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A20958 The right way to heauen prayers and meditations of the faithfull soule with the spirituall morning sacrifice and consolations for the sicke. Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Baylie, Richard. 1630 (1630) STC 7337; ESTC S118723 104,298 556

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are the enemies of our soules But following the Apostles counsel to obtaine the victorie in this Spirituall battell we must resist constantly by faith For the victorie which overcommeth the world it is our faith which is a certaine and assured knowledge of the love of God towards us according as by his Gospell he declareth himselfe to be our Father and Saviour by the meanes of Iesus Christ Having then such a firm faith for your principall foundation know ye and confesse unfainedly before the Majestie of God that you are a poore and a miserable sinner conceived and borne ini●niquitie corruption prone unto the doing of evill unprofitable unto every good thing and that by your sinnes you have transgressed without end and uncessantly the holy commandements of God In the committing whereof you have purchased and brought by his just judgement ruine and destruction upon your selfe Notwithstanding you are sorry and grieved in your selves for having offended him and do condemne your selves and your sinnes with true repentance desiring that Gods grace may help and relieve your calamitie Pray then in this firm faith if you cannot with mouth speak it in your heart that God our most gracious and most mercifull Father enter not into judgment nor into an account with you but would be pleased to have pitie on you in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and that he would blot out your sinnes and blemishes by the merit of the death and passion of the same Iesus Christ in whose Name offer up unto him his holy Prayer which he hath taught us saying from your heart Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as wee forgive them that trespasse against us and leade us not into temptation but deliver us from evill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for ever ever Amē F. S. N. Acknowledge from the bottome of your heart your unrighteousnes be sorry for your sinnes repent uncessantly and the kingdome of God will draw neare unto you Acknowledge there is no righteousnesse no innocencie nor any good works of yours nor in you But rather as the children of wrath conceived and born in the sinne of old Adam you deserve death and eternall damnation Notwithstanding let not this nor all the sinnes of the world when you should have committed them affright you For Iesus Christ the true Sonne of the eternall God is made true man conceived by the Holy Ghost borne of the holy Virgin to sanctifie and cleanse you He suffered under Pontius Pilate many afflictions injuries and outrages making himselfe a servant and captive to set you in full libertie Iesus Christ was crucified as accursed upon the tree of the Crosse to deliver you from the eternall curse Iesus Christ died shedding forth his bloud his precious bloud to wash you to redeem you to deliver and wholly set you free from the death of hell and from the power of Satan Iesus Christ was buried in the grave to burie all your sins which he tooke away and blotted out Iesus Christ descended into hell insuffering extreame sorrowes to free you from all the paines and sorrowes of death Iesus Christ rose againe from the dead to cause you to rise againe in your owne body and unto glorious immortalitie Iesus Christ ascended into heaven to make you to ascend up thither after him Iesus Christ sitteth at the right hand of God his Father Almighty being your Advocate and Intercessor towards him and the attonement of all your sinnes We look for his comming to judge the quick and the dead to render unto every one according to his works But unto his faithfull ones that believe in him he will not impute their sinnes but having entirely justified them by his grace will make them raigne with him in his heavenly throne for ever F. S. N. Such is the great mysterie of our redemption which by the working of the grace of the Holy Ghost you m●s● firmly believe was wrough● for your salvation And doubt not but that by the merit of Iesus Christ the head of his Church you are a member incorporated into the same returning him thanks in great humilitie that he hath been so gracious unto you to have graunted you the happines to have lived in the communion and company of his faithfull ones for having fed you with his Word with his Body and Bloud acknowledging as being fully assured the great mercy of God in the remission of all your sinnes which is made over unto you in Iesus Christ who will raise you up againe at the last day to make you raigne with him in life everlasting which he hath promised unto all those which believe in him being baptised into his name Now F. S. N. seeing you have this faith doubt you not to receive the promise of Faith for God is true he cannot lie as man Sooner shall heaven and earth perish But the Word of God shall abide for ever God is your Father and Creator you are his creature and the worke of his hands He hath not made you to destroy you for he is the Saviour of all men and will not the death of a sinner but rather that he be converted and live Wherefore I declare unto you in the Name of God that out of his great goodnesse and mercy he gives you full pardon and forgivenesse of all your sins thorow the sole merit of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord in the shedding of his precious bloud for he is the propitiation not only for all your sins but for all the sins of the world F. S. N. Iesus Christ saith with his own mouth that all things are possible unto him that believeth Believe then without doubting at all that Iesus Christ putting on our flesh was made true man wherin he died for you having taken upon him all your sinnes in his body to abolish and blot them out Set before and present unto God the precious death of his Sonne Iesus Christ and for the merit of the same death and Passion ask his mercy in saying from the bottome of your heart in great humilitie and repentance O Lord God Almighty be mercifull unto me a poore and miserable sinner for thy deare Sonne my Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ his sake and by the merit of his Death and Passion be graciously pleased to receive my soule which I commend into thy hands F. S. N. Put your whole assured trust and confidence in God For seeing he is for you none shal be against you for Iesus Christ who is the Lamb without spot or blemish hath overcome all for you He offered up himselfe once for you and by the same sole oblation hath wholly abolished all your sinnes He hath abrogated made void and forcelesse your follie unrighteousnesse abomination and obligation With this good Lord Iesus Christ God the
better life makes us see and feele how vaine and deceiveable are the sweet allurements and imaginary prosperities of this mortall life when it pleaseth him to crosse it thus with sicknes and with so many miseries and discomodities which accompanie us therein perpetually from the cradle to the grave This makes us know yea maketh us cry out with Esay ch 47. v. 6. That all flesh is as grasse and the glory thereof as the flower of the field With David Psalm 90.6 That the flower of this short life is such that men are in perpetuall travell and martyrdome And with Iob chap. 14. That man that is borne of a woman is of short life and fraught with sorrow And this is it God putteth us in mind of chiefly when we feele our selves sick or otherwise afflicted to make us contemne the earth and to aspire up unto heaven to cause us to distast this miserable life to make us earnestly and heartily to relish and meditate on the heavenly life to the end that there where our treasure is there also might bee our heart and that our faith and hope might be weaned from the world and from the things of the world to be raised up thither where they have their true objects unto God and to everlasting life For also faith is not of things visible but of invisible And hope is not of good things present but of good to come that is to say of good celestiall and eternall obtained in Iesus Christ good so transcendently great and so incomprehensible that as Saint Paul saith 1. Corinth 1.6 Eye hath not seene nor eare hath heard nor hath entred into the heart of man that which God hath prepared for those that love him There is yet a third excellent fruit which God makes us reape from the sicknesses he sendeth us that is that by this meanes he puts us to triall and to the touch-stone to purifie and to amend our faith to make it eminently to appeare to his glory and to the edification of our neighbour For as by this meanes our faith is stirred up and elevated from the world unto God from the earth unto heaven from this life unto a life most happy and lasting for ever as also is it by such tryalls exercised and examined and as it were refined and made more pure after the manner of gold which is tryed and purified by fire Even as Saint Peter 1 Pet. 1.7 It is also by this meanes drawn forth into evidence and set in the light with patience constancie and other Christian vertues which God hath infused into us and which otherwise without this would not be knowne of any and thereby would remaine without use and without profit in regard of our neighbours And indeed we could not know what was the faith and the patience of Iob of Abraham of David and of such a number of other excellent servants of God if God had not made them passe thorough the fire of sundry temptations and tryals and we should not have at this day the worthy examples which we have to lead us to conforme our selves unto their imitation It fareth with the faith and patience of Christians as with the courage and valour of the souldier which is not well seene but in the midst of the battell As with the light of the Starres which appeares not but in the night As with the odour and sweet smell of frankincense which is not smelt but when it is cast into the fire Even so doth God make knowne unto our brethren the courage which he hath given us when he causeth us to come into the hands of some rough and violent sicknes he maketh to appeare unto them the brightnes of our faith when he spreadeth over us some night of affliction he maketh them smell the good perfume of our patience when he casts us into some fire of adversitie and by this meanes our brethren not onely are instructed edified comforted by our good example but withall led to praise and glorifie God who it is that sustains and strengtheneth us amidst the infirmities of our flesh sheweth forth and perfecteth his great strength in our great weaknes Lo then the principall and more remarkable spirituall fruits which God of his goodnes propounds unto us to be reaped from our bodily sicknesses And for this cause then Sir now that God visits you with this sicknes and layes you on this bed of infirmitie you must acknowledge that it is his fatherly hand that handles you on this fashion as one of his children and that hereby he calls you to the fruition of these excellent fruits and benefits which have been declared unto you for his glory and for your good and salvation Acknowledge then that he would awaken you from out your faults and sinnes that he would have you to have a feeling of them indeed to breed in you a dislike of them that ye might seek for the free pardon of them in his mercy thorow Iesus Christ that you may renounce them with your whole heart to take a sound resolution to serve him from henceforth and to walk in his feare with more zeale and affection then heretofore thorough his grace Is not this that which you promise Yes Acknowledge further that it is his will to make you by this meanes to haue a feeling of the miseries of this life to contemne and trample under foot the world and the vanities thereof to the end to aspire with your whole heart unto the heavenly and everlasting life and thereby to answer unto the dignity of that condition whereunto you are called to be the child of God and not the child of the world to have your conversation as a Citizen of heaven and not of the earth and thereby to have you to seeke as Saint Paul saith Philip. 3.20 The things that are aboue and not those that are here below And is not this also the thing which you protest you will do all the dayes of your life Gods grace thereunto assisting you Yes Acknowledge you lastly that the good pleasure of God is to trie and examine you by this sicknes to the end that your faith and patience might be made more perfect and that they might be seen and known of your brethren and neighbours that they might thereby be edified and comforted and might thereby give glory to God when they shall see that you shall beare patiently and constantly the sorrow and the violence of this affliction and that you shall dispose and apply your selfe to rest with a calme and peaceable mind in all and whatsoever handling it shall please God to impose upon you with his fatherly hand Is not this also moreover the resolution you take Yes I beseech God give you grace thorowly and happily to accomplish your holy promises to his glory and your owne salvation It is your part also to pray unto him for the same with your heart otherwise you can never be able to performe it of your selfe But if
Father be with us in truth and love A SACRED Spirituall Awakening or Morning Sacrifice to serve for the awaking and rowsing of the carnally secure The eare that heareth the reproofe of life abideth among the wise Pro. 15.31 He that despiseth the Word shall perish by reason thereof Proverb 13. It shall be more tollerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha Mat. 10.14.15 29. IT is our over much stouping unto and our setling upon the lees of our vanities that the foolish affections of the flesh dragge us deeper into their disordered appetites It is our overmuch thinking on the things here below let us remain no longer curb'd on earth let us rouse up addresse our selves toward heaven and let us not defraud it of what belongs unto it shall not the examples of the creatures without reason yea without sense lead us unto this reason We see water commeth forth of the water and returneth unto water the earth drawne from the earth re-inclineth to the earth and so every thing tendeth to his place and shall we that are borne for heaven flie from it The knowledge that our blessednesse is there eternall blessednesse which already we possesse thorow the assurance of our union with Iesus Christ into whose death we have been baptised to the end to participate in his resurrection and to be in time ordained by God fully co-heires of that celestiall heritage ought it not to make us lift up our senses on high and to pluck them wholly from the earth But alas We confesse that this knowledge appeareth to be almost altogether obscured in us for our conversation is like unto that of them that have not knowne God walking as having no feare of the Lord and doing the things which indeed ought not to be so much as thought on or named of us it seemeth to appeare by the course of the most that man is but only for the flesh to the end to glut his disordered passions O wonderfull brutishnes Where then shall this knowledge be Or the feeling or expectation of the heavenly joy Rom. 6. Col. 3. For this union not performing her functions should we not walke in feare and trembling all the course of our life mortifie our old man and corrupt nature Otherwise where shal be the fruit of our baptisme Or the efficacie of the passions and sufferings of Iesus Christ and if we be destitute and deprived of these things abide we not still in death yea eternall death Wherefore let us here enter into astonishment let us be terrified with feare Rom. 2.4 We see the anger of God threatneth us if we turne not away from evill His Patience inviteth us to repentance let us not despise the riches of his mercy Eccles 5.5 He hath borne with us untill this day let us not say any more the mercy of God is great he will have pitie on the multitude of our sins to ad sinne unto sinne and let us not stay till to morrow to convert our selves for mercy and wrath come both from the Lord and his day shal be and will come when it shall not be thought on no man knoweth the houre And this is it which is meant by the Parable of the evill servant who saying in his heart my Master deferreth the time of his comming Math. 24.48 And therefore I will lead an evill life That his Master will surprise him and will come in a day when he looketh not for him and will cast him thither where there shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Let us feare let us feare then such a surprise let us awake thorowly and slumber no longer in our sins O halfe Atheists infamous Monsters that say let us sinne that God may forgive us otherwise what use shall there be of his mercy came he not for sinners Oh how you deceive your selves and those also that glut their brutish and irregular lusts giving the full swing to their foolish desires prophaning likewise the mercy of God promise to themselves afterward to have the same all the course of their lives jollily heaped up their iniquitie to say at their last day a peccavi whereupon they heape and pile up in this manner as much mischief as the most perverse can do As if it were in mans power to have repentance to ask and obtaine mercy at any time or moment hee shall assigne himselfe and as if it were in his own free habilitie and power and not a speciall and singular gift of God as it is manifested unto us in Ieremy 31.8 when he saith Convert mee and I shall bee converted for thou art the Lord my God surely after I was converted I repented That such grace commeth from God alone according to his good pleasure It is the saying of the Holy Ghost Act. 11.18 God gave to the Gentiles also repentance unto life Which is also clearely shewed by Saint Paul charging Timothie to teach those that were contrarily minded 2 Timoth. 1.25 To trie if at any time God would give them repentance to the knowledge of the truth that they may awake and recover themselves out of the snare of the Devill according to that we gather Esay 1.15 That man somtimes cryeth unto the Lord in vaine and without that he answereth him Consider then now unto whom when and how mercy is graunted Psalme 18.41 And we may acknowledge all in that behalfe that we have not the morrow to repent in Let us not grow elder in our iniquitie least as wisdome admonisheth us That malice having taken deep root in us our heart can never be changed Wisdome the 12.10 So the tree long since planted is not easily stub'd up and let us ever beare in mind that threatning Apoc. 3.3 If therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what houre I will come upon thee But what shall we not grow wise thorough the frequent examples which daily occurre and present themselves to our view That the lustiest man he that buildeth his designes as it were farre from the grave and who thinketh of nothing lesse then on the tribute he owes to death in the same instant sinks downe And therefore no man knowes the houre nor how he must dislodge from out of this lower earth Every moment both of night and of day shewing that God hath a thousand and a thousand meanes in his hand to cut off when he pleaseth the thread of the soundest and strongest life Whereupon one hath said very well What act what time what place exempt can stand From dreadfull dart of Deaths fell hand Is not unpartiall proofe Pope Adrians flie That laughing eating drinking man may die Stay a little thy mind and thoughts in this place O thou temporiser that deferrest unto another season to amend and become better let not this passe thee without thinking on it and it shal be an entrance unto thee to profit by the admonition which our Saviour Iesus Christ gives us Mat. 24.44 Therefore be
the said Church being composed of many quarters and it not being possible for me to be with them all necessitie required that they often supplie my absence in the visitation of the sicke whereunto they required my assistance by this small President my purpose was to cause some few copies to bee printed to put into their hands and by that meanes to give them that assistance with more ease and with more conveniencie But when it was further alleaged unto me it might serve also for the use of others either in regard of their obligation therunto by the same charge or for that they were so mooved out of their Christian zeale imployed themselves in that pious and charitable dutie of visiting and comforting the sicke And that moreover and besides the reason hereof would not bee unprofitable to any of the faithfull in particular who even in his best health should ever prepare himselfe for sicknesse and death I yeelded to make it publique with this word of information which I suppose will arme thy ingenuitie to acquit me of all blame I doubt not but thou wilt excuse the plainenesse of the stile having respect both to the nature of the subject withal unto whom and for whom it was directed As for them that shall think good to make use of it I intreat them to beare with the length of it Which I could not well avoid as I desired in a subject so fertile and so hard to be contracted This remedie there is for it that this writing being composed of many disjointed parcels and accomodated to the sundry dispositions of the sicke they may be contented to cull out of them sometimes one sometimes another as they shall be adjudged more for their purpose according to the circumstances of the persons they visit A FAMILIAR Instruction to comfort the Sick When the sicknes shall not as yet have any probabilitie to be mortall there may be said to the sicke for his comfort that which here followeth SIR You must first of all know that this sickenesse came not to you casually nor by chance but rather by the wise government of the providence of God our Creatour and Father who so disposeth of prosperity and adversity of health and of sicknesse towards his children that he never sendeth them either the one or the other but it is for his owne glory and for their good and salvation Which the Apostle Saint Paul setteth forth Ro. 8.28 That to them that love God all things worke together for good Now hee there speakes expresly of afflictions in the ranke whereof are sicknesses Now they love God who first of all are beloved of him and as the same Apostle saith called according to his determinate purpose That you are of this number you have occasion to take your assurance thereof by the faith he hath given you in making you to believe that he is your Father and Sauiour in his welbeloved Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and causing you to receive his spirit of adoption which is he that giveth testimonie and beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God his heires and co-heires with CHRIST Rom. Hereof ought you to take yet further assurance from the sanctification of his Spirit thorough the which you are led and guided in his obedience For they that are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God Now unto them that are such the Apostle Saint Paul saith that all things worke together for good afflictions sicknesses death it self All are turned unto them by the grace of God unto their great good and profit to serve unto the furthering of their salvation There are three speciall fruits which God causeth us to reape from our sicknesses and afflictions The first is the amendment of our life awakening us out of our sinnes In health and in prosperity it is a thing too ordinary with us to flatter and to lull our selves asleep in our sinnes by reason of the great corruption of our nature which maketh us inclinable unto all evill and unprofitable unto all good Very necessary then is it for us to be awakened and to be made sensible of our sinnes to be displeased with them and to recover our selves out of them All which is wrought by the meanes of sicknesses and other adversities of this life which are the issues of sinne and oftentimes are sent unto us from God to chasten and correct us for our sinnes And therein our gracious heavenly Father sheweth how he loveth us withholding us by this meanes that we perish not in our dissolutions as a good Father and one that loveth his children he chastiseth them and gives them the rod when need requires it to stay them they run not upon their owne destruction This is it which Saint Paul saith 1. Cor. 11.32 That when we are afflicted wee are chastened of the Lord that wee should not be condemned of the world And elswhere he saith Hebr. 12. ver 6.7 11. That the Lord chasteneth him whom he loveth and scourgeth every childe he approoveth if you suffer chastisement saith the Apostle God presenteth himselfe unto you as unto his children For what sonne is he whom the Father correcteth not And although all chastisement for the present time seemeth not to bee joyous but grievous neverthelesse afterward it yeeldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousnes unto them that are exercised thereby Wee must then in the first place gather this excellent fruit of our sicknesses to have a sensible apprehension by them of our so many and so grievous delicts and offences whereof we stand guilty before God to the end to crave pardon for them with repentance and humility and to make unto him an holy protestation to m●ke better performance of our duties hereafter to walk in his obedienee and feare thorough the assissance of his grace and conduct of his Spirit Which we must ask of him by our fervent prayers with faith and assurance to be heard according to his promis●s And so shall we be able to say to him with David that excellent s●rvant of God Psal 119.67 72. Ere thou didst touch mee with thy rod I er'd and went astray But now I have thy holy Word And make it all my stay And also O happy time may I well say When thou didst me correct For as a guide to know thy Lawes Thy Word did me direct And behold how the maladies of our bodies are unto us thorough Gods grace good and wholesome medicines for our soules The second benefit sicknes brings us is to unloose and pluck up our hearts from the earth to lift them up unto heaven Experience shewes us that our hearts remaine over much fastened and rooted here below whilst we are here in health and at our ease we could be content never to budge hence Nay we could be content our felicity were here assigned us and our soveraign happines so farre are wee blinded But God who hath ordained us for a
hearts is given us for earnest of our celestiall inheritance Rom. 14.17 to assure us by this beginning of the spirituall goods which God hath promised to his children that he holdeth us for his purchased possession unto the praise of his glory and without ever revoking his promises he will gather us finally into the full fruition of this heavenly inheritance There must if it be possible bee drawne from the mouth of the sicke a confession of his sinnes of his repentance and of his faith And if happily he have not the use of speech but yet of understanding he must be exhorted to answer by some signe NOw then M. it is now your part to be of good courage and to apply unto your selfe soundly and heartily this holy doctrine for the comfort of your soule This doctrine hath been addressed and declared unto you by the preaching of the Gospell in the bosome of the Church of God whereof you have the honour to be in the number it hath been also confirmed unto you by the use of the Sacraments in which you have communicated Have you not received them with faith Yes Do you not believe according to the same that God is not only your Creator but that sinne having made you a cast-away he is your Saviour in Iesus Christ Yes Acknowledge you not that you are a poore and miserable sinner and confesse you not that should he enter into a reckoning with you to impute your sinnes unto you you should of necessitie and unavoidably perish in death and eternall damnation Yes Do you not protest you are exceeding sorrie and much grieved for having so offended him and that you do repent the same with all your heart I do Do you not utterly renounce all conceit and confidence in your owne righteousnes to settle entirely and wholy your hope in the sole mercy of God by the which he justifieth and saveth us in his beloved Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Yes Believe you not that he hath received you in this his mercy that he is appeased and at peace with you and hath reconciled you into his favour and grace with him in regard of and thorow the obedience and merit of the same Iesus Christ his Sonne whom you firmly believe died for your sins and rose againe for your justification Yes I do Now I beseech God to be pleased to establish you and to increase in you more and more this faith according to the which you must take a full assurance of being justified and saved seeing God hath given you this grace to believe with the heart unto righteousnesse and with your mouth to make this confession unto salvation Rom. 10.10 To induce the sicke person to set up his rest and to resolve bee it for life or be it for death according to the will of God BEing thus supported and sustained by the firme foundation of faith you must take up an holy resolution and expect constantly without all feare such issue whatsoever it shall please God to send unto your sicknes with a setled perswasion that it cannot chuse but be profitable and wholsome for you be it that it please him to cause you to injoy yet longer life here below or be it it shal be his pleasure to withdraw you hence to make you more happy If it shal be his pleasure to returne and restore you to health as he is almighty to fetch even the dead out of the grave and to make them to live againe This shal be if he please to give give you to serve yet further to his glory yea more affectionately then ever hitherto for which you have to pray unto him for the grace But if his will be to lead you by this sicknes unto the end of your course it shal be to receive you into the fruition of that perfect happinesse which the Sonne of God hath so dearly purchased for you by the price of his bloud And therefore go you unto him with an holy cheerfulnes in the assurance of his grace and favours cheere up your self and rejoice in the happy exchang which you shall make of the earth with heaven of this miserable and short life for one that 's most happy and permanent for evermore from these wretched and perishing goods unto goods celestiall and eternall which eye hath not seene nor eare heard and which farre surmount the thought of man which God hath prepared for them that love him Are you not then well resolv'd to conforme in all this your will unto the will of your Father in heauen To the end that be it whether you live you live to the Lord or be it that you dye you dye to the Lord Rom. 14.8 Being well assured that Christ shal be unto you alwayes gaine both in life and in death Yes God graunt you that grace To comfort and assure the sicke in the weaknesse of his faith IN the meane time I am not ignorant that your faith how great and strong soever it may be may yet for all that be small and weake in you For during the infirmities of this life the Holy Ghost is but given you in a certaine measure according to the which we know but in part and our spirituall renovation is but yet here begun Certaine it is we cannot attaine here below unto the perfection of faith And therefore I doubt not but your faith yet is infirme and weake and cannot chuse but be tossed with sundry temptations and skirmished with divers assaults of doubts and distrusts But you must not therefore shrinke or bee crest-fallen in courage For this combat you feele in yourselfe it is the fight which as Saint Paul saith Galat. 5. ver 17. is in the soule of every faithfull one between the flesh and the spirit and therefore it is unto you an assured testimonie that you have faith For as the flesh fighteth in you by distrust the spirit also fighteth in you by faith and this faith will never yeeld it selfe being backt and sustained by the spirit of God which will make it victorious And how imperfect soever it be God will make it sufficient unto you unto salvation For it is not said he that shall believe perfectly shall be saved but rather simply he that shall believe Besides as you feele in your self your faith weak and imperfect so I doubt not but you therewith feele an holy desire that it might be strengthened and increased and that your heart prayeth and maketh request unto God for the same Is it not true Yes it is Now sith it is so this faith this desire that it might be increased and this prayer you make for it unto God are not these fruits of the spirit and not of the flesh And seeing they are the fruits of Gods Spirit produced in you is not this a sure testimonie that you are led by the same and by consequence the child of God For all they that are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God as Saint
Paul saith Rom. 8.14 Courage then Sir say boldly with that holy Apostle in the midst of your combats I am assured that nothing shal be able to separate me from the love of God which he hath shewed me in Iesus Christ our Lord To assure the sicke against the temptations and terrors of conscience FOure things there are indeed which in this spirituall combat may give you terror stagger your faith and trouble the peace of your conscience Namely the sense of your sinnes the apprehension of death the feare of the Devill and the horrour of the judgement of God before whom we are to appeare at our going forth of this life But against the feare of al these things the goodnesse of God in the benefits of Christ and in the testimonies he gives us in his Word furnisheth you with good and sufficient remedies thorowly to assure and establish you in invincible constancie Against the terrors proceeding from the sense of his sinnes FIrst for the regard of your sinnes it is indeed very necessarie to have a thorow sensible apprehension and lively feeling of them to humble you before God But in as much as you protest you have a true and serious repentance of them and do seek and lay hold of by faith the satisfaction and expiation of them in the bloud of Iesus Christ assure your self they can in no sort hinder the effect of your salvation If you be a sinner why Iesus Christ also came into the world to save sinners 1. Tim. 1.15 He is that Lamb of God that takes away the sinnes of the world Iohn 1.29 It is his bloud which cleanseth us from all iniquitie 1 Ioh. 1.7.9 And whosoever shall believe in him shall receive remission of his sins thorow his name Act. 10 43. For this cause is it that there should be preached in his name repentance and remission of sinnes Luke 24 47. Yea he himselfe invites us to himselfe to endow us with the fruition of such a good come unto mee all yee that labour and are heavie laden and I will give you rest Matth. 11.28 Go you then unto him if you feele your selfe overwhelmed with the burthen of your sinnes in assurance to find remedie and rest to your soule And for this selfe same cause performes he yet still dayly the office of an Advocat with the Father for us If we have sinned saith Saint Iohn ch 2. ver 1 2. We have an Advocat with the Father to wit Iesus Christ the righteous who is the propitiation for our sinnes Against the feare of death NOW as touching death why should you feare it seeing your sinnes are not imputed unto you For by sin it is that death entred into the world thus saith Saint Paul Rom. 5.12 and by consequent where there is no sinne there can be no death And indeed as for eternall death which the Scriptures call the second death you have from it a full and a perfect release by the meanes of this faith which God hath given you Verily saith the Son of God Iohn 5.24 I say unto you that hee that heareth my Word and believeth in him that sent me he hath eternall life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death vnto life And as for the death of the body whereunto we remaine still subject it is not unto the faithfull a testimonie of Gods anger upon them as it is ever such unto the reprobate but rather a great and singular favour of his bounty and which bringeth them an infinitenes of excellent commodities First of all it delivereth and setteth us free from all manner of evils and dangers putting an end unto such a number of miseries vexations and griefs which exercise and disquiet us uncessantly both in our bodies and in our mindes during the course of this miserable life or rather of this continuall death wherein we languish here below and by drawing us out of this corrupt world imbrued in malignitie with the corruption wherof we cannot chuse but be infected as with a contagious ayre to see our selves brought to this unhappy necessity of offending daily the goodnesse of our heavenly Father so many wayes as we do Secondly corporall death is an entrance to us into a true life by the benefit of Iesus Christ who hath himselfe passed thorow this death to make the passage happy and dangerlesse unto us it is a safe bridge unto us to passe us and convay us out of the world unto God from earth to heaven and out of the calamities of this transitorie life unto the incomprehensible blessednesse of life eternall unto that fulnesse of joyes which is as David saith Psal 16.11 in beholding the face of the Lord. This is the happinesse which your soule shall injoy even from your very instant departure out of this body And as for your body which shal be put into the earth this shall not be for it there to perish for ever but rather there to rest only for a time in expectation of a blessed resurrection For this cause is it that the death of the faithfull is called a sleepe in the Scriptures and they are called they that are asleepe in regard of their bodies which at the last day shal be awakened and raised up out of the dust to possesse together with their soules glorious immortality being made conformable unto the glorious body of our Lord Iesus Christ Philip. 3.21 He is the head and they are the members And therefore it must needs be that the members be made like and conformable to their head What do you then find now in death which should astonish or affright you seeing it will deliver and set you free from all evill and will mount you up to the highest pitch of all happinesse But rather you shall find in it nothing which makes not f●● your comfort and to settle and warrant you and which for that cause ought not to make you wait for it with resolution and repose of spirit yea to breath and long after it with all your heart when the houre therof shall come And to say with Saint Paul My desire tendeth and endeavoureth to go hence to be with Christ Against the feare of the Devill AS for the feare you may have of the Devill you see now how you have no great subject to fear●●im seeing that death cannot hurt you but by that death whereof he hath the empire and power thereof Now the Apostle witnesseth that Iesus Christ hath not onely by death destroyed death but also him that had the power of death to wit the Devill Heb. 2.14 Our Lord saith himself that the Prince of this world hath nothing in him Nor then hath he ought in those that ●ire his members of the number of whom by the grace of God you are one Besides for us and for our profit it was that the Son of God fought with and hath vanquished and overcome him upon the Crosse upon the which he hath as Saint Paul speaketh
thou hast broken rejoyce As then thou didst that favour unto the Israelites even then when they were in the desarts to make them to tast of the fruits of the terrestriall Canaan to the end to incourage them to make them to walk on forward with boldnesse towards the Land of Promise So Lord give unto this sick person and unto us that are in the wildernesse of this world an assurance of the forgivenes of our sins in the bloud of thy Welbeloved who was wounded for our trespasses and bruised for our iniquities peace in our consciences a continuall acknowledgment of thy favours a firm reliance on thy love and joy in our soules which are the fruits of the Celestiall Canaan to the end that relishing that sweetnes we may aspire with zeale and courage towards the end of our Spirituall Calling in Iesus Ch●●st to be filled not with 〈◊〉 and hony but with 〈◊〉 beams of thy glorious 〈◊〉 and with the rivers of th● pleasures with thee for evermore For in possessio● of thee great God we shall possesse all things and in thee and thorow thee we shal be all radiant with thy glory and shining as the brightnes of the firmament and as the Sun which shineth in his strength And during this small time which remains for us to live in this world give u● grace that thorow good works we may make sure 〈◊〉 Vocation and Election to the end that thus doing 〈◊〉 ●ntrance into the eter●●●●●ingdome of our Saviour Iesus Christ may be ab●nd●ntly accommodated unto us bearing evermore in ●●nd those words of thy Sonne Iesus Christ that he that shall persevere and shall overcome shal be clothed with white garments and I will not blot his name out of the booke of life But I will confesse his name before my Father and before his Angells And to the end we may receive death which is the end of our miseries in good part make us seriously to think on the future resurrection of our bodies for as this day according as thy Prophet Amos teacheth us shal be a day of darknes not of brightnes of heavines not of joy of destruction not of salvation to the wicked so shall it be the acceptable day of the Lord for the good for as thy Son our Saviour teacheth us we ought to lift up our heads and to rejoyce in that day because our redemption is neare In that day shall it be according to thy Prophet Malachie that the register or book of remembrance which is written before thee of them which think of thy Name shal be opened If King Assuerus had in his Palace a Booke of the worthy exploits of his subjects wherein he found written the good deeds of Mardoch● to recompence it and shalt not thou have O great King by whom the Kings of the earth raigne Thy book of life and retribution wherin are writ the names of thy children whom by a singular prerogative thou hast adopted for such in thy Son Iesus Christ David surely knew this mysterie when as in his sorest afflictions he said unto thee Lord thou tellest my wanderings my tears are in thy bottle are they not in thy Book Now to the end we may bee acceptable to thee whilst we are incompassed with this mortall flesh graunt us the grace to live in this present world soberly justly and religiously expecting that happy day of the last resurrection and appearing of thy deare Son our Saviour Iesus Christ who in the same shall transforme our vile bodies to the end they may be made like to his glorious body according to the effectuall power wherby he is able to subdue all things unto himself Vnto thee O great God thorow thy Son Iesus Christ in the Vnity of the Holy Ghost be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen 2. Another Prayer when the sicke is neare unto death 35. O Lord our good God and Father who out of thy great goodnes daily showrest downe upon us a sea of bounty and blessings and who hast in thy hand rest and labour health and sicknes life and death We poore sinners setling our selves upon the assurance of thy goodnes which is continually ready to relieve those that resort thereunto in the interim of their grievous assaults unto the blessed haven of thy sacred mercy We are bold in the name of this sick person who fighteth against death to lift up our hearts and our eyes towards thee to the end that thy favour and grace may serve unto him for a starre of light and a guide in that voyage which his soule maketh from earth to heaven and from this mortall life unto the immortall to persist firmly in the faith even unto the end without being terrified or shaken by temptation illusion or by any other stratageme of the enemie Thou art O great God the light of all them that hope in thee and who leddest thy people Israel thorow the ghastly wildernes by a pillar of fire in the dark night therfore we beseech thee to enlighten with thine assistance and holy protection this thy childe in the darkesome passage of death And surely Lord experience shewes us that when humane means seeme most to faile us then is it that thou keepest nearest unto thine to comfort them with thy right hand handling them with thy helpfull hand with gentle and cherishing fomentations and that thou makest them sensible that the point of their extreame need is the opportunitie of thy succours And therefore is it that now the heart of this sicke person sobbeth that his eyes are duskish and heavy his eares deafe his mouth dry and juycelesse and as the outward man falleth in him it would please thee to give him strength in his inward man and to fill his soule with gladnes and joy in that last conflict making him powerfully to relish those celestiall gifts which are laid up for us in heaven by the merits of thy deare Sonne our Saviour who to make us to live againe in heaven after he had by his death reconciled us unto thee ascended into heaven there to prepare a place for us In the interim then of this small time which remaines for this thy child to live in this world give him grace that his spirit may alwayes acknowledge thee that his heart may adore thee whilst he shall breath that he may be assured stedfastly that in the end of his mortall sweat he may find unspeakable happines with his bride-groome Iesus Christ unto whom with thee in the unitie of the Holy Ghost be honour and glorie for ever Amen 3. Another prayer in distres 36. LOrd God and Father of all mercy that sentest from heaven an Angell to comfort thy Son when in the depth of his Passion bearing our sorrowes and loaden with our griefs wounded for our offences and bruised for our iniquities his soule was heavie even unto death We beseech thee from the bottome of our hearts to comfort this thy sick child whom thou hast regenerated and incorporated
honour and glory for evermore So be it 7. Another Prayer wherein supplication is made unto God to assist with his holy Spirit the Sick in his agonie 40. O Lord God and most gracious Father when we enter into a serious consideration of our estate certaine it is that we are in this world as upon a rough and tempestuous sea and that the winds and storms of temptations advance themselves and arise every minute against us and therefore is it that we humbly beseech thee that in this perillous passage thy Spirit may conduct and strengthen our brittle vessell that by the assistance thereof at the last we may happily arive at the haven of eternall salvation And especially we beseech thee for this thy sicke child to the end it may please thee to imprint by the effectuall power of thy Holy Spirit more and more in his heart charity and the love of thy Sonne in whose name we have remission of our sinnes that Persevering with invincible constancie unto the end in the faith and confession of the Name of his Saviour he may find undoubtedly in him whatsoever is requisite unto his assured blessednes Let that thy Spirit which inflameth that which is cold which erecteth what is fallen which giveth breath unto that which is weary cheare up by his vertue the feeblenes of this sick person and produce in him ardent sighs Which may be dissolved into the sweet raine of teares fruitfull unto his soule Let the Same thy Spirit be unto this sick person that which it was unto Elias the whirle-wind and the chariot of fire wherein he may be carried up to heaven Let it be the same that was the New Starre to the Wisemen of the East that by the guiding thereof he may come unto Iesus Christ not laid in the manger not any more passible but glorious and risen againe sitting at thy right hand above all powers and principalitie victorious over death triumphant over hell and Head and Consummatour of our faith And as thou shewedst unto three of thy Apostles in the mountaine when as thy Sonne was transfigured having his face shining as a radiant Sun a skantling and patterne of the glory and celestiall beauty which they should injoy whom thou hast chosen and incorporated into thy said Son So we beseech thee that during the small time which remaineth for us to passe the course of this life it may please thee to give us a continuall tast of that heavenly happinesse and an holy sense of thy glory with a firme and an assured peace of conscience founded upon thy love to walke in the strength of this consolation unto thy holy mountaine For in as much as this world is but a pilgrimage and a way wherein there is nothing to be found firme and wherein the more that men digge to build in it the more do they find unstable sand and unconstant agitations Where ought we Lord to seeke for the true foundation of our expectation and hope but in heaven And seeing that where the body is thither gather together the Eagles We beseech thee to raise up aloft the heart of this sicke person and ours unto thee that thy love may be a precious ointment to make us run and aspire after thee If David in the midst of his great riches thought himselfe a stranger and a forraigner as his Fathers if he said that his dayes were as a shadow upon the earth wherein there is no stay if he looked upon his Royall Pallace as upon an Inne whereout he was every houre to dislodge if he looked upon his Throne as upon a seat which he must leave and resigne over to another And if looking upon his Crowne as on a thing which was subject to fade in these terrestriall places he breathed after an incorruptible Crowne of glory how much more ought we out of the midst of the dust of this world to desire and to breathe after that glorious eternall Crowne where our heavines shal be turned into gladnes our poverty into eternall riches and our ignominie into incorruptible honours Graunt us this grace then O great God not only to despise the things which the world admires but also make us to take patiently the afflictions which invirone and assault us whilst we run this our mortall race For seeing thou hast ordained that they whom thou hast chosen should be made like to the image of thy Sonne not only in suffering but also in glory graunt us grace firmely to be sensible of in this world and truly to injoy in the other the effect of this holy promise which thy Sonne who is holy and true hath made unto those that partake in his afflictions namely that he will give unto him that shall overcome to sit with him upon his Throne so as he also that hath overcome sitteth upon the Throne of his Father For it is certaine if we beare here below the Crosse of his Son we shall weare also the Crowne of glory with him in heaven That if we drink gall and vinegar out of the cup of his Passion we shal be watered and thorowly moistened with the rivers of his pleasures and if we beare in our bodies the mortification of the Lord Iesus even so also the life of the Lord Iesus shal be manifested in our mortal flesh then al of us casting forth bright beams of glory and shining with splendor we shal be not only like unto Angels but even withall we shal be like unto thee to injoy thorow thee and with thee that thy glory and felicitie the which because our words fall farre short of our thoughts yet shorter of the greatnesse therof eye cannot behold eare cannot heare nor heart comprehend Graunt us these things O God who art goodnes it self love it self holines it self who givest us what ere we have wilt give us out of thy bounty and mercy the fruition of what ere we hope for in all eternity thorow thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be honor and glory Our Father which art in heaven c. A prayer to be said after the sicke hath rendred his soule unto God for the comfort of the by-standers 41. O God and most merciful Father who hast created all things without necessitie who governest them without labour and who changest them thou thy selfe being unchangeable and whose sacred and perfect will is daily done on earth as in heaven We thank thee for this that it hath pleased thee to withdraw unto thee the soule of our brother making us to know in his death what our infirmity is and making us to behold as in a glasse the accomplishment of thine irrevocable sentence by which dust must returne to dust and the soule goe to heaven to him that gave it Graunt us this grace that this death may serve to make a serious impression in our thoughts not onely how his day is this day to die ours shal be tomorrow and that