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A13844 The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid translated out of the Hebrevv, according to the letter, and the mystery of them, and according to the rule and methode of the compile-er, opened in proper arguments vpon every psalme, following the same, by Alexander Top Esquier. Top, Alexander. 1629 (1629) STC 2415.2; ESTC S4135 410,327 284

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ouer all Godes VVho hath the discoueryes of the Earth in his hand and the Excellencyes of the Hilles are his VVho ovveth the Sea for hee made it the Dry-land vvhich his handes formed O come let vs bow down and prostrat our selues and kneel before the ETERNALL that hath made vs for hee is our GOD and wee the PEOPLE and SHEEP of his owne hand feeding To day when you hear his VOYCE harden not your hartes as in the PROVOCATION and as in the day of TEMPTATION in the Wildernes VVhich your Fathers tempted mee and tryed mee though they savv my VVORKES Forty yeers was I vexed with a Generation which I SAYED were a people that erred in their hart and knew not my WAYES Which in my Anger I swore should not enter into my REST. XCVI O SING yee to the ETERNALL a NEW SONG Sing yee to the ETERN all the Earth Sing yee to the ETERN and blesse his NAME and Preach his SALVATION from day to day Tell out his GLORY among the Hethen and his Wonde●full WORKS among all people Because the ETERN is great and very much to be PRAYSED and to be Reverenced aboue all GODS For all the GODS of the Nations are Idle-Idoles but the ETERN Made the Heavens Worship and Honour is in his Presence and in his Sanctuary STRENGTH MAJESTY Yeeld vnto the ETERNALL yee Nation-familyes yeeld vnto the ETERNALL GLORY and STRENGTH yeeld GLORY vnto the NAME of the ETERNALL Take vp Presents and com into his Courtes prostrate your selues to the ETERNALL in his stately Sanctuary and tremble at his Presence all the Earth TELL among the Heathen The ETERNALL RAIGNETH KING and the whole world shall bee established and not be moved that SENTENCETH Nations vprightely Let the Heavens reioyce and the Earth be glad the Sea his fullnes roare the field leap and all that is in it and the Trees of the wood TRIVMPH SING when hee cometh when hee cometh to IVDGE the Earth that with RIGHTEOVSNES Iudgeth the World and with his FAYTHFVLLNES the Nations thereof XCVII THE ETERNALL RAIGNETH KING let the Earth be glad and the multitude of Ilandes reioyce with a dark cloud round about him RIGHTEOVS IVDGEMENT beeing the Firmnes of his Throne fire shall goe before him and shall flame round about his foes His Lightenings lighten the world that the Earth trembleth to see it Mountaines melt like wax at PRESENCE of the ETERN before the LORD of the whole Earth The Heavens set foorth his IVSTICE that all Nations may see his GLORY let all them that serue Sculptures and glory in Idle-Idoles bee abashed bow your selues downe to him all yee GODS That Sion when shee heareth it may reioyce and all the Townes of Iudah bee glad because of the IVDGEMENT of the ETER Because thou ô ETERNALL art SOVERAIGNE over all the Kinges of the Earth and greatly surmountest overall GODS Yee that loue the ETERN that keepeth the lives of his GRATIOVS ones and delivereth them from the hand of the Wicked hate euill Ther is sown to the IVST and VPRIGHTE minded man a JOYFVLL LIGHT ô yee JVST ONES reioyce in the ETERNALL and celebrate his holly Remembrance XCVIII A PSALME O Sing yee to the ETERNALL a NEW SONG for that hee hath don Wonderfull Works Hee whom his RIGHT HAND and HOLLY ARME hath holpen The ETER that hath made his SALVATION knovvn and reuealed his RIGHTEOVSNES in the sight of the Heathen That hath remembred his Lov Kindenes and Faythfullnes to the House of Jsrael that all the Endes of the Earth haue seen the Salvation of our GOD. TRIVMPH to the ETERNALL breake out aloud and chaunt out Psalmes play vnto the ETERNALL on the Harp vpon the Harp with an inchaunting voice With the shrill soundes of the Trumpet Triumph to the KING ETERNALL Let the Sea and his fullnes roare and the WORLD and all that dwell therin make anoyse and Riuers clap their handes and Hilles also sound out Triumphes before the ETERNALL when hee cometh to Iudge the Earth That Iudgeth the world Iustly and the Nations vprightly XCIX THE ETERNALL RAIGNETH KING inhabiting the Cherubs Let the Nations and the Earth tremble and stoop The ETERNALL that is great in Sion that is highe aboue all Nations let them celebrate his great and reverend NAME which is holly Because thou the KING that loueth JVDGEMENT and STRENGTH confirmest Righte and dost Just JVDGMENT in Iacob Exalt yee the ETERNALL our GOD and prostrate your selues at his Holly foot-stoole Moses and Aaron and Samuel among his Priests and them that call vpon his NAME called vpon the ETERNALL and hee Answered them He spake vnto them in a CLOVDY STILE and they kept his TESTIMONYES and PRESCRIPTS which hee gaue them Thou O ETERNALL our GOD didst answer them and wast a GOD of Pardon to them beeing about to revenge their Heynous workes Exalt the ETERNALL our GOD and prostrate your selues at his holly Hill For the ETERNALL our GOD is holly C. A Psalm of Thanksgiuing SING yee Triumphes to the ETERNALL all the Earth serue the ETERNALL with REIOYCEING and com before him with a cheerfull SONET Knovv yee the ETERNALL is GOD and Hee that hath made vs and vvee are his his PEOPLE and Sheep of his PASTVRE Com vvithin his Gates vvith THANKS and into his Courtes vvith PRAYSE and SET FORTH and BLESSE his NAME because the LOV KINDENES of the ETERNALL is bountifull for euer and his FAYTHFVLLNES vntill all Generations CI. Of DAVID A Psalm I Will sing a Psalme of KINDENES and IVDGEMENT vnto thee ô ETERNALL that when thou shalt come vnto mee I may instruct in the perfect WAY and walk in the soundnes of my hart with in my House I will haue noe naughty thing in my sight to make declineings I hate and with mee it shall not steek A froward hart shall depart from mee and an euill hart I will not know Hee that accuseth his neighbour privily him will I put away who is of high lookes wyde of hart him I cannot abide Mine eyes are vpon the FAYTHFVLL of the Earth to dvvell vvith mee hee that vvalketh in a perfect VVaye he shall serue mee Hee that worketh deceipt shall not within my House and hee that
didst to Sisera Iabin at the River Qishon that wear smitten in Endor and became dong for the Land make their Prince-es like Oreb and Zeeb and all their Elect like Zebah and Zalmunah Which sayd Let vs get vs the possession of GODS fair Habitation O GOD make them like dust and like chaff before the winde as fire-y flames burne and inflame the Hills and the Forest so pursue thou them with thy Tempest and with thy Whirlwinde make them sore afrayed Fill their face-es with scorching when men seek thy NAME ô ETERNALL let them bee terribly abashed and vtterly confounded and perish for ever more That they may knowe that thy NAME onely ô ETERNALL is the Soveraigne NAME over all the Earth LXXXIV For the cheeff vpon the Git A Psalm of the Sonnes of Corah O Warlike ETERNALL how lovely are thy dwellings yea my soule is spent with longing for the courtes of the ETERNALL my hart and my flesh to sound out to my liuing GOD. Both the sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest thine Altars for her to lay her yong ones O warlike ETERNALL and my King and GOD. Happy are thos that dwell in thy house that they may ever praise thee surely Happy are the men that haue their STRENGTH in thee and thy plaine Wayes in their hartes They that travailed in the Vale of Baca made a fountain of it yea the raine covered it with blessings They went stronger and stronger whē they appeered before GOD being present in Sion O thou ETERNALL ô thou GOD of Warr hear my Prayer hear mee ô thou GOD of Iacob Surely O GOD our Shield see and behold the face of thine Annoynted for a day one spendeth in thy Courtes and in the House of my GOD I chuse better then a thousand dayes cōtinuance in wicked Tabernacles For the ETERNALL as a Sunn Shield the ETER will giue grace glory and lessen noe good thing to them that walke vprightly ô warlike ETER happy is the Man that trusteth in thee LXXXV For the Cheeff of the Sonnes of Corah A Psalm O ETERNALL that didest like thy Country and broughtest againe the captivity of Iacob and forgavest the iniquity of thy People and coveredst their sinnes surely contractedst all thy rage and made-est it turne again from the kindling of thine Anger ô GOD our salvation bring vs again and break off thine angry indignation with vs. Wilt thou bee for euer angry with vs and wilt thou prolong thine Anger dureing all generations Wilt thou not come and revive vs again that thy People may reioyce in thee ô thou ETERNALL shew vs thy Kindenes and graunt vs thy Salvation ô let mee hear what the Allmighty GOD the ETERNALL will speak that hee will speak peace vnto his People and to his Gratious ones and let them never returne to crookednes again That his Salvation may bee neer vnto them that fear him that GLORY may dwell in our Land that KINDENES and TRVTH and IVSTICE and PEACE may meet and kiss ech other that TRVTH may bud out of the earth RIGHTEOVSNES look down out of Heaven yea that the ETERNALL may give bounty and our Land yeeld her abundance of increase that RIGHTEOVSNES may goe before him and hee may put his feet in the Waye LXXXVI A Prayer of David O ETERNALL incline thine eare and consider mee for J am miserable and needy preserve my life for I am pittifull save thy Seruant ô GOD that putteth his trust in thee O ETER pitty mee because I call dayly vpon thee Cheer the soule of thy Servant for vnto thee J open my minde Because thou O ETERN art very full of pardon and of great Kindenes to them that call vpon thee O ETERN hear my Prayer and hearken vpon the Voyce of my Request In the day of my distresse when J call thee O consider and hear mee Among the Gods ther is none like thee nor any Deeds like thine ô LORD All Nations shall come and Worship before thee ô LORD and glorify the NAME which hast don it for thou art great and thou onely O GOD doest Wonderfull thinges Teach mee thy WAY O ETERNALL that I may walk in thy TRVTHE and vnite my hart to the fear of thy NAME That I may publish thee ô LORD GOD with all my hart and Glorify the NAME for ever Because thy KINDENES is great vpon mee and thou hast deliuered mee from Hel● below O GOD when the proud and a company of Tyrants rose against mee and fought my life that set not GOD before them Thou beeing ô LORD a Mercifull and a Gratious GOD delaying Anger Long-suffering and of very great Kindenes O look vpon mee and pitty mee giue thy Seruant strength saue the SONNE of thine Hand-mayd Shevv mee a Signe of Good that they hath hate mee may see it and bee abashed that thou ô ETERNALL doest help and Comfort mee LXXXVII Of the Sonnes of Corah A Psalm Song THE ETERNALL loue-eth the gates of Sion whose foundation is in the Holly Hilles above all the Dwellings in Iacob the moste-vnspeakable ones in thee ô Citty of GOD Surely Loe when I mention Rahab and Babel to mine Acquaintance loe Palestina and Cush This man was born there also of Sion it shall bee sayd This man was born in her and Hee in that which the Most High established The ETERNALL when hee wrighteth vp his People will Reckō This man was born thear surely and all my welles of Singers and fountaines of Musicians are in thee LXXXVIII A Psalm Song for the Chorites for the Cheeff over the Chore to Sing A Mascil by Heman the Ezrahite O ETERNALL the GOD of my Salvation when I cry for thee in the night let my PRAYER come before thee and turn thine eare to my loude SONET My Soul is full of euills and my life euen toucheth hell J am counted vvith them that are going to the pitt and am like a man vvithout any mighte absolute among the dead as thos that are slayne and lye in the graue vvhom thou rememberest no more and are cut off by thy hand Thou hast put mee in the deep and dark pitt belovv thy Chafeing is sunk vpon mee and thou oppressest mee vvith all thy Breaches surely Thou hast farr absented my familiar Acquaintance from mee thou hast made mee an abhomination to them I am close-ed vp and can not get out mine eyes
are euen consumed and driuen out by oppression and I CALL on thee dayly ô ETERNALL and spread my palmes vnto thee Wilt thou doe a wonder vpon the Dead shall the deceased rise againe and confesse thee surely Shall thy LOV KINDENES bee told in the grave thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the place of destruction shall thy Miracles be manifested in the dark and thy wonderfull IVSTICE in the land of forgetfullnes that I when I shoute vnto thee my PRAYER come early before thee why doest thou reject mee and hide thy face from mee J beeing afflicted and yeelding vp the Ghost vvith trouble vvith bearing thy Terrors am amaseed thy sore Kindlings are vpon mee thy terrible Passions press mee They compasse about mee dayly like vvater and goe all-about ouer mee together Thou estrangest my Loueing freends from mee my familiar Acquaintance vvith obscurity LXXXIX A Mascil of Ethan the Ezrachite I Will euer SING the KINDENESSES of the ETERNALL to all Generatiōs make known thy FAITHFVLLNES with my mouth To wit The Kindenes that the world was built by and thy Faythfullnes which thou hast CONFIRMED in the Heavens I have made a Covenant sworne to my servant David I will establish thy seed for euer and build vp thy throne for all generatiōs surely And let the Heaven confesse thy wonderfullnes O ETERNALL yea thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the Congregation of the Holly ones For who among the children of the GODES in the cloudy skyes equalleth or may compare with the ETERNALL a terrible GOD in the counsell of the Holly ones and dreadfull over all that be about him O ETERNALL GOD of Warr who is so mighty a GOD as thou art and thy FAYTHFVLLNES about thee Thou rullest over the pride of the Sea and allayest the waves thereof when they rise the maine Ocean thou beatest down like a slain man with thy strong Arme scatterest thine Enimyes the Heavens are thine yea the Earth is thine the whole world and all the Implements therof for thou foundedst them the North and the South thou hast created them Tabor and Hermon to resound out thy Name Thou hast a conquering Arme and thy Right hand doth highly prevaile the firm Base of thy Throne is Iustice and Iudgement and Kindenes and Faythfullnes stand before thy face Happy are the People that know Triumphing and walk ô ETER in the Light of thy Countenaunce are dayly meery with thy NAME and Exalted with thy IVSTICE Because thou art the Ornament of their Strength and by thy good will is our Horne Exalted For our DEFENDOVR is the ETERNALLS our KING the Holly ones of Israel whē as thou spakest in a VISION to thy GRATIOVS ONE and SAYEDST J haue leuyed raysed and Ayde a Chose-en one out of the People aboue a VVORTHY J haue found my Seruant Dauid and Anoynted him vvith my holly oyle vvith vvhom my hand shall firmly bee mine ARME shall strengthen him No Enimye or Iniurious childe shall intercept him or oppresse him J vvill beat dovvn his foes them that hate him flat before him my FAYTHFVLLNES LOV KINDENES shall bee vvith him and in my NAME shall his Horne bee exalted vpon the Sea vpon the Riuers vvill J make his Right hand to bee Hee shall CALL mee O my Father my GOD Rock of my SALVATION I vvill make him my ELDEST-SONNE the SOVERAIGNE of all the Kinges of the Earth J vvill make his seed his Throne to bee for Euerlasting like the dayes of heauen if his children forsake my Law vvalk not in my JVDGEMENTS if they violate my PRESCRIPTIONS keep not my Commandements I vvill visit their Transgressions vvith Rods their Jniquity vvith Scourges but my Lov Kindenes vvill I not break off from him neither deal falsly in my Faythfullnes J vvill not violate my Covenant nor change the thing that is gon out of my Lipps I haue once SVVORNE in my HOLLYNES and shall J lye vnto David His Seed shall bee for euer his Throne as the Sunne before mee hee shall be established as firme as the Moone a faythfull witnes in the SKYE for euer surely And thou lothe-est and drawest back and art angry with thine ANOINTED Thou avoydest the COVENANT of thy Servant and defile-est his Garland one the ground thou hast broke-en down all his walles and made a ruine of all his Fortifications all Travailers by the way trample on him hee is a Reproche vnto his Neighbours Thou holdest vp the Right hand of his Foes make-est all his Enimyes glad yea thou turnest the edge of his sword and make-est it not to stand in the Battail thou make-est it rest from his brightnes and hast pulled down his Throne to the Ground Thou hast shortened the dayes of his youth and covered him over with Bashfullnes surely How long wilt thou continue hid and shall thy hot Anger burn like fire ô Remember thou of what continuance I am wherfor in vain hast thou create-ed all Human men what strong man is ther that shall not see death or his life shall escape from the hand of hell surely Wher are thy first KINDENESSES ô Lord which thou SWAREST to David in thy FAYTHFVLLNES Remember O LORD the Reproche of thy Seruāts which I put vp in my bosom of all the great ones of the Nations wher with thine Enimyes have reproched ô ETERNALL wher with thine Enimyes haue reproched the Steps of thine Anoynted Blessed bee the ETERNALL for ever Again and Again THE FOWRTH BOOK XC A Prayer of Moses the Man of GOD. O LORD thou hast been an Habitation for vs in all ages before the Hilles wear brought foorth and the Earth and whole Confusion had travailed in paine of birth and from one generation to another thou hast been our GOD. Thou bringest miserable man to a fragment and SAYEST Com againe yee Children of men For a thousand yeers in thy sighte is as yeesterday that is past and as a watch in the night Thou rainest them down and they are like a sleep in the morning hee is fresh like grasse that in the morning florisheth fresh and at evening is cut down and withered for in thine Anger and thy Heat wee are terribly consume-ed Thou settest our iniquityes before thee and our youthfullnes in the lighte of thy presence for all our DAYES glaunce by in thy wrath wee spend our yeers
speaketh falshoods shall not bee established in my sight I will soon dissolve all WICKED ones of the earth whē I shall cut off from the Citty of the ETERNALL all Workers of Greeff CII A Prayer of the Poore when hee fainted powered out his Complaint before the ETERNALL O ETERNALL hear my PRAYER and let my SHOVTING come vnto thee Hide not thy FACE from mee when I am in Distresse turne thine eare vnto mee and heare mee quickly when I CALL Because my dayes are consumed in smoke and my bones on fire like a brand my hart is strooken and withered like an Herb that I forget the eating of my meat By my loud sighing my bones ste●k vnto my skinn I am like an OWLE of the Wildernes and a skrich OWLE of Waste place-es I am like a folitary bird watching vpon the House top All the day doe mine ENIMYES revile mee and my DEFAMERS coniure against mee That I eat Ashes like bread and mingle my drinke with Teares because of thy fomeing Indignaton for thou hast cast mee away My dayes are like a declineing shadow and I am withered like an herb and thou ô ETERNALL remainest for ever and thy REMEMBRANCE for all Generations ô vp and haue MERCY vpon Sion for the SETTIME is come to haue COMPASSION on it because thy Servantes like the stones thereof and hold the dust thereof gratious That the Heathen all Kingdomes of the earth may fear thy GLORYOVS NAME ô ETERN ô let the ETER that hath built Sion appeere in his GLORY regard the PRAYER of the SHAKEEN not despise their Prayer That this may be written for an other generation and that the People to be borne hearafter may prayse the ETERN O let the ETERNALL look out of Heauen his holly HIGHTH and look down vpon the Earth To hear the Prisoners groneing and to let a brode the CONDEMNED to tell out the NAME of the ETERN in SION and thy PRAYSE in JERVSALEM vvhen the Nations and Kingdomes are gathered together to Serue the ETER Hee that beat dovvn my Strength in the vvay and shortned my dayes J SAY O my ALLMIGHTY GOD take mee not avvaye in the midst of my dayes and thy yeers dureing all Generations O thou that vvast before the Earth vvas founded and the Heauens the vvork of thy Handes vvhich shall perish and thou shallt remaine and they all shall goe old like a Garment and thou shallt shift them and they shall be put off like clothes and thy yeers are neuer consumeed let the Children of thy Seruantes abide still before thee their Seed bee established in thy PRESENCE CIII Of DAVID BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL all my FORCES blesse his holly NAME ô BLESSE the ETERN ô my SOVLE and forget not his GOOD DEEDS That Pardoneth and healeth all thy greevous Iniquity that Redeemeth thy life from the Pit Gardeth thee with KINDENES and MERCY that Supplyeth thy youth with the Goodnes of thine ORNAMENTS as an Egle reneweth her self The ETERNALL that doth Just IVDGEMENT to all the oppressed and maketh his Wayes knowen to Moses and his Excellent WORKES to the Children of Israel The ETERNALL is mercifull gratious and patient and of great KINDENES hee vvill not striue perpetually nor keep contention for euer hee hath not don vnto vs according to our sinnes nor bestovved vpon vs according to our Jniquityes but as the Heauens are highe aboue the Earth so excelleth his KINDENES ouer them that fear him As farr as the East is from the VVest so farr hath hee put avvay our Transgression from him As a Father hath Mercy vpon his Children so hath the ETERNALL mercy vpon them that fear him Because hee Knovveth our CREATION and is mindefull that vvee are but Dust. A Sorrovvfull Mans dayes are like grass as a flovver of the Feeld so hee florisheth but the VVinde passeth ouer it and neither hee nor his Place is any more to bee discerned But the LOVING KINDENES of the ETERNALL is from age to age vpon them that fear him and his RIGHTEOVSNES to their childrens children to them that keep his COVENANT remember to doe his VISITATIONS The ETERNALL that hath confirmed his THRONE in Heauen and his KINGDOME in all Domination Blesse the ETERNALL yee his ANGELS that haue mightey Power to doe his COMMANDEMENTS and to hearken vpon the VOYCE of his WORD Blesse the ETERNALL all his EXCERCISE-ERS and MINISTERS that doe his will Blesse the ETERNALL all his WORKES in all places of his Dominion BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVLE CIV BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL ô ETERN my GOD thou art exceeding great and CLOTHED with REVEREND MAIESTY Putting on the LIGHTE as a Garment and spreading the HEAVENS as a Couertain That maketh his CHAMBER FLOORES vpon the vvaters and his RIDEING vpon the Cloudes and goeth vpon the VVINGES of the vvinde making the VVINDES his MESSENGERS and Flameing fire his MJNISTERS That founded the Earth vpon her stayes that it can not be mooued vvorld vvithout end VVHOM the Deep couereth like a Garment and the VVaters that did stand aboue the Hilles but at the chideing VOJCE of thy THVNDER they make haste to flye the Hilles ascending and the Beaches descending to the Place vvhich thou hast founded for them and hast set a bound that they shall not passe nor return again to couer the Earth That sendeth the Springs into the Brookes running betvveen the Hilles that vvater all the beasts of the feeld the vvilde beasts breake their thirst by vvhich the birdes of Heauen haue their dvvelling and charm out of the thick boughes That from his CHAMBER FLOORES vvatereth the Hilles that vvith the fruit of thy VVORKES the Earth may be satisfied That make-eth grasse to spring for bease and herbes for the seruice of Men that hee may bring foorth bread out of the Earth vvine to cheer a Sorrovvfull-mans hart to make a gladsom Countenance vvith oyle and bread to sustein a sorrovvfull-mans hart that they may bee satisfied vvith the Ceders of Libanon the Trees of the ETERNALL vvhich hee hath planted VVher the birdes doe make their nestes and the Firr Trees are the House of the Stork the highe Hilles are for the Roe-deer and Rockes a succour for the Cunnys Hee made the Moon for Seasons the Sunn to knovv his going dovvn thou puttest foorth Darknes and it is Night VVherin
vpholder of all that are falling a setter vpright of all that are declineing The eyes of all vvaite vpon thee and thou givest them their meat in his Season opening thy hand and satisfying every Living Creature freely The ETERNALL is Iust in all his Wayes and Kinde in all his Workes The ETERNALL is Neer to them that call on him to all that call vpon him Faythfully Hee vvill doe the Will of them that feare him and hear their Shouting and save them The ETERN that keepeth all that love him and destroyeth all the wicked let my mouth speak the PRAISE of the ETERNALL and all flesh blesse his holly NAME forevermore CXLVI PRAISE yee the ETERNALL my SOVL praise thou the ETERN I will praise the ETERN and sing Psalmes to my GOD as long as J live Trust yee not in Prince-es nor in any childe of man in whom ther is noe Salvation whose breth goeth out and hee returnes to his owne earth in that day his thoughtes perish Happy is hee whose Help is the GOD of Iacob and his Hope is vpon the ETERN his GOD the make-er of Heaven and Earth and the Sea all that is in them And that keepeth Faythfullnes for ever That doth right the oppressed and give bread to the Hungry The ETERN that looseth them that are bound The ETERNALL that openeth the eyes of the blinde and setteth vpright them that are bowed down the ETERNALL that loveth the Just. The ETERNALL that keepeth the Strangers and mainteineth the Fatherles and the Widow and over●hroweth the way of the Wicked The ETERNALL thy GOD ô Zion raigne for ever for all Generations The ETERNALL bee praised CXLVII PRAISE yee the ETERNALL and chaunt thou out our GOD because hee is good pleasant and his PRAISE is comely The ETERNALL that built Jerusalem and gathered together the Scatered of Jsrael that healeth the broken harted and bindeth vp their sores that Telleth the Number of the Starrs and calleth the Names to them all Great is our LORD and of great Power and of his Vnderstanding ther is noe declareing The ETERNALL that advaunceth the Lowly and humbleth the Wicked to the ground Sing yee Psalmes of Thanks Offering to the ETERNALL our GOD vpon the Harp Which Covereth the Heavens with cloudes and prepare-eth rain for the Earth That make-eth the Hilles to Spirt out grasse giveth the bease their food and the young Ravens which call Hee hath not delight in the Valiantnes of a Horse nor hath liking in the Legs of a man The ETERNALL like-eth them that fear him and Waite for his Kindenes ô Ierusalem commend the ETERN and praise thou thy GOD ô Zion Because hee strengtheneth the bars of thy Gates and blesseth thy children vvithin thee and setteth Peace in thy borders satisfyeth thee vvith vvheaten flovver that sendeth his Saying to the Earth and his Word runneth moste speedily That giveth Snovv like vvhite vvool and scatereth hore-frost like Ashes That casteth out his hard Ice like morsells and vvho can abide for the cold thereof hee sendeth out his Word and Thavveth them hee maketh his vvinde to turne and they drop vvater That telleth his Word to Jacob his Prescripts and Iudgements to Israel He hath not done so to any Nation that they should not know his Iudgements The ETERN bee praised CXLVIII PRAISE the ETERNALL praise the ETERNALL out of the Heavens Praise him in the Highthes Praise him all his Angels Praise him all his Hostes. Praise him Sunn Moon praise him all Starrs of Light Praise him yee Heavens of Heavens and yee Waters which are above the Heavens Let them praise the NAME of the ETERN for hee commanded and they wer created And hee made them stand for an everlasting Statute hee gave a Prescript which should not passe Praise the ETERN Things of the EARTH Yee great VVhales and all Deepthes Fire and Haile Snovv Vapours vvhirlvvinde that doth his Commande The Mountaines and all Hilles Fruit-trees and all Ceders Cattell and all Bease Creeping things and fethered fovvle Kinges of the Earth and all Nations Prince-es and all Iudge-es of the Earth Yong-men and Maydes Oldmen and Children Let them praise the Name of the ETERN because his Name onely is to be exalted and his Worship both by the Earth the Heavens Which holdeth vp the Horne of his People the Prayse of his Gratious Ones of the Children of Israel his Proper People The ETERNALL be praised CXLIX PRAISE the ETERNALL sing yee a NEW SONG to the ETERN of his PRAYSE in the Congregation of his GRATIOVS-ONES Let Israel rejoyce in his MAKE-ER the Children of Zion triumph in their KING Let them praise his NAME vvith Pipes and sing Psalmes to him vvith Tabret and Harp Because the ETERNALL hath alikeing to his People and glorifyeth the lowly with SALVATION Let the Gratious Ones triumph Gloriously and Sing aloud vpon their beds vvith Exaltationes of the ALL MIGHTY in their Throates and a tvvo edged svvord in their handes For working Revenge among the Heathen Chastisment among the Nations for bindeing their Kinges in Manicles and their Noble-men in Iron-Chaines for fullfilling among them the SENTENCE that is written Hee is an ornament to all his Saintes The ETERNALL be praised CL PRAISE the ETERNALL praise the ALLMIGHTY in his Sanctuary Praise him in the Firmament of his Strength Praise him for his Valiant Actes praise him according to his Mighty Greatnes Praise him with the sound of the Trumpet Praise him with the Viol and Harp Praise him with Taber and Pipe praise him with Timbrels and Fife Praise him with Loude Bells praise him with loud-sounding Cymballs Let every breath praise the ETERNALL The ETERNALL be praised ARGVMENTS VPON THE PSALMS PSALM I. AS the Law is the touch-stone of the lives of men so this work of Psalmes is to bring them to it Psal. 26 and this Psalme the formost to shew the way Heer the judgement and justice therof is layed to the rule and weighed And seeing all that men would haue is but happines of their liues and Eternity hee sheweth by a short description the way to it To avoyde the Enimyes and all impediments therof the wicked counsell of transgressers to leaue the known way of Sinn Psa. 36 and not to skorn instruction And this person hee
Iudgement and wholely just and lighteneth all by his Law and must needs require attendance of brutish and heathenish men To turn him from the way of destruction to the way of salvation from the bad way to the good way from the way of death to the way of life by the Scriptures and confirm him And this likewise is a wonderfull benefit of the Sabbath Now in the greatest distress that can com by the Molesters of the church that might even break a mans hart to think on Ps. 115. when they see their feet are gone from under them and they are about to despaire of life and safety then the repetitions of Gods great workes and kindenesses doe releeve them and set them up again with this comfort within them that no corrupt estate or government can indure or reigne check by jowl with him or any Corregnum of such as plot and decree Mischeeff against the just and harmless Therfor now the church prayeth for a cleer revenge a due retribution and a treble reward upon their oppressours and that their God the Eternall their trust and relye would unweave their mischeeff and unplot their devisees and render their own sorrow upon them and destroy them Construction Tsade Food which is the light and understanding of the word the first of all creatures Gen. 1. Io. 1. and it yeeldeth all contentment and satiety help and succour Heer in this peece the brute and foolish are opposed to the lerned and the vexers wicked and ungodly to the Godly and just and quiet ones answerable to the 92. as it were the same and the greevers ther are Iudged heer A great dore is opened c. Daleth an entrance or dore for instruction Mark the repetition destroy c. workers of Greeff c. brute and foolish c. correction teaching omnipotencey of the Eternall in knowledge and power to revenge by paying every one according to their works as Iudges of the earth Ps. 62. That the unquiet and disquieters may have no quiet rest nor Sabbath at all but end with greeff and mischeeff of their own And this according to the letter Ghimel in the last peece for reward or right or judgement or revenge as yf it were still the same psalme observing the A B C for verses with one over to shew Ghimel in the second vers Numbers The wildernes heer is the proud the wicked the disquieters the bruteish the foolish insulters the vaunters the arrogant oppressors sleyers murtherers naughty and mischeevous ones ill Rulers that hunt for the life of the just and condemners of innocents c. The word giveth rest from such and safety and defens but to such is no peace rest nor Sabbath at all Is. 54.48 Iude c. PSALM XCV THer is no peace to the wicked so ther is no rest but to them of understanding and how great a benefit is it then to be brought unto it In this psalme it is by way of their behaviour in the church and Sabbath service They must beginn with triumph to the Everlasting their righteousnes and accord to the rock of their salvation the Scriptures from whence they were digged and formed with psalmes of thanks offering for deliverance for the greatnes of God and his kingdom who hath in his handes all unaccessible places by power of creation putting off the shoos of fowl wayes and unclean lives for the holynes of the place by the feet of the saintes They must doo all manner of reverence to their makeer their God for their induement of Grace and Manners for their Education and fostering them with his own hand by his Law and not with hard and stony hartes full of strife and infidelity and devilish temptation to hear his word but without any wrath or murmuring as Ps. 4. with all contentment to hearken to him and consider his work That they bee not wicked and greeve God and err still in their harts ignorant of his wayes notwithstanding their instructions and bee depriveed of their rest Ps. 81. Consider the great work of the third day Gen. 1. Com. 4. wher it is to bee noteed that the weightynes of the work is still to bee admireed for the necessity of rest and for greater sanctification and blessing of the Sabbath ever som part of the creation is recorded and the Great Creator to be magnifyed extolled and worshiped Construction Tsade for meat or food and that is the makeing and creating of us by the word by the comming together of the words made and formed and feeding and handes c. And hee biddeth prepare gentle and soft harts for instruction at the time of hearing the word that the meat may doo them good that they may beleeve and relent and repent at the comming of the Kingdom When they see the word to raigne and rule see their harts are mislead and hardned and cannot repent nor receive the food at Meribah and Massah Exod. 16. He behold for the greatnes of the Creator they must present themselves in songes gratefullnes in prayers of humblenes with all reverence for the deep serchings out of sight and the steep hills in sight by the abounding and defect of He in divers words and rareity of construction It is also apparent by Hem the demonstrative they comming twise together Numbers Ther is nothing but the word and the wildernes Government and no Government docible and tractable and quiet people and hard harted and disquiet and molesters tempters and provokers Which have no benefit of the word and cannot obtein the rest of the Kingdom but to the troublesom is tribulation and anguish PSALM XCVI THe Everlasting the God of righteousnes is greater and more commendable and far more reverend then all the Gods of the Heathen for makeing and confirming the heavens of his sanctuary wherall worship Majesty strength and decencey is taught before him out of his word wher hee raigneth and setleth all the world as Ps. 29. so sure by his doctrine that it can never bee mooved or carryed away again by any winde And this is likewise to bee reckoned a great benefit of the Sabbath service to all nations and thought worthy of a new song of triumph to his Name and the glory therof His kingdom of righteousnes as Ps. 4. and his miraculous salvation heerby to bee preached and told every day among the Heathen That all Nations famylyes of all the earth may ascribe all glory and strength to his Name and offer and bow unto him with holy fear and trembling before him That th● Heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in it may thunder out joy and gladnes all plants feeld-herbs and trees of the wood leap and triumph and keep Sabbath for the Iustice constancey and faythfullnes of their king at his comming to judgement now by his word and secureity of their kingdom for evermore Consider the second dayes work Gen. 1. with the Commandement Construction Tsade for meat or food this is joy in
the kingdom of heaven for the righteousnes and peace and salvation therof For this hee sheweth all kinde of of rejoycieing approoving therof amendment of life and a welcom singing leaping daunceing vaunting of all creatures and boasting and publishing therof which is the meat offering in his courtes at Ierusalem the joy of all the earth for the raigning of righteousnes and of the word And so commeth the kingdom of heaven to bee meat and drink by joy in the holy ghost and a heavenly delight in the power and glory therof the prevailing of the word in man and the lustre of a godlye life Mark the wordes and the insisting theron For Vav a crook or to take hold hee dealeth by the contrary to give and offer and bow unto and doo reverence and worship and tremble by the word yeeld c. Take up presents c. Mark the iteration Tsav of Tsivvah both the letters signify commend commaund or bequeath or send to the same purpose for the comming of the kingdom for which wee pray Math. 6. As all kingdom is with power and strength and commande Ps. 68. Numbers The wildernes heer is the wilde nations and marches of the Heathen wher the word of God and this Kingdom of a godly man is to bee preached and published all abroad to setle them in a sound doctrine that they may never bee moved more What a delight they have to entertain it what a rejoyceing and a welcom is at the comming of righteousnes Is. 52. when the nations bee conquered by it and the church increased mark the doubling of the word Hethen Nations familyes people c. what a God hee is in respect of their Idoles that is so to bee commended mark the charge bless him preach him tell out his glory c. And this for true and righte Iudgement the stay of the whole world Mark the doubling again PSALM XCVII THe kingdom of heaven of righteousnes and of God is not with outward observation but hee reigneth in darknes with a cloud about him in a dark and obscure stile of speaking that his Enimyes may not perceive him For right judgement and understanding of the minde is his Throne and the fire of the Law hee sets before him that burns round about his foes The flashes of his lightnings make all the earth afrayed and the hartes of great kingdomes the Mountains of the world to melt as wax at his presence and to becom soft and yeeld unto him And his Glory beeing like the heavens putteth down all idolatry and bragging worship and saveth his gratious ones from the wicked and to preserve their lives by forsakeing of ill by that subintellectuall light which is preached unto them And for these benefits may the Ilandes rejoyce and triumph keep holy Sabbath for the peace that preserveth their trade Mount Sion and Iudah for his Iudgements and advauncement of their God aboue all the Godly for their preservation and the just for light and understanding Construction Tsade for meat or food which is the delight which they have in the Kingdom of God and raigning of righteousnes by preaching and instruction of the Sabbath that all the earth may bee glad of And also for Gods excellent Iudgements of Zion Ps. 19. to rejoyce in Another part of the kingdom of God is his judgement and punishment sevenfold upon his foes when hee teacheth the Godly and his deer ones how to save their lives and this by fire work of his wrath out of the Law before him according to the letter Zain for sevenfold Mark the doubling of both partes of the throne the one part is of justice and of light and the other of darknes and of firey judgement The buissines of rejoyceing is all over light to the righteous and judgement upon the wicked that the earth tremble at Mark all the repetitions and relative speeches for that Numbers The wildernes heer is Gods Enimyes opposed to his beloved and deer ones and the Idolaters of the Nations and Image-makeers they are the cheeff that bee daunted and abashed at his Glory inviteed to his worship for his excelling of all Gods for judgements beeing Lord of all the earth Mark the relation and repetition between light and darknes God and Idoles rejoyceing c. And this for the glory of the kingdom PSALM XCVIII WOnderfull strange workes of salvation hath the Everlasting wrought by the Dexterity of his holy ministry and his righteousnes in the Law called his right hand and holy Arm even in the sight of the heathen which hee fullfilled in carrying them through the sea and drawing them out of mighty waters as Ps. 18. beeing kinde and faithfull to Israel that all the world have taken notice of the salvation of their God Therfor now they are to sing a new song unto him And that with all solemnity and greatest triumph that can bee before their king with Iubeling and chaunting psalmes and sonets with hart and musicall voice with shrill soundes of trumpets that the sea and all that is in it the world and all the dwellers in it rivers and hills and all creatures wher ever men goe may thunder and sound out Echoes of Ioy and gladnes and rejoyce and keep holy day before him hee commeth to judge the earth that judgeth all justly divideing the word Construction Tsade for meat or food They are fed with the great joy of his salvation by revelations and cleer interpretations of his mysteryes and hid things of the word Act. 14. Ier. 15. At his comming and raigning with righteousnes Eph. 3. and a cleer judgement within them Wherto all the world ought to bee obedient they are made wise unto salvation and to judge right with in them selves His food of mercy and truth they live by Mark the repetition salvation wonderfull work and reveled made known remembred and see relatives Mark the doubling of all the words reacting his prais joy The two letters Tsach cleer or to cleer Is. 66. by loudnes shrillnes plainnes c. the letter Cheth for fear is spareed becaus of the insisting upon rejoyceing the contrary Numbers The wildernes is implyed by the Heathen the endes of the earth and the confuseed world and her inhabitants that before the comming of the word unto them were without God in the world or any true judgement unto salvation to delight in Mark the repetition word judge justly c. They must needs therfor greatly rejoyce at the comming therof PSALM XCIX HOw bewtifull are the feet of him that preacheth good tideings and bringeth news of peace and salvation in his lips Now Righteousnes raigneth in the Ministers the Angels and Cheru●s woe bee to the Gentiles and nations of the Heathen And while God is so great in Zion and so farr exalted above them they were best to incline to his Kingdom and worship his Name that is so great so reverend and so holy For all the strength of a Kingdom is the lov●ing of Iudgement and prepareing
blessing and thanking magnifying and extolling the highe Name of the Eternall See the doubling of the word high rais set up above c. Is. 25. Deut. 20. And this also agreeth with Ghimel to requi●e or reward How God rewardeth prayer and thanks doe pay for Grace Deuteronomy The Name of God is his Law and his word which shineeth all over the world and the glory therof is compareed to the sunn in his cours Ps. 19. The true consideration heerof and dayly lectureing heerupon and invocation and consulting on the same is as prosperous to the baseer and conteinned sort of people which affect it as the Sunn is to make the grass to flowrish And cheerfull as Sarah for her sonn Isaak and as comfortable to the disconsolate ones See Name multiplyeed See h●ghe rais set up the words doubled The rehearsing is by the perpetuall celebration and praising of it It is a Name above all Names 1. Kings 8. Phil. 2. And this is a wonderfull work of kindenes which is his way c. Gods humiliation to resp●ct them Like a resurrection of them For the Mighty eff●ct of the Name Iah distributeed to Abram and Sara as before In exalting and multiplyeing of them And these bee the Words heer from Gen. 17. PSALM CXIV THer bee three things that cannot bee satisfyed and the fowerth can never have enough no more can the Law ever bee sufficiently glorifyed by sens and enriched by interpretation wherof ther is no end This psalme sheweth by way of example the effect of understanding the former When Israel had obteined the blessing and was redeemed from a base bondage and miserable slavery to bee great Lordes and Conquerors in Canaan and had Iudah for his Church and all Iacob for his Lordship how could they refrain to daunce and sing to see the Gentiles and the Hethen flye and Nations to turn their backs and kingdomes and Dominions to quake at their comming as Ps. 77. and presence of the God of Iacob that turneth hard placees of scriptures into smooth and easy doctrine for the hardnes of the letter such was the commotion and horrour of the Nations But for the spirituall sens it serveth for rejoyceing to the church for depth of imagination and greatn●s of his workes as Ps. 92. Also when the hard harts of savage men bee melted into water and tempered that they becom docible and affable and tractable by hearing the word And not continue as at Meribah Ps. 95. full of provokeing when all shadowes fly away and they continue with him with whom ther is no shadowing or varying or turning out of all horrour or fear or trouble or trembling in the holsom doctrine and righteousnes of the Law and cleer expositions and interpretation therof by separating and by putting away all confusion therby According to the Creation of sea and dry land Gen. 1. For uncovering to the Creator and rejoyceing before him Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to fetch a compass to com about again or returne Which is signifyed by Israel and Iacob repeated for their return likewise for the turning back of the river the daunceing of the hills and turning round of the earth for their comming home fullfilling the promiss the supplanting tripping of thē overthrowing and subverting turning the rocks c. contrary to the work in the former For all things are made to turn their cours clene contrary the mountains to moove the rocks to flow and rivers run back and the sea to give way Ex. 15. Gen. 15.46 Is. 11.43.48 Hab. 3. Jod a hand for bancks or shores or sides Daleth a door for turning backward and see the repetition of the words Iudah had the leading and commande Iohovah for mercy is not but Adon for Lord and rule Deuteronomy Hee mentioneth heer 4. mighty miracles in correcting of the creation at his pleasure for no cours nor estate is able to resist God his presence which hee promissed for a conductor in all the travail or keep his place or his way It is so terrible that no creature can abide it Iacobs own presence is also wonderfull which of so few as 70. in fower hundred yeeres grew to an army of six hundred thousand beside the women and children and aged It might fright the country wher they came and make them horred and their hair to stand upright to behold them c. What is it that a great Commander cannot New Lords new lawes and all upside-down And such are the wordes and Acts here ment as before in the Construction PSALM CXV NOtwithstanding the rejoyceing of the Church for the recovering of Canaan injoyeing the blessing and promiss yet in this Psalme they forget not to give all the glory therof to God and to his Name as Psal. 29.44 for his wonderfull works of kindenes and faithfullnes as Ps. 92. For his helping and defending of them in all distresses for remembring of them beeing in misery and blessing of them with the inheritance promissed Psal. 2. The cheeff strength and glory of the song the makeer of heaven and earth and owner of the highest heavens and of all the senses disposeer of the earth and dwelleth in heaven and doth whatsoever hee pleaseth That all the whole church both Laity and clergey and all that fear him or Profess him hee may bless all litle and great and much more abundantly them and their childeren after them in reproche of the heathen and their sensles Images that can doo nothing nor have their five wits or any witt about them And therfor becaus they that are worn out and are dead and are buryed in their travail can not prais him they that bee alive resolve to bless him and wish to prais him for ever In which Psalme is found the whole profession of godlines of faith and confession and thanks giveing of Glory and prayer and prais c. Spiritually to the Law of God and righteousnes therof and judgement therin that hath every point of atteinment conteined in it bee ascribeed this help and defence remembrance and blessing as Psal. 66. To the which therfor and in which bee the glory confidence and prais that hee wisheth the imployment of the senses which Imagees neither know nor doo therfor all the senses and wayes of blessing and prais bee ascribeed therunto Becaus for Idolatry the Heathen are turned out of doores and the Church for the fear of God and reverence of his Law are redeemed and made Heires that they give all glory therunto and put their trust in the righteousnes therof and commend it Becaus all the Senses are to bee implyed for judgement and the whole wisedom of Man resteth in the Law the Law is to bee glorifyed with all might And becaus by wisedom blessings are obteined it self is to bee re-applyed in all afflictions and to bee blessed for ever from the creation of heaven and earth Gen. 1. And this for the foolery of Idolatry that slayeth the Church with greeff Psalm 42.44
like By any strangenes in the constructiō you shal find the mystery he works every psalm to agree with the number of it by the significatiō of the letters becaus the letters in the tongue be so significant that it were absurd to neglect thē of frowardnes to thwart the allusion or to cross them Vnder such a cloud hee passeth and with such a vail hee revealeth The curiosity is not to bee wondred at yf you consider the diligence of the Masorites and Rabbins and their thirteen rules for the study of the Law He draweth all to the immortall life of the Law and the kingdom of God and the power and glory therof the way of Godlines and commendation therof for his title PRAISES yf this bee his way I have set your feet therin and I rejoyce As for my way first I have not versed the Psalms becaus they can carry no mystery with us becaus the coherence is scattered by the curiosity of the work that it is like a latine vers with great distance between the Concords neither can a psalm be construed but with relation from end to end I have cut them into three parts so much the better to conclude them by how much the greater the sections are for the gathering of the more sens before the pause The busines of every psalm beeing threefold the section naturally agreeth As a Proposition Example and Conclusion Mark the first psalm Such a one is happy How Like a tree c. And why Becaus or for c. So moste commonly the division will answer to thes questions what how and why though the psalm cannot bee cut precisely at the question My Quotations are ordered in three Columnes unversed for the multiplicity of them The first of Psalms the next of the Law and first Prophets to wit all the books to Isaiah The last all from Isaiah and likewise the new testament They are of as many kindes as ther can be questions somtimes for the language somtimes for sens somtimes for matter sometimes for form sometimes for phrase sometime for wordes and sometime for construction quality time or place c. by the points they are to bee applyed You shall know them by their fruit and shall soon see by the recommendation of places in the psalmes what profit will com of the rest of all the books yf they were requoted accordingly for so the vers may well be spared For variation of the letter both in word and Clause it manifesteth how the Construction goeth and accenteth the matter and sense of every Psalme and that in many respects The Capitals are for Generals to which all parts have relation And they are usually doubled and multiplyed that they may be noted The change in the Clause is a satisfaction to all question according as the stile declineth often doubled and multiplied also My arguments are of this sort first a representing of the psalme in proper or figurative language Secondly a Construction which applyeth it self wholely to the letters and exposition of them And thirdly how every psalm hath dependance from the first words of his proper book of the law And all is to revive the Prophet and bring his glory to light for a light unto all nations and a glory to our own God give Light and also Grace Farewell Thine in the Lord. A. T PRAYSES HAPPY is hee that followeth not wicked counsell nor continueth in a sinfull way nor can abide mockers but delighteth in the doctrine of the ETERNALL and thinketh upon his lessons day and night For hee shal be like a tree planted by the water-bróokes that giveth his fruit in his season whose leaves never wither and that bringeth all that ever it doth to good The wicked shall not be so but as the chaff which the winde driveth away therefore the wicked shall not indure in time of judgement nor Sinners among the Righteous for the ETERNALL will make the way of the Righteous plaine but the way of the wicked shall perish II. WHY doe the nations keepe such stirr and the people TALK so idley the Kings and Princes of the earth oppose themselves and joyne toge●her against the ETERNALL'S Anoynted Let vs breake their bandes and cast away their cordes The LORD in heaven doth but laugh at them And hee made them sore afraid when hee tolde them in his kindled anger I have appointed my King over Sion my holy Hill I will shew the Decree of the ETERNALL that saith of mee Thou art my Sonn this Day I begat thee Aske mee and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the worldes end for thy Posession thou shalt rull them with an iron rodd and beat them in pieces as a Potter his potts And now ye Kinges and Iudges of the erth beware and take heed serve the Eternall gladly with feare and trembling make much of the child least he be angry and yee perish quite away if his anger be but a litle kindled Happy are all they that put their trust in him III. A Psalme of David when hee fled from Absolom his Sonn O ETERNALL how many are mine afflictors how many rise against mee how many say of mee God hath no salvation for him surely Yet thou ô Eternall art a Buckler about mee my glory and holder vp of my head I complaine to the Eternall and hee heareth mee from his holy Hill Surely I ly down and sleep and wake againe for the Eternall susteineth mee I feare not if ten thousand people sett vpon mee and besiege mee round about vp ô Eternall and save mee ô God smite my wicked enemies on the cheek and break their teeth Salvation is with the ETERNALL and thy blessing vpon thy people surely IV. For the Maister in Musicque A Psalme of David O God my RIGHTEOVSNES heare mee when I cry and widden to mee in my destresse haue pitty on mee and heare my Prayer Men how long in repróch of my Glory will yee love vanity and invent falshood surely And be sure the ETERNALL severeth the Gratious one to himselfe the ETERNALL will heare mee when I cry vnto him Therefore sinn not in your murmuring bethink you in your mindes and imagine quietly on your bed surely Sacrifice sacrifices of RIGHTEOVSNES and trust in the ETERNALL Many desire to see som good doe thou ô ETERNALL open vpon vs the light of thy countenance thou shalt make mee merier in hart then they are at the great increase of their corne and wine and besides I shall ly down and sleep in quiet for
thou only ô ETERNALL makeest mee abide in safety V. For the Maister vpon the winde Musicque A Psalme of David O ETERNALL marke my wordes vnderstand my MEDITATION hearken to my complaint my KING and GOD when I pray vnto thee ô Eternall betimes in the morning heare my voice assoone as I awake and frame it to thee Because thou art not a God delighted in vvickednes neither doth any evill inhabit thee there stand no vain boasters in thy sight thou hatest all vvrong dooers thou destroyest Lyers bloudy and deceitfull men the Eternall abhorreth Therefore I in thy great Kindnesse come into thine house and in thy feare vvorship at thy holy Temple lead mee ô Eternall by thy RIGHTEOVSNES and make thy vvayes plain before mee because of mine Enimies for ther is no firme thing in their mouthes they are smoothe tonged and they haue throates like open Graues and thoughtes full of corruption Make them desolate ô God let them fall by their counsells beat them dovvne vvith their mighty trespasses for rebelling against thee that all that trust in thee and love thy Name may bee glad and reioyce in thee triumph in thy Protection for ever hovv thou blessest the Righteous ô Eternall and guárdest him vvith a gratious shield VI. For the Master in Song Musicque vpon the Octava A Psalme of David O ETERNALL rebuke me not in thine anger nor correct mee in thy choler have pitty on mee ô ETERNALL fór my bones be astónished and my mind much troubled because thou art so long Come ô ETERNALL release my life and save mee for thy Mercies sake for in death there is no thinking on thee and in the grave who shall thanke thee I am weary of my gronings every night I wet my bed and make my pallet flow with teares Mine eye-sight is decayed with griefe my coúlour is gone by mine enemies meanes away from mee all yee molesters the ETERNALL hath heard my weeping hath heard my supplication the ETERNALL accepteth my prayer Ashame and great astonishment be on all mine Enemies let them all come to sodaine shame VII Davids Song of Error which hee sang concerning Cush the Ieminite O ETERNALL ô my God save mee that put my trust in thee and deliver mee from all my pursuers least they teare mee and devoure mee like Lions and I haue no deliuerer ô ETERNALL my God if I haue don any such iniury if my handes haue don any such wrong as this if I haue rewarded him that payed m●e ill and requited him that tormented mee for nothing then surely let the Enimy pursúe mee and overtake mee and lay mine honour in the dust and tred my life on the ground Vp ô Eternall in thine anger advance thy selfe for my tormentors and let mee haue the iudgement which thou hast ordeined yea get thee vp on high with a number of people about thee the Eternall that iudgeth the folke iudge mee ô ETERNALL according to my RIGHTEOVSNES and perfection which is on mee O God thou IVST one examiner of the hart and reynes Let the malice of the wicked haue an end and set thou fast the Iust. My defence is vpon God that saveth the VPRIGHT in hart God is a iust Iudge and a severe God allwayes if a man return not he whets his sword and bends his bow and makes it ready and prepares him deadly weapons and makes his arrows for persecutors Lo hee that conceiueth pain and is great with sorrow and bringeth forth falshood deggeth a pitt and vndermineth it and falleth into it when hee hath made it His mischeeff commeth vpon his owne head and his cruelty lighteth on his owne crown I thank the Eternall for his IVSTICE and praise his most high Name VIII A Psalme of David for the Maister vpon the Gitt O ETERNALL our God how noble art thou in all the earth and worshipfull aboue the heavens thou hast made sucking children in respect of thine Afflictors able with their mouthes to put to silence the moste spitefull Enimy When I look vpon the hevens of thy fingers makeing and the Moon and the starrs of thine appointment I wonder thou hast such a minde to a wreched creature and lookest so well vnto man Thou hast made him want litle of God thou hast crowned him with Glory and worship Thou makest him ruller ouer thy work and puttest all vnder him all sheep and oxen and beasts and foul and fish travailing the pathes of the seas ô Eternall our God how noble art thou in all the erth IX For the Maister of Musicque vpon the Death of the Sonn I Thank the ô ETERNALL with all my hart and set foorth all thy wonders thou madeest mee exceeding glad and to chaunt out thy Name ô Moste-highe for turning mine enimies back which fell and perished before thee for thou hast giuen foorth my iudgement and sentence like a righteous Iudge thou hast chid the Heathen and destroyed the wicked wipeed out their name for euer and all Thou hast broken down their Citties they be consumed and ly waste and their memory is perished for euer The ETERNALL sitteth euer ready for iudgement to iudge the world righteously sentence the people iustly and to bee a refuge for the oppressed a refuge at times of destresse and let them that know thy name trust in thee for thou forsakest none that seek thee ô ETERNALL Chaunt yee to the ETERNALL in Sion tell the people his excellent acts How hee that findes out blood will remember them not forget the cry of the poore Haue pitty on mee ô ETERNALL behold my oppression by them that hate mee ô thou that takeest mee vp from deathes dore That I may shew all thy PRAISES in the gates of Sion beeing glad of thy saluation The Heathen are sunk into the pitt which they made themselues and are caught in a nett of their owne laying Surely the SENTENCE of the ETERNALL that doth iudgement is manifest The wicked is snareed by the work of his owne handes thought also The wicked shall goe to Hell and all Nations that forget God but the poore shall not still be forgottē nor the hope of the afflicted perish for euer Vp ô Eternall let not woefull men prevaile let the Heathen be iudged in thy sight teách
are before thee and pleasures at thy right hand for euer XVII A Prayer of David O ETERNALL marke well my righteous cry and heare my prayer with vndeceitfull lips I will bee iudged by thee thine eyes behold the right which proovest and seest my hart in the night and tryest mee to the vttermost I meane not to overshoot with my mouth by the word of thy lips I take heed to the workes and pathes of the ROBBER keep my steps in thy high wayes that my feet slip not When I call thee answer mee ô thou Mighty one turn thine eare to mee heare my Saying Thou that savest by thy right hand them that relye theron conceal mee by thy Kindenesses from them that rise vp against mee Keep mee as the aple of thine eye hide mee in the shaddovv of thy vvinges from my vvicked Enimies that in minde cast about to destroy mee vvith their mouthes they speak svvelling vvordes vvhich are closed vp vvith their fatt Novv they goe round about mee vvach to lay mine vpright steps an the ground like Lions grady of prey and Lions vvhelps lying close in their dens Vp ô ETERNALL and stand before him make him crouch and by thy svvord reskue my life from the VVicked by thy hand ô Eternall reskue mee from vvorldly men that haue their part in this life and haue their bellies full of thy store and their Children haue enough and leaue their residue for their babes after them for when I awake and behold in RIGHTEOVSNES the Image of thy countenance I am satisfyed XVIII By the Cheeff by David cheeff Servant of the ETERNALL who vttered to the ETERNALL the wordes of this Song when the ETERNALL delivered him from the gripeing of all his enimyes and from the handes of Saul and sayd I yeeld thee mercy ô ETERNALL my fortification the ETERNALL that is my Rock and my Fortresse my Reskuer my Might and Safegard my Defence my Releeff and Horne of Salvation in whom I relyed I called on the ETERNALL who is to be praised and I was saved from mine Enimies Deadly sorrowes compassed mee whole floodes of the wicked frighted mee the very cordes of Hell were round about mee and snares of death before mee In my destresse I called on the ETERNALL who hard my voyce in his Temple my shoute before him came into his eares And the erth quaked and gaue a crack the foundations of the Hills stirred and they quaked for it kindled him his anger smoked and wax● a fire out of his mouth and devoured the coales burnt by it He bowed the Heavens came downe with mirknesse vnder his feet rideing and flying vpon Cherub and spread vpon the winges of the winde hideing himselfe in darknes and covering himselfe all about with the thicke watery cloudes of the sky At his brightnes his cloudes went haile stones and coles of fire and the Eternall thundered in heauen and the High-one gaue his clap and sent abroade all his arrowes and disturbed them with haile stones and coales of fire and great lightnings At thy rebuke ô Eternall at the blasting breth of thine Anger the water chanels were seen dry and the foundations of the world were revealed Who sent from an high and tooke mee and drew mee out of the great waters and deliuered mee from my mighty Enimies and foes that were to strong for mee and had advantage over mee in my calamity But the Eternall was the staff I leaned on and hee brought mee foorth into a large place and released mee because hee delighted in mee The Eternall restored mee according to my RIGHTEOVSNES and rewarded mee according to the cleanes of my handes because I keep the wayes of my God the ETERNALL and haue not wickedly-swarved from him for all his Iudgements are by mee and I cast not his prescriptions from mee and I am whole with him and keep mee from mine iniquity and the ETERNALL hath rewarded mee according to my righteousnes and purenes of my handes before him Thou with the kinde art moste kinde with the intire moste intire with the pure moste pure with the froward moste perverse because thou savest the opp●essed people and humblest the proud lookes because thou lightedst my candle and my God the ETERNALL cleered my darknes For by thee my God I runn leaping on the garreson wall The way of the Almighty is perfect and the Saying of the ETERNALL a tryed saying Hee is a DEFENDOVR of all that rely on him For what God or what safegard is there beside● our God the ETERNALL The Almighty that girded mee with valour made my way perfect makeing my feet like hindes feet to stand vpon my high places that teacheth my handes for bataile and mine armes to breake a bow of steel For thou gauest mee the shield of thy Saluation and heldest mee vp with thy right hand and with thy lowlines hast made mee great Thou madest broad my footsteps vnder mee and my ancles reeld not I pursued mine Enimies and overtook them and turned not again till I had made an end of them I wounded them that they cold not stand but fell vnder my feet for thou girdedst mee with valour for battaile thou hast bowed downe vnder mee them that rose vp against mee thou gavest mee the neck of mine Enimies and them that hatched mee and I dissolued them They shouted and there was no Saviour vpon the ETERNALL but hee answered them not I layd them like durte in the street and beat them as small as dust before the winde thou savedst mee from the contendings of people Thou settest mee cheeff among the Hethen a people that I knew not served mee as sone as they heard of mee they obeyed mee Strangers revolted to mee the forein fadeed away and shrunk from their holdes Let the ETERNALL live and blessed bee my Defendour and the God of my Saluation bee exalted The God that giveth mee revenge and commandeth nations vnder mee that reskeweth mee from mine Enimies yea thou takest mee vp from mine Insurrectours and deliuerest mee from the iniurious man Therefore I will thanke the ô ETERNALL and sing praise vnto thy Name among the Hethen The ETERNALL that gives his King so greate salvation and sheweth such kindenes to his annointed to David and his seed for ever XIX For the Cheeff A Psalme of David THE Hevens declare the glory of God and the FIRMAMENT setteth
out his handy worke Day vpon day and night vpon night it vttereth speech and manifesteth knowledge and in all languages their tonge is vnderstood For their Rulles goe over all the erth and their wordes are heard in the farthest part of the worlde In them hath hee made a dwelling for the SVNN that riseth like a Bridegroome coming out of his Bride Chamber cheerfull like a strong man to runn a race The end of all the Hevens is his going out and his compasse towards the endes thereof that nothing can be hid from the heat thereof The LAW of the ETERNALL is most perfect and converteth the minde his Testimony is faithfull to advise the simple The Statutes of the ETERNALL are plain and cheere the hart The Commandement of the ETERNALL is pure and lighteneth the eyes the feare of the ETERNALL continueth euer cleare the Iudgements of the ETERNALL are true and Iust. They are better to mee then gold yea then much fine gold and sweeter then honny and the dropping of the honny combes Yea by them is thy Servant warned and for keeping of them I haue good reward There is no man that vnderstandeth all his owne faultes wherefo●e clense mee from my hidden ones and restrain thy Servant from proud presumptions that they doe not overcome mee That I may be perfect and cleere of much transgression and all my wordes and thoughts be in acceptation before thee ô ETERNALL my Creator and Redeemer XX. For the Cheeff A Psalme of David THE ETERNALL heare thee in thy destresse the CALLING vpon the God of Iacob fortifie thee and send the help from his Holy place and support from Sion and thinke vpon thy meat offerings and fatten thy burnt offerings surely and giue the thy hartes desire and fullfill thy minde That wee may sing out vpon thy salvation and in the NAME of our God put vp our coulours Now I know the Eternall saveeth his anointed by the vertuous salvation of his right hand and heareth him from the heavens of his Sanctuary Som set their mindes on chariots and som on horses but wee make allwayes mention of the NAME of our God the Eternall They haue crouched and are fallen but wee stand vp and are yet remaining The ETERNALL save the King and heare vs when wee call XXI For the Cheeff A Psalme of David O ETERNALL let the King reioyce in thy STRENGTH and be very glad for thy Salvation Thou hast given him what his heart could wish and denyed him nothing that his lips requested Surely Thou hast set before him many blessings and hast put a crowne of fine gold vpon his head and thou hast giuen him the life hee asked of thee long dayes everlasting and perpetuall Great is his glory by thy Salvation worship and honour thou hast layd vpon him because thou puttest vpon him blessings perpetually and makest him cheerfull before thee and seing the King trusteth in the ETERNALL by the Grace of the moste High hee shall not bee mooved Let thy hand finde out all thine Enimies and thy right hand them that hate thee Sett them as a firy oven at the time of thy presence that the ETERNALL in his anger may devour them and his fire consume them Destroy their fruit and let their seed fade away from among men for intending euill against thee and imagining mische●ff beyond their might Set them as a butt and vpon thy string make ready against their facees Be thou exalted ô ETERNALL in thy STRENGTH that wee may sing out thy power and chaunt thy worthynes XXII For the Cheeff vpon Ajeleth Hashahar A Psalme of David MY God my mighty God why hast thou left mee and art farre from my Salvation considering my roaring My God I cry all day and thou answerest not and all night and haue no attendance and thou the Holy one that inhabitest all the PRAYSES of Israel In thee our Fathers trusted and thou reskuedst them to thee they cryed and were delivered in thee they trusted and were never abashed But I am as a worm and not a man the skorn of men and the basest of all the people every one that seeth mee mocketh mee and they lett passe with their lips wagging their heads Hee trusted in the ETERNALL let him reskew him let him deliver him because hee hath delight in him Because thou wast my creeping out of the belly and my trust vpon my mothers brest vpon thee was I cast from the bearing and thou hast been my MIGHTY God from my Mothers womb ô bee not thou farre from mee when my destresse is at hand and there is none to help mee Many mighty bulles of Bashan inviron mee about they com with open mouthes vpon mee like roaring and preying Lions My bones are fallen out of ioint my hart is like molten wax in the midle of my bowells and I am powered out like water my virtue is as dry as a sheard and my tong steeks to my iawes and thou puttest mee even in the dead dust For a company of malitious doggs are come about mee and like Lions teare mee hand and foot They stand looking on mee while I tell all my bones they divide my clothes among them and cast lotts for my garments but thou ô ETERNALL be not farre from mee make haste to help mee ô my MIGHTY-ONE Deliver my life from the sword and my solitary soul from the doggs save mee from the Lions denn and from the Vnicorns hornes receive mee I may declare thy Name to my Bretheren and in the midle of the congregation praise thee All yee that feare the ETERNALL praise yee him yee that are of Iacobs SEED glorifie him and all yee the SEED of Israel stand in aw of him For he doth not despise nor disdain the MISERY of the afflicted nor hideeth his face from him but heareth him when hee cryeth vnto him From thee shall bee my Praise in the great Congregation and I will pay my vows before them that feare him that the lowly ones may eat their fill they that seek him praise the ETERNALL that your harts may be refreshed perpetually Let all the endes of the erth haue minde to com to the ETERNALL and all families of the Hethen worship before thee For all KINGDOM is the ETERNALLS hee rulleth the Nations Let all the ashes of the erth worship and eat and all that are going to dust and they whose liues haue no
HAPPY is the man whos Trespasse is forgiuen and his Sinn concealed whom the ETERNALL chargeth not with Iniquity and in whos minde is no deceipt I CRYED dayly till I was hoarse and my bones Withered for thy hand was heavy vpon mee and my Moisture is overthrouwn as with a great Sommers drought surely I shewed thee my Sinnes and concealed not mine Iniquities I meant to confesse my Sinnes vnto the ETERNALL and thou forgavest the Iniquity and my Sinne surely Therefore let every Godly-One pray vnto thee when thou mayest be found lesse when Trobles arise they cannot com at him ô thou that art my Skonse and Hideing-place preserve mee from Destresse rescue them that CRY and gard mee su●ely I vvill vvise thee and teach thee vvhat VVAY to goe and vvill tend on thee vvith mine eyes if yee be not like a Horse and Asse voyd of all vnderstanding to be tyed vvith bitts in their mouthes and bridles on their heads to keep them from thee For the Sorrowes of the Wi●ked are great and many but he that TRVSTETH in the ETERNALL GRACE and LOVEING-KINDENES shall environ him Now reioyce and be glad in the ETERNALL yee IVST-ONES and T●iumph all yee that be of an vpright minde XXXIII TRIVMPH in the ETERNALL all yee that be IVST for the PRAYSE of Vpright men is goodly sing to the ETERNALL with the Harp play vnto him with ten-stringed Viols sing a New song vnto him and play your loudest Musicque For the WORD of the ETERNALL is moste certain and all his WORKES are sure The ETERNALL loveth IVSTICE and RIGHTE and all the erth is full of his GRACIOVS GOODNES By the VVORD of the ETERNALL the Heavens vvere made and by his Breth all their Host he heaped vp the vvaters of the Sea and layed vp the bottomlesse Deeps in Treasures Stand in aw of the ETERNALL and feare him all people of the world for what hee sayth that shall bee and what soever hee Appointeth that shall stand The ETERNALL frustrateth the counsell of the Hethen and bringeth the peoples devises to nothing But the Counsel of the ETERNALL stande●h for ever and his Devises indure still from one age to another and happy is the Nation that hath the ETERNALL their GOD and the People whom hee chuse●h for his Inheritance The ETERNALL LOOKETH out of Heaven from his dwe●ling Seat vpon all the Children of men that dwell in the world hee that both formed their hartes and is cunning in all their WORKES and Loe A King is not saved by the greatnes of his Army nor a Strong-man deliuered by his great strength A Horse is a vain thing for Salvation and cannot free for all his great Might But the EYE of the ETERNALL is vpon them that feare him and vvait for his LOVING-KINDENES To deliuer them from Death and releeve them in Famine Our Soul waiteth for ●he ETERN hee is our Help and Shield of Defence and because our Hart is delighted in him and our whole TRVST is in his holly NAME let thy mercy ô ETERNALL be vpon vs as our hope is in thee XXXIV A Psalme of David vpon his changing of his Behaviour before Abimelek or Achish King of Gath then when hee banished him hee went his way I Will ever thank the ETERN and allways PRAIS him with my mouth I my selfe will glory in him that the Lowly may be glad to heare it come magnify the ETERN with mee let vs extoll his NAME together for I sought out for the ETERN and hee answered mee and deliuered mee from all my Terrors Therefore let them look cheerfully vpon him and not be ashamed for this poore oppressed one in his affliction CRYED and the ETERN hard him and saved him out of all his Destresses The Angel of the ETERN will pitch about them that FEAR him and release them Now consider and mark how GOOD the ETERNALL is and how HAPPY is the MAN that relyeth on him Feare the ETERNALL all his Saintes For they shall vvant nothing that FEARE him the Lions vvhelps shall goe lean for vvant of meat and pine avvay for hunger but they that SEEK the ETERN shall not vvant any thing that is good Com then my Children and harken to mee and lett mee TEACH you the FEARE of the ETERNALL If you loue to liue long and loue to see many dayes Keep your Tonges from ill communication and your lips from speaking Deceipt medle vvith nothing that is ill but doe that vvhich is good seek after Peace and pursue it For the ETERN looketh tenderly to the IVST and hath a tender eare to their shouting VVhen they Crye hee heereth them and deliuereth them from all their Destresses But hee will look angry toward them that doe ill and will cutt off their Remembrance out of the Earth The ETERN is neer to them that be broken-harted and will save them of oppressed mindes for many are the Woes of the IVST-ONE but the ETER will deliuer him from them all and will keep him that not a bone of him shall be broken Som Mischeeff shall make an end of the Wicked and slay him and they that hate the IVST shall waste away but the ETERNALL will redeem his Servants life and none that relye on him shall be waste-ed XXXV Of DAVID DOE thou maintaine my Quarell ô ETERNALL and fight thou my Battell ô take vp thy Shield and Buckler and com and help mee draw out thy Speare and arme thee to meet my Pursuers Say to my life I will be thy SALVATION Let them be ashamed that seek my life and retire with sharp reproche that thinke mee ill and be like dust before the winde and the Angel of the ETERN driveing them let their WAY be in dark and slippery Place-es and the Angel of the ETERN to pursue them at the heeles Because they haue hid a Net in the Pitt for mee vndeserved and vndermined for my Life without a Cause Bring a RVINE on them that they be not ware of and let their owne Net that they have layed take themselues and by it let them fall into the same Ruine So my Soul shall be glad and reioyce in the SALVATION of the ETERNALL All my bones shall cōfesse There is none like
hee shall take nothing in his death nor shall his Glory descend after him Because hee made much of himselfe in his Life and men did set thee out because it went well with thee thou shallt enter into the Generation of his Fathers that Never shall see Lighte more till Everlasting Men in Honour vvithout VNDERSTANDING perish like vnto dumbe Beastes and there is noe talk of them L. A Psalm of Asaph THE most mighty GOD the ETERNALL hath SPOKEN and called the world from the East even to the West from moste faire Sion hee hath made to SHINE that our GOD will com not linger with a consumeing Fire before him a horrible Scorching round about him Hee will CALL vnto the Heaven aboue the Erth to IVDGE his People Gather to mee ô my Saintes doing my Covenant vvith Sacrifice for surely GOD himself is IVDGE and the Heavens shall tell his IVSTICE Hear ô my People Israel and I thy very GOD vvill SPEAKE protest of thee I approove thee not for thy Sacrifices nor thy burnt offrings vvhich are perpetually before mee I vvill none of the Bullocks of thy House nor of the Male goates of thy Folds for every Forest of Catell is mine and all the Beastes in a thousand Hills I knovv all the Foule of the Hills and the vvilde Beastes of the Feeld are vvith mee If I be hungry I vvill not tell thee for the vvhole Chaos is mine all the Implements thereof VVhat Doe I eat Bulls flesh or drink the blood of Hee-goates Sacrifice to GOD Thanksgiveing and to the moste Highe Soveraigne paye thy Vovves if thou CALL vpon mee J release thee in time of Distresse and thou shalt glorifie mee And to the Wicked GOD SAYED What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinance takeing my Covenant in thy mouth seeing thou hate-est correction and castest my COMMANDEMENTS behinde thee If thou see-est a Theeff and runnest with him and hast thy Part with Adulterers thou settest thy mouth on Evill and with thy Tonge dost plot Deceipt thou sittest and speakest against thy Brother and slaunderest thine owne Mothers sonne These things thou doest because I hold my peace thou imaginest that I am as thou art I vvill reproove thee and reckon with thee to thy face I praye vnderstand THIS all yee that think not on GOD Lest J consume you and ther be none to deliver you Hee that sacrificeeth Thanksgiving doth Glorifie mee and J vvill putt him in the VVAYE and shevv him the SALVATION of GOD. LI. For the Cheeff A Psalme of David When Nathan the Prophet came to him as hee went in vnto Bath Shebah HAVE pitty on mee ô GOD according to thy LOVEING KINDENES and according to thy great MERCYES wipe away my Trespasses wash mee well from mine iniquity make mee clean from all my Sinne for I know my Trespasses and my Sinnes are ever before mee Towards thee onely haue I sinned and thee onely have I displeaseed that all that thou SPEAKE-EST and JVDGE-EST may be right and cleer Behold in Iniquity vvas J born in Sinn my Mother conceiued mee Loe thou delightest in the TRVTHE of the Loynes therefore teache mee the WISDOM that is moste inward Purge mee with Isop that I may be clean wash mee that I may be whiteer then Snow let mee heare some ioye gladnes that the bones that thou hast broke-en may reioyce ô hide thy face from my Sinnes and wipe away all mine Iniquityes make mee a clean Hart ô GOD and renew a perfect Minde within mee ô cast mee not away from thy Presence nor take thou thy holly Spirit from mee Bring mee the Ioy of thy SALVATION And with thy free Spirit vphold mee that I may teach Trespassers thy WAYES Sinners how to com vnto thee O GOD O GOD of my SALVATION deliver mee from blood that my Tonge may sounde out thy RIGHTEOVSNES ô LORD open my Lips that my Mouth may tell out thy PRAYSE For thou hast noe Delighte in Sacrifice Offering thou wilt none if I would giue it The SACRIFICES of GOD are a Contrite Spirit GOD setteth by a broken and an afflicted hart ô mend vp Sion in thy favour and build vp the Walles of Ierusalem that then they may offer vp Bullocks vpon thine Altar and thou mayest delighte in righte Sacrifices and in perfect offerings LII For the Cheeff A Mascil of David How Doeg the Edomite told Saul and sayd to him David is com to Abimeleks House WHY dost thou allwayes glory in MISCHEEFF and in the DBTESTATION of the Almigthy ô Stout-man Thou vvorkeest Greeff vvith thy tonge like a keen rasor doeing Deceipt Thou lovest Naughtynes better then Goodnes to speake false rather then righte Surely Thou lovest all devouring talke O deceiptfull Tonge Even so GOD shall throw thee down for ever prostrate thee and pull thee out of thy Tent and root thee out of the world for ever Surely and the RIGHTEOVS shall see it and Feare and LAVGHE vpon him Loe this is the Stout man that put not GOD his Confidence and trusted in his great Riches and had confidence in his Substance But I like a green olive-tree in the House of GOD will trust in the LOVEING KINDENES of GOD evermore I will thank thee for ever for that thou hast don and because thy NAME is good I will tary in presence of thy Saintes for ever LIII For the Cheeff ouer the Chore A Mascil of DAVID THE Ignorant fool THINKETH in his minde ther is no GOD They doe all manner of abominable filthly vvrong and none doth good GOD looked out of Heaven vpon all Human men to see vvhether ther vvere any DISCREET man seeking after GOD and all vver gon back and all becom stinking Reprobats together none doeing good noe not one Doe not the workers of Greeff know they eat vp my People like meat vvhen they CALL not vpon GOD Where they feare a FEARE ther is no feare because GOD hath dispersed the bones of thy besieger thou make-est them abashed as if GOD had cast them off GOD graunt that Iacob may be once glad and Israel REIOYCE out of Sion the SALVATION of Israel when GOD shall bring again the captivity of his People LIV. For the Cheeff in
winges when I remember and think on thee vpon my bed in the Waches how thou hast been my HELPE My SOVLE cleeveth after thee thy righte hand holdeth mee while they that seek my LIFE are vnder the Earth and are shaken and com to nothing they that prouoke the KING by the sword are becom meat for foxes and let the KING reioyce in GOD and every Devout man glory in him because the mouth of them that speak Treason is stopped LXIV For the Cheeff A Psalm of DAVID O GOD in my Complaining hear my VOYCE Preserue my Life from Dread of the Enimyes hide me from the secret counsell of Naughty men and from the Conuent of them that be vvorkers of Greeff vvhich vvhet their Tonges like Svvordes dravve their Arrovves BITTER vvords priuily to hit the PERFECT man they shoot at him on a Suddain and fear not VVhich comfort themselues in an ill matter vvhich reckon to hide Snares and SAY Noe man shall see them they make a vvonderfull serche to finde out VVronges and the Invvard Thoughtes of a Man and the Bottom of his Hart and so let GOD shoot them and Soudain Arrovves be their strokes And let their ovvne Tonges that offend him fall vpon themselues that all may start that look vpon them and all men be afrayd and declare GODS VVORKE and consider and Lerne his DOING That the IVST man may REIOYCE in the ETERNALL relyeing in him and they Glory that are of an vpright minde LXV A Psalm for the Cheeff A Song of David FOR thee ô GOD abideth PRAYSE in Sion to thee be all Vowes performed ô thou that hearest PRAYER euen to thee let all flesh com for thou reconcile-est our Trespasses and pardonest the Iniquityes that ouercame mee HAPPY is hee whom thou chuse-est and entertainest to dwell in thy Courtes to satisfye vs with the GOODNES of thy House and Closet O Holly one Fearefull things shouldest thou Answer vs in IVSTICE O GOD of our SALVATION the TRVST of all the endes and Longinquityes of Land and Sea With the Girdle of his Power and EXCELLENCE which fasteneth the Hills and stilleth the proude waves of the Seas and Roaring of the Nations and the Inhabitants of the Endes and Issues of Morning Evening which are afrayed of thy Signes thou make-est to Triumph Thou lookest on the Erth and makest it runn full of water O GOD thou greatly inrichest it with Rivers thou prepare-est their corn for to that end thou ordeynedst it O wet her furrowes break her clodes dissolv it with Showers bless her Chisming crown the yeer with thy GOODNES that thy cart routes may flow with fatnes and drop Dwellings in the Wildernes and the Hills gird on Gladnes and the Plaines put on sheep and the Vales be clad with corne that they may triumph and Sing LXVI For the Cheeff A Psalm Song SHOVT vnto GOD all the Eearth SING PSALMES of his Glorious NAME set out his Glorious PRAYSE SAYE vnto GOD How fearfull is thy doing by thy great STRENGTH are thine Enimyes subdued vnto thee all the erth doe worship thee and make Hymnes vnto thee they chaunt out thy NAME surely Com and beholde the WORKES of GOD hee hath terrible INVENTION for the Children of men hee turneth the Sea into Dry Land that they went over the River on foot wher wee reioyced in him Hee rulle-eth the World by his EXELLENCE his Eyes wach over the People and let not the Rebellious exalt themselue Surely Blesse our GOD yee People Sound out the VOICE of his PRAYS that hath put our Soules in LIFE and not suffered our feet to slipp For thou hast prooved vs ô GOD and tryed vs like Silver thou hast brought vs into the Toyle and pressed our Loynes thou hast made men ride ouer our Heades vvee haue gon through fire vvater and thou broughtest vs out to a REFRESHING and I vvill goe into thy House vvith OFFERINGS I vvill pay the my Vovves vvhich my Lips opened and my mouth SPAKE in my Distresse I vvill offer Offerings of Rams fat and Incense vnto thee and I vvill Sacrifice Bullocks and Buck-Goates surely Com hearken all yee that fear GOD and I vvill TELL you vvhat hee hath don for mee I Cryed vnto him with my Mouth and he was much exalted vnder my tonge If I see any molestation in my hart the LORD hear mee not J assure you GOD hearkened to mee and hard the VOICE of my PRAYER Blessed be GOD vvhich put not avvaye my PRAYER nor hath taken avvay his KINDENES from mee LXVII For the Cheeff in Song Musicque A Psalme Song GOD be gratious vnto vs and blesse vs and LIGHTEN vs with his COVNTENANCE surely that they may knowe the WAYE of SALVATION among all Nations of the world that the People may confesse thee O GOD that all People may confesse thee That all Nations may Reioyce Triumph that thou Iudgest the People and leadest the folke rightely and discreetly surely That the People may confesse thee ô GOD that all People may confesse thee Our own GOD blesse vs that the Earth may giue her Abundance of increase GOD blesse vs that all out-coastes of the Earth may fear him LXVIII For the Cheeff of DAVID A Psalm Song LET GOD arise and let his Enimyes be skatered and they that hate him flee before him Drive them away like smoke and as wax melteth before the fire so let the WICKED perish before GOD. That the RIGHTEOVS may reioyce that they may leap before GOD and REIOYCE with ioy ô SING vnto GOD CHAVNT out his NAME strew vnto him that ride-eth in the Deserts and in his NAME ETERNALL vawnt and skip before him A father of the fatherles and a Husband of the Widowes is GOD in his holly MANSION hee teacheth to keep house alone hee bringeth out the Restrained in to commodious places but the wayward ones abide still in Droughth O GOD when thou wentest out before thy People when thou marchedst in the Wildernes surely the Earth shook in Sinai and the Heavens dropped from the very GOD of Israel thou droppedst liberall showers ô GOD thou confirmedst thine Inheritance when it was weery thy Congregation dwelt ther ô GOD and thou didest PROVIDE for the Oppressed My LORD gaue his word and ther
was a Great ARMY of MESSENGERS and warly Kings fled they fled and the Good wife of the House diuided the spoile Will you lye in your Cotes with your silver gold plate-ed fethers yee Culver-winges while the ALSVFFICIENT snoweth Kings in Salmon and spreds them on it the HILL of GOD the HILL Bashan the HILL Bashan MOVNT GABHNVNIM why vrge yee the HILLS GABHNVNIM a Hill that GOD listeth to haue for his Seat Yea the ETERNALL will abide ther for ever The Chariots of GOD are twenty Millions of Souldiers and my LORD in the middes of them in the Sanctuary of Sinai Thou surmountest to the High-est thou takest captive and receivest Ransomes for men and also the Wayward ones are to abide still O GOD ETERNALL blessed be my LORD the GOD of my SALVATION when wee are burdned surely Our GOD is the GOD of SALVATION and the ISSVES of Death are my LORD the ETERNALLS but GOD will wound the head of his Enimyes and the hairy crown of him that walketh in his Crimes My LORD SAYED I vvill bring thē againe from BASHAN I will bring them againe from the Bottom of the Deep Sea That thou mayest blood thy feet and vvet the tonges of thy Doges in the blood of thine Enimyes They savv thy GOINGS ô GOD and Hovv my GOD and KING marched in his SANCTVARY Singers goe before and Minstrels follovv and in the midle are maydes tabouring vvith Tabors in the Congregations they blessed GOD they blessed the LORD from the Fountain of Israel Ther is litle Benjamin their Commander vvith the Princes of Iudah the Prince-es of Zabulon and Prince-es of Neph Taly their band Thy GOD send thy STRENGTH The strength ô GOD vvhich thou hast vvrought for vs out of thy Temple vpon Ierusalem that KINGS may vvaft giftes vnto thee CHASTICE thou the beastes vvith the reed and the herd of the mighty bulls vvith the Calues of the People that creep for peeces of mony Let him scatter the Nations that delight in vvars that Prince-es may com from Egypt Ethopia send her hand Post vnto GOD Yee KINGDOMES of the Erth SING vnto GOD CHAVNT out my LORD surely SING to him that ride-eth in the Ancient Heauens beholde vvith his VOYCE hee gaue a mighty VOYCE O giue STRENGTHE vnto GOD for Israel his highth and his STRENGTH in the Skyes My GOD terrible out of thy SANCTVARYES the Mighte of Israel that Giueth STRENGTH and FORTITVDE to his People Blessed be GOD. LXIX For the Cheeff vpon Shoshamin of David O Save mee ô GOD the waters are come euen to my SOVLE I steek fast in the deep mire and ther is no Standing I am come into the deep Waters and the Currents drowne mee I am weery of CALLING my throat is hoarse mine Eyes are spent with waiting for my GOD my Haters for nothing are more then the Haires of my Head and my Traytorous Enimyes exceed my Lockes that I restored that which I stole not O GOD thou knowest my Folly and my faultes be not hid from thee ô my LORD let thē not be abashed of mee that waite for thee ô warlike ETER GOD of the Hostes of Israel Let not them that seek thee be reproched by mee seeing I bear reproche for thee and my face is covered with shame I am a strange-er to my Bretheren ●nd vnknown to my Mothers children for the Zeal of thy House devoured mee the Reproche-es of thy Reproches falling vpō mee My body fasted I wept that was a reproche to mee I put on Sack-cloth and they flouted mee they sit in their Doores and talke of mee and the Ale-drinkers rhime vpon mee And I with my PRAYER to the ETERNALL ô GOD when it pleaseth thee for thy great KINDENES TRVTHE of thy SALVATION Hear mee O Deliuer mee out of the Durt and let mee not steek fast let mee be deliuered from my Hate-ers and from the vvater-vvhirle-pooles let not the Currents overflovv mee let not the Deep svvallovv mee let not the Pit close her mouth vpon mee Consider mee ô ETERNALL of thy bountifull KINDENES and of thy great Mercyes look vpon mee and hide not thy face from thy Seruant vvhen I am in Distresse hye and Consider mee Com neer vnto my SOVLE ransom it com neer because of mine Enimyes and redeeme mee Thou knovvest my Reproche-es my Bashfullnes and Shame all my vvrongers are before thee Reproche and Greeff hath broken my Harte I looked for escapeing and ther vvas none I looked for Comforters and I finde none but they put Gall in my feeding and giue mee viniger to Drinke for my thirst O let their tables before them be a Trap and their freendly Truce-es a tileed Snare let their Eyes be dark from seeing it and make their Loynes allvvayes tumble povver vpon them thy vvrath let the Kindling of thy COVNTENANCE ouertake them Let their Tyrets be vvaste and noe man dvvell in their Tents and because they pursue him vvhom thou hast strooken and reckoned to greev thy Slaine Put thou VVRONG vpon their VVRONG let them neuer com into thy RIGHTE Let them be vvipe-ed out of the Book of Life and vvith the IVST let them neuer be vvritten and I beeing in Misery and Greeff that thy SALVATION may releeue mee that I may PRAYSE and Magnify the NAME of GOD vvith Songs of THANKSGIVING and it shall please the ETERNALL better then a yong horned clouen footed ox bullock That the LOVVLY may see it and reioyce and yee that seek GOD it may reuiue your hartes that the ETERNALL hearkeneth to the Poore and despiseth not his Prisoners That the Heauens and Earth and Sea and all that creepeth in them may Prayse him for GOD vvill saue Sion and build the Cittyes of Iudah that they may dvvell there and possess it and that the SEED of his Seruants that Loue his NAME may inherit it and abide in it for euer LXX For the Cheeff of David for Remembrance O GOD ETERNALL make haste to deliver mee and help mee that they may be abashed and confounded that seek my Life and be turned back with Reproche that would hurt mee Let them returne with shame that SAYE ô Sir ô Sir that all that seek thee and loue thy SALVATION may be glad and reioyce in thee and all way SAY GOD be great And I being wreched and needdy ô
GOD haste-en to mee and thou my HELP and RESCVER ô ETERNALL make noe tarying LXXI IN thee ô ETERNALL doe I RELYE let me never be abashed by thy RIGHTEOVSNES deliver mee and RESCVE mee turne thine Eare to mee and SAVE mee Be thou my strong Hold to receiue mee allwayes and being my ROCK and GARISON send out to save mee Rescue mee ô GOD from the hand of the WICKED and from the gripes of the levened WRANGLER For thou art my HOPE and TRVST ô my LORD ETERNALL from my youth Vpon thee was I layed from my Mothers belly and thou wast my TAKER from her Bowels and my PRAYSE shall allwayes be of thee I am a Wonder to many that thou art my strong RELYE and that my mouth is dayly full of thy PRAYSE and DECENCYE ô cast mee not off in time of old-age nor forsake mee as my strength faileth Because mine Enimyes SAY of mee and the Observers of my Life are consulted together SAYING GOD hath forsaken him Pursue him take him for ther is none to deliuer him ô GOD be not farr from mee ô my GOD make haste to my HELP that they may be quite abashed and they that are against my Life and they that seek my hurt may put on REPROCHE and SHAME And I will allwayes WAITE and put more continually to all thy PRAYSES my Mouth shall dayly declare thy RIGHTEOVSNES and thy SALVATION For I know noe Number of them I will come with all my MIGHTE and make Mention of thy singular IVSTICE O my LORD ETERNALL O GOD thou hast taught mee from my youth and hitherto to set foorth thy mervillous WORKES and also at my old-age forsake mee not till I TELL of thy MIGHTY ARME to all Generations to come and thy RIGHTEOVSNES O GOD to the Highest VVhat great things thou hast don O GOD that ther is none like thee VVhich hast shevven mee many Distresses and EVILLS and come again and reviue-ed mee and come and took mee vp out of the Deepth of the Earth Thou hast turned about and comforted mee and increased my GREATNES manifold And I vvill set out also vpon my VIOL Instrument thy TRVTHE ô my GOD and vvill SING PSALMES vnto thee on my Harp ô Holly ONE of Israel My Lips shall triumph vvhen I SING vnto thee and my SOVLE that thou hast redeemed and my TONGE shall dayly talk of thy RIGHTEOVSNES Seeing that they are abashed and confounded that sought my Hurt LXXII For SALOMON O GOD giue thy IVDGEMENTS RIGHTEOVSNES to the Kings sonne that hee may SENTENCE the Lowly people with Righte Iudgement that the Mountaines and Hills by IVSTICE may bear PEACE for the people that hee may quite the Lowly people and save the Children of the Poore and beate down the Oppressour that with the Sunne Moone a Generation of Generations may fear thee That it may com downe like Raine vpon the Aftermath and dropping Showers on the Land That in his dayes the RIGHTEOVS may flowrish and much PEACE as long as the Moone lasteth And that hee may RVLLE from Sea to Sea and from the River to the vtmust Land That the Savages may bow and his Enimyes lick the Dust the Kings of Tarshish and of the Ilandes render Presentes the Kings of Sheba and Seba offer Rewardes and that all Kinges of all Nations may worship him and serve him because hee deliuereth the Poore when hee shouteth and the Oppressed when he hath no Helper because hee ha●h pitty vpon the Empty and Poore man saveth the Liues of the Poore and Ransometh their SOVLES from GVILE and INIVRY their blood being deer in his Eyes That he may dayly BLESSE him and allwayes Pray for his Life and giue him of the Gold of Sheba That the fruite of a little feeld of Corn on the hill TOP may shake like Libanon and that they may flowerish out of the Citty like the grasse of the Earth That his NAME may be in the Sunn and spring for ever That all Nations may BLESSE themselues in him and call him HAPPY Blessed be GOD ETERNALL the GOD of Israel that only doth MERVILLOVS things and Blessed be his GLORIOVS NAME for ever and let his GLORY be plentifull in all the Earth INDEED and INDEED The Prayer of David the Sonne of ISHA are ended THE THIRD BOOKE LXXIII A Psalm of ASAPH TRVELY GOD is good to Jsrael hee is good to the pure mindeed for I freated exceedingly at the vaine glorious fooles vvhen I savv the Peace of the vvicked and my feet vvear allmoste gone and my footings even quite confounded because their death hath noe cōstreints it is free from bandes they are not Plagued vvith the paines of vvreched men therfor Pride inuirons them and the very habit of Iniury doth couer them Their eyes are euen out vvith fatt and they haue vailes ouer their hartes they speak putrifyed speeches of the naughtines of their misdealing they speak a highe and set their mouthes in the heauen and their tonges goe in all the earth and they say How doth GOD know or is ther any knowledge in the Soveraigne Therfore let his people come hither and plenty of water shall be wrong vnto them behold these wicked men gett all the prosperity in the world Truely in vain doe I cleer my hart and wash my handes in harmlesnes and am dayly plagued and haue Correction every morning If I say I will Speak like them Behold I doe renounce the generation of thy children and I made reckoning to knowe this and it seemed paine vnto mee vntill I came into the Sanctuary of the Almighty and vnderstood their later END Certainly thou puttest them in slippery place-es thou make-est them fall into Traines How are they as in a moment wasted spent and fearfully consumed Like a dream of one vvhen hee avvaketh ô my LORD thou marrest their Image in the riseing And I was with thee like a brute beast with a sower hart and my reines pricking and knew nothing and I beeing continually with thee thou heldest mee by my right hand and ledest mee by thy counsell and after entertainedst mee with GLORY Who haue I in heaven but thee and in the erth I haue none with thee to delight in all my residue is don and GOD is my hart my very ha●t pinn and portion for euer And I because loe thy far-absenters perish and thou destroyest every one that whooreth from thee
I like the neernes of GOD and put my whole Relye in my LORD the ETERNALL that I may declare all thy messages LXXIV A Mascil of ASAPH WHY drawest thou back still O GOD that thine angry countenāce smokes against the sheep of thy Pasture remember thine Assembly which thou purchasedst long agoe and the shaft of thine Inheritance which thou redeemedst this Hill of Sion wher thou dwellest ô deliver thy foot-steps at perpetuall DESOLATIONS The Enimye spoyleth all in the Sanctuary thy Besiegers roar in the midle of thy Synagogue and make their monstrous Signes it was known at the bringing to perfection the Axes wear in the thick woodes and now the grauen vvork and all they knock dovvn vvith bietles and Hammers they cast thy Sanctuary into the fire they break dovvn the Tabernacle of thy Name to the ground They say in their mindes and their Ofspring also Burn all the Synagogues of GOD in the Land Wee see not our Signes we haue no more Prophetes ther is none with vs can tell how long How long ô GOD shall the Besiege-er reuile shall the Enimy blaspheme thy Name for ever why returnest thou thy hand evē thy right hand to bee noe more out of thy bosom and GOD my King of old the worker of SALVATION in the midle of the Erth Thou diuide-edst the Sea by thy strength thou brake-est the heades of the great Dragons by the vvaters thou crushedst the heads of the Leuiathan in peeces gauest him to the Ilanders to eat thou didst cleaue vp the flovving springes and dryedst vp mighty riuers The day and night are thine thou ordeinedst the light of the Sunn thou Settest all the boundes of the Erth yea Sommer and VVinter them thou formedst Remember this ô ETERNALL the Enimy reproche-eth and the vile people blaspheme thy Name giue not the life of thy Turtle Dove to the Beasts and forget not thy gentle Congregation for euer Look to thy COVENANT how the rude-ignorant people of the world fill their houses with Injury let not the contrite the poor and wreched ones that Praise thy Name goe away with reproche Vp O GOD mainteine thy quarell remember thy Reproche from the vile ones dayly Forget not the voice of thy Besiegers and the Pride of thine Insurrectors which continually increaseth LXXV For the Cheeff Al tashcheth A Psalm A Song of ASAPH WEE THANK thee O God vvee THANK thee that thy Name is nighe and that they declare thy vvonderfull vvorkes That I haue opportunity that I JVDGE vprighte I measure the molten Pillars of the Erth and all her Inhabitants Surely I SAY to the Vaine glorious fooles Boast you not and to the Wicked Hold not vp your hornes hold not vp your hornes a highe and speak not vvith a stiffneck for neither from East nor VVest nor VVildernes is Aduancement but GOD is hee that Iudge-eth hee humbleth and hee aduaunceeth For the Cup is in the hand of the ETERNALL and a vessell of Seething vvine full of Liquor and hee dravveth out of it but all the VVicked of the erth shall vvring out and drink vp the dregs thereof And I vvill tell sing Psalms vnto the GOD of Iacob That I may cut off the Hornes of the Wicked and that the Hornes of the Iust may bee exalted LXXVI For the Cheeff in Song Musicque A Psalm of ASAPH GODS Name is greatly known in Iudah Israel haveing his dwelling Tabernacle in Shalem and Sion wher hee brake the flightes and shieldes and swordes of battaile surely Thou appeerest greater then the devouring MOVNTAINES The Stoute harted wear bereft and slept their sleep the valiant men found not their hands At the Rebuke O GOD of Iacob both Chariot Horses were in a swefen Thou art very terrible and who can stand before thee when thou art angry When GOD arose to Iudgement to save the Lowely ones of the Erth Thou vtteredst thy Sentence from Heaven and the Erth feared and was at quiet Surely Seeing the Chafe of men doth make thee famous gird on the rest of thy Chafeings Pay you your Vowes to the ETERNALL your GOD all yee that bee about him and waft giftes to your Dred that crops the spirit of PRINCE-ES and is ter●ible to the KINGS of the Erth. LXXVII For the Cheeff over Ieduthum A Psalm of ASAPH I Cryed with my voyce to GOD vnto GOD I cryed with my Voyce that hee would hearken to mee in the day of my destresse I sought the LORD my hand was streched out by night and is not weery and my soul refuseed comfort I remembred GOD and cryed out that my spirit fainted surely Thou holdest myne Eye-waches and I was strooken that I spake not I thought vpon the dayes of old and the yeeres of many worldes I remember my LEDEN in the night which I vttered with my hart and my Spirit invented Will the LORD ever bee averse and never bee pleased more Js his Loueing Kindenes ceased for euer and his Promiss at an end for all Generations hath GOD forgotten to be gratious or hath hee stopped vp his mercyes vvith anger Surely And I sayed that which I will sing is the YEERS of the RIGHTE HAND of the Most Highe I vvill remember the Excellent VVORKES of the ETERNALL remembring thy Miracles of old and meditat vpon all thy VVORKS and SPEAK of thy most Excellent ACTS O GOD thy vvay is in thy Sanctuary vvhat MIGHT is so great as GOD Thou art the Mighty one that hast don vvonderfull thinges and manifested thy Povver among the Nations vvith thine Arme thou ransomedst thy People The Children of Iacob and Ioseph surely Assoone as the vvaters savv thee O GOD vvhen they Savv thee they Trembled yea the Deepes wear stirred The cloudes showred down waters the Skyes gaue a Clap yea thine Arrowes went every way thy Thunder claps wer in the round Orbs thy Lighting 's Lightned the whole World the Erth stirred and quaked Thy way beeing in the Sea and thy Pathes in the Great Waters and thy footsteps vnknown thou leddest thy People like Sheep by the hands of Moses and Aaron LXXVIII A Mascil of ASAPH HEAR ô my People my DOCTRINE and hearken to the WORDES of my mouth I will open my mouth in PARABLES and vtter ancient ridles
haue made the carcases of thy Servants meat for the fowles of Heaven and the flesh of thy Gratious ones food for the beasts of the erth They haue shed their blood like water round about Ierusalem and ther is none that buiryeth them and wee are a Reproche a Laughing stock and a Mocking stock to all our Neighbours round about vs. O ETERNALL wher to wilt thou be angry for euer how lōg shall thy Ialousy burn like fire ô powre out thy hot Wrath vpon the Hethen which know thee not and vpon the Kingdoms that call not vpon thy NAME Because it hath eatē vp Iacob and they haue made his goodly dwelling desolate Remember not our former Iniquityes but set thy mercyes quickly before vs for wee are greatly waste-ed Help vs ô GOD for the GLORY of thy NAME and deliuer vs and make reconciliation for our sinnes for thy Names sake Why shall the Hethen SAY Wher is their GOD Let him be known manifestly among the Hethen before our eyes a Revenge of the blood of his Servantes that is shed Let the Prisoners groneing come before thee and according to the greatnes of thine ARME restore thou them that are condemned to dye And to our Neighbours turn into their bosomes seven times ô Lord their Reproche which they have reproched thee and wee thy People and the sheep of thy pasture will publish and tell out thy PRAYSE for ever yea for all Generations LXXX For the Cheeff vpon Shoshannim Edbuth A Psalm of ASAPH O Sheephard of Israel hear vs thou that conductest Ioseph like a flock of sheep Inhabitest the Cherubs SHINE out Rouse vp thy STRENGTH before Ephraim Benjamin and Manasses and come and help vs. Guide vs O GOD by the Shineing of thy COVNTENANCE we may be safe O ETERNALL GOD of hostes How long wilt thou FVME against the PRAYERS of thy People thou feedest them with bred of weeping and make-est them drink with abundance of Teares Thou settest vs a Taunt for our Neighbours and our Enimyes make a Mock at them O GOD of Hostes Conduct vs by the Shineing of thy COVNTENANCE wee may bee safe Thou remoovedst a VINE out of Egypt and expelledst the Hethen and plantedst it thou madest a clean riddance before it and madest her rootes take root fill the Land and the hilles wear covered with her Shadow her branches beeing like mighty Ceders her short bowes and sucking shoots shee reached out to the Sea and to the Rivers Why hast thou broke-en down her hedgees that all Travailers doe curss her The Savage Swine out of the wood and the wilde beestes of the feeld waste it and devoure it ô GOD of Warr com look vpon I pray thee out of Heauen and behold and visit this Vine the Stock which thy right hand hath planted and vpon the SONNE which thou hast confirmed to thy self which are burnt with fire as of a purgeing and perish with thy chideing Countenance Let thy Hand bee vpon all human men of thy Right hand which thou hast confirmed vnto thee that wee may not slip back from thee quicken vs to call vpon thy NAME ô ETERNALL GOD of Hostes Guid vs with the Shineing of thy COVNTENANCE that wee may be safe LXXXI For the Cheeff vpon the Git Instrument A Psalm of ASAPH SOVND out to our MIGHTY GOD of STRENGTH Sing aloud to the GOD of Jacob take vp the Psaltery and take the taber the sweet harp and the Viol and at our feast-dayes in the new-moones appointed blow the Trumpet for that was a prescribe-ed custom of the GOD of Iacob vnto Israel hee set it a TESTIMONY in Ioseph of his going out against the Land of Egypt I heard Lips that I knew not hee whos shoulders I took from the burden and his handes went from the basket in distresse thou didst call J released thee I answered thee in secret thunder tryed thee at the waters of Meribah surely Hear O thou my People of Israel and I will protest of thee if thou wilt hear mee that ther bee no strange GOD within thee neither wilt fall down to worship any forain GOD I the ETERNALL thy GOD which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I will fill it But my People Israel would not hearken to my VOYCE nor consent vnto mee and I let them goe in the torment of their mindes and walk in their own counsells If Israel had hearkened to mee and had walked in my wayes J would had soon abased their Enimyes and layed my hand on their foes The Haters of the ETERNALL had been devoteed to him and their time should had lasted for Ever and hee would had fed him with wheaten flower and I would had satisfyed thee from the Hony rock LXXXII A Psalm of ASAPH GOD standeth cheeff in the Assembly of GOD and is IVDGE among the Godes themselves Why will you doe wrong JVDGEMENT and accept the face of the vvicked ones Surely Iudge yee the Empty and the fatherlesse the oppressed and poor-man with Iust IVDGEMENT Free and deliuer the Empty and Needy out of the handes of the VVicked But they know nothing nor vnderstand any thing they walk in darknes that all the foundations of the Erth are moved I sayd Yee are Godes and I call yee all the Children of the Most Highe but like men shall yee dye and fall like any one of the Prince-es Vp thou O GOD and Iudge the Earth for thou hast inheritance in all Nations LXXXIII A Psalm Song of ASAPH O GOD bee not thou silent hold not thy peace nor sit thou still ô ALLMIGHTY one For behold thine ENIMYES that hate thee make a noyse and hold vp the head they take crafty counsell against thy People and consult against thy Preserved They say Come let vs cut them off from a Nation that the NAME of Israel bee never remembred more for they consult in their mindes together and make a Covenant against thee The Tabernacles of Edom and Moab and the Ismaelites and them of Hagar Gebal and Ammon and Amalek and Phelistia with the Inhabitantes of Tyre yea Assur also is ioyned with them and wear a helping Arme to the Children of Lot surely Doe thou to them as thou didst to Midian as thou
in Horeb and Worshiped it and change-ed their GLORY for the Feature of an Oxe that eateth grasse They forgat GOD their SAVIOVR that did GREAT THJNGES in Egypt and WONDERFVLL THINGS in the Land of Ham and TERRIBLE THJNGES at the RED SEA And hee thought to smite them but Moses his chosen stood in the Breach before him to turn again his Heat from destroying And they Refused the DELIGHTFVLL Land and beleeued not his WORD and Murmured in their Tentes and hearkened not on the VOJCE of the ETERNALL and hee took vp his Hand against them to overthrow them in the Wildernes and to overthrow their Seed and Skater them among the Countryes of the Heathen And they wear yoked to Baal-Peor and did eat the Sacrifice-es of the Dead And they VEXED with their DEVISES that the Plague break out among them and Phineas stood vp and prayed and the PLAGVE was restrained and it was counted RIGHTEOVSNES to him for all Generations for euer And they ANGERED at the Waters of Meribhah that hee punished MOSES for them When they VEXED his Minde and hee Muttered with his Lips They smote not the Nations vvhich the ETERNALL commanded them and they vvere mingled among the Heathen and lerned their VVORKES and serued their Idoles and they vvear a SNARE vnto them and they Sacrifice-ed their Sonnes and their Daughters to DESTROYERS they povvred out INNOCENT blood The blood of their Sonnes and Daughters which they Sacrifice-ed to the Idoles of Canaan That the Earth vvas couered vvith Blood and they vvere poluted vvith their WORKS going a vvhoreing in their ENTERPRISE-ES And the ANGER of the ETERNALL kindled against his People and hee abhorred his INHERITANCE and gaue them into the hands of the Heathen and they that hate-ed them vvear commanders ouer them their Enimyes oppressed them and they vvear humbled vnder their hand Many times hee deliuered them vvhen they had Vexed him vvith their COVNSELLS that they vvear brought lovv for their Jniquity and considered vvhen they vvere in Distresse by his hearing their Crye and Remembred his Couenant to them and vas Comfortable according to his great KINDENESSES and took them to MERCY before all their Captiuers Saue vs O ETERNALL our GOD and gather vs from among the Heathen to worship thy HOLLY NAME to delighte our selues in thy PRAYSE Blessed bee the ETERNALL the GOD of Israel from Everlasting and to Everlasting and let all the People say Amen The ETERNALL be praysed THE FIFTH BOOK CVII WORSHIP the ETERNALL for his GOODNES and LOVEING KINDENES that is for euer Let the RANSOMED of the ETERNALL vvhom hee hath ransomed from the hand of the Tormentor and gathered from the Countryes East VVest North and South that vvandered in a Desolation vvithout a vvay in the VVildernes and found noe dvvelling Citty hungry thirsty that their soules fainted in them and they Cryed to the ETERNALL in their Distresse and hee deliuered them out of their Streits and directed them a right vvay to goe vnto a dvvelling Citty SAY Let men confesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men Because hee satisfyed the thirsty Soul the hungry soul hee vvell filled Let THEM that dvvelt in obscure Darknes PRISONERS afflicted vvith iron because they disobeyed the SAYINGS of the ALLMJGHTY and set lighte by the COVNSELLS of the moste HIGH That hee brought dovvn their harts vvith Sorrovv and they fell and had noe Helper and they Cryed vnto the ETERNALL in their Distresse and hee holp them out of their streit troubles hee brought them out of the obscure DARKENES and brake their BANDES CONFESSE the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men Because hee brake the brasen dores and cut off the bars of iron FOOLES that by meanes of their transgressions and Jniquityes are afflicted that their soules abhorre all meat and are euen at deathes dore and they Crye vnto the ETERNALL in their DISTRESSE and hee helpeth them out of their streit troubles That sendeth his VVORD and healeth them and reskevveth them from their Destructions Let THEM confesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men Let them Sacrifice sacrifice-es of THANKS and declare his VVORKS vvith TRIVMPH They vvhich goe to Sea in Ships and doe buissines in the Great Waters They vvhich see the Wonderfull Works of the ETERNALL in the Deep Hovv hee commandeth a Stormvvinde to rise and it raiseth the vvaues therof that they mount vp to Heauen and descend dovvn to the Deeps that their Soules doe melt vvith Misery they runn about reeling like dronken men and all their skill is spent and they Crye vnto the ETERNALL in their Distresse and hee bringeth them out of their streit troubles Hee calmeth the Storm and their vvaues are still and they reioyce vvhen they are quiet and hee bringeth them to the Heauen vvher they vvould bee Let THEM confesse the wonderfull KINDENES of the ETERNALL to the children of men And let them exalte him in the Congregation of the commun People and praise him in the Seates of the ELDERS That transposeth riuers to a VVildernes and fountaines of vvater to a thirsty-place a fruitfull Land to barennes for the Naughtines of them that dvvell in it that transposeth a VVildernes into vvater-pooles and a dry land into Fountaines of vvater and ther hee setleth the hungry and they build Cittyes of Habitation sovv fieldes plant Vineyardes that may yeeld fruitfull reuenues and blesseth them that they increase exceedingly their beasts hee make-eth not a few vvhen they vvear fevv and oppressed vvith constreint and misery and sorrovv Povvring contempt vpon Princeces and made them vvander in the rude Desert vvith out a vvay and hee releeued the Needy out of Affliction and made them familyes like flocks of sheep Vprighte-men reioyceed to see it and wrong dealing stopped her mouth bee that is Wise both will observe these thinges and they will vnderstand thes KINDENESES of the ETERNALL CVIII A Psalm Song of DAVID MY hart is ready ô GOD I will sing Psalmes yea my GLORY vp Lute and Harp I will awake betime I will celebrate thee among the Nations and chaunt thee out among the People because the greatnes of thy KINDENES is aboue the Heauens and thy FAYTHFVLLNES is euen to the cloudes Bee thou exalted O GOD aboue the Heavens and thy GLORY ouer all
of Wicked men shall perish CXIII PRAISE the ETERNALL Praise yee ô Servantes of the ETERNALL praise the NAME of the ETERNALL let the NAME of the ETERNALL be blessed from this time till for euer from the Riseing of the Sunn to his Goeing downe let the NAME of the ETERNALL be praised The ETERNALL that is highe aboue all Nations and his GLORY is aboue the Heauens VVho is like the ETERNALL our GOD that hath his Dvvelling a highe in the Heauens and humbleth to look vpon the Earth That raiseth the empty man out of the dust and setteth vp the Needy from the donghill to make him sit vvith Prince-es and vvith the Principall of his People makeing the barren vvoman to inhabit the House and to be a joyefull Mother of children the ETERNALL be praised CXIV WHEN Israel came out of Egypt and the House of Iacob from the Barbarous People and Iury was his SANCTVARY and Israel his DOMINION the Sea saw and fled and Iordan turned back The Mountaines DAVNCE-ED like Lambes and the little Hilles like yong Sheep What is the matter with thee ô Sea that thou fledst thou Iordan that thou turnedst back yee Mountaines that yee daunceed like Lambes and yee little Hilles like yong Sheep For the Presence of the LORD tremble ô Earth for the Presence of the GOD of Jacob that turneth the hard-stony rock into springing vvater pooles CXV NOT vnto vs ô ETERNALL not vno vs giue GLORY but vnto thy NAME for thy LOVEING KINDENES and thy TRVTH Wherfore should the Hethen SAY VVher I pray you is their GOD and our GOD is in Heauen doth vvhatsoeuer hee pleaseth Their Images of siluer and gold the work of mens handes haue mouthes and speak not they haue eyes and see not and eares and hear not and noses and smell not and wag not with their handes nor walk with their feet they haue noe talk in their throates So be their makers and euery one that trusteth in them Israel trust thou in the ETERNALL whose help and Defence hee is Thou House of Aaron trust yee in the ETERNALL whose help and Defense hee is Yee that fear the ETERNALL trust yee in the ETERNALL whose help and Defense hee is That the ETERNALL that remembreth vs may blesse hee may blesse the House of Israel and blesse the House of Aaron and blesse them that fear the ETERNALL small and great That the ETERNALL may ad abundantly vpon you vpon you and vpon your Children bee yee the blessed of the ETERNALL maker of Heaven and Earth The Heavens of Heavens are the ETERNALLS and the Earth hee hath giuen to the Children of men the DEAD shall not praise the ETERNALL nor they that are gone into SILENCE Therfor wee will blesse the ETERNALL from this time and for ever The ETERNALL be praised CXVI I Loue the ETERNALL because hee hath hard my VOYCE of my SVPPLICATIONS and because hee hath turned his eares vnto mee in the dayes of calling The snares of death had hold of mee and the torments of Hell came vpon mee and I found greevous misery And I CALLED vpon the Name of the ETERNALL J beseech thee ô ETERNALL reskew my Life And the ETERNALL that is GRATIOVS and JVST and our GOD that is moste MERCIFVLL the ETERNALL that preserveth the simple ones VVhen I vvas vtterly spent holpe mee Turne to thy REST ô my Soul for The ETERNALL hath don BOVNTIFVLLY for thee For thou hast released my Person from death mine eyes from teares and my feet from Scatering that J might vvalke before the ETER among the liuing I beleeved for I SPAKE when I was exceedingly afflicted and I SAYED in my hast All men are lyers What shall I RETVRNE to the ETERNALL for all his GOOD-TVRNES bestowed vpon mee J vvill take the CVP of SALVATION and make Invocation vpon the NAME of the ETERNALL I vvill pay my VOVVES to the ETER yea in the Sighte of his People the death of his Saintes beeing deer in the sight of the ETERNALL O ETERN I BESEECH thee because I am thy Servant I am thy Servant and sonne of thy Handmayde loose my bandes that I may Sacrifice SACRIFICE-ES of Thanks-offering and make Invocation vpon the NAME of the ETERN and pay my Vowes to the ETERN in the sight yea of all his people in the Courts of the House of the ETERN and in the mids of thee O Ierusalem praised be the ETERNALL CXVII PRAISE the ETERNALL all yee Nations commend him all yee People for his passing LOVEING KINDENES vpon vs and the TRVTH of the ETERN that is for euer The ETERNALL be praised CXVIII WORSHIP the ETERNALL because hee is GRATIOVS For his Loveing Kindenes is for euer Let Israel SAY that his Loveing Kindenes is for euer O let the House of Aaron SAY that his Loveing Kindenes is for euer O let them that fear the ETER SAY that his Loving Kindenes is for euer Out of my Affliction I Called vpon the ETER the ETER heard mee at large The ETERN is with mee I am not afrayed vvhat man shall doe vnto mee The ETERN is with mee among my HELPERS and J doe look vpon my foes It is better to RELY on the ETERN then to put any TRVST in man It is better to RELY on the ETERNALL then to put trust in Principall men For all the People came about mee and in the NAME of the ETERNALL J cut them off For vvhen they compassed mee yea and had be set mee rounde about in the NAME of the ETERNALL I cut them off They came about mee like bees but they vvent out like a thorn fire and in the NAME of the ETERNALL I cut them off Thou hast cast mee sore downe and I fell and the ETERNALL hath holpen mee My Confidence and Sonet shall bee the ETERN that hath been my SALVATION a loud VOYCE of SALVATION in the TABERNACLES of the RIGHTEOVS The right hand of the ETERNALL hath done valiantly the right hand of the ETERN bee exalted the right hand of the ETERN hath done valiantly and while I liue and am not dead I will DECLARE the DOOINGS of the ETERNALL The ETERN corrected mee sorely yet gaue mee not vnto death open yee righteous gates I may enter in by them and worship the ETERNALL This is the Gate
hast very FAYTHFVLLY afflicted mee O let thy LOVING KINDENES be to comfort mee according to thy SAYING to thy Servant O let thy MERCYES com vnto mee that I may live because my greatest Respects are thy LAW O let the Proud be abashed that wrongfully torment mee when I talk of thy PRECEPTS Let such as fear thee and know thy TESTIMONYES com vnto mee Let my hart be wholely in thy STATVTES that I may not be abashed K. My Soul is consumeed for thy SALVATION J wait for thy WORD mine eyes are spent for thy SAYING Saying vvhen vvilt thou comfort mee Though J am like a botle in the smoke yet I forget not thy STATVTES How many are the dayes of thy Servant when wilt thou doe Judgement against my Persecutors The Proud dig pittes for mee which is not according to thy LAW all thy COMMANDEMENTS are TRVTH but they persecute mee wrongfully O help mee Within a little they had made an end of mee in the Earth notwithstanding J forsake not thy PRECEPTS O revive mee according to thy LOV KINDENES that J may keep the TESTIMONYS of thy mouth L. O ETERNALL that thy WORD abideth in Heauen for euer and thy FAYTHFVLLNES standeth for all generations as sure as thou hast made the Earth that they at this day doe stand by thy IVDGEMENTS for they are all thy Servants except thy LAW had been my respects J had then euen perished in mine Affliction J shall neuer forget thy PRECEPTS because by them thou hast revived mee ô saue mee for I am thine for J seek for thy STATVTES The Wicked lay wait for mee to destroy mee and I am lerning to vnderstand thy TESTIMONYES I haue seen an end of all Perfection but thy COMMANDEMENT is exceeding large M. Oh how I love thy LAW for it is my talke all the day By thy COMMANDEMENTS thou hast made mee wiser then mine Enimyes For it is for ever with mee J get more skill then all my Teachers because thy TESTIMONYES are my Meditations J lern more vnderstanding then the Age-ed because I obserue thy PRECEPTS J refraine my feet from all ill wayes that I may keep thy Word I will not depart from thy IVDGEMENTS because thou hast taught mee How sweet are they to my Palat thy SAYING is sweeter then hony to the Palat of my mouth by thy PRECEPTS J lern VNDERSTANDING therfor I hate all wrong wayes N. Thy WORD is a candle to my feet a light vnto my foot path I haue sworne and J will confirm it that I vvill keep thy righteous IVDGEMENTS I am extremely afflicted ô ETERNALL revive mee according to thy WORD ô ETERNALL accept I pray thee the voluntary Offrings of my mouth and teach mee thy IVDGEMENTS My life is allwayes in Danger but I forget not thy LAW The Wicked set a snare for mee but I err not from thy PRECEPTS I inherit thy TESTIMONYES for ever because they are the ioy of my hart And I bend my minde to doe thy PRESCRIPTIONS to the vvorlds end S. I hate Scismes and I love thy LAW ô thou my SHELTER and my SHIELD I waite for thy WORD Away from mee yee Naughty men I may observ the COMMANDEMENTS of my GOD. Support mee according to thy SAYING that I may liue and make mee not ashamed of my HOPE stay mee vp J may be safe by looking allwayes in thy PRESCRIPTIONS Thou ouerthrowest all them that err from thy PRESCRIPTS because their dissembling is falshood Thou takest away the Wicked ones of the Earth like a skum therfor J loue thy TESTIMONYS My flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afrayed because of thy IVDGEMENTS GH I doe righteous IVDGEMENT ô leave mee not to mine Oppressours Gard well thy Servant and let not the Proud oppresse mee Mine eyes are consume-ed for thy SALVATION and for thy Righteous Saying Deal with thy Servant according to thy LOVEING KINDENES and teach mee thy Prescripts I am thy Servant ô lern mee Vnderstanding that I may know thy TESTIMONYES When they should perform it to the ETERNALL they breake thy LAW Therfor doe I loue thy COMMANDEMENTS more then gold more then Paz gold Therfor because of all the PRECEPTS all which J allow all wrong wayes doe J hate P. Wonderfull are thy Testimonyes therfor my Soul observeth them The opening of thy WORDS giueth light and maketh the simple to bee of Vnderstanding I opened my mouth vvith Longing because I had Appetite to thy COMMANDEMENTS O look vpon mee and pitty mee as thy Custom is to them that loue thy NAME Set my feet firm in thy SAYINGS and let noe sorrovv haue Dominion ouer mee Redeem mee from the oppression of men that I may keep thy PRECEPTS Lighten thy FACE vpon thy Seruant and lerne mee thy PRESCRIPTS Riuers of water runn down mine eyes because they keep not thy LAW T S O ETERNALL that art IVST and RIGHT in thy IVDGEMENTS and with exceeding IVSTICE and TRVTH hast commanded thy TESTIMONYES my zeale torments mee because my foes forget thy wordes Thy SAYING is an exceeding tried Saying thy Seruāt loueth it shakē off despised as J am J forget not thy PRECEPTS O thou that thy Righteousnes and thy Law is with Iustice and TRVTH for euer miserable torments haue found mee but my whole Respects are thy COMMANDEMENTS ô thou that thy Testimonys are with Iustice for euer giue mee Vnderstanding that J may live Q. I Call with all my hart O ETERN answer mee J that obserue thy Prescripts J CALL thee ô Saue mee and J keep thy TESTIMONYES J am present in the Twilight shouteing because I wait for thy WORD Mine eyes prevent the Night waches that J may muse vpon thy SAYING Hear my voyce O ETERNALL according to thine accustomed LOVEING KINDENES and revive mee When the followers of Mischeeff approched which wear far from thy LAW ô thou ETERNALL most nighe and all thy COMMANDEMENTS are TRVTH by thy TESTIMONYES I knew before because thou hast founded them for ever R. O see mine Affliction and release mee because J forget not thy LAW Defend my quarell and ransom mee and by thy SAYING revive mee SALVATION is far frō the Wicked because they seek not thy PRESCRIPTS ô ETERNALL that thy MERCYES are great after thy IVDGEMENTS revive mee When my Persecutors and Afflictors are many
I decline not from thy TESTIMONY When I saw Transgressors which kept not thy Saying I was exceedingly greeved ô mark how I love thy PRECEPTS and according to thy LOVEING KINDENES revive mee The beginning of thy WORD is TRVTH and every one of thy IVST DECREES is for ever SH When Prince-es persecuted mee for nothing and my hart was afrayed because of thy WORD I ioyed concerning thy SAYING as a man that had found a great Booty I hate and abhore falshood and I love thy LAW Seven times a day I praise thee for thy RIGHTEOVS IVDGEMENTS ther is great PEACE to them that love thy LAW And ther is nothing shall offend them I hope for thy SALVATION because J doe thy COMMANDEMENTS My Soul keepeth thy TESTIMONYES and I love them exceedingly I keep thy COMMISSIONS and thy TESTIMONYS because all my wayes are before thee T. O ETERNALL let my SOVND com before thee and according to thy WORD giue mee VNDERSTANDING let my Request com before thee and according to thy Saying deliver mee And that my lips may vtter Prayse ô teach mee thy PRESCRIPTIONS and my tonge report thy SAYING for all thy COMMANDEMENTS are IVST Let thy hand be to help mee for J make choise of thy PRECEPTS J long for thy SALVATION O ETERNALL thy LAW being my cheeff Respect That my Soul may PRAYSE thee as long as it liueth because thy IVDGEMENTS have holpen mee J goe astray like a lost sheep ô seek out thy Servant for J forget not thy COMMANDEMENTS CXX A Song of Gradations IN my Affliction I CALLED vnto the ETERNALL to hear mee ô ETERNALL deliver my Soul from false Lippes and a deceiptfull Tong. What shall it giue vnto thee and what shall it bring vnto thee a deceiptfull Tong sharp Arrovves of a strong man vvith hot Juniper coles VVoe is mee that I have sojourned in Meshek and dvvelt vvith the Tentes of Kedar my Soul hath dvvelt her ther to long vvith him that hate-eth PEACE For vvhen J speake of PEACE they are for vvarr CXXI A Song of Gradations SHALL I lift vp mine eyes to the Hilles from whence shall my HELP com My Help is from the ETERNALL maker of Heaven and Earth O let him not suffer thy foot to slip nor let him slomber that keepeth thee Behold hee vvill neither slombe● nor sleep that keepeth Jsrael The ETERNALL that keepeth thee vvill be a Shadovv at thy Right hand that the Sunn smite thee not by day nor the moon by night The ETERNALL vvill Keep thee and preserue thy life from all evill the ETERNALL vvill preserue thy going out and thy comming in from this time and for euer CXXII A Song of Gradations of DAVID I Reioyce-ed when they SAYD to mee Let vs goe to the House of the ETERNALL and our feet shall stand in thy gates ô Jerusalem Jerusalem that is built like a Citty vvell pack together vvith it self Because thither goe vp the Tribes the Tribes of the ETERN and the whole Testimony of Israel to worship the NAME of the Eternall for ther they sit in Trones for Iudgement the THRONES of the House of David wish PEACE with Ierusalem that they may prosper that love thee Let PEACE be in thy Trenches and Prosperity in thy Palaces for my Bretheren and friends sakes I vvish PEACE in thee for the House of the ETERNALL our GOD his sake J vvish thee vvell CXXIII A Song of Gradations VNTO thee I lift vp mine eyes ô thou Dweller in the Heavens Behold as the eyes of men Servantes are to the hand of their maisters as the eyes of a maide to the hand of her Mistresse so are our eyes to the ETER our GOD vntill hee shall Pitty vs. Pitty vs pitty vs O ETERN for wee are very full of Contempt our Soul is to full to it self of the skornfull Contempt of Idle and haughty men CXXIV A Song of Gradations of DAVID NOT for the ETERNALL that was with vs may Israel now SAY not for the ETERNALL that was with vs when men rose vp against vs even then they had swellowed vs vp alive when their Anger burned against vs. Then the waters had overflowed vs and the Current runn over our Soules then had a stream of swelling waters gon clean over our Soules Blessed be the ETERNALL that hath not given vs a prey to their teeth Our Soul is escape-ed like a bird from the fowlers Snare The Snare is broken and wee are escape-ed Our HELP is in the NAME of the ETERNALL the make-er of Heaven and Earth CXXV A Song of Gradations THEY that trust in the ETERNALL are like Mount Sion that shall not be moved but abide for ever The Hills are round about Jerusalem and the ETERNALL is round about his People from this time and for euer For ther shall noe vvicked shaft rest by the Lot of the RIGHTEOVS Because the Righteous set not their hands to any wrong Be good O ETERN to the good and vpright in their hartes and they that turn their crooked wayes let the ETERN make them walke with them that work the sorrow that Peace may bee vpon Israel CXXVI A Song of Gradations WHEN the ETERN brought again the captivity of Sion wee wear like men in a Dream Then wear our mouthes full of LAVGHTER and our tongs with SONETS Then SAYD they among the Hethen The ETERN hath don much among these men The ETERNALL hath don great things with vs and wee reioyce-ed ô ETERNALL bring our captivity again like the Rivers in the South That they that sowe with teares may reap with Songs that hee that went out weeping bearing his seedleep may com againe with SONETS bringing his sheaves CXXVII A Song of Gradations of Salomon IF the ETERNALL build not the house in vaine doe the builders therof labour in it If the ETERNALL keep not the Citty in vain doe the Warders wach It is in vain to you that yee rise vp early and sit down late and eat your meat with cares seeing hee giveth his BELOVED rest Behold children and the fruit of the womb are an hereditary reward of the ETERNALL As arrovves in a strongmans hand so are the Children of youth Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them they shall not be abashed vvhen they talk vvith their enimyes in the gate
Law of Moses is to trick out and express the righteousnes of Abraham it must not forget his faith nor his love nor his bountifullnes and giftes of the minde that last for ever Iudgement fidelity and mercy the weighty matters as Psal. 112. but in one Ceremony or other precept or complement the whole man must be thought upon as well for grace and adoption as for judgement and condemnation as Ps. 101. seeing life is promissed to the observers And this part of the Law is that which Christ in the new Testament so much preferreth as uprightnes and cleernes of the inner man which is the absolute holynes and perfection of godlynes the way to grace which hee requireth Wherby a man seemeth to bee divided against himself the flesh against the spirit grace becommeth opposit to workes as the Apostle sheweth by division of the Law And this is Christes fullfilling of the Law and baptisme of the holy Ghost that angered the Iewes and sett all the world on fire beeing beyond the comun understanding In this Psalme hee cometh to the kingdom and citty of their great king and defendour their God of righteousnes in the last Psalme this is Ierusalem their university mount Sion his holy hill the school of all godlynes and virtue and of the Law of God The Law shall com forth of Sion and the word of God out of Ierusalem c. Now as all types of holynes were to bee moste glorious for worship and majesty as Psal. 45.145.111 So the Iewes for fame of their religion would have the place like the tabernacle to excell So that all the world might take delight in the structure and order of the temple and Synagogue of Ierusalem this theatre and oracle of the Law and stage wher the word is acted more then the Queen of the South took in the sitting of Salomons servantes Wher two or three are gathered togeter in my name ther am I in the midst of them so experience hath taught them and assureth the Church that Gods love is allwayes in his Temple where his service is and never away from them that fear him And shewing first the greatnes of God in this place for his dayly worship and his fame his name calling upon him their munition his presence and releeff upon their Batlementes Psal. 56. by confounding their enimyes his kindenes in his temple which is better then life as Ps. 63. his fame praise over all the world and because hee doth nothing but Iustice with his right hand and scepter of his lerned ministry that breaketh all the heathen in peeces as Ps. 2. that Sion and all Iudah may be glad of his judgements they would not have this place ever forgotten For that this is the very God their only God that hath saved them from death And therfor likewise they will haue no other God but him for ever As in the former Psalmes according to the Tabernacle Exod. 36. wherin the love of God was dayly resident Construction Mem waters for the Citty and Godly policy therof the habitation of Godlynes and holynes Is. 33.48 of kindenes and Iustice and Iudgement the waters of the Law The letter Cheth to break or terrify by the ship-wrack and astonishment of the Enimy Macha applauding Zach. 12. as of the Citty and of the townes of Iudah Or Machah for abolishing as of the Enimy Ps. 9. in the contrary by Sapper to register or tell or write up for Is. 33. to book and not to blot out Marck the repetition and resounding of the termes Exodus Heer is the dwelling of the great God and righteous King the King of Salem and Sion Ps. 76. heer is the place of blessing heer hence righteousnes doth flow and salvation is all about it and God doth lead men from death as a kinde of passover For another Name of God The God of Shem Gen. 9. of renowm and fame fo● Iustice even Melchisedeq an other of Gods Ministers Sacrificer of the most high God Gen. 14. Heeris the Altar of God and heer is the Priesthood and place of service and sacrifice which Israel in Aegypt so much desired Exo. 7.8.9 according to the promiss to return to and to make mery at and the Name of the Citty is Ther is the Eternall Ezech. 48. as the Name Iehovah the Eternall is Righteousnes PSALM XLIX THe wisdom and understanding of this Prable which hee would have all the world to know is this The vanity of riches to be trusted in and of the Owners their foolish wayes that glory in them and their disappointments that keep not their honour but dye like beastes and consume in the pit like rotten sheep and their wealth commeth they know not to whom to make mery withall while death and the grave get dominion over them And the comfort of the Poore in a hard time in famine or other adversity or perplexity the crossnes of his life called the iniquity of his heeles That when as the Richeman that likeed this life and the worship belonging to it shall dye without riches or glory to descend with him the Poor-man shall bee redeemed from his misery and bee accepted and live to bee heire to his fathers that are deceasseed and injoy his substance the word of God Thus is the Poor man for his patience exalted up to heaven and the Richman condemned to hell for want of understanding the one beeing alive and happy and the other dead and in hell for sorrow They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them c. Yf Moses and the Prophets can quench the wrath of God and extinguish the flames of Hell quiet a tormented conscience then surely Moses and the Prophets are the true and living way to grace and to Christ as Christe is the way to the father and the understanding of Moses and the Scriptures Abrahams bosom And f●om hence is that parable luke 16. which is heer proclaimed to Riche-men and Men in adversity Which doctrine as it is called a parable in the greek and a comparison in the hebrew so in latine it is moste properly to bee termed a conjecture which is a doctrine much used of the Iewes called Signes and is moste frequent in the Psalmes parables beeing a good demonstration a principall evidence of truthe As tokens shew freendes so signes are a peece of knowledge wherby wee are brought to beleeff and as wee know in part by them So is it a step of faith And by this observation David is mightily confirmed highly honoureth the doctrine through-out the Psalmes and greatly complaineth that Ierusalem wanted lerned men therin as Ps. 74. Therfor hee first propoundeth the Riche-mans travaile concerning the world counting it a hard thing for him to enter into the kingdom of heaven And makeing all his habilements facultyes of riches nothing worth and all his pleasure to bee but the flattery of the world and but for a short season because the Rich hath many
Mercey and Name of God and the preaching of that and outliveth Beth hous and tabernacles c. thou lovest c. twise Exodus The life that pleaseth God or that God commandeth is in steed of a service and sacrifice unto God and heer David sacrificeth his whole time to the word of God For the fear of God as Psal. 34. his trust beeing called his Strength for another of Godes Names PSALM LIII THer is no folly so great as the denyeing of God and who is so foolish as my people sayth God with their filth an abominable wrong that maketh them stink in his sight Ierusalem had many eyes yet could they not see what belonged to their peace Pride and prodigality throweth them out of their estates sinn and transgression of the Law of God whippeth them out of doores like the rod upon the fooles back For disobedience they are made d●solate the flood hath swept them clean away they are cast into prison and utter da●knes and obscureity and carryed into a lamentable captivity wher is nothing but weeping and howling till their tongues be drye on fire and their harts burn with horror and wrath and sorrow and they have no comfort In this horrible affliction and torment they call and cry pittiously for Ierusalem again and for som of the joyes and praises of Sion the place of their salvation to tip their tongues and refresh them And this is the occasion The form is from Adams expulsion out of Paradise Gen. 3. as all the heavens are Gods but the earth is given to the children of men Ps. 115. so God haveing placed man innocent upon the earth hee by and by groweth full of corruption and moste abominable for wrong dealing Then God looketh out of the highest heavens and asketh for him and out of the Scriptures hee inquireeth for his innocencey and his wisdom in seeking of God and they play all hid and no such man was to bee found no not one good man at all as Ps. 12. They all stink with abominable corruption folly and goe backward and dare not com foorth but are a frayed abashed that God hath forsaken them because they are expelled for their trespass and their bones all scattered in captivity Shall wee sinn that grace may abound God forbid sayth the Apostle So all molesters and workers of Mischeff that call not upon God eat of the tree of life and devoure it like bread destroy the Scriptures and make havok of the word and spend the mercyes of God and waste and consume the people of God and eat up the Church with profanenes So the question is not wher man is but wher a good-man is and ther is no such which is the Mystery of this Psalme by repetition of the wordes The matter wherby it hangeth to the former Psalme is that they all love falshood more then truthe and wrong more then righteousnes and therfor they receiue the wages of sinn which is death because they loved not life nor the word of God that should save their soules Construction Nun to spring or grow the contrary is to fade or to be defective So the wicked are in the fear of God in dooing of good as Ps. 34. or of wisdom in not calling upon him Ghimel to doe good so bothe the Wiseman and the Goodman is wanting by their workes Both the letters make Nag of Nagah to be cleer Mark the doubling of the termns and it will express the intendement Exodus The Fear for the fear of God and the dispair that the wicked make Because God the Fear that guardeth them that fear him and worship him Psal. 34. hath scattered them The not serving of God because hee lets his people goe into captivity doth much hurt among them and freats them and much dismayes them therfor they pray for return The people are not in the right fear and ther is a defect in the service and the Sacrifice is reprooved as yf it would bee mended yf God would releas his people For with them ther is no God or els they dispair of the right God c. So the termnes Fear and God are equall heer and the one soundes to the other to express the same As the Fear of Isaack for the God of Isaack Gen. 31. PSALM LIV. SAtan shall seek to fann and winnow you like wheat and som of you shall hee cast into prison Ther is no safe place for the man of God but the divill and tirants will finde him out and beewray him strangers and such as have no respect of God at all as Ps. 53. as were the Zips which made haste to tell Saul as soon as they could discry him amongst them And thus bee all placees sifted for him that hee can have no rest which maketh him in the next Psalme wish for the wings of a dove to fly from them far enough into the wildernes for rest and all is for his life This sheweth that the rich hath many freendes and all places will serv the mighty Wherever David goeeth or wherever hee hide-eth Saul can hear of him Sayth Eliah they have slain thy Prophetes and I onely am left alive and they seek my life the same may bee sayed of David and more ther is onely one good man left and one after Gods own hart and they seek his life but this is the hower power of darknes From these David prayeth that seeing all their dooing is against God and his word and that God is all his help and confidence and the Lord is with them that sustein him that hee would by his victorious Name and light of his word defend him and save him and reward his Enimyes with the evill and destroy them as Ps. 89. according to his promiss That hee may liberally and freely sacrifice to him and worship his beneficiall Name and his word and the calling upon him for delivering him from all distress to stand in the face of his Enimye and behold him Construction Nun defective The whole is upon desolation resisting and deprivation as strangers and aliens and cruell ones they that are clean without God Eph. 2. that seek his life on the one part and on the contrary Assisting saveing and defending by the great calling upon God According to the word Nun to spring or wax great Ps. 72. Daleth a door for the enterteynment of his prayer from the door of his mouth Psal. 141. Mich. 7. door of utterance Col. 4. Nod a fugitive for another kinde of defection Exodus His Free will offering shall bee his commendation of prayer the Name of God for his deliverance and salvation and for the great benefit of calling upon him as you may see by the entrance and conclusion by the repetition His victorious Name c. the goodnes of his Name c. And this for another kinde of sacrifice and a reasonable serving of God Rom. 12. according to their promiss in Aegypt For his virtue the rigteousnes of his
delight in warr that Egypt and Cush may com in and all Kingdomes of the earth for the increas of the church may sing to Gods Name the Eternall that rideeth and is glorious mounted in the Scriptures the Ancient Heavens before them that with a mighty voice in his church doe cry give all strength to God for his surpassing defens and pride of Israel in the skyes Psalm 29.15 that is terrible in his sanctuary and strengtheneth his people Construction Samec to uphold or maintein wherunto is opposeed kindes of perishing Vpholding is by strength of it hee makeeth divers kindes and his virtues ther God upholdeth as a father a husband a comfortable consort alone a redeemer out of bandes c. And all in his church by his word that susteined his people And such was the strength and nourishment of them even preaching Gods army is of great and invincible strength and able allwayes to save and recover out of the greatest deep of Misery As is his preachng so is his order of admirable strength and virtue which is useed for tameing of the Nations The perishing part is vanishing smoke melting wax snow painting pride flieing scattering c. From Cheth to prostrate break and wound and strewing c. spreding like snow c. The two letters Sach of Nasach to overthrow to be plucked up and destroyed For the privative likewise Exodus In the same sens God is eternall and rideth perpetually in the word wher hee is every wher so highly exalted and praised And for this stately everlasting residence hee is worthy Apo. 4.5.7 to have all glory honour and power and strength c. ascribeed to him The sacrifice is of singing and rejoyceing and exaltation of the Name of God for the strength of his salvation Is. 12.19 for the setting up of Israel And the Name Iah for Lord all for strength so oft and Iehovah for Elohim El and Adonah to note the same for a free will and heave offering Exod 35. by skipping and daunceing before the Ark. So liberally is hee mainteyned The Name of God commeth 26. times for the Honour of his Name Iehovah which letters signify so many just So God hath the whole fe●ld to him self heer as Iob. 19. PASLM LXIX COnsidering the multitude and reprochefullnes that dayly exercise themselves upon him the miserable case that hee is in reproche and greeff haveing brokeen his hart for continuance of his troubles which are termed by all kinde of troublesom wa●ers that by no meanes by spending of his voice and his eyes with calling and looking for help hee can get out off And considering the want and distastefullnes and strangenes of his freendes and acquaintance that hee was quite abashed compareing his troubled minde to the affliction of a prisoned man and considering that this that is com upon him is all for his godlynes and that all is for zeal to Gods hous and service more then for his sinn from them now his prayer is that it would pleas him of all kindenes to deliver him heerof That it make not an end of him but that God will leap in to him and com neer to his soul and redeem his life that the rest of the church may not bee abashed at his perishing And becaus of the trayterousnes and causlesnes of his Enimyes that their own meat bee made a bait to catch them and their table-talk to insnare them that they may lye tumbling and burn in wrath when they look in the book of God and see his angry countenance And becaus they still persecute a man in misery whom God himself hath strooken and allready slain for his foolish transgression adding strokes unto strokes wrongfully and beastly so that God would add iniquity to their iniquity still and that they may doo more wrong and more and never com to doo right that they may bee cutt off by their own wayes and never bee recorded with the Iust nor mentioned in the book of life That hee may sing a song of Thanks-giveing a principall sacrifice for his deliverance That all the whole church may rejoyce in their hartes that hee will once think upon the poor and imprisoned and all Creatures may prais him for his care advauncement of his church and the inheritance of his seed for ever Construction Samec to uphold Hee dealeth heer by way of privation in a contrary sens His misery is so great that ther is no support but hee is sunk over head and eares and hee hath no good footing to stand upon or any thing to bear him up but is quite drowned and overwhelmed The meanes of his pain are faultes folly from his Enimyes reproche depravation for his godlynes skoffing at all his profession Neither would his neerest freends know him that much daunted and sunk him in his spirit Hee prayeth for the favour of God and his truthe to prop him and suggest him therwith by hearing and delivering of him Hee looked for refuge and comforters but they fayled and wear eger and distastfull to him That sunk him also Therfor that all his Enimyes stay might fayl them And Gods salvation may exalt and succour the oppressed and greeved to the comfort of the godly and the just Tet for mire or durt by sticking or sinking and mire for declining wise repeated as Ps. 9. Set bothe l●tters Iehovah inflected Iehovih declineed to shew the same Exodus The sacrifice heer is a prais of the Name and calling upon God in distress Ps. 50. and a Thanks-offering like the Magnificat of Mary the mother of Iesus Lu. 1. better then any declination or double way of the wicked Hos. 5. And this shall hold up Ierusalem and Ierusalem the Saintes for ever Heerto are these wordes to bee applyed I will have mercy and not sacrifice Math. 9. an upholder And such a sacrifice hee will have in the wildernes also Exod. c. Remember still the iteration of termes to confirm the doctrine The request is for Ignominy Namelessnes and utter Extinction Mark the declineing of Iehovah into Iehovih the forme of Elohim for the God of Hostes and of Israel at the beginning of the doctrine PSALM LXX THis Psalme as it stādeth for a Cadence in the first book in the end of the 40. after magnifyeing of the prais of God so heer it serveth for a Cadence together with the 71 of this book also and of his prayers and of the yeeres of his life to induce his prais 71. That considering now the fleetnes of his life and that his life is now allmoste spēt that hee would make great haste to deliver him that hee might ere hee dye see all his Enimyes confounded Ps. 71. and that hee may bee able even to the last to set out his prais and that hee may be found strong therin when his Enimyes hold him forsaken of God with request as followeth 71. Construction Gnajin an eye from the word Gnajin 1. Sam. 18. to ey one or invye one
of the kingdom expressed and way of eternall life for a confession celebration or rehearsall PSALM CXLVII BEcause Gods prais is so desireable a thing and so comely and God so good and so pleasant for building Ierusalem as a nest for his Saints and a Synagogue of all the Church to salve all their dispersion cure their broken har●s bindeing up their grief keeping the number of all his starts ministers in the book of life and makeing a catalogue of them becaus their lord is of great power and of infinite understanding continueing the lowly makeing the weakest to last longest and humbling the wicked and proudest and strongest to the ground for covering the heavens of understanding with parabolicall clouds and makeing lerning to rain on the earth and grass and food for all creatures that call for it and hath his onely delight and pleasure in them that fear him and wait for his kindenes and not in mans desires or humane delights as ps 37.33 Because hee hath made their citty strong gates of salvation by the doctrine of the Prophets to keep it as ps 127 and blessed their children with the comfort of the word of God within it as ps 28.29 and peace and plenty of fine wheat flower in all her borders sending out his word and servants that most speedily runn through the whole land that when a winter season of frost and snow and hard clumpers of ice are cast out to possess the intractable hearts of men to correct the stubbornnes of man and to mollifie their hardnes and to make them more fruitfull and to add strength unto them for increas and multiplication of them hee by and by sendeth his spirit the south and warm winde of his word and thaweth them and they yeeld doctrine that no other nation should know his judgements which follow properly after the commandements as just payments for the breaches of them and a perfect recompens of all mens works giveing them waight for waight and measure for measure Therfor according to ps 92. hee willeth to prais God and chant out his prais and becaus his wisdom in this psalm is so infinitely set out as his speciall property heer hee ascribeth that unto him and willeth that they sing psalms to him with thanks on the harp ps 92 and that Ierusalem and Sion above all should commend and prais him for their so great benefit for the service of him ps 92. Furthermore haveing done with the preacher hee commeth now to the sermon which is righteosnes and this is the content of all the Scriptures and summ of them the word of God and sword of the spirit which hee handleth ps 141· Therfor in this psalm hee reckoneeth the books of the bible as Ovid reckoned the books of Virgill Am. Eleg. 15. then fo this work and authority and first the five books of the Law then the first Prophets conteining Iosuah Iudges Samuel and Kings the charets and horsmen of Israel and lastly the sixteen last Prophets the strong barrs of the citty gates of Ierusalem as ps 127. the garrison of peace in their borders and plentifull provision of chois blessings within it with sweet annotations for mention of them wherein hee sheweth that although God hath given the church the cup of his wrath to taste and sent them the hard weather of his swift judgement by the law of condemnation and makeing their hearts as cold as hard as a stone yet turning the winde about ther commeth a thaw of comfortable doctrine out of the Prophets to save them So that the whole Scriptures and scope of them and the iudgements and prescripts and comfort and salvation beeing onely known unto the Church all the world could not compare with them as ps 47. And heerin is the pleasantnes and sweetnes of the everlasting And this is a most seemly prais and that which best becommeth Preachers and that which they are bound unto Construction Quoph to compass or invireon by the building of Ierusalem by the walls borders and limits that contein them Lam. 3. g. seeing the termination of the word Ierusalem is peace another part of the kingdom Mark the doubling of the word kindes of compassing gathering bindeing and summing or telling c. Scatter Mem waters his saying word prescripts judgements sending drop waters rain thaweth snow frost ice and cold for properties Zain to hear or make to hear by the coactive sens and this is by words of declaration tell number declare all doubled His hearing is by contenting them that call and giveing them dayly food and sustenance of the word Miqra the Scripture and accepting of them Mat. 6.4 to them that hee delighteeth in and wait for his kindenes Mark the doubling and definition bread wheatenflower morsels c. according to Quemach the number of the next psalm which is flower or meal Deuteronomy The confession heer is in all kindes of words of prais and commendation of the eternall in three places of the psalm For his sundry acts of his way of eternall life in sundry manners by Ierusalem for his goodnes to them and especiall regard of them Mark the doubling PSALM CXLVIII IN this psalm because Gods words and commandments have formed them and made them that they are hee willeth that of right and by good reason they should all creatures in the world do his commandment and set forth his prais out of heaven in the highest as ps 92. and that hee willeth his angels and ministers of his church and all the army of them beeing the whole hoste of heaven and heavenly sanctuary to doo And out of the earth all the instruments and organs of his wrath ps 72.18 that are his executioners as in the Revelation that they prais him the great mountains and kingdoms of the world the most glorious trees and liveing creatures to prais and commend his creation and the installing of man to a second and a better wisdom of repentance and amendment of life and reformation and regeneraon of the Church of God that bringeth still their salvation and all sorts of people to doo the same Becaus his name onely is to bee exalted and his worship spread above and over all the earth and the heaven and all ●lements psal 68. for exalting the church For now is salvation in heaven by a cleer judgement and separation of the clean from the unclean and just to life and the unjust to damnation by his message of ill angels ps 90. the whirling and side-long wheeles of Gods angry judgement Is. 5. Ezek. 10. Like tempestuous whirlwindes from the creation Gen. 1. That all the starrs of the ministry should prais God out of the Scriptures in lofty stiles for their glorious creation and limitation from the Law even the angels that sail above the heavens in the waters therof as Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the tribes Moses and Aaron and the Levites and all low degreees of crea●ures either by sinne or destiny to prais him