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A59766 The practical Christian divided into four parts. I. The practice of self-examination, and a form of confession fitted thereunto; the Lord's Praier and penitential Psalms paraphrased; with meditations, and praiers to be made partakers of Christ's merits. II. Directions, meditations and praiers, in order to the worthy receiving of the Holy Communion of the body and bloud of Christ. III. Meditations with Psalms for the hours of praier, the ordinary actions of day and night, with other religious considerations and concerns. IV. Meditations with Psalms--- upon the four last things; 1. Death, 2. Judgment, 3. Hell, 4. Heav[en.] The third and fourth parts make the second volume, formerly called the second part. By R. Sherlock D.D. Rector of Winwick. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1677 (1677) Wing S3243; ESTC R221137 111,932 313

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opprobrious language I have transgrest the precepts of thy Gospell injoyning me to feed the hungry clothe the naked visit the sick I have been unjust in detaining the Dues of thy Church and in the dispensation of Ecclesiasticall goods in the contracts of Usury bargaining and sale over-reaching lying withholding what has been more or less righteous and just I have not attended upon thy publick and solemn Worship upon Sundays and Holidays devoted thereunto I have not behaved my self upon such days soberly righteously and godly I have approached and come into thy House without that reverence and godly fear which becometh that Sacred place and there I have demeaned my self unseemly sitting standing leaning lolling and staring about when the respective parts of thy Sacred Service required more humble and devout gestures and behaviour I have entertained vain idle wandering thoughts and intermingled unprofitable wanton worldly talk in the time of thy solemn Worship I have unhallowed many holy things many holy actions by using the same as common and unclean and with unclean hands and an impure conscience I have not joyned with a right understanding and devotion in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs publick Praiers and other the sacred acts of Religious Worship too often speaking with my lips cursorily and customarily whilst my heart hath been roving by evill imaginations and false suspicions judging rashly of what is sacred and holy when transcending my shallow capacity I have sinned by perverse reasonings against the Truth because either above my understanding or not agreeable with my will by consenting and not reproving the sinfull by not instructing the ignorant not reducing the erroneous not admonishing not exhorting such as have gone astray to entertain more sound and sober counsells I have not reverenced my Superiours I have both defamed and disobeyed my Governours Ecclesiasticall and Civil neither have I repayed to my friends and benefactours such gratefull acknowledgments and due obsequiousness as becometh I have entertained in my heart many loose and unchast thoughts and filthy lusts and have looked upon the carnal copulation and intermixture of beasts with an unclean delectation of mind I have been guilty of much superfluous and opprobrious language of lying and slandering of falsehoods and flatteries of railing and reviling of scurrilous and vain jangling of profane and irreligious speaking and customary swearing of taking unlawfull oaths of much filthy communication and of all the evills of an untamed tongue the instrument of a corrupt heart I have even renounced the Covenant of my God by not renouncing the Devil and all his works I have too often yielded to his suggestions to disobey the will of God and to transgress his Commandments in the breach of my Duty both towards God and Man And thus I have sinned both in my thoughts and desires in my words and actions by seeing hearing tasting touching smelling even all my Senses have been as so many windows to let in Sin to my Soul and Death by Sin And not onely thus but in all kinds of Vice whereunto humane frailty is liable or in whatever any dissolute and debauched person doth or can offend have I offended the Great Lord of Heaven and earth And I acknowledge my self above all the men in the world to be the greatest of Sinners Have mercy upon me Almighty and most mercifull Father for thy Son my Lord Jesus Christ his sake pardon and deliver me from all mine offences confirm and strengthen me in all goodness and bring me to everlasting life through Jesus Christ Psalm 6. O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger Psal 32. Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven Psal 38. Put me not to rebuke O Lord Psal 51. Have mercy upon me O God Psal 102. Hear my praier O Lord and let my crying Psal 130. Out of the deeps have I called unto Psal 143. Hear my praier O Lord and consider Our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name the world to come through Jesus Christ III. O mercifull Lord to whom chiefly it appertaineth to forgive sins and by whom alone the Souls of true Penitents are absolved from all their offences wash me O wash my unclean Soul in the fountain of thine inexhaustible mercy through faith in the bloud of my dear Redeemer Jesus Christ IV. Look down from Heaven O Lord with the eye of pity and compassion upon thy humble servant confessing his wickedness and being sorry for his sins imploring withall thy pardon and trusting alone in thy mercics through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ V. Be propitious O Lord we humbly beseech thee be propitious to the praiers and supplications of thy humble servants and grant that the remission of our sins being obtained we may evermore rejoyce in thy heavenly benediction through Jesus Christ CHAP. X. The Lord's Praier paraphrased Praefat. ad Orat. Domin ex Lit. Mozarab Ad te pervenire cupimus Domine per Christum qui apud te factus est Advocatus noster Orationem quam ipso Domino instruente didicimus ad te introire permittas proclamantes è terris PATER NOSTER QVIES IN COELIS OVR Father 1. The Preface as we have a Being with all things by Creation and Providence 2. as we are reasonable creatures with Men and Angels by Representation and Likeness 3. as we are Christians by Adoption and Grace Which art in Heaven by thy Majesty and great Glory in earth by thy Mercy and good Providence and in all things both in Heaven and earth by thy essential Presence Thou O Lord art more ready to hear then we are to pray and art wont to give more then we desire or deserve as being our Father and though daily provok'd by our sins yet still our Father and thou art able to doe exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think as being in Heaven And to Heaven vouchsafe to raise up our immortal Souls Let them not cleave to the dust of worldly vanities since we have a Father in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Petition 1 O that all the Nations whom thou hast made would come and worship thee and glorifie thy Name which is great wonderful and holy but more especially may thy ever-blessed Name be magnified by me and by all people who have thy Name call'd upon us in all our thoughts words and deeds manifesting that reverence and godly fear that divine love and filial obedience we owe unto thee Our Father which art in Heaven Thy Kingdom come Petit. 2 Maiest thou rule and reign in all the affections of our hearts and over all the actions of our lives swaying thy Sceptre of Righteousness by thy Holy Word and Spirit to the destruction of the Kingdom of Sin and Satan And may we all live in obedience of thy most holy Laws and continue such loyal and faithful subjects of thy Kingdom of Grace in this life that we may become Saints in thy Kingdome of Glory in the life to come Thy
will will be done in earth as it is in heaven May all we Petit. 3 whose immortal Souls do dwell in earthly Tabernacles as readily zealously constantly obey thy will and as chearfully submit to thy good pleasure as do thy blessed Angels and Saints in their blissful mansions of Heaven above Give us this day our daily bread Petit. 4 Even all things necessary both for our Souls and bodies both the bread of Heaven and earthly bread And grant that what we do enjoy upon earth may be rightly ours not to any other belonging and neither acquired by injustice nor uncharitably detained by us and our daily bread according to our daily necessities administred to us who daily wait upon thee O Lord who givest unto all their me●t in due season And that our daily abuse of thy gifts may not rob us of them Petit. 5 Forgive us our trespasses even all our transgressions of thy most holy Laws pardon good Lord whose nature and property it is alway to have mercy and to forgive But this we presume not to ask but upon thine own terms As we forgive those that trespass against us The trespasses of others and our sufferings from them are but few and trifling in respect of our sins and trespasses against thee for they be many and hainous but as sin hath abounded in us so doth grace and mercy abound also with thee but we are men of hard corrupt uncircumcised hearts Have mercy upon us O Lord and forgive us both our sins against thee and our uncharitableness unto our neighbours soften our hard hearts to be kindly affectioned one towards another forbearing and forgiving one another as we hope and humbly beg to be forgiven by thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Lead us not into temptation Petit. 6 Suffer us not any more to fall into fins and trespasses against thee When we are led away with our lusts and tempted O leave us not then to our selves who are weak and frail and too prone to all that is evil but assist and enable us by thy Divine grace to overcome all the affaults of our ghostly enemies and to continue thy faithful servants and souldiers to our lives ends Deliver us from evil Petit. 7 From the evil of sin by thy grace and from the evil of punishment by thy mercy and from the authour of all evils the Devil From the temporal evils and miseries of this life and from the evils of a sad eternity in the life to come from thy wrath and from everlasting damnation Good Lord deliver us Liberati à malo confirmati semper in bono tibi servire mereamur Deo ac Domino nostro Pone Domine sine peccatis nostris da gaudium trd●ul●stis praebe redemptionem captivis fanitatem infirmis re●●tiémque defunctis concede pa●em securitatem in omnibus drebus ●●stris france audaciam omnium in●micorum ●●strorum exaudi Deus orationes omnium servorum cuorum fidelium Christianorum in h●● die in omni tempore per Dominum nostrum Jesum Lit. Mozarab For thine is the Kingdom Conclusion Thou rulest and reignest over all and thy Dominion is absolute and independent the power whereof cannot be broken nor its glory eclipsed like the frail and fading Kingdoms of this world But thine is the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Thy Dominion is an everlasting Dominion such as shall not pass away and thy Kingdom such as cannot be destroyed but shall stand fast in power and eminent in glory for ever O give us hearts yielding a willing obedience to the Laws of thy Kingdom full of reverence and awful fear of thy Power studious to advance thy Glory upon earth that we may in the end arrive at thy Kingdom in Heaven where thou livest and reignest Blessed Father Son and Holy Ghost One God world without end Amen CHAP. XI The Seven Penitentiall Psalms paraphrased THE Psalms of David being by all Christians of what perswasion soever acknowledged to be the immediate dictates of God's Holy Spirit it must necessarily be acknowledged also that he who understandingly and devoutly prays in the very words of the Psalms prays by the Holy and true Spirit of God The truth whereof which by many blind Zelots is too much slighted and neglected we have both confirmed and the practice commanded Eph. 5.18 19. Be ye filled with the Spirit Speaking to your selves or among your selves which is done by answering each other in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs i. e. such as are the dictates of the Holy Spirit compared with Col. 3.16 Thus prayed our Lord upon the Cross in the very words of the Psalmist Psal 22.1 and 31.5 And so hath ever prayed the Church of Christ Psalmus totius Ecclesiae vox Aug. Prolog in Ps Chrys de Poen Hom. 6. Ambr. de Virg. l. 5. in all the Ages thereof Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs are and ever were the constant regular standing parts of God's Worship both under the Law and under the Gospel And he must needs be a desperate Fanatick who will not acknowledge the words of God's own Spirit to be more wise pithy pertinent and effectually prevailing with God in our Prayers then any words of man's devising how seemingly-zealous and taking soever 'T is a strange but not a true Spirit of holy Prayer then those persons pretend unto who slight the devout use of the Psalms which are the treasury of all sound Devotion and trust to their own extempore or studied expressions in Prayer preferring the dictates of their own Spirit before those of the Spirit of God himself The Penitential Psalms are so called because commended by the Church of Christ and by the constant practice of orthodox devout Christians to the Religious use of all true Penitents in their Prayers to be used upon all days of Humiliation and Fasting and in the time of sickness or any disness So prayed S. Aug. upon his Death-bed he wept and bewailed his sins in the devout use of the Penitential Psalms And those are also the most effectual Prayers we can use in the practice of Repentance by way of preparation to the holy Communion Psalm VI. Vers 1. O Lord the Judge of all men rebuke me not in thine indignation which I have deservedly incurr'd neither chasten me for mine offences in thy hot displeasure flaming to consume me 2. Have mercy upon me O Lord whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive for I am weak both through original corruption and manifold actual transgressions O Lord heal me pour the wine and oyl of thy grace and mercy into the wounds of my sinful soul for my bones are vexed that interiour strength which supports my Soul is troubled and sore shaken by many falls and failings 3. My soul also being conscious of her guilt and distemper'd condition is sore troubled being terrified at the apprehension of thy strict Justice and her own deserts but thou O Lord who desirest
for the poor not to steal from the rich This sin is also a transgression of the former law Ecclus. 34.21 for the bread of the needy is their life and he that defraudeth him thereof is a man-slayer The Ninth Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Examination by the Ninth Commandment NOt onely of all false and evill speaking Matt. 12.36 37. but of every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account in the day of Judgment And therefore to make up your accounts against that great day of trial 't will be necessary to commune with your heart 12.34 out of the abundance whereof the mouth speaketh 1. Whether you have been guilty of any officious lies by speaking falsely either in the cause of God Job 13. Col. 3.9 or of man The first being unlawful the second is highly sinful though my neighbour may be benefited thereby Ps 12.2 Ecclus. 2.24 25. and 23. 2. Have you told no scurrilous lies vain-glorious bragging lies to please and humour your own and your companions sensual inclinations 3. Psal 24 4. Pro. 12 17. 13.5 Have you told no false stories to allure others to be of your mind and judgment though you be in an errour And 't is very evident that you are both deceived your self and desire to deceive others when you tell a lie to maintain your opinion for Truth stands in need of no lie to support it 4. Prov. 18.8 ●nd 24.28 Ecclus. 19. ● 8. and ●1 25 Eph. 4.25 Have you told no infamous lies and scandalous stories to detract and blemish the good name of any If such stories should be true 't is uncharitable but when falsities abominable to report and spread them 5. Matt. 7.3 ● Have you not talk'd of the moat in your brother's eye to his disgrace being blind as to the beam in your own And have you not judged rashly censured uncharitably of other mens actions viz. not in the better but worser sense 6. ●rov 26. ●4 25 26. Have you not flattered with your lips professing more love and respect to any then has been truly in your heart towards them 7. Exod. 23.1 Have you neither publickly nor privately testified what is false to the diminution either of the reputation or estate of any man 8. Have you used no opprobrious language as thou fool knave Matt. 5.22 1 Pet. 3.9 nor answered railing for railing The sin of evil speaking is much aggravated from the qualitie of the persons evil spoken of As 1. for Children to speak evil and reproachfully either of or to their Parents Pro. 20.20 2. Jer. 18.18 Exod. 22.28 Jud. 8. for a people to speak evil of their Pastours 3. for Subjects to speak evil of their King and his Ministers of State Which is the humour of false Prophets and Hereticks it being the practice of Orthodox Pastours Tit. 3.1 2. to put their people in mind to be subject to Principalities and Powers to obey Magistrates to speak evil of no man c. The Tenth Commandment Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife nor his servant nor his maid nor his ox nor his ass nor any thing that is his Examination by the Tenth Commandment 1. HAth no lust inflamed your breast towards the Wife or Maid of another Matt. 5.28 1 Thess 4.5 2 Sam. 11.2 or to covet whatsoever of his you vainly conceive serviceable to your sinful pleasures So lusted David after the wife of Vriah 2. Hab. 2.9 Luk. 12.15 Have you not coveted the house lands preferments offices or whatsoever is enjoyed by another in order to your worldly profit 1 King 21.1 c. So coveted Ahab the vineyard of Naboth 3. Have you not secretly wished the loss or ruine of your neighbour's health peace credit liberty life Job 31.29 30. 1 Joh. 2.11 and 3.15 or any thing that is his in order either to your pleasure or profit 4. Num. 11.28 29. Have you not envied the flourishing estate of any either in respect of their wealth esteem honour preferment and this whether in reference to your self or to your friend 5. Phil. 4.11 1 Tim. 6.8 Matt. 6.19 20. Heb. 13.5 Have you been content with your present state and condition in this world how mean soever not roving after the exteriour consolations of the creature abroad the onely way to lose contentment in your self at home 6. Prov. 13.4 Eph. 4.28 2 ●hess 3.8 Have you been diligent and industrious in the duties of your calling without all carking solicitude both for the support of your self and yours and for the relief of others 7. Have none of those great Diana's whom all the world worshippeth viz. the lusts of the flesh 1 Joh. 2.15 16. or voluptuousness the lusts of the eyes or covetousness the pride of life or ambition taken up more room in your heart then the love of God and the joys of the world to come My soul cleaveth to the dust Psal 119.25 quicken me O Lord according to thy word CHAP. V. The Examination of Religious actions SUch is the infelicity of our humane condition upon earth that we frequently trespass against the Majesty of Heaven not onely by doing what God hath by his holy Laws forbidden but also by the irregular performance of those holy acts of Religion which he hath commanded Gen. 4.4 5. And herein a more strict scrutiny is required a more narrow search into all the secret recesses and corners windings and turnings of the corrupt heart because the sins of such actions as be outwardly holy do commonly lie more closely hidden from our apprehension and view then those which have no appearance of holiness in them Where 1. Examine your intention in every good work what is your chief end and aim therein Matt. 6.22 23. For the light of the body is the eye 't is the intention the internall eye of the Soul which renders every work either of light or of darkness sinfull or holy Consider then whether in Alms-giving Fasting Praying Preaching or any other Religious duty you intend either 1. the glory of God rather then your own glory and esteem the praise of God more then the praise of men or 2. the good of your Soul and the interest of Heaven rather then any worldly ends or interests 3. Whether you perform such or such an holy action out of a true love to God and obedience to his commands or rather to please your self in following your own imaginations inclinations and humours 4. whether to satisfy your own conscience rather then to prevent the discourses or censures of others 5. to benefit others rather then to please your own fancy And lastly whether you have an eye to the recompence of reward in the other world without reflexion upon any secular advantage in this life 'T is too common with men to mistake their own
in justice to cast down and thy remembrance throughout all generations Thy gracious promises both of the life that now is and of that which is to come are in all ages remembred to thy praise and glory 13. Thou shalt arise to redeem deliver and defend and have mercy upon Sion thy Church militant here upon earth for it is time that thou have mercy upon her the time of this life is the seasonable time of mercy because it is a time of misery yea the time is come even the fulness of time is compleated of our Redemption and Salvation 14. And why thy servants think upon her stones both Angels and Saints resent with much regret the dispersed members of thy Church and it pitieth them to see her in the dust they pity her distractions and confusions and have great desires to succour and relieve her 15. The heathen shall fear thy name O Lord which now they blaspheme but being converted from their Idolatries and from all the errours of their ways they shall with us adore the blessed and saving Name of Jesus and all the Kings of the earth thy majesty being converted unto thee they shall in all humility confess the greatness of thy Majesty far to transcend their greatest power and glory 16. When the Lord shall build up Sion repair the breaches of his Church and settle it upon the foundation of Prophets and Apostles and when his glory shall appear the glory of his great grace shall manifest it self in the edification and support of his Church upon the pillars of Truth and Peace 17. When he turneth him to the prayer of the poor destitute For his ears are ever open to the prayers of the humble and poor in spirit and such as be destitute of all exteriour consolations and despiseth not their desire when flowing from a true Faith and enfir'd with Charity and Devotion 18. This shall be written for those that come after That the succeeding people of God under the Gospel may have upon record the wondrous works of God under the Law and the people that shall be born regenerate and born anew of water and of the Holy Ghost shall praise the Lord. for the grace of Redemption and great mercy attain'd 19. For he hath looked down from his Sanctuary God the Son from the bosom of his Father above looked down with the eye of his mercy upon us miserable sinners here below out of heaven did the Lord behold the earth when the King of Heaven descended upon earth when the day-spring on high came down to visit us when the Word was made flesh for the building up of Sion 20. That he might hear the mourning of such as are in captivity groaning under the bonds and chains of their sins and deliver out of the gulf of sin and clutches of Satan the children appointed unto death as the due wages of sin 21. That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion being delivered from the sad condition of being the children of the Devil in the vast womb of this wicked world to be the children of God in the sacred womb of their Mother the Church they might therein and therefore extoll the great Name of God and his worship at Hierusalem promote and advance the holy Worship of God in his Church and unanimously joyn therein together to the glory of his Name 22. When the people are gathered together When the people of God dispersed through the world shall be nevertheless joyned together in the unity of the true Faith enlivened by divine Charity and the kingdoms also to serve the Lord. when both the Kings and the people of their dominion assemble together and joyn with one heart and one mouth in the publick Worship of God then shall the Name of the Lord be magnified in Sion 23. He brought down my strength in my journey In the mean time whilst I walk in the way of Repentance my strength is decayed and he hath shortned my days of health and outward prosperity that I may apply my heart unto wisedom 24. But I said addressing my self unto God by Prayer O my God the God of my life of my health of my joy my God and my all take me not away in the midst of mine age before the natural course of my life expire as for thy years they endure throughout all generations being from everlasting to everlasting in respect of whose duration the years of my life are nothing and therefore I humbly beg they may not be shortned through the violence of thy afflicting hand 25. Thou Lord who art without beginning in the beginning of time hast laid the foundations of the earth which is the centre of this visible World and the heavens are the works of thy hands both the Heavens and the earth and all things visible and invisible are of thy Creation 26. They shall perish as having their beginning in time but thou shalt endure as being from all eternity and through all the changes of created beings remaining in thy self unchangeable 27. They all shall wax old as doth a garment which is worse for the wearing and as avesture shalt thou change them from their present state and condition and they shall be changed in their qualities and operations But thou art the same in thy self immutable and thy years shalt not fail or rather being not liable at all to any term of years but without either beginning or end of Time 28. The children of thy servants if they follow the steps of their godly Fathers in the sacred service of God shall continue in the land of the living being translated from the life of Grace to the life of Glory and their seed of good works the issue of their true faith shall stand fast in thy sight being treasured up in Heaven where no moth or rust corrupteth Glory be to the Father As it was in the beginning Psalm CXXX Verse 1. OVT of the depths both of my sins and sufferings and out of the depth of my heart wounded with godly sorrow for my sins have I called as Jonas out of the whale's belly so do I lift up my voice in praier to be delivered from the power of the Devil unto thee O Lord with whom alone is power to help and save me Lord hear my voice in my prayers which I make before thee 2. O let thine ears which are not corporeal but wholly spiritual and therefore more quick andintense to consider well the voice of my complaint be intent to release me of my sins under the weight whereof my Soul complains 3. If thou Lord to whom no secrets are hid wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss so as to take notice of all our faults and failings and punish us accordingly O Lord who may abide it There is none so exactly righteous and holy as to abide the strict scrutiny of thy vindicative justice since every sin from which none is free is in respect of the person offended
spirits and powers of darkness good Lord deliver me from the bonds and chains of my sins and from that dismall sentence Take him and bind him hand and foot and cast him into utter darkness good Lord deliver me Holy Jesus who being felsed by rude hands Arraignment and Condemnation wast led as an innocent Lamb to the slaughter hooted at rated reviled reproached falsely accused and unjustly condemned by unjust Judges here upon earth being thy self the most just Judge of Heaven and earth O be not a severe and angry Judge when I shall stand before thy Tribunal but vouchsafe to be then my Mediatour and answer for me who am not able to answer thee one of a thousand if thou shouldest be strict to mark what I have done amiss But in thee have I put my trust thou shalt answer for me O Lord my God From all the accusations of the Devil and his Angels from the accusations of all men and of all women with whom I have been guilty or who have been conscious of my many sinful pollutions and from the accusations of my own Conscience in the day of Judgment good Lord deliver me Blessed be that infinite mercy and humility of thine Holy Jesus He is spitted upon whereby thou sufferedst thy face faiter then the children of men to be polluted by filthy ignominious spittings O turn thy face away from my sins whereby I have polluted my Soul and profaned thy holy Name which is called upon me Turn not thy face away from me but turn thy face away from my sins who for my sins didst not turn thy face from shame and spitting Holy Jesus Buffeted who didst expose thy blessed cheeks to the rude cuffs and buffets of hard injurious fists grant that though I may feel yet not be fell'd and overthrown by the buffets of Satan Holy Jesus Forsaken of his friends and followers who wast content to be forsaken of all thy friends and dearest Disciples and to be left alone in the hands of cruel men who like ravening wolves thirsted after a draught of thy dearest bloud O leave me not destitute of thy assisting presence when assaulted by my ghostly Adversaries though I have deserved to be for ever desolate and forsaken for my manifold treacherous backslidings from thee Blessed be that infinite goodness and meekness of thine Denied by Peter who looking back upon S. Peter when he denied and forswore thee didst by that gracious chiding look call him back both to himself and to thee by tree Repentance O look thus upon all backsliders from thee for their correction and sincere conversion and look upon me also and be merciful unto me as thou usest to doe unto those that love thy name And now behold O my Soul Scourged with the eye of devout meditation such a portion of thy Saviour's sufferings as is the wonder and astonishment both of Heaven and earth See with what profound humility and patience the great Lord of all the world condescends to be whipped by a merciless crue of souldiers see with what a sweet silence this innocent Lamb yields to have his fleece torn off his body stript naked and strictly bound to a whipping-post see him all alone naked and helpless where there was no eye to pity him no heart to have compassion on him whilst those merciless Caitiffs with their sharp and forked whips rip up and tear his delicate skin and tender flesh so that his blessed back and breasts by the violence of their cruel lathes doubled and redoubled are all gore bloud which from the gastly wounds stream'd down his innocent sides Now when I think hereupon I pour out my heart by my self even to weeping and wonder wondering that the eternal Son of God the glory of Angels and beauty of men should suffer such a cruel and shameful punishment and weep that my sins should both deserve and cause such sufferings and weeping wonder that the Son of God should suffer what I deserved But since thou disdainedst not O merciful Lord to be wounded for my transgressions and bruised for mine iniquities O let thy chastisement procure my peace with offended Heaven and grant that by thy stripes my soul may be healed Holy Jesus Crowned with thorns whose venerable head was crowned with Thorns the curse of the earth and those thorns beaten into thy Temples with a Reed and with much rage pardon Lord all those sins which by the instrumental mediation of all the senses of my head I have committed break not the bruised reed my broken heart with the sad pressure of thy heavy wrath let thy thorns the fruits of the curse which we contracted and thou sustainedst deliver me from the curse due for my sins and stop the jaws of death that the pit shut not her mouth upon me Thou art the King of glory Renouncing the Pomps and Vanities of this world O Christ yet wast content with a Cross for thy Throne with a wreath of Thorns for thy Crown with a Reed for thy Regal Sceptre with Gall and Vinegar for thy Cates and for thy Robes of Majesty onely a little Linen to cover thy nakedness O that I were so wise as from thy example to despise all the gilded glories empty consolations nicknam'd pleasures and profits of this present life chusing with Moses rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season having an eye to the recompence of reward Blessed Jesus Bearing his Cross who with an invincible patience wentest forth bearing thy Cross till it sunk thy tender virginal body to the earth O let me not sink under thy Cross nor shrink from it but chearfully take up my Cross whatever it be and carefully undergo all the sacred acts and offices of true Repentance which is the Cross of Sinners and follow thee my immortal Savior who didst suffer for us leaving us an example that we should follow thy steps Holy Jesus Crucified who wast lifted up upon the Cross to draw all men unto thee and didst hang on a cursed Tree to abolish the Curse contracted by eating the fruit of the forbidden Tree and wast numbred with the transgressours crucified amongst thieves O draw my hard and stony heart unto thee deliver me from the curse by my sins contracted and rank me not among the cursed Goats on thy left hand but amongst thy blessed Sheep on thy right hand in the great Day of Judgment O most Holy crucified Jesus All the parts of his body tormented all the parts and members of whose Body were expanded on the Cross as on a tormenting rack thy blessed Arms and Legs were with such violence diftended that the Joints were disparted the Veins burst the Sinews crackt the Skin rent the Flesh torn and all the Bones started aside And in this height of distension thy innocent Hands and Feet were nailed for the sinful works of our hands nailed where the nerves those
shalt make his Soul an offering for Sin he shall see his seed k Isa 53.10 even the fruits of his Passion devout Believers who shall serve him or keep his holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the days of their life they shall be counted unto the Lord for a generation being regenerated by Water and the Holy Ghost in Baptism whereby they are made Members of Christ Children of God and Heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven 32. They shall come being admitted into the glorious Communion of his blessed Saints and the Heavens both above and below both the Church Triumphant and Militant shall declare his righteousness His Mercies promised and performed in the Redemption of the world shall be proclaimed to all succeeding generations to a people that shall be born new born in and through all the Ages of the Church whom the Lord hath made his own peculiar people whose mouths are filled with his praise for ever saying Glory be to God the Father As it was in the beginning In the Greek Liturgy the people pray in the words of the Thief upon the Cross Lord remember us in thy Kingdom The Priest answers God be mindful of every one of us in his Kingdom both now and always for ever and ever Amen In the Mozarabick Liturgy I. By the wood of a Tree was Adam banished out of Paradise and from the Tree of wood the Cross the Thief that was crucified with our Lord ascended into Paradise The one by eating the forbidden Fruit transgrest the Law of his Maker the other confessed Christ in his Crucifixion to be the Lord of Heaven saying Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom II. Grant unto us O Lord the Repentance of the Thief upon the Cross and grant that we may with the like Faith call upon thee our Lord of great and much mercy saying Lord remember us in thy Kingdom III. Lord thou hast made us in the image of thine ineffable Glory which we have much defaced by the black marks of our many Falls have mercy upon the work of thine hands sanctify us of thy great goodness and restore us to our much-desired Country the celestial Paradise Lord remember us in thy Kingdom CHAP. VIII Meditations and Praiers preparatory to the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday-night or Sunday-morning before I. THOU art now invited O my Soul to such a Banquet as Heaven and Earth affords not the like 'T is the precious Body and Bloud of thy dear Redeemer which he first gave to be the price of thy Redemption and now gives again to be thy food and nourishment Teach me O Lord by thy Holy Spirit Out of St. Ambrose to understand and believe and ever to conceive and speak of those great and wonderful Mysteries and this day to receive the same with that Faith and Esteem Humility and Contrition holy Desires and Resolutions Reverence and Devotion as may please thee and conduce to my Soul's Salvation Empty my heart of all vain idle wandring Thoughts and of all filthy and unfruitfull Lusts Take from me this Heart of stone and give me an heart of flesh a soft and melting heart to fear thee love thee honour thee delight in thee and so to follow thee that I may be for ever happy in the enjoyment of thee II. O Holy crucified Jesus Out of St. Aug. Man ca. 11. I humbly beg by that sacred effusion of thy most precious Blead give unto thy Servant the effusion of Tears with compunction of spirit when I approach thine Altar to partake of that celestial Sacrament worthy of all Reverence and the most inflamed Devotion which thou O Lord God didst institute and command to be received in commemoration of thine infinite Love in dying for us and for the reparations of our manifold infirmities and daily failings Grant me Blessed Lord Out of T. Aquin. not onely to receive that Sacrament in the outward Elements but in the virtue and power thereof not Bread and Wine alone but the Body and Bloud of my Jesus to the Remission of all my Sins and to all other the Benefits of his Death and Passion for me III. The whole need not a Physician Out of T. Aquin. but they that are sick And such am I a diseased sin-sick Soul and as sick I now go to my Physician as a Sinner to the Redeemer of fallen Man as miserable to the Father of Mercy as unclean to the fountain of Purity as poor and needy to the Lord of all Bounty as blind and ignorant to the Brightness and splendour of Spirits as infirm and weak to the Strength of Israel And oh that it may please thee to enlighten my Darkness to heal all my Infirmities to inrich my Poverty to strengthen my Weakness to wash away all my Uncleanness and by the Communion of thy precious Body and Bloud to cleanse me from all Filthiness both of flesh and spirit that I may perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. IV. Thou didst offer up thy self Out of Tho. a Kempis Blessed Jesus even thy whole self upon the Altar of the Cross a Sacrifice for my Sins no Member of thy Body not tormented no Power of thy Soul not sacrificed no Drop of thy Bloud not shed for me a miserable Sinner 'T is therefore most just and meet and my bounden Duty that I should offer up my self my whole self to thee and to thy service for I am not mine own being bought with a price and such a price as transcends the value of all that the whole Heavens and Earth afford beside Whatever I offer unto thee O Lord though it be all that I do enjoy in the world with my Praiers for all it will not be accepted without the offering of my self for 't is not mine but me not all that is without me but all that is within me thou requirest as the price of thy self to be enjoyed Receive me O Lord in the devout Participation of thy most holy Body and Bloud whereunto I am now invited Guard me O Lord with the pious custody and strong defence of thy holy Angels invisibly present and assistent in the transaction of those tremend Mysteries of Godliness and Salvation that the enemies of all that is holy and good may be thence driven back with shame and confusion In all the holy Actions of that sacred celestial Service make me sensible of the sweetness of thy presence with me that I may taste and see how gracious the Lord is a Psal 34.8 be satisfied with the plenteousness of thy house and drink of thy pleasures as out of a river For with thee is the Well of life and in thy light shall we see light b Psal 36.8 9. O send out thy light and thy truth that they may lead me and bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling and that I may goe unto the Altar of God even the God of my joy and gladness and upon the
humble shall hear thereof and be glad 3. O praise the Lord with me and let us magnify his Name together 4. I sought the Lord and he heard me yea he delivered me out of all my fear 5. They had an eye unto him and were lightned and their faces were not ashamed 6. Lo the poor crieth and the Lord heareth him yea and saveth him out of all his troubles 7. The Angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that fear him and delivereth them 8. O taste and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him 9. O fear the Lord ye that be his Saints for they that fear him do lack nothing 10. The lions do lack and suffer hunger but they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good 11. Come ye children and hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 12. What man is he that lusteth to live and would fain see good days 13. Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips that they speak no guile 14. Eschew evil and doe good seek peace and ensue it 15. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their praiers 16. The countenance of the Lord is against them that doe evil to root out the remembrance of them from off the earth 17. The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them and delivereth them out of all their troubles 18. The Lord is nigh unto all them that are of a contrite heart and will save such as be of an humble spirit 19. Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of all 20. He keepeth all his bones so that not one of them is broken 21. But misfortune shall slay the ungodly and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate 22. The Lord delivereth the souls of his servants and all they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute Glory be to the Father As it was in the beginning The Prayer May the praise of the Lord be ever in my mouth and let us all magnify his Name together who do now tast and see how gracious the Lord is for he hath heard our praiers enlightned our minds delivered us from all our fears and from all those troubles whereunto our Sins had made us liable And oh that the sweet tast of our gracious Lord in this Blessed Sacrament of his Body and Bloud may have its proper influence upon all the Affections of our hearts and Actions of our lives that we may henceforth and for ever eschew evil and doe good being fruitfull in all the good works of Righteousness and true Holiness from whence ensue eternal Peace and Happiness through Jesus Christ I have sworn vowed in my Baptism and now again renewed the same Vow and am stedfastly purposed to keep thy righteous judgments k Psal 119.106 I am thine even now solemnly devoted thine stedfastly resolved thine O save me for I have sought thy Commandments l Vers 94. O hold thou up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not m Psal 17.5 O hold thou up my goings in thy paths that I may daily perform my vows n Psal 61.8 CHAP. XI Psalms of Praise and Thanksgiving after the Holy Communion The CIII Psalm Verse 1. PRaise the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name 2. Praise the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits 3. Who forgiveth all thy sins and healeth all thy infirmities 4. Who saveth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with mercy and loving-kindness 5. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things making thee young and lusty as the eagle 6. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all them that are oppressed with wrong 7. He shewed his ways unto Moyses his works unto the children of Israel 8. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy long-suffering and of great goodness 9. He will not alway be chiding neither keepeth he his anger for ever 10. He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our wickedness 11. But look how high the heaven is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also towards them that fear him 12. Look how wide also the East is from the West so far hath he set our sins from us 13. Yea like as a father pitieth his own children even so is the Lord merciful unto them that fear him 14. For he knoweth whereof we are made he remembreth that we are but dust 15. The days of man are but as grass for he flourisheth as a flower of the field 16. For as soon as the wind goeth over it it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more 17. But the mercifull loving-kindness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him and his righteousness upon childrens children 18. Even upon such as keep his covenant and think upon his commandments to doe them 19. The Lord hath prepared his seat in heaven and his Kingdom ruleth over all 20. O praise the Lord ye Angels of his ye that excell in strength ye that fulfill his commandment and hearken unto the voice of his words 21. O praise the Lord all ye his hosts ye servants of his that doe his pleasure 22. O praise the Lord all ye works of his in all places of his dominion Praise thou the Lord O my Soul Glory be to the Father c. I. 'T is not within the power of all the Faculties of my Soul worthily to praise the Lord for that he hath now satisfied my mouth with the good things of Heaven he hath forgiven me all my sins and healed the diseases of my Soul he hath renewed my strength as an Eagle to mount my Soul unto Heaven upon the sacred wings of holy Faith firm Hope fervent Charity and by the virtue of that celestiall Food I have now received II. How great is the goodness and how great is the mercy of the Lord who hath not dealt with me after my Sins nor rewarded me according to my wickedness But as a father pitieth his own children so mercifull is the Lord and hath compassion upon the work of his own hands and whom he hath framed after his own Image frail and sinfull though we be III. But since through the weakness and frailties of my mortal nature I cannot praise the Lord as becometh his eminent grace and greatness may my defects herein be supplied with the Hallelujahs of Angels and Archangels and all the company of Heaven And 't is the exultation and joy of my heart that these celestiall Spirits cease not day and night saying Holy Holy Holy Lord God of hosts Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory Glory be to God on high Amen Blessed be the Lord God even the God of Israel who onely doeth wondrous things And blessed be the name of his majesty for ever and all