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A11115 Heavens glory, seeke it. Earts [sic] vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630?; Sparke, Michael, d. 1653, attributed name. 1628 (1628) STC 21383; ESTC S112117 58,519 284

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frame our premises as we would finde our conclusion endeauouring to liue as we are desirous to dye let vs not offer the maine cr●p to the Diuell and set God to gleane the reproofe of his haruest let vs not gorge the Diuell with our fairest fruits and turne God to the filthy sc●aps of his leauings but let vs truely dedicate both soule and body to his seruice whose right they are and whose seruice they owe that so in the euening of our life we may retire to a Christian rest closing vp the day of our life with a cleare sunne-set that leauing all darknesse behinde vs we may carry in our consciences the light of grace and so escaping the horrour of an eternall night passe from a mortall day to an euerlasting morrow Thine in Christ Iesus Samuell Rowland STrike saile poore soule in sins tempestuous tide That runst to ruine and eternall wracke Thy course from heauen is exceeding wide Hels gulfe thou ent rest if grace guide not backe Sathan is Pilot in this nauigation The Ocean Vanity The Rocke damnation Warre with the Dragon and his whole alliance Renounce his league intends thy vtter losse Take in sinnes flag of truce set out defiance Display Christs ensigne with the bloudy crosse Against a Faith proofe armed Christian Knight The hellish coward dares not mannage fight Resist him then if thou wilt victor be For so he flies and is disanimate His fiery darts can haue no force at thee The shield of faith doth all their points rebate He conquers none to his infernall den But yeelding slaues that wage not fight like men Those in the dungeon of eternall darke He hath enthralled euerlasting date Branded with Reprobations cole-blacke marke Within the neueropening ramd vp g●●e Where Diues rates one drop of water more Than any crowne that euer Monarch wore Where furies haunt the harttorne wretch despaire Where clamours cease not teeth are euer gnashing Where wrath and vengeance sit in horrors chaire Where quenchlesse flames of sulphur fire be flashing Where damned soules blaspheme God in despight Where vtter darknesse stands remou'd from light Where pla●ues in●iron torments compasse round Where anguish rores in neuer stinted sorrow Where woe woe woe is euery voices sound Where night eternall neuer yeelds to morrow Where damned tortures dreadful● shall perseuer So long as God is God so long is euer WHo loues this life from loue his loue doth erre And chusing drosse rich treasure doth denie Leauing the pearle Christs connsels to preferre With selling all we haue the same to buy O happy soule that doth disburse a summe To gaine a kingdome in the life to come Such trafficke may be termed heauenly thrift Such venter hath no hazard to disswade Immortall purchase with a mortall gift The greatest gaine that euer Merchant made To get a crowne where Saints and Angels sing For laying out a base and earthly thing To taste the ioyes no humane knowledge knowes To heare the tunes of the coelest all quires T' attaine heau'ns sweet and mildest calme repose To see Gods face the summe of good desires Which by his glorious Saints is howerly eyde Yet sight with seeing neuer satisfide God as he is sight beyond estimate VVhich Angel tongues are vntaught to discouer VVhose splendor doth The heauen● illustrate Vnto which sight each sight becomes a louer VVhom all the glorious court of heauen land VVith praises of eternities appla●d There where no teares are to interpret griefes Nor any sighes heart d●lours to expound There where no treasure is surpris'd by theeues Nor any voice that speakes with sorrowes sound No vse of passions no distempered thought No spot of sinne no deed of error wrought The natiue home of pilgrime soules abode Rest's habitation ioyes true residence Ierusalem's new Citie built by God Form'd by the hands of his owne excellence VVith gold pau'd streets the wals of precious stone VVhere all sound praise to him sits on the throne HEAVENS Glory Earths Vanitie and Hels Torments Of the Glory of the bles sed Saints in Heauen TO the end there might want nothing to stirre vp our mindes to vertue after the paines which Almighty God threateneth to the wicked he doth also set before vs the reward of the good which is that glory and euerlasting life which the blessed Saints doe enjoy in heauen whereby hee doth very mightily allure vs to the loue of the same But what manner of thing this reward and what this life is there is no tongue neither of Angels nor of nen that is sufficient to expresse it Howbeit that wee may haue some kinde of ●auour and knowledge thereof I intend here to rehearse euen word for word what S. Augustine saith in one of his meditations speaking of the life euerlasting ensuing this transito●ie time and of the joyes of the blessed Saints in heauen O life saith he prepared by Almighty God for his friends a blessed life a secure life a qui●t life a beautifull life a cleane life a chast life a holy life a life that knoweth on death a life without sadnesse without labour without griefe without trouble without corruption without feare without variety without alteration a life replenished with all beautie and dignity where there is neither enemy that can offend nor delight that can annoy where loue is perfect and no feare at all where the day is euerlasting and the spirit of all is one where Almighty God is seene face to face who is the onely meate whereupon they feed without loathsomenesse it delighteth mee to consider thy brightnesse and thy treasures doe reioyce my longing heart The more I consider thee the more I am striken in loue with thee The great desire I haue of thee doth wonderfully delight me and no lesse pleasure is it to me to keepe thee in my remembrance O life most happy O kingdome truely blessed wherin there is no death nor ●nd neither yet succession of time where the day continuing euermore without night knoweth not any mutation where the victorious conqueror beeing ioyned with those euerlasting quires of Angels and hauing his head crowned with a garland of glory singeth vnto Al mighty God one of the songs of Syon Oh happy yea and most happy should my soule be if when the race of this my pilgrimage is ended I might bee worthy to see thy glory thy blessednesse thy beautie the wals and gates of thy Citie thy streets thy lodgings thy noble Citizens and thine omnipotent King in his most glorious Maiestie The stones of thy wals are precious thy gates are adorned with bright pearles thy streets are of very fine excellent gold in which there neuer faile perpetuall praises thy houses are paved with rich stones wrought throughout with Zaphirs and couered aboue with massie gold where no vncleane thing may enter neither doth any abide there that is defiled Faire and beautifull in thy delights art thou O Ierusalem our mother none of those things are suffered in thee that are suffered here There is
sinne will then torment me for sinning vntill I cry out with Cain My punishment is greater then I can beare A horse is but a vaine thing to saue a man said the sweet singer of Israel so say I all earthly things are too vaine to saue a man to make him blessed I appeale to the conscience of euery man if thou hast tried the pleasures of vanity and who hath not whether thou maist not take vp the words of Saint Rom. 6. 12. Paul What fruit haue I of those things whereof I am now ashamed Shame and griefe and guilt and punishment are the fruit of vanity enough I thinke to rend our hearts from affecting of it Thinke vpon this thou that art in the trace of vanity that thou maist make a retreat loose no more time herein for thou hast already lost too much redeeme the time because the dayes are euill and why are they euill but because they are vaine Whatsoeuer is without the circumference of euill is about the sphere of vanity Resolue therefore with thy selfe that all things earthly worldly carnall sinfull are vaine the fashion of this world passeth away faith the Apostle 1 Cor. 7. 3. The fashion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a word very emphaticall it signifies first an accidentall and externall figure without substance secondly the habit vesture or cloathing of a thing Saint Paul vseth this word to debase the world by intimating vnto vs that the world is cloathed with a vesture that is wearing and wasting the fashion of it lasteth but for a time it is ready euery houre to put on a new fashion againe by intimating vnto vs that the world is without any substantiall forme like vnto shewes and shadowes that vanish in the representation Saint Luke cals all Agrippa's pompe but a fancie Dauid cals the yeares of a man but a tale Psal. 90. 9. We spend our yeares as a tale that is told As a tale nay as a thought for so much the originall word doth import and how many thoughts may a man haue in an houre Nothing is more changable then a vesture nothing more fugitiue then a shadow nothing more fickle then a fancie nothing more swift then thought What a disproportion therefore is it for the immortall soule of a man to be fastened vnto things which are of such a variable nature What a folly for vs to preferre those which are but momentary for so I may more truely cal them then temporall vnto those things which are indeede eternall Glasses are in great vse amongst vs yet because of their brittlenesse who esteemes them precious We smell to flowers because they are sweet but because they are fading we regard them thereafter It were well if we would deale thus with all other vanities viz. regard them as they are vse the creatures we may but not abuse them serue our selues of them but not serue them inioy them but not ouer-ioy in them Now because examples are are very effectuall whether we vse them by way of dehortation or whether by way of exhortation let me propound one or two in this matter whereof I am treating that by them thou maist be beaten off from the vanities and iniquities of this present euill world When Alexander in the height of his glory kept * a Parliament of the whole Conuentum terrarum orbi● world himselfe was summoned by death to appeare in another world It was a wonderfull president of the vanity and variety of humane condition saith the Historian to see mighty Iustin. l. 2. Zerxes flote and flye away in a small vessel who before wanted Sea-roome for his Ships When Belshazzar was laughing and Dan. 5. quaffing with his Princes and Concubines carowsing healths in the sacred Vessels deaths secretary the hand-writing on the wall told him he was weighed in the ballance and his Kingdome was finished And before him his father Nebuchadnezzar at that time the greatest Monarch in the world as he was strouting in his Galleries and boasting of his owne power and honour a voyce from heauen told him that his Kingdome was departed from him that he Dan. 4. should be driuen from amongst men that he should haue his dwelling with the Beasts of the field c. And the sentence was fulfilled on him the same houre So Zedekiah was a liuely spectacle 2 Kin. 25 of this worlds vanity and misery who of a potent King became a miserable captiue saw his children slaine before his face after that had his eyes put out and died miserably in prison I had almost forgotten Salomon the wisest King that euer Eccl. ● was hauing giuen himselfe to take pleasure in pleasant things hauing made great workes built goodly Houses planted Vineyards Gardens and Orchards and planted in them trees of all fruit hauing gathered siluer and gold and the chiefe treasures of Kings and Prouinces being now full of wisedome and schooled with experience he is licensed to giue his sentence of the whole world and euery man knowes what his censure was Vanity of vanities Eccl. 1. ● vanity of vanities all is vanity This wise King trauelled all the world ouer and the further he went the more vanity he did see and the neerer he looked the greater it seemed till at last he could see nothing but vanity Wouldst thou know what is to be seene or heard or had in this vast Vniuerse Vanity saith Salomon yea vanity of vanities and what else Vanity of vanities And wh●● else All is vanity Nothing beneath the Moone that hath not a tincture of vanity Nay the Moone it self the Sunne all the Planets all the Starres the whole body of the Heauens is become subiect to Vanitie The creature is subiect vnto Vanity saith the Apostle Rom. 8. 20. that is the whole frame of the world consisting of the coelestiall and elementary region the visible heauens with all their goodly furniture of Starres and of coelesti all bodies and the earth with her ornaments and the other elements The heauens shall perish Psal. 10● 〈◊〉 and they shall waxe old as doth a garment and the Lord shall change ●hem as a vesture and they shall be changed As a garment the older it wax●th the lesse comely it is the lesse able to warme him that weares it so the materiall heauens by continuance of yeares decrease in beauty and vertue The neerer the Sunne drawes to the end of his daily course the lesse is his strength in the eu●ning we feele the Sunne to decay in his heat and he waxeth alway the weaker Now if those superiour bodies then much more things inferiour and sublunary are included within the compasse of vanity But it was my purpose when I first set vpon this subiect so ample and large to be so much the more short euery vnderstanding can of it selfe discourse where such plenty of matter is offered I haue therefore according to the modell of that gift which God hath giuen me contriued a great picture
standing vpon a pan of burning coales for the space of repeating the Lords prayer What shall it be thinke you to stand body and soule burning in the midst of those euerlasting hot raging fires in hell in comparison of which the fires of this world are but painted fires Is there any wit or iudgement in this world Haue men their right sences doe they vnderstand what these words import or are they peraduenture perswaded that these are onely the fables of Poets or doe they thinke that this appertaineth not to them or else that it was onely ment for others None of all this can they say for so much as our faith assureth vs most certainly herein And our Sauiour Christ himselfe who is euerlasting truth crieth out in his Gospell saying Heauen and earth shall faile b●t my word shall not faile Of this misery there followeth another as great as it which is that the paines are alwayes continuing in one like degree without any manner of intermission or decreasing All manner of things that are vnder the cope of heauen doe moue and turn round about with the same heauen and doe neuer stand still at one state or being but are continually either ascending or descending The sea and the riuers haue their ebbing and flowing the times the ages and the mutable fortune of men and of kingdomes are euermore in continuall motion There is no feauer so feruent that doth not decline neither griefe so sharp but that after it is much augmented it doth forthwith decrease To be sho't all the tribulations and miseries are by little and little worne away with time and as the common saying is Nothing is sooner dried vp than teares Onely that paine in hell is alwayes greene onely that feauer neuer decreaseth onely that extremity of hear knoweth not what is either euening or morning In the time of Noahs flood almighty God rained forty dayes and forty nights continually without ceasing vpon the earth and this sufficed to drowne the whole world But in that place of torment in hell there shall raine euerlasting vengeance and darts of furie vpon that cursed land without euer ceasing so much as one onely minute or moment Now what torment can be greater and more to be abhorred than continually to suffer after one like manner without any kinde of alteration or change Though a meat be neuer so delicate yet in case we feed continually thereupon it will in very short time be very loathsome vnto vs for no meat can be more precious and deli cate than that Manna was which almighty God sent down vnto the children of Israel in the Desart and yet because they did eat continually thereof it made them to loath it yea and prouoked them to vomit it vp againe The way that is all plaine they say wea●ieth more than any other because alwayes the variety yea euen in punishment is a kinde of comfort Tell me then if things that be pleasant and sauory when they be alwayes after one manner are an occasion of loathsomenesse and paine what kinde of loathsomenesse will that be which shall be caused by those most horrible paines and torments in hell which doe continue euerlastingly after one like sort What will the damned and cursed creatures think when they shall there see themselues so vtterly abhorred and forsaken of almighty God that he will not so much as with the remission of any one sinne mitigate somwhat their torments And so great shall the fury and rage be which they shall there conceiue against him that they shall neuer cease continually to curse and blaspheme his holy name Vnto all these paines there is also added the paine of that euerlasting consumer to wit the worme of conscience whereof the holy Scripture maketh so oftentimes mention saying Their worme shall neuer dye and their fire shall neuer be quenched This worme is a furious raging despight and bitter repentance without any fruit which the wicked shall alwayes haue in hell by calling to their remembrance the opportunity and time they had whiles they were in this world to escape those most grieuous and horrible torments and how they would not vse the benefit thereof And therefore when the miserable sinner seeth himselfe thus to be tormented and vexed on euery side and doth call to minde how many dayes and yeeres he hath spent idly in vanities pastimes and pleasures and how oftentimes he was aduertised of this perill and how little regard he tooke thereof What shall he thinke What anguish and sorrow shall there be in his heart Hast thou not read in the Gospell that there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth The famine of Aegypt endurd onely seuen yeares but that in hell shall endure euerlastingly In Aegypt they found a remedy though with great difficulty charge but for this there shall neuer a ny remedy be found Theirs was redeemed with money and cattell but this can neuer be redeemed with any manner of exchange This punishment cannot be pardoned this p●ine cannot be exchanged this sentence cannot be reuoked Oh if thou knewest and wouldest consider how euery one condemned to hell shall there remaine tormenting and renting himselfe weeping and wailing and saying O miserable and vnfortunate wretch that I am what times and opportunities haue I suffered to passe invaine A time there was when with one cup of cold water I might haue purchased to my selfe a crowne of glory and when also with such necessary workes of mercy in relieuing the poore I might haue gained life euerlasting Wherefore did I not looke before me How was I blinded with things present How did I let passe the fruitfull yeares of abundance and did not enrich my selfe If I had beene brought vp amongst Infidels and Pagans and had beleeued that there had beene nothing else but onely to be born and to dye then might I haue had some kinde of excuse and might haue said I knew not what was commanded or prohibited me but for so much as I haue liued amongst Christians and was my selfe one of them professed and held it for an article of my beleefe that the houre should come when I should giue vp an account after what order I had spent my life forsomuch also as it was daily cried out vnto me by the continuall preaching and teaching of Gods Embassadours whose aduertisements many following made preparation in time and laboured earnestly for the prouision of good workes forasmuch I say as I made light of all these examples and perswaded my selfe very fondly that heauen was prepared for me though I tooke no paines for it at all what deserue I that haue thus led my life O ye infernall furies come and rent me in peeces and deuoure these my bowels for so haue I iustly deserued I haue deserued eternall famishment seeing I would not prouide for my selfe while I had time I deserue not to reap because I haue not sowne I am worthy to be destitute because I haue not laid vp
many debts to discharge by reason of the offences committed in his sinfull life already past NOw then if on the one side there be so many and so great respects that doe binde vs to change our sinfull life and on the otherside we haue not any sufficient excuse why we should not make this exchange How long wilt thou tarry vntill thou fully resolue to doe it Turne thine eyes a little and looke backe vpon thy life past and consider that at this present of what age soeuer thou be it is high time or rather the time well nigh past to begin to discharge some part of thy old debts Consider that thou which art a Christian regenerated in the water of holy Baptisme which doest acknowledge Almighty God for thy father and the Catholike Church for thy mother whom she hath nourished with the milke of the Gospel to wit with the doctrine of the Apostles and Euangelists consider I say that all this notwithstanding thou hast liued euen as loosely dissolutely as if thou hadst beene a meere Infidell that had neuer any knowledge of Almighty God And if thou doe denie this then tell mee what kinde of sin is there which thou hast not committed What tree is there forbidden that thou hast not beholden with thine eyes What greene meddow is there in which thou hast not at the least in desire feasted thy letcherous lust what thing hath beene set before thine eyes that thou hast not wantonly desired What appetite hast thou left vnexecuted notwithstanding that thou didst beleeue in Almighty God and that thou wert a Christian what wouldest thou haue done more if thou hadst not had any faith at all If thou hadst not looked for any other life If thou hadst not feared the d●eadfull day of iudgement What hath all thy former life ●e ne but a web of sinnes a sinke of vices a way full of brambles and thornes and a f●oward disobedience of God with whom hast thou hitherto liued but onely with thine appetite with thy flesh with thy pride and with the goods and riches of this transitory world These haue beene thy gods these haue beene thine idols whom thou hast serued and whose lawes thou hast diligently obeyed Make thine account with the Almighty God with his lawes and with his obedience and perad●●nture thou shalt finde that thou hast esteemed him no more than if he had beene a go● of wood o● stone For it is certaine that there be many Christians which beleeuing that there is a God are induced to sinne with such facilitie as though they beleeued that there were no God at all and doe offend no whit the lesse though they beleeue that there is a God then they would doe if they beleeued there were none at all What greater iniurie what greater despight can bee done than so to contemne his diuine maiestie Finally thou beleeuing all such things as Christs Church doth b●leeue hast notwithstanding so led thy life as if thou wert perswaded that the beleefe of Christians were the greatest fables or lies in the world And if the multitude of thy sinnes past and the faculty thou hast vsed in committing of them doe not make thee afraid why doest thou not feare at the least the Majesty and omnipotencie of hi● against whom thou hast sinned Lift vp thine eyes and consider the infinit greatnesse and omnipotencie of the Lord whom the powers of heauen no adore before whose Maiesty the whole compasse of the wide world lyeth prostrate in whose presence all things created are no more than chaffe carried away with the winde Consider also with thy s●lfe how vnseemely it is that such a vile worme as thou art should haue audacity so many times to offend and prouoke the wrath of so great a maiesty Consider the wonderfull and most ter●ible seue●ity ●f his iustice and what horrible punishments he hath vsed from time to time in the world against sinne and that not onely vpon particular persons but also vpon Cities Nations Kingdomes and Prouinces yea vpon the vniuersall World And not onely in earth but also in heauen and not onely vpon strangers sinners but euen vpon his owne most innocent sonne our sweet Sauiour Iesus Christ when he tooke vpon him to satisfie for the debt that we owed And if this seuerity was vsed vpon greene and innocent wood and that for the sinnes of others what then will he doe vpon dry and withered wood and against those that are loden with their owne sinnes Now what thing can bee thought more vnreasonable then that such a fraile wretch as thou art should be so saucie and malapert as to mocke with so mightie a Lord whose hand is so heauie that in case hee should strike but one stroke vpon thee hee would at one blow driue thee downe headlong into the deepe bottomelesse pit of hell without remedy Consider likewise the great patience of this our mercifull Lord who hath expected thy repentance so long euen from the time that thou didst first offend him and thinke that if after so long patience and tarrying for thee thou shalt still continue thy leaud and sinfull life abusing thus his mercy and proucking him to further indignation and wrath hee will then bend his bowe and shake his sword and raine downe vpon thee euen sharpe arrowes of euerlasting wrath and death Consider also the profoundnesse of his deepe iudgments wherof we read and see daily so great wonders We see how Salomon himselfe after his so great wisdome and after those three thousand parables and most profound mysteries vttered by him was forsaken by Almighty God and suffered to fall d●wn and adore Ido's We see how one of those seuen first Deacons of the Primitiue Church which were full of the holy Ghost became not onely an hereticke but also an arch hereticke and a father of heresies We see daily many starres fall downe from heauen vnto earth with miserable fals and to wallow themselues in the durt and to eat the meat of swine which sate before at Gods owne table and were fed with the very bread of Angels If then the iust and righteous for some secret pride or negligence or else for some ingratitude of theirs be thus iustly forsaken of Almighty God after they haue bestowed so many yeares in his seruice What maiest thou looke for that hast done in a manner nothing else in all thy life time but onely heaped sinnes vpon sinnes and hast thereby offended almighty God most grieuously Now if thou hast liued after this sort were it not reason that thou shouldst now at the length giue ouer and cease heaping sinne vpon sinne and debt vpon debt and begin to pacifie the wrath of Almighty God and to disburden thy sinfull soule Were it not meet that that time which thou hast hitherto giuen to the world to thy flesh and to the Diuell should suffice and that thou shouldest bestow some little time of that which remaineth to serue him who hath giuen thee all that
neuer well till they be most ill neuer as they conceit in fashion till indeede they be out of all fashion If this be not a vanity of vanities who can tell what is vanity Euery man is an eye-witnesse of this vanity the more is the pittie that it should be so common your Lady the Merchants wife the trades mans wife nay all of all sorts are a degree aboue their estate Your Gallant is no man vnlesse his haire be of the womans fashion dangling and wauing ouer his shoulders your woman no body except contrary to the modesty of her sexe shee be halfe at least of the mans fashion shee jets she cuts she rides shee sweares she games shee smoakes shee drinkes and what not that is euill She is in the vniuersall portraiture of her behauiour as well as in her accoutrements more then halfe a man the man on the other side no lesse womanish Wee may well admire and exclaime with the Poet O tempora O mores O the times O the manners of these times O quantum est in rebus mane O how great a nothing is there in all things What a vanity of vanity hath ouerspread the age we liue in Were our forefathers now aliue to be spectators of this vanity it would strike them into amazement In their dayes the Pike the Speare the Sword the Bowe the Arrow Musket and Calieuer with the warlike Horse were the obiect of exercise and recreation Now the Pot the Pipe Dice and Cards and such like vanities indeede worse then the quintescence of the extreamest vanity We are now all for ease wee must lye soft fare deliciously goe sumptuously drinke Wine in bowles carowse healths till health be quite drunke away nay wee must kneele to our drinke when we will not kneele to him that gaue vs our drinke we doe homage to that which takes away the vse of our legges nay of our braines our hearts wits sence ●eason when we refuse homage to him that gaue vs all these O vaine man that dost thus forget thy God and abuse thy selfe why dost thou thus suffer thy selfe to be swallowed vp in the gulfe of vanity which hath no bottome but misery Why sufferest thou the Diuell thus to take thee on the hip that he may cast thee downe into the Abisse of hell Art thou so bewitched with that which will haue an end a sudden end a wretched end Thy hony will proue Gall in the end and thy Wine Vinegar In these faire roses of vanity the Diuell hides his pins that shall pricke thee when thou lookest to be refreshed with their sweet smels These vanities wee purchase at no easie rate it is with the procurement of punishment anrd losse of happinesse As the bi●d that accepts of the Fowlers meat buyes it full dearely with the losse of her owne life so when we accept these vanities from the Diuell it is with the losse of better things in price aboue the whole world In these contracts with Satan we make Esau's pe●niworth sell heauen for a messe of pottage Claucus exchange Gold for Copper Now thou art pompering thy corruptible flesh but let pale death step in and clap thee on the shoulder wher 's thy mirth wher 's thy felicity thy voluptuous vanity doth presently expire There is a banquet set before thee in which are all varieties of delicacies but alas euery one poysoned darest thou touch or taste any one of them by sin thou poysonest all those outward blessings of God which in themselues are wholesome and good and wilt thou ingurgitate that which is poyson to thy soule Tell me when all is done two or three hundred yeares hence what thou wilt be the better for all thy dainties more then the poore man that neuer tasted them Nay how much better in the day of triall and at the houre of death Then all thy pride pompe and pleasure shall be turned into squaled deformity irrecouerable calamity then vanity sh●wes it selfe in the proper colours then death and knell and hell doe all conspire to aggrauate thy sorrow yea then hell begins to come to thee before thou come to it thy eyes sleepe not thy senses rest not thy perplexed heart burnes within thee thy wounded conscience bleeds within thee thou seest nothing but terror thou feelest nothing but horror thou thinkest thy self to be haunted with sprights ghosts and hellish furies stinging thee with Adders pursuing thee with Torches and firebrand That saying of the Heathen man is then if no● before verified Suae quemque exagitant suriae euery man is tormented with his owne fury which is his conscience Besides thy wife children or other friends ●o the exasperating of thy griefe doe stand about thee weeping as loath to part from thee whereas thy sinnes follow thee and will follow thee doe what thou canst hell gapes before thee with a wide mouth as ready to deuoure thee destruction on both sides attends thee backe thou canst not goe for a dead corps followes thee so neere that thou canst not part from it it is tied vnto thee with an indissolueable knot besides conscience followes thee and cries out against thee and will not leaue thee continually it presents thee with the dreadfull spectacle of thy doleful and wofull sinnes If this were now seriously considered how would it make thy heart to ake with grieuing thy eyes to swell with weeping thy hands to be alwayes lifted vp thy knees euer bended How wouldest thou striue to subdue thy flesh to the spirit sensuality to reason reason to faith and faith to the seruice of God But thou dost not now consider this that thy sinne is so fast linkt to thy conscience that at the last albeit not before it will pull and hale thee and rack and prick thy conscience which will accuse conuict condemn thee all thy vanities all thy iniquities will then pursue thee like so many furious ghosts Then ex ore tuo out of thy own mouth shalt thou be iudged thou euill seruant thy owne mouth shall confesse that thou hast followed nothing but vanity What a vanity was it for me to make earth my heauen and so to admire euen adore this earth that it is a hell to forsake it What a wofull bargain haue I made to sell my soule for vanity I was borne in vanity I haue liued in vanity and it is my feare that I shall dye in vanity Oh how griefe followeth griefe my heart is terrified my thoughts hurried my conscience tortured I fry in anguish I freeze in paine I stand agast and know not which way to turne me my friends must forsake me my ●oes will deride me my earthly ioyes and comforts I should call them vanities haue betraid me Indeede my friends may goe with me to the graue but there they must leaue me my riches pleasures and such like vanities vanish before but my sinnes and conscience will neuer leaue me the diuell will still pursue me hee that tempts me now to
houshold Prayer for priuate Families in the Morning MOst mighty and glorious God the onely Craator and Gouernour of heauen and earth and all things therein contained we miserable sinners here met together by thy grace doe in thy feare prostrate our selues before thy throne of Maiesty and glory desiring in some measure to shew our vnfained thankfulnesse for thy innumerable mercies multiplied vpon vs from the first houre of our birth yea before our birth and before time was Before the foundations of the world were laid thou out of thy free loue and meere mercy didst elect vs to eternall life when thou didst reiect others Thou didst create vs after thine owne image engrauing vpon vs the characters of spirituall wisedome righteousnesse and true holinesse when it was in thy power to haue made vs like vnto the beasts that perish yea to haue equalled vs to the basest of thy creatures And when through our owne default we lost that dignity thou dist so pittie vs as to send from thine owne bosome thine onely begotten Son to recouer it for vs and to restore it to vs and that with no lesse price then his owne heart-bloud Besides it hath pleased thee continually to spread the wings of thy gracious protection ouer vs to ward and guard vs by thy prouidence to open thy hand and to replenish vs with good things to continue our life health strength food raiment peace and liberty to this very houre Thou hast euen loaded vs with thy benefits if we had hearts rightly to consider it thou renewest thy mercy toward vs euery morning and the night past hast giuen vs a testimony of thy loue For whereas for the sinnes committed the day before thou mightest euen in the dead of sleepe haue giuen vs a sodaine call out of this world and so presently haue brought vs to that great account which wee must make before thee thou vouchsafest yet to spare vs yea which is more to refresh vs with comfortable rest to preserue vs from all dangers that might haue befallen our soules or bodies and to bring vs in safety to the beginning of this day Heauenly father grant that we may not be vnmindfull of thy manifold mercies but that wee may often thinke of them and speake of them to thy glory and that the consideration thereof may stirre vs vp to deuote all the powers of our soules and members of our bodies to thy seruice Forgiue vs our former vnthankfulnesse for thy mercies and our seueral abuses of them yea pardon all our sinnes past we most humbly beseech thee for thy owne mercies sake and for thy sonnes merits Our sinnes are great and grieuous for in sinne we were borne and euer since haue we gone on in a course of sinne and rebellion against thee we doe daily breake thy holy precepts and that against the light of our owne knowledge albeit we know that thou art our Creatour who hast made vs our Redeemer who hast bought vs with the precious bloud of thy onely begotten Sonne and our Comforter who bestowest vpon vs all things needfull for our being and well-being for this life and for a better life Yea euen thee thee O Lord haue we presumed to offend that hast beene thus abundantly mercifull vnto vs. For this our vnthankefulnesse and wickednesse enter not into iudgement with vs wee most humbly beseech thee from the bottome of our hearts but haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and in mercy wash away all our sinnes with the bloud of Iesus Christ that so they may neuer be laid to our charge nor haue power to rise vp in iudgement against vs. Pierce our hearts with a feeling of our sinnes that wee may mourne for them as wee ought to doe make vs to loath and abhorre them that we may leaue and auoid them that we may be watchfull against all occasions of sinne and circumspect ouer our owne wayes Poure thy spirit and put thy grace into our hearts that thereby we may be inabled for thy seruice and both in body and soule may glorifie thee heere that wee may be glorified of thee and with thee hereafter And as a speciall meanes to keepe vs in subiection before thee worke in vs holy Father a continuall and effectuall remembrance of this earths vanity of our owne mortality of that great and terrible iudgement to come of the paines of hell and ioyes of heauen which follow after O let the remembrance of these things be a spur to prouoke vs vnto vertue and a bridle to hold vs in from gallopping after vice and wickednesse We know not ●ow soone thou wilt set a period to our liues and call for our soules to appeare before thee whether this day or not before the euening O prepare vs therefore for the houre of death that we may then neither feare nor faint but may with ioy yeeld vp our soules into thy mercifull hands and doe thou O Father of mercy receiue them Let thy mercifull eye looke vpon vs this day shield vs from the temptations of the diuell and grant vs the custody of thy holy Angels to defend vs in all our wayes enable vs with diligence and conscience to discharge the duties of our callings and crowne all our endeauours with thy blessing without thy blessing all mans labour is but vaine doe thou therefore blesse vs in our seuerall places oh prosper thou our handy-worke Prouide for vs all things which thou knowest to be needful for euery one of vs this day Giue vs a sanctified vse of thy creatures a godly iealousie ouer ourselues a continual remembrance of thy omniscience and omnipresence that we may labour to approue our very thoughts vnto thee weane vs from the loue of this world and rauish our soules with the loue of our home and thine euerlasting Kingdome Defend the vniuersall Church the Churches of this Land especially our gracious King Charles our illustrious Queene Mary together with Prince Palatine Electour the Princesse Elizabeth his wife and their Princely issue crowne them with thy graces here and with thy glory hereafter Be with the Magistracie and Ministerie of the Realme make thy Gospell to flourish amongst vs by the labors of those whom thou hast appointed to this great seruice Comfort thine afflicted seruants in what place or case soeuer they be giue vs a fellow feeling of their miseries and wisedome to prepare our selues against the euill day Heare vs in these things and grant what else thou knowest needfull for vs not for our worthinesse but for thy Sons sake our alone Sauiour in whose name and words we conclude our imperfect prayers saying Our Father c. A houshold Prayer for priuate Families in the Euening O Glorious God in Iesus Christ our gracious Father wee wretched creatures by nature but by thy grace thy seruants and children doe here make bold to appeare before thee in the humility of our soules to performe some part of that dutie which wee owe vnto thee And
first we offer vnto thy diuine Maiestie the calues of our lips the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing for thine infinite mercies which thou hast beene pleased to conferre vpon vs out of thy boundlesse and endlesse goodnesse What thou hast done for vs this day is beyond all that we are able to expresse or conceiue thou hast preserued vs from all perils and dangers so that none of those iudgements which our sinnes haue deserued haue bin inflicted vpon vs thou hast inlarged our time and opportunitie to repent thou hast prouided for our soules and bodies thou hast bin no way wanting vnto vs if we had hearts to acknowledge it Forgiue vs that wee cannot acknowledge thy goodnesse as we ought to doe and more and more quicken vs in this dutie that we may with heart and voyce acknowledge thee to be that Father of lights from whom we doe receiue euery good and perfect gift ascribing vnto thee the whole glory of all that we enioy both now and euermore And grant we pray thee that our thankfulnesse may not be onely verball but reall we labouring in deede and in truth to be dutifull vnto thee that hast bin so bountifull vnto vs Pardon vs for the sinnes of this day wherein we haue offended thee whether open or secret of ignorance or of knowledge of infirmity or presumption of omission or commission in thought word or deed The sinnes of this day are enough to plunge vs soule and body into the bottomelesse gulfe of perdition If thou shouldest straightly mark them what answer shall we be able to make thee how shall we dare to appeare in thy presence before whom all thy creatures feare and tremble But thy mercy is aboue all thy workes much more aboue all our works of sinne In the confidence of thy mercy we come vnto thee beseeching thee in thy sonne Christ to be reconciled with vs and to assure vs hereof by the certificate of thine owne blessed spirit Breake the strength of sinne that would subdue vs more and more and reare in vs cleane hearts and renew a right spirit within vs. Increase our faith in the sweet promises of the Gospell and our repentance from dead workes our hope of eternall life our feare of thy name our zeale for thy glory our hatred of sinne our loue of righteousnesse our contentment in all estates our patience in aduersitie our prudence in prosperity that so being furnished with the endowments of grace here we may be fitted for the enioyment of glory hereafter And because the night is now vpon vs and our bodies desirous of quiet rest wee pray thee to take vs into thy blessed tuition and to refresh our wearied bodies with comfortable sleepe Protect vs and all that doe belong vnto vs vnder the shadow of thy wings defend vs from all euill both o● sinne and punishment keepe vs from security and carelesnesse from dulnesse and drows●nesse of spirit from fire and robbery from the malice of Satan and all his adherents from all perils into which for our sinnes we might iustly fall Let the sight of the bed minde vs of that last bed the graue wherein we are shortly to take vp our lodging we know not how soone None of vs here present can certainly tell whether these eyes of ours once closed vp shall euer any more open againe in this world therfore receiue vs good Lord receiue vs into the armes of thy mercy vnto thine almighty protection wee bequeath our selues soules and bodies and all that we haue vpon thy mercy alone we cast our selues both this present night and for euer more Be mercifull to thy whole Church continue the flourishing state of the Kingdomes wherin weliue Decrease in it the number of superstitious Papists and prophane Atheists and increase in it the number of such as vnfainedly feare thee Preserue from all dangers and conspiracies our religious King Charles our gracious Queene Mary the Prince Palatine of Rhene with that excellent Lady Elizabeth his wife and their children Giue them all such a measure of thy spirit and grace that they may seeke to aduance thy kingdome on earth and at last be aduanced to thine euerlasting Kingdome in heauen Endow the right Honorable of our Priuie Counsell with all such graces as may make them fit for so high a place Stirre vp Magistrates and men in authority to endeauour after the furthering of thine honour and the benefiting of thy people Make the Ministers able and willing to discharge the duties of their weighty calling with diligence and conscience water their indeauours with the dew of heauen that daily such as belong vnto life eternall may be added vnto the Church Comfort O comfort thine afflicted seruants wheresoeuer or howsoeuer troubled sweeten their afflictions and season their sorrowes with the comforts of thy spirit Giue them all needfull assistance and in thy owne time a ioyfull deliuerance And make vs ready for afflictions that they may not come vpon vs as a snare but that we may in good measure like wise Virgins be prepared for the comming of Christ Iesus the sweet Bridegroome of our soules Finally we pray thee beare with the weakenesse and coldnesse and imperfection of our prayers to grant our requests not for our merits but for thine owne mercies and for the sake of thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ who died to make satisfaction for vs liueth to make intercession for vs in whose words we shut vp our imperfect prayers saying as himselfe hath taught vs. Our Father c. O Lord blesse and saue vs make thy face to shine vpon vs thy word to instruct vs thy grace to direct vs thy Angels to protect vs thy spirit to comfort and support vs vnto the end and in the end Amen Amen A Prayer in time of Warre OH Lord God of hoasts in power inuincible in wisedome vnsearchable in mercy incomprehensible that giuest deliuerance in the time of trouble and assistance in the day of battell wee most humbly and heartily beseech thee to saue vs from all those extremities and in speciall from our enemies which our sinnes doe threaten to bring vpon vs. Hitherto thou hast pleased to make our Nation a spectacle of thy ineff●ble goodnesse but we deserue to be made a spectacle of thy vnsupportable wrath Our contempt of thy threatnings our abuse of thy mercies our neglect of thy iudgements with infinite other inormities doe menace the taking away of thy old mercies and the bringing in of some iudgement We haue iust cause to feare O Lord that our loud and crying sinnes doe call in our enemies vpon vs and arme them against vs yea that they are already prest and prepared to execute thy vengeance Then open our eyes we pray thee that we may see thy Ensigne set vp thy Banner displayed and the euidence of thy approaching sword open our eares that wee may heare thee blowing of thy trumpet and giuing the alarum to warre open our hearts that we may not be
secure in so great danger but may quake and tremble to see thy hand of vengeance before vs. And howsoeuer by our sinnes we are set in the middest of this danger yet let the hand of thy mercy which is as omnipotent as that of thy iustice rescue vs let thy out-stretched arme deliuer vs. Put vp thy sword into the scabbard oh bid it rest and be still Be fauourable and gracious vnto this thy Syon crowne her with plenty prosperity and victory Let not her enemies reioyce in her subuersion nor triumph in her destruction Hide not thy face from her in the day of trouble stoppe not thine eares at our prayers Be vnto vs all a horne of saluation a rocke of safetie a wall of brasse a strong tower and fortresse against the face and force of our enemies diuert their designes frustrate their enuie abate their fury asswage their pride restraine their power and in thy name let vs tread them vnder that maliciously and mischieuously rise vp against vs. Suffer not the light of thy Gospel to be eclipsed nor the splender of thy glory to be obscured let not thy name be dishonoured nor thy Sanctuary defiled nor thy truth slandered but now and euer defend and deliuer as thou hast formerly done this Church and State from plagne Pestilence and aboue all that most terrible vengeance the deuouring sword and that for his sake who hath led captiuity captiue and like a victorious Conqueror hath triumphed ouer all his enemies euen Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and holy Ghost be all honour and glory Amen A Prayer for them that are about the Sicke HEare vs Almighty and most mercifull God and Sauiour extend thine accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruant which is grieued with sicknesse visite him O Lord as thou didst Peters wiues mother and the Captains seruant restore vnto this sicke body his former health if it be thy will or else giue him grace to take this thy visitation patiently that after this painfull life ended he may dwell with thee in euerlasting life O Lord behold we bend our knees yea the knees of our hearts with vnfained prayers lift vp our eyes to the throne of thy mercies seat to hearken to these our petitions according to thy promises therefore O Lord grant our requests we are gathered here together in thy name in the behalfe of this thy seruant deliuer him we humbly beseech thee from these his languishing paines and miseries of sicknesse and as it hath pleased thee to lay thine hand vpon him so O Lord restore him to his former health keepe him O Lord from fearefull and terrible assaults and despightful temptations of the diuell sinne and hell deliuer him O Lord as thou deliueredst Noah from the raging waues of the flouds Lot from the destruction of Sadome Abraham from the feare of the ●aldeans the children of Israel from the tyranny of Pharaoh Dauid from the hands of Goliah the three men from the violence of the fiery furnace in Babylon Daniel from the mouth of the Lyons Ionas from the belly of the Whale and Peter from the prison of Herod Euen so O gracious Lord deliuer the soule of this person both now and whensoeuer he shall dep●rt hence from all perill and danger open vnto him at the houre of death the doore of Paradice the gates of heauen and the entry of euerlasting life O Lord Iesus Christ forgiue him all his sinnes and lead him with ioy into the kingdome of thy heauenly Father euen vnto the bosome of Abraham and appoint him his euerl sting rest that he may reioyce with thee and all the elect children of God to whom be all honour glory power and dominion Amen The sicke persons Prayer LOrd hearken to my prayer and giue eare to my humble request Lord be mercifull vnto me and giue me grace patiently to beare the crosse and in the midst of this my sicknesse alwayes to say thy will O heauenly Father be done and not mine forgiue and forget most gracious Father all mine iniquities blot them out of thy remembrance and cast them from thy sight O Lord as farre as the East is from the West the North from the South they are many and innumerable let them not rise vp in iudgement against me neither enter thou into thy narrow iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for no flesh is righteous before thee handle me not according to my deserts deale not with me after my wickednesse neither reward me aftermine iniquities O Lord my God looke not into my ●normious nor incestious life I am ashamed of my sinnes and aske pardon for my faults euen with a repenting heart and sorrowfull minde a bleeding soule with hidden teares of a true and vnfained repentance for my misdeeds yea my wounded breast surcharged with oppressing griefes doth sigh groane and lament vnder the burthen of my heinous crimes wherefore O Lord wash them away with thy bloud which thou hast shed for my sinnes and I shall be clean and pure without spot purge me O Lord with those precious drops that distilled from thy tormented heart and I shall be whiter then the snow burie mine offences in the sepulcher of thy death and cloath me with the garment of righteousnesse O Lord for thine infinite goodnesse and mercy s●ke ●eceiue me into thy tuition and fauour pardon O Lord and remit my sins as thou forgauest Dauid his murther and adultery with Bersheba Saul his persecutions of thy people Peter his deniall Mary Magdalen her lasciuious life and the Publican in the Temple with striking his breast craued thy gracious pardon saying Lord haue mercy vpon me a sinner and although my sinnes and offences are farre greater and more grieuous then these yet O Lord thy mercies exceede and are far more compassionate then our sinnes manifold I iustifie not my selfe O my God by the offences of these but declare thy righteousnesse and mercifull clemencies in forgetting and forgiuing our abhominable trespasses and transgressions of thy wil which though wee are froward yet thou art gentle though we are stubborne yet thou art meeke and though we run headlong to the pits brinke and to the gates of hell yet thou of thy goodnesse callest vs backe and remittest all that wee haue done amisse O Lord I haue acknowledged my faults that they are best knowne vnto thee wherefore O Lord I aske forgiuenes for the same send me the comfort of thy holy spirit that if thou giue me my former health and strength of body I may amend my life according to thy sacred will and walke worthily in thy Lawes and Commandements if it be thy pleasure to take mee hence out of this transitory life O Lord grant that I may rest and liue with thee for euer world without end O Lord heaken vnto these my petitions for Iesus Christ his sake I aske them and all other things which thou shalt thinke meet both for our soules and bodies in the same forme of prayer as
AWake from sleepe awake from sin With voyce and heart to call on him Who from aboue pleas'd to d●scend From Sathans malice to desend Our forfeit soules to that ●ich grace Where we may still behold his face LEt vs repare and God implore That henceforth we transgres no more And that our ioy be at this tide That we in him be satisfide Then shall we all for his deare sake Be blest asleepe be blest awake SIth neither men nor Angels know When as the dreadful trump shal blow Nor when our Sauiour Christ shall come To giue the world a wofull doome Thinke then but what a case you 're in That sleepe in vnrepented sinne O wake O wake O watch and pray And thinke vpon this dreadfull day SLeepe not so sound rest not secure Marke well my words of this be sure The waking Virgins past the gate When those that slept came all too late Wherefore be watchfull in your center That you may with the Bridegrome enter IF wicked impes make day and night And keepe their candle alwayes light And all their skill and practise bend To bring their damned plots to end Let vs not sleepe but laud his skill That frustrates all their proiects still THe night well spent the day drawes nigh Awake from sleepe and sinne de●ie All sluggish sloath expell away Haue still in minde the iudgement day When dead shall rise at trumpets call The graues shall open wide with all ARise from sinne awake from sleepe The earth doth mourne The heauens weepe The winds and Seas distempered bin And all by reason of mans sin Wherefore arise ●ay sleepe aside And call on God to be your guide From raging sword and arrowes flight And from the terrours of the night From fires flame from sin and sorrow God blesse you all and so good morrow ALL you which in your beds doe lye Vnto the Lord ye ought to cry That he would pardon all your sinnes And thus the Belmans prayer begins Lord giue vs grace our sinful life to mend And at the last to send a ioyfull end Hauing put out your fire and your light For to conclude I bid you all good night MAns life is like a warfare on the earth Whose time is spent with troubles toyles and cares Subiect to all temptations from his birth In woe he liues and dyes at vnawares The surest signe true fortitude to show Is in his life all vice to ouerthrow O Harke O harke my Masters all To your poore seruants cry and call And know all you that lye at ease That our great God may if he please Depriue you of your vitall breath Then sleeping thinke your sleep is death LEt true repentance cleanse your sin And then your soules cōmend to him That by his death hath rais'd and cur'd The dead the blinde and them assured To giue to them eternall rest To liue in heauen among the blest Confesse thy sinnes to God on hie Who pardons sinners when they cry Bewray thy faults to him in time Who will in Christ forgiue thy crime HE that on the crosse hath dyed And for our sinnes was crucisied Be you euer blest in him And cleane re●itted from your sinne Be it granted as I haue praid And so the Belman resteth paid ALL you that in bed doe lye Harken well to what I cry Leaue of your sinnes repentance craue It is the onely way your soules to saue REpent in time while ye haue breath Repentāce commeth not after death He therefore that will liue for aye Must leaue his sinnes and to God pray O Gracious God and blessed Preserue all ye that be in bed So that your quiet rest may take Vntill the morning that yee wake Then may ye all with praises sing To thee O God our heauenly King REmember man thou art but dust There is none aliue but dye he must To day a man to morrow none So soone our life is past and gone Mans life is like a withered flower Aliue and dead all in an houre Leaue of thy sins therefore in time And Christ will rid thee from thy crime O Mortall man that is made of dust In worldly riches put not thy trust Remember how thy time doth passe Euen like the sand that from the Glasse Hath spent the time and there remaines Neuer canst thou call that time againe SIcke men complaine they cannot sleepe The Bel-man such a noise doth keepe Others that doe win at play Saies he too soone proclaimes the day Yet to the sicke that drawes short breath It puts them in the minde of death And saies the gamster makes good stake If he for heauen so long would wake And all this while like silly worme He doth his office but performe Then if his duety breed disease Hee le go to bed and none displease FINIS