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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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lame vvalke the lepers are made cleane the deafe heare the dead rise againe to the poore the Gospel is preached ✝ verse 6 and blessed is he that shal not be scandalized in me ✝ verse 7 And vvhen they vvent their vvay IESVS began to say to the multitudes of Iohn ″ What vvent you out ″ into the desert to see a reede shaken vvith the vvinde ✝ verse 8 But vvhat vvent you out to see a man clothed in soft garments Behold they that are clothed in soft garments are in Kinges houses ✝ verse 9 But vvhat vvent you out to see a Prophet yea I tel you and more then a Prophet ✝ verse 10 For this is he of vvhom it is vvritten Behold I send mine angel before thy face vvhich shal prepare thy vvay before thee ⊢ ✝ verse 11 Amen I say to you there hath not risen among the borne of vvomen a greater then Iohn the Baptist yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heauen is greater then he ✝ verse 12 And * from the dayes of Iohn the Baptist vntil novv the kingdom of heauen suffereth violence and the violent beare it avvay ✝ verse 13 For al the Prophets and the Lavv prophecied vnto Iohn ✝ verse 14 and if you vvil receiue it he is * ″ Elias that is for to come ✝ verse 15 He that hath eares to heare let him heare ✝ verse 16 And * vvherevnto shal I esteeme this generation to be like It is like to children sitting in the market-place vvhich crying to their companions ✝ verse 17 say we haue piped to you and you haue not daunced vve haue lamented and you haue not mourned ✝ verse 18 For * Iohn came neither ″ eating not drinking and they say He hath a diuel ✝ verse 19 The Sonne of man came eating and drinking and they say Behold a man that is a glotton and a vvinedrinker a frende of Publicans and sinners And vvisedom is iustified of her children ✝ verse 20 Then * began he to vpbraide the cities vvherein vvere done the most of his miracles for that they had not done penance ✝ verse 21 Wo be to thee Corozain vvo be to thee Beth-saida for if in Tyre Sidon had been vvrought the miracles that haue been vvrought in you they had done″ penance in hearecloth and ashes long agoe ✝ verse 22 But neuerthelesse I say to you it shal be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of iudgement then for you ✝ verse 23 And thou Capharnaum shalt thou be exalted vp to heauen thou shalt come dovvne euen vnto hel for if in Sodom had been vvrought the miracles that haue been wrought in thee perhaps it had remained vnto this day ✝ verse 24 But notvvithstanding I say to you that it shal be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement then for thee ✝ verse 25 At that time IESVS ansvvered and said * I confesse to thee O Father lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the vvise and prudent and hast reuealed thē to ″ litle ones ✝ verse 26 Yea Father for so hath it vvel pleased thee ✝ verse 27 Al things are deliuered me of my Father And no man knovveth the Sonne but the Father neither doth any knovv the Father but the Sonne and to vvhom it shal please the Sonne to reueale ✝ verse 28 Come ye to me al that labour and are burdened and I vvil refresh you ✝ verse 29 Take vp my yoke vpon you and learne of me because I am meeke and humble of hart and you shal finde rest to your soules ✝ verse 30 For my″ yoke is svveete and my burden light ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 3. Art thou he Iohn him self doubted not for he baptized him and gaue great testimonie of him before Io. 1. But because his disciples knewe him not nor esteemed of him so much as of Iohn their owne Maister therfore did he send them vnto Christ that by occasion of Christes answer he might the better instruct them what he was and so make them Christes disciples proferring them to a better Maister 7. What went you out High commendation of Iohns holinesse as wel for his fasting rough attire solitary life and constancie as for the dignitie of his function 7. Into the desert The faythful people in al ages resorted of deuotion into wildernes to see men of special and rare holynes Prophets Eremites Anchorites c. to haue their prayers or ghostly counsel See S. Hierom de vitae Hilarionis 14. Elias As Elias shal be the messenger of Christes later coming so was Iohn his messenger and Praecursor at his former coming and therfore is he called Elias because of his like office and like spirit Luc. 1. Grego ho. 7. in Euang. 18. Eating and drinking The wicked quarrellers of the world misconstre easely al the actes and life of good men If they be great fasters and austere liuers they are blasphemed and counted hypocrites if they conuerse with other men in ordinary maner then they be counted dissolute 21. Penance in sackcloth By this sackcloth and ashes added here and in other places wee see euidently that Penance is not only leauing of former sinnes and chaunge or amendement of life past no nor bare sorowfulnes or recounting of our offenses already committed but requiteth punishement and chastisemēt of our persons by these and such other meanes as the Scriptures do els where set forth and therfore concerning the worde also it is rather to be called Penance as in our translation then as the Aduersaries of purpose auoyding the word Repentance or Amendement of life and that according to the very vsual signification of the * Greeke word in the most ancient Ecclesiastical Greeke writers who for Poenitentès which in the Primitiue Churche did publike penance say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Men that are doing penance And concerning that part of penance which is Cōfession the Ecclesiastical historie calleth it by the same Greeke word and the penitents comming to confession 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sozom. li. 7 c. 16. Socrat. li. 5 c. 19. 25. Litle ones These litle ones doe not signifie here only the vnlearned as though Coblers and weauers and wemen and girles had this reuelation and therfore do vnderstand al Scriptures and are able to expound them but here are signified the humble whether they be learned or vnlearned as when he sayth Vnles you become as litle ones you shal not enter into the Kingdom of heauen And so also the greatest Doctors who as they were most learned so most humbled them selues to the iudgement of the Catholike Churche are these litle ones and Heretikes who although vnlearned yet vaunt their knowledge and their spirit of vnderstanding aboue al ancient fathers and the whole Churche can not be of these litle and humble ones 30. Yoke sweete What is this light burden and sweete yoke
things must be done but the end is not yet ✝ verse 7 for nation shal rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shal be pestilences and famines and earth-quakes in places ✝ verse 8 and al these things are the beginnings of sorovves ● ✝ verse 9 Then * shal they deliuer you into tribulation and shal kil you and you shal be odious to al nations for my names sake ✝ verse 10 And then many shal be scandalized and they shal deliuer vp one an other and they shal hate one an other ✝ verse 11 And many false-prophets shal rise and shal seduce many ✝ verse 12 And because ● iniquitie shal abound the charitie of many shal vvaxe cold ✝ verse 13 But he that shal perseuêre to the end he shal be saued ● ✝ verse 14 And this Gospel of the kingdom ● shal be preached in the vvhole vvorld for a testimonie to al nations and then shal come the consummation ✝ verse 15 Therfore vvhen you shal see ● the abomination of desolation vvhich vvas spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place he that readeth let him vnderstand ✝ verse 16 then they that are in levvrie let them flee to the mountaines ✝ verse 17 and he that is on the house-toppe let him not come dovvne to take any thing out of his house ✝ verse 18 and he that is in the field let him not goe backe to take his coate ✝ verse 19 And vvo to thē that are vvith childe and that giue sucke in those dayes ✝ verse 20 But pray that your flight be not in the vvinter or on the Sabboth ✝ verse 21 For there shal be then great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the vvorld vntil novv neither shal be ✝ verse 22 And vnles those daies had been shortened no flesh should be saued but for the elect the daies ● shal be shortened ✝ verse 23 Then if any man shal say vnto you Loe here is Christ or there do not beleeue him ✝ verse 24 For there shal rise false-Christes and false-Prophets and shal shevv ● great signes and vvonders so that the elect also if it be possible may be induced into errour ✝ verse 25 Loe I haue foretold you ✝ verse 26 If therfore they shal say vnto you Behold he is in the desert goe ye not out behold ● in the closets beleeue it not ✝ verse 27 For as lightening cōmeth out of the east and appeareth euen into the vvest so shal also the aduent of the sonne of man be ✝ verse 28 Wheresoeuer the body is thither shal the egles also be gathered together ✝ verse 29 And ● immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes * the sonne shal be darkened and the moone shal not giue her light and the starres shal fal from heauen and the powers of heauen shal be moued ✝ verse 30 and then shal appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen and then shal al tribes of the earth bevvaile and they shal see the Sonne of man comming in the cloudes of heauen vvith much povver and maiestie ✝ verse 31 And he shal send his Angels vvith a trumpet and a great voyce and they shal gather together his elect from the foure vvindes from the furthest partes of heauen euen to the endes thereof ✝ verse 32 And of the figtree learne a parable When novv the bough thereof is tender and the leaues come forth you knovv that sommer is nigh ✝ verse 33 So you also vvhen you shal see these things knovv ye that it is nigh euen at the doores ✝ verse 34 Amen I say to you that this generation shal not passe til al these things be done ✝ verse 35 Heauen and earth shal passe but my vvordes shal not passe ● ✝ verse 36 But of that day and houre no body knovveth neither the Angels of heauen but the Father alone ✝ verse 37 And as * in the dayes of Noe so shal also the comming of the Sonne of man be ✝ verse 38 For as they vvere in the dayes before the floud eating and drinking marying and giuing to mariage euen vnto that day in vvhich Noe entred into the arke ✝ verse 39 and knevve not til the floud came and tooke them al so also shal the cōming of the Sonne of man be ✝ verse 40 Then two shal be in the field one shal be taken and one shal be left ✝ verse 41 tvvo vvomen grinding in the mill one shal be taken and one shal be left ✝ verse 42 Watch therfore because you knovv not vvhat houre your Lord vvil come ✝ verse 43 But this knovv ye that * if the good man of the house did knovv vvhat houre the theefe vvould come he vvould surely vvatch and vvould not suffer his house to be broken vp ✝ verse 44 Therefore be you also ready because at vvhat hou●e you knovv not the Sonne of man vvil come ✝ verse 45 Who thinkest thou is a faithful and vvise seruant vvhom his lord hath appointed ouer his familie to giue them meate in season ✝ verse 46 Blessed is that seruant vvhom vvhen his lord cōmeth he shal finde so doing ✝ verse 47 Amen I say to you that ouer al his goods shal he appoint him ⊢ ✝ verse 48 But if that naughtie seruant shal say in his hart My lord is long a comming ✝ verse 49 and shal beginne to strike his felovv-seruants and eateth and drinketh vvith drunkards ✝ verse 50 the lord of that seruant shal come in a day that he hopeth not and an houre that he knovveth not ✝ verse 51 and shal deuide him and appoint his portion vvith the hypocrites there shal be vveeping and gnashing of teeth ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 2. Not left This was fulfilled 40 yeres after Christes Ascension by Vespasian the Emperour and his sonne Titus Euseb li. ● c. 6. seq ex Iosepho Vpon which wordes There shal not be left c. which threaten the destruction of the Iewes Temple and those wordes Vpon this Rocke I wil build my Church which promise the building of the Catholike Church of al nations S. Ch●ysostome making a long comparison of these two prophecies of Christ saith thus Thou seest in both his great and vnspeakable power in that that he increased and built vp them that worshipped him and those that stumbled at him he abased destroyed and plucked them vp by the roote Doest thou see how whatsoeuer he hath built no man shal destroy and whatsoeuer he hath destroyed no man shal build He builded the Church and no man shal be able to destroy it he destroyed the Temple and no man is able to build it and that in so long time For they haue endeuoured both to destroy that and could not and they haue attempted to build vp this and they could not doe that neither c. 3. The signe Our Maister knowing that it was not profitable nor
24 But in those daies after that tribulation * the sunne shal be darkened and the moone shal not giue her light ✝ verse 25 and the starres of heauen shal be falling dovvne and the povvers that are in heauen shal be moued ✝ verse 26 And then they shal see the * Sonne of man comming in the cloudes vvith much povver and glorie ✝ verse 27 And then shal he send his Angels and shal gather together his elect from the foure vvindes from the vttermost part of the earth to the vttermost part of heauen ✝ verse 28 And of the figtree learne ye a parable Vvhen novv the bought thereof is tender and the leaues come forth you knovv that sommer is very nigh ✝ verse 29 so you also vvhen you shal see these things come to passe knovv ye that it is very nigh at the doores ✝ verse 30 Amen I say to you that this generation shal not passe vntil al these things be done ✝ verse 31 Heauen and earth shal passe but my vvordes shal not passe ✝ verse 32 But of that day or houre no man knovveth neither the Angels in heauen nor the Sonne but the Father ✝ verse 33 Take heede vvatch and pray for you knovv not vvhen the time is ✝ verse 34 Euen as a man vvho being gone into a strange countrie left his house and gaue his seruants authoritie * ouer ech vvorke and commaunded the porter to vvatch ✝ verse 35 Vvatch ye therfore for you knovv not vvhen the lord of the house commeth at euen or at midnight or at the cocke crovving or in the morning ✝ verse 36 lest comming vpon a soden he finde you sleeping ✝ verse 37 And that vvhich I say to you I say to al Vvatch ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 4. When shal these things be The miseries which did fall before the destruction of the Temple and citie of Hierusalem were a resemblance of the extreme calamitie that shal befall before the later day at the time of Antichrist wherevpon Christs speaketh indifferently of both 6. I am he As before destruction of Hierusalem diuerse Seducers arose and called them selues Christes promising the people deliuerance from the feares and dangers they were in of forraine souldiars so shal there come many towards the end of the world and make them selues Christes and Authors of Sectes and shal gaiue many Disciples as in plaine wordes foloweth in this chapter v. 22. There shal rise vp False-Christs and False-Prophets c. 14. The abomination of desolation No heresie doth so properly and purposely tend to this abomination of desolation * which by Antichrist shal be atchieued as this Caluinisme which taketh away with other Sacraments and external worship of God the very sacrifice of Christes Body and bloud Which being taken away as S. Cyprian saith no religion can remaine 22. Signes and Wonders Fasle-Christes and False-Prophets be seducers who in the later day by the power of the diuel shal seeme to worke wonders and yet men must not beleeue them Much lesse these which for their false faith can not shew so much as one false miracle CHAP. XIIII Iudas by occasion of Marie Magdalens ointment doth sel him to the Councel of the Ievves 12 After the Paschal lambe he giueth them the bread of life Io. 6. in a mystical sacrifice or separation of his bodie and bloud 27 and that night is after his prayer 43 taken of thee levves men Iudas being their Captaine is forsaken of the other eleuen for feare 53 is falsly accused and impiously condemned of the Ievves Councel 65 and shamefully abused of them 66 and thrise denied of Peter Al euen as the Scriptures and him self had often foretold verse 1 AND the Pasche vvas and the Azymes after tvvo daies and the cheefe Priests and the Scribes sought hovv they might by some vvile lay hands on him and kil him ✝ verse 2 For they said Not on the festiual day lest there might be a tumult of the people ✝ verse 3 And * vvhen he vvas at Bethania in the house of Simon the Leper and sate at meate there came a vvoman hauing an alabaster boxe of ointment of pretious spike-narde and breaking the alabaster-boxe she povvred it out vpon his head ✝ verse 4 But there vvere certaine that had indignation vvithin them selues and said Vvhereto is ″ this vvast of the ointment made ✝ verse 5 For this ointment might haue been sold for more then three hundred pence and giuen to the poore And they murmured against her ✝ verse 6 But IESVS said ″ Let her alone vvhy do you molest her she hath vvrought a good vvorke vpon me ✝ verse 7 for the poore you haue alvvaies vvith you and vvhen you vvil you may doe them good but me you haue not alvvaies ✝ verse 8 That vvhich she had she hath done she hath preuented to anoint my body to the burial ✝ verse 9 Amen I say to you Vvheresoeuer this Gospel shal be preached in the vvhole vvorld that also vvhich she hath done shal be told for a memorie for her ✝ verse 10 And * Iudas Iscariote one of the Tvvelue vvent his vvay to the cheefe Priests for to betray him to them ✝ verse 11 Vvho hearing it vvere glad and they promised him that they vvould giue him money And he sought hovv he might betray him conueniently ✝ verse 12 And * the first day of the Azymes vvhen they sacrificed the Pasche the Disciples say to him Vvither vvilt thou that vve goe and prepare for thee to eate the Pasche ✝ verse 13 And he sendeth tvvo of his Disciples and saith to them Goe ye into the citie and there shal meete you a man carying a pitcher of vvater folovv him ✝ verse 14 and vvhithersoeuer he entreth say to the maister of the house that the Maister saith Vvhere is my refectorie vvhere I may eate the Pasche vvith my Disciples ✝ verse 15 And he vvil shevv you a great chamber adorned and there prepare for vs. ✝ verse 16 And his Disciples vvent their vvaies and came into the citie and they found as he had told them and they prepared the Pasche ✝ verse 17 And * vvhen euen vvas come he commeth vvith the Tvvelue ✝ verse 18 And vvhen they vvere sitting at the table and eating IESVS said Amen I say to you that one of you shal betray me he that eateth vvith me ✝ verse 19 But they began to be sad and to say to him seuerally Is it I ✝ verse 20 Vvho said to them One of the Tvvelue he that dippeth vvith me his hand in the dish ✝ verse 21 and the Sonne of man in deede goeth * as it is vvritten of him but vvo to that man by vvhom the Sonne of man shal be betrayed it vvere good for him if that man had not been borne ✝ verse 22 And * vvhiles they vvere eating IESVS tooke ″ bread and
but raise it in the last day ✝ verse 40 And this is the vvil of my father that sent me that euery one that seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him haue life euerlasting and I vvil raise him in the last day ⊢ ✝ verse 41 The Ievves therfore murmured at him because he had said I am the bread vvhich descended from heauen ✝ verse 42 and they said is not this IESVS the sonne of Ioseph vvhose father and mother vve knovv Hovv then faith he That I descended from heauen ✝ verse 43 IESVS therfore ansvvered and said to them Murmure not one to an other ✝ verse 44 no man can come to me vnles the Father that sent me ″ dravv him and I vvil raise him vp in the last day ✝ verse 45 It is vvritten in the Prophers And al shal be docible of God Euery one that hath heard of the Father and hath learned commeth to me ✝ verse 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father but he vvhich is of God this hath seen the Father ✝ verse 47 Amen amen I say to you he that beleeueth in me hath life euerlasting ✝ verse 48 I am the bread of life ✝ verse 49 Your fathers did eate ″ Manna in the desert and they died ✝ verse 50 This is the bread that descendeth from heauen that if any man eate of it he die not ✝ verse 51 I am the liuing bread that came dovvne from heauen If any man eate of this bread he shal liue for euer and * the bread vvhich I vvil giue is my flesh for the life of the vvorld ⊢ ✝ verse 52 The Ievves therfore stroue among them selues saying ″ Hovv can this man giue vs his flesh to eate ✝ verse 53 IESVS therfore said to them Amen amen I say to you ″ Vnles you eate the flesh of the Sonne of man ″ and drinke his bloud ″ you shal not haue life in you ✝ verse 54 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath life euerlasting and ″ I vvil raise him vp in the last day ⊢ ✝ verse 55 For my flesh is ″ meate in deede and my bloud is drinke in deede ✝ verse 56 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud abideth in me and I in him ✝ verse 57 As the liuing father hath sent me and I liue by the father and he that eateth me the same also shal liue by me ✝ verse 58 This is the bread that came dovvne from heauen Not as your fathers did eate Manna and died ″ He that eateth this bread shal liue for euer ⊢ ✝ verse 59 These things he said teaching in the Synagogue in Capharnáum ✝ verse 60 Many therfore of his Disciples hearing it said This saying is hard and vvho can heare it ✝ verse 61 But IESVS knovving vvith him self that his Disciples murmured at this he said to them Doth this scandalize you ✝ verse 62 ″ If then you shal see * the Sonne of man ascend vvhere he vvas before ✝ verse 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth ″ the flesh profiteth nothing The vvordes that I haue spoken to you be spirit and life ✝ verse 64 But there be certaine of you ″ that beleeue not For IESVS knevv from the beginning vvho they vvere that did not beleeue and vvho he vvas that vvould betray him ✝ verse 65 And he said Therfore did I say to you that no man can come to me vnles it be giuen him of my Father ✝ verse 66 After this many of his Disciples ″ vvent backe and novv they vvalked not vvith him ✝ verse 67 IESVS therfore said to the Tvvelue Vvhat vvil you also depart ✝ verse 68 Simon ″ Peter therfore ansvvered him Lord to vvhom shal vve goe thou hast the vvordes of eternal life ✝ verse 69 And vve beleeue and haue knovven that thou art Christ the sonne of God ✝ verse 70 IESVS ansvvered them Haue not I chosen you the Tvvelue of you one is a deuil ✝ verse 71 And he meant Iudas Iscariot Simons sonne for this same vvas to betray him vvhereas he vvas one of the Tvvelue ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 27. Worke not the meate By their greedy seeking after him for meate of the body he taketh occasion to dravv them to the desire of a more excellent foode which he had to giue them and so by litle to open vnto them the great meate and mysterie of the B. Sacrament which as he proueth doth not onely far passe their ordinarie bread or his maruelous multiplied loaues but Manna it self which they thought came from heauen and so much wondered at it 32. The true bread Though the person of Christ incarnate euen out of the Sacrament also be meant vnder the Metaphores of bread and drinke from heauen and our beleefe in him be signified by eating and feeding yet the causes why they should be recommended vnto vs in such termes were that he was to be eaten and drunken in deed in the formes of bread and wine for the which cause his body on the crosse is called his bread his bloud shed on the crosse * the bloud of the grape no doubt because the same body and bloud were in Holy Sacrament to be eaten and drunken In vvhich speaches either of Christs person generally or peculiarly of the same as in the B. Sacrament the true bread is not taken proprely and specially for that substance which is of corne and called vvith vs bread but generally for food or meate and therfore it hath ioyned vvith it lightly a terme signifying a more excellent sort of sustenance as the true bread the bread of heauen the bread of life Supersubstantial bread in which sort the holy Sacrament which is Christs body is both here and in S. Luke and S. Paul also often called bread euen after consecration not onely for that it was made of bread but because it is bread more truely and by more excellent property and calling then that vvhich ordinarily is named bread 44. Dravv him The Father dravveth vs and teacheth vs to come to his Sonne and to beleeue these high and hard mysteries of his incarnation and of feeding vs vvith his ovvne substance in the Sacrament not cōpelling or violenty forcing any against their will or without any respect of their consent as Heretikes pretend but by the svveete internal motions and persuasions of his grace and spirit he wholy maketh vs of our owne vvill and liking to consent to the same 49. Manna and died The Heretikes holding the fathers of the old Testament to haue eaten of the same meate and to haue had as good Sacraments as vve be here refuted Christ putting a plaine difference in the very substance thereof and in the graces and effects much more at large Manna vvas onely a figure of the B. Sacrament though a very excellent figure thereof for many causes It came in a sort from heauen out Sacrament more it vvas made by
in the Churches seruice expounded in sermons alleaged and interpreted in the Commentaries and vvritings of the auncient fathers of the Latin Church 5. The holy Councel of Trent for these and many other important considerations hath declared and defined this onely of al other latin translations to be authentical and so onely to be vsed and taken in publike lessons disputations preachings and expositions and that no man presume vpon any pretence to reiect or refuse the same 6. It is the grauest sincerest of greatest maiestie least partialitie as being vvithout al respect of controuersies and contentions specially these of our time as appeareth by those places vvhich Erasmus and others at this day translate much more to the aduantage of the Catholike cause 7. It is so exact and precise according to the Greeke both the phrase and the word that delicate Heretikes therfore reprehend it of rudene● And that it follovveth the Greeke far more exactly then the Protestants translations beside infinite other places we appeale to these Tit. 3. 14. Curent bonis operibus praeesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Engl. bib 1577 to mainteine good vvorkes and Hebr. 10 20. Viam nobis initiatut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 English Bib. he prepared So in these vvordes Iustificationes Traditiones Idola c. In al vvhich they come not neere the Greeke but auoid it of purpose 8. The Aduersaries them selues namely Beza preferre it before al the rest Inpraefat no. Test an 1556. And againe he saith that the old Interpreter translated very religiously Annot. in 1. Luc. v. 1. 9. In the rest there is such diuersitie and dissension and no end of reprehending one an other and translating euery man according to his fantasie that Luther said If the vvorld should stand any long time vve must receiue againe which he thought absurd the Decrees of Councels for preseruing the vnitie of faith because of so diuers interpretations of the Scripture And Beza in the place aboue mentioned noteth the itching ambition of his fellovv-translators that had much rather disagree and dissent from the best then seeme them selues to haue said or vvritten nothing And Bezas translation it self being so esteemed in our countrie that the Geneua English Testaments be translated according to the same yet sometime goeth so vvide from the Greeke and from the meaning of the holy Ghost that them selues which protest to trāslate it dare not folow it For example Luc. 3 36. They haue put these wordes The sonne of Cainan which he wittingly and wilfully left out and Act. 1 14. they say Vvith the vvomen agreably to the vulgar Latin where he saith Cum vxoribus vvith their vviues 10. It is not onely better then al other Latin trāslations but then the Greeke text it self in those places where they disagree The proofe hereof is euident because most of the auncient Heretikes were Grecians therfore the Scriptures in Greeke were more corrupted by them as the auncient fathers often complaine Tertullian noteth the Greeke text which is at this day 1 Cor. 19. 47 to be an old corruption of Marcion the Heretike and the truth to be as in our vulgar latin Secundus homo de coelo coelestis The second man from heauen heauenly So reade other auncient fathers and Erasmus thinketh it must needes be so and Caluin him self folovveth it Instit li. 2. c. 13. parag 2. Againe S. Hierom noteth that the Greeke text 1 Cor. 7 33 which is at this day is not the Apostolical veritie or the true text of the Apostle but that which is in the vulgar Latin Qui cum vxore est solicitus est quae sunt mundi quomodo placeat vxori diuisus est He that is vvith a vvife is careful of vvorldly things hovv he may please his vvife and is deuided or distracted The Ecclesiastical historie called the Tripartite noteth the Greeke text that now is 1 Io. 4 3 to be an old corruption of the auncient Greeke copies by the Nestorian Heretikes the true reading to be as in our vulgar Latin Omnis spiritus qui soluit IESVM ex Deo non est Euery spirit that dissolueth IESVS is not of God and Beza confesseth that Socrates in his Ecclesiastical historie readeth so in the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. But the proofe is more pregnant out of the Aduersaries them selues They forsake the Greeke text as corrupted and translate according to the vulgar Latin namely Beza and his scholers the English translatours of the Bible in these places Hebr. chap. 9 vers 1. saying The first couenant for that vvhich is in the Greeke The first tabernacle vvhere they put couenant not as of the text but in an other letter as to be vnderstood according to the vulgar Latin vvhich most sincerely leaueth it out altogether saying Habuit quidem prius instificationes c. The former also in deede had iustifications c. Againe Ro. 11 vers 21. They translate not according to the Greeke text Temporiseruientes seruing the time vvhich Beza saith must needes be a corruption but according to the vulgar Latin Domino seruientes seruing our Lord. Againe Apoc. 11 vers 2. they translate not the Greeke text Atrium quod intra templum est the court vvhich is vvithin the teme but cleane contrarie according to the vulgar Latin vvhich Beza saith is the true reading Atrium quod est foris templum the court vvhich is vvithout the temple Onely in this last place one English Bible of the yere 1562 folovveth the errour of the Greeke Againe 2 Tim. 2. vers 14. they adde but more then is in the Greeke to make the sense more cōmodious and easie according as it is in the vulgar Latin Again Ia. 5 12. they leaue the Greeke and folovv the vulgar Latin saying lest you fall into condemnation I doubt not saith Beza but this is the true and sincere reading and I suspect the corruption in the Greeke came thus c. It vvere infinite to set dovvne al such places vvhere the Aduersaries specially Beza folovv the old vulgar Latin and the Greeke copie agreable therevnto condemning the Greeke text that novv is of corruption Againe Erasmus the best translatour of al the later by Bezas iudgement saith that the Greeke sometime hath superfluities corruptly added to the text of holy Scripture as Mat. 6. to the end of the Pater noster these vvordes Because thine is the kingdom the povver and the glorie for euer-more Vvhich he calleth nugas trifles rashly added to our Lords praier and reprehendeth Valla for blaming the old vulgar Latin because it hath it not likevvise Ro. 11 6. these vvordes in the Greeke and not in the vulgar latin But if of vvorkes it is not novv grace othervvise the vvorke is no more a vvorke and Mar. 10 29. these vvordes or vvife and such like Yea the Greeke text in these superfluities condemneth
my beloued sonne in vvhom I am vvel pleased ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. Desert Of this word desert in Greeke eremus commeth the name Eremitages and Eremites that liue a religious and austere life in deserts and solitatie places by the example of S. Iohn Baptist whom the holy Doctors therfore call the Prince and as it were the author of such profession S. Chrys ho. 1 in Marcum ho. de Io. Baptista Hiero. ad Eustoch de e●stod virg Isid li. 1. c. 15 de diu off Bernardus de excel Io. Baptista Wherewith the Protestants are so offended that * they say S. Chrysostom spake rashly and vntruely And no maruel for whereas the Euangelist himself in this place maketh him a perfect paterne of penance and Eremitical life for desert or wildernes for his rough and rude apparel for abstayning from al delicate meates according to our Sauiours testimonie also of him Mt. 11 8 Luc. 7 33 they are not ashamed to peruert all with this strange commentarie that it was a desert * full of townes and villages his garment was * chamlet his meate * such as the countrey gaue and the people there vsed to make him thereby but a common man like to the rest in his maner of life cleane against Scriptures fathers 〈◊〉 reason 2. Doe penance So is the Latin word for word so readeth al antiquitie namely S. Cyprian ep 52 often and S. Augustine li. 13 Confes c. 12. and it is a very vsual speache in the New Testament specially in the preaching of S. Iohn Baptist * Christ him self and * the Apostles to signifie perfect repentance which hath not onely confession and amendment but contrition or sorow for the offense and paineful satisfaction such as S. Cyprian speaketh of in al the foresaid epistle But the Aduersaries of purpose as * namely Beza protesteth mislike that interpretation because it fauoureth Satisfaction for sinne which they cannot abide Where if they pretend the ⸬ Greeke word we send them to these places Mat. 11 21. Lu. 10 13. 1 Cor. 7 9. where it must needes signifie sorowful payneful and satisfactorie repentance we tel them also that * S. Basil a Greeke Doctor calleth the Niniuites repentance with fasting and hearecloth and ashes by the same Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And more we wil tell them in other places 8. Confessing their sinnes Iohn did prepare the way to Christ and his Sacraments not only by his baptisme but by inducing the people to confession of their sinnes Which is not to acknowledge them selues in general to be sinners but also to vtter euery man his sinnes 9. Fruite worthie He preacheth satisfaction by doing worthy fruites or workes of penance which are as S. Hierom saith in 2. Ioel fasting praying almes and the like 10. The axe Here preachers are taught to dehort from doing euil for feare of Hel and to exhort to doe good in hope of heauen which kind of preaching our Aduer doe condemne 11. In water Iohns baptisme did not remitte sinnes nor was comparable to Christs Baptisme as here it is playne and in manie other places Hiero. adu Lucifer Aug. de Bapt. cont Donat. li. 5. c. 9. 10. 11. Yet is it an article of our Adu that th one is no better then the other which they say not to extol Iohns but to derogate from Christes baptisme so far that they make it of no more valure or efficacie for remission of sinnes and grace and iustification then was Iohns thereby to mainteine their manifold heresies that Baptisme taketh not away sinnes that a man is no cleaner nor iuster by the Sacrament of Baptisme then before that it is not necessarie for children vnto saluation but it is ynough to be borne of Christian parents and such like erroneous positions wel knowen among the Caluinists 12. Floore This floore is his Church militant here in earth wherein are both good and bad here signified by corne and chaffe til the separation be made in the day of iudgement contrarie to the doctrine of the Heretikes that hold the Church to consist onely of the good 16. Opened To signifie that heauen was shut in the old law til Christ by his Passion opened it and so by his Ascension was the first that entered into it contrarie to the doctrine of the Heretikes See Hebr. 9 ● and 11 40. CHAP. IIII. Christ going into the desert ●o prepare him self before his Manifestation ouercometh the Deuils tentations 12 Beginning in Galilee as the Prophet said he should 18 he calleth foure Disciples and with his preaching and miracles draweth vnto him innumerable folowers verse 1 THEN * IESVS was ledde of the Spirit into the ″ desert to be tempted of the Deuil ✝ verse 2 And vvhen he had ″ fasted fourtie daies and fourtie nightes aftervvard he vvas hungrie ✝ verse 3 And the tempter approched sayd to him If thou be the sonne of God commaund that these stones be made bread ✝ verse 4 Who ansvvered said It is vvritten Nor in bread alone doth man liue but in euery word that procedeth from the mouth of God ✝ verse 5 Then the Deuil tooke him vp into the holy citie and set him vpon the pinnacle of the Tēple ✝ verse 6 and sayd to him If thou be the sonne of God cast thy self dovvne for ″ it is vvritten That he wil giue his Angels charge of thee in their hands shal they hold thee vp lest perhaps thou knocke they foote agaynst a stone ✝ verse 7 IESVS sayd to him againe It is vvritten Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God ✝ verse 8 Againe the Deuil tooke him vp into a very high mountaine and he shevved him al the Kingdoms of the vvorld and the glorie of them ✝ verse 9 and sayd to him Al these vvil I giue thee if falling dovvne thou vvilt adore me ✝ verse 10 Then IESVS sayth to him Auant Satan for it is vvritten The Lord thy God shalt thou adore ″ him onely shalt thou serue ✝ verse 11 Then the Deuil left him and behold Angels came and ministred to him ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And * vvhen IESVS had heard that Iohn vvas deliuere vp he retyred into Galilee ✝ verse 13 and leauing the citie Nazareth came dvvelt in Capharnaum a sea tovvne in the borders of Zabulon Nephthali ✝ verse 14 that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by Esay the Prophet ✝ verse 15 Land of Zabulon land of Nephthali the way of the sea beyond Iordan of Galilee of the Gentils ✝ verse 16 the people that sate in darknesse hath seen great light and to them that sate in a countrey of the shadow of death light is risen to them ✝ verse 17 From that time IESVS began to preach and to say ″* Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 18 And IESVS * vvalking by the sea
yet here cānot cast thē out But as for haeretikes they can neuer doe it nor any other true miracle to confirme their false saith 20. Faith as mustard seed This is the Catholike faith by which only al miracles are wrought yet not of euery one that hath the Catholike faith but of such as haue a great and forcible faith and withal the gift of miracles These are able as here wee see by Christes warrant not only to doe other wonderful miracles here signified by this one but also this very same that is to moue mountaines in deede as S. Paul also presupposeth and S. Hierom affirmeth and Ecclesiastical histories namely telleth of Gregorius Neocaesariensnis that he moued a mountaine to make roome for the foundation of a Church called therfore and for other his wonderful miracles Thaumaturgus And yet faithlesse Heretikes laugh at al such things and beleue them not 21. Prayer aud fasting The force of fasting and praying whereby also we may see that the holy Churche in Exorcismes doeth according to the Scriptures When shee vseth beside the name of IESVS many prayers and much fasting to driue out Deuils because these also are here required beside faith 26. The Children fres Though Christ to auoid scandal payed tribute yet in deede he sheweth that both him self ought to be free from such payments as being the kings sonne aswel by his eternal birth of God the Father as temporal of Dauid and also his Apostles as being of his familie and in them their successors the whole Clergie who are called in Scripture the lotte and portion of our Lord. which exemption and priuilege being grounded vpon the very law of nature it self and therfore practised euen among the Heathen Gen. 42 27. good Christian Princes haue confirmed and ratified by their lawes in the honour of Christ whose ministers they are and as it were the kings sonnes as S. Hierom declareth playnly in these wordes We for his honour pay not tributes and as the Kings sonnes are free from such payments Hiero. vpon this place 27. Me and thee A great mysterie in that he payed not only for him self but for Peter bearing the Person of the Churche and in whom as the cheefe the rest were conteyned Aug. q. exno Test q. ●5 to 4. CHAP. XVIII To his Disciples he preacheth against ambition the mother of Schisme 7 foretelling both the author vvhosoeuer he be and also his folovvers of their vvo to come 〈◊〉 and shevving on the contrary side hovv precious Christian soules are to their Angels to the Sonne of man and to his Father 15 charging vs therfore to forgiue our brethren vvhen also vve haue iust cause against them be it neuer so often and to labour their saluation by al meanes possible verse 1 AT that houre the Disciples came to IESVS saying ″ Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heauen ✝ verse 2 And IESVS calling vnto him a litle childe set him in the middes of them ✝ verse 3 and said Amen I say to you vnles you be conuerted and become as litle children you shal not enter into the kingdom of heauen ✝ verse 4 Whosoeuer therfore shal humble him self as this litle childe he is the greater in the kingdom of heauē ✝ verse 5 And he that shal receiue one such litle childe in my name receiueth me ✝ verse 6 And * he that shal scandalize one of these litle ones that beleeue in me it is expedient for him that a milstone be hanged about his necke and that he be drovvned in the depth of the sea ✝ verse 7 Vvo be to the vvorld for scandals for it is necessary that scandals do come but neuerthelesse vvo to that man by vvhom the scandall commeth ✝ verse 8 And * if thy ″ hand or thy foote scandalize thee cut it of and cast it from thee It is good for thee to goe in to life maimed or lame rather then hauing tvvo hands or tvvo feete to be cast into euerlasting fire ✝ verse 9 And if thine eye scandalize thee plucke him out and cast him from thee It is good for thee hauing one eye to enter into life rather then hauing tvvo eyes to be cast into the hel of fire ✝ verse 10 See that you despise not one of these litle ones for I say to you that ″ their Angels in heauen alvvaies do see the face of my father vvhich is in heauen ✝ verse 11 For * the Sonne of man is come to saue that vvhich vvas perished ✝ verse 12 * Hovv thinke you If a man haue an hundred sheepe and one of them shal goe astray doth he not leaue ninetie nine in the mountaines and goeth to seeke that which is straied ✝ verse 13 And if it chaunce that he finde it amen I say to you that he reioyceth more fore that then for the ninetie nine that vvent not astray ✝ verse 14 Euen so it is not the vvil of your father vvhich is in heauen that one perish of these litle ones ✝ verse 15 But * if thy brother shal offend against thee goe and rebuke him betvvene thee and him alone If he shal heare thee thou shalt gaine thy brother ✝ verse 16 and if he vvil not heare thee ioyne vvith thee besides one or tvvo that in the mouth of * tvvo or three vvitnesses euery vvord may stand ✝ verse 17 And if he vvil not heare them tel the Church And if he vvil not heare the Church let him be to thee as ″ the heathen and the Publican ✝ verse 18 Amen I say to you whatsoeuer you ″ shal binde vpon earth shal be bound also in heauen and vvhatsoeuer you ″ shal loose vpon earth shal be loosed also in heauen ✝ verse 19 Againe I say to you that if tvvo of you shal consent vpon earth concerning euery thing vvhatsoeuer they shal aske it shal be done to them of my father vvhich is in heauen ✝ verse 20 For vvhere there be tvvo or three gathered in my name there am I ″ in the mindes of them ✝ verse 21 Then came Peter vnto him and said * Lord how often shal my brother offend against me and I forgiue him vntil seuentimes ✝ verse 22 IESVS said to him I say not to thee * vntil seuen times but vntil ″ seuentie times seuen times ⊢ ✝ verse 23 Therfore is the kingdom of heauen likened to a man being a king that vvould make an account vvith his seruants ✝ verse 24 And vvhen he began to make the account there vvas one presented vnto him that ovved him ten thousand talents ✝ verse 25 And hauing not vvhence to repay it his lord commaunded that he should be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and it to be repayed ✝ verse 26 But that seruant falling dovvne besought him saying Haue patience tovvard me and I vvil repay thee
and say to the people He is risen from the dead and the last errour shal be vvorse then the first ✝ verse 65 Pilate said to them You haue a gard goe gard it as you knovv ✝ verse 66 And they departing made the sepulchre sure sealing vp the stone vvith vvatchmen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVII 3. Repenting him Note how spedily the plague of God falleth after sinne and specially men must note what torment of conscience and desperation often foloweth the sheading of innocent bloud 5. Hung himself If he had rightly repented notwithstanding his horrible treason he might haue obteyned mercy but by hanging him self he tooke away al meanes of mercy and saluation because he died finally impenitent 24. Innocent of his bloud Though Pilate was much more innocent then the Iewes and would haue been free from the murder of our Sauiour seeking al the meanes that he could without offending the people and the Emperours lawes to dimisse him Yet he is damned for being the minister of the peoples wicked wil against his owne conscience euen as al Officers be and specially the Iudges and Iuries which execute lawes of temporal Princes against Catholike men for al such be guilty of innocent bloud and be nothing excused by that they execute other mens will according to the lawes which be vniust For they should rather suffer death them selues then put an innocent man to death 40. If thou be the Sonne Maruel not when thou hearest our Sauiour in the B. Sacrament mocked at or seest him abused of wicked men that he straight reuengeth not such blasphemies or that he sheweth not him self there visibly and to the senses when faithles Heretikes wil say Let me see him tast him c. for he suffered here the like on the Crosse when he might at his will haue come downe with as much ease as he rose when he was dead 46. Why hast thou forsaken me Beware here of the detestable blasphemie of Caluin and the Caluinists who thinking not the bodily death of Christ sufficient say that he was also here so forsaken and abandoned of his Father that he sustained in soule and conscience the very feares and torments of the damned And to take away the Article of his descending into Hel after his death which was with triumph and not in paine they say that his descending was nothing els but that his soule suffered the very paines of Hel vpon the Crosse Whereas in deede by these wordes out of the Psalme our Sauiour wil signifie no more but that his paines being now so long on the Crosse and ready to die were very great and therfore according to the infirmity of his humane nature for very anguish as before in the garden when he was but toward his Passion he saith he was forsaken for two causes first because it was the wil of God not to deliuer him but that he should die secondly because his diuine nature did so represse it self for the time that he felt no comfort thereof at al but was left to die in extreme paines as a mere man 19. Wrapped This honour and duty done to Christes body being dead was maruelous grateful and meritorious And this wrapping of it in cleane find on may signifie by S. Hierom that the Body of our Lord is to be wrapped not in gold pretious stones and silke but in pure linnen And so in the whole Church it is obserued by S. Siluesters constitution that the Corporal wherevpon our Lordes body lieth on the altar must be pute and plaine linnen CHAP. XXVIII He riseth againe the third day and the blind most obstinate Iewes by bribery working to their owne reprobation he appeareth to his Disciples in Galilee as both before his Passion he foretold them Mat. 26 and now after his Resurrection first the Angel then also him self appointed by the women 〈◊〉 and sendeth them to al Nations to build his Church among the Gentils verse 1 AND in the euening of the Sabboth vvhich davvneth on the first of the Sabboth came Marie Magdalene and the other Marie ″ to see the sepulchre ✝ verse 2 And behold there vvas made a great earth-quake For an Angel of our Lord descēded from heauen and comming rolled backe the stone and sate vpon it ✝ verse 3 and his countenance vvas as lightening and his garment as snovv ✝ verse 4 And for feare of him the vvatchmen vvere frighted and became as dead ✝ verse 5 And the Angel ansvvering said to the vvomen Feare not you for I knovv that you seeke IESVS that vvas crucified ✝ verse 6 he is not here for he is risen * as he said come and see the place vvhere our Lord vvas laid ✝ verse 7 And going quickly tel ye his Disciples that he is risen and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there you shal see him loe I haue fortold you ✝ verse 8 And they vvent forth quickly out of the monument vvith feare and great ioy running to tel his Disciples ✝ verse 9 And behold IESVS mette them saying Al haile But they came neere and tooke hold of his feete and adored him ✝ verse 10 Then IESVS said to them Feare not goe tel my brethren that they goe into Galilee there they shal see me ✝ verse 11 Who vvhen they vvere departed behold certaine of the vvatchmen came into the citie and told the cheefe Priestes al things that had been done ✝ verse 12 And being assembled together vvith the auncients taking counsel they gaue a greate summe of money to the souldiars ✝ verse 13 saying Say you That his Disciples came by night and stole him avvay vvhen vve vvere a sleepe ✝ verse 14 And if the President shal heare of this vve vvil persuade him and make you secure ✝ verse 15 But they taking the money did as they vvere taught And this vvord vvas bruited abrode among the Ievves euen vnto this day ✝ verse 16 And the eleuen Disciples vvent into Galilee vnto the mount vvhere IESVS had appointed them ✝ verse 17 And seeing him they adored but some doubted ✝ verse 18 And IESVS comming neere spake vnto them saying Al povver is giuen to me in heauen and in earth ✝ verse 19 ● going therfore teach ye al nations BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SONNE AND OF THE HOLY GHOST ✝ verse 20 teaching them to obserue al things vvhatsoeuer I haue commaunded you and behold I am vvith you ″ al daies euen to the consummation of the vvorld ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVIII 1. To see the Sepulcher The deuout women came to visite our Sauiours sepulcher and for their deuotion first deserued to know the Resurrection and to see him risen The honour of the which Sepulcher and the Pilgrimage therevnto in the Primitiue Church S. Hierom declareth in these wordes The Iewes sometime honoured Sancta Sanctorum because there were the Cherubs and the
Propitiatorie and the Arke of the Testament Manna Aarons rodde and the golden altar Doth not the Sepulcher of our Lord seeme vnto thee more honorable Which as often as we enter into so often doe we see our Sauiour lie in the sindon and staying there a while we see the Angel againe sitte at his feete and at his head the napkin wrapped together The glorie of whose Sepulcher we know was long prophetied before Ioseph hewed it out by Esay saying And his rest shal be honour to witte because the place of our Lordes burial should be honoured of al men And at this present notwithstanding the Turkes dominion yet doe the Religious Christian Catholike men by Gods mighty prouidence keepe the holy Sepulcher which is within a goodly Church and Christians come out of al the world in Pilgrimage to it 19. Going then Commission to baptize and preache to al Nations geuen to the Apostles and grounded vpon Christes soueraine authority to whom was geuen al power in heauen and in earth 20. With you al daies Here Christ doth promise his concurrence with his Apostles and their successors as wel in preaching as ministring the Sacraments and his protection of the Church neuer to cease til the worlds end contrary to our Aduersaries saying that the Church hath failed many hundred yeres til Luther and Caluin ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF S. MARKES GOSPEL S Markes Gospel may be vvel diuided into foure partes The first part of the preparation that was made to the manifestation of Christ chap. 1. in the beginning The Second of his manifesting himselfe by Preaching and Miracles and that in Galilee the residue of the 1. chap. vnto the 10. chap. The third of his comming into Iurie tovvards his Passion chap. 10. The fourth of the Holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem chap. 11. to the end of the booke Of S. Marke and his conuersation with the tvvo Apostles S. Paul and S. Barnabee vve haue at large Act. 12 and 15. somevvhat also Col. 4. and 2. Tim. 4. and to Philémon Moreouer of his familiaritie vvith the Prince of the Apostles S. Peter vve haue 1 Pet. 5. For so it pleased our Lord that onely tvvo of the Euangelistes should be of his tvvelue Apostles to vvit S. Matthew and S. Iohn The other tvvo S. Marke and S. Luke he gaue vnto vs of the Disciples of his two most principal and most glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul Whose Gospels therefore were of Antiquitie counted as the Gospels of S. Peter and S. Paul them selues Marke the disciple and interpreter of Peter saith S. Hierom according to that which he heard of Peters mouth wrote at Rome a briefe Gospel at the request of the Brethren about 10 or 12 yeres after our Lordes Ascension Which when Peter had heard he approued it and with his authoritie did publish it to the Church to be read as Clemens Alexandrinus writeth li. 6. hypotypos In the same place S. Hierom addeth hovv he vvent into Aegypt to preach and vvas the first Bishop of the cheefe Citie there named Alexandria and hovv Philo Iudaeus at the same time seeing and admiring the life and conuersation of the Christians there vnder S. Marke vvho vvere Monkes vvrote a booke thereof vvhich is extant to this day And not onely S. Hierom in Marco in Philone but also Eusebius Hist li. 2. ca. 15. 16. 17. Epiphanius Secta 29 Nazaraeorum li. 1. to 2. Cassianus de Instit Caenobiorum li. 2. c. 5. Sozomenus li. 1. c. 12. Nicephorus li. 2 c. 15. and diuerse others do make mention of the said Monkes out of the same Author Finally He died saith S. Hierom the 8 yere of Nero and was buried at Alexandria Anianus succeding in his place But from Alexandria he vvas translated to Venice Anno Dom. 830. It is also to be noted that in respect of S. Peter vvho sent S. Marke his scholer to Alexandria and made him the first Bishop there this See vvas esteemed next in dignitie to the See of Rome and the Bishop thereof vvas accounted the cheefe Metropolitane or Patriarch of the East and that by the first Councel of Nice Whereof see S. Leo ep 53. S. Gregorie li. 5. ep 60. li. 6. ep 37. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF IESVS CHRIST ACCORDING TO MARKE CHAP. I. Iohn the Eremite of vvhom the Prophets preaching penance and liuing him self accordingly baptizeth the people to prepare them to Christ 7 telling them that it is not his but Christs Baptisme in vvhich they shal receiue the Holy Ghost 9 IESVS there is manifested from heauen 12 and by and by he also goeth into the vvildernesse 14 Beginning in Galilee 16 after that he hath called foure Disciples 21 he preacheth first in Capharnaum confirming his doctrine vvith beneficial Miracles to the great admiration of al 35 then also but first retiring into the vvildernes in al the rest of Galilee vvith like miracles verse 1 THE beginning of the Gospel of IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God ✝ verse 2 As it is vvritten in ● Esay the Prophet ' Behold I send mine Angel before thy face vvho shal prepare thy vvay before thee ✝ verse 3 A voice of one crying in the desert Prepare ye the vvay of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 * Iohn vvas in the desert baptizing and preaching the baptisme of penance vnto remission of sinnes ✝ verse 5 And there vvent forth to him al the countrie of Ievvrie and al they of Hierusalem and vvere baptized of him in the riuer of Iordan ● confessing ● their sinnes ✝ verse 6 And Iohn vvas ● clothed vvith camels heare and a girdle of a skinne about his loines and he did eate locustes and vvild honie ✝ verse 7 And he preached saying There commeth a stronger then I after me vvhose latchet of his shoes I am not vvorthie stouping dovvne to vnloose ✝ verse 8 I haue baptized you ● vvith vvater but he shal baptize you vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 9 And it came to passe in those daies came IESVS from Nazareth of Galilee and vvas ″ baptized of Iohn in Iordan ✝ verse 10 And forth vvith comming vp out of the vvater he savv the heauens opened and ● the Spirit as a doue descending and remaining on him ✝ verse 11 And a voice vvas made from heauen Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am vvel pleased ✝ verse 12 And forth vvith * the Spirit droue him out into ● the desert ✝ verse 13 And he vvas in the desert fourtie daies and fourtie nightes and vvas tempted of Satan and he vvas vvith beastes and the Angels ministred to him ✝ verse 14 And * after that Iohn vvas deliuered vp IESVS came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God ✝ verse 15 and saying That the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand be penitent and beleeue the Gospel ✝
and they receiue you eate such things as are set before you ✝ verse 9 and cure the sicke that are in it and say to them The kingdom of God is come nigh vpon you ⊢ ✝ verse 10 And into vvhatsoeuer citie you enter and they receiue you not going forth into the streates thereof say ✝ verse 11 The dust also of your citie that cleaueth to vs vve doe vvipe of against you yet this knovv ye that the kingdom of God is at hand ✝ verse 12 I say to you it shal be more tolerable for Sodom in that day then for that citie ✝ verse 13 Vvo to thee Corozáim vvo to thee Beth-saida for if in Tyre and Sidon had been vvrought the miracles that haue beene vvrought in you they had done penance sitting in sacke cloth and ashes long agoe ✝ verse 14 But it shal be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the iudgement then for you ✝ verse 15 And thou Capharnaum that art exalted vnto heauē thou shalt be thrust dovvne euen vnto hel ✝ verse 16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me And he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me ✝ verse 17 And the Seuentie-tvvo returned vvith ioy saying Lord the Deuils also are subiect to vs in thy name ✝ verse 18 And he said to them I savv Satan as a lightening fal from heauen ✝ verse 19 Behold I haue giuen you povver to treade vpon serpents and scorpions and vpon al the povver of the enemie and nothing shal hurt you ✝ verse 20 But yet reioyce not in this that the spirits are subiect vnto you but reioyce not in this that your names are vvritten in heauen ⊢ ✝ verse 21 In that very houre he reioyced in spirit and said I confesse to thee O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the vvise and prudent and hast reuealed them ″ to litle ones Yea Father for so hath it vvel pleased thee ✝ verse 22 Al things are deliuered to me of my father And no man knovveth vvho the Sonne is but the Father and vvho the Father is but the Sonne and to vvhom the Sonne vvil reueale ✝ verse 23 And turning to his Disciples he said Blessed are the eies that see the things that you see ✝ verse 24 For I say to you that many Prophets and Kings desired to see the things that you see and savv them not and to heare the things that you heare and heard them not ✝ verse 25 And behold a certaine lavvyer stoode vp tempting him and saying Maister by doing of vvhat thing shal I possesse life euerlasting ✝ verse 26 But he said to him In the lavv vvhat is vvritten hovv readest thou ✝ verse 27 He ansvvering said Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith thy vvhole hart and vvith thy vvhole foule and vvith al thy strength and vvith al thy minde and thy neighbour as thy self ✝ verse 28 And he said to him Thou hast ansvvered right ″ this doe and thou shalt liue ✝ verse 29 But he desirous to iustifie him self said to IESVS And vvho is my neighbour ✝ verse 30 And IESVS taking it said A certaine man vvent dovvne from Hierusalem into Iericho and fel among theeues vvho also spoiled him and giuing him vvoundes vvent avvay leauing him ″ halfe-dead ✝ verse 31 And it chaunced that a certaine Priest vvent dovvne the same vvay and seeing him passed by ✝ verse 32 In like maner also a Leuite vvhen he vvas neere the place and savv him passed by ✝ verse 33 But a certaine Samaritane going his iourney came neere him and seeing him vvas moued vvith mercie ✝ verse 34 And going vnto him bound his vvoundes povvring in oile and vvine and setting him vpon his ovvne beast brought him into an inne and tooke care of him ✝ verse 35 And the next day he tooke forth tvvo pence and gaue to the host and said Haue care of him and vvhatsoeuer thou shalt supererogate I at my returne vvil repay thee ✝ verse 36 Vvhich of these three in thy opinion vvas neighbour to him that fel among theeues ✝ verse 37 But he said He that did mercie vpon him And IESVS said to him Goe and doe thou in like maner ⊢ ✝ verse 38 And it came to passe as they vvent and he entred into a certaine tovvne and a certaine vvoman named Martha receiued him into her house ✝ verse 39 and she had a sister called Marie vvho sitting also at our Lords feete heard his vvord ✝ verse 40 But Martha vvas busie about much seruice vvho stoode and said Lord hast thou no care that my sister hath left me alone to serue speake to her therfore that she help me ✝ verse 41 And our Lord ansvvering said to her Martha Martha thou art careful and art troubled about very many things ✝ verse 42 But one thing is necessarie ″ Marie hath chosen the best part vvhich shal not be taken avvay from her ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 21. To litle ones By this place euery vulgar artificer may not presume that God hath reuealed al truth to him and therfore refuse to be taught of the learned for Christ did not aftervvard endevv fishers and vulgar men nor any other vvith the gifts of vvisdom and tonges vvithout their industrie study and teaching though at the beginning of great prouidence he did it that it might be cleere to the vvorld that al Nations vvere conuerted to him not by persuasion of cunning Orators or subtil Disputers but by the plaine force of his grace and truth vvhich S. Augustine counteth greater then al other miracles Further we are taught by this place that the poore humble obedient children of the Church knovv by their faith the high mysteries of Christes Diuinity and his presence in the B. Sacrament and such like rather then Arius Caluin and other like proud Scribes and Pharisees 28. This doe Not by faith only but by keeping Gods commaundements we obtaine life euerlasting not onely by beleeuing but by doing The heretikes say that it is impossible to keepe this commaundement of louing God with al our hart But the Scriptures giue vs examples of diuers that haue kept and fulfilled it as far as is requisite in this life 3. reg 14 8. ● Par. 15 15. Ps 118 10. Ecclci 47 9 10. 4 Reg. 20 3. 5. Luc. 1 5. And if it vvere impossible to keepe it and yet by Christ proposed for the meane to obtaine life euerlasting he had mocked this Lavvyer and others and not taught them 30. Halfe dead Here is signified man vvounded very sore in his vnderstanding and free-wil and al other povvers of soule and body by the sinne of Adam but yet that neither vnderstanding nor free-vvil nor the rest vvere extinguished in man or taken avvay The Priest and Leuite signifie the Lavv of Moyses this Samaritane is Christ the Priest of the nevve Testament the
one grote doth she not light a candle and svveepe the house and seeke diligently vntil she finde ✝ verse 9 And vvhen she hath found calleth together her frendes and neighbours saying Reioyce vvith me because I haue found the grote vvhich I had lost ✝ verse 10 So I say to you there shal be ioy ″ before the Angels of God vpon one sinner that doth penance ⊢ ✝ verse 11 And he said A certaine man had tvvo sonnes ✝ verse 12 and the yonger of them said to his father Father giue me the portion of substance that belongeth to me And he deuided vnto them the substance ✝ verse 13 And not many daies after the yonger sonne gathering al his things together vvent from home into a farre countrie and there he vvasted his substance liuing riotously ✝ verse 14 And after he had spent al there fel a sore famine in that countrie and he began to be in neede ✝ verse 15 And he vvent and cleaued to one of the citizens of that countrie And he sent him into his farme to feede svvine ✝ verse 16 And he vvould faine haue filled his bellie of the huskes that the svvine did eate and no bodie gaue vnto him ✝ verse 17 And returning to him self he said Hovv many of my fathers hirelings haue aboundance of bread and I here perish for famine ✝ verse 18 I vvil arise and vvil goe to my father and say to him Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee ✝ verse 19 I am not novv vvorthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hirelings ✝ verse 20 And rising vp he came to his father And vvhen he vvas yet farre of his father savv him and vvas moued vvith mercie and running to him fel vpon his necke and kissed him ✝ verse 21 And his sonne said to him Father I haue sinned against heauen before thee I am not novv vvorthie to be called thy sonne ✝ verse 22 And the father said to his seruants Quickely bring forth the first stole and doe it on him and put a ring vpō his hand and shoes vpon his feete ✝ verse 23 and bring ″ the fatted calfe and kil it and let vs eate and make merie ✝ verse 24 because this my sonne vvas dead and is reuiued vvas lost and is found And they began to make merie ✝ verse 25 But his elder sonne vvas in the field and vvhen he came and drevv nigh to the house he heard musicke and dauncing ✝ verse 26 and he called one of the seruants and asked vvhat these thinges should be ✝ verse 27 And he said to him Thy brother is come and thy father hath killed the fatted calfe because he hath receiued him safe ✝ verse 28 But he had indignation and vvould not goe in His father therfore going forth began to desire him ✝ verse 29 But he ansvvering said to his father Behold so many yeres doe I serue thee and I neuer transgressed thy commaundement and thou didst neuer giue me a kidde to make merie vvith my frendes ✝ verse 30 but after that thy sonne this that hath deuoured his substance vvith whoores is come thou hast killed for him the fatted calfe ✝ verse 31 But he said to him Sonne thou art alvvaies vvith me and al my things are thine ✝ verse 32 But it behoued vs to make merie and be glad because this thy brother vvas dead and is reuiued vvas lost and is found ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 7. Then vpon ninety nine iust Neither God nor the Saincts in heauen nor men in earth do for al that esteeme more of penitent sinners then they do of them that continevv iust and godly though by the soden motion and present affection of ioy that man taketh and expresseth in such alteration and nevv fallen good it be here signified that the conuersion of euery sinner is exceding acceptable to God and giueth his Saincts nevv cause of ioy and thankes giuing to God in an other kinde then for the continuance of the iust 10. Before the Angels The Angels and other celestial spirits in heauen do reioyce at euery sinners conuersion they know then and haue care of vs yea our hartes and inward repentance be open to them how then can they not heare our prayers And betwixt Angels and the blessed soules of Saincts there is no difference in this case the one being as highly exalted as the other and as neere God in whom and by whom onely they see and know our affaires as the other 23. The fatted calfe This feasting and festiuitie saith S. Augustine li. 2 qu. Euang. c. 33. to 4. are novv celebrated throughout the vvhole vvorld the Church being dilated and spred for that calfe in the body and bloud of our Lord is both offered to the Father and also feedeth the vvhole house And as the calfe signifieth the B. Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ so the first stole may signifie our innocencie restored in baptisme and the rest other graces and giftes giuen vs in the other Sacraments CHAP. XVI He teacheth the riche to procure heauen vvith their riches 14 And being therfore derided of the couetous Pharisees vvho savv temporal riches promised in the letter of the Lavv he shevveth that novv is come the preaching of the kingdom of God howbeit the Lavv for al that in no iote shal be frustrat 19 foretelling them also that the couetous Ievvis shal be denied of their father Abraham when poore Laxarus the penitent Gentily shal rest in his bosome verse 1 AND he said also to his Disciples There vvas a cartaine riche man that had a bailife he vvas il reported of vnto him as he that had vvasted his goods ✝ verse 2 And he called him and said to him Vvhat heare I this of thee render account of thy bailiship for novv thou canst no more be bailife ✝ verse 3 And the bailife said vvithin him self Vvhat shal I doe because my lord taketh avvay from me the bailiship digge I am not able to begge I am ashamed ✝ verse 4 I knovv vvhat I vvil doe that vvhen I shal be remoued from the bailiship they may receiue me into their houses ✝ verse 5 Therfore calling together euery one of his lords detters he said to the first Hovv much doest thou ovve my lord ✝ verse 6 But he saith An hundred pipes of oile And he said to him Take thy bil and sit dovvne quickly vvrite fiftie ✝ verse 7 After that he said to an other But thou hovv much doest thou ovve Vvho said An hundreth quarters of vvheat He said to him Take thy bil and vvrite eightie ✝ verse 8 And ″ the lord praised the bailife of iniquitie because he had done vvisely for the children of this vvorld are vviser then the children of light in their generation ✝ verse 9 And I say to you Make vnto you frendes of the mammon of iniquitie that vvhen you faile ″ they may
Hel went thither specially and deliuered the said fathers out of that mansion Iren. li. 4 c. ●9 Euseb Demonst Euang. li. 10. c. 8 sub finē Nazian orat 2 de Pasch Chrysost to 5 in demonst Quod Christus sit Deus paulo post initium Epipha in heres 46 Tatiani Ambro. de myst Pasch c. 4. Hiero. in 9 Zacharia August ep 99 li. 20 de Ciuit. c. 15. Paulinus in Panegyrico Celst Cyrillus in lo. li. 12 c. 36 ad illud Inclinato capite Gregor li. 6 ep 179. vvhich truth and place though of al the ancient vvriters confessed and proued by this and other Scriptures yet the Aduersaries deny it as they do Purgatorie most impudently 26 A great chaos A great distance betvvixt Abrahams bosome and the inferiour hel Some iudge Purgatorie to be placed there from vvhence no doubt Christ also deliuered some at his descending to hel for these in Abrahams bosome vvere not in paines and S. Augustine saith the Scriptures be plaine that he tooke some out of the places of punishment and yet none out of the hel of the damned What other place then can that be but Purgatorie 28. Lest they also If the damned had care of their frendes aliue how for what cause soeuer much more haue the Saincts and saued persons And if those in hel haue meanes to expresse their cogitations and desires and to be vnderstood of Abraham so far distant both by place and condition much rather may the liuing pray to the Saincts and be heard of them betvvixt earth that is to say the Church militant and heauen being continual passage of soules and * Angels ascending and descending by Iacobs ladder M●n must not for al that be curious to searche how the soules of the deceased expresse their mindes and be heard one of an other and so fall to blasphemie as Caluin doth asking whether their eares be so long to heare so far of and wickedly measuring al things by mortal mens corporal grosse maner of vttering conceits one to an other Which was not here done by this damned nor by Abraham with corporal instruments of tongue teeth and eares though for the better expressing of the damneds case Christ vouchsaued to vtter it in termes agreeing to our capacitie CHAP. XVII So damnable it is to be author of a Schisme 3 that we must rather forgiue be it neuer so often 5 We must he feruent in faith 7 and humble withal knowing that we are bound to God and not he to vs. ″ The nine Iewes are vngrateful after that he hath cured their leprosie but the one Samaritane the one Catholike Church of the Gentils far otherwise 20 The Pharisees asking when cōmeth this kingdom of God of whose approching they had now heard so much he teacheth that God must reigne within vs 22 and warneth vs after his Passion neuer to goe out of his Catholike Church for any new secrete cōming of Christ that Heretikes shal pretend but onely to expect his second cōming in glorie 26 preparing our selues vnto it because it shal come vpon many vnprouided 31 specially through the persecution of Antichrist a litle before it verse 1 AND he said to his Disciples It is impossible that scandale should not come but vvo to him by vvhom they come ✝ verse 2 It is more profitable for him if a mil-stone be put about his necke and he be cast into the sea then that he scādalize one of these litle ones ✝ verse 3 Looke vvel to your selues * If thy brother sinne against thee rebuke him and if he doe penance forgiue him ✝ verse 4 And if he sinne against thee seuen times in a day and seuen times in a day be conuerted vnto thee saying It repenteth me forgiue him ✝ verse 5 And the Apostles said to our Lord Increase faith in vs. ✝ verse 6 And our lord said * If you had faith like to a mustard seede you might say to this mulberie tree be thou rooted vp and be transplanted into the sea and it vvould obey you ✝ verse 7 And vvhich of you hauing a seruant plovving or keeping cattle that vvil say to him returning out of the field Passe quickly sit dovvne ✝ verse 8 and saith not to him Make ready supper and gird thy self and serue me vvhiles I eate and drinke and aftervvard thou shalt eate and drinke ✝ verse 9 Doth he giue that seruant thankes for doing the things vvhich he commaunded him ✝ verse 10 I trovv not So you also vvhen you shal haue done al things that are commaunded you say Vve are ″ vnprofitable seruants vve haue done that vvhich vve ought to doe ✝ verse 11 And it came to passe as he vvent vnto Hierusalem he passed through the middes of Samaria and Galilee ✝ verse 12 And vvhen he entred into a certaine tovvne there mette him ten men that vvere lepers vvho stoode a farre of ✝ verse 13 and they lifted vp their voice saying IESVS maister haue mercie on vs. ✝ verse 14 Vvhom as he savv he said Goe * shevv your selues ″ to the Priests And it came to passe ″ as they vvent they vvere made cleane ✝ verse 15 And one of them as he savv that he vvas made cleane vvent backe vvith a loud voice magnifying God ✝ verse 16 and he fel on his face before his feete giuing thankes and this vvas a Samaritane ✝ verse 17 And IESVS ansvvering said Vvere not ten made cleane and vvhere are the nine ✝ verse 18 There vvas not found that returned and gaue glorie to God but this stranger ✝ verse 19 And he said to him Arise goe thy vvaies because thy faith hathmade thee safe ⊢ ✝ verse 20 And being asked of the Pharisees Vvhen commeth the kingdom of God he ansvvered them and said The kingdom of God commeth not vvith obseruation ✝ verse 21 neither shal they say Loe here or loe there for loe the kingdom of God is vvithin you ✝ verse 22 And he said to his Disciples The daies vvil come vvhen you shal desire to see one day of the Sonne of man and you shal not see ✝ verse 23 * And they vvil say to you Loe here and loe there Goe not neither doe ye folovv after ✝ verse 24 For euen as the lightening that lighteneth from vnder heauen vnto those partes that are vnder heauen shineth so shal the Sonne of man be in his day ✝ verse 25 But first he must suffer many things and be reiected of this generation ✝ verse 26 And as it came to passe in the daies of Noé so shal it be also in the daies of the Sonne of man ✝ verse 27 They did eate and drinke they did marie vviues and vvere giuen to mariage euen vntil the day that Noé entred into the arke and the floud came and destroyed them al. ✝ verse 28 Likevvise as it came to passe in the * daies of Lot They did eate
and drinke bought and sould planted and builded ✝ verse 29 and in the day that Lot vvent out from Sodome it rained fire and brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all ✝ verse 30 according to these things it shal be in the day that the Sonne of man shal be reuealed ✝ verse 31 In that houre he that shal be in the house-toppe and his vessel in the house let him not goe dovvne to take them vp and he that is in the field in like maner let him not returne backe ✝ verse 32 Be mindeful of * Lots vvife ✝ verse 33 Vvhosoeuer seeketh to saue his life shal lose it and vvhosoeuer doth lose the same shal quicken it ✝ verse 34 I say to you in that night there shal be tvvo in one bed the one shal be taken and the other shal be left ✝ verse 35 tvvo vvomen shal be grinding together the one shal be taken and the other shal be left tvvo in the field the one shal be taken and the other shal be left ✝ verse 36 They ansvvering say to him Vvhere Lord ✝ verse 37 Vvho said to them Vvheresoeuer the body shal be thither vvil the eagles also be gathered together ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVII 10. Vnprofitable seruants If our Sauiour had said that the keeping of Gods cōmaundements had bene vnprofitable and not auailable to our selues them might the Protestants haue truely argued thereby that our vvorkes deserue not heauen or any revvard at Gods hand but so he said not but that our seruice is to God vnprofitable who calleth for it as duety and not as a thing needeful or profitable to himself And though here our Maister teach vs so humbly to conceiue of our ovvne doings tovvard him yet him self els vvher calleth not his servants vnprofitable vvhen they haue done their labour but speaketh thus Good and faithful seruant because thou vvast faithful in a litle I vvil place thee ouer much enter into the ioy of thy Lord. Yea of such as serue him in the grace of the new Testament he affirmeth that he wil not now name them seruants but frendes yea and take them for his ovvne children and as his frendes and sonnes he counteth of vs and our vvorkes tovvards heauen though vve in humilitie and truth must confesse alvvaies that vve be to him vnprofitable seruants Yea and S. Paul saith plainly that by cleansing our selues from sinful vvorkes we shal be profitable vessels to our lord 2 Timot. 2 21. 14. To the priests This leprosie signifieth sinne vvhich though God may and can heale vvithout any mans meanes yet he doth it not ordinarily but by the Priests ministerie therfore let no man despise Gods ordinance nor say that it is ynough to confesse to God though he neuer come at the priest li. de visit infirm apud August 14. As they vvent A man may sometimes be so contrite and penitent that his sinne is forgiuen before he come to the Priest but then also he must notwithstanding goe to the Priest as these lepers did specially whereas we are neuer sure how contrite we are and because thereis no true contrition but with desire also of the Sacrament in time and place CHAP. XVIII The Church is taught to commit the reuenge of her persecutions to God and to pray incessantly for he no doubt though in the persecution of Antichrist fevv vvil so thinke vvil at length come 9 We must also pray vvith humility because vve knovv not with the Pharisee if we be iust but vve knovv vvith the Publicane that vve be sinners 15 He vvil haue children to be brought to him and al to be as children 18 What is to be done to get life euerlasting 22 What also to get perfection 28 and vvhat revvard they shal haue that leaue al year or any part for his sake 31 he foretelleth of his Passion most particularly 33 and entring into Iericho cureth one blinde man verse 1 AND he spake also a parable to them that it behoueth alwaies to pray not to be weary ✝ verse 2 saying There was a certaine iudge in a certaine citie vvhich feared not God and of man made no accoumpt ✝ verse 3 And there vvas a certaine vvidow in that citie and she came to him saying Reuenge me of mine aduersarie ✝ verse 4 And he vvould not of a long time but aftervvard he said vvithin him self Although I feare not God nor make accoumpt of man ✝ verse 5 yet because this vvidovv is importune vpon me I vvil reuenge her lest at the last she come and defame me ✝ verse 6 And our Lord said Heare vvhat the iudge of iniquitie sayeth ✝ verse 7 And vvil not God reuenge his elect that crie to him day and night and vvil he haue patience in them ✝ verse 8 I say to you that he vvil quickly reuenge them But yet the Sonne of man comming ″ shal he finde trovv you faith in the earth ✝ verse 9 And he said also to certaine that trusted in them selues as iust and despised others this parable ✝ verse 10 Tvvo men vvent vp into the Temple to pray the one a Pharisee and the other a Publicane ✝ verse 11 The Pharisee standing praied thus vvith him self God I giue thee thankes that I am not as the rest of men extorcioners vniust aduouterers as also this Publicane ✝ verse 12 I fast tvvise in a vveeke I giue tithes of al that I possesse ✝ verse 13 And the Publicane standing a farre of vvould not so much as lift vp his eies tovvard heauen but he knocked his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner ✝ verse 14 I say to you this man vvent dovvne into his house iustified more then he because euery one that exalteth him self shal be humbled and he that humbleth him self shal be exalted ⊢ ✝ verse 15 * And they brought vnto him infants also that he might touche them Vvhich thing vvhen the Disciples savv they rebuked them ✝ verse 16 But IESVS calling them together said Suffer children to come vnto me and forbid them not for the kingdom of heauen is for such ✝ verse 17 Amen I say to you Vvhosoeuer receiueth not the kingdom of God as a childe shal not enter into it ✝ verse 18 * And a certaine Prince asked him saying Good maister by doing vvhat shal I possesse euerlasting life ✝ verse 19 And IESVS said to him Vvhy doest thou call me good None is good but only God ✝ verse 20 Thou knovvest the commaundements Thou shalt not kil Thou shalt not commit aduoutrie Thou shalt not beare false vvitnes Thou shalt not steale Honour thy father and mother ✝ verse 21 Vvho said Al these things haue I kept from my youth ✝ verse 22 Vvhich IESVS hearing said to him Yet one thing thou lackest Sel al that euer thou hast and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come folovv me ✝ verse 23 He hearing
of God ⊢ ✝ verse 35 The next day againe Iohn stoode and tvvo of his disciples ✝ verse 36 And beholding IESVS vvalking he saith Behold the lambe of God ✝ verse 37 And the tvvo Disciples heard him speaking and they folovved IESVS ✝ verse 38 And IESVS turning and seeing them folovving him saith to them Vvhat seeke you Vvho said to him Rabbi vvhich is called by interpretation Maister vvhere dvvellest thou ✝ verse 39 He saith to them Come and see They came and savv where he abode and they taried vvith him that day and it vvas about the tenth houre ✝ verse 40 And Andrevv the brother of Simon Peter vvas one of the tvvo that had heard of Iohn and folovved him ✝ verse 41 He findeth first his brother Simon and saith to him Vve haue found MESSIAS vvhich is being interpreted CHRIST ✝ verse 42 And he brought him to IESVS And IESVS ″ looking vpon him said Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona thou shalt be called Cephas vvhich is interpreted Peter ✝ verse 43 On the morovv he vvould goe forth into Galilee and he findeth Philippe And IESVS saith to him Folovv me ✝ verse 44 And Philippe vvas of Bethsaida the citie of Andrevv and Peter ✝ verse 45 Philippe findeth Nathanael and saith to him Him vvhom Moyses in the lavv and the Prophets vvrote of vve haue found IESVS the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth ✝ verse 46 And Nathanael said to him From Nazareth can there be any good Philippe saith to him Come and see ✝ verse 47 IESVS savv Nathanael comming to him and he saith of him Behold an Israelite in very deede in vvhom there is no guile ✝ verse 48 Nathanael saith to him Hovv knovvest thou me IESVS ansvvered and said to him Before that Philippe did cal thee vvhen thou wast vnder the figtree I saw thee ✝ verse 49 Nathanael ansvvered him and saith Rabbi thou art the sonne of God thou art the king of Israel ✝ verse 50 IESVS ansvvered and said to him Because I said vnto thee I savv thee vnder the figtree thou beleeuest greater then these things shalt thou see ✝ verse 51 And he saith to him Amen Amen I say to you You shal see the heauen opened and the * Angels of God ascending and defcending vpon the Sonne of man ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 1. Was the word The second Person in Trinitie which is the natural onely and eternal Sonne of God the Father is called the WORD not as the holy Scriptures or speaches of the Prophets and Apostles vvritten and spoken by Gods commaundement for the vttering of his diuine wil towards man be called his word but in a more diuine eminent and ineffable sort to expresse vnto vs in a sort by a terme agreable to our capacitie that the Sonne of God so is and so from euerlasting is borne of God the Father as our prime concept which is our internal and mental word is and issueth out of our intelligence minde This VVORD then Sonne or second Person in the holy Trinitie was and had his being then already when other creatures of what sort so euer had but their beginning and therfore can not be a creature as many Heretikes before the writing of this Gospel thought and as the Arrians after taught And this first sentence of the Gospel not onely the faithful but the Platonikes did so admire as S. Augustine writeth that they wished it to be written in gold 1. With God Because a man might say If the VVORD vvere before any thing vvas created vvhere or hovv could he be the Euangelist preuenting that carnal concept saith first that he vvas vvith God vvhose being dependeth not vpon time place space or any other creatures al vvhich vvere made by him secondly he giueth vs to vnderstand that the VVORD hath his proper subsistence or personalitle distincte frō God the Father vvherby Sabellius the old Heretike is refuted thirdly here is insinuated the order of these tvvo persons one tovvardes the other to vvit that the Sonne is with and of the Father and not the Father of the Sonne Fourthly you may consute here the blasphemie of Caluin holding the second Person to be God not as of God the Father but as of him self And yet such are the bookes that our youth now read commonly in England and that by commaundement 1. God vvas the VVord Lest any man vpon the premisses which set forth the relation and distinction of the second Person from the first might thinke that the Father onely were God the Euangelist expresly teacheth the VVORD to be God for though the wordes seeme to lie otherwise because we haue of purpose so owed the elegancie which the Euangelist him self obserued in placing them so and therfore they stand so both in Greeke and Latin yet in deede the construction is thus The VVORD vvas God and as in his first Epistle the same Apostle writeth true God lest any might say as the Arians did that he was God in deede but not truely and naturally but by common adoption or calling as good men in the Church be called the sonnes of God What wonderful wrangling and tergiuersation the Arians vsed to auoid the euidence of this place we see in S. Augustine li. 3 de Doct. Christ c. 2. euen such as the Protestauts do to auoid the like wordes This is my body concerning the B. Sacrament 3. By him Againe by this he signifieth the eternitie diuinitie omaipotencie and equalitie of the WORD or Sonne with God the Father because by him al things were created al things he saith both visible of this vvorld and inuisible as Angels and al spiritual creatures Wherevpon it is euident also that him self is no creature being the creator of al neither is sinne of his creation being a defecte of a thing rather then a thing it self and therfore neither of nor by him 1● He gaue them povver Free wil to receiue or acknowledge Christ power giuen to men if they wil to be made by Christ the sonnes of God but not forced or drawen therevnto by any necessitie 14. The Vvord made flesh This is the high and diuine testimonie of Christs incarnation and that he vouchsaued to become man for the acknowledging of which inexplicable benefite and giuing humble thankes for the same al Christian people in the world by tradition of the Fathers prostrate them selues or kneele downe when they heare it sung or said at the holy Masse either in this Gospel or in the Crede by these wordes ET HOMO FACTVS EST. 1● No man hath seen Neuer man in this mortalitie saw God in the very shape and natural forme of the diuine essence but men see him onely in the shape of visible creatures in or by which it pleaseth him to shew him self vnto many diuersly in this world but neuer in such sort as vvhen he shevved him self in the person of the Sonne of God being
you but if I goe I vvil send him to you ✝ verse 8 And vvhen he is come he shal argue the vvorld of sinne and of iustice and of iudgement ✝ verse 9 of sinne because they beleeue not in me ✝ verse 10 but of iustice because I goe to the Father and novv you shal not see me ✝ verse 11 and of iudgement because the prince of this vvorld is novv iudged ✝ verse 12 Yet many things I haue to say to you but you can not beare them novv ✝ verse 13 But vvhen he the Spirit of truth commeth he shal teach you al truth for he shal not speake of him self but vvhat things soeuer he shal heare he shal speake and the things that are to come he shal shevv you ✝ verse 14 He shal glorifie me because he shal receiue of mine and shal shevv to you ⊢ ✝ verse 15 Al things vvhatsoeuer the Father hath be mine Therfore I said that he shal receiue of mine and shal shevv to you ✝ verse 16 A litle vvhile and novv you shal not see me and againe a litle vvhile and you shal see me because I goe to the Father ✝ verse 17 Some therfore of his disciples said one to an other Vvhat is this that he saith to vs A litle vvhile and you shal not see me and againe a litle vvhile and you shal see me and because I goe to the Father ✝ verse 18 They said therfore Vvhat is this that he saith A litle vvhile vve knovv not vvhat he speaketh ✝ verse 19 And IESVS knevv that they vvould aske him and he said to them Of this you doe question among your selues because I said to you A litle vvhile and you shal not see me and againe a litle vvhile and you shal see me ✝ verse 20 Amen amen I say to you that you shal vveepe and lament but the vvorld shal reioyce and you shal be made sorovvful but your sorovv shal be turned into ioy ✝ verse 21 A vvoman vvhen she trauaileth hath sorovv because her houre is come but vvhen she hath brought forth the childe novv she remembreth not the anguish for ioy that a man is borne into the vvorld ✝ verse 22 And you therfore novv in deede you haue sorow but I vvil see you againe and your hart shal reioyce and your ioy no man shal take from you ⊢ ✝ verse 23 And in that day me you shal not aske any thing Amen amen I say to you if you aske the Father any thing in my name he vvil giue it you ✝ verse 24 Vntil novv you haue not asked any thing in my name Aske and you shal receiue that your ioy may be ful ✝ verse 25 These things in prouerbes I haue spoken to you The houre commeth vvhen in prouerbes I vvil no more speake to you but plainely of the Father I vvil shew you ✝ verse 26 In that day you shal aske in my name and I say not to you that I vvil aske the Father for you ✝ verse 27 For the Father him self loueth you because you haue loued me and haue beleeued that I came forth from God ✝ verse 28 I came forth from the Father and came into the vvorld againe I leaue the vvorld and I goe to the Father ✝ verse 29 His disciples say to him Behold novv thou speakest plainely and saiest no prouerbe ✝ verse 30 novv vve knovv that thou knovvest al things and thou needest not that any man aske thee in this vve beleeue that thou camest forth from God ⊢ ✝ verse 31 IESVS ansvvered them Novv do you beleeue ✝ verse 32 * Behold the houre commeth and it is novv come that you shal be scattered euery man into his ovvne and me you shal leaue alone and I am not alone because the Father is vvith me ✝ verse 33 These things I haue spoken to you that in me you may haue peace In the vvorld you shal haue distresse but haue confidence I haue ouercome the vvorld ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 12. Yet many things This place conuinceth that the Apostles and the faithful be taught many things which Christ omitted to teach them for their weaknes and that it was the prouidence of God that Christ in presence should not teach and order al things that we might be no lesse assured of the things that the Church teacheth by the Holy Ghost then of the things that him self deliuered 13 The spirit of truth Euer note that the Holy Ghost in that he is promised to the Church is called the Spirit of truth Which Holy Spirit for many other causes is giuen to diuers priuate men and to al good men to sanctification but to teach al truth and preserue in truth and from error he is promised and performed onely to the Church and the cheefe Gouerner and general Councels thereof CHAP. XVII After his Sermon of farevvel he prayeth to his Father that seing he hath novv finished his vvorke he vvil giue him his appointed glorie for the conuersion of al nations 6 and preserue his Apostles and his Church after them in vnitie and veritie that is from Schisme and Heresie 24 finally also glorifie them vvith him in heauen verse 1 THESE things spake IESVS and lifting vp his eies into heauen he said Father the houre is come glorifie thy sonne that thy sonne may glorifie thee ✝ verse 2 As thou hast giuē him povver ouer al flesh that al vvhich thou hast giuen him to them he may giue life euerlasting ✝ verse 3 And this is ″ life euerlasting that they knovv thee the only true God and vvhom thou hast sent IESVS CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 4 I haue glorified thee vpon the earth I haue consummated the vvorke vvhich thou gauest me to doe ✝ verse 5 and novv glofie thou me O Father vvith thy self vvith the glorie vvhich I had before the vvorld vvas vvith thee ✝ verse 6 I haue manifested thy name to the men vvhom thou gauest me out of the vvorld Thine they vvere and ●o me thou gauest them and they haue kept thy vvord ✝ verse 7 Novv they haue knovven that al things vvhich thou gauest me are from thee ✝ verse 8 because the vvordes vvhich thou gauest me I haue giuen them and they haue receiued and knovven in very deede that I came forth from thee and haue beleeued that thou didst send me ✝ verse 9 For them doe I pray Not for the vvorld doe I pray but for them vvhom thou hast giuen me ✝ verse 10 because they be thine and al my things be thine and thine be mine and I am glorified in them And novv I am not in the vvorld and these are in the vvorld and I come to thee ⊢ ✝ verse 11 Holy father keepe them in thy name vvhom thou hast giuen me that they may be one as also vve ✝ verse 12 Vvhen I vvas vvith them I kept them in thy name Those * vvhom thou gauest me haue I kept and none
case to be assured that Christs faith shal be preached and the Church spred through out al Nations the Holy Ghost concurring continually with the Apostles and their Successors for the same 11. Assumpted from you By this visible Ascending of Christ to heauen and like returne from thence to iudgement the Heretikes do incredulously argue him not to be in the Sacrament But let the faithful rather giue eare to S. Chrysostome saying thus O miracle he that sitteth vvith the Father in heauen aboue at the very same time is handled of men beneath Christ ascending to heauen both hath his flesh vvith him and left it vvith vs beneath Eliae● being taken vp left to his Disciple his cloke only but the Sonne of man ascending left his ovvne flesh to vs. Li. ● de Sacerd. Ho. 2 ad po Ant. in fine Ho. de diuit paup in fine 14. MARIE the mother of IESVS This is the last mention that is made in holy Scripture of our B Lady for though she were ful of al diuine wisedom and opened no doubt vnto the Euangelistes and other writers of holy Scriptures diuerse of Christs actions speaches and mysteries whereof she had both experimental and reuealed knowledge Yet for that she was a woman and the humblest creature liuing and the paterne of al order and obedience it pleased not God that there should be any further note of her life doings or death in the Scriptures She liued the rest of her time with the Christians as here she is peculiarly named and noted among them and specially with S. Iohn the Apostle * to whom our Lord recommended her Who prouided for her al necessaries her spouse Ioseph as it may be thought being deceased before The common opinion is that she liued 63 yeres in al. At the time of her death as S. Denys first after him S. Damascene de dormit Deiparae writeth al the Apostles then dispersed into diuers nations to preache the Gospel were miraculously brought together sauing S. Thomas who came the third day after to Hierusalem to honour her diuine departure and funeral as the said S. Denys witnesseth Who saith that him self S. Timothee and S. Hierotheus were present testifying also of his owne hearing that both before here death and after for three daies not onely the Apostles and other holy men present but the Angels also and Powers of heauen did sing most melodious Hymnes They buried her sacred body in Gethsémaui but for S. Thomas sake who desired to see and to reuerence it they opened the sepulcher the third day and finding it void of the holy body but excedingly fragrant they returned assuredly deeming that her body was assumpted into heauen as the Church of God holdeth being most agreable to the singular priuilege of the mother of God and therfore celebrateth most solemnely the day of her Assumption And that is consonant not onely to the said S. Denys and S. Damascene but to holy Athanasius also who auoucheth the same Serm. in Euang. de Deipara of which Assumption of her body S. Bernard also wrote fiue notable sermons extant in his workes But neither these holy fathers nor the Churches tradition and testimonie do beare any sway now a daies with the Protestants that haue abolished this her greatest feast of her Assumption who of reason should at the least celebrate it as the day of her death as they doe of other Saincts For though they beleeue not that her body is assumpted yet they wil not we trow deny that she is dead and her soule in glorie neither can they aske scriptures for that no more then they require for the deathes of Peter Paul Iohn and other vvhich be not mentioned in scriptures yet are still celebrated by the Protestants But concerning the B. Virgin MARIE they haue blotted out also both her Natiuitie and her Conception so as it may be thought the Diuel beareth a special malice to this woman whose seede brake his head For as for the other two daies of her Purification Aununciation they be not proper to our Lady but the one to Christs Conception the other to his Presentation so that she by this meanes shal haue no festiuitie at al. But contrariwise to consider how the auncient Church and fathers esteemed spake and wrote of this excellent vessel of grace may make vs detest these mens impietie that can not abide the praises of her whom al generations should call blessed and that esteeme her honours a derogatiō to her sonne Some of their speaches we wil set downe that al men may see that we neither praise her nor pray to her more amply then they did S. Athan●sius in the place alleaged after he had declared how al the Angelical spirits and euery order of them honoured and praised her with the AVE wherewith S. Gabriel saluted her We also saith he of al degrees vpon the earth ●xtol thee with loude voice saying Au● gratia plena c. Haile ful of grace our Lord is vvith thee pray for vs 〈◊〉 Maistresse and Lady and Queens and mother of God Most holy and auncient Ephrem also in a special oration made in praise of our Lady saith thus in diuerse places thereof Intemerata De●p●●● c. Mother of God vndifiled Queene of al the hope of them that despaire my lady most glorious higher them the heauenly spirit● more honorable then the Cherubins holier then the Seraphins and vvithout comparison more glorious thē the supernal hostes the hope of the fathers the glorie of the Prophets the praise of the Apostles And a litle after Virgo ante partum in partu post partum by thee vve are reconciled to Christ my God thy sonne thou art the helper of sinners thou the hauen for them that are tossed vvith stormes the solam of the vvorld the deliuerer of the emprisoned the helpe of orphans the redemption of captiues And afterward Vouchsafe me thy seruant to praise thee Haile lady MARIE ful of grace haile Virgin most blesed among vvomen And much more in that sense which were to long to repeate S. Cyril hath the like wonderful speaches of her honour hom 6. contra Naestorium Praise and glorie be to thee ● holy Trinitieito thee also be praise holy mother of God for thou art the pretious pearle of the vvorld thou the candel of vnquencheable light the crovvne of Virginitis the scepter of the Catholike faith By thee the Trinitie is glorified and adored in al the vvorld by thee heauen reioyceth Angels and Archangels are glad diuels are put to flight and man is called againe to heauen and euery creature that vvas held vvith the errour of Idols is turned to the knowledge of the truth by thee Churches are foūded through the world thee being their helper the Gentiles come to penance and much more which we omit Likewise the Greeke Liturgies or Masses of S. Iames S. Basil and
emulatiō * sold Ioseph into Aegypt and God vvas vvith him ✝ verse 10 and deliuered him out of al his tribulations and he * gaue him grace and vvisedom in the sight of Pharao the king of Aegypt and he appointed him Gouernour ouer Aegypt and ouer al his house ✝ verse 11 And there came famin vpon al Aegypt and Chanaan and great tribulation and our fathers found no victuals ✝ verse 12 But vvhen * Iacob had heard that there vvas corne in Aegypt he sent our fathers first ✝ verse 13 and at the * secōd time Ioseph vvas knovven of his brethren and his kinred vvas made knovven vnto Pharao ✝ verse 14 And Ioseph sending called thither Iacob his father and al his kinred in seuentie fiue soules ✝ verse 15 And * Iacob descended into Aegypt and * he died and our fathers ✝ verse 16 And they vvere translated into Sichem and vvere * laid in the sepulchre that Abraham * bought for a price of siluer of the sonnes of Hemor the sonne of Sichem ✝ verse 17 And vvhen the time drevv neere of the promisse vvhich God had promised to Abraham the people * increased and vvas multiplied in Aegypt ✝ verse 18 vntil an other king arose in Aegypt that knevv not Ioseph ✝ verse 19 This same circumuenting our stocke afflicted our fathers that they should expose their children to the end they might not be kept aliue ✝ verse 20 The same time vvas * Moyses borne and he vvas acceptable to God who was nourished three moneths in his fathers house ✝ verse 21 And vvhen he vvas exposed Pharaos daughter tooke him vp and nourished him for her ovvne sonne ✝ verse 22 And Moyses vvas instructed in al the vvisedom of the Aegyptians and he vvas mightie in his vvordes and vvorkes ✝ verse 23 And * vvhen he vvas fully of the age of fourtie yeres it came to his minde to visite his brethren the children of Israël ✝ verse 24 And vvhen he had seen one suffer vvrong he defended him and striking the Aegyptian he reuenged his quarel that susteined the vvrong ✝ verse 25 And he thought that his brethren did vnderstand that God by his hand vvould saue them but they vnderstood it not ✝ verse 26 And the day folovving * he appeared to them being at strife and he reconciled them vnto peace saying Men ye are brethren vvherfore hurt you one an other ✝ verse 27 But he that did the iniurie to his neighbour repelled him saying Vvho hath appointed thee prince and iudge ouer vs ✝ verse 28 Vvhat vvilt thou kil me as thou didst yesterday kil the Aegyptian ✝ verse 29 And Moyses fled vpon this vvord and he became a seiourner in the land of Madian vvhere he begat tvvo sonnes ✝ verse 30 And after fourtie yeres vvere expired there * appeared to him in the desert of mount Sina an Angel in the fire of the flame of a bush ✝ verse 31 And Moyses seeing it marueled at the vision And as he vvent neere to vevve it the voice of our Lord vvas made to him ✝ verse 32 I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob And Moyses being made to tremble durst not vevve it ✝ verse 33 And our Lord said to him Loose of the shoe of thy feete for the place vvherein thou standest is ″ holy ground ✝ verse 34 Seeing I haue seen the affliction of my people vvhich is in Aegypt and I haue heard their groning and am descended to deliuer them And novv come and I vvil send thee into Aegypt ✝ verse 35 This Moyses vvhom they denied saying Vvho hath appointed the prince and Captaine him God sent prince redeemer vvith the hand of the Angel that appeared to him in the bush ✝ verse 36 He * brought them forth doing vvonders and signes in the land of Aegypt and in the redde sea and in the * desert fourtie yeres ✝ verse 37 This is that Moyses vvhich said to the children of Israël A prophet vvil God raise vp to you of your ovvne brethren at my self him you shal heare ✝ verse 38 This is he that * vvas in the assemblie in the vvildernesse vvith the Angel that spake to him in Mount-Sina and vvith our fathers vvho receiued the vvordes of life to giue vnto vs. ✝ verse 39 To vvhom our fathers vvould not be obedient but they repelled him and in their hartes turned avvay into Aegypt ✝ verse 40 saying to Aaron Make vs goddes that may goe before vs for this Moyses that brought vs out of the land of Aegypt vve knovv not vvhat is befallen to him ✝ verse 41 And they made a calfe in those daies and offered sacrifice to the Idol and reioyced in the vvorkes of their ovvne handes ✝ verse 42 And God turned and deliuered them vp to serue the host of heauen as it is vvritten in the booke of the Prophets Did you offer victims and hostes vnto me fourtie yeres in the desert O house of Israël ✝ verse 43 And you tooke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of your God Rempham figures vvhich you made to adore them And I vvil translate you beyond Babylon ✝ verse 44 The tabernacle of testimonie vvas among our fathers in the desert as God ordained speaking to Moyses that he should make it according to the forme vvhich he had seen ✝ verse 45 Vvhich our fathers * vvith Iesus receiuing brought it in also into the possession of the Gentiles vvhich God expelled from the face of our fathers till in the daies of Dauid ✝ verse 46 Vvho found grace before God and * desired that he might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob ✝ verse 47 And * Salomon built him a house ✝ verse 48 But the Highest dvvelleth ″ not in houses * made by hand as the prophet saith ✝ verse 49 Heauen is my seate and the earth the foote-stole of my feete Vvhat house vvil you build me saith our Lord or vvhat place is there of my resting ✝ verse 50 Hath not my hand made al these things ✝ verse 51 You stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hartes and eares you alvvaies resist the holy Ghost as your fathers your selues also ✝ verse 52 Vvhich of the prophets did not your fathers persecute And they slevve them that foretold of the comming of the Iust one of vvhom novv ✝ verse 53 you haue been betraiers and murderers vvho receiued the Lavv by the disposition of Angels and haue not kept it ✝ verse 54 And hearing these things they vvere cut in their hartes and they gnashed vvith their teeth at him ✝ verse 55 But he being ful of the holy Ghost looking stedfastly vnto heauen savv the glorie of God and IESVS standing on the right hand of God ✝ verse 56 And he said Behold I see the heauens opened and the Sonne of
is taken Act. 21 and from the Tribune Lysias deliuered to Felix the Gouernour Act. 23 and by him left to Festus Act. 24. he appealeth to Caesar Act. 25 and so is SENT TO ROME Act. 27 vvhere he arriueth Act. 28. Neronis Natiuit Ascen   2 58 25 At Rome he remaineth in free prison tvvo yere Act. 28. and then is deliuered 2 Tim. 4.       After his deliuerie he preached in sundrie countries of the vvest namely in Spaine Hiero. in Cataloge Epiph. Hares 27. Him self vvriteth that he purposed so to doe Ro. 15.       In his Epistle to the Philippians c. ● he minded to vis●e the Churches of Asia vvhich also he did Genebrard in Chron.       He vvriteth last of al his second Epistle to Timothee a litle before his death 2 Tim. 4. being novv the second time apprehended and in bandes at Rome Theodoret. 14 70 37 He vvas beheaded at Rome the same day that Peter vvas crucified S. Ambros ser 〈◊〉 68. S Maximus OF THE OTHER APOSTLES THE Actes of the rest of the tvvelue Apostles be not much vvritten of in this booke but as * other Eccles●●stical writers do te●tifie they preached specially in these nations as folovveth Andrevv in A●haia Iohn in Asia Philip in Pbrygia Iames in Ievvrie Bartholomevv in Scythia Thomas in India Matthevv in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadd●us in Mesopotamia the other Iames in Spaine Matthias in Palestine So distributing them selues through out the vvorld to gather one Catholike Church of al Nations according as Christ gaue them commission Mat. 28 19 and as it vvas prophecied of them before Psal 18. Their sound is gone forth into euery countrie and their wordes into the endes of the whole world But before they departed one from an other the time vvhereof is not certainely knovven * al Tvvelue assembling together ful of the Holy Ghost eche laying dovvne his sentence agreed vpon tvvelue principal articles of the Christian faith and appointed them for a rule to al beleeuers Vvhich is therfore called and is THE APOSTLES CREDE Not vvritten in paper as the Scripture but from the Apostles deliuered by tradition Ruff. Hiero. locis citatis Vvhich as of old Hiero. cont Lucifer so at this day al solemnely professe in their Baptisme either by them selues or by others and al that be of age and capacitie are bound to know and beleeue euery article of the ●ame Vvhich are these that folovv THE APOSTLES CREDE or SYMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie creator of heauen and earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord. 3 Vvho vvas conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin MARIE 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into Hel. 5 The third day be rose againe from death 6 Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hād of God the Father almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of saincts 10 Forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLES IN GENERAL AFTER the Gospels vvhich is a storie of Christ himselfe and after the Actes of the Apostles Vvhich is a storie of Christes Church novv folovv the Epistles of the Apostles vvhich they vvrote of such matters as they had then occasion to vvrite of For being the founders and the Doctors of the Church they did in their time as the Doctors that succeeded them did after them vvho from the beginning vnto this day haue vvritten Epistles Bookes against heresies euer as they arose and of al other Ecclesiastical matters as they had occasion ministred vnto them Of vvhich their doing the Apostles first gaue here the ensample as also S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles led the vvay to al the writers of the Ecclesiastical Historie after him For al though there be no comparison betvvene them for authoritie for asmuch as these are Cannonical Scripture and so are not any vvritings of their successors yet the occasions and matters as I haue said are like Most of these Epistles are S. Paules Epistles the rest are called * Catholicae Epistolae the Epistles Catholike For S. Paul vvriteth not any Epistle to al hovvbeit euery one of them is for al the Church but some to particular Churches of the Gentils as to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians some to particular persons as to Timothee to Tite vvho vvere Bishops among the Gentiles to vvit of Ephesus and of Crete and to Philémon and then one to the Hebrevves vvho vvere the Ievves of Hierusalem and Iurie But the Epistles of the other Apostles that is of S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude are not so intituled to any one Church or person except S. Iohns tvvo later short Epistles vvhich yet might not be separated from his first because they vvere al of one Author and therefore they are termed Catholike that is vniuersal For so vvriteth S. Iames To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion greeting and S. Peter in his first Epistle thus To the elect strāgers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia in his second thus To them that haue obteined equal faith vvith vs. likevvise S. Iude To them that are in God the father beloued and in Iesus Christ preserued and called S. Iohns first is vvithout title Novv for the occasions of their vvriting vvhereby vve shal perceiue the matters or arguments that they handle it must be remembred as the Storie of that time in the Actes of the Apostles doth at large declare that the Church then beginning vvas planted by the Apostles not onely in the Ievves but also in the Gentiles yea and specially in the Gentiles Vvhich thing offended the Ievves many waies For they could not abide to see so much as their owne Countrie to receiue him for CHRIST vvhom they had reiected and crucified much lesse to see them preach him to the Gentiles also that offended euen those Ievves also that beleeued him to be Christ Hovvbeit such of them as vvere Catholikes and therefore not obstinat vvere satisfied vvhen they vnderstood by the Apostles that it vvas Gods pleasure as Act. 11. vve reade But others of the became heretikes preached to the Christian Gentiles that it vvas necessary for them to receiue also the Ievves religion Of such vve reade Act. 15. Vnles you be circumcised you can not be saued And as these did so preach against the truth so did the vnchristened Ievves not onely them selues persecute but also stirre vp the Idolatrous Gentiles euery vvhere to persecute the Christians by such obstinacie prouoking God to reprobate theire Nation vvhich yet they thought vnpossible to be done because they vvere the seede of Abraham and
Al vvhich being vvel considered the Heretikes are to contentious and incredulous to discredite the same as they commonly doe CHAP. XII 4 The great dragen the Diuel vvatching the vvoman that brought forth a man childe to deuoure it God tooke avvay the childe to him self and fed the vvoman in the desert 7 Michael fighting vvith the dragon ouercōmeth him 13 vvho being throvven dovvne to the earth persen●teth the vvomā her seede verse 1 AND a great signe appeared in heauen a vvoman clothed vvith the sunne and the moone vnder her feete on her head a crovvne of tvvelue starres ✝ verse 2 being with childe she cried also traueling and is in anguish to be deliuered ✝ verse 3 And there vvas seen an other signe in heauen and behold a great red dragon hauing seuē heades ten hornes and on his heades seuen diademes ✝ verse 4 his taile drevv the third part of the starres of heauen and cast them to the earth and the dragon stoode before the vvoman vvhich vvas ready to be deliuered that vvhen she should be deliuered he might deuoure her sonne ✝ verse 5 And she brought forth a man childe vvho vvas * to gouerne al nations in an yron rodde her sonne vvas taken vp to God and to his throne ✝ verse 6 ″ the vvoman fled into the vvildernesse where she had a place prepared of God that there they might feede her a thousand tvvo hundred sixtie daies ✝ verse 7 And there vvas made ″ a great battel in heauen Michael and his Angels fought vvith the dragon and the dragon fought and his Angels ✝ verse 8 and they preuailed not neither vvas their place found any more in heauen ✝ verse 9 And that great dragon vvas cast forth the old serpent vvhich is called the Deuil and Satan vvhich seduceth the vvhole vvorld and he vvas cast into the earth his Angels vvere throvven downe vvith him ✝ verse 10 And I heard a great voice in heauen saying Novv is there made saluation and force and the kingdom of our God and the povver of his Christ because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth vvho accused them before the sight of our God day and night ✝ verse 11 And they ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe and by the vvord of their testimonie and they loued not their liues euen vnto death ✝ verse 12 Therfore reioyce ô heauens and you that dvvel therein Vvo to the earth and to the sea because the Diuel is descēded to you hauing great vvrath knovving that he hath a litle time ✝ verse 13 And after the dragon savv that he vvas throvven into the earth he persecuted the vvomā vvhich brought forth the man-childe ✝ verse 14 and there vvere giuen to the vvoman tvvo vvinges of a great egle that shee might flie into the desert vnto her place vvhere she is nourished for a time times halfe a time from the face of the serpent ✝ verse 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the vvoman vvater as it vvere a floud that he might make her ″ to be caried avvay vvith the floud ✝ verse 16 And the earth holpe the vvoman and the earth opened her mouth and svvallovved vp the floud vvhich the dragon cast out of his mouth ✝ verse 17 And the dragon vvas angrie against the vvoman and vvent to make battel vvith the rest of her seede vvhich keepe the commaundements of God and haue the testimonie of IESVS Christ ✝ verse 18 And he stood vpon the sand of the sea ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 6. The vvoman fled This great persecution that the Church shal flee from is in the time of Antichrist and shal endure but three yeres and a halfe as is noted v. 14 in the margent In vvhich time for al that she shal not vvant our Lordes protection nor true Pastors nor be so secrete but al faithful men shal knovv and folovv her much lesse shal she decay erre in faith or degenerate and folovv Antichrist as Heretikes do vvickedly feine As the Church Catholike novv in England in this time of persecution because it hath no publike state of regiment nor open free exercise of holy functions may be said to be fled into the desert yet it is neither vnknovven to the faithful that folovv it nor the enemies that persecute it as the hidde company that the protestants talke of vvas for some vvorldes together neither knovven to their frendes nor foes because there vvas in deede none such for many ages together And this is true if vve take this flight for a very corporal retiring into vvildernes Vvhere in deede it may be and is of most expounded to be a spiritual flight by forsaking the ioyes and solaces of the vvorld and giuing her self to contemplation and penance during the time of persecution vnder Antichrist And by enlarging the sense it may also very vvel signifie the desolation and affliction that the Church suffereth and hath suffered from time to time in this vvildernes of the vvorld by al the forerunners and ministers of Antichrist Tyrants and Heretikes 7. A great battel In the Church there is a perpetual combat betvvixt S. Michael protector of the Church militant as he vvas sometime of the Ievves Synagogue Dan. 10 21 and his Angels and the Deuil and his ministers the perfect victorie ouer vvhom shal be at the iudgement Marke here also the cause vvhy S. Michael is commonly painted fighting vvith a dragon 15. To be caried avvay By great persecution he vvould dravv her that is her children from the true faith but euery one of the faithful elect gladly bearing their part thereof ouercome his tyranoie At vvhose constancie he being the more offended vvorketh malicious attempts in assaulting the frailer sort vvho are here signified by the rest of her seede that keepe the commaundemants but are not so perfect as the former CHAP. XIII 1 A beast rising vp out of the sea hauing seuen heades and ten hornes ten diademes 5 blasphemeth God 7 and vvarreth against the Saincts destroieth them 11 And an other beast rising out of the earth vvith tvvo hornes vvas altogether for the foresaid beast constraining men to make and adore the image thereof and to haue the character of his name verse 1 AND I savv ″ a beast comming vp from the sea hauing seuen heades and ten hornes vpon his hornes ten diademes and vpon his heades names of blasphemie ✝ verse 2 And the beast vvhich I savv vvas like to a libarde and his feete as of a beare and his mouth as the mouth of a lion And the dragon gaue him his ovvne force and great povver ✝ verse 3 And I savv one of his heades as it vvere slaine to death and the vvound of his death vvas cured And al the earth vvas in admiration after the beast ✝ verse 4 And they adored the dragon vvhich gaue povver to the beast
came into the land of Israel ✝ verse 22 But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Ievvrie for Herod his father he feared to goe thither and being vvarned in sleepe retyred into the quarters of Galilee ✝ verse 23 And coming he dvvelt in a citie called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by the Propheres That he shal be called a Nazarite ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Behold Our Lordes apparition or Epiphanie to these Sages being Gentils their Pilgrimage to him and in them the first homage of Gentilitie done vnto him the twelfth day after his Natiuitie and therfore is Twelfth day highly celebrated in the Catholike Churche for ioy of the calling of vs Gentils His baptisme also and first miracle are celebrated on the same day 2. Starre Christs Natiuitie depended not vpon this starre as the Priscillianists falsely surmised but the starre vpon his Natiuitie for the seruice wherof it was created Grego Ho. 10. 2. Come to adore This coming so far of deuotion to visite and adore Christ in the place of his birth was proprely a Pilgrimage to his person and warranteth the faithful in the like kind of external worship done to holy persons places and things 4. Inquired of them The high Priests were rightly consulted in quaestion of their law and religion and be they neuer so il are often forced to say the truth by priuilege of their v●ction as here and after they did concerning the true Messias 11. Adored him This body saith S. Chrysostom the Sages adored in the cribbe Let vs at the least imitate them thou seest him not now in the cribbe but on the altar not a woman holding him but the Priest present and the Holy Ghost powred out aboundantly vpon the sacrifice Ho. 24. in 1. Cor. Ho. 7. in Mt. Ho. de sancto Philogonio 11. Treasures These treasures are as it were the first fruites of those riches and gifts which according to the Prophecies of Dauid and Esay Gentilitie should offer to Christ and his Churche and now haue offered specially from the time of Constantine the Great As also these three Sages being principal men of their Countrie represent the whole state of Princes kings and Emperours that were according to the said Prophecies to beleeue in Christ to humble them selues to his crosse to foster enriche adorne and defend his Church Wherevpon it is also a very conuenient and agreable tradition of antiquitie and a receiued opinion among the faithful * not lacking testimonies of ancient writers and much for the honour of our Sauiour that these three also were kings to Witte either according to the state of those Countries * where the Princes were Magi and * Magi the greatest about the Prince or as we read in the Scriptures of Melchisedec king of Salem and many other kings that dwelt within a small compasse or as * Iobes three freendes are called kings These are commonly called the three kings of Colen because their bodies are there translated thither from the East Countrie their names are said to haue been Gaspar Melchior Baltasar 11. Gifts These Sages were three and their gifts three and eche one offered euerie of the three to expresse our faith of the Trinitie The Gold to signifie that he was a King the frankincense that he was God the myrrhe that he was to be buried as man Aug. ser i. de Epiph. 15. Out of Aegypt This place of the Prophete and the like in the new Testament here applied to Christ wheras in the letter it might seeme otherwise reacheth vs how to interprete the old Testament and that the principal sense is of Christ and his Churche 16. Murdered By this example we learne how great credite we owe to the Churche in Canonizing Saints and celebrating their holy daies by whose only warrant without any word of Scripture these holy Innocents haue been honoured for Martyrs and their holy day kept euer since the Apostles time although they died not voluntarily nor al perhaps circuncised and some the children of Pagans Aug. ep ●● Orig. ho. 1. in diuersos CHAP. III. Iohn Baptist by his Eremites life by his preaching and baptisme calleth al vnto penance to prepare them to Christ 10. He preacheth to the Pharisees and Sadducees threatening to them vnles they truly doe penance reprobation here and damnation hereafter and so saluation sendeth them to Christ and his baptisme Which being far more excellent then Iohns yet Christ him self among those penitents vouchsafeth to come vnto Iohns baptisme where he hath testimonie from heauen also verse 1 AND in those dayes * cometh Iohn the Baptist preaching in the ″ desert of Ievvrie ✝ verse 2 saying ″ Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 3 For this is he that vvas spoken of by Esay the Prophet saying A voyce of one crying in the desert prepare ye the way of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 And the sayd Iohn had his garment of camels heare a girdle of a skinne about his loynes and his meate was locustes vvilde honie ✝ verse 5 Then vvent forth to him Hierusalem al Ievvrie and al the countrey about Iordan ✝ verse 6 vvere baptized of him in Iordan ″ confessing their sinnes ✝ verse 7 And seeing many of the Pharisees Sadducées coming to his baptisme he sayd to them Ye vipers brood vvho hath shevved you to flee from the vvrath to come ✝ verse 8 Yeld therfore ″ fruite vvorthie of penance ✝ verse 9 And delite not to say vvithin your selues vve haue Abraham to our father for I tel you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children to Abraham ✝ verse 10 For novv the ″ axe is put to the roote of the trees Euery tree therefore that doth not yeld good fruite shal be cut dovvne cast into the fyre ✝ verse 11 I in deede baptize you ″ in vvater vnto penance but he that shal come after me is stronger then I vvhose shoes I am not vvorthie to beare he shal baptize you in the Holy Ghost fire ✝ verse 12 Whose fanne is in his hand and he shal cleane purge his ″ floore and he vvil gather his vvheate into the barne but the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 13 Then cometh IESVS from Galilee to Iordan vnto Iohn to be baptized of him ✝ verse 14 But Iohn stayed him saying I ought to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me ✝ verse 15 And IESVS ansvvering sayd to him Suffer me for this time for so it becommeth vs to fulfil al iustice Then he suffered him ✝ verse 16 And IESVS being baptized forthvvith came out of the vvater and loe the heauens vvere ″ opened to him and he savv the Spirit of God descending as a doue coming vpon him ✝ verse 17 And behold a voyce from heauen saying This is
thereof ✝ verse 35 And the husbandmen apprehending his seruants one they beat an other they killed and an other they stoned ✝ verse 36 Againe he sent other seruants moe then the former and they did to them likevvise ✝ verse 37 And last of al he sent to them his sonne saying They vvil reuerence my sonne ✝ verse 38 But the husbandmen seeing the sonne said vvithin them selues This is the heire come let vs kil him and vve shal haue his inheritaunce ✝ verse 39 And apprehending him they cast him forth out of the vineyard and killed him ✝ verse 40 When therfore the lord of the vineyard shal come vvhat vvil he doe to those husbandmen ✝ verse 41 They say to him The naughtie men he vvil bring to naught and his vineyard he vvil let out to other husbandmen that shal render him the fruite in their seasons ✝ verse 42 IESVS saith to them Haue you neuer read in the Scriptures The stone which the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner By our lord was this done and it is maruelous in our eyes ✝ verse 43 Therfore I say to you that the kingdom of God shal be taken avvay from you and shal be giuen to a nation yelding the fruites thereof ✝ verse 44 And * he that falleth vpon this stone shal be broken and on vvhom it falleth it shal al to bruise him ✝ verse 45 And vvhen the cheefe Priestes and Pharisees had heard his parables they knevve that he spake of them ✝ verse 46 And seeking to lay hands vpon him they feared the multitudes because they held him as a Prophet ● ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXI 2. You shal finde Christ by diuine power both knewe where these beasts were being absent and commaunded them for his vse being an other mans and sodenly made the colt fitte to be ridden on neuer broken before 7. The asse and the col● This asse vnder yoke signifieth the Iewes vnder the Law and vnder God their Lord as it were his old and ancient people the yong colt now first ridden on by Christ signifieth the Gentiles wilde hitherto and not broken now to be called to the faith and to receiue our Sauiours yoke And therfore the three last Euangelists writing specially to the Gentils make mention of the colt only 8. Garments in the way These offices of honour done to our Saulour extraordinarily were very acceptable and for a memory hereof the holy Church maketh a solemne Procession euery yere vpon this day specially in our Countrie when it was Catholike with the B. Sacrament reuerently caried as it were Christ vpon the asse and strawing of rushes and floures bearing of Palmes setting vp boughes spredding and hanging vp the richest clothes the quire and queristers singing as here the children and the people al done in a very goodly ceremonie to the honour of Christ and the memorie of his triumphe vpon this day The like seruice and the like duties done to him in al other solemne Processions of the B. Sacrament and otherwise be vndoubtedly no lesse grateful 9. Hosanna These very wordes of ioyful crie and triumphant voice of gratulation to our Sauiour holy Church vseth alwaies in the Preface of the Masse as it were the voice of the Priest and al the people who then specially are attent and deuout immediatly before the Consecration and Eleuation as it were expecting and reioycing at his comming 13. House of prayer Note here that he calleth external sacrifice out of the Prophete Esay prayer For he speaketh of the Temple which was builded properly and principally for sacrifice 16. Mouth of infants Yong childrens prayers proceding from the instinct of Gods spirit be acceptable and so the voices of the like or of other simple folke now in the Church though them selues vnderstand not particularly what they say be maruelous grateful to Christ 22. Beleeuing In respect of our owne vnworthinesse and of the things not alwaies expedient for vs we may wel doubt when we pray whether we shal obtaine or no● but on Gods part we must beleeue that is we must haue no diffidence or mistrust either of his power or of his wil if we be worthy and the thing expedient And therfore S. Marke hath thus Haue ye faith of God 23. In what power The Heretikes presumptuously thinke them selues in this point like to Christ because they are asked in what power they come and who sent them but when they haue answered this question as fully as Christ did here by that which he insinuateth of Iohns testimonie for his authority they shal be heard and til then they shal be stil taken for those of whom God speaketh by the Prophete They ●anne and I sent them not 28. The first The first sonne here is the people of the Gentils because Gentility was before there was a peculiar and chosen people of the Iewes and therfore the Iewes here as the later are signified by the other sonne CHAP. XXII Yet by one other parable he fore sheweth the most deserued reprobation of the earthly and persecuting Iewes and the gratious vocation of the Gentils in their place 15 Then he defeateth the snare of the Pharisees and Herodians about paying tribute to Caesar 23 He answereth also the inuention of the Sadducees against the Resurrection 34 and a question that the Pharisees aske to pose him turning and posing them againe because they imagined that Christ should be no more then a man 〈◊〉 and so he putteth al the busy Secte● to silence verse 1 AND IESVS ansvvering spake againe in parables to them saying ✝ verse 2 The kingdom of heauen is likened to a man being a king vvhich made a ● mariage to his sonne ✝ verse 3 And he sent his ● seruants to call them that vvere inuited to the mariage and they vvould not come ✝ verse 4 Againe he sent other seruants saying Tel them that vvere inuited Behold I haue prepared my dinner my beeues and fatlings are killed and al things are ready come ye to the mariage ✝ verse 5 But they neglected and vvent their vvaies ● one to his farme and an other to his merchandise ✝ verse 6 and the rest laid hands vpon his seruants and spitefully intreating them murdered them ✝ verse 7 But vvhen the king had heard of it he vvas vvroth and sending his hostes destroied those murderers and burnt their citie ✝ verse 8 Then he saith to his seruants The mariage in deede is ready but they that vvere inuited vvere not vvorthie ✝ verse 9 Goe ye therfore into the high vvayes and vvhosoeuer you shal finde call to the mariage ✝ verse 10 And his seruants going forth into the vvayes gathered together al that they found bad and good and the mariage vvas filled vvith ghestes ✝ verse 11 And the king vvent in to see the ghestes and he savv there a man not attired in a vvedding garment ✝ verse 12 And he
verse 16 * And passing by the sea of Galilee he savv Simon and Andrevv his brother casting nettes into the sea for they vvere fishers ✝ verse 17 and IESVS said to them Come after me and I vvil make you to become fishers of men ✝ verse 18 And immediatly leauing their nettes they folovved him ✝ verse 19 And being gone thence a litle further he savv Iames of Zebedee and Iohn his brother and them repairing their nettes in the sippe ✝ verse 20 and forthvvith he called them And leauing their father Zebedee in the shippe vvith his hired men they folovved him ✝ verse 21 And * they enter into Capharnaum and he forthvvith vpon the Sabboths going into the Synagogue taught them ✝ verse 22 And they vvere astonied at his doctrine for he vvas teaching them as hauing povver and not as the Scribes ✝ verse 23 And * there vvas in their Synagogue a man in an vncleane spirit and he cried out ✝ verse 24 saying what to vs and to thee IESVS of Nazareth art thou come to destroy vs I knovv vvho thou art the Sainct of God ✝ verse 25 And IESVS threatened him saying Hold thy peace and goe out of the man ✝ verse 26 And the vncleane spirit tearing him and crying out vvith a great voice vvent out of him ✝ verse 27 And they marueled al in so much that they questioned among them selues saying what thing is this vvhat is this nevv doctrine for vvith povver he commaundeth the vncleane spirits also and they obey him ✝ verse 28 And the bruite of him vvent forth in continent into al the countrie of Galilee ✝ verse 29 And immediatly * going forth out of the Synagogue they came into the house of Simon and Andrevv vvith Iames and Iohn ✝ verse 30 And Simons vviues mother lay in a fit of a feuer and forthvvith they tel him of her ✝ verse 31 And comming neere he lifted her vp taking her by the hand and incōtinent the ague left her and she ministred vnto them ✝ verse 32 And vvhen it vvas euening after sunne set they brought to him al that vvere il at ease and that had deuils ✝ verse 33 And al the citie vvas gathered together at the doore ✝ verse 34 And he cured many that vvere vexed vvith diuerse diseases and he cast out many deuils and he suffered not them to speake that they knevv him ✝ verse 35 And rising very early and going forth he vvent into a desert place and there he prayed ✝ verse 36 And Simon sought after him and they that vvere vvith him ✝ verse 37 And vvhen they had found him they said to him That al seeke for thee ✝ verse 38 And he saith to them Let vs goe into the next tovvnes and cities that I may preach there also for to this purpose am I come ✝ verse 39 And he vvas preaching in their Synagogs and in al Galilee and casting out deuils ✝ verse 40 And a * leper commeth to him beseeching him and kneeling dovvne saith to him If thou vvilt thou canst make me cleane ✝ verse 41 And IESVS hauing compassion on him stretched forth his hand and touching him he saith vnto him I vvil be thou made cleane ✝ verse 42 And vvhen he had spoken immediatly the leprosie departed from him and he vvas made cleane ✝ verse 43 And he threatened him and forthvvith cast him forth ✝ verse 44 and he saith to him See thou tel no body but goe shevv thy self to the high priest and offer for thy cleansing the things that * Moyses commaunded for a testimonie to them ✝ verse 45 But he being gone forth began to publish and to blase abrode the vvord so that novv he could not openly goe into the citie but vvas abrode in desert places and they came together vnto him from al sides ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. Confessing their sinnes A certaine confession of sinnes there was euen in that penance which Iohn preached and which was made before men were baptized Whereby it is cleere that Iohn made a preparation to the Sacrament of Penance which afterward was instituted by Christ as wel as he did by baptizing prepare the way to Christs baptisme 5. Their sinnes He doth not say that they confessed them selues to be sinners which may be done by a general confession but that they confessed their sinnes which is a particular confession 6. Clothed The Holy Ghost thought it worthy of speciall reporting how straitly this Prophete li●ed and how he abstained from delicate meates and apparel See M●t. c. 3. 8. With water Iohn with water only Christ with the Holy Ghost not only as the Heretikes hold that say water is not necessary but with water and the Holy Ghost as it is plaine Io. 3. vnles a man be borne againe of water and the Holy Ghost he shal not enter into the kingdom of heauen 9. Baptized of Iohn The humility of Christ not disdaining his seruants baptisme Which is an example for al faithful not to disdaine Christs Sacraments of any Priest be he neuer so simple being by the Catholike Church lawfully called Aug. li. 5 de bapt c. 9. 10. The Spirit Expresse mention of the B. Trinitie the Father speaketh from heauen the Holy Ghost appeareth in the likenesse of a doue the Sonne also is recommended vnto vs. Ambros li. 1 de Sacram. c. 5. 12. Desert Christ doing penance by long fasting solitarinesse and conuersing with wilde beastes gaue example and instruction to the Church for Lent fast and to holy Eremites of retiring them selues to the wildernesse and prayer 35. Desert place Christ vsed very often to retire into solitary places no doubt for our example to teach vs that such places are best for prayer and contemplation and that we should often retire our selues from worldly matters to solitary meditation of heauenly things CHAP. II. Against the Scribes and Pharisees he defendeth first his povver to remitte sinnes in earth 〈◊〉 and his eating vvith sinners as being the Physici●n of soules signified in those his miraculous cures vpon bodies 〈◊〉 then also he defendeth his Disciples not hauing as yet any fastes by him prescribed vnto them and plucking ●ares of corne vpon the Sabboth signifying vvithal that he vvil change their ceremonies verse 1 AND againe he entred into Capharnaum after some daies and it vvas heard that he vvas in the house ✝ verse 2 and many came together so that there vvas no place no not at the doore and he spake to them the vvord ✝ verse 3 And they came to him bringing one sicke of the palsey vvho vvas caried of foure ✝ verse 4 And vvhen they could not offer him vnto him for the multitude they ● vncouered the roofe vvhere he vvas and opening it they did let dovvne the couche vvherein the sicke of the palsey lay ✝ verse 5 And vvhen IESVS had seen their faith he saith to the ● sicke
And he spake the vvord openly And Peter taking him began to rebuke him ✝ verse 33 Who turning and seeing his Disciples threatened Peter saying Goe behind me Satan because thou sauourest not the things that are of God but that are of men ✝ verse 34 And calling the multitude together vvith his Disciples he said to them If any man vvil folovv me let him deny him self and take vp his crosse and folovv me ✝ verse 35 For he that vvil saue his life shal lose it and he that shal lose his life ″ for me and the Gospel shal saue it ✝ verse 36 For vvhat shal it profit a man if he ″ gaine the vvhole vvorld and suffer damage of his soule ✝ verse 37 Or vvhat permutation shal a man giue for his soule ✝ verse 38 For he that shal be ashamed of me and of my vvordes in this aduouterous and sinful generation the Sonne of man also vvil be ashamed of him vvhen he shal come in the glorie of his father vvith the holy Angels ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VIII 6. Gaue to his disciples He serueth the people not immediatly him self but by the Apostles ministerie to teach vs that we must receiue Christes Sacraments and doctrine not at our owne hand but of his Priests and our Pastours 7. Blessed them So is it in some ancient Greeke copies agreable to our Latin and in S. Luke expresly in the common Greeke text that he blessed the fiue loaues and the two fishes which must be alwaies marked against the Heretikes which denie this blessing to pertaine to the creatures but ●eine it alwaies to be referred to God for thanks giuing For if it were so he would haue said grace but once for that whole refection but he did seuerally blesse both the bread first and afterward the fishes also multiplying them by his said blessing as * he did mankind and other creatures in the beginning by blessing them and so working effectually some change or alteration in the very creatures them selues 35. For me and the Gospel By the Gospel is signified not only the foure Euangelistes but al Scriptures and whatsoeuer Christ said that is not in Scripture for he saith in this very place He that shal be ashamed of my wordes the Sonne of man wil be ashamed of him c. Neither his owne wordes only but whatsoeuer the Apostles taught in word or writing for our Sauiour saith He that despiseth you despiseth me For defence of any of al these and of euery Article of the Catholike faith we ought to die and this is to lose our life for Christ and his Gospel 36. Gaine the whole world Let such note this that for feare or flattery of the world cōdescend to obey the vniust lawes of men touching religion against their owne consciences and be content for the rest of a few daies of this life and for sauing their temporal goods to lose their soule and the ioyes of heauen CHAP. IX The more to confirme them he giueth them in his Transfiguration a sight of his glorie wherevnto Suffering doth bring 9 and then againe doth inculcate his Passion 14 A Diuel also he casteth out which his Disciples vpon whom therfore the peruerse Scribes triumphed in his absence could not for lacke of fasting and praying 30 Being yet in Galilee he reuealeth more about his Passion 33 And because in the way to Capharnaum they contended for the Primacie he teacheth them that humility is the way to Primacie before God 38 bidding them also not to prohibit such as be not against them nor to giue scandal to any one of the faithful and on the other side the faithful to auoid them by whom they may be scandalized and fall be they neuer so neere vnto them verse 1 AND he said to them Amen I say to you that there be some of them that stand here vvhich shal not tast of death vntil they see the kingdom of God comming in povver ✝ verse 2 And after six daies IESVS ●aketh Peter and Iames and Iohn and bringeth them alone into a high mountaine apart and vvas transfigured before them ✝ verse 3 And his garments vvere made glistering and vvhite excedingly as snovv the like vvhereof a fuller cannot make vvhite vpon the earth ✝ verse 4 And there appeared to them Elias vvith Moyses and they vvere talking vvith IESVS ✝ verse 5 And Peter ansvvering said to IESVS Rabbi it is good for vs to be here and let vs make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moyses and one for Elias ✝ verse 6 For he knevv not vvhat he said for they vvere frighted vvith feare ✝ verse 7 and there vvas a cloude ouershadovving them and a voice came out of the cloude saying This is my Sonne most deere heare ye him ✝ verse 8 And immediatly looking about they savv no man any more but IESVS only vvith them ✝ verse 9 And as they descēded from the mountaine he commaunded them that they should not tel any man vvhat things they had seen but vvhen the Sonne of man shal be risen againe from the dead ✝ verse 10 And they kept in the vvord vvith them selues questioning together vvhat that should be when he shal be risen from the dead ✝ verse 11 And they asked him saying What say the Pharisees then and the Scribes that * Elias must come first ✝ verse 12 Who ansvvering said to them Elias vvhen he commeth first shal restore al things and hovv ' it is vvritten of the Sonne of man that he shal suffer many things and be contemned ✝ verse 13 But I say to you that ″ Elias also is come and they haue done to him vvhatsoeuer they vvould as it is vvritten of him ✝ verse 14 And * cōming to his Disciples he savv a great multitude about them and the Scribes questioning vvith them ✝ verse 15 And forth vvith al the people seeing IESVS vvas astonied and much afraid and running to him saluted him ✝ verse 16 And he asked them What do you question of among you ✝ verse 17 And one of the multitude ansvvering said Maister I haue brought my sonne to thee hauing a dumme spirit ✝ verse 18 who vvheresoeuer he taketh him dasheth him and he fometh and gnasheth vvith the teeth and vvithereth and I spake to thy Disciples to cast him out and they could not ✝ verse 19 Who ansvvering them said O incredulous generation hovv long shal I be vvith you hovv long shal I suffer you bring him vnto me ✝ verse 20 And they brought him And vvhen he had seen him immediatly the spirit troubled him and being throvven vpon the ground he tumbled foming ✝ verse 21 And he asked his father Hovv long time is it since this hath chaunced vnto him But he said From his infancie ✝ verse 22 and often times hath he cast him into fire and into vvaters to destroy him but if thou canst any thing helpe vs hauing compassion
the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 18 Many other things also exhorting did he euangelize to the people ✝ verse 19 * And Herod the Tetrarch vvhen he vvas rebuked of him for Herodias his brothers ' vvife and for al the euils vvhich Herod did ✝ verse 20 ″ he added this also aboue al and shut vp Iohn into prison ✝ verse 21 * And it came to passe vvhen al the people vvas baptized IESVS also being baptized and praying heauen vvas opened ✝ verse 22 and the Holy Ghost descended in corporal shape as a doue vpon him and a voice from heauen vvas made Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am vvel pleased ✝ verse 23 And IESVS him self was beginning to be about thirtie yeres old as it was thought the sonne of Ioseph vvho vvas ″ of Heli ✝ verse 24 vvho vvas of Matthat vvho vvas of Leui vvho vvas of Melchi vvho vvas of Ianné vvho vvas of Ioseph ✝ verse 25 vvho vvas of Matthathias vvho vvas of Amos vvho vvas of Naum vvho vvas of Hesli vvho vvas of Naggé ✝ verse 26 vvho vvas of Mahath vvho vvas of Matthathias vvho vvas of Semei vvho vvas of Ioseph vvho vvas of Iuda ✝ verse 27 vvho vvas of Iohanna vvho vvas of Resa vvho vvas of Zorobabel vvho vvas of Salathiel vvho vvas of Neri ✝ verse 28 vvho vvas of Melchi vvho vvas of Addi vvho vvas of Cosam vvho vvas of Elmadan vvho vvas of Her ✝ verse 29 vvho vvas of IesuS vvho vvas of Eliézer vvho vvas of Iorim vvho vvas of Matthat vvho vvas of Leui ✝ verse 30 vvho vvas of Simeon vvho vvas of Iudas vvho vvas of Ioseph vvho vvas of Iona vvho vvas of Eliacim ✝ verse 31 vvho vvas of Melcha vvho vvas of Menna vvho vvas of Matthatha vvho vvas of Nathan vvho vvas of Dauid ✝ verse 32 * vvho vvas of Iessé vvho vvas of Obed vvho vvas of Booz vvho vvas of Salmon vvho vvas of Naasson ✝ verse 33 vvho vvas of Aminadab vvho vvas of Aram vvho vvas of Efron vvho vvas of Phares vvho vvas of Iudas ✝ verse 34 vvho vvas of Iocob vvho vvas of Isaac vvho vvas of Abraham vvho vvas of Tharé vvho vvas of Nachor ✝ verse 35 vvho vvas of Sarug vvho vvas of Ragau vvho vvas of Phaleg vvho vvas of Heber vvho vvas of Salé ✝ verse 36 vvho vvas of Cainan vvho vvas of Arphaxad vvho vvas of Sem vvho vvas of Noë vvho vvas of Lamech ✝ verse 37 vvho vvas of Mathusalé vvho vvas of Henoch vvho vvas of Iared vvho vvas of Malaleel vvho vvas of Cainan ✝ verse 38 vvho vvas of Henos vvho vvas of Seth vvho vvas of Adam vvho vvas of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 20. He added this aboue al. The fault of Princes and other great men that can not only not abide to heare their faults but also punish by death or emprisonment such as reprehend them for the same specially if they warne them as Prophets and Priests doe from God is exceding great 23. Of Heli. Vvhereas in S. Matthevv Iacob is father to Ioseph and here Heli the case vvas thus Mathan named in S. Matthevv of his vvife called Escha begat Iacob and after his death Melchi named here in S. Luke of the same vvoman begat Heli so that Iacob and Heli vvere brethren of one mother This Heli therfore marrying and dying vvithout issue Iacob his brother according to the Lavv married his vvife and begat Ioseph and so raised vp seede to his brother Heli. whereby it came to passe that Iacob was the natural father of Ioseph which as S. Matthew saith begat him and Heli was his legal father according to the Law as S. Luke signifieth Euseb li. 1 Ec. Hist c. 7 Hiero. in 6. 1 Mat. Aug. li. 2 c. 2. 3 de cons Euang. CHAP. IIII. Christ going into the Desert to prepare him self before his manifestation ouercommeth the tentations of the Diuel 14 then beginning gloriously in Galilee 16 he sheweth to them of Nazareth his commission out of Esay the Prophet 23 insinuating by occasion the Ievves his countriemens reprobation 31 In Capharnaum his doctrine is admired 33 specially for his miracle in the Synagogue 38. from vvhich going to Peters house he shevveth there much more povver 42 Then retiring into the vvildernesse he preacheth aftervvard to the other cities of Galilee verse 1 AND IESVS ful of the Holy Ghost returned from Iordan and vvas driuen in the spirit into the desert ✝ verse 2 fourtie daies and vvas tempted of the deuil And he did eate nothing in those daies and vvhen they vvere ended he vvas an hungred ✝ verse 3 And the Deuil said to him If thou be the sonne of God say to this stone that it be made bread ✝ verse 4 And IESVS made ansvver vnto him It is vvritten That not in bread alone shal man liue but in euery vvord of God ✝ verse 5 And the Deuil brought him into an high mountaine and shevved him al the kingdoms of the vvhole vvorld in a moment of time ✝ verse 6 and he said to him To thee vvil I giue this vvhole povver and the glorie of them for to me they are deliuered and to vvhom I vvil I doe giue them ✝ verse 7 Thou therfore if thou vvilt adore before me they shal al be thine ✝ verse 8 And IESVS ansvvering said to him It is vvritten Thou shalt adore the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serue ✝ verse 9 And he brought him into Hierusalem and set him vpon the pinnacle of the temple and he said to him If thou be the sonne of God cast thy self from hence dovvnevvard ✝ verse 10 For it is vvritten that He hath giuen his Angels charge of thee that they preserue thee ✝ verse 11 and that in their hands they shal beare thee vp lest perhaps thou knocke thy foote against a stone ✝ verse 12 And IESVS ansvvering said to him It is said Thou shal not tempt the Lord thy God ✝ verse 13 And al the tentation being ended the Deuil ″ departed from him vntil a time ✝ verse 14 * And IESVS returned in the force of the spirit into Galilee and the fame vvent forth through the vvhole countrie of him ✝ verse 15 And he taught in their synagogues and vvas magnified of al. ✝ verse 16 * And he came to Nazareth vvhere he vvas brought vp and he entred according to his custom on the Sabboth day into the synagogue and he rose vp to reade ✝ verse 17 And the booke of Esay the Prophet vvas deliuered vnto him And as he vnfolded the booke he found the place vvhere it vvas vvritten ✝ verse 18 The Spirit of the Lord vpon me for vvhich he anointed me to euangelize vnto the poore he sent me to heale the contrite of hart ✝ verse 19 to preach to the captiues remission and sight to the blinde to dimisse the bruised vnto remissiō to
preach the acceptable yere of the Lord and the day of retribution ✝ verse 20 And vvhen he had folded the booke he rendred it to the minister and sate dovvne And the eies of al in the synagogue vvere bent vpon him ✝ verse 21 And he began to say vnto them That this day is fulfilled this scripture in your eares ✝ verse 22 And al gaue testimomonie to him and they marueled in the vvordes of grace that proceded from his mouth and they said Is not this Iosephs sonne ✝ verse 23 And he said to them Certes you vvil say to me this similitude Physicion cure they self as great things as vve haue heard ″ done in Capharnaum doe also here in thy countrie ✝ verse 24 And he said Amen I say to you that no Prophet is accepted in his ovvne countrie ✝ verse 25 In truth I say to you * there vvere many vvidovves in the daies of Elias in Israel vvhen the heauen vvas shut three yeres and six moneths vvhen there vvas a great famine made in the vvhole earth ✝ verse 26 and to none of them vvas Elias sent but into Sarepta of Sidon to a vvidovv vvoman ✝ verse 27 * And there vvere many lepers in Israel vnder Elisaeus the Prophet and none of them vvas made cleane but Naamā the Syrian ✝ verse 28 And al in the synagogue vvere filled vvith anger hearing these things ✝ verse 29 And they rose and cast him out of the citie and they brought him to the edge of the hil vvherevpon their citie vvas built that they might throvv him dovvne headlong ✝ verse 30 But he ″ passing through the middes of them vvent his vvay ⊢ ✝ verse 31 * And he vvent dovvne into Capharnaum a citie of Galilee and there he taught them on the Sabboths ✝ verse 32 And they vvere astonied at his doctrine because his talke vvas in povver ✝ verse 33 And in the synagogue there vvas a man hauing an vncleane Diuel and he cried out vvith a loud voice ✝ verse 34 saying Let be vvhat to vs and thee IESVS of Nazareth art thou come to destroy vs I know thee vvho thou art the SAINCT of God ✝ verse 35 And IESVS rebuked him saying Hold thy peace goe out of him And vvhen the Deuil had throvven him into the middes he vvent out of him and hurted him nothing ✝ verse 36 And there came feare vpon al and they talked together one vvith an other saying Vvhat vvord is this that in povver and vertue he commaundeth the vncleane spirits and they goe out ✝ verse 37 And the fame of him vvas published into euery place of the countrie ✝ verse 38 And IESVS rising vp out of the synagogue entred into Simons house * And ″ Simons vviues mother vvas holden vvith a great feuer and they besought him for her ✝ verse 39 And standing ouer her he commaunded the feuer and it left her And incontinent rising she ministred to them ✝ verse 40 And vvhen the sunne vvas dovvne al that had diseased of sundrie maladies brought them to him But he imposing hands vpon euery one cured them ✝ verse 41 And Deuils vvent out from many crying and saying That thou art the sonne of God And rebuking them he suffred them not to speake that they knevv he vvas Christ ✝ verse 42 And vvhen it vvas day going forth he vvent into a desert place and the multitudes sought him and came euen vnto him and they held him that he should not depart from them ✝ verse 43 To vvhom he said That to other cities also must I euangelize the kingdom of God because therfore I vvas sent ✝ verse 44 And he vvas preaching in the synagogs of Galilee ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 13. Departed vntil a time No maruel if the diuel be often or alvvaies busie vvith Christian men seeing after he was plainely ouercome by Christ yet did he not giue him ouer altogether but for a time 23. Done in Capharnaum God maketh choise of persons and places where he worketh miracles or doeth benefites though he might doe the same els where if it liked his wisedom So doth he in doing miracles by Saincts not in al places nor towards al persons but as it pleaseth him Aug. ep 〈◊〉 30. Passing through the middes of them Either by making him self inuisible or also more wonderfully penetrating the multitude and passing through them as he did through the doore his body either being without space of place or with other bodies in one place By al which and the like his doings mentioned in the Gospel it is euident that he can alter and order his body as he list aboue the natural conditions of a body 38. Simons wiues mother It is euident that Peter had a wife but after his calling to be an Apostle he leaft her as S. Hierom writeth in many places ep 14 c. 2 ad Iulianum Li. 1 adu Ionin See the Annot. Matth. 9 29. CHAP. V. Hauing taught the people out of Peters ship 4 he shevveth in a miraculous taking of fishes hovv he vvil make him the fisher of men 12 He cureth a leper by touching him and sendeth him to the Priest in vvitnesse that he is not against Moyses 15 The people flocking vnto him he retireth into the vvildernesse 17 To the Pharisees in a solemne assembly he proueth by a miracle his povver to remit sinnes in earth 27 He defendeth his eating vvith sinners as being the Physicion of soules 〈◊〉 and his not prescribing as yet of any fastes to his Disciples verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen the multitudes pressed vpon him to heare the vvord of God and him self stoode beside the lake of Genesareth ✝ verse 2 * And he savv tvvo shippes standing by the lake and the fishers vvere gone dovvne and vvashed their nettes ✝ verse 3 And he going vp into ″ one ship that vvas Simons desired him to bring it backe a litle from the land And sitting he taught the multitudes out of the ship ✝ verse 4 And as he ceased to speake he said to Simon Launche forth into the deepe and let loose your nettes to make a draught ✝ verse 5 And Simon ansvvering said to him Maister labouring al the night vve haue taken nothing but in thy vvord I vvil let loose the nette ✝ verse 6 And vvhen they had done this they inclosed ″ a very great multitude of fishes and their nette vvas broken ✝ verse 7 And they ″ beckened to their fellovves that vvere in the other ship that they should come and help them And they came and filled both shippes so that they did sinke ✝ verse 8 Vvhich vvhen Simon Peter did see he fel dovvne at IESVS knees saying Goe forth from me because I am a sinful man O Lord. ✝ verse 9 For he vvas vvholy astonished and al that vvere vvith him at the draught of fishes vvhich they had taken ✝ verse 10 In like maner also Iames
sinnes And we also haue obtained by him that wonderful grace for it is said to his Disciples Whose sinnes you shal remit they are remitted to them And how should not he be able to remit sinnes who gaue others power to doe the same 28 Leauing al folowed him The * profane Iulian charged Matthevv of to much lightnes to leaue al and folovv a stranger at one vvord but in deede hereby is seen the maruelous efficacie of Christes vvord and internal vvorking that in a moment can alter the hart of a man and cause him nothing to esteeme the things most deere vnto him Which he did not onely then in presence but also daily doth in the Church For so S. Antonie S. Francis and others by hearing only the vvord of our Sauiour read in the Church forsooke al and folowed him CHAP. VI. For reprouing by Scripture and miracle as also by reason the Pharisees blindnes about the obseruation of the Sabboth 11 they seeke his death 12 Hauing in the mountaine prayed al night he chooseth tvvelue Apostles 17 and after many miracles vpon the diseased 20 he maketh a sermon to his Disciples before the people proposing heauen to such as vvil suffer for him 24 and vvo to such as vvil not 27 Yet vvithal exhorting to doe good euen to our enemies also 19 and that the Maisters must first mend them selues 46 finally to doe good vvorkes because only faith vvil not suffice verse 1 AND it came to passe on the Sabboth second-first vvhen he passed through the corne his Disciples did plucke the eares and did eate rubbing them vvith their hands ✝ verse 2 And certaine of the Pharisees said to them Vvhy doe you that vvhich is not lavvful verse 3 on the Sabboths And IESVS ansvvering them said ″ Neither this haue you read vvhich Dauid did vvhen him self vvas an hungred and they that vvere vvith him ✝ verse 4 * hovv he entred into the house of God and tooke the loaues of Proposition and did eate and gaue to them that vvere vvith him vvhich it is not lavvful to eate * but only for Priests ✝ verse 5 And he said to them That the sonne of man is Lord of the Sabboth also ✝ verse 6 And it came to passe on an other Sabboth also that he entred into the synagogue and taught * And there vvas a man and his right hand vvas vvithered ✝ verse 7 And the Scribes and Pharisees vvatched if he vvould cure on the Sabboth that they might finde hovv to accuse him ✝ verse 8 But he knevv their cogitations and he said to the man that had the vvithered hand Arise and stand forth into the middes And rising he stoode ✝ verse 9 And IESVS said to them I aske you if it be lavvful on the Sabboths to doe vvel or il to ″ saue a soule or to destroy ✝ verse 10 And looking about vpon them al he said to the man Stretch forth thy hand And he stretched it forth and his hand vvas restored ✝ verse 11 And they vvere replenished vvith madnes and they communed one vvith an other vvhat they might doe to IESVS ✝ verse 12 And it came to passe in those daies he vvent forth into the mountaine to pray and he passed ″ the vvhole night in the prayer of God ✝ verse 13 * And vvhen day vvas come he called his Disciples and he chose tvvelue of them ″ vvhom also he named Apostles ✝ verse 14 ″ Simon vvhom he surnamed Peter and Andrevv his brother Iames and Iohn Philippe and Bartholomevv ✝ verse 15 Matthevv and Thomas Iames of Alphaeus and Simon that is called Zelótes ✝ verse 16 and Iude of Iames and Iudas Iscariote vvhich vvas the traitour ✝ verse 17 And descending vvith them he stoode in a plaine place and the multitude of his Disciples and a very great companie of people from al Ievvrie and Hierusalem and the sea coast both of Tyre and Sidon ✝ verse 18 vvhich vvere come to heare him and to be healed of their maladies And they that vvere vexed of vncleane spirits vvere cured ✝ verse 19 And al the multitude sought to touch him because vertue vvent forth from him and healed al ⊢ ✝ verse 20 And he lifting vp his eies vpon his Disciples said * Blessed are ye poore for yours is the kingdom of God ✝ verse 21 Blessed are you that novv are an hungred because you shal be filled Blessed are you that novv doe vveepe because you shal laugh ✝ verse 22 Blessed shal you be vvhen men shal hate you and vvhen they shal separate you and vpbraide you and abandon your name as euil for the sonne of mans sake ✝ verse 23 ″ Be glad in that day and reioyce for behold your revvard is much in heauen ⊢ for according to these things did their fathers to the Prophets ✝ verse 24 But vvo to you that are riche because you haue your consolation ✝ verse 25 Vvo to you that are filled because you shal be hungrie Vvo to you that novv doe laugh because you shal mourne and vveepe ✝ verse 26 Vvho vvhen al men ″ shal blesse you for according to these things did their fathers to the false-Prophets ✝ verse 27 But to you I say that doe heare Loue your enemies doe good to them that hate you ✝ verse 28 Blesse them that curse you and pray for them that calumniate you ✝ verse 29 And he that striketh thee on the cheeke offer also the other And from him that taketh avvay from thee thy robe prohibit not thy coate also ✝ verse 30 And to euery one that asketh thee giue and of him that taketh avvay the things that are thine aske not againe ✝ verse 31 And according as you vvil that men doe to you doe you also to them in like maner ✝ verse 32 And if you loue them that loue you vvhat thanke is to you for sinners also loue those that loue them ✝ verse 33 And if ye doe good to them that doe you good vvhat thanke is to you for sinners also doe this ✝ verse 34 And if ye lend to them of vvhom ye hope to receiue vvhat thanke is to you for sinners also lend vnto sinners for to receiue as much ✝ verse 35 But loue ye your enemies doe good and ″ lend hoping for nothing thereby and your revvard shal be much and you shal be the sonnes of the Highest because him self is beneficial vpō the vnkinde and the euil ✝ verse 36 Be ye therfore merciful as also your father is merciful ✝ verse 37 Iudge not you shal not be iudged condemne not you shal not be cōdemned forgiue and you shal be forgiuen ✝ verse 38 Giue and there shal be giuen to you good measure pressed dovvne and shaken together and running ouer shal they giue into your bosome For vvith the same measure that you do meate it shal be measured to you againe ✝ verse
they vvere his cosins either the sonnes of Iosephs brother or as the more receiued opinion is the sonnes of our Ladies sister called Marie of Iames which Iames therfore is also called the brother of our Lord. 55. Her spirit returned This returning of the soules againe into the bodies of them whom CHRIST and his Apostles raised from death specially Lazarus who had been dead foure daies doth euidently proue a third place against our aduersaries that say euery one goeth straight to Heauen or to Hel. ●or it can not be thought that they vvere called from the one or the other and therfore from some third place CHAP. IX His Twelue also now preaching euery where and working miracles 6 Herod and al do wonder much 10 After vvhich he taketh them and goeth into the vvildernesse Where he cureth and teacheth feeding 5000 vvith fiue leaues 18 Peter confessing him to be Christ 21 he on the other side foretelleth his Passion and that al must in time of persecution folovv him therein ●7 Vvherevnto to encourage vs the more 27 he giueth in his Transfiguration a sight of the glorie vvhich is the revvard of suffering ●7 The next day he casteth out a diuel vvhich his Disciples could not 43 Vvhom amiddes these vvonders he fore vvarneth againe of his scandalous Passion 49 And to cure their ambition he telleth them that the most humble he esteemeth most 49 bidding them also not to prohibit any that is not against them 51 Yea and tovvard such as be against them Schismatically to shevv mildnes for al that 57 Of folowing him three examples verse 1 AND calling together the tvvelue Apostles he gaue them vertue and povver ouer al deuils and to cure maladies ✝ verse 2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heale the sicke ✝ verse 3 And he said to them Take nothing for the vvay neither rod nor skippe nor bread nor money neither haue tvvo coates ✝ verse 4 And into vvhatsoeuer house you enter tarie there and thence doe not depart ✝ And vvhosoever shal not receiue you going forth out of that citie shake of the dust also of your feete for a testimonie vpon them ✝ verse 6 And going forth they vvent a circuite from tovvne to tovvne euangelizing and curing euery vvhere ⊢ ✝ verse 7 And * Herod the Tetrarch heard al things that vvere done by him and he staggered because it vvas said of some That Iohn vvas risen from the dead ✝ verse 8 but of other some That Elias hath appeared and of others that a Prophet one of the old ones vvas risen ✝ verse 9 And Herod said Iohn I haue beheaded but vvho is this of vvhom I heare such things And he sought for to see him ✝ verse 10 And * the Apostles being returned reported to him vvhatsoeuer they did and taking them he retired apart into a desert place vvhich belongeth to Beth-saida ✝ verse 11 which the multitudes vnderstāding folovved him he receiued them and spake to them of the kingdom of God and them that had neede of cure he healed ✝ verse 12 And the day began to dravv tovvards an end And the Tvvelue comming neere said to him Dimisse the multitudes that going into tovvnes and villages here about they may haue lodging and finde meates because here vve are in a desert place ✝ verse 13 And he said to them Giue you them to eate But they said we haue no more but fiue loaues and tvvo fishes vnles perhaps vve should goe and bie meates for al this multitude ✝ verse 14 And there vvere men almost fiue thousand And he said to his disciples Make them sit dovvne by companies fiftie and fiftie ✝ verse 15 And so they did And they made al sit dovvne ✝ verse 16 And taking the fiue loaues and the tvvo fishes he looked vp vnto heauen and blessed them and he brake and distributed to his disciples for to set before the multitudes ✝ verse 17 And they did al eate and had their fill And there vvas taken vp that vvhich remained to them tvvelue baskets of fragments ✝ verse 18 * And it came to passe vvhen he vvas alone praying his disciples also vvere vvith him and he asked them saying Vvhom doe the multitudes say that I am ✝ verse 19 But they ansvvered and said Iohn the Baptist and some Elias but some that one of the Prophets before time is risen ✝ verse 20 And he said to thē But vvhom say ye that I am Simon Peter ansvvering said The CHRIST of God ✝ verse 21 But he rebukīg them cōmaunded that they should tell this to no man ✝ verse 22 saying That the sonne of man must suffer many things and be reiected of the Auncients and cheefe Priests and Scribes and be killed and the third day rise againe ✝ verse 23 And he said to al If any man vvil come after me let him denie him self and take vp his crosse daily and folovv me ✝ verse 24 For he that vvil saue his life shal lose it for he that shal lose his life for my sake shal saue it ✝ verse 25 for vvhat profit hath a man if he gaine the vvhole vvorld and lose him self and cast avvay him self ✝ verse 26 For he that shal be ashamed of me and of my vvordes him the Sonne of man shal be ashamed of vvhen he shal come in his maiestie and his fathers and of the holy Angels ✝ verse 27 And I say to you assuredly There be some standing here that shal not rast death ″ til they see the kingdom of God ✝ verse 28 * And it came to passe after these vvordes almost eight daies and he tooke Peter and Iames and Iohn and vvent into a mountaine to pray ✝ verse 29 And vvhiles he prayed the shape of his countenance vvas altered and his raiment vvhite and glistering ✝ verse 30 And behold tvvo men talked vvith him And they vvere Moyses and Elias ✝ verse 31 appearing in maiestie And they told his decease that he should accomplish in Hierusalem ✝ verse 32 But Peter and they that vvere vvith him vvere heauie vvith sleepe And avvaking they savv his maiestie and the tvvo men that stoode vvith him ✝ verse 33 And it came to passe vvhen they departed from him Peter said to IESVS Maister it is good for vs to be here and let vs make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moyses and one for Elias not knovving vvhat he said ✝ verse 34 And as he spake these things there came a cloud and ouershadovved them and they feared vvhen they entered into the cloude ✝ verse 35 * And a voice vvas made out of the cloude saying This is my beloued sonne heare him ✝ verse 36 And vvhiles the voice vvas made IESVS vvas found alone And they held their peace and told no man in those daies any of these things vvhich they had seen ✝ verse 37
* And it came to passe the day folovving vvhen they came dovvne from the mountaine there mette him a great multitude ✝ verse 38 And behold a man of the multitude cried out saying Maister I beseeche thee looke vpō my sonne because he is mine only one ✝ verse 39 and loe the spirit taketh him and he sodenly crieth and he dasheth him and teareth him that he fometh and vvith much a doe departeth renting him ✝ verse 40 And I desired thy disciples to cast him out and they could not ✝ verse 41 And IESVS ansvvering said O faithles and peruerse generation hovv long shal I be vvith you and suffer you bring hither thy sonne ✝ verse 42 And vvhen he came to him the deuil dashed and tore him And IESVS rebuked the vncleane spirit and healed the lad and rendred him to his father ✝ verse 43 And al vvere astonied at the might of God and al merueiling at al things that he did he said to his disciples ✝ verse 44 Lay you in your hartes these vvordes for it shal come to passe that the Sonne of man shal be deliuered into the hands of men ✝ verse 45 But they did not knovv this vvord and it vvas couered before them that they perceiued it not And they vvere afraid to aske him of this vvord ✝ verse 46 * And there entred a cogitation into them vvhich of them should be greater ✝ verse 47 But IESVS seeing the cogitations of their hart tooke a childe and set him by him ✝ verse 48 and said to them whosoeuer receiueth this childe in my name receiueth me and vvhosoeuer receiueth me receiueth him that sent me For he that is the lesser among you al he is the greater ✝ verse 49 * And Iohn ansvvering said Maister vve savv a certaine man casting out deuils in thy name and vve prohibited him because he folovveth not vvith vs. ✝ verse 50 And IESVS said to him Prohibit not for he that is not against you is for you ✝ verse 51 And it came to passe vvhiles the daies of his assumption vvere accōplishing and he fixed his face to goe into Hierusalem ✝ verse 52 And he sent messengers before his face and going they entred into a citie of the Samaritans to prepare for him ✝ verse 53 And they receiued him not because his ″ face vvas to goe to Hierusalem ✝ verse 54 And vvhen his disciples Iames and Iohn had seen it they said Lord vvilt thou vve say that fire come dovvne from heauen and consume them ' ✝ verse 55 And turning ″ he rebuked them saying You knovv not of vvhat spirit you are ✝ verse 56 The sonne of man came not to destroy soules but to saue And they vvent into an other tovvne ✝ verse 57 And it came to passe as they vvalked in the vvay a certaine man said to him * I vvil folovv thee vvhithersoeuer thou goest ✝ verse 58 IESVS said to him The foxes haue holes and the foules of the aire nestes but the sonne of man hath not vvhere to repose his head ✝ verse 59 But he said to an other Folovv me And he said Lord permit me first to goe and to burie my father ✝ verse 60 And IESVS said to him Let the dead burie their dead but goe thou set forth the kingdom of God ✝ verse 61 And an other said I vvil folovv thee Lord but permit me first to take my leaue of them that are at home ✝ verse 62 IESVS said to him ″ No man putting his hand to the plough and looking backe is apt for the kingdom of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 27. Til they see To the Apostles that had to preach the kingdom of God and to suffer so much miserie for the same in this vvorld he vvil shevv his glorie and giue them a tast of his owne ioyful state and of his Saincts in heauen calling thither Moyses and Elias that the Lavv and Prophets might be vvitnesses of the same See the annotation vpon S. Matthevv c. 17 2. 53. Face to goe to Hierusalem The Samaritans vvere Schismatikes from the Ievves and had a Schismatical temple in mount Garîzim of purpose to dravv men thither from Gods temple in Hierusalem vvhere only vvas the true and as it vvere the Catholike seruice and Sacrifice vnto God Therfore they did not gladly receiue our Sauiour because they perceiued he vvas going to Hierusalem 53. He rebuked them Not iustice nor al rigorous punishment of sinners is here forbidden not Elias fact reprehēded nor the Church or Christian Princes blamed for putting Heretikes to death but that none of these should be done for desire of our particular reuenge or vvithout discretion regard of their amendement and example to others Therfore S. Peter vsed his povver vpon Ananias and Sapphira vvhen he strooke them both dovvne to death for defrauding the Church 62. No man looking backe It is a dangerous temptation for a man that hath lost or left his goods for Christ to looke much backe at them and to remember vvith delight the pleasures and eases of this vvorld for it breedeth in him discontentment of the troubles and crosses that are incident to the state of such as fully folovv Christ In vvhich case a man should euer looke forvvard tovvards heauen and neuer backevvard to the vvorld CHAP. X. He sendeth yet 72 moe to preach to the Iewes with power also of miracles 13 crying w● to the cities impenitent 17 At their returne he agniseth the great power he gaue them but yet teacheth them not to be proud thereof 21 and praiseth God for his grace 23 his Church also for her happy state 2● To one of the Scribes he sheweth that the loue of God and of his neighbour wil bring him to life euerlasting 29 teaching him by the parable of the Samaritane to take euery one for his neighbour that needeth his charitie 38 To Martha he sheweth that Maries Contemplatius life is the better verse 1 AND after this our Lord designed also other seuentie tvvo and he sent them tvvo and tvvo before his face into euery citie and place vvhither him self vvould come ✝ verse 2 And he said to them The haruest truely is much but the vvorkemen fevv Desire therfore the lord of the haruest that he send vvorkemen into his haruest ✝ verse 3 Goe behold I send you as lambes among vvolues ✝ verse 4 Carie not purse not skrip nor shoes and salute no body by the vvay ✝ verse 5 Into vvhatsoeuer house you enter first say Peace to this house ✝ verse 6 and if the sonne of peace be there your peace shal rest vpon him but if not it shal returne to you ✝ verse 7 And in the same house tarie you eating and drinking such things as they haue * For the vvorkeman is vvorthie of his hire Remoue not from house to house ✝ verse 8 And into vvhat citie soeuer you enter
said also to the multitudes When you see a cloude rising from the vvest by and by you say A shoure commeth and so it commeth to passe ✝ verse 55 and vvhen the south vvinde blovving you say That there vvil be heate and it commeth to passe ✝ verse 56 Hypocrites the face of the heauen and of the earth you haue skil to discerne but this time hovv doe you not discerne ✝ verse 57 And vvhy of your selues also iudge you not that vvhich is iust ✝ verse 58 * And vvhen thou goest vvith thy aduersarie to the Prince in the vvay endeuour to be deliuered from him lest perhaps he dravv thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the exactour and the exactour cast thee into prison ✝ verse 59 I say to thee thou shalt not goe out thence vntil thou pay the very last mite ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII ● Euery one that confesseth A Catholike man is bound to confesse his faith being called to accoumpt or examined by Iew Heathen or Heretike concerning the same Neither is it ynough to keepe Christ in his hart but he must also acknowledge him in his wordes and deedes And to deny Christ or any article of the Catholike faith for shame or feare of any worldly creature hath no lesse punishment then to be denied refused and forsaken by Christ at the houre of his death before al his Angels Which is an other maner of presence and Consistorie then any Court or Session that men can be called to for their faith in this world 11. Be not careful That the poore vnclearned Catholike should not be discouraged or make his excuse that he is a simple man not able to ansvver cunning Heretikes nor to giue a reason of his beleefe and therfore must suffer or say any thing rather then come before them our Maister giueth them comfort promising that the Holy Ghost shal euer put into their hartes at time of their appearance that vvhich shal be sufficient for the purpose not that euery one vvhich is conuented before the Aduersaries of faith should alvvaies be endeed vvith extraordinary knovvledge to dispute and confute as the Apostles and others in the primitiue Church vvere but that God vvil euer giue to the simple that trusteth in him sufficient courage and vvordes to confesse his beleefe For such an one called before the Commissioners saith ynough and defendeth him self sufficiently vvhen he ansvvereth that he is a Catholike man that he wil liue and die in that faith which the Catholike Church throughout al Christian countries hath and doth teach and that this Church can giue them a reason of al the things vvhich they demaund of him c. 14. Who hath appointed Christ refused to medle in this temporal matter partly because the demaund proceded of couetousnes and il intention partly to giue an example to Clergie men that they should not be vvithdravven by secular affaires and controuersies from their principal function of praying preaching and spiritual regiment but not vvholy to forbid them al actions pertaining to vvorldly busines specially vvhere and vvhen the honour of God the increase of religion the peace of the people and the spiritual benefite of the parties doe require In vvhich cases S. Augustin as Possidonius vvriteth vvas occupied often vvhole daies in ending vvorldly controuersies and so he vvriteth of him self also not doubting but to haue revvard therfore in heauen 21. Riche to God vvard He is riche tovvards God that by his goods bestovved vpon the poore hath store of merits and many almesmens praiers procuring mercie for him at the day of his death and iudgement vvhich is here therfore called treasure laid vp in heauen vvhere the barnes be large ynough The necessitie of vvhich almes is by Christ him self here shevved to be so great and so acceptable to God that rather then they should lacke the fruite thereof they should sel al they haue and giue to the poore 34. Where your treasure is If the riche man vvithdravven by his vvorldly treasure can not set his hart vpon heauen let him send his mony thither before him by giuing it in almes vpon such as vvil pray for him and his hart vvil solovv his purse thither CHAP. XIII He threateneth the Iewes to be forsaken vnles they doe penance 10 and confoundeth them for maligning him for his miraculous good doing on the Sabboths 18 but his kingdom the Church as contemptible as it seemeth to them now in the beginning shal spread ouer al the world 20 and conuert al 23 and what an hartsore it shal be to them at the last day to see them selues excluded from the glorie of this kingdom and the Gentils admitted in their place 31 foretelling that it is not Galilee that he feareth but that obstinate and reprobate Hierusalem vvil nedes murder him as also his messengers afore and after him verse 1 AND there vvere certaine present at that very time telling him of the Galilaeans vvhose bloud Pilate mingled vvith their sacrifices ✝ verse 2 And he ansvvering said to them Thinke you that ″ these Galileans vvere sinners more then al the Galilaeans that they suffred such things ✝ verse 3 No I say to you but vnles you haue penance you shal al likevvise perish ✝ verse 4 As those eightene vpō vvhom the toure fel in Silóe and slevv them thinke you that they also vvere detters aboue al the men that dvvel in Hierusalem ✝ verse 5 No I say to you but if you haue not penance you shal al likevvise perish ✝ verse 6 And he said this similitude A certaine man had a figtree planted in his vineyard and he came seeking for fruite on it and found not ✝ verse 7 And he said to the dresser of the vineyard Loe it is three yeres since I come seeking for fruite vpon this figtree and I finde not Cut it dovvne therfore vvhereto doth it also occupie the ground ✝ verse 8 But he ansvvering saith to him Lord let it alone this yere also vntil I digge about it and dung it ✝ verse 9 and if happily it yeld fruite but if not hereafter thou shalt cut it dovvne ✝ verse 10 And he vvas teaching in their synagogue on the Sabboths ✝ verse 11 And behold a vvoman that had a spirit of infirmitie eightene yeres and she vvas crooked neither could she looke vpvvard at al. ✝ verse 12 Whom vvhen IESVS savv he called her vnto him and said to her Woman thou art deliuered from thy infirmitie ✝ verse 13 And he imposed hands vpon her and forthvvith she vvas made straight and glorified God ✝ verse 14 And the Archsynagogue ansvvering because he had indignation that IESVS had cured on the Sabboth said to the multitude Sixe daies there are vvherein you ought to vvorke in them therfore come and be cured and not in the Sabboth day ✝ verse 15 And our Lord ansvvering to him said Hypocrite doth not euery one
an asse or an oxe fallen into a pit and vvil not incontinent dravv him out on the Sabboth day ✝ verse 6 And they could not ansvver him to these things ✝ verse 7 And he spake to them also that vvere inuited a parable marking hovv they chose the first seats at the table saying to them ✝ verse 8 when thou art inuited to a mariage sit not dovvne in the first place lest perhaps a more honorable then thou be inuited of him ✝ verse 9 and he that bade thee and him come and say to thee Giue this man place and then thou begin vvith shame to take the last place ✝ verse 10 But vvhen thou art bidden goe sit dovvne in the lovvest place that vvhen he that inuited thee commeth he may say to thee Frende sit vp higher then shalt thou haue glorie before them that sit at table vvith thee ✝ verse 11 because euery one that exalteth him self shal be humbled and he that humbleth him self shal be exalted ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And he said to him also that had inuited him Vvhen thou makest a dinner or a supper call not thy frendes nor thy brethrē nor kinsmen nor thy neighbours that are riche lest perhaps they also inuite thee againe and recompense be made to thee ✝ verse 13 But vvhen thou makest a feast cal the poore feeble lame and blinde ✝ verse 14 and thou shalt be blessed because they haue nor to recōpense thee for recompense shal be made thee in the resurrection of the iust ✝ verse 15 Vvhen one of them that sate at the table vvith him had heard these things he said to him Blessed is he that shal eate bread in the kingdom of God ✝ verse 16 But he said to him A certaine man made a great supper and called many ✝ verse 17 And he sent his seruant at the houre of supper to say to the inuited That they should come because novv al things are ready ✝ verse 18 And they began al at once to make excuse The first said to him I haue bought a farme and I must needes goe forth and see it I pray thee hold me excused ✝ verse 19 And an other said I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen and I goe to proue them I pray thee hold me excused ✝ verse 20 And an other said I haue maried a vvife and therfore I can not come ✝ verse 21 And the seruant returning told these things to his lord Then the maister of the house being angrie said to his seruant Goe forth quickly into the streates and lanes of the citie and the poore and feeble and blinde and lame bring in hither ✝ verse 22 And the seruant said Lord it is done as thou didst commaunde and yet there is place ✝ verse 23 And the lord said to the seruant Goe forth into the waies and hedges and ″ compel them to enter that my house may be filled ✝ verse 24 But I say to you that none of those men that vvere called shal tast my supper ⊢ ✝ verse 25 And great multitudes vvent vvith him and turning he said to them ✝ verse 26 * If any man come to me and hateth not his father and mother and vvife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his ovvne life besides he can not be my disciple ✝ verse 27 And he that doth not beare his crosse and come after me cannot be my disciple ✝ verse 28 For vvhich of you minding to build a toure doth not first sit dovvne and recken the charges that are necessarie vvhether he haue to finish it ✝ verse 29 lest after that he hath laid the foundation and is not able to finish it al that see it begin to mocke him ✝ verse 30 saying That this man began to build and he could not finish it ✝ verse 31 Or vvhat king about to goe to make vvare against an other king doth not first sit dovvne and thinke vvhether he be able vvith ten thousands to meete him that vvith tvventie thousands commeth against him ✝ verse 32 Othervvise vvhiles he is yet farre of sending a legacie he asketh those things that belong to peace ✝ verse 33 So therfore euery one of you that doth not renounce al that he possesseth cannot be my disciple ⊢ ✝ verse 34 * Salt is good But if the salt leese his vertue vvherevvith shal it be seasoned ✝ verse 35 It is profitablè neither for the ground nor for the dunghil but it shal be cast forth He that hath eares to heare let him heare ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 2● Compel them The vehement persuasion that God vseth both externally by force of his vvord and miracles and internally by his grace to bring vs vnto him is called compelling not that he forceth any to come to him against their owne willes but that he can alter and mollifie an hard hart and make him vvilling that before vvould not S. Augustine also referreth this compelling to the penal lawes which Catholike Princes do iustly vse against Heretikes and Schismatikes prouing that they who are by their former professiō in Baptisme subiect to the Catholike Church and are departed from the same after Sectes may and ought to be compelled into the vnitie and societie of the vniuersal Church againe and therfore in this sense by the two former partes of the parable the Ievves first and secondly the Gentils that neuer beleeued before in Christ vvere inuited by faire svveete meanes onely but by the third such are inuited as the Church of God hath power ouer because they promised in baptisme and therfore are to be reuoked not onely by gentle meanes but by iust punishment also CHAP. XV. By occasion of the Pharisees murmuring at him for receiuing penitent sinners he sheweth what ioy shal be in heauen for the conuersion of one sinner 11 and for the yonger sonne which is the Gentils 25 the elder to wit the Iewes in the meane time disdaining thereat and refusing to come into his Church verse 1 AND there approched Publicans and sinners vnto him for to heare him ✝ verse 2 And the Pharisees and the Scribes murmured saying That this man receiueth sinners and eareth vvith them ✝ verse 3 And he spake to them this parable saying ✝ verse 4 * Vvhat man of you hauing an hundred sheepe and if he hath lost one of them doth he not leaue the ninetie nine in the desert and goeth after that vvhich vvas lost vntil he finde it ✝ verse 5 And vvhen he hath found it laieth it vpon his shoulders reioycing ✝ verse 6 and comming home calleth together his frendes and neighbours saying to them Reioyce vvith me because I haue found my sheepe that vvas lost ✝ verse 7 I say to you that euen so there shal be ioy in heauen vpon one sinner that doth penance ″ then vpon ninetie nine iust that neede not penance ✝ verse 8 Or vvhat vvoman hauing ten grotes if she leese
receiue you into the eternal tabernacles ⊢ ✝ verse 10 He that is faithful in the lest is faithful in the greater also and he that is vniust in litle is vniust in the greater also ✝ verse 11 If then you haue not been faithful in the vniust mammon vvith that vvhich is the true vvho may credit you ✝ verse 12 And if you haue not been faithful in other mens that vvhich is yours vvho vvil giue you ✝ verse 13 * No seruant can serue tvvo maisters for either he shal hate the one and loue the other or cleaue to one and contemne the other You can not serue God and mammon ✝ verse 14 And the Pharisees vvhich vvere couetous heard al these things and they derided him ✝ verse 15 And he said to them You are they that iustifie your selues before men but god knovveth your hartes because that vvhich is high to men is abomination before God ✝ verse 16 * The lavv and the prophets vnto Iohn from that time the kingdom of God is euangelized and euery one doth force tovvard it ✝ verse 17 * And it is easier for heauen and earth to passe then one tittle of the lavv to fall ✝ verse 18 * Euery one that dimisseth his vvife ″ and marieth an other committeth aduoutrie and he that marieth her that is dimissed from her husband committeth aduourrie ✝ verse 19 There vvas a certaine riche man he vvas clothed vvith purple and silke and he fared euery day magnifically ✝ verse 20 And there vvas a certaine begger called Lazarus that lay at his gate ful of sores ✝ verse 21 desiring to be filled of the crommes that fel from the riche mans table but the dogges also came and licked his sores ✝ verse 22 And it came to passe that the begger died and vvas caried ″ of the Angels into ″ Abrahams bosome And the riche man also died and he vvas buried in hel ✝ verse 23 And lifting vp his eies vvhen he vvas in torments he savv Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome ✝ verse 24 and he crying said Father Abraham haue mercie on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his finger into vvater for to coole my tongue because I am tormented in this flame ✝ verse 25 And Abraham said to him Sonne remember that thou didst receiue good things in thy life time and Lazarus likevvise euil but novv he is comforted and thou art tormented ✝ verse 26 And beside al these things betvvene vs and you there is fixed ″ a great chaos that they vvhich vvil passe from hence to you may not neither goe from thence hither ✝ verse 27 And he said Then father I beseeche thee that thou vvouldest send him vnto my fathers house for I haue fiue brethren ✝ verse 28 for to testifie vnto them ″ lest they also come into this place of torments ✝ verse 29 And Abraham said to him They haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them ✝ verse 30 But he said No father Abraham but if some man shal goe from the dead to them they vvil doe penance ✝ verse 31 And he said to him If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets neither if one shal rise againe from the dead vvil they beleeue ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 2. The lord praised This mans deceiuing his maister is not praised nor vve vvarrāted by his fact to gaine vniustly for to haue vvherevvith to giue almes but his prudence in that he prouided so substancially for him selfe vvhilest his maisters goods vvere in his handes is commended not for a vertue but for avvorldly pollicie and proposed as an example of the careful prouision that rich men who are Gods stewards in earth should make for their soules against they be put out of their bailiship and be called to account vvhich is the day of their death and for a condemnation of faithful mens folly and negligence that being assured they shal out of their offices and vvell knovving they might gaine salutation by their money haue so litle regard thereof 9. They 〈◊〉 receiue A great comfort to al great almes-men and a vvonderful force and vertue in almes vvhith beside the merite of the worke of mercie vvhich as in other places of Scripture is said purgeth sinne and gaineth heauen pocureth also not onely the praiers of their beadsmen in earth but their patronage in heauen also whereby also the praiers of Saincts for the liuing and namely for them to whom they vvere beholding in their life are proued Yea and that they be in such fauour with God that they may and doe receiue their frendes vvhich vvere once their benefactors into their mansions in heauen no lesse then the farmers vvhom the il stevvard pleasured might receiue their freend into their earthly houses Which also insinuateth to vs that almes bestovved specially vpon holy men vvho by their merites and praiers are great in Gods grace may much more helpe vs then our charitable deedes done vpon vulgar men in necessitie though that be of exceding great merite also See al this in these Doctors folovving Hiero. qu. 6. ad Algas to 3. Ambros in Luc. August ser 35 de verb. Do. c. 1. Gregor moral li. 〈◊〉 c. 14. Augu. li. 2 q. Euang. qu. 34. Chrys ho. 3● ad po Antioch to 5. 18. And marrieth The good of Mariage through out al nations and men is in issue and fidelitie of chastitie but among the people of God it consisteth also in holines of Sacrament Whereby it commeth to passe that is a heinous crime to marry againe though there be a diuorce made so long as the parties liue Aug. de bono coniug c. 24 to 6. See the Annotations vpon Marke 10 11. 22. Of the Angels Angels carie good mens soules to heauen novv as they did then his to Abrahams bosome See the revvard of pouerty affliction and patience and on the contrarie the end and revvard of vvealth ioyned with vnmercifulnes Note also here that at the day of euery mans death there is a particular iudgement and therfore the soule sleepeth not nor hangeth in suspense til the general iudgement 22. Abrahams Bosome The Bosome of Abraham is the resting place of al them that died in perfect state of grace before Christes time heauē before being shut from men It is called in Zacharie a lake vvithout vvater and sometimes a prison but most commonly of the Diuines Limbus patrum for that it is thought to haue been the higher part or brimme of Hel the places of punishment being far Iovver then the same vvhich therfore be called Infernum inferius the lovver hel where this mansion of the fathers stood or whether it be any part of Hel S. Augustine doubteth but that there was such a place he nor no Catholike man euer doubted as al the fathers make it most certaine that our Sauiour descending to
the very end of the vvorld 25 And then vvhat signes shal come of the last day terrible to the vvorld 28 but comfortable to vs of his Church 34 so that vve be alvvaies vvatchful verse 1 AND beholding he savv them that did cast their giftes into the treasurie riche persons ✝ verse 2 And he savv also a certaine poore vvidovv casting tvvo brasse mites ✝ verse 3 And he said Verely I say to you that this poore vvidovv hath cast more then al. ✝ verse 4 For al these of their aboundance haue cast into the giftes of God but she ″ of her penurie hath cast in al her liuing that she had ✝ verse 5 And certaine saying of the temple that it vvas adorned vvith goodly stones and donaries he said ✝ verse 6 These things vvhich you see * the daies vvil come vvherein there shal not be left a stone vpon a stone that shal not be destroied ✝ verse 7 And they asked him saying Maister when shal these things be and vvhat shal be the signe vvhen they shal begin to come to passe ✝ verse 8 Vvho said See you be not seduced for many vvil come in my name saying that I am he and the time is at hand goe not therfore after them ✝ verse 9 And vvhen you shal heare of vvarres and seditions be not terrified these things must first come to passe but the end is not yet by and by ✝ verse 10 Then he said to them Nation shal rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom ✝ verse 11 And there shal be great earth-quakes in places and pestilences and famines and terrours from heauen and there shal be great signes ✝ verse 12 But before al these things they vvil lay their hands vpon you and persecute you deliuering you into synagogs and prisons dravving you to kings and presidents for my name ✝ verse 13 and it shal happen vnto you for testimonie ✝ verse 14 Lay vp this therfore in your hartes not to premeditate hovv you shal ansvver ✝ verse 15 For I vvil giue you mouth and vvisedom vvhich al your aduersaries shal not be able to resist and gaine say ✝ verse 16 And you shal be deliuered vp of your parents and brethren and kinsemen frendes and they vvil put to death of you ✝ verse 17 And you shal be odious to al men for my name ✝ verse 18 and a heare of your head shal not perish ✝ verse 19 In your patience you shal possesse your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 20 And vvhen you shal see Hierusalem compassed about vvith an armie then knovv that the desolation thereof is at hand ✝ verse 21 then they that are in Ievvrie let them flee to the mountaines and they in the middes thereof let them depart and they in the countries let them not enter into it ✝ verse 22 for these are the daies of vengeance that al things may be fulfilled that are vvritten ✝ verse 23 But vvo to them that are vvith childe and that giue sucke in those daies for there shal be great affliction vpon the land and vvrath on this people ✝ verse 24 And they shal fall by the edge of the svvord and shal be led captiue into al nations and Hierusalem shal be troden of the Gentiles til the times of nations be fulfilled ✝ verse 25 * ● And there shal be signes in the sunne and the moone and the starres and vpon earth distresse of nations for the confusion of the sound of sea and vvaues ✝ verse 26 men vvithering for feare and expectation vvhat shal come vpon the vvhole vvorld for the povvers of heauē shal be moued ✝ verse 27 and then they shal see the Sonne of man comming in a cloude vvith great povver and maiestie ✝ verse 28 But vvhen these things begin to come to passe looke vp and lift vp your heades because your redemption is at hand ✝ verse 29 And he spake to them a similitude See the figtree and al trees ✝ verse 30 Vvhen they novv budde forth fruite out of them selues you knovv that summer is nigh ✝ verse 31 So you also vvhen you shal see these things come to passe knovv that the kingdom of God is nigh ✝ verse 32 Amen I say to you that this generation shal not passe til al be done ✝ verse 33 Heauen and earth shal passe but my vvordes shal not passe ⊢ ✝ verse 34 And looke vvel to your selues lest perhaps your hartes be ouercharged vvith surfetting and drunkēnesse and cares of this life and that day come vpon you sodenly ✝ verse 35 For as a snare shal it come vpon al that sit vpon the face of al the earth ✝ verse 36 Vvatch therfore praying at al times that you may be accounted vvorthie to escape al these things that are to come and to stand before the Sonne of man ✝ verse 37 And the daies he vvas teaching in the temple but the nightes going forth he abode in the mount that is called Oliuet ✝ verse 38 And al the people in the morning vvent vnto him in the temple to heare him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXI 4. Of her penurie To offer or giue almes of our superfluites is not so acceptable nor meritorious as to bestow some of that which is of our necessarie prouision and which we may hardly spare from our selues for that procedeth of greater zeale vvil and intention which be more respected of God then the substance of the gift CHAP. XXII Iudas doth sell him to the Ievves 7 After the old Paschal 19 he giueth to his disciples the bread of life in a mystical sacrifice of his body and bloud for an euerlasting comemoration of his Passion 21 He couertly admonisheth the traitour 24 Against their ambitious contention he shevveth them that the maioritie of any among them in this vvorld is for their seruice as his ovvne also vvas 28 and hovv he vvil exalt them al in the vvorld to come 31 foretelling Peter the singular priuilege of his faith neuer failing 33 and his three negations 35 and hovv they shal al now be put to their shiftes 39 And that night after his praier with svveating of bloud 43 he is taken of the Ievves men Iudas being their captaine yet shevving them both by miracle and vvord that they could doe nothing vnto him but by his ovvne permission 54 Then in the cheefe Priestes house he is thrise denied of Peter 63 shamefully abused of his keepers 66 and in the morning impiously condemned of their Councel for confessing him self to be the Sonne of God verse 1 AND the festiual day of the Azymes approched vvhich is called Pasche ✝ verse 2 and the cheefe Priests and the Scribes sought hovv they might kil him but they feared the people ✝ verse 3 And Satan entred into Iudas that vvas surnamed Iscariote one of the Tvvelue ✝ verse 4 And he vvent and talked vvith the cheefe Priests and the Magistrates hovv he might betray him
the cōmission of my father for preaching working miracles and other graces I must not be tied to flesh and bloud which vvas not a reprehēsion of our Lady or significatiō that he vvould not heare her in this or other things pertaining to Gods glorie or the good of men for the euent shovveth the contrarie but it vvas a lesson to the companie that heard it and namely to his Disciples that respect of kinred should not dravv them to doe any thing against reason or be the principal motion vvhy they doe their dueties but Gods glorie 5. Whatsoeuer he shal say By this you see our Lady by her diuine prudence and entiere familiaritie and acquaintance with al his maner of speaches knew it was no checke to her but a doctrine to others and that she had no repulse though he seemed to say his time was not yet come to worke miracles not doubting but he would begin a litle before his ordinary time for her sake as S. Cyril thinketh he did and therfore she admonisheth the waiters to marke wel to execute whatsoeuer Christ should bid them doe 1● Cast them out By this chastising corporally the defilers and abusers of the Temple he doth not onely shew his power that being but one poore man he could by force execute his pleasure vpon so many sturdy fellowes but also his soneralne authoritie ouer al offenders and that not vpon their soules onely as by excommunication and spiritual penalties but so far as is requisite for the execution of spiritual iurisdiction vpon their bodies and goods also That the Spiritualtie may learne how far and in what cases for iust zeale of Christs Church they may vse and exercise both spiritually and temporally their forces and faculties against offenders specially against the prophaners of Gods Church according to the Apostles allusion 1 Cor. 3. If any defile the Temple of God him vvil God destroy ●4 IESVS committed not him self S. Augustine applieth this their first faith and beleefe in Christ sodenly raised vpon the admiration of his wonders but yet not fully formed or established in them vnto the faith of Nouices or Catechumen in the Church and Christs not committing his Person to them as yet to the Churches like warinesse and wisedom in not opening not giuing to them our Lord in the B. Sacramēt because al were not to be trusted with that high point without ful trial of their faith CHAP. III. He teacheth Nicodemus that to come to the kingdom of God Baptisme is necessarie as being our Regeneration 10 Vvhich point Nicodemus as then not vnderstāding 11 he shevveth that they must beleeue him and vvhat good cause there is for them so to doe ●3 After this he also baptizeth and Iohn likevvise at the same time 25 Wherevpon a question being moued Whether Baptisme is better 25 Iohn ansvvereth it by saying that he is so far inferiour to Christ as a mere man to God most high verse 1 AND there vvas a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a prince of the Ievves ✝ verse 2 This man came to IESVS by night and said to him Rabbi vve knovv that thou art come from God a maister for no man can doe these signes vvhich thou doest vnles God be vvith him ✝ verse 3 IESVS ansvvered and said to him Amen Amen I say to thee Vnles a man be borne againe he can not see the kingdom of God ✝ verse 4 Nicodemus said to him Hovv can a man be borne vvhen he is old can he enter into his mothers vvombe againe and be borne ✝ verse 5 IESVS ansvvered Amen Amen I say to thee Vnles a man be ″ borne againe of vvater and the Spirit he can not enter into the kingdom of God ✝ verse 6 That vvhich is borne of the flesh is flesh that vvhich is borne of the spirit is spirit ✝ verse 7 Marueil not that I said to thee You must be borne againe ✝ verse 8 The spirit breatheth vvhere he vvil and thou hearest his voice but thou knovvest not vvhence he commeth and vvhither he goeth so is euery one that is borne of the Spirit ✝ verse 9 Nicodemus ansvvered said to him Hovv can these things be done ✝ verse 10 IESVS ansvvered and said to him Thou art a maister in Israel and art thou ignorant of these things ✝ verse 11 Amen Amen I say to thee that vve speake that vvhich vve knovv and that vvhich vve haue seen vve testifie and our testimonie you receiue not ✝ verse 12 If I haue spoken to you earthly things and you beleeue not hovv if I shal speake to you heauenly things vvil you beleeue ✝ verse 13 And no man hath ascended into heauen but he that descended from heauen the Sonne of man vvhich is in heauen ✝ verse 14 And as * Moyses exalted the serpent in the desert so must the Sonne of man be exalted ✝ verse 15 that euery one vvhich beleeueth in him perish not but may haue life euerlasting ✝ verse 16 For so God loued the vvorld that he gaue his only-begotten sonne that euery one that beleeueth in him perish not but may haue life euerlasting ⊢ ✝ verse 17 For God sent not his sonne into the vvorld to iudge the vvorld but that the vvorld may be saued by him ✝ verse 18 He that beleeueth in him is not iudged but he that doeth not beleeue ″ is already iudged because he hath not beleeued in the name of the only-begotten sonne of God ✝ verse 19 And this is the iudgment because the light is come into the vvorld and men haue loued the darkenesse rather then the light for their vvorkes vvere euil ✝ verse 20 For euery one that doeth il hateth the light and commeth not to the light that his vvorkes may not be controuled ✝ verse 21 But he that doeth veritie commeth to the light that his vvorkes may be made manifest because they vvere done in God ⊢ ✝ verse 22 After these things IESVS came and his Disciples into the countrie of Ievvrie and there he abode vvith them and baptized ✝ verse 23 And Iohn also vvas baptizing in Aenon beside Salim because there vvas much vvater there and they came and vvere baptized ✝ verse 24 For Iohn vvas not yet cast into prison ✝ verse 25 And there rose a question of Iohns disciples vvith the Ievves concerning purification ✝ verse 26 And they came to Iohn and said to him Rabbi he that vvas vvith thee beyond Iordan to vvhom * thou didst giue testimonie behold he baptizeth and al come to him ✝ verse 27 Iohn ansvvered and said A man can not receiue any thing vnlesse it be giuen him from heauen ✝ verse 28 Your selues doe beare me vvitnesse * that I said I am not CHRIST but that I am sent before him ✝ verse 29 He that hath the bride is the bridegrome but the frende of the bridegrome that standeth and heareth him reioyceth vvith ioy for the voice
much vnfaithfulnes by rules of place to embarte Christ of his wil or wisedom to be in the Sacrament how him self list and on as many altars or places as he liketh We detest for al that the wicked heresie of certaine Protestants holding quite contrarie to the Zuinglians that Christ according to his Humanitie is in euery place where the Diuinitie is which is both against faith and the common rules of nature and diuinitie 21. As my Father As when he gaue them commission to preach and baptize through the world he made mention to his owne power therein so here before he institute the Sacrament of Penance and giue them authoritie to remitte sinnes lest the wicked should aske afterward by what right they do such great functions he sheweth his Fathers commission giuen to him self and then in plaine termes most amply imparteth the same to his Apostle that whosoeuer deny the Apostles their successors the Priests of Gods Church to haue right to remitte sinnes should deny consequently Christ as man to haue authoritie to doe the same 22. He breathed He giueth the Holy Ghost in and by an external signe to his Apostles not visibly and to al such purposes as afterward at whitsuntide but for the grace of the Sacrament of Orders as S. Augustine saith and that none make doubt of the Priests right in remission of sinnes seing the Holy Ghost is purposly giuen them to doe this same In which case if any be yet cōtentious he must deny the Holy Ghost to be God and not to haue power to remitte sinnes It is not absurd saith S. Cyril that they forgiue sinnes vvhich haue the Holy Ghost For vvhen they remitte or reteine the Holy Ghost remitteth reteineth in them and that they doe tvvo vvaies first in Baptisme and then in Penance As S. Ambrose also li. 1 c. 7● de poenitentia restlling the Nouatians a Sect of old Heretikes which pretending Gods glorie as our new Sectaries do denied that Priests could remitte sinnes in the Sacrament of Penance asketh vvhy it should be more dishonour to God or more impossible or inconuenient for men to forgiue sinnes by Penance then by Baptisme seing it is the Holy Ghost that doeth it by the Priests office and ministerie in both 23. Whose sinnes Power to offer Sacrifice which is the principal function and acte of Priesthod was giuen them at the institution of the B. Sacrament the second and next special facultie of Priesthod consisting in remitting sinnes is here bestowed on them And withal the holy Sacrament of Penance implying Contrition Confession and Satisfaction in the Penitent and absolution on the Priests part is instituted for in that that expresse power and commission is giuen to Priests to remitte or reteine al sinnes and in that that Christ promiseth whose sinnes soeuer they forgiue they be of God forgiuen also and vvhose sinne they reteine they be reteined before God it folovveth necessarily that vve be bound to submit our selues to their iudgment for release of our sinnes For this vvonderful povver vvere giuen them in vaine if none vvere bound to seeke for absolution at their handes Neither can any rightly seeke for absolution of them vnles they confesse particularly at least al their mortal offences vvhether they be cōmitted in minde hart vvil and congitation onely or in vvord and vvorke for Gods priests being in this Sacrament of Penauce cōstituted in Christs steede as iudges in causes of our conscience can not rightly rule our cases vvithout ful and exacte cognition and knovvledge of al our sinnes and the necessarie circumstances and differences of the same which can not othervvise be had of them being mortal men then by our simple sincere and distincte vtterance to them of our sinnes vvith humble contrite hart ready to take and to doe penance according to theire iniunction For that authoritie to reteine sinnes consisteth specially in enioyning satisfaction and penitential vvorkes of praying fasting almes and such like Al vvhich Gods ordinance whosoeuer condemneth or contemneth as Heretikes doe or neglecteth as some carelesse Catholikes may perhaps doe let them be assured they can not be saued Neither must any such Christian man pretend or looke to haue his sinnes after Baptisme remitted by God onely without this Sacrament which was the old Heresie of the Nouatians Ambr. li. 1. de po●nit c. 2. Socrat. li. 7 Ec. hist c. 25. more then any may hope to be saued or haue his original or other sinnes before Baptisme forgiuen by God without the same Sacramēt Let no man deceiue himself this is the second table or borde after shipvvrack● as S. Hierom calleth it Whosoeuer take not hold of it shal perish without al doubt because they contemne Gods counsel and order for their saluation And therfore S. Augustine ep 180 ioyning both together saith it is a pitiful case when by the absence of Gods Priests men depart this life aut non regenerati aut ligati that is either not regenerated by Baptisme or fast bound and not absolued by the Sacrament of penance and reconciliation ⸬ because they shal be excluded from eternal life and destruction folovveth them And S. Victor li. 2 de persecut Vandalica telleth the miserable lamētation of the people when their Priests were banished by the Arian Heretikes Who say they shal baptize these infants Who shal minister penāce vnto vs loose vs from the bandes of sinnes c And therfore S. Cyprian very often namely ep 54 calleth it great cruelty such as Priests shal answer for at the later day to suffer any man that is poenitent of his sinnes to depart this life without this reconciliation and absolution because saith he the Lavvmaker him self Christ hath graunted that things bound in earth should also be bound in heauen and that those things might there be loosed vvhich vvere loosed before here in the Church And it is a world to see how the Heretikes wrastle with this so plaine a commission of remitting sinnes referring it to preaching to denouncing Gods threates vpon sinners and to we can not tel what els though to our English Protestants this authoritie seemeth so cleere that in their order of visiting the sicke their Ministers acknowledge chalenge the same vsing a formal absolution according to the Churches order after the special cōfession of the partie But to conclude the matter let euery one that list to see the true meaning of Christs wordes and the Priests great power and dignitie giuen them by the same wordes and other marke wel these wordes of S. Chrysostome For saith he they that dvvel on the earth and conucrsein it to them is commission giuen to dispense those things that are in heauen to them is it giuen to haue the povver vvhich God vvould not to be giuen neither to Angels nor Archangels for neither to them vvas it said whatsoeuer you shal binde in earth
blessing them Ascendeth into heauen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES THE Gospel hauing shevved hovv the Ievves most impiously rèiected Christ as also Moyses and the Prophets had foretold of them and therefore deserued to be reiected themselues also of him novv folovveth this booke of the Actes of the Apostles vvritten by S. Luke in Rome the fourth y●r● of Nero An. Dom. 61 and shevveth hovv notvvithstanding their desertes Christ of his mercy as the Prophets also had foretold of him offered him selfe vnto that vnvvorthy people yea after that they had Crucified him sending vnto them his tvvelue Apostles to moue them to penance and so by Baptisme to make them of his Church and vvhiles al the Tvvelue vvere so occupied about the Ievves hovv of a persecuting Ievve he made an extraordinarie Apostle vvho vvas S. Paul and to auoide the scādal of the Ievves to vvhom onely him selfe likevvise for the same cause had preached sent him and not any of his Twelue by and by who were his knovven Apostles vnto the Gentiles vvho neuer afore had Heard of Christ and vvere vvorshippers of many Gods to moue them also for that likevvise the Prophets had foretold to faith and penance and so by Baptisme to make them of his Church and hovv the incredulous Ievves euery vvhere resisted the same Apostle and his preaching to the Gentiles persecuting him and seeking his death and neuer ceasing vntil he fel into the handes of the Gentils that so as not onely he euery vvhere but also the Prophets afore him and Christ had foretold the Gospel might be taken avvay from them and giuen to the Gentiles euen from Hierusalem vvhose reprobation also by name had been often foretold the headcitie of the Iewes vvhere it began translated to Rome the headcitie of the Gentiles Al this vvil be euident by the partes of the booke vvhich may be these sixe First hovv Christ Ascending in the sight of his Disciples promised vnto them the Holy ghost fortelling that of him they should receiue strength and so begin his Church in Hierusalem and from thence dilate it into al that Countrie that is into al Iurie yea and into Samaria also yea into al Nations of the Gentiles be they neuer so far of You shal receiue saith he the vertue of the Holy ghost cōming vpon you and you shal be witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem in al Iurie and Samaria and euen to the vtmost of the earth Chap. 1. Secondly the beginning of the Church in Hierusalem accordingly Chap. 2. Thirdly the propagation of it consequently into al Iurie and also to Samaria Chap. 8. Fourthly the propagation of it to the Gentiles also Chap. 10. Fifthly the taking of it avvay from the obstinate Ievves and geuing of it to the Gentiles by the ministerie of S. Paul and S. Barnabee Chap. 13. Sixthly of taking it avvay from Hierusalem it selfe the headcitie of the Ievves and sending it as it vvere to Rome the headcitie of the Gentiles and that in their persecuting of Paul so far * that he appealed to Caesar and so deliuering him after a sort vnto the Romanes as they bad * before deliuered to them also Christ him selfe vvhere as S. Peters first cōming thither vvas vpon an other occasion as shal be said anone Of vvhich Romanes and Gentiles therfore the same S. Paul being novv come to Rome the last Chap. of the Actes foretelleth the obstinat Ievves there saying Et ipsi audient You vvil not heare but they vvil heare that so the prediction of Christ aboue rehearsed might be fulfilled And euen to the vtmost of the earth And there doth S. Luke end the booke not caring to tel so much as the fulfilling of that vvhich our Lord had foretold Act. 27 24 to S. Paul Thou must appeare before Caesar because his purpose vvas no more but to shevv the nevv Hierusalem of the Christians vvhere Christ vvould place the cheefe seate of his Church as also in deede the Fathers and al other Catholikes haue in al ages looked thither vvhen they vvere in any great doubt no lesse then the Ievves to Hierusalem as they vvere appointed in the old Testament Deut. 17 8. And so this Booke doth shevv the true Church as plainely as the Gospel doth shevv the true Christ vnto al that do not vvilfully shut their ovvne ●ies to vvit this to be the true Church vvhich beginning visibly at Hierusalem vvas taken from the Ievves and translated to the Gentils and namely to Rome continuing visibly and visibly to continue hereafter also Vntil the fulnes of the Gentiles shal be come in that then also Al Israël may be saued and then is come the end of the vvorld For so did Christ most plainely foretel vs This Gospel of the Kingdom shal be preached in the vvhole world for a testimonie to al Nations and then shal come the consummation For the conuersion of vvhich Nations and accomplishing the fulnes of al Gentiles the foresaid Church Catholike being mindful of her office to be Christes witnes euen to the vtmost of the earth doth at this present as alvvaies send preachers to conuert and make them also Christians vvhereas the protestants and * al other Heretikes do nothing els but subuert such as before vvere Christians And this being the Summe and scope of this Booke thus to giue vs historically a iust sight of the fulfilling of the Prophets Christes prediction about the Church it is not to be marueiled at vvhy it telleth not of S. Peter cōming to Rome considering that his first cōming thither vvas not as S. Paules vvas by the Ievves deliuerie of him working so to their ovvne reprobatiō but vpō another occasion to vvit to confound Simon Magus Eus Hist li. 2. c. 12. 13. For vvho also seeth not that it maketh no mention of his préaching to any Gentiles at al those fevv onely Act. 10 excepted vvho vvere the first and therefore lest the Gentiles should seeme lesse cared for of God then the Ievves Peter being the Head of al vvas elected of God to incorporate them into the church as before he had done the Ievves God saith he among vs chose that by my mouth the Gentiles should heare the vvord of the Gospel and beleeue and S. Iames therevpon Simon hath told how God first visited to take of the Gentiles a people to his name But othervvise I say here is no mention of Peters preaching to any Gentiles no nor of the other eleuen Apostles Vvil any man therfore inferre that neither Peter nor the other Eleuen preached to any Nation or citie of the Gentiles No the meaning of the Holy ghost vvas not to vvrite al the Actes of al the Apostles no nor the preaching of Peter and his to the Gentiles but onely to the Ievves thereby to set out vnto the vvorld the great mercy of Christ tovvard those vnvvorthy Ievves and consequently their most vvorthy reprobation for cōtemning
S. Chrysostom make most honorable mention of our B. Lady praying vnto her saluting her with the Angelical hymne Au● Maria and vsing these speaches Most holy vndefiled blessed aboue al our Queene our Lady the mother of God MARIE a virgin for ouer the sacred arke of Christs Incarnation broder then the heauens that didst beare they creatour holy mother of vnspeakable light vve magnifie thee vvith Angelical hymnes al things passe vnderstanding al things are glorious in thee ô mother of God by thee the mysterie before vnknovven to the Angels is made manifest and reuealed to them on the earth thou art more honorable then the Cheerubins and more glorious then the Seraphins to thee O ful of grace al creatures both men and Angels doe gratulate and reioyce glorie be to thee Which art a sanctified temple a spiritual paradise the glorie of virgins of vvhom God tooke flesh and made thy vvombe to be his throne c. And S. Augustine Serm. 18. de Sanctis ●o 10 or as some thinke S. Fulgentius O blessed MARIE who can be able vvorthily to praise or thanke thee receiue our praiers obtaine vs out requestes for thou art the special hope of sinners by thee vve hope for pardon of our sinnes in thee ô most blessed is the expectation of our revvards And then folow these wordes now vsed in the Churches seruice Sancta Maria suscurre miseris iuua pusillanimes refoue flebiles orapro populo interueni pro lero intercede pro deuoto foemineo sexu Sentiant omnes tuum inuamen quicunque celebrant tuam commemorationem Pray thou continually for the people of God vvhich didst diserue to beare the redeemer of the vvorld Who liueth and reigneth for euer S. Damascene also ser de dormitione Deiparae Let vs crie vvith Gabriel Aue gratia plena Haile ful of grace Haile sea of ioy that can not be emptied haile the onely case of greefes haile holy virgin by vvhom death vvas expelled and life brought in See S. Irenaeus li. 3 c. 33. and li. 5 circa medium S. Augustine de side Symbolo de agone Christiano Where they declare how both the sexes concurre to our saluation the man and the woman Christ and our Lady as Adam and Eue both were the cause of our fall though Adam for more then his wife and so Christ far more excellently and in an other sort then our Lady who though his mother yet is but his creature and handmaid him self being truely both God and man In al which places alleaged * many other like to these if it please the reader to see and read and make his owne eies witnesses he shal perceiue that there is much more said of her and to her then we haue here recited and that the very same or the like speaches and termes were vsed then that the Church vseth now in the honour and inuocation of the B. Virgin to the confusion of al those that wilfully wil not vnderstand in what sense al such speaches are applied vnto her to wit either because of her praier and intercession for vs. whereby she is our hope our refuge our aduocate c. or because she brought forth the author of our redemption and saluation whereby she is the mother of mercie and grace and life and whatsoeuer goodnes we receiue by Christ 15. Peter rising vp Peter in the meane time practised his Superioritie in the cōpanie or Church publishing an election to be made of one to supply Iudas roome Which Peter did not vpon commaundement of Christ written but by suggestion of Gods Spirit and by vnderstanding the Scriptures of the old Testament to that purpose the sense whereof Christ had opened to the Apostles before his departure though in more ful maner afterward at the sending of the Holy Ghost And this acte of Peter in prescribing to the Apostles and the rest this election and the maner thereof is so euident for his Supremacie that * the Aduersa●ies confesse here that he was Antistes the cheefe and Bishop of this whole College and companie 26. Loties When the euent or fall of the lot is not expected of Diuels nor of the starres nor of any force of fortune but looked and praied for to be directed by God and his holy Saincts then may lottes be vsed lawfully And sometimes to discerne betwixt two things mere indifferent they be necessarie as S. Augustine teacheth ●p 180 ad Honoratum CHAP. II. The Holy Ghost comming to the Faithful vpon vvhitsunday 5 Ievves in Hierusalem of al Nations do vv●nder to heare ●hem speaks al tongues 14 And Peter to the deriders declareth that it is not drunkennes but the Holy Ghost vvhich Ioel did prophecie of vvhich IESVS whom they crucified being now risen againe and ascended as he sheweth also out of the Scriptures hath powred ou● from heauen cōcluding therfore that he is CHRIST and they most horrible murderers 17 Whereat they being compuncte and submitting them selues he telleth them that they must be baptized and then they also shal receiue the same Holy Ghost as being promised to al the baptized 41 And so 3000 are baptized that very day 42 Whos 's godly exercises are here reported and also their liuing in state of perfection The Apostles worke many miracles and God daily increaseth the number of the Church verse 1 AND vvhen the daies of ″ Pentecost vvere accomplished they vvere al together in one place ✝ verse 2 and sodenly there vvas made a sound from heauen as of a vehemēt vvinde cōming it filled the whole house vvhere they vvere sitting ✝ verse 3 And there appeared to them parted tonges as it were * of fire and it sate vpon euery one of them ✝ verse 4 and they vvere ″ al replenished vvith the * HOLY GHOST and they began to speake vvith diuerse tonges according as the HOLY GHOST gaue them to speake ✝ verse 5 And there vvere dvvelling at Hierusalē Ievves deuout men of euery nation that is vnder heauen ✝ verse 6 And vvhen this voice vvas made the multitude came together and vvas astonied in minde because euery man heard them speake in his ovvne tongue ✝ verse 7 And they vvere al amased and marueled saying Are not lo al these that speake Galil●ans ✝ verse 8 and hovv haue vve heard ' eche man our ovvne tongue vvherein vve vvere borne ✝ verse 9 Parthians and Medians and Elamites and that inhabite Meso potámia Ievvrie and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia ✝ verse 10 Phrygia and Pamphilia Aegypt and the partes of Lybia that is about Cyrénee and strangers of Rome ✝ verse 11 Ievves also and Proselytes Cretensians and Arabians Vve haue heard ' them speake in our ovvne tonges the great vvorkes of God ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And they vvere al astonied and marueled saying one to an other Vvhat meaneth this ✝ verse 13 But others deriding said That these are ful
of nevv vvine ✝ verse 14 But Peter standing vvith the Eleuen lifted vp his voice and spake to them Ye men Ievves and al you that dvvel in Hierusalem be this knovven to you and vvith your eares receiue my vvordes ✝ verse 15 For these are not drunke as you suppose vvhereas it is the third houre of the day ✝ verse 16 But this is it that vvas said by the Prophet Ioël ✝ verse 17 And it shal be in the last daies saith our Lord of my Spirit I vvil povvre out vpon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shal prophecie and your yong men shal see visions and your auncients shal dreame dreames ✝ verse 18 And vpon my seruants truely and vpon my handmaides vvil I povvre out in those daies of my Spirit and they shal prophecie ✝ verse 19 and I vvil giue vvonders in the heauen aboue and signes in the earth beneath bloud and fire and vapour of smoke ✝ verse 20 The sunne shal be turned into darkenes and the moone into bloud before the great and manifest day of our Lord doth come ✝ verse 21 And it shal be euery one vvhosoeuer calleth vpon the name of our Lord shal be saued ⊢ ✝ verse 22 Ye men of Israël heare these vvordes IESVS of Nazareth a man approued of God among you by miracles and vvonders and signes vvhich God did by him in the middes of you as you knovv ✝ verse 23 this same ″ by the determinate counsel and prescience of God being deliuered you by the handes of vvicked men haue crucified and slaine ✝ verse 24 vvhom God hath raised vp ″ loosing the sorovves of hel according as it vvas impossible that he should be holden of it ✝ verse 25 For Dauid saith concerning him I foresavv the Lord in my sight alvvaies because he is at my right hand that I be not moued ✝ verse 26 For this my hart hath been glad and my tongue hath reioyced moreouer my flesh also shal rest in hope ✝ verse 27 Because thou vvilt not leaue ″ my soul in hel nor giue thy Holy one to see corruption ✝ verse 28 Thou hast made knovven to me the vvaies of life thou shalt make me ful of ioyfulnes vvith thy face ✝ verse 29 Ye men brethren let me boldly speake to you of the Patriarch Dauid that * he died and vvas buried and his sepulchre is vvith vs vntil this present day ✝ verse 30 Vvhereas therfore he vvas a Prophet and knevv that by an othe God had svvorne to him that of the fruite of his loynes there should sit vpon his seate ✝ verse 31 forseeing he spake of the resurrection of Christ for neither vvas he left in hel neither did his flesh see corruption ✝ verse 32 This IESVS hath God raised againe vvhereof al vve are vvitnesses ✝ verse 33 Being exalted therfore by the right hand of God and hauing receiued of his father the promisse of the holy Ghost he hath povvred out this vvhom ' you see and heare ✝ verse 34 For Dauid ascended not into heauen but he saith Our Lord hath said to my Lord sit on my right hand ✝ verse 35 vntil I make thine enemies the footestoole of thy feete ✝ verse 36 Therfore let al the house of Israël know most certainly that God hath made him both Lord and CHRIST this IESVS vvhom you haue crucified ✝ verse 37 And hearing these things they were compuncte in hart and said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles Vvhat shal vve doe men brethren ✝ verse 38 But Peter said to them Doe penance and be euery one of you baptized in the name of IESVS CHRIST for remission of your sinnes and you shal receiue the gift of the holy Ghost ✝ verse 39 For to you is the promisse and to your children and to al that are farre of vvhomsoeuer the Lord our God shal call ✝ verse 40 Vvith very many other vvordes also did he testifie and exhorted them saying Saue your selues from this peruerse generation ✝ verse 41 They therfore that receiued his vvord vvere baptized and there vvere added in that day about three thousand soules ✝ verse 42 And they vvere perseuéring in the doctrine of the Apostles and in the communication of the breaking of bread and praiers ✝ verse 43 And feare came vpon euery soul many vvonders also and signes vvere done by the Apostles in Hierusalem and there vvas great feare in al. ✝ verse 44 Al they also that beleeued vvere together * and had ″ al things cōmon ✝ verse 45 Their possessions and substance they sold and deuided them to al according as euery one had neede ✝ verse 46 Daily also continuing vvith one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house they tooke their meate vvith ioy and simplicitie of hart ✝ verse 47 praising God and hauing grace vvith al the people And our Lord ″ increased them that should be saued daily together ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. The daies of Pentecost As Christ our Pasche for correspondence to the figure was offered at the Iewes great feast of Pasche so fifty daies after in Greeke Pentecost for accomplishing the like figure of the Law-giuing in Mount Sinal he sent downe the Holy Ghost iust on the day of their Pentecost which was alwaies on Sunday as appeareth Leuit. 23 15. Both which daies the Church keepeth yerely for memorie of Christs death and Resurrection and the sending downe of the Holy Ghost as they did the like for record of their deliuerie out of Aegypt and their Law giuing aforesaid the said Feastes with vs conteining besides the remembrance of benefites past great Sacraments also of the life to come Aug. ep 119 C. 16. 4. Al replenished Though the Apostles and the rest were baptized before and had thereby receiued the grace of the Holy Ghost to sanctification and remission of sinnes as for diuers other purposes also Yet as Christ * promised them they should be further indued with strength and vertue from aboue so here he fulfilleth his promes visibly powring downe the Holy Ghost vpon al the companie and vpon euery one of them thereby replenishing the Apostles specially with al truth wisedom and knowledge necessarie for the gouernement of the Church and giuing both to them and to al other present the grace and effect of the Sacrament of Confirmation accomplishing corroborating and strengthening them in their saith and the confession of the same And lastly for a visible token of Gods Spirit he endued them al with the gift of diuers strange tonges al I say there present as wel our Ladie as other holy women and brethren besides the Apostles though ● the Heretikes fondly argue for the desire they haue to dishonour Christs mother that neither she nor they were there present nor had the gift of tongues contrarie to the plaine text that saith They vvere al together to wit al the 120 mentioned
consider the Apostle high priest of our confession IESVS ✝ verse 2 vvho is faithful to him that made him as also * Moyses in al his house ✝ verse 3 For this man is esteemed vvorthie of more ample glorie aboue Moyses by so much as more ample glorie then the house hath he that framed it ✝ verse 4 For euery house is framed of some man but he that created al things is God ✝ verse 5 And Moyses in deede vvas faithful in al his house as a seruant for a testimonie of those things vvhich vvere to be said ✝ verse 6 but Christ as the Sonne in his ovvne house which house are vve if vve keepe firme the confidence and glorie of hope vnto the end ✝ verse 7 Vvherefore as the holy Ghost saith To day if you shal heare his voice ✝ verse 8 harden not your hartes as in the exacerbation according to the day of tentation in the desert ✝ verse 9 vvhere your fathers tempted me proued savv my vvorkes ✝ verse 10 fourtie yeres For the vvhich cause I vvas offended vvith this generation and said They doe alvvaies erre in hart And they haue not knovven my vvaies ✝ verse 11 to vvhom I svvare in my vvrath If they shal enter into my rest ✝ verse 12 Bevvare brethren lest perhaps there be in some of you an euil hart of incredulitie to depart from the liuing God ✝ verse 13 but exhort your selues euery day vvhiles to day is named that none of you be obdurate vvith the fallacie of sinne ✝ verse 14 For vve be made partakers of Christ yet so if vve keepe the beginning of his substance firme vnto the end ✝ verse 15 Vvhile it is said To day if you shal heare his voice do not obdurate your hartes as in that exacerbation ✝ verse 16 For some hearing did exasperate but not al they that vvent out of Aegypt by Moyses ✝ verse 17 And vvith vvhom vvas he offended fourtie yeres vvas it not with them that sinned * vvhose carcasses vvere ouerthrovven in the desert ✝ verse 18 And to vvhom did he svveare that they should not enter into his rest but to them that were incredulous ✝ verse 19 And vve see that they could not enter in because of incredulitie CHAP. IIII. That they must feare to be excluded out of the foresaid rest vvhich he proueth out of the psalme 12 considering that Christ seeth their most invvard secretes 14 And that he as their Priest vvho also him self suffered is able and ready to strengthen them in confession of their faith verse 1 LET vs feare therfore lest perhaps forsaking the promis of entring into his rest some of you be thought to be vvanting ✝ verse 2 For to vs also it hath been denounced as also to them but the vvord of hearing did not profit them not mixt vvith faith of those things vvhich they heard ✝ verse 3 For vve that haue beleeued shal enter into the rest as he said As I svvare in my vvrath if they shal enter into my rest and truely the vvorkes from the foundation of the vvorld being perfited ✝ verse 4 For he said in a certaine place of the seuenth day thus And God rested the seuenth day from al his vvorkes ✝ verse 5 And againe in this If they shal enter into my rest ✝ verse 6 Because then it remaineth that certaine enter into it and they to vvhom first it vvas preached did not enter because of incredulitie ✝ verse 7 againe he limiteth a certaine day To day in Dauid saying after so long time as is aboue said To day if you shal heare his voice doe not obdurate your hartes ✝ verse 8 For if Iesus had giuen them rest he vvould neuer speake of an other day aftervvard ✝ verse 9 Therfore there is left a sabbatisme for the people of God ✝ verse 10 For he that is entred into his rest the same also hath rested frō his vvorkes as God from his ✝ verse 11 Let vs hasten therfore to enter into that rest that no man fal into the same example of incredulitie ✝ verse 12 For the vvord of God is liuely and forcible and more persing then any tvvo edged svvord and reaching vnto the diuision of the soule and the spirit of the ioyntes also and the marowes and a discerner of the cogitations and intentes of the hart ✝ verse 13 And there is no creature inuisible in his sight but al things are naked and open to his eies to vvhom our speache is ✝ verse 14 Hauing therfore a great high Priest that hath entred the heauens IESVS the sonne of God let vs hold the confession ✝ verse 15 For vve haue not a high priest that can not haue compassion on our infirmities but tempted in al things by similitude except sinne ✝ verse 16 ″ Let vs goe therfore vvith confidence to the throne of grace that vve may obteine mercie and finde grace in seasonable aide ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 16. Let vs go vvith confidence The Aduersaries go about to proue by these vvordes that vve neede no helpe of Saincts to obtaine any thing Christ him self being so readie and vve being admonished to come to him vvith confidence as to a most merciful Mediator and Bishop But by that argument they may as vvel take avvay the helpes and praiers of the liuing one for an other And vve do not require the helpe either of the Saincts in heauen or of our brethren in earth for any mistrust of Gods mercie but for our ovvne vnvvorthines being assured that the praier of a iust man auaileth more vvith him then the desire of a greuous sinner and of a number making intercession together rather then of a man alone vvhich the Heretikes can not deny except they reproue the plaine Scriptures Neither do vve come lesse to him or vvith lesse confidence vvhen vve come accompanied vvith the praiers of Angels Saincts Priests or iust men ioyning vvith vs as they fondly imagine and pretend but vvith much more affiance in his grace mercie and merites then if vve praied our selues alone CHAP. V. That Christ being a man and infirms vvas therein but as al Priests and that he also vvas called of God to this office offering as the others 8 and suffered obediently for our example 11 Of vvhose Priesthod he hath much to say but that the Hebrues haue neede rather to heare their Catechisme againe verse 1 FOR ″ euery high Priest taken from amōg men is appointed for mē in those things that pertaine to God that he may offer giftes and sacrifices for sinnes ✝ verse 2 that cā haue compassion on them that be ignorant and do erre because him self also is cōpassed vvith infirmitie ✝ verse 3 therfore he ought as for the people so also for him self to offer for sinnes ✝ verse 4 * Neither doth any man ″ take the honour to him self but he that is called of God * as Aaron ⊢
he hath novv giuen and of the bloud vvhich he hath shed in illis praenuntiabarut occidendus in hoc annuntiatur occisus In them he vvas forshevved as to be killed in these he is shevved as killed And S. Gregorie Nazia●●●● saith oral in morbum that the Priest in this sacrifice immiscet se magnis Chrisi Passionibus S. Ambrose li. 1. Offic. c. 48. Offertur Christus in imagine quasi recipiens passionem Alexander the first ep 〈◊〉 Orthodox nu 4. 〈◊〉 1. Conc. Cuius corpus sanguis conficitur passio etiam celebratur S. Gregorie ho. 37 in Euang. So often as vve offer the host of his Passion so often vve removve his Passion And He suffeteth for vs againe in mysterie And Isychius li. 26. ● in Leuit. post m●d By the sacrifice of the onely-begotten many thinges are giuen vnto vs to vvitte the remission or pardoning of al mankinde and the singular introduction or bringing in of the mysteries of the nevv Testament And the said fathers and others by reason of the difference in the maner of Christes presence and oblation in respect of that on the Crosse called this the vnblouddy sacrifice as * Caluin him self confesseth but ansvvereth them in the pride of hereticall spirit vvith these vvordes Nihil moror quòd si● loquantur vttusti scriptores that is I passe not for it that the auncient vvriters do so speake calling the distinction of blouddy and vnblouddy sacrifice scholasticall and friuolous and diabolicum comment●●m a diuelish deuise Vvith such ignorant and blasphemous men vve haue to do that thinke they vnderstand the Scriptures better then all the fathers CHAP. X. Because in the yerely feast of Expiation vvas only a commoration of sinnes therfore in place of al those old sacrifices the Psalme telleth vs of the oblation of Christes body 10 vvhich he offered blouddily but once the Leuitical Priests offering so euery day because that once vvas sufficient for euer 15 in that it purchased as the prophet also vvitnesseth remission of sinnes 19 After al this he prosecuteth and exhorteth them vnto perseuirance partly vvith the opening of Heauen by our high-priest 26 partly vvith the terrour of damnation if they fall againe 32 bidding them remember hovv much they had suffered already and not lose their revvard verse 1 FOR the lavv hauing ″ a shadovv of good things to come not the very image of the things euery yere vvith the self same hostes which they offer incessantly can neuer make the commers thereto perfect ✝ verse 2 othervvise ″ they should haue ceased to be offered because the vvorshippers once cleansed should haue no conscience of sinne any longer ✝ verse 3 but in them there is made a cōmemotation of sinne euery yere ✝ verse 4 for it is ″ impossible that vvith the bloud of oxen and goates sinnes should be taken avvay ✝ verse 5 Therfore comming into the vvorld he saith ″ Host and oblation thou vvouldest not ″ but a body thou hast fitted to me ✝ verse 6 Holocaustes and for sinne did not please thee ✝ verse 7 Then said I Behold I come in the head of the booke it is vvritten of me That I may doe thy vvil ô God ✝ verse 8 Saying before Because hostes and oblations holocaustes for sinne thou vvouldest not ″ neither did they please thee vvhich are offered according to the lavv ✝ verse 9 then said I Behold I come that I may doe thy vvil ô God he taketh avvay the first that he may establish that that folovveth ✝ verse 10 In the vvhich vvil vve are sanctified by the oblation of the body of IESVS Christ once ✝ verse 11 And euery priest in deede is ready daily ministring and ″ often offering the same hostes vvhich can neuer take avvay sinnes ✝ verse 12 but this man offering one host for sinnes for euer * sitteth on the right hand of God ✝ verse 13 hence forth expecting vntil his enemies be put the footestoole of his feete ✝ verse 14 For by one oblation hath he consummated for euer them that are sanctified ✝ verse 15 And the holy Ghost also doth testifie to vs. For after that he said ✝ verse 16 And this is the Testament vvhich I vvil make to them after those daies saith our Lord giuing lavves in their hartes in their mindes vvil I superscribe them ✝ verse 17 and their sinnes and iniquities I vvil novv remēber no more ✝ verse 18 But vvhere there is remission of these ″ novv there is not an oblation for sinnes ✝ verse 19 Hauing therfore brethren confidence in the entring of he holies in the bloud of Christ ✝ verse 20 vvhich he hath dedicated to vs a nevv and liuing vvay by the vele that is his flesh ✝ verse 21 and a high priest ouer the house of God ✝ verse 22 let vs approche vvith a true hart in fulnesse of faith hauing our hartes sprinkled from euil consciencel and our body vvashed vvith cleane vvater ✝ verse 23 let vs hold the confession of our hope vndeclining for he is faithful that hath promised ✝ verse 24 and let vs consider one an other vnto the prouocation of charitie and of good vvorkes ✝ verse 25 not forsaking our assemblie as some are accustomed but comforting and so much the more as you see the day approching ✝ verse 26 * For ″ if vve sinne vvillingly after the knovvledge of the truth receiued novv there is not left an host for sinnes ✝ verse 27 but a certaine terrible expectation of iudgement and rage of fire vvhich shal consume the aduersaries ✝ verse 28 A man making the lavv of Moyses frustrate vvithout any mercie * dieth vnder tvvo or three vvitnesses ✝ verse 29 hovv much more thinke you doth he deserue vvorse punishements vvhich hath troden the sonne of God vnder foote and estemed ″ the bloud of the testament polluted vvherein he is sanctified and hath done contumelie to the spirit of grace ✝ verse 30 For vve knovv him that said Reuenge to me I vvil repay And againe That our Lord vvil iudge his people ✝ verse 31 ″ It is horrible to fal into the handes of the liuing God ✝ verse 32 But call to minde the old daies vvherein being illuminated you sustained a great fight of passions ✝ verse 33 and on the one part certes by reproches and tribulations made a spectacle and on the other part made companions of them that conuersed in such sort ✝ verse 34 For ″ you both had compassion on them that vvere in bondes and the spoile of your ovvne goodes you tooke ″ vvith ioy knovving that you haue a better and a permanent substāce ✝ verse 35 Do not therfore leese your confidence vvhich hath a great remuneration ✝ verse 36 For patience is necessarie for you that doing the vvil of God you may receiue the promise ✝ verse 37 For * yet a litle and a very litle
my beloued sonne in vvhom I haue pleased my self heare him ✝ verse 18 And this voice vve heard brought from heauen vvhen vve vvere vvith him in the holy mounte ✝ verse 19 And we haue the prophetical vvord more sure vvhich you doe vvel attending vnto as to a candel shining in a darke place vntil the day davvne and the day starre arise in your hartes ⊢ ✝ verse 20 vnderstanding this first that no prophecie of scripture is made by ● priuate interpretation ✝ verse 21 For * not by mans vvil vvas prophecie brought at any time but the holy men of God spake inspired vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 10. By good vvorkes Here vve see that Gods eternal predestination and election consisteth vvith good vvorkes yea that the certainty and effect thereof is procured by mans free vvill and good vvorkes and that our vvel doing is a meane for vs to attaine to the effect of Gods predestination that is to life euerlasting and therfore it is a desperate folly and a great signe of reprobate persons to say If I be predestinate doe vvhat I vvil I shal be saued Nay the Apostle saith If thou hope to be one of the predestinate for knovv it thou canst not do vvel that thou maist be the more assured to attaine to that thou hopest or make it sure by good vvorkes The Protestāts in such cases not much liking these vvordes by good vvorkes though the latin haue it vniuersally and some Greeke copies also as Beza confesseth leaue them out in their translations by their vvonted pollicie 15. After my decease also These vvordes though they may be easily altered by cōstruction into diuers senses not vntrue yet the correspondēce of the partes of the sentēce going before and folovving giue most plaine this meaning that as during his life he vvould not omit to put them in memorie of the things he taught them so after his death vvhich he knew should be shortly he vvould not faile to endeuour that they might be mindeful of the same Signifying that his care ouer them should not cease by death that by his intercession before God after his departure he vvould doe the same thing for them that he did before in his life by teaching and preaching This is the sense that the * Greeke Scholies speake of and this is most proper to the text and consonant to the old vse of this Apostle and other Apostolike Saincts and fathers of the primitiue Church S. Clement in his Epistle to S. Iames our Lordes brother vvitnesseth that S. Peter encouraging him to take after his decease the charge of the Apostolike Romane See promised that after his departure he vvould not cease to pray for him his flocke thereby to ease him of his Pastoral burden To. 1 Concil ep 1. S. Clem. in initio And S. Leo the Great one of his successors in the said See often attributeth the good administration and gouernement thereof to S. Peters praiers and assistance namely in these goodly vvorkes Ser 3 in anniuers 〈◊〉 assumpt ad Pontif. We are much bound saith he to giue thankes to our Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ that hath giuen so great povver to him vvhom he made the Prince of the vvhole Church that if in our time also any thing be done vvel be rightly ordered by vs it is to be imputed to his vvorkes and his geuernement to vvhom it vvas said And thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren and to vvhom our Lord after his resurrection said thrise leede my sheepe Which novv also vvithout doubt the godly Pastor doth execute confirming vs vvith his exhortations and not ceasing to pray for vs that vve be euercome vvith no tentation c. Yea it vvas a common thing in the primitiue Church among the auncient Christians and alvvaies since among the faithful to make couenant in their life time that vvhether of them vvent to heauen before the other he should pray for his frende and fellovv yet aliue See the Ecclesiastical historie of the holy virgin and Martyr Potamiaena promising at the houre of her Martyrdom that after her death she vvould procure mercie of God to Basilides one of the souldiars that ledde her to execution and so she did Euseb li. 6. c. 4. Also S. Cyprian ep 57 in fine Let vs saith he pray mutually one for an other and vvhether of vs tvvo shal by Gods elemencie be first called for let his loue continue and his praier not cease for his brethren and sisters in the vvorld So said this holy Martyr at that time vvhen Christiās vvere so far from Caluinisme vvhich abhorreth the praiers of Saincts praying to them that to be sure they bargained before hād to haue the martyrs other Saincts to pray for them The same S. Cyprian also in his booke De disciplina habitu virginum in fine after a godly exhortation made to the holy Virgins or Nonnes in his time speaketh thus vnto them Tantum tunc mementote nostri cùm incipiet in vobis virginitas honorari that is Onely then haue vs in remembrance vvhen your virginitie shal begin to be honoured that is after their departure Vvhere he insinuateth the vse of the Catholike Church in keeping the festiual daies and other dueties tovvard the holy Virgins in heauen S. Hierom also in the same manner speaketh to Heliodorus saying that vvhen he is once in heauen then he vvil pray for him that exhorted and incited him to the blessed state of the Monastical life Ep. 1. c. 2. And so doth he speake to the vertuous matrone Paula after her death desiring her to pray for him in his old age affirming that she shal the more easily obtaine the neeres she is novv ioyned to Christ in heauen in Epitaph Paule in fine It vvere to long to report hovv S. Augustine desireth to be holpen by S. Cyprians praiers then and long before a Sainct in heauen to the vnderstanding of the truth concerning the peace and regiment of the Church li. 5 de Bapt. cont Donatistas c. 17. And in an other place the same holy Doctor alleageth the said S. Cyprian saying that great numbers of our parents brethren children frendes and other expect vs in great solicitude and carefulnes of our saluation being sure of their ovvne li. 1 de praedest Sanctorum c. 14. S. Gregorie Nazianzene in his orations of the praise of S. Cyprian in fine and of S. Basil also in fine declareth hovv they pray for the people vvhich tvvo Saincts he there inuocateth as al the auncient fathers did both generally al Saincts and as occasion serued particularly their special Patrones Among the rest see hovv holy Ephrem in orat de laud. S. Deipara praied to our B. Ladie vvith the same termes of Aduocatt Hope Reconciliatrix that the faithful yet vse and the Protestants can not abide S. Basil ho. de 40 Martyribus in fine S. Athanasius Ser. in Euang. de
S. Deipara in fine S. Hilarie in Psal 124. S. Chrysostom ho. 66 ad po Antiochenum in fine Theodorete de curat Grae●orum affectuum li. 8 in fine Finally al the fathers are ful of these things vvho better knevv the meaning of the Scripture and the sense of the Holy Ghost then these nevv interpreters doe 20. Priuate The Scriptures can not be rightly expounded of euery priuate spirit or phantasie of the vulgar reader but by the same spirit vvherevvith they vvere vvritten vvhich is resident in the Church CHAP. II. At not onely Prophets but also false-prophets vvere in the old Testament so novv likevvise there shal be Maisters of Heresie to the damnation of them selues and of their folovvers 4 And of their damnation he pronounceth by examples as he comforteth the vertuous Catholikes or true beleeuers vvith the example of Lot because of their railing at their Superiors and Prelates their blaspheming of Catholike doctrine their voluptuous liuing their lecherie their couetousnes their maner of seducing and the persons seduced 20 for vvhom it had been lesse damnable if they had neuer been Christians verse 1 BVT there vvere also false● prophets in the people as also in you there * shal be lying maisters vvhich shal bring in sectes of perdition denie him that hath bought them the Lord bringing vpon them selues speedie perdition ✝ verse 2 And many shal folovv their riotousnesses by vvhom the vvay of truth shal be blasphemed ✝ verse 3 and in auarice shal they vvith feined vvordes make merchandise of you vnto vvhom the iudgement novv long since ceaseth not and their perdition slumbereth not ✝ verse 4 For if God spared not Angels sinning but with the ropes of Hel being dravven dovvne into Hel deliuered them to be tormented that they should be reserued vnto iudgemēt ✝ verse 5 he spared not the original vvorld but * kept the eight Noë the preacher of iustice bringing in the deluge vpon the vvorld of the impious ✝ verse 6 And * bringing the cities of the Sodomites and of the Gomorrheites into ashes he damned them vvith subuersion putting an example of them that shal doe impiously ✝ verse 7 and * deliuered iust Lot oppressed by the iniurie and luxurious conuersation of the abominable men ✝ verse 8 for in sight and * hearing he vvas iust dvvelling vvith them vvho from day to day vexed the iust soule vvith vniust vvorkes ✝ verse 9 Our Lord knovveth to deliuer the godly from tentation but to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement to be tormented ✝ verse 10 and especially them vvhich vvalke after the flesh in concupiscence of vncleannesse and cōtemne dominion bold self-pleasers they ● feare not to bring in sectes blaspheming ✝ verse 11 Vvhereas Angels being greater in strength and povver beare not the execrable iudgemēt against them ✝ verse 12 But these men as vnreasonable beastes naturally tending to the snare and into destruction in those things vvhich they know not blaspheming shal perish in their corruption ✝ verse 13 receiuing the revvard of iniustice esteeming for a pleasure the delightes of a day coinquinations and spottes flovving in delicacies in their feastings rioting vvith you ✝ verse 14 hauing eies ful of adulterie and incessant sinne alluring vnstable soules hauing their hart exercised vvith auarice the children of malediction ✝ verse 15 leauing the right vvay they haue erred hauing folovved the vvay of Balaam of Bosor vvhich loued the revvard of iniquitie ✝ verse 16 but * had a checke of his madnesse the dumme beast vnder the yoke speaking vvith mans voice prohibited the folishnes of the prophet ✝ verse 17 These are fountaines vvithout vvater and cloudes tossed vvith vvhirlevvindes to vvhom the mist of darkenesse is reserued ✝ verse 18 For speaking the proud things of vanitie they allure in the desires of fleshly riotousnes those that escape a litle vvhich conuerse in errour ✝ verse 19 promising them libertie vvhereas them selues are the slaues of corruption for * vvherevvith a man is ouercome of that he is the slaue also ✝ verse 20 For if fleeing from the coinquinations of the vvorld in the knovvledge of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ they againe intangled vvith the same be ouercome * the later things are become vnto them vvorse then the former ✝ verse 21 For it vvas better for them not to knovv the vvay of iustice then after the knovvledge to turne backe from that holy cōmaundement vvhich vvas deliuered to them ✝ verse 22 For that of the true prouerbe is chaunced to them * The dogge returned to his vomite and The sovve vvashed into her vvallovving in the mire CHAP. III. Th●se 〈◊〉 Epistles ●e vvriteth to confirme them in the Apostles doctrine and vvarnet● them of scorners that shal come and denie Domesday 5 Whose vaine argument he ansvvereth and giueth the reason of Gods so long patience 10 exhorting to al holines of life in respect of that terrible day 16 Finally giuing vvarning of such as misinterprete S. Paules Epistles the other Scriptures and that vve must not for any thing fall from the true faith verse 1 THIS loe the second epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde ✝ verse 2 that you may be mindeful of those vvordes vvhich I told you before from the holy Prophetes and of your Apostles of the preceptes of our Lord and Sauiour ✝ verse 3 Knovving this first that * in the last daies shal come mockers in deceit vvalking according to their ovvne concupiscences ✝ verse 4 saying Vvhere is his promise or his cōming For verse 5 since the time that the fathers slept al things do so perseuêre from the beginning of creature for they are vvilfully ignorant of this that the heauens vvere before the earth out of vvater and through vvater consisting by the vvord of God ✝ verse 6 by the vvhich that vvorld then being ouerflovved vvith vvater perished ✝ verse 7 But the heauens vvhich novv are the earth are by the same word kept in store reserued to fire vnto the day of iudgemēt of the perdition of the impious men ✝ verse 8 But this one thing be not ignorāt of my deerest that * one day with our Lord is as a thousand yeres a thousand yeres as one day ✝ verse 9 Our Lord slacketh not his promis as some do esteeme it but he doth patiently for you * not vvilling that any perish but that al returne to penance ✝ verse 10 And * the day of our Lord shal come as a theefe in the vvhich the heauens shal passe vvith great violence but the elementes shal be resolued vvith heate and the earth and the vvorkes vvhich are in it shal be burnt ✝ verse 11 Therfore vvhereas al these thinges are to be dissolued vvhat maner of men ought you to be in holy
conuersations and godlinesses ✝ verse 12 expecting and hasting vnto the cōming of the day of our Lord by vvhich the heauens burning shal be resolued and the elementes shal melt vvith the heate of fire ✝ verse 13 But vve expect * nevv heauens and a nevv earth according to his promises in vvhich iustice inhabiteth ✝ verse 14 For the vvhich cause my deerest expecting these things labour earnestly to be found immaculate and vnspotted to him in peace ✝ verse 15 and * the longanimitie of our Lord do ye account saluation as also our most deere brother Paul according to the vvisdom giuen him hath vvritten to you ✝ verse 16 as also in al epistles speaking in them of these things in the vvhich are ● certaine things hard to be vnderstoode vvhich the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as also the rest of the Scriptures to their ovvne perdition ✝ verse 17 You therfore brethrē foreknovving take heede lest ledde aside by the errour of the vnwise you fal away from your owne stedfastnes ✝ verse 18 but grovv in grace and in knovvledge of our Lord and sauiour IESVS Christ To him be glorie both novv and vnto the day of eternitie Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 16. Certaine things hard This is a plaine text to conuince the Protestants vvho as al heretikes lightly doe and did from the beginning say the Scriptures be easie to vnderstand and therfore may be not onely read safely but also expounded boldly of al the people as vvel vnlearned as learned and consequently euery one by him self and his priuate spirit vvithout respect of the expositions of the learned fathers or expectation of the Churches their Pastors and Prelates iudgment may determine and make choise of such sense as him self liketh or thinketh agreable For this is partly their saying partly the necessarie sequele of their folish opinion vvhich admitteth nothing but the bare Scriptures And Luther said that the Scriptures vvere more plaine then al the fathers commentaries and so al to be superfluous but the Bible Pra●fat assert art damnat Against al vvhich Diuelish seditious arrogācie tending to make the people esteeme them selues learned or sufficient vvithout their Pastors and spiritual rulers helpe to guide them selues in al matters of doctrine doubtes in religion the holy Apostle here telleth and forevvarneth the faithful that the Scriptures be ful of difficultie specially S. Paules epistles of al other partes of holy vvrite and that ignorant men ●ad vnstable or phātastical fellovves puffed to fro vvith euery blast of doctrine and haeresie abuse peruert and misconster them to their ovvne damnation And S. Augustine saith that the special difficulty in S. Paules epistles vvhich ignorant and euil men do so peruert and vvhich S. Peter meaneth is his hard speache and much commendation of that faith vvhich he saith doth iustifie vvhich the ignorant euen from the Apostles time and much more novv haue and do so misconster as though he had meant that onely faith vvithout good vvorkes could iustifie or saue a man Against vvhich vvicked collection and abuse of S. Paules vvordes the said father faith al these Canonical or Catholike epistles vvere vvritten But the Haeretikes here to shift of the matter and to creepe out after their fashion ansvver that S. Peter saith not S. Paules epistles be hard but that many things in them are hard Vvhich may be to the Catholikes an example of their sophistical euasions from the euidence of Gods vvord As though it vvere not al one to say Such an author or vvriter is hard and There be many things in that vvriter hard to be vnderstood For vvhether it be that the argument and matter be high and past vulgar capacitie as that of praedestination reprobation vocation of the Gentiles and iustifying faith or vvhether his manner of stile and vvriting be obscure al proue that his epistles be hard and other Scriptures also because S. Peter here affirmeth that by reason of the difficulties in them vvhether in the style or in the depth of the matter the ignorant and vnstable such as Heretikes be do peruert his vvritings as also other Scriptures to their ovvne damnation Vvhereby it is plaine that it is a very dangerous thing for such as be ignorant or for vvilde vvitted fellovves to reade the Scriptures For such conditioned men be they that become Heretikes and through ignorance pride and priuate phantasie meeting vvith hard places of S. Paules epistles or other Scriptures breede Haeresies And that not onely the things treated of in the holy Scriptures but also that the very manner of vvriting and enditing thereof is high and hard and purposely by Gods prouidence appointed to be vvritten in such sort see S. Augustine li. 2 de doct Christ c. 6. and ep 119. S. Ambrose ep 44 in principio S. Hierom to Paulinus ep 103 c. 5. 6. 7. vvho also ep 65. c. 1. saith that in his old age vvhen he should rather haue taught then be taught he vvent as far as Alexandria onely to heare Didymus and to haue his helpe for the vnderstanding of the Scriptures and confesseth vvith great thankes to the said Didymus that he learned of him that vvhich before he knevve not Dauid saith Giue me vnderstanding and I vvil searche thy lavv The Eunuch in the Actes said Hovv can I vnderstand vvith out an interpreter The Apostles til Christ opened their sense to vnderstand the scriptures could not vnderstand them The holy Doctors by continual studie vvatching fasting and praying had much a doe to vnderstand them that great clerke S. Augustine cōfessing in the foresaid epistle 119. c. 21. that there vvere many moe things that he vnderstood not then that he vnderstood The Heretikes say the fathers did commonly erre and hovv could such great vvise learned men be deceiued in reading and expounding the Scriptures if they vvere not hard and if they vvere hard to them hovv are they easie to these nevv maisters the Haeretikes finally vvhy do they vvrite so many nevv glosses schol●es commentaries as a cart cannot carrie Vvhy do Luther Zuinglius Caluin and their Companions agree no better vpon the interpretation of the Scriptures if they be not hard vvhereat stumbled al the old heretikes the nevv Arîus Macedonius Vigilantius Nestorius Eutyches Berengarius Vvicleffe Protestants Puritanes Anabaptists and the rest but at the hardnes of the Scriptures They be hard then to vnderstand and Heretikes peruert them to their ovvne damnation THE ARGVMENT OF S. IOHNS THREE EPISTLES OF S. Iohn vvas said in the Argument before his Gospel Novv here folovv his three Epistles one to al Catholikes though some auncients do cal it Ad Parthos the other tvvo being very short vnto a certaine Ladie to one Gaius The effect of al is to vvitnes vnto them the certaintie of the Catholike faith and to exhort them to continue still in it also to loue the Catholike Church and so neither to become heretikes
euery one of them one and it vvas said to them that they should rest yet a litle time ″ til their fellovv-seruātes be complete and their brethren that are to be slaine euen as they ✝ verse 12 And I savv vvhen he had opened the sixt seale and behold there vvas made a great earth-quake and the sunne became blacke as it vvere sacke cloth of heare and the vvhole moone became as bloud ✝ verse 13 and the starres from heauen fel vpō the earth as the figge tree casteth her greene figges when it is shaken of a great vvinde ✝ verse 14 and heauen departed as a booke folded together and euery hil and ilandes vvere moued out of their places ✝ verse 15 And the kinges of the earth princes and tribunes and the riche and the strong and euery bond-man and free-man * hid them selues in the dennes and the rockes of mountaines ✝ verse 16 And they say to the mountaines and the rockes * Fall vpon vs and hide vs from the face of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe ✝ verse 17 because the great day of their wrath is come and vvho shal be able to stand ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 9. Vnder the altar Christ as man no doubt is this altar vnder vvhich the soules of al Martyrs liue in heauen expecting their bodies as Christ their head hath his body there already And for correspondence to their place of state in heauen the Church saieth commonly their bodies also or relikes neere or vnder the altars vvhere our Sauiour body is offered in the holy Masse and hath a special prouiso that no altars be erected or consecrated vvithout some part of a Saincts body or relikes Con● Asrican can 50. Carthag 5. can 14. See S. Hierom cont vigilant c. 3. S. Augustine de ciuit li. 8. c. 27. S. Gregorie li. 5. ep 50. li. 1. ep 52. li. 2 ep 58. Vvher vnto the Prophet seemeth here to allude making their soules also to haue their being in heauen as it vvere vnder the altar But for this purpose note vvel the vvordes of S. Augustine or vvhat other auncient writer soeuer vvas the author thereof Ser. 11 de Sanctis Vnder the altar saith he of God I savv the soules of the slaine What is more reuerent or honorable then to rest vnder that altar on vvhich sacrifice is done to God and in vvhich our Lord is the Priest as it is vvritten Thou art a Priest according to the order of Melchisedec Rightly do the soules of the iust rest vnder the altar because vpon the altar our Lordes body is offered neither vvithout cause do the iust there call for reuenge of their bloud vvhere also the bloud of Christ is shed for sinners and many other goodly vvordes to that purpose This place also the vvicked heretike Vigilantius as S. Hierom vvriting against him vvitnesseth c. 2 abused to proue that the soules of Martyrs and other Saincts vvere included in some certaine place that they could not be present at their bodies and monuments vvhere Christian people vsed in the primitiue Church to pray vnto them as Catholike men doe yet nor be vvhere they list or vvhere men pray vnto them To vvhich the holy doctor ansvvereth at large that they be vvheresoeuer Christ is according to his humanitie for vnder that altar they be Part of his vvordes be these that you may see hovv this blessed father refuted in that Heretike the Caluinistes so long before they vvere borne Dcst thou saith he pres●●ribe savves to God Doest thou fe●ter the Apostles that they may be kept in prison til the day of iudgement and be kept from their Lord of vvhom it is vvritten They folovv the Lambe vvhither soeuer he goeth If the Lambe be in euery place then they that he vvith the Lambe must be euery vvhere And if the diuel and vvicked spirites gadding abrode in the vvorld vvith passing celeritie be present euery vvhere shal holy Martyrs after the sheading of their bloud be kept close vnder an altar that they can not sturre out from thence So ansvvereth this learned doctor Vvhich misliketh our Caluinistes so much that they charge him of great errour in that he saith Christ according to his humanitie is euery vvhere as though he vvere an Vbiquetarie Protestant Vvhere if they had any iudgement they might perceiue that he meaneth not that Christ or his Saincts should be personally present at once in euery place alike as God is but that their motion speede and agilitie to be vvhere they list is incomparable and that their povver and operation is accordingly vvhich they may learne to be the holy doctors meaning by the vvordes that folovv of the Diuel and his ministers vvhō he affirmeth to be euery vvhere no othervvise but by their exceding celeritie of being and vvorking mischeefe novv in one place novv in an other and that in a moment For though they be spirites yet are they not euery vvhere at once according to their essence And for our nevv Diuines it vvere a hard thing to determine hovv long Satan that told our Lord he had circuited the earth vvas in his iourney and in the particular consideration and tentation of Iob and hovv many men he assaulted in that his one circuite No no. such curious companions knovv nothing nor beleeue nothing but that they see vvith corporal eies and teach nothing but the vvay to infidelitie 10. And they cried S. Hierom also against the said Vigilantius reporteth that he vsed an argument against the praiers of Saincts out of this place for that these Martyrs cried for reuenge and could not obtaine But vve vvil report his vvordes that you may see how like one heretike is to an other these of our daies to those of old Thou saiest in thy booke saith S. Hierom c. 3. that vvhiles vve be aliue one of vs may pray for an other but after vve be dead no mans praier shal be heard for an other specially seing the Martyrs asking reuenge of their bloud could not obtaine So said the Heretike Against vvhich the holy Doctor maketh a long refu●ation prouing that they pray much more after they be in heauen then they did here in earth and that they shal be much sooner heard of God then vvhen they vvere in the vvorld But for the Heretikes argument framed out of these vvordes of the Apocalypse thus These Martyrs did not obtaine 〈◊〉 Saincts do not pray for vs it vvas so friuolous and the antecedent so manifestly false that he vouchsaued not to stand about it For it is plaine that the Martyrs here vvere heard and that their petition should be fulfilled in time appointed by God vvherevnto they did and do alvvaies conforme them selues for it vvas said vnto them That they should rest yet a litle time til c. And that Martyrs praiers be heard in this case our Sauiour testifieth Luc 18 saying And vvil not God reuenge
And the fourth Angel sounded vvith the trompet and the third part of the sunne vvas smitten and the third part of the moone and the third part of the starres so that the third part of them vvas darkened and of the day there shined not the third part and of the night in like maner ✝ verse 13 And I looked and heard the voice of one egle flying through the middes of heauen saying vvith a loud voice Vvo vvo vvo to the inhabiters on the earth because of the rest of the voices of the three Angels vvhich vvere to sound vvith the trompet CHAP. IX The fifth Angel sounding the tr●mpet a starre falleth 3 The issuing forth of locustes from the smoke of the deepe pitte to vex● men 7 and the description of them 13 The sixt Angel sounding foure Angels are let loose 18 vvhich vvith a great troupe of horsemen do murder the third part of men verse 1 AND the fifth Angel sounded vvith the trompet and I savv a starre to haue fallen from heauen vpon the earth and there vvas giuen to him the key of the pitte of bottomles depth ✝ verse 2 And he opened the pitte of the bottomles depth and the smoke of the pitte ascended as the smoke of a great fornace and the sunne vvas darkened the aier vvith the smoke of the pitte ✝ verse 3 And from the smoke of the pitte there issued forth locustes into the earth and povver vvas giuen to them as the scorpions of the earth haue povver ✝ verse 4 and it vvas commaunded them that they should not hurt the grasse of the earth ● not any greene thing nor any tree but onely men vvhich haue not the signe of God in their foreheads ✝ verse 5 and it vvas giuen vnto them that they should not kil them but that they should be tormented fiue monethes and their tormentes as the tormentes of a scorpion vvhen he striketh a man ✝ verse 6 And * in those daies men shal seeke for death and shal not finde it and they shal desire to die death shal flee from them ✝ verse 7 And the similitudes of the locustes like to horses ″ prepared into battel and vpō their heades as it vvere crovvnes like to gold their faces as the faces of men ✝ verse 8 And they had heare as the heare of vvomen their teeth vvere as of lions ✝ verse 9 And they had habbergions as habbergions of yron and the voice of their vvinges as the voice of the chariotes of many horses running into battel ✝ verse 10 and they had tailes like to scorpions and stinges vvere in their tailes and their povver vvas to hurt men fiue monethes ✝ verse 11 and they had ouer them a king the Angel of the bottomles depth vvhose name in Hebrevv is Abaddon and in Greeke Apollyon in Latin hauing the name Exterminans ✝ verse 12 One vvoe is gone behold two vvoes come yet after these ✝ verse 13 And the sixt Angel sounded vvith the trompet and I heard one voice from the foure hornes of the golden altar vvhich is before the eies of God ✝ verse 14 saying to the sixt Angel which had the trōpet Loose the foure Angels which are boūd in the great riuer Euphrates ✝ verse 15 And the foure Angels vvere loosed vvho vvere prepared for an houre and a day and a moneth and a yere that they might kil the third part of men ✝ verse 16 And the number of the armie of horsemen vvas tvventie thousand times ten thousand And I heard the nūber of them ✝ verse 17 And so I savv the horses in the vision they that sate vpō them had habbergiōs of fire and of hyacinth and brimstone the heades of the horses were as it were the heads of lions from their mouth procedeth fire smoke and brimstone ✝ verse 18 And by these three plagues vvas slaine the third part of men of the fire and of the smoke and of the brimstone vvhich proceded from their mouth ✝ verse 19 For the povver of the horses is in their mouth and in their tailes for their tailes be like to serpents hauing heads and in these they hurt ✝ verse 20 And the rest of men vvhich vvere not slaine vvith these plagues neither haue done penance from the vvorkes of their hands not to adore Deuils and ″ Idols of gold and siluer and brasse and stone and vvood vvhich neither can see not heare nor vvalke ✝ verse 21 haue not done penāce from their murders nor from their sorceries nor from their fornication nor from their theftes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 4. Nor any greene thing The Heretikes neuer hurt or seduce the greene tree that is such as haue a liuing faith vvorking by charitie but commonly they corrupt him in faith vvho should othervvise haue perished for il life and him that is reprobate that hath neither the signe of the Crosse vvhich is Gods marke in the forehead of his body nor the note of election in his soule 7. Prepared into battel Heretikes being euer ready to contend do pretend victorie and counterfeit gold in shape as men as smothe and delicate as vvomen their tongues and pennes ful of gall and venim their hartes obdurate ful of noise and shuffling their doctrine as pestiserous and ful of poison as the taile and sting of a scorpion but they endure for a litle season 20. Idols of gold Here againe the nevv Translatours abuse the people for idols saying images the place being plainely against the pourtiates of the Heathen Gods vvhich are here and in the Psalme 95 called damenia Diuels CHAP. X. An other strong Angel crying out 3 seuen thunders do speake 6 The Angel sweareth that there shal be time no more but at the voice of the seuenth Angel the mysterie shal be fully accomplished 9 He giueth Iohn a booke to deuoure verse 1 AND I savv an other Angel strong descending from heauen clothed vvith a cloude and a raine-bovv on his head and his face vvas as the sunne and his feete as a piller ' of fire ✝ verse 2 and he had in his hand a litle booke opened and he put his right foote vpon the sea and his left vpon the land ✝ verse 3 and he cried vvith a loude voice as vvhen a lion roareth And vvhen he had cried the seuen thunders spake their voices ✝ verse 4 And vvhen the seuen thunders had spoken their voices I vvas about to vvrite and I heard a voice from heauen saying to me Signe the things vvhich the seuen thunders haue spoken and vvrite them not ✝ verse 5 And * the Angel vvhich I savv standing vpon the sea and vpon the land lifted vp his hand to heauen ✝ verse 6 and he svvare by him that liueth for euer and euer that created heauen and those things vvhich are in it and the earth and those things vvhich are in it and the sea and
those things vvhich are in it That there shal be time no more ✝ verse 7 but in the daies of the voice of the seuenth Angel vvhen the trompet shal beginne to sound the mysterie of God shal be consummate as he hath euangelized by his seruantes the Prophetes ✝ verse 8 And I heard a voice from heauen againe speaking with me and saying Goe and take the booke that is opened of the hand of the Angel standing vpon the sea and vpon the land ✝ verse 9 And I vvent to the Angel saying vnto him that he should giue me the booke And he said to me * Take the booke and deuoure it and it shal make thy belly to be bitter but in thy mouth it shal be svveete as it vvere honie ✝ verse 10 And I tooke the booke of the hand of the Angel and denoured it it vvas in my mouth as it vvere honie svveete and vvhen I had deuoured it my bellie vvas made bitter ✝ verse 11 and he said to me Thou must againe prophecie to Nations and peoples and tonges and many kinges CHAP. XI S. Iohn measuring the Temple 3 heareth of tvvo vvitnesses that shal preache 7 vvhom the beast cōming vp from the sea shal kil 12 but they rising againe ascend into heauen 13 and seuen thousand persons are slaine vvith an earthquake 15 and as the sound of the seuenth Angel the soure and tvventie seniors giue praise and thankes to God verse 1 AND there vvas giuen me a reede like vnto a rodde and it vvas said to me Arise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that adore in it ✝ verse 2 but the court vvhich is vvithout the temple cast forth measure not that because it is giuen to the Gentiles they shal treade vnder foote the holy citie two and fourtie monethes ✝ verse 3 and I vvil giue to ″ my tvvo vvitnesses and they shal prophecie a thousand tvvo hundred sixtie daies clothed vvith facke-clothes ✝ verse 4 These are the two oliue trees and the tvvo candlestickes that stand in the sight of the Lord of the earth ✝ verse 5 And if any man vvil hurt them fire shal come forth out of their mouthes and shal deuoure their enemies and if any man vvil hurt them so must he be slaine ✝ verse 6 These haue power to shut heauen that it raine not in the daies of their prophecie and they haue povver ouer the vvaters to turne them into bloud and to strike the earth vvith al plague as often as they vvil ✝ verse 7 And vvhen they shal haue finished their testimonie the beast vvhich ascended from the depth shal make vvarre against them and shal ouercome them and kil them ✝ verse 8 And their bodies shal lie in the streates of the great citie vvhich is called spiritually Sodom and Aegypt vvhere their Lord also vvas crucified ✝ verse 9 And there shal of tribes and peoples and tonges and Gentiles see their bodies for three daies and a halfe and they shal not suffer their bodies to be laid in monuments ✝ verse 10 and the inhabitants of the earth shal be glad vpon them and make merie and shal send giftes one to an other because these tvvo prophets tormented them that dvvelt vpon the earth ✝ verse 11 And after three daies and a halfe the spirit of life from God entred into them And they stoode vpon their seete and great feare fel vpon them that savv them ✝ verse 12 And they heard a loud voice from heauen saying to them Come vp hither And they vvent vp into heauen in a cloude and their enemies savv them ✝ verse 13 And in that houre there vvas made a great earthquake and the tenth part of the citie fel and there vvere slaine in the earthquake names of men seuen thousand and the rest vvere cast into a feare and gaue glorie to the God of heauen ✝ verse 14 The second vvoe is gone and behold the third vvoe vvil come quickly ✝ verse 15 And the seuenth Angel sounded with a trompet and there vvere made loude voices in heauen saying The kingdom of this vvorld is made our Lords his Christs and he shal reigne for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 16 And the foure and tvventie seniours vvhich sitte on their seates in the sight of God fel on their faces and adored God ✝ verse 17 saying Vve thanke thee Lord God omnipotent vvhich art and vvhich vvast and vvhich shalt come because thou hast receiued thy great povver and hast reigned ✝ verse 18 And the Gentiles vvere angrie and thy vvrath is come and the time of the dead to be iudged and to tender revvard to thy seruants the prophets and sainctes and to them that feare thy name ″ litle and great and to destroy them that haue corrupted the earth ✝ verse 19 And the temple of God vvas opened in heauen and the arke of his testament vvas seen in his temple and there vvere made lightenings and voices and an earthquake and greate haile ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 3. My tvvo vvitnesses Enoch and Elias as it is commonly expounded for that Elias shal come againe before the later day it is a most notorious knovven thing to vse S. Augustines vvordes in the mouthes and hartes of faithful men See li. 20 de Ciuit. Dei c. 29. Tract 4 in Ioan. and both of Enoch and Elias Lib. 1 de pec merit c. 3. So the rest of the Latin Doctors as S. Hierom ad Pāmach ep 61 c. 11. in Psal 20. S. Ambrose in Psal 45. S. Hilarie 20 can in Mat. Prospet li. vltim● de Promissionibus c. 13. S Gregorie li. 14. Moral c. 11. he 12 in Ezech. Beda in 9 Marci The Greeke fathers also as S. Chrysostom he 58 in Mat. ho. 4 in 2 Thessal ho. 21 in Genes ho. 22 in ep ad Hebr. Theophylacte and Occumenius in 17 Matthai S. Damascene li. 4 de Orthodoxa fide c. 27. Furthermore that they liue also in Paradise it is partly gathered out of the Scripture Ecclici 44. 16. vvhere it is plainely said of Enoch that he is translated into Paradise as al our Latin exemplars do reade and of Elias that he vvas taken vp aliue it is euident 4 Reg. 2. And S. Irenaeus saith it is the tradition of the Apostles that they be both there li. 5 in initio Dicunt Presbyteri saith he qui sunt Apostolorum Discipuli So say the Priests or Auncients that are the scholers of the Apostles See S. Iustine q. 85 ad orthodoxos Finally that they shal returne into the companie of men in the end of the vvorld to preache against Antichrist and to inutie both Ievves and Gentiles to penance and so be martyred as this place of the Apocalypse seemeth plaine so vve haue in part other testimonies hereof Malac. 4. Ecclci 44 16. 48 10. Mat. 17 11. See also Hyppolytus booke of Antichrist and the end of the vvorld
vvhere he is called the man of sinne Againe he must be one particular person not a nūber a succession or vvhole order of any degree of men because his proper name and the particular number and the characters thereof be though obscurely insinuated Vvhich reproueth the vvicked vanitie of Heretikes that vvould haue Christs ovvne Vicars the successors of his cheese Apostle yea the vvhole order of them for many ages together to be this Antichrist Vvho by his description here and in the said Epistle to the Thessalonians must be one special man and of a particular proper name as our Lord IESVS is And vvhosoeuer he be these Protestants vndoubtedly are his precursors for as they make his vvay by ridding avvay Christs images crosse and name so they excedingly promote the matter by taking avvay Christs cheefe minister that al may be plaine for Antichrist If the Pope had been Antichrist and had been reuealed novv a good many yeres sithence as these fellovves say he is to them then the number of this name vvould agree to him and the prophecie being novv fulfilled it vvould euidently appeare that he bare the name and number here noted for no doubt vvhen lie commeth this count of the letters or number of his name vvhich before is so hard to knovv wil be easie for he will set vp his name in euery place euē as we faithful men do novv aduance IESVS And vvhat name proper or appellatiue of al or any of the Popes do they finde to agree vvith this number notvvithstanding they boast that they haue found the vvhole order and euery of them these thousand yeres to be Antichrist and the rest before euen from S. Peter forevvorkers tovvard his kingdom 1● The number 666. Forasmuch as the auncient expositors and other do thinke for certaine knowledge thereof no mortal mā can haue vvithout an expresse reuelatiō that his name cōsisteth of so many such letters in Greeke as according to their maner of numbering by the Alphabete make 666 and forasmuch as the letters making that number may be found in diuers names both proper common as S. Irenaeus findeth them in Latinos and Teitan Hippolytus in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aretas in Lampetis some of this age in Ludérus vvhich vvas Luthers name in the Alman tōgue therfore vve see there can be no certaintie and euery one frameth and applieth the letters to his ovvne purpose and most absurd folly it is of the Heretikes to applie the vvord Latinos to the Pope neither the vvhole order in common nor euer any particular Pope being so called and S. Irenaeus the first that obserued it in that vvord applied it to the Empire and state of the Romane Emperour vvhich then vvas Heathen and not to the Pope of his daies or after him and yet preferred the vvord Teitan as more agreable vvith this admonition that it vvere a very perilous and presumptuous thing to define any certaintie before hand of that number and name And truely vvhatsoeuer the Protestants presume herein of the Pope vve may boldly discharge Luther of that dignitie He is vndoubtedly one of Antichrists precursors but not Antichrist him self CHAP. XIIII 2 Virgins follovv the Lambe vvhithersoeuer singing a nevv canticle 6. One Angel Euangelizeth the Gospel 8 an other Angel telleth the fall of Babylon 9 the third declareth their tormants that haue adored the beast Moreouer tvvo hauing sickles 15 one of them is commaunded to reape dovvne the corne 18 the other to gather the grapes as in vintage vvhich are troden in the lake of Gods vvrath verse 1 AND I looked behold a Lābe stoode vpon mount Sion and vvith him an hundred fourtie foure thousand hauing his name and the name of his Father vvritten in their foreheads ✝ verse 2 And I heard a voice from heauen as the voice of many vvaters and as the voice of great thunder and the voice vvhich I heard as of harpers harping on their harpes ✝ verse 3 And they sang as it vvere a nevv song before the seate and before the foure beastes and the seniors and no man could say ' the song but those hundred fourtie foure thousand that vvere bought from the earth ✝ verse 4 These are they vvhich were not defiled vvith vvomen For they are virgins These folovv the Lambe vvhithersoeuer he shal goe These vvere bought from among men the first fruites to God and the Lambe ✝ verse 5 and in their mouth there vvas found no lie for they are vvithout spot before the throne of God ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And I savv an other Angel flying through the middes of heauen hauing the eternal Gospel to euāgelize vnto them that sit vpon the earth and vpon euery nation and tribe tōge people ✝ verse 7 saying vvith a loud voice Feare our Lord and giue him honour because the houre of his iudgement is come and adore ye him * that made heauen and earth the sea and al things that are in them and the fountaines of vvaters ✝ verse 8 And an other Angel folovved saying * Fallen fallen is that great Babylon vvhich of the vvine of the vvrath of her fornication made al nations to drinke ✝ verse 9 And the third Angel folovved them saying vvith a loud voice If any man adore the beast and his image and receiue the character in his forehead or in his hand ✝ verse 10 he also shal drinke of the vvine of the vvrath of God vvhich is mingled vvith pure vvine in the cuppe of his vvrath and shal be tormented vvith fire brimstone in the sight of the holy Angels and before the sight of the Lambe ✝ verse 11 and the smoke of their tormentes shal ascend for euer euer neither haue they rest day and night vvhich haue adored the beast and his image and if any man take the character of his name ✝ verse 12 Here is the patience of sainctes vvhich keepe the commaundements of God and the faith of IESVS ✝ verse 13 And I heard a voice from heauen saying to me Vvrite Blessed are the dead which die in our Lord. ″ from hence forth novv saith the Spirit that they rest from their labours for their vvorkes folow them ✝ verse 14 And I savv and behold a vvhite cloude and vpon the cloude one sitting like to the Sonne of man hauing on his head a crovvne of gold and in his hand a sharpe sickle ✝ verse 15 And an other Angel came forth from the temple crying vvith a loud voice to him that sate vpon the cloude * Thrust in thy sickle and reape because the houre is come to reape for the haruest of the earth is drie ✝ verse 16 And he that sate vpon the cloude thrust his sickle into the earth and the earth vvas reaped ✝ verse 17 And an other Angel came forth from the temple vvhich is in heauē him self also hauing a sharpe sickle
our Lord the Prophets of God the Gospel Scriptures the name of IESVS such like vvhich be by vse signification or sanctification made holy are not ●ovv to be reuerenced and they shal finde al these things to haue been reuerenced of al the faithful vvithout any dishonour of God and much to his honour Secondly that this reuerence is named adoration in the Seriptures these speaches do proue Ps 93. Adore ye his footestoole because it is holy and Hebr. 11. He adored the toppe of his rod. Thirdly that the Scriptures also vvarrant vs as the nature of the vvord adoratiō giueth in al three tonges to bowe downe our bodies to fall flat on the ground at the presence of such thinges and at the feete of holy persons specially Angels as Iohn doth here these examples proue Abraham adored the Angels that appeared to him Moyses also the Angel that shewed him self out of the bush vvho vvere creatures though they represented Gods person as this Angel here did that speake to S. Iohn Balaam adored the Angel that stoode before him vvith a svvord drawen Num. 22. Iosuè adored falling flat downe before the feete of the Angel calling him his Lord knowing by the Angels owne testimonie that it vvas but an Angel Vvho refused it not but required yet more reuerence commaunding him to plucke of his shoes because the ground vvas holy no doubt so made by the presence onely of the Angel Yea not onely to Angels but euen to great Prophets this deuotion vvas done as to Daniel by Nabuchodonosor vvho fell flat vpon his face before him and did other great offices of religion vvhich the Prophet refused not because they vvere done to God rather then to him as S. Hierom defendeth the same against Porphyrie vvho charged Daniel vvith intolerable pride therein and the said holy doctor alleageth the fact of Alexander the great that did the like to Ioiadas the high priest of the ●evves Hovvsoeuer that be for of the sacrifice there mentioned there may be some doubt vvhich the Church doth alvvaies immediatly to God and to no creature the fact of the prophets 4 Reg. 2 to Elizeus is plaine vvhere they perceiuing that the double grace and spirit of Elias vvas giuen to him fel flat dovvne at his feete and adored So did * the Sunamite to omit that Achior adored Iudith falling at her feete as a vvoman blessed of God and infinite other places Al vvhich thinges by comparing the Scriptures our Aduersaries should haue found to be lavvfully done to men and Angels and soueraine holy creatures Vvhereby they might conuince them selues perceiue that that thing could not be forbidden S. Iohn to doe to the Angel which they pretend though the Angel for causes might refuse euen that vvhich S. Iohn did lawfully vnto him as S. Peter did refuse the honour giuen him by Cornelius according to S. Chrysostoms opinion he 23 in c 10 Act. yea euen in the third chapter of this booke if our Aduersaries vvould looke no further they might see where this Augel prophecieth promiseth that the Ievves should fall dovvne before the feete of the Angel of Philadelphia and adore See the Annot there CHAP. XX. An Angel casteth the dragon or diuel bound into the depth for a thousand yeres in vvhich the soules of martyes in the first resurrection shal reigne vvith Christ 7 After vvhich yeres Satan being let loose shal raise Gog and Magog an innumerable armie against the beloued citie 9 but a fire from heauen shal destroy them 12 Then bookes are opened and he that sitteth vpon the throne iudgeth al the dead according to their vvorkes verse 1 AND I savv an Angel descending from heauen hauing the key of the bottomles depth and a great chaine in his hand ✝ verse 2 And he apprehended the dragon the old serpent vvhich is the Deuil and Satan and ● bound him for a thousand yeres ✝ verse 3 and he threvv him into the depth and shut him vp and sealed ouer him that he seduce no more the nations til the thousand yeres be consummate and after these thinges he must be loosed a litle time ✝ verse 4 And ● I savv seates and they sate vpon them iudgement vvas giuen them ● and the soules of the beheaded for the testimonie of IESVS and for the vvord of God and that adored not the beast not his image nor receiued his character in their foreheads or in their handes and haue liued and reigned vvith Christ a thousand yeres ✝ verse 5 ● The rest of the dead liued not til the thousand yeres be consummate ″ This is the first resurrection ✝ verse 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection in these the second death hath not povver but ● they shal be priestes of God and of Christ and shal reigne vvith him a thousand yeres ✝ verse 7 And vvhen the thousand yeres shal be consummate ● Satan shal be loosed out of his prison and shal goe forth and seduce the nations that are vpon the foure corners of the earth * Gog and Magog and shal gather them into battel the number of vvhom is as the sand of the sea ✝ verse 8 And they ascended vpon the bredth of the earth and compassed ● the campe of the Sainctes and the beloued citie ✝ verse 9 And ● there came dovvne fire from God out of heauen and deuoured them ✝ verse 10 and the Deuil vvhich seduced them vvas cast into the poole of fire and brimstone vvhere both the beast and the false-prophet shal be tormented day and night for euer and euer ✝ verse 11 And I savv a great vvhite throne and one sitting vpon it from vvhose sight earth and heauen fled and there vvas no place found for them ✝ verse 12 And I savv the dead great and litle standing in the sight of the throne and bookes vvere opened and * ● an other booke vvas opened vvhich is of life and the dead vvere iudged of those thinges vvhich were vvritten in the bookes according to their vvorkes ✝ verse 13 and the sea gaue the dead that vvere in it and death and hel gaue their dead that vvere in them and it vvas iudged of euery one according to their vvorkes ✝ verse 14 And hel and death vvere cast into the poole of fire This is the second death ✝ verse 15 And he that vvas not found vvritten in the booke of life vvas cast into the poole of fire ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 2. bound him Christ by his Passion hath abridged the povver of the Deuil for a thousand yeres that is the vvhole time of the nevv Testament vntil Antichrists time vvhen he shal be loosed againe that is be permitted to deceiue the vvorld but for a short time only to vvit three yeres and a halfe 4 I savv seates S. Augustine li. 20 de Ciuit. Dei c. 9 taketh this to be spoken not
9. ⸬ By this we see that this miracle was not onely maruelous and beneficial to the blinde but also significatiue of taking away spiritual blindnesse External ceremonies Heretical trāslation Casting out of the Synagogue The Churches Excōmunicatiō See in the Annot Mat. 18 17. The Heretikes ridiculous Excommunicatiō Num. 16. The Gospel vpō Tuesday in whitson weeke ⸬ The theefe is the Heretike specially any other that vnlawfully breake in vpō the sheepe to kil destroy them by false doctrine and otherwise ⸬ That is the fashion of Iewrie other countries signifying that the shepheard or Pastor must teach the sheepe and not they him The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after Easter and for S. Thomas of Canterburie Decemb. 29. Esa 40 11. Ezec. 34 23. ⸬ Christes death was so necessarie for the flocke that when he might haue escaped he voluntarily offered him self to death for his flocke c He meaneth the Church of the Gentils Ezec. 37 24. Esa 53 7. 1 Mach. 4 56. 59 The Gospel vpō Wenesday in Passion weeke An other reading is My father that hath giuen me c. c vnum Ps 81 6. Arch-heretikes specially are the theeues that clime in an other way not by the doore Whē the Pastor must tarie or may flee Iudas Machabaeus Dedication of Churches * 2 Macha 12. Christs essence diuine nature of the Father Caluins autotheisme The Gospel vpō Friday in the 4 weeke of Lent Lu. 7 37 Mat 26 7. Mar. 14 3. Io. 12 3. c de dormitione somni The Gospel in a Masse for the dead vpon the day of the burial or deposition Io. 9 6. ⸬ S. Cyril li. 76. vlt. in Io. and S. August Tract 49 in Io. apply this to the Apostles and Priests authoritie of absoluing sinners affirming Christ to reuiue none frō sinne but in the Church and by the Priests ministerie The Gospel vpō friday in Passion vveeke ⸬ All men but specially Natiōs must take hee-de that vvhiles to saue their temporal state they forsake God they lose not both as the Iewes did Aug. tract 49 in Io. The priuilege of the office order though in a wicked person Lu. 22 23. The 4 part THE 4 Pasche holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem Mt. 26 6. Mar. 14 3. The Gospel vp●̄ Munday in Holy weeke PALME SVNDAY eue ⸬ Of this womans extraordinarie offices of deuotion how acceptable they were to Christ see the Annot. Mt. 26. ⸬ The deuout offices of balming and anointing the dead bodies of the faithful are here also allowed ⸬ Not in visible and mortal cōdition to receiue almes of you or such like offices for supply of my necessities The Gospel vpō Saturday in Passion weeke PALME SVNDAY * Mt. 21 7. Mr. 11 7. Lu. 19 35. Ps 117 26. Zach. 9 9. ⸬ We may see there is a great differēce where a man pray or adore at home or ī the Church holy places when the Gentils also came of deuotion a pilgrimage to the Temple in Hierusalem b The Gospel for S. Ignatius Febr. 1. And for a martyr that is no Bishop as namely S. Laurence Aug. 10. The Gospel vpō Holy roode day Septemb. 14. in latin Exaltatio S. Cruci● Io. 3 14. Es 53 1. ⸬ If any man aske saith S. Augustine why they could not beleeue I answer roūdly because they would not Tract 13. in Io. See the meanīg of this speach Annot. Mat. 18. 15. Mar. 4 12. Esa 6 9. Mt. 13 14. Mr. 4 12. Lu 8 〈◊〉 Act. 28 27. ⸬ This is the case of many principal men in such countries where heresie hath the vpperhand who know and beleeue the Catholike faith but making cholse rather to keepe mans fauour thē Gods they dare not confesse the same Such may pray that God and the world agree together for els it is seen whose part they wil take Church ornaments Toleration of the euill The Gospel vpō Maūdy thursday at Masse and at the washing of feete Mt. 26 1 Mr. 14 1. Luc. 22 1. ⸬ By supper he meaneth the eating of the Paschal lambe for the institution of the B. Sacrament was after this MAVNDY THVRSDAY Ps 40 10. Mat. 26 18. Mar. 14 16. Luc. 22 21. ⸬ Christ had some prouision before hand giuen him by the Collections of the faithful which was vsed both in his owne necessities bestowed vpon the poore Io. 7 34. 1 Io. 3 23. Mt. 26 35. Mr. 14 29. Lu. 22 33. Puritie required to the receiuing of the B. Sacrament Venial sinnes taken avvay by sacred ceremonies Ambr. Bern. locis cita●is The Church defineth which are Sacraments and which not c. The Gospel vpō SS Philip and Iacobs day Maij. 1. ⸬ These mansiōs signifie differences of glorie in heauen Hiero. li. ● adu Iouin ` doe knovv The Gospel in a votiue Masse for the election of the Pope vpon whitsun eue ⸬ It is then possible both to loue Christ and to keepe his cōmaundements c Paraclete by interpretation is either a comforter or an aduocate and therfore to trāslate it by any one of them only is ꝑhaps to abridge the sense of this place ` shal knovv The Gospel vpō whitsunday And in a Votiue Masse of the holy Ghost ⸬ See the Annot vpō the 16 Chap. vs 12 13. li. de Babyla mart ●o 5. We may and must easely beleeue the miracles of Saincts of their relikes whē Christ him self foretelleth they shal doe such wonderful things * Act. 5 15 19 1● * See Annot Mat. 1● ●0 The Heretikes as faithles ī this point as the old Pagans The HOLY GHOST is promised to the CHVRCH for euer The Spirit of truth shal assist the CHVRCH alvvaies The Arians alleage as plaine Scriptures as the Protestāts The Gospel for one Martyr ⸬ Christ hath some branches in his body mystical that be fruitles therfore il liuers also may be members of Christ the Church ⸬ Man may cōtinually increase in iustice and sanctification so long as he liueth ⸬ S. Augustine expoundeth it of the Sacramētal word of Baptisme and not as Heretikes do of preaching onely Tract 80. in Io. ⸬ If a Schismatike pray neuer so much he is not heard because he remayneth not in the body of Christ Io. 13 34 The Gospel vpō S. Barnabees day and on the eue of an Apostle The Gospel vpō SS Simon and Iudes day Io. 13 16 Mt. 10 24. Lu. 6 40. ⸬ He foresheweth that many wil not obey the Churches wordes no maruel because they cōtemned Christes owne precepts The Gospel vpō Sunday after the Ascension and in a Votiue of the B. Trinitie Ps 24 19. Act. 2 1. No man sure of perseuêrance Not onely faith ⸬ The Heretikes translate Excommunicate you See what corruption this is and the reason thereof Annot. c. 9 22. The Gospel vpō the 4 Sunday after Easter ⸬ If he shal teach al truth that for euer as before c. 14. 16 how is it possible that the Church
them that he is risen according to his ovvne prediction 9 yet the Apostles vvil not beleeue it 12 but neither Peter findeth his body there 13 He vvalketh vvith tvvo Disciples declaring al this vnto them out of the Scriptures and is knovven of them by breaking of bread 36 The same day he appeareth to the Eleuen and others being together ● felt of them and eateth vvith them finally teaching them out of the Scriptures not onely of his Passion and Resurrection 47 but also of his Catholike Church 49 he promiseth the Holy Ghost to confirme them 50 and so ascendeth into heauen verse 1 AND in the first of the Sabboth very early they came to the monument carying the spices vvhich they had prepared ✝ verse 2 And they found the stone rolled backe from the monument ✝ verse 3 And going in they found not the body of our Lord IESVS ✝ verse 4 And it came to passe as they vvere astonied in their minde at this behold tvvo men stoode beside them in glistering appareil ✝ verse 5 And vvhen they feared and cast dovvne their countenance tovvard the ground they said vnto them Vvhy seeke you the liuing vvith the dead ✝ verse 6 he is not here but is risen remember hovv he spake to you vvhen he yet vvas in Galilee ✝ verse 7 saying * That the Sonne of man must be deliuered into the handes of sinners and be crucified and the third day rise againe ✝ verse 8 And they remembred his vvordes ✝ verse 9 And going backe from the monument they told al these things to those eleuen and to al the rest ✝ verse 10 And it vvas Marie Magdalene and Ioane and Marie of Iames and the rest that vvere vvith them vvhich said these things to the Apostles ✝ verse 11 And these vvordes seemed before them as dotage and they did not beleeue them ✝ verse 12 But * Peter rising vp ranne to the monument and stouping dovvne he savv the linnen clothes lying alone and went avvay marueiling with him self at that which was done ✝ verse 13 * And behold tvvo of them vvent the same day into a tovvne vvhich vvas the space of sixtie furlonges from Hierusalem named Emmäùs ✝ verse 14 And they talked betvvixt them selues of al those things that had chaunced ✝ verse 15 And it came to passe vvhile they talked and reasoned vvith them selues IESVS also him self approching vvent vvith them ✝ verse 16 but their eies vvere held that they might not knovv him ✝ verse 17 And he said to them Vvhat are these communications that you conferre one vvith an other vvalking and are sad ✝ verse 18 And one vvhose name vvas Cleophas ansvvering said to him Art thou only a stranger in Hierusalem and hast not knovven the things that haue been done in it these daies ✝ verse 19 To vvhom he said Vvhat things And they said concerning IESVS of Nazareth vvho vvas a man a Prophet mightie in vvorke and vvorde before God and al the people ✝ verse 20 And hovv our cheefe Priestes and Princes deliuered him into condemnation of death and crucified him ✝ verse 21 but vve hoped that it vvas he that should redeeme Israel and novv besides al this to day is the third day since these things vvere done ✝ verse 22 But certaine vvomen also of ours made vs afraid vvho before it vvas light vvere at the monument ✝ verse 23 and not finding his body came saying that they savv a vision also of Angels vvho say that he is aliue ✝ verse 24 And certaine men of ours vvent to the monument and they found it so as the vvomen said but him they found not ✝ verse 25 And he said to them O folish and slovv of hart to beleeue in al things vvhich the Prophets haue spoken ✝ verse 26 Ought not Christ to haue suffred these things and so to enter into his glorie ✝ verse 27 And beginning from Moyses and al the Prophets he did interpret to them in al the scriptures the things that vvere concerning him ✝ verse 28 And they drevv nigh to the tovvne vvhither they vvent and he made semblaunce to goe further ✝ verse 29 And they forced him saying Tarie vvith vs because it is tovvard night and the day is novv farre spent And he vvent in vvith them ✝ verse 30 And it came to passe vvhiles he sate at the table vvith them he ″ tooke bread and blessed and brake and did reach to them ✝ verse 31 And their eies vvere opened and they knevv him and he vanished out of their sight ✝ verse 32 And they said one to the other Vvas not our hart burning in vs vvhiles he spake in the vvay and opened vnto vs the scriptures ✝ verse 33 And rising vp the same houre they vvent backe into Hierusalem and they found the eleuen gathered together and those that vvere vvith them ✝ verse 34 saying That our Lord is risen in deede and hath appeared to Simon ✝ verse 35 And they told the things that vvere done in the vvay and hovv they knevv him in the breaking of bread ⊢ ✝ verse 36 * And vvhiles they speake these things IESVS stoode in the middes of them and he saith to them Peace be to you it is I. feare not ✝ verse 37 But they being troubled and frighted imagined that they savv a spirit ✝ verse 38 And he said to them Vvhy are you troubled and cogitations arise into your harts ✝ verse 39 See my handes and feete that it is I my self handle and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to haue ✝ verse 40 And vvhen he had said this he shevved them his handes and feete ✝ verse 41 But they yet not beleeuing and marueiling for ioy he said Haue you here any thing to be eaten ✝ verse 42 But they offred him a peece of fish broiled and a honie combe ✝ verse 43 And vvhen he had eaten before them taking the remaines he gaue to them ✝ verse 44 And he said to them These are the vvordes vvhich I spake to you vvhen I vvas yet vvith you that al things must needes be fulfilled vvhich are vvritten in the lavv of Moyses and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me ✝ verse 45 Then he opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures ✝ verse 46 and he said to them That so it is vvritten and so it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day ✝ verse 47 and ″ penance to be preached in his name and remission of sinnes vnto al nations ⊢ beginning from Hierusalem ✝ verse 48 And you are vvitnesses of these things ✝ verse 49 * And I send the promes of my Father vpon you but you tarie in the citie til you be endued vvith povver from high ✝ verse 50 And he brought them forth abrode into Bethánia and lifting vp his handes he blessed them ✝ verse 51 * And it came to passe
vvhiles he ″ blessed them he departed from them and vvas caried into heauen ✝ verse 52 And they adoring vvent backe into Hierusalem vvith great ioy ✝ verse 53 and they vvere alvvaies in the temple praising and blessing God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 30. Tooke bread The Fathers in diuers places take this to be meant of the B. Sacrament Author operis imperf ho. 17. S. Augustine li. 39 de consensu Euang. c. 25 ser 140 de temp ep 59 ad Paulinum q. 1● Paulinus him self in the next epistle before that among S. Augustines Venerable Bede also vpon this place Theophylacte vpon this place And that it should be meant of the holy Sacrament the forme of solemne taking the bread into his handes blessing it breaking it and reaching it to his disciples exceding proper to the consecration and common to none other vulgar benediction nor any where vsed but in Christs miraculous multiplying the loaues and the singular effecte in notifying Christ vnto them do proue And if it be the Sacrament as it is most probable then is it an euident example and vvarrant of ministration in one kinde 46. Penance to be preached He shevved vnto them out of the Scriptures not onely the things that were now accomplished in himself but also that were yet to come about his Church as where it should begin to vvit at Hierusalem and hovv farre it should goe to vvit to al nations that he might not suffer vs saith S. Augustine to erre neither in the bridegrome nor in the bride For this maketh manifestly against al Heretikes and Schismatikes that set vp nevv churches in particular countries dravving the people from the foresaid onely true Church vvhich from Hierusalem so grovveth ouer al nations til the end of the vvorld come 50. Blessed them Christ our high priest prefigured specially therein by Melchisedec often gaue his blessing to his somtimes by vvordes as Peace be to you somtimes by imposing his handes and now here by lifting vp his hands ouer his Disciples as it vvere for his farewel In vvhat forme the Scripture doth not expresse but very like it is that in forme of the crosse as Iacob the Patriarch blessed his nephewes for signification of Christs benediction for now the crosse began to be glorious among the faithful and the Apostles as it is most certaine by the fathers vvhich call it an ancient tradition vsed that signe for an external note of benediction Yea S. Augustine saith in Ps 30. Conc. 3 that Christ him self not without cause would haue his signe to be fixed in our foreheads as in the feate of shame fastnes that a Christian man should not be ashamed of the reproche of Christ and what forme can a Christian man vse rather to blesse him self or others then that which was dedicated in Christs death and is a conuenient memorial of the same Howsoeuer it be that the Bishops and Priests of Gods Church blesse with an external signe no man can reprehend being warranted by Christs owne example and action ❀ THE ARGVMENT OF S. IOHNS GOSPEL S Iohns Gospel may be diuided into foure partes The first part is of the actes of Christ before his solemne manifestation of himselfe vvhile Iohn Baptist vvas yet baptizing Chap. 1. 2. 3. 4. The second of his Actes in Iurie hauing novv begonne his solemne manifestation in Galilee Mat. 4 12 the second Easter or Pasche of his preaching Chap. 5. For of the first pasche we had in the first part chap. 2 13 And the pasche of the Iewes was at hand And that feast vvhereof vve haue in this second part chap. 5 1 After this there was a festiual day of * the Iewes is thought of good Authors to be the feast of Pasche The third part is of his Actes in Galilee and in Iurīe about the third Pasche and after it cap. 6 to the 12. For so vve haue chap. 6 4 And Pasche the festiual day of * the Iewes was at hand The fourth part is of the fourth pasche vvhich vve haue in the end of the chap. 11 55 And the pasche of * the Iewes was at hand that is to say of the Holy vveeke of his Passion in Hierusalem chap. 12. vnto the end of the booke By vvhich diuision it is manifest that the intent of this Euangelist vvriting after the other three vvas to omit the Actes of Christ in Galilee because the other three had vvritten them at large and to reporte his Actes done in Iurie vvhich they had omitted And this he doth because Iurie vvith Hierusalem and the Temple beeing the principal parte of the Countrey there abode the principal of the Ievves both for authoritie and also for learning in the lavv or knovvledge of the Scriptures and therfore that vvas the place vvhere our Lord IESVS finding in the Head it selfe and in the leaders of the rest such vvilful obstinacie and desperate resistance as the Prophets had foretold did by this occasion much more plainely then in Galilee both say and proue at sundry times euen euery yere of his preaching himselfe to be the CHRIST that had bene so lōg promised vnto them expected of them the same CHRIST to be not onely a man as they imagined but also the natural consubstantial coëternal Sonne of God the Father vvho novv had sent him Therfore these vvere the vvordes and deedes that serued best the purpose of this Euangelist being to shevv the glorie excellencie of this person IESVS that thereby the Gētils might see hovv vvorthily Hierusalem the Ievves vvere reprobated vvho had refused yea crucified such an one and hovv vvel to their ovvne saluation themselues might doe to receiue him and to beleeue in him For this to haue bene his purpose him selfe declareth in the end saying These are written that you may beleeue that IESVS is CHRIST the Sonne of God and that beleeuing you may haue life in his name And herevpon it is that S. Hierome vvriteth thus in his life Iohn the Apostle whom IESVS loued very much the sonne of Zebedee the brother of Iames the Apostle whom Herod after our Lords Passion beheaded last of al wrote the Gospel at the request of the Bishops of Asia against Cerinthus and other Heretikes and specially against the assertion of the Ebionites then rising who say that Christ was not before MARIE Wherevpon also he was compelled to vtter his Diuine Natiuitie Of his three Epistles and of his Apocalypse shal be said in their ovvne places It folovveth in S. Hierome that In the Second persecution vnder Domitian fourtene yeres after the persecution of Nero he was exiled into the ile Patmos But after that Domitian was slaine and his actes for his passing crueltie repealed by the Senate vnder Nerua the Emperour he returned to Ephesus and there continuing vnto the time of Traiane the Emperour he founded and gouerned al the Churches of Asia and
them al Bishops and Lawful Pastors to be his witnesses from Hierusalem to the ends of the world 39. Searche the Scriptures He reprehendeth the Iewes that reading daily the Scriptures and acknowledging that in them they should finde life and saluation they yet looked ouer them so superficially that they could not finde therein him to be CHRIST their King Lord life and Sauiour For the special maisters Scribes of the Ievves then were like vnto our Heretikes novv vvho be euer talking and turning and shuffling the Scriptures but are of al men most ignorant in the deepe knovvledge thereof And therfore our Maister referreth them not to the reading onely or learning them without booke or hauing the sentences thereof gloriously painted or vvritten in their Temple houses or coates but to the deepe searche of the meaning and mysteries of the Scriptures vvhich are not so easily to be seen in the letter CHAP. VI. Hauing vvith fiue loaues fed fiue thousand 16 vvalking also the night after vpon the sea 22 on the morovv the people there vpon resorting vnto him 27 he preacheth vnto them of the Bread vvhich he vvil giue telling them that he is come from heauen and therfore able to giue such bread as cā quicken the word euen his ovvne flesh and that al his Elect shal beleeue as much 60 Many not vvith standing do murmur at this doctrine yea and become apostataes thoug he tel them that they shal see by his Ascension into heauen that he is descended from heauen but the Tvvelue sticke vnto him beleeuing that he is God omnipotent as he said Among vvhom also that no man be scandalized he signifieth that he foreknovveth vvhich vvil become a traiter as among the foresaid vvhich vvould become apostataes verse 1 AFTER these things IESVS vvent beyond the sea of Galilee vvhich is of Tiberias ✝ verse 2 and a great multitude folovved him because they savv the signes vvhich he did vpon those that vvere sicke ✝ verse 3 IESVS therfore went vp into the mountaine and there he sare vvith his Disciples ✝ verse 4 And the Pasche vvas at hand the festiual day of the Ievves ✝ verse 5 Vvhen IESVS therfore had lifted vp his eies and savv that a very great multitude commeth to him he saith to Philippe Vvhence shal vve bie bread that these may eate ✝ verse 6 And this he said tempting him for him self knevv vvhat he vvould doe ✝ verse 7 Philippe ansvvered him Tvvo hundred penie vvorth of bread is not sufficient for them that euery man may take a litle peece ✝ verse 8 One of his Disciples Andrevv the brother of Simon Peter saith to him ✝ verse 9 There is a boy here that hath fiue barley loaues tvvo fishes but vvhat are these among so many ✝ verse 10 IESVS therfore saith Make the men to sit dovvne And there vvas much grasse in the place The men therfore sate dovvne in number about fiue thousand ✝ verse 11 IESVS therfore tooke the loaues and vvhen he had giuen thankes he distributed to them that sate in like maner also of the fishes as much as they vvould ✝ verse 12 And after they vvere filled he said to his Disciples Gather the fragments that are remaining lest they be lost ✝ verse 13 They gathered therfore and filled tvvelue baskets vvith fragments of the fiue barley loaues vvhich remained to them that had eaten ✝ verse 14 Those men therfore vvhen they had seen vvhat a signe IESVS had done said That this is the Prophet in deede that is to come into the vvorld ✝ verse 15 IESVS therfore vvhen he knevv that they vvould come to take him and make him king * he fled againe into the mountaine him self alone ⊢ ✝ verse 16 And vvhen euen vvas come his Disciples vvent dovvne to the sea ✝ verse 17 And vvhen they vvere gone vp into the shippe they came beyond the sea into Capharnáum and novv it vvas darke and IESVS vvas not come vnto them ✝ verse 18 And the sea arose by reason of a great vvinde that blevv ✝ verse 19 Vvhen they had to vved therfore about fiue and tvventie or thirtie furlonges they see IESVS vvalking vpon the sea and to dravv nigh to the shippe and they feared ✝ verse 20 But he saith to them It is I feare not ✝ verse 21 They vvould therfore haue taken him into the shippe and forthvvith the shippe vvas at the land to vvhich they vvent ✝ verse 22 The next day the multitude that stoode beyond the sea savv that there vvas no other boate there but one and that IESVS had not entred into the boate vvith his Disciples but that his Disciples only vvere departed ✝ verse 23 but other boates came in frō Tiberias beside the place vvhere they had eatē the bread our Lord giuing thankes ✝ verse 24 Vvhen therfore the multitude savv that IESVS vvas not there nor his Disciples they vvent vp into the boates came to Capharnaū seeking IESVS ✝ verse 25 And vvhē they had found him beyond the sea they said to him Rabbi vvhē camest thou hither ✝ verse 26 IESVS ansvvered them and said Amen amen I say to you you seeke me not because you haue seene signes but because you did eate of the loaues and vvere filled ✝ verse 27 ″ Vvorke not the meate that perisheth but that endureth vnto life euerlasting vvhich the Sonne of man vvil giue you For him the Father God hath signed ✝ verse 28 They said therfore vnto him Vvhat shal vve doe that vve may vvorke the vvorkes of God ✝ verse 29 IESVS ansvvered and said to them This is the vvorke of God that you beleeue in him vvhom he hath sent ✝ verse 30 They said therfore to him Vvhat signe therfore doest thou that vve may see and may beleeue thee vvhat vvorkest thou ✝ verse 31 Our * fathers did eate Manna in the desert as it is vvritten Bread from heauen he gaue them to eate ✝ verse 32 IESVS therfore said to them Amen amen I say to you Moyses gaue you not the bread from heauen but my Father giueth you ″ the true bread from heauen ✝ verse 33 For the bread of God it is that descendeth from heauen and giueth life to the vvorld ✝ verse 34 They said therfore vnto him Lord giue vs alvvaies this bread ✝ verse 35 And IESVS said to them I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shal not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst ✝ verse 36 But I said to you that both you haue seen me and you beleeue not ✝ verse 37 Al that the Father giueth me shal come to me and him that commeth to me I vvil not cast forth ✝ verse 38 Because I descended from heauen not to doe mine ovvne vvil but the vvil of him that sent me ✝ verse 39 For this is the vvil of him that sent me the Father that al that he hath giuē me I leese not thereof