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A01200 The chronicle and institution of the Order of the seraphicall father S. Francis conteyning his life, his death, and his miracles, and of all his holie disciples and companions / set foorth first in the Portugall, next in the Spanish, then in the Italian, lastlie in the French, and now in the English tongue. Marcos, de Lisboa, Bishop of Porto, 1511-1591.; Cape, William. 1618 (1618) STC 11314.2; ESTC S4305 734,345 826

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that they first yeld and say We are vnprofitable seruantes answearing alwayes with humility and being very carefull of growing into passion For men that maintaine their choller against their neighbour are obliged to render account therof att the iudgement of God and he that shall vpbraid his neighbour with contemptible wordes shal be condemned to the fire of hell Lett them therfore loue one an other as our lord teacheth vs when he saith My children this is the precept I giue you that you loue one an other as I haue loued you Now the truest manner of mutuall loue according to the Apostle is knowne by wordes by worckes and in verity Lett them not curse any personne lett them not murmure nor lett them not speake ill of any for it is written The murmurers and detracters are abhorred of God Lett them be modest shewing themselues gentle and tractable to all not iudging nor condemning any man and as our lord saith consider not the litle sinnes of others but rather with a bitternes and contrition of your soule obserue your owne and endeauour to enter by the streight gate because our lord saith the way is streight as also is the gate that giueth entry to eternall life and there are few that finde it and enter theratt That the Brethren ought to be wary not to behould nor conuerse with women THE XII CHAPTER LEtt all the Brethren in whatsoeuer place they reside very respectiuely forbeare wanton lasciuious aspectes and lewd and dangerous conuersations with women When it shal be necessary lett none presume to speake alone with a woman excepting the Preistes who may speake modestly vnto them when they giue them any penance or any spirituall counsaile and lett no woman in what soeuer manner be receiued to obedience by any Brother what soeuer to whome it shal be yet permitted to counsaile her spiritually to doe penance where she will And lett vs all carefully preserue ourselues with exceeding warines and dilligence for God hath said that what man soeuer shall behold a woman to couett her he hath already sinned withher in his hart because it is not lawfull for vs to behold that which is not lawfull for vs to desire Of the punishment of the Brethren that shall fall into the sinne of the flesh THE XIII CHAPTER IF any Brother by instigation of the deuill committ the sinne of the flesh lett him vtterly loose and be depriued of the habit which by his offence and lewdnes he shall haue defiled and wher of by his finne he shall haue depriued himselfe lett him be vtterly expelled the Religion and let him goe to doe penance for his sinne Of the manner the brethren ought to obserue trauailling thorough the world THE XIIII CHAPTER VVHen the Brethren thall trauaile through the world they must not nor may not carry any kind of prouision nor wallet purse mony nor staffe and into what soeuer houses they shall enter they shall say The peace of our lord be in this house and being entertained in any place they may there repose and eat and drincke of what shal be presented vnto them And if they shall be abused in wordes or effectes by any one lett them not be moued therwith yea if one should giue them a buffet on the one cheek lett them tourne the other if any one would disapparell them lett thē not hinder it yea if one should violētly robbe them of their coat lett them not aske it againe but lett them beleeue that all this arriueth vnto them by the prouidence of God That the Religious may not haue any horses THE XV. CHAPTER I Command all my Brethren aswell Preistes as lay that when they shall trauaile thorough the world or shall reside in any place they haue no kind of beast to ride on neither for them selues nor for others nor that it be euer lawfull for them to ride on horse-backe but in case of sicknes or of manifest necessity Of them that shall goe to the Mores and Infidels THE XVI CHAPTER OVr lord saith Behold I send you as sheep in the middes of wolues Be ye therfore wise as serpentes and simple as doues And if any Brother moued with a diuine inspiration would goe among the infidell Mores he may not goe without licēce of his Minister Prouinciall who knowing that Religious sufficient and of such a spiritt that therof one may hope some fruit to redounde to others not only saluation to himselfe let him not be denyed all vnderstood with the assistāce of God For the said Minister Prouinciall shal be obliged to be accountable vnto God if graunting or refusing permissiō to the faid Brother his resolutiō shal be pious or indiscreet And the Brethren that shall goe among the infidels may in two manners conuerse with them First they may not contentiously impugne them but lett them be subiect not only to the said infidels but to euery creature for the loue of God yet confessing themselues alwayes to be Christians Secondly that when they perceiue it to be the will of God they preach his word to the end they beleeue in him one soueraigne power the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost on God in Trinity and in the humanity of the Redeemer and Sauiour of the world exhorting them to be baptised and to liue thence-foward in Christianity because he that shall not be borne againe by Baptisme and the holy Ghost cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen They shall preach to the Infidell people these thinges and many others which God shall inspire them For our lord said in the gospell I will confesse before my Father which is in heauen all those that shall confesse me before men but the day when I shall come on the earth in the Maiesty of my Father I will deny them that shal be ashamed to confesse me to be the Sonne of man Lett all the Brethren in what soeuer place they are remember that they haue already offered their soules and bodies to the soueraigne God and that they ought to expose and employe them for the loue of him in all occurrances and to present the same to the ennemies visible and inuisible because our lord hath said he that in this world shall loose his life for my sake shall finde it safe in eternall life and blessed are they that suffer persecution for iustice for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Lett them also call to minde that which our lord saith If you be persecuted of the impious and wicked they haue first persecuted me and if you be persecuted in one citty fly into an other When men shall hate you and persecute your name and you renowme and shall speake all euill of you for my sake and for my loue reioyce yee boldely for your recompēce therof is great in heauen And thus much I speake to you my Brethren to thēd you should not feare those that haue power to kill the body and with your patience you shall possesse you
giue you repulse In this manner doe I euer preserue my forteresse from being surprised by such base companions who by their entry would vtterly ruinate me or att least it would be very difficult for me to expell them for att the instant that I perceaue them ready to assault me without permitting them to lay their siege I enforce them to retire with shame enough Which Brother Giles vnderstanding he tourned to his companions and sayd Brethren I am of Brother Iuniperus opinion resolue hēceforward to make vse of his stratageme of warre for it is most certaine considering that in this sinne the securest fight is to fly by reason that the traiterous appetite which is within the flesh findeth such a strōge concurrence of assistāce in the exteriour sences by an army raysed by the deuill and opposed against the soule that the perill is extreme and the victory vncertaine so that the securest is not to permitt this traiterous domesticall sinne to enter into our hart Iuniperus being one time reprehended for hauing spoaken too lightly the mouth being the dore wherat the spiritt of deuotion and prayer goeth out he continued six entiere monthes in perpetuall silence the first day his purpose not to speake was in honour of God the Father the second for reuerence of the Sonne the third for loue of the holy Ghost the fourth for the Queene of heauen and so each day proposing some saincte he strictly obserued his silence all that time with new feruour and deuotiō though naturally he spake very litle which also was of spirituall thinges for as he could not endure to be flattered so neither could he flatter and so had no other discourse but of God and as a Religious perfect in humility he would rather learne and heare then with wordes and exteriour signes of sanctity teach others Of the great charity which Br. Iuniperus exercised towards the sick THE XXXIX CHAPTER THis glorious S. had a great affection to the sick and with an extreme charity did desirously serue them by meanes wherof happened a strange accident att our Lady of Angels touching a sicke person of whome by order of S. Francis who then was there he had the chardge This poore sick man was by the continuance of his infirmity become so feeble that he had not so much strength as to eat which would infallibly hasten his death Br. Iuniperus hauing great cōpassiō of him prayed him with tearfull eyes to tell him wherof he could willinglie ear and he would procure it for him The sick party answeared that he thought he could well eat of a hogs foote in Vinegar if he could gett it Br. Iuniperus replyed be of good Courage Brother I will presently bring you one dressed as you desire and taking a great knife out of the kitchen he went out of the house and seeing many hogges feeding in a field neere by he ran so fa●t after them that he gott one and cutt off his foot and therwith retourned to the Couent where he presently dressed it with vinegar then carrying it to the sick he did eat therof with such appetite and courage that recouering his tast and appetite he began to amend and by this meane escaped for that time the danger of death In the meane time the master of the hogges being by his swineheard aduertised that a Frere Minor had cutt off the foot of one of his hogges he puffed vp with choller went hastely to the Couent where exclaming as a maded man he vttered many iniurious speeches to the Religious and so farre was he transported with fury that he disgordged against them a thousand vilanies Which the holy Father S. Francis vnderstanding he went to him and sought to appease him praying him for the loue of God to haue patience and offred to repaire whatsoeuer dommage he had receaued But the man more possessed with despight then with the losse would heare no proposition but wēt away exceedingly scandalized att the Religious of whome he bruted many lyes through the streetes and very seriously and vehemently threatned them These good Religious were in meane while exceedingly greiued att this accident and knew not the cause therof wherfore hauing long time discoursed vpon it among themselues they att length addressed themselues to Br. Iuniperus suspecting that his simplicity and some indiscreet zeale had moued him to this fact But he respecting only God contemned all those toyes and respectes of the world The holy Father S. Francis called him before him to vnderstand the matter and circumstances and he very ioyfully recounted vnto him that God had directed and sent vnto him that hogge for the cure of the poore sicke Brother Sainct Francis exceedingly admiring sayd vnto him Ah Brother Iuniperus you haue this day caused a great scandall for the master of the hogge hath bin here and in all fury hath giuen vs infinite reproaches but I acknowledge that he hath reason and doe feare he will defame vs ouer all the citty Wherfore I command you vpon obedience to run after him to aske him pardon and to assure him that he shal be satisfied for his losse and especially so to deale with him as he be not scandalized att vs. Brother Iuniperus much admiring that any one should be moued to choller vpon so charitable a worck considering it to be apparant that temporall goodes are giue of God but for vse of charity he answeared Doubt not Father but I will presentlie appease him in such sort as he shalle haue no cause to complaine of such a charity done as more concerneth God then himselfe Which sayd he went in great hast to seeke out the master of the hogge whome hauing found full of choller he related vnto him how and for what cause he had cutt off his hogges foot then added that he ought to thanck him because thereby he had giuen him occasion of meritt in an act so pleasing vnto God as by his meane was accomplished In meane while the man abused him and grew into such fury as he was euen ready to strike him but the good Religious fell at his feet embraced him and besought him for the loue of God to pardon him which manner of proceeding so mollified his hart that hauing apparantlie seene and perceaued his simplicity and that what he had done proceeded merely of charitie and not of malice or to doe him a mischiefe as the deuill had put in his head he entred into himselfe and repented that euer he had iniuryed the Religious and asked them pardon acknowledging himselfe auaricious and ingratefull for the benefittes he had receiued of God in satisfaction wherof he presentlie killed the hogge and causing him to be conueniently dressed he sent him to the Religious that for the verie loue of God they might eat him in satisfaction of the iniuries vttered against them and thenceforward was very deuout and liberall to the poore of IESVS CHRIST How Brother Iuniperus gaue all he had and could haue for the loue of God
danger of vniust exactions and disposed him to follow his steppes reiecting al other possessiō to enioy the most precious pearle of Euangelicall perfection whichwith his vtmost possibility he sought found and purchased And in testimony and assurance of a true quiet and full possession therof our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST made him a contract therof written on the parchement of his owne flesh signed and sealed by the hand of the seller himselfe IESVS CHRIST with the seale of his most sacred woundes which he did to bannish from the world by meane and example of this his most deuout seruant the enormous and intollerable banckes and vsuries and the fraudes in traffikes too commonly practised in the worlde to the end to further poore Christians in a desire of buying the said precious and celestiall pearle by the traffike of penitence of vertues and of the glorious following and imitation of IESVS CHRIST Of his laborious endeauours to separate himselfe from the vvorld THE III. CHAPTER FRancis being very carefull and often consulting with himselfe how he might become more poore to please IESVS CHRIST renouncing the world and forsaking whatsoeuer therof appertayned vnto him with distribution therof vnto the poore there being no person to counsail him in this matter but his Sauiour IESVS CHRIST his diuine goodnes omitted not to visitt him further by his holy grace For departing out of the citty of Assisium with intention to seeke some solitary place to mediate and performe his deuotion he past by the side of a Church of S. Damian which by reason of extreme antiquity was euen ready to fall He being touched by the holy Ghost entred in and falling on his knees before the image of the Crucifix he felt his soule replenished with an admirable consolation of the holy Ghost wherfore with an extreme feruour he thrice iterated this prayer vnto God O high and glorious God my Lord IESVS CHRIST illuminate and lighten the obscurities of my hart giue me if it please thee a right faith an assured hope a perfect charity a knowledge of thee my God in such sort that he may euer performe thy true and holy will Amen Beholding afterwardes the Crucifix with a serious attention his eyes filled and his face bathed with teares he heard with his corporall eares a voice addressed vnto him from the Crucifix which three seuerall times thus spake vnto him Goe Francis and repaire my house that is ready to fall This so merueillous voice did exceedingly terrifie him being alone in the Church wherupon vtterly amazed and feeling in himselfe the force and vertue of those wordes he fell into a sound but retourning att lenght to himselfe he incontinently prepared to obey and to reestablish that materiall Church wherin he had presented his said prayer not as yet vnderstanding the sence of the wordes of God to be that he should repaire that other Church redeemed by his precious bloud So that rising from the ground and signing himselfe with the holy Crosse he retourned to the citty where he assembled all the marchandise that his Father had committed to his charge to traffike and sent it to Foliginum where he sold it all and the horse also wheron he rode then hastened to the said Church of S. Damian there to accomplish that which he supposed God had commanded him In which place hauing offered his deuotion he saw the Preist that serued there to whome he presented all the mony he had to rebuild and repaire that church and to releiue the poore besides he humby besought him that he would for certaine dayes receiue him into his company The preist answered that he would willingly entertaine his person but would not accepte his mony in regard of his Father and his kinred and therfore the true mispriser of richesse castinto a windoe that there he saw against a wall the pursse wherin his mony was which he there left in contempt as base earth regarding nothing but to vnite himself with God in the company of that Preist His Father vnderstanding all this full of indignation and anger against him laboured to find him out but Francis getting aduertisment therof as yet a fresh soldier of IESVS CHRIT fearing the threates of his Father and to giue way to his choller hid himself in a caue where he continued certaine dayes with abondance of teares continually praying God to vouchsafe to deliuer his soule from the handes of those that persecuted him and that his holy will would so much fauour him as being to effect the pious desires which he had vouchsafed to inspire vnto him After he had a certaine time continued his prayers he began to condemne himselfe of litle courage and therfore expelling all feare he arose out of the caue and went to Assisium armed with the magnanimity and vertu of the most high to tread vnder foot the serpentes of worldly persecution wherby the deuill thought to enforce his retire His fellow cittizens seeing him vtterly disfigured as if he had bin bereaued of his sences said that he was mad and the litle children followed him casting stones and dirt att him and crying after him in the streetes as if he had bin a foole But the seruant of IESVS CHRIST in regard of all that lost not his courage nor altered his purpose for whatsoeuer he iniustly endured but went peaceably as if he had bin deafe blind and insensible respecting litle or nothing to be reputed a foole in the world prouided that he might afterwardes proue wise with IESVS CHRIST in heauen Now his Father hearing these cryes and seeing his eldest sonne thus abused he ran as a roaring lyon not to deliuer him from those contemptible reproaches but himselfe to treat him more disdainfully then all the rest as if he had bin no longer his Father In such sort that he conducted him to his owne house where hauing extremely iniuried and beaten him he caused him to be chayned and so shutt into a chamber vsing him himselfe as if he had bin a foole thincking by these tormentes to reduce him vnto his former estate But so far was the true seruant of IESVS CHRIST from being any way terrified or withdrawen from his former pious resolution that on the contrary he became therby more firme and constant and more accustomed to support all calling often to his minde that worthy saying of the Gospell Blessed are they that suffer persecution for iustice for theirs is the kingdome of heauen and that which our redeemer himselfe said If any man come to me and hateth not his Father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life besides he cannot be my disciple The which speculation was then most exquisitely practised by God in the person of his seruant Francis who was not only derided of his freindes and kinred but much more of his Father himselfe It might doubtelesse be esteemed a hart of flint or steele that was not moued to
which done he retourned and said vnto him Goe to my good freind sith these Religious doe not serue you well I will serue you my selfe The Leaper answeared Tell me I pray what will you doe more then they the S. replyed I will doe whatsoeuer you shall cammand me begin from this instant to tell me what you please to haue and I promise to doe it I will said the leaper that you wash all my body for I cannot endure the filthy sauour therof I will most willingly doe it answeared the S. and sodenly caused to be prepared a bath of veri● pleasing hearbes then discloathed him to his skinne and washed him one of the Religious powring water on his body But there hapened a notable miracle whiles the holy Father with his pitifull handes washed him all the scurfes of his leapry one after an other fell off so that the flesh remayned cleane and neat as of a litle child in fine he was entierly cleansed and cured within and without The diseased person therfore knowing this great miracle began very bitterly to lament saying I am worthy not of one but of a thousand helles as well for hauing blasphemed against God as for the contempts iniuries and buffettes wherby I haue offended your poore Religious that so louingly haue ministred vnto me And after his cure he remayned fifteene dayes in this lamentation then he made a generall confession imploring the ayd of our Lord IESVS CHRIST S. Francis left him not till fearing himselfe for the great concourse of people that repayred to this miracle he was constrayned to depart so leauing the man in the grace of God who shortly after passed from this world into an other And incontinentlie the holie Father being in prayer he appeared vnto him in heauen more bright then the sunne and said Father know you me The S. asked him who are you And he answeared I am the soule of that leaper whome liuing in the world God cured by your prayers and humility I now enter into the kingdome of glory for which I giue thanckes to God and you blessed be your wordes and your actions also whereby many soules in the world are saued Know that there passeth no day but the Angels and SS in heauen giue glorie and prayse to God for the innumerable fruites which by your meane and your Order are procured in the Church and therefore perseuer to the time predestinated to your great crowne hauing said thus much he disappeared leauing the S. exceedingly comforted who gaue thanckes to God for all and particulerly for the sauing of that soule who was in such imminent perill of damnation Of three famous theeues conuerted by the humility and charity of S. Francis the eight chapter of the tenth booke transferred to this place as most proper vnto it THE LXXXVI CHAPTER BRother Angelus being Gardian att Mount Casal three famous theeues haunted that place doeing cruell murders thereabout who being one day oppressed with hungar came to him demaunding somewhat to eat The good Guardian knowing them not only refused to giue them almose but began to check and reprehend them alleadging that they feared not God nor men whome they so miserablie slew liuing by the labours of others and leading a life more diabolicall then humane robbing dishonouring tormenting and cutting the throates of their neighbour as they did and that he admired how the earth did sustaine them that it did not swallow them quick as they were and so bad them hast away and withall rudely shutt the dore against them wherevpon they in extreme choller departed S. Francis a litle after came with one of his companions vnto that place to whome the Guardian recounted the precedent whereto the holy Father answeared that he had done very ill because such sinners retourne to God and are conuerted rather by sweet and pittifull wordes then by such reprehensions which did rather harden them and that therfore God said They that are in health need not a Phisition but they that are ill att ease that he came not to call the iust but sinners to repentance And therefore added he because you haue done against charity the commandemēt of the gospell the example of IESVS CHRIST I command you in vertue of obedience for pennance to cary them to the mountaine where they are this loafe of bread this flagon of wine which was giuen vs by the way when you come in their presence fall one your knees at their feet and aske thē pardō for the wordes you haue spoken when they haue taken the bread entreat them in my behalfe to Ieaue that miserable kinde of life and I will prouide for all their necessities and vse all the art you can deuise to induce them hither The most obedient Guardian presentlie went on and the holy father in the meane while went to the Church to pray for them whence he departed not till God had heard him Brother Angelus comming to the theeues and hauing performed the commandement of S. Francis whiles they did eat the bread one of them said to the others Alas what shall become of vs sottish wretches what must be our lott what horrible torments are prepared for vs in hell for so many theftes and murders as we daylie perpetrat neither yet haue we any scruple much lesse feare of God or repentance for so many enormous sinnes And this Religious who hath brought vs to eat is come thus farre with so great humility to aske vs pardon for one only word iustlie vttered vnto vs admonishing vs according to our desert in the meane while we wretched theeues and detestable robbers neuer demaund pardon of God Besides this he hath sheuen vs charity praying vs to repaire to that holy Father who hath sent vs releefe who for the zeale he hath of our soules doth so freelie offer vs alwayes to prouide vs all our necessities They are true servantes of God who haue already gayned heauen but what shall we doe who being children of the deuill euery day heape sinnes vpon sinnes considering withall that our sinnes are so enormous as deserue of God rather punishment then pardon Myne opinion therfore is that it were very conuenient sith God doth seeme to call vs by this Religious that we make no longer delay nor abuse the patience of his diuine maiesty but that we repaire vnto him and he will instruct vs in the direct way how to free our selues att length from hell and euen to meritt mercy The other two theeues being of the same opinion they went together with the Guardiā to the holy Father in whose presence being com they kneeled att his feete saying Father we haue litle hope by reason of the enormity of our sinnes that God will vse mercie vnto vs but if you assure vs that we may yet finde grace behold vs here ready to doe whatsoeuer you shall command vs. The holy Father receaued them verie amiably cherished and encouraged them affirming withall that they should not
be alwayes in cogitation with thee that we be with thee in intention and with thee in spiritt seeking thine honour in all our actions with all the forces and powers of our soule and bodie freelie employing all in the seruice of thy loue and in no other thing and that to obserue thy commandement we loue our neighbour as our selues shewing to all as to our selues an entier charitie for thy loue reioycing att the good of others as att our owne compassionating their necessities and afflictions as our owne giuing them all assistance we can possible far from offending them as our selues would desire to be assisted in like necessity Giue vs this day our daily bread that is thy deerly beloued and blessed Sonne our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST in our spiritt and vnderstanding with all reuerence by the great loue wherwith he hath affected and by what soeuer he hath said done and endured for vs wretches And forgiue vs our debtes by thine infinite mercy by the vertue of the passion of thine only Sonne our lord IESVS CHRIST and by the merittes and prayers of the blessed virgin Mary pardon vs also good God As we forgiue our debters and if we pardon not them perfectly as we ought make vs Lord to doe it that we may meritt pardon Graunt good God that by thy loue we doe not only forbeare to doe euill for euill nor hate our ennemies but that we loue them and that by good offices and prayers for them we demonstrate the same to thee O God of mercie Lord God forsake vs not in our cruell temptations both secrett and manifest and permit vs not to fall therin but deliuer vs from euill past by meane of true contrition and holy pennance present by preseruation of thy grace and future by perseuerance in thy most holy feare Amen Of certaine other mysticall prayers and canticles which the holy Frther S. Francis made THE CXVIII CHAPTER The Holy Father in his canonicall houres said in latin these prayers following which he composed in the prayse of God HOly holy holy lord God almightie which art which hast bin and art to come thou art worthy that we offer vnto thee and to receaue of vs all prayse and honour and that we exalt and acknowledge thee aboue althinges the lambe that was slaine is worthy to receaue all vertue diuinitie wisdome force glorie honour and benediction Lett vs alwayes prayse God lett vs yeld the honour dew vnto the Father the Sonne and the the holie Ghost lett vs praise God for euer lett vs prayse the lord of heauen and earth and of all other thinges created vnder and on the earth with those that are in heauen lett vs prayse God and exalt him for euer Glorie be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holie Ghost Lett vs prayse God for euer and magnifie him as he hath bin is now and shall be world without end Amen Lett vs prayse God and exalt him for euer Amen An other breife prayer vnto God Almighty most high and my soueraigne good all good that onlie is good We giue thee all praise all praise all glorie all honour and yeld thee all the thanckes we can and will that all good be referred to thee alone Amen An other short prayer for the diuine office Most high most mighty most iust and most mercifull lord afford vs miserable wretches so much of thy grace that we may accomplish thy holy will and may with all diligence seeke that alone which pleaseth thee that being interiourly illuminated and enflamed with the fire of the holy Ghost we may tread the most holy steppes of thine only Sonne our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST that by meane of this thy grace we may see thee with the blessed thou that art the most high God who liuest in perfect Trinity simplicity and vnity and as almighty raignest in eternall glory Amen A prayer to the Queene of heauen and to the Angels God saue thee holy Queene most holy Mary mother of God and perpetuall virgin chosen of God the Father and of the holy Ghost the comforter in whome is faith and the entier perfection of all eminent vertue with all good vnited sith thou hast merited to haue in thee the author of life and grace God saue thee diuine Pallace God saue thee the habitation and tabernacle of the Redeemer God saue thee thee robe of God God saue thee the seruant and mother of God and God saue thee with all the Angelicall powers considering that thou art sent by the holy Ghost into the hartes of rebelles that of Infidelles thou make faithfull and true seruantes of God O most worthy mother of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Espouse of the holy Ghost pray for vs with S. Michael the Archangell and all the celestiall spirittes vnto they beloued Sonne our lord and master Amen An other prayer to the virgin Holy Mary virgin and lady like vnto whome neuer woman was borne nor shal be in the world daughter and seruant of the most high king and celestiall Father most sacred mother of IESVS CHRIST and Espouse of the holy Ghost pray for vs with all the Angels and sainctes vnto they beloued Sonne that he will voutsafe to saue vs Glory be to the Father vnto the Sonne and to the blessed holy Ghost Amen Praises vnto God Lord God thou art holy and God of all Goddes that worckest merueillous thinges that art the mighty and most high thou art the omnipotent Father and entierly soueraigne lord of heauen and earth God in Trinity and Vnity and sempiternall soueraigne good all good and euery good thing Lord God liuing and true thou art true loue and perfect charity thou art wisdome humility and patience thou art the incomprehensible beauty thou art true pleasure and assured repose thou art our hope and ioy thou art iustice temperance fortitude and prudence of mortall men thou art the richesse that can satiate vs thou art meeke thou art our only protectour and our guard thou art our vertue faith hope and charity and the sweetnes and consolation of all thou art the bounty without end a great God and admirable God omnipotent pittifull merciful and our Sauiour Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. The holy Father sainct Francis had a very feruent deuotiō to this versicle Gloria Patri therfore he often repeated it in his prayers He respected not so much Sicut erat Saying euensong one day with Brother Leo att euery verse of Magnificat he said Gloria Patri feeling therin a merueillous tast and contentment yea such as he thought he should neuer be satisfied with saying thereof he taught a Religious Preist that was in affliction and extremely tempted to say Gloria Patri which he did and was incontinently deliuered of his temptation Of the Canticle of the sunne and other creatures composed by S. Francis THE CIX CHAPTER THis holy Father composed a Canticle in latin in the prayse of God when he reuealed vnto him the
fruition of the glory of Paradice and because the sunne of all corporall creatures is the cheife of the irreasonable and our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST is called the Sunne of iustice he therfore intituled it the Canticle of the sunne which is that which followeth diuided into eight litle verses conformable to the eight beatitudes Most high lord all prayses glory and honours are thine to thee alone ought to be rendred and referred al graces and no man is worthy to name thee My God be thou praysed and exalted of all creatures and particulerly of our brother the Sunne thy worcke which illuminateth the day that lighteneth vs it is also thy figure by his beauty and splendour likewise of the siluer moone and glittering starres which thou hast created in heauen so bright and so beautifull My God be praysed by the fire whereby the night is lightened in his darcknes because it is resplendent pleasant subtil cleare beautifull and vigorous Lett the aire and windes cleare and cloudy seasons and all other seasons prayse my God wherby all other base creatures doe liue Lett my God be praysed by the water an element most necessary and profitable to mortall creatures humble chast and cleare Lett my God be praysed by the earth our mother which supporteth and nourisheth vs producing such diuersity of herbes flowers and fruites S. Francis added the ensuing versicle when he accorded the Bishop and the Capitaine of Assisium as in place proper shal be inserted Let my God be praysed by them that pardon each for his loue and support in pacience afflictions and infirmities with alacritie of spiritt Blessed are they that liue in peace for they shall be crowned in heauen The holy Father likewise added the verse ensuyng when God had reuealed vnto him the day of his death Let my God be praysed by corporall death which no liuing man can escape Wretched be they that dy in mortall sinne and blessed those that att the houre of their death be found in thy grace as hauing obeyd thy most sacred will for they shall not see the second death of eternall torments Lett all creatures prayse and giue thanckes to my God lett them be gratefull vnto him and serue him with due humility This Canticle was many times sung by the said S. vnto his Brethren whome he also taught to sing the same He exceedingly reioyced when he saw them sing it with grace and feruour for hearing it he merueillouslie eleuated his spirit vnto God He sent certaine of his Religious that were very spirituall vnto Brother Pacificus who liuing in the world had bin a very skilfull Musitian as we haue said that he might learne them to sing it perfectly in Musicke therby to praise God afterward when they should preach ouer the world for he would they should obserue to sing this canticle after their preaching as a prayse vnto God and that they should affirme themselues to the people to be the musitians of God and that they would no other reward for this their musicke but that they should doe pennance for their sinnes For confirmation whereof what are the seruantes of God said he but his representers to moue and awaken humane hartes to true spirituall ioy and particulerlie the Freer Minors who are giuen to the people for their saluation The holy Father affirmed that in the morning att Sunne rising a man ought to prayse God the Creatour of the Sunne by whose beames our eyes are illuminated by day and that he ought likewise to prayse God in the night for his Brother the Fire because by it our eyes are lightened by night and that we should be all blinde if God did not illuminate our eyes by these two creatures for which and for the other creatures whose vse we ordinarily haue we ought continually to prayse our glorious Creatour Of the prayer and thanckes giuing to God which S. Francis made after the confirmation of his rule THE CX CHAPTER MOst mighty most high most holy and soueraigne God holy Father and iust Lord king of heauen and earth we thanck thee for the loue of thy selfe because that by thy will and by thy only Sonne with the holy Ghost thou hast created all thinges corporall and incorporall then diddest frame vs according to thine image and placed vs in the terrestriall Paradice whence through our fault we are fallen We also thancke thee for that as thou hast created vs for thy Sonne so for the infinite loue which thou diddest beare vnto vs thou hast procured him to be borne in this world true God and true man of the wombe of the euer glorious virgin Mary and wouldest that his life should be vnto vs an example of pouerty humility and penitence and that his precious bloud his tormentes and most cruell death should be the price of the Redemption of humaine nature Finally we thanck thee for that thy Sonne is once againe to come downe on earth in glory and maiesty to chase the accursed into hell who would not repent nor acknowledge thee for Redeemer and to say to them that shall haue serued and adored him and done pennance Come ye blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome which is prepared for you from the beginning of the world But because we miserable sinners are not worthy so much as to name thee we humblie beseech thee to accept that our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST thine only beloued Sonne with the holy Ghost the true comforter doe yeld vnto thee for each of vs the thanckes we owe thee according to thy pleasure and that he satisfy thee for all the graces thou giuest vs by his meane and shalt giue vs prouided that we faile not in our endeauour such and so great as no humane tongue shal be able to expresse We also pray the blessed Virgin S. Michael S. Gabriel S. Raphael and all the quiers of blessed Spirittes Seraphins Cherubins Thrones Dominations Principalities Pouers Vertues Archangels and Angels the blessed Elias and Noe and all the Patriarckes and Prophetes S. Iohn Baptist and all the holy Innocentes S. Peter and S. Paul withall the other Apostles and Euangelistes Disciples Martyrs Confessors Virgins and all the sainctes that haue bin are and shal be that with the good pleasure of thy diuine Maiesty they giue thee thanckes for so many fauours as it hath pleased thee to afford vs to thee that art soueraine true eternall and liuing and to thy most glorious Sonne our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to the holy Ghost the comforter world without end Amen Al●etuya We Frere Minors vnprofitable seruantes demaund of thee and most humbly beseech thy diuine Maiestie to graunt vnto all them that will serue thee in thy holie Catholicke Apostolique Romane church and to all Orders of the said holy Church Preistes Deacons Subdeacons Acolites Exorci●tes Lectors Porters and to all the Cleargie to all Religious of both sex and to al Kinges Princes Lords and seruants Artizans and labourers to all Virgines widowes and maryed women and to all
nor vnderstand for they doe voluntarie blinde and ruinate their owne soules Open your eyes then blinded deluded as ye are by your ennemies the flesh the world and the deuill To the body it is a very delightfull thing to serue sinne very tedious to serue God all euils and sinnes proceed from the hart of mā as God saith in the Gospell The wicked haue no good in this world nor shall haue in the next they seeme att their pleasure to possesse the present vanities but they are deceaued for the time and houre will come when they shall loose all The holy Father said also that one being knowne to be verie sicke the first aduertisement of his kinred and freindes is not to prouide for his soule but to make his will and so his wife kinred and freindes gather about him to induce him to be mindfull of them And he ouercome by the teares of his wife the tender loue he beareth to his children and the persuasions of his kinred that seeme to haue forgotten his soule disposeth of his substance according to their fancie to giue them contēt and saith that he committeth to their gouernment and authority his substance his soule and his body that man is truely accursed who in this sort putteth his trust in man conformable to what the Prophett Ieremie said Cursed is the man that trusteth in man Now after such disposition the Confessour is sent for who finding the wretch obliged to some restitution soliciteth him to discharge himselfe therof but he answeareth that he hath made his testament disposed of all his goodes and deliuered it into the handes of his heires who will satisfie whatsoeuer shal be necessary and because he is in agonie and hath almost lost his speech there is no time to dispose of matters necessarie to the discharge of his conscience and so he dyeth a most miserable death Therfore lett euerie one know that when and howsoeuer a man dye in mortall sinne and without due restitution of an other mannes goodes hauing power to doe it before his death the deuill carryeth his soule directlie to hell where he shal be eternallie tormented and so in an instant he looseth bodie and soule goodes and honour because his kinred diuiding his inheritance among them they often curse his soule for not hauing left to one of them what he hath left to all Of the contrarietie of vices and vertues and certaine breife aduertisements and exercises of them THE LI. CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis affirmed that where true charity is there can neither be feare nor ignorance Where there is a ioyfull and voluntarie pouerty there is neither enuy nor auarice where there is Meditation of God there is no care where the feare of God is keeper of the house there the deuill cannot enter where there is discretion and mercy there is neither superfluity nor deceipt Now I tell you there is no man in the world can in any sort haue one of the said vertues If he doe not first die to himselfe and he that reallie possesseth one hath all with that one he erreth not in the rest and he that erreth in one erreth in all the other and is in that case as if he had not any they are of such valew that each one of it selfe confoundeth vices and sinnes holie wisdome confoundeth the deuill with all his malices holy simplicitie confoundeth the prudence of the deuill the world and the flesh holy pouertie confoundeth enuie auarice and seculer desires holy humilitie confoundeth pride with all worldly honoures and what soeuer is in them holy charity confoundeth all diabolicall and carnall temptations and pleasures holy obedience confoundeth all naturall will and sensuall affection subiecteth the body to obedience of the spiritt rendreth and maketh a man humble and subiect not only to all men but euen to other irreasonable creatures The Apostle saith the letter killeth but the spiritt giueth life they are killed by the letter who seeke to know only to be reputed learned and wise of the world by this meane to purchase honours and richesse with anxiety to aduance their kinred and freindes and in a word not for themselues but for the body or for others And they are quickened of the spiritt who referre all the learning and knowledge they haue and desire to haue only to the prayse and honour of the diuine maiesty and who appeare before God by the example of their life and with wordes full of edification offring vnto him that goodnes which is entierlie his owne In this sort it is that the seruant of God may know if he really haue his spiritt for if the flesh glorie in the worckes it doeth by meane of the grace of God as its owne it is then a signe that he is of the deuill But if in the said worckes he neuerthelesse repute himselfe vile and acknowledge himselfe a most greiuous sinner he is then truely of God and God is in him Happy is the seruant that neither speaketh nor doeth any thinge for hope of recompence in this world but for the loue of God nor lightlie speaketh what commeth to his mouth but prudently and in due time disposeth his propositions and answeares Wretched also is the Religious that buryeth in his hart the graces which he receaueth of God or that commanicateth them for subiect of vaine glorie desiring rather to manifest them verballie then to God for he hath alreadie receaued his reward and they who haue heard him haue bin litle edified therby These are wordes of life and he that shall ruminate and accomplish them shall finde true life and in the end obtaine saluation of God They that seeke not to tast how sweete God is and that loue darcknes more then light neglecting to obserue the commandementes of God are by his Prophett accursed of him who sayeth Cursed are they who erre from thy commandementes but how blessed and happie are they that loue God and performe the saying of the gospell Thou shalt loue thy Lord thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule and withall thy will Lett vs therefore My Brethren loue and prayse God day and night Our Father which art in heauen because it is necessary to pray alwayes without intermission and lett vs haue charity and humility and doe almose deedes that they may cleanse our soules from spottes of sinne for euerie thing appertayning to the world tourneth to ruine men must leaue it and carry with them onlie the recompence and reward of charitie and the almose they haue done wherof they shall receaue recompence of God And therfore it is good to fast from vices and sinnes flying all occasions of them and to keepe vs from all kinde of superfluitie though lawfull and we must frequent churches and honour Preistes in respect of the dignity they haue with God and especiallie the Religious that haue renounced the world to doe more good then others and by their example we
learne and exercise themselues not vnder hope of gaine but to giue good example and to shunne idlenes and if such suffice not to sustaine you I will that you haue recourse to the most abondant table of our Lord IESVS CHRIST that is to demaund almose att the dores alwayes giuing the benediction which God att first reuealed vnto me to witt The peace of God be in this house and in all them that dwell therin Lett them neuertheles take heed that they receaue nothinge as proper to themselues for neither will I that there be receaued in common either house or church that may be tearmed ours but as shal be agreable to the pouertie and simplicity of our Order which we promise to God in our vowes But lett vs all continue in this life as true pilgrimes and straungers I command all vnder obedience that in what soeuer place they be they doe not presume to demaund any kinde of priuiledge or exemption from the court of Rome either themselues or any person in their behalfe for their Churches or other places neither vnder apparence of intention to preach nor as being persecuted in their bodyes but if they cannot obserue their rule in some one place lett not their demaund be therfore admitted but lett them goe other where to doe penance with the benediction of God I was alwayes resolute to obey the Generall of this Order and the Guardian that haue bin constitued ouer me since I renounced the chardge in such sort as I would neuer attempt to make choice of my residence nor to doe any thing without his licence because he is my master And although I be simple and infirme I would alwayes haue a Clerck to performe vnto me the diuine office as the rule importeth I will likewise that all the other Religious be obedient to the Generall to the Prouinciall and Guardian and that they all read their office according to the rule And if any one be euer so hardy as to presume to alter the office or to hold opinion contrarie to the holy Catholike Romane Church I will that all the other Religious in whatsoeuer place they be shal be obliged by obedience to apprehend him and committ him to secure ga●d and so send him to the Prouinciall or Generall who shall present him to our Protectour in such sort as he may not escape and he shall giue him punishment according to his desert And lett none affirme this to be a new rule for it is onlie a remembrāce and an exhortation which I poore Brother Francis leaue you as a testament that the said rule may better and more Catholikely be obserued And because I will that the minister generall with the other ministers and Guardians be obliged not to adde nor substract from these wordes but that this my testament be putt with the rule and be read to my Brethren Preistes and laitie I doe further commaund all vnder obedience that none presume to glose vpon the rule nor this present testament affirming that it must be vnderstood after such or such manner but as God hath made me vnderstand it simplie lett them also vnderstand it simply without glose and lett it be conserued perpetually to the end And I beseech the omnipotent goodnes that all they who shall religiously and exactlie obserue these thinges may here on earth be filled with the benediction of his Beloued Sonne with the holy Ghost the Conforter and with all the blessed Angels and Sainctes and afterwardes on high in heauen with the benediction of the most soueraigne celestiall Father And I Brother Francis your wretched and vnworthy seruaunt in our Lord giue my benediction to those that shall obserue it as I haue formerlie said in the behalfe of God the Virgin Mary and all the Angels and SS of God in heauen and in earth in the name of the most soueraigne Father of his beloued Sonne and of the holy Ghost the Conforter So be it Amen Of the supper which the glorious Father S. Francis made with all his children and of the last benediction which he gaue them THE LXIX CHAPTER AFter he had made this last testament his sicknes so encreased that his present death was generallie expected but encourageing himselfe in God he called all the Religious that were in the Monastery who being come and perceauing that the holy Father intended to giue them his last benediction they fell all on their knees bathing the earth with their teares and thundering out loud cryes and sighes towardes heauen S. Francis with a melted hart wept together with them and he seemed to haue recouered some litle part of his sight and so laying his hand on their heades by one and one and firmely beholding them he blessed them then afterward he began to blesse them all together as well the present as the absent and all those that should enter into his holy Religion lamenting that he could not haue them all present in regard of his extreme loue vnto them which exceeded that of a mother towardes her children himselfe also hauing engendred them in IESVS CHRIST And the more to comfort them he caused bread to be brought which he diuided in pieces in imitation of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and gaue to each a piece bidding them to eat it for his loue att this his departure Then were there teares redoubled many of them did not eat all their portion but did reserue some part therof which afterwardes was effectuall in restoring desired health to such as were disealed which done this holie Father for his last aduertisement recommended that holy place to his Vicare Generall and to all the rest admonishing them neuer to abandon it but that if they were extruded att one dore they should enter in att an other alleadging that the place was holie and the true habitation of God of the glorious Virgin Marie of the Angels and Sainctes of the liuing God and that therfore they had so miraculouslie multiplied there where they had bin illuminated in his seruice for the saluation of so many soules wherfore he doubted not but whatsoeuer should in that place be demaunded of his diuine maiestie with a pure and contrite heart should alwayes be obtayned who also would not faile greiuously to chastice such as should offend in that sacred place being the true habitation by grace of the celestiall Court the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Of the blessed and glorious death of the holy Father S. Francis THE LXX CHAPTER THe fourth of October in the yeare 1226. vpon a Saterday in the euening twenty yeares after his Conuersion and the fiue and fortieth of his age the holy Father hauing bin verie aptly cutt squared and accommodated by the hard stroakes of tribulations temptations afflictions incommodities and infirmities as a liuelie and firme stone that should be placed in the principall corners of the supreme Citty of the celestiall Hierusalem he heard the voice of his sweet Lord that called him vnto him Then to make publike
ghospell saying If any man will come after me lett him deny himselfe lett him know how much he is deceaued that esteemeth himselfe of any worthe lett him hate and dye in himselfe that he may know me loue and liue in me and I in him And as the nature of fire is to ascend on high so the nature of a soule free and disburdened from the waight of selfe and naturall affection is to mount and ascend into God which is her proper place where she was created to repose in him blessedly perfect and eternall As it is the nature of a stone by meane of his naturall waight to decline vnto his center so is it naturall to the hart loaden with loue of it selfe and other creatures to fall by his owne fault into hell Lett the soule then that shall haue placed all his end in God and desireth to ascend to the throne of grace of the true Salomon IESVS GHRIST who being a most gracious and peaceable king fitteth art the right hand of his Father in whome all the desires of Angels and glorious soules are absolutelie effected lett that soule I say behold in this dayes exercise the ladder of Iacob whose hight toucheth the heauen and that she the more easely and with better order ascend she may make seauen seuerall degrees or steppes which are so disposed by Vbertin The first is the tast the second the desire the third satiety the fourth excesse or spirituall extasie the fift asseurance the sixt tranquility God only knoweth the name of the seauenth We attaine to the knowledge of these degrees and exercises rather by the effectes and actions as it is in other spirituall thinges then of themselues they being perceiued with spirituall eyes wherto althinges are apparant but especially those that concerne the sweet effectes and graces therof The soule therfore that will profitt in them the more that she shall finde her sight cleare to know her weakenes shall correct her faultes and shall perseuer in mortification and exercise of worckes of charity so much lesse sight shall she haue to cast her eyes on the degree or on the height of her perfection leauing the care therof to God alone imploying her selfe onlie in her humility he that hath any litle knowledge of spirituall thinges will easilie comprehend that to search after that which appertayneth only to God to witt to labour for perfection and not for mortification that it followeth therof that there are so few truely spirituall and that deserue this name though many by their profession or exercise pretend so to be Of the first degree and exercise of contemplation THE II. CHAPTER THe first degree then of contemplation as we haue said is the tast wherof Dauid seemeth to speake when the saith Tast and see how sweet God is blessed is he that hath put all his hope in him The Prophett speaketh to smners who thinck to haue no other gaine nor tast but of the world Tast yee sinners saith he and see your errours and you shall know what you loose euen in this life And as the first steppe of the ladder raiseth a man from the earth so the exercise of this first degree is to sequester one from sinnes and the indirect way and to loose the tast of lewd wordlie contentementes yea to hate and detest them so to receaue the tast which God giueth to the soule of a cleare conscience Therfore his diuine Maiestie to draw vnto him the soule accustomed to sensnall thinges giueth vnto her spirituall consolations in the beginning for it would be verie difficult to draw the cold and feeble soule to diuine thinges without this new tast which is giuen her of God as a sensible Manna and therfore the other exercises of this estate are true contrition frequent confession full satisfaction and most profound acknowledgement of ones owne fault ingratitude malice and rash presumption against God Of which thinges proceed desires to satisfy the diuine iustice for satisfaction in other respectes should already be done being neuer wearyed wi●h sighing and repenting to haue offended God and so with a feruent zeale of iust correction for God to addict himselfe to penance to fastinges disciplines austerities and wachinges labouring with great patience to offer such prayers as proceed rather from the hart then the mouth And because it will seeme difficult to the penitent to performe this appearing repugnant to his nature he must endeauour to prepare and enable his hart by pious cogitations and meditations and by the remembrance and tast of God as to thinck on death on the generall iudgement on the feare therof on hell and the paine therof one Paradicice and the glory therof on the benefittes and graces of his diuine Maiesty as well in generall as in particular bestowed on all personnes and aboue all lett him not forgett the passion of our Lord IESVS CHRIST as a soueraigne benefitt of God bestowed on vs wherin consisteth all our consolation and hope When the sinner calleth to minde his great ingratitude towardes God in as much as lyeth in him by his sinnes crucifying him againe and after he had bin so deerly redeemed with his precious bloud and most cruell death destroying himselfe againe by yelding himselfe to the deuill to the great misprise and contempt of his God he cannot but carrie a great hatred to his sinnes and desire to doe great penance therfore that he no more erre from the way of God he considereth how he ought to liue he sequestreth himselfe frome idle and vnprofitable conuersations he smothereth peruerse inclinations and appetites endeauouring to gett an hatred of his owne affection a contempt of the world and finally a victory of him selfe to yeld himselfe absolutely vnto God IESVS CHRIST taught this first degree to his seruant Francis when appearing vnto him att the beginning of his conuersion he told him that it was necessarie for him to chaung the corrupted and infected tast which he had and to make him finde tast in that which till then he had misprised and that what soeuer he had sound pleasing should proue distastfull and bitter I know not indeed of what Sainct are recorded greater exercices in this separation deeper foundation of penance and more labours then of him and doubles it was requisite for him for he was to ascend vnto such a perfection and to be an example in the church to fly the world to make his habitation in solitary places and desert woodes to renounce monie and his fathers patrimonie euen to this shirt to displaint himselfe from his kinred and freindes from conuersations and ordinarie courses of life euen by the root to trans-plant himselfe into God and with such courage that it was not needfull for him to fly into the desert thenceforward to sequester him selfe from the world He powered out an abondant quantitie of teares and sighes with a feeling cōpassion meditating on the passion of our Lord IESVS CHRIST wherof he learned to liue in such
Religious began then out of loue to weep bitterlie and affectionatelie recommended themselues to his prayers wherin next vnto God they reposed more confidence then in any other thing saying vnto him Father send vs whither you shall please we are ready to accomplish what soeuer God by you shall command But withall we beseech you to remember that we goe a mong most cruell men whose tongue is vnknowne vnto vs as also are their manners and behauiour besides we know them to be the ennemies of Christians desiring nothing more then to drinck their bloud and ours with so much more fury and passion when they shall know we endeauour to conuert their people for accomplishmēt wherof we acknowledge our forces to be most infirme and our selues very insufficient if the mercy of God doe not by your prayers assist vs and therfore we recommending vs vnto them demaund your holy benediction that we may vndergoe this obedience to the honour of God and the saluation of our owne and the Infidels soules S. Francis then lifting his eyes all bathed with teares towardes heauen blessed them in this manner The benediction of God the Father the loue of the Sonne our Redeemer IESVS and the grace of the holy Ghost discend vpon you as it discended on the Apostles conduct comfort and fortifye you in afflictions that you may valiantly resist couragiously assault and gloriously subdue your ennemies sith God sendeth you for his glory and seruice And feare not for God goeth with you to be your protector So being full of teares he dismissed them and these Apostolicall Religious tooke their iorney conformably to the Rule of the holy Ghospell on foote without mony scrip or staffe bare-foote with one only coate poore course and all patched but yet in exchaunge of all this they had the grace of God that safelie and securely conducted them into Spaine How Brother Vitall fell sicke in Spaine and would that leauing him alone in the hospitall his Companions should proceed on other iourney and of his death THE II. CHAPTER THese good Religious being arriued in Arragon Brother Vital their superiour fell sicke and kept his bedde the others expected there some time to see the issue of this sicknes which daily encreasing Brother Vital said to his companions My beloued Brethre you see my sicknes is violent and what wil be the issue therof I know not wherfore I will no longer detaine you from proceeding about that which hath bin enioyned vs it hauing bin alwayes my desire to accōpany you if it pleased God who I suppose hath ordained that I proceed no farther in respect that being too great a sinner I am not perhapps worthy of your cōpany or to be employed in so worthy an office It is therfore necessary that you leaue me in this hospitall and that you apply your selues to this holy enterprise of the conuersion of this people to God who hath thus farre conducted you by obedience and be not greiued to leaue me here alone for his diuine Maiesty will prouide for me Proceede then on your iourney accomplish the will of God and be mindefull of the admonitions of our holy Father with a speciall care not to transgresse them and pray to God for me constituting Brother Bernard the preacher to be their superiour The poore Religious hauing heard the said proposition with extreme sorowfull and sobbing sighes that sufficiently discouered the bitternes that afflicted their spirit they bowed downe their heades calling God to witnesse of the greife they had to leaue him so alone but because their obediēce vnto S. Francis and him so required they acknowledged themselues ready to obey and so hauing receaued his benediction after they had louingly and charitably embraced each other they departed beseeching him by his prayers to obtaine of God that they might againe see one an other att least in Paradise This poore Religious remayning then alone in affliction dayly weakened till hauing vnderstood the martyrdome of his companions and giuen thanckes to God for it he was so afflicted for not perticipating with them and for hauing lost that crowne that burning with charity towardes God this fire in such sort augmented that by his good will and desire he shortly after receaued the ●ame crowne in his bedd making of himselfe a gratefull and pleasing sacrifice vnto his diuine Maiesty and so hastened to meet them in the other world Thus much for Brother Vitall We must now discourse of the combat of his companions who still ma●ching further on into Spaine euen vnto Portugall neuer ceassed in time and place conuenient to preach vnto both Catholiques and heretiques wherof then the nomber was great in Spaine and euery where produced fruit most pleasing to the almighty whose grace had conioyned them together How the fiue Religious arriued att Conimbria where they prophecied vnto the queene her death and their owne Martyrdome THE VII CHAPTER THe said Religious being arriued at Conimbria a famous citty in regard that it was the vniuersity of the kingdome of Portugall as also being very anncient and right noble there they found the queene Vraca wife of king Alphonsus the secōd who incontinently inuited them vnto her entertayned thē with great deuotiō as exceedingly affected vnto their Order and then very louingly demaūded of thē whence they came whither they intended and withall offered to releiue thē in all their occurrēces They breifely answeared her discouered vnto her their designe to witt that they were sent by their Generall Brother Francis to preach the faith of IESVS CHRIST to Infidels But the queene not cōtent with this slight narratiō putt thē into discourse of diuers spirituall matters as one more thirsty of the word of our lord then a hinde of fresh water With whose discourse finding her selfe exceedingly edifyed and cōforted perceauing their extreme feruour and to what degree of the fauour of God their merittes had raysed thē she drew them a part cōiured them in his name for whose loue they had resolued euen to endure death so much to gratifie her as by prayer to procure reuelation frō God of the time and hower of her death not admitting their excuses which were that it would be a great temerity presūption to seeke to know the secrettes which God for deepe great cōsiderations would not haue knowne vnto mē adding withall that they were not worthy to obtaine the same diuers other such reasons but she so importuned them that they were att lenght cōstraynd to accord vnto her hauing to this end applyed thēselues to prayer they vnderstood frō God that and more then they demaūded whervpō they went vnto the queene and thus spake vnto her Madame lett it not if you please be troublesome vnto you to vnderstād that which you haue so instātly required of vs and so much the lesse because we assure you that no creature loueth you so much as God who will in no sort dispose of you but
a heat and sting of sensuality that loosing all hope of force to ouercome so great a temptation he diuers times required his apparell of the sayd Father Simon to retourne to the world affirming that he could no longer remaine in Relligion but the good Father comforted him and still deferred him to an other time Neuertheles his temptations encreased daily And as one day he exceedingly vrged him to permitt him to depart out of relligion this holy Father hauing compassion of him commanded him to sitt downe by him which the nouice hauing done he layd his head on his lappe then lifting his eyes towardes heauen he with such feruour prayed for him that being rapt in extasie he was heard in such sort that the Nouice was so deliuered of his temptations that thenceforward his sensuall heat was tourned into the fier of charity wherof he made demonstration after he had made his vow by this accident A lewd fellow was condemned for his misdeedes to haue his eyes crushed out this Religious hauing heard report hereof moued with charity towardes his neighbour went and most instantly prayed the iudge to temper iustice with mercy and to mittigate the sentence giuen against that criminell The Iudge answeared that he could not This good Religious then fell on his knees before the Iudge and with tearfull eyes besought him that the sentence then might be executed on himselfe in regard that the party condemned would not endure the torment nor support the disgrace so patiently as himselfe The Iudge moued with such wordes and admiring the Charity of this Religious pardoned for that time the malefactor This holy Father being in prayer in a solitary place many birdes came ouer him and by their singing made so great a noyse as they distracted him Wherfore he commanded them in the name of God to depart and they redily obeyed The houre of death of this worthy seruant of God being att length come and his yeares being accomplished he yelded his soule to his Creatour adorned with vertues and sanctity He was buryed in the Couent of Spoletum where his notable merittes haue bin manifested he hauing obtayned many graces of God for the comfort and benefitt of infinitie personnes that haue implored him as their intercessour The life of the glorious Father Brother Christopher Of the mortification charity abstinence and affliction of body of the glorious Brother Christopher THE XLVIII CHAPTER THe venerable Brother Christopher was borne in Romania he was Preist before he entierly left the world to follow IESVS CHRIST he was moued thervnto by the example predication of S. Francis who hauing admitted him to the habitt and profession of the Frere Minors sent him into France to the Prouince of Gascone the yeare 1219. there to edifie soules and to plant the seed of Religion This Father was of a profound humility and simplicity especially pittifull to the afflicted He succoured assisted and serued the leapers with great deuotion and dilligence washing their feet dressing their soares and vlcers making their beddes paring their nayles and giuing them comfort in all their necessities But how much he was pittifull in the behalfe of others as charity commanded him so much was he seuere and rigorous to himselfe weakening him selfe by continuall fastes and wearing a grosse hairecloth hauing besides for a long time worne a coat of maile the more to torment his flesh His perseuerance in rigour of life was such that being an hundred yeares old he did eat but once a day except the sondayes and principall feastes of the yeare so that albeit his body grew old and decayed he was neuettheles alwayes yong and firme in vertues Notwithstanding such mortifications and abstinences he had a face very cheerfull for the interiour ioy shined and appeared exteriourly and the most sweet and gracious loue of his hart towardes his God made all the afflictions sweet which his body endured Of the diuine consolations which he receaued in prayer and att Masse THE XLIX CHAPTER THis holy Religious neuer spent his time idly but euer employed himselfe either in prayer or reading or in manuall exercise in the garden or in some other seruice necessary to relligion He was wery dilligent in prayer and had the grace of shedding many teares And that he might the more commodiously apply himselfe to prayer he made choice of a very litle cell made of earth and boughes of trees separate frome the others wherin he spent most of his time which was a thing in manner generall to the first Fathers of that time and there was he often visited diuinely as also the glorious Virgin Mary appeared vnto him one time with her mother S. Anne comforted him that was particulerly deuout vnto them He euery day said masse with great deuotion and abondance of teares which was very gratefull to IEVS CHRIST as by the sequell appeareth This venerable Brother saying masse one morning one of the candels on the altare was casually putt out and there was seene a light instantly to discend from heauen that lightened it againe There was often seene a white pigeon houering ouer his head whiles he said masse the Religious that serued and assisted him did often see it he was a yong man very neat and an innocent disciple of his called Brother Peter who hauing forsaken his kinred his friendes his patrimony and all the world besides on whose fallacious and deceiptfull apparences he would not relye entred into the Religion of Frere Minors where he ascended to such sanctity that in regard of his pure simplicity he merited often times to see and speake with his good Angell Gardien The first time that he saw the pigeon discend vpon the head of the glorious Br. Christopher not knowing what it signified he sought to driue it away wherin he exceedingly troubled his master who was enforced to will him to lett it alone and therby it was knowne what it was This venerable Father one time calling to minde his sinnes committed in the world extremely feared the punishment they deserued conformably to that which the scripture sayth Happy is he that alwayes feareth and therfore he prayed this Angelicall yong man Br. Peter whose conscience he knew very well to demaund of his familier Angell his estate touching his former sinnes who made him this answeare Tell Brother Christopher he need not feare his sinnes past because God hath pardoned them entierly But lett him striue to perseuer in his good worckes begun that he may meritt eternall life The rest of this Chapter is inserted in the end of the 71. chapter of the second booke being a vision that this holy Father had of the death of Sainct Francis Of some miracles wrought by this glorious Br. Christopher in his life time THE L. CHAPTER ALthough this holy mā did not publikely ascend into the pulpitt to preach the word of God yet did he deliuer it to such people as he conuersed withall giuing them profitable admonitions accompanyed with seuere reprehensions so
so much lesse is he in the presence of God and doth not know what God is If thou heare any one speake ill of thee assist him if he speake well of thee referre that to God If thou wilt make thy part the better make it ill and that of an other good I meane thou must praise the worckes and good wordes of others and blame thine owne If thou wilt gaine loose for in the end when thou shalt thinck to haue gained thou shalt find that thou hast lost because this way is such that though it seeme to lead to saluation it tendeth to perdition We doe not orderly support afflictions and therfore are not fitt to receaue and support spirituall consolations Doe not wrong or iniury to any and if it be offred to thee support it patiently for the loue of God and in remission of thy sinnes for it is more meritorious to suupport a great iniury for the loue of IESVS CHRIST without murmure then to feed euery day an hundred poore people and to fast much and austerely What doth it profitt a man to misprise himselfe to afflict his body by fastinge to pray to watch and to vse discipline if after all that he cannot support an iniury done by his neighbour for which he should receaue a greater recompence then for whatsoeuer he could endure by his owne election To support tribulations and afflictions without murmure doth exceedingly purge the sinnes of a man yea more then doeth a great effusion of teares and therfore happy is he that supporteth all these afflictions patiently in regard that he shall reape therby a great fruit of consolation Happy is he that neither hath nor desireth any consolation from whatsoeuer creature vnder heauen He doth not hope for any recompence from God that is humble and peaceable only when althinges succed according to his will He that hath alwayes his sinnes before his eyes will not faile to make his profitt of all the afflictions that befall him Thou must acknowledge all the good thou hast to proceed from God and all the euill from thy sinnes for if one man had done all the good deedes that all the men in the world haue done doe or shall doe withall that if he duely cōsider himselfe he shall find himselfe meerly aduerse to his owne good This holy Father being demaūded by a Religious what one should doe if those great tribulations forespoaken by our Sauiour to arriue att the day of the generall iudgement should come to passe in our time he answeared If the heauens should raine sharpe stones and flintes they could not hurt vs if we were such as we should be Know brother if a man persist in his duety all the euill that he can endure will turne to his good for as to him that hath a disordered will the good doth tourne into euill so to him that hath a pure will the euill doth tourne into good And all good is interiour in man so that it cannot be seene The grieuous infirmities great labours and molestfull offences which we endure cause the euill spirittes which are about vs to fly If thou wilt be saued neuer seeke to haue iustice don thee against any creature whatsoeuer because holy and vertuous personnes thinck only how to doe well and to endure euill If thou acknowledge to haue offended God the Creatour of althinges acknowledge also thy desert to be persecuted by all creatures which reuenge the iniuryes thou hast don to their Creatour Therfore oughtest thou with much patience to support to be crossed afflicted by all creatures thou hauing no reason to alleadge against them in regard that thou deseruest to be corrected by them The vertue of a man that conquereth himselfe is in deed great for therby he surmounteth all his ennemies and maketh purchace of all good It were a great vertue for a man to content himselfe to be ouercome of all the men of the world for so he should become truely lord of all the world If thou wilt be saued labour to remoue from thee all hope and cogitatation of whatsoeuer consolation may arriue vnto thee by any mortall creature because the falles proceeding of consolations are greater and more ordinary then those of afflictions The nature of a horse is then esteemed noble though he fly with great fury and dexterity when he permitteth himselfe to be guided and gouerned by the discretion of the rider that stoppeth him att his pleasure and maketh him goe whither he list So when a man feeleth himselfe spurred by anger must he doe and permitt himselfe to be gouerned and directed by some one that is to correct him yea he should desire to giue as a recompence for the loue of God all that he hath to haue giuen him spurnes with the feet bastonades buffettes and to haue his beard torne off haire by haire A Religious one day in presence of Br. Giles did murmure att a rigorous obedience enioyned him to whome this holy Father said Brother the more you murmure the more you burden your selfe and with the more deuotion and humility you submitt your neck vnder the yoke of obedience the more easy and light shall you find it you will not be iniuryed in this world and yet wil be honoured in the other you will not heare a displeasing word and wil be one of the Blessed you will not labour and desire to repose But you deceaue your selfe for honour is purchaced by reproach benediction by malediction and repose by labour the prouerb being true Troutes are not taken with dry handes and therfore lett it not trouble thee if thy neighbour sometime offend thee for euen Martha that was so holy would prouoke our lord against her sister Magdalen not without reason complayning of her and neuertheles Mary was more sparing of her membres then Martha in the vse of them but she laboured more then she in contemplation though without Martha Mary had lost her speech sight hearing and tast Endeauour then to be vertuous and gratefull to our lord IESVS CHRIST and sight couragiously against vices support patiently afflictions considering that there is nothing in this world of greater meritt then to conquer ones selfe and that it is most difficult for a man to conduct his soule to God without this victory A discourse of Idlenesse THE XXVIII CHAPTER THe idle man looseth this world and the next it being impossible to purchace any vertue without diligence and labour He that may rest in a secure place should not put himselfe in a place or doubt or danger He is in a secure place that laboureth for God The yonge man that will put himselfe to paine for God doth also shunne the kingdome of heauen And if endeauour doe not further at least let not negligence be an impediment and hinderance for as idlenes is the way to hell so good worckes are the way that leadeth to heauen A man ought to be very carefull and diligent to conserue the grace he
and damnation to the disobedient and such as erre from the said most holy Faith and to this end would he by his immensiue charity assuming our nature therwith satisfie all our offences and die on the wood of the crosse for our sinnes and would afterwardes leaue vs the meritt of his passion in the sacrament of holy baptisme wherby we are new borne to eternall life that all our sinnes dying we may sett our selues free from the captiuity of the deuill and from eternall death which this cruell ennemy hath from time to time procured vs. Great Soldan proceeded the S. open the eares and eyes of thine vnderstanding misprise not the Embassadge which thine omnipotent eternall king sendeth thee permitt his grace to enter into thy hart and by his holy light he will giue thee instant knowledg of the great blindes wherin till this day thou hast liued and consider attentiuely how much thou art bound vnto his diuine maiesty letting thee now vnderstand that he can giue thee a kingdome in heauen much greater then this which he hath giuen thee here one earth But if thou perseuer in thine errour be thou assured of the punishment prepared for thee for thou must know that soone or late thou must fall into his handes yeld him an account both of thy sinnes and of thy vassals The holy Father spake these and many other like wordes with such feruour and vehemencie of spiritt that all those present though they were all infidels did manifestlie know that the said wordes proceeded of a more then humane vertue And they were indeed vttered with the same spiritt that God promised his seruantes saying I will giue you a tongue and wisdome which the princes of the world shall not be able to resist Now the Soldan acknowledgeing so great a vertue in the seruant of God he gaue him thanckes with much reuerence and tokens of curtesie then asked him concerning new difficulties being very attentiue to the answeares which the holy Father gaue him as a man sent him from God and therfore very instantlie prayed him not retourne to the Christians but to remaine with him the seruant of IESVS CHRIST cntierly circumvested with zeale of the faith thervpon made him this answeare Great Soldan If you with all your people wil be conuerted I will right gladly remayne with you and if you haue any doubt that detaineth you from leauing your beleefe for mine because the time is very short you may presentlie make proofe therof lett there be made a great fire in the middes of the army then call your Sacrificers and Religious command vs all to enter into the middes of the fire and afterwardes follow their faith that by their God shall be preserued The Soldan amazed att the proposition made by the holy Father said I doe not thinck that any of our Religious will make this triall Wherin he was not deceaued for he had scarcely vttered that word but one of his Collociers there present very aged and among the Turcks reputed for a S. hearing it incontinentlie slipt away fearing that the Soldan accepting the condition he should be deuoured by the flames The holie Father then addressing himselfe againe into the Soldan said Mighty Soldan wilt thou promise vnto God to become Christian if I my selfe alone goe into the fire Wherto I am now readilie prepared The Soldan answeared him that he durst not then make any such promise much lesse accept such offer fearing that such an vnwonted attēpt might raise some tumult in his army neuertheles it wrought much fruit in his hart and though for the present he did not resolue to be baptised yet he remayned exceedinglie aflected to the holy Father to whome he offered a great quantity of gold siluer and apparell for himselfe and his companions which the Saint no more esteemed then verie filth not vouchsafing to behold the same which much more amazed the Soldan yet he prayed him againe to accept those presents to dispose them in almose for his soule albeit he were not as yet resolued to be baptised But his requestes were vaine S. Francis then determined to passe further as not finding any firme and stable resolution in the Soldan though he prayed the holy Father to visitt him often affirming that he would conferre more amply with him graunted him letters patentes by vertue wherof he his Br. might freely preach ouer all his kingdome wherwith S. Francis departed How S. Francis and his companions preached the faith to the kingdome of the Soldan and how he miraculously resisted a More that tempted him to carnality THE LXX CHAPTER SAinct Francis diuided his companions and sent them ouer Egipt Syria and himselfe with Brother Illuminatus went through all the kingdome continually preaching the gospell And being on a time enforced to rest himselfe in a certaine place expecting the mitigation of the stormy weather he retired into a house to lodge where in was a More who in the lineamentes and proportion of her face was faire and of comely grace but in spiritt extremelie loath some she induced by the deuill that one each side cast his snares to surprise the S. went to him into a chamber where purposely she had placed him alone and instantlie prayed him to sinne with her the S. answeared her woman if thou wilt that I offend with thee thou must also yeld to me in my request Wherto the amourous More presentlie accorded S. Francis then incōtinently goeing to a great fire that was there spreding it abroad layed downe and stretched himselfe theron inuiting the More to keepe her promise and lye with him one that bed so gorgious and resplendat The More remayned a while pensiue betweene loue and feare expecting the issue but att length seeing him to turne one the coales as if he had bin one roses and lillies she acknowledged her selfe and her sinne and was baptised and afterwards by vertue of the miracle of the S. as an other Samaritane conuerted many Mores vnto IESVS CHRIST The S. hauing vpon this occasion seiourned there certaine dayes went on his iorney cōming within three or four leagues of Antioch to a place called Mōtenegro where was a Monastery of Religious of the Order S. Be. he there made some stay in such sort cōported him selfe that in few dayes the Abbott all the Religious renūcing all their possesiōs into the hādes of the Patriarck became Freer Minors In the meane while it chaunced vnto two other of his companions that they seeming to a More so miserable he of compassion offered them almose which they refusing in any sort to receaue the More demaunded them wherfore they would not accept the same wherto they answeared that for the Ioue of God they would possesse neither mony or any other thing in this world the More was therwith so touched that he sodenly receaued them into his affection yea into such amity that thence forward he had
knowne and experienced by the world and reuealed by IESVS CHRIST himselfe wherfore the S. merited to be crowned hauing bin so valiant in the fierce assaultes of so many ennemies and att length vanquished so tedious a combatt as he had from the beginning of his conuersion First by his very parentes and afterward by infinite other meanes that neuer permitted him in repose But how much more the deuill gaue him occasion to sinne so much more did he endeauour to meritt and became pure as gold in the fire Wherfore he often said If my Religious knew what warre mine ennemies raise against me they would perhappes haue compassion of me and hold me excused if I cannot be sometimes with them as I would desire One time when God permitted him for his greater good to be tempted the deuill drawe him into so deepe a melancholy of spiritt that exteriourly there appeared many signes therof he being no longer able to conceale nor moderate the same in such sort as he seemed to be vtterlie abandoned of God If he would conuerse with his Religious he could not if he would be sequestred from them it was worse abstinence and mortification of the flesh annoyed him haircloth and prayer auayled not He continued in this sort more then two yeares though one would not haue imagined it had bin of an houres continuance till att length God determining to haue compassion of him as he prayed with effusion of teares he heard the voice of God that said If thou hast so much faith as a mustard seed and sayest to this mountaine remoue from hence thither it shal be done S. Francis then answeared which is this mountaine my God and the voice replyed The temptation then S. Francis My God lett thy word then be accomplished And from thence he was freed and gaue infinite thanckes to God for the same Of many other temptations with S. Francis had THE LXXIII CHAPTER SAint Francis being in continuall prayer in the hermitage of Grecio a gentleman one night sending him a pillow to vse in regard of the infirmity of his eyes he could neuer repose nor pray for he had such a trembling in his head that all his body was distempered therwith Now hauing a long time discoursed with himselfe whence this distemperature should proceed he att length resolued and concluded that it could not be occasioned but by the pillow wherinto the deuill was entred wherfore he caused it to be carryed out of his cell by his companion who hauing to that purpose layed it on his shoulders and carryed it out incontinentlie lost his speech and which was yet worse stood immoueable with the said pillow He continued in this affliction which how it tormented him may of each one be imagined till sainct Francis admiring his long tariance called him att which voice the Religious retourned to himselfe cast the pillow instantlie to the ground and ran to the S. to whome he recounted all whervpon he answeared him My Brother last night whiles I was att compline I vnderstood that this deuill came hither and know that finding no other place he entred into the soft pillow learne therfore now how subtill and malicious he is that hauing no power to endommage the soule because it is protected by diuine grace he seeketh to hinder the repose of the body that it may not pray and performe other exercises in time conuenient or to make it diseased to procure it to murmure and therby to fall into sinne Being an other time afflicted with the said infirmitie of his eyes in such sort as for the space of fifty dayes together he could see no light he was placed in a very darck cell made of rushes mattes and earth there did he endure such excessiue greife as he could not haue one hower of repose The deuill to augment his affliction sent him into his celle a very great quantity of huge mice that they might prouoke him to impatience wherfore the S. being entierly resigned into the handes of God feeling a vehement anguish in his hart vttered these worde● Help me my God in such a multitude of infirmities diseases and afflictions that I may patiently endure them Whereto a voice answeared Tell me S. Francis if for thyne infirmities and afflictions one should promise thee such a treasure and of so great valew as if all the earth were gold and all the stones diamondes or other precious stones and all the waters baulme wouldest thou not esteeme all thy miseries filthy dirt in comparison of the said treasure and wouldest thou not be content more then voluntarily to supporte the same herevnto the S. answeared yea I should be very glad therof Well reioyce thee then replyed the voice that thou mayest liue content and secure as if thou wert in my kingdome Hauing concluded his prayer with exceeding ioy of this vision deliuerance diuine promise he incontinently said to his companions If a king had giuen a kingdome to a seruaunt should not he haue cause to be alwayes ioyfull And they answeared yes And if added he he gaue him all the Empires of the world should he not haue yet greater cause of ioy they likewise answeared yes I ought then said he infinitely to reioyce in mine infirmities and greifes and for them to giue thanckes vnto the Father of mercie vnto my Redeemer IESVS CHRIST to the holy Ghost the true comforter sith he hath shewed such mercie to me his vnworthy seruant as to vouchsafe att this present to assure me of his kingdome In respect wherof I will compose himnes to singhenceforward and to yeld him infinite thankes for the same Of many other temptations and subtilties wherby the d●ui●● tormented him THE LXXIV CHAPTER THe deuils not content to disturbe him with infinite temptations did also assault him by occasion of sinne as by the ensuyng accident shall appeare Preaching one day in Apulia in a church very neere vnto the Pallace of the Emperour Frederick being as yet vnknowne many Courtiers were there present who perceauing him so freelie to reprehend vices affirming that whosoeuer would follow and satisfie his sensuall appetites could neuer haue part in heauen they retourning did scoffingly relate the whole vnto the Emperour who answeared them These Preachers in deed do say much but they performe litle Wherfore I would willingly know if this mā be such a one lett some one amongest you vndertake to inuite him to supper lodge with him and hauing giuen him good entertainement let him dexterously conuey into his chamber a faire courtisane to try if he can vse that vertue of continence which he so forcibly preacheth vnto vs. A gentleman did presentlie offer to putt this proiect in practise for in princes Courtes there want not men that seeke rather to please their master in these friuolous and sottish toyes then in matters that concerne the honnour and saffety of the soule This Courtier then when he had found a time conuenient to the purpose
the Potter to frame one pott for honour and an other for dishonour one for vse of meat and an other to serue for the chamber Neuertheles it would be ridiculous for the vessell to complaine and say why is this honour giuen to him rather then to me for thus it hath pleased him because he is the master But he might farther and with much more reason alleadge the saying of the Espouse Consider me not nor doe not admire that I am black because the sunne hath taken away my collour which hath no other signification but that one should not beleeue that this great deformity which the humble presupposeth in himselfe doth proceed of what soeuer cause indifferently but that the sunne of iustice the liuing God maketh it appeare so foule vnto his eyes and not the light of the Moone which is worldly wisdome And this I say proueth not that he maketh the faire foule in essence but in apparence only by comparaison made of a thing imperfectly faire with an other beautifull in the highest degree It being supposed then that I haue yet in me some good as it may be neuertheles when I fix mine eyes on that diuine sunne of iustice I am enforced and constrained to behold the great multitude of sunne motes of mine imperfections in his cleare beames wheron reflecting as one ought I know my basenes and mine imperfection to be infinite and to become as a nothing in this mine accident all beauty But because that which is true cannot be otherwise I retourne and reenter into my selfe where considering the greatnes of my naturall basenes I acknowledge nothing in my selfe but the grace of God that doeth any thing because as man there is no sinne but I might haue cōmitted In which respect I ought to humble my selfe and beleeue that touching this point there is no man in the world any way inferiour vnto me This equality layd the force of humility doth after enter into his meritt wheras among men we are all naturally equall in imperfections therfore the truly humble doth honour and repute all other as greater then himselfe and that is the black colour which the Sunne of his grace doth by his goodnes giue him with which humilitie God himselfe made man being cloathed said I am not a man but a worme the contempt of men and out-cast of the people And if IESVS CHRIST spake this of himselfe who is the mouth of trueth who can euer contemne a man and say that he doth falsely esteeme himselfe lesse then other men And therfore God doth farther say learne of me because I am meek and humble of hart learne of me saith he because he knew that proud humane ignorance could not conceaue I will not say teach this doctrine more then humane by its apparent and sophisticall reasōs But learne of me to wit what God is and what is mā for I being the one and the other together none can better know thē my selfe what difference there is betweene thes two Now of this consideratiō proceedeth true and perfect humility and therfore it is greater in the blessed that clearly see the Sunne of iustice in his splendours then in themselues walking in the pilgrimage of this world wherin by faith and imperfect charity they receaue the diuine beames only by reuerberation and reflection in the cloud of their imperfection and therfore the nerer the true seruant approacheth vnto him with the vnderstanding the more humble he is So as the glorious virgin Mary was the most humble of all creatures on earth euen so is she most humble of all in heauen though she be att the right hand of her Sonne because the more she doth participate of that diuine and infinite light and doth more clearly and with greater glory contemplate that so great depth of the infinite and high diuine bounty so much better doth she see the goulfe of her litlenes which in the end is to be a creature which is nothing in comparison of her Creatour before whome she bendeth her knees with farre more reuerence then euer did the foure and twenty ancientes whome S. Iohn saw prostrate before the throne of the liuing God because she hath a deeper knowledge of him then they Therfore lett all humane reason be silent mute and giue place in the certaine contemplation of true diuine humilitie sith it cannot penetrat the deep secrettes of God by meane wherof with a most miraculous operation it then raiseth a soule more high when it most debaseth her to the profundity of her consideration and then it procureth her a crowne in heauen and maketh her true Queene in that eternall kingdome when it causeth her to be inferiour slaue and subiect to all creatures for the only loue of God which being her foundation it is not to be admired if her building arise to such an hight For humilitie is no other thing then a profound and continual humiliatiō of the soule vnto his diuine Maistie caused by his diuine liberality And therfore she ought duely to consider with what benignity his maiesty vnited himselfe vnto vs receauing into him our so base and abiect nature wherof he would make vse to raise and relieue our so extreme pouertie of this knowledge will grow and encrease in the soule the true loue and approbation of the obligation we haue vnto God It cannot be expressed how insatiable a thing it is to desire alwayes to correspond vnto IESVS CHRIST in worckes misprising ones selfe for his loue and euer desirously giuing eare vnto the foresaid voice Learne of me by the true doctrine whereof there arriueth vnto the soule by such a humility subiection not only vnto God and his commandementes but euen for his loue vnto all creatures and she reputeth them her betters and superiours though they be sinners hauing her eye only one her basenes or lownes which is such as cannot be greater So misprising her selfe to the vtmost she saith with her Lord IESVS CHRIST I am a worme and not a man the contempt of men and the out cast of the people By which wordes the question is cleared and resolued Of the discourses and exercises of the humility of S. Francis THE LXXXII CHAPTER THe said holy Father would not haue any thing in his Religion were it neuer so excellent but it should in its kinde euen exteriourlie preach Lowlinesse and Humilitie Wherfore he reiected the title of preacher of Pennance which Pope Innocent the third had graunted to him and his and would that his Religion should be called Minors and that they should conserue them selues liuing like Minors as true children of the Apostolicall rule And for the same cause he would not that the superiours should be called Priors but Ministers and seruantes A name imposed by IESVS CHRIST in the gospell when he said that he was come to serue to the end that by such a surname they might be alwayes mindfull both of their office and of their author
said he departed and by the way stayed at the hospitall of leapers where making his accustomed prayer it was reuealed vnto him by our Lord IESVS CHRIST that the indulgence which he had procured was confirmed in heauen wherof hauing aduertised his companion they both retourned to giue thanckes to his diuine maiesty How the day of the said indulgence was miraculously assigned from heauen THE II. CHAPTER THe day wherein the said indulgence was to be gained was not yet prefixed S. Francis being come to the Couent of our Lady of Angels and being about midnight in prayer in his celle the deuill appeared vnto him in forme of an Angell saying O poore Francis why seekest thou to dye before the time why doest thou consume chy complexion by so long watchinges knowest thou not that the night is made to sleepe and that sleepe is the principall nourishment of the body thou art not yet old why then wilt thou thus kill thy selfe Were it not better for thee to conserue thy life therein to serue thy God longer and to profitt the holy church and thine Order Beleeue me therfore and spend not thy life in such superfluous prayers and watchinge only mediocrity pleaseth God Which the holie Father hauing heard and knowing it to be a delusion of the deuill that tempted him exteriourlie by his voice and interiourlie by his suggestion arising from his prayer he stripped himselfe naked then cast himselfe into a bush full of very sharpe pricking thornes wherin he tourned and wallowed till the bloud euery where trickled downe and doeing the same he thus discoursed vnto his body Ah my body it had bin better for thee to contemplat the passion of IESVS CHRIST then to endure this for hauing in vayne repined and searched the delightes of the world Thus discoursing a great light appeared vnto him in the middes of the ice that was there it was in Ianuary and in the bush of thornes he saw very beautifull roses white and vermillion and a venerable troupe of Angels that filled all the way euen to his church and one of them called him saying Come Francis for our Lord expectethe thee and in an instant he miraculously found himselfe cloathed So knowing him that called him he gathered twelue white roses and twelue vermillion then went through the way all tapestred with Angelicall spirittes towardes his sweet Lord before whose feet he fell in great reuerence and then presented these twelue roses vnto his diuine Maiestie that appeared sitting on the said high altare as the other time accompanied with his glorious mother and assisted with an innumerable multitude of Angels to whome he said Most gracious lord gouernour of heauen earth sith it hath pleased thee to graunt me the plenary indulgence for this church I most hūbly beseech thee to voutsafe also assigne the day wherein it shal be gayned I herein coniure thee by the merittes of thy most glorious mother our aduocatrice that it please thee to appoint the same by thy diuine mouth Our Lord answeared him I am content to satisfie thy desire and therfore I assigne thee the first day of August from the euensong of that feast wherin is made memory how I deliuered myne Apostle S. Peter from the chaines of Herod vntill the sunne sittiug of the day following But tell me if thou please my Lord said the holy Father after he had giuen him thanckes how shall the world know it and knowing it how shall it beleeue it Our Sauiour replyed I will consider therof in time conuenient but in meane while retourne to my vicare and carry with thee some Religious that haue seene this apparition and giue him some of these Roses and he shall incontinently confirme thee the day and cause the indulgence to be published The holy Father vpon obedience tooke three white and three vermillon roses and whiles our lord disappeared the Angels sung Te Deum laudamus and S. Francis gaue him thanckes who presently went to his holynes with Brother Bernard Quintaualle Brother Angelus of Rieta and Brother Ruffinus who had seene this great vision Being before the dore of the church he found the Pope retourned from Rome to whome he yelded account of what our lord had told him calling his companions for witnesses and presenting him the said Roses The Pope hauing attentiuely heard him and being vnable to satisfie himselfe with beholding the said Roses so fresh and sweet and therwithall so rauished as he could no longer containe himselfe he sayed Ah good God such roses in Ianuary to make me beleue what they haue sayd these alone are sufficient therfore he said to S. Francis I will consult with my Cardinals how thy request may be accomplished then will giue answeare and with those wordes dismissed him The next day he repaired againe vnto his holines in the Consistory where by the Popes cōmandement he once more recounted all the successe and the day which God had prefixed vnto him The Pope thē said sith we arecertaine of the will of our lord IESVS CHRIST the true and soueraine Bishop whose place though vnworthy we hold on earth we also in his behalfe doe graunt the plenary indulgence for perpetuity to the foresaid church on the day before mentioned How the said indulgence was published in the church of S. Mary of Angels THE III. CHAPTER BVt that so great an indulgēce might be published by Apostolical authority the Pope wrote to diuers Bishoppes of the valley of Spoletū and particulerly to the Bishop of Assi●e within whose diocese the said church was and to the Bishoppes of Folliniū of Agubio and of Nocera that they should be all present att S. Mary of Angels the first day of August to consecrate and publish the said indulgēce that there had bin graunted by diuine reuelatiō and Apostolicall permission att the request of the holy Father S. Francis who taking the said letters and thancking the Pope he departed with his companios with great reuerence and humility to deliuer thē to the said Bishoppes praying them in the name of God and his holines that they would not faile on the said day to be presēt in his Church there to performe what was enioyned thē After that he retourned to Assisiū where he caused to be prepared a great scaffold for that effect that the sayd Bishoppes might the more commodiously and better be vnderstood of the people The day determined being come the Bishoppes entred into the said Church where being ascēded on the scaffold they said to S. Fran. that though they were come thither to publish the indulgence as they were ready to doe yet they thought it more requisite that himselfe should first declare vnto the people whē and in what sort it had bin graūted him by God and the Pope which done they would confirme it The holy Father answeared thē though I be not worthy to speake in your presēce yet as most obedient seruāt I will performe your cōmand Ascēding therfore
in the pulpitt he made a sermō to the people that thither by Goddes prouidence were abondātly flocked from all the neighbour places with an extreme feruour explicating vnto thē this so great treasure which he performed with such deep doctrine that it seemed rather the discourse of an Angell thē of a mā vnlearned as he was Att the end of this sermō he denoūced vnto the people in the name of God his most sacred mother the indulgēce in these words Whosoeuer being truely cōtrite cōfessed shall visitt this church the first day of August from the euensong therof and the night and daie of the feast it selfe to the sunne setting he shall gaine a plenary indulgence which is graunted him first by God secōdarily by his Vicare Pope Honorius and the same to cōtinue for euer on that day The bishopps there presēt to cōfirme the speech S. Frācis would not accord to that for euer The bishop of Assisiū therfore cōfirming the indulgēce to the people purposing to limitt it to ten yeares could neuer vtter it but was cōstrayned to say for euer the like happened vnto the other bishoppes This miracle being very euidētly knowne vnto the people it encreased their faith preuēted the doubt which some might haue had that God himselfe had not graūted this indulgēce Therefore the publicatiō being ended the bishoppes being exceedingly amazed att the miracle did with great solēnity consecrate the said church which continued for euer endued with this great treasure to the glory of our lord his holy mother the virgin Mary and his seruant S. Francis and to the soules health of all Christians Of certaine miracles wrought by Godin confirmatiō of the said indulgence THE IV. CHAPTER IT pleased God besides the fore mentioned to cause this so great indulgence to be beleeued and reuerenced in due mannner for the publike good by such miracles and reuelations as we shall now relate The yeare following a great number of people being come to gaine the said indulgence whiles they watched by night in prayer vnto God in the said church there arose in a moment such a rumour among the people there assembled that the Religious who were att rest were awakened therwith Comming therfore into the church they saw a Doue whiter then snow that flew fiue times about the Church One of them stepping forward the better to see came neere the high altare where he found Brother Corrado of Offeida a right holy Religious of an exceeding exemplare life and famous for miracles whome he prayed to lett him better vnderstand the occasion of the great murmure that was among the people who verie pitifull cryed out This venerable Father answeared that he was content to tell him conditionally that he would promise not to reueale it to any person during his life Which being condicioned he said I saw the Queene of heauen to discend cloathed with an ineffable splendour as holding her Sonne in her armes and to giue her holy benediction vnto all present then this Doue which was with her on the altare began to fly to signifie the visitation of God it hath here flowne round about the church Which the people seeing though they knew not all began thus to crye out towardes heauen The same day the mother of our lord was seene to enter into the Church with the Religious and to accompanie the ordinarie procession with a great troupe of Angels that sung prayses vnto God This was seene by Religious of pious life and also by certaine pilgrimes As in the Marquisat of Ancona one coniured the deuill that vehementlie afflicted a poore possessed woman to enforce him to tell what course was to be vsed to expell him he answeared att lenght that he tormented not the woman for any sinne of hers but onlie to the end God might be praysed by her and that therefore there was no other remedie to deliuer her but to procure her to gaine the indulgence of our ladie of Angels and that he spake thus much as forciblie cōstrayned to speake against him selfe as he likewise confessed that by the same indulgence he lost a great multitud of soules which he already held as his owne by reason of the enormous sinnes they had committed The woman was therfore with great affliction and greife brought to our ladie of Angels the verie day of the indulgence and as soone as she was entred the effect succeeded for the deuill lifting her into the aire departed and the poore woman fell as dead to the ground But by the merittes of the glorious Virgin she incontinentlie arose verie sound of bodie and soule hauing bin confessed to gaine the indulgence There are besides manie true testimonyes to whome haue appeared the spirittes of diuers deceassed reuealing vnto them that hauing certaine dayes before their death gayned the said indulgence they were sodenlie by the glorious Virgin Mother conducted into Paradice without feeling any paine of purgatorie others also gayning this indulgence that was applyed vnto them by forme of suffrage after their death by meane of some liuing freindes were deliuered of the paines of Purgatorie as by this ensuying discourse shall appeare A Venetian Gentleman that was a verie spirituall Preist desiring to gaine this indulgence as he prepared himselfe to goe thither he fell sicke and of the same sicknes dyed but before his death he said to a very freind of his My good freinde I desire you to beleeue that there is no man in the world of my kinred or whosoeuer other in whome I haue more confidence then in your selfe nor of whome I hope to obtaine what I desire for the saluation of my soule I therfore pray you that if it please God to call me vnto him you will vndertake so much labour as to goe to our ladie of Angels to gaine the plenaire indulgence for the benefitt of my soule and to defray your chardges in the iorney demaund what you will and I will giue it you that the indulgence being mine you receaue no detriment therby This freind took what was requisit for his expences and promised to goe Now this Preist being dead and the time of Pilgrimage being come his deere freind though he saw manie that prepared them selues to the iorney he as if he had made no promise deferred his iorney purposing with himselfe to goe the yeare following which is a thing but too ordinarie to ingratefull persons kinred and freindes neglecting and forgetting the poore decassed the Preist appeared to this vnworthy freind in his sleep the same night that he had made the foresaid purpose and with an angry countenance reprehending him he said Goe on thy iorney now with such as prepare themselues therto He awaking determined to doe that for feare which he had neglected to doe for respect of amitye Hauing effected the promise the same day that he entred into the church and gayned the indulgence for the deceased the Preist in the night ensuying appeared vnto
and att the verie instant he prophesied that he should liue and haue no children by his wife which came so to passe and all this was assured to Pope Nicolas the third by autenticall testimonie that was produced before notaries Of the exercises of the holy Father S. Francis and of the lent he kept on the lake of Perusiea THE LIII CHAPTER THe glorious S. after he was conuerted to God neuer remayned idle for he alwayes endeauoured to be employed in some action in example of Iacobs ladder wher on the Angels ceassed not to mount and discend receauing and carrying the pious worckes of the children of God to the soueraigne Father so the S. by contemplation mounted towardes God and by pietie and preaching discended to his neighbour thus did he employ all his time which had bin giuen him of his diuine Maiestie to meritt in the pious worckes which the holie Ghost did dictat vnto him Now the time of one of his lentes being come wherin as a carefull bee he collected the fruites and flowers of God by meane of prayer therof to compound the delicious honie of predications wherwith he might refectionat the hungrie chidren of the word of God he resolued to seeke out a place where he might performe the same commodiouslie solitarie and without any impedimēt to this purpose on Shrouetuesday he wēt vp to the lake of Perusia where a freind of his lodged him on the side of the lake whence the next morning he gott himselfe to be conducted in a barcke to the Iland that is scituat on the said lake then vnhabited with two litle loaues to sustaine him during the said lent he coniured his freind not to speake therof to any person for so much as he would not therin trust any of his Religious not hauing for that time taken any companion and enioyned his said freind not to come for him till Maundie or holie thursday Being then discended into this I le himselfe made a litle cottage of bowes of trees where he resided all the lent in continuall and holie contemplation and conuersation with God the Angels and blessed Saintes On holie thursday his freind comming earlie vnto him reconducted him to the Couent where he would communicate with all his disciples and wash their feet he restored a loafe and halfe to his freind of the two which he had giuen him the other halfe it is credible he did eat to obserue humane fast or not to giue subiect of vaine glorie to the deuill and not to equall himselfe to his God though God alone doth know and his seruant sainct Francis who would neuer reueale it to any man the combates he had during that lent against the inuisible ennemies the glorious graces he obtayned Afterward God voutsafed in some sort to reueale them worcking in that place manie miracles by the merittes of the Sainct whervpon the ile began to be inhabited and there was erected a Couent of Frere Minors which is exceedingly reuerenced in memory of the said miracle Of the lent of S. Michael which he kept on the Mount Aluerne THE LIV. CHAPTER THe yeare of grace 224. two yeares before the death of this glorious Father some dayes before the natiuitie of the Virgin Marie he repayred to the Oratorie of Mount Aluerne there to keep his lent that began the day after the said feast of the Virgin Marie continued til the feast of S. Michael the Archāgel according to his perticuler deuotion where he shutt himselfe into a celle sequestred from all others The first euening that he entred there he demaunded this grace of God that he would please to reueale vnto him in what he should serue him that lent as he accustomed to doe for he gouerned him in althinges according to the will of God and not according to his owne Now in the morning about the breake of day S. Francis arysing from prayer there incontinentlie flocked a great number of birdes that began to sing one after an other and hauing sung they tooke their flight and left the Sainct contented In that instant he heard a voice that said Francis let this be a signe of a notable fauour which God intendeth to shew thee in this place By which voice his hart was so altered that thence forward he felt a great quantitie of spirituall giftes in his interiour God continuallie visiting him and remayning there he burned with an ineffable flame of his loue and therfore he was often in his contemplations eleuated so high that as Brother Leo recounted who was then his companion and a curious obseruer of all his actions he could not discerne nor comprehend him with his sight surpassing the high cloudes of heauen which is not ouer-greatly to be admired considering that in this world he led a life more angelicall then humane He as he afterward recounted to his companions there demaunded as a singuler grace of his God to be entierlie transformed into his anguishes and dolours sith his Maiestie had not voutsafed to accept of his life which so manie times he had offered vnto him as the onlie thing he had to offer hauing no other thing in this world and hauing so often gone among the infidels there to receaue Martyrdome in the seruice of his diuine maiesty Wherfore it was incontinent lie reuealed vnto him of God that as he had alwayes endeauoured perfectly to follow and imitate his life and actions so should he be permitted to be like vnto him and to suffer with him in the dolours of his passion Which the holy Father vnderstanding albeit he were already exceedingly weakned by the rigour of his life past and by the continuall crosse with he had carryed yet he was fo farre from being troubled with all that he encouraged himselfe and enamoured himselfe the more to suffer a Martyrdome so noble and worthy aboue all others and by the interiour burning flame he extinguished the water of all the afflictions and dolours that euer could befall him and desired no lesse perfection to receaue in himselfe so inestimable a treasure How S. Francis receaued the sacked stigmates of our Lord Iesus Christ THE LV. CHAPTER THe most feruent Father S. Francis being thus highly eleuated in God by an extreme ardor of celestiall desires and transformed into IESVS CHRIST crucified for our sinnes by sweetnes of compassion on the day of the exaltation of the holy crosse which is the fourteenth of September a litle before the breake of day there appeared vnto him this vision following He saw an Angel descend from heauen like vnto the Seraphin with six winges in the Prophett Esay enflamed with a most resplendant fire whose beames were so glittering that to humane eyes they were insupportable This Angel approaching vnto the S. being already in the region of the aire so neere vnto him that he might see him there stayed and then the S. beholding him more attentiuely saw the image of IESVS CHRIST crucified imprinted in him which had the
third time he added that he should not be terrified to consider or feare his fall againe into misery for that was the habitt of a Religious and as soone as he awaked calling for Brother Angelus his Confessour disciple of the holy Father S. Francis and declaring vnto him his vision the Religious graciously eucouraged him to take the habitt wherein he made no difficultie but shewed himselfe most ready especially being surprised with a tercian ague that sodenly assaulted him wherof he dyed very piously with the vtterance of these wordes Almighty God I now dye contentedly and very willingly in this poore habitt of a begger as a punishment of so many vaine superfluities wherein to the great preiudice of my soule I haue exceeded in the worlde wherfore I humbly beseech thine infinite bounty to accept this my good will in regard that thow knowest that if I should liue longer I would neuer forsake this abiect and holy pouerty This great Prince did by example demonstrate to all men that to reiect the vanities and wealth of the world is not so great a disgrace and shame as it is reputed Of certaine miracles wrought in Spaine by the merittes of the holy Father S. Francis Taken out of the fourtenth chapter of the tenth booke IN the citty of Girone within the Country of Catalogne the daughter of a poore woman about ten or twelue yeares of age was so lamed and benummed in her feet and handes that she was not only vnable to vndertake any exercise but euen could not feed herselfee which exceedingly perplexed and annoyed her mother as wel in regard of her pouerty as of the trouble she incurred therby And being one day otherwise employed she forgott to giue her daughter to eat who att night complayning her mother as disquieted answeared her Would to God daughter thou wert in heauē sith I am so troubled to serue thee that thou canst doe me no seruice againe The girle tooke these wordes so greiuouslie that she would eat nothinge that euening and remayned all night much afflicted till she heard it ring to matines att the Church of S. Francis which made her remember the great miracles which then were wrought by the merittes of S. Francis and then said with her selfe S. Francis if that be true which is said of thee I most humbly beseech thee voutsafe to make farther proofe on me of thy sanctity freeing my mother and me from such an insupportable torment and affliction S. Francis and S. Antony incontinentlie appeared vnto her cloathed in white and girded with a cord seeming as white as snow S. Antony tooke her by the feet and S. Francis by the handes and lifted her out of the bed and sett her on the ground so leauing her entierly cured When the SS were departed the girle said to Sainct Francis Lord who art thou that hast done so singuler a fauour to my mother and me Sainct Francis answeared that he was the same whome she had so deuoutly inuocated and bid her to arise because she was cured which said they both disappeared The girle perceauing herselfe to be cured full of ioy and admiration att the miracle with a loud voice called her mother who was abroad with her neighbours and they hearing a cleare voice came speedilie to see what the matter was But exceedinglie amazed to see her cured they asked her by what meanes she gott the vse of her members she answeared that recommending herselfe to Sainct Francis two Religious appeared vnto her and cured her The bruit of this miracle was incontinently diuulged ouer all the towne The bishop vnderstanding therof with a great multitude of people accompanyed the said girle to the Church of the Freer Minors to giue thanckes to God and S. Francis for this gracious benefitt The girle seeing the image of S. Francis in the Church poynting theratt with her hand she said a loud behold him that hath deliuered me from the perill of death and cured me In the citty of Cumbre in the kingdome of Portugall the neece of one that was deuout vnto S. Francis and his Order was playing on the riuer side of Modego and entring into the water was carryed away with the streame euen to the middes of the riuer her vncle with other of her kinred seeking her she was found vpon a stone safe and secure in the middes of the water Whence being fetched with a boat and asked all the matter she answeared that two Religious of S. Francis who her Father the night before had lodged in his house had saued her from being drowned Thus did the holy Father S. Francis requite this his affectionate freind for his deuotion in entertayning his Religious into his house This ensuying is taken out of the twelfth chap. of the tenth booke THere was a woman in Almania that by the merittes of S. Francis obtayned of God a male childe this boy playing in the street and his mother beholding him as she sate at the dore of her house there came a possessed man that audaciouslie and impudentlie attēpted publikely to force this woman but she shifting in to her house violently shutt the dore against him The possessed partly perceauing that the mother was escaped tooke the child and with his diuillesh force rent it in peeces and went his way The poore mother in meane while went to the windoe to see if her sonne had no hurt but perceauing him so dismembred she filled the aire with sighes and comming speedily downe she assembled all the members of her child into her lap and with a strong faith carryed them to the Church of S. Francis who a litle before had obtayned him for her where hauing layd him on the altare with great courage she vttered these wordes Glorious Sainct that hast obtained this child forme of God restore him me againe att this present I beseech thee for I beleeue and hope that his diuine maiestie will not deny thee such a fauour This strong faith was not frustrated of what it expected for in an instant the members of the child were miraculously revnited together and the child restored to his life and beauty to the exceeding admiration and encrease of deuotion in all persons This miracle remayned a long time pictured in the citty of Bolonia How S. Francis and S. Antony deliuered a lady from dispaire Taken out of the 12. chapter of the tenth booke IN the kingdome of Portugall and citty of Liuarez the lady of the place called Lopez had for gouernesse a deuill in disguise of a woman by whose counsaile she practised most horrible cruelties on her subiectes and most enormous sinnes in her selfe but following the custome of most women she was very deuout vnto the SS particulerly to S. Francis and S. Antony of Padua Now she falling greiuously sick and by reason of her enormous sinnes committed running into dispaire she had no care of spirituall phisicians nor of other Sacramentes whervpon the SS mentioned hauing pitty on her
spēd time with this simple and inconsiderat multitude of people considering the litle hope we haue being so few to suppresse their obstinacie lett vs rather repaire to their king endeauouring first to conquer the head so with more ease facility to gett victory of the mēbers afterward Lett vs giue him the on sett couragiously and ioyfully lett vs goe then lett vs goe preach and tell him the verity of the faith of IESVS CHRIST of Baptisme of penance in remission of sinnes Lett vs boldly confesse before him that IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God is true God and man who would be borne dye for sinners with his owne bloud redeeming vs from eternal death rising againe after his death ascended vnto heauen and sitteth att the right hand of his Father Iudge of the liuing dead where he expecteth vs to croune vs with his holy martyrs for euer How these fiue Religious preached before the king of the Mores the faith of Iesus Christ our Sauiour and what sueceeded therof THE VI. CHAPTER THese Religious being thus mutuallie animated went directlie to the Pallace of the king att the entrie wherof being intercepted by the guard their Captaine who was a gentleman of note demaunded of them what they were They answeared that they were Italiens and desired to speake with his maiestie of matters of great importance as well touching his owne particuler as his whole kingdome Whervpon the Captaine demaunded if they had no letters or other token of commendations to deliuer him They replyed that their embassage was to be deliuered by mouth and could not be writtē but in hartes by tongues The Captaine willed thē securely to commend the affaire vnto him promising to deliuer it faithfully vnto the king they prayed him againe for conclusion to conduct them only to the presence of the king where he might also vnderstand what they had to say The Captaine related the whole vnto the king who commanded them to be brought before him where being present he demaunded them what they were whence they came who sent thē vnto him wherfore they were come Wherto they answeared that they were Christiās that they came frō Rome sent frō the king of kinges and Redeemer of the world IESVS CHRIST to preach vnto him his holy faith so that their bussines tēded only to the saluatiō of his soule which should be effected if he would no lōger beleeue the doctrine of Mahomet but in IESVS C. the true God receauing baptisme in the name of the most sacred Trinity that he could not be saued by any other meane The Mory king that expected no such greeting became despightfully furiours for he esteemed the seruantes of God to haue giuen him an extreme affrōt to whome he said O ye poore braineles men sottish and miserable as ye are how can ye possibly presume to vtter this speech in my presence without more respect vnto my crowne or feare of the losse of your liues already infallibly incurred by the great blasphemie committed against my most holy Prophet But tell me are yee come hither expresly and in my only particuler respect or to preach also vnto my people and to delude them dissuading them frō mine obedience and their alleagiance Hereto the good Religious with a bold and smiling countenāce answeared O king know that we are come to thee as to the chiefe of all this sect of Mahomet filled with diabolicall spiritt and to him that in the bottome of hell shall be more rigorously tormented then thy subiectes that shall persist in obstinacie to the end that thou being reduced into the way of truth saluation thou mayest be a meane of their conuersion as thou art now the cause of their damnatiō for auoyding wherof thou must beleeue in IESVS CHRIST our Redeemer who sendeth vs vnto thee saying in the Gospell Goe and teach ye all nations baptising them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost adding afterward for thē that would not yeld thervnto he that will not belieue shal be damned eternally This king stopping his eares began to rage and crye out O cursed wretches your former lewd behauiour no doubt hath brought you hither where it shal be rewarded instantly neither is there any other meane to deliuer free your selues but that you vnsay whatsoeuer you haue now foolishly and rashlie vttered and to receaue and espouse the Religion of our great Prophett for so doeing I will not only pardō you but will also make you great and rich in my kingdome that it may publikelie appeare how much we prise and esteeme the greatnes of our Prophett and how much we honour respect and enrich those that preferre our Religion before their owne but otherwise you shall for your sollie dye with infinite torments or I will enforce you to beleeue me The Religious replyed if your law were not full of lies false impious as it is but iust and conformable vnto truth we would receaue it but because it doth eternallie damne the followers therof we respect not all treasure nor feare tormentes for false honours are the baites and delusions of you Mores who truely miserable doe end together with them because they haue no longer continuance and you are eternallie damned the meerlie contrarie happening to vs considering that by the pouertie and contempt of our dayes of this life we pourchace eternall treasures and honours in heauen as our Lord teacheth vs when he said Heap not vp your treasure in earth where nothing is secure but in heauen where you may for euer enioy the benefitt therof And therfore O king be thou conuerted to receaue this true and holie law in regard of this recompence And if thou so much esteeme a kingdome of this world how much more oughtest thou to esteeme this eternall kingdome of heauē tourne thy hart to the soueraigne and true God who hath thus long expected thy penannce and now sendeth vs vnto thee as his messengers to deliuer thee from the eternall tormentes of hell which are prepared for thee and all them that follow the absolutely accursed Mahomett Take heed how thou misprise the grace which God by meanes of vs doth offer vnto thee How the fiue Martyrs were adiudged to death by the Morian king who att the instance of the prince his sonne reuoked his sentence THE VII CHAPTER THe Morian king could no longer endure nor heare the preaching and remonstrance of the Religious against his sect but being exceedingly afflicted and enraged commanded them to be expelled his presence and condemned them to be cruelly whipt and then to haue their heades cutt off The Martyrs then hastened to death with a courage and countenance very ioyfull and contented as they that knew themselues neere to the accomplishment of what they so much desired and to encourage each other they mutually said Behold brethren behold how God doth benignely offer vnto vs that which we haue so long desired
CHAPTER THe couragious Seruantes of IESVS CHRIST being presented before the parlemental seate of the Mores with their handes manicled behinde their backes all bloudy and embrued with the blowes giuen them by the people the cheife president made them this demaund Obstinate men and temerariours ennemies of our faith whence are you whence come ye what is your designe whence proceedeth such a presumption thus to blaspheme our great Prophet The SS answeared that they were by nation Italians and came frō Portugal but said the president who permitted you to enter into this kingdome so presumptuously and boldly heere to preach a new doctrine cotrarie to the faith of the Mores Brother Otto a Preist constantly answeared that as for their preaching it came from God who is to be obeyed rather then men because said they our Lord IESVS CHRIST is the Creatour Redeemer and soueraigne master to whome whatsoeuer is in the world is subiect and none is able to resist his holie will he hath left vs this commandement that we should vniuersally preach his holy gospell therfore are we come to preach to your king and to your selues to denounce vnto you the wordes of life that being illuminated with diuine grace you may discerne in what errour you are to come afterward to the true way of saluation as we shall demonstrate vnto you if you please to giue vs audience Besides we are sent hither by our Generall Brother Francis who as well by himselfe as by his Religious trauelleth ouer all the world to preach vnto Insidels by an exceeding loue and desire of the saluation of soules that induceth him the true way of faith notwithstanding you carry vs so great an hatred The president answeared you poore blinded ignorant wretches deceaued as ye are to esteeme them for vtterly lost that follow not your doctrine but tell me a litle what is that truth which you haue found and whither it be possible that there may be an other way of saluation then what we professe Brother Otto replenished with the holy Ghost replyed IESVS CHRIST is the soueraine verity and the true and only way that can conduct to the port of saluation by meane of his holy faith which consisteth in belieuing him to be God and man God three and one Father Sonne and Holy Ghost and true man borne of the Virgin Mary Creatour of all this frame of the world true man conioyned to the diuinity and Redeemer of all the men in the world that were already lost and condemned by the sinne of Adam in which humanity he conuersed with all he instructed all and saued all those that would belieue in him both then att this present and euen till the day of the last iudgement he suffered death and passion to pay by his precious bloud our proper and particuler faultes and incontinentlie after arose againe to conduct vs all also to heauen whence he shall come hereafter to iudge on earth the liuing and dead he shall then come in his maiestie where neither humane forces nor richesse nor kingdomes nor Empires shall in any sort preuaile man being obliged to stand naked and alone accompanyed only with his worckes good or euill according to which he shall iudge him giuing to his SS eternall glory in heauen and to others that would not belieue in him eternall fire in hell The President smiling said And how know you these thinges to be so certaine as you auouch them Brother Otto answeared By the testimony of the holy scriptures dictated by the holie Ghost which haue reuealed vnto vs this verity by testimonie I say of the Patriarches and Proph●ttes of the old testament as also by the doctrine and testimony of our Redeemer IESVS who is the way out of which there is none att all the truth out of which is nothing but deceipt and the life out of which is only death likewise by the predication of his holy Apostles confirmed by manie great miracles which propheties for the most part are fulfilled and only remaine those that are for the end and consummation of the world in such sort as we ought also to belieue their doctrine and with greater reason and foundation then you haue for your superstition considering that you belieue only vpon the writing of your false prophett Mahomet which is not assured or confirmed by any testimony more then his simple deceiptfull and lying word and we besides the said confirmations and accomplishmentes of matters foretold by our Prophetes haue infinite miracles wrought by our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST and his hol●e Apostles Martyrs Confessours and Virgins that giue vs proofe of the holy yea most holie and most assured faith for we haue seene to be cured an infinite number of diseased personnes infinite possessed creatures deliuered the necessarie vse of members restored to the maymed the blind illuminated hearing and speech restored to infinite deafe and dumme leapers cleansed and purified and finally the dead already putrified to be raised which you cānot auouch of your false Mahomett therfore reiecting this vaine and abhominable beleife embrace ours approued by so many tokens and testimonies diuine and humane flye this manyfest illusion take from before your eyes this false cloud that obscureth them only by reason that you are borne in such an accursed law and nusled therin for beleeue that as soone as you shall begin to giue place in your hart to the holy Ghost you shall interiourly feele such a light and force that you will after doe more of your selues the we can by wordes expresse and by your example you shall open then gate of saluation to the simple people Take knowledge therfore with me I beseech you how your miserable prophett leadeth you together with himselfe to eternall damnation by meanes of many of his falsities and sinnes that he hath taught you which are out of the true and only way of saluation And if you desire to saue your soules you must necessarily follow the true light of life which is ready to illuminate each one and resist no longer the holy Ghost that calleth you to his kingdome Of the constancy of the fiue Martyrs in their tormentes and how they were visited in prison by our Lord. THE XIII CHAPTER BVt the President hearing this notable discourse and fearing the people might be conuerted by such pregnant reasons filled with a zeale towards his owne law proposed vnto the holy Martyrs one of these two elections either that they should yeld honour and glory to his Prophett for the blasphemies they had vttered against him and should freely preach his law or els should prepare themselues to endure such cruell tormentes as should enforce their death Wherto Brother Otho replenished with exceeding ioy for the desired aduertisement they heard of Martyrdome answeared if feare of death would terrify vs we should perhappes aduise to admitt your law as many miserable wretches that for feare to loose this trāsitory life loose the eternall But our Redeemer hath strengthened and
fortified vs against that pusillanimity when he willed vs not to feare those that haue power only to torment this wretched vile and fraile body but him that can torment both our body and soule eternally in hell Therfore for as much also as we know that he only shal be crowned who shall constantly perseuer to the end doe what you will for we hope in the diuine Maiesty that your executioners shal be rather be weary of tormenting vs then we of ioyfully enduring for the loue of God considering withall that we repute this death receaued for IESVS CHRIST as the gate of life wherby we are to enter This iudge seeing their constancy cōmanded them to be separated and committed to seuerall places and cruelly whipt and that after the executioners were wearied there should salt be put and vinegar powred in to their woundes and lastly shutt vp in prison all which was done and the next morning he caused the same to be iterated and then he sent thē to a publicke place vnto the people that they might be reuēged on them for the iniuryes committed against Mahomett They were brought thither naked their handes bound behinde their backes and cordes about their neckes there were their woundes renewed and their passed afflictions redoubled for besides that they were cruelly beaten scourged they cast them vpon broaken glasse and sharp pointed flintes wheron they roled and tumbled thē afterward they cast boylling oyle on their bodyes omitting nothing that might exulcerate their woundes each of them esteeming it a great sacrifice vnto Mahomett to exercise most barbarous and beastly kindes of tortures or to inuent them for dischardge of their fury against the holy Martyrs who notwithstanding in the middest of the said afflictions did with a loud voice praise and cofesse our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST demonstrating that they respected not the tormētes which they endured nor the iniuryes disgorged against thē for one cānot imagine that beastly dishonest and infamous wordes which were not then vttered vnto them but the most insupportable vnto them were the blasphemies which they vsed against God The whole day and part of the night was spent in this pittifull spectacle thē were they retourned to prisō wher with all their hartes they gaue thāckes vnto God and encouraged each other Now the immensiue and infinite bounty beholding from heauen his holy seruantes voutsafed to giue them a farther consolation with his visible presence appearing vnto them in a most resplendent light wherin they found an inestimable sweetnes and such as they vtterly forgott whatsoeuer they had suffered and endured This light so spred it selfe that it was also seene of the keepers who therin seeing many shadoes of personnes were fearfull suspected the prisoners were escaped therwith And therfore they hastened to a prisoner that was a good Christian called Peter Hermand to whome they related that they had seene the holy Martyrs escape and ascend vnto heauen in a bright and cleare light He coniecturing that this might be some notable vision seene by them did comfort them bid them not to feare affirming that he had heard them all the night to sing praise God which they being desirours to proue as seeming probable they went and found them all in prayer very ioyfull and content in their prison as if they had not endured any affliction How they were presented before the king Miramolin whome they putt to silence and confounded THE XIV CHAPTER THe next morning the king retourning from the fieldes and vnderstanding what had passed touching the Religious heresolued to see the end of their proceeding and either to conuert them to the law of Mahomett or els to haue a most cruell reuenge vpon them Which the foresaid Prince of Portugall Dom Pedro perceauing repayred to the said President and prayed him that after the said Religious should be dead their bodyes might not be committed to the disposition of the Mores but of the Christians which he obtayned The said Martyrs were then brought before the king their handes manicled behinde their backes their face swollen blew buffeted rent and all bloudy as was all the rest of their body with the blowes of the day precedent seeming rather dead then liuing creatures the king then beholding them with fauourable eye said Well you now being in my presence whither do you rather desirer to be mine enemies and rebelles and as such cruelly to dye or my freindes and as such aduanced to the principall degrees of my kingdome The holy Martyrs answeared that he might well hold them for his good freindes sith they were come from so farre a contry only for his cause and for the loue of him and of his kingdome to saue them from perishing and goeing to hell eternally damned putting their liues in hazard for the saluation of their soules and bodies The king vpon these wordes considering the resolution and inuincible fortitude of the holy Martyrs was vtterly confounded in himselfe wherfore as extremely enraged he retired into his closet● to consult what to doe with them sith he could draw them to nothing either by sweetnes or extremity the holy Martyrs on the contrary praising God for that he had giuen them grace euer till then to preach his holy faith notwithstanding the buffets they ●ad receaued to putt them to silence Of a conference betweene the said Religious and a noble man of the Mores THE XV. CHAPTER THere was a warlike noble More desirous to attempt if he could by faire meanes and speeches gaine them but he no more preuailed then the others for he endeauoured by sweet wordes to persuade them to obey the kinge who was more carefull of their good then them selues considering that being in his power to torment them and prolong their tortutures in deferring their death he neuertheles endeauoured to make them see their errours notwithstanding the iniuryes he had receaued of them and their great blasphemies vttered against his great prophett Mahomett who all men know how gratefull he is to God sith with his owne mouth he hath dictated vnto him his holy law wherin if they would liue he would in behalfe of the king promise them they should be most aduanced in his kingdome and should euer rule and gouerne in this world expecting by the intercession of their great Prophett Mahomett a double croune of God after their death Whereto Brother Otho with a zealous feruour answeared Vade retro Sathana auant from my presence thou hideous and infernall deuill for we with a firme and liuely faith adore and plainly confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost God in Trinity and vnity but thou miserable wretch that art already condemned to the eternall fire where he is whome thou adorest hauing compassion of thy selfe and performing thy duety oughtest to be conuerted it were more necessary for thee to shew they selfe more respectiue of thy owne saluation then of ours we hauing made choice of this assured way the more readily to
he saw her againe he prophesied and willed her not to feare because first she should be deliuered easilie secondlie her child should liue thirdlie it should be a man child fourthlie he should be pious and feare God fiftlie he should be a Frere Minor and sixtlie he should be a Martyr Now the three first of the conditions being easilie verified it shall not be out of purpose also to iustifie the other three The child then being borne and baptised was called Phillip and liuing in manner of an Angell vntill he came to conuenient age he became a Frere Minor where being fortified in the feare and loue of God he trauailed with exceeding deuotion in pilgrimage to the holie land And being in Azoto when it was by treason taken from the Christians who being in nomber two thousand were all condemned to death he obtayned of those persidious dogges to be the last that that should be martyred they supposing that he would renounce and deny IESVS CHRIST But this Sainct when this spectacle horrible to the world and gratefull to the diuine Maiesty and to him began did animate and comfort them all with exceeding courage crying vnto them that God had reuealed vnto him that the very same day he should ascend into heauen with more then a thousand martyrs wherwith being much comforted they all offered their heades as pleasinge sacrifices vnto God vnder the sword of the executioners who cutt them off Now it being reported vnto the Soldan that he exercisced the office of a preacher he commanded all the ioyntes of his fingers one by one to be all cutt off in presence of the Christians which notwithstanding he desisted not to exhort them all to that glorious victorie in such sort that they all misprising the honours and riches offered them by the Mores and the tortures wherwith they threatned them being by the valour of the Saint confirmed in IESVS CHRIST they with one voice cryed out that they would follow Brother Philip on whose choice oflife or Martyrdome they relyed which the Soldan taking very despitefullie caused him to be fleyed aliue euen to the Nauell and then his tongue to be cutt off which supporting with inestimable constancie and notable patience he the more enflamed and moued the rage and furie of rhe Mores and the hartes of the Christians more willingly to suffer death as a momentarie matter seeing him with an inuincible hart to endure the same by such cruell tormentes in the middest wherof he ceassed not by the gestures and motions of his bodie to exhort them beeing vnable to speake by reason that his tongue was bereaued him Att length he was beheaded with the rest and in token of their croune a thinge which the Mores beheld full sore against their willes their bodies that remayned many dayes in the street without buryall yelded no offensiue but a pleasing sauour Thus was the admirable prophesie of the glorious Father S. Antony accomplished Of an other prophesie of his touching an other Martyr and of his Martyrdome THE XIV CHAPTER PReaching in France in the citty of Puy where he was Guardian as often as he saw a Notary that was impious of life and conuersatiō he remouing his capuce would doe him very humble reuerence The Notary knowing himselfe vnworthy to receaue such honour by him that gaue it vnto him hauing many times endured the same he imputed it to simplicity yet att length he sought to shunne the meeting of the S. turning from him a farre of because he would not be saluted by him but it one time happened that he could not preuent the Sainctes meeting of him who saluted him as before yea more hūbly which putting the Notary into great choler he came to him and said if thou wert not a Religious man I would long agone haue sheathed this my sword in thy body But tell me thou varlett what cause hast thou in this manner to flout me The S. very humbly answeared him My beloued brother be you not troubled I beseech you but beleeue that I salute you only to honour you and the reason is such hauing desired to shed my bloud in the seruice of the diuine maiesty I haue not bin found worthy nor hath it pleased God to satisfie me therein But his diuine maiesty hauing reuealed vnto me that you shall dye a martyr I haue euer since and still shall yeld you reuerence Besides I most hartely beseech you when you shal be in that glorious conflict to be mindfull of me wretched sinner Hereat the Notary chaunged his choler into laughter and deriding him went his way but in short time after it was iustified For being inspired of God to goe with the bishop of the said citty to adore the holy sepulcher and in an instant hauing changed his lewd conuersation into the contrary arriuing there the bishop discoursing with the Mores touching our faith and being rudely refelled the notarie for the first and second time endured it but att length being ashamed of the tepedity of his bishop and fearing some worse issue he told him that he did not defend our faith as he ought and then himselfe very couragiously disputed against the Mores and confuted them affirming for their reproach that their Mahomet was the sonne of perdition damned to hell by almighty God as themselues should be if they did not acknowledge their errours which hauing said the Mores presently tooke hold of him cruelly beat him and neuer ceassed for three dayes together to torment him which expired leading him to execution he confessed to his other companions that S. Antony had prophesied vnto him that martyrdome And they afterward retourning haue testified the same to all the world and so he consummating his martyrdome ioyfully rendered his soule to his Creatour Of the office of his doctrine and his seuerity against sinnes THE XV. CHAPTER THis S. of God with a very great dilligence and admirable prudence sowed the word of his diuine maiesty in the soules of the faithfull being neuer wearyed by his continuall labours trauailling through diuers cittyes townes villages and castelles ouer mountaines and vallyes and this he did out of his extreme zeale to assist the soules redeemed by the precious bloud of our Lord as one instructed rather by heauenly then humane doctrine he so disposed of his documentes according to the necessity of his audience that they all were satisfied in respect wherof his sermons were reputed for so many miracles they that neuer heard him preach were att deathes dore with desire to heare him but especiallie the learned as well in regard of his eloquence as of his exceeding subtility and viuacity of spiritt wherwith he admirably gaue to althinges which he handled their proper signification valure nomber and weight with a notable art He also reprehended the great personnes of this world with such constancie and seuerity that the most famous preachers trembled with feare when they heard him and did admire how it was possible he could haue such
they should apply themselues to preaching And also when S. Francis commanded him to chase the deuils out of the citty of Arezzo which is amply discoursed in the fift and sixt chapters of the first booke of this first part Now this holy seruant of God after he had perfectly serued his maiesty many yeares reposed in peace and was buryed att Assisium in the Church of S. Francis with his other companions The life of Brother Macie Of the holy conuersation and obedience of Br. Macie THE XXI CHAPTER BRother Macie of Marignan was very prudent and well borne God gaue him the talent of commendable speech especially whē he discoursed of spirituall thinges and therfore S. Francis often had him in company that they who came to see and visitt him might be so well entertayned by the delightfulnesse of his discourse that they should not trouble him in his prayer Now the holy Father S. Francis as a discreet pastour that continually watcheth ouer his flock considering that Br. Macie dayly encreased in vertue to the end that no vanity should cause him to fall from the hight of his prudence he sought to ground him well on the firme and secure foundation of humilitie wherefore he one day in presence of the other Religious said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Brother these your companions here haue obtayned of God the grace of prayer and contemplation and you haue receaued the grace of discourse and therfore you are most fitt to entertaine those without the gate that come to visitt vs. Therfore I am resolued that your Brethren here shall all apply themselues to contemplation and that you shall haue care of the gate of the kitchen and of begging so that no other Religious shal be troubled with any temporall care When the Brethren shall eat in the refectory you shal be without the do●e that strangers may be entertained by your good speeches before they ring so that it may be no trouble to them to expect all this shall you performe by the merittes of holy obedience Br. Macie very ioyfully accepted all and for a time exercised it till the other Religious hauing knowne the vertue he had in prayer and the other partes of his perfection they obtayned of S. Francis who also knewe him ●ight well that all the offices which he had might be equally diuided among them The 22. chapter is placed after the 100. of the first booke of this present part because it is a matter particulerlie appertayning to Sainct Francis it is an exercise of mortification performed by Brother Macie How Br. Macie obtained of God the vertue of humilitie THE XXIII CHAPTER BRother Leo entring one day into spirituall discourses with Br. Macie and some other Religious among other thinges he said I know a worthy seruant of God meaning S. Francis that hath obtayned many graces of his diuine maiesty as well in the actiue as contemplatiue life and with his graces he hath so profound a humility that he thincketh there is not in the world so great a sinner as himselfe This humility maketh him merueilously to encrease in sanctity and so confirmeth him in the grace of God that whiles he shall haue the same for his roote which he hath already engrafted in God it is impossible for him to fall As Brother Leo thus discoursed of humilitie Brother Macie that gaue attentiue eare vnto him became so affected to this vertue so gratefull to God that he went to his prayer and hauing lifted his eyes towardes heauen he vowed to almighty God that he would neuer take ioy of this world till he knew and felt in his soule that God had giuen him this vertue of humility and so by sighes and teares he afflicted himselfe before almightie God and seeming to himselfe that he iustly deserued hell if he did not obtaine this grace and vertue wherby that worthy freind of God which was full of all perfection reputed himselfe inferiour to all creatures and persisting continually in this griefe obseruing the vow which he had made and perseuering in his petition vnto God sacrificing himselfe by abstinences disciplines and teares he deserued att lengh● as he went one day alone to pray on the mountaine to heare a voice from heauen that twice called him by his name Wherefore he knowing the voice of God presently answeared Lord here I am and then God said vnto him What wilt thou giue me if I giue thee the vertue of humility which with so great instance thou hast demaunded of me Br. Macie then answeared My God I will giue thee all that I haue to my very eyes But God answeared keep thy eyes I will giue three gratis a gift of what thou hast demaunded And from that hower Br. Macie had entier possession of the humility which he had so much desired together with such a diuine light that he liued almost alwayes in a continuall spirituall ioy as if himselfe had no longer liued but IESVS CHRIST only in him How Br. Macie desired to obtaine of God to loue his ennemies as his deerest friendes THE XXIV CHAPTER BVt this ioy continued not long as it happeneth of the waters of God the thirst wherof augmenth the more by drincking therof for after he had receaued this grace he became more sorrowfull then before by reason of the vehement desire he had to obtayne a greater which the other Religious perceauing they one day called him and sayed Tell vs Br. Macie are we cause of thy sorrow or what straunge thing is happened we were wont to see thee exceeding ioyfull and with a gracious and smiling contenance but now we see thee very melancholy and much troubled Br. Macie answeared them My deere brethren you doe not cause or procure me any heauinesse but I will tell you whence it proceedeth You must know that some dayes past I haue laboured to obtaine of almighty God the precious vertue of holy humility by meane wherof I thinck to acknowledge my selfe the most vile and greatest sinner in the world as in deed I am And because my humane reason in respect of its pride could not conceaue that the man which is day and night exercised in wachinges abstinēces prayers and other practises of vertue doth not esteeme himselfe much better then him who is daily employed in speaking ill or liuing idly or brutishly without obseruing his promised vowes att length God of his mercy hath graunted me this humility which by any spirituall exercise by prayer or whatsoeuer other meritt can neuer be obtayned Know yee then that the cause of my sorrow is that I cannot arriue to this degree if any one should cutt off my handes and feet and crush out my eyes though I should pardon him and doe him all the seruices I could deuise I should not yet with so good a will loue him as before This is that which I demaund of my God for the hight and perfection of the grace which he hath graunted me and then shall my soule be entierly ioyfull and content as
was he by a speciall grace of God alwayes preserued from vices and sinnes but being by his eternall maiesty induced to shunne the snares of the deuill hauing for the loue of IESVS CHRIST giuen all he had to the poore he in the time of Sainct Francis became a Frere Minor and hauing obtayned of God the grace of contemplation and Euangelicall perfection he withall his iudustry laboured that the same might not proue vaine and fruitlesse in him He therfore much exercised himselfe in the vertue of holy obedience which is more pleasing to God then sacrifices In the most violent and extremest cold being almost naked he trauelled for the necessities of the Religious he continuallie employed himselfe in prayer dailie examining his conscience for the most part his reliefe was only bread and water with abondance of teares and by such like abstinence he mortified the concupiscences of his flesh to be able with more puritie to offer vp his soule in sacrifice vnto God He was exceeding compassionate vnto afflicted personnes and with alacrity serued the sicke not only Religious but the seculer also If there wanted phisike he demaunded it for the loue of God as also all other thinges necessarie he was very humble and therfore desirously laboured in the kitchen washed the dishes swept the house and very willingly busied himselfe in all other offices of humility If by any word or act he had giuen occasion of troubles to any one he would presently put a cord about his owne neck and so goe aske him pardon though he endured iniuryes done to himselfe as patiently as if no such thinge had bin he liued fifteene yeares in such and the like exercises of vertue and afterwardes in his death and since God hath discouered how gratefull the life of this his seruant was vnto him before his last sicknes he reuealed the day of his death and the place which he declared to one of his companions He trauelled to Ciuitadochia where being arriued he fell sick and few dayes after the terme of his life being exspired one night att mattins he shewed such an extraordinary ioyfull face as if he had some vision that made him euen exteriourly to reioyce Wherfore the Religious that attended him demaunded if he had seene any Angell of heauen or the holy Father Sainct Francis he answeared that he had not seene the holy Father S. Francis but of the Angel he sayd nothing Being in those ioyes he aduertised his companions of the death of one deuoted vnto him which was reuealed vnto him saying that William was already departed out of this world vnto almighty God and that himselfe should follow him the same day betweene none and euensonge which came to passe for att the time foretold this holy Religious Ambrose yelded his soule into the handes of his Creatour Of many muracles wrought by this glorious S. Ambrose THE XXXV CHAPTER THe nomber of miracles by which our Lord would approue the life and sanctity of his seruant Brother Ambrose was such that Pope Gregory the ninth by an Apostolicall breuie commanded the Bishop of Ciuitadochia and the Priour of S. Iohn of the Order of S. Augustin to meet and to examine the life and miracles of the S. and hauing perused them to approue them for autenticall This Briefe was giuen att the Palace of Lateran the 13. yeare of his Popedome by vertue wherof the said Prelates hauing made a most dilligent search they found that fourteene lame persons had by the merittes of this seruant of God bin cured as also foure deliuered of the falling sicknesse one dispossessed in his life time and two after his death six cured of mortall impostumes and one of a fistula He restored hearing to one that was deafe four men were cured of seuerall diseases a woman of the bloudie flux and an other whose child had bin foure monethes dead in her wombe he restored sight to foure that were blind and finally raysed many from death The said Prelates tooke notice of these and many other miracles but the death of the Pope peruerted his inscription in the catalogue of the SS in the Church militant though he were recorded in heauen where he raigneth with IESVS CHRIST in his Church triumphant making supplication to his diuine maiesty for those that in their necessities haue recourse vnto him Of the life of Br. Iuniperus disciple of S. Francis Of the exemplare humilitie and singuler patience of Brother Iuniperus THE XXXVI CHAPTER BRother Iuniperus was one of the first and most perfect disciples of S. Francis for he was so grounded in the firme and assured foundations of humility patience contempt of the world and of himselfe that no tormenting temptations of the deuill nor persecution of the world could in any sort remoue or desioyne him from his estate of perfection There was neuer any that saw him troubled or disquieted so couragiously did he support all iniuryes of wordes or actions Which brought him to such misprise of himselfe that many seeing him in such poore apparance and so ill treated not knowing his perfection esteemed him for a foole and sencelesse But S. Francis that knew him right well reputing him in the nomber of the perfect sayd that he should be a good and true Frere Minor that attayned the misprise of the world and of himselfe so far foorth as had done Brother Iuniperus and oftentimes considering his simplicities the contempt of himselfe and patience in reprehensions giuen him he would say to the Religious present My Brethren I desire and would to God I had a great forrest full of such Iunipers This worthy seruant of IESVS CHRIST oftentimes found new occasions for exercise of his patience to be misprised and reproached yet without offending God neuer shunning to be reputed a foole as when he one time entred into the citty of Viterbium hauing made a fardell of his habitt bound vp with his cord which he carryed on his shoulders and so went into the marckett place where the children seeing him almost naked vsed him as a foole reuiled him with wordes cast stones att him and berayed him with filth After he had left these that thus tormented him he went to the Couent where the Religious seeing him in such pittifull estate and vnderstanding by him wherefore he had bin so handled they were much scandalized att what he had don and tooke it in very ill part bitterly reprehending him for it some told him he deserued to be cudgelled others to be imprisonned others to be hanged for the great scandall he had giuen to the people but he accepted all these indignities with a very contented and ioyfull countenance as matter much desired of him and in signification of the interiour contentment he conceaued he tooke the fore part of his habitt and beholding those Religious that were most offended with his fact and rebuked him for it sayd vnto thē My freindes fill this I pray you with these iewels doe so feare not for I receaue them
to be more tormented by her infirmities then she accustomed to be a sword of sorrow through-pearced the soule of her beloued daughters But a virgin seruante of IESVS CHRIST and a very deuout Religious of the Monastery of saint Paul and Order of saint Benedict had att that time this vision following It semed to her that she did visitt sainte Clare withall her sisters att saint Damian whom she saw in a sorrowfull yet precious bed about which they all lamēted expecting her death and withall she saw come to the bolster of the sayd bed a very beautifull woman who sayd to them that wept My daughters weep not for her that is yet to liue for she cannot dye til our Lord and all his disciples doe come A litle after the Romane Court was att Perusia where the encrease of sainte Clares sicknesse being diuulged the Cardinall of Hostia hastened with great dilligence to visite the espouse of IESVS CHRIST whose Father he was by office Gouernour by speciall sollicitude and Fosterer and friend in most pure and chast amitie and her he comforted applying and with his owne handes administring vnto her the most sacred sacrament of the Eucharist and then made a very deuout sermon vnto the Religious sainte Clare with great humility and in the name of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST besought him to accept in recommēdation that her family and all her other poore sisters of other Monasteries but aboue all she most instātly besought him to obtaine of the Pope and the Colledge of Cardinalls a priuiledge and confirmation of holy pouerty Wherto the Cardinall gaue his word and as a faithfull Protectour of her Religion one most deuout and affectionat to saincte Clare did afterwardes effect it For Pope Innocēt the fourth att her most instāt request confirmed the rule which the holy Father saint Francis had instituted for her as is formerly recorded of which rule S. Clare had neuer till then other cōfirmation written then that of the said Cardinall because the Pope supposing to induce sainte Clare not to bind her Religious to such an extreme pouerty did still deferre to confirme her rule by writing But Innocent the fourth seeing the perseuerāce and last will of sainte Clare graunted the same vnto her by a bull the eleuenth and last yeare of his raigne as we haue before recorded And the yeare being almost expired the Pope came with his Cardinals from Perusia to Assisium wherin the first vision touching the death of the holy virgin was accomplished for the Pope being in his office more then a man by the aucthority which he hath of IESVS CHRIST on earth whose person he representeth in the temple of the Church militant the Cardinals accompanying his holinesse represented the disciples of our Lord IESVS CHRIST How Pope Innocent the fourth visited S. Clare in her last sicknes and gaue her absolution THE XXIV CHAPTER THe diuine prouidence would no longer deferre the accomplishment of the will of S. Clare but her Spouse IESVS CHRIST came to eleuate into his celestiall Pallace his poore espouse and pilgrime on earth who desired nothing more that being deliuered of this mortall body she might haue the sight and fruition of her most glorious IESVS CHRIST in his kingdome Now then the members of this virgin being by continuance of her sicknes as vtterly decayed there befell her a new weakenes which being a token that she should in short time be called of God she also vsed it as a ladder to mount to eternall saluation Whervpon the Pope Innocent the fourth came to the Monastery of saint Damian accompanied with many Cardinals to visitt the seruant of God not doubting but she whose life he had already approued was the most perfect in sanctity of all women of his time and therfore worthy to haue her death honoured by his presence His holinesse then being entred he went directly to the glorious Virgin and comming neere to her bed he tendered her his hand to kisse which fauour saincte Clare with exceeding ioy receaued But besides that she with great humility besought him to aford her his feet to kisse The Pope to content her sate downe vpon a litle bench and deuoutly presented vnto her his Apostolicall feet on which this sainct reuerently laid her face and mouth most affectionatly kissing them then with the serenity of an Angelicall countenance she demaunded of him remission of all her sinnes Wherto the Pope answeared would to God my deere sister I had need of such a pardon but finally he gaue her the benefitt of absolutiō and the gift of his benediction then left her in peace She hauing that morning receaued the most sacred communion att the hand of the Prouinciall of the Frere Minors of that prouince with her handes ioyned and her eyes eleuated towardes heauen she weeping sayd to her Religious My daughters prayse almighty God for the benefitt it hath pleased him to bestow on me this day which is such that the earth and the heauens are not of sufficiencie to recompence it sith this day I haue both receaued the same Lord and am esteemed worthy to see his vicar on earth How S. Clare comforted her sister S. Agnes THE XXV CHAPTER THe daughters were all about their mother without whom they were in short time to remayne orphanes the cōsideration wherof through-pearced their soules with a most bitter griefe The heauines of sleep nor hungar could not draw them from the presence of their mother the contentment which they receaued in her presence made them forgett to eat and to sleep because all their exercise was to weepe and particulerly her most deuout sister Agnes who was expresly come from the Monastery which she had newly erected att Florence to be present att her death Being then in this anguish she tourned towardes her sister and most instantly prayed her not to depriue her of her presence Wherto sainte Clare answeared Deere sister whome I cordially loue sith it hath pleased God that I depart be you ioyfull and weepe no more for I assure you our Lord will shortly come to you to visitt you with an exceeding consolation before your death Here followeth the testament of the holy S. Clare In nomine Domini Amen AMongest all other benefittes which we haue receaued of our bountifull benefactour the king of mercies and doe daily receiue of him for which we are most boud to praise him one is for our vocatiō which by how much greater it is by so much more are we bound vnto him the Apostle saith acknowledge your vocatiō God hath made himselfe a way which he hath shewed by word and example our holy Father S. Francis a most perfect zelatour and follower of the same way hath thaught vs wherfor my beloued Sisters we ought to marcke the vnmeasurable benefitt which God hath done vnto vs amongest the rest that which he hath vouchsafed to worcke in vs through his seruāt our Father S. Frācis not only after our cōuersion but
mouth to answeare her there issued out of the fournise of his enflamed hart infinite sparckes of such sublime wordes that this holy virgin receaued therof much consolation Finally turning her Angelicall face towards her deere and beloued daughters and sisters there present bitterly weeping she recommended vnto them the pouerty of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST in this her last passadge praysing and thancking God for the infinite benefittes which they had receaued of his diuine Maiesty which she particulerly recounted vnto them then she gaue them all her benediction also to all the Religious of her Monastery present absent and to all those that should enter into her Order There were present two companions of saint Frācis Br. Angelus who though much afflicted did yet comfort the others and the right simple Br. Leo who ceased not to kisse the bed of the holy virgin that was leuing the world who was lamēted of her daughters because they wer left orphanes were no more in this life to see their most holy mother and therfore they accōpanyed her soule vnto heauen with abōdance of teares without power to admit any other consolation then to desire to goe with her wherwith being so afflicted they could not without difficulty forbeare with their nailes to rent their faces but it not being permitted them to dischardge thēselues of such greife exteriourly it did enflame in them a more burning fire within For those espouses of IESVS CHRIST were sufficiently morified by the rigour of Religion albeit the force of greife did constraine thē to cast forth loud cryes and sighes and to power out riuers of teares The holy virgin att lenght being turned towardes thē begā very sweetly to say vnto her soule goe my soule goe sorth securely thou hast an assured guide to performe this voyage for he that is they Creatour hath sanctified thee hath alwayes conserued thee affecting thee with a tender loue equall with that of a mother towardes her child And thou my God be praysed for hauing created me A Religious sister asking her what she meant therby she answeared I speake to my blessed soule Her most glorious Spouse IESVS CHRIST was not far from her attended for her Thē tourning to one of her Religious she sayd Doe you not see my daughter the king of glory whome I see Almighty God also layd his hand on an other Religious who saw with her corporall eyes thorough the teares that distilled from them a glorious vision she being pearced thorough with the dart of sorrow cast her eyes towardes the gate of the house and saw enter a great procession of virgins richly cloathed in white hauing each one a croune of gold on their head but one of them appeared more beautifull sumptuous and glittering thē the rest For she had on her head an imperiall crowne garnished with precious stones out of whose countenāce proceeded a light so shining that it cōuerted the obscurity of the night into cleare and bright day It was with out doubt the glorious Virgin Mary Queen of virgins who came to the bed of the espouse of her sonne to whome enclining she graciously embraced her and incontinently she was couered and the bed also by the other virgins with an extreme sumptuous mantell So the day following which was the eleuenth of August this holy soule ascended to heauen there to be crowned with perpetuall glory Happy was her departure out of this miserable life sith it was her entry into that of eternall felicitie For the fastes which this S. performed in this exile she is now ioyfull and had her fill att the magnificall table of the cittizens of heauē and for the humility and basenesse of her habite she is now gloriously attired with the glory of Paradise The continuall sighes and desires which she had for the presence and loue of her deerly beloued Spouse are accomplished by the blessed vision of God face to face and by the assured fruition of the soueraigne good leauing the way open to the example of sanctity that we blinded and miserable mortall creatures reiecting these short false and deceiptfull pleasures of this world may purchase the permanent true and assured that indure eternally Of the honorable obsequies that were performed for S. Clare THE XXVII CHAPTER WHiles the soule of S. Clare departed this life the report of her deceasse was incontinently diuulged through Assisium whence both men and women in such abondance speedily flocked to the Monastery that none seemed to be left in the citty Each one presently esteemed her a sainct and called her the espouse of IESVS CHRIST accompayning their discourses with great abondance of teares of deuotion The officers of iustice repayred thither accompanyed with many warlike Champions and a great nomber of armed men which that night guarded the monastery for feare that precious treasure might be bereaued them The night following the Pope with all his Court came thither accompayned by all the neighbour people The Religious men of S. Damiā being ready to begin the office of the dead the Pope would haue to be sayd the office of the holy virgins wherin he would haue canonized her before her buryall But the Cardinall of Hostia hauing demonstrated vnto him that it was fitt in this affaire to proceed with more humane prudence the Pope permitted the sayd Religious solemnly to proceed in the office of the dead according to the custome The said Cardinall hauing taken for his text Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas made a very worthy and deuout sermon to manifest the vanity of thinges appertayning only to this world where he exceedingly exalted that most eminent Contemptrice of vanityes which ended all the Cardinals and other Prelates accompanied this holy body with an exemplar deuotion All the funeralles being very solemnly accomplished the cittizens of Assisium thincking it not secure that this precious treasure should remayne so farre out of their citty they caused this holy body with exceeding great pomp to be transported singing psalmes and hymnes with the sound melody of diuers musicall instrumentes and in a very solemne procession they carryed it into the Church of sainct George within their citty where the body of sainct Francis had formerly bin reposed And it was very reasonnable that he who in his life had giuen a patterne of the way of life vnto this holy virgin should as is were prophetically prepare her a place of sepulture There was then a great repaire and confluence of people frō diuers citties townes and villages vnto Assisium to thanck IESVS CHRIST and to pray vnto this blessed creature proclayming this virgin to be really a sainct and glorious who now liueth in Paradise with the Angels hauing bin already so much honoured of men on earth O blessed virgin pray now to God for vs and gaine our soules to IESVS CHRIST in heauen as thou hast conuerted and gayned so many liuing on earth The holy virgin passed this transitory life to the other of rest the yeare
albeit his life and the Countesse his wiues were stored withall kind of vertues yet in his last dayes speaking of her being vrged by the holy Ghost he vttered to those present these wordes The infidell man is sanctified by the faithfull woman whome I leaue a virgin in this mortall life as I receaued her a virgin and vnspotted This holy Confessour of IESVS CHRIST changed this life for a better the yeare of grace 1327. Father Francis of Maronis a famous preacher and Doctour was present att his death The very daye of his departure he appeared in all glory vnto his wife who was them in her Countie in Prouence to whome he vttered these wordes of the Psalmist The snare is broaken and we are deliuered and so without any other word he vanished The Contesse the same day recounted to all her company the death of her husband it being the 27. day of September He was buryed in the church of the Cordeliers att Paris clothed in the habitt of the third Order and the same yeare his body was translated into Prouence to the Couent of Apte in which his sanctity was by many miracles diuulged for which he was by the Apostolike sea canonized His feast is celebrated the 27. of September The Countesse Delphine his wife liued many yeares after him perseuering in piety being dead she was buryed by her husband hauing the the habitt of the Frere Minors as a disciple of the holy Father S. Francis and of the third Order Att the death of this Countesse and till her body was enterred a most sweet harmony was heard in the aire as they haue testified and assured who were neere her body It is piously beleeued that they were Angels singing as true friendes of virginall purity Our Lord wrought many miracles as well in the life time as att the death of this holy woman and in such quantity as there is no doubt but that our lord had canonized her in heauen The life of the blessed Yues of the 3. Order S. Francis Of the holy exercises and mortification of the flesh of S. Yues THE XXII CHAPTER YVes florished in that time in the Duchy of Bretanie within the diocese of T●iguier He was a man of eminent sanctity and led a merueillous austere life for which cause almighiy God made him famous by many miracles This holy man was the sonne of a very rich vertuous man by whose good example he was from his tender infancie a patterne of commendable conuersation His Father sent him to study humanity att Paris thence to Orleans to study the Canon and Ciuill law but much more did he profitt in diuine wisdome for there manifesting his doctrine he layd open to many the true knowledge and assured way of iustice And being to retourne to his Father the Bishop of Triquet hauing heard the fame of his excellent vertues and sanctity made him his Officiall or commissary with very ample aucthority And albeit the holy man withall his power withstood the acceptance of this cha dge yet was he att lenght constrained therevnto He with such prudence and without acception of persons administred iustice that the ballance was alwayes equall which he performed with such sincerity that he would neuer receaue any ●ecompence for it in this life A litle after by diuine prouidence he became Priest in which ministery he offered his body a liuely sacrifice vnto almighty God His habit was then according to his quality common decent and modest But vnder he woare a very sharp hayr-cloth Whe●with he afflicted his body did weaken it by frequēt and austere fastes by cōtinual watchinges When he was admitted into the confraternity of the Penitents of the third O●der of S. Francis he reiected all his fine apparell though most modest and plaine which he ware according to his quality cloathing himselfe with very grosse and course gray cloth and wearing rude and homely shooes as poore Religious ordinarily vse He w●are vpon his hair-cloth that it might not be seene a shirt made of towe raw or vndressed He slept very litle and then only when nature was wearyed with prayer study or spirituall exercise or burdened with naturall necessity of sleep his repose was short and he alwayes tooke it cloathed His bed was the bare ground a hurdle or some g●osse stickes wreathed together his pillow the bible an instrument of litle sleepe and of much dilligence he being mindfull and taking comfort of these wordes of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST They that are clothed in soft garments are in kings houses Of the abstinence charity prayer and the manner of saying the diuine office of S. Yues THE XXIII CHAPTER THis holy man did neuer feed on delicate meates but such as were very grosse which he did to reserue of his reuenue wherwith to reliue many poore people On fasting dayes commanded by the Church he vsed only bread and water ordinarily did with great abstinence fast the wednesday and saterday He had customarily strangers and pilgrimes in his house he was very dilligent in the practise of the worckes of mercy he entertayned poore people and particulerly the sick and lame with exceeding pitty and compassion and conuersed with them so mildly and familiarly as if they had bin his brethren he serued them and made their beddes washed their feet and did them all other seruices that they could need Being no lesse carefull to administer vnto them the spirituall food of the word of God then the corporall he made them notable exhortations wherin he multiplyed the talent of the Euangelicall doctrine to those that were vnder his chardge He was very prompt in according dissentions and procuring of peace with all persons He had the grace to conuert sinners to pennance He was so addicted to prayer and contemplation that he would sometimes neglect to take his ordinary repast and dyett And one time he continued fiue whole dayes in prayer in his chamber without asking or being offered him any thing to eat And yet when he came forth his countenāce was so pleasing ioyful and vermilliō as if he had bin pampered with most exquisite meates As he celebrated masse with great feruour so did he therin receaue of God notable feelinges and graces as one day did appeare for as he eleuated the most sacred sacrament there discended from heauen an admirable splendour and brightnes which enuironned the sacred host together with the chalice He red the canonicall houres with admirable attention deuotion and did alwayes rise att midnight to say his Matins He diuided the office into all the houres of the dayes in imitation of the Prophett Dauid who praysed God seauen times in the day Of the blessed death of S. Yues THE XXIV CHAPTER THis holy Religious being complete in the perfectiō of all vertues exceeding deuout vnto IESVS CHRIST very austere towardes himselfe extreme curteous and charitable towards others as he was by diuine grace of a singuler life and admirable in
Elzearius pag. 724 Gyles The life of Br. Gyles p. 563 His visitation by Saint Lewis king of France p. 585 Of diuers strang speeches and admirable answeres of his pag. 581. 586. 589. c. Diuers discourses of his as of faith of charitie of humilitie and others p. 595. 596. c. Humilitie Of the great humilitie of S. Francis p. 138. 139. Of his exercises of humilitie pag. 144 How he exercised his nouices in the same p. 145. A Bishop forced by Saint Francis humilitie to lett him preache p. 149. Three theeues conuerted by his humilitie p. 151 His humilitie to a Bishop that called him idiot p. 157 Remarkable humilitie and satisfaction in a Frere Minor p. 266 Of patience and humilitie p. 308 The humilitie of Brother Macie p. 521 Of Br. Angelus p. 532 Of Br. Ambrose p. 534 Of Br. Iuniperus p. 536 Of Br. Gyles p. 568. Of S. Clare p. 632 Of S. Elizabeth p. 713 Of an English Frere Minor p. 735. 736 Of Br. Iames p. 738 Indulgence Of the plenarie Indulgence granted by Iesus Christ to the church of our Ladie of Angells pag. 212 The day therof miraculously assigned from heauen p. 214 The publication therof p. 216 The same day a Doue was seene to flye in the Church and our Ladie appeared in the same pag. 218. Of miracles wrought in confirmation of the said Indulgence p. 217 Testimonies of persons deceased touching this Indulgence p. 218. 219. Diuers miracles of the same Indulgence p. 220. 221. 222 Iniuries S. Francis taken prisoner by theeues p. 4 S. Francis beaten and imprisoned by his father p. 19. Beaten of theeues and throwen into a ditch of snow p. 13 Iniuries offered to those who were first sent by S. Fran. to preach to the world p. 25 Iuniperus The life of Bro. Iuniperus p. 56 c. Lent Of the Lent S. Fran. Kept at the lake of perusia P. 318 Item of S. Michael p. 319. Leo. The life of Br. Leo see p. 516. c. Leapre S. Fra. kisseth a Leaper p. 7 He serueth Leapers his care of Leapers p. 40. By his humilitie he cu●●th a Leaper inwardlie and out wardlie p. 150 Luxurie Luxuries See Temptations Martyrdome How S. Francis went to Siria to seek martyrdome p. 103 Also to Moroccho p. 105 Fiue frere minors Martyred by kinge Miramolin p. 418 Seauen other frere minors martired p. 451 Two other martyred at Valencia p. 452 Fiue other martyred at Moroccho with many christians also p. 455 The martyrdome of Brother Electus and his companion p. ibid. The desire S. Antonie of Padua had of Martyrdome and his departure for Moroccho for this purpose p. 457 c. Macie The life of Br. Macie see p. 520 Miracles S. Francis cureth one of an vlcer in kissing it p. 14 He obtaineth by prayer to see his religious that were dispersed far a sunder p. 26 S. Francis and his disciples afflicted with hungar a man appeareth vnto them loaden with bread p. 48 How God sustained some frere minors miraculouslie p. 120 Of one of their benefactors whose mony encreased miraculously p. 121 A capons leg conuerted into a fish p. 160 S. Francis gathered white and red roses in Ianuarie p. 215 Diuers miracles concerning the Indulgence giuen from heauen to the church of our Ladie p. 218. 219. 220. S. Francis multiplied bread by the signe of the crosse p. 252 Dinner miraculouslie prepared whilst the cooke was at the Church ibid. Diuers miracles wrought by S. Francis p. 285 He was receaued of a hard rock as of soft wax p. 289 How many vnreasonable creatures miraculouslie obeyed him p. 290. 291. 292. 293 Fire lost his force in making a cauter in the bodie of S. Fran. p. 294 Of a miracle of Aples p. 298 A womā carried away by the deuill for troubling S. Fran. sermon p. 300 A l ght enlightneth him in a darck night p. 301 Many miracles confirming the life and doctrin of S Francis p. 316. 317 Many miracles of him after his death p. 353. 356. 357. 358. 359 Of the miracle of the St●gmates p. 370. 371. 372. 373 374 A woman dead ra●sed by the merits of S. Francis p. 375 Other dead raised by the merits of S. Francis p. 377 Others deliuered from the danger of death by his merits p. 378. 379. 380. 381 c. How he deliuered many pilgrimes from the tempestes of the sea p. 384. 385. 386 Diuers also out of prison 386. 387. c. Diuers women with child p. 390. c. Diuers blind receiued sight p. 393. 394 Miracles of diuers sorts wrought by S. Francis p. 401. 402. c. Miracles wrought by S. Francis by the signe of the Crosse p. 404 Of many miracles wrought by the fiue martyrs put to death by the hand of kinge Miramolm p. 435. c. Of many miracles of S. Anthonie of Padua 463. 464. c. Of a foote a man had cutt off p. 472 Of the fishes of the sea who giue care to his sermon p. 476 A miracle of the B. Sacrament p. 478 Of his eating of poyson p. 479 Of his miraculous preaching p. 480 See more p. 481. c. The miracles of Br. Quintauall p 507 c. Of Brother Ruffinus p 514 c. Of Brother Leo p. 518 Of Brother Zacharie p. 526 c. Of Brother Walter p. 528 c. Of Brother Ambroise p. 535 c. Of Brother Christopher p. 553 c. Of Brother Gyles p. 567 619 Of S. Clare p. 635. c. 663 678 Of S. Agnes p. 688 Of saincte Elizabeth of Hongarie p. 719. 722 Mission Sainct Francis sendeth his religious ●uer the world p. 24 Item p. 110. 119 He sendeth his religious to preach to the Moores in Spaine p. 421 Their shipping at Alenquer p. 425 Their arriuing at Siuill p. 426 Their preaching before the kinge of the Moores and their iudgement to dye p. 418. 419 And of diuers other thinges vnto pag. 442 Of seauen other frere Minors sent to preach the faith to the Infidells p. 448 Mortification Rigorous chasticements for inconsiderat wordes p. 39 Of the austeritie of the life of S. Fran. pag. 64. 65 How he cast him into a pit of snow p. 67 A parable he vsed touching the mortification of the eies p. 69 Of the great austerities of the first Frere Minors p. 118 He made one of his Bre. set his foote vpon his throat p. 161 He wallowed himselfe naked on a bush of thornes p. 215 Wherin the true ioy of a Frere Minor consisteth p. 308. 309 The mortification of Br. Iuniperus p. 537 Of Br. Christopher p. 551 Of Br. Gyles p. 565 Of S. Clare p. 636 Of S. Yues p. 727. c. Obedience Comparison of a dead bodie to one trulie obedient p. 78 The rigorous chasticement of one disobedient p. 80 Of Obedience p. 307 S. Francis commandeth a Sainct deceased to worck no more miracles and he obeieth p. 207 The obedience of Brother Quintauall p. 514 Of Br. Macie p. 520
retourne where the Religious were to whome hauing recouered his speech he presentlie acknowledged his fault in his presumptious enterprise Thenceforward he much more reuerentlie respected sainct Francis hen before The Abbott of S. Iustin in the diocese of Perusia meeting him one day alighted off his mule for the great deuotion he had vnto him and embraced him discoursing a long time of certaine affaires att their parting he besought the S. to pray for him which he promised and so being separated S. Francis withdrew himslfe from his companion saying that he must pay the dept which he would performe to the benefitt of the Abbott who in the same instant that S. Francis prayed for him felt himselfe as it were rapt out of himselfe by an extraordinarie feruour which ouer-past he knew right well the vertue and efficacie of the prayer of the Sainct and afterward related the same to diuers Brother Macie an other time saw S. Francis pray in such sort that there seemed liuelie flames to issue out of his mouth and eyes and so entierlie enflamed he went vnto him and calling him thrise he said Ah! ah Brother Macie come to me wheratt he amazed att such an excesse of spiritt cast himselfe into his armes and S. Francis lifted him vp into the aire the hight of a launce and afterward he recounted vnto the Religious that in that instant he felt such and so great sweetnes that he neuer after felt the like Passing by the Bourough of S. Sepulchre by reason of his infirmities riding on an asse he was almost stifled by the extreme concourse of people that flocked thither to kisse his feet coate handes and his habit whereat he remayned so immoueable that he seemed rather an image then a man Being past the Bourough and not one of those people neere him he demaunded of his companions how farre he had yet to the Bourough whereby they knew that being rauished in spiritt vnto heauen he had not felt that extreme presse of people The said Fathers affirmed that the same happened not vnto him once only but diuers times by reason of the great excesse of spiritt which was ordinarily incident vnto him How by prayer he obtayned of God what he would THE XCVIII CHAPTER THough God alone who endued him with so many graces is able to expresse them yet we must not forbeare to relate those that haue bin committed vnto vs by writting Goeing to an hermitage there to spend one of his lentes and being vnable by reason of his great infirmities to goe one foote he borrowed an asse of a poore man who of deuotion would also goe with him The season being extreme hoat on the barren and sharpe mountaines he had a great thirst and such as he feared to dye therof and being no longer able to endure it he acquainted the S. therwith who moued with compassion alighted off his asse and on his knees prostrated himselfe before God and praying did not arise till he was heard then arising he said to the poore man Goe to yonder stone and by the vertue of God it will yeld thee water sufficientlie He went thither found water and quenched his thirst which done the fountaine shutt againe to make it more manifest that by the only m●rittes of the S. God had made the water to issue out of an hard rock● as he did for Moyses The holy Father being att Spoletum a lay Brother called Brothre Andrew of Sienna that went a begging reported vnto him that there was a Bourgesse that had litle feare of God of whome he could neuer gett an almose whereto he answeared that he should endeauour to gett were it but one onlie loafe of him and should bring it vnto him The said Religious went vnto him and was so troublesome in demaunding that att lenght by importunity he gott a loafe Hauing it he carryed the same to S. Francis who deuided it into litle morcels and thereof gaue to each of the Religious with condition that they should all say a Pater and an Aue for the auaricious man and himselfe ioyning with them to pray vnto God they obtayned that this extreme nigard became liberall God permitting him to know his fault in such sort that thenceforward there was none more liberall vnto them then he A vertuous gentleman did often inuite the holy Father vnto his house where he extended so much charity vnto him that casting his affection on him he much desired to haue him of his Order and to that effect he prayed God that he would voutsafe to illuminate this his freind to leaue the world which he did with such feruour that being in extasie he was eleuated into the aire whiles it chaunced that the said gentleman passing by saw him so in the aire and God with him who seemed to graunt him this grace being therefore conuerted and touched by God he entred into the Order Passing by the forrest of Cortone a Lady of worth came before him and demaunded his benediction which he hauing giuen her she began to recount vnto him the miserable estate wherin she then was to witt that God hauing long time before inspired her to serue him she had a husband so contrary to that her good intention and such an ennemy to their faluation that therby she liued in perpetuall anguish And therfore she prayed him for the loue of God to assist her The holy Father answeared her woman haue faith in God for he knowing your holy and pious intention will accomplish your desire Goe therefore to your house and boldly vse these wordes vnto your husband I tell you in the behalfe of God that now is the time of mercie and the time of iustice will come hereafter And therfore by the woundes of our redeemer IESVS CHR. crucified I pray you so to dispose that we may liue in the peace and feare of God and you shall see said S. Francis that he will heare you the woman left him and his companion in prayer and she in the meane time went away full of consolation The successe was admirable for comming to her lodgeing her husband asked her whence she came she recounted vnto him all by order and on the part of God vsed vnto him the wordes S. Francis had taught her wherewith he became so mild that he seemed not the man he accustomed to be and in deed answeared his wife that he was resolued thenceforward to chaunge his life and to serue God as she desired Whereto his wife replyed sith it pleaseth you thus to obey God it seemeth requisite that we beginne the same by a vow of chastity it is a vertue exceeding gratefull vnto God and wil be very meritorious vnto vs the husband was content therwith and so they after liued piously This conuersion gaue a merueilous admiration to all those that knew them and much more when hauing perseuered piously together they also dyed in one same day the wife in the morning and the husband att night she as a
morning sacrifice and he as a sacrifice of the euenning God permitting that according well on earth they should by the merittes of the prayer of his seruant be also vnited in heauen leauing to the inhabitantes of that place a perpetuall memory of so worthy a miracle Of certaine apparissions made vnto S. Francis in his contemplation THE XCIX CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis alwayes sought solitary places wherrin he might more freelie conuerse with God and discourse with his Angels and there making his celle of bowes of trees distant from those of the other Religious he enioyned Brother Leo his companion to visitt him no more then once a day and to bring him only bread and water and once in the night att the houre of Matines and att his comming to say Domine Labia ●ea aperies and if he answeared Et os meum a●nu●ciabit laudem tuam then he should enter to say matines with him but if he answeared not he should depart in peace because he was sometime so rauished in extasie that he could not speake day nor night Brother Leo very seriously obserued the commandement of the holy Father neuertheles he sometime watched him for his consolation he oftentimes saw him eleuated into the aire and then he boldly embraced his feet when they were low enough to doe it for att such time he was lifted higher then a great tree and att other times so high that the eye of man could not attaine the sight of him which when Brother Leo saw he would fall on his knees vnder him and aske mercy of God This Religious ●●counted that he saw him once on his knees hauing his countenauce fixed towardes heaven and his handes ioyned together when he heard him vtter these wordes which with great effusion of teares he often repeated Who art thou my God and who am I att which wordes he saw a light to descend on his head and in the same heard a voice that spake vnto him but he could not vnderstand the wordes being remote from him for feare the Sainct should perceaue him and of reuerence reputing himselfe vnworthy to heare the diuine secrettes he only saw S. Francis th●ise to putt his hand into the said flame of fire which done the vision disappeared But Brother Leo could not goe so gently but the holy Father heard some noyse and therefore sayd I command thee in vertue of our Lord IESVS CHRIST whosoeuer thou be to stay there Brother Leo staying said Father it is I. S. Francis calling him checked him for it but Brother Leo acknowledging his fault prayed him that sith he had pardonned him he would also so much fauour him as to tell him what signified the vision which he had seene The holy Father willing to satisfie him in this manner expounded it vnto him Know that when you saw that light discend from aboue God communicated vnto me the knowledge of his diuine maiesty and of my selfe which was it that I demaunded of him saying My God who art thou and who am I that is his greatnes and worth and my extreme basenes and the very nothing that I am and therefor I neuer accustomed to reiterate those wordes After this reuelation I said vnto him whence is it then my God that thou voutsafed so to gratifie a worme of the earth such as my selfe so abiect and vile and he answeared me such high matters as humane vnderstanding is not capable to conceaue them Before he departed he demaunded of me to offer him some thing I answeared that I had nothing in this world and that my selfe was his that I had giuen my selfe to him for ●uer and therfore knew not what to offer him Then he commaunded ●e me to putt my hand into his bosome and to present vnto him that which I should founde there which I did And I found there three medalles or balles of gold which I three seuerall times offered vnto him Then he pleased to explicate vnto me that those three balles signified precious pou●rty resplendent charity and rich and golden obedience which by his grace I acknowledged to haue in such sort offred vnto him that my conscience doth not any way reprehend me in the obseruation of them Now in counterchaunge of this gift which I presented he of his infinite bounty graunted me that I should euer be thanckfull vnto him both in mouth and hart for this and all other benefittes which his diuine maiesty hath bestowed on me and which I reputed not mine but his For this then was it that thou sawest me stretch out my hand three seuerall times Now sith I haue satisfied thee I command thee that whiles I shall liue thou discouer it to no person of the world and that thou watch me no more when I shal be in prayer Goe then with the benediction of God into your celle and pray to God for me for with in few dayes God will worck such meruaylous thinges in this mountaine that all the world shall admire it He meant the holy impression of his stigmates Of an other apparition vnto the holy Father THE C. CHAPTER AVery yong and simple Religious being in an Oratory where the Religious accustomed to retire themselues when they went into the desert S. Francis being then there and being surprised by the night he was to remaine there to take his rest and then he determined to see that which he had so often heard spoaken of the holy Father S. Francis to witt that when he prayed in the night he did merueilous thinges Wherefore euery one being gone to rest he placed himselfe att the feet of the holy Father and that he should not goe away without him he tied their girdles together to the end that if he arose he might be awakened But this deuise litle auayled for S. Francis arising very gently loosed the cordes and went to pray otherwhere The Religious that was a sleepe with his cogitation running on his desire was not long from awaking and finding himselfe alone and deceaued purposed att aduentures to follow him through the woods to whome God was so fauourable that he found the holy Father in prayer on the toppe of a Mountaine and he seeming to heare some speech saw a merueilous splēdour that enuirōned the S. and therin our lord IESVS CHRIST with the glorious virgin his mother S. Iohn the Euangelist and an infinite nūber of Angels that were there present which the Religious seeing he was seased with such a terrour that he fell as dead to the ground and had no feeling till the holy Father hauing ended his prayer and retourning to his celle by reason of the darcknes of the night stumbled against him So conceauing presently who he was embracing him and laying him on his necke the best he could and God assisting him as a good Pastour he carryed his beloued sheep to the folde and hauing reduced him to himselfe made him report what he had seene he likewise commaunded him not to
thus he continued for certaine dayes till it pleased our Lord to declare him to be his seruāt which by this meanes came to passe One of the noblest of the Citty who then was the Iudge seeing and considering the life of this poore Religious sayed in himselfe this man thus contemned must needes be some holy personnage in regard of his extraordinary patience And therfore he called him vnto him and hauing demaunded what he was and whence he came Brother Bernard drew out of his bosome the Euangelicall rule which sainct Francis had giuen him and which he had written no lesse in his hart then in that paper and without vsing any other wordes deliuered it vnto him The iudge hauing seene the same was stricken into an amazement and tourning towardes many that were flocked thither to heare the Religious discourse he sayd This rule doubtlesse teacheth the most strict and rigorous religious life that is in the Church and in deed this man and all his companions that lead this life represent vnto vs the Apostolicall Colledge and therfore are worthy of very great honour This being said he conducted Brother Bernard to his house with such ioy and contentment as if he had bin an Angell of heauen A litle after att his owne expences he built for him and his companions a Couent without the cittie but very neere the walles as most commodious for them He liued and dyed as a deuout Brother of the Order In this sort was Brother Bernard the first that began the Couent att Bolonia which he did not seeke to build sumptuouslle and found with much rentes and possessions but with the examples of a most profound humility and patience he built vpon the firme rocke of IESVS CHRIST who is our true and liuely foundation Br. Bernard being then thus seated att Bolonia the people by litle and litle knowing his sanctity beganne to respect him and desirouslie to heare his wordes and to admitt his Coūsailes in such sort that in a short space many did not only forsake their disordered life but also left the world becomming Frere Minors in the said monastery To be short he was generally respected of all as a sainct each one desired to see him and to kisse that habitt which formerlie they misprised but he as the true and humble disciple of Euangelicall humilitie shunning these vaine honours retourned to the holie Father sainct Francis whome he besought to send him some other where wherin the sainct was willing to gratifie him and sent him into Lombardie where he edified the people with admirable vertue and erected many monasteries and recouered an infinite nomber of soules that resolued to follow the life and profession of the gospell of IESVS CHRIST Of the pilgrimage of Brother Bernard to S. Iames in Galicia and what happened to him there THE III. CHAPTER WHen the holy Father S. Francis went into Spaine to visitt the Church of sainct Iames in Galicia he tooke Br. Bernard and certaine other of his companions with him They found in theiriorney a poore sicke personne in a place very miserable and discomfortable and vttetly abandoned there they remayned certaine dayes to haue care of him serue and comfort him But sainct Francis knowing his sicknesse would be of long continuance lefte Brother Bernard to attend him and proceeded on his pilgrimage whence retourning he found the sick man recouered and tooke Brother Bernard back with him into Italie whence shortlie after he demaunded leaue of him to visite the Apostle Sainct Iames in Galicia not hauing opportunitie to goe with him the other time and hauing accomplished his iust desire att his retourne he came to a riuer which by reason of the swiftnes and violence of the current which was very deepe he could not wade ouer wherfore he was enforced to stay att the side therof where a litle after an Angel in very actiue manner appeared vnto him and saluted him in Italian Which Brother Bernard admiring asked him if he came from Italie or whence he was wherto he answeared that he came from our Lady of Angels where he had bin to admonish Br. Helias of his temerity in desiring to make a new rule and that he had rudely shutt the gate vpon him for which God would punish him Which said he easily conducted Br. Bernard to the other side of the riuer and then incontinentlie vanished leauing Br. Bernard exceedinglie comforted who gaue thanckes to God for hauing visited and assisted him by his Angell Being att Assisium he recounted to the holy Father S. Francis and others what the Angell had tould him of Brother Helias by which meane it was knowne that he who was att the dore of the Couent of our Lady of Angels and had spoken to Brother Helyas as hath bin related in the 100. chapter of the first booke was sent of God to propose vnto him the question there sett downe to giue him occasion of amendement How Brother Bernard receaued of almighty God the grace of extaticall contemplation and of the effectes therof together with his abstinence THE IV. CHAPTER THis holy Father oftentimes retyred himselfe from the worckes and labour of the actiue life wherin he spent a good part of his time for the saluation of soules to the repose of the contemplatiue life whereby he obtained of God such a sublimitie of spiritt and clearnesse of vnderstandinge that the deepest learned diuines repayred vnto him to demaunde solution of difficult and obscure passages of the holy scripture It seemed that his soule conuersed continually in heauen Sometimes he went ouer the mountaines entierly transported in God rauished as a propheticall spiritt in manifest signe of his continuall mentall eleuation Fifteene yeares before his death as he was spiritually in heauen he had also his countenance euer lifted very high in his iornyes when he began to feele the force of spirituall extasie he would bid his companion to expect a while then would turne out of the way and seeke some tree against which to rest and so held himselfe firme and stable that his spiritt might not wander diuers wayes till the extasie were ended He one time said to that great contemplatiue Brother Giles that he made himselfe but halfe a man remayning as a woman shut vp in his Cell and not goeing abroad to teach men the right way of their saluation Brother Giles answeared him O Brother it is not permitted to all men to eat and flye as swallowes as it is to you who goeing resting not stirring and running in any place whatsoeuer doe alwayes tast the extaticall and diuine consolation For which cause sainct Francis tooke great contentment to discourse with him of matters concerning God so that to that effect they were sometimes found together in a wood both rapt in extasie where they remayned in that manner a whole night together As he one day heard Masse in the quier he was so rauished in spiritt that he remayned till the ninth hower immoueable and insensible with his eyes
fixed towardes heauen When he retourned to himselfe he seemed vtterly amazed and tourning to the other Religious he cryed out vnto them My Brethren is there any man howsoeuer great rich and noble he may be that will not esteeme it easy to carry a sack full of dung ordure and carrion if therfore he be promised a pallace full of gold herby intending to signify the immensiue treasure which God reserueth for those that are contrite in heart But it is a thing worthy of especiall note in him that in fifteene yeares of his spirituall feruour he neuer more then halfe satisfyed his appetite though he did eat indifferentlie of euery permissable thing sett before him whervpon he would say that it cannot be called abstinence for a man to forbeare that which he tasteth not seeing that this vertue fighteth against the tast of that which pleaseth and seemeth good vnto him but because few attaine to that perfection it is best to shunne the occasions How this worthy seruant of God was tryed and exercised in patience and endurance of temptations THE V. CHAPTER BEcause almighty hath God oftē accustomed to proue his faithful seruantes by a restraint of spirituall consolation and of his sweet presence he oftentimes afflicted him in this kinde but afterwardes considering his notable constancie he could not but comfort him He once past eyght dayes without tasting any sweetnes of diuine conuersation that time by reason of his exceeding loue to almighty God seemed vnto him eight yeares he kept himselfe solitary and verie pensiue continually praying God with much feruour to restore vnto him the consolation he desired and the ioy which by his presence he receaued Herevpon there instantly appeared in the ayre a hand bended and as it were in action of striking a viole whence he felt so pleasing and delightfull a harmony that it filled his soule interiourly with such and so excellent a sweetnes that if the sound had longer endured it had as to him seemed dissolued his soule from his bodye Almighty God tryed him also and exercised him exceedingly by terrible and strange temptations which was reuealed in prayer to the holy Father sainct Francis who recommending him most affectionately to IESVS CHRIST that he would please to assist him with his grace and to giue him victory against such potent and mortall ennemies he heard a voice from heauen that said Feare not for the temptations which assault Brother Bernard are giuen him for exercise and for a crowne and att lenght he shall haue the victory ouer all his ennemies Besides know that Brother Bernard is one of the elect of the table of our Lord Sainct Francis was so comforted with this voice that he could not satisfye himselfe with giuing thanckes to God and thenceforth euer loued Brother Bernard better He related all to his companions adding that God would deliuer Brother Bernard of all his temptations and before his death would so setle his spiritt in peace that all the Religious which should behold him should prayse God for it and that from heere below he should ascend to IESVS CHRIST in that peace and spirituall tranquillity which so came to passe The sixt chapter is put in the middest of the 67. chapter of the tenth booke with this title How sainct Francis blessed Brother Bernard miraculously in imitation of the Patriarch Iacob That place being more proper vnto it Of the zeale of Religion and the charity which Brother Bernard had towardes the sicke THE VII CHAPTER THe glorious Brother Bernard was so zealous of his rule and profession that he sharply reprehended euery delinquent in that respect of what soeuer degree of superiority he might be as hauing one day seene Brother Helias Generall on a very lusty faire and fatt mule he came behinde him and with a great zeale reprehending him said Brother Generall this beast wheron you ride is very great and fatt wheras you know our rule doth not permitt the same then laying his hand on the rumpe of the mule he repeated the same wordes adding also many other An other time knowing that he was retired into his chamber where with many other Religious he did ●eat meates delicately dressed he was much troubled with the euill example of such remissnesse wherfore he arose from the table of the refectory taking his earthen dish in one hand and his cup in the other and went to the chamber of the Generall ouer against whome he sate downe att the table and sayd Brother I entend to eat with you this good meat which is the almose of the poore of our Lord. Brother Helias with these wordes was not a litle troubled and confounded yet he durst not reply a word knowing that he was esteemed of the Religious for a very holy man and as such was generally reuerenced and honoured This good Religious Brother Bernard was also very charitable towardes the sick A Religious one day demaunding of him why he gaue so much to a sick Religious person to eat he answeared Brother I doe it therby to dischardge on my part what is requisite and what charity commandeth me you may well iudge that the sicke eateth but according to his necessity Of the death of the glorious Brother Bernard THE VIII CHAPTER WHen it pleased God to call his seruant Brother Bernard out of this terrestriall prison to his celestiall kingdome he was assaulted with a violent disease in which notwithstanding he continued so intentiue in God that he would not endure to heare spoaken or to thinck of any other thing Vpon this occasion when sometimes the Religious that had care of him putt vinegar with rose water to his nose or therwith washed his wrestes to recomfort him knowing that the same did withdraw him from his diuine meditations he would not permitt it to be applyed vnto him If it chaunced that by ach of his head or other occasion some ill cogitation that was not of God troubled his minde reflecting instantly on him selfe he would forciblie shake his head to expell and driue it away And that he might haue no occasion to be separated one only moment from God vpon the necessities of his body he resigned all his will for the care of seconde causes and worldly respectes into the handes of his Infirmarian vsing vnto him these wordes My beloued brother I will no more thincke on the necessities of this body I referre the care therof to you wherfore vse it as you shall thinck requisit I will take whatsoeuer you shall prepare me If you giue me nothing I will thinck of nothinge Now because after the death of sainct Francis all the Religious did reuerence Brother Bernard as their Father knowing this to be his last sicknes and that his death was neere they for many respectes came to visitt him and among others that worthy contemplatiue Br. Giles who finding him weakened to so low an estate said vnto him Sursū corda Brother Sursum corda Brother Bernard att these wordes exceedingly