor. 6.9 Psalm 22.12 Notwithstanding they can haue no power at all against you except it be given them from aboue Ioh. 19.11.8 20. For if Balaak would giue vnto Balaam his house full of Silver and Gold hee could not goe beyond the word of the LORD to doe lesse or more Numb 22 18 38 24 12 13 23 8. But vnto you it is given in the behalfe of CHRIST not onely to beleeue but also to suffer for his sake Phil. 1.29 Ob The very tonges of these wicked men doe cut like a sharpe rasor Psal 52 2. Adders poyson is vnder their lips Psalm 140.3 Their teeth are as swords and their iawes are kniues to eat vp the afflcted out of the earth and the poore from among men Prou. 30 14. Iob. 17 6. Lam. 1 7. Isa 8 18. Psal 120.4 22 13.69 11 31 12 13 verses verses 71.10 83.3 Ier. 18.18 Deut. 32.33 A. Beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our LORD IESVS CHRIST how that they told you there should be mockers in the last times Iud. 17.18 And call to remembrance the former dayes in the which after ye were illuminated yee endured a great fight in afflictons partly while yee were made a gazing stock both by reproches and afflictions and partly while yee became Companions of them that were so vsed Heb 10 32. But as the LORD turned the Curse of Baalam into a Blessing Deut 23 5. So it may bee hee will looke on your Affliction also and requite good for their cursing this day 2. Sam. 16 12. And if yee bee reproached for the name of CHRIST happie are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of GOD resteth vpon you which on their part he is evill spoken of but on your part hee is glorified 1. Pet. 4 14. Therefore hearken vnto me yee that know righteousnesse the people in whose heart is my Law feare yee not the reproaches of men neyther be afraid of theyr revilings for the Moth shall eat them like a Garment and the Worme shall eate them like Wooll but my Righteousnesse shall bee for ever and my salvation shall be from Generation to Generation Isa 51.7 And consider him which indured such contradiction of sinners least you be weary and faint in your minds Heb. 12.3 And goe forth vnto him without the Camp bearing his reproach Heb. 13.13 And say you vnto such a one why boastest ●hou in mischiefe O mighty man The good●esse of God indureth continually Psa 52. ● And rherfore I will be more vile than ●hus and will be base in my owne sight ● Sam. 6.22 Math. 10.24 And turne vnto God and say haue ●ercy vpon vs O Lord haue mercy vpon ●s for we are exceedingly filled with con●empt our soule is exceedingly filled with ●he scornes of those that are at ease and ●ith the contempt of the proud Psal 123. ● 4 Remoue farre from vs reproch and ●●ntempt for wee haue kept thy testimo●ies Psal 119.22 Ob. They do not only vse threatning ●nd reuiling words but they lay to my ●harge things I neuer did Psal 35. ●1 They reioyce at me as if I had beene ●ound among theeues Ier. 48.27 Act. 6.11 ●3 14. ver Math. Ioh. Ier. 15.10 Isa 54.17 A. Also now thy witnesse is in heauen ●nd thy record on high Iob. 16.19 The Lord will not leaue thee in the hand of the wicked nor condemne thee when thou art iudged Psal 37 32. For he shall stand at thy right hand to saue thee from those that condemne thee Psal 109 31. And will put to silence those lying lippes which speake grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the Righteous Psal 31 18. wherein they thinke it strange that you runne not with them vnto the same excesse of ryot speaking evill of you who shall giue an account vnto him that is ready to iudge the quicke and the dead 1. Pet. 4 4. Isa 66 5. Blessed therefore are you when men shall reuile you and Persecute you and shall say all manner of evill against you falsly for my sake Reioyce and bee exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Math. 5 11. Luk. 6 22. But let none of you suffer as a Murtherer or as a Theefe or as an evill doer or as a busie body in other mens matters yet if any man suffer as a Christian let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifie ●OD in this behalfe 1. Pet. 4 15. ●nd haue your conversation honest a●●ng the Gentiles that whereas they ●●ke against you as evill doers they ●y by your good Workes which they shall ●●ld glorifie GOD in the day of Visi●ion For so is the will of God that by ●ll doing yee may put to silence the ig●●rance of foolish men 1. Pet. 2 12 15. 〈◊〉 being reviled wee blesse being per●uted wee suffer it being defamed wee ●reat wee are made as the filth of the ●●rld and the of-scouring of all things ●o this day 1. Cor. 4 12. Thus doing mayest thou pray Deli●● my soule O Lord from lying lips ●el from a deceitfull tongue Psal 120. ● And who is hee then that will harme 〈◊〉 if you bee followers of that which is ●nd 1. Pet. 3 13. Or if any shall so ●●e as the Sparrow by wandring and the ●allow by flying escape so the Curse cause●●e shall not come Prou. 26 2. Psalm 19 161. Ob. But I shall one day fall into their hands 1. Sam. 27 1. And be brough● before Governours and Kings for the Name of CHRIST Math. 10.18 And what alas shall I then doe A. Doe as TIMOTHY did who professed a good profession before many witnesses 1. Tim. 6.12 And as the Church of Pergamus did who held fast his name and denied not his Faith even in those dayes wherein ANTIPAS his faithful Martyr who was slaine where Sathan dwelt Reu. 2.13 And if they forbid you to speake any more in that Name then say vnto them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken vnto you more than vnto God iudge yee For wee cannot but speake the things which we haue seene and heard Act. 4 19.20 Ob. Ah Lord God behold I can not speake for I am a Child Ier. 1.6 A. The hand of the Lord shall be vpon thee and shall open thy mouth and thou shalt bee no more dumbe Ezek. 33 22. The tongue of the Stammerers shall be
of the sheepe Ioh. 10 1 2. 2 By their Doctrine For heereby know yee the Spirit of GOD every spirit ●hat confesseth that IESVS CHRIST is ●ome in the Flesh is of God And every spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that Spirit of Antichrist whereof you haue heard that it should come and e●en now is already in the World 1 Ioh. 4 2.1 2 22 23. 3 By their opposing of faithfull Ministers For as IANNES and IAMBRES withstood MOSES so doe these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the Faith 2 Tim. 3.8 4 By their euill liues vngodly men they are turning the grace of God into wantonnesse and doe defile the flesh Iude 4 8. 5 If thou say in thine heart how shall wee know the Word which the LORD hath not spoken When a Prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing follow not nor come to passe that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken but the Prophet hath spoken it presumptuously Deut. 18.21 Ob. Some of these men haue foretold vs of things which haue come to passe A. If there arise among you a Prophet or dreamer of dreames and giueth thee a signe or wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe wherof he spake vnto thee saying let vs goe after other Gods which thou hast not knowne and let vs serue thē thou shalt not harken vnto the words of that Prophet or that dreamer of dreames for the Lord your God prooveth you to know whether you loue the Lord your God w●th all your heart and with all your soule Deut. 13.1 Therefore to the Law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Isa 8 20. Q. What is the danger that such Heretiques doe expose themselues vnto A. As they haue sowne the wind so they shall reape the whirlewind Hos 8 7 For they being before ordained to condemnation Iud. 4. Their iudgement now a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not 2 Pet. 2 3 Gal. 5 10. Reuel 22 18. Mat. 23 ●5 Ier. 28 16.17 ver 29 31 32. Q. These Heretiques being a people so dangerous what may thence bee learned A. Ye therefore beloved seeing ye know these things before beware least you also being led away with the errors of the wicked fall from your owne stedfaslnes 2 Pet. 3 17. And be taken in a snare after them Deu● 12 30. By beeing carried about with divers and strange Doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace but not with meats which haue not profited them that haue beene exercised in them Heb. 13 9. But hath occasion●d them to erre concerning the faith 1. Tim. 6 20. 1 Cor. 3 11. 1 Ioh. 5 21. Prou. 19 27 30 6. 2 Tim. 2 1 2 2.1 13 14. Col. 2 6. Math. 24 26. Q What doe you account Heresie Is every little swaruing from the truth damnable A. If any man buildeth vpon Christ the foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every mans worke shall be made manifest For the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every mans worke of what sort it is If any mans worke abide which he hath built therevpon he shall receiue a reward If any mans worke shall he burnt he shall suffer losse but he himselfe shall be save yet so as by fire 1 Cor. 3.12 Gal. 5.9 Q. You haue then said enough for my setling but because the time will come when other men will not endure sound doctrine but after their owne lusts shall heape to themselues Teachers hauing itching eares and shall turne away theyr eares from the truth and shall be turned to Fables When these things come to passe what am I to doe 2. Tim. 4 3. A. Say vnto such a one I marvaile that you are so soone removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ vnto another Gospell which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospell of Christ But though we or an Angell from Heaven preach any other Gospell vnto you than that which we haue preached let him be accursed 〈◊〉 1 6. Q. What if such a one shall yet not onely persist in his errour himselfe but shall seeke to pervert others also A. Then set thine eyes vpon him and say O full of all subtilty and all mischiefe thou child of the Divell thou enemy of all righteousnes wilt thou not cease to pervert the right wayes of the Lord Now therefore the hand of the Lord shall be vpon thee Act. 13.9 Q. What if hee shall yet continue to despise my admonitions and these fearefull menaces of Iudgement A. A man that is an Heretike after the first second admonition reiect knowing that het●●● is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himselfe Tit. 3 10. And if such a one come vnto you receiue him not to house neither bid him God speed Iob. 2. Epist 10. But he shall be slaine because hee hath spoken to turne you away from the Lord your GOD to thrust thee out of the way wherein the LORD thy GOD commanded thee to walke so shalt thou take the euill away forth of the middest of thee Deutrinom 13 5 27 18 13 14 15 18 20.7 2. Hos 8 7. Iosh 23 12. Ob. Though I haue not proceeded against such Heretiques after this manner yet haue I kept my selfe found in the faith A. Notwithstanding I haue a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Iezabel which calleth her selfe a Prophetesse to teach and to seduce my Servants to commit fornication and to eate things sacrificed vnto Idols Reu. 2 20. Ob. Shall I in this my neglect of dutie bee as sorely punished as they in these their damnable Heresies A. N● for behold I will cast her into a Bed and them that commit Adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds c. But vnto you I say and vnto the rest of them of Thiatira as many as haue not this doctrine and which haue not knowne the depths of Sathan as they speake I will put vpon you none other burthen Reu. 2 22. CHAP. XXXI Of Temptations by Prosperity Q. I Doe now see there is much danger to bee feared from earthly men but is the like danger to be expected from earthly things A. Yea for Vzziah when he was strong his heart was lifted vp to his destruction 2. Chron. 26.16 And the Israelites assembled themselues for Corne and Wine and they rebelled against the Lord Hos 7 14. For because they did ride on the high places of the earth did eate the increase of the fields and did suck the hony out of the Rocke oyle cut of the flinty Rocke butter of Kine and milke of Sheep with fat of Lambs c. Therfore
Cor. 11 31. Ob. This search I haue made and can find but one sin which I desire to retai●e now the good Lord bee mercifull vnto thy Servant in th●s point 2 Kin● 5 18. A. Know yee not that a little leaven ●●aveneth the whole Lumpe Purge ●ut therefore the old leaven that yee may 〈◊〉 a new lumpe as yee are now vnleave●ed for even CHRIST our Passeover 〈◊〉 sacrificed for vs. Therefore let vs keepe ●●e feast not with old leaven ne●ther with 〈◊〉 leaven of malice and wickednesse ●●t with the vnleavened bread of sincerity ●●d truth 1 Cor. 5 6. Therefore if thou bring thy guift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy ●rother hath ought against thee leaue ●here thy guift before the Altar and goe ●y way first be reconciled to thy Brorher ●●d then come and offer thy guift Math. ● 23. Psal 26 6. Ob. When we haue done all we can 〈◊〉 preparing our selues yet shall we faile ●f that which is written A. Therefore with H●zekiah pray say●ng The good Lord pardon every one that ●repareth his heart to seeke God the Lord ●f his Fathers though he be not cleansed ac●ording to the purification of the Sanctu●ry After which Prayer so made the LORD will hearken vnto thee and will heale thee 2. Chro. 30.18 For when AARON was to minister hee was to put vpon his forehead a plate of pure gold on which was ingrauen holinesse to the LORD that AARON might beare the iniquitie of the holy things which the children of ISRAEL should hallow in all their holy gifts which was alwayes to bee vpon his forehead that they might bee accepted before the LORD Exo. 28.26 So was there also ordained a Goat for a sinne offering which was for the people the blood whereof was to be sprinkled vpon the Mercy seate and before the mercy seat wherewith the Priest was to make an atonement for the holy place because of the vncleannesse of the children of ISRAEL and because of their transgressions in all their sinnes and make an atonement for the Priests and for all the people of the Congregation Leu. verses Q. What if any man that is apt for the Sacrament shall wilfully neglect the same A. The man that is cleane and is not 〈◊〉 Iourney and forbeareth to keepe the ●●seover even the same Soule shall bee 〈◊〉 off from his people because he brought 〈◊〉 the offering of the Lord in his appoin●●d season that man shall beare his sinne ●umb 9 13. Exod. 4.24 CHAP. XXXV Of Discipline Ob I Know some who notwithstanding the frequent vse of 〈◊〉 these meanes of Grace haue falne ●y fearefully A. Therefore GOD hath to the for●er meanes added Discipline saying ●hou shalt not hate thy Brother in thine ●eart but thou shalt in any wise rebuke ●y Neighbour and not suffer sinne vpon ●im Leuit. 19 17. For as Iron sharpe●eth Iron so a man sharpeneth the counte●ance of his friend Prou. 27 17. Q How am I to deale with such one that he may be reclaim●d A. If thy brother shal trespasse against thee goe and tell him his fault betweene the● and him alone if he shall heare thee tho● hast gained thy brother But if hee will no● heare thee then take with thee one o● two more that in the mouth of tw● or three witnesses euery word may be● established And if hee shall neglect 〈◊〉 heare them tell it vnto the Church Math 18.15.16 Q. What if hee shall neglect to hear● the Church A. I verily as absent in body but present in spirit haue iudged already a● though I were present concerning suc● a one in the name of our Lord IESV● CHRIST when yee are gathered together c. to deliuer such a one vnto Sathan fo● the destruction of the flesh that the spiri● may be saued in the day of our Lord IESVS 1 Cor. 5.3.5 Verily I say vnto you That as whatsoeuer yee shall loos● on Earth shall bee loosed in Heauen so whatsoeuer yee shall bind on earth shall ● bound in Heaven M●th 18.18 And ● they whose sinnes yee remit they are re●tted vnto them so whose sinnes so ever 〈◊〉 retaine they are retained I●h 20 23. ●rou 15.10 Q. What if notwithstanding this Churches censure hee shall remaine ob●●nate in sinning as was Himineus and Alexander 1 Tim. 1 20. A. Let him bee vnto thee as an Hea●en man and a Publicane Math. 18 17. And call him reprobate silver because ●e Lord hath reiected him Ier. 6 30. ●nd withdraw your selfe from him 2. ●●est 3 6 and note him and haue no ●●mpany with him that hee may be a●●med 2 Th●ss 3 14. Hos 4 17. Q. But may I not still seeke to re●laime him A. Giue not that which is holy vnto ●ogs neither cast your pearles before ●●ine least they trample them vnder their ●eet and turne againe and rent you Mat. ● 6. For bee that reproveth a scorner getteth to himselfe shame and hee that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himselfe a blot Reprooue not a scorner least hee hate thee Prou. 9.7 For correction is grievous to him that forsaketh the way neither will hee goe vnto the wise Prou. 15.10 12. Q. What if such a one in the sence of this Curse shall come to bee truly humbled for his sinne A. Sufficient vnto such a man is this punishment so that contrariwise yee ought rather to forgiue him and comfort him least perhaps such a one should bee swallowed vp with overmuch sorrow Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirme your loue towards him least Sathan should get an advantage over him for wee are not ignorant of his devices 2. Corinth 2 6 7. 11 2 2 1 2. Prou. 27.9 CHAP. XXXVI Of the Continuance with GODS blessing on the meanes of Grace Q. YOu haue in some measure satisfied mee concerning the meanes of perseuerance in Grace but haue wee any assurance that all these meanes of Grace shall bee continued A. I will dwell among you Exod. 29.45 And set my Sanctuarie in the midst of you for evermore My Tabernacle also shall bee with you yea I will be your GOD and you shall bee my people And the Heathen shall know that I the LORD doe sanctifie Israel when my Sanctuarie shall be in the middest of you for evermore Ezek. 37 26. Leuit. 26.11 12. Exod. 29 42. Ob. Though these meanes of Grace should bee continued yet may I grow wearie in the vse of them A. One thing haue I desired of the Lord which I w●ll seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my l●fe to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple Psal 27 4. For I haue loved the habitation of his house and the place where h● honour dwelleth P. 26 8. L●k w●s● it shall come to passe that from one new Moone vnto another and from one S●bbath to another shall all Flesh come to worship before mee s●●●●●he LORD Isa 66 23. Ob. Notwithstanding the continued
Israelites were fed forty yeares vntill they came vnto a Land inhabited Exod. 15 35. Water also was given vnto Sampson out of the iaw bone of an Asse Iudg. 15.19 And to the Israelites out of a Rocke in abundance Numbers 20 11. Ruth 1 6.1 King 17 16.2 7 18 3 17 Deut. 32 13. Gen. 21 19.26 12. Exod. 23 25. Q. What may this teach vs A. Therefore take no thought for your life what yee shall eate or what yee shall drinke Is not the life more than meate Behold the fowles of the Ayre for they sow not neyther doe they reape nor gather into Barnes yet your heavenly Father feedeth them Are yee not much better than they c. Therefore take no thought saying what shall wee eate Or what shall wee drinke For after all these things doe the Gentiles seeke For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye haue need of all these things But seeke yee first the Kingdome of GOD and his Righteousnesse and all these things shall bee added vnto you Math. 6.25 Ioel 2 21. Numbers 11 22. 2 Bee glad then yee Children of ZION and reioyce in the LORD your GOD because hee hath given you the former Raine moderately Ioel 2 23. For are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause raine Or can the Heavens giue showers Art not thou he O LORD our GOD therefore wee will waite vpon thee for thou hast made all these things Ier. 14 22. Blesse the LORD O my Soule who satisfieth thy mouth with good things Psal 103.5 And let the people praise thee O GOD let the people praise thee then shall the earth yeeld her increase and GOD even our owne God shall blesse vs Psal 67 5. Deut. 8 10. 3. Because when goods increase they are increased that eate them Eccl. 5.11 And because it is good and comely to eate and to drinke Eccles 5 18 Therefore goe your wayes eate the fat and drinke the sweet and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared Neh. 8 10. 4 Trust in the Lord and doe good for verily thou shalt be fed Psal 37 3. O feare the LORD yee his Saints for there is no want to them that feare him The young Lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger but they that seeke the LORD shall not want any good thing Psalme 34 9. Ieremiah 11 4. Deuteronomie 6.10.8 11.12 For the LORD will not suffer the Soule of the Righteous to famish though ●e cast away the substance of the wicked Prou. 10.3 The Righteous eateth to the satisfying of his Soule but the belly of the wicked shall want Prou. 13 25. Isa 65 13. And they shall wander abroad for bread saying where is it Iob. 15.23 And when I haue broken the staffe of bread tenne women shall bake their bread ●n one oven and they shall deliver their bread by weight and they shall eate and ●ot be satisfied c. Yea they shall eate the flesh of their Sonnes and the flesh of their Daughters shall they eate Leuit. 26 26 c. Prou. 13 2.10 5 28 19. Amos 5 16. Deuteron 11 16 28 28 38. Isa 1 19 20. Ioel. 1 4. Leuit. 26 16.19 20. verses Ier. 7 19.20 Hos 4 1. Psal 106 14.15 Numb 11.33 Luk. 6 25. Iob 20.23 Exodus 7.20.9 25.8 3 10.15 Hosea 8 7. Ob. You seeme to restraine this hunger-bitten Iudgement to the wicked Whereas the contrary hath prooued true As of the rich man and Lazarus Luk. 16 19. c. A. There is a vanitie which is done vpon the Earth that there bee iust men vnto whom it happeneth according to the worke of the wicked againe there bee wicked men to whom it happeneth according to the worke of the Righteous Eccl. 8 14.7.15 But as for mee I haue beene young and now am old yet haue I not seene the Righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread Psal 37 25. And although the Figge-tree shall not blossome neither shall fruit bee in the Vines the labour of the Oliue shall faile and the Fields shall yeeld no meate the flocke shall bee cut off from the Fold and there shall bee no heard in the Stalles yet I will reioyce in the LORD I will ioy in the GOD of my Salvation Habakuc 3 17 18. As it is written Deuteron 8 3. Man shall not liue by Bread onely but by every word that ●●oceedeth out of the mouth of GOD Math. 4 4. Q Which is the sixt outward bles●●ng GOD will bestow vpon vs A. I will saith GOD put none of ●he diseases vpon thee which I haue ●rought vpon the Egyptians for I am ●he LORD that healeth thee Exod. 15 26. Thou shalt not bee afraid for ●he terrour by night nor for the arrow ●hat flieth by day nor for the Pestilence that walketh in darknesse nor for the destruction that wasteth at noone day A thousand shall fall at thy side and tenne thousand at thy right hand but it shall ●ut come nigh thee Psal 91 5. Ob. Notwithstanding the Lord doth follow me with grieuous sicknesse A. The LORD will strengthen thee vpon thy bed of languishing he will make ●ll thy bed in thy Sicknesse Psal 41 3. Thy flesh shall bee fresher than a Childes ●hou shalt returne to the dayes of youth Iob 33 25. For hee maketh sore and bindeth vp hee woundeth and his hand makes whole Iob 5 18. Deut. 7 15.2 King 20 4 5 5 10. Isa 38 21. Iob 42 10. Math. 8 7. Luk. 17 19 18 42. Q. Vpon what condition shall this Promise be made good A. That thou feare the LORD and depart from evill for this shall be Health to thy navell and marrow to thy bones Prou. 3 7 8. Incline thine care vnto his sayings c. For they are life vnto those that finde them and health to all theyr flesh Prou. 4 20. Exod. 15 26. Q. What then is the danger of liuing in Sinne A. It shall come to passe if thou wilt not hearken vnto the voyce of the LORD thy GOD to obserue and doe all his Commandements and his statutes which I command thee this day c. The LORD shall make the Pestilence cleaue vnto thee vntill hee haue consumed thee from off the Land The LORD shall smite thee with a Consumption and with a feaver and with an inflamation Deut. 15 21. Moreouer hee will bring vpon thee the diseases of Aegypt and which thou 〈◊〉 afraid of and they shall cleaue vn●●hee Also every Sicknesse and eue●lague which is not written in 〈◊〉 booke of the Law them will the ●●RD bring vpon thee vntill thou bee ●●●troyed Deut. 28 60.27 35. verses ●●it 26 16 25. Exod. 9 9.2 Chron. ● 15. Examples 2 Chron. 21 18.26 19. King 5 26.2 1.3.4 17. Psal 78 50. ●●m 46 11. CHAP. XLIIII Of Strength Beauty and Wisdome WHat other Temporall blessing will GOD bestow vp● his Children A. Hee giveth power to the faint an● to them that haue no might hee increase● Strength Even the youths shall fain● and the
there is neither male nor female for yee are all one in CHRIST IESVS Gal. 3 28. 1 Tim. Rom. 15.15 Math. Acts. 14.2 Ioh. 1 11. Isa 65 2. Rom. 10.21 Ob. What aduantage then hath the Iew Or what profit is there of Circumcision A. Much every way chiefly because that vnto them were committed the Oracles of God Rom. 3 2. Ob. We see not onely the Nation of the Iewes but many others of the Gentiles also to be without the benefit of the Gospell A. This is because of their vnbeliefe Rom. 11.20 For they will not receiue CHRIST Ioh. 1.11 But are disobedient and a gain-saying people Rom. 10.21 For as I liue saith the Lord God I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turne from his way and liue Ez●k 33 11. And I would haue all men to bee saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth 1 Tim. 2 4. Ioh. 1 5. Q. Whereunto may the generality of the promises be of vse A. Let not the Sonne of the stranger that hath ioyned himselfe to the LORD speake saying The Lord hath vtterly separated me from his people neither let the Eunuch say behold I am a drie tree For thus saith the LORD to the Eu●●ches that k●epe my Sabbaths and choose the things that please mee and take hold of my Covenant even vnto them will I giue in mine House and within my Walles a place and a Name better than of Sons and of Daughters I will g ue them an everlasting Name that shall not bee cut off Isa 62 2. Sing O barren thou that didst not beare breake forth into singing and crie aloud thou that didst not travaile w●th Child for moe are the Children of the Desolate than the Children of the married wife saith the LORD Enlarge the place of thy Tent and let them stretch foorth the Curtaines of thine habitations spare not lengthen thy Cords and strengthen thy Stakes for thou shalt breake foorth on the right hand and on the left and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate Cities to bee inhabited Isay 54 1. 1 Corinth 7 21 22. I●a 45 22. Math. 22 2. Tit. 2 11. Heb. 1● 13 Ob. Now of a truth I perceiue that GOD is no accepter of persons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousnesse shall be accepted with with him Acts 10 34. But will it not be very long betwixt the promise and the time of theyr accomplishment A. Hee which testifieth these things saith surely I come quickly Revel 22.20 And my reward is with me to giue every man acording as his worke shall bee Reu. 22 12. Ob. Long haue I waited and yet haue not obtained A. Beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the LORD as a thousand yeeres and a thousand yeeres as one day The LORD is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slacknesse 2. Pet. 3.8 And he that beleeueth shall not make hast Isa 28.16 For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speake and not lye though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tary Hab. 2.3 For so ABRAHAM after hee had patiently endured he obtayned the promise Heb. 6.15 Amen even so come LORD IESVS Reu. 22.20 Q. But may not GOD alter his mind A. The Counsell of the LORD standeth for ever the thoughts of his heart vnto all generations Psal 33.11 With him is no variablenesse nor shadow by turning Iames 1.17 Concerning his testimonies I haue knowne them of old that he hath founded them for euer Psal 119.152 The words which hee hath commanded to a thousand generations Which couenant hee made with ABRAHAM and his oath vnto ISAAC and confirmed the same vnto IACOB for a law and vnto ISRAEL for an euerlasting Covenant Psal 105.8 For th●● saith the Lord If yee can breake my Covenant of the day and my covenant of the night and that there shall not be day and n●ght in their seasons then may also my Covenant bee broken Ier. 33.20 I haue sworne by my selfe the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse and shall not returne Isa 45.23.46 10. 2 Cor. 1 18 Ierem. 4 28. Hos 13 14. Numb 23 20. 1 Sam. 12.22 Haggai 2 6. Num. 18 19. Psal 22 6.105 8. 117 2.119 90. 93 5. Heb. 6 17. Ob. I haue seene an end of all perfection Psal 119 96. A. But his Commandement is exceeding large Psalm 119 96. The strength of ISRAEL will not lye nor repent 1 Sam. 15 29. When your Father and Mother forsake you then the LORD will take you vp Psal 27 10. For GOD is not as Man that hee should lye or the Sonne of man that hee should repent Num. 23 19. Lift vp your eyes to the Heavens and looke vpon the Earth beneath for the heavens shall vanish away like smoake and the earth shall waxe old like a garment and they that dwell therein shall dye in like manner but my Salvation shall bee for ever and my Righteousnesse shall not be abolished Isa 51 6.40 8. 2 Sam. 7 24. Math. 24.35 Ob. Why hath not GOD cast away his ancient people the Iewes A. GOD forbid For I also am an Israelite of the seed of ABRAHAM of the Tribe of BENIAMIN God hath not cast away his people which hee foreknew c. But even at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of Grace Rom. 11 1 5 1. For what if some did not beleeue Shall their vnbeliefe make the faith of GOD without effect Rom 3.3 And haue they stumbled that they should fall ●od forbid But rather through their fall ●alvation is come to the Gentiles for to ●ovoke them to iealousie Now if the ●ll of them bee the riches of the World ●nd the diminishing of them the riches of ●he Gentiles how much more their ful●esse Rom. 11 11. For afterwards ●hall the Children of ISRAEL returne ●nd seeke the LORD their GOD and DAVID theyr King and shall feare the Lord and his goodnesse in the latter dayes Hos 3 5. 2 Cor. 3 15. Isa 11 12 19 24 25 50 1. Zach. 2 12. Rom. 11 20 26 28. verses Ob. Though GOD should neuer alter with vs yet shall wee by our sinnes breake Couenant with him Isa 63 10. Exod. 32 33. A. If you breake my Statutes and keepe not my Commandements then will I visite your transgression with the rod and your iniquities with stripes neverthelesse my loving kindnesse I will not vtterly take from you nor suffer my faithfulnesse to faile My Couenant will I not breake nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips Once haue I sworne by my Holinesse that I will not lie vnto David His seed shall endure for ever and his Throne as the Sunne before mee It shall bee established for ever as the Moone and as a faithfull witnesse in Heaven Psalm 89 30. 2 Sam.
vntill some common Iudgement come vpon our whole Land I shall doe well enough A. If thou continue thus presumptuously to sinne the LORD shall separate thee vnto evill out of all the Tribes of ISRAEL according to all the Curses of this Covenant that are written in this booke of the Law D●uteronomie 29 21. As well as he did ACHAN who for his sinne was by all ISRAEL stoned with stones and his goods with all that hee had burned with fire Ioshua 7 25. Woe therefore bee vnto thee wilt thou not bee made cleane When shall it once bee Ieremiah 13.27 CHAP. LIIII Of the Wicked Converted Q. IF our sinne guiltinesse deserue such inevitable Iudgements goe thou neere and heare all that the LORD our GOD shall say and speake thou vnto vs all that the LORD our GOD shall speake vnto thee and wee will heare it and doe it Deuteron 5 27. A. The LORD hath heard the voyce of your words and said vnto mee I haue heard the voyce of the words of this people which they haue spoken vnto thee they haue well said all that they haue spoken O that there were such an heart in them that they would feare mee and keepe my Commandements alwayes that it might bee well with them and with their Children for ever Deuter. 5.28 But yee dissembled in your hearts when yee sent me vnto the LORD your God saying Pray for vs vnto the LORD our GOD and according to all that the LORD our GOD shall say so declare vnto vs and wee will doe it And now I haue this day declared it vnto you but yee doe not obey the voyce of the LORD your GOD nor any thing for the which hee hath sent me vnto you Now therefore know certainly that yee shall dye by the Sword by the Famine and by the Pestilence in the place whether yee desire to goe and to soiourne Ier. 42 20. For yee cannot serue the LORD for hee is an holy GOD he is a iealous God he will not forg●●e your transgressions and sinnes Ioshua 24.19 How long then halt yee betweene two opinions If the LORD bee GOD follow him but if BAAL then follow him 1 King 18.21 And hearken to mee yee men of ENGLAND that GOD also may hearken vnto you Iudg. 9.7 Giue glorie to the Lord your GOD before hee cause darknesse and before your feet stumble vpon the darke Mountaines while yee looke for light hee turne it into the shadow of death and make it grosse darknesse But if yee will not heare it my Soule shall weepe in secret places for your Pride and mine eyes shall weepe sore and runne downe with teares because the LORDS Flocke is carried away captiue Ierem. 13 16. Q. Wee haue indeed besides all other Sinnes dissembled with the LORD but now the Lord GOD of Gods the Lord GOD of Gods hee knoweth Iosh 22 22. that him will wee serue and his voyce will wee obey Iosh 24.24 The LORD bee a true and faithfull witnesse betweene vs if we doe not even according to all things for the which the LORD thy GOD shall send thee to vs. Whether it bee good or whether it bee evill wee will obey the voyce of the LORD our GOD to whom wee send thee that it may bee well with vs when wee obey the voyce of the Lord our GOD Ierem. 42 5. Iosh 24 21 24. A. Then gird your loynes and lament yee Priests howle yee Ministers of the Altar come lye all night in Sackcloath yee Ministers of my GOD c. Sanctifie yee a Fast call a solemne Assembly gather the Elders and all the inhabitants of the Land into the house of the LORD your GOD and cry vnto the LORD Ioel 1 13. Ier. 4.14 Zeph. 2 1. Ioel 2 12 ●5 Iona 3 8. Ioel 1 13. Psal 46 8. Lam. 2 14. Ioel 2 17. Iam. 4 8. Saying Wee acknowledge our wickednesse and the iniquities of our Fathers for wee haue sinned against thee Ierem. 14 20. Wee haue sinned and haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly and haue rebelled even by departing from thy precepts and from thy Iudgements Neither haue wee hearkened vnto thy servants the Prophets which spake in thy Name to our Kings our Princes and our Fathers and to all the people of the Land O LORD righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs confusion of faces as at this day because of our trespasse that wee haue trespassed against thee Dan. 9 5. O our GOD wee are ashamed and blush to lift vp our face to thee our GOD for our iniquities are increased over our head and our trespasse is growne vp vnto the Heavens And now O our GOD what shall wee say after this For wee haue forsaken thy Commandements Ezra 9 6 10. O LORD wee beseech thee let now thine eare bee attentiue to the Prayer of thy servants who desire to feare thy Name and doe confesse our sinnes which we haue sinned against thee both we and our fathers house haue sinned Nehe. 1.11.16 And haue gone astray like lost sheepe therefore seeke thy seruants for we will not forget thy Commandements Psalm 119.176 Turne vs againe O GOD of hosts and cause thy face to shine and we shall be saued Psal 80.7 Doe thou incline our heart vnto thee to walke in thy wayes and to keepe thy Commandements and thy statutes and thy Iudgements which thou commandedst our Fathers 1. King 8.58 That which we see not teach thou vs if wee haue done iniquitie wee will doe no more Iob. 34 32 13 23. Psalme 80.18 Psalme 143.8 2 Doe you take hold of his strength that you may make peace with him and you shall make peace with him Isa 27.5 And thereby good shall come vnto thee Iob. 22.21 And because no man commeth vnto the Father but by CHRIST Iohn 14.6 Nor vnto CHRIST except the Father draw him Iohn 6 44 Therefore pray saying Draw me we will run after thee Can. 1 4 3 Wash yee make you cleane put away the evill of your doings from before mine eyes cease to doe evill learne to doe well seeke Iudgement releeue the oppressed iudge the Fatherlesse plead for the Widdow Come now and let vs reason together saith the LORD though your sinnes bee as scarlet they shall bee as white as snow though they bee red like Crimson they shall bee as Wooll Isa 1.16 Yet the LORD will wait that he may haue mercy vpon you and therefore will he bee exalted that he may haue compassion vpon you for the LORD is the GOD of Iudgement Isa 30 18. Hosea 13.9 Ezekiel 33 11. Zach. Ier. 18 11. Mal. 3.7 Psal 4 4. Eccl. 12.23 1 King 8 61. Isa 66 1.2 4 Beeing thus conuerted you should enter into a Covenant with the LORD your GOD and into his oath which the LORD your GOD shall make with you so shall he establish you this day for a people vnto himselfe and be vnto you a God as he hath said vnto you and as hee hath swore vnto your Fathers Deut. 29 12. Nehemiah 9.38 2 Chronicles 2 Chronicl Ezra 10.3 Q. Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken Isa 39 8 Wee doe therefore enter into a Covenant that we will be the Lords people 2 Chron. 23.16 And wee our Wiues our Sonnes and our Daughters even every one of vs having knowledge and vnderstanding doe heere enter into a Curse and into an Oath to walke in GODS Law which was given by MOSES the Servant of GOD and to obserue and doe all the Commandements of the LORD our GOD and his Iudgements and his Statutes Neh. 10.28 The Lord our God will wee serue and his voice will wee obey Iosh 24.24 Nehem. 9.38 A. Then haue you delivered your selues out of the hand of the Lord Iosh 23 31. And as you haue avouched the LORD this day to bee your GOD and to walke in his wayes and to keepe his Statutes and Commandements and his iudgments and to hearken vnto his voyce so the LORD hath avouched you this day to bee his peculiar people as he hath promised you and that you should keepe all his Commandements and to make you high aboue all Nations which he hath made in praise and in name and in honour and that yee may be an holy people vnto the LORD your GOD as hee hath spoken Deuter. 26.17 And these very stones shall bee a witnesse vnto you for they haue heard all the words of the LORD which hee hath spoken vnto you they shall bee a witnesse vnto you least yee deny your GOD I●sh 24.27 For this cause wee also will not cease to pray for you and to desire that yee may bee filled with the knowledge of his will in all Wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding that yee may walke worthy of the LORD vnto all pleasing beeing fruitfull vnto every good worke and increasing in the knowledge of God Col. 1 9. Now the GOD of peace that brought againe from the dead our LORD IESVS that great Shepheard of the Sheepe through the bloud of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good worke to doe his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through IESVS CHRIST Heb. 13.20 And our LORD IESVS CHRIST himselfe and GOD even our Father which hath loved vs and hath given vs everlasting consolation and good hope through Grace comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and worke 2 Thes 2 16. Now vnto him that is able to keepe you from falling and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding ioy to the onely wise GOD and Saviour be Glory and Maiesty Dominion and Power now and ever Iud. 24. And now Brethren I commend you to GOD and to the Word of his Grace which is able to build you vp and to giue you an inheritance among all them which are Sanctified Acts 20.32 The Grace of our Lord IESVS CHRIST bee with you all Amen Revel 22.21 FINIS