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A65285 A body of practical divinity consisting of above one hundred seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster : with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture / by Thomas Watson ... Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. 1692 (1692) Wing W1109; ESTC R32148 1,021,388 604

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have the knowledge of the true God is more then if we had Mines of Gold Rocks of Diamonds Islands of Spices especially if God hath savingly revealed himself to us if he hath given us eyes to see the light if we so know God as to be known of him as to love him and believe in him Matth. 11.25 We can never be enough thankful to God that he hath hid the knowledge of himself from the wise and prudent of the World and hath revealed it unto us The TRINITY Quest. VI. HOw many Persons are there in the Godhead Resp. Three Persons yet but one God 1 John 5.7 There are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one God is but One yet there are three distinct Persons subsisting in one God-head This is a sacred Mystery which the Light within could never have discovered As the two Natures in Christ yet but one Person is a wonder so three Persons yet but one God-head I am in a great deep the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost God yet not three Gods but one God The three Persons in the blessed Trinity are distinguished but not divided three Subsistances but one Essence This is a Divine Riddle where one makes three and three make but one Our narrow Thoughts can no more comprehend the Trinity in Unity then a little Nutshel will hold all the Water in the Sea Let me shadow it out by this similitude In the Body of the Sun there is the Substance of the Sun the Beams and the Heat the Beams are begotten of the Sun the Heat proceeds both from the Sun and the Beams but these three though different are not divided they all three make but one Sun So in the blessed Trinity the Son is begotten of the Father the Holy Ghost proceeds from both yet though they are three distinct Persons yet but one God First let me speak of the Unity in Trinity then of the Trinity in Unity 1. Of the Unity in Trinity The Unity of the Persons in the Godhead consists in two things 1. The identity of Essence In the Trinity there is an Oneness of Essence the three Persons are of the same Divine Nature and Substance so that in Deo non est magis minus there are no degrees in the Godhead one Person is not God more then another 2. The Unity of the Persons in the Godhead consists in the mutual in-being of them or their being in one another The three Persons are so united that one Person is in another and with another Iohn 17.21 Thou Father art in me and I in thee 2. Let me speak of the Trinity in Unity 1. The first Person in the Trinity is God the Father H● is call'd the first Person in respect of Order not Dignity for God the Father hath no essential Perfection which the other Persons have not He is not more wise more holy more powerful then the other Persons are a Priority not Superiority 2. The second Person in the Trinity is Iesus Christ who is begotten of the Father before all Time Prov. 8.23 24 25. I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was When there were no depths I was brought fortth when there were no fountains abounding with water Before the mountains were set led before the hills was I brought forth Which Scripture declares the Eternal Generation of the the Son of God This second Person in the Trinity who is Jehovah is become our Jesus The Scripture calls him the Branch of David Jer. 23.5 and I may call him the Flower of the Virgin having assum'd our Nature By him all that believe are justified Acts 13.39 3. The third Person in the Trinity is the Holy Ghost who proceeds from the Father and the Son His work it is to illuminate the Mind and inkindle sacred Motions The Essence of the Spirit is in Heaven and every where but the Influence of it is in the Hearts of Believers This is that blessed Spirit who gives us the holy Unction 1 Iohn 2.20 Though Christ merits Grace for us it is the Holy Ghost works it in us Though Christ makes the Purchase it is the Holy Ghost makes the Assurance and Seals us up to the Day of Redemption Thus I have spoken of all the three Persons The Trinity of Persons may be proved out of Matth. 3.16 Iesus when he was baptized went up straitway out of the water and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son Here are three Names given to the three Persons He who spake with a Voice from Heaven was God the Father He who was baptized in Iordan was God the Son He who descended in the likeness of a Dove was God the Holy Ghost Thus I have shewn you the Unity of Essence and the Trinity of Persons Use 1. It confutes the Jews and the Turks who believe only the first Person in the Godhead this cuts assunder the Sinews of our Comfort Take away the distinction of the Persons in the Trinity and you overthrow Man's Redemption for God the Father being offended with Man for sin how shall he be pacified without a Mediator This Mediator is Christ he makes our Peace and Christ having died and shed his Blood how shall this Blood be applied but by the Holy Ghost Therefore if there be not three Persons in the Godhead Man's Salvation cannot be wrought out If there be no second Person in the Trinity then there is no Redeemer If no third Person then there is no Comforter And so the Plank is taken away by which we should get to Heaven 2. It confutes the execrable Opinion of the Socinians who deny the Divinity of the Lord Jesus they make him only to be a Creature of an higher Rank As the Papists blot out the Second Commandment so the Socinians would the Second Person in the Trinity If to oppose Christ's Members be such a sin what is it to oppose Christ himself 1. Jesus Christ is coequal with God the Father Phil. 2.6 He thought it no robbery to be equal with God 2. He is coeternal with God the Father Prov. 8.23 I was from the beginning for else there was a time when God was without a Son and so he should be no Father nay else there was a time when God was without his glory for Christ is the brightness of his Fathers glory Hebr. 1.3 3. He is coessential with God the Father The Godhead subsists in Christ Col. 2.9 In whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily 'T is said not only Christ was with God before the beginning but he was God John 1.1 and 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifest in the flesh The Title of Lord so often given to Christ in the New Testament doth answer to the Title of Jehovah in the Old Testament Deut. 6.5 Matth. 22.37 so that Christ hath a
Priest might offer up Prayer for sins of Ignorance but not of Presumption but Christ's Intercession extends to all the sins of the Elect Of what a bloody colour was David's sin yet it did not exclude Christ's Intercession Quest. What doth Christ in the Work of Intercession Resp. Three things 1. He presents the Merit of his Blood to his Father and in the Virtue of that Price paid pleads for Mercy The High Priest was herein a lively Type of Christ Aaron was to do four things 1. Kill the Beast 2. to enter with the Blood into the Holy of Holies 3. to sprinkle the Mercy Seat with the Blood 4. to kindle the Incense and with the smoak of it cause a Cloud to arise over the Mercy Seat and so the Atonement was made Lev. 16.11 12 13 14 15 16. Christ our High Priest did exactly answer to this Type He was offered up in Sacrifice that Answers to the Priests killing the Bullock And Christ is gone up into Heaven that Answers to to the Priests going into the Holy of Holies And he spreads his Blood before his Father that Answers to the Priests sprinkling the Blood upon the Mercy Seat And he prays to his Father that for his Blood sake he would be propitious to Sinners that Answers to the Cloud of Incense going up And through his Intercession God is pacified that Answers to the Priests making Atonement 2. Christ by his Intercession answers all Bills of Indictment brought in against the Elect. Believers do what they can Sin and then Satan accuseth them to God and Conscience accuseth them to themselves now Christ by his Intercession answers all these Accusations Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect it is Christ who makes Intercession for us When Aesculus was accused for some Impiety his Brother stood up for him and shewed the Magistrates how he had lost his hand in the Service of the State and so obtained his pardon Thus when Satan accuseth the Saints or the Justice of God lays any thing to their charge Christ shews his own wounds and by Virtue of his bloody Sufferings he answers all the Demands and Challenges of the Law and counter-works Satan's Accusations 3. Christ by his Intercession calls for an Acquittance Lord let the sinner be absolved from guilt and in this sence Christ is called an Advocate 1 Iohn 2.1 He requires that the Sinner be set free in the Court An Advocate differs much from an Orator an Orator useth Rhetorick to perswade and entreat the Judge to shew Mercy to another but an Advocate tells the Judge what is Law thus Christ appears in Heaven as an Advocate he represents what is Law When God's Justice opens the Debt-Book Christ opens the Law-Book Lord saith he thou art a just God and will not be pacified without Blood lo here the Blood is shed therefore in Justice give me a Discharge for these distressed Creatures 'T is equal that the Law being satisfied the Sinner should be acquitted And upon Christ's Plea God sets his hand to the Sinner's Pardon Quest. In what manner Christ interceeds Answ. 1. Freely he pleads our Cause in Heaven and takes no Fee An ordinary Lawyer will have his Fee and sometimes a Bribe too but Christ is not Mercenary How many Causes doth he plead every day in Heaven and will take nothing As Christ laid down his Life freely Iohn 10.15 18. so he interceeds freely 2. Feelingly He is sensible of our condition as his own Hebr. 4.15 We have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmity As a tender hearted Mother would plead with a Judge for a Child ready to be condemned O how would her Bowels work how would her Tears trickle down what weeping Rhetorick would she use to the Judge for Mercy Thus the Lord Jesus is full of Sympathy and Tenderness Hebr. 2.17 that he might be a merciful High Priest Though he hath left his Passion yet not his Compassion An ordinary Lawyer is not affected with the Cause he pleads nor doth he care which way it goes It is Profit makes him plead not Affection But Christ interceeds feelingly and that which makes him interceed with Affection is it is his own Cause which he pleads He hath shed his Blood to purchase Life and Salvation for the Elect and if they should not be saved he would lose his purchase 3. Efficaciously It is a prevailing Intercession Christ never lost any Cause he pleaded he was never Non-suited Christ's Intercession must needs be effectual if you consider 1. The Excellency of his Person if the Prayer of a Saint be so prevalent with God Moses's Prayer did bind God's hands Exod. 32.10 Let me alone and Iacob as a Prince prevailed with God Gen. 32.28 and Eliah did by Prayer open and shut Heaven Iam. 5.17 Then what is Christ's Prayer He is the Son of God the Son in whom he is well pleased Matth. 3.17 What will not a Father grant his Son Iohn 11.42 I know that thou always hearest me If God could forget that Christ were a Priest yet he cannot forget that he is a Son 2. Christ prays for nothing but what his Father hath a mind to grant There is but One Will between Christ and his Father Christ prays Sanctifie them through thy Truth and this is the will of God even your sanctification 1 Thess. 4.3 so then if Christ prays for nothing but what God the Father hath a mind to grant then he is like to speed 3. Christ prays for nothing but what he hath power to give What he prays for as he is Man that he hath power to give as he is God Iohn 17.24 Father I will Father there he prays as Man I will there he gives as God This is a great comfort to a Believer when his Prayer is weak and he can hardly pray for himself Christs Prayer in Heaven is mighty and powerful Though God may refuse Prayer as it comes from us yet not as it comes from Christ. 4. Christ's Intercession is always ready at hand The People of God have sins of daily incursion and besides these sometimes they lapse into great sins and God is provoked and his Justice is ready to break forth upon them but Christ's Intercession is ready at hand he daily makes up the Breaches between God and them he presents the Merit of his Blood to his Father to pacifie him When the Wrath of God began to break out upon Israel Aaron presently step'd in with his Censer and offered Incense and so the Plague was staid Numb 16.47 so no sooner doth a Child of God offend and God begins to be angry but immediately Christ steps in and intercedes Father it is my Child hath offended though he hath forgotten his Duty thou hast not lost thy Bowels O pity him and let thy Anger be turned away from him Christ's Intercession is ready at hand and upon the least failings of the Godly he stands up and makes
decuit ideo ascendit quo altius non potuit Christ in his Humiliation descended so low that it was not fit to go lower and in his Exaltation he ascended so high that it is not possible to go higher In his Resurrection he was exalted above the Grave in his Ascension he was exalted above the Aery and Starry Heaven in his sitting at God's right Hand he is exalted above the highest Heavens far Eph. 4.10 Far above all heavens 5. God hath exalted Christ in constituting him Judge of the whole World Ioh. 5.22 The Father hath committed all judgment to the Son At that day of Judgment shall Christ be exalted super-eminently He shall come in the glory of his Father Mark 8.38 He shall wear the same embroydered Robes of Majesty as the Father And he shall come with all his holy Angels Matth. 25.31 He who was led to the Bar with a Band of Souldiers shall be attended to the Bench with a Guard of Angels Christ shall judge his Judges he shall judge Pilate that condemned him Kings must leave their Throne and come to his Bar. And this is the highest Court of Judicature from whence is no Appeal 1. Use of Information Branch 1. See Christ's different State on Earth and now in Heaven O how is the Scene alter'd When he was on Earth he lay in the Manger now he sits in the Throne then he was hated and scorn'd of Men now he is adored of Angels then his Name was reproached now God hath given him a Name above every name Phil. 2.9 Then he came in the Form of a Servant and as a Servant stood with his Bason and Towel and washed his Disciples Feet Ioh. 13.4 5. now he is clad in his Prince's Robes and the Kings of the Earth cast their Crowns before him on Earth he was a Man of Sorrow now he is anointed with the Oyl of Gladness on Earth was his Crucifixion now his Coronation then his Father frowned upon him in Desertion now he hath set him at his right Hand before he seemed to have no Form or Beauty in him Isa. 53.2 now he is the Brightness of his Father's Glory Heb. 1.3 O what a change is here Him hath GOD highly exalted Branch 2. Was Christ first Humble and then Exalted hence learn the way to true Honour is Humility Luke 14.11 He that humbleth himself shall be exalted The World looks upon Humility as that which will make one contemptible but it is the ready way to Honour The way to rise is to fall the way to ascend is to descend Humility exalts us in the Esteem of Men and it exalts us to an higher Throne in Heaven Matth. 18.4 Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven Viz. He shall have a greater degree of Glory in Heaven Branch 3. Christ first suffered and then was exalted see hence that Sufferings must go before Glory Many desire to be glorified with Christ but they are not content to suffer for Christ 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer with him we shall reign with him The Wicked first reign and then suffer the Godly first suffer and then reign There 's no way to Constantinople but through the Straits no way to Heaven but through Sufferings No way to the Crown but by the way of the Cross. Hierusalem above is a pleasant City Streets of Gold Gates of Pearl but we must travel through a dirty Road to this City through many Reproaches and Sufferings Acts 14.22 We must enter into Glory as Christ did first he suffered Shame and Death and now is exalted to sit at God's right Hand 2. Use of Comfort Branch 1. Christ being so highly exalted hath Ennobled our Nature he hath crowned it with Glory and lifted it up above Angels and Archangels Though Christ as he was Man was made a little lower than the Angels Heb. 2.9 yet as the Humane Nature is united to the Divine and is at God's right Hand so the Humane Nature is above the Angels And if God hath so Dignified our Humane Nature what a shame is it that we should debase it God hath exalted the Humane Nature above the Angels and the Drunkard abaseth the Humane Nature below the Beasts Branch 2. Christ being exalted at God's right hand the Key of Government is laid upon his shoulders he governs all the Affairs of the World for his own Glory Do you think when Christ is so highly advanced and hath all Power in Heaven and Earth in his hand he will not take care of his Elect and turn the most astonishing Providences to the good of his Church In a Clock the Wheels move cross one to another but all make the Clock strike so Christ being at his Father's right hand he will make the most cross Providences tend to the Salvation of his Church Branch 3. Christ being at God's right hand we may be assured he hath now finished the Work of Man's Redemption Heb. 10.12 This man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sate down on the right hand of God If Christ had not fully expiated Sin and satisfied God's Law he had not sate down at God's right hand but had still lain in the Grave but now he is exalted to Glory This is an evident Token he hath done and suffered all that was required of him for the working out our Redemption Branch 4. Though Jesus Christ is so highly exalted in Glory yet he is not forgetful of us on Earth some when they are raised to Places of Honour forget their Friends when the Chief Butler was restored to his Place at Court then he forgot poor Ioseph in Prison But it is not so with Christ though he be exalted to such Glory in Heaven yet he is not unmindful of his Saints on Earth Our High-Priest hath all the Names and Wants of his People written upon his Breast-plate Art thou tempted though Christ be in Glory he knows how to pity and succour thee Heb. 4.15 We have not a high-priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmity Dost thou mourn for sin Christ though in a glorified State he hears thy Sighs bottles thy Tears Branch 5. Christ being exalted at God's right hand this is for the Comfort of Believers that they shall one day be exalted to that Place of Glory where he is Christ's Exaltation is our Exaltation Christ hath prayed for this Joh. 17.24 Father I will that all those whom thou hast given me be with me where I am And he is said to go before to prepare a place for Believers Ioh. 14.2 Christ is called the Head and the Church is called his Body Eph. 1.22 23. The Head being exalted to Honor the Body Mystical shall be exalted too as sure as Christ is exalted far above all Heavens so sure will he instate Believers in all that Glory which his Humane Nature is adorn'd with Ioh. 17.22 As here he puts his Grace upon the Saints so shortly he
why Children should honour their Parents are 1. It is a Solemn Command of God Honour thy Father c. As God's Word is the Rule so his Will must be the Reason of our Obedience 2. They deserve Honour in respect of that great Love and Affection which they bear to their Children and that Love is evidenced both by their Care and Cost 1. Their Care in bringing up their Children A Sign their Hearts are full of Love because their Heads are so full of Care Parents oft take more Care for their Children than for themselves They take Care of them when they are tender least like Wall-Fruit they should be nip'd in the Bud. And as Children grow older so the Care of Parents grows greater They are afraid of their Childrens falling when young and of worse Faults when they are older 2. Their Love is evidenced by their Cost 1 Cor. 12.14 They lay up and lay out for their Children They are not like the Raven or Ostrich Job 39.14 which are cruel to their Young Parents sometimes do impoverlsh themselves to enrich their Children All this calls for Honour from the Children Children can never parallel or equal Parents Love Parents are the Instruments of Life to their Children Children cannot be so to their Parents 3. To honour Parents is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 well-pleasing to the Lord Col. 3.20 As it is joyful to the Parents so it is pleasing to the Lord. Children is it not your Desire to please God In honouring and obeying your Parents you please God as well as when you Repent and Believe And that you may see how well it pleaseth God he bestows a Reward upon it That thy Days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Iacob would not let the Angel go till he had blessed him nor God would not part with this Commandment till he had blessed it Here is the Blessing That thy Days may be long in the Land c. St. Paul calls this the First Commandment with Promise Eph. 6.2 The Second Commandment hath a General Promise of Mercy But this is the First Commandment that hath a Particular Promise made to it That thy Days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Long Life is mentioned as a Blessing Psal. 128.6 Thou shalt see thy Childrens Children It was a great Favour of God to Moses that tho' he was an Hundred and Twenty Years old he needed no Spectacles his Eye was not dim nor his Natural Strength abated Deut. 34.7 God threatned it as a Curse to Eli That there should not be an Old Man in his Family 1 Sam. 2.31 Since the Flood Life is much abbreviated and cut short Some the Womb is their Tomb others exchange their Cradle for their Grave others die in the Flower of their Age Death serves it's Warrant every Day upon one or other Now when Death lies in Ambush continually for us if God satisfie us with Long Life Psal. 91.16 With long Life will I satisfie him This is to be esteemed a Blessing It is a Blessing that God gives a long time to repent and a long time to do Service and a long time to enjoy the Comfort of Relations and who is this Blessing of Long Life entail'd upon but Obedient Children Honour thy Father that thy Days may be long Nothing sooner shortens Life than Disobedience to Parents Absalom was a disobedient Son who sought to deprive his Father of his Life and Crown and he did not live out half his Days The Mule he rode upon as being weary of such a Burden left him hanging in the Oak betwixt Heaven and Earth as not fit to tread upon the one or enter into the other Obedience to Parents spins out thy Life That thy Days may be long Nor doth Obedience to Parents only lengthen Life but sweeten it Therefore it follows That thy Days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee To live long and not have a Foot of Land is a Misery but Obedience to Parents settles Land of Inheritance upon the Child Hast thou but one Blessing O my Father said Esau. Behold God hath more Blessings for an Obedient Child than one not only shall he have a Long Life but a Fruitful Land And not only shall he have Land but Land given in Love The Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Thou shalt have thy Land not only with God's Leave but with his Love All which are cogent Arguments to make Children Honour and Obey their Parents EXOD. XX. 12 Honour thy Father Vse I. If we are to Honour our Fathers on Earth then much more our Father in Heaven Mal. 1.6 If then I am a Father where is my Honour A Father is but the Instrument of conveying Life but God is the Original Cause of our Being Psal. 100.3 For it is he that hath made us and not we our selves Honour and Adoration is a Pearl belongs only to the Crown of Heaven And 1. We show Honour to our Heavenly Father by obeying him Thus Christ honoured his Father Iohn 6.38 I came down from Heaven not to do my own Will but the Will of him that sent me This he calls honouring of God Iohn 8.29 I do always those things which please him Ver. 49. I honour my Father The Wise Men did not only bow the Knee to Christ but presented him with Gold and Myrrh Mat. 2.8 So we must not only bow the Knee give God Adoration but bring Presents give him Golden Obedience 2. We show Honour to our Heavenly Father by appearing as Advocates in his Cause and standing up for his Truth in an Adulterous Generation That Son honours his Father who stands up in his Defence and vindicates him when he is calumniated and reproached Do they honour God who are ashamed of him Iohn 12.42 Many believed on him but durst not confess him They are Bastard Sons who are ashamed to own their Heavenly Father Such as are born of God are steeled with Courage for his Truth They are like the Rock which no Waves can break like the Adamant which no Sword can cut Basil was a Champion for Truth in the Time of the Emperor Valens and Athanasius when the World was Arrian appeared for God 3. We show Honour to our Heavenly Father by ascribing the Honour of all we do to him 1 Cor. 15.10 I laboured morè abundantly than they all yet not I but the Grace of God which was in me If a Christian hath any Assistance in Duty any strength against Corruption he rears up a Pillar and writes upon it Hitherto the Lord hath helped me As Ioab when he had fought against Rabbah and had like to have taken it sent for King David that he might carry away the Honour of the Victory 2 Sam. 12.27 So when a Child of God hath any Conquest over Satan he gives all the Honour to God Hypocrites whose Lamp is fed with the Oyl of Vain-Glory
while they do any eminent Service for God seek themselves and so their very serving of him is a dshonouring him 4. We show Honour to our Heavenly Father by Celebrating his Praise Psal. 71.8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the Day Rev. 5.13 Blessing Honour Glory and Power be unto him that sits upon the Throne Blessing God is honouring of God It lifts him up in the Eyes of others it spreads his Fame and Renown in the World In this manner the Angels the Quiristers of Heaven are now honouring God they Trumpet forth his Praise In Prayer we act like Saints in Praise like Angels 5. We show Honour to our Heavenly Father by suffering Dishonour yea Death for his sake St. Paul did bear in his Body the Marks of the Lord Iesus Gal. 6.17 As they were Marks of Honour to him so Trophies of Honour to the Gospel The Honour which comes to God is not by bringing that Outward Pomp and Glory to him as we do to Kings but it comes in another way by the Sufferings of his People They let the World see what a good God they serve and how they love him and will fight under his Banner to the Death Thus you see how you are to Honour your Heavenly Father God is worthy of Honour Psal. 104.1 Thou art Cloathed with Honour and Majesty What are all his Attributes but Glorious Beams shining from this Sun He deserves more Honour than Men or Angels can give him 2 Sam. 22. I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised God is worthy of Honour Often times we confer Honour upon them that do not deserve it Many Noble Persons we give Titles of Honour to who are sordid and vicious they do no deserve Honour but God is worthy of Honour Neh. 9.5 Blessed be thy Glorious Name which is exalted above all Blessings and Praise He is above all the Acclamations and Triumphs of the Arch-angels O then let every true Child of God honour his Heavenly Father Tho the wicked dishonour him by their Flagitious Lives yet let not his own Children dishonour him Sins in you are worse than in others A Fault in a Stranger is not so much taken notice of as a Fault in a Child A Spot in a black Cloth is not so much observed but a Spot in Scarlet every ones Eye is upon it A Sin in the Wicked is not so much wondred at it is a Spot in black But a Sin in a Child of God here is a Spot in Scarlet this is more visible and brings an Odium and Dishonour upon the Gospel The Sins of God's own Children go nearer to his Heart Deut. 32.19 When the Lord sa● it h● abhorred them because of the provoking of his Sons and Daughters O forbear doing any thing may reflect Dishonour upon God Will you disgrace your Heavenly Father Let not God complain of the Provocations of his Sons and Daughters let him not cry out as Isa. 1.2 I have brought up Children and they have rebelled against me So much for the First If our Earthly Father be to be honoured then much more our Heavenly Vse II. Exhort First Branch Doth God Command Honour thy Father and thy Mother Then let it exhort Children to put this great Duty in Practice be living Commentaries upon this Commandment Honour and Reverence your Parents not only obey their Commands but submit to their Rebukes You cannot honour your Father in Heaven unless you honour your Earthly Parents To deny Obedience to Parents entails God's Judgments upon Children Prov. 30.17 The Eye that mocketh at his Father and despiseth to obey his Mother the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out and the young Eagle shall eat it Eli's Two Disobedient Sons were slain 1 Sam. 4.11 God made a Law that the Rebellious Son should be stoned the same Death the Blasphemer had Lev. 24.14 Deut. 21.18 If a Man have a stubborn and rebellious Son which will not obey the voice of his Father or the voice of his Mother then shall his Father and his Mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the Elders of the City and all the Men of his City shall stone him with Stones that he die A Father once complaining Never had Father a worse Son than I have Yes saith the Son my Grandfather had A Prodigy of Impudence that can hardly be parallel'd Manlius when he was grown old and poor and had a Son very rich the old Father desired some Food of him but the Son denied him Relief yea disclaimed him from being his Father and sent him away with reproachful Language The poor old Father let Tears fall as Witnesses of his Grief But God to revenge this Disobedience struck this unnatural Son with Madness of which he could never be cured Disobedient Children stand in the place where all God's Arrows fly Second Branch Let Parents so carry it as they may gain Honour from their Children Quest. How may Parents so carry it towards their Children that their Children may willingly pay the Debt of Honour and Reverence to their Parents Resp. 1. If you would have your Children honour you 1. Be careful to bring them up in the Fear and Nurture of the Lord Ephes. 6.4 Bring them up in the Admonition of the Lord. You conveyed the Plague of Sin to them Ergo Endeavour to get them healed and sanctified Austin saith his Mother Monica travelled more for his Spiritual Birth than his Natural Timothy's Mother instructed him from a Child 2 Tim. 3.15 She did not only give him her Breast-milk but the sincere Milk of the Word Season your Children with good Principles betimes that they may with Obadiah fear the Lord from their Youth 1 King 18.12 When Parents instruct not their Children they seldom prove Blessings God oft punisheth the carelesness of Parents with Undutifulness in their Children It is not enough that in Baptism your Child is Dedicated to God but it must be Educated for God Children are young Plants which you must be continually watering with good Instruction Prov. 22.6 Train up a Child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it when he is old The more your Children fear God the more they will honour you 2. If you would have your Children honour you keep up your Parental Authority over your Children be kind but do not cocker them If you let them get too much Head they will Contemn you instead of Honouring you The Rod of Discipline must not be with-held Prov. 23.14 Thou shalt beat him with the Rod and deliver his Soul from Hell A Child indulg'd and humour'd in Wickedness will be a Thorn in the Parents Eye David cockered Adonijah 1 Kings 1.6 His Father had not displeased him at any time in saying Why hast thou done so And he afterward was a Grief of Heart to his Father and was false to the Crown ver 7 9. Keep up your Authority and you keep up
capacity Clearness is the grace of Speech 3. It s Compleatness This prayer contains in it the chief things that we have to ask or God hath to bestow VSE Let us have a great esteem of the Lords prayer let it be the model and pattern of all our prayers There is a double benefit ariseth from framing our petitions suitable to the Lords prayer 1. Hereby Error in prayer is prevented 'T is not easie to write wrong Copy we cannot easily err having our pattern before us 2. Hereby Mercies requested are obtained for the Apostle assures us God will hear us when we pray according to his Will 1 Iohn 5.14 and sure we pray according to his Will when we pray according to his pattern he hath set us So much for the Introduction to the Lords prayer After this manner pray ye II. The Prayer it self which consists of three parts 1. A Preface 2. Petitions 3. The Conclusion 1. The Preface to the prayer 1. Our Father 2. Which art in Heaven To begin with the first words of the Preface 1. Our Father Father is sometimes taken personally Iohn 14.28 My Father is greater than I But Father in the Text is taken essentially for the whole Deity This Title Father teacheth us to whom we must address our selves in prayer to God alone Here is no such thing in the Lords prayer as O ye Saints or Angels that are in Heaven hear us but our Father which art in Heaven Quest. In what order must we direct our Prayers to God Here is only the Father named may not we direct our Prayers to the Son and Holy Ghost Answ. Though the Father only be named in the Lords prayer yet the other two persons are not hereby excluded The Father is mentioned because he is first in order but the Son and Holy Ghost are included because they are the same in Essence As all the three persons subsist in one Godhead so in our prayers though we name but one ●●rson we must pray to all To come then more closely to the first words of the Preface Our Father Princes on Earth give themselves Titles expressing their Greatness as High and Mighty God might have done so and expressed himself thus Our King of Glory Our Iudge but he gives himself another Title Our Father an expression of Love and Condescension God that he might encourage us to pray to him represents himself under this sweet notion of a Father Our Father Dulce nomen Patris The Name Iehovah carries Majesty in it the Name Father carries Mercy in it Quest. 1. In what sense is God a Father Resp. 1. By Creation it is he that hath made us Acts 17.28 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we are his Off-spring Mal. 2.10 Have we not all one Father Hath not one God Created us But there is little comfort in this for so God is Father to the Devils by Creation but he that made them will not save them 2. God is a Father by Election having chosen a certain number to be his Children whom he will entail Heaven upon Eph. 1.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He hath chosen us in him 3. God is a Father by special Grace he consecrates the elect by his Spirit and infuseth a supernatural principle of Holiness therefore they are said to be born of God 1 Iohn 3.9 Such only as are sanctified can say Our Father which art in Heaven Quest. 2. What is the difference between God being the Father of Christ and the Father of the Elect Resp. God is the Father of Christ in a more glorious transcendent manner Christ hath the primo-geniture he is the eldest Son a Son by eternal generation Prov. 8.23 I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was Isa. 53.8 Who shall declare his generation Christ is a Son to the Father yet so as he is of the same Nature with the Father having all the incommunicable properties of the Godhead belonging to him But we are Sons of God by Adoption and Grace Gal. 4.5 That we might receive the adoption of Sons Quest. 3. What is that which makes God our Father Resp. Faith Gal. 3.26 Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus An Unbeliever may call God his Creator and his Judge but not his Father Faith doth legitimate us and make us of the Blood-Royal of Heaven Ye are the children of God by faith Baptism makes us Church-Members but Faith makes us Children Without Faith the Devil can show as good a Coat of Arms as we Quest. 4. How doth Faith make God to be our Father Resp. As Faith is an uniting Grace by Faith we have Coalition and Union with Christ and so the Kindred comes in being united to Christ the Natural Son we become Adopted Sons God is the Father of Christ Faith makes us Christs Brethren Heb. 2.11 and so God comes to be our Father Quest. 5. Wherein doth it appear that God is the best Father Resp. 1. In that he is most Antient Dan. 7.9 The antient of dayes did sit A figurative representation of God who was before all time This may cause Veneration 2. God is the best Father because he is perfect Matth. 5.48 Your Father which is in Heaven is perfect He is perfectly good Earthly Fathers are subject to infirmities Elias though a Prophet was a man of like passions Iam. 5.17 but God is perfectly good All the perfection we can arrive at in this Life is sincerity we may a little resemble God but not equal him He is infinitely perfect 3. God is the best Father in respect of Wisdom 1 Tim. 1.17 The only wise God He hath a perfect Idea of Wisdom in himself He knows the fittest Mediums to bring about his own designs the Angels light at his Lamp In particular this is one branch of his Wisdom that he knows what is best for us An Earthly Parent knows not in some intricate cases how to advise his Child or what may be best for him to do but God is a most wise Father he knows what is best for us he knows when Comfort is best for us he keeps his Cordials for fainting 2 Cor. 7.6 God who comforteth them that are cast down He knows when affliction is best for us and when it is fit to give a bitter potion 1 Pet. 1.6 If need be ye are in heaviness He is the only wise God he knows how to make evil things work for good to his Children Rom. 8 28. he can make a soveraign treacle of poyson Thus he is the best Father for Wisdom 4. He is the best Father because most loving 1 Iohn 4.16 God is love He who causeth bowels of affection in others must needs have more bowels himself quod efficit tale The Affections in Parents are but Marble and Adamant in comparison of Gods Love to his Children he gives them the cream of his Love electing Love saving Love Zeph. 3.17 He will rejoyce over thee with joy he will rest in his love
and engraving of the Holy Ghost upon the Soul The new born Christian is bespangled with the Jewels of the 〈◊〉 which are the Angels glory Regeneration is the spring of all true joy At our first birth we come weeping into the World but at our new birth there 's cause of rejoycing for now God is our Father and we are begotten to a lively hope of glory 1 Pet. 1.3 We may try by this our relation to God Hath a regenerating work of Gods Spirit passed upon our Souls Are we made of another Spirit Humble and Heavenly This is a good sign of Son-ship and we may say Our Father which art in Heaven 3. By having the conduct of the Spirit We are led by the Spirit Rom. 8.14 As many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God Gods Spirit doth not only quicken us in our Regeneration but leads us on till we come to the end of our Faith Salvation It is not enough the Child have Life but he must be led every step by the Nurse Hos. 11.3 I taught Ephraim to go taking them by their armes Their Armes as the Israelites had the Cloud and Pillar of Fire to go before them and be a guide to them so Gods Spirit is a guide to go before us and lead us into all truth and counsel us in all our doubts and influence us in all our actions Psalm 73.24 Thou shalt guide me by thy counsels None can call God Father but such as have the conduct of his Spirit Try then what Spirit you are led by Such as are led by a Spirit of Envy Lust Avarice these are not led by the Spirit of God it were blasphemy for them to call God Father These are led by the Spirit of Satan and may say Our Father which art in Hell 4. By having the Witness of the Spirit Rom. 8.16 The Spirit it self beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the Children of God This Witness of the Spirit suggesting that God is our Father is not a Vocal Witness or Voice from Heaven The Spirit in the Word witnesseth The Spirit in the Word saith he who is so qualified who is an hater of Sin and a lover of Holiness is a Child of God and God is his Father if I can find such qualifications wrought here is the Spirit witnessing with my Spirit that I am a Child of God Besides we may carry it higher the Spirit of God witnesseth to our Spirit by making more than ordinary impressions upon our hearts and giving some secret hints and whispers that God hath purposes of Love to us Here is a concurrent witness of the Spirit with Conscience that we are Heirs of Heaven and God is our Father This Witness is better felt than expressed this Witness scatters doubts and fears silenceth temptations but what shall one do that hath not this Witness of the Spirit If we w●●t the Witness of the Spirit let us labour to find the Work of the Spirit if we have not the Spirit testifying labour to have it sanctifying and that will be a support to us 4. If God be our Father we are of Peaceable Spirits Matth. 5.9 Blessed are the peace-makers they shall be called the children of God Grace infuseth a sweet amicable disposition it files off the ruggedness of Mens Spirits it turns the Lion-like fierceness into a Lamb-like gentleness Isa. 11.7 They who have God to be their Father follow Peace as well as Holiness God the Father is called the God of Peace Heb. 13.20 God the Son the Prince of Peace Isa. 9.6 God the Holy Ghost is a Spirit of Peace It is called the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Eph. 4.3 The more peaceable the more like God It is a bad sign God is not their Father 1. Who are fierce and cruel as if with Romulus they had sucked the Milk of a Wolf Rom. 3.17 The way of peace have they not known they sport in mischief these are they who are of a persecuting Spirit as Maximinus Dioclesian Antiochus who as Eusebius took more tedious journeys and run more hazards in vexing and persecuting the Iewes than any of his Predecessors had done in getting of Victories These Furies cannot call God Father if they do they will have as little comfort in saying Father as Dives had in Hell when he said Father Abraham Luke 16.24 2. Who are makers of division Rom. 16.17 Mark them which cause divisions and avoid them Such as are born of God are makers of Peace what shall we think of such as are makers of Division will God Father these The Devil made the first division in Heaven they may call the Devil Father they may give the Cloven Foot in their Coat of Armes their sweetest Musick is in Discord they unite to divide Sampsons Fox-tails were tyed together only to set the Philistians Corn on fire Iudg. 15 4. Papists unite only to set the Churches Peace on fire· Satans Kingdom goes up by Divisions St. Chrysostome observes of the Church of Corinth when many Converts were brought in Satan knew no better way to dam up the current of Religion than to throw in an Apple of Strife and divide them into Parties one was for Paul and another for Apollos but few for Christ. Would not Christ have his Coat rent and can he endure to have his Body rent Sure God will never Father them who are not Sons of Peace Of all them who God hates he is named for one who is a sower of discord among brethren Prov. 6.19 5. If God be our Father then we love to be near God and have converse with him An ingenuous Child delights to approach near to his Father and go into his presence David envyed the Birds that they built their Nests so near Gods Altars when he was debarred his Fathers house Psal. 84.3 True Saints love to get as near to God as they can In the Word they draw near to his Holy Oracle in the Sacrament they draw near to his Table a Child of God delights to be in his Fathers presence he cannot stay away long from God he sees a Sabbath day approaching and rejoyceth his heart hath been often melted and quickened in a Ordinance he hath tasted the Lord is good therefore he loves to be in his Fathers presence he cannot keep away long from God Such as care not for Ordinances cannot say Our Father which art in Heaven Is God their Father who cannot endure to be in his presence VSE I. Of Instruction See the amazing goodness of God that is pleased to enter into this sweet relation of a Father God needed not to adopt us he did not want a Son God did not want a Son but we did a Father God showed Power in being our Maker but Mercy in being our Father When we were enemies and our hearts stood out as garrisons against God that he should conquer our stubbornness and of enemies make us children and write his
Scandal or Apostacy 4. Men leave off pursuing the Kingdom of Heaven out of Timorousness if they persist in Religion they may lose their Places of Profit perhaps their Lives The reason saith Aristotle why the Camelion turns into so many Colours is through excessive fear When Carnal fear prevails it makes Men change their Religion as fast as the Camelion doth its Colours Many of the Iews who were great followers of Christ when they saw the Swords and Staves deserted him What Solomon saith of the Sluggard is as true of the Coward he saith there is a Lyon in the way Prov. 22.13 he sees dangers before him he would go on in the way to the Kingdom of Heaven but there is a Lyon in the way This is dismal Heb. 10.38 If any Man draw back in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if he steals as a Soldier from his Colours my Soul shall have no pleasure in him VSE III. Of Tryal Let us examine whether we shall go to this Kingdom when we dye Heaven is called a Kingdom prepared Matth. 25. Quest. How shall we know this Kingdom is prepared for us Answ If we are prepared for this Kingdom Quest. How may that be known Answ. By being Heavenly persons An earthly heart is no more fit for Heaven than a Clod of Dust is fit to be a Star there is nothing of Christ or Grace in such an heart It were a Miracle to find a Pearl in a Gold Mine and it is as great a Miracle to find Christ the Pearl of Price in an earthly heart Would we go to the Kingdom of Heaven are we heavenly 1. Are we heavenly in our Contemplations do our Thoughts run upon this Kingdom do we get sometimes upon Mount Pisgah and take a Prospect of Glory Thoughts are as Travellers most of Davids Thoughts travelled Heavens Road Psal. 139.17 Are our Minds heavenl●z'd Psal. 48.12 walk about Sion tell the Towers thereof mark ye well her Bulwarks Do we walk into the Heavenly Mount and see what a glorious Scituation it is Do we tell the Towers of that Kingdom While a Christian fixeth his Thoughts on God and Glory he doth as it were tread upon the Borders of the Heavenly Kingdom and he peeps within the Vail as Moses who had a sight of Canaan though he did not enter into it so the heavenly Christian hath a sight of heaven though he be not yet entred into it 2. Are we heavenly in our Affections do we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 set our Affections on the Kingdom of Heaven Col. 3.2 If we are heavenly we despise all things below in comparison of the Kingdom of God We look upon the World but as a beautiful Prison and we cannot be much in love with our Fetters though they are made of Gold our heart is in Heaven A Stranger may be in a Forreign Land to gather up his Debts owing him but he desires to be in his own Kingdom and Nation so we are here a while as in a strange Land but our desire is chiefly after the Kingdom of Heaven where we shall be for ever The World is the Place of a Saints Abode not of his Delight is it thus with us Do we like the Patriarks of old desire a better Country Heb. 11.16 This is the temper of a true Saint his Affections are set on the Kingdom of God his Anchor is cast in Heaven and he is carried thither with the Sails of Desire 3. Are we heavenly in our Speeches Christ after his Resurrection did speak of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God Act. 1.3 Are our Tongues tuned to the Language of the heavenly Canaan Mal. 3.16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often to one another Do you in your visits season your discourses with Heaven There are many say they hope they shall be saved but you shall never hear them speak of the Kingdom of Heaven perhaps of their Wares and Drugs or of some rich Purchase they have got but nothing of the Kingdom Can Men travel together in a Journey and not speak of the Place they are travelling to are you Travelers for Heaven and never speak a word of the Kingdom you are travelling to Herein many discover they do not belong to Heaven for you shall never hear a good Word come from them Verba sunt speculum Mentis Bern. The Words are the Looking-glass of the Mind they show what the Heart is 4. Are we heavenly in our Trading Is our Traffick and Merchandize in Heaven Do we trade in the heavenly Kingdom by Faith A Man may live in one place and trade in another he may live in Ireland and trade in the West-Indies so do we trade in the heavenly Kingdom They shall never go to heaven when they dye who do not trade in Heaven while they live Do we send up to Heaven Vollies of Sighs and Groans Do we send forth the Ship of Prayer thither which fetcheth in Returns of Mercy Is our Communion with the Father and his Son Jesus 1 Iohn 1.3 Phil. 3.20 5. Are our Lives heavenly Do we live as if we had seen the Lord with Bodily eyes Do we aemulate and imitate the Angels in Sanctity Do we labour to copy out Christs Life in ours 1 Iohn 2.6 'T was a custom among the Macedonians on Alexanders Birth day to wear his Picture about their Necks set with Pearl and Diamond Do we carry Christs Picture about us and resemble him in the Heavenliness of our Conversation If we are thus heavenly then we shall go to the kingdom of Heaven when we dye and truly there is a great deal of Reason why we should be thus Heavenly in our Thoughts Affections Conversation if we consider 1. The main end why God hath given us our Souls is that we may mind the kingdom of Heaven Our Souls are of a Noble Extraction they are akin to Angels a Glass of the Trinity as Plato speaks Now is it rational to imagine that God would have breathed into us such noble Souls only to look after sensual Objects Were such bright Stars made only to shoot into the Earth Were these immortal Souls made only to seek after dying Comforts Had this been only the end of our Creation to eat and drink and converse with Earthly Objects worse Souls would have served us Sensitive Souls had been good enough for us what need our Souls be rational and divine to do only that work which a Beast may do 2. Great reason we should be heavenly in our Thoughts Affections Conversation if we consider what a blessed kingdom Heaven is it is beyond all Hyperbole Earthly Kingdoms do scarce deserve the Names of Cottages compared with it We read of an Angel coming down from heaven who did tread with his Right Foot upon the Sea and with his Left on the Earth Rev. 10.2 Had we but once been in the heavenly kingdom and viewed the superlative glory of it how might we in an holy scorn trample with one Foot upon
the Crown of Heaven Glorifying of God hath respect to all the Persons in the Trinity it respects God the Father who gave us our Life it respects God the Son who lost his Life for us it respects God the Holy Ghost who produceth a new Life in us we must bring Glory to the whole Trinity When we speak of God's Glory the Question will be moved What are we to understand by God's Glory Resp. There is a twofold Glory 1. The Glory that God hath in himself his intrinsical Glory Glory is essential to the Godhead as Light is to the Sun he is call'd the God of Glory Acts 7.2 Glory is the sparkling of the Deity Glory is so co-natural to the Godhead that God cannot be God without it The Creature 's Honour is not essential to his Being a King is a Man without his Regal Ornaments when his Crown and Royal Robe are taken away but God's Glory is such an essential Part of his Being that he cannot be God without it God's very Life lies in his Glory His Glory can receive no addition because it is Infinite this Glory is that which God is most tender of and which he will not part with Isa. 42.8 My glory I will not give to another God will give Temporal Blessings to his Children Wisdom Riches Honour he will give them Spiritual Blessings he will give them Grace he will give them his Love he will give them Heaven but his essential Glory he will not give to another King Pharaoh parted with a Ring off his Finger to Ioseph and a Gold Chain but he would not part with his Throne Gen. 41.40 Only in the throne will I be greater then thou So God will do much for his People he will give them the Inheritance he will put some of Christ's Glory as Mediator upon them but his essential Glory he will not part with in the throne he will be greater 2. The Glory which is ascribed to God or which his Creatures labour to bring to him 1 Chr. 16.29 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name And 1 Cor. 6.20 Glorifie God in your body and in your spirit The Glory we give God is nothing else but our lifting up his Name in the World and magnifying him in the eyes of others Phil. 1.20 Christ shall be magnified in my body Quest. What is it to glorifie God or wherein doth it consist Resp. Glorifying of God consists in four things 1. Appretiation 2. Adoration 3. Affection 4. Subjection This is the yearly Rent we pay to the Crown of Heaven 1. Appretiation To glorifie God is to set God highest in our Thoughts to have a venerable Esteem of him Psal. 92.8 Thou Lord art most high for evermore Psal. 97.9 Thou art exalted far above all gods There is in God all that may draw forth both Wonder and Delight he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is in him a Constellation of all Beauties he is Prima Causa the Original and Spring-head of Being who sheds a Glory upon the Creature This is to glorifie God when we are God-Admirers we admire God in his Attributes which are the glistering Beams by which the Divine Nature shines forth we admire him in his Promises which are the Charter of Free-grace and the Spiritual Cabinet where the Pearl of Price is hid we admire God in the noble Effects of his Power and Wisdom viz. the making of the World this is call'd the work of his fingers Ps. 8.3 such curious Needle-work it was that none but a God could work This is to glorifie God to have God-admiring Thoughts we esteem him most excellent and search for Diamonds only in this Rock 2. Glorifying of God consists in Adoration or Worship Psal. 29.2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness There is a twofold Worship 1. A Civil Reverence we give to Persons of Honour Gen. 23.7 Abraham stood up and bowed himself to the children of Heth. Piety is no Enemy to Curtesie 2. A Divine Worship which we give to God is his Prerogative-royal Neh. 8.6 They bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord with their faces towards the ground This Divine Worship God is very jealous of this is the Apple of his Eye this is the Pearl of his Crown which he guards as he did the Tree of Life with Cherubims and a flaming Sword that no man may come near to violate it Divine Worship must be such as God himself hath appointed else it is offering strange fire Levit. 10.2 The Lord would have Moses make the Tabernacle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 according to the Pattern in the Mount Exod. 25.40 he must not leave out any thing in the Pattern nor add to it if God was so exact and curious about the Place of his Worship how exact will he be about the Manner of his Worship surely here every thing must be according to the Pattern prescribed in his Word 3. Affection This is a part of the Glory we give to God God counts himself glorified when he is loved Deut. 6.5 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. There is a twofold Love 1. Amor Concupiscentiae a Love of Concupisence which is a Self-love when we love another because he doth us a good Turn Thus a wicked Man may be said to love God because he hath given him a good Crop or filled his Cup with Wine and to speak properly this is rather to love God's Blessings then to love God 2. Amor Amicitiae a Love of Delight as a Man takes delight in a Friend this is indeed to love God the Heart is set upon God as a Man's-Heart is set upon his Treasure And this Love is 1. Exuberant not a few Drops but a Stream 2. It is Superlative we give God the best of our Love the Cream of it Cant. 8.2 I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the j●yce of my pomgranat If the Spouse had a Cup more juicy and spiced Christ must drink of it 3. It is Intense and Ardent true Saints are Seraphims burning in holy Love to God The Spouse was Amore perculsa in sainting Fits sick of love Cant. 2.5 Thus to love God is to glorify him he who is the chief of our Happiness hath the chief of our Affections 4. Subjection When we dedicate ourselves to God and stand ready prest for his Service Thus the Angels in Heaven glorifie him they wait on his Throne and are ready to take a Commission from him therefore they are resembled by the Cherubims with their Wings displaid to shew how swift the Angels are in their Obedience This is to glorifie God when we are devoted to his Service our Head studies for God our Tongue pleads for him our Hands relieve his Members The wise Men that came to Christ did not only bow the Knee to him but presented him with Gold and Myrrh Mat. 2.11 so we must not
to the Church of God in General If God be a God of Knowledge he sees all the Plots of the Enemies against Sion and can make them prove Abortive The wicked are subtil having borrowed their skill of the old Serpent they dig deep to hide their Counsels from God but he sees them and can easily counter-work them The Dragon is described with seven Heads Rev. 12.3 to shew how he plots against the Church But God is described with seven Eyes Zach. 3.9 to shew that he sees all the Plots and Stratagems of the Enemies and when they deal proudly he can be above them Come saith Pharaoh let us deal wisely Exod. 1.10 and he never plaid the Fool more then when he thought to deal wisely Exod. 14.24 In the morning watch the Lord looked to the Hoast of the Egyptians by the Pillar of fire and troubled their Hoast How may this be as Sap in the Vine and may comfort the Church of God in her Militant State the Lord hath an Eye in all the Counsels and Combinations of the Enemy he sees them lay their Train and can blow them up in their own Mine Of the Eternity of GOD. THE next Attribute is God is Eternal Psal. 90.2 From everlasting to everlasting thou art God The Schoolmen distinguish between Aevum Eternum to Explain the Notion of Eternity There is a threefold Being 1. Such a Being as had a Beginning and shall have an End So all Sensitive Creatures the Beasts Fowls Fishes these at Death are destroyed and return to Dust their Being ends with their Life 2. Such a Being as had a Beginning but shall have no End as the Angels and Souls of Men they are Eternal à parte post they abide for ever 3. Such a Being as is without Beginning and without Ending and that is proper only to God He is semper existens viz. from everlasting to everlasting it is God's Title a Jewel of his Crown 1. He is called The King Eternal 1 Tim. 1.17 2. Iehovah a word that properly sets out God's Eternity a word so dreadful that the Jews trembled to name or read it therefore used another word Adonai Lord. Iehovah contains in it Time past present and to come Rev. 1.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is and which was and which is to come it interprets the word Iehovah Which is He subsists of himself having a pure independent Being Which was God only was before Time There is no searching into the Records of Eternity Which is to come His Kingdom hath no End His Crown hath no Successors Hebr. 1.8 Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever The doubling of the word ratifies the certainty of it as the doubling of Pharaohs Dreams did I shall prove that God only could be Eternal without Beginning Angels could not they are but Creatures though Spirits they were made and therefore there beginning may be known their Antiquity may be searched into If you ask When they were created Some think before the World was but not so For what was before time was Eternal the Angels first Rice and Original reacheth no higher than the beginning of the World 'T is thought by the Learned that the Angels were made that day on which the Heavens were made Iob 38.7 When the Morning-stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for joy St. Hierom Gregory venerable Bede understand it of the Angels When God laid the Foundation Stone of the World the Angels being then Created did sing the Anthems of Joy and Praise The Angels could not be before time for what was before Time was Eternal 'T is only proper to God to be Eternal without Beginning He is Alpha and Omega the First and the Last Rev. 1.8 No Creature can write it self Alpha that is only a Flower of the Crown of Heaven Exod. 3.14 I am that I am viz. he who Exists from and to Eternity Use 1. Here is Thunder and Lightning to the Wicked God is Eternal therefore the Torments of the Wicked are Eternal God lives for ever and as long as God lives he will be punishing the damned This methinks should be as that Hand-writing on the Wall Dan. 5.5 it should make their joints to be loosed c. The sinner takes liberty to sin he breaks God's Laws like a Wild beast that breaks over the Hedge and leaps into forbidden Pasture he sins 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with greediness Eph. 4.19 as if he thought he could not sin fast enough But remember this is one of God's Names Eternal and as long as God is Eternal he hath time enough to reckon with all his Enemies To make Sinners tremble let them think of these three things The Torments of the the Damned are without Intermission without Mixture and Eternal 1. Without Intermission their Pains shall be acute and sharp and no relaxation the fire shall not be slackned or abated Rev. 4.11 They have no rest day nor night like one that hath his Joints stretched continually on the Rack and hath no ease therefore the Wrath of God is compared to a Stream of Brimstone Isa. 30.33 Why to a Stream Because a Stream runs without intermission it runs and doth not stop so God's Wrath runs like a stream and pours out without any intermission In the Pains of this Life there is some abatement and intermission the Fever abates after a fit of the Stone the Patient hath some ease but the Pains of Hell are intense and violent in summo gradu the damned Soul never saith I am now more at ease 2. Without Mixture Hell is a place of pure Iustice. In this Life God in Anger remembers Mercy he mixeth Compassion with Suffering Deut. 33.25 Asher's shoe was of Iron but his foot was dip'd in Oyl Affliction is the Iron shoe but Mercy is mixed with it here is the foot dip'd in Oil. But the Torments of the Damned have no mixture Rev. 14.10 They shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture No mixture of Mercy How is the Cup of Wrath said to be full of mixture Psal. 75.8 The Wine is red it is full of mixture yet in the Revelation it is said to be without mixture It is full of mixture that is it is full of all the Ingredients that may make it bitter The Worm the Fire the Curse of God all these are bitter Ingredients It is a Cup mixed yet it is without mixture viz. there shall be nothing to afford the least Comfort no mixture of Mercy so it is a Cup without mixture In the Sacrifice of Jealousy Numb 5.15 there was no Oil put to it So in the Torments of the Damned their is no Oil of Mercy to abate their Sufferings 3. Without Cessation Eternal The Pleasures of sin are but for a season but the Torments of the wicked are for ever Sinners have a short Feast but a long Reckoning Origen erroniously thought that after a thousand years the damned should be released out
which is no guile now he sees his own Image in you This draws God's Heart towards you Likeness draws Love But One GOD. Quest. V. THE fifth Question is Are there more Gods then one Answ. There is but one only the living and true God That there is a God hath been proved and those that will not believe the Verity of his Essence shall feel the Severity of his Wrath Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is One Lord. He is the only God Deut. 4.39 Know therefore this day and consider it in thy heart that the Lord he is God in Heaven above and upon the Earth beneath there is none else Isa. 45.21 A just God and a Saviour There is none beside me There are many titular Gods Kings represent God their Regal Scepter is an Emblem of his Power and Authority Judges are called Gods Psal. 82.5 I have said ye are Gods viz. set in God's place to do Justice but dying Gods vers 7. Ye shall dye like men 1 Cor. 8.5 6. There be that are called Gods but to us there is but One God Argument 1. There is but one first Cause that hath its Being of it self and on which all other Beings depend As in the Heavens the primum Mobile moves all the other Orbs so God gives Life and Motion to every thing existent There can be but one God because there is but one first Cause 2. There is but one infinite Being therefore there is but one God There cannot be two Infinites Ier. 23.24 Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord If there be one Infinite filling all places at once how can there be any room for another Infinite to subsist 3. There is but one Omnipotent Power if there be two Omnipotents then we must always suppose a Contest between these two that which one would do the other Power being Equal would oppose and so all things would be brought into a Confusion If a Ship should have two Pilots of equal Power one would be ever crossing the other when one would Sail the other would cast Anchor here were a Confusion and the Ship must needs perish The Order and Harmony in the World the constant and uniform Government of all things is a clear Argument that there is but one Omnipotent one God that rules all Isa. 44.6 I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God Use 1. of Information If there be but one God then it excludes all other Gods Some have fained that there were two Gods so the Valentinians others that there were many Gods so the Polytheites the Persians worshipped the Sun the Egyptians the Lion and Elephant the Grecians worshipped Iupiter These I may say err not knowing the Scriptures Matth. 22.29 Their Faith is a Fable God hath given them up to strong delusions to believe a lie that they may be damned 2 Thess. 2.11 2. If there be but one God then there can be but One true Religion in the World Eph. 4.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one Lord one Faith If there were many Gods then there might be many Religions every God would be worshipped in his way but if there be but one God there is but one Religion one Lord one Faith Some say we may be saved in any Religion 't is absurd to imagine that God who is one in Essence should appoint several Religions in which he will be worshipped 'T is as dangerous to set up a false Religion as to set up a false God There are many ways to Hell Men may go thither which way their Fancy leads them but there is but one direct Road to Heaven viz. Faith and Holiness There is no way to be saved in but this as there is but one God so there is but one True Religion 3. If there be but one God then you have but One that you need chiefly study to please and that is God If there were divers Gods we should be hard put to it how to please them all one would command one thing another the quite contrary and to please two contrary Masters is impossible but there is but one God therefore you have but one to please As in a Kingdom there is but one King therefore every one seeks to ingratiate himself into his favour Prov. 19.6 so there is but one true God therefore here lies our main work to please him Be sure to please God whoever else you displease This was Enoch's Wisdom Hebr. 11.5 he had this Testimony before he died that he pleased God Quest. What doth this pleasing God imply Answ. 1. We please God when we comport with his Will 'T was Christ's meat and drink to do his Father's will Iohn 4.34 and so he pleased him Matth. 3 17. A voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased It is the will of God that we should be holy 1 Thess. 4 3● Now when we are bespangled with Holiness our Lives are walking Bibles this is according to God's will and it pleaseth him 2. We please God when we do the Work that he sets us about Iohn 17.4 I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do viz. my mediatory work Many finish their lives but do not finish their work Our work God hath cut out for us is to observe the first and second Table In the first is set down our duty towards God in the second our duty towards Man Such as make Morality the chief and sole part of Religion set the second Table above the first nay they take away the first Table for if Prudence Justice Temparance be enough to save then what needs the first Table and so our worship towards God shall be quite left out But those two Tables which God hath joyned together let no Man put asunder 3. We please God when we dedicate our Heart to give him the best of every thing Abel gave God the fat of the Offering Gen. 4.4 Domitian would not have his Image carved in Wood or Iron but in Gold Then we please God when we serve him with love fervency alacrity we give him golden Services herein lies our Wisdom and Piety to please God there is but one God therefore there is but one whom we have chiefly to please namely God 4. If there be but one God then we must pray to none but God The Papists pray to Saints and Angels 1. To Saints a Popish Writer saith When we pray to the Saints departed they being touched with compassion say the like to God for us as the Disciples did to Christ for the Canaanitish Woman Matth. 15.23 Send her away for she crieth after us The Saints above know not our Wants Isa. 63.16 Abraham is ignorant of us or if they did we have no warrant to pray to them Prayer is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a part of Divine Worship which must be given only to God 2. They pray to Angels Angel-worship is forbidden Col. 2.18 19. and
beatorum the Royal Seat of the Blessed it is the region of Happiness the Map of Perfection There is that Manna which is Angels Food there is the Garden of Spices the Bed of Perfumes the Rivers of Pleasure Sinners at Death lose all this 4. They lose their Hopes For though they lived wickedly yet they hoped God was Merciful and they hoped they should go to Heaven Their Hope was not an Anchor but a Spiders Web. Now at Death they lose their Hopes they see they did but flatter themselves into Hell Iob. 8.14 Whose Hope shall be cut off That is sad to have a Mans Life and his Hope cut off together Use 2. If the Saints gain such glorious things at Death then how may they desire Death Doth not every one desire Preferment nemo ante funera Foelix Faith gives a Title to Heaven Death a Possession Though we should be desirous of doing Service here yet we should be ambitious to be with Christ Phil. 1.23 We should be content to live but willing to Dye Is it not a blessed thing to be freed from Sin and to lie for ever in the Bosom of Divine Love Is it not a blessed thing to meet our Godly Relations in Heaven and to be singing Divine Anthems of Praise among the Angels Doth not the Bride desire the Marriage Day especially if she were to be matched unto the Crown What is the Place we now live in but a Place of Banishment from God We are in a Wilderness while the Angels live at Court Here we are combating with Satan and should not we desire to be out of the Bloody Field where the Bullets of Tentation fly so fast and to receive a Victorious Crown Think what it will be to have always a smiling Aspect from Christs Face to be brought into the Banqueting House and have the Banner of his Love displayed over you O ye Saints desire Death it is your ascension-Ascension-day to Heaven Egredere anima egredere said Hilarion on his Death-bed Go forth my Soul what fearest thou Another Holy Man said Lord lead me to that Glory which I have seen as through a Glass Hast Lord and do not tarry Some Plants thrive best when they are transplanted Believers when they are by Death transplanted cannot choose but thrive because they have Christ's sweet Sun-beams shine upon them And what though the Passage through the Valley of the shadow of Death be troublesome Who would not be willing to pass a tempestuous Sea if he were sure to be crown'd as soon as he came at shore Use 3. Comfort in the loss of our dear and pious Relations They when they dye are not only taken away from the Evil to come but they are great gainers by Death They leave a Wilderness and go to Paradise They change their Complaints into Thanksgivings They leave their Sorrows behind and enter into the Joy of their Lord Why should we weep for their Preferment Believers have not their Portion paid till the day of their Death Gods Promise is his Bond to make over Heaven in Reversion to them But though they have his Bond they do not receive their Portion till the day of Death Oh! Rejoyce to think of their Happiness who dye in the Lord to them to dye is gain They are as Rich as Heaven can make them A Believers Privilege at Death Phil. 1.21 For to me to live is Christ and to dye is gain HOPE is a Christan's Anchor which he casts within the vail Rom. 12.12 Rejoycing in Hope A Christians Hope is not in this Life but he hath Hope in his Death Prov. 14.32 The best of a Saints Comfort begins when his Life ends The Wicked have all their Heaven here Luke 6.28 Woe unto you Rich you have received your Consolation You may make your Acquittance and write Received in full Payment Luke 16.25 Son remember that thou in thy life-time receivedst thy good things But a Saints Happiness is in Reversion The righteous hath Hope in his death God keeps the best Wine till last If Cato the Heathen said To me to dye is gain He saw Mortality to be a Mercy Then what may a Believer say Eccles. 7.1 The day of Death is better than the day of ones Birth Nemo ante Funera Felix Solon A Queen of this Land said she prefer'd her Coffin before her Cradle Quest. 1. What Benefits do Believers receive at Death Resp. 1. They have great Immunities 2. They pass immediately into a State of Glory 3. Their Bodies are united to Christ in the Grave till the Resurrection 1. The Saints at Death have great Immunities and Freedoms A Prentice when out of his time is made Free When the Saints are out of their time of living then they are made Free not made Free till Death 1. At Death they are freed from a Body of Sin There are in the best reliquiae peccati some Remainders and Reliques of Corruption Rom. 7.24 O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from this Body of Death By the Body of Death is meant the Congeries the Mass and lump of Sin It may well be called a Body for its weightiness and a Body of Death for its noisomness 1. It weighs us down sin hinders us from doing good A Christian is like a Bird that would be flying up but hath a string tyed to its Legs to hinder it so he would be flying up to Heaven with the Wings of desire but sin hinders him Rom. 7.15 The good that I would I do not A Christian is like a Ship that is under Sail and at Anchor Grace would sail forward but Sin is the Anchor that holds it back 2. Sin is oft more active in its Sphere than Grace How stirring was Lust in David when his Grace lay dormant 3. Sin sometimes gets the Mastery and leads a Saint Captive Rom. 7.19 The evil I would not that do I. Paul was like a Man carried down the stream and could not bear up against it How oft is a Child of God over-power'd with Pride and Passion Therefore Paul calls sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Law in his Members Rom. 7.24 it binds as a Law it hath a kind of Jurisdiction over the Soul as Cesar had over the Senate 4. Sin defiles the Soul it is like a stain to Beauty it turns the Souls Azure Brightness into Sables 5. Sin debilitates us it disarms us of our strength 2 Sam. 3.39 I am this day weak though anointed King So though a Saint is crown'd with Grace yet he is weak though anointed a Spiritual King 6. Sin is ever Restless Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusts against the Spirit It is an Inmate that is always quarrelling Like Marcellus that Roman Captain of whom Hannibal said Whether he did beat or was beaten he would never be quiet 7. Sin adheres to us we cannot get rid of it It may be compar'd to a wild Fig-tree growing on a Wall though the Roots are pull'd up yet there are some Fibers
Commandments for a sign upon thy Hand and they shall be as Frontlets between thine Eyes Deut. 6.8 The Pharisees took it in the Literal Sense they got Two Scrolls of Parchment wherein they wrote the Two Tables putting one on their Left Arms and binding the other to their Eye-brows Thus they wrested the Scripture and took Gods Name in vain That Scripture was to be understood Spiritually and by a Figure God meant by binding his Law upon their Hands that they should meditate in his Law and put it in practice And so the Papists expound that Scripture This is my Body Literally of the very Body of Christ then when Christ gave the Bread he should have had Two Bodies one in the Bread and the other out of the Bread whereas Christ meant it Figuratively It is a sign of my Body Thus they by wresting the Scripture to a wrong Sense prophane it and take Gods Name in vain Secondly When we expound those Scriptures Figuratively and Allegorically which the Holy Ghost means Literally For example Christ said to Peter launch out into the Deep and make a Draught Luke 5.4 This Text is spoken in a plain Literal Sense of Launching out the Ship but the Papists take it in a Mystical and Allegorical This Text proves say they That the Pope which is Peter's Successor shall launch forth and catch the Ecclesiastical and Political power over the West Parts of the World this say they was meant when Christ bad Peter launch out into the Deep But I think the Papists have launched out too far beyond the meaning of the Text. When Men strain their Wits to wrest the Word to such a Sense as pleaseth them they do profane Gods Word and highly take his Name in vain VII We take Gods Name in vain when we swear by his Name Many seldom name God's Name but in Oaths for this Sin the Land Mourns Mat. 5.34 Swear not at all that is Rashly and Sinfully so as to take Gods Name in vain not but that in some cases it is lawful to take an Oath before a Magistrate Deut. 6.13 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him and Swear by his Name Heb. 6.16 An Oath for Confirmation is an end of all strife But when Christ saith Swear not at all he forbids such a Swearing as takes Gods Name in vain There is a Three-fold Swearing forbidden 1. Vain Swearing when Men in their ordinary Discourse let fly Oaths Some will go to excuse their Swearing It is a course Wool that will take no Dye and a bad Sin indeed that hath no Excuse Excuse 1. I swear little trifling Oaths as Faith or by the Mass. Resp. The Devil hath Two false Glasses which he sets before Mens Eyes the one is a little Glass in which the Sin appears so small that it can hardly be seen this Glass the Devil sets before Mens Eyes when they are going to commit Sin the other is a great Multiplying Glass wherein Sin appears so big that it cannot be forgiven The Devil sets this before Mens Eyes when they have sinned Thou that sayest Sin is small when God shall open the Eye of thy Conscience then thou wilt see it great and be ready to despair But to answer this Plea thou sayest they are but small Oaths but Christ forbids Vain Oaths Swear not at all If God will reckon with us for Idle Words shall not Idle Oaths be put in the Account Book Excuse 2. But I swear to the Truth See how this Harlot-Sin would paint it self with an Excuse Resp. 1. Though it be true yet if it be a Rash Oath 't is Sinful Besides 2. He that swears commonly it cannot be avoided but sometimes he may swear more than is true as where much Water runs some Gravel or Mud will pass along with the Water so where there is much Swearing some Lies will run along with the Oaths Excuse 3. But I shall not be believed unless I seal up my Word with an Oath Resp. 1. A Man that is Honest will be believed without an Oath his bare Word carries Authority with it and is as good as Letters Testimonial 2. I answer He who swears the more he swears the less others will believe him Iuras credit minus Thou art a Swearer Another thinks an Oath weighs very light with thee thou carest not what thou swearest and the more thou swearest the less he believes thee He will trust thy Bond but not thy Oath Excuse 4. But it is a Custom of Swearing I have gotten and I hope God will forgive me Resp. Though among Men custom Carries it and is pleadable in Law yet it is not so in the case of Sin Custom here is no Plea Thou hast got an habit of Swearing and canst not leave it is this an Excuse Is a thing well done because it is commonly done This is so far from being an Excuse that it is an Aggravation of Sin As if one that had been accused for Killing a Man should plead with the Judge to spare him because it was his Custom to Murder this is an Aggravation of the Offence so it is here Therefore all Excuses for this Sin of Vain-Swearing are taken away Dare not to live in this Sin it is a taking Gods Name in vain 2. Vile Swearing Horrid prodigious Oaths not to be named Swearers like Mad Dogs fly in the Face of Heaven and when they are angred spue out their blasphemous Venom on Gods Sacred Majesty Some in Gaming when things go cross and the Dice run against them their Tongues run as fast against God in Oaths and Curses And tell them of their Sin go to bring home these Asses from going astray and it is but pouring Oyl on the Flame they will swear the more St. Austin saith They do no less Sin who blaspheme Christ now in Heaven than the Jews did who Crucified him upon Earth Swearers prophane Christs Blood and tear his Name An Harlot told her Husband that of her Three Sons there was but one of them his the Father dying desired the Executors to find out which was the true natural Son and all his Estate he bequeathed to him The Father being dead the Executors set up his Corps against a Tree and delivered to every one of these Three Sons a Bow and Arrows telling them that he who could shoot nearest the Fathers Heart should have all the Estate the Two Bastard Sons shot as near as they could to his Heart but the Third did feel nature so work in him that he refused to shoot at his Fathers Heart Whereupon the Executors judged him to be the true Son and gave all the Estate to him Such as are the true Children of God fear to shoot at him but such as are Bastards and not Sons care not though they shoot at him in Heaven with their Oaths and Curses And which makes Swearing yet more heinous is when Men have resolved upon any wicked Action they bind themselves with an Oath to do it such
Christ could not have prepared Mansions for us if he had not first purchased them by his Death So that we have a great deal of cause to commemorate Christ's Death in the Sacrament Quest. In what Manner are we to remember the Lord's Death in the Sacrament Answ. It is not only an Historical Remembrance of Christ's Death and Passion Thus Iudas remembers Christ's Death and how he betray'd him And Pilate remembers Christ ' Death and how he crucify'd him But our remembring Christ's Death in the Sacrament must be 1. A Mournful Remembrance We must not be able to look on Christ crucified with dry Eyes Zech. 12.10 They shall look on him whom they have pierced and mourn over him O Christian when thou lookest on Christ in the Sacrament remember how oft thou hast crucifyed him The Jews did it but once thou often Every Oath is a Nail with which thou piercest his Hands Every unjust sinful Action is a Spear with which thou woundest his Heart O remember Christ with Sorrow to think thou shouldst make his Wounds bleed afresh Mark XIV 22 23 24. Iesus took Bread c. 2. It must be a Ioyful Remembrance Iohn 8.56 Abraham saw my Day and rejoyced When a Christian sees a Sacrament Day approach he should rejoyce This Ordinance of the Supper is an Earnest of Heaven 't is the Glass in which we see him whom our Souls love It is the Chariot by which we are carried up to Christ. When Iacob saw the Waggons and Chariots which were to carry him to his Son Ioseph his Spirit revived Gen. 45.27 God hath appointed the Sac●●ment on purpose to chear and revive a sad Heart When we look on our Sins ●e have cause to mourn but when we see Christ's Blood shed for our Sins this may make us rejoyce In the Sacrament our Wants are supplyed our Strength is renewed Here we meet with Christ and doth not this call for Joy A Woman that hath been long debarred from the Society of her Husband how glad is she of his Presence At the Sacrament the believing Spouse meets with Christ He saith to her All I have is thine My Love is thine to pity thee my Mercy is thine to save thee How can we think in the Sacrament on Christ's Blood shed and not rejoyce Sanguis Christi clavis Paradisi Christ's Blood is the Key which opens Heaven else we had been all shut out 3. End of the Sacrament is to work in us an endeared Love to Christ. When Christ bleeds over us well may we say Behold how he loved us Who can see Christ die and not be Sick of Love That is an Heart of stone whom Christ's Love will not melt 4. End of the Sacrament the mortifying of Corruption To see Christ crucified for us is a means to crucify sin in us Christ's Death like the Water of Jealousie makes the Thigh of Sin to rot Numb 5.27 How can a Wife endure to see that Spear which killed her Husband How can we endure those sins which made Christ vail his Glory and lose his Blood When the People of Rome saw Caesar's bloody Robe they were incensed against them that slew him Sin hath rent the White Robe of Christ's Flesh and died it of a crimson Colour The Thoughts of this will make us seek to be avenged on our sins 5. End the Augmentation and Encrease of all the Graces Hope Zeal Patience The Word Preached begets Grace the Lord's Supper nourisheth it The Body by feeding encreaseth Strength so doth the Soul by feeding on Christ Sacramentally Cum defecerit virtus mea calicem salutarem accipiam Bern. When my spiritual strength begins to fail I know a Remedy saith Bernard I will go the Table of the Lord there I will drink and recover my decayed strength There is difference between Dead Stones and Living Plants The Wicked who are Stones receive no spiritual Encrease but the Godly who are Plants of Righteousness being watered with Christ's Blood grow more fruitful in Grace Quest. 4. Why are we to receive this Holy Supper Answ. Because it is a Duty incumbent Take Eat And observe it is a Command of Love If Christ had commanded us some great matter would not we have done it 2 Kings 5.13 If the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not have done it If Christ had enjoyned us to have given him a Thousand of Rams or to have parted with the Fruit of our Bodies would we not have done it Much more when he only saith Take and Eat Let my broken Body feed you let my Blood poured out save you Take and Eat This is a Command of Love and shall we not readily obey 2. We are to celebrate the Lord's Supper because it is a provoking to Christ to stay away Prov. 9.2 Wisdom hath furnished her Table So Christ hath furnished his Table set Bread and Wine representing his Body and Blood before his Guests and they wilfully turn their Backs upon the Ordinance Christ looks upon it as a slighting of his Love and that makes the Fury rise up in his Face Luke 14.24 For I say unto you that none of those that were bidden shall taste of my Supper I will shut them out of my Kingdom I will provide them a black Banquet where weeping shall be the first Course and gnashing of Teeth the Second Quest. 5. Whether the Lord's Supper be oft to be Administred Resp. Yes 1 Cor. 11.26 As oft as ye eat of this Bread The Ordinance is not to be celebrated once in a Year or once in our Lives but often A Christians own Necessities may make him come often hither His Corruptions are strong therefore he had need come often hither for an Antidote to expell the Poyson of Sin and his Graces are weak Grace is like a Lamp if it be not often fed with Oyl it is apt to go out How therefore do they sin against God who come but very seldom to this Ordinance Can they thrive who for a long time forbear their Food And others there are who do wholly forbear This is a great Contempt offered to Christ's Ordinance Men do as it were tacitly say Let Christ keep his Feast to himself What a cross-grain'd piece is Man he will Eat when he should not and he will not eat when he should When God said Eat not of this forbidden Fruit then he will be sure to eat When God saith Eat of this Bread and Drink of this Cup then he refuseth to eat Quest. 6. Are all to come promiscuously to this Holy Ordinance Resp. No that were to make the Lord's Table an Ordinary Christ forbids to cast Pearls before Swine The Sacramental Bread is Children's Bread and it is not to be cast to the Profane As at the giving of the Law God set Bounds about the Mount that none might touch it So God's Table should be guarded that the Profane should not come near In the Primitive Times after Sermon done and they were going to
as sure to go to Heaven as if he were in Heaven already These are the Reasons why we must examin our selves before we approach to the Lord's Table Quest. 5. What must we Examine Answ. 1. Our Sins 2. Our Graces First Our Sins Search if any dead Fly might spoil this sweet Oyntment When we come to the Sacrament we should do as the Jews did before the Passover they searched for Leaven and having found it did burn it 1. Let us search for the Leaven of Pride This sowres our Holy things We are born with a Spiritual Tympany Will an humble Christ be received into a Proud Heart Pride keeps Christ out Intus existens prohibet alienum Pride swells the Heart and Christ cannot come into the Heart if it be full already To a proud Man Christ's Blood hath no Vertue 't is like Dioscordium put into a dead Man's Mouth which loseth its Vertue Let us search for this Leaven of Pride and cast it away 2. Let us search for the Levaen of Avarice The Lord's Supper is a Spiritual Mystery it represents Christ's Body and Blood what should an earthly Heart do here The Earth puts out the Fire Earthliness quencheth the Fire of holy Love The Earth is Elementum Gravissimum it cannot ascend A Soul belimed with Earth cannot ascend to Heavenly Cogitations Col. 3.5 Covetousness which is Idolatry Will Christ come into that Heart where there is an Idol Search for this Leaven before you come to this Ordinance How can an earthly Heart converse with that God which is a Spirit Can a Clod of Earth kiss the Sun 3. Search for the Leaven of Hypocrisie Luke 12.1 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees which is Hypocrisie Aquinas describes it Simulatio Virtutis Hypocrisie is a counterfeiting of Vertue The Hypocrite is a living Pageant he only makes a show of Religion He gives God his Knee but no Heart and God gives him Bread and Wine in the Sacrament but no Christ. Oh let us search for this Leaven of Hypocrisie and burn it Secondly We must examine our Graces I shall instance only in one Our Knowledge 1. Whether we have Knowledge 2. Whether it be rightly Qualified 1. We are to examine whether we have Knowledge else we cannot give God a reasonable Service Rom. 12.1 Knowledge is a necessary Requisite in a Communicant Without Knowledge there can be no Fitness for the Sacrament A Person cannot be fit to come to the Lord's Table who hath no Goodness but without Knowledge the Mina is not good Prov. 19.2 Some say they have good Hearts tho they want Knowledge As if one should say His Eye is good but it wants Sight Under the Law when the Plague of Leprosie was in a Man's Head the Priest was to pronounce him unclean The ignorant Person hath the Plague in his Head he is unclean Ignorance is the Womb of Lust 1 Pet. 1.14 Therefore it is requisite before we come to Examine our selves what Knowledge we have in the main Fundamentals of Religion Let it not be said of us that to this Day the Vail is upon our Heart 2 Cor. 3.15 But sure in this Intelligent Age we cannot but have some Insight into the Mysteries of the Gospel I rather fear we are like Rachel who was fair and well-sighted but barren Therefore 2. Let us examine whether our Knowledge be rightly Qualified 1. Is it Influential Doth our Knowledge warm our Heart Claritas in intellectu parit ardorem in affectu Saving Knowledge doth not only direct but quicken 'T is Lumen Vitae the Light of Life Iohn 8.12 2. Is our Knowledge Practical We hear much do we live the Truths we know That is the right Knowledge which doth not only adorn the Mind but reform the Life Secondly This solemn preparing for the Sacrament as it consists in examining our selves so in dressing our Souls before we come And this Soul-dress is in two things 1. Washing in the Laver of Repenting Tears To come to this Ordinance with the Guilt of any sin unrepented of makes way for the further hardening of our Heart and giving Satan fuller possession of us Zech. 12.10 They shall look upon me whom they have pierced and shall mourn for him The Cloud of Sorrow must drop into Tears We must grieve as for the Pollution so for the Vnkindness in every sin To sin against Christ's Love who died for us When Peter thought of Christ's Love who call'd him out of his Unregeneracy made him an Apostle and carried him up to the Mount of Transfiguration where he saw the Glory of Heaven in a Vision and then to think of his Denying Christ it broke his Heart he wept bitterly Matth. 26.75 To think before we come to a Sacrament of our sins against the Bowel-Mercies of God the Father the bleeding Wounds of God the Son the blessed Inspirations of God the Holy Ghost it is enough to broach our Eyes with Tears and put us into an Holy Agony of Grief and Compunction And we must be so distressed for sin as to be divorced from sin The Serpent before he drinks casts up his Poyson In this we must be wise as Serpents before we drink of the Sacramental Cup we must cast up the Poyson of sin by Repentance Ille verè plangit commissa qui non committit plangenda He doth truly bewail the sins he hath committed who doth not commit the sins he hath bewailed And this is the Dressing our Souls before we come washing in the Waters of true Rpentance 2. The Soul-dress is the exciting and stirring up the Habit of Grace into a lively Exercise 2 Tim. 1.6 I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the Gift of God which is in thee i. e. The Gifts and Graces of the Spirit The Greek Word to stir up 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to blow up Grace into a Flame Grace is oft like Fire in the Embers which needs blowing up It is possible that even a good Man may not come so well disposed to this Ordinance because he hath not before taken pains with his Heart to come in Due Order He hath not stirred up Grace into its vigorous Exercise and so tho he doth not eat and drink Damnation yet he doth not receive Consolation in the Sacrament Thus you see what this Dressing of our Souls is before we come Thirdly This Solemn preparing for the Sacrament is in begging a Blessing upon the Ordinance The Sacrament is not like Physick which hath an inherent operative Vertue No but the Efficacy of the Sacrament depends upon the Co-operation of the Spirit and a Word of Blessing In the Institution Christ blessed the Elements Iesus took Bread and blessed it In the Text the Sacrament will no further do us good then as it is blessed to us We ought then before we come to pray for a Blessing on the Ordinance that the Sacrament may be not only a Sign to represent but a Seal to confirm and an Instrument to convey
the power of Godliness cannot say God is their Father they may say Our Father which art in Hell Well then how may we know that God is our Father Resp. 1. By having a Filial disposition This is in four things 1. To melt in tears for Sin A Child weeps for offending his Father When Christ looked on Peter and he remembred his Sin in denying Christ he fell a weeping Clemens Alexandrinus reports of Peter he never heard a Cock crow but he wept This is a sign God is our Father When the heart of stone is taken away and there is a gracious thaw in the heart it melts in tears for Sin and he who hath a Child-like heart mourns for Sin in a Spiritual manner as it is Sin He grieves for it 1. As it is an Act of Pollution Sin deflours the Virgin-Soul it defaceth Gods Image it turns beauty into deformity 't is called the plague of the heart 1 Kings 8.38 It is the spirits of evil distilled A Child of God mourns for the defilement of Sin Sin hath a blacker aspect than Hell 2. He who hath a Child-like heart grieves for Sin as 't is an Act of Enmity Sin is diametrically opposite to God It is called a walking contrary to God Lev. 26.40 If they shall confess their iniquity and that they have walked contrary to me Sin doth all it can to spight God If God be of one mind Sin will be of another Sin would not only unthrone God but it strikes at his very Being if Sin could help it God should be no longer God A Child-like heart grieves for this O saith he that I should have so much enmity in me that my Will should be no more subdued to the Will of my Heavenly Father this springs a leak of godly sorrow 3. A Child-like heart weeps for Sin as it is an Act of Ingratitude Sin is an abuse of Gods Love it is a taking the Jewels of Gods Mercies and making use of them to sin God hath done more for his Children than others he hath planted his grace and given them some intimations of his favour and to sin against kindness dyes a sin in grain and makes it Crimson Like Absalom as soon as his Father kissed him and took him into favour plotted Treason against him Nothing so melts a Child-like heart in tears as sins of unkindness O that I should sin against the Blood of a Saviour and the Bowels of a Father I condemn ingratitude in my Child yet I am guilty of ingratitude against my Heavenly Father This opens a vein of godly sorrow and makes the heart bleed afresh certainly this evidenceth God to be our Father when he hath given us this Child-like frame of heart to weep for sin as it is sin an act of Pollution Enmity Ingratitude A wicked Man may mourn for the bitter Fruit of Sin but only a Child of God can grieve for the odious Nature of Sin 2. A Filial or Child-like disposition is to be full of sympathy We lay to heart the dishonours reflected upon our Heavenly Father when we see Gods Worship adulterated his Truth mingled with the poyson of Errour it is as a Sword in our Bones to see Gods Glory suffer Psal. 119.158 I beheld the transgressors and was grieved Homer describing Agamemnons grief when he was forced to sacrifice his Daughter Iphigenia brings in all his Friends weeping and condoling with him so when God is dishonoured we sympathize and are as it were clad in mourning A Child that hath any good Nature is cut to the heart to hear his Father reproached An Heir of Heaven takes a dishonour done to God more heinous than a disgrace done to himself 3. A Filial disposition is to love our Heavenly Father He is unnatural that doth not love his Father God who is crown'd with excellency is the proper object of delight and every true Child of God saith as Peter Lord thou knowest that I love thee But who will not say he loves God If ours be a true genuine love to our Heavenly Father it may be known 1. By the effects 1. Then we have an holy fear There is a fear which ariseth from love to God that is we fear the loss of the visible tokens of Gods presence 1 Sam. 4.13 Elies heart trembled for the Ark. It is not said his heart trembled for his two Sons Hophni and Phinchas but his heart trembled for the Ark because the Ark was the special sign of Gods Presence and if that were taken the Glory was departed He who loves his Heavenly Father fears least the tokens of his Presence should be removed least Profaneness should break in like a flood least Popery should get head and God should go from a people The presence of God in his Ordinances is the glory and strength of a Nation The Trojans had the Image of Pallas and they had an opinion that as long as that Image was preserved among them they should never be conquered So long as Gods presence is with a people so long they are safe Every true Child of God fears least God should go and the glory depart Try by this whether we have a Filial disposition Do we love God and doth this love cause fear and jealousie Are we afraid least we should lose Gods presence Least the Sun of Righteousness remove out of our Horizon Many are afraid least they should lose some of their Worldly profits but not least they lose the presence of God If they may have Peace and Trading they care not what becomes of the Ark of God A true Child of God fears nothing so much as the loss of his Fathers presence Hos. 9.12 Wo to them when I depart from them 2. Love to our Heavenly Father is seen by loving his Day Isa. 58.13 If thou call the Sabbath a delight The Antients called this Regina Dierum the Queen of Days If we love our Father in Heaven we spend this day in Devotion in Reading Hearing Meditating On this day Manna falls double God sanctified the Sabbath He made all the other days in the Week but he hath sanctified this day this day he hath crown'd with a Blessing 3. Love to our Heavenly Father is seen by loving his Children 1 Iohn 5.1 Every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him If we love God the more we see of God in any the more we love them we love them though they are poor A Child loves to see his Fathers picture though hung in a mean frame we love the Children of our Father though they are persecuted 2 Tim. 1.16 Onesiphorus was not ashamed of my chain Constantine did kiss the hole of Paphnusius's eye because he suffered the loss of his eye for Christ. It appears they have no love to God who have no love to his Children they care not for their company they have a secret disgust and antipathy against them Hipocrites pretend great reverence to the Saints departed they canonize
dead Saints but persecute living I may say of these as the Apostle Heb. 12.8 They are bastards not sons 4. Effect of love if we love our Heavenly Father then we will be Advocates for him and stand up in the defence of his Truth He who loves his Father will plead for him when he is traduced and wronged He hath no Child-like heart no love to God who can hear Gods name dishonoured and be silent Doth Christ appear for us in Heaven and are we afraid to appear for him on Earth Such as dare not own God and Religion in times of danger God will be ashamed to be called their God it would be a reproach to him to have such Children as will not own him 2. A Child-like love to God is known as by the Effects so by the Degree it is a superiour love We love our Father in Heaven above all other things above Estate or Relations as Oyl runs above the Water Psal. 73.25 A Child of God seeing a super eminency of Goodness and a constellation of all Beauties in God he is carried out in love to him in the highest measure As God gives his Children such a love as he doth not bestow upon the wicked electing love so Gods Children give God such a love as they bestow upon none else adoring love they give him the flower and spirits of their love they love him with a love joyned with worship this spiced Wine they keep only for their Father to drink of Cant. 8.2 4. A Child-like disposition is seen in honouring our Heavenly Father Mal. 1.6 A Son honoureth his Father Quest. How 〈◊〉 show our honour to our Father in Heaven Resp. 1. By having a reverential awe of God upon us Lev. 25.17 Thou shalt fear thy God This reverential fear of God is when we dare do nothing that he hath forbidden in his Word Gen. 39.9 How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God It is the part of the honour a Son gives to his Father he fears to displease him 2. We show our honour to our Heavenly Father by doing all we can to exalt God and make his Excellencies shine forth though we cannot lift up God higher in Heaven yet we may lift him higher in our hearts and in the esteem of others When we speak well of God set forth his renown display the trophies of his goodness when we ascribe the glory of all we do to God when we are the trumpeters of Gods praise this is an honouring our Father in Heaven and a certain sign of a Child-like heart Psal. 50.23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me 2. We may know God is our Father by our resembling of him The Child is his Fathers Picture Iudg. 8.18 Each one resembled the children of a King Every Child of God resembles the King of Heaven herein Gods adopting Children and Mans differ A Man adopts one for his Son and Heir that doth not at all resemble him but whosoever God adopts for his Child is like him he not only bears his Heavenly Fathers Name but Image Col. 3.10 And have put on the new man which is renewed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 after the image of him that created him He who hath God for his Father resembles God in Holiness Holiness is the glory of the Godhead Exod. 15.11 The Holiness of God is the intrinsick Purity of his Essence He who hath God for his Father partakes of the Divine Nature though not of the Divine Essence yet of the Divine Likeness As the Seal sets its print and likeness upon the Wax so he who hath God for his Father hath the print and effigies of his Holiness stamped upon him Psal. 106.16 Aaron the Saint of the Lord. Wicked Men desire to be like God hereafter in glory but do not affect to be like him here in grace they give it out to the World that God is their Father yet have nothing of God to be seen in them they are unclean they not only want his Image but hate it 3. We may know God is our Father by having his Spirit in us 1. By having the intercession of the Spirit 'T is a Spirit of Prayer Gal. 4.6 Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Prayer is the Souls breathing it self into the bosom of its Heavenly Father None of Gods Children are born dumb implet Spiritus sanctus organum suum tanquam Pila chordarum tangit Spiritus Dei corda sanctorum Prosper Acts 9.11 Behold he prayeth But it is not every Prayer evidenceth Gods Spirit in us Such as have no grace may excel in gifts and affect the hearts of others in Prayer when their own hearts are not affected As the Lute makes a sweet sound in the ears of others but it self is not sensible how therefore shall we know our Prayers are indited by Gods Spirit and so he is our Father Resp. 1. When they are not only Vocal but Mental when there are not only gifts but groans Rom. 8.26 The best Musick is in consort the best Prayer is when the heart and tongue joyn together in consort 2. When they are zealous and fervent Iam. 5.16 The effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous man availeth much The eyes melt in Prayer the heart burns Fervency is to Prayer as Fire to the Incense it makes it ascend to Heaven as a sweet perfume 3. When Prayer hath Faith sprinkled in it Prayer is the Key of Heaven and Faith is the hand that turns it Rom. 8.15 We cry Abba Father We cry there is fervency in Prayer Abba Father there is Faith Those Prayers suffer shipwrack which dash upon the rock of unbelief Thus we may know God is our Father by having his Spirit praying in us As Christ intercedes above so the Spirit intercedes within 2. By having the renewing of the Spirit which is nothing else but Regeneration which is called a being born of the Spirit Iohn 3.5 This regenerating work of the Spirit is a transformation or change of Nature Rom. 12.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind He who is born of God hath a new heart New not for substance but for qualities The strings of a Viol may be the same but the Tune is altered Before this Regeneration there are Spiritual Pangs much heart-breaking for Sin Regeneration is called a circumcising of the heart Col. 2.11 In Circumcising there was pain in the flesh so in this Spiritual Circumcision there is pain in the heart there is much sorrow arising from the sense of guilt and wrath The Jaylors trembling Acts 16.30 was a pang in the new birth Gods Spirit is a Spirit of Bondage before it be a Spirit of Adoption This blessed work of Regeneration spreads over the whole Soul it irradiates the Mind it consecrates the Heart and reforms the Life Though Regeneration be but in part it is in every part 1 Thess. 5.23 Regeneration is the signature
his Son Doth God command Parents to instruct their Children Leut. 4.10 and will not he instruct his Isa. 48.17 I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit Psal. 71.17 O God thou hast taught me from my youth If God be our Father he will give us the teachings of his Spirit The natural man receives not the things of God neither can he know them 1 Cor. 2.14 The Natural Man may have excellent notions in Divinity but God must teach us to know the Mysteries of the Gospel after a Spiritual manner A Man may see the figures upon a Dyal but he cannot tell how the day goes unless the Sun shine We may read many Truths in the Bible but we cannot know them savingly till God by his Spirit shine upon our Soul God teacheth not only our Ear but our Heart he not only informs our Mind but inclines our Will we never learn till God teach us If God be our Father he will teach us how to order our affairs with discretion Psalm 112.5 how to carry our selves wisely 1 Sam. 18.5 David behaved himself wisely he will teach us what to answer when we are brought before Governours he will put words into our mouths Matth. 10.18 19 20. Ye shall be brought before Governours and Kings for my sake but take no thought how or what ye shall speak For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you 2. If God be our Father then he hath Bowels of Affection towards us If it be so unnatural for a Father not to love his Child can we think God will be defective in his Love All the affections of Parents come from God but a spark from his flame He is the Father of Mercies 2 Cor. 1.3 he begets all the Mercies and Bowels in the Creature His Love to his Children is a Love which passeth knowledge Eph. 3.19 it exceeds all dimensions it is higher than Heaven it is broader than the Sea That you may see Gods Fatherly Love to his Children 1. Consider God makes a precious valuation of them Isa. 43.4 Since thou wast precious in my sight A Father prizeth his Child above his Jewels their names are precious for they have Gods own name written upon them Rev. 3.12 I will write upon him the name of my God Their Prayers are a precious perfume their Tears God bottles Psal. 56.8 God esteems his Children as a Crown of glory in his hand Isa. 62.3 2. God loves the places they were born in the better for their sakes Psal. 87.6 Of Sion it shall be said this man was born there this and that Believer was born there God loves the ground his Children tread upon Hence Iudea the seat of Gods Children and Chosen God calls a delightsome Land Mal. 3.12 It was not only pleasant for Scituation and Fruitfulness but because Gods Children who were his Hephsibab or Delight lived there 3. He chargeth the great ones of the World not to prejudice his Children their Persons are sacred Psal. 105.14 He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved Kings for their sakes saying Touch not mine anointed By Anointed is meant the Children of the High God who have the Unction of the Spirit and are set apart for God 4. God delights in their company he loves to see their Countenance and hear their Voice Cant. 2.14 he cannot refrain long from their company Let but two or three of his Children meet and pray together he will be sure to be among them Matth. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name I am in the midst of them 5. God bears his Children in his Bosom as a nursing Father doth the sucking Child Numb 11.12 Isa. 46.4 To be carried in Gods Bosom shows how near his Children lye to his Heart 6. God is full of sollicitous care for them 1 Pet. 5.7 He careth for you His eye is still upon them they are never out of his thoughts A Father cannot always take care for his Child he sometimes is asleep but God is a Father that never sleeps Psal. 121.4 He neither slumbereth nor sleepeth 7. He thinks nothing too good to part with to his Children He gives them the Kidneys of the Wheat and Honey out of the Rock and Wine on the Lees well refined Isa. 25.6 He gives them three Jewels more worth than Heaven the Blood of his Son the Grace of his Spirit the Light of his Countenance Never was there such an indulgent affectionate Father 8. If God hath one Love better than other he bestows it upon them they have the cream and quintessence of his Love He will rejoyce over thee he will rest in his love Zeph. 3.17 God loves his Children with such a love as he loves Christ Iohn 17.26 it is the same love for the unchangeableness of it God will no more cease to love his Adopted Sons then he will to love his Natural Son 3. If God be our Father he will be full of sympathy Psal. 103.13 As a Father pityeth his Children so the Lord pityeth them that fear him Ier. 31.20 Is Ephraim my dear Son my bowels are troubled for him God pityes his Children in Two Cases 1. In Case of Infirmities 2. Injuries 1. In Case of Infirmities If the Child be deformed or hath any ●odily distemper the Father pityes it If God be our Father he pityes our weaknesses and he so pityes them as to heal them Isa. 57.18 I have seen his wayes and will heal him As God hath Bowels to pity so he hath Balsam to heal 2. In Case of Injuries Every blow of the Child goes to the Fathers heart when the Saints suffer God doth sympathize Isa. 63.9 In all their afflictions he was afflicted He did as it were bleed in their Wounds Saul Saul why persecutest thou me When the foot was trod on the head cryed out Iudg. 10.16 Gods Soul was grieved for the children of Israel As when one string in a Lute is touched all the rest of the strings sound When Gods Children are stricken his Bowels sound Zach. 2.8 He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of my eye 4. If God be our Father he will take notice of the least good he sees in us if there be but a sigh for Sin God hears it Psal. 38.9 My groaning is not hid from thee if there be but a penitential tear comes out of our eye God sees it Isa. 38.5 I have seen thy tears If there be but a good intention God takes notice 1 Kings 8.18 Whereas it was in thy heart to build an house to my name thou didst well that it was in thine heart God punisheth intentional wickedness and crowns intentional goodness Thou didst well that it was in thy heart God takes notice of the least scintilla the least spark of grace in his Children 1 Pet. 3.6 Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord. The Holy Ghost doth not mention Sarahs unbelief or laughing at the Promise he puts a finger upon
of his people he gives them more than they ask as Hannah asked a Son and God gave her not only a Son but a Prophet Solomon asked Wisdom and God gave him not only Wisdom but Riches and Honour besides Iacob prayed that God would but give him Food and Rayment and the Lord encreased his Pilgrims staff into two ●ands Gen. 32.10 God is oft better to us than our Prayers as when Gehazi asked but one Talent Naaman would needs force two upon him 2 Kings 5.23 We ask one Talent of Mercy and God gives two Talents The Woman of Canaan asked but a crumb namely to have the life of her Child and Christ gave her more he sent her home with the life of her Soul 7. The great success the Prayer of Faith hath found like Ionathans bow it hath not returned empty Vocula pater dicta in corde saith Luther This little word Father pronounced in Faith hath overcome God Gen. 32.11 Deliver me I pray thee and this was mixed with Faith in the promise ver 12. Thou sai●st I will surely do thee good and this Prayer had power with God and prevailed Hos. 12.4 the Prayer of Faith hath opened prison doors stop'd the chariot of the Sun lock'd and unlock'd Heaven Iam. 5.17 the Prayer of Faith hath strangled the plots of enemies in the birth it hath routed their forces Moses Prayer against Amalek did more than Ioshuas sword and may not this hearten and corroborate Faith in Prayer 8. If all this will not prevail consider how heartless and comfortless it is to pray and not in Faith The heart misgives secretly God doth not hear nor will he grant Faithless praying must needs be comfortless for there is no promise made to unbelieving Prayer 'T is sad sailing where there is no anchoring and sad praying where there is no promise to anchor upon Iam. 1.7 The Disciples toyl'd all night and caught nothing the Unbeliever toyls in Prayer and catcheth nothing he receives not any Spiritual Blessings pardon of Sin or Grace As for the Temporal Mercies the Unbeliever hath he cannot look upon them as the fruit of Prayer but as the over-flowings and spillings of Gods bounty Oh therefore labour to exert and put forth Faith in Prayer Object But there is so much sin cleaves to my Prayer that I fear it is not the Prayer of Faith and God will not hear it Resp. If thou mournest for this it hinders not but that thy Prayer may be in Faith and God may hear it Weakness in Prayer shall not make void the Saints Prayers Psal. 31.22 I said in my hast I am cut off There was much unbelief in this Prayer I said in my hast 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in my trembling Davids Faith did tremble and faint yet God heard his prayer The Saints passions do not hinder the Saints prayers Iam. 5.17 therefore be not discouraged though sin will cleave to thy holy offering yet these two things may comfort thou mayest pray with Faith though with weakness and God sees the sincerity and will pass by the infirmity Quest. How shall we do to pray in Faith Answ. Implore the Spirit of God We cannot say Our Father but by the Holy Ghost Gods Spirit helps us not only to pray with sighs and groans but with Faith The Spirit carries us to God not only as to a Creator but a Father Gal. 4.6 He hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Crying there the Spirit causeth us to pray with fervency Abba Father there the Spirit helps us to pray with Faith Prayer is the key of Heaven the Spirit helps Faith to turn this key and then it unlocks Heaven MATTH vi 9 Hallowed be thy Name HAving spoken of the Introduction to the Lords Prayer After this manner pray ye and the Preface Our Father which art in Heaven I come now Thirdly to the Prayer it self which consists of seven Petitions A short body of Divinity is contained in them I begin with the first Petition I. Hallowed be thy Name In the Latin it is sanctificetur nomen tuum sanctified be thy Name In this Petition Hallowed be thy Name we pray that Gods Name may shine forth gloriously and that it may be honoured and sanctified by us in the whole course and tenour of our Lives It was the Angels song Glory be to God in the highest that i● let his name be glorified and hallowed This Petition Hallowed be thy Name is set in the fore front to show that the hallowing of Gods Name is to be preferred before all other things 1. It is to be preferred before Life we pray Hallowed be thy Name before we pray Give us this day our daily bread 2. It is to be preferred before Salvation Rom. 9.1 Gods Glory is more worth than the Salvation of all Mens Souls As Christ said of love Matth. 22.37 This is the first and great Commandment so I may say of this Petition Hallowed be thy Name it is the first and great Petition it contains the most weighty thing in Religion Gods Glory When some of the other Petitions shall be useless and out of date we shall not need pray in Heaven Give us our daily bread because there shall be no hunger nor Forgive us our trespasses because there shall be no sin nor Lead us not into temptation because the Old Serpent is not there to tempt Yet the hallowing of Gods Name shall be in great use and request in Heaven we shall be ever singing Hallelujahs which is nothing else but the hallowing of Gods Name Every Person in the Blessed Trinity God the Father Son and Holy Ghost must have this honour to be Hallowed their Glory being equal and their Majesty co-eternal Hallowed be thy Name To admire Gods Name is not enough we may admire a Conquerour but when we say Hallowed be thy Name we set Gods Name above every Name and not only admire him but adore him and this is proper only to the Deity For the further explication I shall propound Three Questions 1. What is meant by Gods Name 2. What is meant by hallowing Gods Name 3. When may we be said to hallow or sanctifie Gods Name Quest. 1. What is meant by Gods Name Resp. 1. By Gods Name is meant his Essence Psal. 20.1 The name of the God of Iacob defend thee that is the God of Iacob defend thee 2. By Gods Name is meant any thing by which God may be known as a Man is known by his Name Gods Name is his Attributes Wisdom Power Holiness Goodness by these God is known as by his Name Quest. 2. What is meant by hallowing of Gods Name Resp. To hallow is a communi separare to set apart a thing from the common use to some sacred end As the Vessels of the Sanctuary were said to be hallowed so to hallow Gods Name is to set it apart from all abuses and to use it holily and reverendly In particular Hallowing of Gods Name is to
temptation Satan is not yet fully east into Prison but is like a Prisoner that goes under bail he walks about tempting he labours to trappan us into sin he is either laying of snares or shooting of darts Stat in procinctu Diabolus He laid a train of temptation to blow up the castle of Iobs Faith This is a great grief to a Believer to be followed with temptations to sin as it is for a Virgin to have her Chastity assaulted but in the Kingdom of Heaven the Saints shall be freed from the Red Dragon he is cast out of Paradise and shall be for ever lock'd up in Chains Iude 6 7. In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from all vexing cares The Greek word for care 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comes from a Primitive that signifies to cut the heart in pieces Care discruciates the Mind it wasts the Spirits it eats out the comfort of Life Care is an evil spirit that haunts us Care to prevent future dangers and preserve present co 〈…〉 all care is full of fear and fear is full of torment 1 Iohn 4.18 God threatens it as a Judgment Ezek. 12.19 They shall eat their bread with carefulness Every Comfort hath its Care as every Rose its Prickle but in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall shake off this viper of Care What needs a Saint glorified to take any Care who hath all things provided to his hand There is the Tree of Life bearing all sorts of Fruit. When the Heart shall be freed from Sin the Head shall be freed from Care 8. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all Doubts and Scruples In this Life the best Saint hath his doubtings as the brightest Star its twinkling If there were no doubtings there would be no unbelief Assurance it self doth not exclude all doubting Psal. 26.3 Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes but at another time Psal. 89.49 Lord where are thy former loving kindnesses A Christian is like a Ship at Anchor which though it be safe yet it may sometimes be tossed upon the Water Sometimes a Christian questions his interest in Christ and his title to the Promise and these doubtings as they eclipse a Christians Comfort so they are a bearing false witness against the Spirit But when the Saints shall come into the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no more doubtings then a Christian shall say as Peter Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath sent his Angel and delivered me Acts 12.11 So now I know that I am passed from Death to Life now I am got beyond all Rocks I have shot the gulph now I am in my Saviours embraces for ever 9. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all society with the Wicked Here we are forced sometime to be in their company Psal. 120.5 Wo is me that I dwell in Mesech and sojourn in the tents of Kedar Kedar was Ishmaels Son whose Children dwelt in Arabia a profane barbarous People Here the Wicked are still raising Persecutions against the Godly and crucifying their eares with their Oaths and Curses Christs Lilly is among Thorns but in the Heavenly Kingdom there shall be no more any pricking bryar Matth. 13.41 The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend As Moses said Exod. 14.13 Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them again no more for ever So will God say Stand still and see the Salvation of God these your enemies that vex and molest you you shall see them again no more for ever At that day God will separate the precious from the vile then Christ will throughly purge his Floor he will gather the Wheat into the Garner and the Wicked which are the Chaff shall be blown into Hell 10. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all signs of Gods displeasure Here God may be angry with his People Though he hath the heart of a Father he may have the look of an enemy this is sad As when the Sun is gone the Dew falls when the Light of Gods Face is gone Tears drop from the Saints Eyes but in the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no spiritual eclipses there shall never appear any tokens of Gods displeasure the Saints shall have a constant aspect of Love from God they shall never complain any more as Cant. 5.6 My beloved hath withdrawn himself 11. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all Divisions That which is the saddest thing in the World is to see divisions among them that are good 'T is sad that such as have one Faith yet should not be of one Heart Ephraim envies Iudah and Iudah vexeth Ephraim 'T is matter of tears to see those who are united to Christ to be divided one from another The Soldiers spear pierced Christs side but the divisions of Saints wound his heart but in the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no vilifying one another or censuring Those who before could hardly pray together shall praise God together there shall not be one jarring string in the Saints Musick 12. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from Vanity and Dissatisfaction What Solomon saith of Wisdom Iob 28.14 The depth saith it is not in me and the sea saith it is not with me The same may I say concerning satisfaction every Creature faith It is not in me Take things most pleasing and which we promise our selves most content from still out the Spirits and purest Quintessence of them and we shall say as he did Eccles. 2.11 And behold all was vanity God never did or will put a satisfying vertue into any Creature In the sweetest musick the World makes either there is some string wanting or out of tune Who would have thought that Haman who was so great in the Kings favour He set his seat above all the princes of the provinces Esther 3.1 yet for want of the bowing of a knee he was dissatisfied but in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from these dissatisfactions The World is like a Landskip you may see Gardens and Fruit-trees curiously drawn in the Landskip but you cannot enter into them but you may enter into the Joyes of Heaven Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord the Soul shall be satisfied while it bathes in those rivers of pleasure at Gods Right-hand I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness Psal. 17.15 Thus you see what the Kingdom of Glory implyes Namely A Blessed Freedom from all Evil. 13. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from the Torments of Hell 1 Thess. 1.10 Iesus which delivered us from the wrath to come 1. The multiplicity of these Torments In this Life the Body is usually exercised but with one pain the Stone or Head-ache but in Hell there is a diversity of Torments there is Darkness
Second Birth added to the First Ioh. 3.3 It may be thus described It is a Supernatural Work of God's Spirit renewing and transforming the Heart into the Divine Likeness 1. The efficient Cause of the New Creature is the Holy Ghost no Angel or Archangel is able to produce it Who but God can alter the Hearts of Men and turn Stones into Flesh If the New Creature were not produced by the Holy Ghost then the greatest Glory in a Man's Conversion would belong to himself but this Glory God will not give to another the turning of the Will to God is from God Ier. 31.19 After I was turned I repented 2. The Organical Cause or Instrument by which the New-Creature is formed is the Word of God Iam. 1.18 Of his own Will begat he us by the Word of Truth The Word is the Seed out of which springs the Flower of the New-Creature 3. The Matter of which the New-Creature consists is the restoring God's Image lost by the Fall Quest. But doth God in the New Creature give a new Soul Answ. No he doth not bestow new Faculties but new Qualities as in the altering of a Lute the Strings are not new but the Tune is mended So in the New Creature the substance of the Soul is not new but is new tun'd by Grace the Heart that before was Proud is now Humble the Eyes that before were full of Lust are now full of Tears Here are new Qualities infused II. What a kind of Work the New Creature is I. The New Creature is a Work of Divine Power so much it imports because it is a Creation The same Power which raised Christ from the Grave goes to the production of the New Creature Eph. 1.20 It is a Work of greater Power to produce the New Creature than to make a World 'T is true in respect of God all things are alike possible to him But as to our apprehension it requires a greater Power to make a new Creature than to make a World For 1. When God made the World he met with no opposition but when God is about to make the New Creature he meets with opposition Satan opposeth him and the Heart opposeth him 2. It cost God nothing to make the World but to make the New Creature costs him something Christ himself was fain to become Man In making the World it was but speaking a Word but in making of the New Creature it cost Christ the shedding of his Blood 3. God made the World in six Days but he is carrying on the New Creature in us all our Lives long The New Creature is but begun here it is not perfected or drawn in all its Orient Colours till it come to Heaven II. The New Creature is a Work of Free Grace There is nothing in us to move God to make us anew by Nature we are full of Pollution and Enmity yet now God forms the New Creature Behold the Banner of Love displayed The New Creature may say By the Grace of God I am what I am In the Creation we may see the Strength of God's Arm in the New Creature we may see the Working of God's Bowels That God should Consecrate any Heart and Anoint it with Grace is an Act of pure Love That he should pluck one out of the State of Nature and not another must be resolved into Free Grace Matth. 11.26 Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight This will increase the Saints Triumphs in Heaven that the Lot of Free Grace should fall upon them and not on others 3. The New Creature is a Work of rare Excellency A Natural Man is a lump of Earth and Sin God loaths him Zach. 11.8 But upon the New Creature is a Spiritual Glory As if we should see a piece of Clay turned into a sparkling Diamond Cant. 3.16 Who is this that cometh out of the Wilderness like Pillars of Smoak perfumed with Myrrhe and Frankincense That is the Natural Man coming out of the Wilderness of Sin perfumed with all the Graces of the Spirit The New Creature must needs be Glorious for it partakes of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 A Soul beautified with Holiness is like the Firmament bespangled with glittering Stars It is God's lesser Heaven Isa. 57.15 In the Incarnation God made himself in the Image of Man in the New Creation Man is made in the Image of God By our being Creatures we are the Sons of Adam by being New Creatures we are the Members of Christ. Reason makes one live the Life of a Man the New Creature makes him live the Life of God A New Creature excells the rational Nature and equals the Angelical It is excellent to hear of Christ's being Crucified for us but more excellent to have Christ formed in us Concerning the New Creature I shall lay down Two Positions 1 Posit That it is not in the Power of a Natural Man to convert himself because it is a New Creation As we cannot make our selves Creatures so not New Creatures Quest. But why doth God command us to convert our selves if we have no Power Ezek. 18.31 Make you a New Heart Answ. 1. We once had Power God gave us a Stock of Holiness but we lost it If a Master give his Servant Money to imploy in his Service and he wastes and imbezles it may not the Master require the Money of him Though we have lost our Power to Obey God hath not lost his Right to Command 2. Though Men cannot convert themselves and make themselves new Creatures yet they may do more than they do in a tendency to it they may avoid Temptations they may read the Word the same Feet that carry them to a Play will carry them to a Sermon they may implore Divine Grace but they do not what they are able they do not improve the Power of Nature to the utmost and put God to the Trial whether he will give Grace 3. God is not wanting to them who seek to him for Grace Deus volentibus non deest He is willing to put to his helping Hand With his Command there goes a Promise Ezek. 18.31 Make you a New Heart and there is a Promise Ezek. 36.26 A New Heart will I give you 2 Posit When God converts a Sinner he doth more than use a Moral Perswasion For Conversion is a New Creation Eph. 4.24 The Pelagians talk much of Free Will they say the Will of Man is by Nature asleep and Conversion is nothing but the awakening a Sinner out of sleep which is done by a Moral Perswasion But Man is by Nature dead in Sin Eph. 2.1 And God must do more than awaken him he must enliven him before he be a New Creature 1 Vse Terrour to such as are not New Creatures such as are still growing upon the Stock of Old Adam who continue in their Sins and are resolved so to do these are in the Gall of Bitterness and are the most miserable Creatures that ever God made
Harmonious Consent of all the Parts of Scripture there are Seven cogent Arguments may Evince it to be the Word of God 1. By its Antiquity It is of ancient standing The gray Hairs of Scripture make it Venerable No Humane Histories extant reach further then since Noah's Flood but the Holy Scripture relates Matters of Fact that have been from the beginning of the World it writes of things before Time Now that is a sure Rule of Tertullian That which is of the greatest Antiquity is to be received as most Sacred and Authentick 2. We may know the Scripture to be the Word of God by the Miraculous Preservation of it in all Ages The Holy Scriptures are the richest Jewel that Christ hath left and the Church of God hath kept these Publick Records of Heaven that they have not been lost The Word of God hath never wanted Enemies to oppose and if possible to extirpate it They have given out a Law concerning Scripture as Pharaoh did the Midwives concerning the Hebrew Womens Children to strangle it in the Birth yet God hath preserved this blessed Book inviolable to this Day The Devil and his Agents have been blowing at Scripture-Light but could never prevail to blow it out a clear sign that it was lighted from Heaven Nor hath the Church of God in all Revolutions and Changes only kept the Scripture that it should not be lost but that it should not be depraved The Letter of Scripture hath been preserved without any Corruption in the Original Tongue The Scriptures were not corrupted before Christ's Time for then Christ would never have sent the Jews to the Scriptures but he sends them to the Scriptures Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures Christ knew these Sacred Springs were not muddied with Humane Fancies 3. The Scripture appears to be the Word of God by the Matter contained in it 1. By its Profundity The Mystery of Scripture is so abstruse and profound that no Man or Angel could have known it had it not been Divinely revealed That Eternity should be born that he who Thunders in the Heavens should cry in the Cradle that he who Rules the Stars should Suck the Breasts That the Prince of Life should die that the Lord of Glory should be put to shame that Sin should be punished to the full yet pardoned to the full who could ever have conceived of such a Mystery had not the Scripture been the Oracle to reveal it to us So for the Doctrine of the Resurrection That the same Body which is crumbled into a thousand pieces should rise idem numero the same individual Body for else it were a Creation not a Resurrection how could such a Sacred Riddle above all Humane disquisition be known had not the Scripture made a Discovery of it 2. By its Purity It is for the Matter of it so full of Goodness Justice and Sanctity that it could be breathed from none but God The Holiness of it shows it to be of God it bears his very Image The Scripture is compared to Silver refined seven times Psal. 12.6 This Book of God hath no Errata's in it It is a Beam of the Sun of Righteousness a Chrystal Stream flowing from the Fountain of Life All Laws and Edicts of Men have had their Corruptions but the Word of God hath not the least Tincture it is of a Meridian Splendour Psal. 119.140 Thy Word is very pure like wine that comes from the grape which is not mixed or adulterated It is so pure that it purifies every thing else Iohn 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth The Scripture presseth Holiness so as never any Book did It bids us live soberly righteously godly Titus 2.12 Soberly in Acts of Temperance Righteously in Acts of Justice Godly in Acts of Zeal and Devotion It commends to us whatever is just lovely of good report Phil. 4.8 This Sword of the Spirit Eph. 6.17 cuts down Vice Out of this Tower of Scripture is thrown down a Milstone upon the Head of Sin The Scripture is the Royal Law which commands not only the Actions but Affections it binds the Heart to its good Behaviour Where is there such Holiness to be found as is dig'd out of this Sacred Mine Who could be the Author of such a Book but God himself 4. That the Scripture is the Word of God is evident by its Predictions it Prophesieth of things to come This shows the Voice of God speaking in it it was foretold by the Prophet A Virgin shall conceive Isa. 7.14 and the Messiah shall be cut off Dan. 9.26 The Scripture foretels things that should fall out many Ages and Centuries after as how long Israel should serve in the Iron Furnace and the very day of their Deliverance Exod. 12.41 At the end of the four hundred and thirty years even the self same day it came to pass the Hoasts of the Lord went out of Egypt This Prediction of Future Things meerly contingent and not depending upon Natural Causes is a clear Demonstration of its Divine Original 5. The Impartiality of those Men of God who wrote the Scriptures they do not spare to set down their own Failings What Man that writes an History would black his own face viz. record those things of himself that might stain his Reputation Moses records his own Impatience when he struck the Rock and tells us therefore he could not enter into the Land of Promise David writes of his own Adultery and Bloodshed which stands as a Blot in his Scutchion to succeeding Ages Peter relates his own Pusillanimity in denying Christ. Ionah sets down his own Passions I do well to be angry to the death Surely had not their Pen been guided by God's own Hand they would never have written that which did reflect dishonour upon themselves Men do usually rather hide their Blemishes then publish them to the World But these Pen-men of Holy Scripture eclipse their own Name they take away all the Glory from themselves and give the Glory to God 6 Arg. The mighty power and efficacy the Word hath had upon the Souls and Consciences of Men. 1. It hath changed their heart 1. Some by reading of Scripture have been turned into other Men they have been made holy and gracious By reading other Books the Heart may be warmed but by reading this Book it is transformed 2 Cor. 3.3 Ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ written not with Ink but with the Spirit of the living God The Word was copied out into their Hearts and they were become Christ's Epistle so that others might read Christ in them If you should set a Seal upon Marble and it should make an Impression upon the Marble and leave a Print behind there were a strange Virtue in that Seal So when the Seal of the Word leaves an heavenly print of Grace upon the Heart there must needs be a Power going along with that Word no less than Divine 2. It hath comforted their Heart When
God Resp. God is a Spirit Infinite Eternal and Unchangeable in his Being Wisdom Power Holiness Justice Goodness and Truth Here is 1. something implied That there is a God 2. Expressed that he is a Spirit 3. What kind of Spirit 1. Implied that there is a God The question What is God takes it for granted that there is a God the belief of God's Essence is the Foundation of all Religious Worship Heb. 11.6 He that comes to God must believe that he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there must be a first Cause which gives a Being and Existence to all things besides We come to know that there is a God 1. By the Book of Nature the Notion of a Deity is engraven in Man's Heart it is demonstrable by the Light of Nature I think it hard for a Man to be a natural Atheist he may wish there were no God he may dispute against a Deity but he cannot in his Judgment believe there is no God unless by accumulated Sin his Conscience be sear'd and he hath such a Lethargy upon him that he hath sinn'd away his very Sense and Reason 2. We come to know that there is a God by his Works and this is so evident a Demonstration of a God-head that the most Atheistical Spirits when they have considered these Works of God have been forced to acknowledge some Wise and Supream Power the Maker of these Things as 't is reported of Galen and others 1. We will begin with the greater World 1. The Creation of the glorious Fabrick of Heaven and Earth sure there must be some Architect or first Cause the World could not make itself Who could hang the Earth on Nothing but the Great God Who could provide such rich Furniture for the Heavens the glorious Constellations the Firmament bespangled with such glittering Lights all this speaks a Deity We may see God's Glory blazing in the Sun twinkling in the Stars Who could give the Earth its Clothing cover it with Grass and Corn adorn it with Flowers enrich it with Gold only God Iob 28.4 Who but God could make the sweet Musick in the Heavens cause the Angels to joyn in consort and sound forth the Praises of their Maker Job 38.7 When the morning-stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy If a Man should go into a far Country and see stately Edifices there he would never imagine that these could build themselves but that some greater Power built them To imagine that the Work of the Creation was not framed by God is as if we should conceive a curious Landskip to be drawn by a Pensil without the Hand of a Limner Acts 17.24 God that made the world and all things therein To Create is proper to a Deity 2. The wise Gubernation of all things evince there is a God God is the great Superintendent of the World he holds the Golden Reins of Government in his Hand guiding all things most regularly and harmoniously to their proper end who that eyes Providence but must be forced to acknowledge there is a God Providence is the Queen and Governness of the World it is the Hand that turns the Wheel of the whole Creation Providence sets the Sun its Race the Sea its Bounds If God should not guide the World things would run into an Ataxy and Confusion When one looks on a Clock and sees the motion of the Wheels the striking of the Hammar the hanging of the Plummets he would say there were some Artificer did make it and put it into that Order So when we see the excellent Order and Harmony in the Universe the Sun that great Luminary dispensing its Light and Heat to the World without which the World were but a Grave or Prison the Rivers sending forth their silver Streams to refresh the Bodies of Men and prevent a Drought and every Creature acting within its Sphere and keeping its due Bounds we must needs acknowledge there is a God who wisely orders and governs all these things Who could set this great Army of the Creatures in their several Ranks and Squadrons and keep them in their constant March but he whose Name is The LORD of Hosts And as God doth wisely dispose all things in the whole Regiment of the Creatures so by his Power he doth support them Did God suspend and withdraw his Influence never so little the Wheels of the Creation would unpin and the Axle-tree break asunder 3. The Motion of the Creatures All Motion as the Philosophers say is from something that is unmoveable As for Example The Elements are moved by the Influence and Motion of the heavenly Bodies The Sun and Moon and these Planets are moved by the highest Orb call'd Primum Mobile now if one should ask Who moves that highest Orb or the first Mover of the Planets Sure it can be no other hand but God himself 2. Let us speak of Man who is a Microcosm or lesser World The excellent Contexture and Frame of his Body who is wrought curiously as with Needle-work Psal. 139.15 I was curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth And the Endowment of this Body with a noble Soul who but God could make such an Union of different Substances Flesh and Spirit In him we live and move and have our being The quick acute Motion of every Part of the Body shews that there is a God we may see something of him in the sparkling of the Eye And if the Cabinet of the Body be so curiously wrought what is the Jewel The Soul hath a Coelestial Brightness in it as Damascen saith 'T is a Diamond set in a Ring of Clay What noble Faculties is the Soul endowed with Understanding Will Affections which are a Glass of the Trinity as Plato speaks The Matter of the Soul is Spiritual 't is a Divine Sparkle lighted from Heaven and being spiritual is immortal as Scaliger notes Anima non senescit the Soul doth not wax old it lives for ever And who could create a Soul enobled with such rare Angelical Properties but God We must needs say as the Psalmist It is he that hath made us and not we our selves Psalm 100.3 2. We may prove a Deity by our own Conscience Conscience is God's Deputy or Vicegerent Conscience is a Witness of a Deity If there were no Bible to tell us there is a God yet Conscience might Conscience as the Apostle saith either accuseth or excuseth Rom. 2.15 Conscience acts in order to an higher Judicatory 1. Natural Conscience being kept free from gross sin excuseth When a Man doth Vertuous Actions lives soberly and righteously obeserves the golden Maxim Doing to others as he would have them do to him then Conscience approves and saith well done Conscience like a Bee gives Honey 2. Natural Conscience in the Wicked doth accuse When Men go against the Light of Conscience then they feel the Worm of Conscience Eheu quis intus scorpio Sen. Conscience being sinned against spits fire in Mens
they cast their Crowns before the Throne they lay all their Honour at his Feet Thus they shew humble Adoration to the Eteral Essence Study God's Eternity it will make us adore where we cannot Fathom 2. Think of the Soul's Eternity As God is Eternal so he hath made us Eternal We are never-dying Creatures we are shortly entring upon an Eternal State either of Happiness or Misery Have serious thoughts of this Say O my Soul which of these two Eternities is like to be thy Portion I must shortly depart hence and whither then shall I go to which of these Eternities either of Glory or Misery The serious Meditation of the Eternal State we are to pass into would work strongly with us 1. Thoughts of Eternal Torment a good Antidote against Sin Sin tempts with its Pleasure but when we think of Eternity it may cool the intemperate Heat of Lust Shall I for the Pleasure of Sin for a Season endure eternal Pain Sin like those Locusts Rev. 9.7 seems to have on its Head a Crown like Gold but it hath in it a Tail like a Scorpion Verse 10. And a Sting in its Tail and this Sting can never be plucked out Shall I venture eternal Wrath is Sin committed so sweet as lying in Hell for ever is bitter This would make us flye from Sin as Moses from the Serpent 2. The serious Thoughts of Eternal Happiness would very much take us off from these Worldly Things we should not esteem much of them What are these Sublunary Things to Eternity they are quickly gone they salute us and take their Farewel But I am to enter upon an Everlasting Estate I hope to live with Him who is Eternal what is the World to me They who stand upon the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem as small things in their eyes so he who hath his Thoughts fixed on his Eternal Estate after this Life all these things seem as nothing in his eye What is the Glory of this World how poor and contemptible compar'd with an Eternal Weight of Glory Aeternis inhianti in fastidio suns transito Bern. 3. To conclude The serious Thoughts of an Eternal Estate either of Happiness or Misery would have a powerful Influence upon whatsoever we take in hand Every Work we do promotes either a blessed or cursed Eternity every good Action sets us a step nearer to an Eternity of Happiness every bad Action sets us a step nearer to an Eternity of Misery O what Influence would the Thoughts of Eternity have upon our Religious Duties it would make us do them with all our Might A Duty well performed lifts a Christian higher towards Heaven and sets a Christian a step nearer to a blessed Eternity GOD's Vnchangeableness THE next Attribute is God's Unchangeableness Mal. 3.6 I am Iehovah I change not 1. God is unchangeable in his Nature 2. In his Decree 1st Unchangeable in his Nature 1. There is no Eclipse of his Brightness 2. No Period put to his Being 1. No Eclipse of his Brightness His Essence shines with a fixed Lustre Iam. 1.17 With whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning Psal. 102.27 Thou art the same All created Things are full of Vicissitude 1. Princes and Emperours are subject to Mutation Sehostris an Aegyptian Prince having subdued divers Kings in War made them draw like Horses in his Chariot as if he intended to turn them to Grass as God did King Nebuchadnezzar The Crown hath many Successors 2. Kingdoms have their Ecclipses and Convulsions What is become of the Glory of Athens the Pomp of Troy Iam seges est ubi Troja fuit Kingdoms tho' they have a Head of Gold yet Feet of Clay 3. The Heavens change Psal. 102.25 26. As a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed The Matter of the Elements as it is more pure so more firm and sollid the Heavens are the most ancient Records where God hath written his Glory with a Sun-beam yet these shall change though I do not think they shall be destroyed as to their substance yet they shall be changed as to their qualities They shall me●t with fervent heat 2 Pet. 3.12 and so be more refin'd and purifi'd Thus the Heavens shall be changed but not He who dwells in Heaven With him is no Variableness or Shadow of Turning 4. The best Saints have their Eclipses and Changes look upon a Christian in his Spiritual Estate and he is full of Variation though the Seed of Grace doth not dye yet the Beauty and Activity of it doth often wither A Christian hath his Aguish Fits in Religion sometimes his Faith is at an high Tide sometime● low Eb● somtimes his Love flames and at another time like Fire hid in the Embers and he hath lost his first Love How strong was David's Grace at one time 2 Sam. 22.3 The God of my rock in him will I trust At another time I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul What Christian can say he doth not find a Change in his Graces that the Bow of his Faith doth never unbend the Strings of his Viol do never slacken Sure we shall never meet with such Christians till we meet them in Heaven But God is without any Shadow of Turning 5. The Angels were subject to Change they were created Holy but Mutable Jud. 6. The angels which kept not their first estate Those Morning-stars of Heaven were falling Stars But God's Glory shines with a fixed Brightness In God there is nothing looks like a Change no better or worse no better in him because then he were not perfect nor worse in him for then he should cease to be perfect He is immutably Holy immutably Good There is no Shadow of Change in him Object Christ who is God assumed the Humane Nature here was a Change Resp. If indeed the Divine Nature had been converted into the Humane or the Humane into the Divine here had been a Change but not so The Humane Nature was distinct from the Divine therefore there was no Change As suppose a Cloud cover the Sun this makes no Change in the Body of the Sun so though the Divine Nature be covered with the Humane this makes no Change in the Divine Nature 2d There is no Period put to his Being 1 Tim. 1.16 Who only hath immortality The Godhead cannot die 1. An Infinite Essence cannot be changed into a Finite but God is Infinite 2. He is Eternal Ergo he is not Mortal to be Eternal and Mortal is a Contradiction Use 1. See here the Excellency of the Divine Nature in its Immutability this is the Glory of Godhead Mutableness denotes Weakness it is not so in God he is the same Yesterday and to Day and for ever Heb. 13.8 Men are fickle and mutable like Ruében Unstable as water Gen. 49.4 They go in changeable Colours 1. They are changeable in their Principles sometimes Protestant sometimes Papist if their Faces altered as fast as their Opinions
a Law and they brake it therefore he punisheth them justly 2. God is just in punishing the Wicked because he never punisheth them but upon full Proof and Evidence What greater Evidence then for a Man 's own Conscience to be Witness against him There is nothing God chargeth upon a Sinner but Conscience doth set Seal to the Truth of it Use 1. See here another Flower of God's Crown the is just and righteous He is the Exemplar and Pattern of Justice Object But how doth it seem to stand with God's Justice that the Wicked should prosper in the World Prov. 12.1 Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper This hath been a great stumbling and been ready to make many question God's Justice Such as are highest in sin are highest in power Diogenes seeing Harpalus a Thief go on prosperously said Sure God had cast off the Government of the World and minded not how things went here below Resp. 1. The wicked may be sometimes Instruments to do God's work though they do not design his glory yet they may promote it Cyrus Ezra 1.7 was instrumental for the building God's Temple in Ierusalem There is some kind of Justice that they should have a Temporal Reward God lets them prosper under whose Wing his People are sheltred God will not be in any Man's debt Mal. 1.10 Who hath kindled a fire on my Altar for nought 2. God lets Men go on in sin and prosper that he may leave them more inexcusable Rev. 2.21 I gave her space to repent of her Fornication God adjourns the Sessions spins out his Mercies towards Sinners and if they repent not his Patience will be a Witness against them and his Justice will be more cleared in their Condemnation Psal. 51.4 That thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when thou judgest 3. God doth not always let the wicked prosper in their sin some he doth punish openly that his Justice may be taken notice of Psal. 9.16 The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth that is his Justice is seen by striking Men dead in the very act of sin Thus he struck Zimri and Cozbi in the Act of Uncleanness 4. If God do let Men prosper a while in sin his Vial of Wrath is all this while filling his Sword is all this while whetting and though God may forbear Men a while yet long forbearance is no forgiveness The longer God is taking his blow the heavier it will be at last as long as there is Eternity God hath time enough to reckon with his Enemies Justice may be as a Lion asleep but at last this Lion will awake and roar upon the Sinner Doth not Nero and Iulian and Cain now meet with God's Justice Object But God 's own People suffer great Afflictions they are injured and persecuted Psal. 73.14 All the day long have I been plagued and chastned every morning How doth this stand with God's Justice Resp. 1. That is a true Rule of St. Austin Iudicia Dei possunt esse occulta non injusta Gods ways of Judgment are sometimes secret but never unjust The Lord never Afflicts his People without a Cause so that he cannot be unjust There is some good in the godly therefore the wicked afflict them there is some evil in them therefore God afflicts them God's own Children have their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their blemishes 2 Chron. 28.10 Are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord These Spiritual Diamonds have they no flaws Do not we read of the Spots of God's Children Deut. 32.10 Are not they guilty of much Pride Censoriousness Passion Worldliness though by their Profession they seem to resemble the Birds of Paradise to fly above and feed upon the Dew of Heaven yet as the Serpent they lick the dust And these sins of God's People do more provoke God than others Deut. 32.19 Because of the provoking of his sons and daughters The sins of others pierce Christ's side these wound his heart therefore is not God just in all the Evils that befal them Amos 3.2 You only have I known of all the Families of the Earth therefore I will punish you for your Iniquities I will punish you sooner surer sorer then others 2. The Trials and Sufferings of the godly are to refine and purifie them God's Furnace is in Sion Isa. 31.9 Is it any Injustice in God to put his Gold into the Furnace to purifie it Is it any Injustice in God by afflicting his People to make them partakers of his Holiness Hebr. 12.10 What doth more proclaim God's Faithfulness than to take such a course with them as may make them better Psal. 119.75 In faithfulness thou hast corrected me 3. What Injustice is it in God to inflict a lesser Punishment and prevent a greater The best of God's Children have that in them which is meritorious of Hell Now I pray doth God do them any wrong if he useth only the Rod where they have deserved the Scorpion Is the Father unjust if he only corrects his Child who hath deserved to be disinherited If God deals so favourably with his Children he only puts Wormwood in their Cup whereas he might put Fire and Brimstone they are rather to admire his Mercy than complain of his Injustice Object How can it stand with God's Justice that all Men being equally guilty by Nature God should pass by one and save another why doth not he deal with all alike Resp. Rom. 9.14 Is there unrighteousness with God God forbid Job 8.3 Doth the Almighty pervert justice 1. God is not bound to give an account of his Actions to his Creatures If none may say to a King what dost thou Eccles. 8.4 much less to God It is sufficient God is Lord paramount he hath a Soveraign Power over his Creatures therefore can do no Injustice Rom. 9.21 Hath not the Potter power over the Clay of the same Lump to make one Vessel to honour and another unto dishonour God hath a liberty ●e●t in his own Breast to save one and not another and his Justice is not at a●l impeach'd or blemished If two Men owe you Money you may without any Inju●tice remit the Debt to one and exact it of the other If two Male-factors be condemned to die the King may pardon one and not the other He is not unjust if he ●ets one suffer because he offended the Law nor if he save the other because he will make use of his Prerogative as he is King 2. Though some are saved and others perish yet there is no unrighteousness in God because whoever peri●heth his destruction is of himself Hos. 13.9 O Israel thou hast destroyed thy self God offers Grace the Sinner refuseth it Is God bound to give Grace If a Chyrurgion comes to heal a Man's wound he will not be healed but bolts out his Chyrurgion is the Chyrurgion bound to heal him Prov. 1.24 I have called and ye refused Psal. 81.11 Israel would none of me
any Affliction befal you remember God sees it is that which is fit for you or it should not come your Cloaths cannot be so fit for you as your Crosses God's Providence may sometimes be secret but it is always wise Tho' we may not be silent under God's Dishonour yet we should learn to be silent under his Displeasure 3. You that are Christians believe that all God's Providences shall conspire for the good of his People and shall promote their Salvation at last The Providences of God are sometimes dark and our eyes dim and we can hardly tell what to make of them but when we cannot unriddle Providence believe it shall work together for the good of the Elect Rom. 8.28 The Wheels in a Watch seem to move cross one to another but they help forward the Motion of the Watch and make the Larum strike so the Providences of God seem to be cross Wheels but for all that they shall carry on the Good of the Elect. The pricking of a Vein is in itse●f evil and hurtful but as it prevents a Fevor and tends to the Health of the Patient so it is good So Affliction in itself is not glorious but grievous but the Lord turns this to the good of his Saints Poverty shall starve their Sins Affliction shall prepare them for a Kingdom Therefore Christians believe that God loves us that he will make the most cross Providences to promote his Glory and our Good 4. Let this be an Antidote against Immoderate Fear for nothing comes to pass but what is ordain'd by God's Decree and ordered by his Providence We sometimes fear what the Issue of things will be Men grow high in their Actings let us not make things worse by our Fear Men are limited in their Power and shall not go one Hair's breadth further then God's Providence will permit He might let Sennacherib's Army march towards Ierusalem but he shall not shoot one Arrow against it Isa. 38.36 Then the angel of the Lord went forth and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred and fourscore and five thousand When Israel was compassed in between Pharoah and the Red Sea no question some of their hearts did begin to tremble and they look'd upon themselves as dead Men but Providence so ordered it that the Sea was a safe Passage to Israel and a Sepulchre to Pharaoh and all his Host. Use 2. Comfort in respect of the Church of God God's Providence reacheth in a more special manner to his Church Isa. 27.2 Sing ye unto her A vineyard of red wine God waters this Vineyard with his Blessings and watcheth over it by his Providence I the Lord keep it night and day Such as think totally to ruin the Church must do it in a time when it is neither Day nor Night for the Lord keeps it by his Providence Night and Day What a miraculous Conduct of Providence had Israel God led them by a Pillar of Fire gave them Manna from Heaven set the Rock abroach God by his Providence preserves his Church in the midst of Enemies which is as to see a Spark kept alive in the Ocean or a Flock of Sheep among Wolves God saves his Church strangely 1. By giving Unexpected Mercies to his Church when she looked for nothing but Ruine Psal. 126.1 When the Lord turned the captivity of Sion we were like them that dream How strangely did God raise up Queen Esther to preserve alive the Iews when Haman had got a bloudy Warrant sign'd for their Execution 2. Strangely by saving in that very way in which we think he will destroy God works sometimes by Contraries He raiseth his Church by bringing it low The Bloud of the Martyrs hath watered the Church and made it more fruitful Exod. 1.12 The more they afflicted them the more they multiplied The Church is like that Plant Gregory Nazianzen speaks of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it lives by dying and grows by cutting 3. Strangely in that he makes the Enemy do his Work When the People of Amon and Moab and Mount Seir came against Iudah God set the Enemy one against another 2 Chr. 20.23 The children of Amon and Moab stood up against them of Mount Seir to slay them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir every one help'd to destroy another In the Powder-Treason he made the Traytors to be their own Betrayers God can do his work by the Enemies hand God made the Aegyptians send away the People of Israel laden with Jewels Exod. 12.36 The Church is the Apple of God's Eye and the Eye-lid of his Providence doth daily cover and defend it 5. Let the merciful Providences of God cause Thankfulness We are kept alive by a Wonder-working Providence Providence makes our Cloaths warm us our Meat nourish us We are fed every day out of the Alms-basket of God's Providence That in Health that we have an Estate it is not our Diligence but God's Providence Deut. 8.18 Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for he it is that gives thee power to get wealth Especially if we go a st●p higher we may see cause of Thankfulness That we should be born and bred in a Gospel Climate that we should live in such a place where the Sun of Righteousness shines this is a signal Providence Why might not we have been born in such places where Paganism prevails That Christ should make himself known to us and touch our hearts with his Spirit when he passeth by others Whence is this but from the miraculous Providence of God which is the Effect of his Free-grace Use 3. See here that which may make us long for that time when the great Mystery of God's Providence shall be fully unfolded to us Now we scarce know what to make of God's Providences therefore are ready to Censure what we do not understand but in Heaven we shall see how all God's Providences Sickness Losses Sufferings carried on our Salvation Here we see but some dark pieces of God's Providence and it is impossible to judge of God's Works by Pieces but when we come to Heaven and see the full Body and Pourtraicture of God's Providence drawn out in its lively Colours it will be a glorious Sight to behold Then we shall see how all God's Providences help'd to fulfil his Promises Never a Providence but we shall see had either a Wonder or a Mercy in it The Covenant of Works Quest. IX I Proceed to the next Question What special Providence did God exercise towards Man in the Estate wherein he was created Answ. When God created Man he entred into a Covenant of Life with him upon Condition of perfect Obedience forbidding him to eat of the Tree of Knowledge upon pain of death For this consult with Gen. 2.16 17. And the Lord commanded the man saying of every Tree of the Garden thou mayest freely eat but of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil thou shalt not eat for in the day thou
painted Fire Ejus adesse intolerabile ejus abesse impossibile To bear it will be intolerable to avoid it will be impossible And these Hell-torments are for ever have no Period put to them Rev. 9.6 They shall seek death and shall not find it Origen fancied a Fiery Stream in which the Souls of sinful Men wer● to be purged after this Life and then to pass into Heaven but it is for ever The Breath of the Lord kindles that Fire and where shall we find Engines or Buckets to quench it Rev. 14.11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest night nor day Thank Original Sin for all Use. 1. What sad thoughts should we have of this Primitive Original Sin that hath created so many Miseries What Honey can be got out of this Lyon what Grapes can we gather off this Thorn It sets Heaven and Earth against us While we choose this Bramble to Rule Fire comes out of the Bramble to devour us 2. How are all Believers bound to Jesus Christ who hath freed them from that Misery to which Sin hath exposed them Eph. 1.7 In whom we have Redemption through his Blood Sin hath brought Trouble and a Curse into the World Christ hath sanctified the Trouble and removed the Curse Nay he hath not only freed Believers from Misery but purchased for them a Crown of Glory and Immortality 1 Pet. 5.4 When the chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away Of the Covenant of Grace Quest. XIV DID God leave Mankind to perish in this state of Sin and Misery Resp. No He entred into a Covenant of Grace to deliver the Elect out of that estate and bring them into a state of Grace by a Redeemer Isa. 55.3 I Will make an Everlasting Covenant with you Man being by his Fall plung'd into a Labyrinth of Misery and having no way left to recover himself God was pleased to enter into a New Covenant with him and so restore him to Life by a Redeemer The great Proposition I shall go upon is That there is a New Covenant ratified between God and the Elect. Quest. What the New Covenant is Resp. It is a solemn Compact and Agreement made between God and fallen Man wherein the Lord undertakes to be our God and to make us his People Quest. What Names are given to the Covenant Resp. 1. It is called a Covenant of Peace Ezek. 37.26 because it Seals up Reconciliation between God and humble Sinners Before this Covenant there was nothing but Enmity God did not love us A Creature that offends cannot be loved by an holy God and we did not love him a God that condemns cannot be loved by a guilty Creature so that there was War on both sides But God hath found out a way in the new Covenant to reconcile differing Parties so that it is fitly called a Covenant of Peace 2. It is called a Covenant of Grace and well it may for 1. it was with Grace that when we had forfeited the first Covenant God should enter into a new Covenant after we had cast away our selves The Covenant of Grace is Tabula post naufragium as a Plank after shipwrack O the Free-grace of God that he should parly with Sinners and set his Wisdom and Mercy awork to bring Rebels into the Bond of the Covenant 2. It is a Covenant of Grace because it is a Royal Charter all made up of Terms of Grace That God will cast our sins behind his back that he will love us freely Hos. 14.4 that he will give us a will to accept of the Mercy of the Covenant and strength to perform the Conditions of the Covenant Ezek. 37.26 All this is pure Grace Quest. Why would God make a Covenant with us Resp. 1. It is out of Induldgence Favour and Respect to us A Tyrant will not enter into a Covenant with Slaves he will not shew them such Respect God's entring into Covenant with us to be our God is a Dignity he puts upon us A Covenant is Insigne honoris a Note of Distinction between God's People and Heathens Ezek. 16.22 I will establish my Covenant with thee When the Lorld told Abraham that he would enter into Covenant with him Abraham fell upon his face Gen. 17.2 as being amazed that the God of Glory should bestow such a Favour upon him 2. God makes a Covenant with us to tye us fast to him it is called in Ezekiel the Bond of the Covenant God knows we have slippery hearts therefore he will have a Covenant to bind us 'T is horrid Impiety to go away from God after Covenant If one of the Vestal Nuns who had vowed her self to Religion was defloured the Romans caused her to be burnt alive 'T is Perjury to depart from God after solemn Covenant Quest. How doth the Covenant of Grace differ from the first Covenant made with Adam Resp. 1 st Difference The Terms of the first Covenant were more strict and severe For 1. The least failing would have made the Covenant with Adam null and void but many Failings do not null the Covenant of Grace I grant the least sin is a Trespass upon the Covenant but it doth not make it null and void There may be many Failings in the Conjugal Relation but every Failing doth not break the Marriage-Bond It would be sad if as oft as we break Covenant with God he should break Covenant with us but God will not take advantage of every Failing but in anger remember Mercy 2. The first Covenant being broken allowed the Sinner no remedy all Doors of Hope were shut but the New Covenant allows the Sinner a remedy it leaves room for Repentance it provides a Mediator Hebr. 12.24 Iesus the Mediator of the New Covenant 2 d Difference The first Covenant did run all upon working the second upon believing Rom. 4.5 Quest. But are not Works required in the Covenant of Grace Answ. Yes Tit. 3.8 This is a faithful saying that they which believe in God be careful to maintain Good Works But the Covenant of Grace doth not require Works in the same manner as the Covenant of Works did In the first Covenant Works were required as the Condition of Life in the second they are required only as the Signs of a Man that is alive In the first Covenant Works were required as Grounds of Salvation in the New Covenant they are required as Evidences of our Love to God In the first they were required to the Justification of our Persons in the New to the Testification of our Grace Quest. What is the Condition of the Covenant of Grace Answ. The main Condition is Faith Quest. But why is Faith more the Condition of the New Covenant then any other Grace Answ. To exclude all glorying in the Creature Faith is an humble Grace If Repentance or Works were the Condition of the Covenant a Man would say It is my Righteousness hath saved
let not unworthiness discourage you it is not unworthiness excludes any from the Covenant but unwillingness Quest. What shall we do that we may be in Covenant with God Answ. 1. Seek to God by Prayer Exige à Domino misericordiam Aug. Lord be my God in Covenant The Lord hath made an express Promise that upon our Prayer to him the Covenant shall be ratified he will be our God and we shall be his People Zach. 13.9 They shall call upon my Name and I will hear them I will say it is my people and they shall say The Lord is my God Only it must be an importunate Prayer Come as earnest Suiters resolve to take no denial 2. If you would be in Covenant with God break off the Covenant with Sin before the Marriage-Covenant there must be a Divorce 1 Sam. 7.3 If ye return to the Lord with all your hearts put away the strange gods and they put away Ashtaroth viz. their Female Gods Will any King enter into Covenant with that Man who is in League with his Enemies 3. If you would enter into the Bond of the Covenant get Faith in the Blood of the Covenant Christ's Blood is the Blood of Atonement believe in this Blood and you are safely arked in God's Mercy Eph. 2.13 Ye are made nigh to the blood of Christ. Use 4. Of Comfort to such as can make out their Covenant Interest in God 1. You that are in Covenant with God all your sins are pardoned Pardon is the crowning Mercy Psal. 103.3 Who forgiveth thy iniquity who crowneth thee c. This is a branch of the Covenant Ier. 31.33 I will be their God and I will forgive their iniquity Sin being pardoned all wrath ceaseth How terrible is it when but a Spark of God's Wrath flies into a Man's Conscience but sin being forgiven no more wrath God doth not appear now in the Fire or Earthquake but covered with a Rain-bow full of Mercy 2. All your Temporal Mercies are Fruits of the Covenant Wicked Men have Mercies by Providence not by virtue of a Covenant with Gods leave not with his Love But such as are in Covenant have their Mercies sweetned with God's Love and they swim to them in the Blood of Christ. As Naaman said to Gehazi 2 Kings 5.23 Take two Talents so saith God to such as are in Covenant Take two Talents take Health and take Christ with it take Riches and take my Love with them take the Venison and take the Blessing with it Take two Talents 3. You may upon all Occasions plead the Covenant If you are haunted with Temptation plead the Covenant Lord thou hast promised to bruise Satan under my feet shortly wilt thou suffer thy Child to be thus worried take off the roaring Lion If in want plead the Covenant Lord thou hast said I shall want no good thing wilt thou save me from Hell and not from Want wilt thou give me a Kingdom and deny me daily Bread 4. If in Covenant with God all things shall co-operate for your Good Etiam mala cedunt in bonum Psal. 25.10 Not only golden paths but his bloody paths Every wind of Providence shall blow them nearer Heaven Affliction shall humble and purifie Hebr. 12.10 Out of the bitterest Drug God distils your Salvation Afflictions add to the Saints Glory The more the Diamond is cut the more it sparkles the heavier the Saints Cross the heavier shall be their Crown 5. If thou art in Covenant once then for ever in Covenant The Text calls it Berith Gnolam an everlasting Covenant Such as are in Covenant are elected God's electing Love is unchangeable Ier. 32.40 I will make an everlasting Covenant with them that I will not turn away from them but I will put my fear in ther heart that they shall not depart from me God will so love the Saints that he will not forsake them and the Saints shall so fear God that they shall not forsake him 'T is Berith Gnolam a Covenant of Eternity it must be so for who is this Covenant made with is it not with Believers and have not they Coalition and Union with Christ Christ is the Head they are the Body Eph. 1.23 This is a near Union much like that Union between God the Father and Christ Iohn 17.21 As thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us Now the Union between Christ and the Saints being so inseparable it can never be dissolved or the Covenant made void you may die with Comfort 6. Thou art in Covenant with God and thou art going to thy God behold a Death-bed Cordial Death breaks the Union between the Body and the Soul but perfects the Union between Christ and the Soul This hath made the Saints desire Death as the Bride the Wedding-day Phil. 1.23 Cupio dissolvi Lead me Lord to that Glory said one a glympse whereof I have seen as in a Glass darkly Use 5. of Direct To shew you how you should walk who have tasted of Covenant-Mercy Live as a People in Covenant with God As you differ from others in respect of Dignity so you must in point of Carriage 1. You must love this God God's Love to you calls for Love 1. It is Amor Gratiatus a free Love Why should God pass by others and take you into a League of Friendship with himself In the Law God passed by the Lion and Eagle and chose the Dove so he passes by the Noble and Mighty 2. It is Amor plenns a full Love When God takes you into Covenant you are his Hephsibah Isa. 62.3 his delight is in you he gives you the Key of all his Treasure he heaps Pearls upon you he settles Heaven and Earth upon you he gives you a Bunch of Grapes by the way and saith Son all I have is thine And doth not all this call for Love Who can tread upon these hot Coals and his heart not burn in love to God 2. Walk Holily The Covenant hath made you a Royal Nation therefore be an holy People Shine as Lights in the World live as Earthly Angels God hath taken you into Covenant that you and he may have Communion together and what is it keeps up your Communion with God but Holiness 3. Walk thankfully Psal. 103.1 God is your God in Covenant he hath done more for you then if he had made you ride upon the high Places of the Earth and given you Crowns and Scepters O! Take the Cup of Salvation and bless the Lord. Eternity will be little enough to praise him Musitians love to play on their Musick where there is the loudest sound and God loves to bestow his Mercies where he may have the loudest Praises You that have Angels Reward do Angels Work Begin that Work of Praise here which you hope to be always doing in Heaven CHRIST the Mediator of the Covenant HEB. 12.24 Iesus the Mediator of the new Covenant c. JEsus Christ is the Sum and Quintessence of
by the way observe this may comfort us in regard of the Church of God though at present we do not see that Peace and Purity in the Church as we could desire yet in the fulness of time when God's time is come and Mercy is ripe then shall Deliverance spring up and God will come riding upon the Chariots of Salvation When the fulness of time was come then God sent forth his Son made of a Woman Quest. Why was Iesus Christ made flesh Resp. 1. The Causa prime and impulsive Cause was Free-grace Causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it was Love in God the Father to send Christ and Love in Christ that he came to be Incarnate Love was the intrinsical Motive Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God-man because he is a lover of Man Christ came out of Pity and Indulgence to us Non merita nostra sed miseria nostra Aug. not our Deserts but our Misery made Christ take flesh Christ's taking flesh was a Plot of Free-grace a pure Design of Love God himself though Almighty was overcome with Love Christ Incarnate is nothing but Love covered with Flesh. Christ's assuming our Humane Nature as it was a Master-piece of Wisdom so a Monument of Free-grace 2. Christ took our flesh upon him that he might take our sins upon him He was saith Luther maximus peccator the greatest Sinner having the weight of the sins of the whole World lying upon him He took our flesh that he might take our sins and so appease God's wrath 3. Christ took our flesh that he might make the Humane Nature appear lovely to God and the Divine Nature appear lovely to Man 1. That he might make the Humane Nature lovely to God Upon our Fall from God our Nature became odious to him no Vermin is so odious to us as the Humane Nature was to God When once our Virgin-Nature was become sinful it was like flesh imposthumated or running into Sores loathsom to behold Such was our Nature when corrupt odious to God he could not endure to look upon us Now Christ taking our flesh makes the Humane Nature appear lovely to God As when the Sun shines on the Glass it casts a bright lustre so Christ being clad with our flesh makes the Humane Nature shine and appear amiable in God's Eyes 2. As Christ being cloath'd with ou● flesh makes the Humane Nature appear lovely to God so he makes the Divine Nature appear lovely to Man The pure God-head is terrible to behold we could not see it and live But Christ's cloathing himself with our flesh makes the Divine Nature more amiable and delightful to us Now we need not be afraid to look upon God seeing him through Christ's Humane Nature It was a custom of old among the Shepherds they were wont to clothe themselves with Sheep-skins to be more pleasing to the Sheep so Christ cloathed himself with our flesh that the Divine Nature may be more pleasing to us The Humane Nature is a Glass through which we may see the Love and Wisdom and Glory of God clearly represented to us Through the Lanthorn of Christ's Humanity we may behold the Light of the Deity shining Christ being Incarnate he makes the sight of the Deity not formidable but delightful to us 4. Jesus Christ united himself to Man that Man might be drawn nearer to God God was before an Enemy to us by reason of sin but Christ taking our flesh doth mediate for us and bring us into Favour with God As when a King is angry with a Subject the King's Son marries the Daughter of this Subject and so mediates for this Subject and brings him into favour with the King again so when God the Father was angry with us Christ marries himself to our Nature and now mediates for us with his Father and brings us to be Friends again and now God looks upon us with a favourable aspect As Ioab pleaded for Absalom and brought him to King David and David kissed him so doth Jesus Christ ingratiate us into the favour and love of God Therefore he may well be called a Peace-maker having taken our flesh upon him and so made Peace between us and his angry Father Use 1. Branch 1. See here as in a Glass the infinite love of God the Father that when we had lost our selves by sin then God in the riches of his Grace did send forth his Son made of a Woman to redeem us And behold the infinite love of Christ that he was willing thus to condescend to take our flesh Surely the Angels would have disdained to have taken our flesh it would have been a disparagement to them What King would be willing to wear Sackcloth over his Cloath of Gold but Christ did not disdain to take our flesh O the love of Christ Had not Christ been made flesh we had been made a Curse had not he been incarnate we had been incarcerate and had been for ever in Prison Well might an Angel be the Herauld to proclaim this joyful News of Christ's Incarnation Luke 2.10 Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy for unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. The Love of Christ in being Incarnate will the more appear if we consider 1. Whence Christ came He came from Heaven and from the richest place in Heaven his Father's Bosom that Hive of Sweetness 2. To whom Christ came Was it to his Friends no he came to sinful Man Man that had defaced his Image abused his Love Man who was turned Rebel Yet he came to Man resolving to conquer Obstinacy with Kindness If he would come to any why not to the Angels that fell Hebr. 2.16 He in no wise took upon him the Nature of Angels The Angels are of a more noble Extract more intelligible Creatures more able for Service I but behold the Love of Christ he came not to the fallen Angels but to Mankind Among the several Wonders of the Loadstone this is not the least That it will not draw Gold or Pearl but despising these it draws the Iron to it one of the most inferiour Mettals Thus Christ leaves the Angels those Noble Spirits the Gold and the Pearl and he comes to poor sinful Man and draws him into his Embraces 3. In what manner he came He came not in the Majesty of a King attended with his Lifeguard but he came poor Not like the Heir of Heaven but like one of an inferiour Descent The Place he was born in was poor not the Royal City Ierusalem but Bethlehem a poor obscure place He was born in an Inn and a Manger was his Cradle the Cobwebs his Curtains the Beasts his Companions he descended of poor Parents One would have thought if Christ would have come into the World he would have made choice of some Queen or Personage of Honour to have descended from but he comes of mean obscure Parents That they were poor appears by
their Offering Luke 2.24 A pair of Turtle Doves which was the usual Offering of the Poor Lev. 12.8 Christ was so poor that when he wanted Money he was fain to work a Miracle for it Matth. 17.27 He when he died made no Will. He came into the World poor 4. Why he came That he might take our flesh and redeem us that he might instate us into a Kingdom He was poor that he might make us rich 2 Cor. 8.9 He was born of a Virgin that he might be born of God he took our Flesh that he might give us his Spirit He lay in the Manger that we might lye in Paradise He came down from Heaven that he might bring us to Heaven And what was all this but Love If our Hearts be not Rocks this Love of Christ should affect us Behold Love that passeth Knowledge Eph. 3.19 Branch 2. See here the wonderful Humility of Christ Christ was made flesh O Sancta Humilitas Tu filium Dei descendere fecisti in uterum Mariae Virginis A●st That Christ should clothe himself with our flesh a piece of that Earth which we tread upon O infinite Humility Christ's taking our flesh was one of the lowest Steps of his Humiliation Christ did humble himself more in lying in the Virgins Womb then in hanging upon the Cross. It was not so much for Man to die but for God to become Man that was the wonder of Humility Phil. 2.7 He was made in the likeness of Men. For Christ to be made flesh was more Humility then for the Angels to be made Worms Christ's flesh is called a Vail Hebr. 10.20 Through the Vail that is his Flesh. Christ's wearing our Flesh vail'd his Glory For him to be made flesh who was equal with God O Humility Phil. 2.6 Who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God He stood upon even Ground with God he was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Patri co-essential and con-substantial with his Father as Austin and Cyril and the Councel of Nice expresses it yet for all this he takes flesh Christ strip'd himself of the Robes of his Glory and covered himself with the Rags of our Humanity If Solomon did so wonder that God should dwell in the Temple which was enrich'd and hung with Gold how may we wonder that God should dwell in Man's weak and frail Nature Nay which is yet more Humility Christ not only took our flesh but took it when it was at the worst under Disgrace as if a Servant should wear a Noble-man's Livery when he is impeached of High Treason Nay besides Christ took all the Infirmities of our flesh There are two sorts of Infirmities Such as are sinful without pain or such as are painful without sin The first of these Infirmities Christ did not take upon him sinful Infirmities to be covetous or ambitious Christ never took these upon him but Christ took upon him painful Infirmities as 1. Hunger Matth. 21.18 He came to the Fig-tree and would have eaten 2. Weariness as when he sate on Iacob's Well to rest him Iohn 4.6 3. Sorrow Matth. 26.38 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 My soul is sorrowful even unto death It was a Sorrow guided with Reason not disturb'd with Passion 4. Fear Hebr. 5.7 He was heard in that he feared Nay yet a further Degree of Christ's Humility he not only was made flesh but in the likeness of sinful flesh He knew no sin yet he was made sin 2 Cor. 5.21 He was like a sinner he had all sin laid upon him but no sin lived in him Isa. 53.12 He was numbred among Transgressors He who was numbred among the Persons of the Trinity he is said to bear the sins of many Hebr. 9.28 Now this was the lowest degree of Christ's Humiliation For Christ to be reputed as a sinner never such a Pattern of Humility That Christ who would not endure sin in the Angels should himself indure to have sin imputed to him it is the most amazing Humility that ever was From all this learn to be humble Dost thou see Christ humbling himself and art thou proud 'T is the humble Saint is Christ's Picture Christian be not proud of your fine Feathers 1. Hast thou an Estate be not proud the Earth thou treadest on is richer then thou it hath Mines of Gold and Silver in the Bowels of it 2. Hast thou Beauty be not proud it is but Air and Dust mingled 3. Hast thou Skill and Parts be humble Lucifer hath more knowledge than thou 4. Hast thou Grace be humble thou hast it not of thy own growth it is borrowed Were it not a folly to be proud of a Ring that is lent 1 Cor. 4.7 Thou hast more Sin then Grace Spots then Beauty O look on Christ this rare Pattern and be humble It is an unseemly sight to see God humbling himself and Man exalting himself to see an humble Saviour and a proud Sinner God hates the very resemblance of Pride Lev. 2.11 He would have no Honey in the Sacrifice Indeed Leaven is sowr but why no Honey because when Honey is mingled with Meal or Flour it makes the Meal to rise and swell ergo no Honey God hates the resemblance of the Sin of Pride better want Parts Comforts of Spirit then Humility Si Deus superbientibus Angelis non pepercit If God saith Austin spared not the Angels when they grew proud will he spare thee who art but Dust and Rottenness Branch 3. Behold here a Sacred Riddle or Paradox God manifest in the flesh The Text calls it a Mystery That Man should be made in God's Image was a wonder but that God should be made in Man's Image is a greater wonder That the Ancient of Days should be born that he who Thunders in the Heaven should cry in the Cradle Qui tonitruat in Coelis clamat in cunabulis qui regit sidera sugit ubera that he who rules the Stars should suck the Breasts that a Virgin should conceive that Christ should be made of a Woman and of that Woman which himself made that the Branch should bear the Vine that the Mother should be younger than the Child she bare and the Child in the Womb bigger than the Mother that the Humane Nature should not be God yet one with God This was not only mirum but miraculum Christ taking flesh is a Mystery we shall never fully understand till we come to Heaven when our Light shall be clear as well as our Love perfect Branch 4. From hence God manifest in the flesh Christ born of a Virgin a thing not only strange in nature but impossible learn That there are no impossibilities with God God can bring about Things which are not within the sphere of Nature to produce That Iron should swim that the Rock should gush out with water that the Fire should lick up the water in the Trenches 1 Kings 18.38 'T is natural for the water to quench the fire but for the fire to
had a Son of his own Men adopt because they want Children and desire to have some to bear their Name but that God should adopt us when he had a Son of his own the Lord Iesus here is the Wonder of Love Christ is call'd God's dear Son Col. 1.13 A Son more worthy then the angels Heb. 1.4 Being made so much better then the angels Now when God had a Son of his own such a Son here is the Wonder of God's Love in adopting us We needed a Father but he did not need Sons 2. Consider what we were before God did adopt us We were very deformed a Man will scarce adopt him for his Heir that is crooked and ill-favoured but that hath some Beauty Mordecai adopted Esther because she was fair But we were in our Bloud and then God adopted us Ezek. 16.6 When I saw thee polluted in thy bloud it was the time of love God did not adopt us when we were bespangled with the Jewels of Holiness and had the Angels Glory upon us but when we were black as Aethiopians diseased as Leapers then it was the time of Love 3. That God should be at so great Expence in adopting us When Men adopt they have only some Deed seal'd and the thing is effected but when God adopts it puts him to a far greater Expence it se●s his Wisdom a work to find out a way to adopt us It was no easie thing to make the Heirs of Wrath Heirs of the Promise And when God had found out a way to adopt it was no easie way our Adoption is purchased at a dear Rate When God was about to make us Sons and Heirs he could not Seal the Deed but by the Bloud of his own Son Here is the Wonder of God's Love in adopting us that he should be at all this Expence to bring this work about 4. That God should adopt his Enemies If a Man adopts another for his Heir he will not adopt his mortal Enemy but that God should adopt us when we were not only Strangers but Enemies Here is the Wonder of Love for God to have pardoned his Enemies had been much but to adopt them for his Heirs this sets the Angels in Heaven a wondring 5. That God should take great Numbers out of the Devil's Family and adopt them into the Family of Heaven Christ is said to bring many sons to glory Heb. 2.10 Men adopt usually but one Heir but God is resolved to encrease his Family he brings many Sons to Glory God's adopting Millions is the Wonder of Love Had but one been adopted all of us might have despair'd but he brings many Sons to Glory this opens a Door of Hope to us 6. That God should confer so great Honour upon us in adopting us David thought it no small Honour that he should be a King's Son-in-law 1 Sam. 18.18 But what Honour to be the Sons of the High God And the more Honour God hath put upon us in adopting us the more he hath magnified his Love towards us What Honour that God hath made us so near in Alliance to him Sons of God the Father Members of God the Son Temples of God the Holy Ghost that he hath made us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Angels Matth. 22.30 Nay in some sence superiour to the Angels all proclaims the Wonder of God's Love in adopting us Branch 2. See the sad Condition of such as live and dye in Unbelief they are not the Sons of God To as many as received him he gave power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in his name No Faith no Sonship Unbelievers have no Sign on Sonship they know not God all God's Children know their Father but the Wicked do not know him Jer. 9.3 They proceed from evil to evil and know not me saith the Lord. Unbelievers are dead in Trespasses Eph. 2.1 God hath no dead Children and not being Children they have no Right to inherit 2. Use of Tryal Try whether we are adopted all the World is divided into these two Ranks either the Sons of God or the Heirs of Hell Joh. 1.12 To them he gave power to become the sons of God Let us put ourselves on a Tryal it is no sign we are adopted Sons because we are Sons of Godly Parents The Iews boasted that they were Abraham's Seed Ioh. 8.33 they thought they must needs be good because they came of such an Holy Line But Adoption doth not come by Bloud we see many godly Parents have wicked Sons Abraham had an Ishmael Isaac an Esau. The Corn that is sown pure yet brings forth Grain with an Husk He who himself is Holy yet the Child that springs from his Loins is Unholy So that as Hierom Non nascimur filii We are not God's Sons as we are born of godly Parents but by Adoption and Grace Well then let us try if we are the adopted Sons and Daughters of God First Sign of Adoption Obedience a Son obeys his Father Jer. 35.5 I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites pots full of wine and cups and said unto them Drink ye Wine But they said We will drink no wine for Ionadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us saying Ye shall drink no wine So when God saith Drink not in Sin 's enchanted Cup an adopted Child saith My Heavenly Father hath commanded me I dare not Drink A gracious Soul doth not only believe God's Promise but obey his Command And true Child-like Obedience must be Regular which implies three things 1. It must be done by a right Rule Obedience must have the Word for its Rule Lydius Lapis Isa. 8.20 To the law to the testimony If our Obedience be not according to the Word it is offering up strange Fire it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Will-worship and God will say Who hath required this at your hand The Apostle condemns worshipping of Angels which had a show of Humility Col. 2.18 The Iews might say they were loath to be so bold as to go to God in their own Persons they would be more humble and prostrate themselves before the Angels desiring them to be their Mediators to God Here was a show of Humility in their Angel-worship but it was abominable because they had no Word of God to warrant it It was not Obedience but Idolatry Child-like Obedience is that which is consonant to our Father 's revealed Will. 2. It must be done from a right Principle i. e. The noble Principle of Faith Rom. 16.26 The obedience of faith Quicquid decorum est ex fide proficiscitur Aug. A Crab-tree may bear Fruit fair to the Eye but it is sowr because it doth not come from a good Root A Moral Person may give God outward Obedience and to the Eyes of others it seems glorious but his Obedience is sowr because it comes not from that sweet and pleasant Root of Faith A Child of God gives him the Obedience of Faith and that
to meddle again with that Sin which will breed the Worm of Conscience Secondly Make up your Spiritual Accounts daily See how Matters stand between God and your Souls Psal. 77.6 I commune with my own Heart Often Reckonings keep God and Conscience Friends do with your Hearts as you do with your Watches wind them up every Morning by Prayer and at Night examine whether your Hearts have gone true all the day whether the Wheels of your Affections have moved swiftly towards Heaven Oh call your selves often to account keep your Reckonings even and that is the way to keep your Peace Of IOY Gal. 5.22 The Fruit of the Spirit is Ioy. THE third Fruit of Justification Adoption and Sanctification is Joy in the Holy Ghost Joy is the setting the Soul upon the Top of a Pinacle 't is the Cream of the sincere Milk of the Word Quest. 1. What is this Ioy Resp. Spiritual Joy is a sweet and delightful Passion arising from the Apprehension and Feeling of some Good whereby the Soul is supported under present Troubles and fenced against future Fear 1. It is a Delightful Passion So it is contrary to Sorrow which is a Perturbation of Mind whereby the Heart is perplexed and cast down Joy is a sweet and pleasant Affection which easeth the Mind Exhilarates and Comforts the Spirits 2. It ariseth from the Feeling of some Good Joy is not a Fancy or bred of Conceit but is Rational and ariseth from the feeling of some Good viz. The Sense of Gods Love and Favour Joy is so Real a thing that it makes a sudden Change in a Person it turns Mourning into Melody As in Spring time when the Sun comes to our Horizon it makes a sudden Alteration in the Face of the Universe the Birds sing the Flowers appear the Fig-tree puts forth forth her green Figs every thing seems to rejoyce and put off its Mourning as being revived with the sweet Influence of the Sun so when the Sun of Righteousness ariseth on the Soul it makes a sudden Alteration and the Soul is infinitely rejoyced with the Golden Beams of Gods Love 3. By it the Soul is supported under present Troubles Joy stupifies and swallows up Troubles it carries the Heart above them as the Oyl swims above the Water 4. The Heart is fenced against future Fear Joy is both a Cordial and an Antidote it is a Cordial which gives present Relief to the Spirits when they are Sad and an Antidote it fenceth off Fear of approaching Danger Psal. 23.4 I will fear no Evil for thou art with me thy Rod and thy Staff comfort me Quest. 2. How is this Ioy wrought Resp. 1. It ariseth partly from the Promise As the Bee lyes at the Breast of the Flower and sucks out the Sweetness of it so Faith lyes at the Breast of a Promise and sucks out the Quintessence of Joy Psal. 94.19 Thy Comforts delight my Soul that is the Comforts which distill from the Limbeck of the Promises 2. The Spirit of God who is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Comforter John 14.26 doth sometimes drop in this Golden Oyl of Joy into the Soul the Spirit whispers to a Believer the Remission of his Sin and sheds Gods Love abroad into the Heart Rom. 5.5 whence flows infinite Joy and Delight Quest. 3. What are the Seasons when God doth usually give his People these Divine Ioys Resp. Five Seasons 1. Sometimes at the Blessed Supper the Soul oft comes Weeping after Christ in the Sacrament and God sends it away Weeping for Joy The Iews had a Custom at their Feasts they pour'd Oyntment on their Guests and kissed them In the Eucharist God often pours the Oyl of Gladness on the Saints and Kisseth them with the Kisses of his Lips There are two grand Ends of the Sacrament the strengthening of Faith and the flourishing of Joy Here in this Ordinance God displays the Banner of his Love Here Believers taste not only Sacramental Bread but hidden Manna Caution Not that God always meets the Soul with Joy He may give Increase of Grace when not Increase of Joy but oftentimes he pours in the Oyl of Gladness and gives the Soul a Privy Seal of his Love as Christ made himself known in the breaking of Bread 2 Season Before God calls his People to Suffering Acts 23.11 Be of good Cheer Paul When God was about to give Paul a Cup of Blood to drink he spiced it with Joy 2 Cor. 1.5 As the Sufferings of Christ abound in us so our Consolation also aboundeth This made the Martyrs Flames Beds of Roses when Stephen was Stoning he saw Heaven open and the Sun of Righteousness shined in his Face God Candies our Wormwood with Sugar 3 Season After sore Conflicts with Satan Satan is the Red Dragon who troubleth the Waters he puts the Soul into Frights makes it believe that it hath no Grace and that God doth not love it Though Satan cannot blot out a Christians Evidence yet he may cast such a Mist before his Eyes that he cannot read it Now when the Soul hath been bruised with Temptation God will Comfort this bruised Reed He now gives Joy Ad corroborandum Titulum to confirm a Christians Title to Heaven After Satans Fiery Darts comes the White Stone no better Balm to heal a Tempted Soul than the Oyl of Gladness As after Christ was Tempted then came an Angel to Comfort him 4 Season After Desertion Desertion is a poysoned Arrow shoots to the Heart Iob 6.4 God is call'd a Fire and a Light the deserted Soul feels the Fire but doth not see the Light it cries out as Asaph Psal. 77.8 Is his Mercy clean gone Now when the Soul is in this case and ready to faint away in Despair God shines upon the Soul and gives it some Apprehension of his Favour and turns the shadow of Death into the light of the Morning God keeps his Cordials for a time of Fainting Joy after Desertion is like a Resurrection from the Dead 5 Season At the hour of Death such as have had no Joy in their Life-time God puts in this Sugar in the bottom of the Cup to make their Death sweet Now at the last hour when all other Comforts are gone God sends the Comforter and when their Appetite to Meat fails God feeds them with hidden Manna Sure as the Wicked before they dye have some Apprehensions of Hell and Wrath in their Conscience so the Godly have some Fore-tasts of Gods Everlasting Favour though sometimes their Disease may be such and their Animal Spirits may be so oppressed that they cannot express what they feel Iacob laid himself to sleep on a stone where he saw a Vision a Ladder and the Angels ascending and descending so when the Saints lay themselves down to sleep the sleep of Death they have often a Vision they see the Light of Gods Face and have the Evidences of his Love sealed up to them for ever Quest. 4. What are the Differences between Worldly
Pet. 1.5 Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation Use 1. SEE the Excellency of Grace it perseveres Other things are but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for a Season Health and Riches are sweet but they are but for a Season but Grace is a Blossom of Eternity The Seed of God remains 1 Iohn 3.9 Grace may suffer an Eclipse not a Dissolution It is called Substance for its Solidity Prov. 8.21 and durable Riches for its Permanency Prov. 8.18 It lasts as long as the Soul as Heaven lasts Grace is not like a Lease which soon expires but it runs parallel with Eternity 2. See here that which may provoke in the Saints everlasting Love and Gratitude to God What can make us love God more than the fixedness of his love to us he is not only the Author of Grace but finisher his love is perpetuated and carried on to our Salvation Iohn 10.27 My Sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me And I give unto them eternal Life My Sheep there is Election hear my voice there is Vocation and I know them there is Justification and I give unto them eternal Life there is glorification How may this make us love God and set up the Monuments and Trophies of his Praise How much have we done to cause God to withdraw his Spirit and suffer us to fall Finally yet that he should keep us let his name be Blessed and his Memorials eternized who keepeth the Feet of his Saints 1 Sam. 3.9 3. See whence it is that the Saints do persevere in Holiness it is solely to be ascribed to the power of God we are kept by his power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kept as in a Garison It is a Wonder any Christian perseveres if you consider 1. Corruption within The Tares are mingled with the Wheat there is more Sin than Grace yet Grace is habitually predominant Grace is like a Spark in the Sea a wonder it is not quenched a wonder Sin doth not destroy Grace that it doth not do as sometimes the Nurse to the Infant overlay it and it dies so that this Infant of Grace is not smothered by Corruption 2. Temptations without Satan envies us Happiness and he raiseth his Militia stirs up Persecution he shoots his fiery Darts of Temptation they are called Darts for their Swiftness Fiery for their Terribleness we are every day beset with Devils As it was a wonder Daniel was kept alive in the midst of the Roaring Lions so that there are so many Roaring Devils about us and yet we are not torn in pieces Now whence is it we stand against these powerful Temptations We are kept by power of God 3. The Worlds Golden Snares Riches and Pleasure Luke 18.24 How hardly shall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of God How many have been cast away upon these golden Sands 2 Tim. 4.10 as Demas What a wonder any Soul perseveres in Religion that the Earth doth not choak the Fire of all good Affections Whence is this but from the power of God We are kept by his power Use 2. Consolation This Doctrin of Perseverance is as Bezar stone 't is a Sovereign Cordial to keep up the Spirits of the Godly from Fainting There is nothing doth more trouble a Child of God than this he fears he shall never hold out these weak Legs of mine will never carry me to Heaven But Perseverance is an inseparable Fruit of Sanctification Once in Christ and for ever in Christ. A Believer may fall from some degrees of Grace but not from the State of Grace An Israelite could never wholly fell or alienate his Land of Inheritance Lev. 25.23 A Type of our Heavenly Inheritance which cannot be wholly alienated from us How despairing is the Arminian Doctrin of falling from Grace To day a Saint to morrow a Reprobate to day a Peter to morrow a Iudas This must needs cut the Sinews of a Christians endeavour and be as the boaring an hole in the Vessel to make all the Wine of his Joy run out Were the Arminian Doctrin true how could the Apostle say The Seed of God remains in him 1 Iohn 3.9 and the anointing of God abides 1 Iohn 2.27 What comfort were it to have ones name written in the Book of Life if it might be blotted out again But be assured for your Comfort Grace if true though never so weak shall persevere Though a Christian hath but little Grace to Trade with yet he need not fear breaking because God doth not only give him a Stock of Grace but will keep his Stock for him Gratia concutitur non excutitur Aug. Grace may be shaken with Fears and Doubts but it cannot be pluck'd up by the Roots Fear not falling away if any thing should hinder the Saints Perseverance then it must be either Sin or Temptation but neither of these 1. Not the Sins of Believers That which humbles them shall not Damn them but their Sins are a means to humble them they gather Grapes of Thorns from the Thorn of Sin they gather the Grape of Humility 2. Not Temptation The Devil lays the Train of his Temptation to blow up the Fort of a Saints Grace but this cannot do it Temptation is a Medicine for Security the more Satan tempts the more the Saints Pray When Paul had the Messenger of Satan to buffet him 2 Cor. 12.8 For this besought I the Lord thrice that it might depart from me Thus nothing can break off a Believer from Christ or hinder his Perseverance let this Wine be given to such as are of an heavy Heart This Perseverance is Comfort 1. In the loss of worldly Comforts When our Goods may be taken away our Grace cannot Luke 10.42 Mary hath chosen the better part which cannot be taken from her 2. In the Hour of Death When all things fail Friends take their farewel of us yet still Grace remains Death may separate all things else from us but Grace A Christian may say on his Death-bed as Olevian once Sight is gone Speech and Hearing are departing but the loving kindness of God will never depart Quest. 1. What Motives and Incentives are there to make Christians persevere Resp. 1. It is the Crown and Glory of a Christian to persevere In Christianis non initia sed fines laudantur Prov. 16.31 The hoary head is a Crown of Glory if found in the way of Righteousness When gray Hairs shine with golden Virtues this is a Crown of Glory The Church of Ihyatira was best at last Rev. 2.19 I know thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first The Excellency of a Building is not in having the first stone laid but when it is finished The Glory and Excellency of a Christian is when he hath finished the work of Faith 2. You are within a few Days march of Heaven Salvation is near to you Rom. 13.11 Now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed
A Christian after his weary Marches and Battels shall put off his Bloody Armour and rest himself upon the Bosom of Jesus that Bed of Perfume When Death hath given the Saints the Wings of a Dove then they shall fly away to Paradise and be at rest 7. The Seventh thing in Glory is Eternity 2 Cor. 4.17 An Eternal weight of Glory First Glory is a Weight The Hebrew Word for Glory quod significat Pondus is a Weight God must make us able to bear it Secondly An Eternal Weight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Glory is such a Manna as doth not breed Worms If the Saints glory in Heaven were but for a time and they were in fear of losing it it would eclipse and imbitter the Joys of Heaven but Eternity is written upon their Joys The Garland made of Flowers of Paradise fades not 1 Pet. 5.4 I have read of a River which they call the Day-River in which time it runs with a full Torrent but at Night it is dried up such are all Earthly Comforts they run with a full Stream all the Day-time of Life but at the Night of Death they are dried up but the Saints glorified shall drink of the Rivers of Pleasure for evermore Psal. 16.11 Eternity is the Heaven of Heavens in fine Gaudium erit sine fine Bern. The Joys of Heaven as overflowing so ever-flowing Quest. 2. When do Believers enter upon Possession of Glory Resp. They pass immediately after Death into Glory Some hold with the Platonists and Lucianists that the Soul dies But many of the Sober Heathens believed the Souls immortality The Romans when their Great Men died caus'd an Eagle to be let loose and fly about in the Air signifying hereby that the Soul was immortal and did not dye with the Body Christ tells us the Soul is not capable of Killing Luke 12.4 Therefore not of Dying And as the Soul doth not Dye so neither doth it Sleep in the Body for a time If the Soul be at Death absent from the Body 2 Cor. 5.8 then it cannot Sleep in the Body There is an immediate passage from Death to Glory It is but winking and we shall see God Luke 23.43 This Day shalt thou be with me in Paradise by Paradise is meant Heaven the Third Heaven into which Paul was wrap'd which all hold to be the Heaven of the blessed was called Paradise 2 Cor 12.4 Now saith Christ to the Thief on the Cross 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Day shalt thou be with me in Paradise his Body could not be there for it was laid in the Grave But it was spoke of his Soul that it should be immediately after Death in Heaven Let none be so vain as to talk of Purgatory A Soul purg'd by Christs Blood needs no fire of Purgatory but goes immediately from a Death-bed into a glorified State Use 1. See what little cause Believers have to fear Death when it brings such glorious Benefits To me to Dye is Gain Why should the Saints fear their Preferment Is it not a blessed thing to see God to love God and to lye for ever in the Bosom of Divine Love Is it not a blessed thing to meet our Godly Relations in Heaven Why should the Saints be afraid of their Blessings Is a Virgin afraid to be matched into the Crown Now is but the Contract at Death is the Marriage-Supper of the Lamb Rev. 19.9 What hurt doth Death but take us from among Fiery Serpents and place us among Angels What hurt doth it do but to cloath us with a Robe of Immortality Hath he any wrong done that hath his Sack-Cloath pull'd off and hath Cloath of Gold put upon him Fear not Dying who cannot live but by Dying Use 2. You who are Real Saints whose Hearts are purified by Faith spend much time in musing upon these glorious Benefits which you shall have by Christ at Death Thus might you by a Contemplative Life begin the Life of Angels here and be in Heaven before your time Eudoxus was so affected with the Glory of the Sun that he thought he was born only to behold it What should we contemplate but Caelestial Glory when we shall see God Face to Face David was got above the ordinary sort of Men he was in the Altitudes ●sal 139.18 I am ever with thee A true Saint every Day takes a turn in Heaven his Thoughts and Desires are like Cherubims flying up to Paradise Can Men of the World so delight in looking upon their Bags of Gold and Fields of Corn and shall not the Heirs of Heaven take more delight in Contemplating their Glory in Reversion Could we send forth Faith as a Spy and every Day view the Glory of the Ierusalem above how would it rejoyce us as it doth the Heir to think of the Inheritance which is to come into his Hand shortly Use 3. Consolation This is that which may comfort the Saints in Two Cases 1. Under their Wants they abound only in Wants The Meal is almost spent in the Barrel but be patient till Death and you shall have a Supply of all your Wants You shall have a Kingdom and be as Rich as Heaven can make you He who hath the promise of an Estate after the expiring of a few Years though at present he hath nothing to help himself yet comforts himself with this that shortly he shall have an Estate come into his Hands 1 Iohn 2.3 It doth not yet appear what we shall be we shall be enamel'd with Glory and be as rich as the Angels under their Sufferings 2. A true Saint is as Luther Haeres Crucis but this may make us go chearfully through our Sufferings there are great things laid up in store there is Glory coming which Eye hath not seen we shall drink of the Fruit of the Vine in the Kingdom of Heaven though now we drink in a Wormwood Cup yet here is Sugar to sweeten it we shall taste of those Joys of Paradise which exceed our Faith and may be better felt than they can be expressed Of the RESVRRECTION John 5.28 Marvel not at this for the Hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth they that have done Good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done Evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation Quest. WHat Benefits shall Believers receive from Christ at the Resurrection Resp. 1. Their Bodies shall be raised up to Glory 2. They shall be openly acquitted at the Day of Judgment 3. They shall be made perfectly blessed in the full enjoyment of God for ever 1. The Bodies of Believers shall be raised up to Glory The Doctrin of the Resurrection is a Fundamental Article of our Faith the Apostle puts it among the Principles of the Doctrin of Christ Heb. 6.2 The Body shall rise again we are not so sure to rise out of our Beds as we are to rise out of our Graves The saved Body shall arise again Some
5. The Bodies of the Saints at the Resurrection shall be Immortal 1 Cor. 15.53 This Mortal shall put on Immortality our Bodies shall run parallel with Eternity Luke 20.36 Neither can they dye any more Heaven is an healthful Climate there is no Bill of Mortality there If a Physician could give you a Receipt to keep you from Dying what Sums of Mony would you give At the Resurrection Christ will give the Saints such a Receipt Rev. 21.4 There shall be no more death 2. The second Privilege Believers shall have at the Resurrection is They shall be openly acquitted at the day of Judgment Of the Day of Iudgment Quest. WHat Benefits do Believers receive from Christ at the Resurrection Resp. 1. Their Bodies shall be raised up to Glory and shall be openly acquitted at the day of Judgment and crown'd with the full and perfect Enjoyment of God to all Eternity 2. They shall be openly acquitted at the day of Iudgment This is to be laid down for a Position that there shall be a Day of Judgment 2 Cor. 5.10 For we must all appear before the Iudgment-Seat of Christ. This is the Grand Assizes the greatest Appearance that ever was Now Adam shall see all his Posterity at once We must all appear the greatness of Mens Persons doth not exempt them from Christ's Tribunal Kings and Captains are brought in trembling before the Lambs Throne Rev. 6.15 We must all appear and appear in our own Persons not by a Proxy Quest. 1. How doth it appear that there shall be a Day a Iudgment Resp. Two ways 1. By the Suffrage of Scripture Eccles. For God shall bring every work into Judgment with every secret thing Psal. 96.13 For he cometh for he cometh to judge the Earth The Reduplication denotes the certainty Dan. 7.9 I beheld till the Thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow The Judgment was set and the Books were opened 2. It appears from the petty Sessions kept in a Man 's own Conscience when a Man doth Virtuously Conscience doth excuse him when evil Conscience doth arraign and condemn him Now what is this private Session kept in the Court of Conscience but a certain fore-runner of that General Day of Judgment when all the World shall be summoned to Gods Tribunal Quest. 2. Why must there be a Day of Iudgment Resp. That there may be a Day of Retribution when God may render to every one according to his work Things seem to be carried very unequally in the World The Wicked do so prosper as if they were rewarded for being Evil And the Godly do so suffer as if they were punished for being good Therefore for the vindicating Gods Justice there must be a day wherein there shall be a righteous Distribution of Punishments and Rewards to Men according to their Actions Quest. 3. Who shall be Iudge Resp. The Lord Jesus Christ Iohn 5.22 The Father hath committed all Iudgment to the Son It is an Article in our Creed That Christ shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead It is a great Honour put upon Christ He who was himself judged shall now be Judge He who once hung upon the Cross shall sit upon the Bench. Christ is fit to be Judge as he partakes both of the Manhood and Godhead 1. Of the Manhood Being cloathed with the Humane Nature he may be visibly seen of all It is requisite the Judge should be seen Rev. 1.7 Behold he cometh with Clouds and every Eye shall see him 2. As he partakes of the Godhead He is of infinite Prudence to understand all Causes brought before him And of infinite Power to execute Offenders He is described with seven Eyes Zach. 3.9 to denote his Prudence and a Rod of Iron Psal. 2.9 to denote his Power He is so Wise that he cannot be deluded and so Strong that he cannot be resisted Quest. 4. When will the Court fit when will the time of Iudgment be Resp. For the Quando or the time of the General Judgment it is a Secret kept from the Angels Matt. 24.36 Of that day and hour knows no Man no not the Angels of Heaven But this is sure it cannot be far off One great sign of the approach of the Day of Judgment is That Iniquity shall abound Matt. 24. Sure then this day is near at hand for Iniquity did never more abound than in this Age Lust grows hot and Love grows cold This is certain when the Elect are all converted then Christ will come to Judgment As he that owes a Ferry-boat stays till all the Passengers are taken into his Boat and then he rows away So Christ stays till all the Elect are gathered in and then he will hasten away to ●●dgment Quest. 5. What shall be the modus or manner of Trial Resp. 1. The Citing of Men to the Court The Dead are cited as well as the Living Men when they Dye avoid the Censure of our Law-Courts but at the last Day the Dead are cited to God's Tribunal Rev. 20.12 I saw the Dead Small and Great stand before God This citing of Men will be by the Sound of a Trumpet 1 Thes. 4.16 and this Trumpet will sound so loud that it will raise Men out of their Graves Mat. 24.31 Such as will not hear the Trumpet of the Gospel sound in their Ears Repent and Believe shall hear the Trumpet of the Arch-Angel sounding Arise and be Iudged 2. The approach of the Judge to the Bench. First This will be terrible to the Wicked How can a guilty Prisoner endure the sight of the Judge If Foelix trembled when Paul Preached of Judgment Acts 24.25 How will Sinners Tremble when they shall see Christ come to Judgment Christ is described sitting in Judgment with a Fiery Stream issuing from him Dan. 7.10 Now the Lamb of God will be turned into a Lion The sight of Christ will strike Terrour into Sinners As when Ioseph said to his Brethren I am Ioseph whom ye sold into Egypt they were troubled at his Presence Gen. 45.6 Now how did their Hearts smite them for their Sin So when Christ shall come to judge Men and say I am Jesus whom ye sinned against I am Jesus whose Laws ye have broken whose Blood ye despised I am now come to Judge you O what horror and amazement will take hold of Sinners they will be troubled at the Presence of their Judge Secondly The appro●ch of Christ to the Bench of Judicature will be Comfortable to the Righteous 1. Christ will come in Splendor and Great Glory His first coming in the Flesh was obscure Isa. 53.2 He was like a Prince in Disguise but his Second coming will be illustrious he shall come in the Glory of his Father with the Holy Angels Mark 8 38. O what a bright Day will that be when such a number of Angels those Morning Stars shall appear in the Air and Christ the Sun of Righteousness shall shine
Variety is wanting we are apt to nauseate to feed only on Hony would breed Loathing but in God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all Variety of Fulness Col. 1.19 He is an Universal Good Commensurate to all our Wants He is Bonum in quo omnia Bona a Sun a Portion an Horn of Salvation He is called the God of all Comfort 2 Cor. 1.3 There is a Complication of all Beauties and Delights in him Health hath not the comfort of Beauty nor Beauty of Riches nor Riches of Wisdom but God is the God of all Comfort Fourthly In the chief Good there must be Eternity God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He is a Treasure that can neither be drawn low nor drawn dry Though the Angels are still spending on him he can never be spent he abides for ever Eternity is a Flower of his Crown Now if God be our God here is enough to let in full Contentment into our Souls What though we want Torch-light if we have the Sun What if God deny us the Flower if he hath given us the Jewel How should this rock a Christians Heart quiet If we say God is our God and we are not content we have cause to question our Interest in him III. If we can clear up this Covenant-Union that God is our God let this chear and revive us in all Conditions To be content with God is not enough but to be chearful what greater Cordial can you have than Union with Deity When Jesus Christ was ready to Ascend he could not leave a richer consolation with his Disciples than this Tell them I go to my God and their God John 20.17 Who should rejoyce if not they who have an Infinite Alsufficient Eternal God to be their Portion who are as Rich as Heaven can make them What though I want Health I have God who is the Health of my Countenance and my God Psal. 42.11 What though I am low in the World if I have not the Earth I have him that made it The Philosopher comforted himself with this though he had no Musick or Vine-Trees yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 here are the Houshold Gods with me So though we have not the Vine or Fig-Tree yet we have God with us I cannot be Poor saith St. Bernard as long as God is Rich for his Riches are mine O Let the Saints rejoyce in this Covenant-Union To say God is ours is more than to say Heaven is ours Heaven would not be Heaven without God All the Stars cannot make Day without the Sun All the Angels those Morning Stars cannot make Heaven without Christ the Sun of Righteousness And as to have God for our God is matter of rejoycing in Life so especially it will be at our Death Let a Christian think thus I am going to my God A Child is glad when he is going home to his Father This was Christs comfort when he was leaving the World Iohn 20.17 I go to my God And this is a Believers Death-bed Cordial I am going to my God I shall change my Place but not my Kindred I go to my God and my Father IV. If God be our God then let us break forth into Doxology and Praise Psal. 118.28 Thou art my God and I will praise thee O infinite Astonishing Mercy that God should take Dust and Ashes into so near a Bond of Love as to be our God As Micah said Iudg. 18.24 What have I more So what hath God more What richer Jewel hath he to bestow upon us than himself What hath he more That God should put off most of the World with Riches and Honours and that he should pass over himself to us by a Deed of Gift to be our God and by virtue of this settle a Kingdom upon us O let us praise him with the best Instrument our Heart and let this Instrument be scrued up to the highest Peg Let us praise him with our whole Heart See how David riseth by degrees Psal. 32.11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoyce and shout for Ioy. Be glad there is Thankfulness rejoyce there is Chearfulness shout there is Triumph Praise is called Incense because it is so sweet a Sacrifice Let the Saints be Queristers in Gods Praises the deepest Springs yield the sweetest Water The more deeply sensible we are of Gods Covenant-Love to us the sweeter Praises we should yield We should begin here to eternize Gods Name and do that Work on Earth which we shall be always doing in Heaven Psal. 146.2 While I live will I praise the Lord. 5. Let us carry our selves as those who have God to be our God that is when we walk so that others may see there is something of God in us Live Holily What have we to do with Sin Is it not this that if it doth not break yet will weaken the Interest Hos. 14.8 What have I to do any more with Idols So should a Christian say God is my God what have I to do any more with Sin with Lust Pride Malice Bid me commit Sin as well bid me Drink Poison Shall I forfeit my Interest in God Let me rather Dye than willingly offend him who is the Crown of my Joy the God of my Salvation Of the Ten Commandments Exod. 20.2 The Land of Egypt c. THE Second part of Preface Who have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage Egypt and the House of Bondage are the same only they are represented to us under a different Expression or Notion I begin with the First Expression Who have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt Quest. Why doth the Lord mention this Deliverance of Israel out of the Land of Egypt Resp. 1. Because of the strangeness of the Deliverance God delivered his People Israel by strange Signs and Wonders by sending Plague after Plague upon Pharaoh blasting the Fruits of the Earth killing all the First-born in Egypt Exod. 12.29 And when Israel march'd out of Egypt God made the Waters of the Sea to part and become a Wall to his People while they went on Dry Ground and as he made the Sea a Cawsey to Israel so a Grave to Pharaoh and his Chariots Well might the Lord mention his bringing them out of the Land of Egypt because of the strangeness of the Deliverance God wrought Miracle upon Miracle for their Deliverance 2. God mentions Israel's Deliverance out of Egypt because of the greatness of the Deliverance God delivered Israel from the Pollutions of Egypt Egypt was a bad Air to live in it was infected with Idolatry The Egyptians were gross Idolaters they were guilty of that which the Apostle speaks of Rom. 1.23 They changed the Glory of the uncorruptible God into an Image made like to Corruptible Man and to Birds and Four-Footed Beasts and Creeping Things The Egyptians Worshipped instead of the true God First A Corruptible Man they Deified their King Apis forbidding all under pain of Death to say that he was a Man
1.6 He hath accepted us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in his beloved Though our Obedience be imperfect yet through Christ our Surety God looks upon it as perfect And that very Service which Gods Law might condemn Gods Mercy is pleased to crown by vertue of the Blood of our Mediator Having given you these Rules about the Commandments I should come next to the direct handling of them Of the Commandments Exod. 20.3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me c. Quest. WHy doth the Commandment run in the second Person singular Thou why doth not God say You shall have no other Gods but Thou Resp. Because the Commandment concerns every one and God would have you take it as spoken to you by Name Though we are forward to take Privileges to our selves yet we are apt to shift off Duty from our selves to others Thefore the Commandment runs in the second Person Thou and Thou that every one may know that the Commandment is spoken to him as it were by name And so I come to the Commandment Thou shalt have no other Gods before me This Commandment may well lead the Van and be set in the Front of all the Commandments because it is the Foundation of all true Religion The summ of this Commandment is that we should sanctifie God in our Hearts and give him a Precedency above all created Beings There are two Branches of this Commandment 1. That we must have One God 2. That we must have but one Or thus 1. That we must have God for our God 2. That we must have no other 1. That we must have God for our God It is manifest we must have a God and who is God save the Lord 2 Sam. 22.32 The Lord Iehovah one God in three Persons is the true living eternal God and him must we have for our God Quest. 1. What is it to make God to be a God to us Resp. 1. To make God to be a God to us is to acknowledge him for a God The Gods of the Heathen are Idols Psalm 96.5 and we know that an Idol is nothing 1 Cor. 8.4 that is it hath nothing of Deity in it If we cry Help O Idol an Idol cannot help the Idols were themselves carried into Captivity Isa. 46.2 So that an Idol is nothing Vanity is ascribed to it Ier. 14.22 we do not acknowledge it to be a God But this is to make God to be a God to us when we do ex animo acknowledge him to be God 1 Kings 18.39 All the People fell on their Faces and said The Lord he is the God! The Lord he is the God! Yea we acknowledge God to be the only God 2 Kings 19.15 O Lord God of Israel which dwellest between the Cherubims thou art the God even thou alone Deity is a Jewel belongs only to his Crown Yet further we acknowledge that there is no God like him 1 Kings 8.23 And Solomon stood before the Altar of the Lord And he said Lord God of Israel there is no God like thee Psalm 89.6 For who in the Heaven can be compared unto the Lord who among the Sons of the Mighty can be likened unto the Lord In the Chaldee it is Who among the Angels None can do as God he brought the World out of nothing And he hangs the Earth upon nothing Iob 26.7 This is to make God to be a God to us when we are perswaded in our Hearts and confess with our Tongue and subscribe with our Hand that God is the only true God and that there is none comparable to him 2. To make God to be a God to us is to choose him Ioshua 24.15 Choose ye this day whom you will serve but as for me and my House we will serve the Lord. That is we will choose the Lord to be our God It is one thing for the Judgment to approve of God and another thing for the Will to choose him Religion is not a matter of Chance but Choice Quest. What is antecedent to or goes before this Choice Resp. 1. Before this choosing God for our God there must be Knowledge We must know God before we can choose him before one choose the Person he will Marry he must first have some Knowledge and Cognisance of the Person So we must know God before we can choose him for our God 2 Chron. 28.9 Know thou the God of thy Fathers We must know God in his Attributes Glorious in Holiness Rich in Mercy Faithful in Promises We must know God in his Son As in a Glass a Face is represented so in Christ as in a Transparent Glass we see Gods Beauty and Love shine forth This Knowledge must go before our choosing of God Lactantius said All the Learning of the Philosophers was without an Head because it wanted the Knowledge of God 2. Wherein our choosing of God consists It is an Act of Mature Deliberation a Christian having viewed the Superlative Excellencies in God and being stricken into an Holy Admiration of his Perfections he singles out God from all other Objects to set his Heart upon He saith as Iacob Gen. 28.21 The Lord shall be my God 3. The Effect of choosing God The Soul that chooseth God devotes himself to God Psalm 119.38 Thy Servant who is devoted to thy fear As the Vessels of the Sanctuary were consecrated and set apart from common to Holy Uses So the Soul who hath chosen God to be his God hath dedicated and set himself apart for God and will be no more for Profane Uses 3. To make God to be a God to us is to enter into a Solemn Covenant with him that he shall be our God After Choice follows the Marriage Covenant As God makes a Covenant with us Isa. 55.3 I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David So we make a Covenant with him 2 Chron. 15.12 They entred into Covenant to seek the Lord God of their Fathers And Isa. 44.5 One shall say I am the Lords And another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord. Like Soldiers that subscribe their Names in the Muster-Roll This Covenant that God shall be our God we have oft renewed in the Lords-Supper And it is like a Seal to a Bond to bind us fast to God and to keep us that we do not depart from him 4. To make God to be a God to us is to give him Adoration Which consists 1. in reverencing of him Psal. 89.7 God is to be had in reverence of all them that are about him The Seraphims who stood about Gods Throne covered their Faces Isa. 6. And Eliah wrapped himself in a Mantle when the Lord passed by in token of reverence This Reverence shews the high Esteem we have of Gods Sacred Majesty 2. Adoration is in bowing to him or worshipping him Psalm 29.2 Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness Nehem. 8.6 They bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground This 〈◊〉
make God to be our God he will make himself to be our Judge And if he Condemns there is no appealing to a Higher Court. So that there is a Necessity of having God for our God unless we intend to be eternally espoused to Misery Use 1. If we must have one God and the Lord Iehovah for our God it condemns the Atheist who hath no God Psal. 14.1 The Fool hath said in his Heart there is no God There is no God he believes in or worships Such Atheists were Diagoras and Theodorus When Seneca did reprove Nero for his Impieties Saith Nero Dost thou think I believe there is any God when I do such things The Duke of Silecia was so infatuated that he affirmed Neque inferos neque superos esse That there was neither God nor Devil We may see God in the works of his Fingers The Creation is a great Volume in which we may read a God-head and he must needs put out his own Eyes that denies a God Aristotle though an Heathen did not only acknowledge God when he cried out Thou Being of Beings have Mercy on me But he thought he that did not confess a Deity was not worthy to live They who will not believe a God shall feel him Heb. 10.31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Use 2. It condemns Christians who profess to own God for their God yet they do not live as if he were their God 1. They do not believe in him as a God When they look upon their Sins they are apt to say Can God Pardon When they look upon their Wants Can God provide Can he prepare a Table in the Wilderness 2. They do not love him as a God They do not give him the Cream of their Love but are apt to love other things more than God They say they love God but will part with nothing for him 3. They do not worship him as a God They do not give him that Reverence nor pray with that Devotion as if they were praying to a God How dead are their Hearts If not dead in Sin yet dead in Duty 'T is as if praying to a God that hath Eyes and sees not Ears and hears not In hearing the Word how much Distraction what regardless Hearts have many they are thinking of their Shop and Drugs Would a King take it well at our hands if when he is speaking to us we should be playing with a Feather When God is speaking to us in his Word and our Hearts are taken up with Thoughts about the World is not this playing with a Feather O how may this humble most of us we do not make God to be a God to us We do not believe in him love him worship him as a God Many Heathens have worshipped their False ●ods with more Seriousness and Devotion than some Christians do the true God O let us chide our selves Did I say Chide let us Abhor our selves for our Deadness and Formality in Religion how we have professed God yet we have not worshipped him as a God So much for the first We must have God for our God I should come to the Second We must have no other God Of the Commandments Exod. 20.3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me 2. THat we must have no other God Thou shalt have no other God before me Quest. What is meant by this word Before me Resp. That is before my Face In conspectu m●o in my sight Deut. 27.15 Cursed be he that makes a Graven Image and puts it in a secret place Some would not bow to the Idol that others might see but they would secretly bow to it But though this was out of Mans sight it was not out of Gods sight Cursed therefore saith God be he who puts the Image in a secret place Thou shalt have no other Gods 1. There is really no other God 2. We must have no other 1. There is really no other God The Valentinians held there were two Gods the Polythites that there were many The Persians worshipped the Sun the Egyptians the Ox and Elephant the Grecians Iupiter But there is no other than the True God Deut. 4.39 Know therefore this day and consider it in thy heart that the Lord is God in Heaven above and upon the Earth beneath there is no other For there is but one first Cause that hath its Being of it self and on which all other Beings depend As in the Heavens the primum mobile moves all the other Orbs. So God is the Great Mover he gives Life and Motion to every thing existent 2. There is but one Omnipotent Power If there be two Omnipotents then we must always suppose a Contest between these two that which one would do the other Power being equal would oppose and so all things would be brought into a Confusion If a Ship should have two Pilots of equal Power one would be ever Crossing the other when one would Sail the other would cast Anchor Here were a Confusion and the Ship must needs perish The Order and Harmony in the World the constant and uniform Government of all things is a clear Argument that there is but one Omnipotent one God that rules all Isa. 44 6. I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no God 2. We must have no other God Thou shalt have no other Gods before me This Commandment forbids 1. Serving a False God and not the True Ier. 2.27 Saying to a stock Thou art my Father and to a stone Thou hast brought me forth Or 2. Joyning a False God with a True 2 Kings 17.33 They feared the Lord and served their own Gods Both these are forbidden in the Commandment we must adhere to the true God and no other God is a jealous God and he will endure no corrival A Wife cannot lawfully have two Husbands at once nor may we have two Gods Exod. 34.14 Thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord is a jealous God Psal. 16.4 Their Sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another God The Lord interprets it a forsaking of him to espouse any other God Iudges 2.12 They forsook the Lord and followed other Gods God would not have his People so much as make mention of Idol Gods Exod. 23.13 Make no mention of the Names of other Gods neither let it be heard out of thy mouth God looks upon it as a breaking of the Marriage Covenant to go after other Gods Therefore when Israel committed Idolatry with the golden Calf God disclaims his Interest in them Exod. 32.7 Thy People have corrupted themselves Before God called Israel his People but when they went after other Gods Now saith the Lord to Moses they are no more my People but thy People Hosea 2.2 Plead with her Mother Plead for she is not my Wife she doth not keep Faith with me she hath stain'd her self with Idols therefore I will divorce her she is not my Wife To
him to pieces The German History relates of a Youth who was given to Swearing and did use to invent new Oaths the Lord sent a Canker into his Mouth which did eat out his Tongue whereupon he died 2. Blasphemy He who did Blaspheme God the Lord caused him to be stoned to death Lev. 24.11 23. The Israelitish womans Son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cursed And Moses spake to the People of Israel that they should bring forth him that had cursed and stone him with stones Olympias an Arian Bishop Reproached and Blasphemed the Sacred Trinity whereupon he was suddenly stricken with three Flashes of Lightning which burned him to Death Felix an Officer of Iulian seeing the Holy Vessels which were used in the Sacrament said in Scorn of Christ See what precious Vessels the Son of Mary is served withall Soon after he was taken with a Vomiting of Blood out of his Blasphemous Mouth whereof he died 2. Or if God should not execute Judgment on the Profaners of his Name in this Life yet their Doom is to come God will not remit their Guilt but deliver them to Satan the Goaler to torment them for ever If God justifie a Man who shall condemn him but if God condemn him who shall justifie him If God lay a Man in Prison where shall he get Bail or Main-prize God will take his full blow at the Sinner in Hell Heb. 10.31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God EXOD. XX. 8 Remember the Sabbath-Day to keep it Holy Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any Work thou nor thy Son nor thy Daughter thy Man-Servant nor thy Maid-servant nor thy Cattel nor thy Stranger that is within thy Gates For in Six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the Seventh Day Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-Day and hallowed it This Commandment was engraven in Stone by God's own Finger and it will be our Comfort to have it engraven in our Hearts The Sabbath-Day is set apart for God's Solemn Worship it is God's Enclosure and it must not be alienated to common Uses The Lord hath set a Preface before this Commandment he hath put a Memento to it Remember to keep the Sabbath-Day holy This Word Remember shows that we are apt to forget Sabbath-Holiness therefore we need a Memorandum to put us in mind of sanctifying this Day I shall explain the Words I. Here is a Solemn Command Remember the Sabbath-Day to keep it holy II. Many Cogent Arguments to induce us to observe the Command I. In the Command 1. The Matter of it viz. The sanctifying of the Sabbath which Sabbath-Sanctification consists in two things First In resting from our own Works Secondly In a Conscientious Discharge of our Religious Duties 2. The Persons to whom the Command of sanctifying the Sabbath is given 1. Either Superiours and they are 1 st More Private as Parents and Masters Or 2 ly More Publique as Magistrates Or 2. Inferiours First Natives as Children and Servants Thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-Servant and thy Maid Servant Secondly Foreigners The Stranger that is within thy Gates II. The Cogent Arguments to obey this Command of keeping Holy the Sabbath 1. From the Rationality of it Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work As if God had said I am not an hard Master I do not grutch thee time to look after thy Calling and to get an Estate I have given thee Six Days Six to do all thy Work in and have taken but one Day for my self I might have reserved Six Days for my self and allowed thee but one but I have given thee Six Days for the Works of thy Calling and have taken but One Day for my own Service therefore it is equal and rational that thou shouldst set this Day in a special manner apart for my Worship 2. The Second Argument is taken from 2 ly The Iustice of it The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God As if God had said The sabbath-Sabbath-Day is my Due I challenge a special Right in it and none hath any thing to do to lay claim to it He who robs me of THIS DAY and puts it to common Uses is a Sacrilegious Person he steals from the Crown of Heaven and I will in no wise hold him guiltless 3. The Third Argument for sanctifying the Sabbath is taken from God's own Pattern he rested the Seventh Day As if the Lord should say Will not you follow my Pattern Having finished all my Works of Creation I rested the Seventh Day So you having done all your Secular Work on the Six Days you should now cease from the Labour of your Calling and Dedicate the Seventh Day to the Lord as a Day of Holy Rest. 4. The Fourth Argument for Sabbath-Sanctification is taken ab Vtili from the Benefit which redounds from a Religious Observation of the Sabbath The Lord blessed the Seventh-Day and hallowed it It is not only a Day of God's Benediction God did not only appoint the Seventh-Day but he blessed the Seventh Day The sabbath-Sabbath-Day is not only a Day of Honour to God but a Day of Blessing to us it is not only a Day wherein we give God Worship but a Day wherein he gives us Grace on this Day a Blessing drops down from Heaven This is a great Argument for the keeping the Sabbath-Day Holy God is not benefited by it we cannot add one Cubit to his Essential Glory but we our selves are advantaged The Sabbath-Day religiously observed entails a Blessing upon our Souls our Estate our Posterity As the not keeping this Day Holy brings a Curse Ier. 17.27 God curseth a Man's Blessings Mal. 2.2 The Bread which he eats is poysoned with a Curse So the Conscientious Observation of the Sabbath brings all manner of Blessings with it These are the Arguments to induce Sabbath-Sanctification And so I have divided the Commandment into its several Parts and explained the Sence of it The thing I would have you observe is That this Commandment about keeping the Sabbath was not abrogated with the Ceremonial Law but it is purely Moral and the Observation of the Sabbath is to be continued to the end of the World Where can we show that God hath given us a Discharge from keeping one Day in seven So that I say this fourth Commandment is Moral and obligeth Christians to the perpetual Commemoration and Sanctification of the Sabbath Quest. Why God hath appointed a Sabbath Ans. 1. In respect of Himself it is requisite that God should reserve one Day in Seven for his own immediate Service that hereby he might be acknowledged to be the great Plenipotentiary or Sovereign Lord who hath Power over us both to command Worship and appoint the Time when he will be worshipped 2. In respect of Vs. The Sabbath-day
makes for our Interest it promotes Holiness in us The business on the Week-Day makes us too forgetful of God and our Souls the Sabbath brings God into our Remembrance When the Dust of the World falling hath clogg'd the Wheels of our Affections that they would scarce move towards God the Sabbath comes and oyls the Wheels of our Affections and now they move swiftly in Religion Therefore God hath appointed a Sabbath to ripen our Holiness On this Day the Thoughts contemplate Heaven the Tongue speaks of God and is as the Pen of a ready Writer now the Eyes drop Tears now the Soul burns in Love When the Heart was all the Week frozen now on the Sabbath it is melted with the Word The Sabbath is a Friend to Religion it files off the Rust of our Graces it is a Spiritual Jubilee wherein the Soul is set to converse with its Maker I should in the next place show you the Modus or Manner how we should keep the Sabbath-Day Holy But before I come to that I shall propound a great Question viz. Qu. How comes it to pass that we do not keep the Seventh Day Sabbath as it was in the Primitive Institution but have changed it to another Day Ans. The old Seventh-day Sabbath which was the Jewish Sabbath is abrogated and in the room of it the first Day of the Week which is the Christian Sabbath succeeds The Morality or Substance of the Fourth Commandment doth not lie in keeping the Seventh Day precisely but in keeping one Day in Seven which God hath appointed Qu. But how comes the First Day in the Week to be substituted in the room of the Seventh Day Ans. Not by Ecclesiastical Authority The Church saith Mr. Perkins hath no power to Ordain a Sabbath But 1. The Change of the Sabbath from the Last Day of the Week to the First was by Christ's own Appointment Christ is Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2.28 And who shall appoint a Day but he who is Lord of it He made this Day Psalm 118.24 This is the Day which the Lord hath made Arnobius and the Current of Expositors understand it of our Christian Sabbath and it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lords Day Rev. 1.10 As it is called the Lord's Supper because of the Lords instituting the Bread and Wine and setting it apart from a common Use to a more special and Sacred Use So it is called the Lords Day because of the Lord 's Instituting it and setting it apart from common Days to his special Worship and Service Christ arose on the First Day of the Week out of the Grave and appeared twice on this Day to his Disciples Iohn 20.19 26. which was to intimate to the Disciples saith Austin and Athanasius that he transferred the Jewish Sabbath to the Lord's Day 2. The keeping of the First Day which is the Lord's Day was the Practice of the Apostles 1 Cor. 16.2 Acts 20.7 On the first Day of the Week when the Disciples came together to break Bread Paul Preached to them Here was both Preaching and Breaking of Bread on this Day Austin and Innocentius and Isidore make the keeping of our Gospel-Sabbath to be an Apostolical Sanction and affirm that by Vertue of the Apostles Practice this Lord's Day is to be sequestred and set apart for Divine Worship What the Apostles did they did it by Divine Authority for they were inspired by the Holy Ghost 3. Besides the Primitive Church had the Lord's Day which we now Celebrate in High Estimation It was a great Badge of their Religion to observe this Day Ignatius the most ancient Father who lived in the time of St. Iohn the Apostle hath these Words Let every one that loveth Christ keep holy the First Day of the Week the Lord's Day This Day hath been observed by the Church of Christ above Sixteen Hundred Years as Learned Bucer notes Thus you see how the Seventh-day Sabbath comes to be changed to the First-day Sabbath Now there is a Grand Reason for changing of the Jewish Sabbath to the Lord's Day because this puts us in Mind of the Mystery of our Redemption by Christ. The Reason why God did institute the Old Sabbath was Because God would have it kept as a Memorial of the Creation But the Lord hath now brought the First Day of the Week in the room of it in memory of a more Glorious Work than Creation and that is Redemption Great was the Work of Creation but greater was the Work of Redemption As it was said Hag. 2.9 The Glory of the Second Temple was greater than the Glory of the First Temple So the Glory of the Redemption was greater than the Glory of the Creation Great Wisdom was seen in the curious making us but more miraculous Wisdom in saving us Great Power was seen in bringing us out of nothing but greater Power in helping us when we were worse than nothing It cost more to redeem us than to create us In the Creation there was but speaking a Word Psal. 148.5 In the Redeeming us there was shedding of Blood 1 Pet. 1.18 19. The Creation was the Work of God's Fingers Psal. 8.3 Redemption was the Work of his Arm Luke 1.5 In the Creation God gave us our selves in the Redemption he gave us Himself By Creation we have a Life in Adam by Redemption we have a Life in Christ Col. 3.3 By Creation we had a right to an Earthly Paradise by Redemption we have a Title to an Heavenly Kingdom So that well might Christ change the Seventh Day of the Week into the First because this Day puts us in mind of our Redemption which is a more glorious Work than the Creation Vse The Use I shall make is That we should have this Christian Sabbath we now Celebrate in high Veneration The Jews call'd the Sabbath Desiderium Dierum The Desire of Days and the Queen of Days It is a Day of sweet Rest. This Day we must call a Delight the Holy of the Lord Honourable Isa. 58.13 Mettal that hath the King's Stamp upon it is Honourable and of great value God hath set his Royal Stamp upon the Sabbath It is the Sabbath of the Lord this makes it Honourable This Day we should look upon as the best Day in the Week What the Phoenix is among the Birds what the Sun is among the Planets that the Lord's Day is among other Days This is the Day which the Lord hath made Psal. 118.24 God hath made all the Days but he hath blessed this As Iocob got the Blessing from his Brother so the Sabbath hath got the Blessing from all the other Days in the Week The Sabbath is a Day in which we converse in a special manner with God The Jews call'd the Sabbath Dies Lucis A Day of Light on this Day the Sun of Righteousness shines upon the Soul The Sabbath is the market-Market-day of the Soul the Cream of Time this is the Day of Christ's rising out of the
Grave and the Holy Ghosts descending upon the Earth This Day is perfum'd with the sweet Odour of Prayer which goes up to Heaven as Incense This Day the Manna falls that Angels Food this is the Soul's Festival Day on this Day all the Graces act their Part The other Days of the Week are most employed about Earth this Day about Heaven Then you gather Straw now Pearl Now Christ takes the Soul up into the Mount and gives it transfiguring Sights of Glory Now Christ leads his Spouse into the Wine-Cellar and displays the Banner of his Love now he gives her his Spiced Wine and the Iuice of the Pomegranate Cant. 8.2 The Lord doth usually reveal himself more to the Soul on this Day The Apostle Iohn was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day Revel 1.10 He was carried up in Divine Raptures towards Heaven This Day a Christian is in the Altitudes he walks with God and takes as it were a turn with him in Heaven 1 Ioh. 1.3 On this Day holy Affections are quickened The Stock of Grace is improved Corruptions are weakened On this Day Satan falls like Lightning before the Majesty of the Word Christ wrought most of his Miracles upon the Sabbath So he doth now The dead Soul is raised the Heart of Stone is made Flesh. How should this Day be highly esteemed and had in Reverence This Day is more precious than Rubies God hath anoynted this Day with the Oyl of Gladness above its Fellows On the Sabbath we are doing Angels Work our Tongues are tuned to God's Praises This Sabbath on Earth is a Shadow and Type of that Glorious Rest and Eternal Sabbath we hope for in Heaven when God shall be the Temple and the Lamb shall be the Light of it Rev. 21.22 23. EXOD. XX. 9 10. Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work but the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of Work c. Six Days shalt thou labour God would not have any live out of a Calling Religion seals no Warrant for Idleness 'T is as well a Duty to labour Six Days as to keep Holy Rest on the Seventh Day Six Days shalt thou labour 2 Thess. 3.11 We hear there are some among you walking Disorderly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 working not at all Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Iesus that with Quietness they work and eat their own Bread A Christian must not only mind Heaven but his Calling While the Pilot hath his Eye to the Star he hath his Hand to the Stern Without labour the Pillars of a Common-wealth will dissolve and the Earth will be like the Sluggards Field over-run with Briars Prov. 24.31 Adam in Innocency tho he was the Monarch of the World yet God would not have him idle but he must dress and till the Ground Gen. 2.15 Piety doth not exclude Industry Six Days shalt thou labour Standing Water putrifies The Inanimate Creatures are in Motion The Sun goes its Circuit the Fountain runs the Fire sparkles And Animate Creatures Solomon sends us to the Ant and Pismire to learn Labour Prov. 6.6 Chap. 30.35 The Bee is the Emblem of Industry some of the Bees trim the Honey others work the Wax others frame the Comb others lie Sentinel at the Door of the Hive to keep out the Drone And shall not Man much more inure himself to labour That Law in Paradise was never yet repealed In the Sweat of thy Brows shalt thou eat Bread Gen. 3.19 Such Professors are to to be disliked who talk of living by Faith but live out of a Calling They are like the Lillies which toil not neither do they spin Mat. 6.28 'T is a Speech of Holy and Learned Mr. Perkins Let a Man be endued with excellent Gifts and hear the Word with Reverence and receive the Sacrament yet if he practise not the Duties of his Calling all is but Hypocrisie What is an idle Person good for What benefit is there of a Ship that lies always on the shore Or of Armour that hangs up and rusts To live out of a Calling exposeth a Person to Temptation Melancton calls Idleness Balneum Diaboli the Devil's Bath because he bathes himself with delight in an idle Soul We do not use to sow Seed in ground when it lies fallow but Satan sows most of his Seed of Temptation in such Persons as lie fallow and are out of a Calling Idleness is the Nurse of Vice Seneca an Heathen could say Nullus mihi per Otium Dies exit No Day passeth me without some labour An idle Person stands for a Cypher in the World and God writes down no Cyphers in the Book of Life We read in Scripture of eating the Bread of Idleness Prov. 31.27 and drinking the Wine of Violence Prov. 4.17 It is as well a sin to eat the Bread of Idleness as to drink the Wine of Violence An idle Person can give no account of his Time Time is a Talent to trade with both in our Particular and General Calling The slothful Person hides his Talent in the Earth he doth no good his Time is not lived but lost An idle Person lives unprofitably he cumbers the ground God calls the slothful Servant wicked Mat. 25.26 Thou wicked and slothful Servant Draco whose Laws were written in Blood deprived them of their Life who would not work for their Living In Hetruria they caused such Persons to be banished Idle Persons live in the Breach of this Commandment Six Days shalt thou labour Let them take heed they be not banished Heaven A Man may as well go to Hell for not working in his Calling as for not Believing So I pass to the next But The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work Having spoken already of the Reasons of sanctifying the Sabbath I come now to that Question Quest. In what manner we are to sanctifie the Sabbath Resp. 1. Negatively we must do no Work in it that is expressed in the Commandment In it thou shalt do no manner of Work God hath enclosed this Day for himself therefore we are not to lay it common by doing any Civil Work As Abraham when he went to sacrifice left his Servant and the Ass at the bottom of the Hill Gen. 22.5 So when we are to Worship God this Day we must leave all worldly business behind leave the Ass at the Bottom of the Hill And as Ioseph when he would speak with his Brethren thrust out the Egyptians so when we would converse with God this Day we must thrust out all earthly Employments The Lord's Day is a Day of Holy Rest all secular Works must be forborn and suspended it is a prophaning the Day N●hem 13.15 In these days saw I in Iudah some treading Wine-presses on the Sabbath and bringing in Sheaves as also Wine-Grapes and Figs and all manner of Burdens which they brought into Ierusalem on
the Sabbath-day and I testified against them Thou I contended with the Nobles of Iudah and said to them What evil thing is this that ye do and prophane the Sabbath-Day It is Sacriledge to rob that Time for Civil Work which God hath Dedicated and set apart for his Worship He that converts any time of the Sabbath to worldly business is a worse Thief than he who robs on the High-way for such a Thief does but rob Man but this Thief robs God he robs him of his Day The Lord forbad Manna to be gathered on the Sabbath Exod. 16. One would think that might have been dispens'd with for Manna was the Staff of their Life and the time when Manna fell was early between Five and Six in the morning so that they might have gathered it betimes and all the rest of the Sabbath they might have employed in God's Worship And besides they needed not to have taken any great Journey for Manna for it was but stepping out of their Doors and it fell about their Tents yet they might not gather Manna on the Sabbath and but for purposing to gather it God was very angry Exod. 16.27 28. There went out some of the People on the Seventh Day to gather and they found none and the Lord said How long refuse ye to keep my Commandments and my Laws Surely the anoynting Christ when he was dead was a commendable Work but Mary Magdalen and Mary the Mother of Iames tho' they had prepared sweet Oyntments to anoint the dead Body of Christ yet they came not to the Sepulchre to embalm him till the Sabbath was past Luke 23.56 They rested on the Sabbath-day according to the Commandment The Hand cannot be busied on the Lord's Day but the Heart will be defiled The very Heathens by the Light of Nature would not do any Secular Work in that time which they had set apart for the Worship of their False Gods Clem. Alexandrinus reports of one of the Emperors of Rome that on the Day of set Worship for his Gods he did forbear Warlike Affairs and did spend that time in his Devotion To do servile Work on the Sabbath shows an irreligious Heart and highly affronts God To work servile Work this Day is to follow the Devils Plough it is to debase the Soul God hath made this Day on purpose to raise the Heart up to Heaven to converse with God to do Angels Work and to be employed in earthly Work is to degrade the Soul of it's Honour God will not have his Day intrenched upon or defiled in the least thing The Man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath God would have him stoned Numb 15. One would think that a small thing to pick a few sticks to make a Fire but God would not have his Day violated in the smallest matters Nay that Work which had a reference to a religious Use might not be done on the Sabbath as the hewing of stones for the building of the Sanctuary Bezaleel who was to cut the stones and carve the Timber out for the Sanctuary yet he must forbear it on the Sabbath Exod. 31.15 A Temple is the place of God's Worship but it were a sin to build a Temple upon the Lord's Day This is keeping the Sabbath-day holy Negatively in doing no servile Work Yet Caution Not but that Works of Necessity and Charity may be done on this day God in these cases will have Mercy and not Sacrifice 1. 'T is lawful to take the necessary Recruits of Nature Food is to the Body as Oyl to the Lamp 2. 'T is lawful to do Works of Mercy as helping our Neighbour when either Life or Estate are in Danger Herein the Jews were too nice and precise they would not suffer Works of Charity to be done on the Sabbath If a Man were sick they thought on this day they might not use means for his Recovery Christ chargeth them with this that they were angry that he had wrought a Cure on the Sabbath Iohn 7.23 If an House were on Fire the Jews thought they might not bring Water to quench it If a Vessel did run they thought that on this day they might not stop it These were righteous overmuch Here was seeming Zeal but it wanted Discretion to guide it But unless in these two Cases of Necessity and Charity all secular Work is to be suspended and laid aside on the Lord's Day In it thou shalt do no manner of work which justly doth arraign and condemn many among us who do too much foul their Fingers with Work on this Day Some in dressing great Feasts others in opening their Shop-doors and selling Meat on the Sabbath which I have seen The Mariner will not set to Sea but on the Sabbath and so runs full Sail into the Breach of this Commandment Others work on this Day tho privately They put up their Shop-windows but follow their Trade within doors But tho they think to hide their sin under a Canopy God sees it Psal. 139.7 Whither shall I go from thy Presence ver 12. The Darkness hideth not from thee These Persons do profane this Day and God will have an Action of Trespass against them 2. Positively We keep the Sabbath-day holy by Consecrating and Dedicating this Day to the Service of the High God 'T is good to rest on the Sabbath-day from the works of our Calling But if we rest from Labour and do no more the Ox and the Ass keep the Sabbath as well as we for they rest from Labour We must dedicate the Day to God we must not only keep a Sabbath but sanctifie a Sabbath This Sabbath-sanctification consists in two things I. The solemn Preparation for it II. The sacred Observation of it 1. The solemn Preparation for it If a Prince were to come to your House what Preparation would you make for his Entertainment Sweep the House wash the Floor adorn the Room with the richest Tapestry and Hangings that there might be something suitable to the state and dignity of so great a Person On the blessed Sabbath God intends to have sweet Communion with you he seems to say to you as Christ to Zaccheus Luke 19.5 Make hast and come down for this day I must dine with you Now what Preparation should you make for the entertaining this King of Glory Now this Preparation for the Sabbath is First When the Evening of the Sabbath approacheth sound a Retreat call your Minds off from the World and summon your Thoughts together to think of the great Work of the Day opproaching Secondly Purge out all unclean Affections which may indispose you for the Work of the Sabbath Evening-Preparation will be like the tuning of the Instrument it will fit the Heart the better for the Duties of the Sabbath ensuing 2. The sacred Observation of it touching which these things are to be practised 1. Rejoyce at the approach of this Day as being a Day wherein we have a Prize for our Souls and enjoy much of God's
Presence Ioh. 8.56 Abraham saw my day and rejoyced So when we see the Light of a Sabbath shine we should rejoyce Isa. 58.13 Thou shalt call the Sabbath a delight This is the Queen of Days which God hath Crowned with a Blessing As there was one Day in the Week on which God did rain Manna twice as much as upon any other Day so God rains down the Manna of Heavenly Blessings twice as much on the Sabbath as on any other This is the Day wherein Christ carries the Soul into the House of Wine and displays the Banners of Love over it Now the Dew of the Spirit falls on the Soul whereby it is revived and comforted How many may write the Lord's day the day of their New Birth This day of Rest is a Pledge and Earnest of that Eternal Rest in Heaven and shall not we rejoyce at the approach of it That day on which the Sun of Righteousness shines should be a day of Gladness 2. Get up betimes on the Sabbath-morning Christ rose early on this day before the Sun was up Iohn 20.1 Did Christ rise early to save us and shall not we rise early to worship and glorifie him Psal. 63.1 Early will I seek thee Can we be up betimes on other days The Husbandman is early at his Plough the Traveller riseth early to go his Journey and shall not we when we are on this day travelling to Heaven Certainly did we love God as we should we would rise on this day betimes that we may meet with him whom our Soul loveth Such as sit up late at work on the Night before will be so buried in sleep that they will hardly be up betimes on a Sabbath-morning 3. Having dressed our Bodies we must dress our Souls for the hearing of the Word As the People of Israel were to wash themselves before the Law was delivered to them Exod. 19.10 so we must wash and cleanse our Souls and that is by Reading Meditation and Prayer I. By Reading the Word The Word is a great means to sanctifie the Heart and bring it into a Sabbath-frame Iohn 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth c. And read the Word not carelesly but with seriousness and affection it is the Oracle of Heaven the Well of Salvation the Book of Life David for the preciousness of God's Word esteemed it above Gold and for the sweetness above Honey Psal. 19.10 By reading the Word aright our Hearts when they are dull are quickened when they are hard are mollified when cold and frozen are enflam'd and we can say as the Disciples Did not our Hearts burn within us Some step out of their Bed to hearing The Reason why many get no more good on a Sabbath by the Word Preached is because they did not break Fast with God in the Morning by the Reading of his Word II. Meditation Get upon the Mount of Meditation and so converse with God Meditation is the Soul 's retiring of its self that by a serious and solemn thinking upon God the Heart may be raised up to Divine Affections Meditation is a Work fit for the Morning of a Sabbath Meditate on Four things 1. On the Works of Creation That is express'd here in the Commandment The Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea c. The Creation is a Looking-glass in which we see the Wisdom and Power of God gloriously represented God produced this fair Structure of the World without any pre-existent Matter and with a Word Psal. 33.6 By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made The Disciples wondred that Christ could with a Word calm the Sea Matth. 8.26 but it was far more with a Word to make the Sea Let us on a Sabbath meditate on the Infiniteness of our Creator look up to the Firmament there we may see God's Glory blazing in the Sun twinkling in the Stars look into the Sea there we may see God's Wonders in the Deep Psal. 107.24 Look into the Earth there we may behold the Nature of Minerals the Power of the Load-stone the Vertue of Herbs and Beauty of Flowers By meditating on these Works of Creation so curiously embroidered we come to admire God and praise him Psal. 104.24 O Lord how manifold are thy Works in Wisdom hast thou made them all By meditating on the Works of Creation we come to confide in God He who can Create can Provide he that could make us when we were nothing he can raise us when we are low Psal. 124.8 Our Help stands in the Name of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth 2. Meditate on God's Holiness Psal. 111.9 Holy and reverend is his Name Hab. 1.13 Thou art of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity God is Essentially Originally and Efficiently Holy All the Holiness in Men and Angels is but a Chrystal Stream that runs from this Glorious Ocean God loves Holiness because it is his own Image A King cannot but love to see his own Effigies stamp'd on Coyn. God counts Holiness his Glory and the most sparkling Jewel of his Crown Exod. 15.11 Glorious in Holiness Here is a Meditation fit for our first entrance into a Sabbath God's Holiness The Contemplation of this would work in us such a Frame of Heart as is suitable to an Holy God It would make us then Reverence his Name Hallow his Day While we are musing of the Holiness of God's Nature we begin to be transformed into his Likeness 3. Meditate on Christ's Love in redeeming us Rev. 1.5 Redemption exceeds Creation the one is a Monument of God's Power the other of his Love Here is fit Work for a Sabbath O the infinite stupendious Love of Christ in raising poor lapsed Creatures from a state of Guilt and Damnation 1. That Christ who was God should die That this Glorious Sun of Righteousness should be in an Eclipse we can never enough admire this Love no not in Heaven 2. That Christ should die for Sinners Not sinful Angels but sinful Mankind That such Clods of Earth and Sin should be made bright Stars of Glory O the amazing Love of Christ This was Illustre amoris Christi mnemosynum 3. That Christ should not only die for Sinners but die as a Sinner 2 Cor. 5.21 He was made sin for us He who was among the Glorious Persons of the Trinity was numbred among Transgressors Isa. 53.12 Not that he had Sin but he was like a Sinner having our Sins imputed to him Sin did not live in him but it was laid upon him Here was an Hyperbole of Love enough to strike us into Astonishment 4. That Christ should redeem us when he could not look to gain any thing or be at all advantaged by us Men will not lay out their Mony upon a Purchase unless it will turn to their Profit But what Benefit could Christ expect in purchasing and redeeming us We were in such a Condition that we could neither deserve nor recompense Christ's Love First We could not deserve it for we were in
we love we fix our Minds upon He that loves his Pleasures and Recreations his Mind is fixed on them and he can follow them without Distraction Were our Love more set upon the Word Preached our Minds would be more fixed upon it And surely there is enough to make us love the Word Preached for it is the Word of Life the Inlet to Knowledge the Antidote against Sin the Quickner of Holy Affections It is the True Manna which hath all sorts of sweet Tasts in it It is the Pool of Bethesda in which the Rivers of Life spring forth to heal the broken in Heart It is a Soveveraign Elixir or Cordial to revive the sorrowful Spirit Get Love to the Word Preached and you will not be so distracted in hearing What the Heart delights in the Thoughts dwell upon II. If you would sanctifie the Sabbath by deligent attentive hearing take heed of Drowsiness in Hearing Drowsiness shows much Irreverence How lively are many when they are about the World but in the Worship of God how drowsie as if the Devil had given them some Opium to make them sleep A Drowsie Temper is now very absurd and sinful Are not you in Prayer asking Pardon of sin Will the Prisoner fall asleep when he is begging his Pardon In the Preaching of the Word is not the Bread of Life breaking to you and will a Man fall asleep at his Food Which is worse to stay from a Sermon or sleep at a Sermon While you sleep perhaps that Truth was delivered which might have converted your Souls Besides sleeping is very offensive in these Holy Assemblies It is not only a grieving the Spirit of God but a making the Hearts of the Righteous sad Ezek. 13.22 It troubles them to see any show such a Contempt of God and his Worship to see Men busie in the Shop but drowsie in the Temple Therefore as Christ said Mat. 26.40 Could ye not watch one Hour So can ye not wake one Hour I deny not but a Child of God may sometimes through Weakness and Indisposition of Body drop asleep at a Sermon but it is not voluntary or ordinary The Sun may be in an Eclipse but not often If sleeping be customary and allowed it is a very bad sign and is a profaning of the Ordinance A good Remedy against Drowsiness is to use a Spare Diet upon this Day Such as indulge their Appetite too much on a Sabbath are fitter to sleep on a Couch than pray in the Temple Now that you may throw off Distracting Thoughts and Drowsiness on the Lord's Day and may hear the Word with reverend Attention consider 1. It is God that speaks to us in his Word therefore the Preaching of the Word is called the Breath of his Lips Isa. 11.4 And Christ is said now to speak to us from Heaven Heb. 12.25 as a King speaks in his Ambassador Ministers are but as the Pipes and Organs it is the Spirit of the Living God breathes in them When we come to the Word we should think thus with our selves God speaks in this Preacher The Thessalonians heard the Word Paul Preached as if God himself had spoken to them 1 Thess. 2.13 When ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye receiv'd it not as the Word of Men but as it is in truth the Word of God When Samuel knew it was the Lord that spake to him he lent his Ear 1 Sam. 3.10 If we do not regard God when he speaks to us he will not regard us when we pray to him 2. Consider how serious and weighty the matters delivered to us are As Moses said Deut. 30.19 I call Heaven and Earth ●o record this day that I have set before you Life and Death Can Men be regardless of the Word or drowsie when the weighty matters of Eternity are set before them We Preach of Faith and Holiness of Life and the Day of Judgment and the Eternal Recompences here is Life and Death set before you and doth not all this call for serious Attention If a Letter were read to one of special business wherein his Life and Estate were concern'd would not he be very serious in listning to that Letter In the Preaching of the Word your Salvation is concerned and if ever you will attend it should be now Deut. 32.47 It is not a vain thing for you because it is your Life 3. To give way to Vain Thoughts and Drowsiness in hearing doth much gratifie Satan He knows that not to mind a Duty is all one as not to do a Duty Quicquid cor non facit non sit in Religion What the Heart doth not do is not done Therefore Christ saith of some Hearing they hear not Mat. 13.13 How could that be Because tho' the Word sounded in their Ear yet they minded not what was said to them their Thoughts were upon other things therefore it was all one as if they did not ●ear Hearing they hear not And doth not this please Satan to see Men come to the Word and as good stay away They are haunted with vain Thoughts they are taken off the Duty while they are in it their Body is in the Assembly their Heart in their Shop Hearing they hear not 4. It may be the last Sabbath that ever we shall keep We may go from the place of Hearing to the place of Judging and shall not we give Reverend Attention to the Word Did we think thus when we come into God's House Perhaps this will be the last time that ever God will counsel us about our Souls before another Sermon Death's Alarum will sound in our Ears With what Attention and Devotion should we come hither and our Affections would be all on Fire in hearing 5. You must give an Account for every Sermon you hear Luke 16.2 Redde rationem Give an account of thy Stewardship So will God say Give an Account of thy Hearing Hast thou been affected with the Word Hast thou profited by it And how can we give an Account if we have been distracted in hearing and have not taken notice what hath been said to us The Judge to whom we must give an Account is God Were one to give an Account to Man he might falsifie his Accounts but we must give an Account to God Nec donis corrumpitur nec blanditiis fallitur He is so Iust a God that he cannot be bribed and so Wise that he cannot be deceived Therefore being to give an Account to such an impartial Judge how should we observe every Word Preached remembring the Account Let all this make us shake off Distraction and Drowsiness in Hearing and have our Ears chain'd to the Word EXOD. XX. 8 Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy c. II. If you would hear the Word aright lay aside those things which may render the Word Preached ineffectual As 1. Curiosity Some come to the Word Preached not so much to get Grace as to enrich themselves with Notions Itching Ears
loseth all its Vertue If there be any Unbelievers in our Congregations what shall Ministers say to God at the last Day Lord we have preached to the People thou sentest us to we showed them our Commission we declared unto them the whole Counsel of God but they believed never a Word we spake We told them what would be the Fruit of Sin but they would drink their Sugared Draught tho there was Death in the Cup Lord we are free from their Blood God forbid that ever Ministers should make this Report to God of their People But this they must be forc'd to do if People live and die in Unbelief Would you sanctifie a Sabbath in hearing the Word aright Hear the Word with Faith The Apostle puts these two together Belief and Salvation Heb. 10.39 We are of them that believe to the Saving of the Soul VI. If you would hear the Word aright hear it with meek Spirits Iam. 1.21 Receive the Word in mansuetudine with meekness Meekness is a submissive Frame of Heart to the Word Contrary to this Meekness is Fierceness of Spirit when Men rise up in a Rage against the Word As if the Patient should be angry with the Physician when he gives him a Receipt to purge out his bad Humours Acts 7.54 When they heard this they were cut to the Heart and gnashed on Stephen with their Teeth 2 Chron. 16.10 Asa was wroth with the Seer and put him in a Prison-House Pride and Guilt make Men ●ret at the Word What made Asa storm so but Pride He was a King and thought he was too good to be told of his Sin What made Cain so angry when God said to him Where is Abel thy Brother Saith he Am I my Brothers Keeper What made him so touchy but Guilt He had embrued his Hands in his Brothers Blood If you would hear the Word aright lay down your Passions Receive the Word with Meekness get humble Hearts to submit to the Truths delivered God takes the meek Person to be his Scholar Psal. 25.9 The Meek will he teach his way Meekness makes the Word Preached to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an engrafted Word Iam. 1.21 A good Cion grafted into a Bad Stock changeth the Nature of it and makes it bear sweet and generous Fruit. So when the Word Preached is grafted into Man's Heart it sanctifies them and makes them bring forth the sweet Fruits of Righteousness By Meekness it becomes an engrafted Word VII If you would hear the Word aright be not only attentive but retentive Lay the Word up in your Memories and Hearts Luke 8.15 The Seed on the good Ground are they who having heard the Word keep it The Greek Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to keep signifies to hold the Word fast that it doth not run from us If the Seed be not kept in the Ground but is presently washed away it is sown to little purpose So if the Word Preached be not kept in your Memories and Hearts it is Preached in vain Many People have Memories like leaking Vessels the Word goes out as fast as it comes in How can it profit If a Treasure be put in a Chest and the Chest be not lock'd it may easily be taken out A bad Memory is like a Chest without a Lock the Devil can easily take out all the Treasure Luke 8.12 Then comes the Devil and takes away the Word out of their Hearts Labour to keep in Memory the Truths you hear The things we esteem we are not so apt to forget Will a Bride forget her Iewels Ier. 2.32 Can a Maid forget her Ornaments Did we prize the Word more we should not so soon forget it If the Meat doth not stay in the Stomach but comes up as fast as we eat it it cannot nourish So if the Word stays not in the Memory but is presently gone it can do the Soul but little good VIII If you would hear aright practise what you hear Practice is the Life of all Rev. 22.14 Blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life Bare Hearing will be no Plea at the Day of Judgment Lord I have heard so many Sermons But God will say What Fruits of Obedience have ye brought forth The Word we Preach is not only to inform you but to reform you not only to mend your Sight but to mend your Pace in the way to Heaven A good Hearer is like the Helitropium c. it opens and shuts with the Sun to God against Sin Now that you may sanctifie a Sabbath by Hearing 1. If you do not hear the Word aright you lose all your Labour How many a weary Step have you taken Your Body hath been crowded your Spirit faint if you are not bettered by hearing if you are as proud as vain as earthly as ever all your hearing is lost You would be loth to Trade in vain and why not as well to hear Sermons in vain Iob 9.29 Why then labour I in vain Put this Question to thy own Soul Why labour I in vain Why do I take all this Pains to hear yet have not the Grace to practise I am as bad as ever why then labour I in vain 2. If you hear the Word and are not bettered by it you are like the Salamander in the Fire not hotter your hearing will encrease your Condemnation Luke 12.47 That Servant which knew his Lord's Will and did it not shall be beaten with many Stripe● We pity such as know not where to hear it will be worse with such as care not how they hear To graceless disobedient Hearers every Sermon will be a Faggot to heat Hell It 's sad to go loaden to Hell with Ordinances O beg the Spirit to make the Word Preached effectual Ministers can but speak to the Ear the Spirit speaks to the Heart Acts 10.44 While Peter spake the Holy Ghost sell upon all them that heard the Word V. Having heard the Word in an Holy and Spiritual manner for the further Sanctification of the Sabbath confer of the Word We are forbid on this Day to speak our own Words Isa. 58.14 but we must speak of God's Word Speak of the Sermon as you sit together This is one part of sanctifying the Sabbath Good Discourse brings holy Truths into our Memories and fastens them upon our Hearts Mal. 3.17 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another There is a great Power and Efficacy in good Discourse Iob 6.25 How forcible are right words By holy Conference on a Sabbath one Christian helps to warm another when he is frozen to strengthen another when he is weak Latimer confessed he was much furthered in Religion by having Conference with Mr. Bilny the Martyr Psal. 119.172 My Tongue shall speak of thy Word One reason why Preaching the Word on a Sabbath doth no more good is because there is so little good Conference Few speak of the Word they have heard as if Sermons were
such Secrets that they must not be spoken of again Or as if it were a shame to speak of that which will save us VI. Shut up the Sabbath-Evening with Repetition Singing of Psalms and Prayer Beg that God would bless the Word you have heard but I hope your Practice herein will prevent my farther speaking Could we but thus spend a Sabbath we might be in the Spirit on the Lord's Day Rev. 1.10 our Souls might be nourished and comforted And this Sabbath which we now keep would be an earnest of that everlasting Sabbath which we shall Celebrate in Heaven EXOD. XX. 8 Remember to keep the Sabbath-day Holy Vse I. See here a Christians Duty To keep the Sabbath-Day Holy 1. The whole Sabbath is to be Dedicated to God It is not said Keep a part of the Sabbath holy but the whole day must be religiously observed If God hath given us Six Days and taken but One to himself shall we grudge him any part of that Day It were Sacriledge The Jews kept a whole Day to the Lord and we are not to abridge or curtail the Sabbath saith St. Austin more than the Jews did The very Heathens by the Light of Nature did set apart a whole Day in the Honour of their False Gods And Scaevola their High Priest did affirm That the wilful Transgression of that Day could have no Expiation or Pardon Whoever do rob any part of the Sabbath for servile Work or Recreation Scaevola the High Priest of the Heathenish Gods shall rise up in Judgment against such Christians and condemn them And they who say that to keep a whole Sabbath is too Iudaical let them show where God hath made any Abatement of the Time of Worship where he hath said You shall keep but a Part of the Sabbath And if they cannot show that it argues much Boldness to go to rob God of his Due That a whole Day be design'd and set apart for God's special Worship is a perpetual Statute while the Church remains upon the Earth saith Pet. Martyr Of this Opinion also were Theodoret Austin Iraeneus and the Chief of the Fathers 2. As the whole Sabbath is to be Dedicated to God so it must be kept Holy You see the manner of sanctifying the Lord's Day by Reading Meditation Prayer hearing of the Word and by Singing of Psalms to make Melody to the Lord. Now besides what I have said for the keeping this Day holy let me make a short Comment or Paraphrase on that Scripture Isa. 58.13 If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honourable and shalt honour him not doing thy own ways nor finding thy own pleasure nor speaking thy own words Here is a Description of the right sanctifying a Sabbath 1. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath That may be understood either Literally or Principally First Literally If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath that is If thou withdrawest thy Foot from taking long Walks or Journeys on the Sabbath-day So the Jewish Doctors expound it Or Secondly Spiritually If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath that is If thou turn away thy Affections the Feet of thy Soul from enclining to any worldly Business 2. From doing thy Pleasure on my holy Day That is Thou must not do that which may please the Carnal Part as Sports and Pastimes This is to do the Devil's Work on God's Day 3. And call the Sabbath a Delight Call it a Delight that is esteem it so Tho the Sabbath be not a Day for Carnal Pleasure yet holy Pleasure is not forbidden The Soul must take pleasure in the Duties of a Sabbath The Saints of old counted the Sabbath a Delight The Jews called the Sabbath Dies Lucis A Day of Light The Lord's Day on which the Sun of Righteousness shines is both a Day of Light and Delight This is the Day of sweet Intercourse between God and the Soul On this Day a Christian makes his Sallies out to Heaven his Soul is lifted above the Earth and can this be without Delight The higher the Bird flies the sweeter it sings On a Sabbath the Soul acts its Love to God and where the Love is there is the Delight On this Day a Believers Heart is melted q. d. quickned enlarged in Holy Duties and how can all this be and not a secret Delight go along with it On a Sabbath a gracious Soul can say as Cant. 2.3 I sat under his shadow with great delight and his Fruit was sweet to my taste How can a Spiritual Heart chuse but call the Sabbath a Delight Is it not delightful to a Queen to be putting on her Wedding Robes in which she shall meet the King her Bridegroom When we are about Sabbath-Exercises we are dressing our selves and putting on our Wedding-Robes in which we are to meet our Heavenly Bridegroom the Lord Jesus And is not this delightful On the Sabbath God makes a Feast of fat things he Feasts the Ear with his Word and the Heart with his Grace Well then may we call the Sabbath a Delight and to find this holy Delight is to be in the Spirit on the Lord's Day 4. The Holy of the Lord honourable In the Hebrew it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Glorious To call the Sabbath Honourable is not to be understood so much of an outward Honour given to it by wearing richer Apparel or having better Diet on this Day as the Jewish Doctors corruptly gloss This is the chief Honour some give to this Day But thou shalt call the Sabbath Honourable that is meant of the Honour of the Heart that we give to this Day reverencing it and esteeming it the Queen of Days We are to count the Sabbath Honourable because God hath honoured it All the Persons in the Trinity have honoured it God the Father blessed it God the Son rose upon it God the Holy Ghost descended on this Day Acts 2.1 And indeed this Day is to be honoured of all good Christians and had in high Veneration It is a Day of Renown On this Day a Golden Scepter of Mercy is held forth The Christian Sabbath is the very Crepusculum and Dawning of the Heavenly Sabbath It is honourable because this Day God comes down to us and visits us To have the King of Heaven present in a special manner in our Assemblies makes the Sabbath-day honourable Besides the Work that is done on this Day makes it honourable The Six Days are fill'd up with-servile Work which makes them lose much of their Glory but on this Day Sacred Work is done The Soul is employed wholly about the Worship of God it is Praying Hearing Meditating it is doing Angels Work Praising and Blessing of God Again The Day is Honourable by vertue of a Divine Institution Silver is of it self valuable but when the Royal Stamp is put upon it it is honourable
So God hath put a Sacred Stamp upon this Day the stamp of Divine Authority and the stamp of Divine Benediction This makes it honourable This is a sanctifying the Sabbath to call it a Delight and Honourable 5. Not doing thy own ways That is Thou shalt not defile the Day by doing any Servile Work 6. Nor Finding thy own pleasure That is not gratifying the Fleshly Part by Walks Visits or Pastimes 7. Nor Speaking thy own Words That is Words Heterogeneous and unsuitable for a Sabbath vain impertinent Words Discourses of Worldly Affairs Here is the sanctifying of a Sabbath described Vse II. If the Sabbath-day be to be kept holy it reproves them who instead of sanctifying the Sabbath profane it They take that Time which should be Dedicated wholly to God and spend it in the Service of the Devil and their Lusts. The Lord hath enclosed this Day for his own Worship and they lay God's Day common God hath set an Hedge about this Commandment Remember and they break this Hedge But he who breaks an Hedge a Serpent shall bite him Eccles. 10.8 The Sabbath-day in England lies bleeding And Oh! that our Parliament would pour in some Balm into the Wounds which the Sabbath hath received How is this Day profaned by sitting idle at home by selling Meat by vain Discourse by sinful Visits by walking in the Fields by using Sports The People of Israel might not gather Manna on the Sabbath and may we use Sports and Dancings on this Day Truly it should be matter of Grief to us to see so much Sabbath-profanation When one of Darius's Eunuchs saw Alexander setting his Feet on a rich Table of Darius's he fell a weeping Alexander ask'd him why he wept He said It was to see the Table which his Master so highly esteemed to be now made a Footstool So we may weep to see the Sabbath-day which God so highly esteems and hath so honoured and blessed to be made a Footstool and to be trampled upon by the Feet of Sinners To profane the Sabbath is a Sin of an High Nature it is a wilful Contempt of God It is not only a Casting God's Law behind our back but a trampling it under foot God saith Keep the Sabbath holy but Men will pollute it This is to despise God to hang out the Flag of Defiance to throw down the Gantlet and challenge God himself Now how can God endure to be thus saucily confronted by proud Dust God will not suffer this high Impudence to go unpunished This will draw God's Curses upon the Sabbath-breaker and God's Curse blasts where it comes No sooner did Christ curse the Fig-tree but it withered Tho the Law of the Land lets Sabbath-breakers alone to rob a Man of his Purse shall be punished with Death but to rob God of his Day shall not be punished with Death But God will take the matter into his own hand he will see after the punishing of Sabbath-violation And how doth he punish it 1. With Spiritual Plagues He gives up Sabbath-profaners to hardness of Heart and a seared Conscience Spiritual Judgments are sorest Psal. 81.12 So I gave them up to their own Hearts Lusts. A Sear in the Conscience is a Brand-mark of Reprobation 2. God punisheth this Sin of Sabbath-breaking by giving them up to commit other Sins God to revenge the breaking of his Sabbath suffers Men to break open Houses and so come to be punished by the Magistrate How many such Confessions have we heard from Thieves going to be executed They never regarded the Sabbath and so God suffered them to commit those hainous Sins for which now they are to die 3. God punisheth Sabbath-breaking by sudden visible Judgments on Men for this Sin God punisheth them in their Estates and in their Persons One carrying Corn into his Barn on the Lord's Day both House and Corn consumed with Fire from Heaven In Wiltshire there was a Dancing Match appointed upon the Lord's Day and one of the Company as he was dancing fell down dead suddenly and so was made a Spectacle of God's Justice The Theatre of God's Iudgments relates of one who used every Lord's Day to hunt in Sermon-time and he had a Child by his Wife with an Head like a Dog and it cried like an Hound His Sin was monstrous and it was punish'd with a monstrous Birth The Lord threatned the Jews That if they would not hallow the sabbath-Sabbath-day he would kindle a Fire in their Gates Jer. 17.27 The dreadful Fire which brake out in London began on the sabbath-Sabbath-day as if God would tell us from Heaven he was then punishing us for our Sabbath-profanation Nor doth God punish it only in this Life with Death but with Damnation Such as break God's Sabbath let them see if they can break those Chains of Darkness in which they and the Devils shall be held Vse III. It exhorts us to Sabbath-holiness I. Make Conscience of keeping this Day Holy The other Commandments have only an Affirmative in them or a Negative This Fourth Commandment hath both an Affirmative in it and a Negative Thou shalt keep the Sabbath-day holy And Thou shalt not do any manner of Work in it To show how carefully God would have us observe this Day Nor only must you keep this Day your Selves but have a care that all under your Charge keep it Thou and thy Son and thy Daughter and thy Man-Servant and thy Maid-Servant That is Thou who art a Superiour a Parent or a Master thou must have a Care that not only thy self sanctifie the Day but those who are under thy Trust and Tuition To blame are those Masters of Families who are careful that their Servants serve them but have no care that they serve God They care not though their Servants should serve the Devil so long as their Bodies do them Service That which St. Paul saith to Timothy 1 Tim. 6.20 Serva Depositum Keep that which is committed to thy Trust is of a large Extension Not only have a Care of thy own Soul but have a Care of the Souls thou art entrusted with See that they who are under thy Charge sanctifie the Sabbath God's Law provided That if a Man met an Ox or an Ass going astray he should bring him back again Much more when thou seest the Soul of thy Child or Servant going astray from God and breaking his Sabbath thou shouldest bring him back again to a Religious Observation of this Day Now that I may press you to Sabbath-Sanctification consider 1. God hath promised great Blessings to the strict Observers of this Day If this Day be a Delight Isa. 58.14 Then shalt thou delight thy self in the Lord. Delighting in God is both a Duty and a Reward In this Text it is a Reward Then shalt thou delight thy self in the Lord As if God had said If thou keep the Sabbath Conscientiously I will give thee that which shall fill thee with Delight If thou keepest the Sabbath willingly I
will make thee keep it joyfully I will give thee those Enlargements in Duty and that inward Comfort as shall abundantly satisfie thee thy Soul shall overflow with such a stream of Joy that thou shalt say Lord in keeping thy Sabbath there is great Reward And I will cause thee to ride upon the High Places of the Earth That is I will advance thee to Honour ascendere faciam so Munster interprets it Some by the High Places of the Earth understand Iudaea So Grotius I will bring thee into the Land of Iudaea which is higher situated than the other Countries adjacent And I will feed thee with the Heritage of Iacob That is I will feed thee with all the delicious things of Canaan and afterwards I 'll translate thee to Heaven whereof Canaan was but a Type And another Promise Isa. 56.2 Blessed is the Man that doth this that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it Blessed is the Man in the Hebrew it is in the Plural Ashre Blessedness To him that keeps the Sabbath holy here is Blessedness upon Blessedness belongs to him he shall be blessed with the Vpper and Nether Springs he shall be blessed in his Name Estate Soul Progeny Who would not keep the Sabbath from polluting it that shall have so many Blessings entail'd upon him and his Posterity after him 2. A Conscientious keeping the Sabbath seasons the Heart for God's Service all the Week after Christian the more holy thou art on a Sabbath the more holy thou wilt be on the Week following EXOD. XX. 12 Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy Days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Having done with the First Table I am next to speak of the Duties of the Second Table The Commandments may be likened to Iacob's Ladder The First Table as the Top of the Ladder reacheth to Heaven it respects God The Second Table as the Foot of the Ladder rests on the Earth it respects Superiors and Inferiors By the First Table we walk Religiously towards God by the Second we walk Righteously towards Man He cannot be good in the First Table that is bad in the Second Honour thy Father and thy Mother In this 1. A Command Honour thy Father and thy Mother 2. A Reason annexed to it That thy Days may be long in the Land 1. The Command Honour thy Father Quest. Who is meant here by Father Ans. Father Verbum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken several ways the Political Ancient Spiritual Oeconomical Natural First The Political Father the Magistrate He is the Father of his Countrey he is to be an Encourager of Vertue a Punisher of Vice a Father to the Widdow and Orphan Such a Father was Iob Chap. 29.16 I was a Father to the Poor and the Cause which I knew not I searched out And as Magistrates are Fathers so especially the King who is the Head of Magistrates is a Political Father He is placed as the Sun among the lesser Stars The Scripture calls Kings Fathers Isa. 49.23 Kings shall be thy Nursing Fathers They are to nurse up their Subjects in Piety by their good Edicts and Examples and to nurse them up in Peace and Plenty Such nourishing Fathers were David Hezekiah Iosiah Constantine Theodosius It is happy for a People who have such nursing Fathers whose Breasts milk Comfort to their Children These Fathers are to be Honour'd For 1. Their Place deserves Honour God hath set these Political Fathers to preserve Order and Harmony in a Nation and to prevent those State-Convulsions which otherwise might ensue Iudg. 17.6 When there was no King in Israel every man did that which was right in his own Eyes A Wonder Prov. 30.27 2. God hath promoted Kings that they may promote Iustice. As they have a Sword in their Hand to signifie their Power so a Scepter an Emblem of Justice It is said of Marcus Aurelius Emperor That he allotted one Hour of the Day to hear the Complaints of such as were oppressed Kings place Judges as Cherubims about the Throne for distribution of Justice These Political Fathers are to be honoured Honour the King 1 Pet. 2.17 And this Honour is to be shown by a Civil Respect to their Persons and a chearful Submission to their Laws so far as they agree and run parallel with God's Law Kings are to be Pray'd for which is a part of that Honour we give them 1 Tim. 2.1 I exhort that Supplications Prayers Intercessions be made for Kings that we may lead a quiet peaceable Life under them in all Godliness and Honesty We are to pray for Kings that God would honour them to be Blessings that under them we may enjoy the Gospel of Peace and the Peace of the Gospel How happy was the Reign of Numa Pompilius when the Swords were beaten into Plough-shares and the Bees made their Hives of the Soldiers Helmets Secondly There is the grave ancient Father who is Venerable for old Age whose Grey Hairs are resembled to the White Flowers of the Almond-tree Eccles. 12.5 These are Fathers for Seniority on whose wrinkled Brows and in the Furrows of whose Cheeks is pictur'd the Map of Old Age. These Fathers are to be honoured Levit. 19.32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary Head and honour the Face of the Old Man Especially those are to honoured who are Fathers not only for their Seniority but their Piety whose Souls are flourishing when their Bodies are a decaying 'T is a blessed sight to see the Spring of Grace in the Autumn of Old Age To see Men stooping towards the Grave yet going up the Hill of God To see them lose their Colour yet keep their Savour Such whose silver Hairs are crowned with Righteousness are worthy of double Honour They are to be honoured not only as Pieces of Antiquity but as Patterns of Vertue If you see an Old Man fearing God whose Grace shines brightest when the Sun of his Life is setting O honour him as a Father by reverencing and imitating him Thirdly There are Spiritual Fathers as Pastors and Ministers These are the Instruments of the New-Birth 1 Cor. 4.15 Tho you have Ten Thousand Instructors yet have ye not many Fathers for in Christ Iesus I have begotten you through the Gospel The Spiritual Fathers are to be honoured 1. In respect of their Office What-ever their Persons are their Office is honourable They are the Messengers of the Lord of Hosts Mal. 2.7 They represent no less than God himself 2 Cor. 5.20 Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ. Jesus Christ was of this Calling he had his Mission and Sanction from Heaven Ioh. 8.18 And this Crowns the Ministerial Calling with Honour 2. Ministers these Spiritual Fathers are to be honoured for their Work sake they come like the Dove with an Olive-branch in their Mouth they preach glad Tidings of Peace Their Work is to save Souls Other Callings have only to do with Mens Bodies or Estates but the Ministers
Job 31.11 Every Failing is not a Crime and every Crime is not an heinous Crime but Adultery is Flagitium an Heinous Crime The Lord calls it Villany Jer. 29.23 They have committed Villany in Israel and have committed Adultery with their Neighbours Wives Quest. Wherein appears the Heinousness of this Sin of Adultery Resp. 1. In that Adultery is the Brea●h of the Marriage-Oath When Persons come together in a Matrimonial way they bind themselves by Covenant each to other in the Presence of God to be true and faithful in the Conjugal Relation Unchastity is a falsifying this Solemn Oath And herein Adultery is worse than Fornication because 't is a Breach of the Conjugal Bond. 2. The Heinousness of Adultery lies in this that it is such an high Dishonour done to God God saith Thou shalt not commit Adultery The Adulterer sets his Will above God's Law tramples upon God's Command affronts him to his Face as if a Subject should tear his Princes Proclamation The Adulterer is highly injurious to all the Persons in the Trinity 1. To God the Father Sinner God hath given thee thy Life and thou dost waste the Lamp of thy Life the Flower of thy Age in Lewdness He hath bestowed on thee many Mercies Health and Estate and thou spendest all on Harlots Did God give thee Wages to serve the Devil 2. Injurious to God the Son two ways First As he hath purchased thee with his Blood 1 Cor. 6.20 Ye are bought with a price Now he who is bought is not his own it is a Sin for him to go to another without consent from Christ who hath bought him with a price Secondly By vertue of Baptism thou art a Christian and professest that Christ is thy Head and thou art a Member of Christ therefore what an Injury is it to Christ to take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of an Harlot 1 Cor. 6.15 3. It is injurious to God the Holy Ghost for the Body is his Temple 1 Cor. 6.19 Know ye not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you And what a Sin is it to defile his Temple 3. The Heinousness of Adultery lies in this That it is committed with mature Deliberation First There is the contriving the Sin in the Mind then Consent in the Will and then the Sin is put forth into Act. To sin against the Light of Nature and to sin deliberately is like the Die to the Wooll it gives Sin a Tincture and dies it of a Crimson Colour 4. That which makes Adultery so Heinous is that it is a Sin after Remedy God hath provided a Remedy to prevent this Sin 1 Cor. 7.2 To avoid Fornication let every Man have his own Wife Therefore after this Remedy prescribed to be guilty of Fornication or Adultery is inexcusable it is like a rich Thief that steals when he hath no need This doth enhance and accent the Sin and make it heinous Vse I. It condemns the Church of Rome who allow the Sin of Fornication and Adultery They suffer not their Priests to marry but they may have their Curtizans The worst kind of Uncleanness Incest with the nearest of Kin is dispens'd with for Money It was once said of Rome Vrbs est jam tota Lupanar Rome was become a Common Stews And no wonder when the Pope could for a Sum of Money give them a License and Patent to commit Uncleanness and if the Patent were not enough he would give them a Pardon Many of the Papists judge Fornication Venial God condemns the very Lusting Mat. 5.28 If God condemns the Thought how dare they allow the Fact of Fornication You see what a Cage of Unclean Birds the Church of Rome is They call themselves the Holy Catholick Church But how can they be Holy who are so steep'd and parboil'd in Fornication Incest Sodomy and all manner of Uncleanness Vse II. It is matter of Lamentation to see this Commandment so slighted and violated among us Adultery is the reigning Sin of the Times Hos. 7.4 They are all Adulterers as an Oven heated by the Baker The time of King Henry the 8 th was called the Golden Age but this may be called the Vnclean Age wherein Whore-hunting is common Ezek. 24.13 In your Filthiness is Lewdness Luther tells of one who said If he might but satisfie his Lust and be carried from one Whore-house to another he would desire no other Heaven Afterwards he breathed out his Soul betwixt two notorious Strumpets This is to be the right Seed of Adam to love the Forbidden-Fruit to love to drink of Stollen Waters Ezek. 8.8 9. Son of Man dig in the Wall and when I had digged behold a Door and he said Go in and behold the wicked Abominations that they do here Could we as the Prophet dig in the Walls of many Houses what vile Abominations should we see there In some Chambers we might see Fornication dig further and see Adultery dig further and we might see Incest c. And may not the Lord go from his Sanctuary As Ezek. 8.6 Seest thou the great Abominations that the House of Israel committeth that I should go far off from my Sanctuary God might remove his Gospel and then we might write Ichabod on the Nation The Glory is departed Let us mourn for what we cannot reform Vse III. It exhorts us to keep our selves from this Sin of Adultery Let every Man have his own Wife saith Paul 1 Cor. 7.2 Not his Concubine not his Curtezan Now that I may deterr you from Adultery let me show you the great Evil of it First It is a thievish Sin Adultery is the highest sort of Theft The Adulterer steals from his Neighbour that which is more than his Goods and Estate he steals away his Wife from him who is Flesh of his Flesh. Secondly Adultery debaseth a Person it makes him resemble the Beasts Therefore the Adulterer is described like an Horse neighing Ier. 5.8 Every one neighed after his Neighbours Wife Nay this is worse than bruitish for some Creatures that are void of Reason yet by the Instinct of Nature observe a kind of Decorum or Chastity The Turtle-Dove is a chaste Creature and keeps to it's Mate The Stork where-ever he flies comes in no Nest but his own Naturalists write if a Stork leaving his own Mate joyneth with any other all the rest of the Storks fall upon him and pull his Feathers from him Adultery is worse than Bruitish it degrades a Person of his Honour Thirdly Adultery doth pollute and befilthy a Person The Devil is call'd an Vnclean Spirit Luke 11.24 The Adulterer is the Devils First-born he is unclean he is a moving Quagmire he is all over ulcerated with Sin His Eyes sparkle with Lust his Mouth fomes out Filth his Heart burns like Mount Aetna in unclean Desires He is so Filthy that if he die in this Sin all the Flames of Hell will never purge away his Uncleanness And as for the
Adulteress who can paint her black enough The Scripture calls her a deep Ditch Prov. 23.27 She is a Common-shore Whereas a Believer his Body is a Living Temple and his Soul a little Heaven bespangled with the Graces as so many little Stars The Body of an Harlot is a walking Dunghil and her Soul a lesser Hell Fourthly Adultery is destructive to the Body Prov. 5.11 And thou mourn at last when thy Flesh and thy Body is consumed It brings into a Consumption Uncleanness turns the Body into an Hospital it wastes the Radical Moisture rots the Skull eats the Beauty of the Face As the Flame wastes the Candle so the Fire of Lust consumes the Bones The Adulterer hastens his own Death Prov. 7.23 Till a Dart strike through his Liver The Romans had their Funerals at the Gate of Venus Temple to signify that Lust brings Death Venus is Lust. Fifthly Adultery is a Purgatory to the Purse as it wastes the Body so the Estate Prov. 6.26 By the means of a Whorish Woman a Man is brought to a piece of Bread Whores are the Devil's Horseleeches Spunges that will soon suck in all ones Money The Prodigal had soon spent his Portion when once he fell among Harlots Luke 15.30 King Edward the Third's Concubine when he lay a dying got all she could from him and pluck'd the Rings off his Fingers and so left him He that lives in Luxury dies in Beggery Sixthly Adultery blots and eclipseth the Name Prov. 6.33 Whoso committeth Adultery with a Woman a wound and dishonour shall he get and his Reproach shall not be wiped away Some while they get Wounds get Honour The Soldiers Wounds are full of Honour The Martyrs Wounds for Christ are full of Honour These get Honour while they get Wounds But the Adulterer gets Wounds in his Name but no Honour His Reproach shall not be wiped away The Wounds of the Name no Physician can heal The Adulterer when he is dead his Shame lives When his Body rots under ground his Name rots above ground His base-born Children will be the Living Monuments of his Shame Seventhly This Sin doth much eclipse the Light of Reason it steals away the Understanding it stupifies the Heart Hos. 4.11 Whoredom takes away the Heart It eats out all Heart for good Solomon besotted himself with Women and they enticed him to Idolatry Eighthly This Sin of Adultery ushers in Temporal Iudgments The Mosaical Law made Adultery Death Lev. 20.10 The Adulterer and the Adulteress shall surely be put to Death And the usual Death was Stoning Deut. 22.24 The Saxons commanded the Persons taken in this Sin to be burnt The Romans caused their Heads to be stricken off This Sin like a Scorpion carries a Sting in the Tail of it The Adultery of Paris and Helena a beautiful Strumpet ended in the Ruin of Troy and was the Death both of Paris and Helena Iealousie is the rage of a Man and the Adulterer is oft killed in the Act of his Sin Adultery cost Otho the Emperor and Pope Sixtus the Fourth their Lives Laeta venire Venus tristis abire solet I have read of two Citizens in London 1583. who defiling themselves with Adultery on the Lord's Day were immediately struck dead with a Fire from Heaven If all that were now guilty of this Sin should be punished in this manner it would rain Fire again as on Sodom Ninthly Adultery without Repentance damns the Soul 1 Cor. 6.9 Neither Fornicators nor Adulterers nor Effeminate shall enter into the Kingdom of God The Fire of Lust brings to the Fire of Hell Heb. 13.4 Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge Tho Men may neglect to judge them yet God will judge them But will not God judge all other Sinners Yes Why then doth the Apostle say Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge The meaning is 1. He will judge them assuredly they shall not escape the Hand of Justice 2. He will punish them severely 2 Pet. 2.10 The Lord knoweth how to reserve the Vnjust to the Day of Iudgment to be punish'd but chiefly them that walk in the Lust of Vncleanness The Harlot's Breast keeps from Abraham's Bosom Momentaneum est quod delectat Aeternum q. d. Cruciat Who would for a Cup of Pleasure drink a Sea of Wrath Prov. 9.18 Her Guests are in the depths of Hell A wise Traveller when he comes to his Inn tho many pleasant Dishes are set before him yet he forbears to taste because of the Reckoning which will be brought in We are here all Travellers to Ierusalem above and tho many Baits of Temptation are set before us yet we should forbear and think of the reckoning which will be brought in at Death With what Stomach could Dionisius eat his Dainties when he imagined there was a naked Sword hung over his Head as he sat at Meat While the Adulterer feeds on strange Flesh the Sword of God's Justice hangs over his Head Causinus speaks of a Tree that grows in Spain that is of a sweet Smell and pleasant to the Taste but the Juyice of it is poysonous The Emblem of an Harlot she is perfum'd with Powders and fair to look on but poysonous and damnable to the Soul Prov. 7.26 She hath cast down many wounded yea many strong Men have been slain by her Tenthly The Adulterer doth not only wrong his own Soul but doth what in him lies to destroy the Soul of another and so kill two at once And thus the Adulterer is worse than the Thief For suppose a Thief Rob a Man yea take away his Life yet that Man's Soul may be happy he may go to Heaven as well as if he had died in his Bed But he who commits Adultery endangers the Soul of another and deprives her of Salvation so far as in him lies Now what a fearful thing is it to be an Instrument to draw another to Hell Eleventhly The Adulterer is abhorr'd of God Prov. 22.14 The mouth of a strange Woman is a deep Pit he who is abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein What can be worse than to be abhorr'd of God God may be angry with his own Children but for God to Abhor a Man it is the highest Degree of Hatred Quest. But how doth the Lord show his abhorring of the Adulterer Answ. In giving him up to a Reprobate Mind and a Seared Conscience Rom. 1.26 And now he is in such a condition that he cannot repent This is to be abhorred of God Such a Person stands upon the Threshold of Hell and when Death gives him a Jog he tumbles in All which may sound a Retreat in our Ears and call us off from the pursuit of so damnable a Sin as Uncleanness I will conclude with two Scriptures Prov. 5.8 Come not nigh the Door of her House Prov. 7.27 Her House is the way to Hell Twelfthly Adultery is a Sower of Discord It destroyes Peace and Love the two best Flowers which grow in a Family Adultery sets Husband
had put all the Creatures in a Limbeck and stilled out the Quintessence and behold All was Vanity Eccles. 2.11 Covetousness is a dry Dropsie the more a Man hath the more he thirsts Quo plus sunt potae plus sitiuntur aquae 3. Worldly things cannot remove Trouble of mind King Saul being perplexed in Conscience all his Crown-Jewels could not administer Comfort to him 1 Sam. 28.15 The things of the World will no more ease a troubled Spirit than a Gold Cap will cure the Head-ach 4. The things of the World if you had more of them cannot continue with you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isocr The Creature hath a little Honey in its Mouth but it hath Wings to fly away Glass Mettal These things either go from us or we from them What poor things are these to covet 2. Second Consideration The Frame and Contexture of the Body God hath made the Face to look upwards towards Heaven Os Homini sublime dedit coelumque tueri Iussit Ovid. Anatomists observe that whereas other Creatures have but Four Muscles to their Eyes Man hath a Fifth Muscle by which he is able to look up to Heaven And as for the Heart it is made like a Glass Viol narrow and contracted downwards but wide and broad upwards And as the Frame and Contexture of the Body teacheth us to look to things Above so especially the Soul is planted in the Body as a Divine Sparkle to ascend upwards Can it be imagined that God gave us intellectual Immortal Souls to covet only Earthly things What wise Man would fish for Gudgeons with Golden Hooks Did God give us Glorious Souls only to fish for the World Sure our Souls are made for an higher End to aspire after the enjoyment of God in Glory 3. Third Consideration The Examples of those who have been Contemners and Despisers of the World The Primitive Christians as Clemens Alexandrinus observes were sequestred from the World and where wholly taken up in Converse with God they lived in the World above the World Like the Birds of Paradise who soar above in the Air and seldom or never touch with their Feet upon Earth Luther saith That he was never tempted to this Sin of Covetousness The Saints of old tho they did live in the World they did trade in Heaven Phil. 3.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Our Conversation is in Heaven The Greek Word signifies our Commerce or Traffick or Burghership is in Heaven Enoch walked with God Gen. 5.24 His Affections were sublimated he did take a turn in Heaven every Day The Righteous are compared to a Palm-Tree Psal. 92.12 Philo observes That whereas all other Trees have their Sap in their Root the Sap of the Palm-tree is towards the Top. The Emblem of the Saints whose Hearts are above in Heaven where their Treasure is 3. The Third Remedy Covet Spiritual things more and you will Covet earthly things less Covet Grace Grace is the best Blessing it is the Seed of God 1 Iohn 3.9 The Angels Glory covet Heaven Heaven is the Region of Happiness 't is the most pleasant Climate Did we covet Heaven more we should covet Earth less They that stand on the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem but as small Villages in their Eye If we could have our Hearts more fixed upon the Ierusalem above how would all Worldly things disappear and be as nothing in our Eye We read of an Angel coming down from Heaven who did tread with his right Foot on the Sea and with his left Foot on the Earth Rev. 10.2 Had we but once been in Heaven and viewed the Superlative Glory of it how might we in an holy Scorn trample with one Foot upon the Earth and with the other Foot upon the Sea Oh covet after Heavenly things There is the Tree of Life the Mountains of Spices the Rivers of Pleasure the Honey-comb of God's Love dropping the Delights of Angels the Flower of Joy fully ripe and blown There is the pure Air to breath in no Fogs nor Vapors of Sin arise to infect that Air but the Sun of Righteousness enlightens that Horizon continually with its glorious Beams O let your Thoughts and Delights be always taken up about the City of Pearl the Paradise of God Did we covet Heavenly things more we should covet earthly things less It is reported after Lazarus was raised from the Grave he was never seen to smile or be delighted with the World after Were our Hearts rais'd by the Power of the Holy Ghost up to Heaven we should not be much taken with Earthly things 4. The Fourth Remedy Pray for an Heavenly Mind Lord let the Loadstone of thy Spirit draw my Heart upward Lord dig the Earth out of my Heart teach me how to possess the World and not love it how to hold it in my hand and not let it get into my Heart So much for the Commandment in General Thou shalt not cover 2. I shall speak of it more Particularly Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife c. Observe here the Holiness and Perfection of God's Law It forbids the Motus primo primi the First Motions and Risings of Sin in the Heart Thou shalt not covet The Laws of Men take hold of the Actions but the Law of God goes further it forbids not only the Actions but the Affections Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House It is not said Thou shalt not take away his House But Thou shalt not covet it These Lustings and Desires after the Forbidden Fruit are sinful Rom. 7.7 The Law hath said Thou shalt not covet Tho the Tree bears no bad Fruit it may be faulty at the Root Tho a Man doth not commit Gross Sin yet who can say his Heart is pure There may be a Faultiness at the Root there may be sinful Covetings and Lustings in the Soul Vse Let us be humbled for the Sin of our Nature the Risings of Evil Thoughts coveting that which we ought not Our Nature is a Seed-Plot of Iniquity it is like Charcoal that is ever sparkling The Sparkles of Pride Envy Covetousness arise in the Mind How should this humble us If there be not sinful Actings there are sinful Covetings Let us pray for mortifying Grace which may be like the Water of Jealousie to make the Thigh of Sin to rot But to come to the Words more nearly Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House nor thy Neighbours Wife c. Quest. Why is the House put before the Wife In Deuteronomy the Wife is put first Deut. 5.21 Neither shalt thou desire thy Neighbours Wife neither shalt thou covet thy Neighbours House Here the House is put first Resp. In Deuteronomy the Wife is set down first in respect of her Value She if a good Wife is of far greater Value and Estimate than the House Prov. 31.10 Her Price is far above Rubies She is the Furniture of the House and this Furniture
Cor. 15.10 I laboured more than they all One would think this had savoured of pride but the Apostle pulls the Crown from his own head and sets it upon the head of Free-Grace Yet not I but the grace of God which was with me If a Christian hath any assistance in Duty or victory over Temptation he rears up a Pillar and writes upon it Hucusque adjuvabit Deus Hitherto the Lord hath helped me Iohn Baptist transferred all the honour from himself to Christ he was content to be eclipsed that Christ might shine the more Iohn 1.15 He that comes after me is preferred before me I am but the Herauld the voice of one crying he is the Prince I am but a lesser Star he is the Sun I baptize only with Water he with the Holy Ghost This i● an hallowing Gods Name when we translate all the honour from our selves to God Psal. 115.1 Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy name give glory The King of Sweden wrought that Motto on the Battle at Lypswich Ista a Domino facta sunt The Lord hath wrought this Victory for us 9. We hallow and sanctifie Gods Name by obeying him How doth a Son more honour his Father than by Obedience Psal. 40.8 I delight to do thy will O my God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys. The Wise Men showed honour to Christ not only by bowing the knee to him but by presenting him with Gold and Myrrh Matth. 2.11 we hallow Gods name not only by lifting up our eyes and hands to Heaven and bowing the knee in Prayer but by presenting God with golden Obedience As the Factor trades for the Merchant so we trade for God and lay out our strength in his Service 'T was a saying of Reverend Doctor Iewell I have spent and exhausted my self in the labours of my holy Calling To obey is better than sacrifice The Cherubims representing the Angels are set forth with their Wings displayed to show how ready they are to do service to God To obey is Angelical to pretend honour to Gods name yet not to obey is but a devout complement Abraham honoured God by Obedience he was ready to sacrifice his Son though the Son of his Old Age and a Son of the Promise Gen. 22.16 By my self have I sworn saith the Lord because thou hast done this thing and hast not with-held thy Son thy only Son that in blessing I will bless thee 10. We hallow and sanctifie Gods Name when we lift up Gods name in our praises God is said to sanctifie and Man is said to sanctifie God sanctifies us by giving us Grace and we sanctifie him by giving him Praise What were our Tongues given us for but to be Organs of Gods Praise Psal. 71.8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day Rev. 5.13 Blessing honour glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb for ever Thus Gods name is hallowed and sanctified in Heaven The Angels and Glorified Saints are singing Hallelujahs let us begin the work of Heaven here David did sing forth Gods Praises and Doxologies in a most melodious manner therefore was called the sweet singer of Israel 1 Sam. 23.1 Praising God is an hallowing of Gods name it spreads his renown it displayes the trophies of his excellency it exalts him in the eyes of others Psal. 50.23 Who so offereth praise glorifies me This is one of the highest and purest acts of Religion In Prayer we act like Men in Praise we act like Angels This is the musick of Heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Zenoph this is a work fit for a Saint Psal. 149.5 6. Let the Saints be joyful let the high praises of God be in their mouths None but Saints can in a right manner thus hallow Gods name by praising him As every one hath not skill to play on the Viol and Organ so every one cannot rightly sound forth Gods harmonious Praises only the Saints can do it they only can make their tongue and heart joyn in consort Psal. 111.1 I will bless thee O Lord with my whole heart and Psal. 66.17 He was extolled with my tongue There was heart and tongue joyning in consort This hallowing Gods name by praise is very becoming a Christian it is unbecoming to murmur this is a dishonouring Gods name But it becomes the Saints to be Spiritual Quiristers in singing forth the honour of Gods name It is called the garment of praise Isa. 61.3 how comely and handsome is this garment of praise for a Saint to wear Psal. 33.1 Praise is comely for the righteous especially it is an high degree of hallowing Gods name when we can speak well of God and bless him in an afflicted state Iob 1.21 The Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. Many will bless God when he gives but to bless him when he takes away is in an high degree to honour God and hallow his name Let us thus magnifie Gods name Hath not God given us abundant matter of praising him he hath given us the nether and upper springs he hath given us Grace a Mercy spun and woven out of his Bowels and he intends to crown Grace with Glory This should make us hallow Gods Name by being trumpets of his Praise 11. We hallow and sanctifie Gods Name when we sympathize with him We grieve when his name suffers 1. We lay to heart his dishonours How was Moses affected with Gods dishonour he breaks the Tables Exod 32.19 We grieve to see Gods Sabbaths profaned his Worship adulterated the Wine of Truth mingled with Error 2. We grieve when Gods Church is brought low because now Gods name suffers Nehemiah layes to heart the miseries of Sion his complexion begins to alter and he looks sad Neh. 2.3 Why is thy countenance sad What sad when the Kings Cup-bearer and Wine so near O but it fared ill with the Church of God and Religion seemed to lose ground and Gods name suffered therefore Nehemiah grows weary of the Court he leaves his Wine and mingles his Drink with weeping This holy sympathy and grieving when Gods name suffers God esteems an honouring and sanctifying his name Hezekiah grieved when the King of Assyria reproached the living God Isa. 37.17 He went into his chamber and spread the letter of blasphemy before the Lord 2 Kin. 19.14 and no doubt watered the Letter with his tears He seemed not to be so much troubled at the fear of losing his own Life and Kingdom as that God should lose his Glory 12. We hallow and sanctifie Gods Name when we give the same honour to God the Son as we give to God the Father Iohn 5.23 That all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father The Socinians deny Christs Divinity saying that he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a bare Man This is to make him below the Angels Psal. 8.5 For the Humane Nature considered in se is below
much eclipsed Gods name Truly Gods own People have sinned enough to justifie God in all his severe actings against them VSE III. Of Exhortation Let us hallow and sanctifie Gods Name Did we but see a glimpse of Gods glory as Moses did in the Rock the sight of this would draw Adoration and Praise from us could we see God face to face as the Angels in Heaven do could we behold him sitting on his Throne like ● Jasper-stone Rev. 4.3 we should presently at the sight of this glory do as the twenty four Elders Rev. 4.10 They worship him that liveth for ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory honour and power That we may be stirred up to this great Duty the hallowing adoring and sanctifying Gods name consider 1. It is the very end of our Being Why did God give us our Life but that our living may be an hallowing of his Name Why did he give us Souls but to admire him and Tongues but to praise him The excellency of a thing is when it attains the end for which it was made The excellency of a Star is to give Light of a Plant to be Fruitful the excellency of a Christian is to answer the end of his Creation which is to hallow Gods name and live to that God by whom he lives He who lives and God hath no honour by him buries himself alive and exposeth himself to a Curse Christ cursed the barren Fig-tree 2. Gods Name is so excellent that it deserves to be hallowed Psal. 8.9 How excellent is thy name in all the earth Psal. 104.1 Thou art cloathed with honour and majesty As the Sun hath its brightness whether we admire it or no so Gods Name is illustrious and glorious whether we hallow it or no. In God are all shining perfections Holiness Wisdom Mercy He is worthy to be praised 2 Sam. 22.4 God is dignus Honore worthy of Honour Love Adoration We oft bestow Titles of Honour upon them that do not deserve them but God is worthy to be praised his Name deserves hallowing he is above all the Honour and Praise which the Angels in Heaven give him 3. We pray Hallowed be thy Name that is let thy Name be honoured and magnified by us Now if we do not magnifie his Name we contradict our own Prayers To say Hallowed be thy Name yet not to bring honour to Gods Name it is to take his Name in vain 4. Such as do not hallow Gods Name and bring revenues of honour to him God will get his honour upon them Exod. 14.17 I 'll get me honour upon Pharaoh Pharaoh would not hallow Gods Name Who is the Lord that I should obey him Well saith God if Pharaoh will not honour me I will get me honour upon him When God overthrew him and his Chariots in the Sea then he got his honour upon him Gods Power and Justice were glorified in his destruction There are some whom God hath raised to great Power and Dignity and they will not honour Gods Name they make use of their Power to dishonour God they cast reproach upon Gods Name and revile his Servants well they who will not honour God he will get his honour upon them in their final ruine Herod did not give Glory to God and God did get his Glory upon him Acts 12.23 The Angel of the Lord smote him because he gave not God the glory and he was eaten of worms 5. It will be no small comfort to us when we come to dye that we have hallowed and sanctified God● Name It was Christs comfort a little before his Death Ioh. 17.4 I have glorified thee on the earth Christs redeeming Mankind was an hallowing and glorifying of Gods Name never was more Honour brought to Gods Name than by this great undertaking of Christ Now here was Christs comfort before his Death that he had hallowed Gods Name and brought Glory to him So what a Cordial will this be to us at last when our whole Life hath been an hallowing of Gods Name we have loved him with our Hearts praised him with our Lips honoured him with our Lives We have been 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the praise of his glory Eph. 1.6 At the hour of death all your earthly comforts will vanish to think how rich you have been or what pleasures you have enjoyed upon earth this will not give one dram of comfort What is one the better for an Estate that is spent But now to have Conscience witnessing that you have hallowed Gods Name your whole Life hath been a glorifying of him what sweet peace and satisfaction will this give That Servant who hath been all day working in the Vineyard how glad is he when evening comes that he shall receive his pay Such as have spent their Lives in honouring God how sweet will Death be when they shall receive the recompence of Reward What comfort was it to Hezekiah when he was on his Sick-bed and could appeal to God Isa. 38.3 Remember Lord how I have walked before thee with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight I have hallowed thy Name I have brought all the Honour I could to thee I have done that which is good in thy sight 6. There is nothing lost by what we do for God if we bring Honour to his Name he will honour us Honour is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist. As Balac said to Balaam Numb 22.37 Am not I able to promote thee to honour So if we hallow and sanctifie Gods Name is not he able to promote us to Honour 1. He will honour us in our Life 1. He will put honour upon our Persons He will number us among his Jewels Mal. 3.17 he will make us a Royal Diadem in his hand Isa. 62.3 he will lift us up in the eyes of others Zach. 9.16 They shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an ensign of glory He will esteem us as the cream and flower of the Creation Isa. 43.4 Since thou hast been precious in my sight thou hast been honourable 2. God will put honour upon our Names Prov. 10.17 The memory of the just is blessed How renowned have the Saints been in all Ages who have hallowed Gods Name How renowned was Abraham for his Faith Moses for his Meekness David for his Zeal Paul for his Love to Christ their Names as a precious Oyntment send forth a sweet perfume in Gods Church to this day 2. God will honour us at our Death he will send his Angels to carry us up with triumph into Heaven Luke 16.22 The beggar dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams bosom Amasis King of Egypt had his Chariot drawn with four Kings which he had conquered in War but what is this to the Glory every Believer shall have at his Death he shall be carried by the Angels of God 3. God will put honour upon us after Death 1. He will put
Glory upon our Bodies We shall be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Angels not for substance but quality our Bodies shall be agile and nimble now our Bodies are as a weight then they shall be as a wing moving swiftly from place to place our Bodies shall be full of clarity and brightness like Christs glorious Body Phil. 3.21 The Bodies of the Saints shall be as Cloth dyed into a Scarlet colour made more illustrious they shall be so clear and transparent that the Soul shall sparkle through them as the Wine through the Glass 2. God will put Glory upon our Souls If the Cabinet of the Body shall be so illustrious of what orient brightness shall the Jewel be Then will be the great Coronation-day when the Saints shall wear the Robe of Immortality and the Crown of Righteousness which fades not away O how glorious will that Garland be which is made of the Flowers of Paradise Who then would not hallow and glorifie Gods Name and spread his renown in the World who will put such immortal Honour upon his People as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive 7. Vlt. Such as do not hallow Gods Name but profane and dishonour it God will pour contempt upon them though they be never so great and though cloathed in Purple and Scarlet yet they are abhorred of God and their name shall rot Though the name of Iudas be in the Bible and the name of Pontius Pilate be in the Creed yet their names stand there for Infamy as being Traytors to the Crown of Heaven Nahum 1.14 I will make thy grave for thou art vile It is spoken of Antiochus Epiphanes he was a King and his name signifie● Illustrious yet God esteemed him a vile Person to show how base the wicked are in Gods esteem he compares them to things most vile to chaff Psal. 1.4 to dross Psal. 119.118 and the filth that fomes out of the Sea Isa. 57.20 and as God doth thus vilely esteem of such as do not hallow his Name so he sends them to a vile place at last Vagrants are sent to the House of Correction Hell is the House of Correction which the Wicked are sent to when they dye Let all this prevail with us to hallow and sanctifie Gods Name Quest. What may we do to honour and sanctifie Gods Name Answ. Let us get 1. A sound Knowledge of God 2. A sincere Love to God 1. A sound Knowledge of God Take a view of his superlative Excellencies his Holiness his incomprehensible Goodness The Angels know God better than we therefore they sanctifie his Name and sing Hallelujahs to him and let us labour to know him to be our God Psal. 48.14 This God is our God We may dread God as a Judge but we cannot honour him as a Father till we know he is our God 2. Get a sincere Love to God A Love of Appretiation and a Love of Complacency to delight in him Iohn 21.15 Lord thou knowest I love thee He can never honour his Master who doth not love him The reason Gods Name is no more hallowed is because his name is no more loved So much for the First Petition MATTH vi 10 Thy Kingdom come A Soul truly devoted to God joyns heartily in this Petition Adveniat Regnum tuum Thy Kingdom come In which words this great Truth is implyed that God is a King he who hath a Kingdom can be no less than a King Ps. 47.7 God is King of all the earth And he is a King upon his Throne Psal. 47.8 God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness 1. He hath a Regal Title High and Mighty Isa. 57.15 Thus saith the high and lofty one 2. He hath the Ensigns of Royalty his Sword Deut. 32.41 If I whet my glittering sword He hath his Scepter Heb. 1.8 A scepter of Righteousness is the scepter of thy Kingdom 3. He hath his Crown Royal Rev. 19.12 On his head were many crowns he hath his Iura Regalia his Kingly Prerogatives he hath power to make Lawes to seal Pardons which are the Flowers and Jewels belonging to his Crown Thus the Lord is King And 2. He is a great King Psal. 95.3 A great King above all Gods He is great in and of himself and not like other Kings who are made great by their Subjects That he is so great a King appears 1. By the immenseness of his Being Ier. 23.24 Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord. His center is every where he is no where included yet no where excluded he is so immensly great That the heaven of heavens cannot contain him 1 Kings 8.27 2. His greatness appears by the effects of his Power He made heaven and earth Psal. 124.8 and can unmake it God can with a Breath crumble us to dust with a Word he can unpin the World and break the Axle-Tree of it in pieces He pours contempt upon the mighty Iob 12.21 He cuts off the spirit of Princes Psal. 76.12 He is Lord Paramount who doth whatever he will Psal. 115.2 He weigheth the mountains in scales and the hills in a ballance Isa. 40.12 3. God is a Glorious King Psal. 24.10 Who is this King of Glory the Lord of Hosts he is the King of Glory He hath internal Glory Psal. 93.1 The Lord reigneth he is cloathed with majesty Other Kings have Royal and Sumptuous Apparel to make them appear glorious to the beholders but all their Glory and Magnificence is borrowed but God is cloathed with Majesty his own Glorious Essence is instead of Royal Robes and he hath girded himself with strength Kings have their guard about them to defend their Persons because they are not able to defend themselves but God needs no guard or assistance from others He hath girded himself with strength His own Power is his Life-guard Psal. 89.6 Who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord who among the Sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord God hath a prehiminence above all other Kings for Majesty Rev. 19.16 He hath on his vesture a name written Rex Regum King of Kings He hath the highest Throne the richest Crown the largest Dominions and the longest Possession Psal. 29.10 The Lord sitteth King for ever Though God hath many Heirs yet no Successors He sets up his Throne where no other King doth he rules the Will and Affections his Power binds the Conscience Angels serve him all the Kings of the Earth hold their Crowns and Diadems by immediate tenure from this great King Prov. 8.15 By me Kings reign and to this Lord Iehovah all Kings must give account and from Gods Tribunal there is no appeal VSE I. Br. 1. If God be so great a King and sits King for ever then it is no disparagement for us to serve him Deo servire est regnare It is an Honour to serve a King If the Angels fly swiftly upon the King of Heavens message Dan.
9.21 then well may we look upon it as a favour to be taken into his Royal Service Theodosius thought it a greater Honour to be Gods Servant than to be an Emperour 'T is more Honour to serve God than to have Kings serve us Every Subject of this King is Crowned with Regal Honour Rev. 1.6 Who hath made us Kings Therefore as the Queen of Sheba having seen the Glory of Solomons Kingdom said Happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee 1 Kings 10.8 so happy are those Saints who stand before the King of Heaven and wait on his Throne Br. 2. If God be such a Glorious King crowned with Wisdom armed with Power bespangled with Riches then it showes us what Prudence it is to have this King to be ours To say as Psal. 5.2 My King and my God 'T is counted great Policy to be on the strongest side if we belong to the King of Heaven we are sure to be on the strongest side The King of Glory can with ease destroy his Adversaries he can pull down their Pride befool their Policy restrain their Malice That stone cut out of the Mountains without hands which smote the Image Dan. 2.34 was an emblem saith Austin of Christs Monarchical Power conquering and triumphing over his enemies If we are on Gods side we are on the strongest side he can with a Word destroy his enemies Psal. 2.5 Then shall he speak to them in his wrath nay he can with a Look destroy them Iob 40.12 Look upon every one that is proud and bring him low It needs cost God no more to confound those who rise up against him than a look a cast of the eye Exod. 14.24 In the morning watch the Lord looked to the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and troubled their host and took off their chariot-wheels What Wisdom is it then to have this King to be ours then we are on the strongest side VSE II of Exhortation Br. 1. If God be so Glorious a King full of Power and Majesty let us trust in him Psal. 9.10 They that know thy name will put their trust in thee Trust him with your Soul you cannot put this Jewel in safer hands and trust him with Church and State Affairs He is King Exod. 15.3 The Lord is a man of war he can make bear his holy Arm in the eyes of all the Nations If means fail he is never at a loss there are no impossibles with him he can make the dry bones live Ezek. 37.10 As a King he can command and as a God he can create Salvation Isa. 65.18 I create Ierusalem a rejoycing Let us trust all our affairs with this great King Either God can remove Mountains or can leap over them Cant. 2.8 Br. 2. If God be so great a King let us fear him Ier. 5.22 Fear ye not me saith the Lord Will ye not tremble at my presence We have enough fear of Men. Fear makes danger appear greater and sin lesser but let us fear the King of Kings who hath power to cast Body and Soul into Hell Luke 12.5 As one wedge drives out another so the fear of God would drive out all base carnal fear Let us fear that God whose Throne is set above all Kings they may be Mighty but he is Almighty Kings have no Power but what God hath given them their Power is limited his is infinite Let us fear this King whose eyes are as lamps of fire Rev. 1.14 The mountains quake at him and the rocks are thrown down by him Nahum 1.6 If he stamps with his foot all the Creatures are presently up in a battalio to fight for him O tremble and fear before this God Fear is Ianitor Animae it is the Door-keeper of the Soul it keeps Sin from entring Gen. 39.9 How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God 3 Br. If God be so Glorious a King he hath jus virae necis He hath the power of Life and Death in his Hand Let all the Potentates of the Earth take heed how they employ their Power against the King of Heaven they employ their power against God who with their Scepter beat down his Truth which is the most Orient Pearl of his Crown who crush and persecute his People which are the Apple of his Eye Zach. 2.8 Who trample upon his Laws and Royal Edicts which he hath set forth Psal. 2.3 What is a King without his Laws Let all that are invested with worldly Power and Grandeur take heed how they oppose the King of Glory The Lord will be too hard for all that come against him Iob 40.9 Hast thou an Arm like God Wilt thou measure Arms with the Almighty Shall a little Child go to fight with an Arch-angel Ezek. 22.14 Can thy Heart endure or can thy Hands be strong in the day that I shall deal with thee Christ will put all his Enemies at last under his Feet Psal. 110.1 All the Multitude of the Wicked who set themselves against God shall be but as so many Clusters of ripe Grapes to be cast into the Wine-press of the wrath of God and to be trodden by him till their blood comes forth The King of Glory will come off Victor at last Men may set up their Standard but God alwaies sets up his Trophies of Victory the Lord hath a golden Scepter and an iron Rod Psal. 2.9 Those who will not bow to the one shall be broken by the other 4. Br. Is God so great a King having all Power in Heaven and Earth in his Hand let us learn Subjection to him Such as have gone on in Sin and by their Impieties hung out a Flag of defiance against the King of Heaven Oh come in quickly and make your Peace submit to God Psal. 2.12 Kiss the Son least he be angry Kiss Christ with a Kiss of Love and a Kiss of Obedience obey the King of Heaven when he speaks to you by his Ministers and Ambassadors 2 Cor. 5.20 when God bids you fly from Sin and espouse Holiness obey him to obey is better then Sacrifice To obey God saith Luther is better then to work Miracles Obey God willingly Isa. 1.19 That is the best obedience that is chearful as that is the sweetest Honey which drops out of the Comb Obey God swiftly Zech. 5.9 I lift up mine eyes and behold two Women and the wind was in their Wings Wings are swift but wind in the wings denotes great swiftness such should our obedience to God be Obey the King of Glory Vse III. Comfort to those who are the Subjects of the King of Heaven God will put forth all his Royal Power for their Succour and Comfort 1. The King of Heaven will plead their Cause Ier. 51.36 I will plead thy Cause and take Vengeance for thee 2. He will protect his People He sets an invisible guard about them Zech. 2.5 I will be a Wall of Fire to her roun● about A wall that
II. Such as have this Kingdom of God set up in them it calls for gratulation and thanksgiving What will you be thankful 〈…〉 not for a Kingdom Grace is the best Blessing it is the result and product of Gods electing love God in setting up his kingdom of grace hath done more for you ●han if he had made you Kings and Queens for now you are born of God and of the Blood-Royal of Heaven O admire and exalt free Grace Make Gods p●●ise glorious Psal. 66.2 The Apostle seldom mentions the work of Grace but he joyns praise Col. 1.12 Giving thanks to the Father who hath made us meet for the inheritance of the Saints in light If God hath crowned you with the Kingdom of Grace do you crown him with your Praises 2. The Second thing intended by our Saviour in this Petition is That the Kingdom of Grace may encrease that it may come more into us And this may answer a Question Quest. Why do we pray Thy Kingdom come when the Kingdom of Grace is already come into the Soul Answ. Though the kingdom of grace be already come into us yet still we must pray Thy Kingdom come namely that grace may be encreased and that this kingdom may flourish still more in our Souls Till we come to live among the Angels we shall need to pray this Prayer Thy Kingdom come Lord let thy kingdom of grace come in more power into my Soul let grace be more augmented and encreased Quest. 1. When doth the Kingdom of Grace increase in the Soul when is it a flourishing Kingdom Answ. 1. When a Christian hath further degrees added to his graces there 's more oyl in the lamp his knowledge is clearer his love is more inflamed Grace is capable of degrees and may rise higher as the Sun in the Horizon It is not with us as it was with Christ who received the Spirit without measure Iohn 3.34 Christ could not be more holy than he was but our Grace is receptive of further degrees we may have more sanctity we may add more cubits to our spiritual stature 2. Then the kingdom of Grace increaseth when a Christian hath gotten more strength than he had Iob 17.9 He that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger Hebr. Iosiphometz He shall add to his strength A Christian hath strength to resist temptation to forgive his enemies to suffer affliction 't is not easie to suffer a Man must deny himself ere he take up the Cross The way to Heaven is like the way which Ionathan and his Armour-bearer had in climbing up a steep place 1 Sam. 14.4 There was a sharp rock on the one side and a sharp rock on the other It requires much strength to climb up this rocky way That Grace which will carry us through Prosperity will not carry us through Sufferings The Ship needs stronger tackling to carry it through a storm than a calm Now when we are so strong in Grace that we can bear up under affliction without murmuring or fainting here is the kingdom of grace increased What mighty strength of grace had he who told the Emperour Valentinian you may take away my Life but you cannot take away my love to the Truth 3. Then the Kingdom of Grace encreaseth when a Christian hath most conflict with Spiritual Corruptions he not only abstains from gross Evils but hath a Combat with inward hidden close Corruptions as Pride Envy Hypocrisy vain Thoughts carnal Confidence these are spiritual Wickednesses and do both defile and disturb 2 Cor. 7.1 Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit Which shows there are two sorts of Corruptions one of the Flesh the other of the Spirit when we grieve for and combat with spiritual Sin as being the Root of all gross sins Now the Kingdom of Grace encreaseth and spreads its Territories in the Soul 4. Then the kingdom of grace flourisheth when a Christian hath learned to live by Faith Gal. 2.20 I live by the Faith of the Son of God There is the Habit of Faith and the drawing of this Habit into exercise For a Christian to graft his hope of Salvation only upon the stock of Christs Righteousness and make Christ all in Justification to live on the Promises as the Bee on the Flower and suck out the sweetness of them to trust God where we cannot trace him to believe his Love thorough a Frown to perswade our selves when he hath the Face of an Enemy yet he hath the Heart of a Father when we are arrived at this here is the Kingdom of Grace flourishing in our Souls 5. When a Christian is arrived at holy Zeal Numb 25.13 Phinehas was zealous for his God Zeal is the Flame of the Affections it turns a Saint into Seraphim A zealous Christian is impatient when God is dishonoured Rev. 2.2 he will wrestle with difficulties he will swim to Christ through a sea of blood Act. 21.13 Zeal loves truth when it is dispised and opposed Psal. 119.126 They have made void thy Law therefore I love thy Law Here is grace encreasing like the Sun in the Horizon Zeal resembles the Holy Ghost Acts. 2.2 There appeared cloven Tongues like as of fire and it sate upon each of them Tongues of fire were an Emblem of that fire of zeal which the Spirit poured upon them 6. Then the Kingdom of Grace encreaseth when a Christian is as well diligent in his particular Calling as devout in his general He is the wise Christian that carries things equally that doth so live by Faith that he lives in a Calling Therefore it is worth our Notice when the Apostle had exhorted the Thessalonians to encrease in grace 1 Thess. 4.10 he presently adds ver 11. And that ye do your own business and work with your hands This is a sign grace is encreasing when Christians go chearfully about their Calling Indeed to be all the day in the Mount with God and to have the Mind fixed on glory is more sweet to a Mans self and is an Heaven upon Earth But to be conversant in our Callings is more profitable to others I may allude to that of St. Paul To be with Christ is best for me yet to abide here is more needful for you Phil. 1.24 So to converse with God in Prayer and sweet Meditation all the Week long is more for the Comfort of a Man 's own Person but to be sometimes employed in the business of a Calling is more profitable for the Family to which he belongs 'T is not good to be as the Lillies which toyl not neither do they spin It shows the encrease of grace when a Christian keeps a due Decorum He joins Piety and Industry when zeal runs forth in Religion and Diligence is put forth in a Calling 7. Then the Kingdom of grace encreaseth when a Christian is established in the belief and love of the Truth The heart by nature is as a Ship without Ballast it wavers and fluctuates
shall be installed into their Honour and have the Crown-Royal set upon their Head They have in the Kingdom of Heaven the quintessence of all delights they have the Water of Life clear as Chrystal they have all Aromatick Perfumes they feed not on the Dew of Hermon but the Manna of Angels they lye in Christs bosom that bed of Spices There is such a pleasant variety in the happiness of Heaven that after millions of years it will be as fresh and desirable as at the first hours enjoying In the Kingdom of Heaven the Saints are Crowned with all those Perfections which the Humane Nature is capable of The desires of the Glorified Saints are infinitely satisfied there is nothing absent that they could wish might be enjoyed there is nothing present that they could wish might be removed They who are got to this kingdom would be loath to come back to the Earth again it would be much to their loss They would not leave the fatness and sweetness of the Olive to court the Bramble the things which tempt us they would scorn What are golden bags to the golden beams of the Sun of Righteousness In the kingdom of Heaven there is Glory in its highest elevation in that Kingdom is Knowledge without Ignorance Holiness without Sin Beauty without Blemish Strength without Weakness Light without Darkness Riches without Poverty Ease without Pain Liberty without Restraint Rest without Labour Joy without Sorrow Love without Hatred Plenty without Surfeit Honour without Disgrace Health without Sickness Peace without War Contentation without Cessation O the happiness of those that dye in the Lord they go into this blessed kingdom and if they are so happy when they dye then let me make two Inferences 1. Infer What little cause have the Saints to fear Death are any afraid of going to a Kingdom What is there in this World should make us desirous to stay here Do we not see God dishonoured and how can we bear it Is not this World a valley of tears and do we weep to leave it Are not we in a Wilderness among fiery Serpents And are we afraid to go from these Serpents Our best Friend lives above God is ever displaying the Banner of his Love in Heaven and is there any Love like his Are there any sweeter smiles or softer embraces than his What newes so welcome as leaving the World and going to a Kingdom Christian thy dying day will be thy wedding day and dost thou fear it Is a Slave afraid to be redeemed Is a Virgin afraid to be match'd into the Crown Death may take away a few worldly Comforts but it gives that which is better it takes away a Flower and gives a Jewel it takes away a short lease and gives land of inheritance If the Saints possess a Kingdom when they dye they have no cause to fear Death A Prince would not be afraid to cross the Sea though tempestuous if he were sure to be Crowned assoon as he came at shore 2. Infer If the Godly are so happy when they dye they go to a Kingdom then what little cause have we to mourn immoderately for the death of Godly Friends shall we mourn for their preferment Why should we shed tears immoderately for them who have all tears wiped from their eyes Why should we be swallowed up of grief for them who are swallowed up of joy They are gone to their Kingdom they are not lost but gone a little before not perished but translated non amissi sed praemissi Cyprian They are removed for their advantage as if one should be removed out of a smoaky Cottage to a Pallace Elijah was removed in a fiery Chariot to Heaven shall Elisha weep inordinately because he enjoyes not the company of Elijah Shall Iacob weep when he knows his Son Ioseph is preferred and made chief Ruler in Egypt We should not be excessive in grief when we know our Godly Friends are advanced to a Kingdom I confess when any of our Relations dye in their impenitency there is just cause of Mourning but not when our Friends take their flight to Glory David lost two Sons Absalom a wicked Son he mourned for him bitterly he lost the Child he had by Bathsheba he mourned not when the Child was departed St. Ambrose gives the reason David had a good hope nay assurance that the Child was translated into Heaven but he doubted of Absalom he dyed in his Sins therefore David wept so for him O Absalom My Son my Son but though we are to weep to think any of our Flesh should burn in Hell yet let us not be cast down for them who are so highly preferred at Death as to a Kingdom Our Godly Friends who dye in the Lord are in that blessed estate and are crowned with such infinite delights that if we could hear them speak to us out of Heaven they would say Weep not for us but weep for your selves Luke 23.28 We are in our Kingdom weep not at our preferment but weep for your selves who are in a sinful sorrowful World you are tossing on the troublesome waves but we are got to the Haven you are fighting with Temptations while we are wearing a Victorious Crown Weep not for us but weep for your selves 8. Branch See the Wisdom of the Godly they have the Serpents eye in the Doves head wise virgins Matth. 25.2 their Wisdom appear in their choice they choose that which will bring them to a Kingdom they choose Grace and what is Grace but the seed of Glory They choose Christ with his Cross but this Cross leads to a Crown Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God Heb. 11.25 it was a wise rational choice he knew if he suffered he should reign At the day of Judgment those whom the World accounted foolish will appear to be wise they made a prudent choice they chose Holiness and what is Happiness but the quintessence of Holiness They chose affliction with the people of God but through this purgatory of affliction they pass to Paradise God will proclaim the Saints Wisdom before Men and Angels 9. Br. See the folly of those who for vain Pleasures and Profits will lose such a glorious Kingdom like that Cardinal of France who said He would lose his part in Paradise if he might keep his Cardinalship in Paris I may say as Eccles. 9.3 Madness is in their heart Lysimachus for a draught of Water lost his Empire so for a draught of sinful Pleasure these will lose Heaven We too much resemble our Grand-Father Adam who for an Apple lost Paradise many for trifles to get a Shilling more in the Shop or Bushel will venture the loss of Heaven This will be an aggravation of the Sinners torment to think how foolishly he was undone for a flash of impure Joy he lost an eternal weight of Glory Would it not vex one who is the Lord of a Mannor to think he should part with his stately Inheritance for a
fit of Musick Such are they who let Heaven go for a song This will make the Devil insult at the last day to think how he hath gull'd Men and made them lose their Souls and their happiness for lying vanities If Satan could make good his brag in giving all the Glory and Kingdoms of the World it could not countervail the loss of the Celestial Kingdom All the tears in Hell are not sufficient to lament the loss of Heaven VSE II. Of Reproof 1. Branch It reproves such as do not at all look after this Kingdom of Glory As if all we say about Heaven were but a Romance they do not mind it That they mind it not appears because they do not labour to have the Kingdom of Grace set up in their hearts If they have some thoughts of this Kingdom yet it is in a dull careless manner they serve God as if they served him not they do not vires exerere put forth their strength for the Heavenly Kingdom How industrious were the Saints of old for this Kingdom Phil. 3.13 Reaching forth unto those things which are before The Greek word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stretching out the neck a Metaphor from Racers that strain every limb and reach forward to lay hold on the prize Luther spent three hours a day in Prayer Anna the prophetess departed not from the temple but served God with fasting and prayers night and day Luke 2.37 How zealous and industrious were the Martyrs to get into this Heavenly Kingdom they wore their Fetters as Ornaments snatched up Torments as Crowns and embraced the Flames as chearfully as Elijah did the fiery Chariot which came to fetch him to Heaven and do not we think this Kingdom worth our labour The great pains the Heathens took in their Olympick Races when they ran but for a Crown made of Olive intermixed with Gold will rise up in Judgment against such as take little or no pains in seeking after the Kingdom of Glory The dulness of many in seeking after Heaven is such as if they did not believe there were such a Kingdom or as if it would not countervail their labour or as if they thought it were indifferent whether they obtained this Kingdom or no which is as much as to say whether they were saved or no whether they were Crowned in Glory or chained as Gally slaves in Hell for ever 2. Branch It reproves them who spend their sweat more in getting the World then the Kingdom of Heaven Phil. 3.19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who mind earthly things the World is the great Diana they cry up as if they would fetch happiness out of the earth which God hath cursed They labour for and Honour Riches many are like Korah and Dathan the earth swallowed them up Num. 16.32 So the earth swallows up their Time and Thoughts these if they are not Pagans yet they are Infidels they do not believe there is such a kingdom they go for Christians yet question that great Article in their Faith Life Everlasting these like the Serpents lick the dust O what is there in the World that we should so idolize it when Christ and Heaven are not regarded what hath Christ done for you died for your sins what will the World do for you can it pacify an angry Conscience can it procure Gods Favour can it flee death can it bribe your Judge can it purchase for you a place in the kingdom of heaven O how are Men bewitched with worldly Profits and Honours that for these things they will let go Paradise It was a good prayer of St. Bernard Sic possideam●u mundana ut non perdamus aeterna Lo let us so possess things temporal that we do not lose things eternal 3. Branch It reproves such who delay and put off seeking this kingdom till it be too late like the foolish Virgins who came when the door was shut Mora trahit periculum People let the Lamp of Life blaze out and when the Symptoms of death are upon them and they know not what else to do now will look up to the kingdom of Heaven Christ bids them seek Gods kingdom first and they will seek it last they put off the kingdom of heaven to a Death-bed as if it were as easie to make their Peace as to make their Will How many have lost the Heavenly kingdom through Delays and Procrastinations Plutarch reports of Archias the Lacedemonian being among his Cups one delivered him a Letter and desired him to read it presently being of serious business saith he seria cras I will mind serious things to morrow and that Night he was slain Thou that saiest thou wilt look after the kingdom of Heaven to morrow knowest not but that thou maiest be in Hell before to morrow Sometimes death comes suddenly it strikes without giving warning What folly is it putting off seeking the kingdom of heaven till the day of Grace expire till the radical moisture be spent as if a Man should begin to run a Race when a fit of the Gout takes him 4. Branch It reproves such as were once great Zealots in Religion and did seem to be touch'd with a coal from Gods Altar but since they have cool'd in their Devotion and have left off the pursuing the Caelestial kingdom Hos. 8.3 Israel hath cast off the thing that is good there is no face of Religion to be seen they have left off the House of Prayer and gone to Play houses they have left off pursuing the Heavenly Kingdom Quest. Whence is this Resp. 1. For want of a supernatural Principle of Grace That Branch must needs dye which hath no Root to grow upon That which moves from a Principle of Life lasts as the beating of the Pulse but that which moves only from an artificial Spring when the spring is down the motion ceaseth The Hypocrites Religion is artificial not vital he acts from the outward spring of Applause or Gain and if that spring be down his motion towards Heaven ceaseth 2. From Unbelief Heb. 3.12 An evil heart of Vnbelief departing from the living God Psal. 78.22 They believed not in God Verse 41. they turned back Sinners have hard thoughts of God they think they may pray and hear yet never the better Mal. 3.14 they question whether God will give them the kingdom at last then they turn back and throw away Christs Colours they distrust Gods Love no wonder then they desert his Service Infidelity is the Root of Apostacy 3. Men leave off pursuing the heavenly kingdom it is from some secret Lust nourished in the Soul perhaps a wanton or a covetous Lust Demas for love of the world forsook his Religion and afterwards turned Priest in an idol Temple One of Christs own Apostles was caught with a silver Bait Covetousness will make Men betray a good Cause and make shipwrack of a good Conscience if there be any Lust unmortified in the Soul it will bring forth the bitter fruit either of
the Earth and with the other Foot upon the Sea There are Rivers of Pleasure Gates of Pearl sparkling Crowns white Robes may not this make our hearts heavenly it is an heavenly kingdom and only such go into it as are heavenly VSE IV. Of Exhortation To all in General 1. Branch If there be such a glorious Kingdom to come believe this great Truth Socinians deny it The Rabbins say the great dispute between Cain and A●●l was about the world to come Abel affirmed it Cain denied it this should be engraven upon our hearts as with the point of a Diamond there is a blessed Kingdom in reversion Psal. 58.11 Doubtless there is a Reward for the Righteous Let us not haesitate through unbelief doubting of Principles is the next way to denying them Unbelief as Sampson would pull down the Pillars of Religion be confirmed in this there is a Kingdom of Glory to come whosoever denies this cuts a sunder the main Article of the Creed Life Everlasting 2. Branch If there be such a blessed Kingdom of Glory to come let us take heed least we miss of this Kingdom let us fear least we lose Heaven by short shooting trembling in the Body a Malady in the Soul a Grace this fear is not a fear of Diffidence or Distrust such a fear as discourageth the Soul for such a fear frights from Religion it cuts the Sinews of Endeavour but this holy fear least we miss of the Kingdom of Heaven is a fear of diligence it quickens us in the use of means and puts us forward that we may not fail of our hope Heb. 11.6 Noah being moved with fear prepared an Ark Fear is a watch Bell to awaken sleepy Christians it guards against security it is a spur to a sluggish heart He who fears he shall come short of his Journey rides the faster And indeed this Exhortation to fear least we miss of this Kingdom is most necessary if we consider two things First There are many who have gone many steps in the way to Heaven yet have fallen short of it Mark 12.34 Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God yet he was not near enough Quest. How many steps may a Man take in the way to the Kingdom yet miss of it Resp. 1. He may be adorned with Civility he may be morally righteous he may be prudent just temperate he may be free from paenal Statutes this is good but not enough to bring a Man to Heaven 2. He may hang out the Flag of a glorious Profession yet fall short of the Kingdom the Scribes and Pharisees went far they sate in Moses Chair were Expounders of the Law they pray'd gave Alms were strict in the observation of the Sabbath if one had got a Thorn in his Foot they would not pull it out on the Sabbath day for fear of breaking the Sabbath they were so externally devout in Gods worship that the Iews thought that if but two in the all World went to Heaven the one should be a Scribe and the other a Pharisee but the Mantle of their Profession was not lined with Sincerity they did all for the applause of Men therefore they missed of Heaven Mat. 5.20 Except your Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of God 3. A Man may be a Frequenter of Ordinances and yet miss of the Kingdom 't is a good sight to see People flock as Doves to the Windows of Gods House 't is good to lye in the way where Christ passeth by yet be not offended if I say one may be an Hearer of the word and fall short of Glory Herod heard Iohn Baptist gladly yet beheaded Iohn instead of beheading his sin the Prohpet Ezekiel's Hearers did come with as much delight to his Preaching as one would do to a fit of Musick Ezek. 33.32 Thou art to them as a lovely Song of one that hath a pleasant Voice and can play well on an Instrument they hear thy Words but they do them not What is it to hear ones Duty and not do it As if a Phisician prescribe a good Receipt but the Patient doth not take it 4. A Man may have some trouble for sin and weep for it yet miss of the Heavenly Kingdom Quest. Whence is this Answ. 1. A Sinners tears are forced by Gods Judgments as water which comes out of a Still is forced by the fire 2. Trouble for sin is transient it is quickly over again as some that go to Sea are Sea-sick but when they come to Land they are well again So Hypocrites may be Sermon-sick but this trouble doth not last the sick fit is soon over 3. A Sinner weeps but goes on in sin his sins are not drowned in his tears 5. A Man may have good desires yet miss of the Kingdom Numb 23.10 O that I might dye the death of the righteous Quest. Wherein do these desires come short Answ. 1. They are sluggish A Man would have Heaven but will take no pains As if one should say he desires water but will not let down the bucket into the well Prov. 21.25 The desire of the slothful kills him his hands refuse to labour 2. The Sinner desires Mercy but not Grace he desires Christ as a Saviour but not as he is the ●oly One he desires Christ only as a bridge to lead him over to Heaven Such desires as these may be found among the damned 6. A Man may forsake his Sins Oaths Drunkenness Uncleanness yet come short of the Kingdom Quest. Whence is this Answ. 1. He may forsake gross sins yet he hath no reluctancy against heart sins Pride Unbelief and the first risings of Malice and Concupiscence Though he dams up the Stream yet he lets alone the Fountain though he lop and prune the Branches yet he doth not strike at the Root of it 2. Though he leaves Sin for fear of Hell or because it brings shame and penury yet he still loves Sin as if a Snake should cast her Coat yet keep her Poyson Hos. 4.8 They set their heart on their iniquity 3. 'T is but a partial forsaking of Sin though he leave one Sin he lives in some other Herod reformed very much Mark 6.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He did many things but he lived in Incest Some leave Drunkenness and live in Covetousness they forbear Swearing and live in Slandering It is but a partial reformation and so they miss of the Kingdom of Glory Thus you see there are some who have gone many steps in the way to Heaven yet have come short Some have gone so far in Profession that they have been confident their estate hath been good and they should go to the Kingdom of Heaven yet have missed it Luke 13.25 When once the master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock saying Lord Lord open to us How confident were these of Salvation they
was established in my Kingdom King Henry VI. was deposed from his Throne yet restored again to it but they who once lose Heaven can never be restored to it again After millions of years they are as far from obtaining Glory as at first Thus you see how needful this Exhortation is that we should fear least we fall short of this Kingdom of Heaven Quest What shall we do that we may not miss of this Kingdom of Glory Resp. 1. Take heed of those things which will make you miss of Heaven 1. Take heed of Spiritual Sloath. Many Christians are settled upon their lees they are loath to put themselves to too much pains It is said of Israel They despised the pleasant land Psal. 106.24 Canaan was a Paradise of Delight a Type of Heaven I but some of the Iews thought it would cost them a great deal of trouble and hazard in the getting and they would rather go without it They despised the pleasant land I have read of certain Spaniards that live where there is great store of Fish yet are so lazy that they will not be at the pains to catch them but buy of their Neighbours such a sinful sloath is upon the most that though the Kingdom of Heaven be offered to them yet they will not put themselves to any labour for it They have some faint velleities and desires O that I had this Kingdom like a Man that wisheth for Venison but will not hunt for it Prov. 13.4 The soul of the sluggard wisheth and hath nothing Men could be content to have the Kingdom of Heaven if it would drop as a ripe Fig into their mouth but they are loath to fight for it O take heed of Spiritual Sloath God never made Heaven to be an hive for drones We cannot have the World without labour and do we think to have the Kingdom of Heaven Heathens will rise up in Judgment against many Christians what pains did they take in their Olympick Races when they ran but for a Crown of Olive or Myrtle intermixed with Gold and do we stand still when we are running for a Kingdom Prov. 19.15 Sloathfulness casts into a deep sleep Sloath is the Souls sleep Adam lost his Rib when he was asleep Many a Man loseth the Kingdom of Heaven when he is in this deep sleep of sloath 2. Take heed of Unbelief Unbelief kept Israel out of Canaan Heb. 3.19 So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief and it keeps many out of Heaven Unbelief is an enemy to Salvation 't is a damning sin it whispers thus to what purpose is all this pains for the Heavenly Kingdom I had as good sit still I may come near to Heaven yet come short of Heaven Ier. 18.12 And they said there is no hope Unbelief destroyes hope and if you once cut this sinew a Christian goes but lamely in Religion if he goes at all Unbelief raiseth jealous thoughts of God it represents him as a severe Judge this discourageth many a Soul and takes it off from Duty Beware of unbelief believe the Promises Lam. 3.25 God is good to the Soul that seeks him seek him earnestly and he will open both his Heart and Heaven to you Deus volentibus non deest do what you are able and God will help you While you spread the sails of your endeavour Gods Spirit will blow upon these sails and carry you swiftly to the Kingdom of Glory 3. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of mistake imagining the way to the Kingdom of Heaven to be easier than it is 't is but a sigh or Lord have Mercy There 's no going to Heaven per saltum one cannot leap out of Dalilahs lap into Abrahams bosom The Sinner is dead in trespasses Eph. 2.1 is it easie for a dead Man to restore himself to life Is Regeneration easie Are there no pangs in the new birth Doth not the Scripture call Christianity a warfare and a race And do you fancy this easie The way to the Kingdom is not easie but the mistake about the way is easie 4. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of delayes and procrastinations Mora trahit periculum It is an usual delusion I will mind the Kingdom of Heaven but not yet when I have gotten an Estate and am grown old then I will look after Heaven and on a sudden Death surprizeth Men and they fall short of Heaven Delay strengthens sin hardens the heart and gives the Devil fuller possession of a Man Take heed of adjourning and putting off seeking the Kingdom of Heaven till it be too late Caesar deferring to read a Letter put into his hand was killed in the Senate-house Consider how short your Life is 't is a Taper soon blown out Animantis cujusque vita in fuga est The Body is like a Vessel tun'd with breath Sickness broacheth it Death draws it out delay not the business of Salvation a day longer sometimes Death strikes and gives no warning 5. If you would not come short of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of prejudice Many take a prejudice at Religion and on this Rock dash their Souls they are prejudiced at Christs Person his Truths his Followers his Wayes 1. They are prejudiced at his Person Matth. 13.57 And they were offended in him what is there in Christ that Men should be offended at him He is the pearl of price Matth. 13.46 are Men offended at Pearls and Diamonds Christ is the wonder of Beauty Psal. 45.2 Fairer than the children of men is there any thing in Beauty to offend Christ is a mirrour of Mercy Heb. 2.17 why should Mercy offend any Christ is a Redeemer why should a captive slave be offended at him who comes with a summe of Money to ransom him The prejudice Men take at Christ is from the inbred pravity of their hearts The eye that is sore cannot endure the light of the Sun the fault is not in the Sun but in the sore eye There are two things in Christ Men are prejudiced at 1. His Means The Iewes expected a Monarch for their Messiah but Christ came not with outward Pomp and Splendor His Kingdom was not of this World The Stars which are seated in the lightest Orbs are least seen Christ who was the bright Morning Star was not much seen his Divinity was hid in the dark Lanthorne of his humanity all who saw the Man did not see the Messiah this the Jews stumbled at the Means of his Person 2. Men are prejudiced at Christs strictness they look upon Christ as austere and his Lawes too severe Psal. 2.3 Let us break their bands and cast away their cords from us Though to a Saint Christs Laws are no more burdensome than Wings are to a Bird yet to the Wicked Christs Laws are a yoke and they love not to come under restraint hence it is they hate Christ. Though they pretend to love him as a Saviour yet they
hate him as he is the holy One 2. Men are prejudiced at the Truths of Christ. 1. Self-denyal A man must deny his Righteousness Phil. 3.9 his Duties and Moralities he would graft the hope of Salvation upon the stock of his own Righteousness 2. He must deny his Unrighteousness The Scripture seals no patents to Sin it teacheth us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts Tit. 2.11 We must divorce those Sins which bring in Pleasure and Profit 3. Forgiving of injuries Mark 11.25 These Truths Men are prejudiced at they can rather want forgiveness from God than they can forgive others 3. Men are prejudiced at the Followers of Christ. 1. Their paucity there are but few in comparison that embrace Christ but why should this offend Men are not offended at Pearls and precious Stones because they are but few 2. Their Poverty many that wear Christs livery are low in the World but why should this give offence 1. Christ hath better things than these to bestow upon his Followers the holy Anointing the white Stones the hidden Manna the Crown of Glory 2. All Christs Followers are not humbled with Poverty Abraham was rich in Gold and Silver as well as rich in Faith Though not many Noble are called yet some Noble Acts 17.12 Honourable women which were Greeks believed Constantine and Theodosius were Godly Emperours so that this stumbling block is removed 3. Their Scandals Some of Christs Followers under a mask of Piety commit sin this begets a prejudice against Religion but doth Christ or his Gospel teach any such thing The Rules he prescribes are holy Why should the Master be thought the worse of because some of his Servants prove bad 4. Men are prejudiced at the Wayes of Christ they expose them to Sufferings Matth. 16.24 Let him take up his cross and follow me many stumble at the Cross. There are as Tertullian delicaetuli silken Christians who love their ease they will follow Christ to Mount Oliver to see him transfigured but not to Mount Golgotha to suffer with him But alas what is Affliction to the Glory that follows The weight of Glory makes Affliction light Adimant Caput non Coronam O take heed of prejudice this hath been a stumbling stone in Mens way to Heaven and hath made them fall short of the Kingdom 6. If you would not miss of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of Presumption Men presume all is well and take it as a principle not to be disputed that they shall go to Heaven The Devil hath given them Opium to cast them into a deep sleep of security The presumptuous Sinner is like the Leviathan made without fear He lives as bad as the worst yet hopes he shall be saved as well as the best He blesseth himself and saith he shall have peace though he goes on in sin Deut. 29.19 As if a Man should drink Poyson yet not fear but he should have his health But whence doth this presumptuous hope arise Surely from a conceit that God is made up all of Mercy 'T is true God is merciful but withal he is just too Exod. 34.6 7. Keeping mercy for thousands and that will by no means clear the guilty If a King did proclaim that only those should be pardoned who came in and submitted should any still persisting in Rebellion claim the benefit of that Pardon Dost thou hope for Mercy who wilt not lay down thy Weapons but stand out in Rebellion against Heaven None might touch the Ark but the Priests none may touch this Ark of Gods Mercy but holy consecrated Persons Presumption is heluo Animarum the great devourer of Souls A thousand have missed of Heaven by putting on the broad spectacles of Presumption 7. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of the delights and pleasures of the Flesh soft pleasures harden the heart Many people cannot endure a serious Thought but are for Comedies and Romances they play away their Salvation Homines capiuntur voluptate ut pisces hamo Cicero Pleasure is the sugred bait Men bite at but there is an hook under Iob 21.12 They take the timbrel and harp and rejoyce at the sound of the organ And a parallel Scripture Amos 6.4 That lye upon beds of ivory that chant to the sound of the viol that drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the chief oyntments The pleasures of the World do keep many from the pleasures of Paradise What a shame is it that the Soul that princely thing which swayes the sceptre of Reason and is akin to Angels should be enslaved to sinful pleasure Beard in his Theatre speaks of one who had a Room richly hung with fair Pictures he had most delicious Musick he had the rarest Beauties he had all the Candies and curious Preserves of the Confectioner thus did he gratifie his Senses with Pleasure and swore he would live one week like a God though he were sure to be damned in Hell the next day Diodorus Siculus observes that the Dogs of Sicily while they are hunting among the sweet Flowers lose the scent of the Hare so many while they are hunting after the sweet pleasures of the World lose the Kingdom of Heaven 'T is saith Theophylact one of the worst sights to see a Sinner go laughing to Heaven 8 If you would not fall short of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of Worldlimindedness a covetous Spirit is a dunghil Spirit it choaks good Affections as the earth puts out the fire The World hindred the young Man from following Christ abiit tristis he went away sorrowful Luke 18.23 which extorted those words from our Saviour Verse 24. How hardly shall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of God Divitiae saeculi sunt laquei Diaboli Bern. Riches are golden Snares If a Man were to climb up a steepy Rock and had Weights tied to his Legs it would hinder him from his ascent Too many Golden Weights will hinder us from climbing that steepy Rock which leads to Heaven Exod. 14.3 They are entangled in the Land the Wilderness hath shut them in So it may be said of many they are entangled in earthly Affairs the World hath shut them in The World is no Friend to Grace the more the Child sucks the weaker the Nurse is and the more the World sucks and draws from us the weaker our Grace is 1 Iohn 2.15 Love not the world Had a Man a Monopoly of all the wealth of the World were he able to empty the Western Parts of Gold and the Eastern of Spices could he heap up Riches to the Starry heaven yet his heart would not be filled Covetousness is a dry dropsy Ioshua who could stop the course of the Sun could not stop Achan in his covetous pursuit of the Wedge of Gold he whose heart is lockt up in his Chest will be lockt out of heaven Some Ships that have escaped the Rocks have been cast away upon the Sands Many who have escaped gross Sins
a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a thing by the by he doth not much mind If ever we would have Heaven we must look upon it as our main concern Other things do but concern our livelyhood this concerns our Salvation then we make Religion our business when we wholly devote our selves to Gods service Psal. 139.18 we count those the best hours which are spent with God we give God the cream of our affections the flower of our time and strength we traffique in Heaven every day we are Merchants for the Pearl of price He will never get an Estate who doth not mind his Trade he will never get heaven who doth not make Religion his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his main business 6. If you would obtain the Kingdom of Heaven bind your hearts to God by sacred Vowes Vow to the Lord that by his Grace you will be more intent upon heaven than ever Psal. 56.12 Thy vowes are upon me O God A Vow binds the Votary to Duty he looks upon himself as obliged by his Vow to cleave to God Bees when they fly in a great Wind ballast themselves with little stones that they may not be carried away with the Wind so we must fortifie our selves with strong Vowes that we may not be carried away from God with the violent wind of temptation No question a Christian may make such a Vow because the ground of it is Morally good he vowes nothing but what he is bound to do by vertue of his Baptismal Vow namely to walk with God more closely and to pursue heaven more vigorously 7. If you would obtain the Kingdom embrace all seasons and opportunities for your Souls Eph. 5.15 Redeeming the time Opportunity is the cream of time the improving the seasons of Grace is as much as our Salvation is worth The Marriner by taking the present season while the Wind blowes gets to the haven by taking the season while we have the means of Grace and the wind of the Spirit blowes we may arrive at the Kingdom of heaven We know not how long we shall enjoy the Gospel the seasons of Grace like Noahs Dove come with an Olive-branch in their mouth but they soon take Wings and fly Though they are sweet yet swift God may remove the Golden Candlestick from us as he did from the Churches of Asia We have many sad symptoms Gray hairs are here and there upon us Hos. 7.9 therefore let us lay hold upon the present season they that sleep in Seed-time will beg in Harvest 8. If you would go to the Kingdom of Heaven you must excubias agere keep a daily Watch Mark 13.37 I say unto all watch Many have lost Heaven for want of watchfulness Our hearts are ready to decoy us into sin and the Devil lyes in ambush by his temptations we must every day set a spy and keep centinel in our Souls Hab. 2.1 I will stand upon my watch 1. We must watch our Eyes Iob 31.1 I made a covenant with my eyes Much Sin comes in by the eye When Eve saw the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes then she took Gen. 3.6 First she looked and then she lusted the eye by beholding an impure Object sets the heart on fire the Devil oft creeps in at the window of the eye Watch your eyes 2. Watch your Ear. Much Poyson is conveyed through the ear Let your ear be open to God and shut to Sin 3. Watch your Hearts We watch suspicious persons The heart is deceitful Ier. 17.9 Watch your heart 1. When you are about holy things it will be stealing out to vanity When I am at Prayer saith S. Hierom Aut per porticum deambulo aut de foenore computo either I am walking through Galleries or casting up Accompts 2. Watch your heart when you are in Company The Basilisk poysons the herbs he breaths on the breath of the wicked is infectious Nay watch your hearts when you are in good Company such as have some good in them yet may be some grains too light they may have much levity of Discourse and if no scum boils up yet too much froth The Devil is subtle and he can as well creep into the Dove as he did once into the Serpent Satan tempted Christ by an Apostle 3. Watch your hearts in Prosperity now you are in danger of Pride The higher the Water of the Thames riseth the higher the Boat is lifted up the higher that Mens Estates rise the higher their Hearts are lifted up in Pride In Prosperity you are in danger not only to forget God but to lift up the heel against him Deut. 32.15 Iesurun waxed fat and kicked It is hard to carry a full Cup without spilling and to carry a full prosperous Estate without sinning Turpi fregerunt saecula luxu divitiae molles Sen. Trag. Sampson fell asleep in Dalilahs lap many have fallen so fast asleep in the lap of Prosperity that they have never awaked till they have been in Hell 4. Watch your hearts after holy Duties When Christ had been Praying and Fasting then the Devil tempted him Mat. 4.23 After our combating with Satan in Prayer we are apt to grow secure and put our Spiritual Armour off and then the Devil falls on and wounds us O if you would get Heaven be alwayes upon your Watch-tower set a spy keep close centinel in your Souls Who would not watch when it is for a Kingdom 9. If you would arrive at the Heavenly Kingdom get those three Graces which will undoubtedly bring you thither 1. Divine Knowledge There 's no going to Heaven blindfold In the Creation Light was the first thing which was made so 't is in the new Creation Knowledge is the Pillar of Fire which goes before us and lights us into the Heavenly Kingdom 'T is light must bring us to the inheritance in light Col. 1.12 2 Faith Faith ends in Salvation 1 Pet. 1.9 Receiving the end of your faith Salvation He who believes is as sure to go to Heaven as if he were in Heaven already Acts 16.31 Faith toucheth Christ and can he miss of Heaven who toucheth Christ Faith unites to Christ and shall not the Members be where the Head is All have not the same degree of Faith we must distinguish between the direct act of Faith and the reflex act Affiance and Assurance yet the least seed and spark of Faith gives an undoubted title to the Heavenly Kingdom I am justified because I believe not because I know I believe 3. Love to God Heaven is prepared for those that love God 1 Cor. 2.9 Love is the Soul of Obedience the Touchstone of Sincerity By our loving God we may know he loves us 1 Iohn 4.19 and those whom God loves he will lay in his bosom Ambrose in his Funeral Oration for Theodosius brings in the Angels hovering about his departing Soul and being ready to carry it to Heaven asked him What that Grace was he had practised most upon Earth Theodosius
replyed Dilexi dilexi I have loved I have loved and strait-way he was by a convoy of Angels translated to Glory Love is a sacred Fire kindled in the breast in the flames of this Fire the devout Soul ascends to Heaven 10. If we would obtain this Heavenly Kingdom let us labour for Sincerity Prov. 28.18 Whosoever walketh uprightly shall be saved The sincere Christian may fall short of some degrees of Grace but he never falls short of the Kingdom God will pass by many failings where the heart is right Numb 23.21 True Gold though it be light hath grains of allowance Psal. 51.6 Thou desirest truth in the inward parts Sincerity is the sauce which seasons all our Actions and makes them savoury it is the ingredient into every Grace It is called Faith unfeigned 2 Tim. 1.5 and Love 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in sincerity Eph. 6.24 Coyn will not go currant that wants the Kings stamp Grace is not currant if it be not stamped with Sincerity Glorious Duties sowred with Hypocrisie are rejected when great Infirmities sweetned with Sincerity are accepted If any thing in the World bring us to Heaven it is Sincerity Sincerity signifies plainness of heart Psal. 32.2 In whose Spirit there is no guile The plainer the Diamond is the richer 1. Sincerity is when we serve God with our heart we do not only worship him but love him Cain brought his Sacrifice but not his Heart This is Gods delight a Sacrifice flaming upon the Altar of the Heart A sincere Christian though he hath a double principle in him Flesh and Spirit yet he hath not a double heart his heart is for God 2. Sincerity is when we aim purely at God in all we do The Glory of God is more worth than the Salvation of all Mens Souls A sincere Christian though he comes short in Duty yet he takes a right aim As the herb Heliotropium turns about according to the motion of the Sun so a Godly Mans actions do all move towards the Glory of God 11. If we would obtain the Heavenly Kingdom let us keep up fervency in Duty What is a dead form without the power Rev. 3.16 Because thou art luke-warm neither hot nor cold I will spue thee out of my mouth Fervency puts life into Duty Rom. 12.11 Fervent in Spirit serving God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Boyling over Christ prayed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet more earnestly Luke 22.44 When the Fire on the Golden Censer was ready to go out Aaron was to put more Coals to the Incense Praying with Devotion is putting more Coals to the Incense 't is not Formality but Fervency will bring us to Heaven The Formalist is like Ephraim a Cake not turned hot on one side and dough on the other In the external part of Gods Worship he seems to be hot but as for the Spiritual part of Gods Worship he is cold Oh if you would have the Kingdom of Heaven keep up heat and fervour in Duty Eliah was carried up to Heaven in a fiery Chariot if you would go to Heaven you must be carried thither in a fiery Chariot of Zeal 'T is violence takes the Kingdom of Heaven 12. If we would arrive at the Heavenly Kingdom let us cherish the motions of Gods Spirit in our hearts The Marriner may spread his Sails but the Ship cannot get to the Haven without a gale of Wind so we may spread the sails of our endeavour but we cannot get to the Haven of Glory without the North and South-wind of Gods Spirit blow how nearly therefore doth it concern us to make much of the motions of Gods Spirit motions to Prayer motions to Repentance 2 Sam. 5.24 When thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry-trees that then thou shalt bestir thy self for then shall the Lord go out before thee So when we hear as it were a voice within us a secret inspiration stirring us up to good Duties we should then bestir our selves while the Spirit works in us we should work with the Spirit Many Men have Gods Spirit striving with them he puts good motions in their hearts and holy purposes but they neglecting to prosecute these good motions the Spirit is thereby grieved and being grieved withdraws its assistance and that assistance being gone there is no getting to Heaven Oh make much of the motions of the Spirit it is as much as your Salvation is worth The Spirit of God is compared to fire Acts 2.2 if we are careful to blow this spark we may have fire to inflame our affections and to light our feet into the way of peace If we quench the Spirit by our neglecting and resisting its motions we cut our selves off from Salvation The Spirit of God hath a drawing-power Cant. 1.4 The Blessed Spirit draws by attraction as the Loadstone the Iron In the preaching of the Word the Spirit draws the heart up to Heaven in holy longings and ejaculations Now when the Spirit is about thus to draw us let us take heed of drawing back left it be to perdition Heb. 10. We should do as Noah when the Dove came flying to the Ark he put forth his hand and took it into the Ark so when this sweet Dove of Gods Spirit comes flying to our hearts and brings a gracious impulse as an Olive-branch of Peace in its mouth O take this Dove into the Ark entertain the Spirit in your hearts and it will bring you to Heaven Quest. But how shall we know the motions of the Spirit from a delusion Answ. The motions of the Spirit are alwayes agreeable to the Word If the Word be for Holiness so is the Spirit The Spirit perswades to nothing but what the Word directs which way the tyde of the Word runs that way the Wind of the Spirit blows 13. We obtain the Kingdom of Heaven by uniform and chearful Obedience Obedience is the Road through which we travail to Heaven many say they love God but refuse to obey him doth he love the Princes Person who slights his Commands 1. Obedience must be uniform Psal. 119.6 Then shall I not be ashamed Lo Eboth I shall not blush when I have respect to all thy Commandments as the Son goes through all the signs of the Zodiack so must we through all the duties of Religion If a Man be to go an hundred Miles and he goes ninety nine Miles and there stops he comes short of the Place he is to travel to if with Herod we do many things that God commands yet if we lye in the total neglect of any duty we come short of the Kingdom of Heaven for Instance If a Man seem to make Conscience of duties of the first Table and not the duties of the second if he seem to be religious but is not just he is a Transgressor and is in danger to lose Heaven a good heart is like the Needle which points that way which the Loadstone draws so he moves that way which the Word
Heaven If the Prayers of the Saints have so much power with God then what hath Christs Prayer how can the Children of such Prayers miscarry how can they fall short of the Kingdom who have him praying for them who is not only a Priest but a Son and besides what he prays for as he is Man that he hath power to give as he is God thus you see how a Christian comes to Persevere till he comes to the Kingdom Object But methinks I hear some Christians say if only perseverance obtains the Kingdom they fear they shall not come thither they fear they shall faint by the way and the weak legs of their Grace will never carry them to the Kingdom of Heaven Answ. Wert thou indeed to stand in thy own strength thou mightest fall away that Branch withers and dies which hath no Root to grow upon thou growest upon the Root Christ who will be daily sending forth vital influence to strengthen thee thou art imbecil and weak in Grace yet fear not falling short of Heaven For 1. God hath made a promise to weak Believers what is a bruised Reed but the Emblem of a weak Faith yet it hath a Promise made to it Mat. 12.20 A bruised Reed he will not break God hath promised to supply the weak Christian with so much Grace as he shall need till he comes to Heaven Beside the two Pence which the good Samaritan left to pay for the Cure of the poor wounded Man he passed his Word for all that he should need beside Luke 10.35 So Christ doth not only give a little Grace in hand but his Bond for more that he will give as much Grace as a Saint shall need till he comes to Heaven Psal. 84.11 The Lord will give Grace and Glory that is a fresh supply of Grace till it be perfected in Glory 2. God hath most care of his weak Saints who fear they shall never hold out till they come to the Kingdom doth not the Mother tend the weak Child most Isa. 40.11 He will gather the Lambs in his Arms and carry them in his Bosom If thou thinkest thou art so weak that thou shalt never hold out till thou comest to Heaven thou shalt be carried in the Arms of the Almighty he gathers the Lambs in his Arms Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah marched before hi● People and his Power is their Rear-ward so that none of them faint or dye in their March to Heaven 3. Quest. What are the Encouragements to make Christians hold on till they come to the Kingdom of Heaven Answ. 1. It is a great Credit to a Christian not only to hold forth the Truth but to hold fast the Truth till he comes to Heaven when Grace doth flourish into perseverance and with the Church of Thyatira our last works are more then our first Rev. 2.19 This is insigne honoris a Star of Honour 'T is matter of renown to see gray hairs shine with golden vertues the Excellency of a thing lies in the finishing of it What is the excellency of a Building not when the first stone is laid but when it is finished so the beauty and excellency of a Christian is when he hath finished his Faith having done his work is landed safe in Heaven 2. You that have made a progress in Religion have not many Miles to go before you come at the Kingdom of Heaven Rom. 13.11 Now is our Salvation neerer then when we believed You who have hoary hairs your green Tree is turned into an Almond-tree you are near to Heaven it is but going a little further and you will set your Feet within Heaven Gates Oh therefore now be encouraged to hold out your Salvation is nearer then when you first began to believe Our diligence should be greater when our Salvation is nearer When a Man is almost at the end of the Race will he now tire and faint will he not put forth all his strength and strain every Limb that he may lay hold upon the Prize Our Salvation is now nearer the Kingdom is as it were within sight how should we now put forth all our strength that we may lay hold upon the Garland of Glory Doctor Taylour when he was going to his Martyrdom I have saith he but two Stiles to go over and I shall be at my Fathers House Though the way to Heaven be up hill you must climb the steepy Rock of Mortification and though there be Thorns in the way viz. Sufferings yet you have gone the greatest part of your way you are within a few days march of the Kingdom and will not you persevere Christian pluck up thy Courage fight the good fight of Faith pursue Holiness 't is but a while and you shall put off your Armour and end all your weary Marches and receive a Victorious Crown your Salvation is nearer you are within a little of the Kingdom therefore now presevere you are ready to commence and take your Degree of Glory 3. The blessed promise annexed to Perseverance the promise is a Crown of Life Rev 2.10 Death is a Worm that feeds in the Crowns of Princes but behold here a living Crown and a never-fading Crown 1 Pet. 5.4 and Rev. 2.28 He that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end I will give him Stellam matutinam the Morning Star The Morning Star is brighter then the rest this Morning Star is meant of Christ as if Christ had said I will give to him that perseveres some of my Beauty I will put some of my illustrious Rays upon him he shall have the next degree of Glory to me as the Morning Star is next the Sun will not this animate and make us hold out we shall have a Kingdom and that which is better then the Kingdom a bright Morning Star 4 Quest. What are the means conducing to perseverance or what shall we do that we may hold out to the Kingdom Resp. 1. Take up Religion upon good Grounds not in a Fit or Humour or out of worldly design but be deliberate weigh things well in the Ballance Luke 14.28 Which of you intending to build a Tower sitteth not down first and counteth the cost Think with your selves what Religion must cost you it must cost you the parting with your sins and what is may cost you it may cost you the parting with your Lives consider if a Kingdom will not countervail your Sufferings weigh things well and then make your choice Psal. 119.30 I have chosen the way of thy Truth Why do many Apostatize and fall away but because they did never sit down and count the cost 2. If we would hold out to the Kingdom let us cherish the Grace of Faith 1 Cor. 1.24 By Faith ye stand Faith like Hercules Club it beats down all Oppositions before it 't is a conquering Grace Quest. How comes Faith to be so strong Resp. Faith fetcheth Christs strength into the Soul Phil. 4.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A Captain
It will not be long before the silver cord be loosed and the golden bowl broken Eccles. 12. The skin wherein the Brains are inclosed as in a bowl this golden bowl will soon be broken Our Soul is in our Body as the Bird is in the Shell which soon breaks and the Bird flyes out the Shell of the Body breaking the Soul flyes into Eternity We know not whether we shall live to another Sabbath Before we hear another Sermon-bell go our Passing-bell may go Our Life runs as a swift stream into the ocean of Eternity Brethren if our Time be so minute and transient if the taper of Life be so soon wasted or perhaps blown out by violent death how should we put to all our strength and call in help from Heaven that we may obtain the Kingdom of Glory If time be so short why do we wast it about things of less moment and neglect the one thing needful which is the Kingdom of Heaven A Man that hath a great work to be done and but one day for the doing of it had need work hard We have a great work to do we are striving for a Kingdom and alas we are not certain of one day to work in therefore what need have we to bestir our selves and what we do for Heaven to do it with all our might 5. To excite our diligence let us consider how inexcusable we shall be if we miss of the Kingdom of Heaven who have had such helps for Heaven as we have had Indians who have Mines of Gold have not such advantages for Glory as we they have the light of the Sun Moon and Stars and the light of R●ason but this is not enough to light them to Heaven But we have had the light of the Gospel shining in our Horizon we have been lifted up to Heaven with Ordinances we have had the Word in season and out of season The Ordinances are the pipes of the Sanctuary which empty the golden Oyl of Grace into the Soul they are scala ParAdisi the Ladder by which we ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven Deut. 4 7. What nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for We have had Heaven and Hell set before us we have had Counsels of Friends Warnings Examples the Motions and Inspirations of the Holy Ghost how should all these spurs quicken us in our pace to Heaven Should not that Ship sail apace to the Haven which hath Wind and Tide to carry it The Tide of Ordinances and the Wind of the Spirit Surely if we through negligence miss of the Kingdom of Heaven we shall have nothing to say for our selves we shall be as far from excuse as from happiness 6. You cannot do too much for the Kingdom of Heaven you cannot pray too much sanctifie the Sabbath too much love God too much you cannot over-do In secular things a Man may labour too hard he may kill himself with working but there is no fear of working too hard for Heaven In virtute non est verendum ne quid nimium sit Seneca The World is apt to censure the Godly as if they were too zealous and did over-strain themselves in Religion Indeed a Man may follow the World too much he may make too much hast to be rich The Ferry-man may take in too many Passengers into his Boat to the sinking of his Boat so a Man may heap up so much Gold and Silver as to sink himself in Perdition 1 Tim. 6.9 but one cannot be too earnest and zealous for the Kingdom of Heaven there is no fear of excess here when we do all we can for Heaven we come short of the Golden Rule set us and of Christs Golden Pattern when our Faith is highest like the Sun in the Meridian yet still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is something lacking in our Faith 1 Thess. 3.1 so that all our labour for the Kingdom is little enough When a Christian hath done his best yet still he hath sins and wants to bewail 7 By this you may judge of the state of your Souls whether you have Grace or no by your earnest pursuit after the Heavenly Kingdom Grace infuseth a Spirit of activity into a person Grace doth not lye dormant in the Soul 't is not a sleepy habit but it makes a Christian like a Seraphim swift and winged in his Heavenly motion Grace is like fire it makes one burn in love to God and the more he loves him the more he presseth forward to Heaven where he may fully enjoy him Hope is an active Grace 't is called a lively hope 1 Pet. 1.3 hope is like the spring in the Watch it sets all the wheels of the Soul a running Hope of a Crop makes the Husbandman sow his seed hope of Victory makes the Souldier fight and a true hope of Glory makes a Christian vigorously pursue Glory Here is a Spiritual Touchstone to try our Grace by If we have the anointing of the Spirit it will oyl the wheels of our endeavour and make us lively in our pursuit after the Heavenly Kingdom No sooner had Paul Grace infused but presently Behold he prayes Acts 9.11 The Affections are by Divines called the Feet of the Soul if these Feet move not towards Heaven it is because there is no Life 8. Your labour for Heaven is not lost Perhaps you may think it is in vain that you have served God but know that your pains is not lost The Seed is cast into the Earth and it dyes yet at last it brings forth a plentiful Crop so your labours seem to be fruitless but at last they bring you to a Kingdom Who would not work hard for one hour when for that hours work he sh●uld be a King as long as he lived And let me tell you the more labour you have put forth for the Kingdom of Heaven the more degrees of Glory you shall have As there are degrees of Torment in Hell Matth. 23.14 so of Glory in Heaven As one Star differs from another in Glory so shall one Saint 1 Cor. 15.41 Though every Vessel of Mercy shall be full yet one Vessel may hold mor● than another Such as have done more work for God shall have more Glory in the Heavenly Kingdom Could we hear th● Saints departed speaking to us from Heaven sure they would speak after this manner Were we to leave Heaven a while and live on the Earth again we would do God a thousand times more service than ever we did we would pray with more Life act with more Zeal for now we see the more hath been our labour the greater is our reward in Heaven 9. While we are labouring for the Kingdom God will help us Ezek. 36.27 I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes The Promise encourageth us and Gods Spirit inableth us A Master gives his Servant work to
on the Morning of the Marriage day he puts on his Vesture and wedding Robes in which he shall be married to his Bride so in all the Duties of Religion we are putting on those wedding Robes in which we shall be married to Christ in Glory O what solace and inward Peace is there in close walking with God Isa. 32.17 The Work of Righteousness shall be Peace Serving of God is like gathering of Spices or Flowers wherein there is some labour but the labour is recompenced with delight Working for Heaven is like digging in a Gold Mine the digging is labour but getting the Gold is pleasure O then let us bestir our selves for the Kingdom of Heaven it is a labour full of Pleasure a Christian would not part with his Joy for the most delicious Musick he would not exchange his Anchor of Hope for a Crown of Gold Well might David say in keeping thy Precepts there is great Reward Psal. 19.11 not only after keeping thy Precepts but in keeping them a Christian hath both the Spring Flowers and the Crop inward delight in serving God there is the Spring Flowers and the Kingdom of Glory at last there is the full Crop 22. How industrious have the Saints in former Ages been they thought they could never do enough for Heaven they could never serve God enough love him enough minus te amavi Domine Austin Lord I have loved thee too little What Pains did Saint Paul take for the Heavenly Kingdom Phil. 3.13 Reaching forth unto those things which are before 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Greek Word to reach forth signifies to stretch out the neck a Metaphor from Racers who strain every Limb and reach forward to lay hold on the Prize Anna the Prophetess Luke 2.37 departed not from the Temple but served God with Fastings and Prayers night and day Basil the Great by much labour and watching exhausted his bodily strength Let Racks Pullies and all torments come upon me said Ignatius so I may win Christ. The Industry and Courage of former Saints who are now crowned with Glory should provoke our diligence that so at last we may sit down with them in the Kingdom of Heaven 23. The more pains we take for Heaven the more welcome will Death be to us What is it makes Men so loath to dye they are like a Tenant that will not out of the House till the Sergeant pull him out they love not to hear of Death why so because their Conscience accuseth them that they have taken little or no pains for Heaven they have been sleeping when they should have been working and now they are afraid least Death should carry them Prisoners to Hell Whereas he who hath spent his time in serving of God he can look Death in the Face with comfort he was wholly taken up about Heaven and now he shall be taken up to Heaven he traded before in Heaven and now he shall go to live there Phil. 1.23 Cupio dissolvi I desire to be dissolved and be with Christ Paul had wholly laid out himself for God 1 Cor. 15.10 and now he knew there was a Crown laid up for him and he longed to take Possession Thus I have given you twenty three Perswasives or Arguments to exert and put forth your utmost diligence for the obtaining the Kingdom of Heaven O that these Arguments were written in all your Hearts as with the Point of a Diamond and because delaies in these Cases are dangerous let me desire you to set upon this Work for Heaven presently Psal. 119.60 I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandments Many People are convinced of the necessity of looking after the Kingdom of Glory but they say as those Hagg. 1.2 The time is not yet come They adjourn and put off till their time is slip'd away and so they lose the Kingdom of Heaven beware of this fallacy delay strengthens sin hardens the heart and gives the Devil fuller possession of a Man 1 Sam. 21.8 The Kings business requires hast so the business of Salvation requires hast do not put off an hour longer volat ambiguis mobilis alis hora what assurance have you that you shall live another day have you any lease of life granted why then do you not presently arise out of the Bed of Sloath and put forth all your strength and Spirits that you may be possessed of the Kingdom of Glory should not things of the highest importance be done first setling a Mans Estate and clearing the Title to his Land is not delayed but done in the first place what is there of such grand importance as this the saving of your Souls and the gaining of a Kingdom therefore to day hear Gods Voice now mind Eternity now get your Title to Heaven cleared before the Decree of Death bring forth what imprudence is it to lay the heaviest Load upon the weakest Horse so to lay the heavy Load of Repentance on thy self when thou art infeebled by sickness the Hands shake the Lips quiver the Heart faints O be wise in time now prepare for the Kingdom He who never begins his Voyage to Heaven but in the storm of Death it is a thousand to one if he doth not suffer an Eternal Shipwrack VSE VI. Of Exhortation 1. Branch If there be such a glorious Kingdom a coming then you who have any good hope through Grace that you are the Heirs of this Kingdom let me exhort you to six things 1. Often take a Prospect of this heavenly Kingdom climb up the Caelestial Mount take a turn as it were in Heaven every day by holy Meditation Psal. 48.12 13. Walk about Sion tell the Towers thereof mark well her Bulwarks See what a glorious Kingdom Heaven is go-tell the Towers view the Palaces of the Heavenly Ierusalem Christian show thy Heart the Gates of Pearl the Bed of Spices the Clusters of Grapes which grow in the Paradise of God say O my Soul all this Glory is thine it is thy Fathers good pleasure to give thee this Kingdom The Thoughts of Heaven are very delightful and ravishing can Men of the World so delight in viewing their Bags of Gold and Fields of Corn and shall not the Heirs of Promise take more delight in contemplating the Caelestial Kingdom The serious Meditation of the Kingdom of Glory would work these three effects 1. It would put a damp and slur upon all worldly Glory Those who stand upon the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem but small in their eye Could we look through the Perspective Glass of Faith and take a view of Heavens Glory how small and minute would all other things appear Moses slighted the Honours of Pharaohs Court having an eye to the Recompence of Reward Heb. 11.26 St. Paul who had a Vision of Glory and Saint Iohn who was carried away in the Spirit and saw the holy Ierusalem descending out of Heaven having the Glory of God in it Rev. 21.11 how did the world
do all that God commands they leave nothing of his Will undone Psal. 103.20 Ye his Angels that do his Commandments If God send an Angel to the Virgin Mary he goes on Gods Errand if he gives his Angels a Charge to Minister for the Saints they obey Heb. 1.14 It cannot stand with Angelical Obedience to leave the least Iota of Gods Will unfulfilled This is to do Gods Will as the Angels when we do all his Will quicquid propter Deum fit aequaliter fit This was Gods Charge to Israel Numb 15.40 Remember to do all my Commandments And it was spoken of David Act. 13.22 I have found David a Man after mine own heart who shall perform all my Will Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all my Wills Every Command hath the same Authority and if we do Gods Will uprightly we do it uniformly we obey every part and Branch of his Will we joyn first and second Table surely we owe that to God our Father which the Papists say we owe to our Mother the Church unlimited Obedience we must incline to every Command as the Needle moves that way which the Loadstone draws 2. This discovers the unsoundness of many who do Gods will by halves they pick and choose in Religion they in some things comply with Gods will but not in other like a foundred Horse who sets but some of his Feet on the Ground he favours one Foot He who is to play upon a Lute must strike upon every Sring or he spoils all the Musick Gods Commandments may be compared to a ten-string'd Lute we must obey Gods will in every Command strike upon every string or we can make no good Melody in Religion The Badger hath one Foot shorter then the other Hypocrites are shorter in some duties then other some will pray not give alms hear the word not forgive their Enemies receive the Sacrament not make Restitution hovv can they be holy vvho are not just Hypocrites profess fair but vvhen it comes to sacrificing the Isaac crucifying the beloved sin or parting vvith some of their Estate for Christ here they stick and say as Naaman 2 King 5.18 In this thing the Lord pardon thy Servant This is far from doing Gods will as the Angels do God likes not such as do his will by halves if your Servant should do some of your vvork vvhich you set him about but not all hovv vvould you like that Object But vvho is able to do all Gods vvill Answ. Though vve cannot do all Gods vvill legally yet vve may Evangelically vvhich is 1. When we mourn that we can do Gods will no better when we fail we weep Rom. 7.24 2. When it is the desire of our Soul to do Gods whole Will Psal. 119.5 O that my ways were directed to keep thy Precepts What a Child of God wants in strength he makes up in desire in magnis voluisse sat est 3. When we endeavour quoad conatum to do the whole Will of God A Father bids his Child lift such a burden the Child is not able to lift it but he tries and doth his endeavour to lift it the Father accepts of it as if h● had done it this is to do Gods Will Evangelically and God is pleased to take it in good part though it be not to satisfaction yet it is to acceptation 3. We do Gods Will as it is done in Heaven by the Angels when we do it sincerely sine fuco To do Gods VVill sincerely lies in two things 1. To do it out of a pure respect to Gods Command 2. With a pure Eye to Gods Glory 1. To do Gods Will out of a pure respect to Gods Command Abraham's sacrificing Isaac was contrary to Flesh and Blood to sacrifice the Son of his Love the Son of the Promise and that no other hand but the Fathers own should do this here was hard Service but because God commanded it out of pure respect to the Command Abraham obeyed This is to do Gods will aright when though we feel no present Joy or Comfort in Duty yet because God commands we obey not Comfort but the Command is the Ground of Duty thus the Angels do Gods will in Heaven Gods Command is the weight sets the wheels of their Obedience a going 2. To do Gods will sincerely is to do it with a pure Eye to Gods Glory The Pharisees did the will of God in giving Alms but that which was a dead Fly in the Ointment was that they did not aim at Gods Glory but vain-glory they blew a Trumpet Iehu did the will of God in destroying the Baal worshippers and God commended him for doing of it but because he aimed more at setling himself in the Kingdom then the Glory of God therefore God lookt upon it no better then Murder and said he would avenge the blood of Iezreel upon the house of Iehu Hos. 2.4 Let us look to our ends in Obedience though we shoot short let us take a right aim one may do Gods will yet not with a perfect heart 2 Chron. 25.2 Amaziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect Heart the Action was right for the matter but his aim was not right that Action which wants a good aim wants a good issue he doth Gods Will rightly that doth it uprightly his end is to honour God and lift up his Name in the world A gracious Soul makes God his Center as Ioab when he had taken Rabbah sent for King David that he might carry away the glory of the Victory 2 Sam. 12.27 So when a gracious Soul hath done any duty he desires that the glory of all may be given to God 1 Pet. 4.11 That in all things God may be glorified This is to do Gods will as the Angels when we not only advance Gods Glory but design his Glory the Angels are said to cast their Crowns before the Throne Rev. 4.10 Crowns are signs of greatest Honour but these Crowns the Angels lay at the Lords Feet to show that they ascribe the glory of all they do to him 4. VVe do Gods will as it is done in Heaven by the Angels when we do it willingly sine murmuratione The Angels love to be employed in Gods Service 't is the Angels Heaven to serve God they willingly descend from Heaven to Earth when they bring Messages from God and glad Tydings to the Church now Heaven being a place of such Joy the Angels would not leave it a Minute of an Hour only that they take such infinite delight in doing Gods will we do resemble the Angels when we do Gods will willingly 1 Chron. 28.9 And thou Solomon my Son serve the Lord with a willing mind Gods People are called a willing People Psal. 110.3 in Hebrew Gnam nedaebot a People of willingnesses they give God a free-will Offering though they cannot serve him perfectly they serve him willingly an Hypocrite though he doth facere bonum yet not velle he hath no
hearts to submission Lord if thou usest so much gentleness and correctest in measure Thy Will be done 12. There is kindness in Affliction in that God often sweetens it with divine Consolation 2 Cor. 1.4 Who comforteth us in all our Tribulation After a bitter Potion a lump of Sugar God comforts in Affliction 1. Partly by his Word Psal. 119.50 This is my Comfort in my Affliction for thy Word hath quickened me The Promises of the word are a shop of Cordials 2. God comforts by his Spirit Philip Landtgrave of Hesse said that in his troubles se divinas Martyrum consolationes sensisse he felt the divine Consolations of the Martyrs David had his Pilgrimage-Songs Psal. 119.54 and St. Paul his Prison-Songs Act. 16.25 Thus God candies our Wormwood with Sugar and makes us gather Grapes of Thorns Some of the Saints have had such ravishing Joys in Affliction that they had rather endure their Sufferings then want their Comforts O how much kindness is in the Cross In the Belly of this Lyon is an Honey-Comb may not this make us chearfully submit to Gods Will when God lines the Yoak with Comfort and gives us honey at the end of the Rod 13. There is kindness in Affliction in that God doth curtail and shorten it he will not let it lye on too long Isa. 57.16 I will not contend for ever least the Spirit should fail before me God will give his People a Writ of Ease and proclaim a Year of Jubilee the wicked may plow upon the backs of the Saints but God will cut their Traces Psal. 129.4 The Goldsmith will not let his gold lye any longer in the Furnace then till it is purified The Wicked must drink a Sea of Wrath but the Godly have only a Cup of Affliction Isa. 51.17 and God will say Let this Cup pass away Affliction may be compared to Frost it will break and Spring Flowers will come on Isa. 35. Sorrow and sighing shall fly away Affliction hath a Sting but withal a Wing sorrow shall fly away this Land Flood shall be dryed up if then there be so much kindness in the Cross God will cause a Cessation of trouble say then Fiat Voluntas tua Thy Will be done 14. Vlt. There is kindness in Affliction in that it is a means to make us happy Iob 5.17 Behold happy is the Man whom God correcteth This seems strange to flesh and blood that Affliction should make one happy when Moses saw the bush burning and not consumed I will s●ith he turn aside and see this strange sight Exod. 3.3 So here is a strange sight a Man afflicted yet happy The World counts them happy who can escape Affliction but happy is the Man whom God correcteth Quest. But how do Afflictions contribute to our happiness Resp. 1. As they are a means to bring us nearer to God the Loadstone of Prosperity doth not draw us so near to God as the Cords of Affliction VVhen the Prodigal was pinch'd with want then saith he I will arise and go to my Father Luke 15.18 The Deluge brought the Dove to the Ark The Floods of Sorrow make us hasten to Christ. 2. Afflictions make us happy as they are Manuductions to Glory The Storm drives the Ship into the harbour Happy is that Storm which drives the Soul into the Heavenly harbour is it not better to go through affliction to glory then through pleasure to misery not that afflictions merit glory no cross ever merited but that which Christ endured but they do disponere fit and prepare us for glory Think O Christian what Affliction leads to it leads to Paradise where are Rivers of Pleasure always running may not this make us chearfully submit to Gods VVill and say Lord if there be so much kindness in Affliction if all thou dost is to make us happy Thy Will be done 7. Consideration It is Gods ordinary course to keep his People to a bitter Diet-Drink and exercise them with great Trials Affliction is the beaten Road all the Saints have gone in The lively Stones in the Spiritual building have been all hewn and polished Christs Lilly hath grown among the Thorns 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will live Godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution 'T is too much for a Christian to have two Heavens that is more than Christ had It hath been ever the lot of the Saints to encounter with sore tryals Both of the Prophets Iam. 5.10 Take my brethren the Prophets for an example of suffering affliction And of the Apostles Peter was Crucified with his Head downward Iames beheaded by Herod Iohn banished into the Isle of Patmos the Apostle Thomas thrust thorow with a spear who was chosen Apostle in Iudas room Matthias stoned to death Luke the Evangelist hanged on an Olive-tree Those Saints of whom the World was not worthy did pass under the Rod Hebr. 11.36 Christs Kingdom is Regnum Crucis this is the way God hath alwayes gone in such as God intends to save from Hell yet he doth not save from the Cross the consideration of this should quiet our Minds in Affliction and make us say Thy Will be done Do we think God will alter his course of Providence for us Why should we look for exemption from trouble more than others Why should we think to tread only upon Roses and Violets when Prophets and Apostles have marched through the Bryars to Heaven 8. Consideration God hath done that for thee Christian which may make thee content to suffer any thing at his hand and say Thy Will be done 1. He hath adopted thee for his Child David thought it no small Honour to be the Kings Son in Law 1 Sam. 18.18 what an Honour is it to derive thy pedigree from Heaven to be born of God why then art thou troubled and murmurest at every slight cross As Ionadab said to Amnon 2 Sam. 13.4 Why art thou being the Kings Son lean So why art thou who art Son or Daughter to the King of Heaven troubled at these petty things What the Kings Son and look lean This may quiet thy Spirit and bring thy Will to Gods he hath dignified thee with Honour he made thee his Son and Heir and will entail a Kingdom on thee 2. God hath given thee Christ. Christ is communis thesaurus a Magazine and Storehouse of all Heavenly Treasure a Pearl of Price to enrich a Tree of Life to quicken He is the quintessence of all Blessings why then art thou discontented at thy Worldly Crosses They cannot be so bitter as Christ is sweet as Seneca said once to Polybius Why dost thou complain of hard Fortune salvo Caesare is not Caesar thy Friend So is not Christ thy Friend He can never be poor who hath a Mine of Gold in his Field nor he who hath the unsearchable Riches of Christ Say then Lord Thy Will be done though I have my Cross yet I have Christ with it The Cross may make me weep but Christ wipes off all
two Talents take the Venison and take a Blessing with it Take the Oil in the Cruse and take my Love with it Take two Talents 'T is observable Christ joins these two together Give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as if Christ would teach us there is little comfort in daily bread unless sin be forgiven Forgiveness doth perfume and drop sweetness into every earthly enjoyment 11. If sin be forgiven God will never upbraid us with our former sins When the Pro●igal came home to his Father the Father received him into his loving embraces and never mentioned his former Luxury or spending his Estate among Harlots So God will not upbraid us with former sins nay he will intirely love us we shall be his Jewels and he will put us in his bosom Mary Magdalen a pardoned Penitent after Christ arose he appeared first to her Mark 16.9 So far was Christ from upbraiding her that he brings her the first New of his Resurrection 12. Sin being pardoned is a pillar of support in the loss of dear Friends God hath taken away thy Child thy Husband but withal he hath taken away thy sins He hath given thee more than he hath taken away He hath taken a-away a Flower and given thee a Jewel He hath given thee Christ and the Spirit and the earnest of Glory He hath given thee more than he hath taken away 13. Where God Pardons Sins he bestows righteousness With Remission of sin goes Imputation of Righteousness Isa. 61.10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord he hath covered me with the Robe of Righteousness If a Christian can take any comfort in his Inherent Righteousness which is so stain'd and mix'd with sin O then what comfort may he take in Christ's Righteousness which is a better Righteousness than that of Adam Adam's Righteousness was Mutable but suppose it had been Vnchangeable yet it was but the Righteousness of a Man but that Righteousness which is Imputed is the Righteousness of him who is God 2 Cor. 5.21 That we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him O blessed priviledge to be reputed in the sight of God Righteous as Christ having his Embroidered Robe put upon the Soul This is the comfort of every one that is pardoned he hath a Perfect Righteousness and now God saith of him Thou art all fair my Love and there is no spot in thee Cant. 4.7 14. A pardon'd Soul needs not fear death He may look on Death with Joy who can look on Forgiveness with Faith To a pardoned Soul death hath lost his Sting Death to a pardon'd sinner is like the Arresting a Man after the Debt is paid Death may Arrest but Christ will shew the Debt-book Crossed in his Blood A pardoned Soul may Triumph over Death O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory He who is pardon'd needs not fear death it is not a Destruction but a Deliverance It is to him a day of Iubilee or Release it releaseth him from all his sins Death comes to a pardoned Soul as the Angel did to Peter it smote him and beat off his Chains and carried him out of Prison So doth Death to him who is pardon'd it smites his Body and the Chains of Sin fall off Death gives a pardon'd Soul a Quietus Est it frees him from all his Labours Revel 14.13 Faelix transitus à labore ad Requiem Death as it will wipe off our Tears so it will wipe off our Sweat Death will do a pardon'd Christian the greatest good turn therefore it is made a part of the Inventory 1 Cor. 3.22 Death is yours Death is like the Waggon which was sent for old Iacob it came ratling with its Wheels but it was to carry Iacob to his Son Ioseph So the Wheels of Death's Chariot may rattle and make a noise but they are to carry a Believer to Christ. While a Believer is here he is absent from the Lord 2 Cor. 5.6 He lives far from Court and cannot see him whom his Soul loves But Death gives him a sight of the King of Glory in whose presence is fulness of Ioy To a pardoned Soul Death is Transitus ad regnum it removes him to the place of Bliss where he shall hear the Triumphs and Anthems of Praise Sung in the Quire of Angels No cause hath a pardoned Soul to fear Death What needs he fear to have his Body buried in the Earth who hath his Sins buried in Christ's Wounds What hurt can Death do to him It is but his Ferry-man to Ferry him over to the Land of Promise The day of Death to a pardon'd Soul is his Ascension day to Heaven his Coronation-day when he shall be Crown'd with those delights of Paradice which are unspeakable and full of glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost. Thus you see the the rich Consolations which belong to a pardoned sinner Well might David proclaim him blessed Psal. 32.1 Blessed is he whose iniquity is forgiven In the Hebrew it is in the plural 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Blessednesses Here is a Plurality of Blessings Forgiveness of sin is like the first link of a Chain which draws all the links after it it draws these 14 Priviledges after it It Crowns with Grace and Glory Who then would not labour to have his sins forgiven Blessed is he whose Iniquity is forgiven whose sin is covered Now followeth the Duties of such as have their sins forgiven Mercy calls for Duty Be much in Praise and Doxology Psal. 103. 1. Bless the Lord O my Soul who forgiveth all thy Iniquities Hath God Crowned you with pardoning Mercy set the Crown of your Praise upon the head of Free Grace Pardon of sin is a Discriminating Mercy a Jewel hung onely upon the Elect this calls for Acclamations of Praise You will give thanks for daily bread and will you not much more for Pardon You will give thanks for deliverance from Sickness and will you not for deliverance from Hell God hath done more for you in forgiving your sin than if he had given you a Kingdom And that you may be more thankful do but set the Unpardoned condition b●fore your eyes How sad is it to want a pardon all the Curses of the Law stand in full force against such an one The Unpardoned Sinner dying he drops into the Grave and Hell both at once He must quarter among the Damned and will not this make you Thankful that this is not your condition but that you are delivered from wrath to come 2. Let God's pardoning love inflame your hearts with love to God For God to pardon freely without any desert of yours to pardon so many offences that he should pardon you and pass by others that he should take you out of the ruines of Mankind and of a clod of dust and sin make you a Jewel sparkling with Heavenly Glory Will not this make you love God much Three Prisoners that deserve to die if the King pardon one
This is Satan's Temptation the hand of Ioab is in this 2. To Rejoyce is a Duty Psal. 33.1 Praise is comely for the Vpright But when God by his judgments calls us to Weeping now Joy and Mirth is unseasonable Isa. 22.12 In that day did the Lord call to weeping and behold joy and gladness Oecolampadius and other Learned Writers think it was in the time of King Ahaz when the Signs of God's Anger like a Blazing-Star did appear now to be given to Mirth was very unseasonable 3. To Read The Word is a Duty but Satan will sometimes put Men upon it when it is unseasonable To Read at home when God's Word is Preaching or the Sacrament Administring is unseasonable yea sinful As Hushai said 2 Sam. 17.7 The Counsel is not good at this time There was a Set-time enjoyned for the Passover when the Iews were to bring their Offering to the Lord Numb 9.2 Had the People been Reading the Law at home in the time of the Passover it had not been in season and God would have punished it for a contempt This is the Devil 's subtil Temptation either to keep us from duty or to put us upon it when it is least in season Duties of Religion not well timed and done in season are dangerous Snow and Hail are good for the ground when they come in their season but in Harvest when the Corn is ripe then a Storm of Hail would do hurt 25. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting is to perswade Men to delay their repenting and turning to God He saith as Hag. 1.2 The time is not yet come Now youth is budding or you are but in the flower of your age it is too soon to repent the time is not yet come This Temptation is the Devil's draw-net by which he drags Millions to Hell It is a dan●erous Temptation Sin is Dulce venenum Bern. a Poison the longer Poison lies in the Body the more mortal By delay of Repentance sin strengthens and the heart hardens The longer Ice freezeth the harder it is to be broken The longer a Man freezeth in impenitency the more difficult it will be to have his heart broken When sin hath gotten an haunt it is not easily shaken off Besides the danger of this Temptation to delay Repentance appears in this because life is hazardous and may on a sudden expire What security have you that you shall live another day Life is made up of a few flying Minutes it is a Taper soon blown out Jam. 4.14 What is your life It is but a vapour The body is like a Vessel tun'd with a little breath Sickness broacheth this Vessel Death draws it out How dangerous therefore is this Temptation to procrastinate and put off turning to God by repentance Many now in Hell did purpose to Repent but Death surpriz'd them 26. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting is to infringe and weaken the Saints peace If he cannot Destroy their Grace he will Disturb their Peace Satan envies a Christian should have a good day and if he cannot keep him from Heaven he will keep him from an Heaven upon Earth There is nothing next to Holiness a Christian prizeth more than Peace and Tranquillity of Mind This is the Cream of Life a Bunch of Grapes by the way Now it is Satans great policy to shake a Christian's Peace that if he will go to Heaven he shall go thither through Frights and plenty of Tears The Devil throws in his Fireballs of Temptation to set the Saints Peace on fire Of such great concern is Spiritual Peace that no wonder if Satan would by his Intricate subtilties Rob us of this Jewel Spiritual Peace is a Token of God's Favour As Ioseph had a special testimony of his Fathers Kindness in the Party-coloured Coat he gave him so have the Saints a special token of God's Good-will to them when he gives them inward Peace which is as it were the party-coloured Coat to wear No wonder then if Satan so much rage against the Saints Peace and would tear off this comfortable Robe from them The Devil troubles the waters of the Saints Peace because hereby he hopes to have the more advantage of them 1. By this perplexing of their Spirits Satan takes off their Chariot-wheels unfits them for the Service of God Body and Mind are both out of temper like an Instrument out of Tune Sadness of Spirit prevailing a Christian can think of nothing but his Troubles his Mind is full of doubts fears surmises that he is like a person distracted and is scarce himself Either he neglects the duties of Religion or his mind is taken off from them while he is doing them Especially there is one Duty that melancholy and sadness of spirit unfits for and that is Thankfulness Thankfulness is a Tribute or Quit-rent due to God Psal. 149.3 Let the Saints be joyful let the high praises of God be in their mouth But when Satan hath disturbed a Christian's spirit and fill'd his Mind full of black and almost despairing thoughts how can he be Thankful It rejoyceth Satan to see how his Plot takes by making God's Children Vnquiet he makes them Vnthankful 2. Satan by troubling the Saints Peace hath this advantage of laying a stumbling-block in the way of others By this policy the Devil gets an occasion to render the ways of God unlovely to those who are looking Heaven-ward He sets before new beginners the perplexing Thoughts the Tears the Groans of them who are wounded in Spirit to scare them quite off from all seriousness in Religion He will object to new beginners Do you not see how these sad Souls torture themselves with melancholy Thoughts and will you change the comforts and pleasures of this life to sit always in the house of mourning Will you espouse that Religion which makes you a terror to your selves and a burden to others Can you be in love with such a Religion as is ready to fright you out of your wits This advantage the Devil gets by troubling the Saints Peace he would discourage others who are looking towards Heaven he would beat them off from Praying and hearing all Soul-awakening Sermons lest they fall into this black humour of Melancholy and end their days in despair 3. By this subtil policy of Satan in disturbing the Saints Peace and making them believe God doth not love them he hath this advantage he sometimes so far prevails over them as to make them begin to entertain hard thoughts of God Through the black Spectacles of Melancholy God's dealings look sad and Ghastly Satan tempts the Godly to have strange thoughts of God to think he hath cast off all pity and hath forgotten to be gracious Psal. 77. and to make sad conclusions Isai. 38.13 I reckoned that as a Lion so will he break all my bones from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me The Devil setting in with Melancholy causeth a sad Eclipse in the Soul it begins to think God hath shut up
then Israel prevailed So Gods Spirit puts the Promises under the Hand of Faith and then a Christian overcomes the Devil that spiritual Amalek The Promise is to the Soul as the Anchor is to a Ship which keeps it steddy in a Storm 2. Christ succours them that are tempted by his blessed interceeding for them When the Devil is tempting Christ is praying Of this the next timer 2. Christ succours his Saints by interceeding for them when Satan is tempting Christ is praying That prayer Christ put up for Peter when he was tempted extend● to all the Saints Luk. 22.32 Lord saith Christ it is my Child that is tempted Father pitty him when a poor Soul lies bleeding of his wounds the Devil hath given him Christ presents his Wounds to his Father and in the virtue of those pleads for Mercy How powerful must Christs Prayer needs be He is a Favorite Iohn 11.42 He is both an High-Priest and a Son if God could forget that Christ were a Priest yet he cannot forget that he is a Son besides Christ prays for nothing but what is agreeable to his Fathers Will if a Kings Son Petitions only for that which his Father hath a Mind to grant his suit will not be denied 3. Christ succours his People by taking of the Tempter a Shepherd when the Sheep begins to straggle may set the Dog on the Sheep to bring it nearer the Fold but then he calls off the Dog again God will take of the Tempter 1 Cor. 10.13 He will with the Temptation make a way to escape 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he will make an Out-let Christ will rebuke the Tempter Zach. 3.2 The Lord rebuke thee O Satan This is no small support that Christ succours the Tempted The Mother succours the Child most when it is sick she sits by its Bed-side brings it Cordials So when a Soul is most assaulted it shall be most assisted Object But I have dealt unkindly with Christ and sinn'd against his Love and sure he will not succour me but let me perish in the Battel Answ. Christ is a merciful High-priest and will succour thee notwithstanding thy failings Ioseph was a Type of Christ. His Brethren sold him away and the Irons entered into his Soul yet afterwards when his Brethren were ready to die in the Famine he forgot their injuries and succoured them with Money and Corn. I am saith he Ioseph your Brother so will Christ say to a tempted Soul I know thy unkindnesses how thou hast distrusted my Love grieved my Spirit but I am Ioseph I am Jesus therefore I will succour thee when thou art tempted 4. Rock of support The best Men may be most tempted A rich Ship may be violently set upon by Pyrats He who is rich in Faith yet may have the Devil that Pyrate set upon him by his battering pieces Iob an eminent Saint yet how fiercely was he assaulted Satan did smite his body that he might tempt him either to question Gods Providence or quarrel with it St. Paul was a chosen vessel but how was this vessel battered with Tentation 2 Cor. 12.7 Object But is it not said he who is born of God the Wicked one toucheth him not 1 Joh. 5.18 Answ. It is not meant that the Devil doth not tempt him but he toucheth him not that is tactu lethali Cajetan with a deadly touch 1 Joh. 5.16 There is a sin unto Death now Satan with all his Temptations doth not make a Child of God sin a sin unto Death Thus he toucheth him not 5. Rock of support Satan can go no further in tempting than God will give him leave The power of the Tempter is limited A whole Legion of Devils could not touch one Swine till Christ gave them leave Satan would have sifted Peter to have sifted out all his Grace but Christ would not suffer him I have prayed for thee c. Christ binds the Devil in a Chain Rev. 20.1 If Satans power were according to his malice not one Soul should be saved but he is a Chained Enemy this is a comfort Satan cannot go an Hairs breadth beyond Gods permission If an Enemy could not touch a Child further than the Father did appoint sure he should do the Child no great hurt 6. Rock of support It is not the having a Tentation makes guilty but the giving consent We cannot hinder a Tentation Elijah that could by Prayer shut Heaven could not shut out a Temptation but if we abhor the Temptation it is our burden not our sin We read in the old Law if one went to force a Virgin and she cried out she was reputed innocent If Satan would by temptation commit a Rape upon a Christian and he cries out and will not give consent the Lord will charge it upon the Devils score It is not the laying the Bait hurts the Fish if the Fish doth not bite 7. Rock of support Our being tempted is no sign of Gods hating us A Child of God oft thinks God doth not love him because he lets him be haunted with the Devil non sequitur this is a wrong conclusion was not Christ himself tempted yet by a Voice from Heaven proclaimed This is my beloved Son Mat. 3.17 Satans tempting and Gods loving may stand together The Goldsmith loves his Gold in the Fire God loves a Saint tho shot at by fiery Darts 8. Rock of support Christs Temptation was for our consolation aqua-ignis Jesus Christ is to be looked upon as a publick person as our Head and Representative and what Christ did he did for us His prayer was for us his suffering was for us when he was tempted and overcame the temptation he overcame for us Christs conquering Satan was to shew that every Elect Person shall at last be a Conqueror over Satan when Christ overcame Satans temptations it was not only to give us an example of Courage but an assurance of Conquest We have overcome Satan already in our Head and we shall at last perfectly overcome 9. Rock of support the Saints Temptations shall not be above their strength The Lutenist will not stretch the strings of his Lute too hard lest they break 1 Cor. 10.13 God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 above that ye are able God will proportion our strength to the stroke 2. Cor. 12.9 My Grace is sufficient for thee The Torch-light of Faith shall be kept burning notwithstanding all the Winds of Temptation blowing 10. Rock of support these temptations shall produce much good 1. They shall quicken a Spirit of Prayer in the Saints they shall pray more and better Temptation is orationis flabellum the exciter of Prayer perhaps before the Saints came to God as cold suiters in Prayer they pray'd as if they pray'd not temptation is a Medicine for security When Paul had a Messenger of Satan to buffet him he was more earnest in Prayer 2 Cor. 12.8 Three times I besought the Lord the Thorn in the
is none of his making 'T is a Monster of the Devils Creating 2. The Torments of Hell are a burden only to the sinner but sin is a burden to God Amos 2.13 I am pressed under you as a Cart is pressed that is full of Sheaves 3. In Hell-Torments there is something that is Good There is the Execution of God's Justice there is justice in Hell but sin is the most unjust thing It would rob God of his Glory Christ of his Purchase the Soul of its Happiness So that it is worse than Hell Fifthly Look upon sin in the manner of its Cure it cost dear to be done away The Guilt of sin could not be removed but by the Blood of Christ he who was God must die and be made a Curse for us before sin could be remitted How horrid is sin that no Angel or Arch-Angel nor all the Powers of Heaven could procure the Pardon of sin but it cost the Blood of God If a Man should commit an Offence and all the Nobles should kneel upon their Knees before the King for him but no Pardon could be had unless the King's Son be Arraigned and suffer Death for him all would conceive it was an horrible Fact that must be the cause of this such is the case here the Son of God must die to appease God's Anger for our sins O the Agonies and Sufferings of Christ 1. In his Body his Head Crown'd with Thorns his Face spit upon his Side pierced with the Spear his Hands and Feet nailed Totum pro vulnere Corpus 2. He suffered in his Soul Mat 26.38 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 My Soul is exceeding sorrowful unto Death He drank a bitter Cup mingled with Curses which made him tho' he were sanctified by the Spirit supported by the Diety comforted by Angels sweat great Drops of Blood and cry out upon the Cross My God why hast thou forsaken me All this was to do away our sin view sin in Christ's Blood and it will appear of a Crimson Colour Sixthly Look upon sin in the dismal Effects of it and it will appear the most horrid prodigious Evil Rom. 6.23 The Wages of sin is Death that is the Second Death Rev. 21 8. Sin hath shame for its Companion and Death for its Wages A wicked man knows what sin is in the Pleasure of it but doth not know what sin is in the Punishment of it Sin is Scorpio pungens it draws Hell at the heels of it This hellish Torment consists of two Parts 1. Poena damni the Punishment of Loss Mat. 7.23 Depart from me It was a great trouble to Absalom that he might not see the Kings face to lose Gods Smiles to be banished from his Presence in whose Presence is fulness of Joy how sad and tremendous this word Depart saith Chrysostom is worse than the fire Sure sin must be the Greatest Evil which separates us from the Greatest Good 2. Poena sensus the Punishment of Sence Mat 25.41 Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Why might sinners plead Lord if we must depart from thee let us have thy Blessing no Go ye Cursed But if we must depart from thee let it be into some place of Ease and Rest no go into fire But if we must into the fire let it be but for a little time let the fire be quickly put out no go into everlasting fire But if it be so that we must be there let us be with good Company no with the Devil and his Angels O what an Evil is sin All the Torments of this Life are but Ludibrium Risus a kind of sport to Hell-Torments what is a burning Fever to the burning in Hell It is call'd the Wrath of the Almighty Rev. 19.15 The Almighty God inflicts the Punishment therefore it will be heavy a Child cannot strike very hard but if a Giant strike he kills with a Blow To have the Almighty God to lay on the stroke it will be intolerable Hell is the EMPHASIS of Misery The Body and Soul which have sinn'd together shall suffer together and these Torments shall have no Period put to them Rev. 9.6 They shall seek Death and shall not find it Rev. 24.11 And the Smoak of their Torment ascendeth for ever and ever Here the wicked thought a Prayer long a Sabbath long but how long will it be to lie upon Beds of Flames for ever this word ever breaks the Heart Thus you see sin is the most deadly and execrable Evil look upon it in its Original in its Nature in the Judgment and Estimate of the Wise look upon it comparatively it is worse than Affliction Death Hell look upon it in the manner of Cure and in the dismal Effect it brings Eternal Damnation is there not then a great deal of Reason that we should make this Prayer Deliver us from Evil Vse 1. Branch I. Is Sin such a deadly pernitious Evil the Evil of Evils See then what it is we are to pray most to be delivered from and that is from Sin Our Saviour hath taught us to pray Deliver us from Evil. Hypocrites pray more against Temporal Evils than Spiritual Pharaoh pray'd more to have the Plague of Hail and Thunder to be remov'd than his hard Heart should be removed Exod. 9.28 The Israelites pray'd Tolle Serpentes Take away the Serpents from us more than to have their sin taken away Numb 21.8 The Hypocrites prayer is Carnal he prays more to be cured of his Deafness and Lameness than of his Unbelief More that God would take away his Pain than take away his sin But our Prayer should be Deliver us from Evil. Spiritual Prayers are best hast thou a diseased Body Pray more that the Disease of thy Soul may be removed than thy Body Psal. 41.4 Heal my Soul for I have sinned The Plague of the Heart is worse than a Cancer in the Breast Hast thou a Child that is crooked Pray more to have its Unholiness removed than its Crookedness spiritual Prayers are more pleasing to God and are as Musick in his Ears Christ hath here taught us to pray against sin Deliver us from Evil. II. Branch If sin be so great an Evil then admire the Wonderful Patience of God that bears with Sinners Sin is a breach of God's Royal Law it strikes at his Glory now for God to bear with sinners who so provoke him it shews admirable Patience well may he be called The God of Patience Rom. 15.4 It would tire the Patience of the Angels to bear with mens sins one day but what doth God bear How many Affronts and Injuries doth he put up God sees all the Intreagues and horrid Impieties committed in a Nation Ier. 29.23 They have committed Villany in Israel and have committed Adultery even I know and am a Witness saith the Lord. God could strike men dead in their sins but he forbears and respites them My thinks I see the Justice of God with a
God for power Alass if David and Peter who had an Habit of Grace fell for want of a fresh gale of the Spirit to hold them up much more will they be in danger of falling who have onely the power of Free will to hold them Let us therefore sue to God for strength to keep us from sinning Pray that Prayer of David Psal. 119.117 Hold thou me up and I shall be safe and that other Prayer Psal. 17.5 Hold up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not Lord keep me from dishonouring thee keep me from the defiling sins of the Age that I may not be worse for the Times nor the Times the worse for me Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins Lord whatever I suffer keep me from sin The Child is safe in the Nurses arms and we are onely safe from falling into Sin while we are held up in the Arms of Christ and Free-Grace 2. Branch Of the Exhortation hath an aspect to God's Children you that are Professors and carry Christ's Colours I beseech you above all others to take heed of sin beware of any action that is scandalous and unbecoming the Gospel You have heard what a prodigious hyperbolical evil sin is Come not near the forbidden fruit Hos. 4.15 Though Israel play the harlot yet let not Iudah offend So though wicked Men run into sin yet let not the Spouse of Christ defile the breasts of her Virginity Sin doth ill become any but it doth worse become Professors Dung is unhandsome in the Street but to see it in the Temple How offensive is it Leprosie in the Foot doth ill but to see a leprous sore in the Face is much worse To see sin break forth in them who have a Face of Religion is most to be abominated The sins of the wicked are not so much wondered at Dan. 12.10 The wicked shall do wickedly It is no wonder to see a Toad spit Poison it was not so much wondered to see Cain or Ahab sin but to see Lot's Incest to see David's hands stained with blood this was strange When the Sun is Eclipsed every one stands and looks upon it So when a Child of light is Eclipsed by scandalous sin all stand and gaze at this Eclipse The Sins of God's People do in some sense more provoke God than the sins of the Wicked We read of the provoking of his Sons and Daughters Deut. 32.19 The sins of the Wicked Anger God but the sins of his People Grieve him The sins of God's People have a more malignant aspect and are of a blacker dye than others There are those aggravations in the sins of God's People as are not to be found in the sins of the Unregenerate in Eight Particulars For First The Godly have something which may ponere obicem Restrain them from sin Wicked Men when they sin have no Principle to restrain them they have Wind and Tide to carry them but have nothing to pull them back from sin but a Child of God hath a Principle of Grace to give check to sin He hath the impulses of God's Spirit disswading him from evil therefore for him to commit sin is far worse than for others This is to sin more desperately it is as if a Woman should go about to kill the Child in her Womb. Christian this thou art going to do when thou sinnest Presumptuously thou doest what in thee lies to kill the Babe of Grace in thy Soul Secondly The sins of God's People are greater than others because they sin against more Mercy This is like a Weight put in the Scale it makes sin weigh heavier God hath given Christ to a Believer he hath cut him off from the wild stock of Nature and grafted him into the True Olive and for him to abuse all this Mercy it is to out-do the Wicked and to sin with an higher aggravation because it is to sin against greater love How was Peter's sin inhaunced and accented that when Christ had done more for him than others he had dropped some of the Holy Oil upon him He had taken him into the number of the Apostles he had carried him up into the Mount of Transfiguration and shewn him the Glory of Heaven in a Vision now that Peter should deny Christ after all this Mercy this was heinous and could not be forgiven but by a Prodigy and Miracle of Love Thirdly The Sins of the Godly are worse and have this aggravation in them that they Sin against more clear illuminations than the Wicked Iob 24.13 They are of those that rebel against the Light Light is there taken figuratively for knowledge It can't be deny'd but the Wicked Sin knowingly but the Godly have a light beyond them such a divine penetrating light as no Hypocrite can attain unto They have better eyes to see Sin than others and for them to meddle with Sin and embrace this Dunghil How must this needs provoke God and make the Fury rise up in his Face Oh therefore you that are the People of God fly from Sin your Sins are more inhanc'd and have worse aggravations in them than the Sins of the Unregenerate Fourthly The Sins of the Godly are worse than the Sins of the Unregenerate for when they Sin it is against Greater Experiences They have felt the bitterness of Sin in the pangs of the New-birth and afterwards God hath spoken peace and they have had an experimental tast how Sweet the Lord is and yet after these Experiences that they should touch the Forbidden Fruit venture upon a Presumptuous Sin How doth this inhance and aggravate their Guilt and is like putting a weight more in the Scale to make their Sin weigh heavier The Wicked when they Sin never tasted the sweetness of an Heavenly Life they never knew what it was to have any Smiles from God they never tasted any thing sweeter than Corn and Wine therefore no wonder if they Sin But for a Child of God who hath had such Love-Tokens from Heaven and Signal experiences for him to Gratifie a Lust How horrid is this It was an aggravation of Solomon's Sin that his heart was turned from the Lord which had appeared to him Twice 1 King 11.9 Fifthly The Sins of the Godly are greater than others because they Sin against their Sonship When Wicked Men Sin they Sin against the Command but when the Godly Sin they Sin against a Priviledge they abuse their Sonship The Godly are adopted into the Family of Heaven they have a New Name Is it a light thing said David to be Son-in-Law to a King So to be called the Sons of God to be Heirs of the Promises is no small honour Now for such to run into any open offence it is a Sinning against their Adoption they hereby make themselves Vile as if a King's Son should be tumbling in the Mire or lie among Swine Sixthly The Sins of the Godly are worse than others because they are committed against more Vows and Engagements
dead in the Act of Sin Kindness in this that though the Sinner hath sinn'd against his Conscience yet now if he will repent of Sin God will repent of his Judgments and the white Flag of Mercy shall be held forth Ier. 3.1 Thou hast plaid the Harlot with many Lovers yet return again to me saith the Lord. But the Sinner is of a base morose Spirit he is not melted with all this Love but his Heart like Clay hardens under the Sun Here 's an apparent Abuse of God's Kindness and God cannot endure to have his Kindness abused The Vulture draws Sickness from Perfumes so the Sinner contracts Wickedness from the Mercy of God Here 's high Ingratitude 5. To sin presumptuously to know what is good yet not to do it is a Contempt done to God A Noble Spirit cannot bear a contempt It is bad enough for a Sinner to forget God but it is worse to contemn him He that knows to do Good yet doth it not he slighteth God he cares not whether God he pleased or no he will have his Sin Therefore the presumptuous Sinner is said to reproach God Numb 15.30 The Soul that doth ought presumptuously the same reproacheth the Lord every Sin displeaseth the Lord. To contemn the Authority of a Prince is a Reproach done to him The presumptuous Sinner who knows to do Good but doth it not reproacheth the Lord though not explicitly yet interpretatively by his presumptuous Sin he makes as if God were either ignorant and did not know his Wickedness or impotent and were not able to punish him How horrid is this to reproach the Lord There 's a kind of Blasphemy against God in every presumptuous Sin The Sinner that knows what is good yet will not do it what is evil yet will do it he contemns God and in contemning him blasphemes him Contempt is the highest Affront that we can offer to God and an Affront will make one draw his Sword 6. To sin presumptuously to know what is good yet not to do it is a bold Contest with God a daring of God to punish The Man that sins against Conscience presumptuously and will not be reclaimed doth in effect say What care I for the Commandment it shall be no Check upon me but I will go on in Sin and let God do his worst A godly Man is said to fear the Commandment Prov. 13.13 He dares not sin because the Law of God stands in his way He fears the Commandment but the presumptuous Sinner doth not value the Commandment he will sin in spight of God's Law This is sawcily to contest with God to throw down the Gantlet and challenge God to a Duel 1 Cor. 10.22 Do we provoke the Lord to Anger Are we stronger than he Shall the Child go to fight with an Archangel This is the Folly and Madness of a presumptuous Sinner he dares God to his Face and hangs forth the Flag of Defiance against Heaven O then good reason we should take-heed of presumptuous Sin it is so heinous and desperate To him that knows to do Good yet doth it not to him it is Sin it is Sin with a Witness Vse 2. Trial. Let us examine if we are not guilty of sinning thus presumptuously knowing to do good yet not to do it 1. Is it not to sin presumptuously when we live in the total neglect of Duty We know we ought to pray in our Families yet do it not Houses that have no Prayer in them are the Devil's Houses and it is a wonder they are not haunted Ier. 10.25 Pour out thy Wrath upon the Families that call not on thy Name Neglect of Family-Prayer doth quasi uncover the Roof of your Houses and make way for a Curse to be rain'd down upon your Table To live in the neglect of Family-Duties is not this to sin presumptuously to know to do Good and not to do it 2. Is it not to sin presumptuously when we will venture upon the same Sins which we condemn in others Rom. 2.1 Therefore thou art inexcusable O Man whosoever thou art that judgest for thou that judgest dost the same things As Austin speaks of Seneca He wrote a Book against Superstitions but quod culpabat adoravit he worshipped those Images he reproved Thou Christian condemnest another for Pride and yet thou livest in that Sin thy self A Father condemns his Son for swearing yet he himself swears The Master reproves his Servant for being drunk yet he himself will be drunk The Snuffers of the Tabernacle were of pure Gold Those who are to reprove and snuff the Vices of others had need themselves to be free from those Sins The Snuffers must be of Gold Is not this to sin presumptuously to live in those Sins which we condemn in others 3. Do not they sin presumptuously against Conscience who will sin in spight of Heaven Though they see the Iudgments of God executed on others yet will adventure on the same Sins Exempla efficacius docent quam Praecepta Dan. 5.22 And thou his Son O Belshazar hast not humbled thy heart though thou knowest all this Though thou sawest the Judgments of God upon thy Father God turn'd him to Grass for his Pride yet thou goest on in the same Sin Ier. 3.8 When for all the Causes whereby Israel had committed Adultery I had put her away and given her a Bill of Divorce yet her treacherous Sister Iudah feared not but went and played the Harlot also He is a bold Thief indeed who sees his Fellow-Thief hung up in Chains yet is not afraid to rob in that place This is to run upon the thick Bosses of God's Buckler Job 15.26 To venture in Sin against all the Judgments and Threatnings of God 4. Do not they sin presumptuously they know to do Good yet do it not who labour to stifle the Convictions of their Conscience and will not let Conscience speak freely to them They smother the Light of it like one that puts his Light in a dark Lanthorn that it may not be seen This the Scripture calls holding the Truth in unrighteousness Rom. 1.18 They labour to blot out all the common Notions of God engraven in their Minds 5. Do not they sin presumptuously who know to do Good but do it not who after they have felt the smart of Sin it hath bred a Worm in their Conscience a Moth in their Estate yet after all this they again embrace their Sins Though this Viper hath stung them they will put it again in their Bosom is not this to sin presumptuously and to rebel against Light If there be any such here who are guilty in this high degree know to do Good but do is not let them fear and tremble their Case is sad The Wrath of God hangs over their Heads and that I may shew you you have cause to scar and that I may beat you off from presumptuous Sins let these things be seriously laid to Heart 1. These presumptuous Sins knowing to do Good
Person of the Trinity 63 What Sorrow goes before Forgiveness 806 Soul-Murther who are guilty of it 365 Soul the Excellency of it 801 Soul-dress for receiving the Sacrament wherein it consists 416 Souls deserted that want assurance how they may be comforted 205 Spiritual what it is to be so 25 Spirit how it can be said to be grieved 77 State of Nature is a Kingdom of Darkness Submission to God's Will what it is not 520 Submission to God's Will what may stand with it and what not 521 Submission to God's Will what it is ibid. When we do not submit to God's Will in Afflictions 523. Subtilty of Satan to make Men miscarry in the use of Meat 838 T Temptations whence they come 832 Tempted two cases of them spoke to 852 Temptations of Satan means to defeat them 855 Temptation what good may come out of it 858 Theft whence it doth arise 377 How many sorts of it there are ibid. What are the aggravations of it ibid. Vain Thoughts how they come in in hearing the Word 340 The Evil of them 341 Vain Thoughts how we may get help against them 342 Vain Thoughts in Prayer how we may cure them 422 Tongue how it is Evil. 986 Evil Tongue the several sorts of 986 987. Tongue rules for governing it 991 Tongue Sins Motives to beware of them 993 Torments of Hell what they are 473 Trinity of Persons proved 62 63 Truth of God 57 U Visiting Iniquity what is meant by it 282 Unchangeableness of God 36 Unchangeable God how to get a part in him 38 Unpardoned Soul how miserable it is 816 Vorstius Objection against God's Vbiquity answered 27 W Several Ways of Satan to tempt Men. 853 Weariness in well-doing what occasions it 994 The Evil of it 996 Means to keep us from being weary in Well-doing 997 Will of God what is meant by it 512 Will of God how we are to do it that we may find acceptance 515 Will of God how we may Evangelically do it 516 Will of God how we may come to do it aright Wisdom of God wherein it appears 40 Wisdom and Innocence necessary Qualifications of a Christian. 966 Wisdom wherein it chiefly consists ibid. The Word 's effectually Working what is meant by it 404 Word how it may be read effectually 405 How it may be heard effectually 406 World why God made it 66 World in what sence it is Evil. 877 What Worship is most suitable to God 25 To Worship God in the Spirit what it is 26 Wrath to come what we shall do to escape it 397 A Catalogue of BOOKS sold by Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns near Mercers Chapel in Cheapside In Folio THE Christian Directory or Case of Conscience Catholick Theology Methodus Theologica all three by Mr. Richard Baxter A Sacred Poem on the Glory of Heaven Rushworth's first Vol. Crook's Hypocrite Keach's Metaphors Strong on the Covenant Burgess on the Corinthians Taylor on Christ's Temptation Horton on the Psalms Gell's Remains A Dialogue between Timothy and Titus about the Articles of the Church of England Isaac Ambrose's Works Pool's Annotations on the Bible Pembroke's Arcadia Manton's Third Vol. of Sermons Dr. Lightfoot's Works Gurnall's Christian Armour Dr. Horton's 100 Sermons Nostradamus's Prophecies Melvill's Memoirs Marvell's Poems Daillé on the Colossians Cook 's Mirabilia Clark's Martyrology The Acts Decisions Decrees and Canons of the Reformed Churches in France being a most Faithful and Impartial History of the Rise Growth and Decay of the Reformation in that Kingdom their Confession of Faith Speeches Letters Cases of Conscience c. By Iohn Quick Minister in London Dr. Owen's Discourse of the Holy Spirit on the Hebrews Second Vol. on the Hebrews Third Vol. In Quarto Baxter's Saints Everlasting rest Church History and Councils History of Counsels inlarged and defended Apology for Nonconformists Second Defence of Nonconformists Apology against Eight Men. Treatise of Episcopacy Disputations of Church-Government Life of Faith First of the Sermons Preach'd before King Charles the Second English Nonconformity Naked Popery against Dodwell and Shirlock Which is the True Church Catholick Communion against both Extreams in six several Controversies Moral Prognostication Search for English Schismaticks Farewel Sermon Published by himself Alderman Ashurst's Funeral Sermon Mr. Iohn Corbet's Funeral Sermon Glorious Kingdom of Christ. Reply to Mr. Tho. Beverly's Answer National Churches Church Concord Penitent Confession and necessary Vindication Power of a Christian Magistrate Disputations of right to Sacraments Disputation of Justification Church Told against Bagshaw Ark on the Covenant Brown's Gospel-Churches Brightman on the Revelations Bulkley on the Covenant Critical Enquiries Boyse's Sermon Charlton's Enquiries into Humane Nature Child's Pilot's Sea-Mirrour Clarkson's Poetical Divinity of Papists No Evidence for Diocesan Churches Corbet's Nonconformist's Plea Clark against Postlewait A Dialogue between a Protestant and a Jew and a Papist and a Jew Doolittle's Protestant's Answer to where was your Church before Luther Caryl on Iob. Elton on the Commandments Greenhill on Ezekiel First Vol. Second Vol. Humphrys's Nonconformist's Third Step. Frysell's Sermons of Grace and Temptation Bishop Hopkins on the Commandments Humphrys's Middle Way Peaceable Disquisition Q. I Ovid. 2 Chr. 11.15 Q. II. * Id verum quod primum † Veritas opprimi patest non supprimi * Que regit Syder a sagit ubera Q. III. Q. IV. * Iovis omnia pl●na * Not the posse but velle * Bene esse Removenda Promovenda * Vox faucibus haeret 3. Casus Non mirum Tristis Miosis * Brugensis * Bern. * Hierom. * Macrobius * Die Dominico nihil aliud vacandum nisi ad pietati● munia 1. A Promise of Joy Psal. 37.4 2. Of Honour 3. Of Earth and Heaven Eccles. 12.5 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies Son as well as Servant * Bern. 1 Cor. 9.7 * Arist. * Davenant Reason * The Eye is the first part Ravens pick out * Plutarch † Validiora sunt Exempla quam verba Isa. 1.21 Acts 9.4 1. Excellency of the Soul 2. Excellency Plutarch Sen. Surius of Luther Ainsworth Ambrose Epiphan Luke 3.20 * Ex uguue Leonem Luther August * Cyprian * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * 1 Chron. 15.13 * Rev. 3.2 Mat. 7.6 Exod. 19.12 * Aug. * Crede manducasti Aug. Luther Calvin Aug. Tertull. Aug. Calvin Aristot. Rom. 1.30 2 Sam. 12.11 * Bern. 2 Sam. 18.2 Gal. 5.17
faces fills them with shame and horrour When the Sinner sees an Hand-writing on the Wall of Conscience his Countenance is changed Many have hanged themselves to quiet their Conscience Tiberius the Emperour a bloody Man felt the Lashes of his Conscience he was so haunted with that Fury that he told the Senate he suffered Death daily And what is it should put a Man's Conscience into such an Agony but the Impression of a Deity and the Thoughts of coming before God's Tribunal Those who are above all Humane Laws yet are subject to the Checks of their own Conscience And it is observable the nearer the Wicked approach to Death the more they are terrified and Conscience gives a louder Alarm to them And whence is this but from the apprehension of Judgment approaching The Soul being sensible of its Immortal Nature trembles at him who never ceaseth to Live and therefore will never cease to Punish 3. That there is a God appears by the Consent of Nations by the Universal Vote and Suffrage of all Nulla gens tam barbara cui non insideat haec persuasio Deum esset Tully No Nation so barbarous saith Tully as not to believe there is a God Though the Heathen did mistake in their Devotion they did not worship the true God yet they worshipped a God They set up an Altar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the unknown God Acts 17.22 They knew a God should be worshipped though they knew not the God whom they worshipped Some did worship Iupiter some Neptune some Mars rather than not worship something they would worship any thing 4. That there is a God appears by his Prediction of Future Things He who can foretel things which shall surely come to pass is the True God God foretold that a Virgin should conceive he prefixed the time when the Messias should be cut off Dan. 9.76 he foretold the Captivity of the Iews in Babylon and who should be their Deliverer Isa. 45.1 This is such a strong Argument to prove a Deity as God himself useth it to prove he is the True God and that all the Gods of the Heathens were Fictions and Nullities Isa. 41.22 Testimonium Divinitatis est Veritas Divinationis Tertul. To foretel Things contingent and which depend upon no natural Causes is proper to a Deity 5. That there is a God appears by God's unlimited Power and Soveraignty He who can work and none hinder him is the True God but God can do so Isa. 43.13 I will work and who shall let it Nothing can hinder Action but some Superiour Power but there is no Power above God all Power that is is by him therefore all Power is under him he hath a mighty Arm Psal. 89.13 He sees the Designs Men drive on against him and plucks off their Chariot Wheels he maketh Diviners mad Isa. 44.25 he cutteth off the Spirit of Princes He bridleth the Sea gives check to the Leviathan binds the Devils in Cains he acts pro arbitrio he doth what he will I will work and who shall let it 6. There are Devils therefore there is a God Atheists cannot deny but there are Devils and then they must grant there is a God We read of divers possessed with the Devil The Devils are called in Scripture Cashegnirini Hairy ones because they oft appeared in the form of Goats or Satyrs Gerson in his Book De probatione Spirituum tells us how Satan on a time appeared to an holy Man in a most glorious manner professing himself to be Christ the old Man answered I desire not to see my Saviour here in this Desart it shall suffice me to see him in Heaven Now if there be a Devil then there is a God Socrates an Heathen when he was accused at his Death confessed that as he thought there was a malus genius an Evil Spirit so he thought there was a Good Use 1. Seeing there is a God this reproves such Atheistical Fools as deny it Epicurus denied that there was a Providence saying That all things fell out by Chance Diagoras He that saith there is no God is the wickedest Creature that is he is worse then a Thief who doth but take away our Goods from us but the Atheist would take away our God from us Joh. 20. They have taken away my Lord. So we may say of Atheists they would take away our God from us in whom all our Hope and Comfort is laid up Psal. 14.1 The fool hath said in his heart There is no God He durst not speak it with his Tongue but said it in his Heart he wished it Sure none can be Speculative Atheists The devils believe and tremble Jam. 2. I have read of one Arthur a professed Atheist who when he came to die cried out he was damned But though there are few found who say There is no God yet many deny him in their Practices Tit. 1.16 In works they deny him Cicero said of Epicurus Verbis reliquit Deos resustulit The World is full of Practical Atheism most People live as if they did not believe there was a God Durst they lie defraud be unclean if they believed there were a God who would call them to account If an Indian who never heard of a God should come among us and have no other means to convince him of a Deity but the Lives of Men in our Age sure he would be of Protagoras his mind who did hang in a doubtful suspence and did question Whether there were a God Utrum Dii sint non ausim affirmare Use 2. Seeing there is a God he will deal righteously and give just Rewards to Men. Things seem to be carried in the World very unequally The wicked flourish Psal. 73. they who tempt God are delivered Mal. 3.15 The ripe Clusters of Grapes are squeezed into their Cup and in the mean while the godly who wept for sin and served God are afflicted Psal. 102.9 I have eaten Ashes like Bread and mingled my drink with weeping Evil Men enjoy all the Good and Good Men endure all the Evil. But seeing there is a God he will deal righteously with Men Gen. 18.25 Shall not the Iudge of all the World do right Offenders must come to punishment The Sinners Deaths-day and Dooms-day is a coming Psal. 37.13 The Lord seeth that his day is coming While there is an Hell the wicked shall be scourged enough and while there is Eternity they shall lye there long enough and God will abundantly compensate the faithful Service of his People They shall have their white Robes and Crown Psal. 58.11 Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous verily he is a God that judgeth in the Earth Because God is God therefore he will give forth glorious Rewards to his People Use 3. Seeing there is a God woe to all such as engage this God against them he lives for ever to be avenged upon them Ezek. 22.14 Can thine heart endure or can thine hands be strong in the day that I shall
deal with thee Such as pollute God's Sabbath oppose his Saints trampling these Jewels in the dust such as live in a contradiction to God's Word these do engage the infinite Majesty of Heaven against them and how dismal will their Case be Deut. 32.41 If I whet my glittering Sword and mine Hand take hold of Iudgment I will render Vengeance to mine Enemies I will make mine Arrows drunk with Blood c. If it be so terrible to hear the Lion roar what is it when he begins to tear his Prey Psal. 50.22 Consider this ye that forget God least I tear you in pieces O that Men would think of this who go on in Sin shall we engage the great God against us God strikes slow but heavy Job 40.9 Hast thou an arm like God Canst thou strike such a blow God is the best Friend but the worst Enemy If he can look Men into their Grave how far can he throw them Who knows the power of his wrath Psal. 90.11 What Fools are they who for a Drop of Pleasure drink a Sea of Wrath. Paracelsus speaks of a Phrensie some have which will make them die Dancing Sinners go Dancing to Hell Use 4. Seeing there is a God let us firmly believe this great Article of our Creed What Religion can there be in Men if they do not believe a Deity He that comes to God must believe that he is To worship God and pray to him and not believe there is a God Irrisio Dei est it is to put a high Scorn and Contempt upon God Believe that God is the only true God such a God as he hath reveal'd himself in his Word A lover of righteousness and hater of wickedness Psal. 45.7 The real belief of a Deity gives life to all Religious Worship the more we believe the Truth and Infiniteness of God the more Holy and Angelical we are in our Lives Whether we are alone or in Company God sees us he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Heart-searcher the belief of this would make us live always as under God's eye Psal. 16.8 I have set the Lord always before me The belief of a Deity would be a Bridle to Sin a Spur to Duty it would add Wings to Prayer and Oil to the Lamp of our Devotion the belief of a Deity would cause dependance upon God in all our Streights and Exigencies Gen. 17.1 I am God all-sufficient a God that can supply all your Wants scatter all your Fears resolve all your Doubts conquer all your Temptations The Arm of God's Power can never be shrunk he can create Mercy for us and therefore can help and not be beholding to the Creature Did we believe there is a God we should so depend on his Providence as not to use any indirect Means we would not run ourselves into Sin to rid ourselves out of Trouble 2 Kings 1.3 Is it not because there is not a God in Israel that ye go to enquire of Baal-zebub the God of Ekron When Men run to sinful Shifts is it not because they do not believe there is a God or that he is All-sufficient 2. Seeing there is a God let us labour to get an interest in him Psal. 48.14 This God is our God Two things will comfort us Deity and Propriety since the Fall we have lost Likeness to God and Communion with God let us labour to recover this lost Interest and pronounce this Shibboleth my God Psal. 43.5 'T is little Comfort to know there is a God unless he be ours God offers himself to be our God Jer. 31.33 I will be their God And Faith catcheth hold of the Offer it appropriates God and makes all that is in him over to us to be ours his Wisdom ours to teach us his Holiness ours to sanctifie us his Spirit ours to comfort us his Mercy ours to save us To be able to say God is mine is more then to have all the Mines of Gold and Silver 3. Seeing there is a God let us Serve and Worship him as God It was an Indictment brought in against them Rom. 1.21 They glorified him not as God 1. Let us pray to him as to a God Pray with fervency Jam. 5.16 An effectual fervent Prayer prevails much this is both the Fire and the Incense without Fervency 't is no Prayer 2. Love him as a God Deut. 5.6 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart To love him with all the heart is to give him a Precedency in our Love desire to let him have the Cream of our Affections to love him not only appretiatively but intensively as much as we can As the Sun-beams united in a Burning-glass burn the hotter so all our Affections should be united that our love to God may be more ardent 3. Obey him as a God All Creatures obey him the Stars fight his Battels the Wind and Sea obey him Mark 4.41 much more should Man whom God hath endu'd with a Principle of Reason He is God and hath a Soveraignty over us therefore as we received Life from him so we must receive a Law from him and submit to his Will in all things This is to kiss him with a Kiss of Loyalty and it is to glorifie him as God GOD is a SPIRIT Quest. IV. WHat is God Resp. God is a Spirit 2. The Thing expressed Ioh. 4.24 God is a Spirit God is essentia spiritualissima Zanchy Quest. What do you mean when you say God is a Spirit Resp. By Spirit I mean God is an Immaterial Substance of a pure subtil unmixed Essence not compounded of Body and Soul without all Extension of Parts The Body is a dreggish Thing The more Spiritual God's Essence is the more Noble and Excellent The Spirits are the more refined part of the Wine Quest. Wherein doth God differ from other Spirits 1. The Angels are Spirits Resp. We must distinguish of Spirits 1. The Angels are created God is a Spirit uncreate 2. The Angels are Spirits but are finate and capable of being annihilated The same Power which made them is able to reduce them to their first Nothing but God is an infinite Spirit 3. The Angels are confined Spirits they cannot be in duobus locis simul they are confined to a place but God is an immense Spirit and cannot be confined being in all places at once 4. The Angels though they are Spirits yet they are but ministring Spirits Hebr. 1.14 Though they are Spirits yet they are Servants God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Super-excellent Spirit the Father of Spirits Hebr. 12.9 2. The Soul is a Spirit Eccles. 12.7 The Spirit shall return unto God that gave it Quest. How doth God being a Spirit differ from the Soul Servetus and Osiander thought That the Soul being infused did convey into Man the very Spirit and Substance of God an absurd Opinion for the Essence of God is incommunicable Resp. Therefore when it is said the Soul is a Spirit it is meant God