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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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O moste good and mercifull God who neyther minister iustice nor right vnto their people A prayer for a good Magistrate vnlesse they be ruled and guided with thy blessed spirite Wherefore we earnestly requyre thee to helpe mortall mens causes which be farre out of order both by multiplying and mainteyning of good Princes and also by correcting the lewde and outragious so that poore mens suyts be not neglected that the oppressed may be set at libertie and that godlinesse in especiall maye flourishe and greatly go forward And as thou hast vouchedsafe through thy diuine power to bewtifie our Maiestrates Princes and King with thy heauenly name euen so we hartily require thée also of thy vnspeakeable goodnesse to cause their worke and ministerie to be such and so duly executed as the faythfull so long as they liue in this wretched worlde may honor thée purelye and lead a right vertuous and godly life so that togither with them they maye be brought vnto thée who art king of kings and Lord of Lordes where they may ioyntly be pertakers of eternall good thinges and moste excellent felicitie throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE hartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse O moste mightie God that thy chosen people who haue neglected their obedience towardes thée are very often inforced to be in subiection vnto wicked rulers and vnbeleuing Princes neither is there any cause why we should complaine of iniurie profered vnto vs in so doing For we haue so gréeuously and after such a froward maner sinned against thée as wée haue not only deserued these but also much more heynouser punishments Notwithstanding the assured hope we repose in thy blessed wordes and louing promises wée most heartily and with much feruencie beséeche thée to succor thy sacred Church in these most troublesome times And thou who hast vouchedsafe to bewtifie the superior powers and Magistrates with the name and title of Gods vouchsafe also to ouerlooke their counsels with thy iustice shewing thy selfe as an vpright iudge amongst them least they being left vnto their owne sensualitie and lewdnesse wherwith mans corrupt nature is of it selfe greatly ouercharged do not very wrongfully persecute thy holy Church and yéeld vnto vngodlinesse those thinges which be neither méete nor conuenient If thou O most déere father do according to our earnest prayers intermeddle thy selfe amongst them in ordring the common wealth we doubt not but thou wilt by thy direction and furtheraunce reuenge the poore and fatherlesse and set such at liberty from their most gréeuous and extréeme perils as be exceedingly afflicted and very sore opprest Our earnest request is that thou wouldest not deliuer thy blessed Church vnder their rule dominion which walke in darknesse who hauing no maner of vnderstanding nor perceyueraunce of their duetie go about so much as in them lyeth to ouerthrowe all right iustice and godlinesse Nowe when these men who are so highly promoted by thée as to be called Gods and the Sonnes of the moste highest doe neyther perceyue nor yet vnderstande the same they deserue to be cast away and die like most vile persons The Church O good God is thy chosen heritage wherefore mightily assist it and take thou thy selfe vpon thée hir case to mainteine and defende through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxiij Psalme ● praier that ●od would ●fende hys ●ord in dis●te of the ●ngodly THe hatred armies deceipts and pernicious deuices of the fierce enimies of our saluation O almightie God do so dayly increase that we are inforced to crie vpon thée continually Whose whole driftes tende to none other purpose then to pull vs from thée and that there might not any person be found which should eyther trust in thée or purely call vpon thy blessed name as he ought to do For our owne fleshe our senses and vngodly men haue togither with the fierce rulers of darknesse conspired against thy sacred Churche and finally all earthly and worldlye affections and habilitie haue lift vp themselues to ouerthrow the same Wherefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest not keepe silence neyther holde thy peace nor yet be in quiet for like as thou hast of olde time ouerthrowne the Egyptians Madianites Cananites and Philistines for the safegard of the Israelites euen so at this day deliuer thou those which haue wholy committed themselues to thy faythfull protection and gouernement whose force puyssaunce and saluation is layde vp in thee onely Bridle thou so the boldnesse of our outragious enimies or rather of thine to the entent all men may perceyue that thou onely art the God whom reiecting all maner of supersticions they ought wholy to worship and purely call vpon through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxiiij Psalme A prayer for ●he increasement of ●ayth LOke what earnest and feruent desire so euer the olde fathers had O most mightie God to come vnto the place wherein thou haddest appointed a Tabernacle to thy selfe for that tyme euen the like are we kindled withall in beholding the repayring of thy sacred Church and to sée therin a very great companie of Godly men lawfully assembled togither for the aduauncement of thy glorie hearing thy holy doctrine and duly receyuing of thy blessed sacraments accordingly Wherefore we humbly besech thée which art our God and King that we may one day or other reioyce to be there for what felicitie soeuer maye bee attayned vnto in this frayle life we doubt not but it will light vpon the sacred companie of the godly Giue eare therefore O excellent father vnto our earnest prayers and graunt that we make none other accompt of thy blessed house then thy will and pleasure is wée should do for a more blessed thing it were for vs to haue one dayes méeting and abode therein then if we abide neuer so great a time of continuaunce in the congregation of the vngodlye or in suche a one as is not lawfully assembled with the aduauntage and ouerplus of all the pleasures of thys transitorie world Seeing that therefore thou art our most splendent light strong defence cause our assemblies on the earth so to redound to thy vnspeakeable glory that our assured hope by comming in the ende vnto thée into the euerlasting tabernacles of the heauens may be augmented and very muche increased through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxv. Psalme SHewe thy selfe gentle and gracious O almightie God towards thy beloued Churche A prayer f● the whole congregat● of Christ for thy excéedinge great gloryes sake and mercie moste magnificent that we may be miraculously delyuered from the horrible fardell and cruell bondage of our deadlye sinnes who haue hitherto béene bond slaues to the fleshe and wretched prisoners of the diuill and yet hast thou vouchedsafe to release forgiue vs the whole number of our deadly iniquities and couered all our heynous
God greatly to magnifie thee A prayer of thankes giuing for Christs benefites bestowed vppon vs. and highlye to sanctifie thy holy name But able we are not thus to doe vnlesse the heynous sinnes wherewith we are miserably oppressed be first put away and driuen farre from vs. We haue receyued at thy mercifull handes through the preaching of thy blessed Gospell the most noble and excellent gift of saluation but we haue hitherto led our life so coldly therin and wrought so contrary to our vocation in neglecting and dispising thy sacred commaundements that néedfull it was in the ende for the calamities which we now suffer to incounter with oute lewdnesse and that thou shouldest extende thy furious wrath vpon vs by these moste gréeuous perilles being moued and prouoked thereto through oure wicked desertes and naughtie behauiour Notwithstanding O good God haue no regard at all to our merites but rather sée to this that thy famous glorie may be greatly published amongest the heathen and thy wonderfull worckes made manifest vnto all people Both thy aduersaries and ours also repose their whole affiaunce in worldly strength and cursed Idolatrie who would inforce vs to yéeld such honor vnto Antichrist as they do wheras we contrarywise acknowledge thée to be a great and terrible Lorde aboue all Goddes Wherefore we earnestly call vpon thy excellent Maiestie and in these daungerous daies flie vnto thy mercy seat requyring pardon for our heynous sinnes and that thou wouldest shewe howe vaine our enimies goodes be Iudge O good god the aduersaryes of thy true worshippe and enimies of thy sacred Gospell so that thou as right méete it is mayst reigne beare dominion ouer the heathen Stretche out thy inuincible power thy puyssaunt glory and thy renowmed magnificence O good God for our speedy deliueraunce who being deliuered from so many and great inconueniences maye render vnto thée due oblations of heartie prayses Cause thy glorious name to be well spoken off in euery place and let all men honor and reuerence thy diuine Maiestie with moste pure and perfect deuotion through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy benefites O almightie God are not only bestowed vpon vs cōtinually but also after a new and vnaccustomed maner do spring vp freshe from time to tyme wherefore vnlesse we will be marueylous vngratefull they deserue that we should euermore magnifie the same with newe prayses and pleasaunt songes Such is thy magnificencie and vnspeakeable power whose bewtie and Maiesty is so great that thou doest surmount beyonde all measure what Godhed or Deitie soeuer mē could at any time deuice to themselues Graūt therfore that whensoeuer we go about duely to honor reuerently to worship thée we may chéerfully offer vp our selues al that euer we haue to thy incōprehensible glorye so that we may preache thy glorious kingdome to all nations not onely with wordes but in verteous lyfe and holy conuersation to the intent euery man maye right well knowe and perceyue that like as thou hast created vs and the whole vniuersall worlde so also shall we and all thinges be repayred againe throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcvij. Psalme A praier that we may appeare in the ●ay of iudgement with a ●ure chear●ull heart THou thy selfe O moste mightye God which art the author of full ioy and perfect gladnesse art also indued with exceeding seueritie and dreadfull power which thy properties thou bestowest vpon man according to thy infinite iustice and righteousnesse Wherefore our earnest request is that thou wouldst not burne vs vp with the fire of thy wrathfull indignation who otherwise by reason of our heynous sinnes are worthie of most greeuous punishments but according to thy great mercie and through the merits of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour remit and pardon whatsoeuer we haue lewdly committed agaynst thée but contrariwise turne the wrath of thy heauie displeasure vpon thy fierce aduersaryes Let those men be set on fire make them to tremble let them melt away like wax at the sight of thy bright countenance But let vs being restored and reformed in a new kind of life by thy blessed spirit feele in our selues and set out thy noble iustice such wise vnto them as all people maye right wel perceyue the same For although we haue greatly and verye muche strayed from thy holy will reuealed vnto vs in the sacred scriptures we are notwithstanding heartily sorye for our lewde deserts and be verye desirous to make thy glorious renowme excéeding famous Let not therfore this our assured hope and feruent desire be made frustrate put them to confusion who beleue nothing at all in thée but haue an infinite number of Idols wherein they put their whole trust wherevnto they shewe much worship merueylous great honour and wonderfull obedience And finally graunt this thing also that suche as thou hast regenerated and quickned with thy blessed spirit may vtterly detest sinne and whatsoeuer fighteth or is repugnant to thy holy will Afterward take the soules of thy faythfull seruauntes out of wicked mens handes and when we be throughly delyuered from them cause vs not onely to reioyce with great gladnesse but make thy healthfull light of saluation to shine vpon all that are thine whereby they may bee conuerted vnto thée and celebrate thy worthie memoriall with perpetuall prayses throughe the selfe same Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing it is thou O almightie God that rulest farre and néere and mightily gouernest all things there is nothing in the whole worlde but ought to be excéeding glad thereof for like as thy glorious kingdome which is the chiefest thing to be desired is most gorgeously decked with iustice and equitie euen so is there such strength and puyssaunce graffed in the same as no crafty deuices and subtile practises can preuaile agaynst it but that whatsoeuer thou hast with a most rightful counsaile and singuler iustice decreed vpon shall be brought to good ende We earnestly require thée therefore that as the earth heauen and vniuersall worlde are most euident witnesses of thy vnspeakeable wisedome and singuler iustice so the truth and sincere worshipping of thée may appéere in thy blessed Church where all men maye heartily reioyce togither bicause supersticious and corrupt Religions are altogither banyshed Let them be ioyfull in this behalfe which purely and with feruent zeale do vnfeynedly loue and honor God whome finally we humblye beséeche to augment the light of our mindes and that we maye with an exceeding pleasant chéerefulnesse reioyce in the sacred Congregation of hys blessed Sainctes for the vnspeakeable benefites he hath bestowed vpon vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as all thy iudgementes O most good and mercifull God doe shine forth with perfect equitie and right vp iustice we ought therefore to be excéeding glad
confessing thée they maye both in this life and in the life to come be farre more happy and blessed then their enimies bicause they reioyce vaunt themselues aboue measure in their present luckie estate through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme FOr this intent and purpose we nowe pray O most mightie God bicause we nothing at all mistrust but that thou wilt harken and giue eare to our humble petitions which we poure out before thée not of hypocrisie and double dealing but sincerely and from the heart for séeing that we desire to be tryed rather by thy iudgement then mans graunt that when wée are sore tempted and proued by greauous aduersities nothing maye be found in vs whereby we should be condemned and adiudged to perpetuall destruction but forsomuch as we are naturally euill how can this thing come to passe vnlesse thou doe stay and gouerne our steps with thy excellent grace and holy spirite and so vpholde and vndersette vs as thy vnspeakeable mercy may wonderfully vtter and shewe forth it selfe by our saluation defende and keepe vs therefore from all men which resist the force of thy glorious Gospell and striue agaynst thy holy will so much as in them lyeth Thou seest what diligent watch our enimies lay for vs and howe lyke deuouring Lions they couet to praye vpon vs they are as swordes O good God prepared to be the handes and instrumentes of thy indignation defende and kéepe vs neuerthelesse vnder the shadowe and moste sure defence of thy wings that during this wretched life wee may be comforted with thy fauourable countenaunce and in the blessed resurrection haue with an exceding great pleasure the fruition of thy glorious presence through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xviij. Psalme A prayer to be deliuered out of great distresse WE acknowledge and confesse thée O most mightie God to be our onelye health buckler defence strength and sure refuge and therefore do wée both earnestly loue thée and greatly couet to publishe and set forth thy worthy prayse euerlastingly but our extreeme enimies do now thus greauously oppresse vs bicause our sinnes deserue the same so that we being sore discomforted are almost in the straite pangues and anguishes of death wherfore it séemeth that no other helpe and succour remayneth for vs but to make our crye vnto thée and to direct our prayers towardes thy mercies seate vnto whom séeing that the Mountaines the earth the heauens lightnings windes clowdes raynes hayle and tempestes are obedient without any delaye or gainsaying it shall be a thing most easy for thée to rid and deliuer vs from the force of our outragoius enimies although they bée neuer so mightie which we earnestly require O good God that thou wouldest vouchsafe to graunt vnto the feruent praiers of thy sacred Churche hauing no regard at all to our lewde deserts but chiefly to thy exceeding great clemencye and vprightnesse of the cause it selfe so that thou mayst deale holily with the holy and contrariwise vpon the wicked sende trouble and aduersitie preserue thy afflicted people according to thy accustomed maner and in so great darckenesse lighten them with the bright lampe of fayth and perfite wisdome to the intent they may acknowledge none other buckler or defence but thee onely Graunt vs O most deere father so to walk without fal or stumbling as the féete of our fayth may not stacker in such great perilles arme and strengthen thy beloued seruants to battaile and confound them O most mightie God who go about to gainsay and resist thée to the intent thy blessed name may be spoken of and magnified amongst all Nations bycause thou hast giuen great and glorious prosperitie vnto thy renowmed Church through Iesu● Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that we are verye weake by nature an● compassed about on euery side with most thicke clowdes of darknesse we come vnto thée O most mightie God and require at thy handes that the splendent light of thy holy spirite may bée kindled in our heartes for so shall we vnderstand thy vndefiled word and most vncorrupt spéech of thy sacred scriptures wherein it is most cléerely and euidently promised that thou wilt be an excellent strong defence for all such as haue their onely aff●aunce in thée The sinnes truly which we haue committed deserue not that we should obteyne so much fauour and helpe at thy hande but our earnest desire is that these things may happen vnto vs euen for the glory of thy most renowmed and excellent name Forsomuch as therefore none other God is to be sought out or founde who may be compared with thée eyther in power or goodnesse garnishe thou vs with holinesse and gird● vs about with such strength as wee may once be led out and vtterly deliuered from imminent daungers and obteyne full triumphe and conquest ouer the enimies both of thy glorie and our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme WE can not choose O most mightie and mercifull God but earnestlye loue thée séeing that by the fayth whiche thou hast giuen vs wée well perceyue thée to be our onely refuge stay and deliuerer for our sinnes haue oftentymes purchased vnto vs most deadly griefes and mightye and valiaunt enimies who haue like vehement streames of water enuironed and compassed vs aboute with tribulations snares yea and death it selfe but thou O good God who as thou being the souereigne Lord of all thinges art knowne to haue thy throne in heauen euen so for thy infinite mercies sake haue respect vnto vs and when thou hast remitted and pardoned our offences vouchsafe that we maye be deliuered from thy wrath and extréeme punishments which thou art woont to laye vpō the vngodly And graūt that whilest we inuocate cal vpon thée our loud cries and earnest praiers be not poured out in vaine through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THou knowest O mercifull and most mightie God howe many and howe great aduersaries we haue both within and without who as they can not awaye with thy name and glorie so do they also most lewdly wickedly repine at our saluation wherefore we do not without iust cause humbly sue vnto thée that as thou hast often deliuered vs out of the daungerous perilles of damnation and perpetuall destruction so now also notwithstanding the most grieuous and heynous offences which we haue committed against thée and for the which we repent vs at this time of them from the bottome of our heart it would please thée to fortefie and strength vs in such wise with thy assistaunce as we may vanquishe and ouercome what thing soeuer hath set it selfe against thy glorious kingdome whereby we maye at length shewe forth and magnifie thée onely in the chiefest assemblies of men for our alone defender and excellent sauiour throughe Iesus Christ our
administration of thy holy Sacraments and others innumerable which belong to the bewtefying of this thy heritage But wée alas being vngratefull of all these moste excellent and singuler giftes haue accomplished nothing as was required of vs. Therefore the wicked and barbarous Nations are not without iust desert stirred vp togither through thy wrathfull indignation to inuade thy holy Churche and to shed the bloud of thy faythfull people and blessed inheritance as if it were water making of vs a verye scorne and laughing stocke and that which is more lamentable and greatlier to be sorowed they persecute in vs not our deadly sinnes but thy owne selfe thy holy Gospell thy diuine honor and pure worshipping of thée Wherfore O God most déere father our earnest request is that thou wouldest not bée alwayes angrie with thy people and shéepe of thy pasture Poure out therefore thys thy wrath which is kindled against vs for our sinnes vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thée and suffer not thy blessed Church to be deuoured of the vngodly We hartily desire thée for thy infinite mercies sake and by the intercession of thy moste déerely beloued sonne our Lorde to haue no more in remembrance our olde heynous sinnes And séeing that we put our whole trust and confidence in thy goodnesse onely assist and deliuer such as crie and call vnto thée euen for the glorie of thy names sake Be mercifull vnto our gréeuous sinnes otherwise the vngodly will say that thou hast reiected thy owne case Let the sorrowfull sighing lamentable teares of the oppressed came before thée and not be put out of thy sight pardō whatsoeuer we haue gréeuously cōmitted agaynst thee and vouchsafe to shew vpon vs the force of thy assistant help to the intent that we thy louing heritage thy faythfull people and shéepe of thy good pasture maye giue thee thankes for euer and shewe forth thy worthie prayses from one generation to another through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme LEt the wonderfull examples of thy rygorous iustice O moste mightie God wherewith thou hast subuerted the Kingdome of Israell and wrapped that people for their rebelliousnesse agaynst thee in slaughters rapes booties burnings captiuities with all kinde of miseries and infelicitie be a wholesome and comfortable admonition vnto vs so that we may with a right chéerefull minde lay hold vpon true repentaunce and be deliuered therby from most gréeuous torments which through our innumerable heynous sinnes we haue worthely deserued For verye méete it is that thou shouldst haue an especiall regard vnto thy moste blessed and glorious name but if thou shalt poure out thy wrath vpon vs the wicked will imagine that thou hadst no care to helpe such as duely honor thée and craue thy assistaunce with abundance of teares for if any calamitie or aduersitie light vpon thy sacred Church it is incontinent their accustomed maner malipartly to scoffe agaynst the same saying where is nowe their God become What profite haue they by theyr religion By meanes whereof this kinde of reproch redowndeth vnto thée ▪ vpon thy sacred doctrine and vpon thy holy Gospell Wherefore our humble and earnest request is that being right mindfull of the sheepe of thy pasture thou wouldest so defende and mainteyne vs as we may perpetually in all places both publish and also set forth thy worthye prayses through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxx. Psalme A prayer for the repairing of the afflicted Church THou hast alwayes hitherto béene accustomed O most mightie god to be present like a louing shéepeherd with thy faythfull people and to lead them forth vnder thy protection as if they were sheepe We now therefore require thée to stirre vp thy mightye power in so great perilles and shewe vs the bright light of thy fauourable countenaunce Rayse vp thy selfe and be ready to helpe and deliuer vs. We truely acknowledge and earnestly confesse that in consideration of our heynous iniquities most gréeuous sinnes committed against thée thy heauie wrath hath not without good desert béene kindled agaynst vs and thy iustice to be the principall cause why these excéeding great mischiefes wherewith thy blessed Church is nowe opprest haue inuaded the same But séeing that at this present we are right hartily sorie for all the sinnes which haue by vs béene committed agaynst thée and that we may lamentably require thy louing fauour and mercie how long wilt thou be angrie with vs Howe long wilt thou suffer the great strife gréeuous rebukes and opprobrious slaunders wherewith the vngodly and moste lewde persons do touch thée in vs Turne vnto vs O excellent father in this most troublesome time the quiet and cheerefull coūtenaunce of thy inestimable goodnesse and be mindfull of thy notable benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon thy sacred church and séeing that thou hast hitherto nourished it bewtified it and alwayes garnished the same with the most plentiful and large giftes of thy blessed spirite Deliuer hir not now ouer we humbly beséeche thée to be spoyled of the outragious vngodly most cruell Antichristians suffer not so pleasant and chosen a vineyarde which with thy most high excéeding mightie right hand thou hast planted increased to be shamefully and after a very wretched maner cast downe set on fire and vtterlye rooted vp Looke downe from heauen and haue an especiall regard vnto suche as earnestly crie and call for thy spéedy assistaunce let the vngodly perish at the rebuke of thy louing countenaunce who doe perpetually blasphéeme cruell bondage of Antichrist but we vile wretches haue most filthily abused our fredome and benefite of quietnesse Thou hast oftner then once as thou didst vnto the Israelites both by the sacred Scriptures and also through the ministers of thy blessed worde protest vnto vs on this wise giue eare vnto me O my people and acknowledge me truly to be thy God not in words I say only but in minde verily and with a perfect and most pure worshipping But we alas haue turned our heart from thy holy wordes whereby our heynous sinnes are continually more and more increased and the aduersaries of thy holy Church also whome thou without doubt wouldest haue ouerthrowne and cast downe if wée had giuen credite vnto thée are nowe become a very terrour vnto vs for we that might exceeding quietly and carelesly haue inioyed thy most swéete and pleasant gifts are nowe ouerthrowne day by day wyth greater and more greeuous afflictions Yet we humblye beséeche thée for thy singuler mercyes sake not to forsake thy sacred Church being vexed so miserably and after such a wretched sort Be present at length therevnto in such wise that she may perpetually kéepe and retaine the true Religion and pure doctrine which thou hast set forth and deliuered vnto hir through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxij Psalme THe gouernment of all kingdomes and earthly power appertayneth vnto thée
calamitie and such verily as is euerlasting and hath no end when as the iust men like the Ceder and Palme trée inioy the sincere and euerlasting good things in the blessed habitation of the heauens We humbly beséech thée O excellent father to cherishe and comfort this hope in vs to the intent we maye right well perceyue that thou art both good and iust and also doest publishe vnto all creatures that there is no vnrighteousnesse in thy noble iudgement through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xciij. Psalme WHen as wée right well consider O moste mightie God that the world was made of thee to abide exceeding firme and vnmouable A prayer 〈◊〉 the establi●●mēt of chri●● kingdome who doest gouerne the same with so great constancie and in such perfect order as wée verily know thy excellencie might and noble power thereby Wherefore wée take heart to vs and perswade our selues most assuredly that thy louing promises shall be of no lesse assuraunce to sticke vnto then the nature of things teacheth vs that thy glorious kingdome is both strong and vnmoueable Although therefore the cruell enimies of our saluation doe vaunt themselues agaynst vs fret excéedingly continually dashe vs togither with the sourges of their yrefulnesse and gréeuous temptations and rise vp against vs like huge waters and tempestuous seas yet our assured hope is that thou wilt defende vs wyth thy inuincible power and excéeding great might Vouchsafe therefore that both this fayth maye alwayes bee printed in oure mindes and also that thy good and notable promises which thou hast made vnto thy blessed Churche maye not onely come to passe but also being bestowed vpon it may long tyme be preserued in the same so that thy moste famous goodnesse and vnspeakeable mercie maye be published more and more throughout the vniuersal world by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xciiij. Psalme ● prayer a●aynst our e●●mies de●eyptfull tea●hers cruel ●●raunts THe presumption and statelinesse of sinners O most mightye God is wonderfull for it doth not onely teare in péeces the féeble and grinde to powder the weaklinges but also bringeth them in the end to such madnesse as they iudge their wickednesse and greeuous offences which they haue most lewdly committed to be hid and vnknowne vnto thée Vouchsafe therefore that this kinde of foolishnesse maye b●e farre from oure thoughts and graunt that we may be most assuredly perswaded that thou hauing made the eare fourmed the eye and giuen vnto men the power and habilitie of vnderstanding art ignoraunt of nothing which is done by vs in earth but rule and order vs so in the meane season as we may not only escape and flie from the euerlasting and perpetuall destructions which are prepared for the vngodlye but also inioy the moste high quietnesse perpetuall felicitie which thou hast vouchedsafe to bestow vpon thy faythfull seruaunts If thou verily be not present hauing the helpe alwayes prepared and in a readinesse wherewith thou mayest mightily defend vs we shall easily fall into those mischiefes which hang ouer our heades Be thou we humbly beséech thée our Castle fortresse strong shielde of defence least we séeme to haue vainely reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée onely through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcv. Psalme FOrsomuch as O moste mightie God thou art our saluation and strength A prayer fo● true fayth it is meete wée shoulde prayse thy glorious name to the vttermost of our powers and to the intent we may the more orderly doe the same we first and formost come vnto thée with hartie cōfession of our heinous sinnes Wheras thou hast of thy infinite goodnesse and not for oure merites sake chosen vs to be thy blessed people shéepe of thy pasture as hauing no néede of our seruice at all forsomuche as thou art the great king aboue all Gods in whose hand be not onely the earth and exceeding high Mountaynes but also the heauens and all creatures we haue gréeuously offended thée diuers and sundrie wayes hardning our sinfull hearts at thy fatherly admonicions who haue very readily fainted in temptation our mind hath fowlye erred and we haue alwayes by reason of our lewde sinnes and moste wicked desertes become bourdenous and merueylous troublesome vnto thee For which cause thou hast at this tyme raysed vp so prowd and cruel enimies against vs by whom we are brought into great perill and daunger neuerthelesse acknowledging howe vnrighteouslye we haue dealt wée knowe for a certaintie that besides thy infinite goodnesse and mercy there remayneth none other defence for vs. Wherfore with these our feruent prayers and earnest supplications we prease into thy sight or euer we perishe requiring thée not to grinde vs vnto powder in thy most gréeuous wrath take away the heynous sinnes we humbly beséech thée wherewith we and our fathers haue greatly tempted thée and prouoked thy heauie displeasure agaynst vs. Call to remembraunce that thou art oure mightie God valiaunt king and louing shepherd Therfore mightily preserue valiantly kéepe and noblye defende vs from those that hate thée no lesse then they do vs suffer them not according to the lust of their crueltie vtterly to destroy the worke of thy blessed handes which thou hast begunne passing well in vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THy excellent Maiestie and inuincible power O most good and mercifull god is of such force as euery where it excelleth and beareth dominion moste amplye and without desert but séeing that all thinges as well high as lowe were made by thée there is nothing to be found eyther hidden in the depth of the earth or set vppe in the height of the mountaynes whereof thou wert not the author and first founder for which cause we iustly desire to shewe forth thy worthy prayse To the furtheraunce hereof also maketh this that thou art our onely stay and we as thy blessed flocke and sheepe of thy pasture appertain and belong vnto thée onely Therefore doe we greatly worship humbly reuerence duely honor right earnestly cal vpon thy most fauorable Godbeade requiring this especiallye that thou suffer not our heart which of nature is disposed vnto euill to be hardned at thy friendly admonitions Make the same soft we hartily pray thée with the inspiration of thy good grace and holye spirite neyther suffer vs to striue and struggle against thy blessed commaundementes like vnto the stifnecked Iewes who woulde so often tymes put thée to the tryall of thy mightye power but séeing it was not their hap to inioy the promised land graunt for thy infinite mercies sake that we may at length be permitted to enter into the hauen of eternall felicitie after our long and daylye trauaile through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcvj. Psalme WE are admonished for diuers and sundrie causes O most mightye
deserts the outragious enimies of thy blessed name are raysed vp and haue mightily preuayled agaynst vs who dayly strengthen themselues agaynst thy sonne our Lord and fauiour Iesus Christ We know right wel that by reason of the life which we haue hitherto liued repugnant to thy glorious name and our profession all these most gréeuous euilles haue happened to thy sacred Church But our earnest request is that thou wouldest be mindefull of thy faythfull couenaunt wherein thou promisest that we should be the méeting line of thy blessed heritage for thy couenant is not transitorie but perdurable Thou hast vsed at other tymes to chastice kinges that they should not hurt thy elect people who doest preserue and defende thy blessed seruaunts inhabiting here vpon the earth so often as it is thy holye will and pleasure The Heauen Elements and all creatures haue serued thée as souldiours in Egypt for the deliueraunce of thy faythfull people As thou therefore wert not then forgetfull of thy sacred couenaunt so shewe thy selfe mindfull thereof at this present for wicked men the deuill and Antichrist practise by all the meanes they can possible imagine and deuise to swallow vs vp Wherefore renue thou thy wonderfull workes in vs O mightie God who being altogither voyde of helpe require thée to hide vs vnder thy mercifull winges and spread them so ouer vs as thou mayest not onely bée our defender but cause vs to leade a quiet and peaceable life towards thée through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing that the godly O almightie God can not haue an excellenter and more noble desire then vnfeynedly to remember thy marueylous and excéeding great actes by celebrating the same both in worde and most exquisite commendations being now folowers of the fayth of Abraham and children not degenerate from the aūcient holy fathers members of Christ and instructed by the tradicions of his blessed Apostles do call to remembraunce how vnuiolably thou hast kept the sacred couenaunt which thou madest with thy holye Church from the beginning Thy sure protection most strong defence hath béene alwayes merueilous readie to helpe thy elect seruaunts at what time they reposed their whole trust in thy vnspeakable mercie and when thou tookest vpon thée to be their strong helper and mightie deliuerer no man could in any wise hurt them Moreouer when thou didst strike the whole world by any calamitie with thy seuere iustice or didst trouble it with scarcitie of foode and lacke of vittailes al that so much as it was turned at length to thy singuler welfare and famous glorie of the people of Israell We being greatly admonished by these thinges are of verye good comfort who come humbly vnto thy diuine Maiestie and hartily pray thée that thou wouldest be no lesse mindfull of thy holy couenant towards thy blessed church at this daye then thou wert in olde time For thou seest howe many discommodities do on euery side assaile hir and besiege it about we humbly beséech thée O excellent father who alone canst doe this to commaūd all those things either to fade away or else graunt them power to pourge vs of our lewde condicions through Iesus christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme OVr earnest request is O most good and mercifull God that thou wouldst augment the felowship of thy déere children as well in nūber as also in faith all other ornaments of thy excellent grace And like as thou hast giuē Aaron to be a most faythfull pastor of thy children of Israell when they grew to be a very great people so now also prepare godly learned and wise Ministers for thy sacred Church by whose good behauiour the Egypt of our men maye fade away and let the doctrine wherewith we be instructed by them be kindled dayly more and more in vs so that euery one of vs may be inriched most abundantly both with spirituall goods and spirituall fruites Suffer vs not O excellent father to be at any time destitute of the bright light of thy sacred word and guyding of the holy ghost wheras otherwise we shall both miserably stray in the Wildernesse of this miserable lyfe and also perishe excéeding vnfortunately that when as innumerable perils of temptations hang ouer thy faythfull seruaunts let them not want the strength of thy good grace and louing fauour wherby they may be able so long as life indureth to set out thy glorious kingdome vnto many and finallye obteyne at thy louing handes the dwelling place of perpetuall felicitie thorowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that the holy scriptures make not mencion without iust cause of the children of Israels vngratitude and rebellion agaynst God for they were alwayes troublesome to him by reason of their complaints we humbly beséeche thée O heauenly father so to rule gouerne vs with thy vnspeakable mercy and fatherly louing kindnesse that we be not found like vnto them They did lately and very readily forget thy wonderfull workes whereby thou deliueredst them from bondage then they trusted in straunge Gods they were defiled with fleshly pleasures and finally did both dispise the amiable lande which thou promisedst them also polluted themselues with most gréeuous and shamefull offences For the which notable and gréeuous sinnes thou hast oftentymes chastised them with a fatherly discipline but yet such was thy vnspeakable goodnesse thou wert neuer forgetful of thy couenant made with their forefathers Euen so we humbly beséeche thee O good God to chasten and correct thy blessed Churche when it doth now and then slide very sore with thy accustomed mercifulnesse and fauourable louing kindnesse sauing the right of the euerlasting couenaunt which thou hast renued with vs through the death of thy onely beloued Iesus Christ our Lord who lyueth reigneth with thee euermore worlde without ende Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such O most mightie God towards the congregation of thy faythfull seruaunts that looke whatsoeuer thou hast done hitherto for setting thy faythfull people at libertie the same also might she now both hope for and also assure hir selfe of if she had abidden in the couenant that she made with thee For euen as the persecutors of the Israelites were sore vexed at length opprest through thy mightie power so in likewise when it shall seeme good vnto thée let all such as be enimies to thy sacred Church and veritie be consumed with the force of thy inuincible spirite We now therefore require this especially at thy mercifull hands that thou wouldst so long as we be straungers from thée in this wretched lyfe and are compassed about on euery side with an infinit nūber of perils lighten the night of our darknesse with the bright fire of thy blessed spirite and vouchsafe to mittigate the heate of our manifold temptations with the most sweete clowde of thy benigne grace
vyces and be now according to our iust deserts sore tost with the heauie burthen of extréeme aduersities Stretch thou out thy helping hand to ayde our princes armies who vsest to take the simple out of the dust doest lift the poore from the dunghill and succor thy blessed Church in such sort as it do not become altogither barren Vouchsafe that it may one day reioyce in peace and tranquillitie and graunt hir to bee made vnto thée through thy sacred worde and holye spirit a mother of many children by whom thy glorious name maye bee exalted with perpetuall prayses euen as it behoueth thē through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WHosoeuer addict themselues to honor thée O moste mightie God wyth fayth and pure deuocion are bound to render immortal thanks to thy glorious name which they ought to paye vnto thée in all places euery yere without ceassing euery day and euery houre The puyssaunt force of thy great goodnesse extended towards vs is manifested in such wise as all men must néedes confesse that thou art no lesse mercifull then inuincible For although thou art sayde to haue placed thy kingly Court and Pallace in the highest coastes of the Heauens notwithstanding thou submittest thy diuine prouidēce to euery base thing which lyeth hid in the lowest part of the earth insomuch as nothing can be done eyther in heauen or earth but is cléerely and moste plainely séene of thée For séeing therefore we perfectly vnderstande that such thinges as bée done of vs are not vnbeknowne to thée and that it is alwayes thy accustomed maner to rayse vp the poore and needie so they beleue vnfeynedly in thée out of the fowle and filthie dust to more noble most renowmed Kingdomes who also doest often cause the childlesse and barren women to haue a plenteous houshold we doe with great humilitie lamentably require this at thy fauourable handes that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto the calamities thy blessed Church is nowe in so as it may at length by thy good meanes be most noble right famous which yet goeth bestoubered with filth and dust and whereas she séemeth to haue left child bearing let hir be glad with a perfect and substanciall ioy for the number of hir most faythfull sonnes through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxiiij Psalme WHen as thou O moste mercifull God broughtest the children of Israell by thy inuincible power A prayer for a true fayth by the contemolation of Goddes wonderfull workes from the bondage of Egypt and hadst layd sufficient greeuous punishments vpon the cruell and obstinate Egyptians hauing a fatherly carefull regarde and singuler affection towardes the people of the Iewes diddest therefore moste manifestly declare through wonderfull examples and moste abundaunt fauour that thou wert with them at the deuision of the waters in the red sea by the marueylous quaking of mount Sinay by the goyng backe of the riuer of Iordane the vncredible gushing of waters out of the hard rocke whereby we may right euidently vnderstand that al things happen prosperously and are greatly obedient to those whome thou hast vouchedsafe to regester in the number of thy elect seruaunts For which cause sake an excéeding liuely hope is raised vp in vs that séeing our assured affiaunce is that we belong to thy blessed house by the adoption of fayth it will come to passe that as we bée alreadie deliuered by thy benigne grace from the miserie of eternall death so also whatsoeuer is among thy blessed creatures whether it be the likenesse of prosperitie or aduersitie shall redounde at length moste luckely for the welfare of thy sacred church vnto the which thing as we right well perceyue that our heynous sinnes be worthily and not without iust cause a great let and hinderance so also we humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercie and promised good willes sake to bring the same very spéedily to passe and that in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxv. Psalme AT what time we do lamentably require thy fauourable mercy O most mightie God A prayer for a constant confession of the Gospell thereby to be deliuered from such horrible calamities as do greatly assaile vs which is not done onlye to the intent we our selues shoulde receiue benefite thereby but also that thy blessed name might become more glorious through out wonderfull deliuerance For if thou shouldst suffer thy blessed seruaunts to lie vnder foote we sée it woulde easilye come to passe that the children of this wretched world will vpbrayde them accompt the hope they repose in thée onely to be as a vaine thing As for our part who being illumined with thy heauenly grace doe very well consider that what good thing soeuer is in this wretched worlde whereof the vnbeleuers haue made thēselues their ydols they haue neyther power nor habilitie at all to make men happie blessed although they both honor reuerence them Wherefore we knowe this to be still remayning for vs that so many as haue the feare of thy diuine maiesty before their eies and appertaine to the spirituall Israel be also graffed in the Kingdome priesthood of Christ should make their ful accompt to haue thée as their onely helper and defender For if that be done which they are bound to performe they shall dayly attaine greater encreasementes of perfect good thinges For which cause we heartily require thée who dwellest in the high heauen and hast ordeined vs to haue our habitation in the earth so long as this life indureth graunt vs so to liue that thou suffer vs not to passe our tyme like vnto them which be deade who can not set forth thy worthye prayses but our earnest desire is that we may both in talke and holy workes alwayes set out thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxvj. Psalme THou doest then moste chiefly declare thy singuler good will towardes the Godly O almightye God A prayer to the like effe● of the psalm● which goe● next before when as thou art present to helpe such as lamentably call vpon thée in the middest of their vnfortunate mishaps and the heynouser those be whereout thou doest deliuer them so much the greater is thy notable louing kindnesse manifested vppon them and the mindes of them all more inflamed to haue accesse vnto thée in their moste harde and troublesome tymes Wee therefore being sore cast downe and ouerwhelmed with the most gréeuous burthen of our heynous sinnes do humbly call vpon thée And forsomuch as we know by experience that men are lyers and all hope to be of none effect which shall be reposed in things created we hartily require thée with so much earnestnes as can be deuised to forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue wickedly and lewdly