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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A89945 The new booke of common prayer. According to the forme of the Kirke of Scotland, our brethren in faith and Covenant.; Book of common prayer. Church of England. 1644 (1644) Wing N582; Thomason E1189_5; ESTC R208279 4,599 16

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The new BOOKE OF Common Prayer According to the forme of the Kirke of Scotland our Brethren in faith and Covenant Ephes 2. 18. Through Christ we both have an accesse by one Spirit unto the Father C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE May .23 London Printed by Iohn Ioness 1644. THE New Booke of Common PRAYER EVery weeke once the Congregation assemble to heare some place of the Scriptures orderly expounded at which time it is lawfull for every man to speak or enquire as God shall move his heart and the Text Minister occasion so it be without pertinacy or disdain as one that seeketh rather to profit then to contend And if so be that any contention arise then such as are appointed Moderators either satisfies the party or else if he seeme to cavill exhort him to keep silence reserving the judgment thereof to the Ministers and Elders to be determined in their Assembly THe highest degree and most annexed to the Ministery and Government of the Church is the exposition of Gods Word contained in the Old and New Testament But because men cannot so well profit in that knowledge except they be first instructed in the tongues and humane Sciences for now God worketh not commonly by miracles it is necessary that seed be sowed for the time to come to the intent that the Church be not left barren and waste to our posteritie that Schools also be erected and Colledges maintained with just and sufficient stipends wherein youth may be trained in the knowledge and feare of God that in their ripe age they may prove worthy members of our Lord Jesus Chist whether it be to rule in Civill Policie or to serve in the Spirituall Ministery or else to live in godly reverence and subjection WHen the Congregation is assembled ●t the houre appointed the Minister useth ●is Confession or the like in effect exhorting the people diligently to examine them selves following in their hearts the tenour of his words The Minister saith O Eternall God and most mercifull Father wee confesse and acknowledge here before thy divine Majesty that we are miserable sinners conceived and borne in sin and iniquity so that in us there is no goodnesse For the flesh ever more rebelleth against the Spirit whereby we continually transgresse thine holy precepts and Comandements and so purchase to our selves through thy just judgement death and damnation notwithstanding ô heavenly Father for as much as wee are displeased with our selves for the sins that we have committed against thee and doe unfainedly repent us of the fame we most humbly beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake to shew thy mercie upon us to forgive us all our sins to encrease thy holy Spirit in us that wee acknowledging from the bottome of our hearts our own unrighteousnesse may from hence forth nor only mortify our sinfull lusts and affections but also bring forth such fruits as may bee agreeable to thy most blessed will not for the worthinesse thereof but for the merits of thy dearely beloved Sonne Jesus Christ our only Saviour whom thou hast already given an oblation and offering for our sins and for whose sake we are certainly perswaded that thou wilt deny us nothing that we shall aske in his name according to thy will for thy Spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull father and so lovest us thy children through him that nothing is able to remove thy heavenly grace and favour from us To thee therefore ô Father with the Sonne and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end So be it Then the minister prayeth to God for the removing of some present trouble or otherwise as the present occasion doth require This done the people sing a Psalme altogether in a tune which all may understand as it hath used to bee done both in England and Scotland before Sermon and whiles the said Psalme is singing the Minister goeth up into the Pulpit and it being ended the Minister prayeth in the Pulpit as God shall move his he art first beging the assistance of Gods holy Spirit and so proceedeth to the Sermon After Sermon the Minister prayeth for the whole state of Christs Church concluding OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy Kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdome the power and glory for ever and ever Amen Then he prayeth saying ALmighty and everlaking GOD vouchsase we beseech thee to grant us perfect continuance in thy lively faith augmenting the same in us daily till wee grow to the full measure of our perfection in Christ whereof we make confession saying I Beleeve in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord which was conceived by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the communion of Saints the forgivenesse of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting Amen Then the People sing a Psalme which ended the Minister pronounceth the blessing in these or the like words THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the love of God and communion of the Holy Ghost be with us all so be it The Order of Baptisme The childe which is to bee baptised must bee brought to the Church on the day appointed acompanied with the Father and God-Father c. And after the Sermon if there be any the childe is to be presented to the Minister Then the Minister saith DOe you present this childe to bee baptised earnestly desiring that it may be engrafted in the misticall body of Jesus Christ They answer Yea Wee require the same Then the Minister declaring and setting forth Gods love desires them to take notice and consider the great charge that is laid upon them telling them thus Dearely beloved IT is your dutie with all diligence that your children in time convenient be instructed in al doctrine necessary for a true Christian chiefly that they be taught to rest upon the justice of Christ alone and to abhorre and flee all Superstition Papistry and Idolatry A●d to the intent that we may be assured that you the Father and the surety consent to the performance hereof Declare here before God and the face of his Congregation the sum of that Faith wherein you believe and will instruct this child Then the Father or in his absence the Godfather saith I Believe in God the Father Almightie Maker of Heaven and
Earth and in Jes●s Christ c. Which done the Minister explaineth these Articles going through each particular branch thereof Which being ended the Minister kneeling down prays for the child Concluding OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name thy Kingdome come c. Minister NAme the child Which being told him he sprinkleth the child with water and saith N. I baptise thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost After which he giveth God thanks for making us and our children partakers of that blessed Sacrament The Administration of the Lords Supper THe day wherein the Lords Supper is to be administred which commonly is once a moneth or so oft as the Congregation shal think expedient the Minister first being in his Pulpit desireth the people to consider how Jesus Christ did ordaine unto us his holy Sacraments Then the Minister readeth 1 Cor. 11. Chap. beginning at this part of the Chap. I have received of the Lord that which I have delivered unto you and so in to the end of the Chapter After which he proceedeth to an Exhortation The Exhortation being ended the Minister commeth to the Table every man and woman placing themselves with most conveniencie FIrst the Minister taketh the Bread and giveth thanks which being done he breaketh the Bread First receiving it himself and then delivereth it to the people who are to distribute and divide the same among themselves according to our Saviours command and in the same manner he likewise giveth the Cup during which time some place of the Scriptures reads which doth lively set forth the death of Christ to the intent that our eyes and senses may not only be occupied in these outward signes of Bread and Wine which are called the visible Word but that our hearts and minds also may be fully fixed in the contemplation of the Lords death which is by this holy Sacrament represented Then the Minister giving thankes after all have received saying Most mercifull Father we render to thee all prayse thanks and glorie for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to g●ant unto us miserable sinners so excellent a gift and treasure as to receive us into the fellowship and company of thy deere Son Jesus Christ our Lord whom thou hast delivered to death for us and hast given him unto us as a necessarie food and nourishment unto everlasting life And now wee beseech thee also ô heavenly Father to grant us this request that thou never suffer us to become so unkind as to forget so worthy benefits but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hearts that wee may grow and increase more and more in true faith which continually is exercised in al manner of good works and so much the rather ô Lord confirme us in these perillous days and rages of Satan that wee may constantly stand continue in the confession of the same to the advancement of thy glorie who art God over all blessed for ever So be it After which is to be sung a Psalme of thanksgiving MY soul give laud c. or the like After which the Minister giveth the blessing and they depart The form of Matrimonie THe Bains or Contract are to be published three several days in the Congregation to the intent that if any person have interest or title to either of the parties they may have sufficient time to make their challenge The Minister comming to joine them together in Matrimony first maketh an Exhortation after which he saith I Require and charge you as you will answer at the day of judgement when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed that if either of you do know any impediment why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony that yee confesse it For be ye well assured that so many as be coupled otherwise then Gods Word doth allow are not joined together by God neither is there Matrimony lawfull If no impediment be the Minister saith to the Congregation I Take you to witnesse that be here present beseeching you all to have good remembrance hereof and moreover if their be any of you which knoweth that either of these parties be contracted to any other or knoweth any other lawfull impediment let them now make declaration thereof If no cause be alleadged he proceedeth saying to the man FOr as much as no man speaketh against this thing you M. shall protest here before God and his holy congregation that you have taken and are now content to have N. here present for your lawfull wife promising to keepe her love and intreat her in all things according to the duty of a faithfull husband forsaking all others during her life and briefely to live in all holy conversation with her keeping faith and truth in all points according as the word of God and his holy Gospell doth comma●d He Answereth Even so I take her before God and the presence of this his congregation Then the Minister saith to the Woman YOu N. shall protest here before the face of God in the presence of his holy Congregation that you have taken and are now content to have M here present for your lawfull husband promising to him subjection and obedience forsaking all other during his life and finally to live in an holy conversation with him keeping faith and truth in all points as Gods word doth prescribe Shee answereth Even so I take him before God and in the presence of this his congegation After which the Minister instructeth them out of some places of Scripture and so commendeth them to God saying THe Lord sanctifie and blesse you the Lord power the riches of his grace upon you that yee may please him and live together in holy love to your lives end So be it Then is sung the 128 Psalme or some other pertinent for the occasion The Visitation of the Sick is referred to the discretion of the Minister Of Burials THe Corps is reverently brought to the Grave accompanied with the Congregation without any further Ceremonies which being laid in the Grave the Minister maketh some comfortable exhortation to the people touching death and resurrection committing the body to the earth and so they depart FINIS