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A19440 A direction to the waters of lyfe Come and beholde, how Christ shineth before the Law, in the Law, and in the Prophetes: and withall the iudgements of God vpon all nations for the neglect of his holy worde, wherein they myght haue seene the same: both which are layde before your eyes in this litle discourse, by Roger Cotton draper. Cotton, Roger. 1590 (1590) STC 5866; ESTC S116423 103,832 110

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most glorious in the eyes of the Lorde and be geuen as a lyght of the Gentiles that so he myght be their saluation vnto the ende of the worlde Lastly Christ was seene by this euangel●… call Prophet sittyng vpon his glorious and high throne and the Seraphims standing before him and crying holy holy holy is the Lorde God of hostes the whole worlde is full of thy glory And therefore the Prophet maketh a proclamation saying Beholde thou daughter Sion thy Sauiour commeth vnto thee beholde his wages is with hym and his worke before hym Aryse therefore O Ierusalem and be bryght for thy lyght is come and the glory of the Lord is rysen vpon thee Agayne it was sayde of Christe by the Prophet Micheas that notwithstanding Bethlehem were but lytle amongst the thousandes of Iuda yet shoulde there come one thence who should rule in Israel euen one whose goinges foorth had been from the beginning and from euerlastyng And by the Prophet Hosea to be that king Dauid vnto whom the Israelites should seeke of whom the Lord would say Out of Egypt haue I called thee my Sonne The which Sonne by the Prophet Ieremie was sayd to be that noble Ruler that should arise from amongst them selues as also that ryghteous branche which shoulde growe vp vnto the house of Dauid to perfourme those good thynges promised to the house of Israel and Iuda And by the Prophet ●…zekiel to be that one Sheephearde which should be set ouer them to feede them and to be a Prince amongst them and to be that plant of renowme vnto whom the crowne and diademe did specially belong as being that Michael their chiefest Prince as sayth the Prophet Daniel who woulde stande vp for their defence and so delyuer them not onely from those beastly kingdomes that long tyme ouerruled them here on earth but also as the Prophet Hosea sayth euen from the kingdome of hell and death Moreouer it was sayde of Christe agayne by the Prophet Daniel that notwithstanding Nabuchadnezzer saw hym to be but as a base stone in his base eyes yet such a stone he was in the eyes of Daniel as should dash those beastly kingdomes all to pouder That he shoulde become a great mountayne and that the whole earth should be filled with his glory That he shoulde come in the cloudes of heauen and approch againe vnto the Ancient of dayes That the Lord God woulde geue him dominion honour and a kingdome that shoulde neuer be destroyed and that all people nations and languages shoulde serue him Againe it was sayd of Christ by the prophet Amos that he should raise vp y e tabernacle of Dauid that was fallen downe That he should rayse vp the ruines thereof as in the dayes of old And therefore sayth the prophet Aggai vnto the people be not discouraged but haue patience yet a little and you shal see that euen he the glory and desire of all nations will speedily come Wherefore reioyce greatly O daughter Sion sayth the prophet Zachary shout for ioy O daughter Ierusalem because thy king commeth vnto thee euen hee doth come to thee whose name is called the branch he by whom thy temple shall be built euen one that shall beare the glory of the Lorde that shall sit and rule vppon his throne and be a priest thereon for euer euen one who notwithstanding will come but poorely as riding on an Asse yet shal all mountains be made as plaines that agaynst him will stand vp one that shall be able to bring foorth the head stone of thy temple and that with shoutinges and crying grace grace vnto it one that shal be able to saue not onely himself but Ierusalem also euen to saue Ierusalem sayth this prophet shoulde Christe be able through the bloud of his euerlasting couenant Moreouer it was sayd of Christ by the prophet Ieremie that in his dayes Iuda should be saued and Israel should dwell safely That they shoulde be no more deuided into two kingdomes as sayth the prophet Ezechiel but that they should be as one people and haue one king to raigne ouer them euen one king whose name as saith the prophet Ieremy they should call the Lord our righteousnesse And therfore sayth the prophet Micheas why doest thou cry out with lamentation O daughter Sion as though there were no king in thee Be not afrayd for one shall raigne in thee foreuer euen one that shall stand and feede in the strength of the Lord and in the maiestie of the name of the Lord his God euen one who shall be thy peace when Ashur or anie such like commeth agaynst thee And yet for al this would they value him for nought saith the prophet Zachary euen value him for thirtie smal peeces of siluer And that because they would so doe hee sheweth that the Lord would raise vp a sheepheard euen a sheepheard y ● would not looke the thing was lost neither would he heale the thing was hurt that woulde not feede the thing that would stand vp but eate the fat leaue the flocke euen one that would in no wise lay downe hys lyfe for hys sheepe And therefore it was sayd by the prophet Daniel that when Christ the true sheepheard should come That he would lay down hys life for hys sheepe and not for hymselfe That he would confirme the couenant for them and seale it with his bloud That he would cause all sacrifice and oblation to cease That he would consume wickednes and abolish sinnes That he would make reconciliation for iniquities and bring in euerlasting righteousnesse That he would seale vp vision prophecie And lastly that the whole common weale of Iudea should be consumed by that abhominable campe of the Romaine infidels euen consumed and washt away as with a floud if they would not regard this true king priest and sheepheard And therfore it was sayd by the prophet Malachie that the Lord would send his messenger before hym to prepare his way and that the Lord whome they sought should speedily come to his temple euen that messenger of the couenant whom they desired to behold But yet sayth the prophet like a purging fire and like fullers sope that so he might trie them euen as siluer is tried And therefore the Lord gaue them a speciall commandement euen in the last clause of the olde testament to remember the law of Moses his seruaunt which hee commanded hym in Horeb for all Israel with all his statutes and iudgementes all which should leade them if they would vnto Christ this Angel of the euerlasting couenant And thus you see in part after what sort the prophetes dyd paynt out Christ vnto them who when he came did al things that before were written of hym that so all thse sayinges of the prophets might be fulfilled and yet beleeued they not
well as the former forasmuch as the popes had ten nations or kingdomes to yeeld obedience vnto theyr power as the former had to theyrs And to make the matter more playne that Idolatrous Rome was reuiued agayne by these popes saint Iohn hath another vision shewed hym which is this Hee seeth a beast aryse out of the earth hauing two hornes like vnto the lambe Meaning thereby that these popes would come as pretending great shew of religiō and as if they were the vycars of Christ that lambe of God but hee telleth you that he spake like the Dragon and that hee did all that the first beast could doe that was before hym yea and that hee caused the image of the former beast to be made and gaue hym spirite and life and made all the earth to worship hym whose deadly wound by them was healed And furthermore for their helpe therein saint Iohn sheweth you that this lambe should worke great signes and wonders euen so great as if it were to bring fire from heauen as Elyas did to the end that as hee thereby caused all Israel to turne from the worship of Ieroboams calues vnto the Lord to worship him euen so in a contrary sort woulde this lambe seeke with the signes which were permitted hym to doe to turne all men both small and great rich and poore free and bond from the worship of the Lord to the worship of the beast and to force them thereby to receiue his marke eyther in their right hands or in y t forheads or at leastwise to beare his name or the number of hys name for vnlesse they would so doe they shoulde neyther buy nor sell but be killed So that heere you see how fitly this agreeth with the other vision for the popes to be reuiuors of the former beast and also howe fitly it falleth out according to that whiche our sauiour and saint Paul before had told you that is that there should come false prophets which woulde come in sheepes clothing but inwardly be rauening Wolues and that they woulde come with all lying signes woonders and sleightes of deceice and therefore is it that our sauiour giueth vs so great charge to take heede of them And moreouer therefore is it that it pleaseth hym to paynt them out so playne vnto vs for although they woulde seeme neuer so muche to beare the hornes of a lambe or neuer so much to pretend religion or shew of holynesse yet the Lord hath so plainly noted them by one especiall mark aboue the rest as that euery simple man may know them howsoeuer they would seeme to change their shape that is their voyce the whiche you see saint Iohn sayth is all one with the Dragons And therefore although Sathan come not now as vnto Adam and Euah nor as in the daies of the primitiue Church That is although he come not now in y ● carkas of a luttle serpent nor yet in the forme of a seuen headed beast but contrariwise euen in the skinne of a poore and simple lambe yet the voyce being the selfe and same you may knowe hym howsoeuer he transformeth himselfe It is good for you here then to consider the voyce both of the one and of the other The voyce of the serpent and of the beast commandeth that whiche God forbiddeth and forbiddeth that which God commandeth euen so doth the voyce of this counterfeit lambe as for example The voyce of God forbiddeth the making of grauen images to bowe downe vnto them but the voyce of this counterfeit lambe commandeth the making of them and the bowing vnto them The voyce of God commandeth prayer to be made vnto him alone and not vnto any other but the voyce of this counterfeit lambe forbiddeth prayer to be made vnto God alone and commaundeth it to bee made vnto Saintes withal The voyce of God sayth that whosoeuer he be that beleeueth in Christ his sonne shall be sure to haue pardon of his sinnes through the shedding of his moste precious bloudbut the voyce of this counterfeit lambe sayth that whosoeuer he be that will beleeue hym hee shall be sure to haue pardon for his sinnes through the bloud of the leaden bulles whiche for his monie hee will send hym The voyce of God sayth that better were it for hys ministers to speake fiue wordes in the church to the vnderstanding of his people that so they might say Amen thereunto then to speake ten thousand in a strange toonge vnto the which the people cannot say Amen but the voyce of this counterfeit lambe sayth better is it for hys ministers to speake ten hundreth thousand in a strange language vnto the whiche the people cannot say Amen then to speake one word to their vnderstanding least so they shoulde spye out their knauerie Agayne the voyce of God commaundeth vs not to abstaine from meates but to abstayne from sinne and celleth vs that it is not the meate which a man eateth that can defile him but the sinne that resteth in his heart and yet dare the voyce of this counterfeit lambe command men to abstaine from meates and to make them beleeue that vnles they doe so vpon such dayes as he appoynteth they shall not onely be defiled therewith but also be damned for euermore therby especially if they eate but a bit vpon good Friday Furthermore the voyce of God commaundeth marriage as a moste lawfull thing vnto all men but the voyce of this counterfeit lamb forbiddeth it as an vnlawfull thing vnto some men The voyce of God forbiddeth his ministers the exalting of themselues aboue their brethren but the voyce of this counterfeite lambe exalteth himselfe not onely aboue hys brethren but also aboue all that are called Gods and moste presumptuously setteth himselfe in the temple of the Lord God as if hee were God commaunding what him liketh and forbidding what hym li●…teth as most like a suttle serpent in one thing which is to be noted aboue all others that is whereas the voyce of the Lord God commaundeth all men to read and meditate in hys holy word that so they might weare hys cognisance and be retayners vnto his kingdome the voyce of this counterfeyte lambe forbiddeth it that so they might weare his marke be retayners vnto his kingdome And therfore is it that hee dealeth most impudently as followeth that is wheras the voyce of the Lord God commandeth vs to worship feare him that made heauen and earth the sea and all fountaines of water and that wee should giue glory to him and to the Lambe that standeth on mount Sion because he onely was worthy forasmuch as hee hath redeemed vs vnto God by hys bloud I say whereas the voyce of the Lord God commandeth vs thus to do and contrariwise forbiddeth vs the worship of the Beast or his image threatning withall that if any man doe worship the beast
confessed that they were strangers and pilgrimes on earth for they that say such thinges declare plainly that they seeke a country not hereupon earth but the desire a better that is an heauenly wherefore God is not ashamed of them to be called theyr God and hath prepared for them an heauenly eitie Now then seeing that fayth is the ground of thinges hoped for and the euidence of thinges whiche are not seene Let vs in any wise vse the meanes that God hath appoynted to come therby And seeing we are compassed with so great a cloud of witnesses Let vs also cast away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth on so fast and let vs runne the race with patience that is set before vs still looking vnto our Lord and Souiour Iesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our fayth And let vs aboue all thinges take heede that we despise not him that speaketh For if all these whiche before I spake of and manie more escaped not which refused those that spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we turne away from him that speaketh from heauen And seeing we know that the iudgementes of God are according to truth agaynst all them that haue so lyghtly regarded to heare and knowe and haue counted them worthy of death which haue done so let vs not thinke if we doe the same that we shall escape the iudgementes of God but that the like famine will befall vs and our nation that hath befallen others I do not meane a famine of bread as made of corne but of that heauenly bread the worde of God Therfore seeing his word is no vaine word as Moses saith concerning men but is euen their very life Let vs as y ● Apostle sayth as new borne babes desire the sincere milke therof that so we may grow thereby both in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ especially forasmuche as that in the knowledge of him standeth our eternal life no where els is he to be found but in the holy scriptures for so he hymselfe hath sayd in these words Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life so you shal for they are they that testifie of me by whō you haue your life breath being and that eternally but you will not come vnto me sayth hee that ye might haue life Therefore hath the holy Ghost sayd in another place hee that obeyeth not the sonne of God shall neuer see life but the wrath of God abideth on hym Seeing therefore that the sonne hath giuen commandement to search the Scriptures and the father that we should not let them depart out of our mouthes and the holy Ghost hath pronounced a blessing onely on them whiche doe therein delight Let vs in anye wise take vnto vs as the Apostle commandeth euen the whole armour thereof and with the holy Prophet make it our onely meditation continually then shall we be sure to prosper and to haue good successe for so the Lord himselfe hath tolde vs yea then shall we be like a tree that florisheth beeing planted by the riuer side which bringeth forth her fruit in due season yea then shall our prosperitie be as a floud and our righteousnesse as the waues of the sea for then will the sonne of righteousnesse hymselfe ouershadow vs vnder whose winges we shall be sure to finde euerlasting health and safetie whereas otherwise we see that God is a consuming fire and hath troden downe the wicked that would not delight herein as wee haue seene in all ages Therfore most heartily I beseech you yea and beseech you agayne and agayne that you will alwayes remember that great commandement of the Lord our God whiche is this Euen to remember the law of Moses his seruant the which he hath commanded with al his statutes and iudgementes and also that most sure word of the holy prophetes with the commandementes of the apostles of our Lord and sauiour and to labour therein both day and night that so you may remayne no longer as children without vnderstanding but to bee of a most ripe age therin and that so it may be sayde of you This people is onely wise and of an vnderstanding heart For they haue knowne the holy scriptures from their childhood which are onely able to make them so to be Come therefore I beseeche you and let vs with the holy prophet confesse before all men say Oh how loue we the law of the Lord It is our onely meditation continually we haue had as great delight in the way of his testimonies as in all maner of riches Therefore shall our eyes preuent the night watches to meditate in hys word because the law of hys mouth is better vnto vs then thousandes of gold siluer yea we hys seruants wil continually meditate in hys statutes and hys testimonies shall be our delight and our onely councellors And because that by hys preceptes hee hath quickened vs wee will neuer forget his word but wee will still hearken vnto hys voyce that so wee may learne to feare it and diligently to obey it all the dayes of our life And we wil also set vp the Lord this day to be our God we wil walke in his wayes and keepe his ordinances hys commaundementes and his lawes for euer and his voice alone will we obey And so doing the Lord our God will set vp vs to be a pretious people vnto himselfe as he hath promised yea so shall wee be set on high aboue all nations of the earth in prayse in name and in glory yea so shall we be counted an holy people vnto the Lord whiche in time past were not a people so shall our enemies that dayly rise agaynst vs fall before our faces yea where as they come out one way agaynst vs they shall flie before vs seuen wayes yea so shall fiue of vs chase an hundreth of them and an hundreth of vs put ten thousand of them to flight as in good part of late we haue seene yea so will the Lord open vnto vs his heauenly treasure and giue vs rayne in due season whereby our land shall yeeld her increase and the trees of the field shall yeeld their fruit yea so shall our thressing reach vnto the vintage the vintage shall reache vnto sowing time yea so shall wee eate our bread in great plenteousnesse and dwell in our land in safetie yea so shall wee haue peace in our land and our sleepe be in quiet and none shall make vs afrayd yea so shall all the blessinges contained in the whole booke of God come vpon vs and ouertake vs if we shall hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord our God and obey it and delight in hys holy worde as in the chiefest