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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18158 A breefe catechisme so necessary and easie to be learned euen of the simple sort that whosoeuer can not or vvill not attaine to the same, is not to be counted a good Christian, much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde. It standeth of three partes. 1. The first sheweth how miserable all men are of them selues. 2. The second, how happy they are that rightly beleeue in Christe. 3. The third, what duetyes they owe vnto God for his great mercy towards them in Christ Iesus. 1582 (1582) STC 4799; ESTC S120645 6,591 18

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and by the vse of his sacraments Question Hovv many Sacraments be there Aunswer There be two Sacraments Rom. 4.11 1. Co. 10.2.3 Mat. 21.25 Mat. 28.19 Mat 26.2.6 Acts. 2.26 Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Question What benefite haue you by Baptisme and to vvhat end serueth it Answer By Baptisme the holy Ghost assureth me that as my body is sprinckled with water Act. 22.16 so my soule 2. Pet. 3.21 by the bloudshedding of Christ Colo. 2.12 is sprinckled and washed from all the guilt and punishment of my sin and also héerby I professe my selfe to die with Christ Rom. 6.4 as concerning sinne liue in him as concerning righteousnes Question To vvhat end serueth the supper of the lord Answer In the supper of the Lorde Luk. 1. Pet. 10.16 1. Cor. 11.23 I am by the spirit of God assured that as the breade broken and the wine powred out be deliuered vnto me euen so was the bodye of Christe broken his bloud shed as a full recompence to God for my sinnes ¶ The third part Question For asmuch then as God of his infinite loue hath giuen his ovvne sonne to raunsome vs from the power of sinne death hel to aduaunce vs to the honour of his children heyres of his kingdome seeing it pleaseth him to giue vs faith and daily to nourish encrease it in vs more and more by his word and sacraments by the which faith we lay hold vpon Christ and make him with al his merites and treasures our ovvne so that novv not onely all our sinnes are remooued from vs but also his righteousnes holines perfection is accounted ours before God Do you not thinke that vve are very deepely bound vnto him Answer Yes verely I am so much boūd to god Psalm 8.5 Psal 116.12 Rom. 12.1 that al my life ought to be a cōtinual thākfulnes to his Maiesty for his great mercy Question Is then this doctrine vvhich shevveth vs that vve are saued by Iesus Christe onely and not by our ovvne vvorkes any occasion of vvicked life as the Papistes slaunder it Aunswer This doctrin is no occasiō of wicked life but the greatest resō to perswade mē to be diligent and zealous in good workes Ios 24.14.18 Psa 130.4 Rom. 12.1 1. Iohn 2.1 Rom. 6.1 Titus 2.11.12 Question Are there no other good deedes required of christiās but giuing almes visiting the sick building of scholes houses for the poore An a Mat. 6.2 1. Cor. 13.3 As these are good déeds such as highly please God being don in such maner as the word of God doth teach vs that is with a true faith in Christ pure loue toward our Brethren b Ex. 20.3.4 Mat. 22.36 So are there many other much more excellent then these as the pure worshipping of God both with soule and body c Iob. 13.36 trusting depending of his good prouidence both in prosperity aduersity d Luke 10.42 hering of his holy word e Thes 5.11.14 Heb. 3.13 Clos 3.16 Iacob 5.20 exhortations and admonitions one to another especially to such as we haue speciall charge ouer f 1. Thes 5.16 Psal 50.14 15. praysing God for all his mercies and continuall benefits poured vpon vs and laste of all g Iudg. 20 Ephess 6 10 faithfull prayers for all such things as we stand in néede of Question To vvhom ought we to make our praiers An. We must pray to our louing and almighty God alone Psal 50.15 Acts. 4.24 and to none but him Qu. VVhat thinges ought vve to praie for Aunswer We must pray not onely for all things néedfull for our selues and the Churche of God Acts. 4.29 Eph. 6.18.19 but especially for those thinges which appertaine to the setting foorth of the glory of God euen as we are taught in the Lords prayer Qu. Rehearse the Lords praier Aunswer OVr Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name Math. 6.9 Thy kingdome come Thy will be don in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptatiō But deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen Qu. Hovv may we be assured that God wil heare vs seeing vve are sinners Aunswer Because we offer vp our praiers Ioh. 16.23 1. Iohn 2.1 1. Pet. 2.5 not in our owne name nor in the name of any creature but of the sonne of God our Sauiour who is alwayes in the presence of God to entreate his Maiestie for vs his poore seruaunts Certaine necessarie instructions meete to be taught the younger sort before they come to be partakers of the holy Communion Qu. What doo you come to receiue An. I come to receiue the Lords supper Qu. What is the Lordes Supper An. The Lords supper is a sacramēt ordeined of the Lord Iesus Christ to shew forth in most liuely and euidēt manner his painfull suffering of death for vs by the outward signes of bread and wine Qu. Wherefore comest thou to receiue the Lords Supper An. I come to receiu it for these 4. causes 1. First to shewe my obedience to my Lorde Iesus Christe who hath so commaunded me 2. Secondly that my inward man might be nourished and strengthened by that heauēly foode of Christs body blood receiued by faith as my body is nourished by corruptible bread and wine 3. Thirdly to make open profession of my faith in Christ and loue tovvard my neighboures 4. Lastly that by the reuerend ministration and ioyfull shewing foorth of this holy misterie my minde all the parts of my soule might effectually be stirred vp through the inwarde woorking of the holy spirit to a more earnest loue of my God and vnfeined thankfulnesse to his Maiestie freely giuen mee in his sonne Iesus Christ Qu. After what sort ought you to come to this holy mistery of the lords supper An. Three things are cheefly required of those that come to this heauenlye banket of the Lords supper The one is a sorrowfull feeling and a harty lothing of all my sinne that is to say of all that I haue conceiued in my hart vttered with my tongue or committed by outward deedes contrarie to the woorde of God The second is a true faithe in Christ which bringeth with it a comfortable and ioyful feeling of the infinite mercy and euerlasting looue of God towarde me in Christ The last is a carefull earnest and constant endeuor to please God in al things according to the rule of his woord and so to behaue my selfe before him all the dayes of my life as I may best profite others and most set foorth his glory in that calling wherein he hath placed me FINIS ¶ A forme of prayer to be vsed in Christian famelies WE thank thee O Lord God and most mercifull father for all