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A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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Nazareth of Galile vnto this toune Bethleem They went further then it is from Saxon to Franconie And herof a man may easely gather that they caried not much stuffe with them and that their swathelyng clothes and suche other things wer not very costely so that he put on her smocke on the child and laid it in the maunger For she could not alwayes hold yt in her lappe she must warme the clothes and dresse their couche and do such other things that wer requisite for an infāt And in the meane tyme must the babe reste in the oxe stalle Neither could Ioseph be lackyng to this necessary busynes And it is lyke that he went about to some of the maydens of the house to gett water and to do such other busines But this is not written that any mā came to proffer seruice vnto them in this trauaill They regarded it not whan it was tolde them that the mayde was deliuered of a chylde in the stable Wherfore this towne is worthy to be hated with his great barbarousnes For although Mary because of her pouerty was not thought so much worth and yf she had bene vnhoneste yet at this tyme had it ben the part of a man to shewe humanitie But no man is greued therewith The childe muste suffer paciently this great extreme pouertye and looke for no better In this beggerie sorowfull life this Lord is borne Wheras other deuoure riot awaie cōsume prodigallie al things by costly apparell gorgeous buildīg c. This is the historie Whiche is set forthe to vs to the entent that we should graue this picture of Christes byrthe faste in oure hart with how great miserie the Lord Iesus was borne in this wordle that we might learne to geue God thankes for this so great benefit For we misers and wretched men and also damned came this day to high renoume For on this day were we made one fleshe and bloud with the sonne of God and he that made heauen and earth of nothing is borne a man lyke vnto vs only this thing excepted that with this child all things are without synne Wherfore we may boste magnificently that God is become oure brother oure fleshe and bloude This renoum is not geuen to the angells or diuels but to vs men Wherfore although the angells are more excellēt creatures then we yet God geueth more renoume to vs then to all the angells For he was not made an angell but a mā Wherfore yf we men could thinke and beleue this as the greatnes therof requirethe our mynde wold be moste redie to sett moste by God to thanke him and to obey his will gladly When the Popes religion reigned there was suche an historie read vnto vs That vpon a time the diuell came into the Churche to masse And when these wordes and he was made man were songe and men made no obbeisance by bowinge of their knees he gaue one of them a great blow and rebukinge him said Thou monsterous beaste art not ashamed to be so litle moued why fallest thou not downe on thy face for ioy yf the sonne of God had ben made oure brother as he was youres surely we wold haue no measure in reioycing And although this matter be not true yet it semeth to be fayned of a good man which well dyd perceaue the great renoume geuen vnto vs when the sonne of God became man and that not after the maner of Adam and Eue which was made of the grounde but he was made more conioyned vnto vs. For he was borne of the fleshe and bloud of the virgin Mary as other men were excepte this that Mary the virgin was sole and alone and he was conceaued without synne by the holy Ghoste Excepte this that he is worthely named the naturall sonne of a woman Adam and Eue were not borne but made For God made man out of the earth and a woman of his ribbe But how much nigher is Christ to vs then Eue to Adam because he is oure bloud and flesh We ought to esteme this renoume highly and to haue great meditation thervpon in that the sonne of God is made oure fleshe and that there is no difference betwene his flesh and ours except only synne For he was conceaued of the holy Goste and God replenished bothe the body and sowle of the virgin with the holy Ghoste because she was without synne when she conceaued Christe and afterward wared great with child by hym And this is the only difference in all other things he is lyke other men in that he vsed meate and drynke felt hunger thyrst and colde as other dyd He was subiect to all suche naturall infirmities as Paule sayth in shape he was found lyke a man he eate he drounke he was sorowfull and gladde This is truely a profound humilitie and subiection For he myght haue vsed an other sorte when he became man after what sort he is nowe in heauen where as he hath flesh and bloud as we haue But yet he is not subiecte to naturall actions He might haue done this at the begynning but he wold not that he might declare his singular loue toward vs that we might haue therby sure confort and ioy when we knowe that we haue a brother nowe in heauen whose sure helpe we may stycke vnto are bound so to doo For cursed is euery man that doth not receaue him and conceaue stedfast hope for his sake And therfore is this history rehersed euery yere that the tender myndes might haue meditation theron and geue God thanks and say My matter is in good takynge I haue a brother and he is made lyke me But why he was made so I do not yet tell for this was the cause that he might helpe me agaynst syn and eternall death But nowe I speake of the renoume of all mankynde wherof we boaste and reioyce that the sonne of God is become man Of this renoume may euery man boaste But Christian men somwhat more then all other for because this renoume shall be to their endlesse profyte And this is firste to be learned of the history Secondarily marke also this great example Where as Christe the sonne of God dothe so humble him self and communicate all his glory with fleshe and wheras his hyghe maiestie before whome the Angells tremble dothe so demitte hym self and goeth after the lykenes of a man In heauen the Angels worship him in the earth he serueth vs and is subiect to our beggery Seing then the sonne of God doth this this matter is not lightly to be sett by Lett vs caste our selues away for his glory honours sake And yf aduersitie be to be suffered we muste not refuse it For Christe him self hathe suffered likewise frost hunger miseries and troubles not only these For whan he was borne into the wordle he was poore in all things he had neither place neither bed clothes neither stuffe for houshold A maunger and
lyfe And to this comforte belongeth the goodly similitude of the trees In the spryng sayth he when wynter is at an ende and all the earthe is renewed when colde departeth and heate approcheth and the bare trees begynne to bee greene wyth newe bowghes no other thynge foloweth hereof but that the trees bryng foorthe buddes and after that spreade abroade theyr leaues Then it is the common saying Wynter is gone and goodlye Sommer draweth nyghe We gladly let wynter depart and imbrace pleasant Sommer at hys commyng Therfore in his similitude of the trees may we haue euident resons declaring after what maner we ought to loke for this last day For as after leaues commeth sommer so when the earth shal be moued and the heauens shall tremble and when the sonne and Moone shall appere mourneful let these thyngs seme no more dreadfull vnto vs then when the tender leaues crepe forth of the trees when sommer begynneth to come in For these sygnes are to vs euen as the leaues and iuyce of the trees that we may ioyfully looke for that euerlastyng sommer For this presente miserable lyfe is very well compared to bareyn and euil fauored winter In the whiche all thyng dye and wyther awaye But these thynges shall then come to their ende and euerlastynge sommer shall come in theyr stede that is the kyngedome of GOD whereby the kyngdome of the deuyll shall peryshe Why are there so manye myseries geuen as a punisshement in the earthe because ye lyue amongest the couetous and wycked that blaspheme and curse the Gospell and stirre vp all mischiefe in the worlde This muste we see and here and looke daiely for worse Frome all these thynges will I deliuer you by my commyng that ye may not be constrayned to behold any longer their wickednes Wherfore this terrible state of the world doth not com for you but for your enemies They haue a good cause to be afrayde and sorowfull But reioyce ye as godly Loth dyd whiche sayth Peter dwelt in Sodoma and was constreigned with his innocent eyes and eares to heare and se the detestable synnes vntill they grew to such fulnesse and ripenesse that God coulde no lenger refrayne There came two Angels whyche ledde godly Loth out of the citie Surely this thyng was not without a terrible sighte when the element was horrible wyth clowdes when thunder was hard and the clowde wente aparte with a great wydenesse and brymstone and fyre fell downe by rayne and the gaspyng of the ground ensued and swalowed in all thinges It is not otherwise to be thought but that Loth was greatly dismayd at these thyngs But this comfort was at hande that this horrible and dredful tempest dyd not strike hym but the Sodomites whyche beleued not the word of God but gaue themselues to all kynd of most abhominable lewdnesse yea and that without al mesure These must nedes be meruailously troubled at this fyry rayne But godly Loth behelde this tempest as a pleasant tree in the spryng tyme that putteth forth his buddes and beginneth to be grene For he feeleth and receyueth helpe and mercyfull deliuerance against the wicked So shall it chaunce to vs also in the latter daye if it befall in oure lyfe tyme. It shall seeme a terrible thyng when heauen and earthe shall burne and we shal be changed in a moment and dye But a christian man must not here take his eyes for iudges but marke howe Christe doeth expound it That these flowers and boughes are moste pleasant So that albeit that the greuous syght of the worlde shall terrifie and abashe reason yet let the heart truste to the worde of God that it may not feare that outeward syght but say Mystrust not there is no hurte or damage This dothe not signifie as Christe sayth any euyll but that my redemption and redemer is at hande Hayle my redemer Christe therfore and come on as thou art wyshed for as I haue desyred oftentymes and prayed for whyle I lyued that thy kyngdome myght com vnto me He that can receyue Christ at his commyng after this maner shall in a momente be chaunged into that glory that he may shyne with the sonne for euer After this sort dooth Christ teache vs to knowledge truly the last day that we may lerne how great succour we haue therin and why also we ought to loke for and feruently to desire his comyng The Pope preacheth of Christe that he is a seuere Iudge and that we must haue healpe before hym by our good woorkes and that the Intercession of saintes are to be hadde yf any manne wyll be sure from damnation For so hath he put it foorthe in picture howe Christe commeth to iudgement and howe he holdeth a swoorde and a rodde in his mouthe whiche bothe are signes of wroth And where as Mary and Iohn standeth on bothe sydes it shewethe that the prayers and intercessions of them and of other suche good Sainctes muste be soughte for and trusted in As the good father Bernard persuaded hymself that when the mother sheweth her pappes to the Sonne that he can not denye her any thyng Whiche was an euident proofe that Christe should come lyke a seuere Iudge But in this Gospell he teacheth vs otherwyse that is that he shall not come to iudge and condemne vs but to deliuer redeme vs and that he wil graunt in dede that that we praied for and bring vs to his kingdom And as for other that beleue not in him and vexe the Christians with railyng and reuilyng he will by his sharpe sentence punishe greuouslye Thys saieth he beleue ye onely and looke for my cōmynge ioyfully for it shal be to your welthe that ye may be saued by me for euer from synne deuyll deathe hell and the worlde This is a greate comforte But in thys place one thyng remayneth wherby the fearefull consciences are troubled For Christ saieth that that daye shall come vnloked for So that it shal chance likewise to men as it chanceth to byrdes which flee in the mornyng hungry out of the woddes to fynde meat somwhere suspectyng no euyll bycause they were not deceiued of their hope in that place before and sodeinly they are wrapped in the nettes taken and killed But thei that feare God wil take hede therof And because they proue by dayly exaumples howe soone they that stande fall they are weake hearted and soone ouerthrowen For they thynke it vncertayne what shall become of them to morowe Perchance the houre wil come when thou shalt be most vnready and dydst not see it before orels thou shalt be entangled with this or that sinne Then art thou vndone and this ioyfull day shal be chaunged into mourninge In this doubt Christ leaueth vs not comfortlesse but teacheth christen men howe they shall bee rydde from this pensifenes and sayth See that your heart be not ouerladen with surfet dronkennes and with the cares of this lyfe least this daye oppresse
receiued giftes for men yea euen for thyn enemies that the Lord God might dwel among them The sentence is short but it comprehendeth many thynges and euery one of them oughte dilygently to be weyghed pondered and consydered The first worde Paule hymself handleth lyke an Apostle when he saith That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descended fyrste into the lowest partes of the earth He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue all heauens to fulfyll all thynges S. Paule in these hys wordes dothe very exquisitely handle bothe the descension and ascension of Christe that by thys meanes we maye knowe from whense so many and so greate gyftes came that we haue receaued by the ascension of Christ. Let no man thinke that he with his owne woorkes rightousnesse holynes of lyfe or wyth any other thynge hathe deserued that he should receaue the noble gyftes of Christes ascension but Christ himselfe hath deserued it which geueth the gyftes in that he came downe and humbled hymselfe and for our sake became manne and for vs dyed on the crosse These gyftes dothe Paule signify by these his wordes when he as it were interpreteth the mynd of the Prophete and putteth Christes descension before his Ascension For as muche then as the Holy Ghoste by the Prophete speaketh thus of Christe Thou wentest vp on hye It foloweth herof that he came down before and was made lowe Whych altogether was doone for our sake Therfore Paules interpretation agreeth wel with the woordes of Christ whiche ye lately hearde It is expedient for you that I go For except I go my way the comfortour shall not come But when I go my waye I will sende hym vnto you If I go my way I wyl prepare you a place This sayeng Thou art gone vp on hye maketh a differēce betwene Christ and them that ascended into heauen Enoch was taken vp vnto GOD. Helias wente vp in a fyerye charette but CHRIST went not so vp into heauen but he ascended by his owne power as hee also by hys owne power rose agayne frome deathe vnto lyfe without the healpe of any thyng This is a great diuersitie for we shall not rayse vp oure selues at the laste day but Christe shall rayse vs vp Christe hymselfe rose frome deathe vnto lyfe by his owne power as he sayeth in the Gospell of S. Iohn My Father loueth me because I geue ouer my lyfe that I maye take it again No man taketh it away from me but I geue it ouer of my owne selfe I haue power to geue it ouer and I haue power to take it agayne And Peter in the Chronicle of the Apostles actes sayth It was impossible for hym to bee holden of deathe So in lyke maner is there a difference betweene his Ascension and ours We ascend vp into heauen because Christe draweth vs vnto hym But CHRIST hym self went vp into heauen by his owne power as he sayth in the Gospell of Iohn No manne goeth vp into heauen but he that came downe from heauen that is to say by his owne power This diuersitie betwene Christes Ascention and oures dyd the Holy Ghost shew long before that by thys he myghte teache vs that Christ is the almyghty and euerlastyng GOD whome we oughte as they saye wyth embracynge armes to receaue Where as the Psalme sayth moreouer Thou wentest vp on hye It is none other thing then as we sayd before Christ pronounced before Pilate My kingdome is not of this worlde Therefore althoughe we are in the worlde occupied about matters of houshold and Policie yet seynge wee are Christians and the kyngdome of CHRIST is not of this worlde we oughte to lyfte vp our myndes vnto heauen that we maye aboue all thynges embrace this spirituall kingdome and looke vnto that But the most part of vs dothe the contrary For a greate number of vs bothe in body and mynd and in all that we are able to do ar altogether drowned and swallowed vp with the present things of this world and only seketh for the goodes possessions therof as though we shold liue here for euer neuer depart We regarde litle or nothynge that Christe is gone vp on hye The Holy ghost wold haue this lewdnesse amended in vs and therefore he diligently putteth vs in mynde that Christ is gone vp on hye and hath left and forsaken these earthy thyngs so that although we be vpon the earthe with oure bodie yet with our hearte and mynde we sholde alway haue a desyre vpward and not trouble our herts with the cares of this world For a christen man should on this wise behaue hymself Let his body be occupied about necessarie thyngs for this present life but let hys mynd haue all her delight and pleasure all her meditation and study all her trauaile and exercise about heauenly supernall and euerlastinge thynges as Paule saith Seke after those thinges that are aboue where Christ is sitting on the right hand of God and not after those thynges that are on the earth But why did Christ go vp into heauen or what busines hath he there Of this matter dothe the Psalme make mencion saying Thou art gone vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue This is a description of the great and glorious triumph of Christ and in a maner it appeareth that Christe hadde respect to this psalme when he putte foorthe the Parable of the stronge armed manne whyche kept his palaice and had al thinges in quiet tyll one that was stronger then he came vpon him bounde hym and toke awaye his weapon wherein he trusted and made a spoyle of it For wee wretched caytiues because of synne are vnder the tyrannye of the deuyll and death whych dothe hold vs captiue and we can not escape thys tyranny but the deuill to the vttermoste hath dominion ouer vs and deathe kylleth vs at her pleasure We of our selues are able to do nothyng agaynst them But Christ whiche farre excelleth them in strength cometh and firste thorow his greate humilitie is betrayde and crucified and so by his death he satisfieth for the sinnes of the whole worlde as an innocent lambe And all these thinges are ioyned with great humilitie and in them appeareth nothinge but moste highe infirmitie and weakenes And therfore he is hanged on the crosse that he may dye But after that synne was put awaye by his death and weake Christ is buried in his graue and there is nowe no more hop of him he cōmeth forth again with meruelous great power and glorie alyue and quick as we heard in the daye of Christes resurrection and as the holy Ghoste sayth here He ledde captiuitie captiue that is to say he hathe destroyed the kingdome of the deuil of death He hath spoiled them of all their power so that the deuill fromhensforth hath no more power ouer the Christians death can no more kill them
euery man so consider his neyghbour when he doth hym good that god may take it as done vnto hymselfe Then is ther nothyng in the worlde so vile base with which God may not be serued The seruant in the stable The mayde in the dayrie or kitchyn the child in the schole yea all shoulde be the Lordes seruantes and worshippers if they woulde do that diligently that God commande So shoulde houses be made churches where as nothyng is kepte but gods seruice But no man cā be persuaded to care for this No man will serue his neyghbour All men endeuer to serue them selues to seke their owne commoditie Wherfore euen as by doing good to our neyghbour we may worke a thing acceptable to god So the world doth alway gratifie and please the deuill in that it regard not Charitie toward his neyghbour But the ende therof will be sorowfull For how can this please God wher as god hath ordayned his seruice to be done so nigh that with out in the felde within in the house whersoeuer thou doest the workes of thy vocation thou art occupied as it were in an holy temple wher moste acceptable seruice may be done to god And yet we regard it not but despise it and had rather serue the deuil than hym Wherfore learne this that he that geueth a benefite to his neyghbour doth it not only to his neyghbour but to his heauenly father also For there is a sayinge in this place that God will take this to be done vnto him euen as though it were done to hym in heauen For els woulde not Christ haue sayde The second is lyke the first He that can not be brought into this beleife that he maye do heauenly thynges in the earth and that he may fynde euery where a temple let hym get hym to the deuill For euen as thou mayest make thee here a Paradise and an heauen when thou doest good to thy neyghboure for therin thou doest good to God whiche is in heauen so when thou doest not good to thy neyghboure thou makest a hell and damnation for thy selfe For thou doest gratifie the deuill whiche is appointed to hell Neither doth it skyll if thou doest not yet see it and fele it For the tyme shall come when thou shall both fele it and see it when thou shalte accuse thy selfe for thy stubburnes and great folye Wherfore it were very necessarie for vs to learne to exercise oure selues to doe good vnto our neyghbours For all thynges are geuen to vs from god to this entent hole and perfect senses riches vnderstandynge and suche other that we myght therby obey this commaundement and do to hym this seruice And as this doctrine as concernynge loue of GOD and our neyghbour belongeth to this present lyfe So the second doctrine whiche teacheth whose sonne Christe is doth teache vs howe we maye obtaine an other euerlastynge lyfe after this lyfe For we shall not obtayne euerlastynge lyfe by this if we knowe howe GOD and oure neyghbour ought to beloued of vs althoughe we begyne to performe this in dede with all diligence as the Phariseyes dyd suppose whiche thought that if they had Moses they neded no more But Christ sheweth here that this preuayleth not vnto the obtayninge of euerlastyng lyfe We must clyme and ascend to a hyer steppe and learne perfectly what is Christ and whose sonne he is The Pharise●es knewe that he should be the son of Dauid But Christe requireth more in this place The reason is this For if Christe were no more but the sonne of Dauid he must nedes die as Dauid dyd and should he haue only a corporal kyngdome But Christ hath an eternall kyngdome And Dauid his father calleth hym father in spirite Howe doth this agree that Christ should be both Dauides sonne and Lorde This is a question to the whiche the Phariseyes can make no answer neither can any of the Iewes at this present time answere therto In this question is nothing belōging to thy neighbour to charitie to good workes But this is intented euen to teache vs to know what Christ is He that learneth y● can not wander frō the kyngdom of heauen and euerlasting life For it is not sufficient to euerlasting lyfe to know the law what is to be don The reason is this Because that also is required that it should be done Which thing is wont to procede very slowly Wherfore this is of necessitie required euen to know perfectly what CHRIST is Wherfore Christ doth so put forth the question and byddeth them to make answere whose sonne Christe is which after the flesh was Dauids sonne But for as muche as Dauid calleth him not son but his Lord yea and such a Lord that sitteth at the right hande of god to whō god wil make all his enemies his footstoole By this questiō Christ mindeth to stirre vp the Iewes and all vs to haue a more hygher iudgement of Christ to beholde him with other maner of eyes than with suche as see hym only to be the son of Dauid For he is Dauids Lorde also that is he is not only a man but also very God borne eternallie out of the father Or els would not Dauid haue called him Lorde if he had not ben more then a man and if he had only byn Dauids sonne For Dauid was an excellent holy man and a most learned Kyng and yet he calleth Christ which is his sonne lorde As though he should say and openly confesse-My son passeth me farre I am a Kyng and beare the name of his father but yet he is my lord and such a Lord that sitteth at the right hand of God and by gods commandement beareth rule ouer all his enemies For wher as he is a man it is easie to iudge what maner of enemies he hath euen the deuill death as Paule gathereth out of this very psalme If the deuill then death ought to be made a footestoole to this sonne of Dauid that he might be their Lord this must nedes folowe that a godly power is in this sonne of Dauid For without this vertue he coulde do nothyng against death and the deuill no more then other men can By this meanes than doth Christ bringe vs to the true meaning declaring the way to euerlasting lyfe The law is a most profitable necessary doctrine For it sheweth what we ought to do to please God to serue him to escape y● punishement of sinne But this doctrine belongeth only to this present lyfe But for as much as after this life we must come to an other lyfe which is euerlastynge the doctrine of the lawe preuayleth nothing ther vnto The reason is There can be no hope of lyfe excepte we be whollie ridde and deliuered frō sinne And although the law be geuen to this ende that sinne might be restrained yet synnes be not therby layde a syde Wherfore we haue nede of an other
Moon and in the Starres in the earth the people shal be at their wittes ende through despaire The sea and the water shall roare and mens heartes shal fayle them for feare and for lokyng after those things which shall come on the earthe For the powers of heauen shall moue and than shall they see the Sonne of man come in a cloude with power great glory Whē these things begyn to come to passe then loke vp and lyft vp youre heades for youre redemption draweth nye And he shewed them a similitude Beholde the fygge tree and al other trees when they shoote foorth their buddes ye see and knowe of youre owne selues that Sommer is nye at hand So lykewise ye also when ye see these thynges come to passe be sure that the kyngdome of God is nye Uerily I say vnto you this generation shall not passe tyll all be fulfylled Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe THE EXPOSITION THIS maner hath the Lord our GOD vsed alwayes from the beginnyng when he is about to do any vnwonted thynge he hath alwais sent before great and meruailous signes As when he wold punishe the Egyptians and deliuer his children and make him a peculiar people there were sette foorth before many great and wonderfull tokens of all kinde of plages For the frogges locustes botches and suche lyke dyd greatly hurt the Egyptians vntill at length all their first borne were slayne in one nyght and the remnant of the people drowned vp in the red sea But amonge the Iewes these thinges were good signes where as he led them dry foote through the red sea drowned their enemies and giueth Manna and suche lyke thinges This was a token that God would worke some new practise with this people that it shold be a kingdome and common wealthe This was it also when he woulde punishe the Iewes and ordeyne a congregation For when Christe honge vpon the Crosse the graues wer opened and the dead came out and went into Ierusalem a strange Eclipse of the Moone chanced the vayle of the temple was rent All this dydde signifie some straunge thynge to come and an abolishing of the old as experience proued after that wher as the seruice of the Iewes vanyshed away Christe sette vp a newe kyngdome This had the Iewes lerned often to their owne peryll Wherfore the Apostles here come to Christe with a question What sygnes should come before the destruction of Ierusalem and the ende of the worlde before the onely and eternall kyngdome of Christ commeth Christ answereth as concernynge the destruction of Ierusalem When ye shall see sayth he Ierusalem be sieged wyth an host then know ye that her desolation is not farre of And therefore he counsaileth them to flee vnto the mountains for gods wrathe can not then be pacified After lyke maner he teacheth also as concernynge the last day When ye shal se signes in the sonne and moon in the starres and in the sea in the fluddes in men and in heauen when these thynges saythe he begynne to come to passe for we must not deferre it vntyll men thynke that all is paste or make lyght of it as though suche thynges hath chaunced before then take good hede and thynk that there is no time to iest and laugh at these signes For these signes are certayn that the last day draweth nygh And here is a question what signes these shal be and whether they shall fall all together But this oughte not to bee demaunded For Christ sayth hym selfe When this begynneth to come to passe than must ye looke vp And therfore I beleue that certayn thyngs and perchance the most part shal then come to passe when that day beginneth to be opened Wherfore this is sufficient that Christe teacheth where these signes must be marked and looked for in heauen in the sonne moone and starres in men and in the sea When some of them shal be sene ye must not loke that all shall come to passe But we muste make vs redy in season that we maye be prepared to the receauyng of this day Two maner of signes are sette foorth and shewed in the Sonne and Moone Fyrste when they haue Eclipse And although this be of a naturall motion for by art may it wel be knowen before the signe chance yet it is a signe as it is playnely expressed in Mathew But likewise also may there be signes in the sonne that could not be knowē before but chaunceth sodeynly before they were perceyued of the prognosticators or any thing thought vpon As the Eclipse at that time when Christ was on the crosse For the reason of the art is this that the Eclipse of the Son is at the coniunction or at the beginnyng of the Moone But when it is in the opposition as it was then or in an other day of the moneth now it is not naturall wherfore that eclipse was a great signe And although we haue sene no such yet it may chance sodenly before we loke for it We also these .xx. yeares haue sene many strange things which all ar counted strange seldom As that a bough did cōpasse about the sonne of a great bignesse that the sonne semed so to come downe that there were more sonnes then one yet it is very lyke that some such thing is signified hereby which we neuer proued nor saw before Wherfore we haue sygnes sufficient in the sonne that we nede not to be carelesse but to looke for the true and healthfull comming of our Lorde The other signes that Christ speaketh of are great rorynges and noises of the sea wheras these thinges neuer chance cōmonly but with great destructiō For euen as a mā when naturall death approcheth is first vexed with sycknes and beginneth to be diseased with the feuer pesti●ence or with some other disease All these thynges are tokens that he must leaue this lyfe so the world also shal as a man wold say waxe sick so that heauen the sonne the Moone the starres men waters and all thinges maye signify and geue warning by a notable infirmitie and sickenes and by miserable affliction before it vtterly perishe As touching the signes in men I thynke that they are fully declared in our tyme that the most detestable pope with his doctrine hath promoted and set forwarde these signes because the fearefull consciences haue bene much vexed for as muche as they taughte this that it was a greuous synne not to go to Confession not to pray fast and here Masse c. But in suche vexation no manne coulde learne howe to rydde hym selfe out therof For the trewe comforte that is the remyssion of synnes throughe Christe was abolyshed And there at laste was sette vp a very place of tourment nowe by thys Satisfaction now by that So that I may well beleue that was the chiefest myserye in the earthe As in deede I sawe manye the whyche coulde not byde this
shall baptise you with the holy ghost where as I do baptise but with water as a minister He standeth in the myddest of you and ye know hym not Wherfore this is my duetie to be the voyce of a crier in wyldernes that when ye heare the sound of my trumpet ye may vnderstande that he is come For I am that soundynge voyce and crier to whom ye ought to be attēt He therfore that foloweth next after me is he hym selfe as Esaie prophecieth in the .xl. Chapter The voice of a cryer is in the desert make redy the way for the Lord make streight the pathes of our Lord in wildernes He am I saith Iohn and this is my word Wherfore be attent he is nowe amongest you but ye know hym not And this is my office to bryng you into acquaintance with hym that ye may receyue hym For the next prophete that commeth after me is euen he hym selfe As for me I am but one sent before and this office doo I now execute and fulfyll my duetie prophesyed of before He as yet is priuate and vnknowen but by and by after me shal he come abrode with his prophetical office of teaching Wherefore take ye good heede least ye be deceaued in markyng of hym and haue him in hygh estimation among you Neither was there truely any other end of this matter then as Iohn prophecied before For incōtinently after Baptisme Christe began to work myracles in Galilee He sent twelue apostles and seuētie disciples to preache that the kyngedome of God was at hande that is that Christ was come Here he is sayth Iohn Ioyne your selfe to hym receyue hym and ye shall not be deceaued He came after me but he was before me For Iohn was elder than Christ six whole moneths and yet he saieth he was before me This amongest the Iewes had ben a blasphemous worde if they had at that tyme vnderstande it as it is playne in Iohns Gospell where as he saith Before Abrahā was I am And this is as much to say as this man before he was borne in the earthe he was in heauen But yet the Iewes dyd not vnderstand it neuer the lesse this saying of Iohn is trewe and dothe notifie to vs a person of the Godhed As he declareth plainely hereby when he saith I am not worthy to lose the lachet of his shoes Here should the Iewes haue diligently consydered what maner of man this was in comparison of whom Iohn denieth and abaseth hym self so muche and saith him self vnworthy to serue hym in the leaste thyng that is The testimonie of Iohn cometh frely from his hart that he is not worthy Although saith he I be neuer so much sett by of you yet in comparison of this man I am nothing He is wel content to lay asyde all his glorie saith plainly that he will take yt for a great renoume yf he might be thought necessarie to this man in the moste bassest office of wiping his shoes Wherfore leaste the Iewes should surmyse that he humbled him self to muche wheras Iohn the author of baptisme executed the ministerie of a prophet he doth expoūd the trew meaninge of his baptisme saying I haue a signe also as hathe the other prophetes Ieremie did weare a chaine of woode Esai walked naked and barefooted when he prophesied to the Aegiptiās Ethiopes that they shold be a pray to ther enemies be spoyled of all they had I am the auctor of a new word and of a new signe I preache that ye prepare the way for the lorde Ye had no nede of this worde yf the way were prepared now alredie After that I washe you for a signe that ye are vnpure and filthie and I am the beginner of this lauer But he that foloweth me wil prouide a better baptisme and baptise you with the holy spirit All this was spoken that they might not coūt Christe vnworthy of their sighte but should haue for a remēbrance the words of Iohn that because he had borne recorde of him which should come foorthe so magnificētly with teaching signes thei might not doubt in an euident matter But what do they thei hear Iohn but they thinke not his authoritie sufficient For as they beheaded Iohn so they crucified Christe as touching whome Iohns witnesse was so faithfull Suche regard of godlines had they that they only despised not the word of God but for that also killed the Prophetes and nayled on the crosse the Lord of all Prophetes And so goeth the matter now also For Christ is condemned to the crosse not only at his beyng here in earth but nowe also in his members We labour all that we can with Iohn to bringe men into this way for as muche as without Christe ther is no remission of synnes or lyfe euerlasting But the more we go about to withdrawe mens trust from their oune workes as vnprofitable to righteousnes in the sight of God and to leade them to Christe so much the more greuously are we condemned as heretykes of our aduersaries For that is not agreable with their doctrine as all do knowe They sette foorth the Mounkes rules and masses with ostentation they offer vp masses for the dead they ordeyne seruice they go a pilgrimage they bye pardons But what other thing is this then to caste away Christe and searche out new ways to heauen And we can alow this by no meanes and therfore can they not abstayne from rayling and slaundering of vs. The Bishops and highe Priests wold deale lykewyse with vs as they did with the Iewes yf they coulde Only this is lacking vnto them that they can not abuse vs at their pleasure But what is the cause they are so greuously offended with vs surely no other but that we teache with Iohn to geue the glory to God and to humble them selues before Christ and iudge them selues vnworthy with all their seruice and good workes to wipe such a great mannes shoes For they can not chose but graunt this that Iohn was more holy then all they can be and yet he saith I will caste away all this holynes yf I might but be receaued only into the felowshippe of his grace to haue the ouersight of his shoes I wold thynke my selfe an honorable man This do we therfore testifie and proteste before the worlde the Pope the Bishoppes Priests and Mounkes that be their righteousnes and holynes neuer so much yet in this poynte they are nothyng to be compared with Iohn Wherfore if ye do all that ye can by fastyng and saying your prayers only do this also see that these things be caste at Christes feete and lett them not looke to be iustified and saued therby But say this humbly I do not refuse to be to lowly and humble This do we teache that they suffer Christ to be holy only but they can not be persuaded so to doo They crie out vpon vs lyke madde men saying Not only
this sort may be taken for a Lord with a right to challenge reclayme for our saluatiō because he disturbeth the false vsurped power of the diuell to recouer his owne from him and commeth before his enemies face and indighteth him openly of robbery in that that this cursed spirit hath takē so much vpon him that he hath caste vs misers headlong in to synne and death and in that he hath vsed crafte and gile in entycinge away his couenant seruantes which belonged nothing vnto him for that that he is the true Lord and not the dyuell which vsurpeth power ouer them by violence And for as much as the Angell geueth hym such a great title and calleth hym Lord it is a sure token that this child the sonne of Mary is verily by nature eternall GOD. If it wer otherwyse he wold neuer haue called him Lord. Our Sauiour him self and not an Angell as the Angell sayth with expresse words for yow is borne a sauiour And he is not only oure Lord but Lord also of the angels which as touching this Lord be all of one familie with vs. They are counted vnder one Lord with vs that we men that were the thralls and slaues of the dyuell might be aduaunced by this child to so great renoume that we be receaued with the holy Angells as it were into one citie which are now ioynte felowes with vs so that we may well boste that in this childe we are come to the moste familiar felowshippe of the Angells and may be as bold homely with them as we wold be with oure houshold felowes The Angels might well behaue them selues stately with vs because they passe vs in worthines firste for their nature and substance and also because they are without synne but they are not disdainfull of oure felowshippe neither despise vs for oure misery But it greueth them to see vs vexed with death synne calamytie And this is the cause that they are so gladde of oure saluation that cometh to vs by this chylde They are as glad to see oure saluation as their owne therfore they reioyce that we this day haue gotten that child which is their Lord bryngeth vs to the same degree so that now we are become their felowes and the members of his body They despise vs not they say not Away with these synners that are stinkinge rotton dead carcases in their graues with adulterers wicked doers They are not proude but glad with all their hart that suche synners are come into their felowshippe They geue thāks to God that we are deliuered from synne that we come to dwell with them in one house vnder one Lord. And for this grace they glorifie God although they haue no profyt therby Howe much rather were it oure deutie to geue God thanks to loue one an other as the sonne of God loued vs whiche is made oure flesh and moste nighly ioyned vnto vs He that regardeth not this and loueth not his neighboure can not be saued This is the fyrst sermon that was made after the byrth of Christ as touchīg this childe which endureth after that for euer to the ende of the worlde Wherfore euery man ought diligētly to haue his mynd theron For hereby is this mistery opened how the angels are become oure frends and brought vs ioyful tydings commanding vs to put asyde al feare for as much as this child is borne for vs which is oure sauiour This is an hygh true most excellent confort in the which the mercy of GOD may be perceaued and felte very sensibly and conueniētly that God for oure sake hath humbled him self so lowe that he gaue vs his sonne after a moste boūteouse sorte by a maydē He layeth him in her lappe and sendeth vs word and tydings that he is oure sauiour Let vs seke helpe of him in oure nede let vs trust surely to hym for succoure that all wrothe betwene God and vs may after this depart for euer that we may vse all kynd of humanitie gentlenes one to an other And now iudge here thy self whether God is to be blamed of vnrighteousnes sith that suche thyngs are declared vnto men and they regard it not but despise their owne saluation euen as the mad Papistes do that thynke that this sauiour is not sufficiēt setting vp other besydes to whome they may truste But the sermon of the Angell is not obscure as touchyng this only chyld to be oure sauiour that he as the very grounde of oure saluation may confort vs and replenishe oure hartes with ioy And this man only is he that tourneth bothe the Angell and also Gods eyes on hym self He putteth not only this treasure in the mothers bosome but also he geueth hym vnto vs as oure owne and all that belongeth vnto hym both in heauen and in earth He that heareth this and is not moued therwith is worthye to be caste into hell with lyghtninge Wherfore let vs geue God thanks for his grace pray instantly vnto hym that he will printe this sermon of the Angell in oure hartes that we may conceaue true hope of this sauiour and that by hym we may ouercome death and the dyuel The which to obtayne oure Lord and sauiour Iesus CHRIST graunt vs. Amen The thyrde sermon of the songe of the Angels HItherto haue we spokē as touching the feast And first of the history how the sonne of God being made man was borne into this wretched worlde miserably of the virgyn Mary We ought neuer to forgett this leaste we be founde vnkynde to God for so great a benefit that he hath bestowed on vs by this byrth of his sonne After the hystory we entreated of the godly sermō of the Angels wherby this natiuitie is declared vnto shepheards with a great brightnes which shyned round about the shepheards Whiche thing was vnwonte that God letting passe the great potentates of Ierusalem sendeth this his magnificent legacy of so many thousand Angels to the miserable shepheards watching in the nighte And the Angels geueth hym suche honour as Christ geueth to vs al. They submit them selues to this lowely seruice neither do they disdaine at oure vilenes in shewing vnto vs moste miserable beggers this plaine sermō which is yet extant shal be of a surety in the congregatiō vnto the worldes ende Who may not marueill at these moste hūble modeste spirits in whome is no pride or statelynes at al Whose exāples it might become them to folowe that wold be counted moste holy mightie princes not to be puffed vp for their vertue wisdō power such other things For if these giftes had bē geuē to y● mainte●āce of our pride then mighte the Angels had iust cause to disdayne these poore beggerly shepheards But this is not the maner of angels The shepheards cā not be so abiect vyle ꝑsons neither the Angels so fortunat noble mighty but that they are greatly delighted in
may be geuen to the diuell and to the world I truely wyll not caste away my ioy for thy sake neither doo I regard muche thy displeasure Away from me I haue more pleasure and delite of Christe then thou canst worke me sorowe Suche a mynde dothe the angelles wyshe vs in this verse The dyuels songe is cleane contrarye wherein GOD is blasphemed and cursed where slaughter is commytted and all thynges so ordered that all thynges are defyled with care and sorowe and moste myserable calamytie And to the furtheraunce hereof doo the Secte maysters bestowe all theyr laboure and dylygence They are the dyuelles mouthe they banne God in heauen they sette Prynces at varyaunce and discorde they thynke nothynge of Amitie and Peace they feyne good wylle in syghte but priuilye they entende myschiefe by moste subtyll deuyses Thys pleaseth me wel saith the diuell And it is thys Glory be to the dyuell in hell and sedition in earth and amongest menne a desperate mynde and full of all care and whote blastynge myserye And manye are founde to be of suche a mynde which hath store of all goodes were it not for thys that theyr myndes are possessed with vexation and diuers torments and grypinges It helpeth them nothyng although they be in the myddle of all pleasure This doth the diuel wish to al his that gods gifts may be vnfruitful vnto them But the Angels songe is contrarie They wyshe a bold and couragious heart that is as vnmouable as the Marpese rocke and that glorieth agaynst all stormes of temptation most bitter tribulation This is the song of the angell that is found in no other bokes For it was not made amongst mē in earth but sēt down frō heauē Our God with his holy spirite help vs that we may holde it faste and fulfyll it in dede thorough Iesus Christ his sonne and our Lorde Amen The fourthe Sermon as concernyng the hystorie of Mary and the Shepheardes THus farr in the hystorie haue we proceded and taught how God sent his angels euē that great Princes to preach vnto two or thre shepheards The which were not only a few but also were rude people to sing vnto them the ioyfull verse as touchyng the chyld Iesus after the whiche nowe foloweth this hystorie And it came to passe that when the angels departed from them into heauen that they sayde one to an other c. BY this dothe it appere that the sermon and song of the angels was not vnfruitfull For the shepherds set not so much by theyr flocke but that they take their iorney to the child whom the Angel called their Lord. And this is one fruite that spronge of the Angels sermon An other is that the very shepheardes are made preachers and shewe to other men all that they heard of this chylde And the Euangelist saieth all that herd these thinges that were declared by the shepheards meruailed But this admiration continued not long with the greater sorte For this thing dothe testifie that such men are belongyng vnto the kyngdome of God that can not kepe long in mynde neither Gods mercye nor wrathe neyther his punyshemente nor benefites So wycked is mans mynde that it quickly forgetteth the examples of God shewed vnto vs and therby prouoketh God always to shew new examples by signes and plagues that he may not vtterly falle out of oure remembrance And so is it to be taken wheras the Euangelist saith All that heard merueiled so that this communication and talke was of no longe cōtinuance but endured only a few monethes how that a childe was borne in Bethleem for whome the Angels triumphed in the ayre for whome wyse men came from the easte to grete and worshippe him But after one or two yeares al this was cleane out of memorie and after that no man cared for it and wheras after thyrtie yeares CHRIST began to come abrode by teaching and doing miracles no man called to remēbrance these fyrst things And we verily are not much better than they For a man may scarsly finde one amōgest a thousand that remembreth the miseries and in especiall that great calamity vnder the which the doctrine and worshipping of God lay oppressed in the Popedome In all places was there tormēting of cōscience no where confort The Iewes were in lyke case Ther was no measure nor ende of complayning and lamenting when they were vexed in Egypte They had scarsely bene foure dayes in the desert after their deliuerāce but they desired to retourne into Egypte being mindefull of their old state Suche is the vnstablenes and vnconstancie of mannes mynde It forgetteth almost in a moment greuouse punishements howe should it long remēber a benefyte And in this case can not the prouerbe seme vntrue Nothing is so sone out worne as the remembrance of a good turne Although GOD sheweth examples of his wrathe by sendinge sycknes and such other euyls yet there commeth no more profit therby than if he should wash a tyle on a howse When there is grefe and payne in the body we are somwhat moued but assone as that is at an ende all is quite forgotten And this it is in all thyngs This is the meaning of the Euāgelist wheras he saith Men dyd meruaile But this meruaile had no longe continuance Yet there were some diligēt disciples to obserue this matter Certayne of great grauitie were there which set not lyghtly by all these thyngs as the world doth For the Euangeliste saith moreouer Mary kepte all these sayings and pondered them in her heart And this is nowe an example how the worde of GOD is truely to be hearde She pondreth it in her hearte and hath diligent meditation theron As they do that kepe Gods word diligently serchyng and puttyng it in practise Suche are dayly encreased more and more in vnderstandinge and surely confirmed It chanceth not so with the negligent which receaue with the one eare and forget with the other Whatsoeuer is put in them it fyndeth no more place of abyding then water doth in a botomles barrell But Mary doth otherwyse she kepeth pōdereth it in her heart She perceaueth that it belongeth vnto her wherefore she prynteth it in her mynde she pondereth it and bestoweth great studie in so great a matter howe it could come to passe that she should be called the mother of this chylde whom the Angels called Lord and as concerning whom they preache so magnificētly And after this sort did these thoughts caste so depe rootes in her heart that if all the worlde had afterward spoken agaynst this matter yet she could not be persuaded to thinke otherwyse But she was very certainly assured herof that her sonne was the sonne of GOD and the sauiour of the worlde The word of God wold haue it selfe so familiar vnto vs that it might by custome be turned in to oure nature As it is in the Balad of Ballades .8 Put me as a token of remembrance
to hell This is the imperie of this chylde and for this condition and state doth the fruite redound vnto his people He wyll geue no bodyly saluation but as farre as the soules helth and his glorie requireth for he is poore and nedy Wherfore let no man come to the kyngdom of Christ to the entent that he may enlarge his goods and encrease his substance Ye may loke for this of the Pope and of men of that sorte He aduanceth his creatures to imperie he getteth them riches parteth amōg them all Prouinces as Daniell prophecied But the princely power of this childe is to be felte only in this that thy synnes may be forgyuen that he maye iustifye and saue thee that he may geue his holye spirite and transpose thee out of the kyngdome of the worlde and of death into the kyngdome of God And to this now is Faith requisite and as I sayd before that thou kepe sure the worde of God For he that letteth passe Gods woorde and foloweth his owne thoughtes shall lose Christ neither shall he knowe hym for a king but for a Iudge he shall be in hatred and feare as the dyuell is For they are wont to feare hym also when they feele them selues gyltie for their synne least he shoulde take them to be punyshed wheras Christ in the meane season confesseth hym selfe to be the lord and prince of his people to delyuer theim from synne and to transpose them into the kyngdom of grace For his people are no other but myserable synners which tremble at the felyng of theyr synne and are afrayde and would fayne be in Gods fauour So that herby may the playn description of the Prophet be perceyued Fyrst that he shal be no bodyly prince nor yet exercise spirituall punyshementes agaynst wyckednes but to geue saluation to all men that beleue in hym agaynst synne the deuyll death and hell For of suche a prince there is sure hope of Saluation And thus farre doo the Scribes recite the saying of the Prophete and no farther They feare peraduēture lest this be to muche For they perceaue well that this is Herodes entent to seeke some way howe to slea and to take this kyng of the Iewes out of the way Wherfore they reherse not the whole sentence before Herode and they do almost professe by worde that at this time they acknowledge no other kyng of the Iewes besyde Herode And yet is it in the Prophete that a Prince of the Iewes shoulde come and shoulde procede oute of Bethleem Therfore they leaue this vnperfect neither dare they to pronounce any farther But the Prophete although he was not lyuyng at that tyme yet dothe he procede and describe what maner of captayn or kynge this should be whiche belongeth also to his persone in these wordes Et egressus eius ab initio a diebus aeterni tatis And his out going hath ben from the beginning and from euerlastyng This dyd not the Scribes reherse to Herode no neither they them selues dyd vnderstand it For ther is more obscuritie therin than was in the words before And that his byrth should be in Bethleem and he him selfe be a captaine ouer all Israell it is not obscurelye spoken and there is a sure signe that he shal be a man But wheras the Prophet sayth furthermore His procedyng is from the begynnyng and from the dayes of eternitie It signifieth that he is the eternal and euerlastyng God whiche had not his beginnyng in Bethleem Of a trouth he was born in Bethleem and this is one maner of procedyng But there is an other also beside this Which is sayd to be from the beginnnyng and from the days of eternitie The wordes of the prophete are not to be changed Fyrst he sayth Out of the shall procede Here do the priestes and scribes testify that to procede to be borne signifieth all one Wherfore the same word afterward must nedes signifie the same thyng when he saith Whose procedyng is from the old dayes and from eternitie that is before that tyme that dais and houres were Wherefore if thou wilte know frō whēce this child is borne mark this prophecie He is born saith he frō Bethleē But what more hath he no other birthe then this the prophet saith furthermore yes he was rather borne before al creatures heauen earth the sonne and moone But that may be determined by no wordes and it is nothyng els then that he was borne without begynnyng eternally before there was any tyme or dais This did neither Herode neither the Iewes vnderstand neither wer they worthy to vnderstand it And this is the prince king which was born at Bethleem a very man which neuerthelesse hath this name also Procedyng from the old dayes which proceded and was born before the world that is which is a true and eternal god and also a true a naturall man And this is the cause of so great stir rynges motions in the worlde For it can not vnderstand this to be procedyngs and birthes without discention that this child also should haue his procedyng before there was sonne or moone The Iewes could not abyde this and afterward there sprang vp many heresies whiche spake agaynst it But this matter is left to be consydered of the which hast gods word put foorth vnto the. Out of whome then was he borne if he was borne before the world Uerily of no other but of God only This must reason nedes confesse if it beleue that God made heauen and earth For what other thyng could be before heauen and earth than God If this childe then proceded was borne before heauen and erth was made it must nedes folow that he was borne of God and is very God For besydes God and his creatures was there nothyng And this is surely a sentence which conteyneth the ground foundation of all things For if Christ were onely a pure man death wold haue confounded hym with all other mortall men For in that that he was born of a virgin it hath not so great strength against death But this is a greatter miracle where as God made Eue of a ribbe thā in that that a virgin brought forth a chyld For a virgin is of that sexe and kynd whiche is borne to bryng foorth children Wherfore that thing coulde not represse the dyuell nor deathe because he was borne of the Uirgin Marye But all the healpe consysteth herein that the virgin Mary is not onely great wyth chylde but also with suche a chyld which was borne before the worlde Wherefore the dyuell deathe and all the kyngdom of the dyuell is ouercom in that they proue maistrie with suche a manne whiche hadde hys procedynge or begynnynge beefore the worlde If it were not for this and if he had his procedynge out of Bethleem only he coulde haue the vpper hande ouer death no more than we all he should be in danger therof aswel as his
we haue bestowed and suffered but rather we would condemne our owne nicenesse except we had suffered it Who then will tutne frome the crosse wher as deliuerance and great glorie are set foorth to all them that are in peryl for the gospels sake But great grefe springeth hereof to the fleshe and to the old man It wyll not be gladly combred with this crosse Wherfore we muste neuer let this example goe out of our eies We must diligently consider the word that we may be defenced in temptation Let vs haue recourse vnto Christ which sleapeth among vs sheweth as though he had no regarde of vs. But let vs with ardent and earnest praier aske help of him we shal surely fynd it most present The which thyng as it is setforth vnto vs with sure knowlege as touchīg gods will so god graūt it now come to passe in dede prosperously vnto the glory of god the saluaciō of our soules Amen The fyfte Sonday after twelfth daye Upon the Gospel Math. xiii THe kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed good seede in his field but whyle men slept his enemye came and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his waye But when the blade was spronge vp had brought forth fruite then appeared the tares also So the seruauntes of the housholder came and sayde vnto him Sir didst not thou sowe good seede in thy fielde from whēce then hath it tares He said vnto them The enuious man hath done this The seruauntes sayde vnto him Wilt thou then that we go and wede them vp But he said Nay left whyle ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with thē let both growe together vntil the haruest and in the tyme of haruest I will say to the reapers Gather ye first the tares and bynde them together in sheaues to be brent but gather the wheate into my barne THE EXPOSITION IT appeareth that this Gospell in tymes paste was very easye to vnderstād specially bycause Christ him self setteth forth the meaninge of that parable as concerning the field the sower the corrupter the good seed the tares c. But this difficultie hardnes afterward sprange in this Gospel that was so playn by the doctors not agreing together herein so that we must take the more diligēt hede leaste the true sentēce shold be takē from vs. Some say that tares signifie heresies therby gather that it belōgeth not to the ciuill powers to punishe heretikes Of the which opinion Augustin graunteth hym selfe to haue ben But he sayeth that he was constrained by sure reasons and by experience it selfe to yeld vp this opinion Some make no differēce betwene a ciuil officer and seruaunts of this housholder and expounde tares to signifie common offences and so conclude that a Christian officer ought not to be iudge in matters of life and death Ther be some of the whiche sorte is the Pope and his adherentes that while they regarde not that Christ forbiddeth to plucke vp the tares by their owne Iudgement pronounceth the doctrine of the gospel to be tares and therfore they neuer cease to moue persecution againste the gospell the professors therof by murderinge and kylling them Wherfore seing the meaninge is so diuers first muste we inquire and entreat of the true meaning and than of the common question what ought to be done with heretikes And as touching the true meaning this it is Christ putteth forth generallie the parable of the kyngdom of heauen in a maner declareth the fashion of the church shewing and geuing an example on the which al godly men and especiallie the rulers of the congregation ought to haue their eyes attent lest they sholde by their owne imaginations swarne and turne to a contrarie kyngdome and dreame of vndefiled felowshippes of sainctes in earth For this worde Kyngdome of Heauē semeth to receaue no kynde of mans filthines For it maketh with reason that nothing ought to be receaued into an holy place but holy thinges As God suffered not man defiled with syn to be in an holy place yea for this cause he forthwith repelled Lucifer with all his from hym Wherfore this is the nature of the kingdome of heauen As the sea can suffer no dead carcase in it so no vncleane thinge that is defyled with syn can be abidyng in the kyngdome of God This is one consideration of the kyngdome of God But this gospel entreateth not especially herof For the condition of this kyngdome is vnpossible for sinners An other kyngdome of GOD or of heauen in earth is reuealed by the sonne of God That GOD wolde haue to be suche that in it might be set vp the horne of saluation and rightuousnes for synners In this hath synners an interest and right and are receaued into it for their synnes There riseth in this kyngdome holines and iustice whiche is remission of synnes through Christe whiche is the wisedome rightousnes and satisfyinge And these thinges are not belonginge to determinat tymes or prescriptions concerninge this or that person For God will haue at no time that the waye to repent should be taken stopped from synners there are no other thynges which are more necessarie for the executynge of this matter than the synner comminge to the remission of sinnes It is not demaunded when and of what kynde his sinnes were done or be If he can but prouide for one thing euen that he surely beleue that his sinnes are forgeuen for Christes sake that he neuer counted gods mercy to be lesse then that it can be sufficiente to pardon his sinnes This strange kyngdome doth God set vp in the gospell of his sonne and appointeth a certaine tyme to the administration therof whiche is from the first vttering and reuelie of hym vntil Christ come to iudge both the quicke and the dead and now Christ wheras he compareth the kyngdome of gods saluatiō mercy which is only necessary for synners with the capacitie of the worlde in the which the dyuel that cā neuer be fauorable to the kingdō of God seketh diuers occasions to fulfill his will He forseeth in his mynde great offences to come which by wickednes shall ryse in this kingdō of Gods mercie For the word of God taketh roote in very fewe and this few esteminge the grace of God truely embrace it with a true faith are renewed with the holy ghoste which alway moueth thē to haue faith thorough Christ in Gods mercie and to performe such obediēce as is mete for them that are new borne to praye waight alway for certaine ayde for Christes sake Al the other multitude although they wil be lothe to be named forsakers of their Christian professiō to be counted out of Gods kingdom goeth to that professiō in word but for as much as they be void of righteousnes wtout the holy Ghoste therfore they are subiect to the diuels
God reueleth and therefore accuseth and condemneth If it be no synne in the lawe of God then is it a popishe synne vnknowen to God and therfore not to be regarded For that is onely synne that the lawe of God forbyddeth And thus may we see that very many lye weltring in great notorious synnes as couetousnes whoredome adultery theafte vsurie anger enuy glotony drunckenes bannynge cursyng blasphemy and suche lyke and styll remayne frowardly in the same without repentaunce without anye conscience of their wycked and vngodly behauiour as for their sinnes they care not onely this is their desire that they may so synne that it be not perceaued nor knowen of other Suche sinnes can not be forgeuen and vnto these belong byndinge or retayninge and the second power whereof Christe speaketh here that suche synnes are to be retayned Therefore here is a difference to be made and the true sinnes are so to be diuided that some are sinnes both before vs and God some only before God and not before vs. For we wil not knowledge them nor be sorie for them and desire of god remission and forgeuenes of them As Dauid saith against thee alone haue I synned and before thee haue I done euil Here both be ioyned together forasmuch as Dauid knowledgeth and confesseth that he hath done euill and knoweth that it doth displease God As thoughe he should saye verely I know and fele the synne not only because I remembre it but also because I fele what synne is able to do yea I feale the power and strength of synne that it is a cruel torment and an intollerable burden and that it accuseth me before god and goeth about to plucke me vnto death and vnto the deuill as Paule sayth to the Romains without the lawe synne was dead I lyued somtime without lawe As though he should saye Synne is alwayes in vs. But before the lawe commeth it is as though it were buried or a sleape For it disquieteth vs not it vexeth vs not it tormenteth vs not And hereof it commeth that we heape dayly more and more sinne vpon synne and make no conscience thereof otherwise woulde we repent and cease to synne But when that thonderbolte I meane the lawe of God stryketh the conscience pearceth it thorowe then begynneth synne as a man wolde saye to waxe alyue againe so that now we begynne to knowe how mightie a thing synne is whiche taketh god awaye from vs and casteth vs downe hedlong vnto the deuill and hell fyre Therfore sayth Paule when the lawe came synne waxed alyue again But I was dead the commandement which was vnto life was founde vnto me to be vnto death And this is the very sinne which is sin before God me as we may see in Dauid when he committed adultery with Bethseba the sin greued him nothing at all for sinne was dead But when Nathā the prophete ones came and did cast this thonderbolt at him Thou art this man then beganne syn to waxe aliue in Dauids hearte and threatned him death But Nathan conforteth him sayth Thou shalt not dye Thus sewe that the Apostlike regiment is an aucthoritie and power not ouer politique ciuile and temporall matters or ouer suche synnes alone as that world accuseth cōdemneth iudgeth and punisheth but ouer all those synnes whiche thou in thy consciēce and god in his righteousnes count to be sinnes so that by thys meanes the syns of the whole worlde are subiect to the Apostles to all the ministers of the church yea when time requireth to all Christians so that thou maist certenly persuade thy selfe when thou hearest of thy pastour or in his absence of any other Christian that thy sinnes are forgeuē thee in the name of Christ that that is so true iuste and certen and is also of no lesse power as though Christ himself had spoken it or an Angel from heauen had declared it vnto thee at the commandement of Christ. But this cōmission and power is not geuen to the Apostles ministers of the church that they shoulde thereby auaunce themselues setforth their owne honour waxe proude and exercise tyranny ouer the congregation of God For it is onely geuen them to this ende that therby they should serue thee and that thou mayest be defended agaynste thine enemye whiche is to stronge for thee Therfore this is a wonderfull and incredible power that wretched man whiche is a synner also should dryue the deuyll out with his power whom otherwise the hole worlde coulde not expell and driue out For so sayth Christ what soeuer ye losen in earth shal be losened in heauen Again whose synnes ye shall forgeue shal be forgeuen them And as it is rehersed in this our gospell as my father sent me so lykewise do I send you These wordes are so plaine and euident that no man ought to doubte of them but as he heareth the wordes of remission of sinnes pronounced vnto hym so lykewise shall he receaue and enioye it And this is the cause that we admonishe you so often seinge Christe hath geuen suche and so great power to his churche that ye shoulde vse the same and by no meanes despise it For vnto this ende hath Christ ordeined this ministerie that on this wise the synnes of the worlde shoulde be forgeuen and taken awaye so that they be sinnes in dede and with a repentaunt fayth and faithful repentaunce knowledged and confessed For as for counterfaite and forged synnes they pertayne nothynge vnto this matter They must be sinnes in dede which trouble vexe and disquiet the heart as Adam in the fyrste booke of Moyses preached and sayd to his son Cain If sayth he thou haddest done well and haddest ben good thyne oblation shoulde haue bene accepted But for asmuche as thou arte euill thy synne lyeth in the dores As though he shold say Thou standest nowe there and arte a synner but thou dost not yet fele it Thy synne lyeth but in a very troublesome and vnrestfull place Therfore se vnto it for it wyll one day awake and comme to light and then shall it otherwise go with thee For thy synne lieth lurketh not vnto this ende that it shoulde for euer rest and be kepte secrete but that it should comme to light that it may torment trouble vexe and byte thee so that thou shalt not know what to do nor whether to turne thee They therfore that are not moued with their sins haue notwithstandinge synnes in dede but yet suche as are not venial remissible or able to be forgeuen and therefore are their sinnes retained holden and boūde For they haue no luste nor desyre to be forgeuen for if they had they would repent and leaue to synne This was the doctrine of the Papistes that whosoeuer wold haue remissiō of their sinnes they should firste of all confesse all theyr synnes to the priest be contrite and sorie for them and receaue penaunce at the
he may boldly open his mouth and lippes and declare the matter both for hymselfe and for other and saye Lorde this haue I nede of that hath my neighbour nede of Geue vs this for Christes sake c. Our times be suche nowe that we can neuer want necessarie causes to pray Calamities and publique miseries are there plentie Perils and daungers cōpasse vs rounde about The cause of all these euils is the deuill which is a murtherer and a lyar with lying he goeth about to oppresse the worde of God and with commotions insurrections and murtheringe one of an other he troubleth the ciuile state publique peace The Pope the Turke and the other tyrauntes which all are enemies to the worde of god helpe the deuyll also forwarde in all his matters yea we also priuatly euery one of vs haue oure priuate incommodities and afflictions so that we haue causes sufficient to moue vs vnto prayer They that can not aptly expresse in prayer these most haynous and greuous euylles let them take vnto them the Lords prayer whiche containeth seuen petitions wherin are cōprehended abundantly all thinges that we haue nede to praye for In the first petitiō Halowed be thy name we pray for the ministery for all true ministers againste heretikes vngodly personnes againste the Iewes Infidelles Turkes and againste the Pope all Papistes for all these blaspheme the name of God and dishonoure it that god will represse confound them send faithfull workemen into his haruest and conserue and kepe his worde sincere and pure againste heresies In the second petition Thy kingdome come we desire that the kyngdome of the deuil and death may decaye and come to naught which is a very ample and large petition For it comprehendeth al the deuils kingdome that god maye make an ende of it and vtterlye destroye it and set vp his owne kingdome in vs and in all menne thorowe his worde and the holy ghost In the third petition Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen we praye that all other wyll whiche is cōtrary to the mercifull will of god may be restrained hindered so that it maye take no place This prayer can not the deuill his Impes abide yea this prayer preserueth and kepeth vs safe from many incommodities and combraunces which the deuil the worlde would dayly attempte and bring to passe againste vs-if they were not letted by this petition In the fourth petition Geue vs this daye our dayly breade we praye for the maiestrates for our parentes for our wyfe and children for the fruites of the earth for seasonable weather for peace and for all thynges necessarie for this present life euery man according to his vocation and calling that it wil please god to prosper all these thinges and to defend them against euil In the fyfte petition And forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs we desire that god wyll be merciful vnto vs turne awaye his wrath from vs that we haue iustly deserued not deale with vs accordinge to our sins but that he wil forgeue vs our trespasses geue vs grace that we may waxe daily better and better shewe beneuolence an good wil one toward an other and one of vs forgeue an other how great soeuer the offences be In the sixte petitiō And leade vs not into temptation we aske the god specially will helpe all afflicted consciences that they perishe not in tentation but that they may be deliuered from it by the worde by the holy ghost In the seuenth petition But deliuer vs from euill we pray for a blessed a prosperous end that we may be deliuered from al sinnes calamities of this lyfe be brought vnto a glorious an euerlasting lyfe there to remayne with god in his kyngdome for euermore Thus see we that in the Lords praier are contayned abondātly al thinges necessarye to be prayed for whether we will be deliuered from those thinges that are euil or holpē with those thinges that are good And all these thinges are necessarie to be daily prayed for For there is great plentie of necessities and perils first publiquely and afterwarde priuately in euerye mans owne busynesses Onely this one thynge is greatly to be lamented that we are very colde and slouthfull vnto the Godly exercise of prayer neyther do we resorte vnto it wyth suche earnest desyre and fayth as we ought to do There is a commandement set forth that byddeth vs to pray There is also a promes that we shal vndoubtedly be heard And because we shold lack nothing that might furder vs in this behalfe Christe in the aforesaide prayer hath prescribed and appointed vnto vs a certein forme or maner of praying But for asmuche as oure indignitie and vnworthynes by the reasone of our synnes doth alwayes trouble vs so that eyther we praye nothyng at all or els whē we pray we doubt whether we shal be heard or not we must encourage and confirme our heartes with this that Christ commandeth vs with expresse wordes that we shoulde aske and praye in his name And he promiseth for a certeintie that whatsoeuer we aske in his name we shall surely receaue and haue it And by these wordes he vtterly remoueth this worshipping of God by prayer from all creatures either in heauen or in earth vnto this onely person Iesus Christ. Therfore all prayer that is not made in the name of Christ is no prayer nor worshippinge of god As when the monckes praye that god will haue mercy on them for Fraunces sake for Dominickes sake for Benet and Bernardes sake and that he wil graunt their petitiōs for their owne workes sake or for the fastings almose dedes and prayers of other c. This is no prayer For it is not made in the name of Christe but in the name of Fraunces Dominicke Benet c. or in theyr owne name suche is the prayer of the Iewes of the Turkes of the Infidelles yea and of the Papistes For they wil not haue the name of Christ only in their prayer but they adde vnto it also the names of Mary of the Apostles and of other Sainctes But as concerning all such Idolatrous prayers the end of them is this God heareth them not they please not but rather displease god They are no honoring but rather a dishonoring of god And although such hipocrites do many tymes obteyne that which they aske yet were it muche better for them neuer to obteyn it then after this sorte wherby they be only confirmed and hardened in their impietie and vngodlynes But the godly praye not so They despaire of theyr owne name neyther wyll they at any tyme praye in that But forasmuche as they knowe that GOD is mercyfull for Christes sake and they haue a commandement that they shoulde praye in the name of Christ that encourageth
holy ghoste after these fewe dayes When they therefore were come together they asked of hym sayinge Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdome of Israell And he sayd vnto them It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasons whiche the father hathe put in his owne power But ye shal receyue power after the holy ghost is come vpon you And ye shal be witnesses vnto me not on lye in Ierusalem but also in all Iewrye and in Samaria and euen vnto the worldes ende And when he had spoken these thinges whyle they behelde he was taken vp on hye and a cloude receyued hym vp out of their syght And whyle they loked stedfastly vp towarde heauen as he went behold two men stode by them in whyte aparell which also sayde Ye men of Galile why stande ye gasynge vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seene hym goe into heauen THE EXPOSITION THis daye is celebrated and kepte holy the feast of the Ascention of Christe that we maye the better be instructed concernynge thys Article of the Christen Fayth He ascended into heauen and sytteth on the ryght hand of God the Father almyghty frome thense he shall come to iudge the quycke and the deade For the trewe vnderstandyng of this article two thynges are necessarye to be knowen One concernynge the hystorie of the Ascention of Christ. The other as touchyng the mysterie of Christes Ascention what he hath done why he dyd ascende and what profyte he hath brought to his Churche and faithefull congregation by that hys meruailous and glorious Ascension As concernynge the hystorie blessed Luke in hys Chronicle of the Apostles actes dothe very diligently describe it and set it foorthe when he maketh mention of the daye of the place and of the persones that were present after this maner That the Lord after that by the space of fortie days he had shewed hymself aliue to his Disciples after his resurrection spokē vnto thē of the kingdom of God gathered them together and brought them vnto mount Oliuete not farre frome Hierusalem and gaue them commaundemente that they shoulde not departe frome Hierusalem but to wayte there for the promise of the Father euen the Holy Ghost and that afterwarde they shoulde publyshe the Gospelle thorough out the worlde And when he hadde spoken these thynges whyle they behelde hee was taken vp on hye and a clowde receaued hym vp oute of theyr syghte And whyle they looked stedfastly vp towarde heauen as he went Beholde sayth Luke two men stoode by theym in whyte apparell whyche sayd vnto them Ye menne of Galilee why stande ye gasing vp into heauen Thys same IESVS whyche is taken vp frome you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seene hym go into heauen This is the historie of the Ascention of Christ as it is described and sette forth by blessed Luke In this hystorye fyrst of all is this miracle woorthye to be obserued that the Lorde Christ before hys Disciples is caryed vp into Heauen and by a cloude taken oute of theyr syght whiche is a manyfeste declaration vnto vs what the state of glorified bodies after the generall Resurrection shall bee For it is not the naturall propretie of mens bodies to be caried vp Notwithstandyng that shal be the condition of glorified bodies that in a moment they maye go to all places without impediment of any thyng as the example of Christe teacheth whome when he rose agayne from death vnto lyfe the stone of the graue could not hynder hym nor afterwarde the doores shutte coulde kepe hym out He pearceth thorow all thyngs He maketh hym selfe vysible when he wyll agayn inuisible when his pleasure is That same felicitie and blessed state shall our bodies also haue after the resurrection when the bodies shall be immortall and no more subiecte to infirmities as they are nowe in thys lyfe wherein we are combred with many diseases and necessities But of these thynges we shall speake more at an other tyme whenne wee shall treate of the Article of the Resurrection of the deade Lette vs nowe come vnto the principall poynte of the whole matter wherunto also the Angels had speciall respecte when they called agayne into the waye the Disciples that gased here and there that they should rather consider why Christe is ascended into heauen then how he beyng a littell afore seene is nowe seene nomore The doctrine of the Apostles in all thynges moueth specially to this poynt that we should consider vnto what ende all the actes of Christe were doone as for an example They referre Christes deathe vnto our sinnes and his resurrection vnto oure Iustification and so likewise of the other After this sorte muste we nowe also see why Christe ascended into heauen and what commoditie and profyt we haue by that his ascension And fyrst of all lette vs behold the nature and state of his kyngdome For in that that he is gone vp into heauen he declareth that his kyngdom is not of this worlde and that his administration shall not be after the maner of worldly kyngdomes When the Disciples demaunded of Christe at what tyme he woulde restore the kyngdome to Israell they were of this opinyon that Christes kyngedome shoulde be a corporall and worldly kyngedome But by his ascension they are taught otherwyse to thynke of his kyngdom that is to saye that it is no worldely kyngdome oute of the which great richesse dignities and promotions are to be looked for but rather a spirituall and euerlastynge kyngedome in the whyche hee shoulde geue Spirituall gyftes vnto menne Therefore lette no manne become one of Christes flocke to the ende that he wyll gette temporall goodes and worldely possessions or to come vnto great honour for these thynges are not to be found in this kyngdome Baptisme the ministerie of the worde and the Lordes supper were not instituted for tēporall thinges neither shold Christ euer haue ben reueled in the world if it had not bene for a more graue and weighty cause then this For our euerlastyng saluation and rightousnes came he down from heauen There was therfore an higher greater matter why the sonne of God did either descende or ascend verily that he might prouide for vs euerlasting goodes as are the fauor of God remission of sinnes the gift of the holy Ghost righteousnes euerlastyng lyfe Such gyfts must we loke for at Christes hand which continued not in this life but wēt into an euer stinge life euen into heauen and there hath begun a spirituall inuisible and euerlasting kingdome Whych thing was longe before prophecied by Dauid in a certaine Psalm which S. Paule reciteth in his Epistle to the Ephesians and interpreteth it of the Ascention of Christ and of his spirituall kyngdome The words are these Thou art gone vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue and
the edifying of the saintes to the worke and ministration euen to the edifying of the body of Christe till we all come to the vnitie of fayth knowledge of the sonne of god vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the ful perfecte age of Christ. For we se by daily experience howe cruell an enemie the deuil is to the worde and specially in these our dayes and how he calleth vnto hym for helpe the Turke the Pope and all the tyrātes of the worlde that they coming to gether hurly burly with speares and Iauelinges in their handes against the lord and his annointed may put out of the waye the worde of God and make hauocke of the Churche of Christ. But the more the Pope the Turke shewe their furie and crueltie against the churche of Christe and his holye worde the more doth it prosper and florishe and daily more and more getteth the victorie ouer the enemies whiche with out all doubte shall shortly come to confusion The gates of hell ▪ sayth Christ shall not preuaile against my church or congregation Again whosoeuer falleth on this stone shall be broken in peces but on whome soeuer it falleth it shal al to grinde him Baptisme the Lordes supper and the worde all the tyrantes of the worlde can not take awaye no nor yet destroye that congregation whiche exerciseth them faithfully and truly And this is no lytle fruite nor smal commoditie of Christes Ascention For to this ende went he vp into heauen that he might sende the holy ghost and set forwarde the ministerie of of the gospel here in the worlde Moreouer these also are called giftes that god gouerneth and defendeth his churce conforteth it in aduersitie preserueth it in persecution kepeth it in the trueth and defendeth it against errours and moueth it vnto prayer and other godlye exercises as Christe faith in the gospel In that day ye shal aske in my name For this can no man do without the helpe of the holye ghost And to be shorte whatsoeuer we haue and receaue al are the giftes of Christ and all are the fruites of his Ascention For for this purpose did Christe ascend into heauen that he shoulde stablishe suche a kingdome and make vnto hym selfe thorowe the holy ghost a Churche euen suche a churche as the gates of hell shall neuer be able to preuaile against it This doth Luke very aptly signifie in his Euangelical historie when he recordeth that Christ being redy to ascend into heauen lifted vp his handes and blessed his disciples not as the popishe byshoppes are wont to do by wagginge their fyngers ouer the people that kneleth downe before them but he praied and wished wel to their ministerie which he then enioyned them that they should preache the gospell to euery creature that is to say to all kynde of men to all nations to all people For the gospell is not commanded to be preached for plantes stones byrdes fishes c. But for men for reasonable creatures as it is said He that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued But stones and trees can not beleue Therfore pertaineth vnto thē neither preaching nor baptisme But faith baptisme belong only vnto men therfore doth the preachinge of the gospell pertayne vnto thē alone but Christ vseth that figure maner of speach saying Preache the gospel to euery creature that by this he may comprehende al degrees conditions of men that no Emperour no kinge no prince is so mightie but he must heare beleue and receaue the gospel or els thinke himselfe as he is in dede damned To this commandement doth Christ lyfte vp his handes and blesseth them that is to saye he doth not only wysh that they may prosper haue good successe in the execution of their office but he signifieth also that he will helpe thē defende them be present at their ministerie geue good encrease to the same as he saith by the Prophet The worde that cōmeth out of my mouth shal not turne againe voide vnto me but shal accomplishe my wil prosper in the thing wherto I sent it Therfore wheresoeuer the gospel is taught Christe lyfteth vp his handes and bringeth forth his blessinge that it maye bringe forth fruite and not returne in vayne And this is without doubt a great conforte that Christ at that very tyme when he should ascend lyfteth vp his handes blesseth the disciples For by this he euidētly declareth that his Ascentiō bringeth vnto vs most swete cōsolation cōfort great helpe against syn deuil death and hel diuerse noble giftes vnto the edifyinge of gods church fynally his blessinge good wil and fauour yea and also after this transitorie life euerlasting life with immortall glorie vnoutspeakable ioye For to what ende should Christ haue geuen so louinge and gentle a token of his louing and gentle good will toward vs by lifting vp his handes and by blessyng vs if he had borne vs no good will nor wold haue suffred vs to haue place with him in his kingdō Seing then that he lifted vp his handes wysheth well to them an to their newe enioyned ministerie it is a moste euident argument sure signe and manifest token that he beareth a singuler good will towarde vs and that his desyre is we should euer be partakers of this blessing and receaue therof greate consolation and conforte thorowe the preachinge of the Gospell whiche is the power of god vnto saluation for so manie as beleue it Thus haue I sett foorth vnto you this ●rticle of Christes Ascension wherby ye vnderstande how full of swetnes and conforte it is and what great and singuler profite cometh to vs by it ye haue hearde that forasmuche as oure owne fleshe and bloude euen the sonne of God sytteth on the right hand of God synne death and deuill are without power that they haue not so greate libertie strength that they can hurte vs. For although they be oure capital cheife enemies seke all meanes possible to destroye vs yet are they such enemies as are but prisoners boūde slaues Ye haue hearde also that thorow the Ascension of Christ the holy ghost is geuēn vnto vs that he may lede vs into all truth defende vs againste errours conforte vs in our afflictions praye with vs moue vs to prayer and finally garnishe vs with all maner of spirituall and heauenly gyftes For this cause is Christe ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God that as Paule sayth he maye fulfyll all thinges that is to saye geue and graunt vs all thinges whatsoeuer we haue nede of vnto saluation and euerlasting lyfe Therfore let vs follow the example of the Apostles as Luke sayth let vs worship with them the Lord Christ Iesus yea and that with great ioye and geue most hūble entier heartie thākes to our heauēly father
As it chanceth in the wynd The sound therof is heard but we can neither declare the risynge nor the slackyng therof So is it in the newe byrthe The outwarde ceremonie commeth by the water vnto the eyes and the word is heard that the woorke is done in the name of Iesus vnto the absolution and remission of synnes He that regardeth not the worde and spirite and the vertue thereof and seketh it not after that sorte as Christe hath appoynted shall bee deceyued For nothyng els is requisite to the getting of the newe birth and spirite but that thou must be baptised with water and take diligent hede to the word This is the newe birth to the kyngdome of God and no other way is there What wil these sectaries say here which only crake of the spirite and in the meane tyme lay asyde baptisme the sacrament worde Wherfore Christ here doth not teache but he sheweth by a plain demonstration baptisme the word And doth admonyshe vs that if we will not be content to vse the water and word that we shall haue nothing of the holye ghost neither shall we euer atteyne to the new byrth Wherfore let vs haue diligent regard of our baptisme and of the word as of the chief part of our saluation Where we know for a suretie that if we kepe that we are new borne vnto the kingdome of God And this doctrine how we must be new borne that is how we must come to the kingdom of God is strāge and not heard of in the world and yet it is only true vnfallible where as of the contrary part all other doctrines deceaue seme they neuer so good by the iudgemēt of the world of reason The life of the phariseis the rules of monkes the deuotion of the single shauelings are very fantasticall And the works of vertue of the ten cōmandements do not a little cōmend them that haue them Yet there is none of al these things that doth regenerate It is only water and the spirite that doth worke these thinges which spirite will no otherwise be knowen of vs or felt but as the wind is knowen by the sound He that heareth the sounde that is beleueth is baptised he is new borne shal be saued But Nicodemus is so deepely drownde vp in his phantasticall imaginations of the law and good workes that he can not cōprehend this doctrine as it doth also chaunce in those Papistes that are moste wittie For it hindreth them alwayes when they think thus should all this be nothing should not this please God that we fast that we pray that we geue almes Wherfore Christ hādleth hym with the more austeritie for that he wil not beleue knowledge the true doctrine saith Art thou a master in Israel and knowest not these thinges As though he should say How then doest thou thy dutie as a maister of Israel seinge thou knowest not the way of true saluation This doctrine of the newe byrth and regeneration is the doctrin of the prophets necessarie to saluatiō Now art thou so ignorāt that thou doest not knowe that vice in oure nature whiche hath neede to bee abolished by regeneration But for what purpose is this reprouing of a maister in Israell Uerily that all preachers of religion and of true saluation may know that all learninge which is without the doctrine of regeneration is naught and false Not because it is a faulte to teache good workes and to adhorte men therto For so doth the lawe of god and doth wel therby But herin are they to be blamed that beside this doctrine they teache men nothyng els as though nothing els were requisite to euerlastinge life For it is euident in this place that although the lawe and good workes be done yet they profitte nothynge to the attainement of the kyngdome of god but that there muste nedes be the new byrth of water of the holy ghost And it is the spirite which by the water worde doth make other new men The lawe and the workes do change neither the men neither the workes Wherfore he that thinketh with himselfe how he might bring men to saluation let him haue respect to the newe byrth as Christ hath here let him not beginne it by good workes but let hym laye the fundation by that thing that can make a new heart that is let hym lead men to baptisme and to the spirit ye and to the word by the whiche the holy Ghoste doth worke in mens heartes For as the winde nothing is knowen but the sounde so of the holy ghost nothyng is perceaued but the worde That must ye kepe surely and then looke for the operation of the holy ghost Nowe what maner of worde this is and how the holy Ghoste doth make a sounde Christe here teacheth No man goeth vp into heauen but he that came down frō heauen euen the sonne of man which is in heauen This begynninge of the sermon is of that wherof Christe sayth ye beleue not me if I speake earthlye thinges to you how wil ye beleue if I speake heauēly things vnto you For this sermon can not be inuēted by any man but the only begotten sonne which is in the bosom of the father hath declared it vnto vs. Of this sermon or saying ther are two partes The fyrste is somwhat harde For of this it is certainely decreed No man ascendeth into heauen but he that came downe from thence the meaning wherof is all one with the saying before Except a man be new borne he cā not see the kyngdome of God That is No man can be saued or obtaine remissiō of his sinnes rightousnes neither by the law neither by good workes reason or free wil. And he that hath no more then these things although they be neuer so good he is dāned can haue no hope of saluation It is a very euident plaine sentence whiche if the Iewes papistes wold beleue it wold make them to forsake al the trust that they haue in their owne workes and righteousnes For what man hath his birth from heauen None no not the first that were Adam and Eue. It is only the sonne of Mary as Christe here saith Therfore if none shal enter vp to heauen but he that came downe frō heauen it is plaine that all men as they be borne of their parēts can not ascend into heauē If they can not go vp into heauen what place is there for them For they can not cōtinew in earth for death If therbe no going vp to heauen than can no man escape damnation This is the iudgement of Christ as touching all the worlde no man excepted whether it be Adam Eue Abraham Moyses or Dauid all they can not enter in to heauen For he only ascēdeth into heauen that came down frō thence What do we then preuaile by good workes merits the law or free wil All these things are
openeth their eies and loseneth their tongue For this is certaine and sure that all saluation commeth to vs onely by the worde of God Otherwise what coulde we knowe of Christe and his sacrifice of the holy ghost of the wyl of God c. Wherfore this also euen in these our dayes is an excedynge great miracle and a moste hygh benefite when God geueth to any man such an eare as gladly heareth his worde and suche a tongue as dothe not blaspheme but blesse and glorifie God Our aduersaries the Papistes are muche more miserable and in aworse case then this dumbe mā was For their eares are stopped And although they heare the worde of God yet can they not heare it I meane vnto their profite and edifying But they heare it as the Iewes did when Christ most excellently preached of the forgeuenes of sinnes and of euerlastynge lyfe they vnderstode nothyng they delyted not in the sermons of Christ but contrarywyse they were vtterlye madde and blasphemed Christ and his doctrine Suche are all they that wyll not heare the worde of God They are deafe and dumbe and in a farre worse case then this miserable man was of whom our gospell maketh mencion For they can doo nothynge ells with their tongue then blasphem and most spitefully rayle vpon the worde of God that most excellent and precious iewelle But they that gladdely heare the word of God and vnto whome Christ saythe as he sayd to this dumbe man Ephata that is to saye Be opened and haue the benefit of hearyng are those to whom healpe is geuen in dede against the deuyll For God hath opened vnto vs none other way vnto heauen then his word and his holy Gospell He that gladly heareth that diligentely kepeth that and hath hys chiefe delyght in that is safe and without all danger This is one miracle whiche is euen at this daye in the churche among men that our eares whiche the deuyll thorowe synne hadde stopped are made open by the word that we may heare the worde of GOD which is the doctrine of our saluation An other is that he toucheth the tongue and maketh it to speake as Paule saythe With the hearte it is beleued vnto righteousnesse and with the mouthe confession is made vnto saluation For when we beleue in Christ we obteyn therby remission of our sins But after this it is necessary also to confesse and to open by speache that which is felt and beleued in the heart And this maketh a christenman All other workes can not doo it It is possible that a Monke may faste watche and wearye his bodye more thenne a Christian but by that hee is not made a Christian manne For in thys one thynge he fayleth that he is yet deafe and dumbe He wyll not heare the worde and muche lesse confesse it But a christen manne heareth and beleeueth and afterwarde confessethe These two thynges make a christian manne Thus CHRIST exercysethe hys woorke dayely in the Congregation spiritually and by the woorde which he wroughte thenne corporally that hee myghte testifye howe hee geueth healpe agaynste the vniuersall myschiefe of the deuyll but specyally agaynste the spyrituall wyckednesse of Sathan the deuyll that wee myghte stedfastely beleue and put oure whole truste in hym Nowe muste we consyder thys also what Christe meaneth by thys ceremonie that he vseth about thys deafe and dumbe persone The people broughte thys wretched man vnto Christe and desyred hym to lay his handes vppon hym Christ taketh hym asyde from the people putteth his fyngers in his eares he spitteth and touchethe hys tongue hee looketh vp to heauen he mourneth and sayeth Ephata All thys muste sygnifye some speciall matter seyng that Christ vseth suche circumstances in doyng this miracle passyng all other that he wrought Nowe therfore for as muche as we haue declared what it is to be dumbe and deafe lette vs consyder also what meruaylous Ceremonye thys is and why CHRIST woulde specially vse it in thys miracle where as neuerthelesse hee myghte haue doone it wyth one woorde For thys is moste euident and playne that when so euer Christ spake the worde streyght wayes the woorde tooke effect Ueryly Christe by this soo exquisite a ceremonye hathe respecte to a spirituall miracle For by thys he wyll shewe what an harde matter it is to restore the deaffe to theyr hearynge and vnto the dumbe their speache Hee rayseth vppe Lazarus with one woorde To the manne that was sycke of the palsey hee sayde Ryse and walke and he immediatly was made whole But wyth thys manne whyche was deafe and dumbe it pleased hym not to vse suche speede But hee doothe vse a syngular kynde of proceedynge and order in woorkynge of thys myracle He puttethe hys fyngers into the deafe mannes eares Hee towcheth his tongue wyth spetle Hee looketh vppe into heauen He mournethe and then at the last he saieth Ephata that is Be thou opened that by this he might signifie vnto vs that yf we will escape the bondes of the deuyll and haue a redy tong to speake open eares to heare it must be done by the external outward worde and by the ministerie of the same agayn by the outwarde signes or sacramentes that he hath appoynted to bee vsed in hys churche For the worde is fyrst to be hearde and then Baptisme and the Lordes supper must be ioyned therto vnto the whyche thinges the holy ghost commeth and deliuereth the eares and tongue frome their bondes that they may lerne to auoyd all sectaries which despise the outward word and sacramentes and loke tyll God talketh with thē inwardly But Christ saith Thys is my fynger euen the outward worde Thys oughte to sounde in mens eares This is my spettle wherewith their tongue muste be touched and made moyste Then shall my woorke very well and prosperously procede as ye may see For where the outward word is sincerly taught there are christians but wher it is not taught there are none Therefore lette euery man prouide that they followe these steppes Let hym gladly heare the worde of God For God wil not shyne nor geue the glorious lyght of his Gospell into thy hearte except thou firste heare his woorde If thou bee desirous to see and to knowe hym it must be done onely by the worde and sacramentes For without this the holy Ghoste wille not procede to his workynge as God hymselfe euen from the very heauens protested vnto vs whenne hee sayde This is my derely beloued sonne in whom I greatly delyte Heare hym Christ also gaue this commandement to his disciples Go into all the worlde teache and baptise all nations Agayn he that heareth you heareth me Here dothe Christ with open mouth cōmaunde that his Gospel shold be preached to men that they should be baptised And by this his cōmandement he sheweth that this is the true way vnto saluation and none other He that heareth you saith he heareth me Therfore
Wherfore Remyssion of synnes is the woorke of GOD although God woorketh it by man Thus then must Remission of synnes be required in the worde which is put in mans mouthe and in the Sacramentes whiche are ministred by men and no where els For it can be found no where ells Who can not vnderstande this that my woorkes are farre otherwyse whyche I doo than the worde and woorkes of God What madnesse thenne moueth the Papists to attribute the Remission of their synnes to theyr workes Wherefore whenne they in the laste daye shall comme foorth with their workes CHRIST shall aske theym and saye Where is my worde then I ordeyned in my Congregation Baptisme the Sacramente of my body and bloode absolution the open preachyng of my word that men myght by them obteyne remission of their synnes and be partakers of my grace Why haue not ye vsed this way and trade Here might ye haue had a sure way of remission of synnes but in your workes there is no certayntie Wherfore you must marke this doctrine diligētly what is proprely the remission of sin how we may be assured therof wherof we muste aske it receyue it Uerily in this ye must haue respect only vnto the holy church wher the word sacraments are ther is it found not in heauen as the Phariseis thynk supposyng that Christ blasphemeth God because he remitteth syn But beware thou of that and say God hath bestowed remission of synne in Baptisme and in the worde yea he hath put it in euery Christian mannes mouthe when he conforteth thee and sheweth to the the grace of God that thou mayste receaue and beleue it no otherwyse then yf Christ hym selfe had pronounced it by hys owne mouthe as he pronouncethe to the man that was sycke of the palseye Wherefore these heretikes are greately deceaued where as they sunder the woorde frome Remission of synne Thys myght be doone yf it were the woorde of man but it is Gods worde and Gods water He that goeth about to take that frome man and to defraude hym of it takethe awaye frome manne also remission of synnes neyther is there any remedye agaynste it Wherefore the Anabaptistes and other heretikes do loose also the Remyssion of synnes Baptisme the Sacramente the holye Congregation and all christian woorkes because they caste awaye the worde that they heare of theyr mynister and care no more for it then yf it were the voyce of a beast God spake ones by an asse and yf he should yet speake by an oxe or by any other beast he ought to be hearde Why should it not preuayle than when men speake by the commandement of God For althoughe thou doest heare the voyce of a manne yet doste thou heare God and receauest for a suretie Remission of thy synnes frome GOD if thou embrace it onely with Faithe I thought it good to make mention of this matter in thys place that ye myght make stronge your selues agaynste sectes and that ye myghte bee prepared agaynst theyr assaultes For as I said in the Popedom they knewe nothyng lesse then this doctrine For this they thynk in the popedome that baptisme came to an ende nowe longe agone But if they haue nede of remission of synne then that contrition confession and satisfaction are requisite For thus dydde they describe penaunce But thys diuinitie is suche that the dyuell canne well awaye therewith For it hurteth not hys kyngedome This is trewe that contrition is requisite and that we must be sorie for our synnes but we obteyne not remission of synne thereby For Remission of synnes commeth onely hereby yf that I haue respecte to the worde and promyse of God and embrace that with a stronge faithe But they inuert this and turne it vp syde downe They omytte the worde they regarde not what the Minister pronounceth by the commandement of Iesu CHRIST they haue respecte onely to theyr contrition and penaunce But by this meanes they lese bothe Christe and all his benefyttes Neyther is it possyble that they shoulde conforte or solace as much as one troubled conscience For they lette passe the woorde in the whiche onelye remayneth all hope of saluation and bryngeth menne to contrition and rightuousnesse But lerne you this as concernyng Remission of synnes to conforte both youre selues and other also For as muche as God in Baptisme in absolution in the open preaching of his word in the sacrament doth talke with vs by his minister and by al other christians to this must credence be geuen and then for a suretie we obteyn remission of our synnes whiche remission in the Popedome was dead and buried For as touchynge it there is not a woorde mentioned in all the Popes bulles onely they make rehersall ▪ of contrition and referre the remission of synnes vnto it And thus haue we remit synne Now let vs briefly touche the hystorie The sycke of the palsey is an example of all synners For this is the propretie of this disease The members can not do their offices and when a man goeth aboute to drawe his fete or his handes to hym the farther they falle frome hym Wherefore Aristotle in his Ethikes compareth suche a man to wylde and fierce youthe whyche can by no meanes be tamed But he that wyll wel vnderstande this disease muste take it to be spoken of hypocrites that wyll be iustified by theyr woorkes For the more that these labour to drawe nyghe vnto God and to pacifie hym the farther they ar cast from him And when they thynke that they do hym moste pleasure they displease hym most For they haue no Faythe He therfore that coueteth to be ridde of this euyll let hym come to this man which deliuereth on this wise when he saith My sonne be of good comfort thy synnes ar forgeuen thee By such a worde is strengthe restored to the membres that they maye healpe one an other For where as is remission of synnes there shall ensue very true good workes for sinne is taken away This was Christes especial meaning with the sick of the palsey He laye downe sicke in his bed for his disease woulde suffer hym to do no otherwise he was as a killed hog and vnprofitable in all his mēbers But when Christ biddeth him to rise he riseth and is strong and lustie where as he was wont to be caried from home now he beareth home his owne couche This wold Christ that we herof shold take and behold an example and signe of that that he hath power in earth to forgeue synne He speaketh playnely in the earth that we shold not loke for it from heauen or as the Pope taught to hope for remission of syns in purgatorie by other mens workes and merites For so it is in this place that remission of synnes is a power which is geuen to men in earth at Baptisme at ministryng of the sacramente in absolution and in open preachyng Contrarywise whatsoeuer is bound that is
is excluded from Baptisme the sacrament and the worde is bounde also in heauen By this power that we men in earthe doo lose and bynd sinnes god is not spoiled of his glorie neyther ar we made Gods therby as the prophane and wicked mynded men doo oftentymes say of this matter For we haue no more than the ministerie and office Wherfore God hath coupled vs together by this ministerie that alwaies one of vs shoulde conforte and confirme an other And that the other shoulde thynke hym selfe bounde to beleue as farre as the worde is purely preached vnto hym that is to say remission of synnes in the name of Christ. And this is the very bryngyng vnto God and remission of syns He that dieth in thys beliefe dieth to his saluation But hee that dyeth as he is taught in the Popedome with a confidence and trust of the intercession of Sainctes dyeth euyll and to his destruction For hee lackethe those defenders whiche God ordeyned agaynst the violence of death that is the trewe pastor the pure worde and absolution So great miserie the deuyll brought in by the Pope yea and nowe begynneth to bee the author of an other infection by the sectaries For they can not abyde the worde This offendeth his eyes Wherefore the Pope toke it clean away and in his place brought in the monkes rules masses pilgremages pardons and suche other This can the dyuel well away with For it hyndreth his kyngdom nothyng The Anabaptistes furder the matter which speake very contemptuously of the water of Baptisme The Swenckfeldians also mooste vilely and wickedly contemne the outward preachynge of the worde All haue loste the worde wherfore they are to be auoyded and this is to be learned that remission is no where els but there as the woorde is That woorde is in Baptisme in the Supper of the Lorde in absolution in publike preachyng Wherfore remission of synne is there also and let hym be accursed that sayeth otherwise But wher as the word is there is faith requisite And then the membres begyn to be fastned which the syck of the palsey could before moue by no means But loke wher the worde is not the palsey is neuer taken away and it is vnpossible that any true mouyng should ioyn the membres together This wold I the more earnestly dryue into you because the Pope and sectes are the authors of suche great disorder in the Congregation The Pope bryngeth neyther to the worde nor sacramentes The sectaries can not but speake contemptuously of the worde and sacrament and nothynge preuayleth with them but the holy Ghoste And we knowe thys that the holye ghoste wyll not doo hys worke without the woorde and sacramentes Wherfore we can not despise the woorde and sacramentes but we wyll obserue them for the chiefe thynges that we haue God graunte his grace that we maye preserue this pure doctrine and continue in it to the end and be saued Amen The .xx Sonday after Trinitie Sondaye ¶ The Gospell Math. xxii IEsus sayde to his Disciples The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a man that was a kynge which made a maryage for his sonne and sent forthe his seruauntes to call them that were bydden to the weddyng and they woulde not come Agayne he sent forth other seruauntes saying Tell them which are bydden behold I haue prepared my dinner mine Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are redy come vnto the mariage But they made light of it and went their wayes one to his farme place another to his marchaundise and the remnaunt toke his seruauntes and intreated them shamefully and slewe them But when the kyng heard thereof he was wrothe and sent forthe his men of warre and destroyed those murtherers and brente vp theyr Citie Then sayde he to his seruauntes The maryage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bydden were not worthy Go ye therefore out into the hye wayes and as manye as ye fynde bydde theym to the maryage And the seruauntes wente foorthe into the hyghe wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde bothe good and badde and the weddynge was furnyshed with geastes Then the kynge came in to see the geastes and when he spyed there a man whiche had not on a weddyng garment he saide vnto him Frende howe camest thou in hyther not hauyng a weddynge garmente And he was euen spechelesse Then sayde the kynge to the ministers Take and bynde hym hande and foote and caste him into vtter darknesse there shal be weepyng and gnashynge of teeth For many be called but fewe are chosen THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospel ye heare that the kingdom of God is lyke vnto a mariage vnto the whiche many are bydden that not onely come not and regarde not but that also reuile and kyll the seruants that call them Here must we first learn what this word Kyngdom of heauen signifieth euen that it is no worldly kyngdom but a kyngdome in heauen where as God onely is kyng That doo we call the holye churche whiche is nowe For Christ dothe therfore vse the parable of the mariage because that he beyng the kynges sonne taketh the churche to be his spouse Wherfore the kyngdome of heauen is to be taken on suche wise that it is in earth and yet it is no politicall or earthly kyngdome but spirituall and eternall For the state of the Christians that are in this lyfe is suche that they are halfe in the kyngdome of God that is in soule and spirite and after theyr fayth Wherfore when thou heareste of the kyngdome of heauen thou must not loke to heauen but thou must seke after it in the earth amongest men and that in all the world where soeuer the Gospel is beleued and the true vse of the sacraments ministred So that proprely the kyngdom of heauen is nothyng els then the kyngdom of Christ the kyngdome of the Gospell and of faith For whersoeuer the Gospell is there is Christ. And wher Christ is there is the holy ghost and his kyngdome whiche is the true kyngdom of heauen For the which cause all that haue the word and sacramentes and beleue continue in Christ by faith they are heauenly princes and sonnes of God And onely this remayneth that God moue away the half wall which is put betwene that is that we die then shall all thynges be heauen and saluation This therfore must be lerned first that the kingdome of heauen is the kyngdome of Christe where as the worde Faith is For in this kyngdome we haue lyfe in hope and are cleane from synnes free from death hell Sauyng that the body of synne is lefte whiche is not yet abolyshed and yet shal be abolished when al thinges shal be lyfe saluation and heauen To this mariage sayeth Christ God hathe called the Iewes his people dyuers tymes before his commynge by his holy Prophets For it was their office specially bycause they cōmanded the Iewes to waite for
Psal. 143. Rom. 11. Galat. 3. Epicures We muste praye contynually Luc. 18. 1. Thess. 5. Eccle. 18. A christen mā is euer in danger therefore ought he euer to pray Every christen man is a priest Cause to pray Iohn 8. A short declaration of the lordes prayer The first peticion Math. 9. The second pe●icion The thirde peticion The fourthe peticion The fyfte peticion The sixt peticion The seuenth peticion We oughte to be feruentlye geuen to prayer Math 6. Psal. 50. We muste praye in the name of christ Prayer not made in the name of christ is no prayer God hearethe only those prayers that are made in y● name of christ Note well Ioan. 14.16 In Psal. 108. Libro de Isaac etamina What it is to praye trulye Prayer onlye r●dressethe all our mesiries Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 12. God dothe all thynges for the beste Math. 6. Math. 26. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. A good lesson Math. 8. We maye no appoinc god in oure prayer how and whē hee shall helpe vs. Iudith 7. Esa. 30. Thren ● Psal. 9. God wyl help all them in cōueniente tym● that pray vnto him Praier is our onlye staye in thys worlde Ioan. 16. Forget not this o Englād How the church of christ maye be safly preserued frō the deuil and Antichri●ste ▪ Euery christē man is a souldiour Ephe. 6. With preaching praier the kingdome of Antichriste is ouercome 2. Corin. 10. An exhortariō vnto prayer A wicked imagenacion Iohn ●5 Christes kingdom is spiritu all Math. 10. Luc. 22. Act. 1. The holye ghost teacheth to praye Zacha. ●2 Faythe is the gyft of God Rom. 10. Praier without Faithe is no prayer Two thinges speciallye taught in this sermon The historie of christes ascension Act. 1. Act. 1. The state of glorified bodies Rom. 4. Christ by his ascension declareth the his kyngdome is not of thys worlde Iohn 18. Actes 1. Why Christ came down from heauen Psal 68. Ephe. 4. Phil. 2. Ioan. 16. Ioan. 14. Gen. 5. 4. Reg. 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 10. Act. 2. The differenc of christes ascension and oures ●oan 3. Ioan. 18. The maners of thys world discribed Thoughe our bodyes be on the earth yet our myndes ought to be in heauē Coloss. 3. Luc. 11. Synne hath made vs bond slaues to the deuyll and deathe Christes humilitie Christes glorious tryumph ouer synne deuill and hell Rom. 8. By christ are we made free from synne ▪ deuyll death damnation Why christ is ascendede into heauen Rom. ● Synne 2. Reg. 11. 2. Reg. 12. All thinges worke for the best vnto thē that loue god Psal. 51. Deathe 1. Cor. 5. Osee. 3. The deuyll 1. Pet. 5. Note well Synne death and deuyll are taken prisoners of christ The fruite of christes ascencion Christ hath receued gyftes for men Ioel. 2. Iohn 16. Act. 2. The workes of the holye ghost Rom. 4. Psal. 32. Psal. 68. Ephe. 4. Enemies of godes worde Psal. 2. Pers●ecutyon maketh the worde of god to florishe Math. 16. Math. 21. God defēdeth his churche Iohn 16. 1. Cor. 4. Iac. 1. Math. 16. Luke 24. Christe blessed his disciples what christes blessing was Math. 28. Marc. 16. Marc. 16. What it is to preach the gospell to euerye creature Esa. 55. Whersoeuer y● gospell is preached there the blessinge of Christe is What christe mente by blessing his disciples Rom. 1. Luc. 24. The holye ghoste is almighte and euerlasting god The miseries of the true christians in thys worlde both outwardly inwardly Why the holy ghost is called a conforter Note well Two kyndes of conforte The conforte of the worlde The conforte of the holye ghoste An obiection Ihon. 16. Math· 14. Mar● 6. Luc. 9. Antichristes disciples are in better case in this world then the disciples of christe Christes humilitie the answer worldly confort is vncerten The conforte of the holy ghost is most certen and sure 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 16. The holye ghost is god The rewarde of the godlye in this lyfe How the holy ghost cōforteh the faithful inwardly Phil. ● The holye ghost teacheth no newe doctrine The wytnes bearinge of christe only cōforteth the troubled and weak conscience Note Iohn 14. lib. de Isaac et anima Galat. 1. Epist. 2. Iohn The holye ghoste confortethe by the worde Rom. 10. What Christiās shal loke for this world vnconfortable thoughtes are of the deuyll Rom. 4. A swete conforte Math. 2● Of the crosse and affliction Luc. 24. The true and false churche The pope and hys Secte is not the true churche Ciprians erroure Exod. 20. Deut. 5. Math. 6. The excommunicate and curse of the false churche is not to be feared How the false churche maye be knowen What it is to knowe god Iohn 1. What it is to knowe christ What it is to know the father The doctrine of the true churche The doctrine of the false churche whi we ought to do good workes Apoc. 2. The tokens of the true churche The true chureh taketh all troubles pacientlye and thankefuly Pentecoste ▪ what it signifyeth Exod. 20. 1. Cor. 10. Exod. 12. ● Cor. 5. Heb. 9.10 The Pētecost of the Iewes Rom. 7. Iohn 7. Exod. 34. 2. Cor. 3. The lawe accuseth 2. Cor. 3. Exod. 19. Deut. 8. The Whytsontide or Pēthecost of the christians Actes 2. Luc. 24. Act. 1. Math. 3. What the fyrye tongues signifye Esa. 2. Math. 23. Marc. ●6 Why the Apostles speake with diuers languages Act. 5. Act. 20.21 Psal. 6● Esa. 60. Hiere 3. Ioel. 2. Zachar. 3. The holye ghost hath alwayes ben of the churche Iohn 16. 2. Pet. 1. Luc. 12. Christe the sonne of god Gen. 3. The reuelacion of the holye ghost on whitsondaye why the holye ghost was opened on whitsonday By christ receaue we the holy ghoste Psal. 68. Act. 2. The holye ghoste is god from euerlastyng Why the spirite of god is called the holye ghoste Iohn 6. Diuers propertis of the trinitie The proper office of the holye ghoste Act. 15. The seconde sanctifying of the holy ghost Ephe. 4. Zach. 2. Other offices of the holye ghoste Iohn 14. Iohn 15. How the holy ghoste may be obtayned Luc. 11. Prayer The holye ghost is to be obtaynede by prayer We muste pray in the name of christ Psal. 68. Act. 2. Math. 28. Marc. 16. Act. 3. The lyfe is godly to be ordered The office of the holye ghoste Math. 6. Psal. 51. The dignitie of this gospel To loue christ and to beleue in hym are all one thyng The nature of loue It is necessari that Christ beloued Loue doth all thinges Loue procedeth of fayth What is christes wor● The lawe of god is to be obeyed How god is to be knowen Note well A great cōfort Deut. 30. Rom. 10. What it is to be in heauen What it is to haue god dwellyng in vs. Esa. 66. Act. 7. 1. Cor. 3. ● 2. Cor. 6. Loue maketh all thynges lyghte Spollers of church goods That Christ keth god spea speakethe vexacion geueth vnderstādynge Wyth out the in warde
A similitude The sluggishnes of christeans An example of acouetous man Note well Pro. 19. Preachers must do their duties in preachinge wh●ther the people amende or not Marke well Wee oughte daylye to encrease in the waye of godlynes more and more Phil. 3. Phil. 2. Rom. 8. We ought liberally to geue vnto the poore Papistes abuse the scriptures of god Note this reason Math. 25. Whyther by oure good workes wee deserue heauen Rom. 4. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 3. Rom. 14. Faythe Rom. 8.12 Cor. 12. 2. Timoth. 2. Heb. 12. Rom. 4. Scriptures oughte to be conferred An aunswere to the quistiō of the iustification of good workes Galat. 16. An example of gods wrath agenst the despisers of his worde The dispysyng of gods worde is a most horrible synne Ierusalem Let vs repent betymes Rom. 11. At what tym Ierusalem was destroyed and with howe greate a multi●ud● Why god differrethe hys plages Rom. 2. 2. Pet. 3. Note well It is a moste greu●us synn to dispise the worde of god Repente O England and amende Iere. 9. Ioan. 8. Psal. 109. Parētes and householders The plage is certen and yet hydde from the wycked The delaye of punyshement hur●eth greatly in common wealthes A sentence ●or●hy to be remembred 2. Pet. 3. Gods plages differrede are the more greuous Plinius lib. 5. cap. 14. Pro. 10. Osee. 5. Synne Securitie destroyeth the citie Remember this O Englande and beware betyms The seconde parte of the gospellr The priestes sought not the glorye of god but theyr owne gaynes Masse Note Osee. 6. The false doctrine of the Iewishe priestes Humilitie Phariseys Publicanes Christes iudgement of the phariseye and of the publicane two greuous synnes in the phariseye To despysed ther is a great synne Pride abhorred of god Iob. 4. Esa. 14. 2. Pet. 2. Gene. 3. vayne glorye or pride corruptethe all good workes 1. Pet. 5. Iac. 4. Luke 18. What the christen humilitie is Rom. 12. The publican an example of true humilitie 1. Cor. 4. Luke 12. All our glory ought to be in god alone Howe gods gyftes are to be vsed Christe alone is the sauiour The deuyl is the author of all euyll An whole and healthefull bodye is the gyfte of god Why god fulfrethe the deuyll to hurte vs. Ephe. 6. 2. Cor. 4. 1. timoth. 2. Note well God helpethe vs agaynste the deuyll by hys sonne 1. Iohn 3. Gen. 3. Christen men must haue theyr eares opened and theyr tonges losened Rom. 1.10 Iacob 1. Gladly to heare the worde of god is the gyfte of god The papistes are both deaff and dumme God openeth our eares by hys worde Rom. 10. We muste bothe beleue and confesse the worde Why Christ vsed so many circumstāces in restoryng thys man to hys healthe Iohn 11. Math. 9. Note thys well Math. 17. Mat. 28. Marc. 16. Luc. 10· Act. 4.5 Disobediente children and seruauntes Disobediente subiectes The vnreuerent handling of the spirituall ministers in these our dayes The wycked worlde heareth gladlyer Robyn Hood then the word of god Psal. 109. Iohn 3. O Englande take hede be tymes and saye not but thou art warned Why christe lokethe vp to heauen and mournethe God is to be praysed for hys gyftes The word of god is christes fynger and spettle The fyrste parte of the gospell The worlde despyseth the gospell of christe Note well They are most miserable whiche haue not the knowlege of the gospell 1. Iohn 5. What maner of men the gospell makethe The opinion of holines puffethe men vp with pride and makethe the vnmercifull The laweyer What it is to loue god Exod. 20. To loue god is to kepe his commaundementes Iohn 14. Malach. 3. Matth. 10. Luc. ●0 To loue god is to loue thy neyghbour The vnkindenes of the worlde The samaritans loue towardes god God is euery where and in all places a lyke present Rom. Gal. Iobn Fayth obtayneth all thingges He that beleueth not obtayneth nothing Iac. 1. Heb. 1. An apte similitude The seconde doctrine of vnkindnes Unkindnes is the greatest synne The maner of the Monasteries Psal. 116. The world is most vnkynde to god The actes of certayne Gretians Pro. 25. Rom. 1● Math. 5. We muste learne to be kynd of god The nature of Christen charitie The vnthankfull shall not escape vnpunished The whole worlde is set on couetousnes This sermon appertayneth to householders and to preachers ▪ What it is to serue What it is to serue god All gods seruice is cōtrary in the worde ▪ What the true seruice of god is Gen. ● Psal. 45. Pro. 1. Nowe couetousnes maye be auoyded Psal. 59. The fable of Midas Psal. 47. Gods blessing and not care maketh men ryche Not laboure but carefulnes is forbydden Laboure and fayth must go together He that despiseth the word of god despyseth god hym selfe Not idlenes but labour becomethe a christian Ryotus persons Prodigalitie and idlenes forbydden Note we●● the●e ●yue poyntes A comfort agaynst deathe by Christe Christ is the lorde of death We must not feare death Iohn ●1 The deathe of Christen men is a swete and quiet sleape Iohn 5. Pytie or compassion Charitie issuethe out of faythe Rom. 12. Too sortes of compassion pitie Spirituall pitie reprouethe synne Apte and very proper similitudes Folyshe petie marrethe the citie A good lesson for maiestrates To punishe the wycked is greate 〈◊〉 and mercie What is the sanctifyeng of the Saboth Heare and do 1. Iohn 3. What it is to sanctifye the Sabbothe Osee. 6. To a Christian euery daye is the sabboth The seconde part intreateth of humilitie 1. Pet. 5. 1 Pet. 5. Psal. 113. Saull Dauid God can not abyde pride What it is to be perfect The blyndnes of seruing god in the papecie What it is to serue God Math. 2● Monkery is against charitie and the true seruice of god Math. 25. Math. 25. The benefite done to oure neyghboure on earthe is done to god in heauen Why god geuethe vs hys gyftes and to what ende Too knowe christe is most necessari vnto saluacion The knoweledge of the lawe sufficeth not vnto sal●●cion Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15 ▪ The lawe Phil ▪ ● Iohn 1. Rom. 3. ● 7 Psal. 51. Deathe ▪ Christ Lorde ouer deathe Math. 11. No man can loue god except he knowethe Christe Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Man hath power to forgeue sinnnes The worde and faythe muste be ioyned together Gods mercie is to be found in Christe alone Note well With out the worde it is an easye thing to beleue lyes What things are to be learned of this gospell God alone forgeueth synne The Minister certifyethe the conscience ther of by the worde Math. 28. Marc. 16. Luke 4. Math. 5. Math· 18. Iohn 20. Of the water of Baptisme Note Fayth an the worde are both the gifts of god In the true churche of Christe is remission of synnes and no where ells Math. 18. Numer 22. Contricion The propertie of the palseye Note well What the kyngdome of heauen signifyethe The longe