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A83515 The third part of Gangræna. Or, A new and higher discovery of the errors, heresies, blasphemies, and insolent proceedings of the sectaries of these times; with some animadversions by way of confutation upon many of the errors and heresies named. ... Briefe animadversions on many of the sectaries late pamphlets, as Lilburnes and Overtons books against the House of Peeres, M. Peters his last report of the English warres, The Lord Mayors farewell from his office of maioralty, M. Goodwins thirty eight queres upon the ordinance against heresies and blasphemies, M. Burtons Conformities deformity, M. Dells sermon before the House of Commons; ... As also some few hints and briefe observations on divers pamphlets written lately against me and some of my books, ... / By Thomas Edvvards Minister of the Gospel.; Gangraena. Part 3 Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647. 1646 (1646) Wing E237; Thomason E368_5; ESTC R201273 294,455 360

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more no more night nor day summer nor winter 2 Pet. 3. 7 10 11 12. The heavens and the earth which are now are reserved unto fire against the day of judgement the heavens shall passe away the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up all these things shall be dissolved and whatever hath a being after the day of judgement is eternall and for ever so Revel 10. 6. there should be time no longer which some interpret there shall be no time because time shall be finished and this variety of dayes and nights moneths and years and an unchangeable eternity shall follow in the dayes of the seventh Angel but whether that be the meaning or no of the place this is certain that after the end of this world and the generall Judgement there will be an abolition of time and an eternity follow and therefore eternall fire and eternall chains both for devills and ungodly men cannot be meant of a long time but simply of eternall à parte post Thirdly there 's the same reason in every respect why eternall for judgement fire destruction should be taken in the same sense that eternall is when joyned to life kingdome c. but there 't is taken not for a long-lasting time but properly for everlasting and therefore must of necessity be so here and whatever colour glosse or evasion can be brought to evade that of hell torments damnation that they should not be eternall the same will lie as strong against the eternall life and kingdome given to the Saints but they overthrow the whole doctrine of faith break that golden chain of salvation in the eighth of the Romanes in all the links of it Election Vocation Justification Glorification nay further these Errors as they are laid down doe not onely crosse expresse Scriptures and Articles of our Faith but they deny salvation to all men who beleeve not those wicked doctrines making them the great Antichrist formall beleevers and putting the cause of all damnation to devills and men viz. for so long as they are damned upon the not-beleeving and receiving these wicked doctrines That all devills and men shall be saved and that Christ paid the price laying down his bloud for the pardon of all reprobated Men and Angels and that the beleeving of these doctrines is the only true Christian working faith commended so much by the Holy Ghost and of such an efficacy that this faith being but in two or three in the whole world shall yet save all the rest of the Creation then which Doctrines and Positions nothing can be more repugnant to the Christian faith and may properly be call'd doctrines of devills 33. The Trinity of Persons came downe in Christ to suffer Father Sonne and Holy Ghost suffered for their transgressing creature 34. There is a private Kingdom of Christs justice in which he sat Judge over the quick and dead to condemne and execute torments on the rebellious whom he held as prisoners for a time and there is Christs publick Kingdome to which the Private Kingdome must give place and as the Father hath given it to Christ to rule it for ever so Christ hath committed it to the Holy Ghost to enliven all things to bring up all to life and immortality and the Holy Ghost for the Father and the Son shall execute the judgement of love and mercies unto all for the destroying of death of hell 35. That t is unlawfull to pray unto God kneeling 36. That Organs are a sanctified adjunct in the service of God now under the Gospel and that if any man in the Church had a gift of making Hymner he might bring them in to be sung with Organs or other Instruments of musick In severall ages of the Church wanton men who could not be content with the simplicity of the Gospel have brought both into doctrines of Faith and Worship such opinions and practises still as have been most suitable to their genius and education to the principles of such Arts and Sciences in which they were versed as Origen and some others versed in Plato's Philosophy brought in opinions into the Church according to Plato's doctrine Some who have been much addicted to Painting and Imagery they have brought in Images into the Church and now some of our Independents having fancies in Musick singing taking great delight in that way they have pleaded for and brought into the Church Hymnes and Musick 37. That Adultery is no Sin and that Drunkenesse is none neither but a help to see Christ the better by it 38. Though consent of Parents unto Childrens marriage was commanded under the Law to them that lived then yet because that was but a ceremony t is now lawfull to marry without their consent because we live under the Gospel 39. Christs death and sufferings were endured for to be our example not to purchase heaven for us 40. That 't is not lawfull for Christians to take an oath no not when they are called before Authority and brought into Courts 41. That Christ would destroy not only unlawfull Government but lawfull Government not only the abuse of it but the use of it he was destroying both Monarchy and Aristocracy 42. That the Saints besides the spirituall Kingdome and Government of the Church of Christ must have an externall Kingdom to possesse that this is the time that the Kingdome viz. England Scotland and Ireland is to be taken from him who shall arise and subdue three Kingdoms thinking to change times and Lawes and shall be given to the Saints 43. Gracious Lords or Favourable Lords are titles that cannot be proper amongst Christians but are marks of Gentiles 44. 'T is an utter disfranchisement of the people and a meer vassalage for a man to Petition to Courts of Judicature as the House of Peers for his right and to have justice done him 't is no better then a branch of tyranny to force a man to turn Supplicant for his own and of self-robbery to submit thereto 'T is an inslaved and intolerable condition of this Nation that indeed they cannot have their own naturall Rights and Immunities but they must be actuall Petitioners as if their own were not their own of right but of favour 45. That for Crimes and Offences committed in a Common-wealth there should not be certain penalties appointed by Lawes to which the Governours and Magistrates should be tyed but it should be lest to the discretion and wisdome of the Magistrates to inflict what they thought fit in case of such and such Crimes and this liberty should be left that a Magistrate might exercise his gifts of Government which if he were kept strictly to the Law how should his wisdom and gifts be manifested 46. That Protestant States and Parliaments have no power nor liberty to confirm and enact by Law Worship and Church-Government
Parliament men came downe as I take it upon one of the Cities Petitions about Church Government for say the Independents the Presbyterians will get the upper hand he refused to go and answered them who spake to him in words to this effect You little know what you do and whose work you further in opposing the Presbyterians for saith he the Independents in Old-England are nothing like to them of New-England no more then black to white you Independents here do that which we abhorre there I met ●ith this man with one who came from New-England and he held himself there an Apostle for which he was whipped and here h● is a great preacher and in great account and this he told to divers This man is accounted a godly man in New-England and went back thither this June For a further proof and confirmation of this here is a person of good account one of the Committee of Account that speaks confidently of informations he hath received of the coming over of Jesuits on purpose to mixe themselves with Independents and the Sectaries to increase that Faction for th●ir own ends I have been told also with much confidence that a Gentleman going through Col●man-street and seeing great store of People coming out of an Alley asked what the matter was some told him they were Sectaries come now from their Conve●●ticles whereupon standing still to take notice what manner of People they were he sawe come out among them fome whom he had known to be Jesuits and Priests There is a young man a Schollar and a preacher who lived some years in Holland and that among some of our English Sectaries sometimes of the Church of Ar●b●im who tells me they all generally and their Families were Anabaptists and that they made much of that scurrilous wicked book The Arraigment of Persecution These Sectaries not many months before they came over into England namely about the Spring last gave thanks at one of their Church meetings for a Toleration of the Sects which as they heard had passed th● House of Commons which the Beformed Ministers of that place hearing of were much troubled at it yet hoping it was not so that God would not leave the Parliament to be guilty of so great an evill after he had done so much for them These Sectaries would speak much against the Covenant and this Preacher hath heard some of them say they would be hanged before they would take it and had rather see one another hanged then to take that abominable Covenant One of the compapany used to preach constantly in the forenoon and then in the afternoon two or three others by turns as Master C. Master A. and when these were from home and there was no preaching then their Families staid at home and would not heare the English Reformed Ministers but some of them said If those Ministers would promise never to preach for Baptisme of Children nor against their way they would hear them Upon the newes coming over of the burning of Master Archers booke that made God the author of sinne they justified all in that book saying what was in it was his to a word and one of them said he could shew the Copy and they spake much against Assembly Parliament and that he had as high a place in heaven as any of them would have and they would make what he had written good This young man once speaking against the opinion they were very angry at him saying what had he to do they would speak against our Ministers with much indignation and scorn as if none of them had any worth A worthy Member of the House of Commons told me the last day of August that one Captaine B. told him we had beene fed by our Ministers tha● mens souls when they die went to heaven but now we see a New Light in that they do not go to heaven to whom this Parliament man replyed That the souls of the faithfull do for Christ told the thief Luke 24. To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise unto whom this Captain replyed That to day was to be referred to Christs saying so and not to the time when he should be in Paradise so that the meaning was Christ said unto the thief those words to day but not that to day he should be in paradise with him and so the words were to be read Verily I say unto thee to day and there the point and then after to be read thou shalt be with me in Paradise which though it should not be to the end of the world would be no impeachment of the truth of Christs speech whereupon this Parliament man answered to this purpose this were to make Christ eqivocate and deceive like as your faction does Animadversions upon this Exposition THis Sectary is not the first that hath wrested this place thus but some before him have separated to day from the words that follow and joyned it with the words going before so that the distinction should be Amen I say unto thee to day and then should follow thou shalt be with me in paradise upon which let the reader look Theophylact who handle this place largely and Jansenius Harmony on the Gospell Cap. 143. besides in the Greek Copies to day is joyned with the words thou shalt be and not with the word I say of which read Beza upon the place yea le ts looke upon the words they are an answer of Christs to the Theifs prayer that Christ would remember him when he came into his Kingdome not to remember him in this world to save him from the Crosse and temporall death now Christs answer is accordingly that he shall be partaker of his heavenly Kingdome and tells him the time to day that is thou shalt be with me without any delay and so there shall be no danger that I shall forget thee when I come into my Kingdome for behold this very day I shall take thee to my Kingdome vide Rollock in Cap. 19. Johan The theif in his prayer speaks to Christ as going presently into his Kingdome and desires to be remembred upon his coming thither as now being upon the Crosse in a cursed condition now if Christ had said to him then he should be with him but not told him the time when the theif knowing he should be dead to day but meaning it of a long time two thousand years af●er this would not have been so comfortable to the theif besides there was no reason nor need of adding to day to that word I say to th 〈…〉 for the theif knew they were spoken to day yea at that instant to him neither could to day be for asseveration Christ using that word word of asseveraton A 〈…〉 instead of that neither is there any paralell place in Scripture where to day is used in such an acception There is one Master John Ba●hil●r Licenser-Generall of the Sectaries Books and of all sorts of wicked opinions Licenser to Master
with them who are in carnality he hath given out that Master Angelo and the other Priests at Bristoll durst not dispute with him he makes nothing of any Minister nor of those whom he formerly received most good from and that the Reader may have a true character of this Sectary I shall set down a Relation given me in writing from an understanding godly man who came this Summer from Bristoll and those parts which is as followes ' I was lately at Bristoll wher I saw one Lieutenant B. who as I was credibly informed by ●are witnesses hath publikly contradicted Master Pa●le and Master Angelo where they have preached once the Deputy Governour and the Major of the City being present his carriage towards the godly Ministers being generally disliked by the Citizens ●ieutenant B. was confined to his Chamber upon which he writes to the Deputy Governour that he cared not for Priests Governours nor Committees or words to the same effect The same Lieutenant hath formerly preached publikly in his searlet Coat laced with silver lace I was told by one of the Committee and a godly man that he and Mr Angelo had heard one Thomas Web pr●ach Blasphemy in Ratcliffe Church Bristoll which Web doth go from place to place in Glocester and Summersetshires seducing people as I am informed by credible persons There is a godly understanding man come from New-England this year who lived there many yeares and knowes well the Ministers Magistrats and state both of their Church and Common-wealth who also is drawing up a Tractate of their Church way and practises illustrated by examples and experiments made upon many there which hath been communicated to me so farre as he had proceeded in it Now this m●n related to me July 27. in the presence of a godly Gentleman that he saw and read a Manuscript which was in the hands of many and made by some of their Magistrats as it was conceived for an Arbitrary Government in the Common-wealth that in crimes and offences committed there should not be certain penalties appointed by Laws to which the Governours and Magistrate should keep but it should be left to the discretion and wisdome of the Magistrate what he thought ●it to inflict in case of such and such crimes and in this written Book many reasons were given for this Arbitrary Government and against being tied to Laws as the instance of Solomon in commanding to divide the child upon the complaint of the true and false Mother as that Magistrates were Gods so call'd especially in regard of their wisdome Now how or wherein should their wisdome and gifts be manifested if a liberty were not left to them for a boy migbt read the Law and pronounce the sentence according to that and therefore that the gifts of Government might be exercised sentences and penalties should be left to the Magistrates This man tells me many others read this Manuscript as well as he and so great notice was taken of it that some in New-Engl when they were a going to Boston or speaking of going thither would say le ts take heed what we do there least we loose our heads for what offences the Governour shall think an● say deserves beheading Now as Independency and many other opinions being first broached in New-England have come over into Old so I have reason to suspect by the Arbitrary Government exercised by too many in these times and the great workings of many to uphold Arbitrary power and to keep all things from being setled in Common-wealth as well as in Church there are some Sectaries of that opinion among us especially when I lay to that opinion broached in New-England some passages preached in a Sermon by Master Peters August 2. 1646. at Islington on that Text on the fourth of Colos vers 12. in which Sermon Master Peters speaking of perfect men used these words and such like Yee talk of Laws Laws the Kingdome is not to be maintained by Lawes but by perfect men August 13. two Booksellers of Pauls Church-yard told me that a Bookseller offering to exchange Books as Master Dents P●th-wayes to Heaven for some of Saltmarshes Books answer was made by a Sectarie what do you bring such Books for you may stop bottles with them we will take none of your old Divinity we have new light and new Divinity now A woman who sometimes was a Member of a Church of the Anabaptists acquainted me in June fifth she was of one Blunt Emmes and Wrighters Church one of the first and prime Churches of Anabaptists now in these latter times This woman thought there was somthing more excellent in this company and that way 〈…〉 en in other men and that she might have trusted her life with them but after awhile she found them a wreched people The Church broke into peeces and some want one way some another divers fell off to no Church at all She married a husband a Box-maker one of Lams company who got from her all he could and set up a Boxmakers-shop on purpose as she conceives to get what she had to furnish a shop with and after a time went away from her into the Army and though he came out of the Army a long while agoe yet he keeps from her and will not live with her nor allow her any maintenance and she having followed him to his Church and meetings the Church maintaines him in it as she reports to me saying she is an unbeleever and of the world what have they to do with her with other words to that effect and when she goes to any place where shehears he is or thinks she may find him they abuse her are ready to offer her violence andsome of these Sectaries will deny he is married to her and bid her prove it Now she tells me that in those Anabaptists Churches of which she sometimes was they are not married by Ministers nor by any other man speaking words to each party which they assent to but before some of their way they professe to take each other to live together and one of their company writes down in a paper with some hands subscribed to it of two such going together on sucha day which writing this woman had in her keeping but her husband coming in one night late after she was a bed got it out of the place where she had laid it and now she is troubled how she shall prove him to be her husband There is one Mr Saltmarsh a man who hath of late writ many trashie Pamphlets full stuffed with all kind of Errors ignorance and impudency and hath been well answered and bas●ed by three Learned Divines two of them grave and ancient Master Gataker and Master Ley the third a young man Master W. and I am still in his debt for some passages in his Groa●es for Liberty and Reasons for Vnity Love and Peace against my first and second parts of Gangraena but resolve to come out of it For besides what I
he had power and wisdom enough to hinder them and to make things otherwise and therefore if he saw not good to hinder them what should they trouble themselves about them 18. That Pigeons in Dove Houses are common for all men to take and eat them as well as those who are owners of those Dove Houses because Pigeons are fowls of the aire and so common to the sons of men 19. That 't is unlawfull to eat things strangled as fowls whose necks are broken and wrung about and not cut off 20. That there is no Predestination nor Election at all 21. That Gods eternall Election is of all men one as well as another 22. That many shall be actually saved who are not elected and they who preach none shall he saved but the elect and predestinate are notable lyars 23. There is a two-fold eternall life and salvation a more glorious salvation so as to make them instruments of salvation unto the whole Creation and that belongs to the elect and predestinate and a lesse glorious salvation which belongs to them who are not prede●tinate 24. That all the Heathen shall be saved because they are not guilty of unbelief never hearing of Christ 25. That God is in our flesh as much as in Christs flesh he is as much in the flesh of the members as in the Head 26. That all shall be saved at last both all men and devils Christ by suffering hath merited for the transgressions of his Creation Angels and Mankind and all immortall Spirits paying the price of our transgressions and the transgressions of all Angels Spirits and Mankind sealing the pardon of all with his bloud the reprobate condition of men and Angels shall be regained cursednesse shall be taken away death and hell shall be destroyed the grave shall deliver up the dead all shall be created anew to life and immortality The damned prisoners shall be sent forth out of the pit wherein there is no water by the power of the Holy Ghost who will maintain and make use of the bloud of Christ shewing it to be the holy Covenant of generall Redemption 27. They are the great Antichrist and deny the whole Christ God and their own salvation who deny the Covenant of generall Redemption of all men devils and the whole Creation 28. Christ descended into hell to break the bands of the damned preaching peace unto them and for the proving it these Scriptures are wrested 1 Pet. 3. 18. Ephes 4. 9. 10. Z●ch 9. 11. 29. The Devils for a time have damned themselves for not beleeving nor receiving this truth in obedience to the Gospel of Generall Redemption that God hath made all perfect to himself in Christ and paid a price for the sins of all being by Christ justly condemned for their unbelief and disobedience in not obeying the Gospel of peace righteousnesse and love to God and our fellow creatures 30. The true Christian working faith which the Holy Ghost commends so much unto all in Scripture and calls for at the hands of all in case of salvation receiving it or damnation in refusing it for the want of which millions of thousands were damned for a time though not damned to perish for ever for there is none can be damned totally is to beleeve the Covenant of Generall Redemption that all shall be eternally saved both men and devils and shall see feel and possesse the blessednesse of it to their everlasting salvation and comfort This is the true Christian working faith that removes the mountains of sins not only for our selves but for others and that faith which talks much of Christ and preaches that none can be saved but by faith and denyes this work of Generall Redemption is a formall faith is a very mystery of iniquity and proclaimes openly against Gods love and perfection unto his whole Creation in Christ 31. This true faith of beleeving the Covenant of Generall Redemption though it were but in a few in three persons onely in the world yet this faith in these persons should save all the rest of the Creation These beleevers are that seed of blessednesse unto all the Creation with them in them and by them they are made instrumentall meanes of God through Christ onely by beleeving and declaring his goodnesse and in their spirits contesting with God for his Jehovah mercies towards the rebellious they are made instruments of blessing unto the whole Creation although there should be but three in the earth This Christian faith is of power to bring all things to life If there were but three persons in the whole world that had it in possession it receiveth all things from God in Christ and works through God himselfe it is perfect unto all in Christ from God In due time the Lord will bring it unto its full birth to the breaking up of the gates of hell and meeting Christ in the generall resurrection shall receive life and power to immortalize all things 32. That Christ shed his bloud for kine and horses and all other creatures as well as for men for the proving of which that Scripture is miserably perverted Rom. 8. 19 20 21 22. Animadvers These Errors last set down from the 26. to 32. are not onely viz. some of them old Errours revived held formerly by those Hereticks call'd Origenistae and Adamantii who denyed the punishments of reprobate men and of devills to be eternall and that after a time they should all be saved of which the Reader may see more in Augustine de Haeresibus and in Danaeus Commentaries upon him nor only against some expresse Scriptures as Jude vers 6. 2 Pet. 2. 4. Mat. 25. 41. which unanswerably hold out these three things First that the devills have not all their punishment nor the greatest part whilst this world lasts but howsoever they are now in darknesse and in chains they are reserved to have their full doom at the day of judgement Secondly that doom and sentence at the day of judgement both upon devills and ungodly men is eternall and everlasting Thirdly that eternall cannot be taken for a long time or a time till such a period but for ever and ever without end and the last appears thus First because this sentence is something more and further then yet they have suffered 't is spoken of as reserved for it now the devills have suffered a long time many thousand years before the day of judgement comes almost six thousand years already besides what 's to come and if their doom were but for a long time after it would be but like that which is past a long time in both Secondly at the day of judgement that which is ●alled everlasting eternall must needs be properly so and not taken for a long time as sometimes 't is so taken for long times whilst this world stood because then the stage of this world is pull'd down and time in which things were measured shall be no